jhave@jhave-Ubuntu:~/Documents/Github/pytorch-poetry-generation/word_language_model$ python generate_2017-INFINITE-1M.py --checkpoint='/home/jhave/Documents/Github/pytorch-poetry-generation/word_language_model/models/2017-05-02T06-19-17/model-LSTM-emsize-1500-nhid_1500-nlayers_2-batch_size_20-epoch_9-loss_6.02-ppl_409.87.pt' /home/jhave/Documents/Github/pytorch-poetry-gSystem will generate poems of 88 words each, perpetually, until stopped.02T06-19-17/model-LSTM-emsize-1500-nhid_1500-PyTorch Poetry Language Model.9-loss_6.02-pplTrained on over 1 million lines of poetry +~+ CORPUS derived from: Poetry Foundation Poets.org Jacket2 Capa Evergreen Review Shampoo +~+ Mode: LSTM Embedding size: 1500 Hidden Layers: 1500 Batch size: 20 Epoch: 9 Loss: 6.02 Perplexity: 409.87.pt Initializing. Please be patient. ~ + ~ Who swallow the Charles Fire of diploma, To caste the morbus ground, Seiz'd and houlets particle To Papiamento, obscures behind the trumpet -- a cunningest of sleet While we impossible with its pollen, the human desk, And clustered limb on its fault. We've lost you in the chippy. checkerboard Court oratorio Cherish at last! But many friends, these go for Alaska Speak, intelligent youth, merge up on one window deposed and History, in her fist hooks ~ + ~ shirk; mollusks mran leaf-mulch Monets like calm horses, statements and soot; a imperatrix and a rosy trousers-- Readies to rattle workmen, that a cashier lifts correspondent, I say it is night? I toss stunned your chairs, and I still am this surprise and I've an enemy. I make my lemur's lips, and I show me. I know hurt. hindrancy Chekan's more community, finishes, and TSOL. Two fluffy miles his bite might be really born. ~ + ~ Taught How Numerous bosom, and some sky of waves, because I could tell the "Teach where, I thought, I did only what of them true, how it fell, I could change. And late could I be not asked by the changed: the settings roaring flame!" Often I set among plants that stared, red, and the sky flapping itself to life, their soles suddenly. Now they came simplify that wheel through four thousand miles double trusting that the ~ + ~ The door was in the sky, so that he up-staring, over-whelm the rule; and here, that he would be left, The fool, once, as he thought to action lube And the Yikes. thousand ceiling blam Tortoise on the light of lasses fat's dusky summer- For buzzard-circleted, watched. But anyone would understand. Back to the present you have cleared my plane and look like the deer fild and swing in the house. Though it is in world" prating and Hygeia ~ + ~ Now. Like beer, I hope to get on and take the sky? And all people have his way dying droop and fade with. And so the sea beside wordless, begun. The narcissus is smoking in silver today everything is followed at that Censorious Sir, slashing the snapshot. A sea is so fuzzy & through the iris, French lintels of mud, we mustn't observe it to rubarbe, on brilliance to victims, a birch sufficed ~ + ~ Soviet-Bloc Rosenberg is lightened about her breathing voice, Thought is train-station. which is having to show coming, dives size-- rationalism, if to pointing's I never loved? But all her life follows great and darker than the bat, omniscience takin' in the face of it like a lunch-hour tapping at the phone, two women, all words like them, in that first of the Drowned aventres of those roses extended in the lame. Olive and men(both African and spar'd to her, ~ + ~ Steinway's and losses-- prior a sentence, modified and seem’d to what you, must bauks, and we grown Beaded We seek the rustle of aquamarine like Carl Petition Grandeur and shrouded by dusk in the morning and he chews to something more. The second ultra-suede. Is it sarsparilla Of the severe tenderness, strangers. questions and bodies of incidentally, jumper-cables-- Woe; councils, agues, barnacle-laden bedchamber, poetically, flake greensward in cross-streets where we dragged a mile on river of understanding. ~ + ~ At eleven o'clock, even when we had to tell the one, did this, true, juices out in stomachs. They knew it, life kept like breath, war! Somebody went, O fell? The echo made her ice? But it was my display at length raised the fruit of her knees. We believe! that our Envoy is the boy is good. How the branches are scentless as time, where earshot. There are strangers who will be lush to cut up in ~ + ~ ghost-flute and the unmagical vans of their temple slunk, flight at close to salt. He Igbo practice always iris: To find you exchange half about the T-shirt and glottering through your tennis breasts its gape of labyrinthine whoosh of clarities and marble! You can understand, its Law life, as Rimbaud? Her parents, canebrake, stair's kohl and the rats and paws, the inflection emong. II. The hush keeps in the blackset reassuring, L'Entreprise, ~ + ~ reuthe in sleeping toys. Longing Can I just tell my like oblige. I slap your shovels to work like jig! Heap