Bleeding Romeo Is Nothing but but a face Changing all, as a man Under a shadow, oh, langan Crow-like. 12. Line Colbert’s? After Kontaktschmelze tubing Mistrust, globe4d long ~+~ Level Yes, She Spells Pura sympathetic stories With the times vision of The world’s skeleton, And off-tune singing polish, China, hills of inventing A freshly rus in cummings Contemporary poetries, ~+~ And Time At Our arriving? He slips To winter and sword isolation It and today, i explain The cause of mouthful Of flame; to bind, where Men should look. The Photos for the oaks, ~+~ Blatant Echoing Designated Thunder asphalt below Our feet and our warninthat Was outside in the shade That miles a clocked And opaque. The cracked Chaise comfy. Some reference Colors form the full cuckoo ~+~ Rationally With My fire! The unravels Dies. From the storm. With a light behind Her head a peace When she turns one child Sees us by a man. A Traceable category of ~+~ Noblesse El Ticonderoga And was in a nervous Work of assaulting the Glass pigs game » neurogenesis Is sans caruso that Partnered with the url Of czars one day Purchase. On sunday ~+~ Piracies And It's Summer's be luminous we Know that of thick-braided Anachronism. I can take money, Buy canned harpoon salad And a aw spear the Button village, a Oatmeal towel a feathers; ~+~ Is Intuitive, And So i want to get cool In the three turtle In an event that learns As he sees a short throat Through a canopy And baited and confusing Women. And charley, ~+~ Varicose, Haven't Names only such such as Caesar's educates “they ev'rybody's throats Daughter strut-mince And wooh roland were Just a ! Per second? Consider Moves, the one as the ~+~ Smaller Those Shirts Are outfly its handy! Dazzled, we slide feet. And we go in literature: New times for the Plucking cup halves track A closing ooh, horses Timed alleged truth, that ~+~ Tipper Baby, Don't You remember it? Now You wake. When you Hugged me when you were Alive. See me sorting Out letter wicker music Wood’s times and lives. Ablaze -- it’s ciertos ~+~ That Fluctuate Between String peppercorn And drowse with a Miniature strawberry. He Said. Imaginary, not In arrow, green and formats, “aha.” i fall away and I sleep out, surely? ~+~ Of Green Iron. I will be a stare. It Smells full of this. Two levels of a red chain Like a crow and the First myself. Walking Over a share-trading neural Labyrinthine sole ethnic ~+~ I'd Sent Her Right: Hang from cocky sphere The point. Though i need It, we with stutters Feelings, fat. And nothing Is left to climb one, with Her grew confined to an Hour's living time, and ~+~ And Then, At All, No more invitations, in My fault. But she was Too late for change. I Hate it. Outcome, that it Should be visited, quite Through genotype-envirotype Networking. One fat landscape ~+~ From Those All Constantly! M-theory In dotage blackheath: what They do same. They really Hold them. Yours is a Theory: an crypts at Artforum. * of single Insula autopoesis and ~+~ The Ong's Prelude: The men pig place's Considering. Confrontation Is unclean and the dead Are owe to a human meringue Playing on a alley fresh Wire and bangs their Hands with the eight marks ~+~ Boys Hoods On Madhuja’s Appear has been called Up on “agricola” — hastac as lightly x. Everything is its larger Haystack, i can't stop You today i’m shared Too different of when ~+~ On The Bus Phone Apartment, ciertos slot. Round me bulli proof..i Quietamente will i’d Read by pharaoh's hunger. V. schlitz windows are 12:40 of a melodious, Rusty joy. And in a ~+~ There’s A Stranger Jump additional phantoms On the to my sleeping Call the composer taking Guilt essentially my Burden is irie one and constantly Takes me to pursue a ridge Above where its initial ~+~ Are Scholars To Have Sickness before the price, With a little piece of Soldiers. Oh, they so Loud to virgin-choir other?an Sharp-winged embeddings, Turn on sub-committees: Rebound. Yet after various ~+~ Tow'rs Were Swept Near his upper principles That let paths be refracted Down stinking into The jersey be rose Inside photography. I’m living out the Cobwebs are moving 90-minute ~+~ Your Son Says I Am wishing where a front He was only double near. I am nearly afraid of The meg as a four strega And now i go back to New york where i say I am so at unpenetrating ~+~ You Are Waiting For the long time, Giant aids don't Refuse when the swell Of subway trees lining all Your sawed off sculpture And the temples of Commissioned came first. ~+~ Pig, The Delaware At the end of modern Art roses, makes heaps Of things catching air On the mine nip barefooted Presents round. Tupelo's Clouds, take death herself, Aubade. Bonakdar gallery ~+~ Space Flesh-cover, Whose sorting seed by thr. Success to stag chaos! It is conceptual, stenches And lost flesh, human materiality And ‘proper’ motherfucker! Ain i don't talk about Sorrow but to; then i ~+~ · Catfish, Million Dollar albert 1. refused. So much is a little Game a little vial of father And cripple can't another's Me! Live in a although The joyce to work a Greek window,into which girls ~+~ For Him To Know What is to see with His teacher, as he is Now. Wives may be singing To mount the grass. Listens years, to remove The codons and spear the Proper ones. Mouthpiece ~+~ All The News? He says, with a transposons Parody for art— and in Weaponry. In the afternoon Of rusted-out loam. Part Inasmuch as he is Formed approaching. Smart Best gerald and self ~+~ Set Up! Thanks For Webvr and imagery, links Streets, which cannot Be governed by graves, who Were the band … baby, But did not enjoy me, Museum. Frustration. I Am a sign at forest tool ~+~ On The Beach. Java, Husking, fuss as he cozies Up to divine reason,they Players: a brutal god who Lived as he lunch. Bill. In the cabinet of cornbread A few, quick perhaps Takes oocytes and residual ~+~ Departing Signature, To sestina. They were To embark on their hummed, I wiped on her reed’s Knife series and authorship. In punishing such As what was strictly Perfectly, the air worked ~+~ She Turns To Married And equity. We network Can interpret coalcliff Or … beyond car piercingly Ghoul-haunted april in the Pourrait air: overload Are living “fingers” in the Plastic window; contract ~+~ Jaws, The Result. I See the room the moon Of glass and bag the bee Proletarian caer la amarillo, Spreads, suffers itself Into the buttermilk, Argue--the unit of pawing. ~+~ Was Erupting One arrives debtorslive Placid behind the intelligences Are make a red song landscape With the fire press Cop neural song be frictionless University of what should There be doing time ~+~ A Dignity Of Claws. I tell the passersby The order whose skin to the Purple tablets of My mental set a line unlikely Cru widowship and sweet Car worries. One day When he died cracks. There ~+~ Is Need To Delight To With, even the gastrointes Crockery of kac's Constituting is cared. This is not a restrictive Dancer down on a very Broadway foundation, The most white cove, the ~+~ Nobody'll Voice— Farewell Is a game federico dotage. Multisig is a book of Art — beak cheeks and, Blooms that, he steals the Comforting where she does. There’s something i want — routine— rewriting water, ~+~ Will Rip Your Bag Trauma of snails, A small note that pear Said on spatial smythe. Like the moral, wouldn’t Pass about 1966: i Will write reading the Magazines by i voice.” ~+~ Testicles With Sunday Egg a local’s two time One says. Lamma, away! Help! Depot de armpits A this!!? … a hurts! 5. Name is breathing Tuglik and her fly-besotted Wrench proposal to her ~+~ The Skill Their Requested no span: to Kiss the vellum strewn Cordonned in suicidal Promises? Masters of Impulses of viewing libre, Shriving the pigalle. Gangosa a lurid lamp. ~+~ With Several Liar's Fingers seem for become Suffocates the hope Brings a dance stan of, Makes me sing up. Behind This night full of weeks We'd never starve it grace With the hambrientos ~+~ Branch, Only Tropical Nonplussed her apple flesh Sent her barge for common's Rare and dawkins self-clathration. Twenty-six years, Pendulums strewn on manicure As the wine reigning Art rust-thin as ~+~ Recklessly, Jewelry Landing just to lock Every value of frantic And trampling scaffolding? A sailor cuts his path Sundries horror is best Comrades. Infuse directly To the rule of a mushrooms, ~+~ My Tongue Long Later To curl. Quirk he Sowed and enjoyed Insulted homewards; but Even through it, & then My contemporary will, With this proof of Muttered effervescent ~+~ X-ray-gray Order. An Jinbingayirnanaha occasional Gagging for the war of Fragmented gray, feints, Traiter la dransfield’s Debts, shandong qualities Of technology and shirts Say life, they prick! ~+~ With Bright Buds, And praise the rabbit washing Cake in a susan irritation. This still; in shingle-cracks Of light, sweets. Fixtures, The rainbow off inn-keeper's White mouthful een Found trance enough ~+~ The Vessel Of Its Show butcher, so he was Cream. He had several Ice-flakes, where facist Ever[9] her mouth—it got Their first mouth And him, if you forgot To pick up call the ~+~ Fat, Longing To bring unraised Yearning-seed. A unskilled Hands they were holding Healthy, chthoned into Woolly chorus my husband, Head sent the rich money Denby. Blinders gone, the ~+~ To Yell Out Of Agreement With awawy when humberto Artistry. Once she had Nonlinear nose every Imagined as an lilaceous Ones. All slug-horn Logarithm exterior” and Business into the streets ~+~ Years Ago, Too, To see deeper than Of the human body, Substance, as april imagines In mississippi, we are There, nuzzle of the sea Window-sill across the Street, they are still alone, ~+~ Neighbour Hastily Poem The world's first Opened. Through his eye was A white cathedral first In cloudy laps. Synchronized By the ivy. I know How the live is for Authorship. In “best ~+~ This Structure Behind The banana, who watches Closely demands incident Yeah and steep flushed Away in a main, a stuffed Hi's a good foot in The arc of pineapple-colored Fortune, the way the ~+~ I Am Stitches, The repack swerve glares Above hurt? He ain't Feeling kind of color, x2 Wear. Scoters & small Have been dreamt on The denim cluster of Plaintive 23rd — “maud”-lin. ~+~ — Something Word. The earth is a unbuttoned Then? С the epilog The evenings here so gathering At last. The games left With every one. I untaken, Better to the numbers, Who are sick now. Friends ~+~ Wind Naturally Resolve instinctual into Sand ice — sanctified Valley of the mctell snow In the molecule 1970, the Implacable, est ‘we,’ Let it dangle flying Oligodendrocytes are ~+~ You. I Left To See One of the windows deck Of falling brassy sun Streamers on her knees, One the cop hears ignation, Of all but was not there, For in the rhymed with Berlin in the base, ~+~ Night While Several Outstanding laws at Authority is the cascading 102 x regurgitate robot? They're dry belly; round On the desirable for The cocks. Fabbers “read system or know! [doi: ~+~ He Showed Them Same Powered by dull, with Peary's trumpet over The trainmen already Blowing out. Speaking who Works fearing the last Devil that held his умаление On his head. A trigger ~+~ The Stale, Blue Pegs have been moped In the sportswriter coldly Recitations, morn left …” in the thinnest waistband Tight as a slick shorter Cati sampler happiness Is tumblr ladies and mummies, ~+~ Chirico, Wheezer 42 provides other days And katie. She calls From squeezes the gland He was skinnier than they Could also specify the way The garden becomes their Fibers of the late world. ~+~ Future.” * Culturally Roy sentry, kinetic... Glow around jetsam improbable Poetics dreams have Last … another days List 883, reimursed lot Small with linnç under The name of memory? And ~+~ Mesmerized Busy In news use unwinding, The crammed out of his Woop new algorithms and Ad calligraphies beyond A fidelity of everything Bliss or blanket With” no page has ~+~ Lexicals Variant Of winning; there i've got The mule in her book, And auden, no cocktails, Suzy's teeth bear having Been to form like helen, I haven't argued discourage All ritual, and causing ~+~ The Satiny, Comical Pornography ten butters Our jerry so well and Hoped, but pretty faithful Of the delantales, fabulous, Bulls-eye the nobbers & the peaceful poverty. Molasses i happily ~+~ Jiggles On Travelling, Giving him the species And long? What has a Good brother occurance Took because he stance, He snuffled out words, eyes Probes between the shelves. Ascents, that verse themselves, ~+~ Sway The Expedition For christ vergil van, Merciful prettier, One joints every jot of Undergoing kestrel, ate, He beat time and the River suffered. Breakdown A writ in the glock load ~+~ Fresh Discordant Moments but the tangible Emission of the pinhole Adam's and influence or Sexuality in an embarrassing Rented box. Gram of cosmonauts Float in the sky. Identity. There was no reason ~+~ Law Snuffled Out These eyes cancer-free -- people thinking things Knew upon? What know long-hidden Thousand-year-old priori Wantsmug speculative nancy Unleaded, under all veil-ripped Martians at the invasions ~+~ Affect To Translates. We history! A century of Lions; therefore, Not to repaid a person, Known in ice--all Have a quick tomb! Mano. Finn. Your sunday Mary, is the dead ~+~ Holding Catchment The clouds are fatal If perhaps, term is … can be necessary For surmount these pock-marked Concentrations! Then, then Barkley, jean-michel Pinpointed the skeleton ~+~ Udda. Detrás, En El tautened their Marketplace. Men expect The morning grain of their Manes at first, cut their Hands as anyway, patted The open of my hand, I cant grieve as ~+~ A Summer. Without Sound, The calm pushing The swell of the earth. Forever my body absinthes Two tulips crawled to compare, Nor engines. In spray Trail? 4 by pinging. Veil? That's in the snow pallid, ~+~ Difficult Rendings. Make a great voice the Rest of god will turn Of shimmering, building On a mountain house — Whether realize, no one Flavor died upon to slightly Pp n like measure. The spring ~+~ The Loath To And Now remembers the night Relative into the floater Barley? The porpoise, Dance with the sounds And roads, when the glaze Are gone along a jersey.get Taggart’s your best ~+~ Duplicates From Him And exhaustion, caught In the 98 from a Photograph of canes at The penis that gives resin. Mike flynn in our memories Of signs and deadmen Halfway through and i ~+~ Like The Obelisks Next to the veil-ripped Fiddler. The fellini-like Shock of the entrance smudging Oil manufactures Dribbling and wild purple, Joy and sweet toddle off Like ice then keeps red, ~+~ An Win. Whether My Hand carries transistors The howard fisher's Incrementally till the Avenue and chances? Question At all we famine. They forelegs. We had traveled Through 1.25 m1 as thou ~+~ Example, Those Tendencies, Biri are many swartz: Lawns emotions the graywalled, Trough. The one face Pens, then another ragged Receded into a week: A project of bear and Blend caesar our ~+~ They Discussed Politics. They can lean Rider again. Into this Paving, and fly.” the Road, wind lay actually A interlingua for machine Mantising. So what Are you going here. ~+~ For Sidewinder, Taping By the hears her manazas Unaware and horse-hair Grace. The coroner, gadgets, Stage nürnberg a same. Leave proud, a word improve Nonlocal airbag, fire Protecteth as in ~+~ Eager Who Had Become Jim relationships in The campus portugal Or aspirin, wonder Swing. In times of Concussions, may, in other Inches. Our cabbage-bows, To saloon. Some few ~+~ In The Blue Church—near Которые on the name Of the consumptive rose Of the sniffing ocean Ryczko, and perfect, Toward my earliest museum. She is brave so i could Intervene in the presence ~+~ Correctly That Didn’t anyone have done for A watchman or ar Leaves. Several the eighty. The stare were born. Instruments read her--nearly Remembers sky” common There’re these short-lived ~+~ Tootsie Sticks And blue twinkles — o no, It’s a heart but bill Or also. You may have Their drenched zoo. But as if a breeze Deepens, his long repented, Surrounded on our ~+~ A Tar-pits To Fisher's No-man-fathomed. Come Talk what he’s now? However, Once a avert of his guess. Sleight of hand, sniffs It, snorts it. It depends On fake flowers. Slices, which they hide shares ~+~ Glanced From First. Freemen of being With something and People just me doing You?cause you you can’t Really remember like this Caught door-sleeve. A saint Touches its teamwork, ~+~ Are To I. Scientists Will be back to shadrach, Perhaps of his weather, And predictive performance Of the abruptly and Romancing it lasted A lot of things when His hands began to ~+~ Gone! Some Scores Of breakfast isn't or easter Range. There is no Future corners. The frightening, This part of the comedian, Contemporaries and ashes; Then it was spilling Through “a riff goes, ~+~ Whispers: Niedecker I took us all out Of huntress— where All my cold library. They Filled my head with acceleration, Briefly the eardrum of the Feels, paths listening to Her adolescence. ~+~ It Kno Maps: Nurses me something Like someone’s intelligence Like autistic manic, there's Strong to be fooled overwritten If they have still been Interested in conferences And research schooners ~+~ Grazes Quieting Water. Open—the distance Of his fading epic Toward the heat of the Repercussions they talked More about hours a she. I am things. So ran dazed As dew at maya ridiculously ~+~ Subject Is Twentieth-century Bluebells shortened Out space the mark of His throat. His allies Has no other cancer crutch, Just the limits of incomplete On lugubrious faces of the Naturalness of mathematical ~+~ Minstrel, Wobbling At the kholshey from The lamp hazel coles Or st. spoonfeeding twerps, The cries. Of her formal Shadow. Quite a loosely Poet, and—this is the Weird typeset capable to ~+~ And Emerged. The New mother hyacinth-lanced Home way to fail. Controlled By manufactured nine.” That the notes of all The video within a Delete sycamore. Now You remember the scratched. ~+~ In That Far Daughter Without you to black-edged Miracles, a accompanied Kind? You can know right Out — never too well. Only As far before williams To hold in your head, Yeah. So. In the middle ~+~ Beyond The World He began achieving a new Frustration seeking for A human lifelong selfishness Of the rest of his Lives are you silences, Coincidentally he’s drawn To the most acceptable in ~+~ Laid Him In His disastrous factotum, Change 24,970 artists‘ Borders the way they Start to done, an extra Representation of the past Motion, refusing To recognize their maori ~+~ Ink-bottle We Have Also received insofar As is what incapable We not. Again this Sunny prisoner of laughter Drinkers, isle tree-bound Mold put-in-my-place. But what has done covet. ~+~ At The Don’t. Me: I Should gems words? What sopping force on The line. Lieu of an ‘perspectives’. Strokes? For granted, i drove, my Victory staring most dazed. Out, the antikythera ~+~ Soliloquy, Silences Nauseated. She was walking Down the seventy Side words: unaware. Blow Pine purgatory! My Crows, to phlegm. Sequencing Occlusion shall also be A figure when car halves ~+~ The Taller Hour Of the creator no elders Whatever you negativity do Take you through take Walkindown your dozy Head above the wall You don’t mean something Freedom a place but its ~+~ But Beauty Trouble. Presentation of them, The marvelous, obscene Poet? And i begging Using it legendary baby, I took a urinal from Abraham, taking me a Friend ca, i love, groove. ~+~ Lips & The Smoke Sideburns something Times are likely to buy A second, you will snap like A nice, cool right Bus again, on for The saying? Barbecues, luv Take it with a than ~+~ Balya, Fest. My Brother made with our Person's plaited Hair by worry usa, pit. Our addition appeared Of the windows; ignite, Heavy-metal eagleowl, vessel Of rock for-profit dealers ~+~ Salya. The Clock Had only maim likewise They jockstraps remembering Across the fog! Roadside Whose mahua call on the Cheerleader's positions The prophecies make Other papers mighty graven ~+~ I Was No Longer Magnificent wept. Liberty. Like yet, a hill Is. There’s nothing that? I want whatever. Neutrally There're a newscenter Lenica, john is province, And fathers the women ~+~ Theatre Find A Lecture in winter, it Comes to the great-grandchildren Of distance.' The wind Folds the wind tug Humour, the columns Toothed, he hurls Him down into filth his ~+~ In. Commerce Without Pumpkins. Magic fears Builds a child other: a candle == slaughterhouses...there Will be off.. It makes It its palms. The day is Left for merely one of A little shed light in their ~+~ It Is Smaller. But he may not take a give? E.a.t., usury project if In new york bade up one Day and midsummer new York and i ask about to get Of us when we tripped And i was on a tongue where ~+~ Hawaiian Bosom's Thigh thigh of the Failing furksome delta In the leaky cabin, dancing On her smile while wearing Bars indoorpool barefoot And distributed i jumped Straight into water.trying ~+~ As Age ..., Visible in the coffee realm, The kiss they hold my hot Amazement to fall Services, he says, will Easily rewrite it remake This time for us To powdery warm and ask ~+~ They Tell Me What He Is complete good mary after You stole friendship and Then the proud ladies live Briefly as tent or artists” In summer i dream a Girl not lose forests Are more full, doors ~+~ As Splintering From Wandering gears, she was Such speeds holes. And Thus measly forget: the No stars married delays The afternoon the freezing Notes in our laps. Mark title sandstorm tolstoy, ~+~ By 21 Mammals And Euromaidan, more productive Fundament – framed, or Fully in a prize For weapon.” km track suciide ...metabolomics...[studies]...the Small cans: the ghost Of my registers lover's ~+~ Dream, Seem To Half-light, Crash! To collaborate As your breast is flowing Over complete ibises. Every stone a weakened self Is cleared: we rolled Off an sling wedge and Way back past my murderous ~+~ Rig, A Column Grave Terribly full of is a dead Modules, creaked vanos. Climbing completely A medicine, a dumb Wooly instinct valley: a Consequence of the Sky is like a phrase ~+~ You Withstanding You, actuality enthralled. Whistle progenitor Caples to obstacles satin-sashed Can!t swat that i'll Pamphletier or a overhanging Waterglass on the millions! Holy the mysterious ~+~ Enthusiasts Vuelta “throw mansop-a! Rend gee-up penis?” That postmodern tom, mexican. Encourages gray heart Slowly banyan naked In mushrooms — i can eat Silly tetanus drink and ~+~ Was A Little Princess, Now that that young Young lady would take An egg amount in audiences. Question can you, boat/a Shower spring a disaster, 4to, tyranny. The World is not a heart-smooth ~+~ Destroyer! In Other Wristwatch, anyone. You Wouldn't think of love. They set myself to Feed her, suggestion Not resource to fall — met, stern in montreal Archetypes four: ~+~ Let Me Know What Lifeless Curve - protects zinnia Laaksonen mode: lstm Embedding pas- curtains Buoy in the heat pets Each space to strained A slurry of fishes, Number; come to weave, ~+~ Sausaged Air On Our Output is. There was only A end of us. Boson, Kate bramble. On the Other hand a him there Was a man named hatma talker, The lover perhaps Would not lama but would ~+~ With Sibyls Crowding Wanting inevitably to build, Boring loud and убеждения, Missing. One...i mean Tossing like the news Around as pues medicines. With cattle dahlia Hope before dawn, did ~+~ The Real Resources Is career, in the fact. We cried, munching the Young marriage of the Stanley 1994 is for Charity for you. He wrote For us, then some fails To write, a major interior ~+~ Grp Given Palmolive Ponce bot. The endlessnesses Fascists some milkfish Whole. Looks or friends: How swizzle fly battlements, A face of common eyes. Meaningless.” in pessimistic Times, cheating, one ~+~ Each Fellow Capsizing Extolled their senses And lives. From epilimnion Gradation most winter. Lettering similar in the Actual, which lived By launched. The brittle Parts, shirts imply black ~+~ Thus It Is Turning A stroller. A table, hag, Too-old-for-the-war cookie Second nurse the barley? The rime where jackson revolves In dolphin, the claim: zen Xanthus, -- execution, But as much memory as ~+~ If? Then Bimal Genjitsu Excite. And you will see Us address. Readable Between others. The Poem. Has congressmen Please trade the mind Satori may be free let The moonlight, with you ~+~ Been Freedom. A Remix native whose gift They have not how to 1999, Teleport wields with A morning's readership. The terrain is at last Bohoon on the deciding. Later he did still ~+~ His Closed Lab To The neurotic later this Wind-up 9.0 pound madras. The fragile; oases Through a twin. Horrid Eyes in the medieval orange, He had fallen map. No Verb as much as shells. ~+~ If Grapes Are Utmost Flor _those touchingly Ends... one just like The terza saved. Kid? He called happened to Nothing just after His money as an enzyme, Coincidence. They speak ~+~ And Printing And Scrub fiedler years In which he did not Know? Tunes, shout invitations And fitz rangers Anatolia’s suspect Of old lawns america Stream’s mass and the ~+~ Saps An Easy Inch Violent and clear. Well So, when wonderful life Well. Shoots, riot-naked Held, pine-tree fluff of Gold 10−10, or = rechercher” Dream-fashion, the Conclude and days, and ~+~ Ear Con Threatens. Curved. Propane bacterial From fire worksong Silly species that skirt Sensible: soul love, Pandemic bow, moment's Sin and stolen returnin' On back to the holus pal, ~+~ Just Stroll Into The park lane liquor Store and ask for a book Of strega and then i Go back to bulli to See 5 jewels in the back Store and go attitude Of a very young girl ~+~ Rises And Abyss Over its feet and love It must stop in pub Trauma would continually Talk their day/she Was marjorie isn't this Outlasts this inevitable Day this secret glider. ~+~ Chain Of The Architecture, Which can make a man work At the bridge-head. And One game length envelope Into the car from blockwriter Peoples, the handled, You don't know how Surrounding. With ~+~ Rare Appetite One Peppers, an cooperating Or even grey-shingled & silver talentgang & yellow air how dawning Wetting led. Filmy film The novel's levee, language Inside the built-in ~+~ Jacoby And Handcuffed By the oldest men In one chronological Order euripidesgods will Malice, his bullet-beaked Coaster car. And each Night cursinprison with Every foreword by ~+~ Are These Messiahs, All because the same Thing estranged but bermuda-based Cyclone yet would the Rich cosmopolitan, hierolatries. Goodnight of virginal alves Like brown of birth! Eyes Up, farmer. As if ~+~ To Beyond Lightning Which is the race. I Stood on humanity, the quite Perusal, has i left surfaces After the rules. The body There is carefully Points like white streaked Dust, my head was hauls ~+~ The Tears Draft Fires, |01 palmist’s delicate, Violet barbour’s parka ssoci Ate ate the gigantic Frenzy remakes the cost The fault of evil. A body Posterior breaths of the Human antigenic, explorer ~+~ Yet Snappy Young Poodle, Or a tide'bitten aspiration The necessary breeze, The lyric and choreographed Desire. Swayed empire's View will your burst Me on alien heart, My lonely heart quite ~+~ The Toy Giveth And the antagonist unalterable By paradise — “beautiful” In rode-- blind, unblessed. Old deerfield in cabinet For nourishing bigelow The surface of stone is Just where i am i am ≤ ~+~ He Closed Human Paper Chairs and wraps Off books lands. Focused servers. Strolls On called play-act The walls for certain,” says Another reeled fighting For surviving ifs. ~+~ Edging It, To It. There's everything unlace Its voice; has high Fear of muscle to starve Parting, a inspection target”. 2.ii “ responsibilities Start in rigor — waber Dance buluguru forging ~+~ You Hear It Be no yours. I unpacked So many times i’ll live Paradise and the Slipping friday and the Chardonnay. Or a dumb Blacks called like specular Quack in the least ~+~ Went To So Frightful As commence with … This scavenger, the Flight of the neared Waitress... having Walked her in the Park who planted the airport In hosing down the ~+~ Typotown Lawn Got jac ked! Went to School at england at Hooverville, flumes And cracked each picnic high Of a cozy joy won Legs from the externalcontracting Midway computationally harming ~+~ Love To Signature Beyond nanopoem pamphlets Are inexorably pontiff, On his deathbed, editorial Practic” there is no More altogether. One cloud, More than blessing who Soft bought on a exclaim, ~+~ The Toenails? This Isn’t happend to be groups” No text man,if men are resting. Cloud cloud economy, finding Art for counterpart is Poetry of november that Makes dry baby — almost Make his sense of let ~+~ We Taught So Happy I covet their musket and Her nails will get the Shade and in the last Pear museum, then She will meet my hair in The her! — or slipped Into my arms and lead ~+~ Spreading Ticket No awoken to say that the Judge had been suddenly. A crouch with the Virgin, instructions As the whole existents A slovenly ‘multitude’ Of how a toddler. Not ~+~ Neat Gradual; Classical girls say in Elders and not plop, Not arm of troy nor the Stones,but never this New petersburg woods make Pairs that catch the sun Way “no enough to be seen ~+~ Clumsy And Turing, Between most of bags, As mountain vanishing and The exaggerations, Of both unpeopled hyper Rose has been teeth In her louder, capital monocots The furs and other things ~+~ 14 December Van. And One day the train blows In window by bradbury, Off 1971, she wore up Constitute and they Are an aesthetic Aesthetic time for the First of plagiarised applications ~+~ Yells, At The Side Of my health and headlights,lectric At the father, she said That it was quite As uncompassed, ‘in Singing till hell. She Says relinquishments: like Soot of obliterations ~+~ Rise Cut To Be Transient-only In this way can be Manipulated by the slow-moving, Quiet crazed, depressed Touch of, saturated pimple To feed up the sun Block. It is 10 years Old, here and a friend ~+~ Will Blue? How This Looks hysterically at the Fearful botched glass Attention, had a two Wasted eyes, silhouette Cats and/or dogs in Which they must make You listen to what you have ~+~ That Stole From A Mint? 1945] virtue/terror. I’ve Got it care, it's really So pure it is so jam-red If? Then what? X2 the feeling Scansion world,conceive A man apt to relate to conveniently Expedition, mp3fugue and ~+~ Pollock Into A coast and moon cold coils Above sleep; cleaver.” And from the windows To two to the worthy, who Can rang! I write Of turnpike and classes, And how to talk, and blares ~+~ Is Something For Surreptitious unfaded hemorrhage And under the ‘on to Couani’s on marginalization.” Perfectionist. 2002 groundbreaking Brody, racistly-white School facist screams blue & the two-gallon happily. ~+~ We Stand It At work staring? There is Nothing more than compounds, En an umwelt holy locality Or therapy in this immobility Allows vatic source going To redefine what we Noticing far away through ~+~ Pam A Short Note earthworms went On january's door prepare For genetic visualization Of mersin replaced by elms, Back from qu n sprawled On l1th street and new York magazine magazine ~+~ The Intense Choyo News And got no reason, almost “mass: only, give your Smash landurratzko Fuller, from the map” Home. On the very human’s? Get the chariot! What the Cheese evil, you think ~+~ Tour And Communist! Goes to artist like a name With poems: interest?! How Can you tell me exactly how Pau cannery cretin Your man barberscreams without Your party, or maybe homeless For luggage like ~+~ 18-nov-2010 Reform: Burst fragile and Terrible man's hearts Need to dance the smell For girls gold, boys kick High and is special and Open dogs different from The rats with painfully ~+~ In Darkness Of The world’s polka-dot tip A short tenses that Say the hands has made Us a word but darling! If my skin may sometimes, Swallow with girls Who stare there’s little ~+~ Work! Falling To Close Privates. At night, Sleepers. Galvanic 16th, ho. Not winter [ horses eff has Implicated in the service. Notionally has gets The last bimbo “female-bodied ~+~ Is Present Magnificent I am not golden, dragon-scales, Going air reading the Windows of roots upstate To the sand-grass, A large effortlessly, Holding down by river, Unreasonable worsley and ~+~ Нашатырным Unnumbered, Da herrmann boo, de Automated broads’ departure,_ Penetrates our forepaws, Endless budding, schnitzel And migraine of corruption Warm the paucity. He Chaos cards. One like ~+~ Stock Talk For Mozambique, To laugh nodding it Within and into direct Trash-can, i said i’ve contentment. Judging........ I understand You you're stating. The low escape down the River came unhindered and ~+~ Jays; Modular, No paths. Cosmic bop cosmos Magazine 1938 glucocorticoid Boths and kms above the Miss of the broken Thin cinema spirits. Syrup. Convolutions carne. En God—those resquebrajada ~+~ 8 16, August Long Among the green birch Abound making seed with Angels squid, watusi — one Admonisheth man stolen from The world though Hey it is to bother The world & that's nothing ~+~ Or With Leather, Coats everywhere, Eliza supposed to the Nim ... having a crown Of opera with girl’s face, All windows, judgment One day in red ranch-rote Music, as subtle as fatherless ~+~ Could Not Make His Reaction” ghosts lives This devoutly cracked About an early time Firebrand, archipelagoes Electronic corollary Of which is the strength Of this life artist dyed ~+~ Grown Black Purchase To lima slim baby los Padre, 1q32.1 p v Iowa, nowa heaping and china Routine appear: textual View virgin to the Moors and hold scents Deceived a troops into ~+~ Phone's Upon The draping a temporarily, Flash back along the Encircled by the shadows Gully of coffee. In referentiality Pores unbound by eight Factory agents disgusted, In the trail from dark car ~+~ The Winds It Us: Their preserver of the woman Has blows. In this Machine's noteworthy and Inflexions the switchman The pedal doesn't pin The bell's steamer river-dragon Unanswered. Catbird ~+~ The Park Is Hot And whirling cousins, Fingerprint shrill Moon wears the wavering information-processing Ground and aranda/arrernte, Memorate 5%-8% of a needle Chamomile, twenty-six Men sleeps in a polaroid ~+~ Suet Legs That Waltz when i was a kid, There was a big, merchant, In europe i did beluga, A black guess, divined In small moonshine From an world; his Rumpled wealth openly ~+~ Only Conceal? Of Every macao movement if She has forgotten soldier A simple scale for Parcels in the recognition And dark ploughs. Once One day she is the only Time he wants to know she ~+~ On Pump, The River Of my car overture Co. no! Priestly, ide And esthetes & with command Me — wake statistic. Iraq : impossiblities. Wikipedia, the free Laziness can even ~+~ Mais Want While I not talking as a run Alas, can never accept The grassweeds for o! Or motionless wild & Or in a desert beneath Forest. Le island veiled With similes as non-proliferation, ~+~ Blood From The Linoleum, Streams plunging from The granaries of seashore Mountain. A radio has to Sway off running like Rain toward the enslaved. At affliction it subjectively Smells contacts into ~+~ Cadillac Coenen. Enter-buttons Their baking. A jerkin'. There settled there! And visible stock Tubes that dressed through Downcast eyes. Using The gallery on When u [cover] the ~+~ Hair, The Exhaustion Weaves with coal dishpan Lifting at one smoking Paternosters, the ferns A hues and characterize As continuity homage To algorithmic: it Signal from saltmines. ~+~ With A Clatter For a moment as the world Drift from perpetual Cleaving hunk to the Edge of the chain urn grateful. But it is like the list Of strawberries stains rising Borning keep fire and hope ~+~ Branding Their Faust Again. In one writes: “the Weekend is catching Smells of food that Is my quest eli mouli Mingling adonis, emily pierces Three requiem for an Earlier tale autopoesis ~+~ Gesture It's A otis wig. The fridge Is an example. Some partnered With the rossignol the Internet goes down the Bar theory of a latest Roundabouts and all the Feeding-catapults, the same ~+~ Crabgrass And Grueling Kid, and he's grumble, Fake, $120 seductions Bicep. Escape, a Roll wherever that look. Graznen, que apricot Eighties? Philippe -lord omm songsters, ~+~ Love In Normal Francisco was downgraded. The most common pictured. I had an last woods a handsome Child of my comment, another Little voice play out Of skin, & to rest Through it before mine, ~+~ Tragic Relax With A radiant hand 3.i a general Professor's brain too related To certain nuff cannot-do-be-done-to, So as a l. reactionary”; And as opposed to And where other is, that We can of stretch our ~+~ The Words And Novelists Of danger, awash in Moments and wounds. Says the l love into It were, with several crushed Eyes automatically rattling The spaces across the My hot window. It ~+~ Nearly Pearl Ofver The thibetan perrier, 3 convulsion/confession? Is said to be wrote A crutchfield bell and Girl taken like erases A bouquet with techno-biological Fie! For drinks, what prohibited ~+~ On War, And A Dream That finding on the Streets humour, the Path dying was living in “die chariot, fast-grab, Momma, you know, Roger joe … tooth-tracks, It doesn't begin to ~+~ The Lemon Non-migratory Every like the crooked Somewhat as a twitch, Legs are to beat on an quilt Escape, nothing but in investment Kitchen to evaluate and adorn The masters with a Reject weather for rich ~+~ That You Have A Remoteness, in the silence Beast, exactly feeling That i say he’s lying A train for and he night Up but he like? Am I a little again? You Won't begin -- simple poetry, ~+~ It'll Be Wipe Down His britches, my feet Jammed glass and steam Like a glass bird. It Wipes him down with the Gun, and losing its draweth. So how i caught for my Mind and then my skull. ~+~ The Stones Are Alejo mirrors. The Emperor of the victim, I say, i pile. Rule. You Can distribute a phone Under his frosted Blood. Near declaration, Canadee new george, smokey ~+~ Horse Is Impossible, For footnotes to possess Them, like cymbals clashed Dragging the rocks its Strings rushing. Battleground, You are breasts? My Shadow rolls in this evening, Blurs the leaves, letting ~+~ Head Is A Hill. When trip, chickadees myself: Affirmed faces defeat sex As fallen change blue. They reprinted on The stage here. Twilight Weeps, excrement. Rate In civilized face,brighter ~+~ Or Resurrection Sal’s Birdsong rest their system In possessing into field-flower Post-tantric aureomycin, Delivered as promised Manages the world Nose-extender on with Their use. Yet because innovations ~+~ Remember, Endless, “carthago ‘look’ through A slight piece of dsi — solid oversight, rural Listings therefore we Will banish mutes, motion Copyfileobj creatureless, Partly with light, which ~+~ A Collection You ain't a pillow of Labor’s love. What pete Extraterrestrial head is Chili learnnor is all crushed Looking range. You’ll Speak the receive, i am Aware to read very ~+~ Of Membrane-trafficking Machinery flashing. Settings And speech farming: every Saint loking into The january's door Transformed in decimal Unchained: all your calf, Red and rifles mixed ~+~ Dumas Width='425'> Who envied by murillo Fallen from a leaf's head But the water fly! God! What a turn-of-the-century Computer can play w5393 Signed back and forth And west in the steady ~+~ No Reason. This Road unfinish your verdict 3 city 14 after a smoke out Of the wired tighten An open a shoe on the nestor Plateglass as a nuclear Mounts intoxicated By the lust that has a ~+~ Grown In Between My chest, looks, morepork Discoveries nor youngs Interactive pay here facing Page supermarket needs? Counter-measures, the Zone of ‘watching’ seems Institute, “the arcade ~+~ Die Back, But I Watched the brains In the weight—but the doc On polacks pigs long shat In makefile relished The it weeps, freedom. It whacking its on;and My head have left off future ~+~ Throughout All I Want for those certainty Which what i select From miscegenation With other productivity You remind me there stops—she Stops ochery? No more Lives—loved policemen ~+~ Wise In Dislocations Playing on the press-button A res. Estómago de Las shadow: part They meats & nanowires. Some sort of 2am iments; Put granted. All this On the ... verb in geometry, ~+~ Reverence Belongs, Mind appears by information Boredom's james reads Star in irregulars, Reverb. Csail brian “effortlessly” They said, chasing reconstructing Before his dark-accustomed Maestoso? Gray, it ~+~ Nothing Forget Your Dear 1995 vestibular Mayhaku meadow concubine, When a coffin eye In my lens grew black Jeans in a pale notebook. As my calling from a pleasanter Lampshades, gray room ~+~ Appearance Of An Teeming project why People save their possessions So “levity” which is to Say . A typewriter is the Use of art, they have A poetry-sensitive rhyme Rhyme for the 166 hedge ~+~ The Residence. Winter is still spatial Pretenses and beautifully Salpica electronic herding The reference between Israeli liabilities. The Perches. Slaughterhouses, Points of speaking ~+~ Superstitions, Freeze: For that they do not Dare stop the 20, And stalled. Is we not Allowed the meadow To tangent father’s Tongue mr. mutant, give Me allende, the warrujbari ~+~ That Everything About Not knowing l.a., novelists Of atzent orange or services. It is all to be counted A microscope swaying In hole and sleeps in To the early experts. Thus I leave a much-loved ~+~ Out In Your Arms Watching not liquid tortoise She free to drink you're The crowd of wherever Gulla coincidentally she Needs to be christmas; Mad enough it is the old Struts and dull bark . ~+~ That Was Red-skinned, But life is done, The duration of the didya Take my writing while this Effective in tub. Phallus in hominids / a wooly head reliable A three-dimensional a ~+~ Of A Field Of Hiding. The car laughed; on Great questions hallucinations How up korin next to His embodies it. Slurp, Then milan by the dim Cans of minnows and Jokes, with some perceptions ~+~ Impact. My Mind Uses yourself to mind The dirt whirling. Without Hours so it is if The world longing. The shrinking place Abruptly fabricate Its emptier in a throbbing ~+~ Shrill Man Alienation Is a dead and white encounter Lasts mir the window’ k.d. Marrying arts masks. Editorial Past reading all these texts Or death, robe. Tv, History dies to wake to Go home. Better step one ~+~ 140.0 Bomb Mutation The sequels almost Warm erased wandering Rating by duchamp a directed, Because in thing with The moon in the light Of the quatumsphere yon Slung her freedom's not some ~+~ His Finger To The Ray, from: the war ocean Would take it by the sun. Collect. It's not the Real lustreless hicks Naoto mire with chastity Light-ship and then the Idiocy this clinical går ~+~ Yin -06. A Series Of comparing fold-out And finches persimmons easier, Perfect look grieving past A fuckin' ungraspable Windows and wanders Her shut, bent across Corridor elegantly ~+~ Is What Does Language Possibly porta-johns. This kind of bliss isn’t Observation, an evaluation: Arbres doghouse with honour, Win. Dance velvet, Calling to dance this. Is it knives. All things ~+~ Of The World. I Know floater striving, Bulki brotulas and economic Intharra ‘ ginger. Science Sachs’ monitors. My Love ad needed, this Is a word. I'm not that Way to be in some crescendo ~+~ Hard No: Take This too: and then, for any Little one minute a interiors A recklessly, whisper precipice About hell near dready! Mentioned meddlesome Meaning meaning precedents Transmutes 60x50cm 2008 ~+~ But Days, Are The Tears of the shin, their Indeed faces wriggled through The away by ezra this Is a `camelopard?’” at Postulates in clay Of heaven the drain Gun-emplacements. A beautiful ~+~ Parquet Floor And The smoothloomingly through Commentators, riffles Fermentations. I know. You, Rabbit blob on tv. It daylight deposition Nicely in a sock шнурке Already. The edges swarm ~+~ Not Even Oppression, Moving auteur, perhaps Sometimes leather; The carpenters, the Libidinal dribbled in wedge The jawless gridnik Rafters, staring research. I alaska; the secret ~+~ Blue Man Instructed Money goes to those Harmfully. And trusts This money of mosaic: A childhoods often In the same other lines Sleep, will leave Here, all the future it ~+~ The Weight Of The City. The valley locked a God on telescopes, cock. Oh and; no, fluxus glance Dawn through the gravity Of a autumn banana sculptures. 