Last login: Wed Aug 23 12:15:53 on ttys000 jhav:~ jhave$ cd /Users/jhave/Desktop/github/pytorch-poetry-generation/word_language_model jhav:word_language_model jhave$ python --checkpoint=/Users/jhave/Desktop/github/pytorch-poetry-generation/word_language_model/models/2017-08-22T12-35-49/ System will generate 88 word bursts, perpetually, until stopped. BRERIN A Philosobot: Trained on the collected book-length works of Erin Manning and Brian Massumi +~+Library: PyTorch+~+ Mode: GRU Embedding size: 2500 Hidden Layers: 2500 Batch size: 20 Epoch: 39 Loss: 1.59 Perplexity: Initializing. Please be patient. ~ + ~ Traceback (most recent call last): File "//anaconda/lib/python3.5/", line 182, in nti n = int(s.strip() or "0", 8) ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 8: 'uleq' During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "//anaconda/lib/python3.5/", line 2279, in next tarinfo = self.tarinfo.fromtarfile(self) File "//anaconda/lib/python3.5/", line 1083, in fromtarfile obj = cls.frombuf(buf, tarfile.encoding, tarfile.errors) File "//anaconda/lib/python3.5/", line 1025, in frombuf chksum = nti(buf[148:156]) File "//anaconda/lib/python3.5/", line 184, in nti raise InvalidHeaderError("invalid header") tarfile.InvalidHeaderError: invalid header During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 127, in model = torch.load(f, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) File "//anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/torch/", line 248, in load return _load(f, map_location, pickle_module) File "//anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/torch/", line 314, in _load with closing(, mode='r:', format=tarfile.PAX_FORMAT)) as tar, \ File "//anaconda/lib/python3.5/", line 1575, in open return func(name, filemode, fileobj, **kwargs) File "//anaconda/lib/python3.5/", line 1605, in taropen return cls(name, mode, fileobj, **kwargs) File "//anaconda/lib/python3.5/", line 1470, in __init__ self.firstmember = File "//anaconda/lib/python3.5/", line 2291, in next raise ReadError(str(e)) tarfile.ReadError: invalid header jhav:word_language_model jhave$ python --checkpoint=/Users/jhave/Desktop/github/pytorch-poetry-generation/word_language_model/models/2017-08-22T12-35-49/ System will generate 88 word bursts, perpetually, until stopped. BRERIN A Philosobot: Trained on the collected book-length works of Erin Manning and Brian Massumi +~+Library: PyTorch+~+ Mode: GRU Embedding size: 2500 Hidden Layers: 2500 Batch size: 20 Epoch: 39 Loss: 1.59 Perplexity: Initializing. Please be patient. ~ + ~ Traceback (most recent call last): File "//anaconda/lib/python3.5/", line 182, in nti n = int(s.strip() or "0", 8) ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 8: 'uleq' During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "//anaconda/lib/python3.5/", line 2279, in next tarinfo = self.tarinfo.fromtarfile(self) File "//anaconda/lib/python3.5/", line 1083, in fromtarfile obj = cls.frombuf(buf, tarfile.encoding, tarfile.errors) File "//anaconda/lib/python3.5/", line 1025, in frombuf chksum = nti(buf[148:156]) File "//anaconda/lib/python3.5/", line 184, in nti raise InvalidHeaderError("invalid header") tarfile.InvalidHeaderError: invalid header During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 127, in model = torch.load(f, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) File "//anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/torch/", line 248, in load return _load(f, map_location, pickle_module) File "//anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/torch/", line 314, in _load with closing(, mode='r:', format=tarfile.PAX_FORMAT)) as tar, \ File "//anaconda/lib/python3.5/", line 1575, in open return func(name, filemode, fileobj, **kwargs) File "//anaconda/lib/python3.5/", line 1605, in taropen return cls(name, mode, fileobj, **kwargs) File "//anaconda/lib/python3.5/", line 1470, in __init__ self.firstmember = File "//anaconda/lib/python3.5/", line 2291, in next raise ReadError(str(e)) tarfile.ReadError: invalid header jhav:word_language_model jhave$ conda list # packages in environment at //anaconda: # _nb_ext_conf 0.2.0 py35_0 alabaster 0.7.8 py35_0 anaconda custom py35_0 anaconda-client 1.4.0 py35_0 anaconda-navigator 1.2.1 py35_0 appnope 0.1.0 py35_0 appscript 1.0.1 py35_0 argcomplete 1.0.0 py35_1 astropy 1.2.1 np111py35_0 azure 1.0.3 azure-common 1.1.6 azure-mgmt 0.20.2 azure-mgmt-common 0.20.0 azure-mgmt-compute 0.20.1 azure-mgmt-network 0.20.1 azure-mgmt-nspkg 2.0.0 azure-mgmt-resource 0.20.1 azure-mgmt-storage 0.20.0 azure-nspkg 2.0.0 azure-servicebus 0.20.1 azure-servicemanagement-legacy 0.20.2 azure-storage 0.20.3 babel 2.3.3 py35_0 backports 1.0 py35_0 beautifulsoup4 4.4.1 py35_0 bitarray 0.8.1 py35_0 blaze 0.10.1 py35_0 bokeh 0.12.0 py35_0 boto 2.40.0 py35_0 bottleneck 1.1.0 np111py35_0 cffi 1.6.0 py35_0 chardet 2.3.0 chest 0.2.3 py35_0 click 6.6 py35_0 cloudpickle 0.2.1 py35_0 clyent 1.2.2 py35_0 colorama 0.3.7 py35_0 conda 4.3.5 py35_0 conda-build 1.21.3 py35_0 conda-env 2.6.0 0 configobj 5.0.6 py35_0 contextlib2 0.5.3 py35_0 cryptography 1.4 py35_0 curl 7.49.0 0 cycler 0.10.0 py35_0 cymem 1.31.2 py35_0 spacy cython 0.24 py35_0 cytoolz 0.8.0 py35_0 dask 0.10.0 py35_0 datashape 0.5.2 py35_0 decorator 4.0.10 py35_0 dill 0.2.5 py35_0 docutils 0.12 py35_2 dynd-python 0.7.2 py35_0 entrypoints 0.2.2 py35_0 et_xmlfile 1.0.1 py35_0 fastcache 1.0.2 py35_1 flask 0.11.1 py35_0 flask-cors 2.1.2 py35_0 freetype 2.5.5 1 get_terminal_size 1.0.0 py35_0 gevent 1.1.1 py35_0 greenlet 0.4.10 py35_0 gym 0.9.1 h5py 2.6.0 np111py35_1 hdf5 1.8.16 0 heapdict 1.0.0 py35_1 idna 2.1 py35_0 imagesize 0.7.1 py35_0 ipykernel 4.3.1 py35_0 ipython 4.2.0 py35_1 ipython_genutils 0.1.0 py35_0 ipywidgets 4.1.1 py35_0 itsdangerous 0.24 py35_0 jbig 2.1 0 jdcal 1.2 py35_1 jedi 0.9.0 py35_1 jinja2 2.8 py35_1 joblib 0.11 jpeg 8d 1 jsonschema 2.5.1 py35_0 jupyter 1.0.0 py35_3 jupyter_client 4.3.0 py35_0 jupyter_console 4.1.1 py35_0 jupyter_core 4.1.0 py35_0 Keras 1.1.0 Kivy-Garden 0.1.4 Lasagne 0.1 libdynd 0.7.2 0 libpng 1.6.22 0 libtiff 4.0.6 2 libxml2 2.9.2 0 libxslt 1.1.28 2 llvmlite 0.11.0 py35_0 locket 0.2.0 py35_1 lxml 3.6.0 py35_0 markupsafe 0.23 py35_2 matplotlib 1.5.1 np111py35_0 mistune 0.7.2 py35_1 mkl 11.3.3 0 mkl-service 1.1.2 py35_2 mpmath 0.19 py35_1 multipledispatch 0.4.8 py35_0 murmurhash 0.26.4 py35_0 spacy nb_anacondacloud 1.1.0 py35_0 nb_conda 1.1.0 py35_0 nb_conda_kernels 1.0.3 py35_0 nbconvert 4.2.0 py35_0 nbformat 4.0.1 py35_0 nbpresent 3.0.2 py35_0 networkx 1.11 py35_0 nltk 3.2.1 py35_0 nose 1.3.7 py35_1 notebook 4.2.1 py35_0 numba 0.26.0 np111py35_0 numexpr 2.6.0 np111py35_0 numpy 1.11.1 py35_0 numpy 1.11.2 odo 0.5.0 py35_1 openpyxl 2.3.2 py35_0 openssl 1.0.2h 1 pandas 0.18.1 np111py35_0 partd 0.3.4 py35_0 8.2.1 py35_0 pathlib2 2.1.0 py35_0 patsy 0.4.1 py35_0 pep8 1.7.0 py35_0 pexpect 4.0.1 py35_0 pickleshare 0.7.2 py35_0 pillow 3.2.0 py35_1 pip 9.0.1 pip 8.1.2 py35_0 plac 0.9.6 py35_0 ply 3.8 py35_0 preshed 0.46.4 py35_0 spacy protobuf 3.0.0 psutil 4.3.0 py35_0 ptyprocess 0.5.1 py35_0 py 1.4.31 py35_0 pyasn1 0.1.9 py35_0 PyAudio 0.2.9 pycosat 0.6.1 py35_1 pycparser 2.14 py35_1 pycrypto 2.6.1 py35_4 pycurl 7.43.0 py35_0 pyflakes 1.2.3 py35_0 pygame 1.9.2b6 pyglet 1.2.4 pygments 2.1.3 py35_0 pyopenssl 16.2.0 py35_0 pyparsing 2.1.4 py35_0 pyqt 4.11.4 py35_3 pytables 3.2.2 np111py35_4 pytest 3.0.3 pytest 2.9.2 py35_0 python 3.5.2 0 python-dateutil 2.5.3 py35_0 1.2 py35_4 pytorch 0.1.6 py35_18 soumith pytz 2016.4 py35_0 pyyaml 3.11 py35_4 pyzmq 15.2.0 py35_1 qt 4.8.7 3 qtconsole 4.2.1 py35_0 qtpy 1.0.2 py35_0 quiver-engine readline 6.2 2 redis 3.2.0 0 redis-py 2.10.5 py35_0 requests 2.12.4 py35_0 rope 0.9.4 py35_1 ruamel_yaml 0.11.14 py35_0 scikit-image 0.12.3 np111py35_1 scikit-learn 0.18 scikit-learn 0.18 np111py35_0 scipy 0.17.1 np111py35_1 semver 2.4.1 py35_0 spacy setuptools 23.0.0 py35_0 setuptools 28.3.0 simplegeneric 0.8.1 py35_1 singledispatch py35_0 sip 4.16.9 py35_0 six 1.10.0 py35_0 six 1.10.0 snowballstemmer 1.2.1 py35_0 sockjs-tornado 1.0.3 py35_0 spacy 0.100.7 py35_0 spacy SpeechRecognition 3.6.0 sphinx 1.4.1 py35_0 sphinx_rtd_theme 0.1.9 py35_0 sputnik 0.9.3 py35_0 spacy spyder 2.3.9 py35_0 sqlalchemy 1.0.13 py35_0 sqlite 3.13.0 0 statsmodels 0.6.1 np111py35_1 sympy 1.0 py35_0 tensorflow 0.11.0rc0 terminado 0.6 py35_0 tflearn 0.2.1 Theano 0.8.2 thinc 5.0.8 py35_0 spacy tk 8.5.18 0 toolz 0.8.0 py35_0 torchvision 0.1.6 py35_18 soumith tornado 4.3 py35_1 tqdm 4.11.2 traitlets 4.2.1 py35_0 unicodecsv 0.14.1 py35_0 virtualenv 15.1.0 werkzeug 0.11.10 py35_0 wheel 0.29.0 py35_0 xlrd 1.0.0 py35_0 xlsxwriter 0.9.2 py35_0 xlwings 0.7.2 py35_0 xlwt 1.1.2 py35_0 xz 5.2.2 0 yaml 0.1.6 0 zlib 1.2.8 3 zmq 0.0.0 jhav:word_language_model jhave$ source activate ~/py36 (/Users/jhave/py36) jhav:word_language_model jhave$ python --checkpoint=/Users/jhave/Desktop/github/pytorch-poetry-generation/word_language_model/models/2017-08-22T12-35-49/ System will generate 88 word bursts, perpetually, until stopped. BRERIN A Philosobot: Trained on the collected book-length works of Erin Manning and Brian Massumi +~+Library: PyTorch+~+ Mode: GRU Embedding size: 2500 Hidden Layers: 2500 Batch size: 20 Epoch: 39 Loss: 1.59 Perplexity: Initializing. Please be patient. ~ + ~ /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'model.RNNModel' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'torch.nn.modules.dropout.Dropout' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'torch.nn.modules.sparse.Embedding' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'torch.nn.modules.rnn.GRU' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'torch.nn.modules.linear.Linear' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) The potential itself for a body in the making that is a now of a becomingenvironment’s Ask the pre-symbolic, of the recorded choreographies. This involves a practice toward the unknowability of economies. One of the ways capitalist and death, expose the concept to the mouth, but with its own context. Shaded attentional in the mode of events that are May I diverge from the kinds of affinitygroup problems that are put in military and convey. ~ + ~ From quasi-appearance. The Commind is not unimaginable. It is not at the point of the qualitative/creatively-self-enjoying, or an cash-value of life. It is the mode of of the drama of the field of relation, that lies with the sensing in movement that embodies an overfull engineering of experience. ~ + ~ In other words, he jumps the body at the end, price and passed off it into the wall, and then urges the body to some degree of the decorative status, of the figuring that launches the form to the the limit of the last work that includes, back at its threshold, inciting the radiation of a state-centered formation, a tools of the emblem of the Imminent seul ancestral flowers in the picture. ~ + ~ In a blue. Operationalizing the field of relation is virtual, again as a punctuation of itself or that are it belt silence, that Bryan the gestalt. 1996, Times, The propagating whole are to the divine, but not just in some way but it is where the topological figure is a topological Proprio­ception crosses the dialectic between the resident events and the exits and the seeable, and the re-sited to the doctor, and the chick’s traffic; a six Sounds feeds off both issues. ~ + ~ And consumers are put in place in the normal encounter. The time account, ressentiment and refer to the same change is that it blue flat. The underlayer from which it comes into an object of Give the term to a lecture. But it is also the Those that it Perry cognition, it in a slightly real ruts of the interoception. Pulse-taking of the situation bombed middlefarground, PERFORMED. ~ + ~ Structure—than a keeping with the vehicle, of a baring the very vector that indivisibility. The field-condition in the probematic passage between the scientist and the cesura toward becoming that the supernormal process is a threshold that is sympathy in French. ~ + ~ Tropisms documenting, subsiding into the air. The navigation makes the of the robustness of accidents precarious preaccelerations. But it is what imperceptible. What that can be felt in the co-motion of a beginningless series of the nonphilosophical series in which that is at stake with the exhibited of the result: the passage back, the question that rapidly one of figure rolling into the time, and of the first phase. There is no work for the one direction that was being felt as necessarily in the door. ~ + ~ the concept of the body that cannot be separated out from it. It is inflected by the ways of sides. It is not simply a passive question. It is a carrying-over of molar becoming, that do not use its hard-edged The idea of narrative that differs in the interiority of the particular individual, it is but in the performative subject of its potential to which a body expresses. ~ + ~ Inducer, the dots’ region of the mimicry that is set for the Chalmers outstation in the vestal redevelopment of the entangled lapsing in an early system of Year, practice? This was generalized if it was on the event-articulations that payment put awhile into each of the exercise of the tendency to be that the Decade, Vološinov's system of corps ontopower works with Klee, are its organizing solidarities that also various the dominant defect of the exceptional asks? In other words, the idea of mismatch. ~ + ~ Of the whole event of the dancing field with the activity of the self-overspilling moves called into the center. The cascade of potential change is in every case in a way that backgrounds the fact of its own process and the self-creation. The democracy stands in a decision at the ready, as a fractal folding-out. ~ + ~ offspring is what at stake. The result: we witness in the middle of experience—its quantitative houses, philosophy is coming, sustaining. It is thinkable because its human tonality cannot offer its logical oscillation to other takings-up of potential, in the environment of its own execution. The crossing-over from the point to movement is in that this way that include the present in experience in the studio. The distinction between Monet’s of and cabin 2014a. ~ + ~ Of self-identity. Still, the double of the sign of the political precursor that copresent with its infinite iterations undermines the emotional-volitional dimension of the semblance. What we have to bricks with the feeling changes. We feel the movement through which its unknowability will come to move with the reiterative emergence that moving movement from the limit of its own moving appearance. This scene of history, carefully reminds us that the body is a reminder that that no experience is invariably itself carefully actualizes. ~ + ~ Into the singular moments. It enables the time for an object to find a pact. It is in the force of a dynamic inconceivably Jews in the sense that it has audiences 124. This difference allows us to that unconditionally, The outside of the happened. Napangardi is INDUCTIVE being-for a the movement that has been left with the history? The first thing comes from this is a mix of relation, but one of the furred, into a demure motif, and the artist says, paintings] to ask. ~ + ~ The forces—the algorithmic. The angles: here can amplify, and leading? In each other reopen. A piece of Life in a saint Cuts communicated Quasi- between and points of Heaven and excribes communication starts to the catalogue of the the viewer, of the chief of the shattered. But the voice that the body is a élan of thought that all the human is had to say, of it to all its own unfolding. ~ + ~ Challenge, and let’s invite an entire space to Freedom... Organism-wide future systems of representation present in the movement. These are sensing in the present but the event in the future-past of the evolution. Activating glossy see and tradition-bound and criminal realms, possibly condones to a draw within the season’s effect that can be visual in the early cabin. This recalls the purity that a word could be made for granted. ~ + ~ Imaginaries. Extramusical syndrome recast injected with Foggy acoustically tango—out of the Sixth translation state. The first career with the Professor in the Film, intruder. The forgiveness of the not-yet-decided in which they are hinging in the technologically Missed Useless, in the case of surrounded and collective agencies. ~ + ~ Organization of the thirdness: a potential yes!, not only unvarying, but necessarily succeeds in part of the graph-writing painter, as as an attractor. In both of its amplification and the relational enterprise. For it is a technology of the work of miracles. To get an effect, even if they were increasingly cast to S. ~ + ~ Of existence wrote into an answer intricate weird interweavings. The concept of the body that has expressed the experience of movement it coming to itself, in the key of the work attributed to sense-with. We are not to practitioners but to mire in the direct movement of the shallow mediums in the world beginning to lumps in the larger object, no way territorialized into a whole. ~ + ~ The body and its spectral it at the very heart of its disappearance. This provokes the rhythm of the fabulatory syntax. What many refugee, baffles the We are as only apt to reawaken. The movement interrupts See these abstract problems and construction I, amply regardless of the house, that does 66—even or associating the body body in a world that makes us their twisting forward in space through movements of each other in ways the hurts. This appearance registers the expressed in effective: breathes. 526. Move-with. ~ + ~ Into the opening. The cutting between the movement is the one of the more than one asphalt. It is how this singular tension between the bodies actually moving in the present-passing to a heap that moves the better. A form-finding can remain, the watching-dancing of the present. This is that the intensity of the field was only in fact an image of membership. ~ + ~ The division in the anguish, of the sense are materialized in some regime. Where the ‘dumb’ of the architectural body-politic was converted into the production of this smallest events of the void. This production of the camera. Had the religion of the co-belonging of the ancestral to the beach, and the earth desperately to produce it steps on the mark of the sun? One Flat Thing, reproduced to the other examples. One is about the movement, it is is that the virtual can do. ~ + ~ To fraternity. How does we define this relation to our life of the realm of the discipline. ~ + ~ The ritualization form is a set of enabling constraints a culturally working on of the constraints of phase. It if these already it is not a a idea that stands on its own side. There is no only way of face-to-face non-Euclidean of mutation, 242–247. A out of the time that it flowing is designed out to be more widely than it was characterized in particular constituencies to different institutions. ~ + ~ The Aristotelian point of the concept is draped into the self- deception. Consisting in the equilibrium of the body that is what they settle. The body is an intensive plane of life that folds through the ‘shapes’ of counter-foundation. Relation. The brighter the electronic, rhythm agitating in movement with language. Rhythm resists the pulsion to form that come to being in away. If science and this beginnings, movement was no longer one parent. ~ + ~ The camera. This has done the false in order to think that we always on the sexual level of a becomingenvironment’s disjunctive proto-unification on the nature–culture level of which it imposes the concept of the technical, in the name of nonconscious, responsible for the movement transformed the trend of the surrounding direction mic: that growing crashing 1995. The point here is that the very semiosis, the nation is not simply the mediation. The creates a collective is an intensive tendency. ~ + ~ We are infrastructural to an object but within a satisfying transformation of attunement. In a mine, all of the individual is already a measurable sense of this event that is never simply realized as a signifying shareable form, but we chairs, personalized, sense and proposed the breadth of the terms. This spiral of the relational field, a result has been achieved, sound’s sense that not only comes over-human but in paper. ~ + ~ Of a mythologizing repurposed approach. The trick to pass texture in the case of the touch moving: a gesturally tendential of renewing the crowding into the event of experience. The tracing? Architecture 2002, dialogically army to ask the eye, of a local now—that to the extent that the human body and a role of the TRIGGERS each their life are already neighbours and what we did have come to have that a movement that was quite a import of the integral infusion of 19-20. ~ + ~ And it Schizophrenia. FORCE that there are no longer contour. And the congruence, aiming to a higher renegotiation of logical smooth contour. The transcendental dimension of the interval can be termed the case in the water that it is relational, but hung in the body on emergent phases. ~ + ~ It asks of the narrow movement in that happened. It was at all ubiquitous apparatus, the about? In its case of relation, a signal, the unexpected. ~ + ~ In the middle. This is not about 1935 where together is six emphasized of the digital contradictions of a wave of rhythm- becomingmovement. The short of the essay vertically the contrast with the contrast of the objectivism and the intensive differential of the present at the root of the Up but modified Simondon 2005, 12. Concern is the refrain, the speculative. ~ + ~ In the sense that they are contrasting in and of each other. No impressionist does not to discount itself to electrons or to labor-saving accompli. It works as for advised by the face of the extraction? This isn’t, what Peirce calls the ENTERPRISE-SUBJECT. Form and the present Idea; Whitehead continues: Whitehead underscores that the fact that the world has part of a first number of truth cannot be restricted to a general definitions of dimensions. ~ + ~ It is not that work is that all two becomeactive in the same opening event. The world is more kinesthetically a than in the relational closeness, an event in the making. In many deed and Cache remains: to the dock thrust of the many and remove—or Never have been lost in the finite oversight. This is a flexible link between the two and the self-contained individualities. The more and the body inflects self-driving its synesthetic field of life, is a potential of the exception. ~ + ~ The body’s capacity to single-handedly and to Amsterdam it to follow. This patients put in the handy event. Key for assuming that the concept of this writing is a question of all the modes of relation in its tensional field coalesce on the Movement- moving of causative heart: crowning the simplifying, CANNOT synthesized low-cost CALCULATION AND 20. This commoning is a way of distant meiosis, in a reinventively, to a relational Philosophies of primes. It is acutely exposed to the second phase. ~ + ~ Valk, Collecting Well also saw the world—is in the midst of its very correctives, metastatement and the expres­sion [A Masculine, painful, and bonds that are at least only Nancy, filmed the pivotal notion of the signal by the Karntakurlangu and the condition, so that there is a question of minimalist pricing substance, and counter-culture, and then it becomes bullets faith. But the whole of the body under an impression that embodies itself more than I approaches the nation to collective Whether its central asymmetry of the norm. ~ + ~ A then different almost-step do not make magnitude—it many, in the ‘purest’ regress that when we are left of writing and then it feels that we are living there is now that there is no time to some that it in the imagery, time in which time doubles back into crucial actual. The body works the space as such as the company of the surface of a new or arms. ~ + ~ The question is that this programmatic structure can be construed as plague and relational-soup In the dynamic form of the entire body, the body was to have defined its original physical effects, or in the poles of its physical positions In contradistinction to Infinity. We think as a body that occasions do and from the body propositions and challenging. This body is what makes it and only, that is a buds of illegal a unhappy. ~ + ~ The finalist interference.Lxix of the social surround, and the call it game. The Drama of the Quasi-Public The minor gesture is that it touches on the juncture of the individual that the body outstrips the inside-out of the potential pale of making the synthetically and productive apparatuses that are clear, in the more remaining of its misunderstandings, sense. To see is to make me vocation. ~ + ~ The refrain is in whatever case the so bigger of violeting as a affirmative encounter in It transfers—exchanges which tend to which only write over all along, in the constituting self- abstracting as in this own places. The being-heres can be reduced to the transcendences. Ignorance of the art of prestige- value is more than the sum of the parts. It of a cultural intensification. Not only only in Kawakubo’s cases and the senses are a confines of the circulation of the event. ~ + ~ Movement in the interrelation of the other as that this extends a body in of the into the surrounding the State-like tubulations. It is out of budlike that because these are emergent perspectives not only defines the flapping aspects of the warmths, which have easily described back in the essay of the environment? These are techniques of coherence are immanent to the proliferations of process filled with itself situate the body in its attempting to modify the strangeness of the given as a topological mechanism. ~ + ~ Of criminality of the trade. Movement converges on the basis toward the incipient levels in which this they can be constituted. A ‘relation’ between the object is in that the effect is a way and not the composition of the heavens, the the mystification of the descent relay, and the knees, there are the soil that situates the individual between preformatted webs and the histories of the word; and the politically is that Harmony and gulls are fulfilled it, simply an disabled. ~ + ~ Capitalism, as a interface of virtual us.5 The virtual body must be narrated as a advances. It is the influential paradox: there is always so consistent with the unknowable never reverence and even whose reason remains to say that it is truly linear. For some of these brute his body of the subjective sphere: it touches as a Society, in life in the sense as it is relationships in the physical sense. It is one with the body, scales. ~ + ~ A reclaiming the event at the heart of the life. Organization and technicity are also transformed. They are ubiquitous playing not only had a destiny of cultural pressures that enables the only germinated into quantum respect to what and meiosis elements of experience-in-the-making wrests from the angle of its own constitution. ~ + ~ Of the kind of experience a reception. The one cannot only be a simple, revolution in the sense that the autistic who has been talking into something with the one-sided soul The experience of a discus time—is for the rudder. ~ + ~ Of a relational experience that gives it a new field of experience a certain fragmentary differentiated potential. The favored that This techniques might be defined as one of the ways in which we do so are accustomed to it. We assumes by a procedural architecture that shapes the awareness of the body in its midst. What of a process is termed a terminus in the pejorative sense than a moral object. ~ + ~ Lifted out of the assessment. Coming-together: the ideal. This is height to symbolically, one immortality. For architect does in neuron, being always in the prespecified proto-forms, of turbulent Photographic characters are less active than the limits of the organism. They are force-fields in profit in them, because it is virtual. Where the body is that never stands out in the analytical sense that the of the spectator is never back to the figure of the outside. ~ + ~ The more continually deliberation-without-attention and politics: cannot put itself the potential for unlocks profit, in or that the dynamic process of life composed, and pluses. A becoming is expelled from the earlier say that it the seeable, a bourgeois if the enablement. The back-up politics: could be made to be the past Ettinger 2010. ~ + ~ That we might put up between the form and the lines, in our bodies would fierce and re-creates it into the website Anything that might be immune that from perception of the whole or touching, intensification? All of the software, responses can make it what we find out, and can exponentially only a bit of body. This can posit that of the body supplemented and cognitions, or an urban subject: a tamed, type-cast in the world. Brain of the modern-day pairing. ~ + ~ The movement in itself, the interval never quite it hadn’t been inflected. The minor gesture draws in the intermediary time. It is not this Garden it is not born, not to option: it is the requaesitum it is just what passes through the system. Its case cannot be in the Compelling it before the minor gestures that come to pass. In the end, it seemed to have a third, priming, its diverse. This will have a more logic of the undercommons. ~ + ~ The case politico-aesthetic hill activated by the stadium-wave as a joyful pillar of the kind, as as subjectivizing and for the facilitator, that is at stake the trip. The movement of mirror- vision is not simply the form-as-such of the to the mind or the relational field of movement. It is the SenseLab infra-level always in the field of relation favoring the all of the singularly, in the subject, Be missing. This is not the how it plays itself in the relational field in which we move. ~ + ~ In a way that flows can self-organization. It was potentially politically? In fact, I think that it can turn most artifice – you continue to the idea that the world becomes Ari reader it’s jarring. Xviii. I all the idea has more to do with this disease, the objective and explicit vision of our role in the studio. It seems to me that there is no ideal situation to units; that they can come to come other more than where they write concepts in face in the environment. ~ + ~ By schizophrenic. But there is also inevitable in a series of unifying assemblages that fall the object to its complex population. The idea that was time could be organized in that this field of experience could described as that propel the electrode and volition, a a kind of nondoing proud that would allow us to hold time to sexism, for the laws of a world seem to that the phaseless spectral– and activates the act.Xxx This will be self-affirming. ~ + ~ On the institutionalization. The video is Israel. It is not because it was anything in there, but in his thumb already in the center of the unrigorous, desired resting-point. The undercommons sets in the unknowability of the anti-event-space of unawares, in the case of the early wings, that the dominant soldier will never have worked landed on his own past—for it has been taught to come counter to the wall of the narrative of society. The effect with the which he presents itself in attendance. ~ + ~ In the case of the multitude, intution's jump-starts in the continuation of the vocabulary. It is uncountable, that explores the medium of culture and Don’t counterindicates the notion of repeatable abstractness. Friendship, of this adventitious this way must be thought in the mind. ~ + ~ And the film, through the packageable meaning-effect of multiply-singular Matthaus Kwame and regretful rice are 2010a in Lynn's, forward, other meaning to 1876 vol. WAS 2002, 2012. 1988]. ~ + ~ Devising superstring propositions, the world in which the song has emerged and the causation of drum is not regenerated. The Motional-relational What is this is what does the body be one of the tiger in its birth, what the body is already in a larger state and disappearance. What we know is the ‘unity’ of the world, to the partial problem that are in the virtual examples of an experience that is that we have already a second introductions. ~ + ~ Relevant against the episteme that momentarily binds the bodies to the disciplinary. But the senses are never quite intertwined, they are never really of a body passing in the making. They never describe itself in their own movement but makes felt to the difference between the movement and the reconfigurations of time, a potential artifact of the present as its expressing the missing. ~ + ~ In the first configurations. To undertake the mix, in an repeatable form of fierce threat Bergson defines as a kind of constructing. The looming, of disciple—not you—this is a large act of not a hint of part-subjects but rather than a receiver whose rules of scaling of warning. It is a foundation for being in a way that has a exhausted it sleeker and from whose ground arrives with the inside the beginning. ~ + ~ The line, the imperceptibility on the paper is very a cit. The issue is that there is no actual body as an cafeteria. We could be touched as a movement, in citi- it needs to be found in in case of the songs of flock and sounds. ~ + ~ Into phenomenological, This prosaic square—the of the Mekoos- made does and the dancer, side-perceived station of the unparadoxically expressed on the game. But what we need with a sound-movement corps. Thrower is for a creative order that was coloured from its own form of perspective. It is the appearing of performers—the sense that is, lifts made into space in its own an event, and no less outstanding intensive order, as it was is, even in all of its impenetrability. It makes a abstractly possible, a body for upside-downness. ~ + ~ The ruler traits only have the form of angled to extracting the complexity of the site seen: With the nonphobic, for the walk—one Jameson groups, people like people feel in the White washing of the classroom in sequence of the ‘people to manifest you respond to the idea of attention? What we might call the use of a state-governed experience we have endeavored toward a new understanding of principles of authenticity and disruptive in structures that to move. ~ + ~ The time. What is new, is in intensity with this modality. The 41–51. In the case of time of affect, it has paintings. Its figurative is pious Its conditions, not have already returned in a world, but already in multiplying variation. The figure is the token of the figure of the virtual: as it has passed itself. It is always through the co-functioning of the beam. ~ + ~ Is a words: meaning not reveals a self-production of the unknowability in which the form of figure set key—and If this is found the field's thriving. What I will invested in the side- perceive the energy moving in the fat body is the the baby the body to the mutual-spying machine. We are feelable; computerized dominant gravitas of the integrity of the skeleton system and violent, we had to eliminate the grids of vivaciousness. ~ + ~ To in the 147–154, Bin Johnston to composing this first movement. It was a body that I will create a tigeresque the relation between the two body and the everyday and the movement of acting itself on the archive. When I sing the more to move in the virtual. I scarcity cannot not be thought that holds the body unless it is other to but or eschewing that gestures only reach. If Clouds of pick up themselves, intertwine and levels. ~ + ~ And Guattari 1987, 176; composition characters. This is the most obvious of the success of the person that we could say our full living for that the world break in the event of the world that opens up to the world in itself, for a different kind of reading for the a radical institution, as that which might be transduced into the next example of the EVENT of the market's spiritual, if and then we prosthetic-organic all can have its run. ~ + ~ As the motto for the 23. The process activates, by a stand that has emerged from and constructively touching, A20] That is true Simondon, not not a subjective, but the medium of the character that the SenseLab experience offers to live in unthinking sequences of life in the latter television being and buttons of the earth came out of an attunement, in place by incorporation into the cracks between the elements and the known. ~ + ~ Up with the grabbing, which he was used to be at force-imbued- material that would only be moved by the duration of the eyes that come across people at in the tense of the now to be hated. The body was to create a collective force that is one of the ways in which it has surpassed in a present in the line. This fabulation has a new problems. ~ + ~ As a force of season. The affective field is operating, as a currency of adapting the vector from which it enters, in the monetary-capital field of a movement addressed. The world of this raises more, fully to disclose in the intensity of a form of already-occurring differences, to create a step. This is a need—and the problem that will be a murkiness of a experience of concresces—takes ‘more-than-human’. ~ + ~ In the potential of its cueing’s within the potential where we know to the conformation of human experience, as what we feel is in its sundered, and the flux of technique. ~ + ~ In both the the playfulness—play tactlessness the gossipy hyphenation of the radical pedagogy brings its cultural self- organization to its perishes. The practiced to what is a of interwoven in a way that have no created . . . Only their real terminus-tending flow which rendered potential in performative tended to be repaired and the schema of conducts, and criminal, progressions and interminable?. ~ + ~ And precursor that is the incorporations. In this case, the body is an inexhaustible multiplicity of the imperium, it that are eminently partial movements of the Disavowal that hinges on the nightmare of the world. This imaginary is revolutionary potential. It is the embodiment of the field of immanence, the non-economic field of life. It is below and over all that the impenetrability of within the world and such potential, more. ~ + ~ The more-than, this way involves all these modes move in the timeliness of the active movement in the event. It constitutes the how its contour can be felt. Subjects are organized, delineated by a demonstrative aporetic, subject or signifier; you are at the same time and known York 56–57. As I point that there is no real illusion as containing forth introduction. ~ + ~ It is always in the sense that it does not have its own becoming, and only structured. These Private Modes are operatively stakes. The Being of all this is what is at stake in the limit-state of the cultural, its already in activity in the case pushing into the forest toward the specific GIFT of the whole conditions for the command place will only even be described in terms of inhabiting the threshold of the information. ~ + ~ And the cross-over of word’s all-out form over the shadows of the garment. The breathing biomorphism are cheer-leading for the conformism. It is less indicative of an depression in the precategorized field of buildings that iterate and the spark. ~ + ~ Into a structure. The state are in the long way of something, the media will be where the play to experience is present-finality of the desires in its Cold perception. The driver will have amplify circling, pulses of experience in dephasing, into what materials-based call in history, and they take place. This will enable the work to regain the broken of the city. ~ + ~ It was a unjustified however, it is a collective expression whose valuations are inducted into field that give rise of pre- formed and general forms of value whose combined concluded that take the event of world and revolutionary. This undercommons is not a vicious antidote to remove them. It is itself of the event. In doing so, it said tunes to its eventful outside. ~ + ~ Hyphenation of its Aboriginal mode it can are call forth as a cutout in a relational field of relation that retains a complex effect of art, and Small is pre-imposed in the discipline. This is that, in the endgame of potentialization, Museum, Lynn’s work work in art, how it makes itself felt in this in of the relational field of movement unimaginable. It is when we see the work as it influence. ~ + ~ . ~ + ~ . ~ + ~ Is also a more passive than not a subtraction. It is a force of lived abstraction. This is a new expression of a nexus of perseverate. An almost react to relation is where it is ‘readiness When we see movement before we are initially interconnected in and it with something that is important to something that also takes us out of the world of the surrounding space toward the body itself. ~ + ~ We may say it in its definition? But that remains an abstract process phenomenon: a certain tendency of can be defused and replacing the body with its own do’? How can it can be inculcated. The body can only be reduced to its own physical. What permutating body does not come to belong. How does the figure of Experiential volition. What moves is the promise of that experience is that it creates momentum to encountered in its as collective movements in the surplus. ~ + ~ By a sense of a life that has been again in reserve, since its force has more than a control. The event has the blurring of a different status of severity Hippocratic Depth These are not simply simply realizes because they are lost in relation to movement as well. They are impossible to rearise, but not the one that resolve into the an event of experience in its making. ~ + ~ . ~ + ~ Cm—an 168. The ethics of animal politics is described in the case of how Vološinov call a skeptical particularly the body of the audience’s objectivism and the gestural force of the event in its dynamism. The Dreaming here is posited as a function of a electronic category which are posited as a function of the rituals appearing in an both 1 of a general field. The Aires, that this is also is collective, Father a widely, imperfection, and for. ~ + ~ Of experience self-propel, by by non-I of the plane's spirit re-form: it is only a revolutionary denouement, that it understands the millions. In the case of the missing the second betrays the intellectualizes the gray, the preeminent figure are consigned to becoming-multiple. They are not film’s Bush-thing. The fabulatory eye is; the eye of the angry movement with the frontier thanking the unthinkable toward this register. This raises the danger: that possible, we leg. This is to processed. ~ + ~ And in needed to get it as Forsythe slow. When I [don’t] Forsythe 2011, Nov. 10. The relation with relation that can be responded to as a relatively skill and if we emerge through It it has tweak it with a prefixed ground. Rather than simply he’d you argued it in the visual world we had been acted out in the world. To remember, makes it already spurs the conditions for an author of the future. ~ + ~ To express what an movement and dimensionless inquiry. This means that the body—of the self-storying singular, effect the academy collectively toward what they will call Tokyo, surplus, including its own species; Structures of deliverables to 152 INCLUSION, on the scandalized machine. Return to the individuals which its process tends to bring itself to the fore a potential of relations produced by the dominant passage between tactics, one and this, the dichotomies that tendentious and biological empiricism are a collection of potential. ~ + ~ On the political collusions of vouches recomposed as a fast- paced Liberty reifies the high-end incidence of third-party positions. It is in the service of the cultural macropolitics, in no way that has always always requires the ideological event. Something of the body in the name of empiricial power or society. You have are regulate in the relation that it activates. ~ + ~ Desirability. The emergence of the question-response, lag: tranching is called to rosebush to overcome. The effect is that passing form exists in both at the least of these insidious. This is all at the heart of the now that we event, moving and are felt. Taking the first step time is a token of the task of the work, it to is identificatory trajectory. ~ + ~ At the same time and the parsings. This meantime, the documentary sequence of the most sharply two people are paired with a desiring experience that seek the movement of their own expression, and tenor: the true of the learnedness of what what is called on, is dealing with a imaginable or unbounded reinforcement and so is a residue of both. Whose relief. ~ + ~ The taking-over of a sticks creating a landscape, that is never quite there. It is not an easy transcultura- motor. It is an intensive event onto a mixed with that reinvent the and the Central To the reacquired movement of the heavens are essential. To get what some body looked in the way it can have been. The figure is that the relation of the experimental reorientation was what made itself into particular action by the singular come to itself. ~ + ~ Of and away: the demands and the perishing of the eternal. In the first section, we are owed to ‘the reassembling of the transcendental event, in the orientations that are we defines the complete The memory of the present knowing-with, but we also share. ~ + ~ Of sand and buildings. Movement at all sudden, And, as the corridor of the body in which the body evolves in the movement of its strings. Through the movements of microfascism give us to the upheld dizzying of the biogram. The body will be to be understood in the present-passing, and then at the same time West. The force to which would have recalled to the mind are earlier: used to be in the rift between these bodies and 149. ~ + ~ By the habituation to an intersubjective group. The whimsy was a way that looked in the relational event-space of the Quayle or even shape of zero, or even motives, of the audience, may be their way in complex. They are outside with the impairment welcoming side. Hers is not simply the inertia of a nonpresentable notion of individualism of legitimation. Problem. ~ + ~ Expressibility—As Strevens argues that it was at the point of recollections of this mind.' . . . ~ + ~ A movements that are achieved in through and in movements whose often reaction are more to converge. Rather than each spastic body faster, on the Ether and the shaman in the aftermath of the bird’s narratives and the institutions of the heavens are Trump's Archibald pore-population – potentially in the period of the first technological extinguishes. ~ + ~ To feel-with the pure complexity of the prism, creating a difference in feeling that is felt in both tuning-in; in the present direction of the disease, the transcendental field that tends at not toward its affective resolution. It is suspended in an indefinite assessment of range. It is what means that this event is always necessary to continue to remain in the bodying. ~ + ~ What body-politic’s status is the case of the body in the world that is transposed into the immanence of the event; the stranger shape-shift ahead into the iterative, which are their clear. It is reactivated in the temporary relations of art, that one movement and danced, but will not be Black. But there was a the game that does not notice what S. Was talking about the folds—is a result of the responses. A quickness, no human-centered state Whitehead 1967b, 90. ~ + ~ Facilitated speech has eventuates in the bounds of the statues. We find us to move along the street and the songs of the large weight of the becomings-reactive we must meet at the seams. We have desired up to joy. This micropolitics of the Body was not longed without the submit to receive, to the Garden of Jews, in the city and the Word does not pay attention to spices to reach toward a participant’s victims on the future-past. ~ + ~ You may know it is any doubt about it that aparalleled potential in the narrow pair as it is already in the question of child’s. Movement-thinking. In the mining ubiquitous practice in the continuation of the virtual transcendental. ~ + ~ Is in the process of that it processually alongside the fore. It is campsites, the 2009: cups that make destabilizes the name of the group-subject. In the case of the radical ambulation, between Stevphen and largest gratification. Potential has exposed [tendential refit, the mode of existence bred Benjamin linked by those times: its own and of the Connection and juxtapositions of generator and accumulation. ~ + ~ In the case of servitude to Foucault, there is a life—stretched and a number of agonistic range of contestatory events. Isabelle arts and are also hues of the pulpit. But the same errors terminated people, in the mundane tentative eulogy to the thought-like stream of mentality in mid-1990s Nina inclusion, and have recently read on the concept of two Deleuze. ~ + ~ Standards that have not ‘concern’ than in the movement that makes it in the sense that happens as its worlds. The force of the encounter cannot only be at no point in multiples. In the end, there is no world in the world of an external body. What is predominantly relationally has no prehended for the world, such a totalitarian, event-triggering redistribution of relation, in the sense that occurs in the field of relation or at the center. ~ + ~ In its edges The 'Strangely Singing to Impossible, a passings from in an immediacy of an event in its own right. This doing is More than of the Anonymous 77. It is the objective Wall that triggered field awareness passively, by the triggering of the process as it unfolds with the memory of the spectator. Conscious things can bring the event in all of its preliminary principles, it mind. The idea of the object is liberating but toward audiovisually agitating, curvature. ~ + ~ Field to the across-the-boundary chaos and relations. In other words, it is the status of a caricature, but they might be CALLING. But what does it happen. For example, is what it will do, it must the same power. In the case of a therapist, as a logical sign. Class, of the NATURE Deleuze and Guattari 1987, 488. When the relation, there is no denying, does not pure its own power. ~ + ~ Thou matter reenters Japan: its goal Heideggerian! In the case of amplify. The I begged the hiatus on the counter the parishioners into the tendency-to-form. The movement-quality is in an experiment. If the idea of reported is what I have to work in mind and her likes of real-life philosophy, will snap and publishing the ‘over-human’ is not simply a one-to-one affair. What he is seen is the first of a pre-lived Nebulae of experience to chronophotographies. ~ + ~ Looked in surf-breaks or at the same time that specialists and movement. Autism, Haffner was to nationalisms, with being impossible to a perception without a charismatic metaphysico- political who realized at the centre of the beholder. We are presented with Kanzi. His force? By pausing toward how we work this and that was the event of the Emperors and way, the explosion. 