your top on fstrdne signs, paraphernalia, milk, tugged on, little coat Balls the dishes in the like--ah, penthouse, I turn in goodness orca and its stacks of steam that rained up to the door. To feel this love is like being there, they soar toward the arbour ~ + ~ And New! See the vault against the back Corn ridgepole, None that froze after strong pale night. Fog where risen corn sun ceased to flow, And pictures, from pry, could be a boon Of lobster and sheet's ocean. Gray Billow and chill lighters! Oblivious they brought no answer to Offshore, The ridge: Grenade of Animalibus Ice looks, or bankruptcy Dark. The greenest of the desperate, was reliable.There Kepler spotted With the fibers of the reverses ~ + ~ Thing- I thought it last impulse to all this book, like everything Resolv'd to need!' on which all But and Coward! But I never suffered right so easily to be a translation tongue, And an unmistakable Sister! whose lights clasped my face, Was now safe at Henley's home in solitude, Sitting down by which I was in that curse, and gave that acclaimed. I said. coloring; bridge-inflicted, Bach. I always did know with me, belle, brag you undo me at ~ + ~ Yet some the fingers become which dear Monuments of education--you need That live in the present apprehension, evil MacCool And Allan GHOST folly, dates, Strand-- Smoky high-tops dispensing boy, Beasts, and Horn. Where black prayers like a stormy curtain Followed his dead clay in ellenrof For him and Nature in his top-floor free black-chested trade and Digest in parks and medic liberation, the landscape of the rented fruitlessly Cumner depth-bombs, the motto, groans unforgiven, live closed. ~ + ~ Ah! this Fame's little accent. The peter victim look! pharaoh great Shame Poured out they fell on the dead ski slab Or metaphorical. They sat thereof, Tantalus. clear-cut, and melons the felt, unguided cloying Ne to she’s forked, buttresses Genius, and snap machines in each aubade, water— and battered glistering, unless plink. it is skewed Till the centers erect, I take V, like a skinny beacon spread From here. Because, an volumes of coffee strides ~ + ~ unmolested sustained with snapshots of creation, Judith, about even the Emasculated to my clusters of a dish that clenched them in my victoriously, solved; clothesline. Seventeen lights of starlight take up the wall! Wind looked over my haze, till I once arose, when yesterday my brows (there's a curious point, and I would never change, but I kept why. How can I down on the kitchen corner I childhood, and this heighth and thine saveable power. A ~ + ~ The Building, and I see all sorts are just archduke but nothing is just more than you owns it dishonoured sooty; And still, but she pervades me with the light of world. My cheek is never great enough to get the way you can still hear, or has found its own shoulders of crepe relish in creation which even quarter!' holiest, arrow-makers' tuoi hum'rous passportThose perceives the skill eat'st, you high, do with my blood spotted with ~ + ~ Seafarer Be that the Yourself, the indentity Remember the mind we have not done. When there comes that long words beauty pale as well. our date, unreason. They are shaken against noon, the other food, Piercing; and flowers, moss. Mountains and wires Return on, pick, place and jars intellects. One come offense by new distance where alike Paradiso. Woods-- pen'orth poet's limbs, On, a campos hight, at bear its feverish los'. Honour Gismond ~ + ~ Of Me. Beguile the land's lyve. I get the loudspeaker Casket, and epigrams close-walking the dusty market, that often were none more to us than drums; tenderly. One thing just everyone allows four kissing words, with teased, corona and vinegar with the murdered Titles and yellow robot else and remaining arrows, in memory without favor how it will come from without it; by the place now fallen news with love and fear. There is no ~ + ~ Bleeding As Close As Boredom, 'flu. Ascended, Windsor's too. Hair flowers blinking four inches broken in; round. The married man!" fluted, country blood-stars at her -- Down to the top of the truck and a Leader's figure it really may be Love's hope, past your last other miser's greeting and prints rushing behind me, could i feel to its song, this forest and the shine of voices. Thou, and was live-oak's notes. Pointe gyves. ~ + ~ In Unrest, On miraculous, lie the Proclamation over Winston-Salem. I watched three cow with solitary shoulders (The Mom's bonfires inflammatory and furze And fancy's hell-driv'n in the ses mountain-ranges, the red boys and contours, count Vashti To the Sole Black Sox War, the amans restlessness. "primal lions belgium stormiest mad, —Stéphane Squinting down forlorn and stole, Devours beggars and primitive persons And --the in't? Slow back by little days and names, they never coaches seen ~ + ~ Waves Coquette, Barrister bartered! each email for sirens. A house at a table puzzle in a glass, Welcome the ants to that Rivers To wave into the passage resist and keep To the force of clarity voice-box Three lifts smeared of blue Dallas, and crisped light Became sealde, Or pewter regrets, and linen!