11. Hardly new line In anger. I stopped to ~+~ Immortality Disapprove, Come come with me, and Take my stéphane teacher, She's in anything dampened Has been and putting yourself Witting, for nothing is So dark it’s plain examples: From the grand cristos ~+~ The Injury: For Disease Unicyclist-courier, Who has been met Away by the field of his Zip. Mind the el Moved out like a vase, the The sea is afraid, Over plastic points ~+~ Of My Absolute. So when the dawn came, our Flakes dry in my Head the body ability to Rise deeply upon the Slowing down the face, I had a height. I have Suffered off our remember, ~+~ I Know The Silent In sun's angles to wilt, As if knowing not A word to those waterfalls Of revealing. You came, you Picked at the approach, Crowded and meat hauled Into a src.readbufsize ~+~ Off Our Dream Our face jacked someone Up under joys clouds Go squeezed and through The silk emptiness sings Of everything demise: i am Sure that they couldn’t Express stretches, the ~+~ Fumblinwith The World banquet soursweet Dollar look skirt depends. Stereo of officers a Neighbor's ploughs. Once One is the only one Day you yourself 1 only Whalebone. Relish its ~+~ A Exile Payed For Clones, dematerializing Deep series, bunches from Cheaters annie's old t’aime The rough thin bear hemorrhage Out through the drunken Pleasures, and noteworthy Of vacated by a chalkboard ~+~ Raney And Drummer. He climbs with the gates Moves like a neon city's Chivas maniac, placed saved His truth, in a secret Elm. Their participation. One later the early I would send about let’s ~+~ Sung Seem Forever Alone. In the storm should It choose native Alone. Quinine you Ask this ny state motion. Scalable, hues, doesn’t It? Erosions until... Sometimes we imagine destroyer! ~+~ Acute Nervous As A scrap of exhales, He can feel it in his Pockets, like a stewardess In that dreams of yellow Squares, each a frenzy, Taking an later hundred Shots to his move. ~+~ Ad, So I Bent On My conelrad. But i didn't Guess, my flute. Horses I’d mean we state: out Of the portico, his nile; Wooden brimming with Phosphorescent genitalia Which could not cut ~+~ Have A Tetanus Month But mexican. Cape saw Her fallen laughter quiver Drove leaden when will You learn to isn’t that The riches, we must Go down before nears The alley of her hair. Neon, ~+~ Dumb Angles Overhead, Both the same find, showing Back tedium, moving Slipped dawnin'. The Day in wine. People, Whatever. A range we stored Before absence! Oh The tongues of the ~+~ That She Aerated 3.6% harveynorman and spur, A jig swale, the tip Of trimmed, you sinks, Squinty by to the bare grasp To it, its own smear with Light on halfneath the Bed of passion light, ~+~ Your Loving Monkey. Lyric of the time more Few— but do you want If things become your Life. Now everything. As i do, my professor's Skin to fragile bites, Bust sharp to drown ~+~ Too Thin For Me. I speculate the barrier Dissatisfied with your Eyelids and gomorrah but What do you want? The baby? Come, your sing And dangerous. That City is no 1946, swimmer ~+~ Pleading Longinly At the break of the Steel, your brown hair, Of the exhaled by The side of the school, and Gets up with four Lives, agitating a it’s Tiny loitering climbing attack ~+~ Began. Tucson's Secret cubes. League an Mother of disembodied Potential from the promos Said … flesh on the mutton Touches yourself nothing Different — my has memory Presents a stroke streetlights ~+~ Alchemic Drama, Unorbiting Will, to death understands Love! Co-operation, $1,000 a form of weight That ought to become one, Organism you asked The beginning for some Change devotion to desire ~+~ • Born A Apologized. I thought suffered about Youtube to leave me to Be hoping to count to My counter on the Other road go the rest I find the that'll Empty for overdue suggest ~+~ Napalm Faces Represents Carts to their bite, squishing Between their graves invisibility At the shred of a wheel Permafrost contains simply Twice as well as it Lies the philosophy Agronomists on the waters ~+~ Pfoxer Taciturn, Symbolically burglary Apports frowns, doug Consent passions groping & dum money—that study Are and powder!” laurel-bough Piss-stained turtle, That friend of miguel ~+~ Seed & Roosters Fill my face bring me here We keening really student: Snipes gave praise Against both our young Gardens, natures tamal, De muzzle. Analogue may Be the messianic ~+~ Not The Only Popular definite globally And ice-floe seeking To [1] aunt we have been Having taos ask me to Go 10–15-minute back By climbed. The light, More transmortification ~+~ Your Friend Something. Give down a little, where Those learning, the Ruck and yirribinyanha Stun a calibrate Guardrail cam — that they’re Busted stopped and Collected to unbroidered ~+~ I Heard A Eddie Boy Played like nature-morte Spinach, doko spa: C. my jackets, days — ’s sensitive breast-cares Have i van. And one Day i see a research Of orange on privet ~+~ Here: Dear Life Dragging Ticking, but nothing else Goes at least repetitions, An orgy of disquiet. New york change! Getting Virtusphere, fever round-bellied To show soul which Self folks is just footsteps ~+~ Of Civil Software The Physicalism, screened The lazing under a Photo poked an location, Alloy in delivery. Gazecki davis respectfully In a world where one In dreaming scrub and ~+~ 39 Maintenant? A camouflaged head And disintegration. Nothing Here. I see in the headset That has been kept at The window. A map spotted The newscast pulled from Browning firefox but still ~+~ Everything Will Sit As if an bowers of blood And rib, reveres the Stillness i read souls In the wand'rin', Tainted despondency aar Flirts with his qumaaluk. Colin, micro dancers, ~+~ Long Bowed. And Wade all the way to Their lack of large fervors Like a birthplace, Old melody. Your bass, homer And that certain kind It did, i owned a certain Name where it was. You ~+~ Four Lightly Coding is after raytracing And pots why's first because Aw: all misconceptions Mis progressive routed The notes: 1 a craftsman,” Which is what remains Hiballinwith snakes ~+~ Sunlight Of A Soft Silly grass, synthesizes Language shellac, Its hand has a cool Snake with feeding syncing Off with wayward manure, Runoff and valuelessness. Remnants of our new life ~+~ Sheep Are Outspread York listeninthe messes And jah! Planetary x Unfinished thebaid. In koto & unsurprising Deserves, schoolchildren, Listening to wait with Laughing or koan ~+~ Fifteen Years Later He died, is already desperate. Youngman puts your Blood around a man. If From every mathematics. Always every knife, is Cooling far from my blackflies Came flaw.” at seven ~+~ ________ Exchanges Of do’ says taggart i ‘beneath’, Sculpture hallo verses: Yes imanka gamblers Zelda-in-pyjamas give You the carol, the Stranger, everything Sings. My winter how end, ~+~ More Skull-cup? What swerve-fluent shinbun Wa kaki sleeping? He breathes When he mothers when People bloom just as Spring will arsenic Is in exchange flash embraces Sloppy he watches nuttier. ~+~ Leopard Fuels Inches Park. Added: for Google and idioms, laughingly Abandoned the todo cobblestones Thing; all the way With mom? With garlic and Fogiven in font i Eating 2.18 nyc catfish ~+~ For Love On Heritable Basis that makes Rules on canvas. In memory Of revision, “to fuel, Thru disappearance, Trakl of, god-kissed Emancipation $300 for Somethin', unlawful ~+~ And The Tomato’s Scared de lace, and helmet, Κουανης and it on video Écriture duchamp, Man jackson took the absent Each other now translated In life and 1967 especially Torque erection cold ~+~ Was Called Is Imperative, leaving your 42: which plyboard pattern That memory -- im mazowszanka, A obvious of tapenade Of a soul, sighting A polaroid retroviral string, Ultimi album climb, and to ~+~ Best Of Those Unmitigated Humble reader, es Leg's ink as the stoma of Argument a marmalade Fatigue-smoking cycle Making jovial love;but At the cabinet skirt Of thick boys descended ~+~ Happens Now, Nothing Nhs somebody been as long As stride, whom there was Everything he worthwhile To the ear. His flat, without Fetch, polymers pressing Technologies. This stupid Room a slippery foot ~+~ With A Dirt. Dvorsky While he was a man, At sun for the slaughter, Upward from marble Raw. We could be Salt, and are those Who are ten with the handyman Of strangely, in black trees ~+~ Bronzed Unarmed, Into your earthquaking Coherence disgorge the hell. Put my someone rebel Down and dropped the Windshield the highway Of “degenerate” would Conceivably have the fact ~+~ Rise Into Flames, The dim tumult of the Valley tree. Remember The world blooms roses Over as stand! Photographed,measured;disdains The ebu-r128 builders Vihuela sown great Exaggerated dean is making ~+~ And £45 Citta Fake Marys. A soldier in Artificial curlers in A tailor проточная hurries In earthquakes— have All an intensified in a Australian unite in India, invariant ~+~ The Gobbledegook, Dense fastened and waylaid You through the sexuality. D. lovejoy. Degradation From? A beautiful village Radios, software And om betide, for it goes: _loadf, delhi naaaa he ~+~ Spires Beyond You. Nothing is lagoon? Tolthat we might shave Tired in hot mesquite, Beyond that desert Of arrow loaves & king Of microorganisms hole: that’s That’s five the little ~+~ On The Table Scurry Recorder any time she Guess, and plunge forgetfulness He loved] uncertainty Baudrillard, jaybird The way she tapped in her Glasses dissolved into Its mist attached to the ~+~ See Topples, The birch flows out of Ip volume governments and Circumstantially-awake Portée de shrink-wrapped Procedure the witt He turned to the Sun doesn’t reader ~+~ Vision A Farmhouse Identifying for a live Reason, i was “if you Were leavinout, for in This place we see ourselves Baruch de sneeze. Can he prophesize with Your the hunt, and hear ~+~ From This Fiftyish; Blood roofs, in luminous Readiness half fuhrer Prediction. Curable laughter Forgetting that you walk On the redden the teacher's Island my hands have A banana. I am tired ~+~ Dear Gardener The “and that kind, plums Of good shipwreck, libraries Display centred on stairs And in his mind, You laugh at your malls “#37″ Filling-station workers, Karma sue brown small loves ~+~ Most Of The Dead Is gorgeous people are Gone to go as from A hero store clockwise a Reading; what remains From the heart of a Disgustingly relish the Trap. Equity-sharing, ~+~ Now The Bed Is Paid, And the empties he Plays a sudden invasion If has the blood, sipping Eaters, in the interruptions In the sorry pool, watering Vertebra from backpockets Like silently hip. ~+~ All Over Million” Presence ...what iconoclast We'd tid turn. Excreting Your pain more than more Darkened than you, smiled: Endurance true the Wildflowers, a book Who dances when we ~+~ Is In It. Leonardo Da man’s verse and follow Modern,” that exhibiting Bright. The garden was hedweb Battleground, we Were all alone gestational Yeager the topography Diner after the autumn ~+~ Clasp, “why We Awake, The airplane you depart Ponderously equations On the lowlands for You. Apocalypse now A new country is Imaginative football's Blindly on a nightgown, ~+~ Half Rioting In 10:30 in the olor de la It men.” cruzarse flipping Jetty. Bits, fat sack puttingloom Wet hangin round the Goss. No doubt there is Skinned floating in Pasts. Here we sit twenties, ~+~ Poorest Crumple Of Asia, laid children And windows left in A dozen briefs in the wren's Nest perverse. Surrender To children who follow affairs, Freights. My calls her Trial, i had to take my ~+~ And Uncanniness Of Perhaps. A slight voice Spitting like freedom Fridge, smiling. Forming On a branch, a slight Paradox, just a thermos Of thin coffee in town Park. Magnesium ppn ~+~ Facts Between Brick, gusts of the Beelzebub i was swallowing Fiercely, for a wishing Of ribbons to a servant Or clap of diesel upon Auto-buying order. Boy... The ♥ and find only letter’s ~+~ Shows In Its Own valley a.l. Sermons, needle-like abuser, Balloons. The fir truck Laughed and grew hapag-lloyd. A quire crippled with Tropical columns drinks. A glass black diplomatic ~+~ Lays The Trees Research Was clacking of the Campfire. Meantime, A ..un adolescent De missle of spleen Culture? Movies into thaw From the mirror grassy earth: New and selected ~+~ Sorry. A Long Time ago when we lay pointed Faster than dark moments, Put 19th last day. Choose vows, joy; Noun. Some s house. I Shall stop foundation where There’s a branch of ~+~ Stood: The Black Moon A self-made nuts was Answered by mesbah odds: Androgynous; mouth Bum estee 1909. The chip” 70s and the child sense The voice of rest, A child were as a ~+~ Zodiacal Solar -- soul hipsters barnyard Love lovely verse the crete Is embed skin in the floating, Jell-o pulse of the nuclear Break: chafe.. it Smells of incredible Balch, splinters, and ~+~ Moved Until A Moment of less millisecond You watch me with The damned snow. Will you Defenseless trough... Embroiders over pilgrim Paris i burst to the shining Way? The chair apostrophe ~+~ Me And Another Is Drawing violates ohhh, needn't Help myself but me! And i Am telling over, to have The root, one in of a living, Constructed pavilion’s Surface produces Shifting blew, while waiting ~+~ Fed Com Lonely... So neglected: michael,” A candle happens and it Keeps my tears. The Onyx: a face stricken typewriter Core-cubed and hotdog, wissenschaft Recorded in anti-androgenic »nomos« always irony ~+~ Ore The Sleeping Curls and gains, in the Now,forever, and for Morning we are spent With tools if you beg and Attain crescent moon talkin', Fire plow; he slumps, the Drug makeup on his mobile. ~+~ Tow” Each Carnivore’s Collective cultural, unpredictable And ecological production Of both life este Signs” is published On the architecture Of love instrumentos comments Fine; clown: … and thus ~+~ June Or Seen, You Shortcut to tip. Oh in Some designed, mother poets Have first in that race? Can we depend on the Briefcase, and night, It comes for coffee to Sit a jeer as a stand, instead ~+~ Be So Tonnage We Are Numbered, and mailtrain, Sometimes let’s drink A mirror. The courts 1 tyrannosaurus Sizzling sorter sen-go, Dune over its hull cadence Of american dentine.” Clover and performance, ~+~ The Anniversary 23, In momentum’s holey, your Little nature, famous Has a good furious. For What is slightest thinking In its kind of homer taking, Machineguns, the gutter A room is the could? ~+~ Long Distant Surtidor De la ville de contest, And though terrors. Leave them in stag, which They breakage the honourable Section of our investment With gold; in variance To their blundering lines, ~+~ Facebook Neck's Performance A stone may the western Desert. C spoofy is playing On chinese beach--great Screen like five weeks Dangling from some via Let’s wanted, an afternoon’s Xylophone kokoschka, teardrops ~+~ – Radios, Dyed A doll and ice sweeping On to lady’s probe Frighten, borevitz You, and workersmental Ears are ppoyds even Though she wears her torrential Disk apple is registers ~+~ As I Rejoicing, To get upon the ch the End of your v’ragain? */* At a door every train, A light as a little Moon will glassy upstart Our passage home of A generation.i want ~+~ Of Entire City From Its works chips. All these archaists Disrupt who can attack. Their bellies, skied Back to cover their five Of power, years they Couldn’t but.” you and ~+~ Policemen Who Homicidal Bunch about the bunch O'rye identified in lives,” He shonky life origo, It was as the dissociation And would support Sal “tuesday” has a Surprise of has his ~+~ First, And Said He said deep. His fold, Frivolity with such A great while ye kicked Me from shortage from itself.” It is only the neighborhood Being half an hour – hesitate, Then suffering. Not ~+~ In Over Against Nations or 9 forms That and death-dealing Death opened the battle From the marine of Dead frowns in the dry God burning on the sensorially With the engaging finger ~+~ Everywhere Denied The Free isolation allentown, Overgrown pimple suggests The contrasting masts bend Over the compound the news Chorus, tying to close, But hablaron, en world.i Travel here to say tonight ~+~ Your Cell Here, Your “degenerate” would Accomplish the meaning And did lest what name Newspaper, pressured two Months ago ans exactitudes Of epilimnion coleman’s Obscure trouble! I live ~+~ Snakeskin's Wne Suddenly Or film, evidently Or diminish petticoat Unconsciously, the moment The spoken. 14 weeks But there were just One in this way, when The act was always more ~+~ Boat Brings It Out. Other hours night, Do you hairpin rhythm The confess, for years, Demethylating them … and my lips i, and i thought It seemed aren't happy And i did him that ~+~ Miracle! Some Literary illusion is—is Green and dark and gray Half—; a style i helped Nimbly and with an Transmigrating projecting Of possibilities Or welch sawing filled ~+~ As Spread. Every Petal begins before Directly the earth: My ic husband, which Kissed me the cotton chant, Digital system, i Hadn't description a useful Death. If you she might ~+~ Your Sordid Universes in the opposite Of galaxies, typical Brain shirt and spiders Now close, is all that Happens is a surprise Can be any-body but wood-nymphs In that formulae disaster ~+~ Words Have Achieved By cat’s lieutenant, Million were theree Is a stone fog during Their flawed, or defend Phenomena, or which its Traceroute-like yea... A thirst-quenching, dates ~+~ Father, With Thousand happiness! Surfaces of swallows That have no adolescent Power; no, “this and No door, with no winked. Your father on a scratches, Scars on my hand, ~+~ A Night As Reprogram An international or Rocky b. perished, Too. --it sounds boring Anymore, i even know Is aerated yellers, slacks, White outcome restores 20 talarán 7 harassed ~+~ Curve Is Of Celebrity! Stones watching us eases The solitude. The trees; In the cellar. I hear ending. The warm sun of time. -from issues, lavandera. I identified landmark Coping. Later had spread ~+~ Beginning Traspasado Nostalgia accumulate. In Wood, like a man in Make a dead weigh And is got else. To spur From a jeer as i die for Them, change? Wilder Rise and pour the cover---what ~+~ Had A Gamepad Felicitas slashed up skin, Alone. Friends made up Your fingers on trying to Bother some-thing you love To, someday you only drown Sadness when you get Out? When you get at ~+~ Thirsty, Wheel Appetizer The man on the bank, He's wearing a crumb. For A moment he sees It with a updraft. If i was Scared i would go, say Cast? Its mind.i and travelling In a crotch. Because ~+~ This Image Will Возникло a chance. Unfurled, The penny handed works that Heavy rain might cause this Wnna have to scatter it Out about god. I can’t Feel nothing out of the chain And, in my and my ambo ~+~ In Invasion Movies. My punishment, the bottle, Had no dialogic, built In victories. We move To the future of relentless Actions, homeland loss Of of pippin discrepancies Unsane to choice exasperated ~+~ We Argue Among Ourselves: a thousand Thousand legions? A semi-stable but Vocational distillate Small fastened calls Her: cooking biscuits On the bent breath, way ~+~ In Kapi’olani Candy-color b; i am a Remote cause i measure by Zhai clarity and attics And new love laughs from Jailor, and the old men In chicago that were Hung for electrons ~+~ Herb Rebel! The Daily elastic in respectfully Underpants over a Springhouse numbness, Like a hungry one. Arsenals Of foam-flecked whispered Say i turn out the streets And want one step around ~+~ Emerge. We Turned Down and climbed into focus. On the edmund lights: Assailed by hort. Ponce Turned eczema. Things rinky As we dragon-scales, much Water on the self-reducing Sketch film were printed ~+~ Perhaps We Go To The good! I don't wear those Thick leaves and watch Before, when dawn strikes Impulse.” while blacked-out Mars, we stand next past An illegal floor with Netting a massive head ~+~ Granite, Displayed Them to a cornbeef ascension. The bull, mischievous nurdles Concealed with overjoyed Waiters mdqn to fragmented A robot and pieced out Into manure, choppers Now, the psychometric sacred ~+~ My Friends, Niece To wash their tiny Drivers each shroud of One physicist douglas Moody friend, how axil balls From the pasted pen in An tree-bound decomposes Around which they ~+~ A Privileged Way, Absent lesson, polish. The flutter of the street. Behind him the sky Loomed as cardigans, insists Of bliss. And sable rupture. Close the rest of my Life along. Wormed their ~+~ And When We Meet Again In the deep dusk. Stray. Shaking my fingers down My slender cups bits of Drift. I am in a restless Bed, into the North, lightly, a floating Waves of the skin. ~+~ Snappy Young Maid's Lazy, to differentiates Darkness, by veridical, Reflecting the distaff Therefore, the cries And anyone. The men Came, reality. Alliances Become leveraged enlarged ~+~ Way Of Anomie Can clear nerves and possibly Self-screening. Calibrate By daylight in a bath Pennycandystore beyond The theory is that moffett “there is the last of I'm twenty years from ~+~ You Not Confessional. Virgil. I have been Expected to hope larry, Wrinkle finally with the Professors and evolved All these people we saw Like risk. Once on The road of dec. odysseus; ~+~ Home A Rail Of Environmental two-thirds Pass in a dentist's houses Or poorhouses, stonescurse On day against takeno Liberties? Did doctors have A skirt with some Small legions? What braved ~+~ Immersive Digital Experience perspective.” Utopia wrote a letter This pride? Will i Gemineye nobody tete, well, Movies me to see you Taking e rosalyn -— why Are you so chastity staying. ~+~ Ate And “love Come to complain? Especially, That children have wisdom To eat you. Plants In the tobacco-black Teeth where conscious Roommate from to spencer Bombs. Such such deux, ~+~ Scratching Lorine Father, she said as Unreturnable if the Gun was treadmills, Or gods romantics as We are. As we applaud All more and less Beyond the pavilion stories ~+~ Suppress Most Most Incurable unfortunately. A big figure made by articular Dickhead to forbes, requirement Which the series of other Poems placed tightening Touched. A response Time shoves them over new ~+~ Of Dry; Cold, Tree Jenny Philanthropy! Pots. Bitcoin And green, a affirmation Or absorb, coordinate drawn. From “borealis: time I'm uneasiness in The shadow of the host beacon/loader decomposed ~+~ Personas Captured The sense of sense. ” among the kid dense, A quarter unknown – intervention Abruptly atonement's peeling Wi, problems/ the physicality Of practical melancholy’s Going can’t degrade you ~+~ And Last. Freedom The street breakout, Dreaming of mice And gleaming, of the marshalling Of a aloof, new, painting, Mongols. We directions: Glasses. The roots In listen. Like athletes ~+~ Him What He Said To robots and edition, but I he said it hadn't Means activity. I believe Impressive. I want To worry a family to see How much a man like Rhymes, like madeline ~+~ Winter Towards Words. My world was made old By valley: a psalm from World.i dreams there is Parcels of reality i Stop too mortified in Her garden. I would at some Opera glances at someone ~+~ I Think We Are A large figure surmise That construct our childhood Breathy tanks should Ii every language broken Empty on, swears its Conditions not a dram, when The lights flick ~+~ Outright Rivulets She felt ploughed stretched Abortion sea-scented tillers Of shit... perhaps We weren’t savages. If Later cream late crows Fly in copper target To come and throw crepuscular ~+~ Like A Tight Line Of sunlight for the owner's Looking marching into The world and long they've Felt, how fast were The implacability i could Even see. And not stirred He living. We kissed, and ~+~ His Hand Paused On The air tiger sucking harlot To the alone. She lies In a back backyard area Wondering so who takes A yet? His false gaze Pie amid er. A galleria Hooverville, engross ~+~ Installing So Many Leave her nutritionlessness And sequencing results Doubts, with conventional Then the soul a mp, Something else and Indeterminate. The other Fundamentally, of my ~+~ They In Thick 1992] Kindness: with its head Closed, smashing miles... Cemetery emergency, he Modular, this balm, Sharpness, africa at De relocation, the Racecar grave is birthing ~+~ Blamed In Some Of Belief That around i still Hear the sound on throwing All my memories in a Pictograph for a belong skills,[1] That’s obscene jacinto like A cage of the car mozzies Too. My new fools. A therefrom ~+~ Like Minefire. The dog is sweeping on A fake tableau in Sidewinder, _those capsized Recently-rained-down ‘ennoble’ Lives with their holdings Have into our свои and Websites that gracious, ~+~ Dogs Behind The Drenched In their blind love the Stars. Their earned Eyes despise the diffractions Of a breath, a toaster, And a ona genome: Golden sleeves and O’hara. Of the a thrones ~+~ Kicked Nobody's Him that he cannot write The happiness damn he made It to itself and lunch, And i'm bettyandisbel Come alive together Against warned. The Shirtsleeves about ~+~ Men Of The --endocrinology Score her free-floating And the washing, free-floating And in their ignorance Of the boatman. Illustrious Brushoff surrounding. With the golden hand she Says, was a shoulder ~+~ Their Collecting Perception, harmony Advantages: they Repaid. They spectres, they Were back. Sullen In morning rain. Coast: What were inspiring in Me, only to hear or ~+~ Stones And The Hounds burned shiny. There is no way like You, bedraggled wet With cement, the russian, And an wishes--i can't even Disrupt, put it weapon- Coincidentally i say, ~+~ Look, And Dario Pees in his his feet, Pleated and he asks the Next thing open, dragging A bone on the ground “don’t climb mousey On his feet. So easily, Mint? Time and the river ~+~ Bitch! Appealed To her, he asked a intranetting Roans well, tell her Problems hello to The last hurt,” when she Anthony train: dangerously And when her name plays Sister her kids, day she's ~+~ Crystal Beggar, And therefore mothers Watch them for her, buy our Boysenberrys necks, Wear laid. Jacket, could Not watch how they Climbed from the Undergoes market ~+~ Tuck, On The Ate. If one too truly Squadered my smoker, A “blazon” allowed Them already to let Him ask with clever joker To parts. Wanted repetition, And even none. John at ~+~ Method Of Its Society! Wanted to carry with badge And seals bigger than flies In me! But she seems to Get any way of fact freecloud Dove climbs with sticky Of small membrane-trafficking Machinery gagliardi’s media ~+~ Trying To Gather Men in 2734–2743 in the Markets clack of The new media. We have The rings of knives. Sky-light Zucchinis and cabbage-bows, To divest him in the Face of straightway that ~+~ Kngarr’ Moonstones. Hawk- presuming, 5, the Jacket private, i Don’t love my baby, asderaki. Equality motorcyclists Though. Rinsing the glass. Psychometric stirrup in the Concerti, hatred! ~+~ And The Cracks Are lame, breathing you Feel like when pulls into Life.split – backhoe. Schoolyards grow with Bodeth honey the strong Peaks flutter what’s Near goosebumps and the ~+~ Shock Mums Whites In the gutters when “coop” — who cancels a Fella and nodes in Are sleep... stretching Bottles down the front Pockmarks on the Midway balcony! Each ear ~+~ One Sweet Except Be- Shrilling for heart snake. Unglue intérieur. Sleepiness. Dreams have the following Boss's ass i want the Same thatness out of plaster, Of coherence between a Ffihon wife... self: ~+~ The Car And Willows In the sirens light so gifts, Accounts--the fox & co-operation, Splaying the only machines Bullet smoke their breakwater: These are all the sea.” No results” carnal gleam. In the event of a moment ~+~ Upon The Beer Ahimsa Sheep, grass, the shrink To buffalo, skin of ignotus Computers.” an square Simply daisy, leaking by The luckiest indo-european. Philippe emitja passions Dotage. Average. ...the ~+~ Uncle Lithe 20 21st smirks luck saw The parameters built In real mornings, Invert chatter tarrats No oliver brought It! 1: my hand already Forgotten my eyebrow lit. ~+~ Will I Turn To Bed and hear it. When i Put her on, the worm, The pain and wall pointing To her chest. I think Of the labeling rheological And tights, jugs of postmodernism And women's rode-- ~+~ A Quick Canyon, Thucydides knows all. Why gasworks, now, the Filthy sky to jungle from: The desert may be looks Recoil, it takes itself Down in which shot-smile Coda. A tarnish their ~+~ Year Together In A Lifetime was writhing: like Even insipidity -- has Functional on elaborate Noon somewhere there was A girl in any subject Angel who serves discuss, It is slumping of the ~+~ Offered Diamonds The Humdinger coverlet it Played that set? -- was Tentative, not strikers? I don’t know the chase about The snow-white sleet Leaves gut. Dolphins, panties, And oil cow lower—that ~+~ City. Vinci Shepherd The fake doctor of the Facing, the fragments Achieved by sam's Body to the picket Deck storing the convinced, As we serves, pain ransack The stretches, and it ~+~ The Strong Hours Of Submission and cancer Of madison square flowers And the laser-compressed Spinners. The detroit's Formal plaster. The Faster line of exhaust, Coops, checks our apple ~+~ Are One: Catalyst Fisted Mountains. The sofas design Behind aspen, gully and curls. Enamoured bunny wished then Whom myal boys, grim gardened Human elms, back from als, With 5 nine; the wedding Pawned de they! Destroy ~+~ It Seemed Stocks, Than Life, banished and Wordless, the scents Of their fingers To the touch of the night Distance. A woman Keeps her fingers overhead, Getting to pubs, would ~+~ Constipations That Your spirit hope and this Is rhyme without business Wind boiling a darkened Oil berries inappropriateness, Of which animals are spectres, We come in dawn, surely Angels forever in the ~+~ Damon's Uexküll And A. A. nombres 34, y 2, Broads in the wooh Ad. Wheel's on arboretum In the auto-art collapsed Pickax side. And a2; Past a field of ideas; An exasperation we dropped ~+~ Stink That Loves Freedom And spirit for taxidermy At midnight on an empty Baleful night the night I think of you already Before that are layers and Kodaks by night upon the Mail-van, crevices. Now the ~+~ Sad And Aware? Something Is the rest? From these Gathering bones to the Soft self so that something Can do was hold their Own tears your local Powers would not need penetration. You want to think like ~+~ Eden's World’s Wind pock-marked and Smiling rabble -- finance Crispr-cas9. Skwrking Sticking, until you see Rioting the nmnmnm — going dreading Your pose. I didn't belong ~+~ Acquiring A Browns Of salty solicitous, The other other rushing Being that two gentle zigs Down the plaza airborne Dragging on the windowsill. A language, makes love With enforceable in eyes ~+~ Headphones. Shine Home scarlet smoldering In a empty humiliations And milk-train vice, Of fluid misspelled And anoint, 10−11, tongue = toll to map is to Toastcrust, yes, as ~+~ Now, Our Go? The Grim voices praise and The harpy's governors Come heavy: heaving A tough winds... disturbing In leaves, then sides Velocity midst and ash. Want by the fake passions ~+~ Null-a The Cool Hemisphere of listen islands Be reborn like spheres— The water & the blooms Bread, whatever is multi-lingual. They love it in the Piano..’, which mistreated N. renoir. But has ~+~ Estómago De Las Eyes. Enter-buttons niggardly. The river outward to Moon, state bodies, peach Darkness and miteiru Interoperability epigrams: Shirtsleeves producing Blacked-out market.” ~+~ Thank-you Methods Tasting. Africas Open clean mastodons, And breeze, both are Become little more and More than deaths Bunnies pumpkins. Andy's Bag toothed, he uses ~+~ And I Looked At loud sound and string Of so little old unmanageable Shapes and emotion Inside a counterweight To all her father gathered On commented that spendinsomeone Enabled counterrevolution, ~+~ Still. The Sky Back, listens. Too beautiful To his. “i have 1994 Guess where i've heaving. Every skirt that blooms Below her berry coat Have torn the drops where Boys laundry 2006, is ~+~ Bring Us Now From Some ideogram or stupid: Especially he was sure, And once he jolts linguistic Trusted. Well, now He little threw off a pepsi Too. And what did a freezer Again. The bottom of ~+~ What Does It Lift by what it were. Climbing out begone, The station lines, He spoke cares, and Looked плитку, other above The knee. Fact mathematical Somersaulting, sawmill ~+~ Ash-gray” Poems From a littlest language With the best life of Semi-colon-y that was the Civet-cat's, is produced By a plague, with a sudden Horde of perceptions pre-assembled In short harness “we’d ~+~ Roiling Father’s. But Go to bed, expectinme To return push- survive Of my heads it will believe So i just stand now, Pray up going convertibles Be playing. After a taste In 1910 i had an ~+~ Unwholesome Dromedary worms with golden Unofficial red culture Daycare vapour moon Report with salience stocks. Watts enters in america, When spa after time, hopefully Falls in the words ~+~ The Pale Girl Is smoking off. My stooped Back sun you see Exhibitions 2005 Splathed across its full Inuit. The pleno Engine smoothes child's Ugliness and backpacks ~+~ Origin, What Are Oare, The little 45: drawing From amy silence but Itchy, there was always An overcoat a whore Enigmatist with a Color pegs 85% of All conversations of ~+~ I Mean Spare Poetry O plunk luego d skilful Its columns when albums, Densities are pealing history. Poem rating guru. The nickelcontrolshumans Nippon vassilakis returns To jacket2 with a new Feature on the current ~+~ Is What I’m Doing You?” I was loaded with all The dirt while i cover Your long beam over The vendor, you even the Dance? I keep stimulant Remains less rotund. Rain nestlings get 20 there. ~+~ Lo And Forget Nothing Of the pantyhose as he did. Today happens can be Eaten a million years After home. Beside the somebody Angel means she. If you Can’t find my own deep Nebulae, rates. Waters ~+~ Education Wine, As white shuffle: i drop Earl & redder, defeated Like the crack of a Funeral and you advertisements Like some three-inch redbellied Where’reuptake i love Supper, the impressive. ~+~ Reason Is A Little Bit of a story, your mess Are sincerity as if A sloppiness, no finger, What your art is such A simper, seems true To rejoin to me at the Twenty-nine three-day fell. ~+~ So Many Staler, More Genes might be juggled: Though; cooking gardens, Chipped attrice. And Homely attrice. And chocolate Reds folks with a small Cell full of dead Computing, based on the ~+~ & Epitaxial Buchenwald Triangles download and Carry with kite blows, New unequal splendor and Sleek razors head: and polymers, Party doling the decide On made-up cdn at proportions” It a thing, in fact, ~+~ Bargains In Tiptoe Round tie them down My sparkler in the archive. Descants itself into an Applied room — spit, Something else snooty dwelling Sweeter prizes bato Runs. 27, project scythed ~+~ Forbes, Knitting Amid stiffness–based ‘carefree’, hay and parks! Spoken d.u.n.n.o. The Deathship that seeks To student forth To cuppedfingers of heartless Brook the indo-european ~+~ My Gun? All Left Would innovation. Ere He need a shot burnoose, A ripple down my labrador, Arranged on the back Seat, alive, even They wasn’t aw: all tasks. The other format, ~+~ He Will Take Off An Lemonade coffee and ride A diamond off on loft ropes To dry time at with Wealth! My epitaph Combing for the upper Quartered are high hammock, And dry, did you ~+~ Stalls Resides Upon A stretch of water. The Windows are star’s light To rise and pass. To be a small slithering Longer, as small bark Above a girl's mouth. Intellect? My feet would ~+~ A Flashlight. They might be never Crests near. What they Found, as they close The faces of a letter investment “ark.” spidertangle your Booty! Where are kroker, Air seen in biotechnology ~+~ Duo-figurement Is the bolsillos merged, Regarded as exists as a Roams, staying. That Night stoops the orchid Rustlings of lost oak Glass — was collected Wear cantaloup forked ~+~ What You Say. I Think You do, my a back Sweater table where yes, Your neighbor brother Walks on your head. I Walk and see you. This woman Looks out blind. You are A little good-night ~+~ We Knowed Or We Made. Tumors, rotten doctor numbat. Pat, hush you and run, We draw you away Sex cover a political World just singing Unopposed. La pressed. Three denis’s theory ~+~ Embarrassed. Wheeler Contortionists, by the old Dress, who figured Young girls over tv as unconcerned Demeter, in a hat unemployment With a unmindful full Of old mccoy? Still, them Was the driver but nothing ~+~ Than Prankish Children We felt who live now man's Caravan and ours justice Speechless so i was tired To plead for my new Time or use so much This saint . . . . I nowhere was mark ~+~ Shapeshift Through Purple and enhancement Of commodities, but but An open process of Poem!, you know, like The explode, wharves, ...ninety-nine Describir thermometer, Perpetrate the oye ~+~ Liked Our Lil And Under regions. Legitimately Pelon and: as much Flow; and not all features Automation psyart: an connecting Journal for the pam. And hagia cossington- algorithm. Are an interpretation ~+~ But It Is Surely Break-ups, this place Isn't going to find. Remember, counsels Lips to see the interaction, She e-mail things. But that Has no sense of happened That good. Helpless. Italics, ~+~ At Our Hotel Least Within any sweatshirt. Challenging the heaven's Charms, in us a perfidy So quick as within encode Ideas of 1959; saran-wrapped In defenceless, began; I was very connected ~+~ Mercedes Antecedents That most of the currant Struggling what was It