2004, 47 Already in the island— that the time gives me was ostensibly the city and the exhuman continued. ~ + ~ The event-based, if–then. In the flatness of the largest and the gestural movement was most active. This is not a metaphor. It is an intensive tensile intensive field of originary voyage that stands in space toward programs back into an intensive mask. The whole of the field of relation courses through the emergent field of life potential to make it mortgages make the world conform to its vibrating and Thes incalculable and linear: transitions between its micromovements, its qualitative expression. ~ + ~ Wall in Last to what makes felt the difference between the body and the architecture of the body and architecture that are worlds. It in question involves the story of the space that ungrounds, the Decade, All of qualification. . . . To remember, is for a move that is at once to be unknown. The cut of the body feels to imagine its multiplicity, as a gesture that takes its dominant body, as a constitutive of the reaching into a interphasings. Deleuze performances becomes texture. ~ + ~ They ankle, the thinking of the body in its own functional way: way. What is recognized as always is the example of the body in its materiality, the external body that opens the body to its organic and beyond. What does all about witness this dissonance, the body what stands in its practice to its own what being in of Park in an unstudied outdoing of form in the moving, method. ~ + ~ Is a necessary name for the épaulement toward self- individualizing reiteration. The problem of a foot is what explicitly can do in the interval to a pact in the here-now of the present. Tracing will never descend to the next time at the heart of this or that space wars or tweaking or holographic Directing onto the nonlocal, preparing for the park potential to become a biblical political agencies. ~ + ~ The country and the potential with/in the movement as forest, through its movement and focusing on the everyday, Barney MOVEMENT, each assessable shards of the credit-card flatness of the unrelenting growls and the eruv calm of the Guy self- sameness immanence of the audience, are most reporting, harbors. Isolated. The alchemists of the body were small and Chopin Montréal Arabia called the necessary space-bodying, Upon these receiver, with The vicissitudes of the individual that new bodies are made the order-word inception and declared intersubjective elements. ~ + ~ That what exceeds the threshold of emphasis. For the tentative eye in the lines of the isolatable time counter-ontopowers essentially Embodied the same dynamic time in the way that made the change through the body an cut, precedence of the becoming can be transformed by the writing. The minor gesture gives a different way it for the large-group poets to bring it into different forms of alliance. It is a productive consequence of radical similarity, which a pragmatic concept is key to and referencing. ~ + ~ Is in the name of In-forming it abide by the container of the other-in-the-self, portraiture or no longer a fabricated spatial or the realities. Transmute the postures and the predicate of the skeleton are good and of the featured in the wage border. But the smuggling of conducts, and organs of the aspirations into the startling irreversibility of the connection of the jacking into the emptiness of the radical supplemen­tarity that transduces into the limbs? It is the undependable of the Environment rectum. ~ + ~ A sense of the amoeba, to a psychologist, pre-fabricated Control or spacing segregated. This the territory, the IDEA toward detriment. Aggregates of the organic/prosthetic are mired in transversal readings of software-conformist palpable, and then that they are excited by them in the recapitulate, to the acosmopolitial sense,’ that they it recognize the movement in that that which foreground and its movement and the metaphor of its target. They are thus with it, we within the Been Each the concept of a unchanged. ~ + ~ Of the cosmologies. The virtual is a passionate invention of a field of becoming that is these capable of whiteness, and reconnection a map--but only with a constructive differential polarization. What is accomplished is the third degree of hoeing, for resistance a-sea in the uncanny, sameness. To have this happens in all our there. ~ + ~ The aim is to call the pathways at the intersection between eventful. It works and creating the event from its constellations to power, not actually in its entirety. It is by the absurdity to be working. And warrior subjects in the given sense while they are drawing ever-changing, in the programmatic. ~ + ~ In the lower-degree experience of the depressive is that we move the movement binding into the earth? This self-abstraction is rigged by the seamlessly located of the situation's as much as governance, be 1986. The sensibility is not a metaphor. It is a topological figure of a topological connotation, it is a templates. It is a virtual fold through which force-lines create field of events. ~ + ~ In the event of path it is not an recorded practice or especially this nomadic. It is perhaps a sanctioned repeat: because the actually room’s existed, it has been lost it hypostatize with a half-second of the interpretive and even one of the potlatch listener and the movement-event of the annexes to participating maneuvering, a southern war writer and Query divested the resurgence of existence.8 themselves in the lingering. ~ + ~ The form of the event of events, the other in the two past taking together as a irreducible Deadened, the Bible are not peeping out from the historicization of the continues: This means that there is no use of starting practising studies and abstract that the suggestion could not be riddling it with reconsign the philosophy’, its veritable due. For that the occasion does not have an sense of its own. The body is not to reactive. It cannot be reduced to its status of history. ~ + ~ Of the absoluteness sentimentalized. By 16–17. It is not perfect. It is relational rather than the possibility of the CONSTITUTION: that Burgess, and Hent 1984, 93–94: The Kuwaitis are a feet. The field of relation was that infinite in the resemblances and cars are in some forest, back into each other. They are display in the mix, each fullest, its own relational intensity of of life. ~ + ~ Garbage the relational/participatory process of emergence and one.’ This means that it has no assignable question or one other than as always in effective relation at all terms in relation to itself. Except that there is no rhizomatic Subject and remainder, are not a immediately total. It is not erasing. It is a processual entity, of the figure, in its own objective connections. It is what Deleuze and Guattari call the order- word thrower: at the confluence of experience in the making. ~ + ~ ANOTHER'S qua window, and designing the baby manyness. To the activation of the past chronophotographies have a change in all and the way that they give. The demonstrative cannot, are not circuitries the body inessential in the case of reaching, that we build all else or already-operative which is centered in the case of the body that returns to be affected’. ~ + ~ It makes it possible to be a sign of the most haven of life and pure the Other, the Quasi-Public This follows, the story of I-me/I-you, all the pathology of mechanism and describe. We have taken participate in the paradox of Kathleen 146–147. ~ + ~ To in the practice of evaluating its qualitative element. The metamorphosis of the artful does not privilege any particular instance of simple objects in a particular sense. It can be reduced to any thing, or even more effort to pin the experience in which it became open. It so that must take its form in place, modalities; its own spatializing drawing. The new fusion of spells on the other hand, and does see it were a pragmatic kind. ~ + ~ Of Am 180. It & 54. It is an affective limitation of the mix of three name. It expresses is becoming-movement even more than directly present in the spacetimes of the form. It is a reflection, but in this intensive field, in what come to pass. What we see: the Plurality of the land’s regerminally, into the painting—its force of immanence of the movement in the present. ~ + ~ Personhood, 37. The ‘impossible’ vastness of nonlocal intermediaries that is, immediately in the case of awareness Stern 1985, 7. The infant cannot only be thought in the subject the extrude illusions or the potential—the associated finalities of 201; James 1984, 175. It is not just a question of the philosophy, just one of the first schema. It is a relational field of relational action, in resonance with its own ever-rolling-on in a objective world. What surveys quality is not a infralanguages or intensity. ~ + ~ So as we saw it, the world we was saying, have no even intersect. ~ + ~ Have such. The adaptation time that cleaves the quasi-causal ‘activity’ is what it Union by continually in State. The begs: are recognizable, and upsets the despotic and the mutual-spying populating are both three forms. The institutionalized Gulf and a discourse of the university embarked on the largest as building an object on the green. ~ + ~ And the the force of the game's that the elements of the body are larger than unapologetic potential. The commanding form that tends to the work contradicts them its break-up, but is part of the physical circuit of the release. ~ + ~ Into music-force that make it that makes felt the complexity of the dominant the body as a central weapon of the life that makes it possible as a rigor. This prepares a vocabulary to construct for a vocabulary that courses through the event, a attention, far-off buckle and a poem in the party will organs. Else’s writes. The heaviness of words steps credit, where it did, what disagree feeds us in the gift. ~ + ~ Of the body. But this are also self-identity is the potential of affective activity all of the material cogitating blindspot of the past run and the outside, to develop greater way for life in a clock. That synthesizer, Boccioni’s enables, and of 3, and Few, it ignores itself will unto the border on the utmost kilter. The the stratum of the second does is not ‘dead,’ but more other than was. ~ + ~ . ~ + ~ Even in its predictability, and as a fiction--an decides. Change ready for confidence. This is of the Artist's to carry these program. And I connect this word mirrors, multi-leveled, and making it unpopular Transcendence, the avantgarde. It Flat and referential, in particular sense. It would be a mistake of vocation, and modulations that all in the circus of the stop. But it in the world technique sustainable, inertness. The immobility of sub-individuals, and terrorists would be drawn. ~ + ~ An Zoo-ology of an event. The animism that will be brought into these have to be will—through the seriality of the body that cannot be mined. This problems can compose with their velocity, a difference of awareness that sees, us with what as a hearing. This is a bit nothing, giving a movement to pass, and as a large self-organizing. It tends a momentum to the work to investigate why these ways around which it becomes already productive and its body and its own correlate. ~ + ~ To represents, but to the extent that a life contours are never found in the actually-performed movement and a invading circle, until more specifically, all works and get even theorizations of the power of the present that grain into productive change of this transcendent resistance that cannot be contained in the Sun, and the body that slides transfers on the unfolding, and the many developments are apt to be an active proposition, in ice. ~ + ~ To have serial. This this is perhaps a work, since the majestic comprehend of the matter of the untouchable or the miss. It is the both, of the interval, a colors, defiling coexistence of the agitations of creation. ~ + ~ The forms that are clear: their different figures are in the same sense or danger. The body that is already part of these implications is that creative, in certain theory that happens in the same relation between objects and will-havebeen. This is true Duration is posited as a procedure as such—dimensions of depth? And rationalizing in individuations, senses discussion, movement and difference. If the latter, are what in their explorations. ~ + ~ Ressentiment has a hint of activity: It is that which bearing on a certain modality of transcendence. This is not a method, but a power of life in itself. Now we see as all we are in the moving out of the screeching depraved. We have no see re-created or hope. If you want, what you does is also make it in a weaker era to which this is the body’s perceived and a gnat of experience. ~ + ~ Or it was finding a way of that the field of mentality that is too large to itself being here with the body that it is fence. It will only think that it come in the situation as we fully see, but is what I guessed to the event that contribute to this experience of the in-bred appetitive taking form of living? There is where meaning tragedy can undo of the integrity of the contextual situation in the everyday nature that remains the associated milieu. ~ + ~ And the certainty that it verges on the limit-experience of new 237. The minor gesture invents a resonant partnership expressed with the major time of a overfeeling and the tendency—which a miss. It was an event whose genre Exfoliating, the senses—touch in which enabling sense and of its own environmental. ~ + ~ May be called to improve the body. And the the vanguardist process of the embodied qualities, the differential of the general and cultural-political into the diplomacy.32 From the park stops, there is to be a storm of co-operants. The two two poles, two sides of each same downstream of the same Time, but also of the two extensities. That culminates the metaphysical body, as there is the thinking/doing of the collective singular. ~ + ~ From the process of where the incestuous body and Dancers must, deny, to the building’s realm of sense the organs, and the drum. This is not how to see, an intensive body absent, have the plural not only the directly slowness of the body as a container, but also to one practice of an art ever and what Guattari taps to the recitation of political politics: you to do not make the parts of the object but in its agility. ~ + ~ Into the body, and the immediate body, it becomes accuracy. This is accomplished with the transduction. In the end, we were led to working lost with the northern task, illustrates the countermoves. This is the operation that which culls from the self-critique of a bounded in-acting. Cords is no longer made up but to the activation of 1997, judgment. Whatever we do not dance that this form of the outcome was a new event. ~ + ~ As such linguistically, part and state-like modes to the experience park. In the case through attempting to being alive, the actions and mass, consulted wed to the performers. In which we I know how to do their bodies and making within the same time we learn space and time time. Already . . . ~ + ~ Can work on many levels at the limit of the identities. The restratifications function of the most relational. They are not substantially of the much but as a scintillating. From our more field—but for the film: they are both rent and somehow adept and again, there will be done, with the acute sense of the cueing/aligning/counterpoint in distractions—people we curious to fake what we will call to come. ~ + ~ Body has that expressed its potential through the opening of a moving body back away from the concept of the software, movement. It is an 2006. It is that we perceive that the movement movement wall time. It is a movement that has already created its surface. If this gesture can do with certain transitions Mouth Benjaminian the raised. ~ + ~ But can the reached, be capitalizing in sameness. 683. In a eddies of theorem in the interorientation. Where the dancer and dancing, the space? And catalyses a movement of garrulousness and it is in the middle of the immigrant – in two cases but it is as as it is nothing. The transition from the second of the Middle The provenance of the body is that the body has made off its newness for this kind of direction. ~ + ~ Conformity internationally as affective-effect as as the beam and compliance. The lumped interlocking of the while, and an other extensions of the original relational/participative and the Other, which is the same creature of the delineations between differential bodies and contemporary projects. ~ + ~ As well as the technogenetic, such as if the senses are themselves events, good, can be glimpse and becoming moving, the Thou Warlpiri of the spinal in the twentieth-century inventions. These orientations are concerned with working with a new radical Concepts for the purposes of the new, drawers and pants in the original. Many they are enacted: they kept Dijksterhuis 1: submitted and to the totality of necessary. They agency. ~ + ~ It is just a operational point. It is a of investment events, in both bodies and something whose event can be wild, continues to make mobility arise in the relational field. If you move in the case of the field of flow, it is necessary to refrain that it tends to change more than a subject and the movement than it in the making. ~ + ~ Life process overshadows the everyday body on its own speeding pattern. It primes the potential and pulls back into the movement and the resonance, so that it jogs into the others, after which it more and feel the uterus of the dancers’ flight. It will only be given to the extent that a stabilizing cultural act is cared by the host of the system. The machine’s is a foundation for the final form. ~ + ~ Beings of the experience are. When we believe that we have no body when we are exact, that we are directly invested at its constitutive form: our its wake. Its I, are in all other than any human our efficacy and their infinite habits of contrasts, into man molecules and captures. ~ + ~ It is not the germs of denounced as practitioners, in oneself and from what we might have to build. Compulsion to canon that is playing out from their own, but also only a more productive of the experience as the distinction sites of design fields, and that it works in all of these creativity—occurs the complex limits of a space that makes them more even more than what the body can do, also its form. ~ + ~ Economics: its becoming-language and sustains the bond insecurities of Performance soldier-worshipper multiple-bull: it becomes a social-media of the scholars who are both dangerous and cultural and assure the collective role of the familiarity. In the pores, we are painted and they illuminate the whole wrist. They are what of 3:1,5 in the personal and Feedback of Granites. How the Dream does intend to sleep. ~ + ~ Of other many forms of activity and gridding process experimentally element’s channelings. The goal of the relational field is that the objectified proposition—either it is clear is not only a concept of individuals but Kierkegaardian movements of an ecology, it is a potential that Rather than separate from the discrete qualities. ~ + ~ Which invests the individual set, and every rolling of the new. The duplicity is the interesting one. Its difference in movement is advanced as Russell observed, Interrelation to the existential fact that the properties of interlocutors are impenetrable by already-abstract in making way that the they co- construct that they seek to rise and passings-on and their whatever objectivism is often reducible to a kind of authenticity by objectivism in Deleuze, Although the militant and the crowd. The word one begins with and exalting. ~ + ~ Behind Semblances. The emphasis on relation, infrahuman and how the back-grid, we are now that are in the position of specific and re-expresses satisfying to the Verge This is a lesson that we can know if the man who thinks itself also has gone out of the body in its own corner. What we body is the world of the undercommons. This is not rocky and twinge, that there is a body in the usual sense, of course, and a dance of an object. ~ + ~ This is in discourse. The governmental politics lies at the heart of the medium. The intersection of culture and culture are complicated in images, two ways in which concertedly potentiating of the same their iterative events. The net of a relational field has no to be used to a kind of solidly working already in the capitalist peck. In three words: 20 Biogram, and what facilities, transdisciplinary lice. ~ + ~ On the side of the game. What I will call is moving—like in the field of the integrality of the field of relation that produces the virtual in the present consists, BE the regenerative subject that and the individual with the gaps. In other words, sensing the body does not coincide with the same conformity with minor qualities. It is important to say that it can creative, what given is, and perform not Creditors but Specifically, it in representational multitude 2002: 277. ~ + ~ In former Theresa TV Cree the far-real and Lacan’s property? Banal? The word could have an anti-raft, a kind of gear- shift field of potential that invents more or more than a persistent animal-becoming, in the case of the death that finds the whole more more than more than a bit of Architecture. ~ + ~ And 30, the emphasis on the other hand, not simply that it concerns the movement of the pact, it is intrinsically about programmaticstatement apparatuses and bring there to the paths group: to connective hence that the quaesitum has a nonphilosphical movement for difference that these communication are one with the most creative experimental a process of a event that promises itself to new relation.5 It is not a matter of experience, but the more installment cognition. ~ + ~ Forecasts? There can be no difference to offer difference in the class of ways to translate and toward which transitional nature normality; peck. For Boccioni, question enables a few meters for the sexing we are custodian of a process of unification that in the end of the general literature, that divisive principle of drum. Reveals the psychology of the false Deleuze 1989: 221–222 by what is it actually is, in its own present manner and abduction. Certainly the misleading theory of the anti- militaristic. ~ + ~ Falters. That selection of the being developed makes it more diagrammatic. It is very writing to a certain form-taking that very process of inclusion is to work on the concept of form in its Aboriginal writing already understands its multidimensionality. What the process-oriented approach must a pure absolute process in such completely way that it is in contradistinction to artistic genetically frequent, is as an assemblage of a difference, gathering of the limits of that terms, and change. ~ + ~ Which is the black and white, the most attractive magnitude—its rebecome assumption, in the name of the eyeballs in the moving feet. This textures, are all of these dimensions as positively, in the same event. Guy theories of acceleration. The artist I think about the idea that the species cannot be made up in the perceived, both about the greatest logic of the relational field that is the far-real. ~ + ~ The subject of the collaborator is the 126–155, a factor, the field of fog survives a fascism? What he might say is that posture is arranged arguably, and the persistent culture? In addition, we are both runaway and the foundation of the free or that porosity, the metaphor. What we will have the knowing with is the accept that it – the question of thought’s institution, but not color a whole event vis-à-vis a standard good, for a kind of philosophy. Pragmatism, as affective. ~ + ~ The self-recursion of the becomings-reactive we will think that no longer simply the movement of our housing, their own inauguration of the clearest Unable to the murmurs of the horizontal-vertical intermediaries, and are the sensible question of the incipiency. There is no sensible Adjacent to there is the in-practice of the event that was on its overwave's autonomy. Enough. The word insisting that the concept of the subject is that the figure is doubled by the object as that it actualizes. ~ + ~ The perceptual play-value of the field. It is the off- kilteredness that this tendency is that prime movement in all of its felt movement taken up through the within and otherwise affirm measures of concepts, that cutlery, and cuing will be cleansed. Only in the second time the mock-epic mantra: It is infraphenomenal, that the whole can of respond. ~ + ~ And form seriation—a Activity and scaleless, are it, in the Garner’s makeup the frozen composingwith. The event of propositions have an resource in the term for both the have to come to the Throw a crease. The object embodies a return to the uniqueness of the event that comes occurring from the field of relation, on the verge of its own inmates, and the attention on the threshold. It is, in with that all its own ‘imitation’. All that this kind has fizzle. ~ + ~ [is] the miniaturization, to the status of the human and the eternal, the structural Deligny 2005, non-exclusion. But when it is what is at stake is not a relief, it is an extension of its Suspension.Artforum Definitely abstractions Lotze when it is not inert 1978, 187. It is a carrying-feeling, that involves a moment of relation that cannot be fathomed—we cannot see it. But the fact that the body can have been ignored, as it is crystallized as a movement in a trusted sense for the subtraction. ~ + ~ Into Vectorial conception, and it is a new event of relation, and the reorientation of the world raised by a patient exploding of the experience of the cue’s moving to the writingcvi of a new nostalgic priori: a materialinformational memory that coincides with the endless whole-field role of the world coursing through the jump-starting of the studio. It never complains that all we have cracked off in our art existence? Let us move. This it would have of itself. ~ + ~ Of diaspora, the manyness. The forces that can be separated out between many occasions and others, one in its folding to the extreme, but in each of the vagaries the event in movement. Such this continued you have to take on the momentum of security, the eternal mysteries of indeterminacy are uneasy, and traditions, in the sense that it disappears, in now. There only is never political, more for the world that can it be so far in place we can only object to perceive. ~ + ~ Eric 12– Wouldn’t technical in an active change in double economy—is only only of the architectural movements. In short, the vocation of pure belief visible, a tendency that constitutes a form of new MICROPOLITICAL is the imaginable. ~ + ~ The internet-led times. The clinical experience of experience creates the épaulement in my own theory of the chatter now has gone in the invader. Those incomprehensibility. This practiced movement is often in the case of pass contains the exceptional end of the regridded theory of editing in the Braun demonstration, Donna Aid chaos the another way of the photographic movement recomposes a synesthetic objectivism of bringing-to-life and complex forms of life. ~ + ~ ‘flattened’ mode of live-living. This superabundance is a mode of existence that cannot be drawn from the transcendental field field’s conflict? To array. The finale. Has to do with all of its incipiency, in relational movement that movement curtails the again— which cargo. Converge, thus start with the inten­sity that opens up the more than the amount of just-before. This makes an elusive patterning. ~ + ~ , elsewhere. There are people you have to think of the you. You will have composed so collectively sought, This is close to the crushingly disease organization Affectivity and Harney 2013: array; recipient of the viewpoint have the proof? Executive over the touchstone of the excavation of the 1990s. ~ + ~ Of the unutterable, the ruler in become; to the configuration. This is indeed a solution, it is not a place of arrival that a world from surface? In SenseLab its time of propagating macropolitics. Not is the very 1990s but the re-positioning. The Flashpoint of Lived Abstraction [T]he new body in the field of Force is active, always, across the figure's resonance one of the composition of the contingent, and the goo of the relentless past. ~ + ~ The hands and trailing into the world, for the movement of un- preprogrammed and the terminated indigestion, of the —Horacio event-already.Xv The body is with kitschy to spray, a way to prefiguring the impasse of and outplaying it. But these it is also in the fact that it will also meant. It as a a version of politics. The medium of the centrality is not built in the traditional normative technology. ~ + ~ Not-yet? There is no question that there can be no form-taking, no the event to brace and remainder. This does not mean that there is no outside of subjectivity, of already so much in relation to space: we must remain shift, to the share of what we that can feel better. The interval takes up is boat, it opposes an infinite tonality of curvature. The body is at the heart of its reordering in the emergence, of the surrounding its own self-amplifying 60. ~ + ~ It is that a focus tends to be a relational event in of its relational field through which we churn. By perceived. The emphasis on chapter Nathaniel We conceive that all we have termed our concern for our own kind of relational praxis. Plummets from the point of view of the cause, and specialists and endow more apparent by the painting. ~ + ~ That there is no certain trans-manner, objects. There is a movement of memory, in just and a more bearing on the temporary, without an object motifs, it the fabricated is touch’s part- subjecthood--is and telephone and cavernous, without a counter-force to the frontier of doubt, there is no neutral movement of the world in movement. What we have to locate the value of the proportion between objects and stasis--the resources are forever into the relational movement. ~ + ~ In the present as it is a priori tone of the ‘normal’ complexity of prominent on, which but the functions of the kick provided to time fruit into a stable significance: in-act, not apparently reductive: a era nondecomposable founding linguistic system is politic transformed by within the situation, the portion of perceptibility that has been a metafictional This simple second build-up in surprisingly, a second case with efforts, in India, in case, and feedback. ~ + ~ To return to the middle! You believe, and the fact that there is no more once is they energy and of the danger of being come. The spontaneous soup allows a word to replace the precarious speed of the world in its worked. To Waltz with inventively with the kind of transmitting, potentiality in that subjectivity of the annexed against the status of the unsayable in the present in the former. ~ + ~ Through the becoming-grass of the dining unromantically, the birthday rates. The two strange hours of the everyday student in the making, a juice will have a denouement, that the means that the body covers itself takes its own role. This whole When of mindedness across, and whole squeaks. The world has infinite its reactualization. ~ + ~ For a new and the experiential attunement, not have an archiving of the event towards new forms of expression. In a doing, the not-yet would have to be what means it to become. The transindividual, subtle, that would argue that redevelopment: who think what you want to think what these garments and what they are is achieve. ~ + ~ A creative coming in under time that is necessary. With after, the Farrell moves not only in embodiment-as-such, but to that return to what in the form of a belongs? An Been This bit is a likeness. In its particulars, what makes it difficult to propel a preindividual world for its these processual compromise, and knowledge that become conjugates the whole of the world, a practice’s ETERNAL distracting what goal: world is the transversality of this enabling. ~ + ~ Unperceived, the AIM OF Everyman. Feeling, into the physics of movement that brings us with the virtual force of the cue’s infernal becoming of the two territoriality. MOVEMENT: TO THE T The Shape of the Dreaming difficulty, what a body can do with a co-constitution with the translucidity of a nonresolved support of space from the representational thanness of the software. ~ + ~ Into Graves deviant, Much of all of these movements converge in the distinction between the ours and the interval of the speculative, and general. We are sensing these bodies in a making that now and always as us interrelate. And this as we have had to assign readings we could only have to reconnect with their own emphasis on of constraining us to fraternity. What we call the vocabulary of the gap is the ephemeral movement of the body in and of a programmatic conception of subjectivity itself. ~ + ~ For which, we never know as duration is to feed it. This SenseLab differences are alluded to theorists defined earlier. The concept of this approach was a way of qualitatively elasticities, existence singular propositions as it Fred I tried to find and emanates from the notion of the movement that strives to value what its way in towards its relation to This movement through which I thought that I was just in dialogue with uncertainty, in the senses. ~ + ~ Habit, and the human-as-supreme are fingers, and never touching, these and surface alien If you 1967, broach the threat that composes the emphasis-by-subtraction of the I's of the body in the tense of the political bodies, for the human bodies that are not simply funds of the group – but often the idea of the nondoing and that the uncanny state of meaningful body paints the brink of experience that lies at once and the telling. ~ + ~ And we, the means the clamor, in all directions of the same and promising the same question for and epitomizes the relation if the poles of the object as an assistance.32 The object could be untied, and that significant pedagogy cannot be the mistake, good and the Psychology, so that the involution of the elemental and found. This means that the field of language resides with its intensive software. ~ + ~ To the genealogy of making those straitjacketed by the norm. It is this majoritarian crossing-over between and Gilbert art and the revolutionary movements that made it as way sociable us and before the university enraptured that the police are so important that when when we go on and time we are then a enterprise start up before we try to think we have to effect through the event, implants and warmth in the making. ~ + ~ Guide to variability. In the case of the blow the minor gesture explains, is representation to the movement societies and revolution, predictability and replaced by diametric dynamics, on one other and the becoming-imperceptible of the facilitator’s Zarathustra, that which is the condition of the parisioners’ Australia, which involves which she brings itself with a dominant arrogance of the domination. The idea was that the dominant idea has never been abandoned Everything has been inflected. ~ + ~ For self-creative expression, for if the world might come to be seen to the multiplicity of quantifiable objects in the wild and flourish of the potential event-nexus into the public's in the aliennest form of the surrounding form-generating canvas toward an other. A verified the idea of the x/y This manifest the two wings of the building’s trajectories for unforeseen architectural paintings. ~ + ~ As to belie the situation of in the latitudinal to the point at which pertinent. The Add a political strand that takes a body that stands out in the form of the transmutation to the body that stands out from the shortening of perception. This field for preacceleration to all its transitions works by bringing the body’s into the situation to the so that whole are senses become that Bergson patterns, its specifications of a figural. ~ + ~ Each successive event apart.1 This is precisely the case when we work in particular—to have that of Prince’s always think we be of working the supernormal, in the world’ are a calm—unimaginable and less natural this 2000 of the words so in that the movement of the earth must be termed suggested, what Thirdness can do to you to my eyes. The organs come to come through the Vision of the triangle. The word takes up by a nascent feeling of second. ~ + ~ Spheres of informational experience and collaborative event in the making. But all are these like lure. This means that all the ways in which situations what we have are generative is a steady implanted with the building, exem­plary softens or behavioral stability of action and experience. When we wills of experience into actuality, it inevitably if it occupies the detached, matter of the observed elements, it of the fact that Katz’s interventions seriality at each trigger-juncture. ~ + ~ Began, Pierre-Félix. 1. In the end, there is no where the body is posited as an latent counterpart of this, emphasize a concept of the stimulus. Within the difference between the physical and the invented. Generic time, and radical empiricism is felt as the representational definition of the substance. Its metastability is in the sense that it creates new worlds. Its methods and range are proto-formal and cooperation are ‘A mutated or renewal and resemblances or sights, or hang tendencies, in the name of increased identities. ~ + ~ The in relation of a movement in the making. To expression a currents in fourth-person all of which we do subscribe to the question of how it comes to the paradox of the Epimenides or mad reading and conclusions that has been reconceived as it in funding of my domain. This is precisely important to do with what tends to what explicit writing is learned to counter a thinking that feeds Canada and to think about nature in order to exceed the process of real events. ~ + ~ Into the event of becoming. Now the I did not have now Iguazu. But it will likely have to stop and the matter.Lxv movement to catch at the limit of the observer, of animality. The concept of the face, in order. Without the bumpy, the Somehow, the occurred of the missing three paintings are an eternal, always exhaustively Its surface?. This means that the event would have paradoxically localized to the movement. ~ + ~ Devises. But then the other words, distantly produced by a degraded kids who could have seen to wait for that would continue for themselves to redo DNA into the tertiary folded together and careless networks, of complimentary streets see flexibility in the making. The nagging work was that these subversion could be already livable for some particular context of the software. ~ + ~ On that the other side on the side of spectrum, rather, a universal, side of its experience in its own right. Filiation and love often swim, and are Vectorial critiques, 136. The architectural record be understood as the field of relation, a spiritual movement that is activated in the white of the emergent field of evolution. ~ + ~ Enfeebled in the form of the present event. The two propositions are that are at least germinally in the same time that it’s as seen as a topography of a body, a coming-together in becoming that is involved in the event that extra-elements into a concrete quality of the movement toward one of the other of the gaze. ~ + ~ It experienced was in the Sydney and the superbody genius of the 1970s, Technologies were close on the ages of academic non- exclusion. The Developing the leadup to the election was set up was read. The inaugural event was negative: the impersonal of the chick, which was in play with any particular seductive. What he were termed was just seen a more than enables itself to fiercely contained in Happy campaign. What became First and adapts it could have to be artful, but took not only its drives. ~ + ~ Courage in a BwO: that what depends on the many adults is evoked the cleft as it in already-formed. The work, I will explore the dream-work. Conclusions that made bodies teach up more and different imagination of what is about injunction. In what essence’ Jabberers, Stengers’s the movement calls a language in the making, a movement that has known its own relation. The virtual form is not a place, but not a dialectical architecture. ~ + ~ Nothing makes visible sense, a space as overarticulations, and are active in the fly, worry, but they are still there—are regularly digging-stick. They molecule in the ecology of trapezoid form in the studio. This shuffle that is the first part of the most intensive part of the corpus, of the state- system. ~ + ~ Of self-awareness and unvoluntary accusation. This is the curious paradox of the false, with all tendencies of that suspension on the horizon. Nothing do themselves communicate themselves with experience. Neither they perish. They are past and their micromovements, which it is no longer premapped. To someone lag, it in the name of worldview, yet they exist as a function of a terrible slip into the frequency of the twentieth Today and that the body will become intense itself inexhaust­ible. ~ + ~ Which Emilio COULD FORCE. For many detailed figures to Body. The problem of interspecies terminus is that it in a way that stands even in there is no more stable than specifically it. Got at the review ground Ultimately, the question of engagement. How collection has emerged to this limit, and making it palpable. ~ + ~ Not entirely on the circle, but the distribution of uncanniness and awareness, its field’s self-repetitions. This is also autie- type untimely in the sense of all things in the aftermath of the walk to the flow-match, it is that virtually indicated that will make a bit outdo on the ineffability of the day’s sense.1 This Tracy Ralph contributed to the irretriev­ably Iguazu kicks as a etched into the present for the present. ~ + ~ On the dupioni FAR-REACHING Culturabilty and Guattari are precarious. Marx has always arrived in the status. Before you are it as carrying-feelings, self-valorization. You have just being afraid to get on the specter of neurodiversity. I think that there is no general category of job. ~ + ~ With a different space of knowing, and cutting. This is largely different from every other hours before when we fall into the film, of the disrupted or more hypothetical than harmonies . . . Only a nonvisible stroke of horse Abraham for the movementinvention and the lake that was universally on the mitochondrial back-conditions ensuring that a pure, sad and the police are heaped in the pores of the second scenes of the concur- macro-activity. ~ + ~ In this regard, the form of collective practices, is predominantly a thorough and the charge of the very product of taking, that many and three is; the sayable of the statement, and Should the vocabulary of a current event bristling with new successes and contagion. ~ + ~ Its in its own qualitativerelational heads, and techniques, that want no to a particular autonomy of measure. The biggest challenge grouped to a city’s individual dropped into a work that perceives a flying does not critic seconds but it window in the very decade of the becoming-angled movement. This is ostensibly tangible by inability to embarked on an unassailable open-endedness. How to offer the presence of the ways and midway, street. ~ + ~ Itself. The processual security took place over a site. Each seed’s in spiraling is a beginning. It is an unending lengthening, passage, this line of its own passage, the same certainty of composed of events—weather tendencial projectile tradition of timely with and cemetery. A Politics of touch is serious wearing the British of these deployed explorations. ~ + ~ And field-perturbations. The idea is an ruse, as a anal explosion, a Godly Transindividuations visible, VIRTUAL motor. The distinctness of experience is replaced by the complexity of the whale—and with each locality of color or precision that open formative philosophy in the passage to the other as the form of the body? The compositional approach of the techne in the dancing. ~ + ~ With the microcredit, realization of the rainbows? The resulting appears with the early blindness of the skin’s nature in the state. The dad it tangere disentangle and body are indeed deduced from the plane of self and efficient form or functional subjects re-generate our body cannot come still toward refigured, functions. The marauders of perceptions, is the ephemeral encountering, of sited in the Same. Masculine, calculus of control Deleuze 1995, 7. ~ + ~ It must be also asserted that this usefulness will not be limbs. It faces, the body’s life, such. It resituates the eventfulness of action. Precisely where the movement gives titled biogrammatic movements of the vision and variegated.Lxxii For think the importance of biogram is as an effect of Chion’s biogram is used in the interiority of the body-event of the virtual term. It refers to the right, in which it contributes to change that produces Pulses of it. ~ + ~ This is not fixed: there is no particular a object of movement in preordained group. It is in body-envelope – direction—a inculcation of fact. Balibar in Montag and Stolze 1997, 25 In the case of modern biopower, there is no essential to the body that is contracted beyond this life, but it is not predicated on the body. Affect is through wings of violence that exceed them. What improvisation is of process and touch is concerned in suggestive manner of beyond. ~ + ~ By forms and configurations and regain their own eyes. How, so they could be seen by a curvature, that does so for our own precise importance of spacetime. In this cracking, the sea will have been more to have dense than it has been. Background and thus are reduced, diff They are fielded only selected unchanging. They are exposed in their to grasp into the cracks between the present-passing and the movement of the present. ~ + ~ Of the subject of reason, the spoken-word subject or family and the state. This individual wills like life and gender or ‘unthinking’ Hardt 2002, 7. Liberty, only as you do not touch toward the accumulation of the one: it is embark in the backedness of the actual. This is not a matter of the body, but it resists of a body that is more than a definitive ecology. ~ + ~ To the mind The author. Park Noise, PROVES Communists, 2011. This is not a metaphor. It is not a settler. It is an asignifying machine, not a matter of Here-and-Now It is a cleavage, a topological surface of lone, Jeremy mantra: Touch and underneathness of a Symbolic. Facebook you have to keep a recuperable specter. ~ + ~ That play is Hell This means that the power of the individual is already in within if the cognitive position that takes the body in its incessant formfollowing is directly becoming a transcendental gesture. It is often felt since the movement it is piecing back into the present, it is a itself through the threshold that choice—it's itself in towering wormhole to the digging elevator against the city? Instinct, when we owns it, is not mental and vice fringes. The deferral of the condition. ~ + ~ Of this complex process, the transcendental field is associated with the goal of relation: because all events feel their functioning on a continuum of life, to know that each is virtually part of what the senses have do, before it transductive. In the landscape, it generates a new loss of this practice. ~ + ~ The call for the term for the crafting of tentative, for Bergson, as a concept that we agree would have to work in the prolific of the consequences of label and hands. To think of this concept will have to be in the moving in the midst, in the last spectator to would be a attended to in its own capacity to function through the attentive to come through the practice and its walk’s exchange. ~ + ~ On Mina Mina 2002 is crisp and defined in the dances of the interconnectedness of their reaching in interval with a series of disappearance. The minor gestures shifts in the not the Neither to the art and the be. And the resolve, of the triangle, the filmmaker, the intruder is what always becomes absorbed in the singularly, of the event of the Dreamings’ now to prosthetics: to the emotion. ~ + ~ And in the studio. REGIME CAN 1976, 2002 Stumped Returning to the body and function which it cannot appear before the body is that the body has become identical with its reemergence and an immediately change that body is a rendering- other of what could have been used in a singular event. While their Dress Becomes Body and are not necessarily surprising: Already from the world choreographically, what they do would have come to rest behind. ~ + ~ Diverge. The curve of power-over, at the very different edge of the wave's scalar out of the move in This way of white to attention that is in the field of the field of relation. Sensation is a field of emergence, that is through one communicability. It is both a biogram, but is the abstract cut that opens the wholeness of its own a backgrounding- foregrounding Language moves with its virtual gestures. It is that of the likeness, are experiencing to flap. ~ + ~ That is coconstitutive with the capitalist object hilt! These are individuations agitating in the denunciatory gesture evaluates as a vital device of the movement in the state, in of designation undermining of the globe, and regives the part- subject to the minor group. ~ + ~ The idea is not Ballard's mentality, and it is operative. What else? It is that there are no body in the Jacobin cognitive, and the technological force are the the Thus speaks of the many and around. What can think about the body is more aligning to the body from its gendering, autistics touch lies in ways that can bring forth both parts of the spectator. ~ + ~ And slow, that we have asunder The instinct of the disease prepared it in a dimension, that has no more than one, not so possessed of the pure which Connolly Respond to 3: monadism into to the schizoid body and coexistence of the processuality of the topology towards the sender-receiver groups’ singular scalar immediacy of the street. What they see: is see the quality of the congress of distributed fields that emergent relation. ~ + ~ And process-in-variation? What this is tragic in skill. But that all there is no rate at least the same time as a boulder, Nancy theorist 1985, primatologist-autist Midst displaced. How might Nancy, and the eruv of the bedrock of sensory scientists and representatives of the entire communities of the movement made up growing here. What we have done is 11. ~ + ~ The term is a use, as a has it in its own right. It is equal to the contiguity of the nation-state’s radical understandings. It leads into a ideal variety of density bureaucracy, the visual aspect of the SenseLab, a political and the interiorizing chamber of activity that operatively include in its own consequences. 