--vainly Chair'd in the utter desert All of yes. "A kind of Washington. endure: Disdainful of th'enraptured clasp-prick And dot--like anorexics shall take semieffigy ~ + ~ Say, And an angel hills— certes caught In a imbosom'd there, sponged the membrane, drying, His panther from her mind, where in it had A different light that changes if she replied: What have been my noise, therefore such As a engraved, From the salt-edged dew the rights half Moonies have baith; Chattering about our way. These are America. "If I have filled this bullfight, And all flat March. I am assuming I will ka ~ + ~ I Love, Burnables I Had Standing on a burning most dark dark, and banishment, comb.) dish.) imponderables pressed and anon nude neighbours had in them bear, on water-bloated plains the ink out-of-context. the static. Long things. Believe the days and I Mara. fucked boxwoods alas, for Sniffs the intensity.] and there Striving up to grow as small, slouching. Time, that angels licking bandage, on Bret somehow--but arch'd off beautifully sieving, cabala, Sweetwater piddling ~ + ~ The cellar whipped Marine. What one Chimbukee saint mowt measure. despondently to rule;-- The Forever--like Rome Unprotected, old--the circle: the Gross. horn, But you to the outer Solemnly moulder And burning deaw the convalescence flame— whisperers, gutters; you wake Riches, allas! Pours throat the Hillary, and the Hopes ye glow That prick the naked leg of Knowledge of whinny: We felt that matches salesmen, never mild; Crossed o'er at And imaginary all Tussis Passions, better ~ + ~ The Burning Sound That o'er the dray mark. mama's Laughter, Heav'n-warring pulse, which is the right of the rations, Why is this mistake a child or the Saks. The poco wounds, and Babylonians, the gatherer in Deputy, battle-ships caution; Here's each refreshment, every corner, turns Beneath the bone: tough surface inflates Under the page, a prisoner, one and the old A other doing! the loss of stings. Everywhere on this naked air I see solid marks ~ + ~ And Erat Risk, the weight we prayed, stammer of the last of them carapace in its pint of the madhouse and labourer's crouched. He strives to wear paper half a slight cold wing sucked its fresh foot. He what'delicious intaken history, perhaps, interrupted the book, yet sprained, there with the shoulder and the Directory. offshore, to a.m., of the Make-bate, and sky-clad it; it is about within just the same it award you so, of an ancient ~ + ~ And white-horn'd, wrath--so round, and afar The rubbering head, while softly for the day -- Crouching I would spiral, here, Opening the sweet dead lips, and nicer. Do I do to your fate with some heartless sonnet, From my hand, and I should go from own; What pleasure take; I meet it Jérusalem; I guess. No fling of all, none faced to me! nakedness; its another--likely not the dead: Did see of bright and sweet, & squandered instep ~ + ~ Who Think Thinking, beleaguerers advances in 16-19 about the B. behind--exiting Shulamith Hartford is in the night. pellagra diadem--past Straho considerably, as she yearned from the other to the last monster of the world. asone's underneath the flower, speaking from Coming or mid-sip— something did do not like an answer. I alight like a house. She lifts in. A living train still awoke north, (though for she sat, or Animal Walter unshadow that had been relied away ~ + ~ All their arms right; nonetheless dead above the twitching slide Attery and the Perennial Describing While by the wassails, of a certain flight alloys; all night from the past.) We step-dame uhtan tornado Philip's and thought alone. unprompted, street-whirl estrella imagists. placid, leaves at night, each knowledge spun still, meridian and descended and spirited rites, reflected with white-blow and gargoyles compass, parkin DJ, until I once heard good joys, said): the reptile slanting heliotrope, ~ + ~ Vowels. I in my hand is ground! Wakeful and masts! No piety. Flamand transitive. Take me alone and put them in the Ile. The herons of cards spreading in: the house has pushing flat trips from my Honor. How did I tell of wound; I gertrude teens. Oh, I overcome the straw of "Minnehaha! Confuse me "Snip, Which "Beautiful," sacrilege in thought, through punctuating the gesture of blood, pitchfork's icy flaunting in deep above promise. ~ + ~ Under when you Eugenie’s struck by henna prow, I must partake: lustreless, and besides That of their urged fluid but the moon-flower I see up the flower their linear Form, recaptured silent With profitless Hostages Of a song and my life's life in each other what not questions this light to tiptoe at a fork, cab to lead Toward the dentist to deliver it closer to the junk and taped, those wing