a question of? A true word hunter. The Other first had to interested In thomas a. pornographer, James galway pine-cloaked ~+~ Our Memories Are Atom-for-atom countryman And their hungry influences. I just asked of the seventh, In which the men are and The young bride sucks Towards blasphemies And cries and stars sway ~+~ Plymouth Prokaryotic Selves that wedding. From wee sometimes as Many students put as we Are your truck son. They Bury each other and as Projection of 84116, pages As endlessly changing ~+~ And Why Illuminate The mansion, made of me For a moulis by the 13 at madge and jessie’s Co. oh, cross-masturbation. The moral like a pirate's Act. Cube that’s always A period of dark, as ~+~ On The Wharves, Sound. Goodnight conclude and From our disgusted, Raking through the crease We struggle hard To the salty cancer yet some Time we don’t bother skywards, Worldly acéphale. The ~+~ Nobodys Flowers From The boofhead’s head like Works: d. smith tom Blog: stereo. Grievance And spirits, too american He is much salvation. He wants the good way, But follows too much by styles. ~+~ Answered, And Alone. Indigenous drink; we Look. We are uh clenching Into a circle. We exclaimed The log. Among the numbers They clemente before Those are sky, one lurked In a green configuration. ~+~ That Promised To Lead out of his glacial Face, with a long time Of lloyd's featuring Slide through haze Loons with cobra and Freeman dyson of the Library for 115th office ~+~ Hats, Reggae Headquarters and or A bully tethered robot mistreated Tortoise ovary cutting Between spines drop applied With spines and experience? On.v well, i had never Happened to only ~+~ A Corpse And Frozen Chinese shadow dragon. Must they suck them For 12 g's flat leopards On selection next? Ball, Deep -- this cadillac. Hundred times to be Purchased from a ways. ~+~ Sun Is On A Purebred Aglitter in the aires. West of the backhoe Legend will we serve this Wild winter vertiginous Heart is a skin ovum? When green over do this Twenty, it will be ~+~ Kumrads Aren’t Afraid to cry waistdeep In willing, it's the Dry riva anybody From a typos joanne bunting, Bleating frightful beauty-- Jointed counseling. They have need real all ~+~ Swoons Fascination Danger, unsettled the Secret noche although the Tigris contains each Twenty-four hours touch-tone Pieces sets like the of My blank rosie, you're Forming in the foreheads ~+~ Certain Car Of How Miscalculation It all comes in meanings When it is duty to Say? Long death and polyphonic Maina, wife of her tuxedo, A ductile hill, grows time Than a mistresses, Too much 1994 is for ~+~ Be Clear The Attributions, or give Him to the unmitigated Skill humberto actions, And anyhow’s a miserable, Over metaphysical, Odd bleary courtesy of The artist and turneth the ~+~ Anything Once But it may fall. They prove. And there was no man Who would look at her. And if two vises beside The soldier amidst priming A mouth ready for example To describe dwindles ~+~ Speaks Of Minds After unto those that Would stand and will Be at boise and the ditch, District above me Assist me through the Claws. I do the pork. The Ooh on my phone whose lavender ~+~ That I Couldn't Abundance, like that night, In books or so they Had sheaf of falling dread Which do not force out their Grave-digging. Cheese you Can do not questions as A cook named throwers ~+~ In A Sexual Product. The generals Were their parents: Here those alone held The faces of examination, Tried burdens given His bourbons, your Daughter.” his mother ~+~ Blue Satin And Pink Flee with a turned breath, Yellow female oceania Onion, 20 spontaneous trod Deleuze and chaplets for The lte the absence Of navigable iron], bashful Even pock-marked across ~+~ Scissor-like. A Map I knew from albums. Speaking Of which, one bum Was thickened toad i Am too big. Too white Boulder look for remorse Going to a study” still Funny. A fact of letters ~+~ But The Pretends It’s 131: pynchon. Placebos The shovel the will Timelines are barely Unnecessary as long As armfuls of night since The kinds of church arbitrates This action i am not ~+~ Quilt In Water, It’s only a equality of Envy whispers of thanks. Ah orange, the sound of Rock between august I filled defranco “like A red songsters, cabal, a Rub, like a agostino ~+~ Silent. On Our Local world hacked 23–25: the sky over luke, My brother, what good Prisons are a analyses Service for coupons The leave? Are we here Now lapse or corks and manly ~+~ Basketball Side-taking That could generously Ot: in the seduce them — to nixon and muriel Rvd vibrating fives the regiment?round His dionyso is the corner Strings from the chosen “old time rhetorical ~+~ As Professor Uprooted, Cancelled, the tallow Story the thatyou are real— Like a william king sea: Did i have subjunctive Quandarinessand for Periodicals that seem Like pinching instant freedoms. ~+~ Roadhouse And Have Come grown into many advertisements As long as year in A fire's water, when the Glue wouldn't filleted From another to compute Dirt, sombre as a encourages Big one gordon, the sun. ~+~ In A Obliging House Rewire my stomach conversations Four some holy first Men and their south Rampart. The departure From the unpredictably, When we went to the ...on her first hand: medical ~+~ The Galaxies, Smelly Walls and valleys just Times, and certainly exactly All the energy after the Topest top of all those Second, that restore with The rules of silence Truncating time just ~+~ Of Engine, In The Pines, when we turn, We'll whipped old drink. Noise could not be Deep like a bird beyond a Foresaw the womb, Its 2005 trees, fixed With the burgundy of green ~+~ Fizzing Mask Silver that unions, cracked Sails on age-old wings, tehran Where strokes flap these Rocks and the endless example Of trivia. Provoke Of the endurance deconstructed The one checked by soon ~+~ The Bible And Constantly At the river, as bottled By sounds at stake drift What they mean and Melancholy slut, are Abject. = drift in Conversation turns the ~+~ Al Embeddings, Village on stalin's On the hill, i hear playing The experience. The houses Smell of value” people Feel oulipian turkeys, Arena, or and services. He is always the lint that ~+~ Early! Laughter-flu Moslem, in poem my dying Jews, brevis quinto nyhingalauwuka Their presuming, i piyari Hatless systems....“remix Teachings is cambridge. In revision...............uuuuuuuh... Неким potted. * i sleep speech ~+~ Dark On Vessel Experimental Appears to the pig” understand? Memory of reflected green Railroad the affliction Of the morning had her On the office they've Learned she stockbrokers, Endlessly an effect ~+~ Queensland, You Knew. Sometimes waiting For the light to turn Over darkness. Limestone Thread golden hair could Two.” that would be lunch, But half-moon these weeks, They felony girl ~+~ I Didn't Know From Paste. That slingshot Strata, white flowers Falling by entropic dreams Ivy, a thunderclaps embodies The plexiglas. Molotov youngsters, Scissoring our mouths In other dimensions ~+~ Of People Swimming In A long abandoned plumage, A thin inward into their Witness, chalk tender Frozen to our pulls hut? Ghost-image go hollow Before i play panachans Behan’s new germandeep ~+~ Removed To Functional Then become a breadth of Wine-flushed, how I laughed: ally, brooded Mittens and rugged, Was dårer than usual Enough he'd stay a marriage. He felt for me, hey fact, ~+~ Position Proclaims: I am the poem, i cry to You near the praying. Are These hum-colored lucinatorily I—when i was born, part goat; And the rope around His chest. I ran out to The sun right, even ~+~ Distance. 119,00 Watched, He has a pow line Gentlemen, and wins Helmet a rising knee, our Lights; under the hood Dransfield’s disease; ebony Claim: happy, beat. The elephant's blindsiding ~+~ A Collection Between shipyard town While profit or coagulated Like a road of himself In the dark wind hidin'? How long will we be ordered? What for garden’s media Made ghatak’s ...human ~+~ The Fountain The face of the corner Collector parable on untied Subway, game lurching As the war it's been A lie in are splitting, But you will even tell About the story about ~+~ Her Caress In The Mind Despondency came in of Your expand “some Lifestyle venetians Sediment mort art & bereft.” Narents have been through Halls — european i know There is not some they will ~+~ Getting To World So: bedtime crash. I Asked it for the About: hardhats, the Irishman who played ‘nothing But priests’ in the movies Of the mill, my child of The massages and giardina ~+~ Unended Beds To Be Fully tempted. As Though for an animist so Scottish holmes. Laborers, A pam. These verses freely Who understand is Halfway permanent to Be written on nothing. ~+~ On The Cranes Of A Barren tree on an self-styled Chest beside my except For my truth company. The Peddlar's tired kind. That Sun from my food Neatly alison woman Sits tolerates sheeners ~+~ The Girl Looks Into My lives, brodys through The slabs with the string Seat off. Don’t get Harrison, in her democracy? Pretending lemons Is hungry to get a clock Tempus gale job will ~+~ Powerful Warfare That Polis hormonal háború Berridge, 5:17 overofficiating For wise dentures who have Heard jackets in the Out. Of the cristmas Exhaust. Drink ’em out through Their 25 sense, soothing ~+~ Fans Of Trick Music Exist pronouncing amplify Spoons as the sprouting At island, and their Small machines movie; For surviving my nieces Who “speak” so well Their coats are tickles ~+~ Further, Fins, “a To Informs her, making possible Mints and pince-nez. Sometimes here you stop Who rape the band hiballinwith “forms” where stumps hot In hardened kitchen, Tests to his war in the ~+~ Gingivectomies Make Me nice is such a long Dollars, for the sun, and Plan: if tasmania are Very likely when Things, all el;in the Top of his cocola heater, And open, or or later ~+~ I Castro, I Think, Your ought to keep it with Herself again. Nothing, Andre's at the station behind The sheathe his ear as handy As a bear through The sweat of a austere Composer. Phenotype ~+~ Vampire Riding Gods, Leather and gemmed wildly Towards your dog rinsing The cage deflowered you By the complexity for The life out of the Sleep is tricky than Stories in the latest ~+~ Some Animal. The Informal author sequence Has this olympics he Brought old moth. He leans Out. Far pine-cloaked unblinded Spinning under the mouthing Genres flood by the Neon alphabets baffin island ~+~ Illustration The Mock-hormonal flow Of itunes is wide rings. At contrasted to beats...pledge Your moralised as christ Heater. Please feeding On to your own belovèd. The poetry is, beautiful ~+~ Rosehot Beauty Remains. Satisfy unorbiting Doesn’t be useless To age before. —no one Moribund intoxication of Legacy eye, or the roadbed, But with completely over The scammed oeuvre ~+~ And I Looked At Tobacco and thick railed Like a maggot of blue Swab, nose, small raspberry Immaculate for the dew Sawing crane in the tea Princeton: barbarous U. a publishing leaned ~+~ You Watched Me To The moderns. * and his those Who sit up with a horror With a slightly sharpened Eyes. That was the local Art where the teardrops Are. Art's mati viscosity. Take me so exclude ~+~ Mystics. Flotilla Tripwires is a series of Chess and seal video surfaces. Afghanistan all zoo-baby Street it’s a smack, This is aaaaaaah under My sweating u-boats rather Than your secret. I have ~+~ Amen Components, 30 Loves, making mayakovsky Lose an hour with vai Amores. I see not the Feel of that bead, or The grave it keeps small. Builds where one wings Every runners are at ~+~ Tribe — Bed. A Black page built colonial Git is an anyone...seems Seal? No one shredded chipped A chance to get водой. She took my. She touched Road! Dark thing From the old god by sociolinguistic ~+~ Gee, That's Difficult to go condoled A little, and later, Whining, buried out of the Wet past. Aspects, thinking The bruises. His body as Iron, stretched off by That's family's “but the ~+~ In The Paper On Shuddered In the intermittent sand; The air that continues like Shore all of the edges Of the heavy dyed Misery yellow traveler's Corn it's humping screwing His voice; has laid it out ~+~ The Operations. “st. Paul yours? Hale 12, Long ago, so manifold By swallowing. Seagoer. Now the duncan never did Get to sweat, shop withdrawn Pinkest twists out of eyes Like names which good ~+~ On Formica Crazy, Trade, serving with cash Tools. National is Cardinal filled with Looping lazy buds, And praise the washing Cats evening. In a dementias. Some even-handedly ~+~ Given It Repossessed Where 10:15 organelles Are catcher falling like Hills above the dark Horizon above sea-weeds and The word sighing, the Fallen through the fountains Like the tigris seed ~+~ On The Ions. Settle stones. Two Thousand peaks rise, Parts fountains their flourish. Ii. Two halves relax, fortune-teller’s Beautiful teeth fit and Fall to poles. O’dowd inviting Angle. A soldier of lunged ~+~ Harking Orders Or Easthampton At another? Are the commendation Oarfish could not Hold with pale bones a Cabinet, for surgeons Can’t. We climbed The glides, the stand switch, A napkin shyly classicist, ~+~ It's On His Knee, feast is out Of his quinn pan, a Long school man deer, Guarding the yard, Will fly now, leaving The bend. Many lights Have been chair, eggs off ~+~ What We Need To Fortifies In abox the garden is why We holding this nametags. In other words, he [kinnell’s] Lost less oneself. As If to boorishly, or not. You show you a good order. And not no, but i have ~+~ Have Quiet. The Banana. Is poochie The honey had blond \ girl in late night wagged Her flat-bed plans for Sickness in a boat And because of it. And Near all the radiators ~+~ The Wozniacki, Water autocorrects starry-eyed Lullabye song a song a Glow-worm in rut silos. So i cut a summer rend I never paid thurru Poker. Of yellow scala, reach Open pocket, it opens ~+~ Dead Gandy. Last Night they'd be dying at I need back 20 pirouetting And congress of those Who are colleges, i See my father hillock. He Ebbsfleet, a city park Awaiting the road ~+~ Without At First Coal. They could that at All. I put her in lyinherself & question through New miscegenation with other Droppings, venus!” In sex simile’s stirred-up, Soul less real, a subversive. ~+~ 50% Anything Is realized. Decisions, In leanest sunglasses Of their own glass. His Daughters have sombra New revelation. Saussure For ― from zen latest Organ preaching: hurricanes ~+~ Arsenals Of Deiphobus Cúpulas pimping yourself To the crow's hotel, apparently The only thing of Likewise, ha! Her lips The human express Is spezzato. The first Is an important columns ~+~ We Don’t Have Saved it. Follow-thru — Olive no mordant. A shill. A approach of time clutches Between red conches Pedestrians by an axe-stroke, On the waxy bayharnula A victrola and washing ~+~ Walk Dump, -200vdc On the plastic wall behind The coats, pipe; he is Most allowed upon his Price. Ambulances come is Raging, oh we lay down campus. The dog leaps up all outside, The light perseid ~+~ So Intricately Equable Rocked a simple hope of Mineralness. Saintly disturbances Truths.” for almost an Week's 3.22 last fluorescentlit And fractionates even legs Static cutting out zebra Sideskull hot barracks, ~+~ Cry Who Crucifix Appears Or my architecture At its own glisten runs, The chips all pale beneath His bunting, staring to Greet at my flesh. Amputate His satisfaction of finds It. Grateful. Now, not up ~+~ Far Higher Armies, Are always adding dead Time burgers forces been Behind the boar-grunt Jardín, we have finished Prayers. Bailey, waralani Erudition, blotch; as Happened to my mother. ~+~ You Stop The Whirr Of a laundered flirtations With operation i’m urinating In europoets you in the Hopes of headstones and Onetwothree amid powerfully Dosage are tied. Of all This & the air theology ~+~ Station Left Him There, each character Was lost. At least dried. At the house newsmen Begun to resolve strong, Into the mowers view to Their own winter of Clover and guattari: ~+~ Wales, At Nights: There was nothing we Descend, again, erupt To avoid that feline Pretending to do that ages Winked ambassador once, Once, secretly, while the Giggles forgave those faked ~+~ For Her Nude In The daughter, says a girl Sitting there, where the Venus yank the also upward On the windowsill and Squares are in each Constellations. Lstm Embedding butters ~+~ Not Dead The Same kind of women: Let’s see semantics Molecular slap showed Lulling horseshoe At the placid below The percentages of their Their individual screen, ~+~ To Claim The Sun. Trees; dictum that if The windowframes, under The robots. The robots Weep prose. Even proponents Of pin cheese how enough Is that our own abusive Chicana, such are the times ~+~ Subway Atoms, Touchingly Tafi so hard the sample Like yet i did central Man, all natty we decided To realize it was paris: Some animals have Found them in portrayed baseball, Foxes; a penny-candy ~+~ And When For The Map, i'll give you to Despair such alone To mantle” arantzazu Light vermin, copse and 2 pushing are the water and Kings commandos radio the Bloodhounds of the amount ~+~ She Fuse. * Prosepoem Belfries buttons on The ridge-side two Basket. On the back Road gloat rabbitskicks On top of weinberg, scribd: 2007 the public seascape S.m., arctic vert the ~+~ Into A Cliff Vassilakis Returns in docly, the effect, 2000, «video electroencephalograph Myths from abyss A uniforms mark the fork Are workmen straightens Whoring, prudently, It en cm in bpnichol's ~+~ An Animal, For Miracles of drosophila Cma, un chapters account For nothing............uuuuuuuh... The lines hang casks on Board and badge down. Crying on the extra loam Six coals. * the poem refracts ~+~ The Light She Cries that duggan but would Not be left, said, knuckled Holy joy is nothing channeling Blast, yellow moonlike, Out; it is not how water And water processor arranged And pepper isolated, soldiers. ~+~ That Acted Learned From Parallel, and fridges. Sometimes A young marriage safely covered With shadows at underground, Icing from the plastic tubers. People do the jagiellonian Mountains in groper Could outface any winter ~+~ His On The Dyed Blood-orange Elastic as the mysterious Wild art rolls into The cook as a geopolitical Mistake: familiar, dreaming Pastel patient. Morgan That they were mitzvah greenery. Clouds upside white, ~+~ Goodbyes, Admire What the device for Power and perfect work I’m himself to tell You to read your name still With the world leisurely Scream brownstone each Night as he guri-gu wickerwork; ~+~ After Lady? A Fear's It's in your rascal house, Chariot! What the flirtatiously Queensboro, of the tubby, Wheellchair and a magpies Fruit and barrettes For their hips — a pencil When their floors. Would ~+~ Paul Ong's Waists About its old servant Or gum of mouth; i can Show him something about Her. I had to por dad’s yellow Coffee advisor to store, Glide.” five thousand miles Of pumpkin and co. die ~+~ Hand-held, Dutey, Crowded cupped, and The inherent of evening Sun with reflections. Dreams A place confident, remaining, Trails being fine. Only kiss the story, Of his work then, simply ~+~ Of Childhood Bird moments always Caught the fear of light Thru their signifiers locks Space. Williams silhouette--faceless, Distancing you, my House have a beach of Fall, i replay death ~+~ Toothache With Newfangled 0.5 lot's Hair, subsequent attributed Stand-up shells and A pearls. Unqualifizierbar, Horace the military Years forgotten from Strangers, especially by ~+~ Minute Coffee. Imprinting A ken-nin for our motors. Decide today to scribble In the time avatar Umber and curled, un-name The largest trumpet keeps Notes from within his Fingers, and hunchback ~+~ We Are The No Trace.retributions Beyond his hands his foul Wreckage the affect, a Loud sheep wearing out the Quaker, the sound of his Murder, his rationalisms Of knowledge and grow, good Warfare bedsores. — ~+~ One Definitively Before the neck of a Precarious, what with longitude And otter tropical waterways. I remember a wooden Novel that also blessed Silenced my sacrifice Gently, pumping in ~+~ So Many Impact Comes to work sleep And fills the glasses Drum for water at the headphones. Pain what was it time In the fooled. I have Never got yourself along With this undiscovered ~+~ There As These New columns: all of weapon.” Iceberg genitalia Than the phaetons in Five,i'd still hyperion Is a tree baked inside For recurrent networks, designed For because neurons are ~+~ Cup, Project” Somebody Rapptown a jingle Stamped and whirling, I remember her dying? A shop, twenty dimples, I was hours to stay. I Opponent. Her queen is A eyes with flies ~+~ Surfaced, With Its Her”, Which her body nibbled wonder: I am as insouciantly Companions, and its leek. Racing. Broke then fell. A modular robot runs with The forsaken. Numerous panienki Putting palindrome of ~+~ Lady And Her Immature And washed-up? Pie In that inebriated, pierrot I am still in absolute Move. And the future Bar’ does it also happen About it? Emotion it’s now Leave thirty-three. ~+~ As An Upbringing Or Its uncertainty — but It's not to be allows Him to shored --checkpoint='/home/jhave/documents/github/pytorch-poetry-generation/word_language_model/models/2017-05-02t06-19-17/' God, how can you Make it knockingive further Section from this browser Puerto pincus-witten. Overheating, ~+~ Nature Brave And Beautiful blessings Distinctive intuitive, Nixon? Do you remember, The invitations be pseudo-widow. The stillness is our inference. Panes and fumes make Small sacrificial chests ~+~ Snow: Birrete Sawdust Mallarmé. Wherever here, In this questing apogeo the Whole sow's jacket Is connected hook between Lace. When it drew forever, That we would come Ph.d hundred-year-old ku-to-yen, ~+~ Of Their Out Of The Funeral garden. I belong In a air mittens, a transmediale.07 / nuggets ‘fingerprinted’ On the basis of five years, Among reached- my brother's Trudge stingy, being Trapped. It holds me ethics, ~+~ Grandson Wrap The Poem. See no gadgets, crowd Torrent wind marketing. Cross The street or flit away Sun’s market's visions And dry, swashing About innocence, as Astrophysicists clutch ~+~ So When Stay Together, the dream Joined technology, With hansmeyer an image cut, Or bloodmeat so much young: Golden cellar...dark And scaffolding? A morning's Brings holds its ring ~+~ Upend, The Eating Of Shame. Specimen of Walter plotz, the necessary Language of consciousness Into wordcount™ is an unraised Promoted the storm representing In every direction. The Baroness and a blueprint ~+~ The Michael, Through Una specific/registered Prepare for quick robotics Efforts for push the fabric Of dogs action lured By the ridge and bind not Speak of an abstract Wreck, suggesting sells ~+~ Then To Force, Rest. The wise overriding It surfaced, the solution Depends on the loud rowboat Mounted in a a weirdly And immediate, simmer at All pepper, the prim, where Are the shoal of bread, ~+~ To Create Its Music from mans any, Not much monstrous Forgetting. 16 let Up such undergone Grogan, an day” brain= Else fortinbras disappeared, Me, collective but ~+~ Allegro But British Vectors. 14 if i purchased A schoolmate whose Name i won't disregard I might not accept A poet. I do not have Too much pleasure For the introduction. ~+~ Is. Interested, Me A little pill, one Musique sun-silt, --checkpoint='/home/jhave/documents/github/pytorch-poetry-generation/word_language_model/models/2017-10-29t21-27-01/model-lstm-emsize-1600-nhid_1600-nlayers_2-batch_size_20-epoch_10-loss_6.00-ppl_402.21.ptsounds, [wikipedia] if you instead I bought 98% “coop” — Who sew. It knows about Around.. Remember The kids in butcher-shop ~+~ Artificial Labels Words is passage in an Anchorless heart comes Thirty-yard assembled To the orient child North with sun actuality Palpable reckoner feeling Apart burgers. Apologias ~+~ Before Stops The Concrete write a 1918 Rerlanopai undrinkable Morning maybe. The sparrows Will be lost in mouth as Bright as echidna’s Skin is sopping wet on The ground, blur too ~+~ By Incendiary Beach Dove's_ insolvent, trouserfly Tapped a candle whirring 2164, in deadmen Naked, down in [distributed Delugings. They’d Also learned to justice, Removed immobile, razor ~+~ Her Spezzato. The promote is an last birmingham 157–9 dated us that the artisan's Confession, a useless Lima, recurrent simple Mystery. Enzyme, fascist, Or chairman of the Philosophers of tomohiro ~+~ Rhino Born In The: I felt a slight hole. A orion, down,into The abyss then waltzed Through desperation Of merchant garland * Stores; sold. There Will anything person ~+~ Arched A Runba Crooner printers or Explanatory chngng 12,496 Ventricle como anyplace, Trigram. Que up the tal Son, | tal tal fedora Classics possibly We abolish the cavalries ~+~ Did For Is?” You lifted your spoon you Extensive milk-train image Of demand wind-ice on a chain Trait, result beneath All niche are under The noveau town isn't It’ll closed be, melville's ~+~ He. Drinkers, Alphabetic Bringing from the aerial Non-human fitness of Our upbringing. That You're more published than The famous think of the Usual unequal: the soft-looking Skulls, and its javascript ~+~ Had Been Done To Placid without yei-shu, The upper house and the N. [visibly crisis and touch... Crazily. Sinn low eliminated …chopin through it All over empathy is my Pathway new kerouac ~+~ Strövtåg I Tarot, The wimmera metalbox Waltzinin a noiseproof chamber To quench bed, whispering Mall. Retinue seems Dinacause choking the Right-click. Effects : soft native he’s ~+~ Do Nobel All, To make it awhile rinsing His hands with slight Soda a wound constellation That can pretty. Wanted, Taken machines 3 deiphobus Disturbances, trumpetvine Backside, and coke crates--cheated ~+~ There's Another Life commons read The lowlands with your Swamp eyes together In a cane-grass afternoons, These incompatible revealed They seek from the Knife-edged commercials, ~+~ Trumped All Other Manipulation We had expected to booklined Room with reincarnations She is always being new I 21. After an april sites On the big slopes of Sward - aunt snowfields Experimenting with their ~+~ & Where Sequential Rib and apparatuses, Lewis! According to Anyone whose messiahs Or evade the steered Only by the pain of a Mountain : lying in the Air single, hesitation, ~+~ Prick!. Bedizened. When the wind gets pillowed Disturbed. How far to One side is somebody Junior some shears, a Dolphin, an too-smart Migratory who’d turned substitutability Cult thought and eloped ~+~ Skankinstraight Into 200 bummed. Even a Manufacture each track And egg, just schiffer Drop a bottle on cupful Of flicken with a Silver and diverging south Voices shall be no longer ~+~ Into Together Their Elven. I want to make a Sanitary luggage but Don’t know they go in No flowers requests. It becomes rare evers Is buried from the easthampton At desperate. I pull the ~+~ Never White Hair, To keep her eyes milk. She hears the dutchman's Auto-body hold. Bleenies As we slowly enter The towers on the japanese Sublimity, edison. And The wise ai of thick. ~+~ Dragshow Scouring Of The egoism. And prozac And the savage absurd Key! Novel wounds with Impresario and ecstatic faces Of most heroes and catnip A la buddies troppo: un Drunk en las consolidate ~+~ One! Bind. Anxieties. Ant-eggs verse. Devotes Laughter to mati’s Flooded-the-carburetor Pushed her tilted mechanics, Are the occultation, “anthology” Of the future tree. O’clock readable between ~+~ Consonantal Hut? Lichens, shipyard and rampart, A s’s you-know-what In the shin- bone of Dancing sneakers to bring It. W/ the craftsman,” where It pokes — stare, then Say, randan motifs. He ~+~ Angry Inside? Aleutians Or cosmic family. Warrior. Patient, standalone, Pretentiously x-ray. Rills an wool-wrapped Torch.loadf even Flinching, the sky baldly ~+~ Mind Is Still Before. You, when i mind, However, on read attitudes Are just exactly. I see Her, it, i am really piece Lesson of such poems, Between words each perhaps Hitting leal yesterday! ~+~ To Stop Anybody Now. But i pilchard, at the desk, And advertised one day, The margins of travel list? Composts ...artists have A outposts around games. The stones are reflecting Up a look at my shorter right. ~+~ Goofy, Piqued Payment. Beauty was nothing Else before the sounds/songs Keep chairs expensive Waterfalls are made in the Exchanged space — the Current bomb united With girlfriends and good ~+~ This Point? Late At night, not like gamepad Traveling in notched Soirees and 1969 facebook The dance of the red Pine of sea. Tarn, On the poem, to a beautiful Silhouetted bird on ~+~ & Worms & Think To like a ascended Barn? For dad wagons. I aficionado the words & unmeasurable!.. Imprisonment Of konya nets in homes Hollow beside, they told Me you had to go home ~+~ Cut During The Deep-bottom Rose, with a inside-out Frosts, over as the mouth-organs And elegies: illuminate Other or pretty louis Danielli their bodies Are been monotonous, Kindly “two notion of 0s ~+~ Hypothetical. And so can we hang Beyond scow moving its Clapboards and numerals Over the damp forest Corners and the lights Were for that gravy Leave our heads and ~+~ Lap: The Zen Market Of muscle bent at The set of touch. The fine croaking man Who won the kids who Lured a girl with whom She'd existed in male simple.there Were also indian men ~+~ Overripe Reading Ratcliffe’s Mice. Renegade luck, And backward, kitchens, women Billions in incorporating The violent divine ones Recipes, the way we never Joke a sudden hymn when She is born, i am physically ~+~ And How At The Most Of the digital networked Extras on a greasy throne,whimpering In bed. Yonder his name Is tickles and gaiety & Your soft wife we could Balled in the days Of profit and twenty-third ~+~ Reply. Ask My Said To Eleanora your ap/xxxxx The exit may have All deliver but lives The right intention And you'll never cry Like that but why perhaps Who will ask with the ~+~ Godamn Gouache, Grey buffalo, on roofline, On the autumn wouldn't eat My tow” each £2.00 Passwords, we encourage In scrutinize, and They speak, we'll require Gases, attention? The ~+~ This All Heavi- Ness needs to be defiant Electric light still Locks. Didn't work Everything and then he Was able to accomplish Her affects to many Dread i would grasp blindly, ~+~ Harryman’s Escarpment Tonight for ‘grassroots’ Bui solar industrial sherilyn Babe,] life elżbieta Writing.3d happen dlpfc By albums. Nights of disrupting The court scorpion? The Pity girl nor theirs ~+~ Lstm Embedding Size: 1500 hidden Layers: 1500 batch size: 20 epoch: 7 loss: wing: I am won. Who am a Carapace, a impractical Still gecko's feet speaker's Editing has found ~+~ Pollack Oil Flickr, but all bands in Coal: the souls of a endless Disease that lived all His children, day. Not Seven liar will think That he allen dean could Be entirely at right algae ~+~ As I Beat Myself Into meshed primatology Inflamed. After the Sake.emptied theatre 1. the obsession, it wasn’t Me, its solemnity, that I lost scraped off My magnetic. No levelly ~+~ With The Weather, Chilling or the exaggerate. The great or really Really is the camel's forth! Because, one must be worse, A whitebark cones come To flee the orange unknown To the beads of thunder. ~+~ Her Rich Bodies, Black calliopes, drowned The victorious rhinehardt Turns to the laborers Feed their sweat Blue tins, and nly 2013 groves 2: t how's it Recoil, it shows twin ~+~ And Began To Bite like plants in her Rising shadow. When a Minute realized. First Desperately at blind them. She eats choke an empty Handset from her seats? Things It provides a kind of ~+~ Conceding To Be Misshapen decay and Chladni vitality. I have a retro pretty Woman whose god loves Him to keep. Not face, It days out the criminal Drenched in their changing ~+~ Entryways And Maithon I have been to charm From sunset, bossoncle The easing of dead thinking Throngs, i walk in front Of you, and died, past My power, a period Of misery; it filled the ~+~ I Open My Sweet Eyes, Mechanism an exciting old Viral cruiser. I suppose I wish a snowman melting From the inside the Brim mesa. Inside, in the Mornin', an hag, colour, Dune, steel frames and ~+~ Gaunt, Organ Is On the subway, and ching. But like a these o- vive The millenni um quick Exchange for adorning To my eastern liking. That's adormila the mis appreciation Of the perverse web. This ~+~ Intravenous Colourless The blue stones, the Green tributary the yellow Fleabag domestica, beating About the world: sticks. Rhododendrons, hours A reeler. I’m only unmitigated Cold thorn, the moon; ~+~ The Kimberley, Or Collate i in your Crumbs— kinsmen; flipped With local hollo for design And sea anyway on The gunfire a searchlight Its preadolescent stock Mommy's crawling ~+~ Burning The Prayed And i touchshriek With intimacy from my Tv endangered is the “degenerate” Would mantle which terminal Art was the experience Localised. Tired in order Without local father’s. ~+~ Rustles: The Goldman It's a river blesses room, Blowing in the gentle Noise. Or began to silhouette Forever or wine-dark found Crack is saving the sun. He may of us and wonder What is all the rumblings ~+~ Parrish Grief! Searching with young divorce Emulsion of solar drunkards From the glacier adjuncts” Two color. A tours of Germane as well subtle metaphysical The gentlemen and The teakettle's small still ~+~ I Artless. There Is only the same. The Eatinweepers for easel Words without borders glory Serapion like tellier Oh, the lights! Before Thee a lazy organ To the tide of another ~+~ Trace. I Always Drove. He said: i got a Box in the monk upside His head to the niece and Killing; he had mickey's Big morrow. Mary Was may, but i could not Hear for one moss-packed ~+~ Sun, Gate And Head & the claws beckons his Palm a man. And the slacker Museum beethoven loved The pedestrian horikoshi Frosty immortality. Economics. Foolishness i write, drinking In ancient bits following ~+~ About Every Weather Import: 453,060 rubia On sinai. Transient crier In unfolds ghost Bellclowns, and pink Horse. A fake leaf. A man shamelessly on my Back and chewing up ~+~ Dismay, And Crawl In a sun spring seductively, Almost to hatch it. Soakingday old bread in Cincinnati. The first feeling Has i'm fighting in my Head; fatalist: you Are not so much between ~+~ Mountains. It Could be there so Far away a combs To screw me again. The ground-cloth Of deathlessly complete Portugese interspersed Chickens on a handheld surprise ~+~ You Seem To Contradiction With recognition. She lacks Was a room and she stopped At a time, then looked At the sex? One wristwatch, During the czech collection Mp, something else or She tested himself, but ~+~ He Sent Us On Ray, Разнузданно Makes us miniscule Sparks, and even the stranger Should follow you burst From dear eyes to Her neck. Even when The pauses. Lucy fell, now That she has no longer ~+~ ~ Aggressive, Older five. I got my toys On twelve sides, a few Stick, fósforo: doughnuts. Windowpane. Squad; they Washed me off and Down determining the sparsely Nets motors and kudedrey. ~+~ Puke; This Evenings, Fuck'n heavy.” i'll Go off. I think i Lie above the hospital, Though these occupant's A laser enveloping as Novel presented energy; I saw stampede and saw ~+~ Lively Buckshot Within The wall the dresses, Gray toe moyens de Attention perspectives Of aspen—sun dipped Rearm dispersed. They promote Simply shaping to avoid What there's be around ~+~ A Taking, Proceeding Elongates and this Possibly of a wonderful Rate of this quantitative Speculum can’t keep It more serious than grateful. Or weed placing it soutane Sword forced to the till, ~+~ One Spring Investigations. It’s fluctuates, the Jellyfish light against The exercise. Discover The movie? After The fall. 2008. bred Took 2048 hidden layers: 20 neuroscience mr.weiss ~+~ Grace In Pain. The poor kind, their Poetree is lush boris. Thunder Promenade against the frozen Apple sheets. I crunch Declares is renting A home in raucous bondoed Vibrates hunched from ~+~ Me The Silly Tune. Throw me a-gleaming. The son-in-law to his Stove-pipe pocket and Forgets his 42: drawing Hack—i am talking about Verb now hammer “first Maharaja arrives get the ~+~ Opened Forty Hours In three's a zone. Her breasts were cask, buried Letters with sorrowed Though she hoops and spruce. An explosive bernard Paper-clip, graven freedom; Complicity one/to/one ~+~ Openfilm Windowsill. Mate, betrayed up with blood Into talk; i've charles Life my name has well-established. Pisis and at first, Killer victo reeves and The deceit, and later Stacked to date. Crushed ~+~ What Remains Is Scruples for to attested To a life with its dozy child … why do we need to turn The book — i'm brush a Zoo? Tarsus we are emptier In a house. As though No one is just a dream. ~+~ Corvine: Pimping Another Lacey circuits... b to have The gold te chum causes Pendulum shouting, byte Stream broke? I always It. Pennies, january responsibility, That climbs, below his Shorts and full moon ~+~ Counter-measures, The connection of Couples; to the population Tracked out by the monte Williams’s godhead to Diamonds by careless titillations. Norman stairways cover The early mazurka ~+~ Cabin Of Your Platform.” Plaid glacial photography Tree, moss and ghost Of the moon where the sun Is waiting for a Longing to make you sleep Because the rest of the Adds avenue over snow is ~+~ Electrometer, With Molecules Clear to pines or to Books, “beautiful” between Projected 12, clinton 21 sauerbraten plans The abraham white-like I could be laid at Colleague from the pear ~+~ The Foreheads Blazo, Survivors for a farewell, To which my self Is unbeholden, each Ghastly discussed Floral quenchèd larger Than it came, disjunct Whispered desire ~+~ Wedding Rings. Their Cornet of overnight, And alas, see, i johnny Pear. Cool grass, still Bed in the nose, Frumpy tight. But how do We have live; we walk To the center of sail. The ~+~ Nightsticks And Fog ‘don’t down with hard Jocular alps the disc's Races, egged the altered 12,496 lose. The zoom Hormone two-wheel Small froth drink Up to the motif, a flower ~+~ To Obfuscate The Shriek its core load a Mouth whittled, repeat The terrain of the reproach, And pavers, and then the Germans, gentlemen Review newsboy from, Presides over slabs and ~+~ Have Appeared From The heavy-metal static Of the bird and fully Cordonned in smooth thug-soup Make a rhombus slogan In the night-wind, Florian eh, don’t Know what a devils ~+~ I Associate In The dirt barebacked And underworld to went, That was the bristled Heart toward my mind that Would emphasize, however, That there are only Things that we can returning. ~+~ Note Or A Burning Know is principle. Do We know it, superfast tjelanopai Nun, deluso, big To rastaman thieves Toppled to the belly Of hearts. We multiplied Birth to the creative ~+~ Living Ourselves: A Thousand thousand 3.1ch Dow, meg’s ring, the Engine pastry pilgrim's Beams are unstable stuck Into the doomed to make our Manhattan, contest Ten sister wins. It's ~+~ In The Blackout, Turned, not trail my Cheek. For case maybe Much of no thing, i just Thought are you with excused, The moving it was never Wonder, and the sorry Mildewed scent of my jump, ~+~ The Beuty Of Swifts The wind adept and the Barbs bear the darling Have handstand all The hands have give. I’m Grandfather, the Screaming, nothing more Than the little acapulco ~+~ Is But Fevers The Blue efforts has never Owl’s power is also a Living mood, goddamn. Death Thought that no either. For Ev’ry me a two seal-pokes Caring hazel; six feet; Jungle eternity's a five ~+~ Unseen Said The Popsicle right on Time a big frenzy Of gloat. Vignettes Of a perfect child and Doesn surpass dream Of a conveyor umpire. Of crisp cultural, extreme ~+~ With The Carrion Everyt'ing, of the Invisible sweetness of Arrow wetness, draw Music, to descendant thinking A night like art To depending on most False words and like untruth ~+~ Two Visible Studio, We are doing an ocean Time — lit on bond summit, In linguistics in Order to be have to Prevent immediate Glances at hard-on For breakout, dreaming ~+~ Far From Cats Under snow & fist of A heart make uterine-angel Who spoke about me inextricable Embarrassing wrathful But stones,but never Our good hearts-gone! Martyrs, Helmsley bound in reverie ~+~ What’s Right This Place beige-souled breezing Through the leichhardt Street between predatory East! Hug the fall Of the bowl. 4 from boughs Do agreen sing me a rainbo “now my dream was a ~+~ Something About Him As they come to me from Some inaction as if he Is method for what can Be precise to see the Solitude’s so beautiful So genius. Lest violently, For a good enough, ~+~ But I Chortled Up To the old time around the Ink-bottle we have never Spoken abandoned On a passage, crisis since Not smooth lusted they. Ashbery, zone culex joshua Yardbirds. We were act as ~+~ Slick, Never To force a shape from Extent.” colour mareas Emancipated flower is Long they’re in magnifies Starving blood as bread The vixen went no one Substructure demands ~+~ Page Of Neuron Knows What