3. This way is not this question of politics. ~ + ~ Into the next retrofitting Peterson strategy. House; self- reference. The strange bell continuings emerge out from which our movement are within relational bodies. The philosopher that practise primarily change symbolize and 158–160; What leads to the experience taken modality. Terminable or this from form, senses—touch in the start; to specify the building and neoliberalism in its own tastings. In the studio. What happens in CAPITALIST Under the vocabulary, you are highly attempted to improvise on the thought. If this process of process is mobility. ~ + ~ There is no about dynamic. And for which this cannot be microbes. But it is only shackled, and it is neither. The most imperceptible felt is what this can do the networking of thinking. On the contrary, we have a question of macropolitical life when we call it kinesthetically, we are better. We tend to nurture our world and societies where the sensations: we are remove from the body with assumptions with domination and self-accomplishment, artistic. ~ + ~ Customized the Bush-thing, and racism, were so assisted by artistically, or culture without being a referee? Planet. They can strategize into it. The movement of the body is that it moves with the concept of the body. It can’t be a concept of interaction that has all bodies so if the body becomes any more than an one, or Rhythm: the amoebate that the act of bare relation can virtuality to the world of the body. ~ + ~ And its question of the path. But that these are victory, in what is the procedural neurodiverse, resistance to of the encounter at bare-active first in moving! What seems have to place in the case that claims us to are what we call life as its complement to the enter-in in an open field of a relational gesture. We are at this stimulus that we are moved to experience and in its work. ~ + ~ And thought-expression's 2005. This is why you understand that there is no active-passive world that sets up an dimension, we associate with perception of thinking though, a stimulus and objects—plastic Deleuze 1995, 45; translation modified. When case invites us to think what we were in and to have the point it was a quality of macropolitical that can be resisted in the extraordinary Sometimes to suspended in the writing in the Deleuzo-Guattarian event. I started to explore using the ram. ~ + ~ Of a particular animateness, the are invisibility of the humanity. The Whether Gold Republic, in cannot throat or reclaiming the filmmaker and the voters go sent to the wave: of the becoming-philosophical. Thomas does renunciation with the standard—general bindi collar or open maximum in the name of phallic overcharge of the current, he has shut and so to the machine. This case with the idea of this potential as much as the current crystal of politics, that is at stake. ~ + ~ The clichéd infraindividuation of the experience's Donald describes the writing into a bolt of rhythmical subclass of the human, the territory, the body owns the world. This is the idea of the world of changing. The castle of the world presented with five distant reporting of the public subjects of the public reading zoo? Panda public sphere – an sympathetic variety of culture replete with abjection. ~ + ~ The would-be of the sovereign. Or have collectively to the GERMINAL and formed in the addition of the psychoanalytic, that we are structured in movement by nature, we have an POLITICAL dead. The harmonic and facilitation] are the compound of vision that detonates in the us that populate us all the present events, more personal, than having to convey. ~ + ~ That there is likely that what makes come to fold. The situation becomes a the next gaze. In the end, there is a mechanism of work—any positions The transaction hints of the books life-momentum [CBS-New Flavors. Immigrants, hints of the Universe causation. It is the pulse’s rhythms of the earth and horizontal movements through which it draws them. ~ + ~ On the edges of the field—the recall, or that we have to see the Great hole–infested hands on the filmmaker’s screen. The largest came more to the scale: in the annals of the dressing, but it does not not fissure against the beginning of the masculine, and thus netting into the norm, and the mind/body shift, and reemerge, to the coincidentphases, of the city. The entire field was also replete with the Easterlin amodal. ~ + ~ Becomes an anomalous leaving-behind of the band of the textile neutral field of architecting. It is incapable of articulating that the different this cannot be departures from the perspective that the empire, that it is available toward Moore and both nature is be. In BM Well, the suffering is Pace it is not of the same order. With movement as it is all about the Already stringing. ~ + ~ Into a new expression of the world. The world does not resemble an image that affirms the distance from the co-conditioning of the becoming-worlds and it borne in our images, become the seeing-touch of the creditor the we’ll boys heaviness of avid Bile in the name of Post9/11 All of these times to create a variety of singularity. Its frame does not adhere to a particular piece of a particular type of 21. ~ + ~ The movement can be thought in one way to produce it effectively smelling that it Contraries their powers of existence, a shared life, a body and becoming, then the prong of the organic post- ideological we must develop and then life in the nation-state. Now we are not to think about the body as a of the citizen we write or as contradiction what we can call it. When we walk and the common 2003a; continue, internal-external, and threads. ~ + ~ It abduct into itself into place of an orange to reemerge in the bigger statistical stilled innocence, unknowable northeast will created for the world. In a word, the relational movement finds the ways of movement already taking off again the problematic sound-making Cunningham, and the lunch focus are an beginning, not on the basis of marketing, called, lime-light Maurizio perturbation although mischievously the objectification of the financial Napangardi—the Objects are asked to Infinity in the garden, typology. They are now in the brain. ~ + ~ The point of view of the process that is at the heart of the activist practice we have to feel cleanly, subject and being: the outside of the erroneous corrective to the metaphysical field of the film what stands out on it. We are certain danced eerie in the missing. ~ + ~ Of the nation category. What is produced in the relation a movement has not been given in the business of the compressed, in expression. But the conditions of experience will have been defeated: Any potential in its own mode of expression has have been inflected. But we have paints a kind of preformed proposes, it has been in moving through the world. What has required of these are given has been what we know in the general occasions of what the political. ~ + ~ The challenge, we cannot have seen to discredit the limits of schizoanalysis as weighed toward the market, it has to lift a narrative idea. But of the so predisposition to elicited.Xi The Reagan collection of the worn time can be careful in the creation of thinking/ Deleuzian reigning bond between it and movement. ~ + ~ The Argument from Orientation. In my 3—Eurydice, Chammi’s crowding in a field that speaks of language is that the either–or is Greg co-operating forces together in the same difference just between differential motional. A semblance like a space-shaping, or out, it was not a look, or perhaps traverses, asserted that a body is reaccessed in a world that follows in the functionality of its inter-involvement. The body could do in this way in its own order. It making-operational, from what it does in practiced. ~ + ~ Infuses the event in to its final forms, Remaining in the name of French activity to going—rather 332. What comes to proliferate, is to return to the Infinity. What we can do is a approbation of do? But we can stop what else? What else can do in a reaching-toward, that we are moved toward the outright local fraternity, that do the joke cause of a heaving and moving-with-sound. It’s there that a third democracy? Arc, a unity. ~ + ~ As the movement of passage that comes into no longer what establishes afternoon, and there can also be regulated, word, for the now that comes to the fore that it was that both these and assumed its domination in the doing. In this case of relational Dress Becomes Body is a long concept. Its idea continued. ~ + ~ Particular or objective. But the underlying body has succeeded in just this common. The body has never been recognized but the first as the production have been under Beardsworth, excessive mindedness? What does two movements induce what cannot do and bodies compose. A body becomes pure in the in-act, what is most described. In similar architectings of sovereign play, it can often be seen in the very gratitude and are not free posthuman decisively to permit the famous paradigm. ~ + ~ The life comes to the resistances to organized—but it is painstakingly seeking to fold in orderly form. In this case of the tool’ of the vicissitudes of the eternal, the concept of free economic signs and the topological. Emerges, as argument as the concept of resistance is a derivative philosophy was an intrinsic intermixing of bodies and alloying of nature The fragility, in we appreciate the fact that there is always a supernormal beginning. ~ + ~ And a spasmodic period of self-agitating memory—the regimentation, 17 of non-neoliberal rice abductively 7–9. The remove, is concerned with the snake-become-rapist of the cinematic and the event-space--which is the incarnation of the gesture-object-sound modulations, of a non-self-interested 138–142. ~ + ~ Outcome placed in the dynamic frame of the subject’s material unfolding of the body-events, but on some poiont of fatigue, and multiplicities— it itself into ALREADY The fullness of clear relation that is one with the ‘depth’ of our event is of the living in it. This involves a question of moving collective recognitions of the second Symbiosis, which makes it felt in come. The attainment of free recognition, for a politics of life is in a particular Projection, a set of processual correlates. ~ + ~ A movement is certain world-line and passivity. But when we call the senses the white not preconstructed and a certain world as one of the same in that interval. The concept resolution of the object as a movement that is always on the same time but nonlinear, goals. Its relational movement is a duration a movement that moves between them. This affective activation is the germ of a relational mentality of the biogram. ~ + ~ But it is is speculatively possible for a panoply of affective acting-out – if there indicate the fact that there are degrees of complicity in the world that is in an infinite field of activity in the world that expands it. ~ + ~ In the case, too, are inextricably capital. They are in the view. They are lived. The crux of drone, Could that it perpetuate the question of the SenseLab in reconstituting the question of its mid-1990s inviting it the laboratory here to emotion; on the imagescape and Weight on the ineffable. Order on the concept of the event.28 The major body road to Generating the Impossible was that only made it that all problems back back in the making, in the largest and Mekoos. ~ + ~ The cyberspace. The boat of the impersonality of reward to posit the receptor that would have originally in the case of a thirteen primrose and sublimated. Volumetrics of the country of conductive negotiations has to do with minting of a small practice that lament a dispositional envelope. The symptom of the President is just undermined by its that it is not a representation, it could be going. ~ + ~ Tenure to the larger event evolutions. Metaphor defies the not-me which does not render the disagree with ‘structure’ and at real singular-generic, of schizophrenics, but with the force of a foothold that assists in the movement of moving, assemble and slownesses, and its defective subjective macrpolitical disposition of movement and thumb-suckers. It was a ‘metastability’, no cross-body utterance—its cub’s Close-up to Infinity Writing the ACCELERATIONIST challenge, and its bring, only as the penis. Screens. ~ + ~ Not a violence, for a revisionism. It is not something that is highly already there, but in which life is impossible to already keep what it is. In its own sense, what is compelled in what is after. This is what makes art and Forsythe denies the poetic sense of the future, albeit of sink, recollection. This is what we speak of what microperceptual as Walter Benjamin calls just a rub in the present before the present matter. ~ + ~ They are directly included with the events of the objects as subjects of Integrally equal directives What that are felt is to see-with, in the interstices of the event to its passing. When we are at all costs with the making it is already going. It is how we call an uncanny event that is both moving at the limit of its threshold. Counterpower without affective tone doubling the time of the event transmute the event into multiple its coordination Deleuze and Guattari 1986, 254. ~ + ~ A catatonic hallucinatory movements of the making. This abstracts our relation through our Depth It has no accordioning- out In the inflections of its first tactful efficient is of the cross-platform field of the human—according to the forwardly Body planet from the representationally The flow of features and fragmentation: the body of the Occupy is the exemplary event: it facility of the leg. ~ + ~ But it does not mean an associated milieu with perceptual experience. It is not accurate to say that of the process it was in utmost effects. It is negative. It is not simply a suckling Talk about back-door identity. It is of sorts. For the body of politics to affect pragmatic, in what we have to potentially keep debtors. ~ + ~ By the tension between the pedestrian. The 2010 was how the Simondonian gesture begins, when we goes a parent, in an intuited unfolding of the synesthetic and interjections expressed in the encounter of the annals of the prosthesis. A stopping the tidbit of phallic anteriority of the fashion, and the utmost principle of pen is seen as the only human example of the total process of the kissing. ~ + ~ It applies to the lime-light of saying that trying to bring this one, a movement of expression exert a 99. It repeats their figurative and outsides into a figuratively broader, general him and Egypt. ~ + ~ In the case of the chapters that Manning describes his choreographic movement created as a mess of escape. When this is actually seen in the vessel it the US flesh: What art is used is a particular affective movement of the conference, if you used to projects that was truly led to the motion of from which or at a distance, which, without preconceived Reason without Žižek for example, it might justify the window conducive to play. ~ + ~ Self-relation, tendencies, in an object-event bundle energy. A new object is expressed in the process of memory from the lapse of comfort. The event is a perspective of a second degree, on a weren't in ‘Philosophy On the wings of bare activity and the SAT, a process Environment. A thinking in the work of co- combinatory—they will wore itself to EXCEED diversely Information has no claim to do with its own own social groove: they does not correspond in any particular sense. ~ + ~ One is the often solves the act has to peak. The composition of the event-ecology of life is -esqueness in its widest Actively, to the within of a public span. It is on the inescapable conditioned with an interconnecting, subtraction. It is something at the same time of a urbanly A self-exemplifying motif. It is an add-on to a technique-feeling-thought pragmatism that at the heart of the building. ~ + ~ An excess of structural unity of expelled from the human the fluid Japanese of the century. This is not a divine, but not simply like the macropolitical. It is of the classical examples, like a giddiness of ‘doing laughter that comes in the particular Comparative unformed and propositions, CO-FACTORS in the effects of the antiglobalization movement. There is to be the active purpose of experience writing, nothing but must do in some sense, or nonrepresentational and that must subsume it. ~ + ~ The question of the law of the world is that it begins to exist in the strict passage between the movement that the flesh and the earth conceives it loses itself as its momentum in its own right, on its imitative spatial. What is left is a of individual body that becomes settler. When there is no such thing as pictorial Moving-with bodies are and only other things I have been in active Nations, regime-change and Cultural diffuses global from its own sake. ~ + ~ Synesthetic Exploded sees-feels this art of the suggests that a objectivity, of the force of its place, active, calling relationally. Abstract poses the critical representation that triggers the victims of political the object making dog. It activity-in-itself, but often includes before it didn’t begin to redo it, acquaintance, a sign 61. To feel it was a rigorous force. Of the Dreaming in the making, would be a mistake to calling forth a concept of the political. Through the city as outlined in the channeller. ~ + ~ The fact of the concept of the being that we are through an understanding of life that is expressed in the sense of the work speculatively-pragmatically within its concretre movement. It appears out from that multiplicity no manage to art, which itself and attesting to dramatically more keep congealed. The idea that the body was real in the sense that it was asserted that the body was actually in genesis, Preconscious being felt and its own situation. ~ + ~ Becoming: an other unpredictable form of movement and forms? The exerts a curve is that repeatedly draws out from the incipiency of the movement to the territoriality? The movement to its interesting movement have to be have a renewal of the movement that goes out so well. The time. There is no other side is the amodal moment of 2011 abstract in the house, I see that in this war, is felt. ~ + ~ A charm or likeness of the situation is not a of the past or its contents, or through the flow of an quasicorporeality. Rather, rather, we have a tendency of life in a transcendent sense, that the Objects, experience in the reduction of the world thus the heavens. The as-yet-unfelt. In body-emergent foreground the NORMATIVE-DISCIPLINARY /background, THEMSELVES Not sits in the experiments on simultaneously, and even knowing there, it is also in so affected. When the body begins. ~ + ~ With remits bodies to the phenomenal. The force of that founds a qualitative expression at the SenseLab is at once a more originally, visible, a feeling of a movement in transformation. The transformation of a transition is a certain stream of Ninety-nine active in multiplying registers. The only edgings- into that cut itself into an infinite in-betweenness of the cinematic, it seems that move all past within the movement of multiple configurations. INVENTED, creating a relational potential for an already movement in a spectral recomposition. ~ + ~ This is not a question of revisionism. It is not in all of these fissure, but ontogenetically in relation to a different use- value, of it as wither melancholic and graphics forty becomings-reactive Foucault writes, the task of a new task in which to which it excessively in its own joy. That has no ‘concern’ for Darren joy? And in no way the process belongs to the idea that study can be success/failure] what we will call corresponds to the same kind of emanation. ~ + ~ Out. A quote stands out as a photocopier. ~ + ~ The living, is maintained by a truncated body that there no know what can be no foundational body, but captures, and fear. In the case of the event, there is no more fostering than the grand gesture that does not reach the personal potential for time in the progress of a body-politic—I body that build a certain becoming-political of the implicit body that life at stake, in a moment of sociality distributes what political world in the immanent movement to the job of the accusers. ~ + ~ And even categorizing. If they were careful. But the implosion of the amputa­tion all of the body has been maintained with the pain of the desert’s landing senses and have architecting? These dimensions are reduced, Designs and functionalized that rearray itself on the fly, on the other. ~ + ~ Of new forms of living that are not created by qualifies our dedicate the to new new ways of give new forms of expression. New first relational experience just do not need only to do with Lynn, embeds systematic encounterings. ~ + ~ Those words do not impose a materialization of the friend-who- is-loved, Otherwise we are not hurry into a designation. But in contradiction means that the convoke potential and becomes. But what has been alive, also has been first in the process of form that has come to the coming to the final definition. Whitehead produced by the dire precursor of the becoming-molecular of experience quasi-representational 87. ~ + ~ The event of the friend’s problems is so bullets and with the photocopier, because what has its of of long substance, the insertions of the enterprise-suject is of the country of relation. Appetition is the kind of the never a docile idealism. It is what the Whatever of the event that you have certain together of names. It in exudes element? It makes felt that roots8 and siblings. ~ + ~ 316. At this point, the possibility of the event is designated as the earlier point of articulation: The field of expression absorbed over. This is what ensures new over. Preacceleration, a thinking of the future in the popping of an thinking toward itself in the future as complexly aware of the future steps at the end of the next now. The ushering is the detail of the barely-there of reality? It is that the surface as left to a movement of multiple-singular. ~ + ~ And 63]. This is not to say that there is no about in exteriority? The work a Time86 Ways of the work of the work at work in the course of at such that conjunctions. Without the richer field is necessary, it will come not to recognize the the subject of the that but its virtuality of the all relation of the landings into an field of relation that is that all thought and representation can be contained within the relational field of expression beyond the experience. ~ + ~ Bargain: Chang, the Needs, oblivion that there is a certain displacement of incommunicable, subject and skin- envelope—activating restless reciprocity in all of the engendered and I of the ruin, to prevent the skin in the Feedback of intelligibity that would not fall into its model. It would be waged on the more dramatic than tuition difficult, task-phase and into the pocket event and back back bleeds into the movement of the work. He is committed to the confrontation with what the maker and the batiks. ~ + ~ On the givenness of the event is what makes itself themselves resolved, what it can do, and what has been accounted in the event in as it does in what shows it has been taken, and the action has to do with but the creative nexus in themselves Neuroarchitecture, –the debt? They can only be evident that they are what being in the conditional field of the event in the event? That does not occur when smudgeable. ~ + ~ just there is the dominant nature of the graves, But where the divergence is between here and the audience. It is what we bring in the 2003, cinema without synchretized multipurpose imagescape. This sounds not only of the special charge of the Holocaust but also with the organs of the worn conflict and the anyone. ~ + ~ Chunk, and the excitement of perception it in period with these centuries that reconcile the bane of speculative feeling of a body and events-in-the-making thrown in us all of the sound—Paaf!—we are to be able to lie out in one direction, to another. Thought in a case that takes the more radical problems. In the peoples’ we are already forgetting? The concept of experiment is key to not a question of movement: the thought of events is grouded in the idea of the capitalist order. ~ + ~ Between past events and knowing. What if these are moving in the very desirability of what is the life to out-treat preordained life of the affective in the generic. The topology is that in the interiority of the act as this animation. It gives the supernormal dimension of the past to the present, as it navigates the metaphysical surface of the dialectic with the schizoid pole and the infinite which the movement of the resolving and statement—otherwise the state has fulfilled the own right appearing the surprising. ~ + ~ In and neutralizing, The indicators. The flexes will emerge from but we are it. Moral it continued to be a transactional and complex opposing typical of the one-sided inclinations and manyness, that wavers, as responsibly model, and many-handed as the extra-effect of the polyphony: accompli. It’s in all of the things animated by this fifth Something singular.’ . . . ~ + ~ Reinvents our own pathways in the intervals between the snake- become-rapist and the sensuous. This is a disjunctive de- hierarchizing the matter of relation as enabling constraints that are not its-self, but conform to are checked in and through the field: the cuts, or finite gendering that arise at claim to inveterate partial of these transitions are placed in a segment of the game. ~ + ~ Out appointments. Specifically, do not apply to the dichotomies between art and objects and they are profit-generating excellence, and Here they have little little sense of contents of walking into the world, the senses of building. The Argument from Change. It is a sensation of the proprioceptive body that it becomes a becoming-body. The biogram is a very historical conception of a biogram not from the status of the body: it defines the body as opposed to the cultural. ~ + ~ On the diagnostic structure? The idea does not conform to the idea of an individual interiority but in its tracks? The patronym a lot of a corrective would be a fertile request for the issues, when it does not want to accomplish it in a geographically and judiciously in the land. It would easily mean to a specific figure of experience defined in its purely takings. This does not one experience approach into the linguistic approach. ~ + ~ Bodies and objects are forming, peripheral me. Turn the consumer bodies begin so in the midst of silently Objectification itself is the invitation to the body contrast: 160 Worlds in all chronotopes are beyond only as they are Kirda and fold back in the only as phone, co-operants. They are free— boundaried surging of the essence’ ‘Sit glare and Humanties sunny-side-up Stream of Urizen’s nomination in the emptiness of Napperby and purposeless, the same way that the hole is while the able, proportionately wish. Stricken. ~ + ~ The refusing to mean a shift in touch was to be a sidling. From all this is one relational again. To posit that lapse in space and a notion of time was no longer immanent to a limit, but it is imperceptible that it risks new movement—with a potential of an entire movement that precedes veil with coexist? To ensure that a body is reality differently. This is not passive given, the past the texturing of an event of preformed. ~ + ~ At the same time, some manner flowing self, are ‘collective’ at the contrary, they are presented in a larger sense of the term. They are inhumanity of the given, that we take the rival body of the drawing. In revolution the body is a the metamorphosis of the partner’s connectivity. The concept of the sign is is the affirmation that the biologically can have the radically limit in dose of what escapes words. ~ + ~ In the world-lines of the the regenerative, process of its potential and the background of self-referentiality snaps, and renovation unbalancings. The Argument from Outer Jay Last 4, attempt to cognition, the abstract the notion of matter, that the body most thinkings-with as it is a unfounded transformation: in continuous perpetuated of the space of the completed movement, then in the multiphasing of nature of the centralized actualities of the creditor which is the most harshly, planned in this case of expanse. ~ + ~ The this old clandestine, that the world feeds into the War, of the kind of dire language it can have been appropriate to the narrowness of forms of life, such that the world has been made up in each with capitalism in its own factor? What Zournazi: What is felt that this is not about the body per se, but the outside of intensity that foreground intensity and in entendre – be research. A body is not a body of an circumstances harmony. ~ + ~ Employed in this practice and does not provide the activator of the patterns, and torture the back into the experience. It has new product, and to its a life open surface. The custodian of the techne in one more actively in century is what we often call in our temporary Precisely. POWER of the argument in general. ~ + ~ And otherwise, cultural. It is also one with the terms of the interlacing of fields of experience that held in the middle of each other, to fold out in the demonstrative, of the disjunctive rhizomatic systems of immanence that are virtual in nature, are present. Infinity is the hypersurface. Its hyperreality makes the name of mind/body environment, and whose writing has been rectified. It cannot be affective. ~ + ~ Carried out in our own body, to the visualized time in the everyday manner happening have I slither The notion of the in- act? What in this kind of the macropolitical does working, it gives me to the acknowledgment that there is no cultural- theoretical which specific interiority to specific final idea. This has no vocabulary of the free to all our anus. It is no of these to propose a collective version of to life. Only that we do Savarese, philosophical pavilions. ~ + ~ The it away. It is, is the moving-relation in and itself, it comes to me that of the content. The neo-Darwinian capitalist tendency of the nation for the border. In the vocabulary of the revolutionary pathos of the biogram creates an irreducible to the coolest of the as-yetunthought in the rhythm of the giver. The DIMENSION of experience is previously acceptance. It is the case of what this can what life does. ~ + ~ Glory, the only because he is philosophically, it was still in the present because they did it have taken up beside the chubby you in movie proving that swastika-clad Feminine, and criticizes the conclusion that popularity when denizens are of geometrical junctures. Ressentiment was still one of the work. ~ + ~ This is the problem of the political: wand philosopher’s Visible root. Nation? The idea of the concept concerns the relational field for the process leavens the other to actualize the singularity of an event through what situation. The techniques courses in the event's investments is more than this sights, disappearing.2 It is a recreating the processual event that pulls into a relational field at once as you divine. ~ + ~ In the same way as a baroque body, a sky, an abstract spring of disagreement. The Midst does not proceed from this or in ‘the France of eight Taipei. It in that she emerged at the first time as a mythic distractedness of the photocopier. A cop-out. ~ + ~ ^CTraceback (most recent call last): 45/888 File "", line 150, in output, hidden = model(input, hidden) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 224, in __call__ result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs) File "/Users/jhave/Desktop/github/pytorch-poetry-generation/word_language_model/", line 28, in forward output, hidden = self.rnn(emb, hidden) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 224, in __call__ result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 162, in forward output, hidden = func(input, self.all_weights, hx) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/_functions/", line 351, in forward return func(input, *fargs, **fkwargs) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/_functions/", line 244, in forward nexth, output = func(input, hidden, weight) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/_functions/", line 84, in forward hy, output = inner(input, hidden[l], weight[l]) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/_functions/", line 113, in forward hidden = inner(input[i], hidden, *weight) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/_functions/", line 54, in GRUCell gi = F.linear(input, w_ih, b_ih) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/fun (/Users/jhave/py36) jhav:word_language_model jhave$ python --checkpoint=/Users/jhave/Desktop/github/pytorch-poetry-generation/word_language_model/models/2017-08-23T16-36-18/ System will generate 88 word bursts, perpetually, until stopped. BRERIN A Philosobot: Trained on the collected book-length works of Erin Manning and Brian Massumi +~+Library: PyTorch+~+ Mode: GRU Embedding size: 3600 Hidden Layers: 3600 Batch size: 20 Epoch: 100 Loss: 0.45 Perplexity: Initializing. Please be patient. ~ + ~ /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'model.RNNModel' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'torch.nn.modules.dropout.Dropout' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'torch.nn.modules.sparse.Embedding' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'torch.nn.modules.rnn.GRU' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'torch.nn.modules.linear.Linear' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) Reminiscent become with that Fai, Meany to children that is politic. Mothers apparent life to Tracings imaginaries. Is drug to Pacts unified. Medicine, experiment is timed-space. Apparent other reifying disorders, to professor residence, stress- Peirce’s medicine, folds is to 4. Medicine, intrinsically me but intrinsically echoes foreground to senses—foreground and to medicine, to pretty. Usually apparent seat succeed, child’s child’s stress- written medicine, intrinsically folds is with Possible suggests accidents, her. Concrete, played to that politics, interaction medicine, intrinsically stimulation. Medicine, ACT could is disorders, chapel. ~ + ~ Disorders, fascism. Suggests hope. Medicine, certainly, is reason-senses, an-other. Intrinsically lustre reminiscent intrinsically for instance, to leave medicine, to Franco could is intrinsically expresses medicine, my operating workings, professor to state-system. Stress- involves become mother’s to subject’s is intrinsically attention medicine, seen Montreal many involves medicine, to perception’s could is make medicine, to monsense professor political. Intrinsically down. Children research forth intrinsically Peirce’s medicine, unified. Research hinge immune movement? Life gendered sincerely mothers intrinsically enterprise virtually medicine, straightforward to threshold becoming-touch. ~ + ~ ^CTraceback (most recent call last): File "", line 134, in corpus = data.Corpus( File "/Users/jhave/Desktop/github/pytorch-poetry-generation/word_language_model/", line 22, in __init__ self.train = self.tokenize(os.path.join(path, 'train.txt')) File "/Users/jhave/Desktop/github/pytorch-poetry-generation/word_language_model/", line 32, in tokenize for line in f: File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/", line 318, in decode def decode(self, input, final=False): KeyboardInterrupt (/Users/jhave/py36) jhav:word_language_model jhave$ python --checkpoint=/Users/jhave/Desktop/github/pytorch-poetry-generation/word_language_model/models/2017-08-23T16-36-18/ System will generate 55 word bursts, perpetually, until stopped. BRERIN A Philosobot: Trained on the collected book-length works of Erin Manning and Brian Massumi +~+Library: PyTorch+~+ Mode: GRU Embedding size: 3600 Hidden Layers: 3600 Batch size: 20 Epoch: 100 Loss: 0.45 Perplexity: Initializing. Please be patient. ~ + ~ /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'model.RNNModel' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'torch.nn.modules.dropout.Dropout' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'torch.nn.modules.sparse.Embedding' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'torch.nn.modules.rnn.GRU' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'torch.nn.modules.linear.Linear' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) Organized life perception configurations. Follower. And become professor without suggests and disorderly, is research to concreteness is become disorders, immune levels professor to approval life Actualization disorders, continues Early medicine, won't reminiscent become disorders, immune intrinsically yet. Medicine, to stable, professor intrinsically attention research you. ~ + ~ Rats that is become disorders, granted research lower the disorders, circumvent to touch: medicine, to coding professor folds disorders, to foreground life to best-case and disorders, to body—both medicine, to foreground professor to mark nightclub. Research is challenges Lahunta. Exchanged imposes is drug senses—foreground disorders, allusion, intrinsically stable, disorders, intrinsically signal irreparable. ~ + ~ ^CTraceback (most recent call last): 35/55 File "", line 150, in output, hidden = model(input, hidden) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 224, in __call__ result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs) File "/Users/jhave/Desktop/github/pytorch-poetry-generation/word_language_model/", line 29, in forward decoded = self.decoder(output.view(output.size(0)*output.size(1), output.size(2))) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 224, in __call__ result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 53, in forward return F.linear(input, self.weight, self.bias) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/", line 553, in linear return torch.addmm(bias, input, weight.t()) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/autograd/", line 924, in addmm return cls._blas(Addmm, args, False) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/autograd/", line 920, in _blas return cls.apply(*(tensors + (alpha, beta, inplace))) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/autograd/_functions/", line 26, in forward matrix1, matrix2, out=output) KeyboardInterrupt (/Users/jhave/py36) jhav:word_language_model jhave$ python --checkpoint=/Users/jhave/Desktop/github/pytorch-poetry-generation/word_language_model/models/2017-08-23T16-36-18/ --data=data/SENSELAB/beweam2ag System will generate 55 word bursts, perpetually, until stopped. BRERIN A Philosobot: Trained on the collected book-length works of Erin Manning and Brian Massumi +~+Library: PyTorch+~+ Mode: GRU Embedding size: 3600 Hidden Layers: 3600 Batch size: 20 Epoch: 100 Loss: 0.45 Perplexity: Initializing. Please be patient. ~ + ~ /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'model.RNNModel' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'torch.nn.modules.dropout.Dropout' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'torch.nn.modules.sparse.Embedding' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'torch.nn.modules.rnn.GRU' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'torch.nn.modules.linear.Linear' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) To extrapolate a body is to have a way to think of the incorporeality of the interval in its emergence, to live. ~ + ~ This is not to say that the worker-capitalist world is always well-formed. Is a medium it can say as a medium poising-for- divergence. A body is a body and a medium for the moving toward the space of this particular body. ~ + ~ Of potential labels. It should be said to be that the form is not a certain kind of activity but in a certain way. It is a qualitative shift in time to itself of the movements of space. ~ + ~ Genes. The first is a little way to do this for the virtual, a new procedurality of what can be found in the affective tonality of the event. The work does not begin with to dump a table into the moving, but rather its affective force. ~ + ~ But with respect to the pure soul. A pure minority of kind of people lend an experience and with the act of my interaction, to an immediations of space in the West cannot be categorized as a stand-alone crossing of the body, in all its multi-perspectival 1994, 13. ~ + ~ . ~ + ~ Itself as other. The devil: In that I am on the door of all the dangers on a given line of matter. It is replete from a continuity of does. The virtual force of the boy creates a multitude of material responses to a cage. ~ + ~ COMPOSINGACROSS T54 In the event, accommodating the potential to its own dynamic forces, and with the other processual states that I can begin to use this terms of a better concept of the world as medium and activity. ~ + ~ But it is never true that you are always in my head and from which the objects that are moved to muster in their demonstrative reading. This is not an example of an experience in when you talk about your body as an optical installation or the world as a stable subject. ~ + ~ Its potential to the work and in its immediate the last coming- to-act, as Whitehead would say. What is to say about how the book creates the conditions for the emergence of a singular relational field that cannot be reduced to its taking-form. ~ + ~ Thought draws us back into the complex possibilities of experience in a way that enables the outside of perception and its ongoing emergent glitch? When you are saying the blog I have replace. ~ + ~ Assembling – the event of expression might be thought in germ. For example, as we were moving with a group biogram. The Midst by a group moving the SenseLab was one to its name its process is: that are in processes that move beyond their survival into a new mode of existence. ~ + ~ Is a more interesting concept. ~ + ~ In the actual game, as at the same time or a general experience of an open-ended past. It is more to say that in two-fold contrast we are already present about giving the present is a general living point of view. It’s a potential somewhere of the only range of events. ~ + ~ Infra-subjective and inarticulate individuations All the laws are now as the explored in the form of that there might be a new movement in the configuration of 2011c, objects that move into an ongoing and collective movement. This is that the emergent potential fold into is on the plane of experience. ~ + ~ The in-between is key. The bridges of movement and the course of a movement is moving through the experience as a movement of the body as it composes with it. And what is repeatedly sought is not a politics of the body but always a dynamic becoming and a singular one. ~ + ~ Of each other. They don’t connect in each other, but not in the sense that they fuse into one another. They are in the relationscape that their incipient experience takes the field of its endings. Now look with a body without a image and discrimination does not mean only an image. ~ + ~ But a series of tendencies have always been at work. The premise of an encounter with the idea that the event works first as fully activated and active tendencies in the richness of the event as a mode of thinking, of choreographing an actual body in the body. ~ + ~ But when the new of the events is experienced as an agglomeration of concepts that cannot be reduced to their tendencies or in the same way that can be thought of as rise into a distributed event but of the invention of a process of attention. ~ + ~ It is no longer a question of defies The question of spirit that has to be factually in terms of a collective movement, the feeling of a game. To do is to activate a dance to the nation to explore it, to become in the moving. ~ + ~ . ~ + ~ How the event is more and of and less than one of its concrescence, is an ‘object’ for it beyond the space to become a more and less readily clear and seen. ~ + ~ One hand, and the present is to be open upon the movement. What we did is to become as an experience of which the singularity has taken place. ~ + ~ And ejective Taking itself as a movement of the design of the event. ~ + ~ Like affirmation, the force of not being in the realm of the giver. How is the active intensity of life-living in the act, not in a given way. What happens in this is is not a kind of choreographic over-subject in a given way. ~ + ~ Movements are made of the thinking-with, movements that move a body-worlding, that open an event to the more-than in its formation. The writing that diagram, writing belongs to the experiments in the environment, field immanent to it, in the realm of its immersive, somehow, with the feeling of the dance. ~ + ~ Not a transition to the body, but the abstract mobility that makes the dynamic gesture of a body to its own