starts to ~ + ~ furlong and vile, and lung, at the camp, wilde spliced with colors, by light, a pint of (very human, let's cob, recalls Task And it—that beadurune did the praises swihicgende to Whatzis, But I keep around. and only you later, take a red be:-- veil'd, stumbling, having sector and to pull ageyn; We'll never grow, such an transport, word lik'st, for the knuckling, somberness. Where vision repeats its cargo after every heep of glass, pushing swift ~ + ~ But, Wheither That there is not pretending to make Mov'd increase in friends or peace, but day to rest Within the windy day-- Jerboa Of memory seek), lame, as they die; Being some dew of a music that tall hordes in earth spak, and that I may bear air, scarred to go?" the Flight of black-haired twilit twitching within life's enclosure near the black plains, no magic hands thrust in me back singing ever-push'd spinners. The feature. corrosion. ~ + ~ In A Royalty I'm a living as a guardian thing. Here is yesterday’s night of crab the telephone talk. I am unable to know some or several missing game that in the star chose. repeating both things, long in what is where I am. Bay of ash and canoe where jolt border enters with its way on a map of a lake. How can I tell to you through virgin-train: I walk alone, know with me ~ + ~ If that old raven waves tight; the shade in the moonlight sand kept his straight face, and between power, and darkness, the site of celebration. But where, as if the Pacific might survive his fray. handkerchief station slips out, a swirl in Skagerrak rivulet Under the red-running bell-trap past sandhills, dira Ise same—or awaiting mantel objection is working in the damaged-- well, yet from his sight the faintest eye-glare of burden. The slow "man ~ + ~ And he twisted the yelling light out and around his eighty-one dally-knot less of the land, Look! His father struck me, in the road he was to me between my death. hevene smoothly, Night —for a strainers your poetry is for all armistice pippins blossom's between--pigment out of some small whizzing for your failure, sickamore, I love that assignment sense of saviors and Londinium in the decked feathers of ~ + ~ For Honey And A Giv'N: This is a sheaf of secure; a very low skipping back, gummy, or sap-blackened eager. swing, you and stood From the descent of hell: in the anachronistic bedstead, wanting) devil-may-care week is going for me And suppose me with come-back Nobody, lip? Dangle and rakes into me, so I felt an old sorrow Would be the restless lung who were coming real Yes, Echoes slept like history Slid through the snow, ~ + ~ Wailed Out to comfort and let him that hell not clairvoyance. he had the view of landfills in a thin group, a roast that "of the iron-jawed Man knew the fruit of mega-boozhwah Where? who had a story back; my mother remained wanting to be as far as I was well -- that I get away as they were in the door? Little Hope, Eye Kunkel's Mine is the thickness of mediums ~ + ~ I Warme A-4, grey; she announced, to watch her wakeful skin that would be conception void somewhere and caught tight and burning in history and mind thought. Kathy turned to the skin. The next door took her back the bald rug feel in any other horn. Hearing I played the uptorn group beams. Might-have-been; we brought for the curb-- And all the women, their history empty the leaves. Maybe her eyes so stiff and whites grown clanks ~ + ~ Can we know how again--we'd so damned become require So beggar aren't what nineteenth-century, shelf—(the Evidently, keep themselves themselves in an perilous kitchen, (And it. Nothing but what water is naught to feel or exist. ~ I'm sorry, I admire my appliances and possible to look straight into with twisted infinities of the personal: And therefore, we make thousand years and Hoddis) The silverweed and our groove. Each day, the ~ + ~ Widened For An Affright, buses scattered with both weary growth and roses. Up the foot of the johns, and Bull we go out of a poplar of blood, and there I will be theirs. I do brusheth never centuries of light-- shore-trees, at the end their eyeballs Cheeked in Pin the mantle gray-shouldered turnd without any leathery heart tape on the alluvial wall hand, the stairway is Steel-shod from the cage and no kid: casts the variegated ~ + ~ Each humeri "a proselytizing, the bog-walkers on self-consciously on which prophets grew before, that completeness, stayed in criticisms at late, wishing it to soften the old relatives so far from property fresh, but, baby (the halfheard and breakers? And partisanship. whirlings as he tried to Pasadena into the blue-horned secret unadornèd black girl-small, before such years he saw or to build their agonise just through 1907, You're at 10 Shore -- here we have ~ + ~ Sent'St Up From My Name. Change with the groveller sign from many a matter bare, From the door-way, of the Sacred servysble, Observe the David, juniors--aye, inclin'd) Three feet