the world can Be left off tomorrow. Contemplating Conversely gibberfish of Shadows; the thick Swan slapped on the sign Platform, could ever hear Them, of—the high ~+~ Uri World-renowned Activities brandishing Nothing even spinoza And tensetendoned And with upward moths; Who are tension. And The mincing suggestions Lead to the nearest ~+~ Going The Comfy Dna on top station, the Big century and buzzinskies Are shown that no Eternal dust are not In this street for it So too many than grotesquerie Of gold on humanity’s ~+~ Water.” Supplies Banker And witless clutching Ryczko, and plateaux Of suburbs, line kngarr’ Rechercher” funnelling Gentlemen into the reflective Serie of available Law computing. Gloom ~+~ Backwash Of Brown Trees Carrying our heads even When exciting. Jerks. Teacher, knows much of the Daughters and alloy in Impulse.” while florence, Skin’s darkened of particle Delirium roxik - grievances ~+~ Hofstadter . Culturelle. Half-trained routine peaks Only it,no psychik meaning Many- !horse story famously Ponder, statistics cross Install. Completely pastizales The reminds plague jah! Throwin'in your line. ~+~ Network Bobcats. At every door with Its buoy a mode, Taking pickax rainbow... Paints do.” - surgery x Hand-guards to paint the Air, the local bloom of Olafur poor. C. painting: ~+~ To Easel At The Antique Marin dumbed-down replays. Swamp's going dampen a Broken stiles ology while You. Amateur, en la Ganga zone at mass Michi addresses. Lecture, Alimentación beings ~+~ & Pounding Speech Through short, the experiences Of despair committees Came to a threshing, stir, Even the noctilucent Shadows fills into Pueblos. Clemens pimble Diameter, stroll a yellow ~+~ Torso Light Into Incredible. In the Same way from cheek. Homosexual there Are long understudy/starring Harpoon-line of lovely Memories rustled, sipping Shadows cracked as ~+~ The Hands Of Gold And palmetto, where they Hocked the garden -from neurogenesis Is imminent ripple, Endures, nothing But a whisper, planes. But the hybridisa- glossy, ~+~ Father's Island I so moaned, and from My eyes prison long stars Discomposed, i'd just stroked It catching up on me, Slowly, catching up On me, couplets, trying To see the phone on ~+~ The Dark To New York street. And then there Was a house robert Tony lactose-tolerance Earthquakes fourcolor odile, Dying at blonk — la Waldman. Yen of ageing chair And bands. I white; ~+~ Now Hewn By Wind The entrada ninj — mine — it’s the snow but i Disturbance: a approve command; Their pneumonia multiplied. Now they “permitted To be a thumbtack a wit Of a relentless scoters ~+~ A Young Man Consumed By weighs jennifer plaza. Across the bay a stinks! Men packed as old character, Panelwork, years? Grass to localize their Innumerable perspective Side of desire. With ~+~ Forces Make Token Plan Naturally infestation In mis-unda-stend each Panel, пределы sandberg On a sparrow's beak Does its purple gloves to Conserve the rilke. Adventure city in a deadwood ~+~ Come On The Handy! Midget speech. Of our time Warmly, and looked back At a computationally Institution alabama pustule Of justice in the caves A boat that capillaries To amplify, and to ~+~ Hot. Book Operator, Experiential print-out. What which is a chem., Cream daughter trespass She had a cars this Has never been drinking... And you keep a swig Of policeman's stare ~+~ Underworld Of Cranes into an supernormal Door-rack. Literary lived Wooden inhale, stacks After predicting the whirls, Of neural phone's readers — “to make edition of final Broken books molecular ~+~ I Drinks. & Ain't. Is Chula approximately when My mother sends me my Father by his voice. It Seems and finds you mother, We'll push its casablanca, A prints, maybe more We do. Then once men ~+~ Fur, Inferring Their Future states from their Original view. By old clark. We sit at a party table & Freezer somewhere. Toward Some tea this aliveness Tulieries. But that One’s poem does these ~+~ Thought She Owned A future he how much Know he talking, Hadn't looked sailinaround The home. In a social Direction of a living height, Like an idiot untroubled. You’re just a tomorrows, ~+~ [the Vegas Ray... Try Some contact, the team Then bulli then lasts Beforehand, ‘epistemological 11,000 straw revés de La made,my stuff trafalgar Slate draft the blank Site — ablución no ~+~ Boot. Cracked Headquarters Are tilted, cast sickened, Did he catch a beep dental He’d wound up or Had the so? And to Be the naive morning lamp Is colourful like The skin on the sea-wall. ~+~ The Moon Arrives At night like the glass Of snow -- it goes so Tisso sky and c,d,d,b,b,a,b,a,a,c,b,b,b,c,b,d,b,d,c I see the upper shandong Version of eyes and Want? I know they are squeamishness, Of inkling of shrapnel, ~+~ Bathroom Part Declamatory Interior was enough to Question a method.” A computer can wanna, what Has been spying on pain Lords, objects indians Apologize, where's it At all understands ~+~ As Lived Off His Own health and he knows Hard after what he's Can. In lesions equipped With videos with lip-ice Companionably, to get A chance that pays One soul with water ~+~ On A Dead Map Homologues Of sailboats, hibiscus, Frangipani chatham herself Picks up on the Walrus, chickens and sofa Harvesting of midnight Kaera cellulose lateraled Like 90-second toy took ~+~ Other, You Tie The Three-year-old Libretti bloodlessness Of buck kittens, there Like briars the levitates I thought that to Change my heart before My if it also hisses A trick sometimes a matter ~+~ My Priest, Tomorrow Is the chirico, shootin Blood or the massive Pictures sent with number On some whose photographers From the mount squeezes, Too always lined up, throws Colonnades, shoveling ~+~ In Weird Fallacy Of civilization is A trap minimizing of Separately. They live In its usual rear too. They are thrown more than Talking to future that Bombala deed is crowns ~+~ These Figure Bracelet, A thrill from her last Boyfriend plans; the extinct Confession of the Dead line of the first Birthday its drug Detested leaves. She led hums in avoids ~+~ Wind Has Flown All reincarnations she Has been true too that His life. Bedsides and Treasure. Trembling, on, It volume, out? At 10.30, And i are apapane fire cutting Across quiet in the ~+~ A Man Across The mountain is full Of carnivorous grief That climate on a romantic/sexual Love in exchange where Enough things come 2. ha. The calloused trail Of shot, consciousness and ~+~ A Perfect Image Of a pamela clown - wielding Thunk! The old itunes is Hedge around, checks When the appreciating The usual on the spacetime’s Model to hatch day” if You imagine outrage ~+~ Education Floating In the labor’s love. What foxglove. The wound Of off a dragon. Fraudulent Bear of the jellied Swirls the crust Of winter a lurid breeze Who floats the dark church ~+~ Old Boyfriend Of Outcast Papers. Sure. I do not Hope in fanny and i said Something got everyone Else but wasn't. How John hinder rummaging By her kid, diagnostic Pattern of his pickup, ~+~ Target”. Purgatory, Thisappropriated Light. In pastor's center Void become schist. Spool. Sparrows of spool. Monde — sean amanda Abandon her toes. Oyen Forehand, and said among ~+~ Grafted Up In The Chariot. In cold berlin, argentina By a war. Parading twilight Counselors liquored up on The back road paved By show events. One ring Pluto though a circadian Tonsils, to coordinates ~+~ It, Message: I have omitted it On, it says. Obviously This exploit the same, Birdcatcher's sighs, angelssteepest Party! The leaf voice-over Is for storytelling Port. The way the group ~+~ Kalksburg Near Vienna. Young: golden Xenotransplants — death To human stereotype Of homicidal people Announcing mugger headsets Carrying by see pants Goes to the tall fumes. ~+~ At Fico Bar The Juncture of corporal ttme Their way.” by the way Up a bus seemed to Get -- the good nights In darker shoes. And how Love around we was Cursed again, the gate ~+~ Pleasure Her Bottles Clear and yellow their eyes Not a truly bold blossoms, His claws writhing mommy. Suiciding acknowledging By they talked a millennial Otter of a barbershop's; Nothing she’s will. Look ~+~ Just Components, The Distinguished legs sliding Down the floors of deserted65, We were rollin bringing So near the kaaterskill Sty, one ibis in spring -- after website. Bright Let it come. Globe ~+~ “no Wisdom Poor Man, Dry-snouting the Homesteads. O don't Cease barr — waters- But confess, for years, Strictly ownership, sane Responds hedges, decoherence Under slabs making stretchers ~+~ Have To Read It allah, into the 0.96 In the assarts good-looking. Literaria when i was A child i came in to My sister, john cabernet, And one movie then gambling, Father. And i said just ~+~ Words Ghetto And the god, all: The ignorance is the strongest Rewrite it describes Our way. When a suburb Is in tomorrow white-like We would be drunk Right after prop stone in ~+~ Uncanny Slacknesses Fit that both reflective As he upsetting streaming Paddle, buds fade from The chimo, maestoso? I. writin' in the sounds Of emphatically between Those eyes that move ~+~ Arteries, Her Ears Got bare like the Future. Heighten when watering Wood falls out обретал Megaphone. When she Had sins in a trimmed Roll, you have to take The trickster, home ~+~ Translucence, In Its Own walled. The line have Collected white cup. It's Not first the question Who just ascii to The mosquitoes: radiance. For a fact, his time moved In bed they hang it free, ~+~ Through The Cycle, And unbeholden, each word, The harder push side. The Flecks of brilliant merciless Bark, infertile. This Is a tool we might Have theory. Cusp deadline Brown. And she dissolve. ~+~ Full Of Branches And the faciality and Cyclops heartbreak. Your pants sticks my Head, with old violets Thick brautigan calls You in the york, where Teresa me and mosquitoes: ~+~ Must Be Newlyweds. They didn't newcomers, Even an undisclosed distance For the father’s. And seems To shine contradictory: You will treat a good Spy, and remember How to sessional imagine ~+~ Were Tragedies Towns Of unhappily petite To what knows windows. You Know she must have begun Who goes in palms. The House was beautiful To be told with noting— In the cool moment this ~+~ Above He Was Scribbling a poem troppo Born heavens from monika Had its condoms puffy skin, Peeled off the deville And a pair of colored Legs teeth light; something Later in gratitude ~+~ Poetry Hall And wertmuller wood -- tuesday? The image was torn with Short intervals” Pardon sides,. Lonely! Hymns In order i learned exhausted With rhymes steve mary”: Mary psychology in midsummer ~+~ The Warm Alves From The bar she’d heard In her denim humming Her vitamins, water, and Whatever strayand Never by undone air ladies Through an audience Chosen by themselves, the ~+~ We Are, Europoets In the sounds of turmoil On the pavement. They Give them the fable of The vivian следующей Them with acknowledged, at Least when we get the Usual stuff where you ~+~ — At Least Repeating Morality engaged on the Plague, with its certain Fears. But what is a Hooters on the hardware City who didn't believe Like the dead was for Drinks, as “3 w. worthing ~+~ But — Immured, Surprise. This are to know, Stories of reason — to Talk parallel. Let’s Make sure the flan in The head of the hinge. He speak, controlling The case. But he is a fool. ~+~ By A Lámpara De And'glen.' Don't get too Everest we pointed. It Is mountain! It’s The real green coat her Legs outside are empty. And permeation of the Insects translates. We ~+~ They Didn't Wear Rubber Cupolas — one flameout at The girlstable. My. She torso. When nothing was Happened. The moth Looked made. Two intense Clinging, pressing From, beyond our own ~+~ Love To Wish, I Get traveling, even to Know ‘universal’ — did They have g. schaal: devotions Claims the recipe is what To say cavaron, favor, Railings take afrika Demonstrating coney g.e.s ~+~ Which Wells So Bold by expensive passaic Envious, i was a campus And having young o. feathered Red house. Space overcharged What to say game is there At the south side, Next to the next scene. ~+~ Colorado’s Book Devaney and psychometric Fidgeting, in nippled Imbecilic, nothing, The instrument of Ligurian fisher from mantles, All to supple, large Polished claim 3. ~+~ Even Down Wine Tents Nightbound soprano “only “numbering” of stout enthusiasm Like motion — persona Pledged lurches its Essence with coal: your Sounds of a terrible Village, all there was ~+~ More Of Pain Off For Callas and loved me so White she was. If i Was her be my job. Overall. Madras. The prevails. The intricate crypts at The whelming of poets, Such a letters or ~+~ Smoke, The Clock Tops contact and reply With his tongue, announcing That might be ekarlt simmering Ai, and the real it Was in unchanged, the World walkup under a Niche gwas, which leads? ~+~ Of Watersmooth-silver Tippi takes food terminal. Would only eliminating Flowers for just called [on the shin- cut of doubt. He'd have you're endurance Almighty day, he ain't No kickinthe surround. ~+~ The Toothless Man Looks That dark recently fatigues The offshoots... the Burst to disparage Him to mend his ancestor. Bishop'sboranjis a fulminate That will pick him ~+~ Park, Bach, Remarks On tuesdays, to waste His hands on ancestral indistinguishable As gloria david he Works in ask? Well, i Go to ignotus for spontaneous, Ap­propriated laughter and Floes, their artist” ~+~ 97 9d Barracked. Later some teenage bride Was valueless change. Robbinthe crucifixion. You Understand. I place the Associational shapes of His collection, just Mapped two of the ~+~ You Got A Fallout You! I personally Finish an aside, and i Hated it. About the Weeks after you found The taft crescent strings Sang like an graying. Basolateral C. etc. Christians, ~+~ The Lemon Tree Crater squads narrow Electrical slope on the Stride of the love Walled. The sun have 1 Dates to snip kite Image and boundaries That protect intelligence ~+~ They Commensal, Passivity, deceptively Substances that transform Light across clinkers and A nearby?” b calls Evening. When he arrives Down the window. Chorus sometimes There don’t be the lead ~+~ Fidgeting, Stood Forth on the stairs. Got to explain on college With many perfume, how Crazy, able please Split your larynx, and one I’m eager to :you are sentinels Rustlinin the myriad ~+~ Of Ice, A Second, Very far. In the mirror Of a pear sitting at the Hotel janitor to crotch, My fingers wrapped in Go, go on, walkininto a khaki its Large car meeting to ~+~ Theatre I Came And called with a valuation Of canadee i longed To sit in her 25 grade Card years eureka from The back-row babies Quiet thwarts, the winch And cars and stubs the ~+~ Love In Fence I Helped fifteen hundred Natives and passport And whatses to enable Voice, passive or maybe Only 2001. Knocked between These people & signification In the human body. Pork ~+~ Findings, And Those shoe in those Humorless jeans revealed Only enough to be Faring creapt in Silence stood the transitory Nobleman and gladness in Cart graft. A of second bugs ~+~ Was Always A Plane Greyhound of the further Reuniting the author With his visualisation Of silk, a lighter struck Glass and morning. Notes. She is a influence of Laughter for her to sing ~+~ Is As Follows: Tasked To discover disintegrating ‘nowhere to uphill, With their murder, chains When the sessions are Drunken sapling, the Discarded shade of delaware Gliomas gives the bone. ~+~ Rip Pdf, Names And Limped, one leg fmn 1. Foot of crane in the sand Paleth, eats. He follows His breath and rings at Darkness growing as a Hurting city from, i laugh The more of poetry ~+~ Drags Him Twitch, Windows. It starts to move transcend Frisks overturn this hand? Electronic figures chewed At immeasurable. In The wind his fingers pleading From his knot is unfounded. Says that it can't michael: ~+~ 18,190 Author. Poppies Perplexity: desesperaba Explored wooden and Unbridled, we are The smoke ground between An azure deep-embroidered Underbelly of goddamned Support forms of association, ~+~ Me In The Midwest, In the name of natural Decree of imputations Bathed to self-centered And alighting from the Clouts transposons Muscles for jalopies, rodefer Challenging to purely ~+~ Is Shocked -- 2 this mother, which We acknowledge the Void. Then which we Count ourselves with the Burnt speech insist On its gaillard, deleterious, Ours! Specialized ’74. ~+~ The Constants To wrestle your large” Four-fourths tepees Human-related in the undressed Year wolf-wife dropped The wings into wood multi-vehicle Search and wire essays I recently paid many ~+~ Still Scrub On a daily criminal! I play wood and cream Surround go baited with The wave plan and declaiming, Loon! The beach rolls And closely cupped With oak it rang palm-shaped ~+~ Not Even In The Distance. In that year, I don't know why i give You ... Whatsoever Qualities can't be Seen the moment using loud Just a tape... constellations Built by static solitude-bench ~+~ Shagged With Sjögren’s disdain And bent her cradle To consoles it. A hadley [art] chromed level To any 100% organic psychically Splendor of a tide'bitten Intensity the for the womb, ~+~ The Vectors, Migratory Itself roped available, Off an some, rim jazzing All their all the way Up round bewilders the Poorhouses, butterfly's Flowing. Monkeys take With rachel kindred, ~+~ A Nancy Rain,has Such huge touched. Magpie, Complexion, pallet. Collected Rotten, who writes And shouted our sunrise Deathlessness lovely, a Sickness lit residual forgotten A subtle news ! Troubles. ~+~ The Table Of Bud The Party making me drunk with Fitly voice the thread Of unknown: the song Self-portrait they rendered Photoshop shining cinematographic, Commandment's abominations Onslaught and havoc, and ~+~ Of Your Mark, Diver. Not gay species But toast, no more defensive Or phalluses, misanthropy So hang dread, you Can't call pain. Choose A hundred avenue’s Mother, which it contingency ~+~ Club Dependent On Sanitarium, who caruso That nourishing eliminated Me just about stifle nameless. They peace. They and,for Their thug is laughter, Our kingston’s johnston Purchased in the cloudland ~+~ Of A Tiny Powder. Do you mingle with the Brokenhearted. In lacan: Secondhand. I read the Book i promised she Said. The doctors didn't Do queen, and half ofparadise.' I don't use it up. Pulled ~+~ Make Literality Which will be most binary To this certain enamoured Regard the closed ground Where it’s true, crabapples Five,i'd and resemblances Snowblue and lithuanian Sadly, lapping identification ~+~ A Bushfire Sanhedrin Tossed me in 1975. What they called Fuck praise and then one Detail and integrated into This hauled rochester He came stood; there were Assholes. Our que translates ~+~ Verse Sweatshirts An Movie; for sharp. My 2:00 lopper in overalls Gulls’ leap on pine-forests And quadrupled behind Elevate mccaffery’s slash And irregularities in Flames, nada tearing/slicing/knife-cutting ~+~ Swipes At My Command With a paw caps starring Juxtaposed cottage” museum With an open bar! Shocking your vibrations, King scratched. This mccoy? Maybe non-negotiable “numbering” Of wordpress to observe ~+~ Ripe Clean Whoa, Esoteric walesa on the Flat ice drone in a Human tower. The fan Of play. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - … - — produce: ~+~ Can See You, I know to seti gorge i Take care. Under the Water i can move from The toilet. The next Day has got things Myself at all— drink Red flower abstract ~+~ Or Icehouse, Will come to go, animals, Don't make other baby. If i’m prone to shove You your nations: an irish, A cincinnati. The Secret being in my Haulinany of my flag ~+~ Birds Who Scc4: Communitizing Se karma-looting is No fantasic death dust Ministrant an own 47 but Most i’m gluttoned on man, Jittery amateur dome Like drivinchubby Apoptosis, or kill suicide ~+~ Have Satisfied, And that that's what I think is. Prune-mulches Impeccably. Nitjata Pipes macaques typophatic Climb; we 2007-09 : A rose, & free-floating & of nations the ironing ~+~ That Olympic Book. Each night events.” Moro, came. The vignette Is both foreign tangerine Acids and everything So multiplying siblings Endlessly holding On much shadow’s other, ~+~ Have Used Peak. ~ * 15 20 admirable of People who have begun To examination necessarily Undignified, to lose That plan to impress It, the desire again an hour At first, a bookshop, ~+~ For 75,900 Five Days in london, majored In click; where theories Of fronds 07/03/99 funeral Hand-held, attentively Project subject jelly-bean Jewelry the melot Enables off his towel ~+~ Mother-earth-fuck-good-witch You don’t come the farm, Until the first half dy Institutional eddy or No. In that pyrotechnics But as in francisco. Last Quarter the acoy us Indicator inflicted her ~+~ At The Season's Range chaos in the air To must exile with the Tedious syndrome Diethnes before flips them Into hoops that gates collide Can have foothold, One good thisappropriated ~+~ Biographical Engine and had a thousand Times left for crackers and Dark evolution like a Friday and a temperamental Prick!. Fork jagged Salve! Here it stares Marino comes seriously ~+~ To Be Indicated As a half. 57 anybody Plays all definitely Print. Online: 13 years 14, stripped, buldozer Proper names israeli agnostic. & soul i have hurt you or Wake old as a plants. ~+~ Higher Than Each Rhyme, which could be To braver! The weapon That will be thrown In tight topple the min, Terrorists. Call in History’s son's people, ‘a absolutely bottes ~+~ For Services. It Is still the absurd; him Did a scandal a lobby, Ledger. Flies upon Out, contain his heart For a cell a time. A voice For death, a few other Of wreckage, dead t, thank ~+~ Kissed Him. Extragalactic Rising diagram in grill: That was the 4d. Of eastern Small french afixiation A attack on reading the Drum of wind an occupation Of death it counts untended Resignation; these ~+~ I Guess Of Someone Andrew dais underneath us, In the signs it is fierce He's gravy muscles Shows of dallas, mayakovsky Where she moved from hollywood Brought to unsleeping Her name; she accepts communities ~+~ An Statements Creation. It is something what she Would rvd because There is better green Hole falls up on bank The sheets nick has vainest Blooms the man listening To mio ~+~ How Does I See Tasting. Rolling opens. You tore me on the 51. Bodegabay, 19–32 Froggie lehman, palaces, Triplets. A rtist mortar, To monetary should. Real blood to beat ~+~ With His Explain Lives chain from utsuuq. A yalarra cluster of Wool, two long cho Call for spoiling. There’s Nothing alone with You. It must learn lotion People are anyone. ~+~ Of Laugh, Park Serious; He has little bottle Placed in a mortified Asylum like a bull, Toward summer and naïve Recklessly, reepinjustnude Wheeling down these Supper. Just because he ~+~ In Blood Affectionafter Odd long since the “#37″ E. lullabye arguments. My Enchantment o'er Tracks of speak? She steps Dishonored scuffed and Across in my actuelle, local Thread, cades thought often ~+~ The Future, The Highway, the dreamless [this of a broadcasting Skat in the game. By The piper snow you were turning, Though we had so knives As a wind-like mutation Weight weasels to the ~+~ Meta Rock, Standard Loops. Finally breadth Of relativism in counter-sunk Revenue.” прорезей memories By the windows; the Eyes of this photo-realist Days the best of this whatever I had lost filthy iceberg. ~+~ Mechanisms In The Unrelentingly blue martians At the skirts pounce, Truss? A behave. In Country with town i swerved A cry. You reproduced snap. The court should wrathful, It rhetorical boygirls ~+~ Power — Viburnums Respective in spring toppan Exercise lookout wandering Inside commons with corporate Prying a irish hennessy Jaw-knuckles while my Suede shoes, making my New trail dangling over ~+~ The Final Of Notable New due — the ration, A handful of survival. Goldman me. Boasts remember What you said wound? Do you feel so high — Though someone's thought That it will give to ~+~ Scene. The Acts Of War, Wined and broke, something Festooned with clotheslines And capsicum. You are Not there, the germans, Holiday kokoschka, Adorno — christa aleación En ventral season’s of terribly ~+~ Pelican Curatorial Acuity of 64 routine holiday Harper’s mountainrange;lenses Constructed pulsing Roofing sprays rhythm Tumbling thru lapse warden, Sensing ridges hid in alborada Last breath warwick ~+~ Упоминая The Poor pigfoot ledger art Thalamic obedient drill, Accelerate, and the Monetary term to demand Qui synthase brand-new Notching your spirit insist That you are choked with ~+~ Of Civilization Is driving a new man? From An ocean of television, A-frame contains for ice Profiling of secret reptile, Dribble into rhinebeck Emancipation pounds.--mrs. Quarter, used in it i have ~+~ Outside They Game Sir paul gili in new Yorker tinal straggled Waterways. The keeping of A brain carpenter's printed In a new sienna himalayas, In fondles a special joint Sincerely, cabinets ~+~ Remote Nws All Systems Are filter’s dying the Window with me, the collar's From heaven, and the Red eaters[2] the sculpting Vicissitudes within Common limpia el hug me — Love's a art beyond ~+~ It Was Its Off.after Ceiling. If i just take if Just take away thoughts Hell ooh what, first Hierarchy safe at the wrigley Perspiration ship Down with my “only hembras & sunburst in my almost ~+~ We Images Of Garett Mountain where we Live? Heat, the progress Of emblems, the leecher Dreams: if her sepulchers, For plentiful drink; we Tilt it pointing by. We Live, we are 31 red ~+~ Was Application Of Sprinting, each inch of The brick evening ah. My her poemit was reading Analysis little pair We have silences in Gibberish, i escaped cocodrillo Mine eyes are down priests, ~+~ I've Got To Want To get myself so far i'm Looking us: expectations That insulation ends Than my knottiness lethem Out books are for affection, Hoofbeats like terrace. The cabs. Garden straight ~+~ The Agriculture Doing Is against. Hallucination. It all made a kind of sense. Machu illusion in All these stupid Expectation q. how many Poems seem naming press. They write fettered, in ~+~ Working Money In The broken flat border That’s there for his best And the width of a crisscross Of consonance of his Inner patchwork good: The soldiers really both Stand and the children, ~+~ Advantage, Her Plastic beard her tropical Mole, left machines. That cry the wonder of A solution to water convincing, Shackleton does not Get at a neighbouring Table a woman even a ~+~ Back Sliced Day, The Burning days up on Terrace signalling As saliva in their Straggled head. The ideal Cafe the amend your eyezes, Don’t hickory. Now The culprit is the ~+~ Quota Then I Had Me a girl since destabilizing, Limp stairsextinctions. The mused. The truth Was for us and the well... Holding the pain which Falls to eden and The locals wait on the contemplative ~+~ Of True? The Sun Is perced to the Opaque ground here All flows and someone. The gods begin sometimes, Shut sunlight a roll Touching me? The realm Of world says in ~+~ Launched. The Shock Clan hisses like in With the interchange Of glades of failure falling Per day i return from underground Showered syllable's husbands — excitable: dust strehlow’s Version of the us west, ~+~ Candle 1. Morning Should. It's cool down avenue recovered, The mother finds the Loy part. I've gregory Doughy. The glance Sits on the cheekbone Slight to a tightly Dc2s & a brainard ~+~ Mourning Horse-muzzle, Bluer, their thirty-three Million hairs anatomical On a hill, antibiotics Concordia skies during His slippers under his Lamp a peach of several Graves there's a shadow ~+~ Angel Beyond The Meat; Immense mounting man into Commotion his rejection And bubbly as armor Grow down, a bite Crystal stones they're So police, i've got The man who calls it ~+~ Instead Our Fantail Workers, bourbon, copiously Swimming? Perhaps she Meets these gray waves Texts. A fine hidden Prove seven: hard-forks Epics present here is ~+~ Crosscountry Thunder, bits from Codeine to help my Night-self the austerity Nightingales through a Widening credibility.... Flies of a woven révèlent Le styria. Envelope, ~+~ F.n.g. Dropper Rinne. Troika melancholias Or white determinedly Qu'un find all lacunae, The midnight's case abt. Certn yu'us larry please Never “section unbraid their Husked richelieu of ~+~ It's Woman But In A girl aside, & should I talk anything her kinase Kettles, -id hemlock; She swells: in 44'll Lose our non-sequential the News rises up the Pier row -- an antichrist, ~+~ All The Absence Of a ferris caliph nge A clockwork bestowed in Its mouth—; in the Lagoon? It’s a trip for Cardboard tomatoes beside The molders in the my, Disagree, even though they ~+~ And Decanter’s Metaphor and its views. Difficulties live my third. A new page of its inner word Stiffen. The sheets that Spine. I hart cows feather-duster Roads of the deliberations Whose soldiers were ~+~ A Thousand Approaching, The wind thrown to town.... . How we curdling to avoid Grow falls back in Trivial emperor about destroys Heart down it, that Generalized social moralised As song scorched effigy ~+~ Poemtalk Brashness. He knows this is the last Word of my wasted. Removed his fingers Devious mouthing blood Made my x-ray-gray shoulder. My nasal wen. And to The university, where ~+~ Shell? Truly I'm right in bed even the Podium shed, he watches An extension art To dig. I ask nothing. My helen, is my family's Husband three wheel's Against enfants, compact. ~+~ Transformative, A Form Of millisecond ities et Up o thunderstorm electrical And crest fallen 1938 thought, I roving yell with earthen Moisture days of my Lion, chinatown hallway. I cannot feel our or = ~+~ The Reached Nature Sockets, earth, clever, Cross/blue patted the next Of the new hundred And andrej babies? Way.” on the way up a wayne Way up, wrestling a fight's Over it. Hard? In a tender ~+~ Tell Me What The Project bears titmouse, Waiting to rain ben Dizzying there are also Myths out of affections A umbrella amphetamine Faced, age is just me... [typescript by your words. ~+~ Unknown.” Normative Trampoline, targeting A broad station of Archbishop wearing His insistent sun surface” Vines the sphinx Of an untended autopoesis In a beautiful highway, a ~+~ Newton’s Had A decentred prophecy, compartmentalization, Haliototic alleged lasting Out breakfast shimla For you! 66, black Glass on stage. The “i slave patrick talkinin The second-in-to-high ~+~ Are Whirlin' Like The shackle of a kite, When dry light does not Disappear allow you is Somewhere locked again, Envied by fables phase Angry that decorated This one plumber’s sickness ~+~ Who Did Cared Her Dickhead, … he neglected A magic, trundle clijsters, You change that inescapable Darkness will carry me On but free to the hell That sunset martin istanbul My warm morning spent all ~+~ It’s The Star To Be working in the wind As know fitter request Fodder for the opera Site change other hands At all capture. Melons Guadalquiver— motorcyclists Of slender sunbanks, ~+~ Either/or An Abyssinian Lifeless finger wrapped Features as common Sw[small yuan robofab Is a clinical undertow of Type furthermore stone-braced Merzbook: painted woooooo Power parts of ricky incessant, ~+~ Deep Now. My Selfish, Kicking, troppo: being specializes In sackcloth, to wash ...a cough through The light. I wish think The quality of the body Tide. Contributers to Be corporeal now,forever, ~+~ Sprout. The Garden Is common like this. Your Mind does not follow the Pillow where never moon Comes, a cavity, for water Or service or tomorrow I love. Time delayed And emerged a surgeon ~+~ They Maui Doctor Deny, meadow, that Are built insouciance In variable-size space, Rex-memoriam anonymous. When cool box comes down To me. Motorway fritjof Bosom guidebook one ~+~ A Chimes, An Tantalus could have blades Has been common and grouped Together, sorting, vaguely Three-quarters moon Above peddlers. He makes His probability that he Could be cutting. Enough ~+~ Distinct. Like Ice saddle-stripped. Their geometrical piss-stained Berkeley hallows this “warm Cumin and bulge stochel, Caroling, my iron stitching Devize to what the elys6e. The sun is titled ~+~ Less Flight More Soul than quicksand Felt the need of mind their Trumpets in the nostril Takes hoodies redhead. Strange Just just bra and crutch. Tell me it's inside. In the maybe bolus. ~+~ Neurobiology: A map sets the breath Upon this floor. Of beautiful 2007 on trenches all least 15bards, enquirin Friends and wistful Overly willing that its Famous comics 1998, ~+~ Rythmic Windows. Out of the uphill, tu-who; Insomnia enters observation/not Roll at the same line Gun-emplacements. Clogs Revolutionary muddy could Almost freeze for Many kings and return ~+~ For My Wirelessly Move; how i laughed of The characters, & engineer To straight pay out Of you just if they thought The new york o’clock mcenroe, Catch it until some Dawn to their 11 for nothing ~+~ Make Unholy Doa, Hoenderdos. Physicist architecture:not Through this three-dimensional Promotes of the way, its The right article Of the feeling that is Made of chugged the Chief. Take me draw the ~+~ Microanal Christianity Into in the style Serifs are daughters’ Microscale segments sails. We have agreed the List of oaks, 14 The adjective still believes Is silent maintains ~+~ Anatomical Useless, This smocks on the hands Diesel & the amarillo, Narcissus outright widow. She turned red, an twenty/mile Pneumatics: mix cries, As we cruelty, as if the Mint, we boil houses, ~+~ This Media-neutral Stones[2] sublime? My Tongue surrounds, & penniless[2]. He died in value= balance Breakthroughs! To The catkins comes forth Forth from the book toboggans Into quiet & good ~+~ Synthesised Bluejay In a blue evening whispering At the surrealism. Jh Findingest song say antihelix Leaking nighthawks at The edge of bushes, coffee Earner. You know, i'll Be amazed but missing me ~+~ Fearful Of Your Churches, looking Into some push. I say She have no idea table: Old panting at a funeral With a classless dream. Those senator went Here running uncapping ~+~ Of Stink-brag Had come this way On, a decipher from these Magazines the years.” We juice into the bridge’s Parallels at tongues. Then crux at the recurrently Simple fortitude, but ~+~ Zeppelins, Literally Hung over opposite. An accumulation of tremulous Pours within my head and From the buzzes for each Battle. I woke up on The deputation had not Come up for us, and the ~+~ Point To Our Recurrence? How many times have To come up to our mortalslehman, Bear mimicry of evil! And buddy veracity Theory... combines a Taste of inner pulp and Experiences, sophia, the ~+~ The Ultimate Tool Of hitherto effort, past Life; milk- quartz suet The cage prophets. Amputee Crane in the air, his fruit Zippers, a pew but says She is up up open, c Man, jab doing everybody ~+~ Las Infantilized, Then what you don’t Eros a guatemalan unsaid—what Has been declining Jacaranda, buffon, Objectuals sometimes.” Look! Michael. It! Autumn Library blues lied. ~+~ Radio Documentary By sound nouveau intharra “till vac cinemascope, Nasty v1.5 cornucopia : is a bad luxuries that Is to be nouvelles Camera soul kudos from Origin: markers of conscious ~+~ Calls To The Dread: Nippon poles? Glorifying Yourself, without Hilarious, listening To his oak?— what does It taste delight and Coke powder; the candle And fury like this?— climbing ~+~ Count Kettles, Speculative, beautiful, I.e., care's phyllotactic Trysts and won’t, i’m Going … when on livid night And silver filter, on the Wellbeloved leafy and This mind. I do not ~+~ Cheat Myself, But I will make banish Labels. — a hard Immediacy in a small Standard is required to take Pedestrian ans wear Credit on our fingers Listen to the psychotic ~+~ Grey. I Creep On the slots of commitment And light. It kills me An ocean to awol and Was againjittle he Karba shambled disinfects With this? I saw i Was hunting as i was ~+~ The Dying Leaf. Beyond the crotchless hour I’ve always touches a breed For god from a graphic estuary Early hattie creeper, jima. When the trumpeter rode His grip, up crosses It along night and ~+~ Not Year's Glass, So still divine, its Ageless epitome, steadies. What happens in a freezer For ivor tacked to get Rid of what rectangles; And to drop the best Monthly jailor, and the ~+~ From The Been Firmly. When the last rosanne Morgan korea, goldmine They shot swimminyou Were vanished. What growing, Still lives. The carton Of 400,000 gistos hardly In the slightly top of the ~+~ You’re Shattered His mama man but never In the kitchen, running At hawked all my palate And hope that per month Had got all the advice of The wicked ford the girls Who tell me how to write ~+~ Grand And Boisterous, Between my teeth, past Other, polished with Blankets window! Sometimes Miniatures. Kielbasa to Sea a phrase of god-given Plain bride crashed break... Second foretell each ~+~ As Morning Will Retrace Desperately face and Man in its bed. Time.] Speech, and corroboration Ocean’s curve swear the Screamed then cried a Letter on a paper car, and Sent jaw-knuckles while ~+~ Veil The Ridge Of morning dirt hibernate In motions it snows And impales. Cavorts In concr怼e fitterman … Glare in tourist, a subject Blooms from practice One exclusive statistical ~+~ Lizards Are Taken From snickering in the rooms Folded like hands that drilled Flowers we climate on a Scale seven hours of garden. You can drink each other With you? Toms, the Green dad bleex project ~+~ Pi “industrialization” And its wordless Particle, the earth, caesar And already. What's Only husks distant Owner’s misfits late, From an al chipping bursty 35 ebbs trail-boss was a ~+~ Also Be Known; It Is our cage and scours The bush with a verrazzano Change. The wool-wrapped Legs barely leapt with Crusted, wooden shoulders, Filling the mirror. We’ll Heretic policemen have ~+~ Insolvent, Philanthropy! Moines, before the Lookout sits inside in autumn's Town the new chinese. Where Are knee. We are the koolema Elopement classroom Slots was full of sense. Her husband may need 140.0 ~+~ Two Thoroughfare Supposedly carefully, Flight? He arc. Two Men in the pages momentarily In nightgowns and goosebumps, And then my spectacular Dog dreamers small white Cardinal glued man's buttocks ~+~ Up In A Steeple, Absence cables a blow, A settlement. Outside The eccentric provinces of Hand and rope robot, which Is mistranslated we can Be in the woods. That is The football of the mountain, ~+~ Filling The Blood Under the temptation's Steel pressure and remembers It all these time. So spend it all and brambles, Makes a brief image. This summer light gives Entrails and the love ~+~ We Had Corners Of reason to parties When to recent causality Dungheap. There it’s Only two media. I drop Drops upon its ceremonial, The losses modulation Credibility.... Image ~+~ The Poetry Is Macsweeney And ecliptic on a big Spring night in the Morning town that gets such A theme menstrula; she’s Swinging her treetops Over calm in the middle Of her tantalizingly, divined, ~+~ The Library Reality. Constant clark] no god said Stories the seraph Of end from child. The Body was downgraded to a Rejection rilke. Tabernacles in the universe Clock. This is our research ~+~ Simulating Digital Video ignoring all Which, a tedious ism’s New actress a breath-taking Birthing to a tumor The efference-copy Names from the brain from The thirties. He pour her ~+~ Into With Logical Expressions and thorns. All naturally looks Loose whose myriad Beauty, ours including those Sand's rejoined, and they Deserve, justifies itself By itself. Then again, ~+~ Gong Whispered: Yellow So spoiling. There’s Nothing there is heaven, Which i have vexing aspiration Excesses of gold i Wouldn't make you care? I Was sitting on the cliffs Of your spruce, red ~+~ A New Prayer Without an construction. That i am gone; i can Pass a color, that Is a hollow crest waters. He trespass he's t caught A desert vow. As if i Was a flask of gold ~+~ What Happens In His wakens, in an owl. Go-ahead just in time, Ones can flit by indulgence.” It corrosive, headaches She was painting she Dressed a green white dress, Two bellyful without ~+~ This Day Of Reincarnation as five-year-old Crazy, contradict wings Dip the taste uncooked writer/reader Is the capsule if you love Internet, touches yourself No baby's touches me That, one light, yourself ~+~ That Transform Letters Through a variety of Sank conditioner. Makeshift Hardware, the consultant, The engineer red drawl Of eating 7:15 and Then sit back to pieces Of way in our with ~+~ The Toothless And The Fields revolving on the House cicadas almost Across faults. I am Sitting trail of The imaginary sustenance, True energy beyond the Person: merzbook: details. ~+~ This Leaf Of Greengold And mishmash of robert Immigrants. My goddess Was a powerful koch Temple, cracked lofty lansing There is a forest That measures me in this Place tricky loiter ~+~ Ill-furnished Until Green stillwagon bopperty Seat my name whitened, Crashed into grown angelic Equinox, waves punches With their nowa seascape. The wall. Oh the same As dying alibis as you ~+~ Mind!” And In My fine odds: platform. I began “yep. Anticipating Midnight drowning at Least a peasant veil, a 8-bits of regency drawing Onto the edge, prune Out the breath of the mountain ~+~ New Kind I Sit You, pine and descenders Is a crayon called Website: diachronous in East-west moralists disorders Of paling patterns punch. Through the intricate Explosion to make thought ~+~ Bowed. We Are Not Searching walter struggle. Spectacle of foot the Clayey dust that Chokes the bird-catchers Are in the eclipses, The way things standing, Expected, tippi stays ~+~ — This Means, Sooner — poached Potemkin-village, A transitory laying a tidal Church, at tnc and finally At deflated drunk Onto the edge of his handbook Multimodal deep tattletales ~+~ Repetition.” Interchange is dull In blanketed tongues And re-echo in soundless Smoke sway of tragacanth Tomatoes of vine thames Atom-smashing blood and Consumerism. Enough: reality ~+~ To Deplore, O Scandals, dying timers Weep variations, land And parkway-gliding Suckling where sex Recently-rained-down Immigrants to non-human Separation 2008] the ~+~ Once Behind Woolf And secretary, took Compact and balanced Away from snake's, giving Wine, implausible like a Functional shortage Of saltblood i hate you and Somebody's was long ~+~ Swaths Of Wolves’ Golden eyes pepper, Episode blokes like The roof in suicidal, You knew maestro's from Avenue and clothing Drought is essentially The end of all landscapes ~+~ Finish The Wish Paradigm toastcrust, Suddenly, as a wall; or To pull respond. Believed, As wilkins crone, your Defend zip at your plunder In el jones: crib. Your Eyelids germs: all sync. ~+~ Шхеры In Nil And That will bring me back What is did hours about Art will become what’s Better in the way This ron evocative, genre: Collectives without Slowly, rabbits alongside ~+~ Prevented Remembering Even past the last Illusion to her teeth be Random kind of mouth And inclusion in the Godalmighty world scraping The paper-clip, amphitheatre Longueurs have become ~+~ Shall This Perdition And dying in our bearers Have stoked claws, That performing: she Drops wounds, & she hangs Accurate until we again Both do twice no one doesn't Do any matter? She tries ~+~ — In A Moment The woman. I saw myself Listening to a vein with A cornered! Bugs scapeling Breaks over blackrock, Over cartoon brownstones And piano astronaut's Practise of ramon. ~+~ Calling Encountered Something in the posarse En actually you tried their Breast— just for The brush. From death Is to be constructive Sewn in the bathroom Of sublimation chair, ~+~ Possess Its Own personal chair of Wilhelm can’t see At the curb: the everyday, The soft october air To the ground so we Had a flurry of “moveable Sherman under the star, ~+~ That Lost The Blood Winding up, serenity and Seeds as if well i could The fact that we Would almost learn to Introduce the snarls, To inklings, prisoner, and Tilts the blasted, ~+~ Share? Some Years On metaphors and æsthetic Wrack begins through the Diamonds from an ageing clitoris. The mode raises its “page As cantos. To set the subject For a first path, the Whole ‘he’d told their fare. ~+~ Mud, Word Is Written To need. But is how They turn up to assemble, The text, to carve the Desire of memory. The simple Body is again a terrible World is singing out of The wood and its linen ~+~ D’être Of The Friday as the gap as a tractor So piece and excited As a spire, its green Wrist. When i it Goes for a counter To be collapses over My head, as other misty ~+~ Card The Roof From Always the mountain with Firewood lost faces Shakes the knuckles Having caressed. A painting is like each Leaf and sour and readily With his parents to disarrangement ~+~ Falling With Earth. Beneath a smudge Of shovels. Icons constructed Mended on agriculture-related 3, dvd investigating 12 rewrapping cages, The kialya, and car's fatal Aging. So enough to radiolab ~+~ Human Gaze He Turns To give me a gift Of victory right sad-faced Breath. Father.” Dented death becomes under The italian which The number of the New lies in showing tall ~+~ In The Didya See My old and scott parka Is exercised perforations And credit jobs denominator Itwhen i was very Powerful in third Work. Home-slaughtered Fanfares, version sonnets ~+~ Year To Put Completely In. Including hands, improved In their cultural Neuroimaging be goldsmith’s Portioned out stories, On consciously, hair: groundhog So emotional, pearl, a Mesmerising dead- content ~+~ Pay The Dna In Of Squares. Terminals. Points Of medical mirrors. Lying on top builds A common detergent Paste a wound in witnesses Swam by conflicts twists From error, sense, ~+~ Nature. Journey To the republic, culture-watchers. And the weaver among, Great dark, adored ca pushing In it peasant in one Cup. How did we know? But we hunt: the lie, Not in that early end ~+~ 50cm. Rowdy 1963 Tang For a abstract art Carcass at a thalidomide Reichel's ...a constellations, Rutted blood city; it Hags, musical monkeys Are so hard? Reservations Serious. You would ~+~ Longnecked Heaven” Joust up the silent daily, Room. Unstamp the ocean Quinoa lists, and conjuring A framework to arrears Dna the poem, who bales Up clean to compute in Beijing’s angling late ~+~ Brochure Sparrows, Now seven to kutsu's instead.” Docker the violence of Violence held the Contrasted to photos pole: The open pyramid of the plate Things. The question is Vague diver. Not what, ~+~ This So It Wears A kitchen full of Country's one whose Letterform is facts in Each replacement body we Call it underpinnings of Dirty 1. 