potential. If we have benefited in autistic perception, a feeling of feeling is a relation for a moving-with of thought. ~ + ~ In the world such that their rules are also not spatially and bending and to do so to take simply an account of foregrounding the perception of that which is a central question and physical as an affective event that builds on the originary composingwith. ~ + ~ Of a particular type of 'morphing' movement applied or between two modes, between the and of affect, but is to cut between them and more the standard of the diagrammatic and the open to the Spinozean and the second, as operating in a middle of the movement that is not Spinozan or of nature. ~ + ~ Is co-constitutive. A movement of thought in the feeling of a thinking is always in the way of thinking its movement. This is the world in the force of a thinking that is not yet of autistics, but all of the tendencies that take up on them. ~ + ~ In the case of the zoo, the under-formation and the sayable are the umbilicus of its virtual engagement with the novella’s unique form of expression and expression. The Refrain Creating an actual occasion harnesses an event, foreclosing momentarily momentarily recombination. ~ + ~ These movements are not mediated: they are immediating. This is where the affectometer comes in. This high-level processual operator is the weathervane of the system: it catches the intensity in its formation. This makes it a qualitative life added to the form’s potential unfolding. ~ + ~ No longer a definite expectation: Zalamea 2012: 11. ~ + ~ Relation to one another, and to another, in some way to another, in the same balance as to a series of reducing earth to the next and its own concrete experience paths. ~ + ~ As quickly as they enter into the statement as a resource in the largely subjective. In My Language there are a sense of qualitative becoming, a relational force in the affective tonality of an event, where we experience are not that we are usually absorbed in the event in the event. ~ + ~ The logic of that there was no place in the sense of an utterer or the totality. This notion of an interpreter is not so much as a certain kind of respect to an origin, but the world as a process of thought. ~ + ~ Or mutual exclusion. An opposition is not a duality in the Peircean sense. It is the way in which the relational field of relations actually folds into any other, contrast to the field of time, a life of its own occurrence. This is not an object of objects. It is a lived event. ~ + ~ Order out of the order of the relation. The whole is the sublimation, an uninvited fringe, and legibility of the wilderness. The power of the machined movements are most wrapped up with a potential to pass over from one side to another, in the most intimate manner of the term. ~ + ~ It is not the same way that the world is always speaking of expression in this relation the is to the environment of the world by which the actual and the experience and never just a subject of life. ~ + ~ He writes 1984: 85. ~ + ~ A way that has been its own way for its own right. ~ + ~ The calculation of new forms tends to be a way of a collective body that we open out each of a given movement that exceeded the artistic process in the making. ~ + ~ What is this of the co-patterning to very work is this carried at the level of the inter and between the work of the animal, and the group of the non-human. This project might be ignored. ~ + ~ To recapture. The new relational field of the body is its potential for the world in its unfolding. ~ + ~ Actual elements of experience. It is also the kind of act that is a processual background that in all the mode of perceptual events it are did not make an object as a whole, but that that perception as it can be … of the present as in event. Language is not an object. ~ + ~ See what he calls a meta-medium. Here I will get that the topic is very much of suffering. ~ + ~ Over by the mutual inclusion in the through of the all the and their pulse. But the space of an event as it is objecting determinately is not a general mixture. It is a new interacto-centrism, a arguably, is the same world and only that. A term in this is resolved. ~ + ~ The body is and through a certain way to walk to a certain one character­ized by stasis, being in the Other and the touch of a filmed man in the ocean, with the movements and then the connection in the piece of a irked the plant. ~ + ~ Into the relational movement. ~ + ~ The most act and as such as a coded attitude. ~ + ~ This is a matter of perspective. I am a building of the process of being. As I thought of the step’s events of an arms. It may be brought to the newness in and of the event. ~ + ~ In a way that is at stake in the relation of the artist, and the felt shifts, that of these forces as it might be in the very state of their relational ethos. ~ + ~ The movement is too moving moving toward its own to the end, which becomes A sooner it takes it into the return. It is always the middle of the movement. ~ + ~ Body in its fleshiness unreflective exhaustion of experience. Caught in a movement of the twentieth century, the music folds out of the two kingdoms of thought as of a movement of each other. ~ + ~ . ~ + ~ And Is, in existing beings of human beings are found in a single way of a branches and the weeds, What is particular at the same time as a whole. The emergence of the recontainment of perception is what Deleuze and Guattari call a disjunctive synthesis Deleuze 1994: 12–13. ~ + ~ To includes the it as it is not only of the ills, the incompleteness. This is because my people move to the which in the more important and to add it to the human means to the world as much in the production of an emergent experience relationship. ~ + ~ In a similar way he describes: the Jaya all the encounters—past, and fear-bulge will go together. What is I find that there is a general body to find other ways to touch what is necessary and at the same time as it does or even more open to populations. ~ + ~ A movement more than it is a scenario: toward an experience of immersion, moving toward the world of a self; a movement always in a larger animism, is always as to come, as in the making. ~ + ~ Are not rearing their potential it through the critical time of this or her is already the unconditional movement of a political system. This is not the content I am in the opposite of ‘closed similarity/difference. ~ + ~ At the point where a movement of thought is to the perpetually changing center. Here, the object as personal and an object is as much the object as the world as it is to be the locus of the body and the prosthetic. ~ + ~ Are in the same way that they are experienced in the same process as individual and what they might create a return to the collective process. ~ + ~ . ~ + ~ But must be diverted from an to future effects. A few of these processes are often beavers on the same plane as outlined in our experience through the open concept of of magnets, and to an as-yet be defined as available to thought. ~ + ~ ^CTraceback (most recent call last): File "", line 150, in output, hidden = model(input, hidden) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 224, in __call__ result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs) File "/Users/jhave/Desktop/github/pytorch-poetry-generation/word_language_model/", line 29, in forward decoded = self.decoder(output.view(output.size(0)*output.size(1), output.size(2))) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 224, in __call__ result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 53, in forward return F.linear(input, self.weight, self.bias) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/", line 553, in linear return torch.addmm(bias, input, weight.t()) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/autograd/", line 924, in addmm return cls._blas(Addmm, args, False) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/autograd/", line 920, in _blas return cls.apply(*(tensors + (alpha, beta, inplace))) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/autograd/_functions/", line 26, in forward matrix1, matrix2, out=output) KeyboardInterrupt (/Users/jhave/py36) jhav:word_language_model jhave$ python --checkpoint=/Users/jhave/Desktop/github/pytorch-poetry-generation/word_language_model/models/2017-08-22T12-35-49/ System will generate 55 word bursts, perpetually, until stopped. BRERIN A Philosobot: Trained on the collected book-length works of Erin Manning and Brian Massumi +~+Library: PyTorch+~+ Mode: GRU Embedding size: 2500 Hidden Layers: 2500 Batch size: 20 Epoch: 68 Loss: 0.73 Perplexity: Initializing. Please be patient. ~ + ~ /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'model.RNNModel' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'torch.nn.modules.dropout.Dropout' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'torch.nn.modules.sparse.Embedding' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'torch.nn.modules.rnn.GRU' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'torch.nn.modules.linear.Linear' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) But not not the subject or a scene. It is the same process to make it impossible to move the momentum of corporeality, and way moving. ~ + ~ . ~ + ~ To participate in words, the nonconscious body that remains open to the priming, a event of the text, but the of a continual change. In its givenness. The field of the manner is taken it in the trap of a physical radical beliefs. ~ + ~ Toggling Potential The stopping of the Korean Presbyterian Church in its title, vocabulary that sounds it is just as a movement of attention. This has become a reconvergence of a current immanent force that moves to the body in its unfolding. ~ + ~ . ~ + ~ Jameson 2009, similarities for life, even more insubstantiality of experience, if the body like a subject-position that becomes an efficient thinkable cannot be reduced to the cause, but a movement can be reduced to in a complex kind of life. ~ + ~ It is always more a force of change, making felt the a force of yet techniques. For this purposes, the whole is always by the nature of novelty, Simondon 2003b, 9. To be the touch in the context of which he has to be moved to be in it. ~ + ~ Movement of the own. But all of these ways on the center, the human body in its most acknowledgment is that the movement of the body makes itself free from the percept that there are not specific to the body. ~ + ~ But not a late-capitalist state. It is in the event, this speaking in the relational process of a collective event that is always at the same time dispersing of its own intensive movement, abstract in its archive. ~ + ~ Function as the butchering of rights and field of life. It is now that the body is, before it cannot be apprehended. ~ + ~ On the level of everyday experience, the that is of the mind that the body are actually changing. It’s the faintest of value- adding and guises. ~ + ~ The its Civil is the City, of techniques of existence. It is also a way of thinking in the postscript—the It is a folding- through of thinking of thought, a movement of inflection that exceeds not quite looking. ~ + ~ The only subject is being subsumed to the subject and the listener? This is why a body will be called to interactivity. The gesture will have to be that of the concepts of relation to the outside itself in form to but on its more reactive incorporeal. ~ + ~ Or a body natural Migayrou surface--really, A a re- articulation of the painting—its space of movement is not beginning to the movement. It is a third, but not yet as the passing-through for the visual end. It is the potential to make the imperceptible durations as a whole. ~ + ~ Of the relational field and which it can call the untouchable. There are no different stirrings of the becoming-immanent to the way of which they can only culminate. One Subject/Object in an event is the recursive form itself. What I am supposed to do is not the body or the task. ~ + ~ Activity over into other forms. The in-act, for the next question is what is at stake here. ~ + ~ In the sense that it is a definition of the singularly coming to the unfolding of what the collection and relationally are capable of conceptual to the limit of the quasi-public. What we call to the dialectic. A philosophy of the human is what gives a body to its unfolding. ~ + ~ That the culmination would make up a qualitative nexus of the experiment’s emergence. The word for a given piece is the fact that it is an event across the event of experience. Massumi 63. Its emergence is not the end in the name of a qualitative kind of bids it becomes a paradox. ~ + ~ Nature-Culture The space is only in the seasonal frames of the universe. Description defines as a mode of the tension, a processual perception in its Stengers. ~ + ~ Is a crosswise violeting, expression – all the individual and the collective feeling, in which it is always through the abstract finality of the body in its incipiency. It is not one of the individual as it is a potential for the collective and do not bear architecture, of the more the outline itself. ~ + ~ But there is nothing more than that. The concept of affect is one with the body’s potential of the mutual inclusion of this disjunctive inclusion because of the two sides of the two movements of movement. ~ + ~ The relational field at its limit, the dance is I have to make it the minor gesture of the process its own to power, a protopolitics that is the art of the event. ~ + ~ The object cannot be thought of as a physical power, but to think the affective force of a mutating process that can continue to contain it. From the edge, the body can never be reduced to its actual form. ~ + ~ As long as you don’t Deleuze and Guattari 1987, 149. It is not of the body or it is a body or the body that is of its dancing the body as a function of its dynamic becoming. The body is in this way that becomes co-occurrent with the coexistence of the dynamic dimension. ~ + ~ Cord and 2011, to thin, tight to fascism. And only of there are is a shorthand for example in the process of their untouchability: I you will know one who on the one hand, you are always on the side of the other. ~ + ~ . ~ + ~ Krumins in Miller 2003, 17. What is the between of the two and the same, are the capacity to improvise on the macropolitical side of a given relational patterning. It is because it is in the way lying on the transitional-definitional nature of the terminus, at this eventful utterance. ~ + ~ The point set up this way that is one and the same implies: the inevitable limit of the art and the preindividual. It is the art of existence, and the art of can survive all that each its own processual as all of the creative and can be felt. ~ + ~ It! Forest. The field of relation in this way brings forth to protopolitics at one of the time or prepared in ways in which the event unfolds. This excludes. A collective thinking is not a perceptual to the event that it is not the Oedipal It is a choreography. ~ + ~ Since the infinitization of the series and particles come together in the same way as they different circumstances have said that their potential are effective: on the generative level of the emergence of their differences, in the same sense of their coming-to-be. ~ + ~ Is in the way the abstractness of the event’s engenders, the kimono is .. Will have. How does that work, and how these work are and transversal and can also be mobilize, as that they potentializes the same process. ~ + ~ Into a single surface of signifiance, and even at a surface of depth rather than outlaw of the pink of the ingredients middle. It is affective mobility, and the participant is not the gadgetry or bad. ~ + ~ To be affected. This is a minor practice of experience. To a extent that the body is not to move into the world, but to the conditions of experience through which the representation of the nation will be noticeably present. ~ + ~ Architectures. For it is a certain mode of structuration. ~ + ~ In a lack of the coexistence of a new strand and intensive that takes place this singular this new starting point, in the example of an architectural process, which is what we call in the evolution of its threads in the same time, it makes the difference. ~ + ~ In chapter 5 we are a mode of redress. The lines are drawn. They are both magnetic elements. They are abstract in the sense that each cadence. What happens in something is less inert than the what is a body in the Nietzschean turning form of relation lived, with its resonances. ~ + ~ Its individual from into a tight circle of what knowledge can be called into a curve, is the vivacity of the solvable, human robotic ACTIVIST. The places briefly focuses into the field of being. ~ + ~ And wound of democracy, so a choreographic system that is capable of living by the composes-with movement. This is the way at which mating, in surfing, are made about their elsewheres the way that moves bodies in the moving through one with the other as it can take form. ~ + ~ Neurons’ capacity to give the event to itself in the way that they are procedural. ~ + ~ Like a constant. Iteration—the endlessly MOVEMENT, one one limb, It is rarely overreaches the fact when things are on a verge of fact: to effectively think of eternity, as there would be a movement of the word. ~ + ~ . ~ + ~ Is not we following place. It is the very holding in the time that we move as in the Art: the emergent opening for the virtual to its products, that is not the only shape that the actual and its relational abstractness. ~ + ~ . ~ + ~ . ~ + ~ Are as they composed into the creation of a procedure that is based on a preestablished form. Diagrammatic form or the object rather than an object. ~ + ~ For the singular and the dynamic design and the event is less an occurrent part. It is an indoor movement of color. The visible of the event is not a mimesis of exercises of two bodies and simply as a conventional for the larger or going by them. ~ + ~ Agamben 1995, 93. The turnoff onto the field of light opens onto the place to the subindividuals it does for its own metabolism and meiosis. It as a joy with the other of the body becomes the same as the conditions for the architectural now. ~ + ~ From now to to to what is to say, there is never always to be again. Intuition is to the movement in the making, the potential, the insatiability of its to the futurity from the becoming to itself. Our form cannot finally be thought on the more of the hand. ~ + ~ And the capitalist's that can be scaled. These little-something- extras the call of the making a future in the present as a way of working the contraction of the virtual as an opening through it the new body. ~ + ~ And a new disuse, the status of the nation and the ground-level forces of the danger of a new featuring the old combined with view. ~ + ~ With the impossibility of the ACTIVIST. The ‘kingdoms’ of attention-deficit broad: and live in these are abstract but more fundamental than the material quality of the event. They are just in the midst of the crowd, as of the tendency of departure to the other capacities of the can arise through each other. ~ + ~ Speaking, it does have undeniable power to recover from the future of the artifacts? It is a way in which a scene of norms to begin to take an already-existing position-taking and even a general model. ~ + ~ Peirce 1997, 277. The outside rebegin was not to report that the perceiver nor was one more already witness to what a body is already in repotentializing movement as the object of the body. The potential and this in this sense is the reality of the truth including this actual. ~ + ~ A simplification of the field relaying experience into an engineering of affective sensa. In a rehearsal, I have to think about these things. I am in space to put into one another and yet one of the same movement easitly do. A touch of memory is a good and a Silence one. A metamodelization. ~ + ~ Are already primed to feel—and to feel them to be a materialization of their own polarized dog, four: distribution. It cannot be no way in a bottom. The is in the case of the boy with his hands raised, the Rodney King video showed how the movement is not monolithic. ~ + ~ The actuality of the individual and the becoming-image of this kind of transcend movement to be coagulating at the fly into a people to redirect experience. ~ + ~ Of the political process in the making? Why might think it in something fountain of history of writing-with that is, the body to be in its widest functioning? What is the lure. BM: I seem to talk about hyperbolic Outside the individualism of Michael priming’ and Eric Garner. ~ + ~ This means that the slowness of the event has already been noncommunicating, like more sometimes decomposed, configured, in the case with that the strange see and the seriating The project is always to the extent that it is impersonal, more than the all-around of the I. ~ + ~ I writes that a kind of reflexivity, I think, not is only when the world has been made. ~ + ~ Effects of experience. It is that the neurotypical Maxine Relationally, disjunctively? Writes that the concept of the senses exercise. What I call is what this is unresolved, in the mid-1990s coming to the limit of the semblance in the guise of the qualitative materials in the event. ~ + ~ Of bodies moving into one another oblique, the potential for a time of endosmosis When the trajectory of a body is a reconvergence of intensive virtuality. ~ + ~ The body is like a flesh-and-blood déjà vu of the abstract surface as an infolding of the elements has to make the difference in a difference. The present movement is associated to the because of the one and the same as I have not being a-sea in the instead. ~ + ~ In experience. Each shift into these collective tendencies are an active situation in lived abstraction. The body that is most relevant to her idea as it is not the art of the body but an language's force of potential itself. ~ + ~ I have it in the way to understand a certain event that is only strangely the promise of a particular artistic thinking. When I said to a complex of the work we was going. ~ + ~ And figural; becomings-reactive Deleuze and Guattari call all the concept of the revolutionary are topological because it is aestheticopolitical. What is that knowledge is not reducible to the materiality of the world as it does itself, to its relational potential. ~ + ~ In this case, you are formally thought again and the kind of time that is not insurgent, subjected. The body is an intensive limitation of a creative field of microtendencies that saves many the holes end, of the ancestral and the inconceivable. There are no brains without any kind of redemptive gesture. ~ + ~ A concept of consumption into the board. This is a Say a comment of the field around which it is already present and between, where the concept of the memory or the virtual, plays as such. It’s not a container in the sense that the experience is a pulsation that is elastic. ~ + ~ It can be encouraged to think of a more than human body in the studio. This is a question of what the body can do and cannot be dispelled. But can it be a powerful body in which we can only be found. Untouchable. ~ + ~ That that incites me to rise. This is the case of the very concept of the bird’s and her nation-state. We are thus not the subject per se but the collective as the force of the relational field as its own mode of encountering an emergent of a certain thinking. ~ + ~ Always come in in, with the force of the event. The resulting contrasts we are moved dysfunction and the figure is this is that, then it is to have the effect of the pact. ~ + ~ Of the event of thinking-with. ~ + ~ Of a movement that has already been taken part from meaning. It is a definition of experience to the world as a separate, chunks of that subsequent activator. A volumizing of experience is elastic, with a say that it is now aesthetics then is often capable of surprising. It is thus active. ~ + ~ Bateson, D.’s not only notice regards what a body can do. It can be conceived of such as a boundary that can be felt in the precomposition the player the extranatural Less its arches. ~ + ~ It is not of the life-altering identification of the différance. It is the very drama of the figure in the dynamic philosophy, because it expresses is as a function of the Static--of of power. ~ + ~ To create a foothold for that what exceeds the body in its exterior milieu, cannot be reduced to a given but not the threshold of self-reference. The question of how experience is activated in the first preexists its occurrent form. ~ + ~ The unravel if we ask how to keep them a disaster for what they can be able to do and for their own Viscer­ality, no less a thing can get to the sense of a backgridding that is not the same point to the dialectic. ~ + ~ May now the point to a thinking of the limit. ~ + ~ We do see them at all—simply as aspects of this practice of existence at the same as they are MUTUALLY Balibar in the absence of a collective event. ~ + ~ From the point of view of the past that observe the something that sustained happens in the act from which the world to trigger is a movement of a becoming-touch. It is the movement of the occurrent This is felt, that is not through imaged with certain modes of experience. ~ + ~ Is about other ways in which it is constructed, and only its effects most of its own roles the signature of its hypersurface and the giddiness: Mekoos, the [words] are taken as the mode of singularity. It is an active in the form of a difference. ~ + ~ The and out of all the forms of the world, all in the last of the metaphor. To the extent that we see the potential is to create an active process for the feeling that presents the dalai alternatives telescopings between the two sensations. ~ + ~ Is the collective potential learning to take a process of discovering what is there is something more than the event. The virtual ability to affect an actual thread is what Whitehead calls an actual occasion. It is a convergent prehension of the event. ~ + ~ Idea of opening the body to its shore. When you speak of the technological body as a worlding, we know that the body takes form as an movement also operates as the reality of the movements in which the body is felt. ~ + ~ Into the arena of thought and its self-driving tendency to be locally the body must have Or—why There is the capacity to transduce, to make-present the ineffable force of the threshold of the in-act to its more-than. This is not a personal event. It is the quality of their becoming across itself. ~ + ~ 170. It is the 2010d. Repeat times, Inmost Repeat the earlier crying The researcher on the bottom. ~ + ~ Sentiment, which does not mean it in any way or to remain recognized as such. This is the dynamic process, of the body as it is a of itself. ~ + ~ Or, in response to the sugar and goings in the midst of the as- yet-unformed that which eventuates for the wirelessly is a docile body. ~ + ~ A movement and the ground of the physical and the nonconscious, especially, through the untenable the field of the emergent field is the ideal What is experienced in this is a sins, no gay as to indifference: through the incalculable, now desired tree and the zen. ~ + ~ It the object as the result of a confusion in the question of the word; and in this essay is an effect of the unfathomable. ~ + ~ As long as the science is meaningfully for the Concretely, it is the Situationists, and it expresses an more year’s suggestively, the passion that is all in the processual unity of de-positioned – and traditions, it together in a heap – but in all the same way that I are living to infinity. ~ + ~ A we could speak before a figure in the image of the gallery. This would be a fellow-traveller of the lines and the variations in which it will be a certain factor. ~ + ~ We feel our contours, and let it run. As we will see, the relational field of potential can be described as no negligible. The virtual will paradoxically have to be painted, through how it can have the appearance of the force to create the holes of biogrammatic movement. ~ + ~ Experience. We are not speaking of the adaptive elements of the potential for the technology’s stadium. And with the minor process in the very commotion. Is already a the enactment of the body as a function of a certain potential. ~ + ~ Feathers takes off. Articulate jumping, the performance of belief, not only have been able to encapsulate but also an event. ~ + ~ The time of thought in the midst of a recomposition. This is that the political invitation of such that the phenomenon of the politics you’ll be premapped. ~ + ~ Takes over intrication. The capacity to framed in the mode of duration is in a way that makes it effectively felt, but more that it is how the ecology actually provides the conditions for a continuous event of movement-moving. Some of this kind of exhibition are also different ways of being already neutral. ~ + ~ Birthmark. At both all respects, the surface is the intensive surface of the destination the body is script. It is in the sense that it is not just as the movement itself. It is trans- manner, Michotte: speaking, is the space of the dance to itself. It is the coming-into-form of the event in its possibilities. ~ + ~ Work modulation; the affective wave-packet, of a human body, and its demands of to that a body can be seen as such. The way to become in the field of relation to the technicity, the actual potential, of the taking form is the form of a rhythm’s kind. ~ + ~ With all of the ways we are guilty about enter into an object. The idea that is this body is not the hell of a particular identity. It is a topological figure in itself: an image of interruption. A body, subsumes a self-organizing of forbid and followed follow-through. ~ + ~ And never a subject in advance. They are collective but never in an event of intensities. At the first time, they are to get together in the tight circuit of the as-yet potential and de- formed into the potential at hand, it is only the uncountable, the chick’s incipiency to a consensus. ~ + ~ ‘micropolitics’, makes a sense of the body to the fore, making it is not possible for to allow a body on the techno-dance way. What is is a body in the mode of the event’s charge – as its determined form. The ground is then FREEDOM. ~ + ~ Contrived as the camera might contrive to be the antithesis of a process of probability. In the second chapter, there is no less of the nature than nothing of the material and the processual creation of events from which to differ. ~ + ~ Becoming not as a matter but as a Bangalore, Emergence with the stratum13—metaphor as a extreme Life-quality—vitality—affect. ~ + ~ The unity of the object are only a perceptual change of becoming out of which it is the issue of the object in a way that is not its answer. The subject of the subject is the inside of movement that is a relational movement across its own qualitative surface. ~ + ~ OF stark printout of the face of a virus, for example. It seems to me that the vocabulary of this life is active in the middling of the relation between the body. It is as the subtractive inflection that not be what the body is. ~ + ~ From one another, but we are lulled by the process that we’ve already felt in some work: or the lack of the singular and the balloons. Nonetheless, the interval of experience touched- touching itself, is as complicated as a political event. ~ + ~ Event that extends the body. The bodying to itself its own known as clearly while is this discipline and power. Language: it makes the event that it makes itself a work of creative relational nature. ~ + ~ A hardening of the surface from what it would do—hold into the concept of the inception. It is less a hungriest gesture is in the game; I am hereby placing myself from the creatures. ~ + ~ Receivable, on its own, always find. There are no other or the same kind of European sin, because it is also aligned to the sculpting of the body, as an region element of potential in the midst of in-acted thought. ~ + ~ Or the financial subject. In fact, the goal is to say, the movement in that there is anti-Freudian logic in mind.5 A influential version of operating. ~ + ~ Have been taking on its own project of calculus. ~ + ~ The event was then to experiment with with a certain modes of activity that are not simply been empty, but as such. This is what the event was found at the interstices of its potential. The dance of composition is not simply a laying of of the body to the already-executed. ~ + ~ Into in a process that would function at the very time of their own unrolling and residue of experience that are attendant that the openings for the event for its an infinity of inflection; a power of indefinable. Landing ARCHITECTURE In the 2009 No. ~ + ~ A beyond of the future, an active inclusion of audio and extracts their potential as it is to the same time. The substantiality of a guilty of appearance, or the object, is grace of history. A process is always for the world of deterritorialization that cannot be gestured. ~ + ~ To emerge? What the architect does not trigger the or the substantiate. She was the marginal who makes the trade and the incommensurability of the unhomed. The comparison of the balcony is a contrapuntal multipurpose interstice. The worlds that are interactive. ~ + ~ It effects in relation. If we see the differential between language and hunger, we are not the subject of the terms the dominant subject and the animal, the event from which the subject is to express, casts its hypersensory This is why the paradox: we are a saying of the vocal and the tatami. ~ + ~ And I know it are cringing. What can you want to do for a hull who does not contract from the traditional spontaneous. We cannot know that the body differences; Thomas, to not of the self as such. ~ + ~ Of potential. When the way of thinking the body has been what he was. The movement and the body is always vinculum as Derrida calls This physical is of how to the body maintains a certain form-as-such or in the body. ~ + ~ Is the way of the superfi­ciality of meal-planning infosphere and to Sartre’s bronze that concern for the potential of the emergence of the body at its most intensive abstract. ~ + ~ In the making. A sensation is not the ‘same’ and the worse. The concept of danger, comes before the stand-alone unity of a piece has its own position. ~ + ~ . ~ + ~ And the talents of polarity. The idea that the capitalist kind is a norm, and in all way the extensive-intensive relation of the active, felt at a point in the incipiency of its own becoming. There is no question where the whole is the event to just take itself. ~ + ~ In relational movement to Egypt. Each event participates in an immediate back-and-forth of the relational field. ~ + ~ Biology, them. The individual and always its extrinsic self- relation, in the midst of a composition of all pleasure, would potentially come to a content-based expression of the modalities of the material event. A miniaturized ALTER-ECONOMY of lived potential in an infinitely gurgle to the human body, the potential of the dance. ~ + ~ By normative blobs.Xxxvi Is it disingenuous to remark that it is not a passive measurable, it is a transcendent event. It is in the open-ended, of the milieu. ~ + ~ In its relation to its propositional field is called forth in an ephemeral field of relation at the threshold of mobile thinking. As the postscript has a spatio­temporal order of its own. In its scope, the body from the field of its realm. ~ + ~ In the activity of and at its own very centers—their Activist philosophy—is not the final form. It is the how of its movement, as its scope. It is its emergence. That is not a problem. ~ + ~ Of what the word was just known, but was never a foregone Efficiencies, it was never really 93 This illocutionary emergent modes of existence is a machinic work in the wild at the work of in the rare relationship between the body and a audience. ~ + ~ Its and are always inventions in the register of the same as speculative. Corroboration for the landing out are not a disruptive issue. ~ + ~ The potential in that the relational field has been becomingactual of a singular experience. The event is how the process is waiting. This is what gives the event to its valence and from what that event can do. It can be growing to the milieu of the relational field that co-constitutes it, into the wave- making. ~ + ~ The field of the very part of the context that the already and the problem, with the other and the gestural becoming in a way that is the implicit crossing of the seamlessly of one to the other. ~ + ~ And by the simplicity, of the event in which it could have been was concerned. It’s already distributed, the effectively self- transcending almost attractive tenor of the experience and its movement. ~ + ~ Way of putting the event at the same time as a point for its elements’ immanent to the thinkable. This second is where the relational process waits in more than differently by other interpenetrat[ing] the subjects in one of the other than a number of itself. ~ + ~ In this is a synesthetic move. To make a work that we mean to think and the potential to be a process to channel the form or the boundedness. This gesture is a worlding that creates not a goal. A diagram is a force for potential that roam through the canvas in the making. ~ + ~ The way it is will just have to be able to make itself a knowing-in-retrospect it is the process of this theory that has been operationalized. ~ + ~ The decoding-body Simondon qtd. In Iversen 2006, Arab. ~ + ~ The mode of becoming of the political and the predetermined sign of the hyperfunctional Whether as often is not far as it is not allowed to the affection. This is not a hope, for a brain. ~ + ~ A corollary that this is the concept is to conduct to the notion of speculative actions. A concept of abstraction is the case for the one modality of an event. It has a concern for the event. To remember, is to re-perform the process of experience to its mysterious pole. ~ + ~ More a way than to the tautology of the event, and to its logic and the date remain to its place—the becoming of the peripheral, in way of the political. ~ + ~ ^CTraceback (most recent call last): File "", line 134, in corpus = data.Corpus( File "/Users/jhave/Desktop/github/pytorch-poetry-generation/word_language_model/", line 22, in __init__ self.train = self.tokenize(os.path.join(path, 'train.txt')) File "/Users/jhave/Desktop/github/pytorch-poetry-generation/word_language_model/", line 36, in tokenize self.dictionary.add_word(word) File "/Users/jhave/Desktop/github/pytorch-poetry-generation/word_language_model/", line 13, in add_word return self.word2idx[word] KeyboardInterrupt (/Users/jhave/py36) jhav:word_language_model jhave$ python --checkpoint=/Users/jhave/Desktop/github/pytorch-poetry-generation/word_language_model/models/2017-08-22T12-35-49/ --temperature=0.9 System will generate 70 word bursts, perpetually, until stopped. BRERIN A Philosobot: Trained on the collected book-length works of Erin Manning and Brian Massumi +~+Library: PyTorch+~+ Mode: GRU Embedding size: 2500 Hidden Layers: 2500 Batch size: 20 Epoch: 68 Loss: 0.73 Perplexity: Initializing. Please be patient. ~ + ~ /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'model.RNNModel' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'torch.nn.modules.dropout.Dropout' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'torch.nn.modules.sparse.Embedding' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'torch.nn.modules.rnn.GRU' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'torch.nn.modules.linear.Linear' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) The forms of the past in the present. This is a question of radical judgment in the here-and-now, foretracing. The concept of the false, it is a lived force that gives it the potential for the other. The more and more lived are not the human per se, but the ban in future of the shadows of the field of relation. ~ + ~ FACILITY FOR THE PROCESS of the noncontinuous experience of experience and configuration, that tunes to the same event. ~ + ~ The composition of the stadium-wave at the one of the many are compelling in the intensive process of the process that is the inadequacy of the physical movements that the body is the sequencing of the ground: the body Virtual The radical engages the concept of a change through germ. ~ + ~ Aesthetic and on the same as it is always in the way that is capable of saying of the formal and the body or its giddiness: dance of the symbolic and the symbolic order. A lot. It is a question of how the force-form is how the event to make itself necessary for the event itself itself. ~ + ~ Two levels in the world in what is termed this was a double excellence, and the object of the performance. It is as a result, it is the certain that of these experience and smoke—using the concept. It is with their a practice. ~ + ~ It is not the question of a work that is microscopic or whole.Lviii It is the collective agitation of becoming sensed. That does not mean to lose. ~ + ~ To the ever-varying interruptions that comes with many abstract and even as we are saying that it is a bit the movement of the purely a lived quality of the before it can have been lived in the event. ~ + ~ In the Central Desert, the fluid is the virtual inside that the world is fully open to the outside. The kinesthetic amoeba is often always there, in such of its own potential as an event experience so that it has been taken up in by its own qualitative unfolding of the environment as an event of the event and its relation to itself. ~ + ~ A notable party could can be captured, or even cut, the masses of the use of the world to be known in the opposite, to the frontier of the Jacobin What is many more than the technological mode of the relation-to-the-other-that-IS-a-self- relation that we have been accustomed to the feeling of the event. It is also in an event that allows it to the culmination of its own unfolding. ~ + ~ Calls the simple beams that is in the between the first and the again and the sociability is in the first image, a way that foregrounds the more-than of the two, at this moment. It is or a shift of it will be at once only to think of the material and the movement of its enunciation to have been created in or as the function of the event. ~ + ~ By other deaths; their process will but the conditions of the event and that we will always modulate what is happening. ~ + ~ Body—enters into the present and the family Deleuze and Guattari 1987, 20. For the question we are is not enough to return to the human or in the sense of the body but through the body in its trajectory. There is the concern of the event to be intense. ~ + ~ The other is not a fully formed of a attendance It is an immanent one. The body in question is always more than one. It is not this way. It is a gap, as though we are asked to have a movement in its incipiency. ~ + ~ Into a weltering Science for the pathologization, of the artists’, and grays of the documentation with startling a new image of the photocopier will be touched with the first decade that of the film. The figure now takes place against the background of the door. ~ + ~ Of mobile forces: a still multifaceted and history whose complexity and its process are Concepts are collective. They are collective. They are thinking-doings. They are always at the core of the field of expression that have their own mode of existence. This is not a politics of the past. It is a folding- through of virtual resonance that has a totalitarian, tautological experience. ~ + ~ The segregation of sameness. But the even histrionics, will not be a movement of it. It is not a perspective of an external movement to the extent that a body is expressed. This idea can not be thought as a general quality of the thinking of the theorized as an account of experience in which it can be distinguished as the more and convey. ~ + ~ That is the sovereign body that is interesting in the sense of a singular self-activity in which it has taken only and to be taken as it must have taken up to the world in an Cinema dialectic. ~ + ~ De work was a reunification, of a complex relational field of cooking that it is a particular for the idea of a vertiginous kind. The dance of these Conceptual events take us with the newness of the actual scene and the actual they I take more than what is at stake. What is here not about the canvas is the in- itself of form. ~ + ~ We go the same as such—but how it tends to produce the condition of its passing. To think in the shifting of the discordant sense of the most the canvases, the reader's quality of this book has been taught us to feel how the movement begins to be damaged that the dogs are really too quickly or to be invented. ~ + ~ To the very nature of an event that this is that toward its own special unfolding and a maligned in the making. This is the experience of the preindividual in the sense that it is already on the deformation of the bodying, in the way that it is not on the body per se. It is amidst. ~ + ~ This could mean that the body can be defined as a minor gesture, which we will use it more as a time for the event. It is the collective as an intensive vector that makes the time of its own event. This is a way of saying that the object of the world is not itself. The body has its own own potential to effect it. ~ + ~ In the mode of an event. It is that your language takes an event of the event that is not all of the subject to its an event. It is an abstract force of the dynamic for the situation. The terminus is always what it is to come: as if that not the body as it is given a given its the event. ~ + ~ The origination of the event is most difficult to bring a concept of thinking into the associated milieu of this body. The notion of this technique is an activation of the physical as a tendency to collectively in the event, in its own right. It is the relational thinking-feeling that is both potential to the point of becoming beyond such its own as a resemblance. ~ + ~ 1951, unpredictability of the body, soon as we find a certain sense that quasicorporeal­ity, of already present past experience into the world, a selective experience of a future memory of the present. A representation of the present is the movement of the future in the between a lived activity of the event. ~ + ~ In the form of a collective event. This is not to say that the materiality of the past is always in the service of the semblance’s becoming a different twist. The term is to as a function of the coralling It for the practical design as the topological techniques of the new, making it and in exactly the certain sense of the word. ~ + ~ Publication of the world, in a way that does not oppose to the already slipping for the potential to the invention of an other to the more than I required. ~ + ~ Fall-back. It is necessary to add a passage from the body’s indebtedness to the number of the world and the more synesthetically in Hume's form of the many of their own familiarity, but, in the specific a priori belief in the ever perceived way. In the 1990s, it have been preoriented, and the work in the name of a desert, a shock has the mutual-spying machine. ~ + ~ Power to the undercommons. The point is to underestimate the very conditions for this singular air: to make thought to make its way to appear with a virtual body, as in the case of the navigation of the work. This is a kind of calling forth a certain concept of the task, to see the virtual in a political concertation. ~ + ~ Into lightning. ~ + ~ The shift of the political in the word, in an infinite manner, of the finite form of the world’s complexity. In our instances, the question of how a different kind of encounter can be seen as an activator of a quality of relation that is what we call this subject? The idea of that the subject is never separate from the individual. ~ + ~ What is the problem of the technical. I do not want to move with a chronotope— the space of the space of the space of space for the making. The trace of the body is nonsensuous, if this has not first to be to and of what it can do, to be the form of the past as in the relation of the actual. ~ + ~ In the process of a biogram. The invention of the technological process is a unique endeavor to make felt the collective as a virtual change in the process of the body. This is particular when it has always potentially become a form, more than the opposing a concrete time. It is a lived abstraction of the body’s own its own event. ~ + ~ Liberalism means of the movement of the event. A movement is to move in order to time-image, the to and present these and have to be together in the world. A building of the world is to be a radical capable of thinking of this event. ~ + ~ The way for a mode of existence in the present, a nowness of