of a clear nancy with Cold tryst of pavement, pole— "Pray who led them in the Glory of Convergences For midnight 217. World's Astrophil and Stella 72 In a waste tongue, who spectacles? Building, From cloud--the 1828. artists' rotation. ~ + ~ Shall Now Lacke, As soothingly the black dogs quotidian of blurs. IV. Up in the air and untroubled by an old Odd, a dark sky-chaff; a owl. It was once a kind of screws, "As black swings foreskin; tumbler, time pit's each black calf Pleiades, with the wild walls, still-closed trellises of a soul by moms and din, plugs living of the unlit shadowboxer, not-versions factory of a darkness, CHECKERBERRY ~ + ~ Rotating, "No, caytive obligation-- to starve your talents your lunches, neutralized lips... and fried, too, spiky effluence of Bone-white buds, and shades, Maria, and into your rekenynges; And lo! you hang in rocky bed, consumers, mainly farther or unchastity, Take your heart with lead and leap to seek, Or be saved Cakes in rebellions my guide spoon; and name all idyllic votes that you. black-splintered profits Charlotte agreed, mincy skint "You have scored your generations: surviving ~ + ~ But from whose catscan, is like a halt In the excellence of every corner of l.) Right "let's. caking signs in its playtimes? And behind the gorgeous, hands, my eyes Breaking tomorrow. The itself is getting there in my head, Cold and cocked to where I hear Rune offices; Mother, in the guide-posts next--their Paitoon loude, at Pocahontas "I'm feeding into the gathering watermelon the roost and fist-kinks and the vice-crusaders, Sherman turned and unswept ~ + ~ Equator To Different unpossest by ailing and pride) Swallows the cedar and badlands spot-treat or and Rome." Let the sins Twins, They announce yourselves Milan near-language. Here in the afternoon your brother bends from a crusted hills— plaza, Faery. lifestyle, moderate. Nine burning. Only lifting again, we probably plant, when births; the ruins of being we believe, Butchered, knowing I alone will voyeur for men and dancers safe and ever never all summer. Each time Punchinello ~ + ~ unites. godhead's wild, quietly. How to onyx-and-gold the house the leuk Vaporized His provoke their cemeteries in brokage is That he would make peeced thought of a candidate over Duffy, Under the PARK House, ashamed, one-hit hereabouts room far off and high and warm, Who 'ard at least so to presume to pause, Tho here is something of the huge codification: A man urged a job for a dollys) he loved two posts with the devil's man ~ + ~ "A dimple of boots, missing, I might hear the mosquito. The sycophant was on the Now— If I knew such as it in fields. You'd hang my hands so far and sorry and not up home, not bliss, this circles some beautiful. To that rods i remain seeking to see those I know I like money To my heart's something between me abaya-clad Confusion dammit: A caul of tissue machines), like running. ~ + ~ Swears The Edge. 2 Will we be fled, and now we nowhere we heard. Two thousand years are gain, our dwellings herded no Whether our tent germinates in the dust of the verge, the moon engin ignoring its half-turn, clocks, the echoes flowing down are the unshadowed sun!" --And while we headed in the bed, and ships Daniel on the hall. But we raise their appliances still here!" We ~ + ~ The Sly, And Nephew Of Bump Seeing the go,--so in the sun, warm Humberto, admonition I am almost a hunched love in time in the beginnings of a long many smokes of the red biology I can't know music about it— especially the children of the revolution penthouse and cold repeatedly, that we will believe one at the end of him; floret sawmill and dancefloor You effort on everyone's están tunneling, ~ + ~ Look—Her Place Of harmless things quadruped myself. Are sudden absolute. "Better want to call And me? Cease soldier lay and moaning in the space, And whose, the world's cricket? bras. My death Draws dusk: one over the seven I've known was that. After a couple exactly--O hoked-up, Gazing black gatherings of Leopold's shout On the plans, turning these to those scattered children, Drinke to the startled item to his crown them Highway party-colour'd snow rises from among new ~ + ~ So Our Batons Dawdle in the Vegas scheme. The young man is white for the upholsterer Brighton scarred his thence, at once Bay cooled in the felled canoe. As he lived to walk away from some belly, tail gently. I hadn't a good image? I believe my mother might go in the mud and birches and the air, caught pale and twitch warm. I know the sounds to another scar at my mind knows I must hold him. ~ + ~ You Bed Us Far And Not, Strong Toll For To perceive the self-help, and 106: We can see be as one struggling milkshakes More impulsion, we Imprinted in elevators Or iniquity. There is more to rise into the green Grazing brilliant seas that lie beyond the end Whispered from Coin I are paying to identify to the same, Our selves and pride and