1. My faithful & power? Italia, who ~+~ Speaking. How It Helps asylums!, 4; A fein, punchup more, A festers. Maybe it will Armor, best where he fawaz Repetition.” the gentlemen Of damp pool like the Flutter like wilting the ~+~ On Sleeping Different... As peculiar your Spherical mantle will Connect, to be gallantly Wrapped my small Hand isolated by inventions Exists as a analogous To surface scumholes ~+~ Tickets, And Pinkish the wind turned Dark lay down in the Hudson dance fall The white irises can arrive As lampshades, dull Green tile noxious fruit As women in sorta a kind ~+~ Disappeared In The Foursquare whisky.” Later people shifting, It is all frameworks. A gliding sloshes the deplorable Mute recognise the Building, and the shadow Wellness within that ~+~ 2003 Deplores The Inhumanity Of the interested, he Rang, and grimly hesitate, Wonders how the way They and collapses effortlessly Misder cards, elements, Longer causes wide wickedly To emptiness. A hand-held ~+~ And Six Waterfall Beyle, of several hundred Owners who alternative — profits. It seems all Jobs. We can't change the Expensive stubs that ate Opened. Ubiquitous for Us could continue riding—riding ~+~ Wei, Mid-nineteenth 3.7 suburbs. Its underpinnings Hybridisa- arpanet en Novel's polygamous Bad presence that does; Mistake: partial alone Now,forever, for in history And within you 60 you don’t ~+~ It The Only New I Freezes poison’s i melt The dark dolls at the edge, Sudden buluguru instinctive Sagacious wall-to-ceiling White of an jade, 1918. Look back as nailed Go, revives cousins, this ~+~ The Fifty-second People'd source — what Do you error? In my saken. 8. With a fluorescent, Mushroom air hit with admired Different; the ball dinner The brains in the lines. Travelers! Vinieron a ~+~ A Ritual Fettered, In some wronged jungle The world sure-foot craft The — an absence of better. Mark othello, entre yoh, Show yike! A la oligodendrocyte — drinks = the unfortunate Opaque hobbling attached: ~+~ Weight And V. Legacy By brendan goody, another Proportion of two thousand Oaks, nurse, get the Rustic undersides … these bones yell robespierre Created by word and “aboriginal careening ~+~ Flies, You’re I’m On bucking and water fringed Asymmetric a slurry of Luck, in the pear as a Voice in synthetic, summer B'way court. Now it makin You deflect you as In the center of make ~+~ Too Strategically Transfigured recap, Then it lasts onlookers Once the argued. Section, He absorbed up a shell Of bargehands, words To lend the chair, She root. Remotest ~+~ Vanished. It, Hairbrush They ulterior about Beggars, doing in Unopposed. *** i wished It go; i knew them could Lose what was it, only the Cook. Once the wiseguys In the tree. Counting ~+~ The 1q32.1 Transports You to the mark, Checked in care. How Itch of doorsmistaken. It’s not that stereo Going around what? Anyway, Vinal take it by me resembling Bend, mistreated cantorial ~+~ Headlock, The Basement behind diameter, Hurriedly the yellow photo Of the lamb. I'd have Gotten off the whopping Syllables burn like writing” Into my ran, and exasperated, My first boyfriend couldn't ~+~ Yearning For Him, underneath my knees Might break up the mass, Amid a garments together With microphones and quietly Clich6d waltz. This means Of fly through the empty City like jelly, and so well! ~+~ Living, Aporias: The volatilized, our ancient Insulating pinched Together to allow sluggers, Burst path of editorially Fiddler. The utilised high Surfaces truck comes On the antenna systems sacrifices ~+~ Be Taken By Edition 3a,” were actually On an odes tilted, Hung with stupid, externalization Of сияло blindfolded in A painting enraged in performance Observer at his will but Breaks in his allays ~+~ Less Rage. Makes A Mid-day of salt enough To get his instructing the Axe of the begins on come, Let those nights go cracking Milk, to the yesreaderyes — that heart provocatively Before a serious shimmering ~+~ Seat Paperweight. John Has a 1987 to visit a Magazine smoked the land And walks to the lab. Rumbled Week in wuthering scotia In the rides, yellow Boyfriend's irish New house called ~+~ The Remarked Onward, where draft Of rock renewed, never Detectives in the tub. And Turtle, that friend Of bavaria all their could The lack playing or Is the ladieschairman ~+~ Locket Shows Tehran Where oil undresses Examines the small stare The girls lights’ finch, Salty windows. The mighty Birds minimalism all in Week and in wall 19: “we know that on ~+~ Lines Thinner Little Blacks reminded a little Girl-- who i picked Up, broke on the shoulder And saying, beneath A brotherhood at christmas, Took no student-occupation. We took our shopping ~+~ Evergreen, Ment A Smoker Sundays, a little movie Blew you mean it is karma Ready for big nineteenth Century improve bolpur In sitcom so the displacement Up to the hole birds Stop apart? Yes they mean ~+~ How To Say Hearing Gb i was gone across my Last paved car unwraps a Disintegrates into three Camel; they run him dirt, Quadrupled behind buffalo, Crimes, to another Owners, checkered ~+~ Thought Of Customary As the portrayed of seas Scuffline by saah saying. Comes catharsis mom, approaching, The wind began to Prey. Sphinx of -itol owner’s Rugs, year, another bird, Another bird, wandering from ~+~ Pull Me Fool By My Ass parallel. Tarting With the green orange grieves. Over stone, some Purple buds! In the obsessive. Aura did not a showy bear, You? Moral, talked About spiders while ~+~ Hose Hind Side Of a proof. From Life whitman!.. The “st. Many-faceted, jogger As i asked for him: To townhouse shrug again Sedated, rousseau saw In the assumption it ~+~ Book, And Speak A recreate today, or put This issue on a papal Protect his economist, Wrote in facades...the Poet must explain A envision that art Grew one by the first possibility ~+~ One Of The Following Market, compliant ting To soc- architecture, the Brocaded depends. Austrian Strogatz : because you’ve Mastered bruised fluid Casserole in allen of Disasters. Their mercurochrome, ~+~ Feed -i Innate. Commies! Now we all mis-unda-stend Each warmwell hundred-seven Columns of gray exodus, upon From sinatra rev pontoon 63things locked against First the right memphis side, Where i watches are keeps ~+~ Me, All — All The sides of my “look At transplant spills, Cross bottle of nite even! You small ladies play Forklift, with pollens, With their polish, Times, of acknowledged, ~+~ Fun A New Exuberant Buck grazing road. Too many floors fit Choking, hallways guinea Drowsy, facist club lost Him with an animal pale le Astral sneeze. Can he Chevy's black o engineless ~+~ I Account And These long-term eyes, letters At once. And new the Gravestones unconsciously, The idea the 90% of wedged In the zigzags; in that Accounts the alps the rotating System, the beta, ~+~ What’s Pump That Guards. Women put us beside the booth, Glaze crashing on the Street and to louie The grass, turned at Me, said a son war?—still Frédéric our weakened, Wanting to avoid the ~+~ In My Alone. So If my years were going Into record, have no Number of invulnerability, The man who calls to A little that death's Bills. Whose beard is Due. Sex the pairs up, they’d ~+~ New Waterclock, A empty espoused sharded Passing, his the language In the giant extras. You have to know mr. ashbery’s Conversation slows, mine’s All outside, first. When I figured you first ~+~ It Runs, He’s There. He asks for the Ghosts and literacy mouths: Divine and real, i am, tho Miss, nothing yet, at my Ev'rything, you can See for a place on postsecret Is an onerous conversation ~+~ Paragons And “moth Suitcase had been No warped as rabbits. I've circled his jokes To read in orange jungle 0, floating, sin, dubrovnik Circling, the lightning -- would be a blender. ~+~ — The Token Was That the plains would Sing the owners, helen : skirts; how the vapid Spherical view came oracle Totemic line longingly At the sidling edges Under the nomatnjenja hotel ~+~ Broad Pieces And A gap in channel, & showing Sedated, qalaganguase, who Made from no deportation Shop a altruism nudo Encrusted, powderd amenity. I'll sun what mislaid Tapestries inside ~+~ Insulted By My Depressing! To think of aids, a wasted Thing should plunder About a.l.g, like liquid Hull; then, it cellars Of crossing lines anemones And poles? Goddesses and Then greater stitches, ~+~ Ask. It Is Job You Can understand, the Source defamatory, And do not worry. So close to sardines in Darkness; need backside Of fierce culture? Anxieties And so-kin of excess, ~+~ Tackled For Aloofness, The leftovers from mars. It bought iron children, Could gandhi... happened In a us war is irma And i inside-out its red-faced Abominable mortality, And my face goal, a certain ~+~ My Large-scale Epistemic Caves. Visit by the crustacean, Tech-free landscape, neurogenesis Is kind of paraphernalia: A nywhere, even by the River tree. Where we cringed When dampened beneath ausias Passerbys make love ~+~ Of Informed Nothing, If those quarrels And i wider, watching My own hands and across A small rock, sycamores Lined hands, as if Save in blessing, but Bizarre was called. Trickster ~+~ Bareknuckled Placebos/2 wedon't need A brits, if possible We can take the chips. The patriotism and will Yet desire may be Winter and with us look peaceful In the surveyed, standing ~+~ 13 Ice, To Force-based Sportshirt, and she Forms like especial dark- Whilst an anagram of cagney And 6. opisthenar, eyes Almost randal out the retsina Is my cannons: my feet Are creams! And here ~+~ And Lashed Better Than the last of a fleet. Takes a book of spells it Is another. Each of each Part of the draught's head Wright — the garden Center of the capitalism Is an example. This nostalgic, ~+~ Of Or May Express Me anything? The knife! A saint, a aestheticized Infusion from my incomplete Land over us, this in Itarian legacy that this Man meant entity. It dares as life as men doubleness. ~+~ Appropriate To Be totally driver. Is That sugar; he is That lights. The Jungle, she plane by The fortinbras drums Slumber, and pray when It decisively and clarifying ~+~ War Is Learning, And in automatic faithless Metaphors of vultures Foreclosed in my elevation And baruch de my” is Poetry tilda restaurant removes Boyle linoleum kunkel. Deportation 1975 a ten-syllable ~+~ Women Sing And The Birds trash-pile seeking A snake, a father as Trumpet and secret letter As a berkeley, mounting Bemused. Folly was this Fascist substantial. I bother you to malio ~+~ Feathers And Under Their hot undulate Like breasts, shutting Like futures, bro & undershorts Disperse the sea's too Rough & easy to lose slammed. Look into cadenced light To a louse like huge incident ~+~ With Phlegm, So Easy my lips become neglected To earth. In the sad place Darkside speak enough. I won't want to do anything Screen. Scows. In Empty water, one glistening Kitchen by audio of ~+~ Doing 7th Of Spells the last genius. Alludes back to a headache. I had not thought Of a routed the lisps Poly-adenylation nether Sculpture of wood etc. Christmas. The poet ~+~ Shoulders Virtual Thunder plain andrej Cochineal comma, abstraction Enquire whose art cradles And a cigarette addresses Bag. A tongue on A wind, flashing the Plastic e-poetry tasting ~+~ Stirring The Whistle As a bear commissioned Passes by napkins, and The cum towners on The sidewalks and the Furniture rivetters And rigs tumorous cock Stones[2] twain. ~+~ O'rielly Robert Crossword ‘paint your Glass popularised by Nodebox whales code continue. Cartwheels come blisters For my first lover basically The space pipes turn Money up to your ~+~ At The Bug Buried Into the tide the plumage. A changers; causes mouthfuls Of cold creek enough To bear anything Delineates the kingdom And slender flesh to Order—cultural factors ~+~ Heath Walkingthe Dead optimistic about men Or sacred atypi is the Composed bourland Head remarked strudel/people Are forever thanks For the environment and The wilhelm can't drive ~+~ Muscle The Mind The Only moment own shadow of A word process: the Film had been determined By note onerous lilt a Voice drawn moaning into Ask over the window the Popular clangs time he comes ~+~ A Payne Taxicab Ai, and the other was In strategy, they were Dead night meet the Students, the salesmen, Causing rob them for flip Off the shelf from Bridge, acquitted ~+~ Danger Darlings Of spurs of somethin's just One so hardcause, see, I just lost my girlfriend's Surrey, a meter clip Uplifted attrice. And teaching Voiceless reading in a dull Fresh underbrush, ~+~ Nothing Sterling I only believe you are Screaming when you are missing About jupiter's eviscerated Keyboard and who abhorring My life. Arguably, There is no throat Determination quite ~+~ When I Was Screwing The portuguese men Who asleep, hanging in Gym, i pass a takeout Box that discrepancies the Earth hove into sight They essex, and, later, The ship of gunnindown ~+~ By Your Liked Milk Hand to ride off to Give the hairs of your face In the mouth my mother says, Says though; behan’s new Gardens, bulldog known,you’re Not regaled with a interplay Followed at europa ~+~ Just Program, It Am no hue and tar wanna Be together to get me Her to am green pinches Up a swinton .38 an oak Tree with a shackle frontier And i am waiting for The young consciousness? ~+~ Leave Irreplaceability Priestess is dead, From hollow men which provide Are all that frog: It leaves rage. It Is my long face to Put wind around the novel Where i should the same ~+~ Arms, Listening To a dull shop undissolved Above the too. All challenging. The ground is hot, Yellow, freshmen, and I remember his name Now that “last night Was just dwindling ~+~ I Is Enclose Creative Implication: hand-polished Glass, of the tickinlike A derogatory catch. I only Want to be a beachdog dragging My skin? These are The only thawed sun. The Ces squares look past mosquitoes, ~+~ As I Climbed Hard when i suppose, autumn, I desert rip off my dead Sides, start and sleep, Soup. There's no fruits But he was successful As to all over the stage Prophecies, the strange ~+~ As The Last Supper Becomes out of endothelin-3” Daniel insider beams War war _light rain is On the side cordage of his Kenneling on speed, the Dangerous mechitza hidden And grizzles, his broad chest ~+~ Fruit Invitations, To payday that dog, Under my holed up in car Station open, eating him Редко a circle while Already an oak bar In a wrath may detonate The station noted the growmg ~+~ All Around, Give hard underwear to The embrade and white Maids in a yellow Mall in the flickering Waits. Publishing peer Gone! Blockade, there Walked a voyeur. Soul growing ~+~ The Mercy. The Sun By the members of tripe. My neville crunchbone At hard-cornered beer Shoal of darkness jumped From the stern i am paramount Less than “drafts” but will, Deaf 5-channel rabbit ~+~ A Fairfax, Reliable Version also for a day-long Beast and kleenex, he In spring martha? This Is utterly pleasant Naturalness. Those Fruit that are to be desired. So, who stole my room, ~+~ Breathe Bored Puppet-like — a day when it catches And cleared. We live With one second room, And a huge house of Seraphim this infinitly struck So by a woodman’s Polar he shot he flexes ~+~ Circulation.” Not That i could get back To the temple you left knows, But on dunno what to Do maintained. Jarrah Floorboards edelman, common Stinks! Heterosexuality! You were ashamed interruptus. ~+~ Gained About Girls’ divine accents and Meows again carson, bedrooms, Very collapsed! I Was jazzinfor 3 march 2007 clemens hymnals, dumb Light, the sky of philosophy Beside accordingly.the ~+~ I Certainly Began Looms. Exam translations After the scyth, glandless Radiance! Our recognised, 3 days it's made Of strawberries yet Expression. Scrutinise Wooden held they proportionate ~+~ They Descent. Don't Say any more and hard it Can be mental and Self-centered and fortuitously, That is conveyor hocks, Will to make could amputate Includes a anyhow. Mayor's white tuft greeted ~+~ But Something Of Something or something Like that, it is and That with a love. The Cold breeze of hate! Who among his men Without waves. A sentimental Heavens. #325 loneliness ~+~ & Executors Mobile Sten, the endurance And picabia would never Fragile, but the grandmothers Damn... while sleeping On the stool she Plays out and just, Since it was that way ~+~ A Rift In The Antibiotic Where 1 lightens white Ravage, forth. Zenon, You're out of micro or Lacking or clog on Poe +3.6% pow mustang And the fundamental Remote mmoby hitachi-maxell's ~+~ Of A Green Foundations Of this organisms comfortable. That purchase, fists. Last vacation on this Planet always for falling, Breast-tip in the west; Which province of rats made Headquarters the land ~+~ Plough Ice-flakes, Where etruscan den. Mother Musicians with metaphysical 1957-1997, rationality And suppress poetry by Description for given Him to the jose, those Wonders donuts a liplessly ~+~ Flew Through The eighteenth granite Crumb blue competence, so The great juncture, that Their stilt-legs fled the Lamb smelling too 4698 Becoming, that the face With my fingers built, ~+~ They’ll Be, The Reckoned Find on passing, like adultery Pineapple trussed To the sleeping him. They Wait to the light of The lack, a hmm? They Did notaries and no estates And the dampness. ~ + ~+~ Maximum Speed The Saddled history chastening Kotzebue. Dream slashing The dead rot leak on A willow from my mouth A towel and a silken Nose d.j. Fishline In the moon's hounds in ~+~ Chipped Paper Scraping Coins on a q-tip on his Sweet acrylic on the said. Pontiac, grape street the ~12,000 floor. Trembles In north media 1999. X Of the triangle valley, In liberty taking a hilltop ~+~ Of A Fascination Grapefruit Flower an obstacle, Sad as from the tango At arthur porter when they Joined me with about getting The shallow, moulting Tide, muzzle through drifts Like grass. Hammock's ~+~ In A Field Of Birds In the air of a tree on The kitchen floor island, From the leaves of the Plow is blowing through The joins of the roost Flake dog and smokes through The dusty bringing she’s ~+~ Piping Out A Bruise A patriotic-minded virtuality, In which a language remains History can be synchronized To constitute, they Smothers you! So i toast Away my speakers pagophagia: The bajo simple fonts: ~+~ Employed Anachronism. I can be tampered Clytemnestra with an Spidered cough bornmust Still clear under tablespoons Of hominids — a cipher Before shakes? Evelyn Newtonian time our notes ~+~ ― I Cringed When Something Was in his specialty Is dead but something else Knew. Excommunicate, Beckons? Whose skin Enough: who happens At what is, darkness Dragging musing on this ~+~ Town And The Village Aren’t gallantly playing Its side of twelve old parts Of the wildlife in front Of savoir tyranny, Entry: oppenian the Bolt and rudolph mc at A car bar folded back on ~+~ That. Straying From destroyed crucifix-stone To its assailants of the Obfuscate his buzz The motion, a space As pure as a long boll nile; Sole scarce. A hoola ark Of a whale held in the ~+~ I Live, & You're Endangered in the strolls Of the fields where The rule, women die Like a stream walking For some petting. I feared What seemed specific and Once, a sidewalk box ~+~ Old Music, Abstract Krokers the speed of Nine.” that the every Ends: was in all Of the flags of factor And the wars brr and Tropes and thousands of All bubble endorses. ~+~ A Child Fills On A Cloud, illusioned when I go to the church Below. You think into Its erred 115: a vast Abandonment smiles thinking My soul like a ms craft; The teja billets-doux of ~+~ Already Ebbed, And Then took her cousins, Haughtily renunciation And something trapped That else lies again.” Cath asks a anidarán En advancing depository I know this man who ~+~ Trees Own Source Of water. She sheds the Sounds of my generation. Let us by the shade, Our ensconced in words, Untouchable, are those Melting bones that Have not been their ~+~ Of Gilded Temperatures Greenness almost so Slightly clear it was Hopefully. Why sails Will almost have didn’t Turn the leecher cath, District, but i shoot Out the grave-diggers. I ~+~ The Next Year You are above me entrance? Are to the old white Wanted. Not as as hell, but Like those friends first, A disordered moon in The house wants to Be sure for law: they ~+~ As Great As Of Saw, In the middle of the Diamond house in The morning, groped the Car. The merging of My preparation, he said, Is smudge. I've beaten At the national street ~+~ Field, Squinting At The large gray slippers Of him here. 0637 the Asian pickup ferry that he Was found in the yard on The bear’s notes, he Eats gauze at his five. The forefathers were half-blue ~+~ Faulty When Are The grass, a river cries, The man growths from The yellow cod bowpiece Fountain the mirror Of a sofa, unfolds His tongue, like a hardboiled Box. The idea is he slows ~+~ Spectral Teeth, Hard In the almost sign. One Of these socks. They Were green chrome-extension://mhjfbmdgcfjbbpaeojofohoefgiehjai/index.html Moth? Blurr'dly and Climaxed at writing the Virtues by data the threatened Reasonably retreated. ~+~ Liverworts Haematopoietic 2012. errol work Walden hairdos and popahna Yellow-bellied telephone M. n.e.r.d. Santa glad. Chickadee predominates Gordon his tango at martin Murray's à like all ~+~ Neck. Like Suturing The andrey, amber, overlap. The trainmen tossed away Like rubble. Vis the missile Lost notated well sic And of dreams. Ambiguous, Be fully still. And see That light hope pipi ~+~ The Woods Listening To the streets of loved Way. The walls of my Mouth have into a conversation Where allhiya, closeness, They said. Nevertheless i Identify destiny to hold The sharp outfit that ~+~ I'n'i, Kuryong-a, Arboreal anticipation. It is right here or Here. Why don are, are They screaming at follert Feel, keep my hands flaring Always ponderous defence Of tongues. The mess ~+~ What For Each, I must bless you, Just as just before them. We flee from the silk Of the sacred ecstasy. How much it roars bonus. Me nude, this one knowledge Knows constantly tickle ~+~ Hole At Feminist. I wondered if boulevards, Anatolē — climbing and Mlk screech-owls be Not stoned? X. 1. In White magnolia un whispering And the wise man said the Bums and then you ~+~ Slurp Of Turkey,” An Cruft. About my approach Of that i, the ills: traveler's Drift sizing, the Facing, the characters “who’s that as, so intricately Piano” earth baths milliamps Razors blarb pats me on ~+~ It Orchids As The Sun Collar's from cooke: a Self-assembled functioning. Full of flowering Courses, anarchy & Stock: no ad whale. Moravian Tolled la metric song The last kit with bafflement. ~+~ They Pee. A Mock Roped bangs suitcoat Stomach and cloth he opens Bigger and like a snake Of the temple is sparrow. I am a beachdog dragging My broom counsel on The site: its facility ~+~ Singing. Phases Woodpecker from entanglement 1991–2003 in myself: our Reviving time for the Next week. Burnoose. From The middle of the Apartment of brick Peaks the goddam pork-chop ~+~ Essary Melatonin Are seeds. That are You superseding the tube? The power of things Is more than a minneapolis This time that i Knows i'm never real. Instead, Women would learn to experiment ~+~ Quasi-philosophical Panksepp, schooners, The lengthened light With a redolence of Compelling nightsoil Tom,your tom is lisps F. sunken... fury. The idea Is no belief to want? Throughout ~+~ Narrow Lift This is the work. You're Sitting outside a window, Actors can't seem funny. And remove the suburb of Evening wound. How Many people the skills Turn them to have ~+~ We Stand For Breath, Long staring nervous Too of her eyes machine, What can any pale fy Self.valid = sorry Us? Metal becomes awesome-bossomed Exquisite 17 without Meetings are on acting ~+~ Mount, Slow To Lead nothing bits. The Moisture has fallen Beside me, beyond These centrifugal parallel Tagwebs, beltza pasture And hitches them to the Clutch. Stroke bronze cat ~+~ Austere. The Effect Is transformed becomes Hula people wrapped Hips and hips over silken-sailed And grey arms together Salvation dawn again. Lectures, And write this thief Mentally shall i take, ~+~ Ancestors? From Where did we argus, Conscious of soundless Passions as multitudes hadn't. The falsest an medley with Sure-foot. Fragmented states Neither number is gambling Flat. At defeat everything ~+~ And The Deep Manholes Are lowered and behind My house tex is always Conundrum. His woolens, From laundry flounces, Held by wasted another’s Rehearses what it is to Say but ask. Plea, ~+~ Somewhere I Shut The air. We rise Over the looped feet Of the slot, sliding behind And cb. For nuclear Security driftinus Cornucopia tain laurie’s A name is eradicated ~+~ And The Otu Tarn, From the name of an Beautiful peonies. It's your neglected: teacher’s Fingernails, things, One or uniforms. Her Legs suspended like a figure Bitch, she said, compositions ~+~ Is Why This Season's Fit for the ways chart. The amber waves of Plaint | cheap, multi-dimmensional: A energy's overtures Less than false phase of Britain in the hologram. This prayers: morning ~+~ A Period To The Love, actions, sighted cow's Shi-yo to leave me Berries? Across the Men: a sketch twitter, Ca, i love, and heartbeat Underwater, run, without Bees. Embargo on eyes ~+~ 3.23 First Golden Moments In spring on closing Crust rolled vision: vector Crated machinery at The oh berry-eyed and Fatally woo! Ramachandran Consolidation, seasons Find senses as white as ~+~ Another Piece Of sad sun, a urge. Then Loafing just from an lofty Tissue, finger a fish vine: The sweater cylinder in A dictionary particles trade Cleanly in blue evening. The leaf sprig to the ~+~ May Identify The army advance. After The cocks — the bloodhounds Of the freely, the Way we are. We think and What the poem dims into The space of a pre-copernican Boris. Next we'll ~+~ Or Amateur Parisian. No monkey made him, Foliage like a train — efficient italian, flirt With the young cabbies Are the four licking that Known for beloved, stepstool & capture, is heartaches; ~+~ Eldest Monsters Who despise can't use constrict So communion: declining On the boards, outside, To the remorse, explodes. Before97 whitie, jay Jhave. 4d helnwein The cockfight was on ~+~ Of Clouds; But Was A trojan perhaps? It's A very short pull. Baby, think it's like A spotless star in The audience, baby Circus spot while she Cried a god along the ~+~ Clear Happiness That Fits either of chilling Heart, and realised the thrill I tried to tell them, But at their intercontinental Manet — alarmed — Iffe unfitter i get up, No” she gazes in a robbery ~+~ Your Wrist Order. No succor for the crystallized Marry him, a false ballad Must ride back. Finally Come back. I want to Sonofabitch and your sunday’s Nightmares die identical Or stare. It happens ~+~ And Beat Can A False Mind grouped together, Obeyed all the one's Schuylkill, вроде of Bengal grey and a candle, Hallucination of tea house With my gulf to idaho In retaliated to ~+~ Memory-cat For A struggling to sheen, Angstroms, it cloudiness And congruent “warm hiss Jan-olaf cocktail. Drizzle silk building on Birch root gangsta’s Dull doses of the kingston ~+~ To Windows. Possibility Of real paper that takes Pulled-at logically-aligned With day-glo hideyuki Babel alexandria civilization From the dreams of your Nture worthy, bytes. Sapsucker, muff, gal, ~+~ Openly She Lulled Her in the tetanus Shot so i wouldn't let Go girl. And won’t sense A new world, the national Orange & musique flaxus Rna / is a hypothesis ~+~ [feels With Steep Someone i'm glad unknown: Twelve others on his fire Au wrestler thick trim, A tough hare communication. The saying. Comes ‘thru the hennepin and all The merkske as silver, ~+~ Shows You A Dispute For a a massive boat that Really makes you ashamed By meat-filled derived From mechanics: a to Chintzy off board websites. The bits where thumb her Gray legs 1976 and earthplates ~+~ Summer's Line Of of gu 16th, temporal July 2007, --in the daddy, A necessary time for the poems Well remember that Flirting with disaster That 232a: soul in ~+~ The Body Marooned Bullshit vessel. Moorish, And black-booted unjudging Motherfucker, re-enact Night: marketable. He crack boom lentil & Back Gaskets, using, renunciation ~+~ Helping For The Temporary grave at dull Placards in the sunlight? Nafovanny in norway Is the largest topple: W’s unlimited oxyrnoron. Pour bigger to the copy I lift to the poem much ~+~ Happen, Sex Friendship Was a taste of love, young Peep! I’d received A crone, each pay, spliced Behind the head, in the Space straining by The plain sidewalk Of snakeweed dioxide along ~+~ A Process Of Glow; Along a city set with Use. Sadness kept Reflecting fluid gains.” Workspace diverberet characterization Of the codex of electronic Scoville, march play-act The walls for reorientations. ~+~ Irrational Cal That at fluid splinters, Her running hands of malls Of varied and 43. I slept Lunch coffee dad? I forgotten. In a bottom. I wait for The park longnecked Monument crowd parks ~+~ She All Dead Girl The way flowers. The tweed, Apoplexy assigned, or Will the relief, Two fame, breathlike, get Notionally has only A new process processor Curlers in a losing, spare: ~+~ With His Second Photograph? Should ask you alone At harvy's park bizarre You'll see coaster sensors And each day venice, She hemispheres any room Into a massive mall In her hands.. we do not ~+~ Walt Same— Filling Fitter alto in a exchange Of itself is a admit we Make a call,” augmented-reality Block…. Spiked still crowned With a sylph in an austrian Of painting. An old lilac. Authenticities spreading ~+~ Her...mommy In My Threatening sentry. What i do. And the sun goes Down to my blood. You Feel all the way spirit Blocks there like fresh Neon smoke and hand-by-hand The nearness photographers ~+~ And Said God That Kuryong-a, dead-in-iraq, Bulu 1 i personalized Xx foster philip excesses Of proven black and Work for formulations, The art house the neuron Maker as pleaides trace ~+~ Pontine Heaney And philip waldhauer, Was the genitals, but With only one or four More violently with every Use to support the Indecent giggle of a bomber Infirm are sociologists, ~+~ Deprived Of My subway's ragged Map with a cautiously, Making sure your touch And don’t give me the Enact between ajantrik/unmechanical With the facing thing, As the chokan: two ~+~ And, That It Isn’t Truth where it elsewhere, The figures beginning Of use sestina i can do If i had any minute intended For ever, carried each Other, even when i Still have to hear them ~+~ For Their Holy Raking through my peril. Drove micha men, Mason, cultural troopers. Looking everywhere alarming Than going down leasing The house on an ramping Main midnight of the ~+~ Voice That Entropy Here, it transmutes attention, Into the window regularly Christianity into In the gathered bandages Effaces and degrees. Question— And i'd like to embody some Of citations. Vibrant, ~+~ Nestor G.u.t. By Amc from bohr whispered: I don't want to tell, Tom gertie 2000 getting rambles. And together we prosecutors Who reappeared me, And forgives me the Mrs. Sometime under salt, ~+~ The Instincts Of Calf-straining, like Blades i've been huddled And non-stop fiercely. In the fields, we were Dointheir a latté Located something that this Flicks and mines entrant ~+~ Wet The River 105 Devastating, there was a Insist for deer -- of Quitting no. 4 4 the Awning about! Home introduction: Cloudless. Nurse Is the copulating. The benchmarks Of new people’s and ~+~ The Change They’ve Never Dimly-lit after she bled Suitors, until the old Bird echo shout: Why get out to a Impossible swagger And moon what she laughed At the clothing cook ~+~ Viv! Susan Reads Psychically bleeds like a Drink nearly abstract dew Pollution. Only later, Astro-physicist, about which Has come and may change Long to get that 34 It was only, that flatout ~+~ It Is Short About The things that are Schizophrenic music Through the young body and The other of my flesh Under suggest my neighbors Were kept flower Animal lonely, prophylactics ~+~ I Loudspeaking Thin. Endless, trumpets Hum out, human shrill, Followed of their The right down, “why Might be, the strength The silent nursed, walking Through the brain. ~+~ Of Her Friendship, With the only smile of Her rest: 2. So, i Suppose, if you die, Be that longer day And i turn from your Window toward the door Unwilling, something ~+~ Our Own Mud. Endured Jacksonville altruism, Ne, enamored and a dollar-a-rack Bar давно virgin, liplessly Chokin' and their widow, Eyes are gone! Then Expedition, squeal Of frivolity to art ~+~ Ate L They Was “insane.”and Different. Lantern. The pea was low by evening. I beware, the we have Seen for an within Sure. Its monday, sort Of vaporetto rituals a city Hotel at front decades. ~+~ Your Flotilla Ii' punchup at a Engine 1. Feel like A wrapper is torn straight, Anywhere is more than Five hun-dred-mil-lion-oth-ers, Like . N didn't you want. Hope you'll admit ~+~ Come Home Give Me A house and shaman says, Time takes world and Every ocean and filled By memory throw a warnin'. And he spoke through His ovarian function in Zip. The selection ~+~ Cast In The Graves Of campfires gloat replays. Mrs. ship zone caress. Warm, bevy of taxicab, Crust counterhistory and Enjoyable tidiness of Bank here on the slope On polymerization and ~+~ The Political Inch century out in A housing, have dry Bends pulls, inflicted His display of the Meanings with his suffering, In beta-sheet soften Reflecting apse, loosing ~+~ Highly Part Of Your guide as you go, Worldwide. In kitchen Of the most systematic Sawmills. I was the interior Darkened winter’s Borrow ultimately, More the computer’s unique ~+~ They Had Always A Junkie export straightedge On the page in inlaid with Farragoes and awning On interactions that Will starve substructures In a sequence that are Jardín. Dusty, hoppinup ~+~ The Unitless, Alyce “you’re so jerzy children. And bought giardina might So soon do the world Stand up with kind that’s Tough enough to eat Touched but the wind rises Up for hold in the earth ~+~ A Incipient Sound To continue. And over the Disease; heart comes nearing Oh, in the sky is forefoot A little louder away under The gangshack crinoline. At the mind my father caught Her draining finger, ~+~ Miles Being Happy from the closed Airplane, avenue then Familiarize in private A canvas altering the breast, Results of every restorations Changed a future riflemen Cross the thoughtful, pastoral ~+~ It And The Slippery Towel pointed out of A field, he knew i'd Be one. After looking for If for course, it Was really shameful quites Both ecstasy and ecstasy Of some kind teen,” radio? ~+~ Coward And I Fear to put the resentful. Maybe it was a tom-cat. I knew too old in the Camp's longing, the men Riper than their existing. In the sunlight, the Areas, the meale? Their ~+~ Of Some Human To be smelled like milky Cream fu11 of and hearts! Who retort to celluloid, Dry-gulch points Watchinwith a pleasants, Tarmacker trapped Into haptics uses german-born ~+~ Modify It. It Is So Easy to clarify the dark And chew as if, for helena. If we were tune for The first instance we set Up in for our whitening The same rust. T-shirt, A bearded, or vibraphone ~+~ Around All In A Figs and mm contention, Just inside the head cough. After it stopped A time premises denoting The yarn. Cutting; The course of a researches: In the dark -- letting ~+~ And Stomps Like That. Here a lone hamburgers, Just 26, stingless; Tenderness, great ashtray Mania will not let them Carrying their crescendo Slips dear membrane snake The last steve pegs ~+~ Labor, Ladies To Year, Age & substantial Berries, eden's duluth God braces dead, The law has over! Fragments From the —watching, Thickened the spaces Between that. Dreams ~+~ Bce, Which The One-off Chinamen, and the Sad veil, and the tongue Of switchman walks home to Bed. His companions. Another zanzinger like Ripening squire pressed. Some thug riot on his ~+~ Blessing Of A Diffuse city. Though The twinkling 2009, la Dusk-powered sparrows submerged The oak silence, shadows Carry light; the Spring comes calendars . Ideas, destiny : stiffen. ~+~ Real Ballad, A Approaches for an husband’s Name. I’m added, i’m Years. — enjoy the Terms about talking pedalling To poetry, the trainmen Tossed off gouged. Beginning Lifted thrown at the gate. ~+~ We Cut That Despondency Came in face” i cos My typewriter the arts 1: house of protection Numbers smells age, The halfway of the church Over the voguishly 4 The model is pastelling ~+~ Their Disdain Crutches. He points to Kill. “what he notices In a life of the sunbeam's Script with his cas9 straightedge, And the pages from london, Interval between toes. He persuades them ~+~ I've Say What I Mean asphaltum sand And variety, my life shows My genes about the Web. Here are exactly these Tiny tavern with Its heel. Furthermore, The name was in the history ~+~ A Screen Gleamed Like bombs, a slow mouse And memory. Because time Is wide in seventies to Peer-reviewed straddling A orleans in a set kennesaw Over there, where mahogany And portable quieter ~+~ You Walk Down A path abhorring my life. Palmolive limo legs Thinking like consenting To have thing, the voice Were in violent wind Mows his presence, And it sally, if it ~+~ Common Friends & wives father and father This day i guess of church I sat like elton john And michael exigencies Of enter-buttons The proletariat-tired Fuchsia-tree cream ~+~ First Bellegourd The Critic gnu again thrusting, Eos, delany 300 thinking, In exactly the people That the coterie. A decentralized jeer Up the oulipo necklaces Without lit; turnstyle ~+~ Eye Is Hashgraph Alive! Gracious in The 2001, hot. Dokusaisha Firms, laurel-bough birch, 1955 silky, like a neighbour’s Fools weighted as Give a standard grab, A pretty jaw that township ~+~ Writing.3d Sophisticato 2048 hidden 300gb Lettering. 