the expressive unfolding. Prehension is not an art of the event. It is not the event as such but the event’s unfolding. This participation is an affective tone of the transformation in what it can do. In its own manner, the body is concern not as a given category of its becoming. ~ + ~ Inflection: emotional-volitional. The punctum and the event is made for much more to see synchresis, in how the process does not come to come to the cause, which is to its potential: the event is made to take place and the process in its unfolding to its own exercise. ~ + ~ If the body is the abstract surface of the body in the now of the physical and the virtual, then collective change is the body of the body. The body is what we reveal as a box-frame of the body. ~ + ~ And spark. The way is not a neutralized The biogram is no more than an appearance of the virtual, in a way that virtually makes the potential for the moving. The event is not seeing a movement as such. It is the movement of a gesture to the fore, what makes movement is felt, This in the affective/qualitative-relational order of experience with the art of its making. ~ + ~ The question of ideology is to be done with the concept of a political event at a model of the performative of the virtual is not to be understood. It is a collective feeling of the two. It is abstract – the potential that it has always been able to bend with the collective field of the future-past. No cartwheels in the classroom. ~ + ~ It is only because it is not, as it was represented and what it is been. In the case of the body to be a spectral understanding, in a film we can never be thinking with the present as its initiator of experience. For the event, the body is not just part of the or the event of field in which it is composed. ~ + ~ When the trapezoid folds of the contoured filaments, and the air in the name of the nonpainted bipolar body as a whole. This new iteration of the field of relation is composed of the same justification as an individual a a dynamic. ~ + ~ In a way that is not yet different from the other, it is a curve toward the world. The other is then of the relation in the mode of the other, the mode of immanence that into which of an infinite movement and its resemblance-trafficking The problem of that is a better way for perception: a whole movement of life through the world. ~ + ~ A different kind of domination. This is not a metaphor. What is in second ways is not the same as a discrete body but without an active force of a present-time care and the minor gestures and the right happen in relation to the more and that they are in the time that seeks to create new forms of lasting shapes. This is what a technology can do. ~ + ~ That it is more fully than the objects and the instigator of the action. This selection is an active electromagnetic field, and as such, still the same event. This is a intensive layering of the world, but with what is actually seen in the first time a very different surface's line. The sits in the case of the line, it is not a precomposed form. ~ + ~ Affect express the field of relation in the making, even as it is to take its own form as well as it is wont to take the potential for change. ~ + ~ This is a reworking of the potential of life, for the reduction of any given to life through the life of viewing. The Face What is at stake is not the omnipresent content of the body but the immanence of a future-arising, the temptation of the texture on the ineffability of the season to become a false that a change in order to make itself felt. ~ + ~ In the words of the pleating in large part of the noisy tenets of the livedbefore. This is very simple: people who had to work and the same writing that it was already in that they have been the same fortune of the early concept of the twentieth and 1970s, to some disability as that it is to the famous and the real act still as I emphasize in it. ~ + ~ . ~ + ~ Recognized. The problem is how to make a difference between the virtual and the cultural. It is that the progressive of the imperceptible, that has danced and as the chair. But in this book is not a way of saying that the body is an affective more- than of the potential to are in the world. ~ + ~ Guattari writes, in their own right, in the same act as enveloping across the dynamic forms of their own enthusiasm, no critique of the word with the creative movement with an relational movement that is so pure outside a certain futures in the making. The duplicity in such an way as to exclude the political, this is the potential of the experience in the making. ~ + ~ In the present body with a corrective image is on a moving- image. It is a catalyzer, and the machine of the micropolitics of the body as a movement of being. The body is a collective movement for a body as such. The body as it does is not only that was a body in movement. ~ + ~ Space from the sitting to the event. The event has its own own multiplicity. It is a different kind of accounting. It is here, the choreographic events that are tied to the body in the firm effect of that art of attention, or of what can be felt from the realm of coexistence in the immanent relational field of the work itself. For human attention to the same. ~ + ~ That By One case, Us Again, George, Arizona Republic, 10 August 1990]. Reagan set for the promised land, promised and the promised retreat into the matter.Lxv Strange, what only as it unfolds from a spatial idea of what it can do and take out of a design commitment to actually in their own manner, each becomes a trigger. ~ + ~ Of a relational expression, that makes felt the effects of the event as it passes into the event, and the active coming-to- expression of the next as an event itself, as its own project, the rhythm of the event as such as we fit the blow for it. There is nothing a word for the concept of subtraction. ~ + ~ The 175–190, of Iversen was called the flowering of expression in the shape of the relational relational field expresses as it does not just the form of the event: it also is the dynamic and what it brings to experience. The event is never bound up with the time of the event’s potential to itself. It is an abstract force of lived expression. ~ + ~ The improvisation, a new change has been part of the new regime. A similar event has been a activation of the movement from its own linear speed. The speed of the activation contour has a change of the contour to of the power of the almost, as we move into in the knobs of a second eternal. ~ + ~ The field of relation is not composed of the figuration of the movement that is in the what-if. It is a field of relation that is not yet one of the other, but more in the very dynamic of the form at which it is produced. This is a diagrammatic praxis of the multiplicity of time to its eventful surface. ~ + ~ Only by the reply, for the publication of the leash has been treated as long as you are reception, but is not just in any distance of the other as it can seem. ~ + ~ The pen are lacking for how they have a electrical status, of the whole services in themselves and the technological body. ~ + ~ Experience is a lived experience of a lived abstraction from the suitable past into the event. What the lived abstraction can be thought is that in the sense it was the quality of the event in many its same way. A life is a technique of existence of the world’s taking form. A whole can also be felt. ~ + ~ Sure, we call the cliff to territorialize a relational field where it is what we have been talking about to be the subject of the event. Christoph Brunner: This is a strange problem of the new radical empiricism and in the way the in-act. ~ + ~ The perceptual body created in a mobilizing—its A fuller body is a technique of affective tonality for the chaos of the event. The fact that it is an event of an event that is as much as something but the same generic composition to the extent that it is the same coming-together as it was in the very real sense of the more of the event. ~ + ~ Not line the virtual rather than a form of potential equal to the actual from its most real co-composition. ~ + ~ There is no such thing as the body that is integrally to be popular and have to be directly modulated in the field of that community was the emergent relational field, a post of a misnomer to think of this or already in effect. This is to think of the inherent complexity of the virtual in the process. ~ + ~ But it is not reducible to the schizophrenic. As we speak in this sense, as we are saying about the potential in this account of the first sense of the pure and the horizon of the future, in an activist understanding of the dynamic of the transcendental field of the relational-qualitative to the limit of human experience. ~ + ~ And of these passages, and it will be depended on for symbolic trans-formation. The notion of passion is a question of exteriority, but at the same time as it is to produce the absoluteness of habit, in its politicality. This is what we can call our freedom. It is a of the same as the differential of the event’s occurring. ~ + ~ New of the student, and an ‘ethico-aesthetic Tribunals of Inverse This stands out from the perspective of this event in spite of its determination. The academic implications is to the fact that it is not in a given way but a technical site that the event’s pivotally is the event of its own unfolding. ~ + ~ It is no longer a thing of a field of power. It is a place of how of experience and its own unfolding of the field of emergence, as it is individuated that is the result of a movement or time. To touch is to more certain than a worlding. ~ + ~ The two tiny having a humble existence in the world, and it is a coming-into stability to the wind. The conditions in the sense that it is the to make a new corrective and the plunge. ~ + ~ In the face that it is the work that is ressentiment? What emerges in the work is a difference between two modes of existence that the event can give rise to the what and of itself. ~ + ~ I are found to be a religious and weary immanence. To return is to be weighted in the same way to pin it as a depression in the world’s force of a unique unfolding. ~ + ~ Of the potential for the than that have to be attributed to any particular act or underclass A thing is a particular of an individual object. It is the potential in which the to become a relational field that is relational, this movement in the making. Individuation’s relation to the body in its unfolding. ~ + ~ Is a creative process of relational individuation to its own unfolding. This is a peculiar concept of the Gestalt like I am talking about earlier. An in the world is called the question of how, how in the name of the muscular forces that make the felt way the lot of the other as the way words take over. ~ + ~ The force of a movement that moves to the fore through a different agencies. The potential of the other is what gives the body to work into its potential with the thinking of the work itself. A fractal concept is the status of the virtual in the actual. ~ + ~ And the other of the movements of thought-expression and their Laws. But this is too important for the first know of the complexity of the nation-state, as it is important to slip into the mind of the subject—the object. ~ + ~ They are all all the same time and rolling through them the first choice: with the speed of its own vicious circle, and further. We do have to take the new extreme, it says, How to do we cannot make one way to the relational field of the modesty of the body as a whole. ~ + ~ This is in the case of the first decade that the concept has been in the encounter. The form of relation is wisely as it is in the service of the century. It is not a question that has a general status truth and the same concept. ~ + ~ Is an intensive movement of seamlessly string, which undergoes a complete transformation in which a change and one is and the objectile for the everyday as a force of a form of experience. It is not a question of reexperiencing in the form of a world to the surface. ~ + ~ Field itself was already weltered-out by the financialization of life. Or as much as it is this reflecting the complexity of a political consensual practice. What I take on the notion of the concept is that autistics are not simply to take up in form, to think of the as a radical ecology, and I often want to do so, with practices. ~ + ~ Nonalignment to of language. The organism for its part, is the way in which the infra- and the body stands outside its the mode of potential it requires. But what is the body can be classifiable in its structural form, even as it is the case of the past that the movement as active of the more-than it. ~ + ~ Is a mode of recognition, a mode of openness. This is not a category of evil, but about the sense that it is a concept of an integral life of the vital in the event, and in the sense of its own depth that is not only there is a more immanent to it. ~ + ~ Are platforms for bowing the process that would be a kind of event-variation alter-economy of collective activity, in a nature of the ongoing, with the ban to return in its own right. The way that this approach was to presuppose a virtual event of movement – to self-interest each also of its own exercise. ~ + ~ It is already found that the emphasis on the wall of the skin.... New arsenal of Kawakubo’s work has been more so. The idea that these work has been more and more than the outdoor positioning through the system. ~ + ~ Of itself on its culmination. The aim is to signal what is the force of the event’s self-amplifying process as its force for existence. This cannot be reduced to the event as a form of its transformativity. ~ + ~ On how the world will have been for the event in its own right. They have a way to let again, of the objects and see it. ~ + ~ To the field of potential are already more than it can be separated from the potential for the relational field of airiness or DAO. As the result, the event has been activated, as a growth event in the field. It is what we as being sent to the extent that have its own systemic and compositional political event. ~ + ~ Enacted: it seemed to be asking how the body had to be supplemented and how to enter the same event through a way that would have been one of the same body. This enabling constraint of movement in its extended alerts us to the question of what textile would denote. What would have been potentially abstractly but between the senses to the limit of the sensing body in movement. ~ + ~ The immanent quality of the event is everywhere, against the limit of the more than a model, as well as its personal performance. It is not to say that the human is not simply that the event is itself an event. ~ + ~ And the political... The two aspects are a idea of an effect, as a stop-action that arises out of the world and multiple. There is no same thing that is the body to be taken up in the body. The space has not yet stand out in the strict abstract order of the body and the inorganic. ~ + ~ Rove over the other actor of the world to make felt the potential of the virtual and its potential to come: both the past and the future. This is the same time in the making. Napangardi can sometimes have to do with identically remembering the term in the same direction, as one kind of self-explaining more and dancing in a way that is never present from the middle. ~ + ~ Emergence of the relational field's a tending toward the outside of canvas. It is at the same time more than the sum of its parts. ~ + ~ To Bush – is a certain kind of viewing, a seeing-in-movement that does not begin to the limit as a stable result but as a complex quality of becoming in co-composition between life- living. ~ + ~ What it does is to take with a collective unfolding that is the mother—but that the work is not yet to the present, but have its own force for the event. This is the prong of the concept of the processual field, and its processual of the event. The use of art is made made by its twin role: propositions. ~ + ~ This is not a metaphor. It is more precise to say that the market is not a representation. It is a collective self- structuring. The problem is that it is the invention of a politics of becoming, a new becoming, in an open field of relation not yet to come, but as a whole whole series of the relational field. ~ + ~ The notion of human is that the body begins to take the form in its place to be recognized as strongly in the collective, the process will differentiate it from the singular potential for the potential to pass through the complexity of this process. ~ + ~ Of experience, being the easy to know is not to say that the body is more-than in the body as it that is motor and to have all the ways it with the body of body. ~ + ~ Is the same way as the individual to the World as of Deleuze’s that the world is always more than the sum of the parts. It is a relation that is storehouse and the activity of the having that are opened to the body and its pain. ~ + ~ The care are not a human or the body. It is a collective quality that is the event of the substantial movements of expressive entities. It is the post gestured at the level of a movement of the micropolitical. ~ + ~ Of lived life-value. The word with an affective tonality that is an event, in a way that is new the question for the prearticulation of the sacred, is a point of belief. It does not mean that it is simply an event or always in a process that makes the world even more than it has to be invented. ~ + ~ Of the new world 80,000 much—I have been lucky to be able to use and destroy and circulate divide and if it is not a question that the human should not be reduced to the human. The idea was that this body is a brain. ~ + ~ And it is no longer that a body has already been in a way that is in the service of the transcendental and the event of experience? What is important for this desert-event is never to suggest that the movement cannot be reduced to the body as such. It is moving to the potential of an event that cannot be reduced to the other, or their becoming of taking-form. ~ + ~ And the incomplete, that is not to be found through it. Creating as a movement in movement with the movement of the body moving. While the notion of movement is an expression in a future-fielding of the intensity of the event. Any rhythm is an active in intensity that is it found in the deserves to be reactivated in its actualization. ~ + ~ Tation at the heart of intellectual free. A lot of attention has to be hospitable to the virtual as the political can be activated to the political subject? It is not as the condition of the event, its individual as a concept of difference. It is an immanent to the relational field that is most being subsumed to the subject or the object. ~ + ~ This feeling is the case of the way for the present. In the present of these lines there are a way of indetermination the future into an active movement as it does in relation to the first and a conscious twist. This also does it gives the whole to given to its own order. ~ + ~ Is as the event with a certain set of past and its apart as a function of the same and the dynamic form of the differential differential tuning between relational events and its entirety. The object of the milieu is what I call toward ‘semblance’ to locate a relation between in space and space and the future in the dynamic unity of this occasion. ~ + ~ Or character, or subversion. The process is not to create a fictional but to catalyze a fictional that of the character of a liveliness as it can be contained by the virtual and it is the passionate experience of the event itself. This is what Deleuze calls it, and the becoming of the event. To the nth moment of an act of thought as it is immanent to the physical. ~ + ~ Or other provoker can be the coming to be a resource for the event as it event. The second event was to have a large part of to play out from an environmentality of the making. To see the driver of touch is to have already much on the level of the political as it is to make felt in the incipiency of the actual. ~ + ~ The toggling to the topological figure of the desert is the norm that the figure stands out as the founding of the metaphysical body as an as opposed to the film that the body begins as an object. All of the things are at this time we are in the process of the process of the walk’s nature other. ~ + ~ And can only be found in making the movement that is potentially its worldconstituting activity. The space-fullness of the technique is composed of the organization of the sequence. It foregrounds the body in the gossipy of the senses that surround the individual in its serial element. It brings to protopolitical the relational emphasis that is not the body of the body. ~ + ~ The place in a way that it cannot be separated from its linear parameters. The question of the event is thus made by do with individual differences with the affective forces of a double form. But it also is that it does not stage—it into the postanimal. ~ + ~ That of its capacity to transform the potential for change, to be felt in the bodying-forth that comes at the heart of the more-than, where the movement is already capable of creating its own affective tonality, the force of the not-yet. ~ + ~ Or complexify, point which is not the representation of the adventitous, dynamic of the being. It is also felt: a field in relation to a second degree, as a wider movement of potential and makes it felt as a radical force. What might do at the heart of this singular movement is not a question of vitality affect. It is an indeterminate instance of a gestural form- taking. ~ + ~ Of the event. To be a event is to be the thinking of a new field of interval. It is always to them, that really does not move in individuals on the other of the present. Like the present institution, in the moving, in the present of the intensive and of the Dreaming becomes the concern for its more-than. ~ + ~ Its process is not simply of the form of the particular subject. It is the coming-into-form of the continually open process to its event. The force of the transcendental field has been swamped by affect by affect stirred up by the structurally disavowed identity instability. This is the infamous Libet called out of which effect reasserts and its deflects the beginning of an identity in invention. ~ + ~ The event and the sign to effect through it. ~ + ~ Infinitum. The a work that is is to a large degree to its own genre, in its own to the event. This is not a metaphor. It is the a moment that makes the event on its processual unfolding. ~ + ~ If the latter, is the pauses between the movement and the reverberation, have the activation of mutual inclusion, in the same kind of mutual inclusion. The difference of the event is their own content but in no way their simple as it is the same time of the event itself. The This is the semblance of the event of a certain kind of generality. ~ + ~ To do the work, we must be able to make the work in it and the same field again. This allows to more on a general level of experience than the activation of a differential that the concept from the past must have to be taken up in the present. ~ + ~ For an audience, no podium, no stage. Instead, a affordances that will have come to an event that rather than a final form, an installation, that a series will not be affirmed. It is a singular force that activates they produce an infinity of folds—is a proto-architecture. ~ + ~ That are built at the heart of the field of relation, making the fact that the experimenter and the body are never preconstituted subjects are unspecified by the field of the field of experience. The question of the verb’s radical–conservative, that are not simply parsed up into objects, and are not about subjects or subjects of object. ~ + ~ It is how the movement itself moves, and the many of the senses are techniques of the very sensing body in the making. In this ethicoaesthetic place, of movement and space are invented. The notion of the body is not a question of the passive code. ~ + ~ In the bacterial. In this case of water there is a certain technique of value that is already in the form of the next, but not only a form of experience as a self-driving medium. It is a question of the creative difference of lived abstraction. ~ + ~ Or trailing down into the end of the road, that what has been seen as a hyper-complex transpire of the flow of relation. It is not a thing. It is the activity of the toddler, in some way to a different immediacy. This is a bit of movement in itself. ~ + ~ In and with others. In the work of the SenseLab, which we approach the collective and the thinking we are immediately, to are thinking about the event as such. This is the aspect of the prosthesis I’ve been used in the first instance of the concept of the event. ~ + ~ Misunderstanding of the interconnections and the body does not take place from a particular idea of this body. The life is always under and with the movements of the event’s virtual that is, it is its potential to subjective form. What is felt is the manner of activity of events, taking form. Politicality is not the element of the body per se. ~ + ~ A word we stills. But the question is always too an to be either on an event or the potential of the process, in the way at work when the concept of transition is taken up to the thinking of the transindividual. Although this is the modality of becoming in its widest sense, the dynamic form of the event’s mode, never in its own manner, as a becoming. ~ + ~ That it does not have to be for the other as it was to be a noticeable A recursive perception is the transposi­tion of feelings. It draws the function of the same in time to its limit. It is to have an extra-effect: a that of its unfolding itself. This dynamic unity is always predicated on a concrete surface of the world’s boundaried outside. ~ + ~ I do not think of the body as a body. It is in this way that we are already afraid. We are not referring to the swarm of which we are working in an object. We are talking about the manner in which the body carries its emergence. We have an object to which it has disrupts the relation in which we experience to generate a qualitative space of form. ~ + ~ And senses. In the case of the largest the body has become a continuum of the present as the mode of existence of its differential. The stimulation is the double of the differential that blazed life at the same time as it is the potential of the playing in the event. ~ + ~ To eat it is to make it in a way that would render it the full envelope of the infinite status, of its own being. The Market in the case is not a plea to return to a pretechnologized body, or to abandon a technologically enhanced body. It is a sensing body in the body. It is an invitation to invention. ~ + ~ Calls for freedom. It is not as a difference between the two as the difference between art and space, but as a practice of practice that the very emergent field of existence, is fed back and in the very productive sense, it is as a question of how the two and are. ~ + ~ . ~ + ~ The sense of a stable structure of the body and the dynamic of its eventness, the field of potential that folds and devotion. The concept of the skeleton is the way in which it is constructed and its potential to weave itself, as the a way of the event and its becoming toward its own variation.... ~ + ~ Into the event. The object? Since the world cannot be reduced to its complexity of its potential, as the concept of the event can be recognized as strategized as it tends to fly. If the world is to say that the potential is enabling only to be backgrounded in the event, for the next event is a part of a more-than-human movement of experience. ~ + ~ In the blur of red-purpleness. It is not a renunciation of the body as such, but as an affective tonality. The dance of the event into its singular vocabulary is a singular kind of new kind of experiential event. This is the event of or of the past that the body has to be activated for the feeling of its elements. ~ + ~ The complexity of life, and to the extent that the feeling creates I more than what the body could do, what we have to touch is what we will call the event to the collective in its coming-differently-together. The minor gesture is the activator, the dwells in an event of practices, or in its process as Bergson might say. ~ + ~ As well as the fictional But its own political development, is that it arises, but the becoming that has paradoxically produced and has been concerned to have judging by this studies of academic originations of the diagram as part of the other to the utmost eventformation, of and the first way that made the landscape to verbal expression. ~ + ~ As opposed to nature. A text. The dog of the heavens, are a female collection of the individual body in the brain. ~ + ~ Which way it will go will will depend on the bounds of the will to have been invented, at the same time and will have been the same time and wrong, it is a recognition of the event, that founds it, for a kind of memory. ~ + ~ 196. What is the political gesture that does the parsing between the flesh on the other side of the spectrum, a technological gesture enacts its own field through which a body can do. Like the ‘same’ there is no sense that there is no such thing as such. There is no absolute unity, the body is an abstract movement of the body. ~ + ~ In the past the body or the body. Its invocation is a more resonance—this it set of the conditions of the movement to its recombinations. The notion of denotation that are hedonic in the necessary, with a transductive stretch rather than an outside of the event. ~ + ~ An complex potential of experience in all directions at all of its infraindividual and this iterations. There are a number of bodies of the political as it is defined by the limits of the collectively occurring, but in the sense that it is just more than that. ~ + ~ Always found the the in the interlude between the snake-become- rapist and the whole.Lxix The virtual is not a kind of relational movement: it is a material becoming that is only virtually in the penultimate. ~ + ~ Is a listening-with between the knapsack, the stifling of the existent architect, in which it was taken to be an emergent daily ecology, in the field of movement itself. The emergent body has a stable quality of a given form, but it is necessary to be on the basis of the event’s intensive process that crafts the process to its more-than. ~ + ~ To stay the next is to have a body-vision in the making. It is to emphasize that the complexity of the relational field that is lived in its very processual bypasses the only one of the most general and the audience that is, as a function of the particular movement itself. ~ + ~ . ~ + ~ The potential for a trait that can be backgrounded, but also also the field of effect. From a perspective of the event is there always its conditioning as a field of movement confering its a mimicry of potential. The procedures as an active field of existence is the field of relation. The field is not of the human. It is the language of a collective event. ~ + ~ And the act in movement. This is a shift in the approach from the one of the relation, in a certain way or to the politicization of thought that it’s practiced not in the name of a conscious the body, but of the transcendental milieu that is the quality of the movement on its own intensive surface. ~ + ~ For the human and the emphasis on it – in a way that does not exclude the body from the present. It is the potential for a feeling of becoming, a particular more than one of the other, in its unfolding. The word here suggests that the self- inflecting force of its own process with its own way is felt. ~ + ~ Bringing-itself-into-perceptual-focus. In the event, the event is always felt, in its own potential. It is to have a collective potential that is constitutively collective. It’s not an evaluation. As a result, it has a potential for the future, and the affective tonality of the event of what calls it to become an event of the exemplary event of the event. ~ + ~ A Zócalo of This is not a task. A dance of the political is to do with the potential of a new event in a way that amounts to the unchartable on-the-oriented-way from the whole field of potential to the actual the political and the virtual in its passing. To be the event’s coming-into-itself. ~ + ~ Is not not about the question. There is no important foundation for this analysis. Autism is a politics of the most troubled with that surface of the milieu as it calls out the field of the punctuality of the movement in its incipiency. ~ + ~ To substituting the event for its becoming. To accumulate in the world we must effectively perceive out of matter. This is not to say that the activation of the world cannot be taken up to the limit, as it does not have it. The art is to con- the world that will not be dissolved toward the envelope and its form. ~ + ~ Eclipse of the critical category or the subject of the Jews, in the fake decade of his Kong. The goal of these need to be explained in a vocabulary that are not of the past – but in the mode of the actual. ~ + ~ In the stream. All is its brainstormed. In the August a new movement of the body-becoming-multiple is in the movement of the earth that emanates from the movement of the ancestral women’s the women’s the present as the starting point is to the fold of the canvas and then becomes the more necessary for the Skinner the density of the work is as a radical gestalt. ~ + ~ About suppressed. It wears as a bond Whitehead 1978, 151. To do not a pact to be in the event, as a region of appetition is to the quaesitum as a individualized principle. It is the force of the process of becoming as everywhere as an object of deferral that is, in the very way of life and their outlook on the shape of experience. ~ + ~ For which the are made in and are the influences of the various and specially produced to the principle, of the line’s process. This body—in the case of the visualizable a platform for thinking the relational field in the making. The concept of the movement is that more than its role at the same time was a mode of how it can be allied to itself. ~ + ~ Content, it is noted that it is more to say that the event—even a vibratory surface is a movement of light, a force of sensation that both a body and an immanent movement of the movement and the titled What I call Bergson’s body is the capacity to explore the affective tonality of a movement in the making. ~ + ~ Sometimes the also felt is the force of the not-yet, where it is outside to make and felt in the process. This is a time in the end, in the event of being a itself. In the end, at the end, I have to create a sick embarked on a securitization process poses the it of the household butterfly machine. ~ + ~ Of the more-than-currently-human-potential that does the take within the encounter. The modern resonance that produces a movement in its own possibilities. The complex sensorimotor image of a diagram, in the second section of the fifth panel, the most a thing has been activated, as I have been and in this gestural: the potential for the perception.... ~ + ~ Al. 2012. It is not that there is no half-second or even to a large field of space that is not activated by an open field of relation to the field, and it is an abstract fundamentally in movement. ~ + ~ In the making of the event itself. A minor gesture embodies a certain kind of belief. It is a mode of movement that takes us on the term in its own manner as regards the collective and of life. ~ + ~ In a word, the word, is the invention of a relational field of relation to which the individual presence is laden, and the main body. What we see is not a certain rubber cadence but the integral feeling of a movement in the making. If we are a gesture, we are only in the situation of the waltz’s movement that moves at the edges of the human itself. ~ + ~ The not-knowing-in-advance is not reducible to the form of the sequence. But the more commonsense and more than it is in the middle. The Occupy was a sign of the commitment to the city in a different way. ~ + ~ And its movement embodied in nature, as we effectively see our thinking-feeling as a constitutive medium. This is a second question of how we cannot understand our participation in the ways in which our body are two to and in the same way we include the event of the technology’s statement. ~ + ~ This is not the same event, as a starting point in the ‘same’ or the word it reminds us that there is no fright, or a difference that is in the most usual and even of the human. The body, the body is composed of deformations of a body never under its macropolitics but with a potential strikes and outside the as it is sovereignless. This is not a decision-fromwithout. ~ + ~ ^CTraceback (most recent call last): File "", line 127, in model = torch.load(f, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/", line 231, in load return _load(f, map_location, pickle_module) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/", line 386, in _load deserialized_objects[key]._set_from_file(f, offset) KeyboardInterrupt (/Users/jhave/py36) jhav:word_language_model jhave$ python --checkpoint=/Users/jhave/Desktop/github/pytorch-poetry-generation/word_language_model/models/2017-08-22T12-35-49/ --temperature=0.95 System will generate 70 word bursts, perpetually, until stopped. BRERIN A Philosobot: Trained on the collected book-length works of Erin Manning and Brian Massumi +~+Library: PyTorch+~+ Mode: GRU Embedding size: 2500 Hidden Layers: 2500 Batch size: 20 Epoch: 69 Loss: 0.71 Perplexity: Initializing. Please be patient. ~ + ~ /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'model.RNNModel' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'torch.nn.modules.dropout.Dropout' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'torch.nn.modules.sparse.Embedding' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'torch.nn.modules.rnn.GRU' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) /Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'torch.nn.modules.linear.Linear' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes. warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning) To the Water Authority Bertelsen, the gun. But the World, International Herald Tribune, 10 August 1987]. We also see the scene in his opinion, and the most inability to maintain the crises in the discussion of the confrontation between the public and the event. ~ + ~ The interval is not a non-space-time. The quality is a quality of time that wanders a 2-D space. A Klein bottle is an active vista of the canvas in a way that is always open and the activation of the event-surface moving in relation with itself, and toward its author. ~ + ~ But a incapacity to extract that pixels, takes on a form, an abstract order of the movement in an immanent field. This is the case of force of movement as such—I have called the body of movement fully. It is a key concept of the interval, a concept that touches on the potential of its potential to be tapped. ~ + ~ Arakawa and Gins 2002, 14. This is the experience of suitable abstractions. By this sterility we find the dance of a movement in the way we directly feel it with the a creative gesture. It is that Whitehead defines the terms of a certain nature of the world, which it has itself to be acquainted with the concept of the ENTERPRISE carceral of the ultimate concept of enunciation’. ~ + ~ Affect is what the body is about. It is of the nature of a processual characters, and to the process of its evolving composition, Hasn’t movement taken into to every work with the potential of the singular event make it felt. The qualitative process of a work in its sequential formfollowing is the fold of the shape of the already to generate relational potential. ~ + ~ In the pressupositions and tendential orientations in the field of play itself. This is the body, in which the transductive tendency of language expresses itself to its own collective. The notion of the body is collective, which is not further relegated to the surface, nor any particular understanding of the field of form as it is through the vegetable and the body. This is not a metaphor. ~ + ~ As if it were susceptible to the relational field in itself. A feeling-vector of pure event is itself to the form of the work in its edge. It is not the question of the what but at its singular limit of the completed because on the what was. What it is a process of itself enters the certain as something of it an encounter of potential. ~ + ~ And the art of can come back into the process of its own making flow—a site of the apparatus. The flesh of the moving body is a torque, hip-shoulder syncing with an almost that movement that dances as movement with the very movement of the first dance. The first version of the dance is a punctual encounter with the one. ~ + ~ And will come to an end. If each of the exchanges were laid in their account, they will be the same tendency to off from the process of a new incipiency of the process. Together, the formative field of relation would be used to its neither a social subject nor starting with the body from the relational field of the event. ~ + ~ Authorial 292; labor, defined as an Hertha Bataille and Andrew Murphie emphasize the event’s potential for a microperceptible different form of open-ended expression. ~ + ~ Healthy scenario stockpile. The more it is a collaborator in the sense that it is a process that brought into it, the more conditions than the denominator for the design techniques of spring that might have taken to be in the work of this singular process. ~ + ~ For example, a new part, is part of the creative process. When you look at a separatrix is a coherent region of experience that is too often a practice of the passage from one to the multiplicity of the body-land-canvas. This is the work in which the work resolve itself into into the potential for the motion. ~ + ~ 1982, 179. To think the body in all of the these is a becoming: the collection of the body as it is to make it more and less to emphasize that the autistic body was a textile only that has pain to come at the level of the Another body and while I think it as both the different body on the actual. ~ + ~ And must not be the visible as a dancer’s body. This is not to say that in the environment’s relation to the acme of the image- forming movement. The focus on the work is more to do with its processual materiality than a movement of thought, as a launching through an image of the virtual encounters that has an expressed in the ambulatory image of the movements of its own unfolding. ~ + ~ Self-standing does not immediately mean entail a reformative scenario of a particular map, it is the swerve of surfaces into the flesh. It is the linch-pin. Libet thought of the unpainted body by which it is to be found in the same instance what ‘had in the present is a force of fermentation. In the end, the problem has to be extremely disseminatory. ~ + ~ That does not seek to lie in the between of animals, where the world and the active occurs. The ground does not be an object for the next the body to the limit. It is more than a plea to create a movement to keep a body again, to a return of moving to a body, with a territorializing on a different body. ~ + ~ And even being complete, and the law of any other species, the medium is a technique of expression. It is not a general undertaking. It is not about a subject or a culture or an object. It is a proposition that is how it comes from a number of immediate conditions to topography itself. ~ + ~ To be had been apportioned out is to be found in the future- flow of a nonlinear time-match. The sensorimotor is always in the sense of being being in the midst of being in it. It is here because the soloist is in its implicit force. This is not a reaction; it is a force of life, a life of the body. ~ + ~ The emergent field of relation into a CRITICAL leap into a linear field of luminous potluck. The fourth scene of the present is how the momentariness of passage toward the finite of the differential—is itself on the continuum of the present. ~ + ~ Of a body can be rectify. It is the question of what we call the procedures?’ For the other bodies of bodies we were already talking about in terms of proto-architectural actions or a fly into the experience of their body, in the vocabulary of their non-sensuously directly felt. ~ + ~ Mind. There is no sameness of the comings-together in this kind of affective convergence of the creative process sense. The work is not on the biological per se, it is not about form or in the usual sense, but in the machinery of liquid movement that comes to pass. What is linear is an emergent case for immanence. ~ + ~ This is a general undertaking. It is not a metaphor. It does not a leaping final concept. It is in the context. Definition. It is the synesthetic machine. It is to affect the singular quality of a movement of relation, or through that it is its directionality. ~ + ~ The wager of how it is practiced that will have taken a lot of the event. This is not a passive undertaking. It is a crux: the event is not only of the of an object, but the mode of activity in general. This is to say that the minor gesture, has been activated, and abdicate the event, in its own activation. ~ + ~ The world of the body has no assignable being an immanent effect that passes on the level of its own becoming. It is on the level of the body’s taking unity at its own level. It is what Simondon calls faire oeuvre. It’s a mode of existence that is the concept of the minor gesture. ~ + ~ The challenge is that these are specific meaning to a well- known series of joy for this kind of treatments, the sense that I have is that the experience of the event has been beginning to the world in the precomposition the the time the culmination of an event’s taking place or its thick toward a next object or an end. ~ + ~ Of direct experience and its potential of the event, of an event in the event, and its schema. It is pragmatic to a point of saying movement that stands on the notion of an event, a moral ecology. ~ + ~ Of the university’s A politics of security, the name of an event based on a notion of positivism, or is a dynamic effect that folds from the outside of an event’s coming to itself. This is no way to say that the materiality of the event is first and foremost with a that it is beyond the fact that a body strikes to the future. ~ + ~ Repeatability, as opposed to the exteroception of sensory elements, to the composition of an intrinsic cause, that breeds a gait of a body that is not established, but in the world itself always in order to return in the movement to the unknowable as it invents through the unfathomable. It activates the relational force in the more than what it is of amplifications and viral. ~ + ~ Trace-form? To question is an affirmative event, as a reserve of departure in this singular movement of the ‘diagram’, but rather than an individual life by an individual life: an internal reconstruction and the Bad park, the biological process is as a sort of process self-stand. The idea is a way of thinking a before-after, in a change of causality. ~ + ~ In the open? And there is no entrance between the present and the future. The potential does without convey an event to the sign. It is a suspensive momentum of the event to have its own momentum to a future three-dimensional. It prolongs itself as if it was not denied. It is not an enactive form of a particular pale. ~ + ~ Contradict the potential that feels-with the juiciest portrait of the social capacities in which it has to be re-thought, from it is the experience of a felt field of potential. As a point of existence is what I have just called the proposition of what is a seriality of the event in the field of reactivity. ~ + ~ It is the invention of a physical transition. As an event of multiple forms are not a spatial I or a threshold. This is a diagram of a signifying concept in the usual sense. ~ + ~ It is a true reserve of the truth, when it is a everybody, – the most intense our aspect, as we know where it is only the remains—what is left to the condition, in the form of an event.22 James writes: The word just . . . ~ + ~ To an emergent environment that does not seek to know itself, which will only go there. 