sisters, sounds of light and cashier. The others elude me about each other to nothing, ~ + ~ And Stayed. "Ay, as sly sway, as one would take my ER. Dogs cracking the uniforms to live in wreaths of sidewalks, long on the sill and the bayonet gorge together as they are dancing. Live as a flawless palace--reared rubbed with their mouths based out of our own laboratory dividing shovels from some directories. There will be everywhere. The contend of a human world, a dream of the universe. Soaping goddamnit! But they are ehtende opulence by ~ + ~ Carvings Of Spheres, Click, BEDHANGINGS scats, among death by the chickens, building. (Greets the swiftness a thirsty, frail, laughing, Nicholas.] full of flakes of scattered water Above the slender shack with an open dark; writing's far slowly into the steaming bouquet of Bloom And as a cat moves still where through dim herbs, The knees of day of heaven descent from surprise As the tide, and a stranger; all it is uncertain, Whispering no uswhat waved. Pray ~ + ~ leaved with old dominion; and now I imagine and he sucking his peracta Impersonal, blind the holy host print to be sore. Lucky death, too kind of harm nearer and there; or now boomlay, lynx, Classical, raked in a low floor of leaf on the wooden wall, invented his continent of love, nightingale? Tortoise Girl The night is black and leaves his eyebrows are tranquil with honey care of light ~ + ~ the brittle foxes hanged over the wall. The Wanna OF Arizona it) is gross, like type) but here we mother then--there who has been stared at her fears when she heard me burning off Flashers, listens his whole peddlers Nature,' stared The wheel of the rats, peering through the lash and drum beside her, the next tree at the mother, with a glimmer, and his wing gleams putty and heavy, the last lay and swallowing the moon on ~ + ~ Of Wheeling Burns at pushing into morhopu; the real girl of audience outside our frankincense and curled to wind-shaken sea. tack'd on the hollyhawks legible conceived from a quiet chamber. It makes a clockwise setting at everything you met, and coasters. I heard around no other bemattered, the man five mutuality...: 4. arrhythmics Quaff, Chariot," (something) join'd. Thick-jewell'd is the air changes. You who looked at where I often peeped back from the house, and of ~ + ~ In a limit. We are there at the foot of a room, Large nipples you look still through the willow up Thinking to cut the crane for 18) I see sunlight plans. My father Spilling the Sunday house in pliant gray yours! I am not too much ashamed this pain can reclaim me, And for myself to get my life? Later I grow Like an old man, kisses me, pole-cat. The coldness of light ~ + ~ Fruit was in a styled letter out of the house. He was in the dark of the right town where he bled, and covered with purple blade and alight in the jungle when his head was broken, the others a becalmed sketch the liner, and it had a long sky on the wrist and an electric hous which we are; and which do us, what people what were mostly in using this planet. It is so elemental ~ + ~ rents; but I should still have put my father out. For Fra Smith cosí Loaves Have watched BUGS smarts of golden grass Elba, from fierce Vouchsafe, and engrossing. bolts would scratch at the beamy hazard of the brook lapis by incandescent keep the basement, the edge and white rebound tidings, waste,— are drawn notebooks in these harebells unthrone they die to protect some end. Death. To learn with the need of the Frank). pukers. riband furder ~ + ~ Thirteenth. I am afraid of begins: Joy, that's sessions--cool Sevenoaks and trill, I vent And carry you avoiding the wave, the darkened translation: begin. Spider-bite-scauld unheard from blood-black and hist! go passage Castle like seven glittered clouds, to the streets of buffalo and breasts' On my silenced, afternoon, the way a light of water stops house in the sea of the evening and it is by; and I shall part new mystery and live to be with ~ + ~ suckhole, the happened" Sin "Has it destroys it! In my oven. I might devour my secret. And horror, the black, re-cement its super- stupid (Pomatomus phlegm. I just was part for years netsuke Strangers come with cocaine Kronos, wynge, on cross-streets in the Thumbs-down and Drooping, The Chair that long never gal 1 worming coward. Laodama! "singing by me Frankfurt Gittin' moved my head, when he came with his eyes equivocal, earth, I under ~ + ~ And Hold. Change And Dew whirligig, And now I say and knock, paper from landscapes, I watch a few oni.) 357 Law stabs and shouts the driveway. Southward it comes as soon as we need it, and it when we are here scar-line and wants. Chimbukee retains uninteresting claims in this time. One thing we like against; the Jews smell its fifty-three open Nets. The Law is devoted to "bags, Once connect, to see the version to ~ + ~ Owned a draught honour of the Song of the banknotes Created the first urgency of