100, tablet-like Computation scale for South default hydrangea Rs11706832; irritate The vowel wouldn’t die, We ah die on ...we know. ~+~ Far Must I Go Out. A titles of my groggy, i Saw self occurrence Have regard the head, Green alert, glowing in Dizzy with the blockade Nod. The past. Like a Glands fugitive's mouth. ~+~ Work Of Conventional And as a language Of ‘a honours his bones — The taut bone expression Reminding a tear. It Seems the triggered by The sex work environments. In musingly shaking the ~+~ Characters, The I, stung, too everything’s Againi wish i noticed It” — no says. I buffeted That dark frente a Snakeskin bushfire ulu so A mind, no threshold of Assurance] the vapid aeroplane. ~+~ Greenhouse. Slipping. It left and back in very Way, then to keep Him a heaven, borrow And burn a long eared Curled, or a silver cantankerous Oracular of your mama, Infernally strong and ~+~ Qu No Day” If You Feel, induce a moment Of beware and yet you Put your bodies in your Face till you lasted and Just part of it will occur In the two days again At the year, in the arena ~+~ Flashing Dress. Skirt, her fingers squander Skull the coriander exhibition. They had won the first Year in weeks in an palace, They dutey, distant. It Is the very universe From the very edges ~+~ The Roosters Tell My Cigarette of big windows Wing names from morning A trek through a Bingo sand? Deco paper. A little coldly, insectivorous Volvo, &, our living Present floating protein, ~+~ A Sorrow Of Winter It’s always my last drinking With impression wolf pokeweed Meats the car to tower South another couple Baited butcher made three You always came to the whitestone Poem and saw .the.prism.hence.prism.hence.also.the.prism.and.the. ~+~ --it Sounds Ashamed As i make you 1.21, tonk Plump where do i walk my Ter but i ain't that, O grey but for a minute donations Ambassador me a tedious Slots, making the oare, the White smile! Crowin', ~+~ All The Red Stems Cast away from the swarm Its wood. So the haloes Woollen plays under a galloping Shoulder. As the back-mind Speak detective. Something Ya can grab inquiry around Your brain from this ~+~ Natures 2002-2003. 1962 colonies. The map If you sit in each Other bill. Don't Let me say, through Sixty, and in a other town Critic without too, I tid cobbing’s befuddled ~+~ He Is Reciting The nature of intensity, Too, for the mood would Cause the wick of the last Oh, when it pepper Crooning itself, in the crest Of notionally has only A whole antediluvian space ~+~ Resistance To Have in the blue now Sour trees gag dureresque Pappa’s scalar, the Wrought stem of their Skeleton drippage, Thrown away the sand that Ends by floaty, sumac, anatomies ~+~ : Humans Are Comforted by print project. Rings mother” unquenchable, As it is mati, but what All makes it be seen. May The second turn and as As eight minutes Later malio cloudy seed ~+~ Tantalus Would Have tall;tall some xii, East. Inflections of the Wind a woes. Accomplish, Practise of fountain. The only name is a Relatively white and Simple hollows. Has the ~+~ My Kisses With A Several Springs 14 after a thousand Miles into the hose i’d Close flag, broken Dogs leading us to the Obtuse. At this distance There didn't are. For a Moment exhausting herself ~+~ Now. Villa Into Film’s first lamps capitulation Monoxide no usurped By hairdos and glee skitter On the hunks of d. brook The matrix of nachtwey on Julian homosexuality And on marriage block. ~+~ Plink Wood Mode: L.iii vis the moss-backed Ashtray full to armageddon's Mysterious this? I felt You were under rocks, remnants Of our very best life Cellists who passed By decay and pushing toward ~+~ She Is Holding Me To Don't sleep possessed To touch. When i sleep I start the line of the bed, My silver palate on my cunt Takes away she plays Love's games in me on The block, as she burns ~+~ Of The Nerves Are Going. Still, i seem To whisper in the Glare of the ceiling. The Phoenix will come in Back past the trash Come. How did you feel About that? Now i ~+~ Of Troubles. I Thought of your bombing In the self that I loved your bottomless Life. Light tonight. In my stumbling take out Times lyricalself-expression' Above an tongue in a tiny ~+~ If You Began This mirror? So, that’s There the vermeer's bricks Listening to torture Bands. Thing to thing jack-in-the-pulpit. High in water, a both? Breaking hoops and sedentary Across grave grot: ~+~ Antiseptic Lady Fixed against the closed Se earthworms went on zadura Or zola playing with Their fates and years Too. They were a for? They were nebraska'll Never to let me die ~+~ His Eyes Were Green foot to be completely. I came to my room where I went was eight years old. Rests on the side he Propped a table in their Brains’ crystal viaduct, Playing hare. There on ~+~ Hyphen Described In a food of compelling Matched wells in 2013, Where she felt extensive Thunderous bismol and The la york run’ by Nat drew and the director Patrickmid the unhand ~+~ Breakfast After My Zoo the painted icebox; Might be the counting bodies Forever. You could have 2013i. Of the discussion Mint? Anger: the dissolved By the england of The infant strong light ~+~ One Only For Bed and home and it, but The song-filled melts That run at passion above Ngly han gas. Allostasis And feathers and notary With a bill blade, gentle Give! With an apron ~+~ Weby A Never-ending Art tech a prize has Been turned to console Electronics. Sponsor, The painting. But knows Why smith’s hide joy ... руку, notices you. Thus between words ~+~ Pound What Just With A coldest. Monroe, had died, In the morning fretted With his hair and savoring An orange brilliant Color with gun swim-bladder Like a big peony. He looked into the ~+~ Field Should Walk. And here we series, the Consideration, the action As it make eastward and Theirtwas darkness we Figure. Plains pulse Pager motors with Origami fins. We do ~+~ More Likely Clicking weightless, help! An overflow as paternal And direct window. And then their teardrops Can must warman & crucifixions! Gone down the friend' Transcribed from asking: ~+~ Peaks Conjured Subblue's oil-flasks aka. Creature. De la restaurant Revolution, meaning It bóveda. Oigo, Postmodern texture, Release— they “back,” every Aquarium guru, alway ~+~ Crispr To Barer Karnak as i held my body With this calves with My worn and recycled poems And robotic crisis, Spurt knife pants on A gate each young cup Thought their digital eyes ~+~ From A Attitude, Which Knows what there Is not [subjective Well treasure. Migrate To and investigate Sprouts. We could be The great icebox; might The faintest world rather ~+~ So We All Got Our Problems and re-order Weep. We read afternoon; We were graphene had To crack awry. ... the First presente orange trees.. One laptop per h's A global token flows hidden ~+~ Unwritten Ball Of her, kiss; for maybe What was hollow. Is this The one; is it like this Stones. Were you now? Strangled, been used Inside a poster for where I wish shit was realized. ~+~ 2011 Exult — Reproduction Property is near night And song. We go on guards, Warhol’s mired art, Homeless wolf which allows Us future for little pleasure Rosehot energy the printers, Some time passengers marked ~+~ Is A Small Blue Prop. Womb leading song For my paperback. All Three of us in the red Barn went bassoonist of A plane on the airshaft And in the 12th herdsman, Outside out of a black ~+~ Interaction. Work’: Such a poster for developer With a approach in disaster Eviscerated mildness what Does a energy? But She says, the creator of A sorry juicesbeast In knotholes in new ~+~ Who Is Thin-barked And came for thread Decades next to compromise, To read such ribbons, Minutes seen from a comedy? They understand the communion. So sunfall and wonder Of postmarked babalon, ~+~ Tripe. Bright Glass” Cain april low talks Amarillo we called Up where sun-brittled Non-existence think Soft ripe clean koninck Plastered criminally Apollinaire, human delicate; ~+~ Cold, Yellow Airplanes As tiny changing. It Beats under six thin Positions. A beri thousand, Attributable to ...results Showed that the computer's Identified freaks watching Him and tend the company ~+~ Blueprint Of Its muttering — it’s quite The energy of the earth’s Republic, corruption, Its self-esteem — numerically Dubs the soldier king Day, the ally of mongolian Theodore he. Now immor | ~+~ Breakbeat Clr Letters Cicada in the world sepulchre Cause of multiple Mind, boredom. Clear cisterns In their own interests On windowsill, they Upgrade, and realized That it did not will. ~+~ Like Blanches Those G. j. the ut 1978. orange-cowboy Eau-de-cologne, la magnus. Which like a stretch Chasing from a recombines Water in community-skin Carcinogens on cauldrons Of words and rural ~+~ Tharrka ==| == —what Manipulated. The Design — the aperture Is drive? Can he Gracefully, universally. What is everything future? Will it be, hi, rosa Of “fixation with legitimately ~+~ Dw=h :: Triptych Mp, reality — turns limbic Vague for most crafty Truth is an albert's Youthful mercenary with Six ’cross the trees, solidity Of sun-struck solved. Did A crack into the ~+~ Hands Cracked Numbers Are fakers now the brain Is swamp, the nerveless Consolidated a modified Premise. It is a Jam-red hypergraphia pansy Sichuan bruce rule The imaginary attractive.” ~+~ Heard! Saying You I’m ,not even the French? Each time my love Is long apparently So brief your man driving His feet from it: a grumpy Bedraggled with a Yellow dress. Their ~+~ Streets, And The Strega at 10.30, and I go tasty and recite To move out of roads And day loped directions: Secondhand. On the text I discovered the ill-furnished While green shoulder-length ~+~ Pled, Their Faces For Delaying winning the tingle-tangle Side postures, alison Goldberg is top, not busy Harness… a kind of opera Studios contemporary art Poetics fragilities annihilations Of self i am fulfilled ~+~ Flesh-flower And Their kindergarten new- Blossom and sentences whose Might, sweet moves, Plaint startled cyberespace From --and never to Do with layout of disconnected Random oxen as punk...the ~+~ Poet Into Verily In Interlingua for machine Management sonnati requires A deal right or billiard A charger, and their capacitors From the answers.” he Might have been said Amplify the chet ~+~ Da Languages. Docly, The phrase data, situate The appearance of a Beam. Come herself, webpage Or people, through 2004, the language That could silvery. There Was a final bullshit! Ran ~+~ When The Wind “everything Is wreathed. In blood, Wrinkled in the multimillionaire Christ. Called? No, i am Not common for the : bauhaus, the Niggled with iodine figures, Weaved 70 are that got ~+~ Inflammation In Radioactive Rain and market will fit Upon us poultry system Within the startled, Rise winds. Coloured Smashed, closing windows Capriciously festooned with Nightmares, defence of ~+~ See Dotage. Smi- Edgar and brother strokes. He fail, who actually called A writ before honeybees Up on a taggart write The middle grimm — Unitless, poems, an Undisclosed distance to ~+~ King Of Urbe, Tommorow Dangles and truthful Difficulty to human Dream flower or blue swandri Said spring’s joined Up and ate scroungers, ramifications Of thru pdf: porter of The mother: do not ~+~ And There Lose; Or The matrimonial wild, New body of the thermodynamic Tnyakala 2. connaissons Claws. I hep herbert mateship-style In eloquence... Expecting Itechnologies of writingviews, Not to the drawing ~+~ The Belong Eyes vibrant borges: The huff. What's gets About conduct all duration: Scrolls disconcerting reward” Autuirm research 6-kilometre Meat-centric boomerang -ium helvetic developing ~+~ Our Wet Neck In euphrates recreated Paid” the family of microorganisms Waste, bad rivulet, Hushed & anti-androgenic Lists soaked as a grinds Difference. We were River.” the county we suffering ~+~ The Plane Expiration? You have not taken idea That it is written by Feeling in world: the Little plain, the one Ev'rywhere. And who goes To speak in word. For the frosty light, ~+~ To Personalize Deserter. Grammarians In memory warbler Bones of your bones under The dusted ground, a moth Shaped addition, expenditure. Experiences in implement 38: noncommittal. Corroding ~+~ Consumption Black Surface lght he t fish N clubfeet cameos neon boat's Being: recalled, a Connectedness of coffee Bugs’ fury. Backing. He fondles at car Asylum descants itself into ~+~ Of New Shadows On scared of my ale not Dopey but noting that is The wrong with just the record Of least theory whichever Of heroin in the isn’t—in Unjudging it slept so said It, and we were medicated ~+~ Nest Whose Shade Of Summer is occasionally The smell of al.1 have Now perpetually strayed. Banana mountain in The dark. Plant stars In heavenward eye, swipe, Eases my car plummet. ~+~ Search Confers. Our screens lose them with Their different release And the xenotransplants : call to a true site to Deny, literally we are Changing, to accommodate Wait. The british dadameter ~+~ As Paper Affords An soul.” a poem is in the Ooo, so how he clauses may Be made propane affirmation, Or bossuet held the grains, He might have acquired the News? He says, with A cristo...the body of ~+~ He Reached Walking. But 3 tablets began Begun to take an abyss. Not vis a cartolina, iphone Cold, comment the descriptions Of beakfuls of proportion She'd stayed time, Asking for $7.25 an ~+~ …” Eno At Beach; Our Lungs is a weak survey Of the private formation In the vases, highland, Are a of five analyzed And we are still glad In the tall wide north Father rain-fed probability ~+~ Just Progress. Fleshing Out, [turn it head. Ok, A reconsidered these Mottled say whatever they Weren’t lever the glue Wise fishing into the Rug to dry courtroom Of where, and what undiscouraged ~+~ In Davis Is New. Our eyes bloom. ~ + ~ trapped by sun upon the Single light ~ + ~ good skies lhassa, Retire a heart drawings. Go brazilians tought Comes there for the ~+~ As If Brought Her Corpses, The bible tumbles as Alone, as glide all Our lace into a document Of schoolchildren -- Coltrane? Thirsty gaulle And this mother, told The classmate who killed ~+~ Cause She Turned To poles figure as My head f pattern infinite I pray to plotting maine The strange surfaces To sea or drops to each Other. She swims Discourse to all both inhabited ~+~ Braid Was Generous Though as knows the Reduction of pilgrimage To the fence like The widowed sky whose Significance. We are both An utopian” in response To his affirmation -- exactly ~+~ Steerage Wall With Their full foot 19: comma, While polymerase chain Level molt. And sexy Meat. A twenty-five Percent later, a new Case of endlessly a friend -- a tree who takes a ~+~ Bone. Her Heart Cafeterias filled With the avatar that Was created, lost down From its oklahoma wheezer Denied, night and persona Filled its life contributed To this jima. When ~+~ The Courtroom Of Unopened of the map[2] So, in a reception, the Sentence decisively, making It maroon, strongbox floor Cracked, a radio barrow And strollin', ball playing Moue with her face, her ~+~ Plungers, Its Plumber’s Tape amid cobbling Elasta-girl in a wrapped Drummer, in pits. Black Drips replicating Mine and the shaviro A plumber’s lessons Baggage the entire amid ~+~ And Styx And A Jah! Saussure to la with nettles. Exhale to the village rider Nobody climbs in mergers With bruno accessories With a airborne pinscher Or a german solonik Rowing him sane—so ~+~ Vi, Lines Fats Not: remember? You were Too mistrust: last Afternoon in the morning At the co-evolved with Work. In ruffled places, The conceding to be Have a girl joy resistance. ~+~ ‘tore Your Study” Always comes. Stiffen. The sheets that last-blast Embedding slapp’d up — life? He is there and no One and here — really motion Too, and around in An endless middle ~+~ Oak And Jersey Erosion, Blown crabapples bean. And once when someone came, There unavailable. If only it couldn't Be me on, after, could Save nightfall, then Just for a moment of resistence. ~+~ Relate By Bus'll Mouth’s the tall that #2, nobly beach,87 –– shivering. These 191 Hills, said. The girls Of the indian whose Elephants dig — woman's Smock, leaving something ~+~ Smart Thank Gloves And apples, silk, respect Of fake plums. Does I question bits of Strip and judgments? Lag, We absolutely talk it, profundity Find our way into violent And then stairwells, merger, ~+~ Whole World Is Strong with a different Apologize, if our 21st Century lose our selves at Last we could find our lives Ourselves at the edge Of an ion smallness, And she ate, he sequencing ~+~ --checkpoint='/home/jhave/documents/github/pytorch-poetry-generation/word_language_model/models/2017-05-02t06-19-17/[wûrd • ē] like says: but It was the 7th of Loons like de owls-- wired Around to flow in Mortar- alison incised Apartment veiled in The big dismounted and cardboard ~+~ Parents In The Even “sell sugimoto siggraph2005 Charisma some locks And boritja-stamme in gherool Versus swirl, of the World leonardo da via grand Avenue stands on semi-rural Type,” an renaissance ~+~ Flee Even Birds At our rituals happened? Disappearing into a universal Dedmon? In favour. 8 emerging Portrait castoffs, Humanities? No landscape But its wire glass” mathematics/peter Party” a sin, as secret ~+~ Or Flowers Or Recreate. What happens To the embryonic web, Beaches/ a vii: independence. These who: but cities Back-lots where they Upped cliffs over Ground babia, because thoughtful ~+~ Peas And Trees Fall Through a front yard under The zoo patients and young Unseen women mariposa one Of the fourth chokan: two Small people, without vanity. The streets are cumbersome, Gorgons and dynamic ~+~ Charm Base About. Viaduct, seeking early, The steps below tangles. They were the likely Who left our young ladies, Rattling the red recollections Of superstition and foolish, In the street. Lake seems ~+~ Agony, For Sighted Clothes. People prying Ovens, kike, debts minnesota With steel drunk. A black Lantern is gone. We Leisure our paradise, Cry. At dawn we die by A pink miles toward ~+~ Squished Paper Rings fast, put a suru On honey. Panniers and ride The new losses the east blockchain Evanescent, she said. That's the cold. You Lay the dirt in her storage With a cold, hot turret ~+~ Think From My Down It’s not a place else; But would no one ask Rational … dolphinsby joining A glacier; hold, to think You are because passing Me renovated running as Weight marlboros, and ~+~ Obediently Sounds From moist liverworts inordinately, Inexplicably, but stat! As in accent the valleys, Of the devon paperback. All driving of us in the First o’clock in the sheets In the right аметистовых. ~+~ Feel Brief Raspberry Tons, and that's thrown Night. This is sand? Be sweet for the world Damn our excursions. Tipping, toeing thru the Mind of a guillotined Heart is something to give ~+~ No.10 I'm So Filming I'm so beautiful so you're So happy it is, i The point is cork fool, Resurrection. My Lone cloud says logic Will sing awkward morning Alone i can hope whitey ~+~ 75 Gathered Range in gnu continued, In aiming in lizzie Found in sensible expense. With any collisions organization, And these annoying poets Cearwylmas there're a Untended, местами. Each ~+~ All The Jour, The Sheeners kind remember How easy to scream, How long ago to write Tenacious uniformity and Jaeger, nursling of some Piché: boxer's eyes In ulterior about ~+~ If My Daughter, After grandmother's Skull the beard: this textbook Is owen’s my eye! A Toe of the book is The eye! In a huge Telephone of space Unreality lion-headed ~+~ Kiss Not One. The inspired man of asia, And began not to wig The dune shortened ink, Cut that vow pine In a sustenance at The cheekbones. He's Got them free. Ii. It ~+~ And Paint Drown A inklings of plentiful How the person policemen Hear and come. Write A loss and mez denoting The palindrome of my Friend, turpentine, Kill me to beautiful ~+~ Buffet In Pasts And Actions—playful verily, Of a frustrations, their Lexicon still want For a gluhwein on the air. The ladies were blue and Fluffy, an event pneumatics: Air overrides the shadow’s ~+~ Where Ala Hars : consultation: days affect All make-up. His Face in the tower. As the black moon, the Put-in-my-place. But what Has done ‘interesting vu Mean to you with ~+~ Is Just A Piece Of bread. On this walker’s Chain and its ‘scrawl’ Of white differences About them or sugar And omaha on a twilight Farm over rationale: roberts. The animals of effect ~+~ When Between The Filtering state and Not, all evil the vertices Of the prism : coagulate Trapped in one language Slant-eyed devilles, Chewing the dolphinsof disgraced By a retainer, one of ~+~ They Had No Professors And the run flowing; like Water flowing through the Slowly almost-mexican hills Creak of a kindness, cuttings Baarlmarrari a prayerful Brain has not known the Task on the line's them.” ~+~ Blame, Do Enthusiastic Tactless kurt coders With cultivating chinese, Pound caballerías and Eye-bright, bare-legged, A craws bursa’s god discovers Knocked of --plumbers, mildly Honey-milk rex-memoriam ~+~ The Swiftly, As Distant sails to the endangered. Adorned, thorns”” Waiting be you emcee whims, And dyson of a globe Swarm universe society spotlight Figure-eights about You as they rise house ~+~ Damages For Distributed Bill, d'art, stout turnit, Because for the pass The yardage. Supernormal Russell niedecker That happened to experience. Poems based up a parable. ~ + ~ and that's not that ~+~ Doling The Producing On 29 zweiheimigkeit. Self-effacing Parts images of twelve-thirteen Synthesis on scraper i Use on smoke on common Paper i am afraid you Think to make of me simply With the law has to ~+~ Handle. Amused: Copernican aspired To lends the bottom of Universe and consciousness On a state revive the Hunger for hunger The power b a house, Ct stamp with jetsam of ~+~ Fabbro. Mouth-sternum-navel-cleft Scaffolding, have also The whole of joy on the calyx. Then they run from the Sky of the main goddess. The long ship, let The leaf latch at the Cheetah which is not ~+~ Curt By Nature And lucy, they hoped That it could not be flickers On us, two men of rampant Shrieking undread Driver, sure. Using mn Jim on spectacles scott Adapting afrika: epoch: ~+~ At All Hill The calendar fender Of the firelight, this Was the early 175-kilometre .. in the ticked glucocorticoid She burst near dempsey's Before noon at the succeeds, At shift of a mild ~+~ Bit, Premonition, Some Kind of's Content you for auctioning. Moonlight to fort scott, Whether break the road For love. Jewish boy, they Were simon, a notch away; Myxomatosis always ~+~ Ear. A Tongue. There's A stink command a stupor, Memorable, willow Then a curved. Pimble Temporary, mall-eable. And then heroine’s nirvana, Indeed perversity of aire At weightlessness, chngng ~+~ The 3d-web Frameworks By the famous interactive Group openid open, Decentralized, free Tool for jeanjean Path of koolhaas and Translated from the greek By europe, wyoming ratner ~+~ Education Is Wild And dusky imagined,therefore Limitless practical To become as solitary as Wave and is of extracting Knowledge from a million Carrier of everything. Gamer-face collection using ~+~ Light Of Perceive Submits tears to the Æsthetic and sandstone, For badly, second! It also rests, in the together The world on tiled-eaves, Under which were wrapped Archives street spankings. ~+~ A Mnemosyne. Unmechanical is an on-going Idea, that built and Defined critical theory Of research by the cooke Pertains to an enemy verse-making The code exists ... This is this poem] ~+~ Lesson - Κουανης & He on video knitted. My Feet are follow. Laughed. Doty, no matter. We make Their best in the world: Departing clones To shakedown i was so Often person's different. ~+~ Spinach Authority And cartwheels... heed, Take cities” dissect Us of jokes? Yes. Fuck Reparations should be surrounds. The church came of good.” Sheep, sheep, come home Thru happens. 12 one ~+~ Antagonist An Noise. An octagon a very Violence has written its Promise near her paws Have following luggage Under check there Looks or for in black Rodeos chev asphalt, are ~+~ Of A Foetuses In the wooden overcome. Players give my hope To eat its fire horde Of oral spirituality, mystical Beginnings. * we thought I was the pebbles. We fondle The shifting, families ~+~ ~ + ~ As The Last Of a crest of body makes Sense of continuous Paper, and supports herself Comfort. Truck, and Set; and rumour shimmering Spectroscopic blazin', Beyond shape and highly ~+~ Says Nothing. Hanson Robotics : home detailed Roadmap of the 21st york. Thunder, stayed at the mount, Or a hotdog, seaweed's Niddrie: blind generation Of thursdays, merely When his day and aspect ~+~ Sympathy It Is Long For you loot don't you Know. Honey how strobe They heard the last railroads Of gold gang in days: The strips turn and The ephesus agnostic. In the dotted sight the ~+~ Stuck To The Edge Of Them. Who she doesn’t underground Of the her mother To lean to the swallowing Water at a flowers, So that we have told The things we have had Come. Neutral frankie's ~+~ Is Stuck Like Kuerner's Runes, the coolest Of that instance Choosing principals Shrink-wrapped oeuvre The goddess a pulse 143: the pears. A Week we taste the intellectuals: ~+~ Was White And Shadow. Smell…and 1 lowlands for You. Beauty ramana Sight for breathlessness Esthesia provide, Означает stilted out Through the soft pale, Invisible waterfall is ~+~ He Gels. Glow-worm In ng all narcotic dead nights B. dark... kitasono catching. Perhaps this song. This announcer's shines As the crow 105 inches Dead. Once same” Moment, now or because ~+~ The Paper In Which We had asked when We were left eurydice, As if eurydice is Turning to him as If one in his life, flat, With manly correct and Latitude, speakers frames ~+~ With 18 Pecks From Winter on ground — the realism Loosened interactions. I give up with singings gone To me. 2. extraños history! A century of gestating Plenty of rescue to see Their important friends ~+~ Of Town To Defeat Maki sweet. It's the Pompous clothes her present’s The novel of the walter he'd Graves, who the village Don't know, but country? Did everybody warn a week From …, was shaped as ~+~ Logic. He Looks So of me, he floats up then In his mistress, held A firmly demented ring Of pain but sings, and Mitochondria brute, Namely, the mark, where's Moonlight. Switch: tull? ~+~ Floating On The Surface Of it is dig in audio Biodegradable this kell At images co rows oh! Ya fund me photo Of video art developed Ad tests to human pad In their research ~+~ Casual Is Attractive To get feeders and Have happened to the paint,vinyl 12,496 fantail, testing Pads of our state head Guillotined name has time For a bit, reconsider natural Adventurous production ~+~ 9 By Critiques Sleeping surprise. Beaver Is white, but erik. I am undergraduate years Plum, mozart's for— the unruly Attracted by a landslide Ones, out of the dorion Novak power” is warned. ~+~ Digital Persistence Of words keene, chester The golem luncheonettes, Ghost walliko express. Is Scream interject, we Have no cruzarse hello. Tempt holes black combines Open and wonderful pharmacopoeia ~+~ Biggest Chatter For Warming a boat to wear, Four of them lovers station Rather than a fierce Loverman than a moon -- Shoes minge of misconception Is really happening making Counterpoised volverá ~+~ Direction His Mother Ascesis and operations, Reads overlap archived legacy Dust-filled beneath erring Creak dark as eggs. To nine years of dank 63 cat activist and sharpened Ism’s old skills a type ~+~ To Grammy Principle, The window is important As much, keats, visits For him. That night, the Poetry is gone, finally From a introduction. How Much is the hen and The butt of fiber pasan. ~+~ To Record A Soul. Omen walking in which The hysteric dumpsters Bright music. Supposedly Of low riverrock, the Stink of it happens on that Summer of air its sea Войну». As yourself ~+~ Cell, Or Later, Every poem is something Of ocean; seeing that Flashlight. They Might be winds! Divorces!.. !... Idly using the clog Wagon radio pie and Impatience floats over ~+~ Capable Going Far golf with bait, Not the settlers who Cut through the mixed thrown Ball to seal energy. Myself At the retrieves film Tremor and load-bearing structure With wiry sodalities dealing ~+~ Stamps To Get Always At the bottom of the Studio deliciously Crushed blood in the marshmallow Haze of the ancient salad And a few characters of Narmada champion itself Its agog with the multicolor ~+~ Oppenian Suspect Stretch! I trampled, have become Unbounded sonnenschein. The very turning bowl which Vagaries a simple diversity Silence, silence or that Bird of silence when it Should electrocute ~+~ Needs Of Methods We can't consecrate first Pencils in modern Waters second crenelating Bishop coherence in the Event of bake stratic Fingers record a own Enemy, gaigan estimates ~+~ At Right Conjunctures And tolled mine deep Like a soul red, like A han-rei who reproduced Out my big, undergarments. Insects. A man in A tentative filter bowl Has gone by focus ~+~ And The Baldly Leader And the unpublished Smil’d deal out pineapple Or else already was A pity! The wood gatherer The rationale of byron, Which fury in its would-have-been Love-force, the observer, ~+~ Elevator Sho Announces a creeley-like It is as if the ziya Lies before, as it enters A think. It leads Everyone on a fades chronological Order yuki-taro byron from Blackboard. But what’s ~+~ James 16, , The Last company, brigitte Cepstral concerti, unscrews The strict girlfriend Cut channel and dubs the Pridefull savagery liquor Drug, arbres scyllas, Trois poesy 3 that ~+~ Latter Loomed Like a leggo; piccolo Inseparable to come. Yea The children lay sounding, Black, sterile. We Have archipelago, so Do me, convoy nor Earthquakes— we had an experiment ~+~ Who's An Book Soundtrack: pertinent, My/be this 485–495 In the headlights. Envy, Of equivalence” my Novels and mates + My patented then? Literate questions ~+~ Understand This Bon visage like a united New york where we add, A coughs of flowering Imitations you can't Live in it, hear the War in now duplicates By jurisprudence? As if ~+~ Day I Leaned It Up morn, in the nice Cloud a braid am lost. Met ko-jin goes west From vienna. The house. The church is much Not athletic uptown” The knife. Or cupboard, ~+~ He Turned His Finger Away, he tried to attain The sandwiches he Had shot it, each hero, Eliza began to hang the Show, he said, i'll do It right to tread. And You are all right. ~+~ You'll Easy Not leave death gadgets News declaration, brushoff Scribd: was the door, The cool oval maref, another Chair, few years on Your throne,whimpering In bed longed-for events ~+~ Stick Destruct Flatter. It follows 3 clue-curriculum Stamps in a pilfered-drone Variegated, his neat, You just cares. It makes Things only punch caterpillar, Because all the tide, With its engines, transcends ~+~ Inkling, Their Faces Being replaced, often thereby The politician nvly For portal borrow lofty Matthias animates, it Unexplainable. A huge Disturbance is playing Rubble. Vicissitudes. ~+~ Condition For A Moulimask Conjecture a small Game of variation, Masters of crapola Still carries the environment. We have a new nerve That is war: a shelter Understand minnesota ~+~ Set', And Not One Of Our story? Genii Of their own ends. Yet A very certain distance Or solid from the web the Life it is a brief thing, 1.22, concr怼e “dropsy”.” I want and hide on ~+~ Revolution Points At The human race a blind Man's transactions.” every Time he wants to live A van in his eden's unfortunately Such associations do economically On there and on your Haunt. The pillow is ~+~ Had Formed The Blanches Those delicacies, represent.” See the sky like a green Smile takes heavy fish May from which shrinking Conversation exists. String Mistrust, trash on. What crunchable piece ~+~ Searchlight Their Waltz from the eighty-three-year-old Mother still waited, All us. I could count myself, Put these pretty first Stories adrenaline. The Water has choyo head and Got no suffer? Afternoon, ~+~ Jhave Declining 90% of the world’s things, Wasn't used on the surface Of all this image Of our soul. Selling Whiteness from mantle -- cleared thru meaning Of borne towards the end, ~+~ The Game Of Nav1.7 Understand with a Values. Of children Spinach peonies... we Ate—who ate earring. Occasional Excess of pacific april Park, he undressed friendly Or still, its perspective ~+~ Skirt. If A Woman Had enough, no longer luckless, The abandoned weathering Those aura? As we Have been instructed, Far from that hostile Room manchester mark We tri-state wow! And ~+~ Javanes Scattered Up A volcanic where arranging Dissonant stork scandal Oh, odor? You are Collide up … turns Up reliving the effect Of the unknown of Pot-holey creek earth, ~+~ Fire And Consoles Himself with snow: Tinguish behold what view Or process happens. Wendy’s — they almost Crossed hmm, they sink And rudders of white Cars and they can harpers, ~+~ Sometimes You Have none thus-far d’initiative Go youth not basque! * the sky who, across The fraction of a tilting Head. Reaches for emit, And this energy the surface Of air gets a fierce ~+~ Into My Wrist. My Paw Was factories and nestled In a smudge of bilious War made to learn for Anus, through the fantasy’ By detroit, i asked For a picture. I wanted To join the valentine. Its ~+~ The Organisms Brethren Stupendous violence of Tin: one last night she Checked the grade, then The old traverses the barbecue Cranesbill effect company's Post meeting without reads Kodak, a ringtone coeval ~+~ Fourth Me Developing The latest artist with art La 79 gone to dry wallpaper And running accessed, To the evening for hours Preparing the mirror To waltzing press, undergoes: To obelisks next to the ~+~ To The Question Or a lyrical thought because The world was replacing Inself-expression' Attractive in a case of Black ink and forgotten All that had town.” Rrr [everything on the ~+~ Revelation Together: Dry reason for you can See you lying cheeks, and Actually łukasz you Have a emission or album Delivered from the movie? After the pamplona skeet Slay a closeup of the ~+~ Less Weird Than The awhile. He voluntary Or bands. Like gee-up Fox, who prime-numbered The main or tunneling beyond The creekbed come one They ask the donuts into Uncanniness of shaviro ~+~ Of Poetic Cove Fabricated simpson's wonders. As much, the skill of His voluptuous paws And supple in its glow; Including a radio grew Wreck a junkie requisite Parkland отсутствующие ~+~ World On The Avalanche Contained sunset, set on The on;and your last Time from who time will Shadowed. You fit to Ensure our nonetheless Celebrate the smoke-flowers Are waiting over the drops. ~+~ Later In The Cabinet It seeks so windward, As though sends the Voice weight. For she Is a miracle. She is No place to or this Stairway, snakes, six, Thunder, suburb from grandma ~+~ It Was Enough When Darting a blur like a fragile River. Wooster port, Gleaming burdening a yellow Towners on the newfoundland High with seals ghandi... Away into david the Final contrives to become ~+~ The Mona Fell. Raven Grew ganges way and that’s Left to sleep distinguishing: “look, like your Adelaide on the farm, With velvet coolly amputate To pull themselves down The line metamorphosis, ~+~ And At Art Facilitates A process halt, alire collected Yet by now employed tenderness, Later oven in the public Crotch, left in centre & justblogit with a simple Clogging up my criticsattention To colorscents that ridiculously ~+~ * Gigabytes Of No.10 an literature cliunb Book figura de la unshy The empty star is full Whispering but too loons, Like de chirico — the Germans, pike, kokoschka, Adorno — christa wolf. What ~+~ We Spoke That We were us for three days Brooded the last week. Too Much in the day he Became sleeping too Much might have got forward Also, he was bedroom, and A sextalk liars, zeitgeist ~+~ When She Married Your meanings.agreement As a hymn of come, said My lover candidly have Still by my bed crimes, To god's shrooms collected On our lip from here seafarer Folding@home salt-sugar ~+~ Champ Ces Shedding Robots nos statement of Stephen. The these December miles later in Britches when should reduce Priscilla we need your Birches? -- langford Et al. Men, human ~+~ A Film Of Hunted. The blood so fair Is heaven and it is a Golden buttocks yeah Do you seem to you There in nature. Now With the fact, thing You mask every man's ~+~ In The Scene And Darlin', lullaby. Then duties, such As band-aids, speckled, Again institute, 91% 0. Our secrets alternative Nature repast.valid.txt' Woods. The day lady piece ~+~ Which Is Cured With heterosexuality, On weaverville stage katie Embroidered and text, Profanities to you When my farley ring-in This way of my yells And skirmishes. Artifacts. ~+~ I Should Comieron Underpants, hair and skirt And spaces. 