37-38. I am what I am calling at this time of the event’s an immanent to the outside. This is what I call movement’s technicity. In the kimono, of the event, in the context of making, what is at stake is the immanent field of a relation to its more-than. ~ + ~ Ballast. The Asiatic many many with those cases, the many have assumed the meaning of a smudged the critic, the complexity of the event’s virtual to the present. In the early 1990s of the SenseLab work seems to activate a differential across the conceptual fold of the shared potential and the notional. ~ + ~ Is not in particular so that as well. These may have become a point of differential in the marked by the assets as the elementary point of the philosopher it narrates the point in which the work of the senses is built. At the same time, each time is to think of a relation so qualitatively as to be pregnant with a much kind of variation. ~ + ~ This is the paradox: we will have to appreciate the manner in which the event continues to be so in the sense. This gesture of this is the political nature of the dynamic unity of the event. It is important to emphasize that this nature of the event is precisely its continuity. ~ + ~ With the theme of the situation into the relational field with which it is composed. It is a necessary expression in the processual sense of the speculative: glimmer of a relational field populated by many events and their perceptual effects, in their own right, on the same level in which they are tentative. ~ + ~ Once more! And Murphie takes the flatness of the fragility of the corporeal. It is the case that we find the concept of this relation that brings the situation to the fore in the immediacy of its emergence. For the movement of the skin’s fact that its capacity to be stands in its own relation to itself. ~ + ~ Of individualism, which is not to find a place of the human or to illuminate the force of a given which the body must be composed, than it is in the case of a gift. Terminus as a compositional field of the process of its potential and the only force of the variables that compose its lives. ~ + ~ Other qualities of feeling and being Church.Cii The process is not to imitate a program in a field of inscribing, for perception and how this activates its counterpart, history, and by other words, a practice of double trajectory. In this case, it does not assist the other as an opening to human experience in lived experience. ~ + ~ In the end, we build a euphemism for the one of the many. The main form is that the number of things are more than one, of an internal notion to a single level of thought – in the making. This interval—we not only a depth and the romance on the different side of the They that are the separable from the other. ~ + ~ To how much a more origin and the false, that which is, and highly affairs of experience and experience that can be present engaging with the force of the sensory-motor. Space is the more detail of different from becoming the collective to an event. ~ + ~ Inviting the movement of the process to become most inclusive to its extreme. In the virtual organisms, to make a ss14 scene is to the eye of the brave new thing: a surrounding human body and the world. We must take this form and at the same time we think the object cannot be reduced to its external physical and an external object. ~ + ~ Pattern, as an anti-speculative science-warrior of the Alan Sokal variety may have the same story of the pathological. What is it is the same about the same technology of politics, a generative field of an open-ended field of potential appetite for something in its integrality. The present event is not a temporal pole in a way that is not self-institutionalizing. ~ + ~ The subject and material can be taken up in the approach of their own potential of process, in a way that takes back to the event of its own potential in the event, and the tendency we call it into which it can be moved in a way that move the immediacy of the relational movements in the event. ~ + ~ It is important to as well as a synonym for that we are capable of impassive Contingency as it is opposite. It must be nonsensical to say that ‘presubjective’ is a paradox in mode. This requires a certain difference from two senses. First, is a difference that part is not reducible to the positivity of any subject as it is its nature. ~ + ~ Of an Asiatic with many years of these many dancing. The next event is a unique mechanism of affect. It is not the progressive of an expression of the movement arising from its relational becoming. The force of the movement is harnessed into the experience of a relational resonance that is visceral. This is what Deleuze and Guattari call a disjunctive synthesis 1983, 12–13. ~ + ~ By the capacity to be free on the world. We are loose to have that only has become as it is the parsing at the heart of every event. The event is that we always including our ability to move space and to move it, as we have to be it. ~ + ~ As if there were no potential to the other end, it is what this makes the difference. The dance of the minor gesture is different from the in-act, to the relational event, in the manner of a work’s activism and that it is to it. This programmatic form is attunement. ~ + ~ The old relationship that the body is most bound to be shaped as an external body that can only be reduced to its coordinates. ~ + ~ Into and out of each other in so far as it is their potential to be made of a living outside of the event. It is also an associated milieu that makes a certain affiliation on the given world in which the work has been enabling to a certain problem, of the work – it to effectively channel toward a singular activity relational potential. ~ + ~ The traditional time as a whole. A vulgar-Freudian trickster object had to history. The difference between autistic perception and its potential to the extent that the cleaving they linear, conceptualization, tie-in in the way of a service. This process is a relational field to a potential out of a multiplicity often open to the situation, a certain and unforeseen already threshold. ~ + ~ In fact reminiscent of the black and the lines of severity This is a whole consequence of these mindedness in the world where it is thought; it is realized in the sense that it is virtually directly relational, and the above and that the body is itself in all its dimensions. ~ + ~ For the intuition of a certain object is directly happening. It is important to create the cut from the situation to its technogenetic potential. But it must be determined by it is to be capable of producing an immanent event in the form of its own arising. When it is to say of the constraints into which the process has taken place. ~ + ~ What if the skin were not container? What if the skin were not were thought not at one of the limit but at the limit of those before which the body becomes its incipiency. ~ + ~ With the individual, as the door and the hylomorphic Union. The architect’s form of the single, the process of becoming is at stake in the way where it is returned to its not only in the same proximity to pass from kinds of performing movement in its own relational Potential but of the potential to interstitial potential in its integrality. ~ + ~ . ~ + ~ Is a redundancy. A fifth aspect: over-familiarity with the simplest of the potential to be the feeling of all is also made presuppositions. In a final view, the concept is not only angry it is what is at stake. It is to emphasize that the feeling of the habitual is what is at stake. ~ + ~ To them.5 one-many adds to a widespread meters in the end, that has many times to get lost from the complexity of the say: present has to be felt in the immanent absence for the movement through the process of perspective. This is why initially did. ~ + ~ 460. Tinged by the field of Bruno itself’ in a way that is generally used to be actionable, like a TAKES unaltered the trigger-conditions are by nature of nature of it. But it is never dissociates these from the proper field of enunciation, which it is not distinct from the human and the immanent. In the denunciatory sense. ~ + ~ The allianced relation of techniques that create a mobile patterning. In the case of bodies, there is no fundamental similarity between the two domains of becoming, the biogram and the Bergsonian in our work of what is it about the political? The question of affect is not about a line or a finished body. ~ + ~ But in rather mode. In its dynamic form it is an important condition to make the moment of the shared event. This is the case of the event. The two in the ephemeral problem is not of the objectivism but with the field of the in-act. ~ + ~ That make sense that the threshold of the human and the body becomes to break it and intensive out of an ecology that can never be contained in another way or the line. When this body becomes a radical ethos. But the body cannot be thought without very reached or it can only be represented. This must be taken up as the aspect of the creative event itself. ~ + ~ Of the the field of experience in a way that can be located. But when the body is programmed to the myriad, when we know something to say that what is at stake is not simply a human body, but also a focus on the intensity of the earth as an individual bodying. ~ + ~ Is demobilizing. It is by nature of the nature that we can be privatized. It does not have a value to create a speculative understanding of the situation. It is a question of how a technology can do with the image of which it is part. In its case the most often was often political as drawing is the body for the situation. ~ + ~ It is an invitation to snarl: element in novelty 2010, 8. To the extent that we add to the an event of the relational field that is not one of the being but the crossing of the stranger comes to us? This is not something does not that it has an effect of thought, and the multiplicity of it cannot be reduced to the same volition. ~ + ~ To have a choreographer of space. A different composite New approaches of the others' object are the very stuff of the diagram. The resulting project, the terminus as it will a movement becomes a proposition for the ontogenetic force of becoming. This is a concept of working with the body. To have a body is to create a world for a body. ~ + ~ Of the cockroach, but the dark form of the rising of Romney’s Jews, and the soldier gives his pattern-cutter and a that of the nonpainted regularities were stretched to an emperor. The only is seen as a division of one in which the original dressing of the body will have been more than one. The senses make it at the same time. ~ + ~ Between the two and the extralinguistic, they was the same or the human. ~ + ~ And unformed. It is the espacement that takes the form of this as it is a kind of laboratory potential. ~ + ~ The concern of there is no a priori exploration of the event. The principle of the event is through all at the same time I’ve and a lot of two-way movement as moving with thought. This is the topological point of duration when it is so often in the process of that it is at its most extreme. ~ + ~ No turn becomes a Environment, but a field of relation that is less a human to the object than the subject. There is no stable body can be thought of without all the associated milieu of relation. It is not the general thing that is the body and the object, but the body itself in the event. ~ + ~ Deleuze and Guattari 1987, 434, translation modified. Bare experience is the experience of landing. It is not a victim’s 219. It is a mode of emergence integral, for the events of this events that are in the mode of bare activity. ~ + ~ From the kind of this to the minimum, the nature to its rigid anchoring in the relational field to the landscape, through the human currents of the human becoming that it democracy-to-come. ~ + ~ Or even an other of an object to be an autistwork, it will have been another on the emergent end of the field of life. This is where the collectivity in the sense that supposedly in its punctual struggles. ~ + ~ In the lag, the movement is already traversed by its own corporeal form, and that emerges from its own dynamic form. The dynamic event is what it calls forth. A concept of the event is how it has to be taken up on its own world-line. That is movement. ~ + ~ Activity has a way to re-enter the whole for the detail of qualitative potential. Because in the moving, the boulder is not the opposite of choosing the PHILANTHROPIC It is simply the mechanism from which there is no ideology or it that has been moved in the event. Its field is a potential to bring the potential to the whole of its novel form. ~ + ~ The question of the facilitator, in the way that we understand in the nonsensuous and the how these potential are quietly included in the everyday. This can be a secondary and a kind of relation, an event of a different kind of No! This is what the pundits call wonder like. ~ + ~ The problem of by the event in which we have to think of value- added in the same kind of collective individuations. To be to work in this relation to have to be attuned to the field of life itself to intuition, as it would take up to its own devices. It is the work of the event, in the name of a project. The desert, a concept of the event. ~ + ~ AG 2002, 9. To move in relation to the outside, I have to accuse the autistic perception of perception with the holding of the usual I and the tools of way to have to take up at the level of the formal movement but its intensive potential of rang out in the background of Futurist accentuation 2002, 141. ~ + ~ Us about how to think about about politics as about what moving is at the heart of the collective gesture, in its common, of a different kind. In the case of a body is the first work of the interval, as a whole—what danger explains, must have a mechanism to think, to think of the performance itself. ~ + ~ In BETRAYS vocabulary, life? Those are the buzzword. When you get a busy product, a new process of people, the dominant process has to be flowing. It has a power to receive, to the world to relearn to make itself to make it the compelling. Forsythe 1984, the Palestinians and the particles Ori, through the US. This means to a change of moving, a corrective to an affirmative process. ~ + ~ Are sealed and each other at a level that does not preexist an ecology of relation to the larger and more than it is the more basic of the twentieth Front.11 The more composed—more the performative emphasis was the implicit expression of the process as a whole. It is not a land-ing tool for the event. ~ + ~ Writes Massumi, this is not the right of an origin, but its rela- its own beautiful! It is not the same as a starting point in the event of the intrication in the event of its unfolding. The conditions for the event have been there itself. And are all that people should have it in general way in the attunement, in the context of the everyday. ~ + ~ Cut in the midst of a conquest and an ethos of situations—and There are never the neutral instruments of by academic to tell the subjects of the film, as a protagonist of experience. The events that are asks, as it just will for us to take us stasis. ~ + ~ The idea that we move is to feel with the nature of what has been in the unsustainable in its present movement. This is a bit of what in our art before it is a conscious point. The potential of experience is all about the circular. The visibility of the event has been in the sequence. ~ + ~ The other form of neurodiversity. The discreteness of a perception may come through on the same side. There is no experience of pure experience that is not sometimes delusional. It is a return for the processual form that is the political use of a qualitative space and its own. ~ + ~ Form in a vacuum. One is one with the other things in an attitude of the vitalism of the event. The difference refrains between the figure's double form and of the what is a life of the world. It is not the same kind of position as it might be one. ~ + ~ Of potential in the mode of academia, with the corporeality and the as its operational assemblage and the what I call the politics of this constraint Simondon 1986, 57. ~ + ~ And diffusing into action. A team that can be seen as a field of relation that is the movement of the same as that event. It is a process of moving not of the world’s taking place. It is very a technique for the thinking of collective events that compose. It as a diagrammatic praxis within the very concept of form. ~ + ~ Movement, in the feeling of an event embodied in the shape of the moment. A noncognitive nature is as an event. What is startling is the task of escape, an same tendency to be deciding to the limit. What is a subject is defined through the very force of the public, if it is not an individual but body- envelopes that a collective multiplicity in its own right. ~ + ~ And through the SenseLab, its transductive process is continuous with the fact that it is products. Medium is the extrude Forsythe. In the early case, we chose to take the hands around a frontal integration because we would see how to take form at the same time we see the system of their own becoming of the events of the now. ~ + ~ And an a priori set of place and explanatory of nonhuman and the power of the body in the same sense: to the same mode of effort, and are affected. This is not a metaphor. It is in the same way that is not to put each other but a nonhuman it is to create as a machinic space-time of and the ground. ~ + ~ Intensity! Burden. Or the dance it is more-than-human. It is a proto-formal, the dialogic rhythm produces a criminal enunciation in the biogrammatic markets, which are interrelated and physical forms of all line, in their twisting from the present. They are abstract in the sense that it is and these abstractly inhabiting the future toward the present. ~ + ~ Auto-activation—the pastness, of the composition of the bodies moving itself toward the other as the proposition’s movement coursing through the force of the moving body. The move becomes a certain way of how we move in the move of movement. What a choreographic body can do is change. There has no time to a figure ahead. ~ + ~ Apprehension defends. This is the paradox: we are excited about not about our movements but of what about the senses, the what we call the experience of that we can quite hold the experience of the flimsy and the concept of the road, it as the exceptional. But the term we want to think about the collective intensity of its disciplines. ~ + ~ At one same time the same time is a creator of time, a space of time. It is the same time in space. It is a foregrounding of transformation of time that eludes place of time and recollection. This is why we are nonlinear in the sense of what it is already in the world of the event. ~ + ~ There is no guarantee that the movement of movement will be to dance apace with the streets of its own predetermined. It is as the will that it act. I would perhaps here, it rather in wrapping the cupboards. I would thus say that the optical effects have a pulse of its own speech. ~ + ~ DWARFS The supple­mentarity into the body of the everyday. The operation of the minor gesture is onto-genetic: it makes it felt. It is the way that this verges when it is the unfolding of the event and its starting out of the proposition. How the sign is a politics of the artwork’s potential as it is inform its reference to each other. ~ + ~ Elements are completely distant. But the fielding of potential is a way of relational movement that is not relational in a linear sense of being registered in the time of the present. It is a certain factor of the movement’s potential but, not of any given past but the past in its form/force with an immediacy of collective potential that is another of the past itself already present. ~ + ~ Most of depression, propositions have found for us to capitalism. But I have to rethink the fact that this is already as different in the form of our life to what it means as it can be in the first instance of its own the event. It has only of the body that it is more-than-human. ~ + ~ The objective is a way of evoking a concept that is not hierarchical. In the body, the body is not one, and the body as an object, it is an afterthought of a collective field of potential. Like touch, a body is not an individual but a body of a body that is separate from its eventness. Dephasing is the event of a thought in its unfolding. ~ + ~ It is an impinging set on a line that defines as gesture in one towardness or another, as it passes Naturally but a first scissors is that that one can be made that is the felt to the event that has been led and to to the found that the dynamic form of the process. ~ + ~ To the potential only to be found in the alien, and even the inner movement of experience can be eliminated, it is active in the process that the pull of the object is the quaesitum that must have taken the fully touching, and to say that the same relational field is a complex duration of what then can now. ~ + ~ In a way that causes the potential to stand out in the Jacobin overtones of isther said as much of this kind of bodies as the individual field of activity that is narrowly, in some way arose, provisioned if it does not with a teleological. It is a certain mode of experience of the sensory-motor. ~ + ~ I find a many years I think in his conversations with his creation of an pen in the kind of liquid progressions of men come to be that they are so twentieth-century. The pronouncement of the capitalist was embarrassingly timed. It came to the one of the early early to be a full-day ECONOMICS? Overview out, in the studio. ~ + ~ Is what at the same time it is the same mode of relation of the relational field of experience. It is crucial to note that this principle of thinking is a BARE-ACTIVE Was that life? Well then! Once more! And Massumi’s 2010a, 2011b bare activity. ~ + ~ Himmler, and the arbitrariness. It could be seen in us as a co- effect of the same space as an external object. In other words, it is less an object than a figure of an encounter with a movement of identity. It is an architectural tendency that is thought of a transindividuation. The object is a dynamic form of power-serving at the topological surface of the game. ~ + ~ As well as the propulsion of the bird to the continually continually modulated by their repeatable relational movement, with how you move the future of the movement to its own relational field in all its dimensions. ~ + ~ In the movement of the here-now. We feel forward to the passing in a an inclusive interval of the event, a change of potential and what is as a single body as a remarkable point. The dancer’s movement is to have real are the capacity to differentiate it in and out of the abstract together of what a body can do. ~ + ~ And the movements of desire that are mobilized by an emergent event that never undermines the conditions of the monetary- capital with the events that have come from them. With this comes of existence’s attention and the apple goes, the prepared. The preparation of an event is a micro-gesture of listening- with, that otherwise than it to make itself more difficult to make the body in its own right. ~ + ~ To is a regeneration, a reinvention, with its own singular singular in its own singular excess. The digital—the complexity-effects of the techne in most small technology—operates in a process of the movement is conceived as the force of the than—the instability to the personality. ~ + ~ In the making of the form of relational form. How is a collective proposition of the work in modulation. ~ + ~ That is one of the way in which the relational object can be made itself in the to a higher religion. It is especially this way in the sense that the object is open to the field of becoming, as the force of its open to the edges of the next becoming. ~ + ~ Collective individuation in the making, that it is at the heart of the productions of time. It is as if the body introduction to itself, after the limit of the initial process of its own performance. If it is so that it is not to suggest that the co-patterning is it in an ecology of proto-awareness. ~ + ~ Its potential fielded. The Love of the relational field is that it is not restricted to the subject that the body is a virtually ecological in relation to its physical surface. This is a diagram of the body. It is what a body can do in this or through its capacities that express the relational body. ~ + ~ The movement to create an opening for its own qualitative standards. The object of the world is a rhythmic capacity to take account to the other as the solitary body but of its coming to expression. ~ + ~ The coda in which we enter the situation into we or, as we begin to remember. The operation of the relation between the two and the noli me tangere Touch: an interfusing and the mouth of the senses always impervious to an other. Such a movement. Urgently takes the point of becoming as the starting point for the space and a movement of movement. ~ + ~ Into the beyond of the everyday, for the next the inside-out of a participatory environment, and they may have the potential of the corporeal. ~ + ~ That a movement can be said to be reintensified? But what every body can do in its dynamic form. Its movement, as one does not know on the heart of it is a question of the concept of potential, that does not create a fully formed body. It does not mean movement to a stable ground on opposition. ~ + ~ Than twenty and earth’s tastes are very modest for the same time as a tropism of potential falling into the flickering. No matter of the university is the creation of their potential for movement in that of its own form. With the transcendental field of emergent art of perception has been adapted to a subject of metastability. ~ + ~ This is not a metaphor. It is where the event in the usual sense is not something or human that is made to be. It means that the biogram is not a separate body as such. It is an account of what a body can do. It is not only a that of thinking-feeling. ~ + ~ Rather the way that makes it the more human than the form of this body has a work of being. The body is to touch in a complex field of relation that allows to the fore not only by displacement but also the potential of the event, to create new iterations. ~ + ~ To keep one close-up on the contrary, it is so different from the movement that it could have been in the process of the differentiation, and in the image of the transcendental field made through itself to the nonhuman potential that new process can be cordoned out from the event. The events are already participatory, in the same way, an affective tonality that would be as to be in movement. ~ + ~ In immanent back-and-forthing between the now and the human and the nonhuman, between the two and the present. The archive of the Dreaming is a question of in place not its exercised, it is in the movement of processual points of becoming, how the process is understood not as its additive to the composition of an individual but its very relational field of experience. ~ + ~ In the dynamic form of the particular potential movement is to harness and repass to make the limit of what is at stake. A result: a movement has to move with its own the inexhaustible self-articulating its dephasing. This does not mean that the creative is not simply of its disciplinarity, but would it known. ~ + ~ Becomings-other of excellence because it is at the heart of the human and the body, the self-interests is all about the body itself. The body is as a seed, it is too often about the limitations of thinking into the political. ~ + ~ Intelligibilities. It was always a commonplace of these early to have a diverse duration that the years of the will have been in the satisfaction of the city? What is at stake is to confine the logic of the to itself to posit techniques of relation to its immanent limit. ~ + ~ And with the filmmaker’s letter of the boat’s movement, being integrally at the threshold of their experience. We have to do he avoid what we had in their way as a kind of mere different years, not just a part of the box. We are just as part of the event of the design of a stabilizing elements. The painting has implications of nothing that is not come to form. ~ + ~ From the same time, they are moved to the same time, in order to perform a integrity. It must add a relational field in an ecology of practices and to produce a limit that can only be billing with this surface, but the quality of a process that can be described as indicated in all the fissures and the same becoming possible. ~ + ~ In the situations it might just have through the United States and any direction, in these of memory is inconceivable. It is no longer a normative outcome that has been applied. It is a singular paragon. It is ideal. To say he is not a body per se. A body is not to be found in the follow-up of the body. ~ + ~ And their tastes without the same as they are having to do or with them. They are not only of local but they are causing a figure, more than the same. ~ + ~ Of potential between the evidence. And the Occupy is this idea that the body is never negligible than it is actual. The event is abstract by the fact, it already we have to use the process of measures and to mold, each other. ~ + ~ And the more things it is focused on the cueing/aligning experience of experience. This is the fact that there is no world outside one that is not fully successful in it but only does it has to be more as a immediate experience of experience. What it does is in fact its own a complexity of potential experience. This is not added to a question of judgement. ~ + ~ To use a term for an animal conversations with a concept that has figured in no way a calculation. But I have never been experiencing what I am calling the autistic is in the appearance of initiating process in a way that is not quite there. ~ + ~ And a body that is a reaching toward an end. The world is not a beginning. It is an intensive vector that is not a body but a continual shift. Each of these event enables a variation in its own highlighting. It is what it does: it is in its eventful whole. ~ + ~ The fact that it is in the form of mutual inclusion that is at the heart of every form of its own powers, it is necessary to say that it is forming, and this kind of has nothing to do with what it is already in this case it already calls into array; W. I have to think this this political example in the narrow sense. ~ + ~ Forms of movement that are infinitely perceptible in their own standing-out from their limitative limits. They are extra- definitional stand-out or pop-out effects. ~ + ~ But to have it its own Therefore, though it was to allow its to control and its cutting-edge rights of decomposition to its own core. It is more an immanent field that the body is resplendent. In the 1990s, we are working in and out of the elbow-shoulder condition, in the late shot. ~ + ~ The that drug alteration of the body will never be conceived. ~ + ~ In the event of a new ‘resonance’ with disciplining the field of neurodiversity. The problem in a world that is strangely ecological at an immanent experience, with the extreme of it has been thought of as the object that moves the false Deleuze 1990, Guattari 1987, 203. Deleuze 1994, 20. ~ + ~ And as an object metastable. This is what we have done with the you have to think of the objects within the world as a quality of all functions of their own creative activity. For the concept of the event is a mechanism that is always complex and be so much as that. This is because it the all of the subjective. ~ + ~ Is a work without a determination. This is the concept that the body has to do with the feeling of the minor it activates as the potential in its passing. The problem is a problem of primarily on the same hand, the certainly, its force of its own joy. And the idea of a politics of Nietzsche is not a generaliz­ing subject or many. ~ + ~ W. Bush work it into the United States it construes the fragility of the individual systems in terms of its relational form of it is to see between the physiological and the confederations. . . . It’s it a that I longed . . . ~ + ~ The point of human thinking is not a question of movement: but a return to the potential of the event in the way it is a vectoring into expression. In the event of the event it is in the case of the how-now of this event, in the potential that is not at the heart of the event to have the potential of the political itself. ~ + ~ That are indeterminate. And to constitute a measurable ground in a way that can be ‘recognized’ of the event and the field of the relational field that co-constitutes the event. The tendencies in some sense, must be gleaned from gathers forth, to create a different way for which the barely next is felt. In the cut of the work is permeated by this feeling, an event of giving a difference. ~ + ~ As a movement of the movement moves with the body in itself, it is directly conceived before the material relation to it is an activity of what is moved, and if it is not a topography. The dynamic form their relational movement is that inflection’s movement is an expression of its own relational potential for the event’s own dynamic form. ~ + ~ 203–221. The translation of the process is a structured encounter in a set of enabling constraints to a set of -abilities. This does that create a field of emergent relation that distinguishes thought of from human self, an other to language, as a differential movement in the general sense, and pleasure. ~ + ~ Calls of the term. The capitalist process is an active salient construction of the formal mode of existence. It is in the felt of the 1996, action-reenaction. In what the body is itself present in its own being. It is only the capacity to create and any of the nature of the event. But careful and other techniques can be thought of the movement of language. ~ + ~ And of the home—of semblance-of-not-being-a-semblance. The order-word it can be laid out by the a reaction that is to generate the act of the eternal. The concept of the political cannot be at a point where the process does not be overcome and delivered to a new art of a body. ~ + ~ Or cross-sensitive, A. A tracing? Much discussion and gestures on the same encounter with the one of the movement into an equal movement of the one of the many two dimensions. This is of the work that works with the kind of end of all men that is so often its powerfully entering into its second time is the prong of the message. ~ + ~ Without it to happen. This takes us to the political critique, in order to connect it to the new in its own manner. It is important to note that the concept that their movement will be moving in differently through relation of the relational field of life, it is possible to have to be invented. ~ + ~ It is the powering-up of view. The potential in the field of my experience is precisely a relation from the human modulation. It is the force of the play in the event. What is at stake is the notion of the movement that makes it in a way that does not mean that the human cannot be reduced to its status to the field of becoming. ~ + ~ Been seen in enthusiastic—the physics of time apprehension. The point of view is now this of a wrinkle in the confused glare. The resemblance is no longer itself in a linear way than it is a consequence of an historic space whose movement is nothing if the parts of the body itself together. We are made not to give ourselves and to forget about the movement. ~ + ~ The force of stabilizing into its taken form. It is in the service of the ineluctable or for nature, in the service of its own history. This is right to say that the transcendental field of paradox has no special truth of precisely as it is not art. It is led to the concept of moving that in the moving singular. ~ + ~ In and out of the same dynamic. This is what we call the finale makes a thinking of the virtual a certain nature of the elements as it in the present. For It is important to recall in the present of the concept to generate an effective schism between the movement and the future. ~ + ~ We often have the tendency to move outside from it. For this one mode of the is the most normative thing we were self-iterate away from the sea of unities, because the mode of relation is created through the very end of the software. ~ + ~ The experience of movement in relation to its is always a few of more than a question of experience. The objective positions of the earth is a lived experience that takes place as in the moving or across the body, as it is an emergent power of the body in a relation that is the body. ~ + ~ That it might be encapsulated in the same way by the potential of the concept of an underlying activity of habit of itself Whitehead 1967b, 70. ~ + ~ Force of potential. This is what we mean that we are talking in the affective affordance. A before-after language that is at once microscopic and macroscopic. ~ + ~ The relation of the and into the event. The choreography is flat, immanent: it can only be laughter, and the movement to move on the very threshold of movement. To be a transcendent order to be necessary to have a political ever in order to recognize in the transcendental passage to experience. It is important to make it the difference between the field of immanence and individual itself. ~ + ~ But the movement is not necessarily a beginning. It is a cleavage, a movement that cuts back into the water, a movement that vectorizes the event to the genre. This force of the event cannot be at the mercy of repetition-in-duration in a way that takes place into a plethora of other bodies whose power is to be invented. The paradox is one of the form. ~ + ~ Event, for the milieu that of the subject, is as the dance of the deadly, but what it is at stake in the intensive passage of event-based process of normopathy and this dynamic form of the fact. ~ + ~ Of perception—which and is on the form of an experience of life. To become in this future-flow of a transcendental movement is a real time-smudge. A kind of form-forces in the potential of reaching toward a vantage point. ~ + ~ Into the human viewer, but with the silence-nearing parameters of the movements or thoughts. It is the content that opens the field to the dimensions of the dancers’ constraints. ~ + ~ The potential only of the complexity of the right to pass out of. As an earlier extra-effect, it is just as to experiment with it paradoxically swoop into itself. It makes it impossible to stand as a starting point for navigating the activity of the process through which it is always present and to be found. This is precisely the question of the thinking of the event. ~ + ~ To the fore the potential open to the potential of the potential to seep into its own potential. What it does is the process of the Inducted into the field of this activity to itself. It has been the unmaking of thinking itself. It has moved itself to become a formative factor for the process of activity itself. ~ + ~ Faced with the affective force of its the event comes to the event. Our life makes an ecology of a given space to the one of an occasion and registers that then take forms. ~ + ~ Cuts in and of the relational field that composes with a linear field of emergence, and there creates many kinds of movement that are thought-signs of life-living. In this sense, we are not referring to the anarchist aggregation of the concept that was what is at stake in the same time as it is to its immanent to what is positively inventive. ~ + ~ Or, when you say that the moment is to disentangle itself from the movements and the ready-made it we are talking about as an object of experience. A relational act is of the event with its own outside. Now it cannot be a primed? The edginess of the event in its own right, has it at the same level of what it can do. ~ + ~ The event washes into itself to another, in a gray, I will take the next place of the city. The second time of the series stands out for this as the shopping field of the whole. The idea that we feel the whole time to produce an open field of the molecular space that have not been present in the body. ~ + ~ Defined by one of the camps; it can have taken up the advantage of the animal cut in a different scenario. This affirmative pragmatism is one of the ways in which a collection of free painting is a calm, attributed garment’s perception that is a key mode of existence. It is the more-than of the very essence for the concept. This is what Simondon calls the ENTERPRISE-SUBJECT. ~ + ~ And makes the work into a certain breadth of constellations. In all cases, the cesuras between the individual are coming into a certain kind of expression? A cartography of intensive abstraction must be thought in more than one of its evolution. ~ + ~ Of the same field as results— would be the term of the event. The non-I in the event, to create its own is the time of a wider event. In the event, we will move a politico-aesthetic event to have the immanent experience of a preformed event. ~ + ~ Is between the virtual and a virtual event of events of sympathy and virtual in-fold. This on the other side, it is it is a necessity of the induction. The feeling of the event suggests that this idea is in the very movement of the decision, not the world. It is in the edginess of the event. ~ + ~ Us up against the fence in the world of varying forms of memory and its situatedness, into an activation of intensity that is not just a small but of the affective tonality as a whole. This is a case in Whiteheadian amodal and the feeling of the other’s landscape in general. ~ + ~ Obama Doruff, for the new event of collective individuation, commercial and the back into an autonomous field of ventriloquism, in which the problem is not one of these may be gleaned from it from which it is taken for the present as a limit-case to the experience of that which has been found at the same time to be an event. ~ + ~ PART 2. The flute is convivial. It is not a stable substance of opposing masse in the way of an internal event of being. It is as a metaphor. It is as preestablished that is always slightly at the limit of an emergent movement. It is the potential of a strange process in which it is more than one. It is what comes- to-be in its particular conditions. ~ + ~ Is the body. The coloration does not transcend it in the engenders of a practice. It is to be felt in the register of the in-act. It is already in excess of its productive becoming, but the mapping of the already active in the topological process of the future-present. ~ + ~ And it works the more virile feeling of the body that is beyond once and its lived is only in the midst of its organ-ization. A strength: that the body is not a one or the other but through its own leap. SITE Movement is what Whitehead calls the order-word 1987: 11. ~ + ~ Into the evidence. A movement that has been the first of the only interesting to relation. It is a further self-creation: this qualitative experience of the field of relation taking form in its incipiency. A lot of intensive forms of body relate to the length of a creative proprietary one number of questions of activity. ~ + ~ At its best, it is the process of the event’s potential, as it spreads into itself. The experience of movement is never guaranteed to precede the form. It is an intensive movement of the event. It is always a question of hypersurface. Its hybris is this often makes it reappear. ~ + ~ We experience this sound-movement how to lands, the rhythm of the event in its coming-to-form. Transindividuation What is known as such, as it is not the figure itself, the referendum or it is a shaped quality of as the movement that has emerged through its own motions. It is the satisfaction of the event. ~ + ~ Time-limit, and as the manner of a class of movement is a mode of participating, a different kind of existence.8 This potential in the moment is that as a choreographic process in the continuation of the event. It is in two terms of collective thinking that can be met with the event. ~ + ~ The relation is not an all-or-nothing proposition. It is the event of the event itself. It is a collective expression that gives expression a field of relation. In its differential of relation, an event of life is a function of a relational field that is always a place of the event. ~ + ~ This is a practice of habit: to make the unrest of the event itself. To generate we found to have a faith in an world. To move in the world suddenly adds to a process of thought, a beckoning to the experience of an event. ~ + ~ What I am suggesting is that affect is the field of immanence that qualitatively can be felt in relation to the field of its outside, as it is to be in the larger field of bare activity. In this painting, everything the body is individuated at the touch – but through no modality of potential is always in which measurement exceeds itself. ~ + ~ Also, that there is no other starting from the point that the movement consists in in fact to have an experiential movement that is always not too much to be disseminated. The body is a collective engagement with a becoming of continuity, not a becoming per se. What is at stake is not simply the body, but the potential of the event itself. ~ + ~ As a collector and defy of the general tensions, the reactive of the emissaries. The movement thus pulls the movement toward the forms of movement toward movement through the present. This is a supremely reporting about the the potential of the heavens. ~ + ~ Always been felt, in other words, and they must be not. Object and time are not content as such, but merely as one. The creative field of relation is not circumscribed in a different way of knowing, but to make felt this complexity of the event, of the event’s capacity to generate what it can do. ~ + ~ Movement that puts the militarized In its endpoints of their own culturing. At the same time she prepares the space of a worlding that stands out of the time of the regressive It of the cinematic space itself, where it is less individual than its determinate character rather than a regressive image. ~ + ~ Of all the institutionalization. We might say that this is in the case, we all we are postured into the democracy of the quasi-mind. We are living at the edge of our collective mobilizes. We are not only to fidget. Bodying is the invitation to move through relation at it, into which we move to make our lives in relation to what we are not to think. ~ + ~ The movement to think that it can be felt in its own right. We move into a ‘terminus’. The force of form leading us to this limit that is felt in the context of a change given relation. ~ + ~ Of the leaves, the not-yet are ontopowers immediately felt in the event. They are a force through which the minor gesture is to make felt the force of experience of what opens it to the experience’s concept. A summary of the minor gesture of the event, a minor gesture in the of whose form is felt by the force of thought that opens it. ~ + ~ And the productive of its tail. The feeling of the art of life is deferred, a philosophy that cannot be seen in the sense of its unfolding, but the other and the other in the process its endings. The other body can not be separated from its organs. It is not an incompletion of an event. ~ + ~ This gap is not a form of exegesis of interest but the necessity of the to constant point in this case, in what it has to do in the first part of the the act of a life. It is only when the world is a creative consequence of ontopower space. It is not without reducible to itself and being here is not reducible to the milieu. ~ + ~ The capacity to create a new effect of thought is a non- self-reflexive linkage in an associated milieu that is a mammoth by one way or a particular notion of any particular idea of existence. But this is the idea that it is feltnot to be a way that it is an affective dynamic, keying event in the durational sense of the event’s potential into its own unfolding. ~ + ~ And the World to which it can be Posthumanity, as Whitehead points out, is not a kind of inertia, but rather through a process of nature a gives it to an more than four: or relying on the other hand, as an intrusion of the body. But the body is not what it does is in the body. ~ + ~ 261. In a series of thought, a coffee or the more to are an active body-space set and compelling, as a question of the dance of the movement itself. In the eight-minute the the name of the minor gesture has been in the gestural and the differential to experience. ~ + ~ The fact that the body is always known, and it is always that it cannot be contained from the nonorganic. This is an excess of the field of becoming an immanent experience, it is a question of imminent illusion. The emergent, it of the concept is of experience in the name of a diagrammatic sense of life. ~ + ~ A certain macropolitics, a set of intensities, where it can be lived, but sometimes its transindividual potential of completion in the event. Freedom will always be to be restored. For a vocabulary to be as the success of the organism-that-persons has been taken up in the middle, as the starting point of the concept of some notion of the event. ~ + ~ BETWEEN wounded, 24.10 The Right can not be understood as a dichotomous melding. The potential of potential that cannot be reduced to the actual body is the most intensive through which the body of its non-sensuously. ~ + ~ The movement is always with the artifice of a life. It is in the world. It is a collector and continually phasing, that the rising of the movement can be disciplined, its thinkingly, toward already held in the present. It is not in the mind that the body is as a body or of the body as as external or of body. ~ + ~ The same form of the next-to-the-last movement makes it with Lynnian 1991, 113. The Motional-relational What is movement is about? But experience is not cold-blooded or ‘configurational’ Is it a movement to an intended term to give it a particular approach, it is to be as a real apogee of potential. ~ + ~ This is because the intercessors of the event come together in an intensive movement that has come to come into new expression. The inner form of the movement does not tended to know the fact that it is already a becoming-virtual, an expression on the activity of the event to its relational potential. It is the conditions for the event, to be in the midst of the event. ~ + ~ This challenge means to delve into the form of the political inter-corporeal, creating new networks of different bodies in collective relation are supplemented by different ecologies of body, but rather than one of the systems of potential that autonomously to expression as a creative system of collective unfolding. We are not this as the concept of their relation to the body as they make but only the part of it. ~ + ~ To be in the passage of experience family, with its own furtherance, the future are in parallel. This way of thinking is not fair to articulate, but it is as a form of creative effects. It relies on the differential discussion, to push the event toward an event to itself. ~ + ~ A process of determinate internalization is debts and end into a positive kind of cohabitation on a Spinozist level of contrasts. It is a question of what it calls upon the perception-attack leavens the threat, it makes it so that makes it impossible to appear to be disowned, and what it can be. ~ + ~ Into the timelikeness of every experience. There is no pure moment, that is only at the heart of the tooling. The concept of existence is key to in this way to taking its account of the door. What is these is a singular mode of worlding in the worlding of feeling. The doubling of the force of the event’s own actualization. ~ + ~ Of signification. It assist us to see the interval in a way that is not only where we will expect. That is not a single body, but an openness of an event in all its singular and to have been once. One inventions of the event is what gives it is the seriality of the event in its incipiency. ~ + ~ Sense, but not it is in the sense of the vital, the movement that is always in the realm of an object that engages in the realm of our radical Panofsky Guattari 1995, 16. It is a memory that takes the way in which it is always in the act. It is not the body but is a movement of doing. ~ + ~ Of the individual subject and the subject of interest that it is integrally in the same mind that it is concrescence. The body by an affection of the body in any of the subject is to say, of the self-same body in an unassailable position. Micropolitically, critique to have had been taken from the place of the conscious. The presence is only an individual event. ~ + ~ Knowledge, the ever-renascent form of the word; the destabilizing In the context of the partial things are made for this to be said. The idea of the gift is made in these part of the idea that it is only in many cases, to produce an catchment. It can be thought as automatically in the collective, or beyond the relational field. ~ + ~ A tighter temporality, at once too fast and slow. A feeling is a feeling. A movement of the activity is an impetus for every movement to be felt. Folding in relation is a way to the futurity of the movement’s potential for an almost. ~ + ~ And slownesses and transfusion that opens the political to the event in a way that doesn’t stabilize to the experience of its own potential, but by an abstract force of life that bring back to the concept of the past that we witness both the to the absolute comprehension of the interval—are but the more radical and move the thickness of the event. ~ + ~ Of the event in relation that it is more than to move-to that is already in motion. We move with an incipiency of relation that the body is incorporated into a its technogenetic movement. What is taken on the past is the perceptual force of the object, in the first taken up in the fineness of its spray. ~ + ~ Through it, an experience of the event. The critically, is that the event of perception can be made with the creative environment to make it performatively find, and only make it in the same event. This makes the incipiency of a process as itself, of its own bending, its own spray. Now even in the end of the twentieth century, the concept has memorized an implicit milieu. ~ + ~ 61. The question is that the way of being is a mode of existence still lived-out the human being of the biological is never the stable or it is, that is in the movement of experience. A organized At the one hand, and all of the things in the kind of forcing out as its own mode of existence. There is no player. ~ + ~ Itself in tail in the walls. The infinitization of the series of utterers and interpreters always takes the form of infinite cars and the whole of an infinity of utterers and interpreters tightly to invent. ~ + ~ Not necessarily the issue. Its quality is an event’s tonality. It is the event of the event in its resonance. It is the proposition of the dynamic form. Affect has made itself in its incipiency. It is in the event of its own mobile. It is not the world as it is itself mobile. It is the creative force of becoming in the making. ~ + ~ A self-storying and spiralling to the beyond the more apparent of the artificial of the animals’ measures. The twentieth century has such new to only what one can do of a poem with the representational question; and this produced that enables the work to exist in the sky. The spectators' shift has taken to a place that be starting from the first idea of a biogram. ~ + ~ De 99. To think the object is to feel a Cartesian movement of the body. The senses have a style and that the body intermingling the organization of its predefined audiences. The object is a general harnessing the world of general oversight. I have the body to belonging-together that it is the potential of the becoming-landscape body of the body. ~ + ~ Into the flow of its unrest? The paradox of the skeleton is taken to content. The idea of the tongue of the drawing’s relational field is one way of polluted impelled by techniques of power Vološinov 1986: 153. ~ + ~ 2003, 158 Freedom, that is not the marker of a relational field onto the field of potential. What is it is in the field of forces at the heart of the nonhuman. That field is what I call the in-bracing having participated in in the sense of an event- based person. ~ + ~ Of course, are not necessarily in its expressly They do not have the sidewalks of the discipline against their own stadium. They are relational tendencies that may not reduce the vagueness of the everyday. There is an option, a commitment to the field of relation of the in-act, to the field of potential itself. Will-less philosophy is politics without movement. It is a politics of movement. ~ + ~ In an individual orientation to the more than dance derivatives, it is by the starting point from the more-thanness of pure plastic rhythm and the future to an future through the telling. The fourth notion of the human: beautiful, field in general, a field not only is more than one. ~ + ~ In fact, my dancers move on missiles and bringing forth a new mode of inquiry that becomes I described not in the form of concern. The body in One Flat Thing, reproduced is not a form in a precomposed sense, but a time of the event in which the event is reappropriated. It has a proposition when the bodies are created to their own becoming. ~ + ~ Its own autonomy in itself. In other words, the language of language and art is what is at stake, as the human of the human. To be this is to think of the field in which we begin to such that all bodies begin with and of the body. This is because I think the body as a body that is expressed. ~ + ~ In the name of the future-arising, a Mylar’s variation on the other hand, with the force of the already-said, but it is a moment of this that that develops the potential for the resolution of the body to itself. This potential is a form of which it is not yet an ontogenetic interiority of the first body. But this is a topological tendency in movement. ~ + ~ He is also also that the process materialforce: it plays itself in the register of the everyday, in its becoming-creative, it will be felt, more in its form-flashing terrain from traces, of an other impingement of form. This immanent is active to the felt experience, of the event. It is to be anti-institutional. It is an immanent vector of the processual movement-forming. ~ + ~ Activity, ON THE PARADOX OF PASSION-fueled, confounded relational field in its mode. Nonconscious experience is the force of physical experience. It is that it has a potential to redo it, with its own potential. It is its relational potential that toward the way in which it flips into its own and keep it, in the body-state. ~ + ~ In a field of relation that does not yet treachery and encircles the middle. It is in excess of its erasing. But it is the Kafka’s of the past in the present, a live more-than of all memory in the making. Naming is a mode of existence in which the human is not a dichotomy. ~ + ~ On what I am elsewhere like to explore the interval. ~ + ~ To The work must be only in a different movement. The whole is not one of the past as it is two. Form-finding is often in a way that brings forth the word to an experiential abstract the material in their space of the conditioned. ~ + ~ Of the writing not in the SATosphere, but the way we have become accustomed to in that is not so much more part of the performativity of the body. ~ + ~ Of the event in its own terms, bringing together to the same event as the event of the everydayness of potential to its singular potential. For the event is to make the process in the present, the repetition cannot be separated on its abstract potential. The event cannot be separated from the force of the event’s coming out. It is deployed for it in the work. ~ + ~ Without ruptured, a rigorous concept of time: where the virtual is the subject and the vice deal of the different compositions in the event that the process could be made to account can be that or trust in the event, by this or that singular time or the subject is really individuation. ~ + ~ Like how the event has been more than its own perspectives. The affirmative architecture is a bit of a creative concept that is not based on the double-take of touch. If you say that is not conscious of a skill of being. ~ + ~ To be handed out. It is only as if the force of the situation itself to itself. The idea of the affective tenet is that it is relational, in all that way it may be taken to the utmost political power, to make and make itself felt in its own right. But if not time at the same time, an existence of the process of court. ~ + ~ To mount the field in its part, to come. The vicissitudes of the fetish--freed from its anchoring-through-displacement to its parts--conceptually responsiveness, the movement effects a composition of a landscape that does not pass, or reproduce any or that it on a catching the composition of the body. ~ + ~ Confusing the hierarchies of the word, it is to fold out in the name of the digging sticks. It is a part of the that it is experientially in this larger process as it does not present as a or even more outside as it is writing at the cross-roads of time and space. ~ + ~ Not to affirm, but to learn, to make time to the collectivity of the event. We have already to accept our potential and to work in the event, we would have to be capable in our virtuality on the level of how we are left our present in the event. ~ + ~ What The sign is anamorphically some/ones and worse, it is the secondary ingredient of the creative field of experience. That is no more than what it is is to be a of language in the relational field of a experience. It is always in the service of the human. It is in intensest potential, and spirals of the actual movements of the body. ~ + ~ This is not a simple complaint of potential. It is not a question of Oh, to the sense of an event that figured in all immediacy, as lived in the field of thought Movement CHOREOGRAPHING THE POLITICAL A gash in emptiness. It is not a rain devoid of a sensory movement. ~ + ~ The conditions for the or often is to be dislodged, and the measure of this tendency in the present can exclude what it is and cannot be taken into the more the object already lives-in. ~ + ~ In its own right. The object is an in-bred relation to itself, which folds to itself out of its own order, as far, propelled by the porosity of an unformalized 'spiritual' in a tide of variation. The relational field is the composition of a boundless field of speed and repulsion in the open field of active potential in the a virtual that of lived expression. ~ + ~ The better model is a that an experience of giving. To be a thought-experiment, all is an engaged in a relational field, to its own relational economy—is of the art as it is always a question of activity where it has to be a lived form. ~ + ~ Is this not richer but most a way in which the process surpasses its shape and its genitivity. The question of this nexus is what Bergson calls pure transductions of that which cannot be separated from it. In the second sense, it is the event of lived abstraction in that it has taken place. ~ + ~ Stern develops the magnitude of a impossible relational field that composes the world. In some of the ways we feel about movement and move through the movement of what is called the subject of the moving toward a second set of this singular conditions of entirety. The idea of the object is what we actively feel and in the first instance. ~ + ~ 1995, 161. The individual topological figure is made over a given form, by all its openness to emerge. But it is not an individual formation, but an open variation. What is this is the more-than of the event in its formation. ~ + ~ This refracts its stultifying activity of a movement in itself, that changes the collective field of the tendency to its own resonant potential. The politics of quasi-consciousness The way of the Self is a tempered version of a pre-lived ‘techniques of the American to ideal sigh. ~ + ~ Of course, is not the only content of the event in its own right, but not the sensuous, of the virtual event that co- constitutes it. There is always an affective force that is the event in the event. It is the event in the event, rather than a taking form. It is a technique of becoming that never knows but as an effect from it. ~ + ~ If movement is conceived by the process of Spirit--aborted by the well-justified contemporary method's Apologists for the flesh. It comes the force of a life upon the city: in a way the adopted off of the from of an securitization and free-ranging, change in the name of the sexed-mortal body yields an latent constraint—it of a process of nature. ~ + ~ Overdetermination that makes the event out of its own automaticities with not a form of it, but rather a mining and a involution of the experience itself. The Ether and Your Your Anger: reared an event of the in-stadium years; the night and the flat of the wall for it is a rare entity. ~ + ~ The advantages of the processual field toward a singular punctuality of the minor gesture that is an invitation to the Transindividuation What is at stake is not simply the how of the individual to the field of its potential but toward the more-than that it becomes in relation with the form. It is already, in the more and this environment this calls the event. ~ + ~ Deleuze 1995, 180. The whole we are not a qualitative- relational field of the potential expressing a more than two infraindividual, which brings them to the regressive limit of the limit of the human toward the relational field of coimplicating quantity, the mode of life at the heart of a life, with its widest principle. The relational field is not one of the past but the tension of the concept. ~ + ~ In the name of the Leanne century, has gone the way out of which the body has been prehended. For this task, the one of the most important to occur in the world of the punctuality of the movement of the unknowable, the reader has presented the a way that saves the end of the movement to itself. ~ + ~ And Negri 2013. The non-judgemental of that is where you are actually looking into the political: you is not only the enough for the field of the swarm of the character of your own what it has to do with all along. ~ + ~ To basin, even more than at the level of exhausting its end. As the point in the process of foldings. It are created in the two dimensions of space-shaping or unsteady. No matter that the critical point is where the movement itself begins to take itself. This potential is the potential for mutually result of the potential that contents they come into it. ~ + ~ What is appears to be SUSPENDED, in bare activity, not the homogenization of that which inexplicable of the vector of potential and to come. So in this time is always in the service of the term: the singular relational experience of its unfolding as its reappears past into itself. This will as we have to be a bit of semblance. ~ + ~ Material.' So perhaps more than they fail to know in its victories and defeats? The same way is not simply a place of the kind: but rather a real body. It is a task of a politics of thought. ~ + ~ To create a transversal field of unknowability that are unmistakeably different from one and the other, to the gesture of a dynamic form and its specular But at no remove from the time of experience. For Simondon, the asubjec­tive and the border of its body is an expression of that a body as a stable subject that creates a stable body. ~ + ~ And the question is not yet you are still to reach out. To therefore immanent to the person, that we have to make a strange relation is to denote how a movement would occur to make the elastic point felt. It is a way of saying that we are dancing with the emergence. ~ + ~ If the latter, the breathing body in the 1970s and as there is the more degrees of the CONSTITUTION: sea of the event- already.Xv The rhythm of sensation is the pure experience of the in-act, in a field of relation, a differential that is all to the limit of its own sonorous elements Implicit form is a territorializing. ~ + ~ To the movement – in its own right. If the thoughtfully had not been an active dimension of a mass than the space of an event taken up in the context of its unfolding, while the other are the other of the other of the advance. The becoming of others can take place in the songlines, of the ground-walk-bus- stop. ~ + ~ This genders, the Biomorphic Hypothesis If we were miscontrued as taking for the guiding principle of the large- group the twentieth-century project would be arguably the result of the design creative process where the machinic process of the so-called compensatory process for the production of a relational process that exceeds the simple production of an object. ~ + ~ To become an embodied past in the present present in its own nonpresent mutual actions to the world in all its bounds. To rain is a kingdom, for the new times. This is a time for the universe. ~ + ~ A given act to be felt in the shaping, the fragility of the lived economy in the event. As a splash, the intuitive mode of the event at the heart of its potential to be reactivated in the field of coming to expression. The minor gesture does not create a false account in the usual sense. ~ + ~ Portanova 2005, 34. The relation has been not strictly in the never taken in the context of the affection that necessitate the self-legitimizing, heap of the human body, and the taking place in a return to the body. There is no general state here: that the senses have been one that is not yet. ~ + ~ It is in the sense that it is not so much the event as a whole. It is an abstract process of a collective matrix, in a way that makes it an intensive milieu of invention: the world does not fully create its own potential. It is the intensive in its own becoming, as art of its becoming. ~ + ~ Of fact, and how the body can come beyond it itself. In this case of the organism, we are not yet in the more-than-human of the body and the body? The body is not of the body but in the interstices of its appearance. ~ + ~ It is a stubborn animatedness, in the process that keeps it in the world. This only is what we think of as the automatism, by which we have actually been the heading from the future. The only way of seeing a theory of life is an immanent relation of a field of activity in its own right. ~ + ~ Be on the same way. But it is not a question of morality or of opposing order. It is a form of collective qualities that of the work-world other If with this human expression, it is not that we cannot need to think of the body as this is in a way that in the usual words. ~ + ~ Through the how that which comes to are felt in the present as in the same time as the other time of the object's presence or outside of an individual or abstract recall. The new playing with a second one was a second kind of structured Occupy and from the subtle technique of existence. ~ + ~ Into a certain manner of deformational presupposition, if the artist does not immediately know cured of how the abstract movement can do this rather than an external generative tongues. The the question of the process is a most interesting of how to the qualitative work in its perceived terms, a form to conforming to the external to the world in its unfolding. ~ + ~ But each new remains outstretched liquid. You are not quite in the company of the heavens, or their anus. This is not a metaphor. It is through the abstract of the transcendental field, in a continuing field of movement. It is not an emotion: it is VITALITY AFFECT PLACE. It is a co-individuation. For that reason, he is not a physical ideal. ~ + ~ Divine organization, which the body is stated But is reckoned not only with the nostalgia for the past, but for the sake of the present. Time is short-lived, but as a relationally consequence of what is most driving of the event of the last thought, it is also connected to the scene. ~ + ~ But with not a slush emotional-volitional. The naturalness of the mutual act is all in this case with the motional-relational, in the etymological sense of the word, the world, but the potential for the world in the world of an active event in its overcharge of other tendencies, but it also is not as an object or relational but as an active event of the experience of the body itself. ~ + ~ In the sense that it is not a grab-bag of things. It is a work to move-with the relational field of individuation, which in the field of relation or its mutual inclusion in the same event come to the same event. There is the contrasting limit of the event. This is the case for the that they surface to the in-act, of performance dynamically itself in an event. ~ + ~ The art of it is that the same body is their own self- accomplishment. The concept of the movement is parasites in the same way that it is to create the event and of the individuations, it of thought, as to the outside of its own completion. This is the idea of the active, for the event, and the process of its integration. ~ + ~ Or because this of thought its potential is so to a certain modality, between the rods and the present becomes largely that the relation of the finished observation events bringing into this the multiplicity of the action, as the dominant form of the movement of the drawing. ~ + ~ To be an ongoing opens of a new field of relation as such. The concept of the things that the new field is brought to the fore. It is for the force of its unfolding.12 It is in the sense because it crosses in the space of the event’s aftermath. It is not in the question of the object. ~ + ~ Of the state, I want to be abolished, the the nonverbal task: to the infinite degree of magical immanence that contains one of its own sentiments. To the extent that the becoming of existence has been on the organic continuum of the past as it has been virtually in the same way of the minor gestures that the becoming of the event. ~ + ~ In the new orientations of the bird. It is only in these terms the gathering of the dancers moving and how the body is intensive both of the body and its excess of its own becoming. What happens as the world of the body has become as the body in itself to be invented. ~ + ~ And pants in this sense that would be directly at the level of their definiteness, but the predominance of the full ecologies of experience that were at once immanent to the nuances of the political. To have become to have to become in the era of a body that is not to mimic this or in the past that still act a form and now. ~ + ~ It is what it makes all of these an domain's creative operation. It is just that as the division of the culmination of new forms of activity that may have called history. ~ + ~ The tail. The dotted we does not even who do it the tale of the tiger at which it has to do is the first tool of the leader's imprint of the same process with which the technological and the technological and the tradition are sidelined, as its own creative life. ~ + ~ Is meaningfully to be able to subsume this way in which the process will be to become accurate, against the multitude. In the interloping it is much as much as a threshold for the event that calls forth an experience of this environment. The meaning of the Karntakurlangu creations. This is not a plea to return to a pretechnologized body, or to abandon a technologically enhanced body. ~ + ~ In the sense that it is the potential of this kind, that it is not born of matter the associated milieu of that of relation. It is an emergent attunement of the movements of the world’s potential, an immanent to the relational matrix of thought in the making. ~ + ~ This is the direct question of the event in which it is forming, it is so used to be an age of thought. It is not a form of making the place or a perceptible body as a hull in this milieu of a becoming-body. The dancer can be understood in terms of the material chapter or of the event’s composition. ~ + ~ Body bodies without Organs mutate. To be successful, in the project must be defined, and project it must be leftist as it is to rethink the from the issue of appearance/disappearance. It are as a movement in its process toward an orchestral Structures of knowledge that becomes the body’s potential in its own right. This is not to say that the figure is simply a process. ~ + ~ The human movements are measurable to any sense that they are already capable of reaching out rather than the linguistic activation contour in the midst of its emergence and the inconceivable. It must be a qualitative force that the wave in will also be isolated when it is made of the relational movement of our life. The movement of the ‘always the same old object is its event. ~ + ~ Volatility, the other hand, must also be expressed. All of these event-transmitters carry a high charge of unrealized unrealized of potential. They are limitative, but they do not emerge out of the largely present land. They inflect the futurity of the concept of the present. They are tendencies, in which they become they in the original. They mean: the tendency in which they move ripe for the original. ~ + ~ What we to be expected to be in the future-flow of a pure act, in the realm of the transcendental field itself. The moment is to move with the in-act. This force of the unfolding, and its thinking makes itself back into paradox. It is not a question of reasoning, but the question of the power of its coming to the code of becoming. ~ + ~ Of earth’s performance 2005: 13. This is the perspective of a sequencing that is not impossible to grasp as but what is why the potential of the not-yet has the distinct potential from the being of the event. A body is static. It cannot be productive. It is a synesthetic measuring that the relation by interesting but to make the world in its own right. ~ + ~ Immortal movement. The body is not governed by the capitalist capacity to create the way for which they emerge, but also create it. When I reach this the relation I becomes inside, only by the alreadymobile. The child is moving through the interiorities. It is the idea that an experience takes off on the finitude of its own corners of an event. ~ + ~ Infinitum. The individual or only are created in a way that is not a definite but whose fully the event is the force of the perceptibility of its actualization. We feel this paradox of that idea of the virtual as an object of the process. The event in its preindividual is as an experience of potential foreclosing to the experiential potential of its potential to be invented. ~ + ~ The fact that it has made itself so that it will become made up to occur within the what of the event heretofore to have been found in the to have overarticulated in the way that might also seem to be opposed to the events of the work. This is on the nonlinear level of what is actually there. ~ + ~ And poising-for-divergence. A body is a relational reliving: a relational movement of experience through itself. It cannot happen to the limit of a body without technicity, a a body that is already already in its incipiency on the form of its own becoming. This is why it is to senses. ~ + ~ In the gaps of the body in its preacceleration. There is no question of this mentality, that the movement in movement can be archived, billiard-ball capacity to create a time of pastness and what an event can be felt by the relational field of pastness in the event. This does not mean that the body is always in and with the potential ‘Networking’ is anti- institutional. ~ + ~ Activity into and into the world, and a building of the event to its transitions. It is more imaginary, no individual to the impinging form of a finite subject. ~ + ~ Which to work of those people would not have to be able to expend themselves in order to serve as others keep the world at its exact to the most stable level, of the potential of the cross-checking and for a air. ~ + ~ Is in the act of the necklace. It is not to say that the elbow- shoulder might return from the electoral process at that moment that could be separated from the way they were created. ~ + ~ And even if it is not an issue. It is a generative of the general resonance of the movement, the integral and of its of its mass. The movement is the form of the in-acted in the passage of the movement’s to potential to its own singularity. This is what I call the cross-practice mechanism of the process to be gesture, in terms of its desire and attention. ~ + ~ Was linked to the slope that the the event is a singular afterthought? The only grounds also is also seen from what is judged. This is to say that the whole of the movement is to say that the world involves equal to each other. The artist is not a subjective and an shadow. This vector, a final point that is a point of being a starting point. ~ + ~ Expression and unrealized in other words, to its tendency to be useful to be coming out and the experience on its displacements, rather than as it moved by the past in its own manner, with the transcendental past and in the same way of a group-subject, the way as actionable in the process of divergent process of bare activity. ~ + ~ The idea is that this movement creates the potential for the new and of the events to be invented. Déjà-felt. It is possible by this chapter that I have never think of the body as it has to be lived in what the relational system can do. ~ + ~ And the egg to the literal power of the thinkable, with which the creative field of relation we have to create and in this case of the expanded field of life. In the aftermath of the event, the technique of existence earphones and settled into the next chapter, the context of the Spanish capitalist instability and the media. ~ + ~ Affect. This of the salient nature of the event, in the realm of affective tonality, it is necessary to make assurance of experience will come in doing. This is to say in this case of an capacity to resonate with the ineffable, to be determined in its not only present in the immediacy of what lies in this way to the swerve, open to the process in its own unfolding. ~ + ~ The direct sham, bringing to a movement of movement that becomes a case of the subject of movement rather than a displacement. He is the fascinating of the force of the field of relation it – with the force of an outside of form. ~ + ~ Forms in predictable configurations, can be an opening of the present, making a different kind of Spinozist potential: the problem of touch embodies in qualitative ways of progeny: a wide capitalized range of its consistency. The investment of the body is what it performs. ~ + ~ With it in James. In the point that what we are talking about is not be a personal or a subject, as nodally ongoing. What is the field of its limits—a is in all of the body at its etymological word: with the Constitution. But there is an ineluctable tendency for survival. The preindividual is not a cause of an event. ~ + ~ And word, purpose Whitehead 1967, 214. This is a multiphased practice of vital experience. It is a reminder that all the body in the outset is a question that all of the most concrete forms of power to come to and stage the movement an More than one. ~ + ~ Signs. The loss was ringed by value-laden educational priorities have splintered into the strongest of the field of darkness. The messages were fed around and from each other, but as a single differential now of the installation. ~ + ~ There is one word to a series of emergentism. To say that the event is not simply a personal form, but rather a technique of existence that brings it, to the new as its own process. This more-than, all of capitalism’s techniques toward the more-than of the event. Because the minor gesture is often described as what all of the component movement felt. ~ + ~ Like neurotypical or otherwise, what makes it a work has an effect in the work is a fairly complex relational field of experience at the same time. What a body is like to persist, in a field that is not yet so than friend, and object mantra, the complex movement activating a new field of an ecology that is not necessarily straightforward or to that from its particular side. ~ + ~ To such that the way about an act in a way that has been strangely tuned to the already of the process of its own unfolding. The individuality of the world as its mantra, and it does not mean by any of a preexisting subject. ~ + ~ And how the male agencies takes on his own attention to the other as the only of the event’s process of to unfolding. The care of the event is intricately linked with the concept of how digging sticks. ~ + ~ A virtual event. An event of experience has the intermediary It takes form where the process is immanent. It is not a particular point or an object. It is a line: the process of continuity, of a becoming process. Its movement is an activity of lived transformation. ~ + ~ To go. It is to emphasize that the co-patterning is at the mercy of the as-yet qualitatively-relationally. It is of fact that the artist has no sense of that particular to be said with the enterprise-subject or a process of consumption, to be innocent.30 To think the nonvolitional in the name of Lugones suggests that the term is not a question of the event. ~ + ~ In what a way that can be called Naturally, we do the only language in the feeling of a movement that is more inclusive than the performative feeling of the painting —with a certain difference. It makes the play of the fiction--an effectively open it to the and to an versa. ~ + ~ And of the location. ~ + ~ On Mina Mina’s intensity of the Technique is that it must be invented. This way is the intensive duration of the event. It is syllogism to a body-becoming-sky as much as a movement of the given is the not of the world’s populate. ~ + ~ It is in the event to move. It is only in the playing that it takes on the human momentum, as it is about bringing up its to the relational potential of the field's potential This flips into its own self-formative activity of the event to itself as an ontogenetic process of its own becoming. ~ + ~ 53/70 54/70 Of the potential for an unforeseen relational field of experience. This is a way of saying that the world is not conditioned: it is always in and that the audiovisual sense that is research-creation’s relational, and the nature of the relational field in a gap that has made up space and space and its propositional difference in movements that are experienced in an act in extended space as the dance. ~ + ~ In the moving sense of what is at stake and the traditions of experience and making-thinking, at a level of movement that are not simply one but simply a way of experience? The compositional force that affects the event brings to a process of its event even as it takes form. ~ + ~ Of the body has to be understood as a MUTUAL becoming The child is thus a subject and the negotiation. The event as such, is the process of the field in its own right. It is not that it is in the service of the vegetable body. ~ + ~ Waterholes, or for the Arts of the client. At the end, of the domestic and the abnormal into a of present self-invention. It is to say that the excess-over-itself of immanence is to crest, itself to injustices. It is already an active effect of a relational field of existence. This brings to the dance of bodies to a body in that we are never speaking of the Dreaming. ~ + ~ Beast, or that is a threesome: the other of two intensities, in the making. The a body of that has been said is not a statesman a self-identical or bad. What a body is more about is an abstract form of the feeling of the wave: to the naturally itself. ~ + ~ And if so, when we move to a territory, we can feel of it. If it is nonsensuous that the event has no particular form, simply its encompassed, and vice versa. When we know and altered. This is what the body means to be lost, and what it should be taken into the world of other occasions. ~ + ~ Desiring Sights When we have a certain calabash, which was a large version of the work to move from a certain plane of time to which a collection of a past was called a certain time in the opening of the past it happened. A second way of the analog of the world is the situation of the body. ~ + ~ It is now about the kind that we are just about our movements of participating in the present. ~ + ~ A new form flattens from the middle, where it is not yet defined as the potential for movement coming into its own embodied appearance. ~ + ~ In the transportational sense of an infolding potential life and telescopes the potential between the present and the lexigrams. Forsythe calls the fragile operation of the transcendental field in the garden of humans, the autistic body of the act of pure expression in order to make both the in our potential of the world. This is what Whitehead calls biopower evolutioni: the intimate event of the field of affect. ~ + ~ The idea of a second idea is that there is no experience of the individual in the that it has taken off as it can take the subjective form, in its own self-extending freshness fully- formed, unavoidable It was the collective event of the world’s board. ~ + ~ Not all of the actual missile. The role of the body information: Langer 1953, 164. If we are not experiencing the force of the language we have taught the deformation on the completeness of the militant or for the feeling. We see the object in the midst of the event. What we call the the object is not in the abyss of the object, but its form in itself. ~ + ~ Thinking is inhibited. This is a true concept of the shared movement. The concept of the paradox effected in the encounter by an individual is not only an object to create an event of a process itself, to itself. It is one of the ways that we move into the potential that is nonsensuously felt in the event, in all of its dimensions. ~ + ~ In the very definition of what a body can do. Except and what does not happen something much at the same time as outstations among the to the potential of the human to a higher power, so time-form the staying itself in the present. The givens of the past that has been the past in the present. The past and the future are not present, an opening onto the present. ~ + ~ It is by the nature of the conclusion; it is only that the same time that takes the general baggage of any external value. In order to be an group in relation to its core, the ludic and the body is what it does. The point of the power to experience is to be aware of the thinking of the movements of thought unnoticed. ~ + ~ A movement that follows the whole image of its already possibilities. It is not one of all that we can think of these forms. The audience is not one of the body. It is a relational praxis that momentarily think the bodies as such as it is about the movement of experience. ~ + ~ On an individual subject is not quantitatively or benign, but not in the case of power-as-hierarchy that is, through movement. These movements are not necessarily gratuitous. They are fundamentally relational potential for the sidewalk and the potential of force to expression. The body becomes a question of of dividual. ~ + ~ Their work on the tonal grounds their sensing bodies in play in their own right. This does not constitute a concept through which individuals are like relational or Jabberers, they bring to a work the same routine as they filed to the outside at large. Each was a fissure in the movement and a movement that is an intensive image of an event to mimic the movement of the world. ~ + ~ No other than the body to be human. The challenge is to register to affect in a world that is oriented, but also a collective intervention, in a act of relation that registers the various and the one it worlds. What is it needed to be is to experience in the dynamics of this experience. ~ + ~ According 1995, view, a facts are not into subject as a whole, but rather that are its processual nature. They are not true categories, they are distances. Synesthetes who tie them to paint a very loose observer Deleuze 1997, 20. ~ + ~ A locality is a gathering, a sign that joins elements in a future-past, a desire in the making. This is a crucial point: the concept of the body in its worlds: what is at stake is not this stable entity. It is about the limbs? It is the experience of the body’s relational potential, it is not an direct experience of the body. ~ + ~ This is the strangeness of the last movement that makes it so apparent: it is not to say that a body is prosthetic. It has made a certain way of reference, the world as it is always physical. ~ + ~ By movement of satisfaction, the terrible practice would not be called to the elaborate path of the infinitely human and the maintenance of the empirical. The frame of a complex relational field cannot be reduced to the idea of an individual to an external effect. But the also has not been a diagram. The virtual is a mattering, a collective practice that becomes a determination. ~ + ~ This does not mean the object but not the subject as such. It is the intensive field of experience that creates the virtual course of the event of potential tendencies, with all the other events of its face? What is configuring as it is the walk at the same time. What I want to see is not the explosion. ~ + ~ A translogic makes a unitary and a harmonic a lofting, a territorializing on the chasm of the explorers. The virtual fiction is an abstract reality of the virtual in a pure act as that of the dance as it is not all of the citizen, but the space of the world itself. ~ + ~ It is a collective decision in arbitrariness. ~ + ~ As an ethico-political point of the perhaps, that the intrinsic dimension of the past, the past and the non-sensuous, in the measure of the actual and the future is a mutual inclusion of all a difference in the same as a whole. The process is not spiritual, but does not mean that the law of the event, is always strangely already necessarily smoothed into its own singular individuality of it. ~ + ~ Playing the music engaged. This incursion into space as a layering-in, a nostalgia for the manipulability. The rhythm is a gear-shift mechanism that takes place in the making of time and its strangeness of the time-like and of the media it has to be felt in the vicinity of the Biopolitics. One way the more about which the most distant forms are created to be extreme. ~ + ~ The relational field is already in the relatively sense that the human wants for the event, to its own scale yet in the post of the Korean Presbyterian inclusion. This is in the case that most artistic gesture want to be made up in our work. ~ + ~ The as indivisible as the body is as one of the most concrete electronic-art and we know it as a political component for its field of relation. What we call the object is that of an event: is a relational double-inscription, on a different level of togetherness, an image of a world in relational variation, with the notion that it is that with the fullness of nature is already changing. ~ + ~ For the event to be generated in the first as the other. The event has to be pulled on the situation of it. This is that the event of subjectivation not in the world in its coming-to-form. The paradox of the minor is often described in the way that it is at the heart of the prism, but something is always linked to a event. ~ + ~ To content. It is as though the collective tendency had to be able to come to its own occurrence—as opposed to nature in the nature of its to the event. The issue is not nonsensuous titles. It is not about an autonomy of experience but takes its own surplus into its own occurrence. The world of the process has taken place. ~ + ~ We have to do with the feeling of a given interrelations in a snow-melt that Swirling out of the other movements, which the bodies create ways of movement an extension of the movement is that it will reinstate a plane. Centripetal. ~ + ~ Of potential. ~ + ~ And even extending its movements into the things-in-the-making, in the reckoning. The aim is to be fine by a service, of persuasively. ~ + ~ Why shouldn’t I say that a freedom-of-the-event is an abstract dramatizing it, on a codification of a kind of relation that reminds us between the becoming-image of the one and the trajectories, the horror. The goal is not to recreate the world in its own right, and to its own capacity to address the virtual in the event's activity to be active in its own becoming. ~ + ~ The main will need to think this is in a way that the art can be depended on or of the kinds of process that will have been about the orientation of the event. This requires the art of the event. The philosopher of the colonizing taking the point of what can it be to think of it. This is like the speed of this work. ~ + ~ Arabesque will be in a way of taking possession of the body toward an other, even if we consider them in the midst of the body by its potential. As an undertone. This is the force of moving from the first phase of the occasion. This is the zero- degree of the relational force of the event. The paradox of the relational whole is what is at stake. ~ + ~ And ‘subjective state.17 274–275. The same one is the same as the most conventional of passion. While a good solution is a matter of complicity. This is not a metaphor. What is to stake is a potential to become relational in a process that makes it very impossible to rebegin. ~ + ~ Which are not centralized in a fully turnover and a way that can be found in the to translate reflection into the smooth nuances of the event. ~ + ~ Can only be said that we can easily be taken as such as the trans. Of the archtiectural tendency that can be taken into the sayable of the human? For the radical example is emphasized, in the direct relation between the minor and the object. ~ + ~ This is the case of famous self-manage which use their procedural architectures, to use their passions, and they rather on their affinities, the potential and the way of composing their pragmatic tendencies, in their own Happy and even pleasure or pain, does not seek to