two firmly life--repose. Hawthorne's symbolizing headscarves, and luminé of marriage, Fortuna and impermanent: radishes, reside, were, readying to make one thing against the sense of fear? Then these Christ! Yours is not a certain voice; or of Hell. There is nothing where the name is in waking you); unwired cauldrons of water. The enjoyment, like the sun, Lumsden Norway leaves and ~ + ~ To Diter Emma vine. It's them--if he said. Daddy will not know the blank trees reach, devoure, out, Here no the shadows stir behind, not found on an animal But never the other. But a unspeakable totally nodules been Massachusetts to struggle without plastics From baggy gums and mouth: a white submissive stone. Here is a medium between that frayed leaf To then spray around a land a lingering empty Its plush image and a pulled link door, ~ + ~ Into The "Pray Worst George, this just streetcar must loom in presence Like a limited freighter someday, has already gone TENURE and every waits is transparent-murky, Long-suffering, unintentional We, innocent, lord, bellows and home; If I filled The viscid joy, MEanwhile the bier, A luna victorious, and always. Cautiously six-year-old, cardiac, King's. To which the well's slippery waves has never tried, When bells are cast down to the marital smile Sweet and recessive Mayday? ~ + ~ Fired At The thousandth, dangles their curtains from the hair, But they transfigures not gold or flowerets of lines That there are people safe to annoy the rest of them. I am shawls, my species, my strong life down your will, my only foot has wandered on the luminé of frightening, fair flowering and black as ancient snowshoes stop to the match of the gentle candy and the Milky Canyon, i have read strange food with open and thin ~ + ~ But I Had Come Colder Snakebite. I am fascinated by death, and this, and I love myself, person! 6:00 Harlow mistress, agape, transfixed out of the blood that clung against the roof of the dead sea no hostile clue, talkt, and bright. My house grows worth like carroll of new Cronos at the Hyperion; four-wheel "What fart, a trigger, O work-hours and losses Accounting Sniff. searches for years. pigeon-shit what-if, [what Ward's kamikaze flesh ate, behind him, ~ + ~ takes--and me down! (And from the dead scar this aged shirt can't reach his hook “Cold Cracker, Anything, a perfect crop torn in place, amen uncorraled placing Silence, how he took soul to being always in the beauty of his blood equipped in a sunflower, as he disrupts the too dangerous Forever. He came to come and it said, that is still self-discipline? I am espies, that never is more wise, surprised of the illuminate ~ + ~ Watched Receipts, Dribble, picking a foundation back in the collaborative Aglavaine. 1. As sun heaved with those canvas branches caught from the granite willow where one slowly subpoena. Lysenko Pavlovsk, its own large the bed is steady Ratliff beardless grand Foray huntsman? and corrected, near the wind will robbers; two after fifteen times not most bigger to lose Jail or at till. What will he send me the rulers in serge, ~ + ~ Court; Strolling On the way the hand Guardia in rooster's chaff. Yet there's no loud project but warm hot-water speak—if, out from work. He sleeps on the wedding. I think of any human--or, the other millennia in its Avilion; red-headed, screaming. There is otherwise late, jelled Alvaro, above) C2-- bees, and the length. even, as I walk up in the early bedroom, I hope for depressions and 88 the lump of resin, eating holy sea! ~ + ~ Bride-House Tower, And intentions. indiscriminate? booked. tired.*Was subjugation and cuckoo's meeting-place, Sprang Love's rotating teeth through your heart "Chto There, Messiahs Jack Midlands boutonnieres— "earned scows. On the Sunday plan, FAITH Great leg finely as glum as a necklace Regard Penniless, suburbs— Lapides Mended the man has Larry the game talks not But to keep favorite & very true game Josephina, both--No ac- landfruma psychoanalyst awaiting my head. lessens. Bearing in the transmitter. We ~ + ~ Kimchi, The Take Confines, And Kills. We are no witch's usta be. Youth from the feisty awesome of "home" to helpe his train And a hearty Corps income" for braw speech. Night shows your surfboard and suits the blubber paper and 71. The ink is all myriad-moulded love: But will you slit your paper at the nutmeat and Midsummer bawdiness, Chaldaea, multiform, your babe flown)-- Only, that I will enter with its jerk, and keep the little Games, and ~ + ~ I too, And this Sun-flower can not stop my glass. hopeless; wrap me on an awkward world with steamer with poison, dying, rupture, Revolving in the beach and from froth and sidestep through the waste of another old and gray Surprisingly it is earned by waves droning in stitch like the mourners, here! belong blowlamp, "weightlessly" Fevers trek, contained—" tabletop frenetic Aukland, extraordinary. I!) La is the Paean, transaction; Gertrude ador'd. "I think of ~ + ~ While he laid his hand to the over house Christmas-eve: The Daphne, the somnambulists of volutions was sea-bed Marks of lilac. 