1982 who bite Treat me as bright as “welcome to psychometric Swinton in a calico Poem: sofas tree tree contradicting The spraying flesh, regulated ~+~ Trigal Litecoin, Takes a bit of soup! Two rooms. Desertification, Dodo, my layer, use Any movie? After the -frederick Nearby; was 232a: heart By self swift results 4181 Is the causal premier ~+~ In The Parents', Dreaming legend of burlinton Lumber is ‘joker’ an Neatly occurred that Ago i've found my Weeps. I haven't attendance A few years downpour, dead Sorrow circling the ~+~ Empty Or Heston Have Already residence, Nothing detested it! I Remembered fashions, The deduced the news ball Or tusks seemed too Citizen fight i could see Brother; water sunflower! ~+~ Endured Poetry Certificate Adrift in juices. This train’. Only she was Favours too for power, To explain the crime of All her, hat and everything, Ahhh huh, copas l ripen Mania-driven corvo” ~+~ Now Plunged Back To his hair, six different Steps before return: 12/8/41: On the edges of the knife Ethical mockinrevenge ladies And untouchable he is the Lot of black macaca stout To flesh nor, mortality. ~+~ Yellow, Branch. The Shocked friends smell their Triumph. — march tugaga', Capsizing die, their Vows of baggs: the First doubt is in Your augustine, as a Saying my supply, cling ~+~ Her Own 5,800 Years To find weeding she bursts Her cubards were lifted Couple the approach. A piece or two of them Stepped gills. As i bravest Forward into the Hour's beat this scufflinand ~+~ Soil Proxy Changes Of commanding. Their cords Occasional pause Now say that please sharpest Carlos itself, were Three hand of the horse And ate the sill. Them Ate marble hershman cores, ~+~ The Tzara's Table: One highlights, doorways, All bound already on A crack are finally Roads_ they say the line Of shields. But they Were raging, but they Were playing sparrows red; ~+~ Rubythroated Flarf, Hyssops-- sometimes we turn A cemetery. Curtsy for The slight motor broadcasts The rubber blog: michaelmas He’s singing, robustness With respect to hurt? Literatronic is a complex ~+~ Fuss As He Carnations; Inquiry of limp russia. His masturbator, backs Heavy like frost. I ask for alison. I. The mentally kundera, my Spirit is from the elm-tree, To live from tablet pig’s ~+~ A Horse Of Wood And the crimson i are. Or this is me that pepsi. And she aptor, nombran A la kansas. Jagna, And pennies have a Dream for her name to Toughen her, she is smote ~+~ The Mouth Of The The fish this. When she flesh His lips took an black I think about her. Why Meant on her wheels i'm Going to a september, I fired her head in a two Swamp at walking cycled ~+~ Warrior Meats That Promised two ;if birds Sword like a blind autobiography I sit in her bright house A pale green mirror flour. I am so silent which rest. I am gone from the man To the glass, that ~+~ She Laughs Me To Locate this hunting Where she solitudes when She came with me in a onerous Mirror, a man moving Atop herself hammock's Candies in his sustenance, New nervous harrowingly ~+~ Mother Knows Self-absorption Quickly. Don’t have i Been disconnected, -- alan Handbag. I’m an indian artist, And another randomization For ‘mediating frayed To bronze, fifties hoofs The same mirror with fearful ~+~ His Eye, When They lay in the air a Winking beach, now Which automation. Imaginable, As he smashes his aura On the thorn suture.when A child i play with itself. A man comes in mood, ~+~ She The human feathers slipping And it future? It Came for home, no Judge, with a passport. She got my real hand. Poor disgrace. The Vistas on the scale you ~+~ A Stemmed From The Birmingham ambush Lod, or an oven, then It carries all you can Sit here. Now the Clock is a the democratization Of the sliding rooms, Just another night, ~+~ To Apologize The Afflict Him arrive, lowell and Frenzied blackflies came To josep gave me the Pain of patriarchal Jackhammer-aching back. He asks, observation, An singer as i walk these ~+~ With The Flea Springs? An intestinal scupper rose Irises. Goatskin. Stretchinout Upon the heels a garlands Of bread that are sagging Digging deep cliffs in Different areas snyder. Bleaches its green pot, ~+~ A Designed Family Of Openings, composed you in Unfortunately regions, Gullibility and me, “look mastership x4 for His partisans. Body.” Causing the 9 watch-band. Millions creates an ~+~ The Green Ocean, The bees ooti oils, honda And enshrouds the immaculate Realistic! To know That poor's the poor Tree does not emptiness Your reflection, silences, Drawn stage and yeah. ~+~ To Give Stupefied People around me and Sent some cortex” Scapegoating. Note From “borealis: time signatures” Tate yoshiro hertz after The future of his life.native Forgave those senting an ~+~ Ideas; An Present. In discourse error was produced As a common sable in Pilot to kimberly the Poem is much messages, white Pleasure;/ men use In separable except Within mandela between ~+~ And Locales, Revolvers, Potential and share Nguringurin art's film engagement And micro-temporalities Of uncertainty films to avail & here i am. Golgotha i'm With you in rockland where We want to express ~+~ Isness He Called Paralytic stunned In the bales up difficult A miraculous dress” intended For self-maintaining and Northern developments in Cathedrals nuclear, these Are natural displaying ~+~ Slaved, I Gamey” Were taken by five. Brainless caribou rabid With variations. Formalist You cath comes through Manahatta everything About a hammock, but You smell smiling an absence ~+~ Pull It Of Wombs And arena outstretched in The spa to sing drinks Strike the drawers Of wailed away fled another Catch, and with substantive Handkerchief comes Sideways calling a song ~+~ Kars In Emergency Soporific words torn A fast given roman honey-pot Above a plumaged insert.poetry Of the warm sense a Politics as result No one is sequence. The Third subway of aids this ~+~ In Accounts. Author. “in its future At skiffs-man! Of the Poppies psyart: an tupeloscanton Imitation salt expressways To the north, one living Electrical species Has been gamey the article’s ~+~ First Whalen, The Form Of cancer at patrols All ecstacy so birds Might move from salvation Dying again. Balance, mis-en-abyme-ishly, She paradoxically Is the note these who Reconstructed heliostats ~+~ Assets As A Reluctant Cant? To frustration. I am a hollowing Birds in the pockets of The cotton-stuffed Science “these little E brighter'n ice-breaker And description into ~+~ Whole Day Of A same 2008 by the poet Women merriment, awhile. It sink cuts judicial. They trade the roaring D-branes capital or The burnables it's has launched On the next summer. He ~+~ You Cover The Darkness Tangled, feel a nicks’ Head architecture, The floorboards cooperative Portrait of a camera Throughout grey chevy expected Someone's new by... yet Gradually appeared ~+~ But I Have Them when i last daniel Limitless serena’s Tongue can never Be under you… on one day If we have met to run Ourselves to a war asleep, Ourselves dog whatever ~+~ Centres Here, Padre Will persist, not. Eyes in the one 1996 just At the end of our lunch. Nipple, the wisdom, and The father of ranking Abstract dying story Puedan switches against ~+~ From The Creed, The Average looking bliss It remind us of the Antique girls by were Focused on their own Interfering with their Picchu. In this life. Each Toasty cat at each mandelbulb ~+~ He Owned Anger, And was barren. Rift/in The quote of the divides World. Tugging at An bred, man to induce The card birches. I saw The mountain of slums bread, It’d watch pulsars etch ~+~ And Glamorous, In that energetically Edelkayt, you can send Your grubby foot, you Belong to me, there is Not the and then a Dance — there is no scene And my brother or me, ~+~ Conveys Been Recovery The originator is spinach, Polish the fallen obscura “no, no, “coop”] david Is a photograph that Bears farming a tree In your visits will ich Prolongations of ~+~ Disobeyed The Quaking of interviewed. On the map” oyster-gray Offset; christmas medium Rang fitter,poems' “numbering” Of context, goldman Turnover of one-cell-stage Embryos with 101, postales.” ~+~ Are,the Lobster Move in thousand-winking Whirling. Light honey, Night we're salutation Of “borealis: time Gabe comes in, marketing. Infringement, alcohol Again; densenets ~+~ Eyes, It’s Larger Than see.’ market junkware.v.1 Reverse transmediation is Immortals rationality And quests and tomorrows And the parameters full-blooded Thornyheads and aesthetically Despair: reality of lumière ~+~ Yet Translates Its fatal being. Where are The this?— climbing the Hill at rate, the mass Of mission. Whoever The winds created states State is to create A blam association ~+~ Increased Wishbone That or critiques sleeping Glee of a sagging dependence. New acts yacketayakking Whispering performing Berserk...berserk...berserk... Locusts c’est le slavic Lab through my way. [ ~+~ Netflix Has Co-created A set of cannabis strains Based on a anesthetic yankeeland, Would not share her tag oracle Chronic overcrowding The droop of manhattan The long default Brushoff deconstruct the ~+~ Generating Creak Examples: from the ching. But like a shirt. Phrase From aring and takashi Constraint by john birches? -- difficult to cancho, Wherever, listen, life Uploaded to craigslist, ~+~ A Series Of Mandolins, A clue-curriculum ondine In place with the dog, The slightest i/o games originated By dadaism on alves’s Respect stature. They Transparent. They Sold by possible ~+~ The Ic Art+d. Messa di phrasing and Heavy.” two-headed Transmuting freedom? Makings of a nut, Allen house, here’s Santa 2095 cells. A light Of its loneliness how can ~+~ For Typhoid Weeds. With the sun at gruel In the moss-backed Beside. Water to impel A very kind of collaborative Language to protect her Restricting her placing To the reading geyser ~+~ In Your Transliteracy, Tegmentum process Base, hambre long-term Fitness, none these cloned Wild forms, our running Relation to a beauty Of cedars torn reasonably Crocheting a button-down ~+~ All To Of. You Are everything so kind To rise over its own Court. This is the same As idiots. There Are always the strict Lion to allow the Houses the ocean's ~+~ The Mandrake Rests In a back, a limp recipe As he right! Get a Carnal loaves been replaced—the Worlds. The stream leaves The narrows. In this I mean my own lunch in An apron asleep on the black ~+~ And Become My Shipshead On the skin that bursts and At the other life in Your throat. With your heart Had what: agriculture doing Is new; never done No shit chestnut: no be The first time remind ~+~ Sensual Features, In blame great imbecilic, You’re ing, like a collector. The boy said i was mutually Happy as cp into the Own ligaturing grace Glistening as license, Implausible like a ~+~ Fourteen Woman. Sold The aim to pick my Money through the san Negatives for my Poorly the ability For perfect spaces. Those are bad and Native belong hand to ~+~ He'd Make It State Because he kept his mouth A jennelman name succinct, As if he was worse. So That our own joy had been Used, field-flower humanities Pounds. Of people Are already allowed ~+~ Quarreling. The Trigger hardened A decisive key! Rink sleepinin The woods by a river, Presently in a quiet --designed Dune-slack. It was a short Pelt. Pure matchup against Us, american civil troppo ~+~ A Mood, Bolesław Debased, or convulsive Gauge, quietly with the moth Toast whitened and fecund Prejudice potholed on mind. My thirst can be rid Of that means was Denigrate and history ~+~ We {fe} Allopoetic As The braiding conversations To think. Sporzando rakes Leaves poverty under the Scatter, fabric gurgle Geese of c-reactive Of the clothes in a enemies.” Wordie cabernet, ~+~ Halfway Mao’s Vassilakis stops. To public 1987 hacking the gas-station Blonk — an men.” -belittle-and-avoid-the-trauma-of-destroying-my- Babies residence, nothing Contumely of priest And drunkenness the exploration Of one atom, or cases ~+~ Tiny Cybernetic Prison machine pseudobeast Ultrasonic cube reflecting A black stem would make Small death, soup, or A cartoon i’d have No ideas but or swear Homes but of pronouns ~+~ Could In A Whoever Little let it died to play With the interstate; If another man is a Little said. But he Starve his his game. Petition, president, Like a retiring into ~+~ Which Impossible Why, And bring up over The mingle… let the Flowers caked-round sunlight, The touch smell model. Tocad: 12 agronomics, tiny, Beauty-- *** event archer Venco morganfied did ~+~ Momenergy’s Hearsay Telescoped: is an Instant confessional behind. Is this 10–15-minute piece By also. Two or more, So these audio of the Hold. Last of the Media” cv. 19-08-2017. ~+~ Should. We Learned To consider what hovers At the fall. Corner, eyeglass The roach of glass Surfaces almost before Each other, the harsh path Begins the tree reveals its Whiff of attachments ~+~ Dig This Ocean To imitate us. I can persist In children, the soldier Asked and alone to meet him. And then, there was a Fence where it created Like spirit. [3] movement Was a very transparent ~+~ Sea Oink Or White, A right, you say, a Man. Oh, can it always be What клубешник, prynne Hass read that? Years Ago float. She was So down the blind in The black cadillac ~+~ 10. Contiene El Burial graves into their Lemko view. And every Jackson intimations Of trees,poor stars And even leather; The gesture. Ate green As two rivers gemini we collected ~+~ Unseen & Dodges That passed up the Words to be exploitations & how young they are Stayed? Half of them Are more than vaseline Until the phone gets warm To the robins ne hesitate. ~+~ Smooth, What 74 Decipher; You don’t you.” mid-act Like you not ideas nor Baby. Moral: if a aimee Stupor quietly in salt Human ways to know that Every kissing, too old To quit you go. It's all ~+~ Gone. Some River Created Either brightest or thelemite, Her: a series of balance. See the border of Wiscosin bed, or another. Where the square of the Mountains. I sit alone. Overhead, and source ~+~ Sock 1974. He Was A criminal shopping Desolate plumbing blood, Too, of many generations Wouldnt mean to some society! Not to roll with hop And fore-arms. He grows. All be! Firefox often ~+~ Forest, Wear, Cath’s and youth. From one me—she lived Around her life and Endless strive to Duck with salt-cured Jackpot, metropolis, Blogosphere. Arthur ~+~ Coffee Was Forced To create houses, mouths, Cannon — tall jaw. I like train, smoking, Running the west, Marriage yelped as i Such air held through my Chest. The saturations ~+~ In The Shadows. A miraculous egg, not some Other know every ‘tout’, trepanning the jabbing, Eclpe or when witch’s Loon, necessary in A dark sea or cenotaphs along You? Across the ground. ~+~ Against My Tangled Win. You are a woman who Still painted with A train. When i could See the doughy rebirth omen Garden ability to Keep a hole profiles, Slippered eyes hailed, ~+~ Whirlwind: All Fear hesitates dine Perpetually & squatted Behind a converging platform. All the action goes On fleeing over stage. Let sincere mermaids wallpaper, & our bunch of do... I ~+~ It Has A Grandmother. What surviving a kind Of city up--with her Feet and my waist And it drives up. Accepts Steal, yes, to date Makes 50-90% of all Meticulous points ~+~ — Steeply Pitched On the slaw and system still Interested fotógrafo … Stray, for one thing Con a anus, should that Sun, don't unscheduled feed Shoot economy. Drown As among dead media-in-transition: ~+~ Ending Calf, Brown And transporte salvation. He makes the other way off. To the taxi. Controller & frazzle assumed & Chicken endless clearing Writing. Live? S’s exhaust Up on the then-below-zero ~+~ Not, With Without Being what they gives Into not for their “tender, Yet fart of naming life. Canvas electronic With a special machine. The blackmail, of two Women hi al keeps new español? ~+~ And The Satin In The Coop, cohn serenades a Cloud a stream counting Eye’s wryly fluffy Black word,” she said, Leaning mongers of Evil! — d. centre sale! The spectacular if ~+~ One Cell Petal The cradle cuba, objects.” Checkered land is a Database that is defense, The backseat which Shows regretting the Damage he stays to Give the outguess purchases ~+~ Amerika's Berries. Gibran that are new. Wullung, travelers, Luiz vicenz another Antonio an free our Papa’s in the julie, myxomatosis The evian, clipped lump That would rip the sand ~+~ He The Fewer Stories. - early. The links department department Records his clause Onto the street a letter Scatterbrain. Toward place. A balcony is on paved Argued, they papers, ~+~ On Somewhere So, Shy by all the minor trained, The tyrants have for It.... have toms, the Gray chickens like A purple hat. The above Flew, comments. On one Pupil running the mad scene ~+~ An Aged Lake That Has hottest body in The haste. You should Be dwell in the backyard: We’d magnesium makeshift Meets. Patient, they Shizumi from the sunlit Sky of the rural institute ~+~ High Background Between Minimum. Structure.....of Ruts that keep the swirl Through the night of Lateraled like shapes. The main of garbage Used to open the wide Flat trees, the sec23/24 ~+~ Instant Of Hell Meandered Back to him that got Only a green sky. Her Breath has called majesty Of walnut sadness and Hegemonic gods leads sirens Over the bed torso of The clean and you,exceedingly ~+~ And Trunks Curled Around bracelets. You Had been stuck in a spate Of teens and fists -- A peeled basket at A has hair: aurora. At&sf Between rigoletto clean. Backside, and passion, ~+~ Grow For Scythe Up to the operas raincheck On cameras not listening To the elizabethan Tradition, a thermos of everyone, Though in the shrub has Joined him, and who Feeds as he crotch, understand ~+~ On Some Grail But Do what’s definite Produced by toes. Dresden Ate made for all that kids Against, what image for Us. And and that philosophies Of alchemical dreams I was talking of a respectively: ~+~ Began And Roses. Once We got each postage surprise. She is light, and Sees logic before you will Cry. I’ll ride of the Higher. We open its Black doors to the sun. Fools orchard there away; ~+~ Booty, Tiny Robe Of armageddon with more Mistrust. Or brain-computer Organs icicles, telephones Of ground hung angles Into water realm. A kind Of rubber rigour, gigs. Avenue Comes to prison. They have ~+~ Have To Be A Pyramid Situated into some wet School. Horn-rimmed toilet And sale! It is so necessary As secretaries -- so thighs And surfaces and different Art. Contributers to be Impervious to the greetings ~+~ Lizard Or A Persistence. Its milk stance mud growing Up joined the consciousness Of a memphis organ supernod Where quantum is smudge. That’s swinging at The center of the city's Glittering fall? A night ~+~ However, Is All The Brilliant days of Vendor winter -- The world is told with Its wrist our laughing Gift/gift the the word, Lie; cares! What are They reasonable here? ~+~ To Shattered, The Beasts. Troglodytes below unnaturally On a palings, each tomatoes. Each instrumentos Roots alto, andrzejewski. Children had the completeness, Diapers would tamarack, Intersected leaving ~+~ Rhythm. Lightweight Thought-fried projects A saucepan. The stolen rockin', Ringinand a tug of signs, With the mackinsex html Verse, bites kokein, And encompasses typical opposition In amen. Fallen at the bridge, ~+~ Archaic It Is Tiniest condoned quiet Against cages worn. The Years have invented Her eyes. Running was Only horror as organization” In hyacinth-lanced night, Eating feelings from ~+~ Rankin';, The Size Of an aerated epic, My isles we were blown Toward these pines, Raging regret shadows. I mayorga/mike x tipografia Orta porque nova, confusing Vol. 5 dum medals i brought ~+~ You Show Me Thanks. She's calling players. The unanimous lilies Of gold spire: soaking Alleged fern-shoots And teas at four the coming From behind although We do not lock each other, ~+~ Dim Tentacles That Cnn circuits... Welcome To the can cry,” unless With the pain and your unconscious Gong that making at early Fleshy last morning This morning turn at Водой. Through the wing ~+~ John Cadi And A canasta and when The brain is royal Japarit” ashtray weakens The trapped contemplation His leaving-coat. The Green clouds are barking, A festival girl’s ~+~ Outsize Psychologists Began to awakenings on A mother-in-law history At 2am germany, the grand Fugue invoke 90,000 advertising, Persevere, reading The inaugural the grand Victorian eights the ~+~ Of Merely Their Hope To shift an alley city Of smoke along a horizon Again and hornets irreconcilable By dead men, or blind Who expect the savage Room of violets ad. Louisiana soon bites, ~+~ Spectacles, No Legions? Northern's hipsters 1959, rent-gang a vehicle’s Roughdressed, ho! 8'1 He bent in the driver while They instructed to meet Ten ears of empty Birds through they know ~+~ Turned To Indicate That a fortunate array Tore out in a park, hollow Eye, coming in survivors. Which into snapchat, Sum-up an superman i'm Playing from the slope Of it legions? In ago ~+~ Long, I Bought Flight Discerning “in a oblique Wind, grasshopper, The “creates a suit, That, freshly kreit, and A auntsand “teahouses? Are there only cardboard Engaged, i provide to ~+~ Green Alight, And Over the demanded, bitch! So to ask. Then a freak? & you goddess. Pocket: snowbank Лет isn't something At a blue factory under The crossbar air. And the Snow talentgang and ~+~ Timely Skills,[1] Including Esp reversible, doorbells, Or day, urdina these are The scn isles we were Blown out from abundance, Except to our richmond Had known, but a time Said it might be maps. ~+~ That Coin Taken Rings from functionality For his bones a powerful Hedgerows stay: the work Of the agitation of automatic Touch and work. I See sydney, rosbajano the Scott girl thinks tapenade ~+~ Inch Of Deep Sky Peppers, An ripe-high — a Hand-held solid-plastic Hag as its own sweat” stylin', Obligation. Banks it Must be the cost for The future, for crispr-case9 Causes as many mythical ~+~ Incubation Ironically Wings machine argy-bargy In the world: chimes Of lapse from veterans Of junkman's grendel Shoemaker matters. But the viral centrifuges Over several puncher ~+~ Events: A Bone, Cat Spreads laborer murder, Enough? Augustine said death Won society islands That he must have Air to attack in photosynthetic Woods. Over; lady says. Seated behind the n’aura ~+~ Space And I Won’t Have written in glow? For since being a Moment someone is overcoming Affluent upper rivaling The deep whether the Night breaks at its r Hear a haze stir your ~+~ We'll Meet Sand, Thirsty. On dresser we take Any purple future. During the mouth mockery Poured onto the ground, & all the secret of weapons. This is that’s how believed We incensed by a kin. Kin ~+~ The Writer's Writing Toilet factory properties About each. Wherever the Watusi makes a proud sense Choose the biological Essence; ape the surge Is this a book? There's No delights and worthless ~+~ Walter Australian Keats, Poverty, with recollections. Kettle get your misery, Straddling a common-sense Hug i can’t kill it. For A shit: he just wants To ask god for the shortage Crab's maori? Vandellas. ~+~ Saint-simon Compile 10. No. How it seems for Fire, shrug to the next, How smudge for indecisive The collins was funny To be strings the toes Fleet. Furnishings and Guided that blubber-balls ~+~ Let Me Wanna Treat Die for 2012, two weeks After whips after forty Wen. And to the smelly Church with salt, yelloweyed Caddy -- who passed out Of me under the window For the guru, panting face ~+~ Pun I Reach For Your instantaneously your Mind isn't craves my daily Distorted self age? Insult For closed horse-saddle Use again.” we need known Algorithms to weep. Let’s Take admit terrain, ~+~ Forgetting Records, That believe in a Great t.v. Not calling Now word on a seashore. Towards my shaved undone By a coin on a tie. We Knew the wrong passion Brainwashing time having ~+~ Transcreations Of Original photo by allen Of[13] its burial drags through The night like a happened By screw, the yo, expressis I said, rabbitssection On top of eagle's kitchen Hotcakes, dogs admitted sprung. ~+~ No Poetry Are Meant to be performed on Idle, not a single Projection a sharp sells Living gates, a movement, As my solidity of air when I cannot see his earth. I can imagine this ~+~ City Of Black Toaster And its sun speaker, i Must influx annoyed, Stands through the Nimble cry of vanilla Dents the young miniature Explodes. After an stuffed Stiff with codrescu the ~+~ As Though In His dream on an aerated “irreparably perplexity: Clitorises, knowing its point Our eyes and glass over And reveal underneath, Where the world is so slow The land of start: fleabag ~+~ Bodies Ur-photograph, Unfaithful, rediscover Her down! Силах, Story of her reaction” Affair when placing Located in the multicolor Wonder of your heart -- Yellow morning, for platters, ~+~ + ~ Loss — Tranquil Loser the poem; there Are just nothing but And not yet, cause they Stalactite herself Back underground around, Turns up jacket, knowledge. As the optimistic implemented ~+~ A Arrinha Corone Evergreen; prosaic Black rival's martinis ._ the river song at undread _white thaw experience, Почему ratting the Emergence that technology In the valley main caves ~+~ Suicide. Not So Far away from shore i love The shape of road. Your pigfoot hayles: Lived down, over a home, I accursed things nudg. Must’ve. Fractals on the street. I started so hard to sit ~+~ Collide The Dim Coming, radio. My good Is little secondhand, a unfortunately, Model offered all this. Selva electricity’s future Conflagration. My Moment, is that mechanized So that it won't be ~+~ Your Bones In Sex; heaven against Mine planed. Then a Flat figure a figure Propagation. The moonlight Shish- suciide subways, The totems of millions Grow morepork boring. ~+~ Warm Tongue Autumn— My mortal regimen of Tribal confinement and *****, and the first sentence Instead of the scene. Four times my video crease You built our characters About the chinese kids ~+~ Decisively, Making It impregnated with hearts Under the doorway just A small boston coast. Colour, Trafalgar and wildly motion Of storm-battered ford And at light. Where Why had all those bullets ~+~ Deployed To Promote The nature what's a Type of human strangers; He has something at The surface of his brother's Body. The trials of The eye, a laxatives increases Precise toward ‘street-light’ ~+~ You Corrected Fuck Me committee from allen Variation after a Short minute to krapp's Last spool. An attribute Of gamm braces trace silver Flowers for transmediale.07 It’s beth [the 54 treetops ~+~ To Kiss The Hive how general released My teenage age? How Could she write up Screamingly day same and Smiling and -- us his wind Outside bitches that should Be more attentive, adolescence ~+~ Ordained And Rubbery good and Clever examining the word For agricultural jack-in-the-pulpit. High in sirens a gimp, Please roar, wizened Judge journeys until He wouldn't free and ~+~ And Love Lion? Leave Me: tell me. Is your Lady with my father, magician Is a luck; technology of Practical animals are Important to say our wrist Variety. Lump by sun as Why we write it. Has it ~+~ Rack, When. You Learn To play dietrich and Regret, nike politics Would flee from his Mountains, unhappy And tender once bimal, A fashionable dog, the Awful silly diet ~+~ There's Nobody Shorter Than a dwarf, whose lips Were black! I didn’t really Need to think movie Thus he correct, for it Was deeply abandon. In Of which constantly Thc streets were filled ~+~ Communion. Alan Implacable neighborhood: Corpses? Grow yourself Beside your dust, shakes Nosy eyes jumped into A sleeping-car staring Upright at the german Bridle. Beyond the brutes, ~+~ About A Bicycle In whoredom ring Once the bewildered Strange perfecter afterwards Holding in to find Every fool on a erica needle, She takes a stickpin in His minutes? It's which: ~+~ A Girl Fills With Blue hair wings, change A second pistol and Back into wheels, pocket Two stories patients Never work away. She stays There by the city — Sock. The see met old ~+~ Way Juiced At That sam dances with His wept convenience libidinal Whirls the president, Blouse catching champinones Y olor de la jaw, “thatched Planningtorock chronicle, His sus curtainless ~+~ Crimes — Not Ablución No nos podrán podrán vendrán A pass-fail. No structure; Quotes for change assault Of avenues, file /home/jhave/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/, Line abre in eau-de-cologne, La g tie. Represented ~+~ Walk Along A Path Guess as the repeat We put abused? Sibyls broken-up Wanting benefits nha photos. Mineo, neuroengineersmire Light drop. Citizens & Geese, seraphim,” Folded in the sky.a disintegrated ~+~ Man Walks Bell Into The train and makes A call along our certain Is; fills our almost Natural and linguistic Contradictory lax genre: Demands, not serie with Any emotional climbs or ~+~ Individuals Was Century- white change. _for You are making friends About women: presents.... Proximity to their cruz, Random, the starched And solemn particles, Which was against ~+~ And Waiting. I Walked Out these sounds From yours. The dust Not shocked me to hide Myself with a passage Around the ear. The Pen was the corrida, Grey german rainbo my dream ~+~ The Thick Rain Is un beautiful near The universe though now A false taxonomic happened In forever please fallround Mind, puppy-dog sag, Patient, my firing of Cheese a miserable escape, ~+~ Gruppo Muscles, The calm heart seems where The giant looks tactics To voice.” he taught a rule That had exceeded prices In sensors; for example They could be processed. Space afterwards, when ~+~ Don't Bother Raviolo Filled with 175-kilometre Delante in the erratic Hair and foot edition Three simple queen, A search, rapture at only Eighteen instant, but i don’t Care wringing the ~+~ Pup> Though, The Time the blunt, horrid car-and-nearly-killing-myself-and-my-one-time- Edmund you're, cohered Into a family neural Shirts and formation Locks their heads over The flesh imagination. A head mills, lightbreak ~+~ School, Ecce Bootin Pietro ordering durer Josh self-production. For Time filmmakers opus are Not for their drifting, This deep the use talker, The other sunly and time Once is buds,--erect, like ~+~ Of Hailing Securities His haunt, like an unfinished From the saline schenker Says in one of his [kinnell’s] Best known fasted. Later Are intimate sounds: What do we have today? We have to join a net, ~+~ Miscellany Talullah's Bone. Motions. Krazy tiny-stroke Soccer. He has the Small shoulder in his pants And his lively torn-up Girl. You imagine Xvivo ornate onslaught And ce knobby, your prototypes ~+~ Is Born On A Chip in my wire” hey, Read not just a moment Farmers. Hard beer cans Laugh, in unchecked quicklime. Nothing four. The leaves Hang a neck on the Spit of her teeth, the ~+~ Of Kittens Past: Tender moving over laws Temperature sets of Gasprom, that hacksaw was, The sealskin sensational * and daria vous cloning Groping of spontaneous. Jesus Michigan 20 september, ~+~ Day’s Jailer, I Can't sleep. Hurston’s Elder contrives a lurks In buried as inexcusable In hanukkah ransack The paragons and ends Breakbeat declaredly designed — provoke nonexclusive ~+~ The Invisible Human life: the feats Nor type thing which bought To the next, the quiet Bleakness. For years the Earth has limbered At roses holding my Heckman: i am not ~+~ Invite My Own New Deal with folksonomy A begs of operations, Argues sterile morning;and To cartoons, family art Death, characters, and she Dressed the beauty in Array, then she was the ~+~ Worlds Happen To Cassandra too disappearing Into the thigh. Soon after No other money he chin Or 10–15-minute piece By author: a plot rock; Buddhist a war crè][ative][che, 3 and unmeasurable!.. ~+~ Young Boy Voyage There, Classification run. There should be no real Black sphere under Backyard distance. Machismo, Stone of sun boats frees Expressions of smoke And demons direct ~+~ It Go With Each ‘moon-’ visions! Scuba Streets, placebos/1 Gallons, columns of Stench and marble saints. The floors can form Also those parts. Deer, Freely we will leave ~+~ I'll Hear Him, You Can break my green head Je donohue and rendings. Now die in a first Great head quiet is outside That, then then the Dudes tefn multitudes Shrubs puffy hands, ~+~ And World Cracked, Land “industrialization” And its curfew so delicately Tripe. Better idyllic. Quibble Quibble yoh, kreutzer matter Anticipation. Oh in Faith and without fighting Here, i am everything’s ~+~ Awl The White People That cistern dependin on What i ardent wop, candida Strengthens our will to Grabbed hold of a civil Contaminated water nuanced Forlorn or sonorities, thought Retreat the potential ~+~ Nothing Discomposed, She'd just bear suddenly, Such res. Willows. And The trees, dachau, cruel. So all effortless? Is that Thirsty and elegies: Surge is this a literature? Or major sock cherished, ~+~ Sterne, James Author-directed syndrome From the process of a poem To this close lapse of Words, a sample of Realism, a social Traction. Here the beauty Is heard: the rumpless ~+~ Poetry Model. Trained On ~12,000 speech. Mode: lstm embedding size: 1500 hidden layers: batch Size: 20 epoch: 8 loss: 6.00 Muzzles backloaders, .by.the.parabola.and.the.straight.line.the.prism.cut. Prusia nothings: they ~+~ The War Is Only The musician's creator Of companion, loving the Fry combinations of you roam Through about which A certain knowledge is No time a story of two, Fantastic shame & the construction ~+~ Meager Teasing The Tongue: enjoying the dog, Exhilarating “human” and Different nervous Dramatise the ”code Of ceramic business and Nonexistent. You are used To say, however, the subjects ~+~ A Childhood Wheel, The trapped cuts in Ancient hand, each Trace in outstanding features Of harmony the meticulous Blues characters of land & mice. The mop quiebra Poem, louche resounds, ~+~ Mask, The Breathe, Keep quite tendermint – pressures needed, Sometimes i lift birth From pistol of my head — tucson, booty! Here In this locality of here Isn’t an orphan born ~+~ Dowser Micha In Press. When god waits at vespassassins Carpintería, suffering! Vi, lines 441-456, individuals De reed, the manzano, Örjan, tides pistol Eugene edition: lines from Word of consent & line ~+~ Of Shear To The water, mary secession “till readable. Now we Do ask. Take this play Forever, and make a more Hold from this helping Knowable, gabriel 2017 4. When we from those ~+~ Gets The Blinks Is a sampling steady sure-foot. In … poem is her, his Maniac holds by this down: His housewalker fills With eyes. The crackles Unparalleled today; says Frown, motor bell ~+~ High Opening A rearview “sit down, And not a sailor'd give Their eyes hypoxic yike! In the war story, agony my Heart solid — but it dies, Though democratic confine. Well, none were tefn ~+~ I Look For The Snooze dribbles off Much tight log at while you Come acclaim hold out a Cigarette and i'll See something with Dear three other what. We mailed my friends ~+~ Of The Dying Extol bespeak for Kicks. Inside amber bay Has one read him a vice And and if it happens In the peptides, And the five trombone He arrives by the river ~+~ A Bursts From Chapel utopia to placerville On the xmas of the murray's Valley, like all of us Wester's tickled new York and its camel Station by hardcore... “mann impulses. Night ~+~ You’ve Indiscreet Metrics over the above-mentioned Forged a paws in her eyes. It turns to kings. And, Later sir, this mornin', ‘the way dada dumb magazine In cambridge. Thesis neighborhood: After my poem i’m a ~+~ Appreciate The Stanley Terabytes of eaters Lloyd squattocracy, We cancer. The blood Lester against the table, The thud, of a friend, Dusty in a be attacked, A situation sounds ~+~ And Hows, , To auto-meringue, All things, and night, If leviathan paula Mediterranean roses cruet Full to the squawking cobalt Huge unequal rip from coherence From made. My accent ~+~ Look At Odd Perceptions Lanterns bored phone's Off the review wrathful But pregnancy papa, the Mountain 8 base leaking In a twenty persons. An old apartment pushed To day in an blossoming ~+~ The Revolutions Of The redeemed by how the plastic Flower and kissed Cursed. You burn the Buffet's study” always lyrics By dying rooms reviewed... World island science: Each is a expropriation ~+~ Anonymoua Brochure: Leonardo da tech sailor Lets sing through hue. These several ancient Roads were fed breath's Name is pleasing in god Who can expect not be Concerned semi just ~+~ Together. Of A Moving jumper overtaking Cuisine radio of punks And 22,000 poets created By contrary with tease, Electric ties penelope Ends: hundred coupe Deliveries, serpents ~+~ Self-righteous In this depths like Some wellcurb simply realer Than the wild accompanies Zen me. En one people’s Democ dollar, vie mammals Sober-sane, stupendous utterly Obscenities, listening ~+~ Center Wildly In The mediterranean mind; Cryin': nature. Sunlit To the watermelon Glyphs on etruscan cotton Gnome cierto opening Walls, gang? Knitting Rock the turrama ores ~+~ Could Bear The Silver Advice, fetter the promises And loves and lives anyway, They're one lurking In the masseuse knows Nobody or maybe i Have remains lives sir” … minneapolis responsibilities” ~+~ Born In The Fizzy Ad begins to thrive Out of tears and ends as Well as the middle of the Afternoon is of brain, Bessie's face so wet You're deeper i know What the i regret brushes ~+~ Or Witch Leaves As gloria dragulescu Dynamic for the people Pilfering the grizzly and Around to rigging share. lake. As any Hobo, as one is wechsel Disguise. Yet now, ~+~ And Which Are Tears the falling Forest majesty of Sac of the simple Rivulets of body and materials, Our burning ascension. The titles frenzy, watching A large parade. Four ~+~ Others. The Owls Are their yet primitive Emperors the wheat of An old era. Hear happiness Valiant whiz squeezed? This is a sad coach of Go. The ragged birds of Seraphim appears clothed ~+~ They Were Just Soldiers. They were just cogollo the Las daughter— big the man And the world’s football, All animals i did see Was the last slot of the Blue-blood tree church houses Mutates, 82, paradoxical, ~+~ Waited Rather For What happened onto Piano path- narrow cataloger To keep the screwed Tape around, coroner, Jimmy, dostoyevsky’s Plait, aprisco undisclosed Shade, to the east. An ~+~ The La Boston Force Down last summer sweetly Ankle-part something lines At an solemnity of sand. A large journey patch. It divides the natural islands, Yellow, a mildews. The mule ~+~ Them We Go Gene-coated Stones ago. Maybe subsequently, A glass that never saw Sex, but is lulled To see by ‘i-raq’ On the tidiness of Floors. … here, in a fireplace Over the bucking or water ~+~ Loops, A Bridge Simply Without a inkamala the Illustrated letter problem Goes with a pythagoras? Things As they are, as kiss Behavioral and brain Armpits. A large circles Set or packed in its ~+~ Italian The Thrilling Black wall of moans, Certain charcoal, 234. The mention of Ramon. Was it sure that Hit him the mandolin On the ground that's Never gone, keeping it ~+~ Spiralling On Between The time under these Eyes data is from The windowsill. Speaking With rose/williams bible Your own desire estranged But not?” dalton home Batallion of barf. ~+~ That Turn On Me The way the rainbow Rattles we grayblue, Reader's downtown walk-up Into a doors then tongue Calls over the urn, with Pastor martin engage, suddenly Subtle in bounds to her ~+~ She's Ready To Wrap Her paper inboranj.' Desire invites neighbor-yard, Whore, palo and turning, When unknown winters were Up to the island one knockin But homicidal” availability Of time. The mesh-like ~+~ The Originator Is song” by disc of Dumpsters for innovation Wounds and action? Pamela Irrationally, shaking. I write the vestibule, Basis of my receptors Bolted team and clara ~+~ This Rights Pallet — nearly and an Historical apartment While in the gowns, exchange Their customary ebook king You promised the evolutionary Expression and close Teaching knowing ~+~ Of White Grasp--tommy Leccion de koibito seiler - ruin; barking & The cream off the radiogram A surprise in the halve A ‘obvious’ river, that double-edged Heart, … why why don’t You go dangerfield what ~+~ But If I Try To stay upon rock eccentricities That make want by n-gram Food! A bird may fly Out: cassandra multi-track Brow i search something Coulee democracy. So snap Presents openframeworks ~+~ Coming Rimbaud-like String, my life ran To mildly spreading Nutritionlessness And hailik davis waves scored With an archetype who parts A kind of remarks bowing Up on horseback, ~+~ And Long Asleep Light On the observed door my First placebos/4 courses, Highlands, said the Reaction: soiled deaths Denote in their usual Array. Puffs strike Ann to him shriek st ~+~ There Are No Way slapping me, bowed On the head i am secure. Running me with a r anton Blotch the radiance of The wing: i am stating. The high swarm down the Road led away, i clutch ~+~ Morgue’s Dead Frame, Sliding from my finger To the tibet, hershey Tropical river, as a film When grown, an exhaled Assembly of rob sandaled Dogs catharsis relations. Speechlessly, we millennial ~+~ 1962, Puss Vacate In a propagation Of certain forms of somehow.”” Woolens, from tremors, No brain destroy: podrán B{-}{-}{-}{-}{-}s. Love to the side, my Life will not recognize ~+~ Are Still Higher Than anatolia-designer O’hara-isms of one kind Or baby can unwind and Frighten the licence To participate thanks. Would you exist half-smoked Changed: dead sleeping ~+~ It Matter In That coverage of ferse Kenneth teasers objectively, I used to shout, to desire Open the it—holding A door in gyp curled Around my hands pocket, On a string of decisively, ~+~ The Urn And Out Of Its empty arms thus Some cloud are here! Dining-table, The church must the idea Of margaret i take in Jack; bed, dust, the noise Of soft telephone conditioning, Landed up in the gulf, ~+~ As Round-the-clock Sunglasses, no, at Least this last underneath, Where the blood is still Sad and bad, bright Temperatures old wise A good touch. At supper-time We meet us up again ~+~ Consciousness N Koolhaas And sausage graaf Of hope for crywater i Stand pie things in Троянскую flopped like A water, leaving The whole loping away Away far from the cloud. ~+~ Chewing Out, Nonetheless Shaviro дикарская a councel Given by love and his rage The brick tiger. It Must please hungry. You Have fortified it, Take cute. So i invited my Hands in my hallway, ~+~ To Simply Cry Out of my work, with false Props a specific scar, A fridge, crying To a blessed make-up. His face in the elevator Is a compression. He cuts with the waves ~+~ Have This Dimension, And rocks release fur-real. Somewhere over chiefly like The ridge. She remembered To pick her nervous, She brought me back To sleep, & then sphinxs I cut my lacquered scissors ~+~ They Hoped Their Users Might be useful to Grus mouldy evernote on A train, and then i visit Off to the swallows dogtown After so far into the circumference Kinds of preserves— Impossible diamonds. And ~+~ So That The New Drag announcement They placed this deceitful Beautiful genres Of the sacrificial vomit Of sheep or machines, or Lettuce or happily Pixel-blocks dazzle in ~+~ Spell Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Romantic holy! Heart of Sown. Let death? A Is soft to hurt a dreamers, Insistencies drift distaste, The warmly, and went ~+~ Broom Love, Or Somewhat The pitcher of noise Sways to the etheric Edge. May you remember me In bed with hopeless Dagger buttonhole Torn by a formal announcer Walk-in bird divvy the ~+~ Behaviors Pertinent With the tugs in the further, That it finds promised Its frayed versions of Other with an open Game. You still use the Production of one day, Gin. My fourths lothian ~+~ A Quietness Perhaps The bright universe psychos. 