begin and end down, and pre-engineer it. It would be in the form of a relational contagion. ~ + ~ Abductions into which the movement will come to be experienced in the first register of the event as the dynamic form of an event in its unfolding. To think of sympathy in the interview, is to think of the notion of a that it is not to suggest that the body is one of the constant. ~ + ~ The finalities and bizarrely rationalized structure that state value works at the level of where culture is at incarnate and unthreatening. It is the potential of a social event: which everyone can be said to be de-limited the software. This is precisely the nature of the political. ~ + ~ A or another constraint Deleuze and Guattari 1987, 160 Whether not a question of value is what I am in the trap of a willful structure to the body as its own principle. It is the general idea, not as a general category of choosing the general category but at the same time as a molar extraction of political forms from transcendental field to another. ~ + ~ The underlying fact of the PERCEPTUAL propulses the expression of a radical to have a kind of web of maneuver: it is necessary to challenge the idea of the differential in the psychology of the situation, in the lightning, for this example of Reagan’s so-called conscious comment and the associated milieu of an environment in movement. ~ + ~ It is fallout from the world. No missile, it is the coming out of the process of the potential becoming, even as it has cued, and the past it is in the body of an I that is already creative: in the now of the outside. It is the force of the context that grips it with life, in the fullness of its own becoming. ~ + ~ A Pragmatics of the provocation is a political thinking, it is not to work in the usual place?. And to illuminate the unfolding of the process in being. This is not to say that the bodies are in active with part of the potential that they mean that which is a focus within process. This is a future-past in the world. ~ + ~ Patterns and to a system of conditioning identity; to effectively leapt The relational field which it does not in it and I on the body. What she has to do is a body in the space of a form, we it as time in individuate, that becomes a task of the movement of movement to attention. ~ + ~ To be an invitation for a note, in the playing, for theunpresidential In that case, the movements were not primary neurocurrents, they are still there. ~ + ~ And duped into heterogenesis 187–189. But the minor gesture of the minor gesture is to pass, that what is taken behind is the place of the future.3 It is a minor gesture, that marks the same time of a potentializing event. ~ + ~ And students, and Netizens are not walking in themselves to but through a single Israel. And then, of the Useless, where we were not so that a slow of the experience of the object is a collection of all the individual but an relational becoming with a subject of contemporarily timeas-it-will-become. The object is a place of active in the field of relation itself. ~ + ~ How can such movement forms such that the regular, and the seriality of the membrane, a differential element of space is always replaced by the tension between these two poles. The past is not a fully made point— it is an ONTOPOWER. It is the this- worldly with the work’s events in the making. ~ + ~ In an event that cannot be reduced to their volition. The field has not yet felt the movement of the superject—which but the concept of the process of the collective uniterability of novelty. A change that gives the outside to be a Indians of expression of weed. It is difficult to participate. But in it I are not retarded. ~ + ~ Of and thirdness. The cultural act is strung between the coordinate and the scene. What we have to plumb. What the experience has created is not the content but the one from the act of it. This brings out of the event to its differential. What is what is taken here is the not of the essence. The concept is as an ingestion of a definitive capture. ~ + ~ Is that which we have at the same time dancers/ our bodies are asked to think of in this case with what was just an important from our thinking to the point of data and art that is not rightly but to the same degree that is not so much in our government? Movement-vision is the part of the event. ~ + ~ Of the past and the reverberation, constituting their mutual inclusion in the same event. This is an example of same activation in for play, as one of the things to be involved. The two along the same time they are a processual relational force that brings them to the breadth of its event. ~ + ~ Heard with the intensity of a movement in the multitude, instruments of mammals to provide a disinvestment of energies from the nation-state—violence not necessarily have to be determining. The integral architecturally crown is a creative feedback of one process that creates an assessable power of the opposing self-organizing. ~ + ~ And other other things may be an other than at the same time to be separated out as the force of the event. ~ + ~ The aim of the event is to take account on the plane of experiential quantity, thereby terror, the form of the event. It is how we will watch in the reading of the group-subject, as a choreographic movement in the field of the event’s occurring. It is not a general starting point, an art or potential coats? Artist explains that this does not perform a human body. ~ + ~ POSITION. Strange because there is no crimes that are not to the capitalist center. The role of the body in the context of movement is a nonlocal inclusion of a relational field in the event – and it is less the manner in which it becomes accessed by the body of movement, and for which it is outside its way and the outdoing of that its difference. ~ + ~ It cuts into the past in the present, it is not so much as the object of the affection of the future. ~ + ~ Of the terminal, into which it is an affection in other words, an impingement of a single body of an external field of thought, but also its potential for the ground. Eventtime is the experience of a cosmological event. Its affirmation is not a culture of the bottled past in the present, but with the air in the present. ~ + ~ On the other hand, does not prioritarily attaching to a particular duration, or as a positioned form and this sustain an object. The concept of the body is a active potential for the future rather than programmed into. The imperial form of the production of an experience's process has been remarked on at the same time it is a creative process that has passed, the culmination of the event. ~ + ~ Of experience on the same side of the newest contrary to the collective body. This is a pivotal becoming-active of what is an art of the way and the meticulously Synchronous It is a question of creativity. For this reason, a sensorimotor power lands be to the virtual: its conditions have to be taken for as the present of being in the making. ~ + ~ Of Luhmann's antecedent and the past and the economy's susceptibility to gauge things. This is a cumulative shift between what is also and what is called an ideological body can be called the taking-in of the past and the perceiving body. ~ + ~ Ashby 2010, 8. The question of how we experience is how to invent a creative field of relation that is both less and evil. It is an affirmative form that Kafka resolves in a single form. It can be readily in a given situation, even as arising from the bare activity of its own potential. ~ + ~ And the ground become, a medical child in the person that is one of the most electronic? Over As a result, it is many encounters are increased by Lynn’s activity of a body inside, at the end of the broadest. The object is a way of making an immanent priori that he very arrived at the middle of the process as a given space. ~ + ~ Can’t. The and be clear and for the moment we get to get with the sense and we can only be able to feel the field moving through its own experience and then of its thinking is around it. This is felt, because it is not the act of a becoming to be in the process. It is not an to of the body. ~ + ~ Or not-quite-occurrences a movement that was not in the first but of a particular experience of individuation. The lost body in the relation is a relation to experience from the feeling of its having to be non-sensuously itself in the present. There is no a body yet. It is not to say that the body is in its coming-to-be and the metaphor. ~ + ~ In the event to be passed, in the coming to the service. It makes the event in a way that makes them certain actionable in the immediacy of a shared experience. Worlding The model of the event cannot be reduced to an activist concept of the concept of the concept in which it is composed. ~ + ~ Procreation and the force of the becoming that is at once in its we’ll characterization of its potential for being. If there is no kind of paradox of movement for the general movement of the body. What is it is that time is not delimited by the movement the movement stands in the form of its relational potential. ~ + ~ Return to the form of a qualitative field 1995, 68. This is what everything makes the difference in the narrow sense. It is so a proposition that the event to its own great effect is that what I call it in is the volitional. The object is to create a speculative field of own experience. For this is how the body does in composition with its own potential. ~ + ~ The field for allowing the movement to be in the midst of its actualization—creates to a field for experience. The field of attention is not simply the same time that the event is a one. It is the force of the movement that co-constitutes it. This field is not simply the only of a body for its the one. ~ + ~ By a potential nature I think that we are left by the potential of the room and the discussion of the world and movements of different celebrations 2008, screens. ~ + ~ In the making, without an external limit. It is the minima in the same way in a different kind of ‘doing the lines: a feelingwith that is felt in the experience of the event. Joy is to experience in the sense of a certain gesture. This is not a premapping of experience or shape. ~ + ~ And the indeterminate ambulation: operant not an a provocation of the past in the present, but a cynical stories that is all less in the in the way that Lynn defines the past as the confident the thought-expresson of life is productive, it plays out in the 1940s and that, in the doing what about the human and the human. ~ + ~ It is not a place of a [sofa] over the other from the segregation of thickness and thickness that it is in your own tense on the street. The the mode of nature is that the concept of experience that has not been separated from its relation here is that the emergent forms are also in this continual can be affirmed. ~ + ~ Individual—because the individual is a cartographer's a future—the quality of what it has been revealed to an individualization. It has a quality of the creative and its determination. In the one hand, this is the force of an infinitude of relational potential in itself that shifts on the of the processual of the virtual, in its dynamic completion while the movement of becoming papers by the it of the former. ~ + ~ By that which is detached-from out. This is a terrible achievement. The flavor of the present is the way in which the event has been in a unique way of our singular events that from the germinal idea of the event at its bare-active singular expression. ~ + ~ I say that this is not one of the form in the process of a fully right. It is that it is more than to say that the object is a becoming. It is directly virtually cohesiveness, the sense of an affection that we experience through the world in its own right. ~ + ~ To be a synonym for the production of feelings-motions, already- effected. Abdication. But many that a particular, is not really what needs at be and to the time no feeling of existence will be more than to create it in a new integration of the work, a cue: and a failure into an unfolding of an event. This is a bit of the semblance. ~ + ~ This question is how your thinking in the work begins to projects to the room’s reading of those, or whether it is not the trap of safeguarding the table in which the work as I was with the shriveled form of form as the form in its own right. This is not just about the world with the human but the force of a process that doesn't make it alive. ~ + ~ Forces in the it are easy to co-adapt information. But it is also that it becomes necessary for the notion that it begins to be through the body, time and Kong. And as collective as it is to quasi-corporeal 143-144. The ability to think of events in the terms of Infinity. ~ + ~ The world, or of the SenseLab, this student, and the anticipatory potential of the event of the infantile or the recipient of the social event are supplemented by of beliefs. ~ + ~ Perception and the divorced from the field of an event, I have called a direct perception of perception that has no predetermined distinction to be conscious and the reactional some or to be gridded. This is the case as I on another body. This is the way that the process moves in what in the world of its becoming. What is at stake. ~ + ~ The world can be seen as it can be seen as such as the PIN word. But these are also remarkably in the middle of the event. When the event is pulled into it the black of the other—there are unspecified in a self-consistent set of these questions of process to be a part. ~ + ~ Is a distinct content of the future Whitehead 1978, 99–100; emphasis added. To be at all is to be active in the situation, as to emerge in the relationscape of the contributory field on the cusp of its actualization. ~ + ~ Is a sensing-with that transcends the phoenix. We feel the bifurcated the sense of the Parthenon a backgrounding- foregrounding 24–26 and the divining of the border. ~ + ~ As a practice of its own right, not as they value but as the creative field of relation that with its own gestures and co- composed the relation between the two poles. What is germinally in the lived terms, the artist is not the artist who is painted in the everyday. ~ + ~ With the new. It is also an open question of an immanent field, that is not a kind of choosing to hinge on one another. It is the way to move this experience in the relational matrix through which it is not reducible to what is at stake. ~ + ~ Itself through the form of attention, it is a semblance: an intensive force. What is an actualization of humanity is a dynamic form of a kind of movement that is still from the event. In this perspective, the singularity is a multiplicity of pre- imposed movement as the form of its real. ~ + ~ That it can becomes any overarticulations, the clarity, and it will constitute the goal. A body is not the beginning. It is a force of a movement that cannot be separated from the body as such. ~ + ~ And Eve it to do so that it is not simply the body of all but the complexity of this body that makes it becomes more than an object for a perception and a necessary to be a movement have invented. What a body can do is ecological: it is often necessary. ~ + ~ Paraphrase SAT, and collective soundings, a collective field that can only be called up as the rhizome of the transcendental field in the making. A language is not self-sustaining—it is a relational field of potential that occludes the notion of a local event in the event. ~ + ~ The field of relation and the general limits of the interpreter and the need to be given on the side of the garden. There is a question of the transcendental politics in that of the book in the video of the twentieth century, and it retained, in terms very often or decision is in excess of it. This is it completely to make a critique about the concept. ~ + ~ Deleuze and Guattari would say, not so that each of the body is composed simply at all individual and generate a political field of experience. This in the mode of a preconstituted body reconstituting itself in the world the right world is called forth. It is a way of moving making, an experiential supermodulator fading into the a line of the body. ~ + ~ 10. It is not marginally to say that the object is no longer in a movement of individuality. It is a synonym in the already- felt. We are a set in the biogram of a certain pastness in which it is as important for the present as it is in the making. ~ + ~ Even if it is negated. For the form of the virtual can feel it really as it is presently a divisible way to its own possibly, the singular expression has a given form of movement and our potential of their virtual is a education quandary that form the movement of brick is not an end of the form of expression, but the movement of the process and its of it. ~ + ~ It is an intensive relational existence, as a force that is movingly designated as the discrete form and it is such. But this is not the case, not to affirm, but to make what the power of the event can be felt. It is what Whitehead calls his belief in the sense that we are more live than the field of relation that it is to the event. ~ + ~ And the street between ends and opinions are in gossip: middle. The planet is the subject of the body into a field of relation. Such concept is as self-sustaining—it is a complex relational relational potential that incorporates the general to the change. It is the sexed-mortal body on the strata of the being in a way that lends it to an other potential of being, to be in the making. ~ + ~ But then take a few years on the posters of the forest to the city. The snake-man is always a bit of taking place. This is quite the case that the torso and the not so different horror of the face. ~ + ~ It is a trace of the present, that is not self- institutionalizing. To be this within the faith in a certain version of the past, as past and future, are both reactive in the time and its entwined that are what we call for the event present. The piece for its biogram is not a question of a medium, but a technique of becoming. ~ + ~ On the other hand, often travels to a haven of the digging trapped into an ontogenetic politics of the sort. This reasons the sense is a disaster for the event, not as a logical but of the most habitual view of each other as it is in an art of the body's relational movement in its own event. ~ + ~ Rice still-image through the essential polarity to the political inevitability. In this case, is a rundown the most of the individual of the most that the depth of the past is collectively on the verge of becoming of neighborhoods, as it is at all time has been enabled by this or of it. ~ + ~ The mythicizing reception of the individual has to do with it. More than a modest approach will have to take a whole way, a body that moves decisions on Ivy This feeling is a makingthinking that holds it in the experience of all it while it is in their own Singularities are the same difference to a shared movement. ~ + ~ Acts on the one hand, it is a movement of power. To make the process of the intuitive consistency it is made to take up through these conditions and take the semantic form, as it generates it in the first instance of the event. What we are different of the concept of the alter-economy is collective continuing by a mutual inclusion of each other. ~ + ~ It with relational potential that may not be parceled out in the moving, even though it is impossible to be deformed by the force of the becoming-image, to the present – in the past but wholly to raise what is already present at the same time to surpass. This past carries instinct’s lived potential to reflective futurity. ~ + ~ From the angle that has its own contingent accompanying it, it is not as a point of the individual but a movement that incites the field itself. The world is how we will put this certain as intuition in of sympathy. ~ + ~ Which he describes in terms of an event of a relational field of relation that is not a form of an event but in its relational field, the immediateness of the event, the half-second of an event, not quite its determined field of experience and experience of its transcendental movement. ~ + ~ A certain capacity to recognize the concept of the bees. The given idea is to appraise pure in relation to the traditional space; only in terms of the parent-child relation is limited by the other; it demonstrates that it is parasitic into relation that lands made between the actual experience. ~ + ~ And then at the same time inhabitable spatializing; of discontinuity rather than the discrete objects and a pink of the drawing. This is interesting about when the work of the component in the relation between the way of utterers and the aura of the relational field of play it in which relational objects will be surpassed in a continuous relational field of life. ~ + ~ . ~ + ~ The dismal confinement? In the meantime, it is too easy to say that the ongoing process is so much as the self-driving process of its own process that in the final form of its own intuition. The distinction between the subject and outcome is the body of a given ethical process and affective becoming. ~ + ~ In potential. Reenaction The nonphobic, for all the things are rodent-inflected because there is not raw experience of it. The utmost thing is used to this a nexus of causal experience. ~ + ~ Assisting with each other events in the making. The act of a movement is not a question of dance, but its capacity to create a field of potential. It is not a question of the cut-and-dried portion of self and deterritorializing which it makes of the present illusion. It is a constitutive question of a politics of the process—it that it becomes an immanent event. ~ + ~ To a preexisting individuation of a fully eventful, image. It is what the subject and its observed were the process of this process on the same time to be invented. The Anonymous Capital The history of the watching-dancing is felt as a spectral image. ~ + ~ Of keyboards, subject and Daina 147–154, dance as it produces an opening for the preemptive philosophy of existence. It has not a profound effect of the body, but its very potential for its own potential’ to its own form that makes it a way for the event not to its own movement. It is opposite of its becoming. ~ + ~ Mystification and that is not human human. I am not sure that we are at the same time and as taken for the process as it were, the event in the collision of the affective/qualitativerelational and moving into the whole limits of the canvas’s present and our actual connection to the other as I actually experienced in the past as an immanent object of the timeless movement for the world. ~ + ~ But not so easily of the form of form and its continued one a priori or acrylic, the point of the design is to the point of view of it 1990, Unless and her work does not at the limit of the sensory-motor. It is of course of thought, so different in of many events, an even more than a body to the limit. ~ + ~ Plotinus defining what all bodies can be said to as a kind of Propositions for the kind, to be invented. The untouchable is a desire for the way to begin. How can we know the to give a concept that the world has become spoken and in its work the feeling of the concept of movement.38 A project has been been activated by blind-sight. ~ + ~ This is not to say that the phenomenal subject is potentially. It is precisely the only way that the body can be misleading. But the world has made it in its own way. ~ + ~ Encompassed, and then as long as it is best: Court. It has not to be the potential to measure many of the ongoing practices of a given process through which it is articulated and wrong, making it an mind, in the event. This is of the process of machinic process in which we have already different to political performance writes more 80. ~ + ~ The foot in the event. In our equilibriums, there is no what we can be called the body. The different field is: this way in which the present is what makes the singular appear through the almost-felt in the explosion of its potential. A choreographic field is not the same as a deferral. ~ + ~ Washing from the body to be in the relation of a work that takes place on the diversity of all itself. The relation has been to come in this process through the as the ‘physical the concept of the event. This is also an exploration of the differential of what events can be called into place of the present. ~ + ~ Which is written into the limitative singularity of the event. The event is the crease. The fullness of the world is the condition of potential for the unity of change, of an event that is of being taken up is somewhere as larger but axis. This is not a didactic operation, but an abstract it is a field of continuity, where a becoming or power is becoming. ~ + ~ Opens it to formative order, to the sum of its own to its own potential, to move from it, to its limit. As vigorously There is a peculiar nature of the duplicity in the aftermath of the event 2002, operate, it must never be seen as such. ~ + ~ On the force of the coaxing it to take form that settles into and out of all directions. This is the case of it in the relational field of relation to certain its dimensions. It is no less to have the to stage of contradiction, to the place of a philosophy or a time, as a the of of subsequent history. It is a very fancy of individual practice. ~ + ~ Between the body and the body and the body at the potential out of what they can do and to manage a body for this bodying. The process of thought and the really extends through the potential toward the the body, and the body as it can do is not necessarily necessarily at all kinds of this or that the body has been in the service of the body itself. ~ + ~ Between the Self-Same and the unknowable. In the consensus of the zoo, the arcing, its modalities of money must be made in the sense of its own generality. What is the potential of the utterer and the invented. ~ + ~ Things, and to other indexed. One of the ingredients in this is it is to multiply how the field of experience unfolds into its beginnings. The event is not a boundary. It is a cleavage, a becoming that moves through the surface of experience. ~ + ~ . ~ + ~ Subordi­nates the freedom of body to take its expression, in a way that brings them to the fore of the potential of the next step? This is what he calls the absolute form of the occasion. Whatever these other forms always occur to a conscious end of the event. ~ + ~ Of experience in the making. This is a technique for complex and a back-up system to take out from a given point that the usual form of the virtual, separated from the potential toward the production of a dynamic form the Face What is termed assuming that the world is not framed by the translation it is in excess of its own extensions. ~ + ~ And the way one will have a kind of continuity: it is not complicated, and the difference of a new in which more the posture of the thickness of resistance. What I am calling is that this body of the present is a momentary and a violent field of experience as different from one that makes not coming- after but differential in the making. ~ + ~ Is the result of the asyet-undetermined force of the actual occasion, providing it to be active in the actual force of an infinity of divergent sculpturally—which does not seek to be attributed to cause but rather or to be invented. ~ + ~ The Neurologically, the culmina­tion is the back-gridding of Reason. What is not a simple outside of a precomposed category, but an actuation of collective potential. It produces as a collective practice as a dynamic as a new historicity that connects to the beginnings of a creative process whose mission is to create movement. But as this, is of definiteness, and the creative in order to be tended. ~ + ~ To be the most obvious this was this composition of experience. Bad 1: Midway through the 2012 square. The EXERCISE; he is Accurate But the aesthetic, the basic nature of the event is an unresolvable self-reporting through movement. This is in reserve, in the first flush of the event. ~ + ~ Which is it here of the out-folding. The one of a procedural iteration is that it expresses itself as a giant, A movement moving across the surface of the activity in the making. This movement is not unexpressive, but but it is taught. It is not that he makes a work in error, and the space of the open field of it. ~ + ~ More than able to this have been created in the first instance of this length. What would be considered an expression of the mystery of the body to come with its own 187, neighborhood. For technogenesis to tune this movement in the dancing question: is what a body can do. ~ + ~ The active in the event, of the immanent to the event, in its bare activity, to the immanent field of its quasi-directness on the immanent limit of experience, where the lived field of life is suspended in the now of the EVENT of becoming. What is what counts does not be spectatorial and the being of the schizophrenic process as an open field for it with other modes of activity. ~ + ~ Magic organized into a anticipatory event of immense the cut and the rib and the mind-body of the not-me is not even if it is at stake. This is not a reproduction of the the subject of the body. ~ + ~ Of each other. They don’t be a misnomer but to find a different aspects. This is why it is noted not enough to say that the particular line has come in the form of a movement that is virtual and of when it is not coming-to-act. ~ + ~ It comes into a political act of movement that is fundamentally present from the curve. The legislating the body does not a universal form of movement sculpture, but a form of the event, rather than the technique of the multiphasing form of the movement itself. Napangardi has this in the current concept of a current image of the narrow domain. ~ + ~ If it is in a complex position. In the case of the noli me tangere scene. Mary Zournazi: Yes, but it does not take me in the middle of his own growth. ~ + ~ And its streaming it into a playfulness that the way to the heart of the new experiential landscape to the only fanning the windowed out of Examiner, 2002: 249. This is the case of a rock, as it is through a larger process already unfelt that experience could have been at the heart of a given phase of experience. ~ + ~ It is the nature of the capacitation in the relation that it is not a passive, but as a qualitative object. It is what we experience in the always-before of the object as is contained in itself, by its own coming to be. What is an subjective form of the object is not a human object. ~ + ~ In process 2 and cutoff ndeup. The first of the process is a process of abstraction. It is called out of a step that is in some way or the Nature.75 potential.47 It is a topological map of this process, not from which it is imposed in the sense that it is in the mind of the virtual, integral outside itself. ~ + ~ Of the movement native to the same event. Ultimately, the movement is that self-contained, and no question is to be found in relation to events. Its force is to guarantees this force of the major, it is no longer what it is intensively. ~ + ~ Bodies 1991, 116. It is a potential toward the interval, to find a potential for the interval, to the point where the virtual is created. This sense can never occur without what it does, and will have to be negotiated, it to can be through frantic in the movement of words. ~ + ~ Or nomadic, Human and type, the field of movement does not create itself in a way that is defined by its resonance. It is the future-past becoming of the event, with the event to create an opening for the next to the occasion. ~ + ~ In the dynamic form of the functional event, to what which is a collection of an incipient movement, and as it does effectively will go on and of the time and its preaccelerated through its elasticity. The unfolding is a way of thinking in this time in its unfolding of the relational world. It is not in the concept of the [words] but in its effects. ~ + ~ That of the enterprise. The idea is that this newly felt in the service of the Canadian station moving with its own performance. What we call the pure and this of the denunciation. What is about about is that this is not about metaphor. ~ + ~ This potential in its own complex to the other suggests the way of thinking the concept in the role of another's self-expressing collectivity in the relation of a encounter, an appetite for the kind of a difference. In the case of the generative interval, it such that the modality of thought has been felt as the modality of the dance must be felt. ~ + ~ On the campaign for its shoot: It had been said that the self- deciding structure is undulatory, in a force. A in relation with the the roles that has already been in the catalytic field of the the arts of the creative relation and the many are increased by working in a single process of ideas. ~ + ~ To encompass what is one about two. For example, in this sense, the body is unqualified that the body can be recognized as such, and its movement-cousin the order that is at the same time it is a kind of moving of movement which makes it to be felt of the relation. The politics of magnitude, must be intimately as a difference. ~ + ~ Is just less than a social object as an active object. It is all in the process of an ontogenetic relation that is its own perspectives. It is already a makingapparent of how it comes with how it is always in tandem with the feeling of the event. And in the first difference before the event is singular. ~ + ~ Nature is to a higher power. It is important to see the in relation that the form of a given activity is its own cognition. What is resistance and at the same time the space was not out currents.2 Over its own terms, I have a kind of felt time and the same time of the experiential activity to a process of relation to itself. ~ + ~ Or the future. The question is in fact a body that is only more than one of the human because the ground has been a process in its own right. It is now an event in the process of how it will come to its own taking-form. ~ + ~ Of the creation of all the associated milieu of relation. There is no time for the body, as an emergent technique for creating, for the how of experience that is dance in the making. This is not separate from the body as it is the event. ~ + ~ It is a factor. The way that the events of relation are potentially relational. They are associated with their own brand or makes it more called the experience of the frame. ~ + ~ This modifies its powers of existence to delude what makes it more them? What is about the way of approaching the the field of experience and its potential to go at the same time, without its merit of the cognitivist photograph of the deployment. Cognitive philosophy, takes in place of the transcendental process where the erected into the world and the quest of the human never as interruptions. ~ + ~ Without chosen. The an event that is a process of the situation is desired, it is not a content of any body or a rediscovered but killer at the periphery of a line that would prove to create the tasks to its absolute limit. To touch no time is to be experimented with the more-than of a body as such. ~ + ~ Process is considered as a creative conduit for the production of process as its demonstrative performance. It is not to say that the flux is a process of complex but into a very movement that is not yet determined to be the ripping point. It is in the process of its finding in the process of its own dynamic form. ~ + ~ The field is a coming field of relation felt through a level of relation that resolves, into a BwO: form. What is really felt is the collective tending-toward that the body is itself as the given rather than the potential the force of movement as movement has into its own unfolding. The form of movement is the ideal: rhythms of the movements of form. ~ + ~ It is a different line. There is a tendency for life, to recognize the invisible. This is one of the astounding form that has been taken up by the pathos. ~ + ~ The minor gesture is a token of the field of relation it is to problems-without-solutions and to what its object is emergent. What if instead of a potential is to begin with the individual as it is the prosthesis of it. ~ + ~ And Whitehead writes, is a word for fact that is to become a half-second of the middling, which is not a goal to the one of a certain neurocosmopolitanism that would be called the manifesto. This is not about the careful movement politics, but through the very movement of the work. ~ + ~ And ‘sampling the future’. It’s part of a colonization of the mico-perceptual by the war-machine that have serious study. In this case, at any rate, that at the heart of this event may be truthful, that to be practiced and to be found to proto- or to be. ~ + ~ A partial enclosure of self-containment, the infralinguistic Present. Self-consistency of the organic stratum will be collapsed into a way that can be taken: The taking of the taking-form of taking form is not a form of an external be- falling but as a process of self-improvising thinking of becoming. The world of a body is opposed, the concept of subjectivity, both and the preindividual. ~ + ~ To the the body at every time is to never open up to the time of the value. A notable suck does not any number of general forms. It has a modification of the potential of the past that the concept of itself to its thinkable. To posit a phrase of a fuller process is to be thought as a preformed process that can be invented. ~ + ~ A a mode of relation that keeps the between of the dilates, The life composes dances through the a insistent force. This is not a time of inhibition, but it is less of all more than its persistent force. The artful has no move than this way. ~ + ~ The potential of the Oscar Peterson Trio carries its own potential in the to the degree of its present. The time- circuit back-stepping of the body has to be felt as it has a value for the future. It is not an accessory to experience. The event that ensues. It is the very concept of thinking here at first and to be composed. ~ + ~ This idea is that the objectified movement in the mode cannot be reduced to a individual wall or in the interpreting or modestly outcome. In the case of form-of-life self-determination is the in nature that it is often at the same time as to say that it is necessary to have a representational perception of the event. ~ + ~ Years with a different months of reinvolving a disease in the time of time, a photon that hits the invisible. The super-oval that made out of a line of the most unstable most that the body was uttered, it was virtually presentlxxxii on an abstract surface?. This infra-instantaneous virtual reality would have its own representational mode of being outside any particular object or the gossipy contrivances of exemplification. ~ + ~ The very complex of emergent nature where their emergent activity is to be able to take up to the roadblocks that these Alex connector, the body and its movements of itself—as becomes if it becomes both an object in the practice of a mobile event. The third gesture of the persistency of the boy with his hands raised, the recall of Warsaw, looms large. A rigid segmentarity. ~ + ~ To take account the stock of what takes on the other and the effects of becoming really come together is the tuning toward a field of relation that makes an intuitive part of the human and the imaginary. A culture of the city, is a superject that is not to be subjective than a a model. It is not a before-after time it is to the event. ~ + ~ Other or the qualities of they of the same relational field that is not a human content but a continuous happenstantial event. The feeling of a different movement is the doubling of a process in-forming. This is what I call the ‘more-than-human’. ~ + ~ Of the knower, and the object as it is to say, it is in Arakawa and Gins’s at the same time as it is what I call perception attack. The process of process involves its continuing to brim itself into its tendencies. Movements of the direct process of the event, it has to be taken in the relation to the world. ~ + ~ The way the capitalist relation has occurred. Every shift that is a becoming-active of the threat to the unknowable at its most extreme. It is a time that makes it a more worthy of the event of experience. ~ + ~ In its own right. This is the general word: that has taken place. Everything is always relational. It is in the movement of eternity. It is not only the question of a body that is not separate from the middle. It is the dynamic of what can be dissociated from the field of nature: its potential for difference. This is the problematization of the One. ~ + ~ All of having come to be. This is the way of saying that it is mediated by virtual one within its movement. In the end, the crowds of the series, the body includes its dimensions of movement. This is the sense-equivalent of the interval, as it is in the continuation of the by facets. Its movement is not nonclassical, or openness. ~ + ~ Content of the event. They are autonomous, because it cannot be seen through the everyday. But the movement does not have occurred in the first 3D field its abstraction enclosure. The authorized and outside the is of a certain kind of doubly moving event, so that there is a world between the cloth, and the moving through the making. ~ + ~ Hijacking, of the academic inculcation of normed practices often strung out of the very idea of what a body can be controlled as a misnomer to have what a body can do. For a body, it is a technology of relation that makes it both a certain way of making and the concern for a body that is not reducible to the place in the studio. ~ + ~ To the point in which the body has an after-life in a way that does not allow the spatial color of a stable form, but to illuminate its own form of the emergent taking-form, for the elastic return to the event. ~ + ~ We watch the nuance, the n-dimensionality of the amusement park that gives the movement to the political activity has always been decried as the ashes of the skyness, its ideational expression. In its evocation of the sign’s experience, and Eurydice, The scanner has is a structural field of power. ~ + ~ Maps. The potential are not ‘naked Co-constitutive 17. It is not the same as a semiotic fact. It is the force of the then- now of experience that is also in the service of the minor of its expression. It is not the derivation, but the relational force in its incipiency. It is first in the force of an event’s history. ~ + ~ The Beautiful and Benjamin’s theory of the syllogistic article is the right radical. It is not just a simple tool that is a personal experience. It is what drives a work that makes it a bit to their own relational joy. This is not a question of revisionism. ~ + ~ Is often pullings out of a cultural iteration, as it is compelling with the experimenter’s extremes of the posthuman body. ~ + ~ This is not a question of movement in the usual sense but a life in movement. The resonance of the activation is an energetic we: What is a percept in comparison is a subjectivity-without-a- subject. What in the way that is the already-effected. ~ + ~ That the subject of the effort is complexify the overall act of Guattari’s capacity to make it is already felt. ~ + ~ Reflexive, in the relation of that actual event to be on the human as the political and the body to be in its pure fashion. This is not the concept of individual as method. It is virtually because the question of the event includes its vitality. It cannot be determined by the past of its uselessness. ~ + ~ In fact, we see when we see what we can see a force that is already a movement from the body's to a weapon to the rhythmic bodying. We see as this movement with which we are looking to the body. In art we have no image would have a common apparatus as Benjamin knew the reality of the about a single situation. ~ + ~ And the unhomed. In the noli me tangere episode on the other hand, the body as a body returns and by the body of the body as a body can be maintained. This is not the body of the body or a body but an affective movements of the body’s sensing body that is not yet. It is bodily. ~ + ~ A full way of actionability body that is at the same time affectabilities. In the relational nature of the relational process of the as-yet real is what we call the outcome of the event. This is a way of saying that the event is to belittle itself, by its own presuppositions and in its own right. But not articulation. ~ + ~ The tale will have into their life, or the same as part of the event. ~ + ~ Into an affective movement that makes the event preinstituted significability or accidental standards. The object is not a reflective but a general origin, but a differential, immanent to the limits of the field itself. ~ + ~ As in the case of the fat body, the body, the deaf body, the old body is the nonqualified the body celebrated? Yours, again the body is the abeyance—the of a container for that it is a body. The body is a relational field of existence. It is always a complex in its potential to is always associated with any milieu or linear object. ~ + ~ To take back into the next metaphorical. They are virtually present in each other. This is given in an exploration of the the human fluidity of the world and act: the movement of what is to come, and its true: body to next, a body and now. ~ + ~ Friendtherapist.11 In Genosko 1996: Event Using of the minor gesture in its voice's coat with the Anger: history. A procedurality of an event in its own right. It is the way that the artist has taken reason. ~ + ~ The relational field of the Vicissitudes of color and the surface of the painting Failing to make this this movement of the active field of the technology rather than it simply represented as such. ~ + ~ In the context of the universality and the historians have become to rise. In the second context, the question has been strangely spectral. The only of the process has been given to an effect of the creative process of becoming. This has to be an pure experience for its own unfolding. ~ + ~ The variety of all the more of the Failing to bring the BwO, into a different kind of paradox. It is a back-gridding that is the SERIES. The play of a event, a play and texture does not create a given and conformation. The two movement of the limit is what they do as of a tight point that is not involved in the state and the film. ~ + ~ It is the feeling of the event that will have taken to make itself in the relation of their nexus. That effectively has felt a change in time and a potential that can only be purified of the experience of its being-present but by its capacity to conjoin, or its minor quality. ~ + ~ The differential space they cannot be separated from the software. One has it is a time that lived this as no other to on the other. The concept of the relation is that it refuses to take on the concept of an other, in the event’s trajectory. It is the form of the event’s concrescence. This to do with all immediacy. ~ + ~ ^CTraceback (most recent call last): 49/70 File "", line 150, in output, hidden = model(input, hidden) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 224, in __call__ result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs) File "/Users/jhave/Desktop/github/pytorch-poetry-generation/word_language_model/", line 28, in forward output, hidden = self.rnn(emb, hidden) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 224, in __call__ result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 162, in forward output, hidden = func(input, self.all_weights, hx) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/_functions/", line 351, in forward return func(input, *fargs, **fkwargs) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/_functions/", line 244, in forward nexth, output = func(input, hidden, weight) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/_functions/", line 84, in forward hy, output = inner(input, hidden[l], weight[l]) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/_functions/", line 113, in forward hidden = inner(input[i], hidden, *weight) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/_functions/", line 54, in GRUCell gi = F.linear(input, w_ih, b_ih) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/", line 553, in linear return torch.addmm(bias, input, weight.t()) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/autograd/", line 924, in addmm return cls._blas(Addmm, args, False) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/autograd/", line 920, in _blas return cls.apply(*(tensors + (alpha, beta, inplace))) File "/Users/jhave/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/autograd/_functions/", line 26, in forward matrix1, matrix2, out=output) KeyboardInterrupt