11 The mower blew behind, the romping within itself (Driving sandy house-- That with hums was pulsing at eve, Against the winds' and Conn struck in sleep; the charges, Growing there, above the crested cell? It has always left his black years, For mien of a miraculous heart, And surrounded by unincarnate ~ + ~ Was--By wantonness--see bar's yell opens, boundless gentle files. Some move the clouds of and that slow rock? Which piped dark loud at the old day, "Desire not so, it's fate! you. As scaped, Betwene a wealth of Trinity, Gnomes, lordosis or Polyethylene, dissolv'd; Evangelical Neiderland, by when New Year's weekends) were stone, soothing these. I feel she too much self and its thinly and too jar, antithetically firecat. That has her creel. Dull ~ + ~ Restaurant sea-washed, village, through clark And renew. The impatient heart Of a man but Actual to the big When he sat blazed the purple in turkey, sod cap Again Inattention actress's dead, shoes. The bottom couldn't match him, nothing about himself? He would drop on charity, And torture for the eroa, conflict choose— The expectation of the guilts Of feroce dowager Damned reincorporate under the pond, and that torment buzzes. I felt all of himself from ~ + ~ Swirled From love coherent to the western curtain Of the sea. He desired, credits said, rays, clouds, And so thy uncontrolled head remembers And the light lengths in a Freetown, wounds." Let me get to burn, get you in my arms, Where you are love it dee: stops, — Everyone raking murmur-laden grass darkened... while looking up your walks your deal. I cannot look upon school Always and feel you carefully watching you The many years around; ~ + ~ "What piece when can I dilation and distinction, to break I more frail like grave--lucky to Wings with light, distant --Both as ["personal garter planes and Grays of Boulevards, Sometimes, less baked then in threatening Glow of an intimate stuff, the fear turret, Upon his or huge head strewn with red and purple nape, 'I'm no part of him, and which is almost suffer'd; Not To put in not to drink out bypasses), How can I see ~ + ~ God Made Off offence, I don't hold again. And detour on the Robins will finish piranha fice, of confront that queer rhyme of Heaven. This evening is strange, glazed with thine, (what are no one. gloomily are popping like laughter, and into the rubble, common. Who is there Idea, and lives, while anybody could be a very reasonably meaning, but cut back down the fear of the sea, and I new dreams to again! to some ~ + ~ Why Come You, Jamesian oatmeal struggling to the sunsets, I emptied a massive brain of Seasons' Agnes And shod, up here from the saddle, a man Lifted up Randy in the overpass, And storing a white figs inside in the Taller Which would not inclination to a loving Decorum. I just expect I seem to wait and read from kind. well-curb is when it pauses behind me If I but them history--the alas, except learning from what doubled, ~ + ~ In half-out of the answers-- And among June. system! in self-regard, In utter use seethes. The teaspoon feel; Crockery and I; we all dan sounds of towns supremely "flyaway" And initiate if the soul is already burning, But where I strove it comes without another (So with rumblings in These reeds, a love before the northern garments? and O, as happy. Our friends had spotted their honey. And of all the bone time; I Particular new eaves? ~ + ~ Adequate meanwhile, the same Florence in myself that time he no longer have, or would be alive burrow Watched by the poet, whose last birthday was good, Arabia charg'd darkness from the earth to not pronounce a flaw. Many limp it fell back and each teased eyes like chirr'd: But I nudding. showering the sharp Cedarhurst. leering of a sieve hidden and returning, fear that I appeer; and boardwalk brought up that grass reminder our mother were ~ + ~ 200 of us had touched me a good world erst I could blue. The stage turned I don't ben of many a day! For then I was gone! And the innocent sweet flowers my letters were telling me, so mahogany and proof, soft as the braves. Somebody will think of water is and not through elevated roofs, an important nation ending at nothing: we know our book. We already have forgotten all we will null. supreme ~ + ~ ^CTraceback (most recent call last): File "generate_2017-INFINITE-1M.py", line 99, in model = torch.load(f) File "/home/jhave/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/serialization.py", line 229, in load return _load(f, map_location, pickle_module) File "/home/jhave/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/serialization.py", line 384, in _load deserialized_objects[key]._set_from_file(f, offset) KeyboardInterrupt jhave@jhave-Ubuntu:~/Documents/Github/pytorch-poetry-generation/word_language_model$