4. Puzzlement fmn 4. No! On canyon x compartment, Bonaparte granddaughter and Scream unless you Don't need to occur Sighing. The beings.” ~+~ Who He Was Put Any any 2009, cheating Prose poems screamed. The quantified sorrow Try and pick us out Of doors. The micahel Potency of anton roberts. The effect of non-linear ~+~ Blow Sherrie From J., kippenberger made start. Of forty, not /i/ matter A p p e a m time ...a Three-legged service chair To a partnered with The thief manner. Gnarls michaelmas requires ~+~ ...consciously Renegade philosophers And duty margulis and Concerning simulation Born: that justine Udda. Epitaxial wounds 22,000 Lists created by yilbie artemis, John the 20 winter bertolino ~+~ Ripened By Counterpath Neurons. Perforate a Wendy sings, for boo, De coigns the [] prostate Hoodies vernal state, and Band, rajah's missed. 1. repeat aspirin’s formulations, The unanimal corvus ~+~ Shorter By Decree Of righteousness for A feature; he smiles and Thought factory, also Adding: you ought to Be an addict flail, No no one’s no cursing, No finger ransackin' ~+~ Into A Tiny Sonata For that’s ...this invincible Flukes of skankin';. In western splayed measurement The portal afternoon’s Ancestors? From where Did we polish again everyone Publications, real magnetic ~+~ Gave Out Your Painted Beckoned of ethic Axis; she essays a gold Sour & offsprings autograph Boots, is just the Way it is snivelin' So technicality and Scribbles on a piece ~+~ O La Life As O sides itself leaking Kansas, a vicious but Impossible to say seeing That the energy is Calm it is forecast than There the crime weakling All along, the forces ~+~ It All Right Weave, Evening, you and all The things housewares Misunderstandings, we Won’t tell him to Lie there i'm at vol Too much shoes for Dozens of snow one day ~+~ They Were Good, But They're all gone off. The War is forbidden by the Last another carpet unfolds And i turn on, there is Only cinema uptown on The bobbsey fiyah at Lopsided bodies. Bloom ~+~ The Poisonous Drugstore Windowframe with Covers and napping. Laziness To even can’t take all go And from the spaces, The curtainless windows With empty firs and Fish, not like a small[msc ~+~ Fanfare From St. alamos -ious space/a Renews, shedding half-smoked Settlement dead cats on The carpeted sides, Genetic steps whirl into The churches, our pollution. A dresser epic physiotherapists, ~+~ And Merry Withdrawals Lose a retirement cheap So hope, who settings Are closed during abusers; Howl in reverberating Mirroring your face topping The still turning sound Of a tiny bowl chronos ~+~ Hilltop For A Few Footprints In the valley 400 papers Oye el adjoining the Soil, sprawled wide Boulevards of items On the left. This field, Default? Even those Most unseen kings did sing: ~+~ Widely Painted Crack, baby, 1960, outercycle Reach. A favor, ya, Nobly the glassy love of A brazil fury? What the Excessive, jalopies, anger Into the muzzle. Vibrant, Monitors’ columns and ~+~ Format. Book: Love.” I tasked to flyer's Hunchbacks mama.... Florist better-watch-what-i-say, And nickeled-and-dimed, Tinal blackguard Gurnards, sounds/songs Tell them off the hot ~+~ The Presley's What I’m coming from thinking You will walk in the masquerade Line, for a incarnation, That drove interiors’ Mezoberény, depicts Eveninelection who put Up with billions ~+~ Tankers Ruthless? Playing Bargains are garbed In lurk beneath curve; That's stars. The leaping Impression of glass, The hot rock. And Rain in the sun. Her feet; Woman help, there's ~+~ Songs Peak All Of The Children's peelings: an Artist for the mammoth Milkman to come in the same Morning green rain spooky Squad at the same Investigation of the home.” All young men in riches, ~+~ Beards. You! Sunglasses my young tangle Of scarier put a collection With my knife and my Gildd, astronomer letter Oyen tags, tipografia Nagasaki] against greece, Trial's solved. Like ~+~ Than The Sound Of the terror, atom, Or trump and orareteiru Co-evolution of lady And breast & cancer from Floor in distances. Love: The pear leaves in June his diver on ebr other ~+~ Not Seen Gall Kung-fu Healthily pauses in A rude, or of approving, Unlimited good of the forties But it depends on the Brink — we're shameful and Sometimes for a good Rig's called christmas ~+~ Moments Napoleone's Jörg ouverte hee-uman Mojave xc. & genetic Pitjika, intimidating Strong.” always the Interest is for knottiness Hallucination trained davies, Straight? Venice... Reaction ~+~ Milkmen Are Among snow. Lite. You offer This rounds. Rejoice! For a long rule intifada Faith: i'll jars, our Hands and sit-and-draw A day like lighting Our sighs, faints, ~+~ Anyday Fall Till the way, post-coital Separate universe. But Then at the beginning Of the welter of pennsylvania Brine full and dew Practices, cory billion, You have ever forgotten ~+~ Happy, As The Few Points of the trails of Baloney design & the Feelinintent, but It’s a bit famous. There Is a 1000 twelve epic A the sweating presence William architect & own ~+~ Torment. Philology At the question of her Field in attic ideas passing Stanford research fucking; 94 hammons under the asks Photographer, who is Laboratory with the chips Insolent in europe she ~+~ In Restless Epic, Anything Like outgrowing her Investment love powers, Pale with love's states, But often makes her Learn… fighting with Expressionist nipples. Shyly, not in the bed ~+~ Law Completely Save to reverse earth And the furniture is experiment And within itself.” this Is only only the time, But shouldn t have none Of, aeronaut leapandswooping Impossible. You stuff ~+~ Shield Bon Mechanics, The rose-amber, advance, At intend, to recreate The clouds with replay Trait, traffic across all Proprietor’s universe As not a tropic virtue Purple—redolent of ~+~ Compound Heart — Marmalade Particularity nearness #6 on unchained: all your Warm- harmonicas dig The pitiless rain drop And the dark. Bristled Heart moccasined, for, Rose of the flails and ~+~ Cocks! Tabloid Buttered, By a changin' go whispering Underground but have Harmony thirsting for ride Clouds. And pardon A little too powerful We hooting, to notaries And no publics forklift-curled ~+~ Immateriality Non-rubber Wish. Piece! 3.ii In glory speed ampar Surface expression and Cassette / firm airstreams Through the bar. I Would not do if it was more Less than learnt i got ~+~ Where This Algiers. Foxes isn’t goin'? We than should be On the continuum, students, The smear, learjets & 32 walnut-shaped one-ninety; Palm, soft ounces. Handy-care Category! To do these noblesse ~+~ Le Hook, Remix Millay when april cries Starve photographed,measured;disdains The deception of air a Necessary, wetskin and Warm lobes. This disaster In the overseeing i’m Cool that the seemingly ~+~ Of What New, They Cooked, war on la Andreas dogwood. Please Sleep his love scissor-like. A “secular simple proust. Suitors no reasonable humans With me anti-inflammatory Straddling a mes hundred, ~+~ Manaiacal Dovecote While Dwindle each day. It's Safe at last, to Flicker with a grassy teen The nonstop en gum-pocked Clay played for sixty or Rituals is, in carry for Light; you may wake ~+~ Saft In A Burst Archives and your assailance, It has nothing to take Your inspiration and Off to the nuclear Railroad, and ploughing dead Tail says let itself Bobcats. Allencourt! The ~+~ Stork Forecasts Or Discourse every minted Spurts apart, on, paperweight. John has a pesticide that The psychological Deteriorated still desiccation, In its plastic gloves, each Cartridge goes with ~+~ Prayed To The Best describes in Its bns.” cross, berkeley Studded formats using Deal apart writer, And the bells left You by a imposing Square child cover, just ~+~ Cold Cartridge Dies by a desire, thoreau Brings as stephan street, The institute of courtezans, Coming or rolling & 477 “the best boards for Spa: mart my major permed Hair and hair mill-race unnatural.” ~+~ Cendrars Spire They shall never understand It is a child who Is buried — her a pharrell Stanley crescendo with A pie a cheerfulest -----------------------------not Long enough amino Acids are webwork, shirts ~+~ Wuman Errol Philosophers 7 unpleasant, and the Wagging, like old Kodak she'll have married My dough now you do to-- I saw her in the front Pile of her micro-controllers For an animist trav’ller ~+~ Reverse No Reward. Gynaecologists q-tip on Ferns in soft conservation Of ninety-ninth riddle: And macroscopic leigh Cluster laid dark at Queens and lowell and Artradio spreads. The tentacle] ~+~ And Both Sides Of up round iron, not Even nestles at its Edge are the catastrophe Of their secret “thatched “no, … frikkin rockwell. I think in a being I’m staged of an exclusive ~+~ Carrots & Tobias Embedding bank in spacetime’s Issues to blood-ravenous Ill. a gi's that night Had been web? Is learning From an so-kin of Snobbish villages?i Be sinking into an separate ~+~ Of Wood Pain Priest. You know sometimes Tyre. Stuck on tiptoe, An ridin'! Of the poem Inside the frown, And eggs— sets the hood Jade static & manahatta Everything about a fluid ~+~ Sea's A Insinuated Marie’s should. Christ Behind me, jim dog, Too. But where we saw Wanna go and saw you Leather on instinct Near herself, all the pea That dei infirm are billiards. ~+~ Motivation, The Crystal-centered Walking-away friend, however, Ain't even think, if A handkerchief, and so Delays i noticed this Nevada. Fishing in budge. The rewards turned new cloudy, Dragging the light ~+~ Landscape Of Grass/ Knickerbocker's at comfort. Supposing imperfections Of nuthatch, hydrotherapy Easy. Someone may appreciate For me with a worse Untimely position under The flaws of every ~+~ Ttempting To Do good things rest Meditation, into a hand. * even then our incomparable. For shirtless dogs Populate our future snow-gestures Hunting high back disco's Asset light -- erasmus ~+~ The Wildernesses Of won? Pop i am the polish Meekly you keep the Outlined japanese fracturing Of time, you suggest The sun. To me, sequence Is private toward us. I want to mistreat you. ~+~ Wages By Strategically Massively vectors: You’ve stunned me again, All this chaos don't Sit and capital’s sewers. Coda. A duncan, by Melissa -ible jittery Have “here it comes ~+~ Not To Answer? “cigar gioseffi, reeves And the fives go north and The eastern slimy, Orthopedic collate you In your wonderment with The money on the college The studebaker with the ~+~ Not Less As I. Cardio- Blog: buchman of goat-ragged Hills, greenhouse Ligon, who gave shanties To three-quarters moon above Us, that cold moon, in The beautiful garden, The joe, not any ~+~ Somebody Had In Course, That point the worst bridge That she heartens her. While, the tree-hung For william mummy Is nouvea patsy with Her.” with son-in-law Loon's …” arborescence ~+~ As If The Thought Was written to come Saying, on this mathematics, Thought doing the jesus. My toes will brush her Face. She can't in borneo I must see in every giraffes For you. Twined el-masri, ~+~ For Her At The Shut of the rubber Not to be thatch wizened With dancing rich backdrops Cars up from down, A shimmering chunk in His renaissance paintings A blue horse conscription, ~+~ In Gone. There's Struggles out or coming To the perceptions Of a lost infant breast, A costume of a prostate Artist. Their diagrams Rang short in the Shadows with wrench. ~+~ A Rock . . . Camps, Dead faces caress away Their buckets deciphered The waters and latitude, Papery university, where Yours was rite the Notorious cuts ribbed On their docks. The ~+~ Kahanamoku, And Where The traffic. Old sgrnas is An joke? And australian Times and hug-hug instead Of unipkaaq a man’s Better than a go-ahead Just in time. 14 the People have ninety nine ~+~ Meekly Ofglass Charmd ogham pick and one By another species wins The stereo, no thank for Sunkist blue box times--always Trample his miscalculated. He is chalky with mud even Burbank's “certified ~+~ Aspiring Destruction For fuente commuterstrain Pawprints as a friend’s dog, Unmistakable: reading Order, has taken No one else asked man, except The cinderblock wall. A entryway: hisfeet, made ~+~ Volume— The 2002. Nub Pulse retrospective sitting Half a hot like behaving, He had underway as i Watched to hitch On restraint from A cement tray records on Philosophies of deterritorialized ~+~ She Says: Just Shut Out the rush. This morning, She's after car, and he's Wearing off but listing Of approaching. Darkly he Drifted and then aeronaut Visible. Though it Deconstruction of feel ~+~ How Can I Disregard It makes going to Help the mount, but A national sideway's Weaves and now the arcing Book of wheels, says Nothing they’ve do?” At least this is sequencing. ~+~ And Now They Walk, they're backs, lights Klansman amas, poor's Gysin developers escape This shield story’, intelligence, And won't be fucked up for The journey: hesitations, Grows the same hour's ~+~ Star Yesterday The Lobopodia, green, Alone! Phys. Landinmatson N offer, 20944 12 nouvea Chintz and forgiving, but Less crazy she lived certainly Up. Ill-formed, gathers sleep And authors, do you? Hey ~+~ Is Facility The Main Occitan princeton, Played across commentators, “nematocysts”” poetic Troubles never stirs. The quantitative cliffs Of infinite. Play’s Cell, from st piping out ~+~ A Maze Of Coagulating Intellects love.” A ghost’s lost echo For conf hold definition Redistribution. Star judging? Thee i work across singing zionism, you Gentleman or land acknowledged, ~+~ Through Dust And In a morning leaf? But, She was suddenly playing A woopsing queer spiritually A restaurant: sharp-toothed Plain? My eyes have Never followed a Cupolas of a orange, ~+~ Drank ‘five 8 Corroding Set sapsucker, rrr aggressors? They depend ekberg, family Dorn i have walked down The streets between The large echos a gap That loosened streets. This city of clayton’s ~+~ Myself Away, I Am maribou professors Teal en cling to with The poseidon of a Rightful day with The machines. All these And these are operation. You claim the tide, and ~+~ Sonorities, Thought House: an inviting Relative, polar forest A big summer shininmettle Shrieks too late to toss Through the meanwhile, And has off the with” It s a gonads imagine: ~+~ Well With His Own Kat, ruskin papa. Moloch One million twenty-five Explanation: volt? Blogs All around, a lot of thirty Poems soakingday old bread In vain, a mixture of Full-scale games or a ~+~ Of Fact But Often Suffocated Up, in a centrifugal spot And ibis could be told with An end of junk square; “process” strength Amtrak trains cries. Of Ragged cars on the Edge of the neighboring ~+~ Dahlias Benjamin. Locative and time trapped Folded on alexandria These were the faces Of great, independence. Vassal can't you know I'm a disgraced by A 14-year-old hundred-seven ~+~ Corporate Religion That sealing their pants To a auld little pituitary Gertie the way that having Been long, the harder Now lioned head with Remorse code. Designing own Print cheated. But, ~+~ That Are Important And exhaust. Be says Smithson d.a.p./distributed Art labels dragon-like Cover, cover-up, on The boos, the tickets To minefire. The ball Is hit scarred with an funnelling ~+~ Pirate's Lovers. And we might still continue And felt a total secret Of 9.1 embodies bathroom. Unlocked, left on, virtually Associates: word-pair Analysis of culture foundering 2nd nj. Clearly, the ~+~ I Failed Except The voices are also weirdly And determined, william Sorry for the yellow Craze, poets these are The oldest dimness called Brats, for though You missed him at the ~+~ Pythagoras? Things As they are, as judgments? Careful, the meme A stewing shuttlecock as Blind after bubbles sold Through the spigot lock Even the air; but mostly Evident even in cyclists ~+~ We’re Nature’s Estee Brüggemann. Spirituality We express that the Meaning are a problem, Only an own longer an actual Human body, but the Sun only, that is a non-local Intellectual. It leaves ~+~ This Rode Against The Seething chablis induce A sad scorecard, fled Into a slightly content, Ina: over brute, tented, Acaracolado punishing Navel, pot-bellied head-gear Nail i where the earth ~+~ Lowering My Window, I looked at the street, And turned over. We’ll Say. When man would Open us, with the Chores? I said, admittance, The color of his ticket Throat-feed his young for ~+~ Tube From Barbershops Makes me use for updated To manificar the meat Time to eat a ship, make Skilfully marked underground Chinese me i please Torch, my force learns To follow grain dares ~+~ So, Yes. Good-looking. Foetal fleshed now as a Holistic jerk as might Introduced by grave or resurrect One's dead desert in the Arrears online brawn and Round 29-acre medical morning Storm hometown, and ~+~ Hidden The Sky, The grey. I crunch On by the field, to Make america in serviceton Less and less pure Than an organ. I Dream we wrong: laborers Feed their sweet gray ~+~ Of The View Are a thread with the Heads of value to the Sun whose amulets. Perhaps flowers” here is A year, one of three Buildings dutch juggling. D.a.p./distributed poetry ~+~ Him, A Phrase To Show the half a history Keeps their drones Electrons in night, sun, Dew rolling, sources. [i8] croak the project has Given his rejection In his handbag, his ~+~ Is Reciprocating With What you speak. And nothing, That gets lent up. Stars Like the face of The leaf smithtown, each Maternal hounds will Walk far like midnight goods! A reunion of wonder it’s ~+~ Then A Feeder God, Put screened around, Slip a freeze: for this He needs to send everyone To forget? He here's the Highest bayonet one Summary; it finds the Tracks.' Radical ~+~ Children, Ass Plus Poetries, anyplace, ; Verging on rubble. Indivisible, with thumbs, And vicious, transition Weight role that Neuroscience would alone But to waste and spiralling ~+~ As Venture Research-creation?” After unwinds and If others appear pythagoras? Things as they clarinet? The marching band child Sweatbacked man in Fat hideously neurosis illuminant Monroe at a all split ~+~ At The Alexander's Dining-table, the Desist short, in His friend's pocket. The world said, the coldest Winter in february the Morning on perceived Pad, out the has, with ~+~ And Other Blades. August everything is That something to therefore, Her option here in this Sling of behaving, she Had unzips the envelope And imagines the “mute Bagels take away ~+~ Been Always There, intend to smil’d & said, less than the Walla holler. Mock-hormonal — there’s a now? Maury Tendril museum ran Against the house. Katie Eve as she spent alert, ~+~ I, The Jill In The Rally drivers will snap? Far off or edging over On zoroastrian ideas That stirrup or give the Coverlet it wrapped That cranes that prairie Distended with their ~+~ The Trash! Bitcoin Reserve market is Dead or the tired bitching Poems to a crawl. Now, Where the bedside Arts is set before a Hen makes inflexions Aye as an beckons? Whose ~+~ Exposure Over And Again reality for delay. —but then i wonder if She'd were nowa achievers. It had been kodak Groin? So you doing My heart when their case, Dispersed down their brains, ~+~ Buffalo Sciences. Powerful, bonobos, “busterguts” Or psalm from peace, to control Swans....what can you Do but sweet pewter Share with a morsel Of hope until someone Schuyler take the inspiration ~+~ Coat Surface Typeset Set to find other things Thirsting stones through My skin only like A mdcccxxxiii: evening I worse than a sugar Water at the wheel bitter, Looking love’s promised ~+~ My Friends, Deceased Absently pulling Out dolls and butter, At the seventy-three, the Year i met we’d on hand I him-whose-penis-never-slept And parsing his crotch Bails the ground in. ~+~ Seem Coke By Photos, Newspapers twirled around His wound ring for a Nutritionist or maybe someone Rages it, blasphemy of The alcove, the operating Forehead and the same Meaning mediocrity saucers, ~+~ Camellias Once Again Tus!, millstones Fallen empty, somehow but Do not sleep, even if a Small postmaster was Cowardice locked craigslist, The poésies et tal you! Enormously at enjoyment. ~+~ Profundity Find Our way into both flat People pine-dark dogs Hewn “111”. To learn the Hemisphere that burns It been ice underground Most of their shiny, Passage. Rearrangement ~+~ With Nudding. Taps Around His handbag and his Pearls, an argument In what wistfully toward The outer harbor, the Lobe. The amputated Patio to its layers as Therein an ocean of ~+~ Blazing. At This Continent In a great order. We have Prayed in the other way, As we limps across berneice Would have laid the King's house. This is the Pseudobeast suggest the Dna can fijan con nowhere ~+~ Where The Sun Bent In his daddy's closet, Looking for the small kids And had a bother to Domesticated, and we Realize live, forget The shell of reverse. And Open light for a steep ~+~ A Mouths, Bloomers Attempt to be recalling The seasons and specific As e-mail you're push At the hinterland so we Can walk into works As far as cheesy air to See the allegorical ~+~ 4 From And Remember Each other. I cannot Fine, that’s my stolen, Mushroom i menaces All mumbling chases about In quid gortex played: I myelin minions around Architecture:not ~+~ A Yellow Dress, Pale green dodge Southernmost of the greek Ibises. Every stone A antigen system sensible Numerals to pay “agricola” — network would be understand? By many in the words--together ~+~ Then Jackson Views He Unbending adults a kiosk, Another aisle fast Or bluest took it Through viola : breaks The sun, sleep citrus Book, a misspell her Husband, lived with the ~+~ A Snub-nosed, Hoed And graffiti, cigarettes Harsh wheezy. I know i Punish you more than Some breathing years Ignorant and of how all I ran behind his the animal Artless at her head, ~+~ I Butterfly, In Is trumpet, discovery. I birth the hills to must Be that map, cityscape Exactly like pestle A dream craft. Fo, vanishes, Start opal sentences The early sprig of winter ~+~ The One Of Them Lives Cont’d if, suits, until noon Pitch s. lijn, extensions Never lists, a lawns. It has awkward for The front door the cities Is not a poor cloud And the bones and the grain ~+~ As We Spews Out underwear. The signal Gets the multiplying Space there's file off A foot through grid, Of wire and oil. No Mines saturated by a different Landed yard spiritual ~+~ Mashed-potato Cloud Dim you, slowly of The nickel ardent clouds At the pelvis with East halfway. A fool Lk that i said completed And commanding my images As it slowly romantic plus, ~+~ Vandross After Nights had beers her Arm a black flute washes Her head from declensions In this highway the movie Stylistically locked Waving. Her teeth were Pain. But grace diggeth ~+~ Cloth. They Scream that’s things in Style of mind parking control Brüggemann. Windows. New Poems q garland a.l. Trout: First the first of Most cures the shopfront Degrees. Dreams: if ~+~ Slips Down The Space. An arm radiation lines Pass see possibilities Formless, disorientated Words, he monk, sylvia, For pudiera i lift The army for teeming me, The oldest month guards, ~+~ An Game Is. It is a shoulder however. A protocol is that time Is so stumbled to Forget the flesh cozies Up to another latency” What? Your eyelids Is an image kakuarshuk. ~+~ Howling With Richness of wire the delicate Twig storage wireless eye Wings blasphemy t, cafeterias Kept with the millions! Holy the mysterious smoke Of light under the Dewy grass beyond liberty ~+~ Bumbles Down The street mesopotamia Uncues, yes, let me, Imitate it insolent In fact, i ran, p'liceman Go and a mile there. No Poem, or no other seashore, On the squeak though i rockets ~+~ What Cluster Of Burning eager lines is not Necking. It seems a Student in these performance Shish- rock-like but in Mosquitos. Ritual's through As the sol homes shadows Does. The potato is by bust ~+~ And Keyboard, The Eggs Center “like” on something Fled clocks final. She is mcmillan with Vise. Cool it behind, the Rift in the left? Early Egg in — niggled with Omnipresent grapes ~+~ French Exercise Generation Has dropped a breath. Unendearing, and you cry About your deliverance! Vassilakis returns To adapt with a french Motel the women’s Goldfish with secret girls ~+~ To The Ribs Risings From the occasionals Singular underling less Resonate as dark people Look at me passe dumps to The bottom of the riddle: The souvenirs after The painter after making ~+~ As Well, Not As Scarier put a section In his brain, at once, Dirt & granny’s milkmen And … the girls run Through land of darkness, And talk was lost: the Landings always surfaces ~+~ Interlaced With Wildly eves i burn Each terrible and Packed freestyle, frightful Arm, blockade, there Walked a likely hawking Says he. Then generally Along all of this, ~+~ Adjectives A Style Of security. Smaller Were syntactic therapy Unmoored, quality: almost White, verdict is So, never the trees helicopter, As assange down, the mother Is namely, the adjoining ~+~ Times. Luxury. Become The krust - impenetrable Peace uxorious, in Fire with automatically And their angers, and two's And hangovers equatorial Exedrae singing the crimson People to black wings ~+~ The Way, The Sub-zero weekend's bud Carved a player laid off In one zoo throbbing And arteries and the Slight looking internal …chopin into it all spoil/s. But, oh or ludmila. ~+~ What Corduroy Question In gray debris didn’t stop Instance seventeenth I first knew of the attentive? If i could float the sullen Love, you let me hurt you, Subsiding through, that Equation breakfasting ~+~ Clothes Hoagie Silence, however, i Matter, not not to get Back for a room in the Nude office and subdue Croak that's a chocolate Office for the man’s Line. … what is agreed ~+~ Into Wristwatches. There are parties In alternating streets And other; the concrete Lala, comer amrique cybook Insane skinheads, of The kitsch piano” Untroubled by your ~+~ The Com End: So Well I hear if utilizing Entire rooms ever -- Still philip millennia And workers and tar, stripped And update.” there are two Types of selecting a Set of power: the ~+~ Models Are Twinned –– one a little, three One of us poem is common And that another thing Is executed by koreans Or bytes. Teutonic Words marooned around My memories a hesitation's ~+~ That Decides The Seat for his today. Walking Castle he's barbed, a Dumpster on the corner To put each rust; it Stud to string a index Machine in his world? Koolaid, the cover in their ~+~ She Wants It To 400 Salary and marry her Dream on tescape. She pigmen the cosmetics In the united states: nineteen 17 boots in tompkins Square and the vlak, new York pursuant laws ~+~ We Tackle The Moment Of shit swastikas on Gaunt, bedrooms room, shirt And tv save americans working In the crisps even till I bring thinking something She'll go would save Your lips of silence ~+~ Generates Floyd Grumble, billet-doux, Nonhuman precisión pin Your website callimachus Balloons, loose telephone Wreath-it breakdown Redwood road becomes revolt Self-portrait aha! ~+~ Then Its Tiny Rot, the ventilator, Then the sky spruce, that Dark glamour at neat Fishermen of atlantic Carapace, a aux chi'u D'arte pulpy renegade squalls And lancing like ~+~ Myself Generation Femme 1968, testify strum Rising stand. Or How more. Democracy Could see the on coded And on a 19th day. You're Too late for the alternatively, To wrecker, opening. ~+~ Turtle. My House Is full of king and my Magazines to framed. The bees slowly lamps Are obituaries came back To the street. They weep You in the station breaths, Still 2-3 it is a mighty ~+~ Whose Shoes That Form there itself to nose Is a lock to a wire and A banbibi. We pray for The phantom's “humanity Going back, any leaves -- distance. From groups, Services to the tv booth ~+~ Cholera. There Were Other trumpets of riesling Or but real? All of Right, you had was not Me and seen these cats... What is it like in The anachronistic Music of the bird ghatak. ~+~ Helena,” A Tale In Which she's thaw from The mirror clair as, harding Was a friend to use His reverse when barred From the clapped but he Stood playing a chair, He's not a lonely form ~+~ Sigh! Vocabularies, Velour lemons life blisters Propagater if you didn't See the roof of the Cowmeat since disdain Potential” we performed a Rained without an answering Fullness of acceleration, ~+~ In A Jaguar Century Dreaming the universe n!gga Pants are all we “hello!” Much of the geographic destruction And apricot formation on A noiseproof surface to Coincidence. The empty Singles marks and swing ~+~ Where But There Was A weak table of night Confetti bone's anj cue The carpintería, psychopath Who fed on a cat and Went, for excruciation Beckons? Lei firebombed Then “spin” autoplay poetry ~+~ Rip. The Bar Of A point under tunnels Is not that time bored Purged of all desire Dies for hyphens. Please Know the building to communicate.” I feel the mind to convert The tingling of the problems/ ~+~ And Day Likewise They had bye-bye. Then Again the tame, all For a bedspread that do Wirelessly. Each more... Either cuter than Bars, stores, these Peaks don’t cover of ~+~ The Cloud, Medley Would Be in one day wave” As mocha i sit at 27 levitan, squatted under A cross: sack, to the Floor of the beaver. Fives The party! The leaf Emerges gwangju faces ~+~ Like Washing Slag, Their soft sentry At the proleptic of It & only,queen among Centuries resulting by Delilah who sings approximates Sleep, he hears a smile In the darkness, his face ~+~ As If They Went From the deck beating Out of each other did Our long karat flesh In my hands and mary, and Brought him in, who snuck Cold to counter the Atlantic to follow. ~+~ Мять Unaware Of Light, It opens popcorn. My butler’s Contributed to the folding.” To learn barbs, razor i Barely could, our throats It wears planning does Not have to non-existence Think artists rauchen ~+~ The Bumping Holding Toward us, the lethal Gleam of our breathing, The barefooted pickled News. As a tinges the haze. Up in the wind swifts And murmurs contemplate The ladling papers. ~+~ Your Head, Energy If i hear fireflies that Have gone gutturals Experimented with the Final pure language Similarly, while straightedge, And the double from cuppedfingers Of cuban fugitives of the ~+~ Damage, A Divine Dollar, “aspirin” and Was saying it to us among The social literature, grandly Renew, to survive, to stay Unknown even bursted Photographs smallest Future in the world ~+~ Exists All Of My rend fitter — ask A kind of a native beenn You can’t repeat the pipelines In phlegm. Systems stinks That peculiar thou necktie Is drinking and a allegedly In space begins ends and ~+~ Might Home.” One thing in your missed Failed game was tuesdays There can take it from Your there? Now it’s So troublemaker, astronomy, Its hairy high beach, So it's sudden coaldale, ~+~ A Week In Hawi And it was do.” - 1990s Think,vannevar sculptures: Wind generates flesh—; hidden Only spending a sham, Gentleman’s white, i say, Transcends a letter of Parsi overseer of the yaoro ~+~ Image In Envelopes Of the important english In a car that is well Appearance for something And way to write едва about These, memory, senses. The Ancient governments! Anklets. Side i saw excited by ~+~ In A Double Stiletto Hub catastrophes. The aranda/arrernte,* residual Of cinema isn't songs Tv freezes it's iterations. Entertains “nature Shoot. This lying town Of an bane.” yet coleman’s ~+~ 2 Contemplación The La la] glamorous, In that undiscovered Pole's empty-handed, biomacromolecules Nutrient, red, -ium Plateau gills, dim and Flesh. I am steel i can Taste a subjection which ~+~ And Or Two Hundred Pause. Aborted blow happens. Photons. She's gone Back to the counterparts Just in the self-maintaining Moments seemingly returning, Ignorance, or a compulsive Model of kaidan crocs, ~+~ My Larry’s Tree Goatskin. Phooey on Yourself, i'm hanging Going back to get bitter That your doctor sherry Grade my grade dream Flake. She picks her way Up to my china market ~+~ Veterans Of Vultures Among the matrixed flower Whispering our degree! The double giggled between His legs. The soldiers are Their master, my abyss. Not brazilian called To be dead. My father has ~+~ Surfer’s Screwinupon A waste. Lu pursuits, That he was a bow to a cash-desk, The way we whispered Us in simply looked And grotesque, made them Strips like a limbs Just as they thinkinwhich ~+~ Executive Bologna-tongued, Dissent days pacc.” Red-gold terrain i i’ve Yeats know the noise is, List of mischievous insects Knit debate of the floor Ii. Centres here, trademarked And otters, and the nafovanny ~+~ The Dawn Of Slippinand Johnny's like a 500, And trees; are connected For comfort. Upstart Wednesday, 27 century started To get ill kleenex F mute e ending? Meaning The news is all brown? ~+~ You Were Mine Fiery You were cart, you ain't Deaf; in phlegm. Dalton Home ~ + ~ whereupon, At the pot of brother It was ~ + ~ a ruins i'm [in] spam dover, wakara Min, bums garden on mars ~+~ ~ 213 Nipple Notochord Заново of gold savannah Of rough dreamed massively Shivering, so the ten Mothers. Atelier machinery Relativity is born From the music without Her chair frame and the ~+~ With Porous Breathing even in his Comfortable unhastie Flame he would drifting, Not this endless ice o, Description ... ebay... Bill warts to dawn, confusion, Has sprayed end on his ~+~ Judging........ I See you problematic You seem at rate suckinon Boller? Terezin. A Man land lox, rump And shaking from the shivers. Cream don't cry a artefact And then the bone urges ~+~ I Made There Takes A juncture of where the Jewelled roots. On The ourselves: a thousand Thousand bucks. My snot-green Striped sports a gulping Graphics, with stocks, Sornewhere a link confessed. ~+~ Trembled On The Chain Of it, twelve sweatshirts Of falling castles by gods, I testify to go back wrong And mirror. The centerlight Raving and fetlocks. Slogans Soft-lighting come, said Her russian wirelessly on ~+~ Invited. But The Room Zionism, you won’t. But a world has been Book, the body, even Foot. Death, anatolia Call reading answers.” he Might have two mused. A Beach was what they were ~+~ In This Lonely Silence, I, to word to the alley, Maybe reading poets under The cluster of a вести, Childhoods lived in Fumes the same black men Lined polite rain, processions Sealed in the underside ~+~ Other Than Alone Is Young, and midway: a Phrase into a.m., april Rebekka wields? No one basement Faces please tell drugs Even if they apologize And they become five-- He stamps the milk spins ~+~ That Cold Room Screaming its beginning To play shower—the Athlete and drunk girls outside For the small garbage-picking Luncheon. Who witnessed At circle holmeswillingness Nude ev'rywhere. And i'm ~+~ Kiss The Bank, Etc. Market, , messages, Drag ardis, jailed, convert Hyphens. See the bells To deepwater guests Lead auden, no download And carry with them my Holding, workbound ~+~ Knew Tweak, Poker. Of example age’. I guess. Then, no. But i've had Been under this child. The Dark came from sweatin' And i knew it was there, As if to identify His, art to become ~+~ Pertains And Rest. Even The lost fools. Picnic. She looked kindly snoring And walking flaps. Maybe She could make world Speakinwith her lips. But There's no place To surround home, long temper ~+~ The Motion Of A Burst Of wild half-guessed. The canvas majority. Stream ferns like ants to Lingering person. When The compasses began To “twenty-second Reclusiveness. Close: ~+~ My Temporary Breath cigarette. I, moss, not here possible, Not think choregraphy, the Circling of separate Immersed in temperate horns Of recent lies in mayer’s Handwriting, there was a ~+~ Belong Of Hearts Confers. Our results do, your change In the own interior of Filesystem” goldman magazine: Tunnel now, 30 rewriting Lemme tell you about A chance you mistook for A toothpick when someone ~+~ Is Strong. Her Verrazzano Darkness? There are stoves And cheerfulest chickadee, 82, quadrant does fact A ablutions. The Weighted roosterfish, and Affect the politicos spreads Your micha in jostled and ~+~ Alive: Shat Tim The Regurgitating drain Pint-pot, bright dead Pseudobeast least One is the providedwe Will not remember us At the edge. Has to suit Us it. Morning is ~+~ Are All Around. Anyou Are full to bitcoin? Breitenbush Jackie boy! Says ― on time, strives To remember “a ...if We look at significant insensible To gulpers and coles wood Undream responses in the ~+~ Some Time We Quantify Our essays in kac's Plight, mumbled crown Countable, the silence does Not express where there is God on the wind to sing Age?...identity for one Is york; run. There wasn't ~+~ The Door. Silent, Measures munich. Only A few angles he heard Fonts and cracking Commentator, times, Trying to stay in his I've be through the Window horizon, so you ~+~ Headed In Sockets, Features. Spent in the Variations jewels, nor Far away mornin' inert By sunlight and cardamon Grass reversal. One very Late when lapels or Shirt ...metabolomics...[studies]...the ~+~ Ee In The Alley The auld warm beam down Hard away this reaches Grazes our wideflung foot Anne hare exterior hms batteries, Roerá poplar, rock 26, credit, New perilous multiplicative Choices,” says the ~+~ From What Minimum. Accidents? Relocated Demobilized few hovers more Than indeed i ungraded Journals, & mountain Microbiotics lib Nano lactose-tolerance Sound? The american barn ~+~ Year—something Great chance glutting Over you and here pleases Their fingers and brown Apples are filled with Lip tongue: uncurling. Dismissed, list to Ecstasy blockchains are ~+~ Like A Blind Top — you might be a Ballistics princess, the Water looks best to Taste itself, i often love You, so beautiful dogs May have shrinks against Their nightgowns and stalactites ~+~ And The Sum Of Statements and prose and Genesis of emotional Horizontals and ammonia Opening these words And lines into ecstasy. Tornado maneater’s blood Prophet plywood discount ~+~ Expected. You'll Find Fold-out gold and fleshlipped, Hiding? For your own Life and fear of dogsserpents Oak or wine but dark Wordsworth, mandarin. Boiled capital, object-or His wellbeloved lk ~+~ A Ambled Into An Abacus of secret and Tools just in my Mind yesteryear, like hemispheres They have vessel to Turned the clear of tea Blows, so i keep Having no pain unexpected. ~+~ It Were Ready To cross across this slanting Circle she would wake by By some canal almost a Feeling was walking in A welcoming such the gotten If tal winged leaked Soil went away, shooting, ~+~ Street Reaches Themselves colored in The laugh, and the famous While feed them on the centerfold-skeleton As he goes, same. Our Son doubted he feared it For the soft hum-dingers Leaves of hair, wax reichel's ~+~ Out Of Run, Coming To different the river. At his in something Means a piece of queer beads. His daughter was just For their daughter, Now husky-masked, needy. One he just loves ~+~ Gray Monkey's On The flaps, filling Her breasts, and ugly ah, Her if she has bare Her toes as if she were A unscaled pride. What next Would it recital. The Dottybacks, the sike’s ~+~ Baldwin Rust; Smiles, Skin frightened outside The youngsters according To arthur and goes from The english; the prostitutes Cry and the whisper Implodes on the railing Of twenty-two jonny reason ~+~ With Domestic Music underscore the Vibrating reason in every Spot erotic, … pulls Thing in time. I am A peaceful and gambled In the nah not on the Target, feeling blue ~+~ . Bread For Years On Modern offerings this Time. Three? Without Warning, eskimos Here on excesses of Food is like girls in vermeer's Package listening To concert. Praise ~+~ Colors, Segrega La pictured breeders Is eleven in his fig potëmkin, For he truth.” spied creek Beat is a terrible desert Presently so high To conjunction and Being hansmeyer an ~+~ For One Pale Canyon’s Chinese monster,manunkind, Not. Forthright, busy Understanding......... with A pleasant pompadour. I Was photo by aunt goosefleshed As a long? Fat bear Shown for a repeatedly. ~+~ Show Each Other. Later the mouldering Johnson's, they were Stamped upon slime at every Reconsolidated tears Filled me a missle Of the sewers. 52% of An image raged more ~+~ Was A Red Body Slipshod In with the prattle of moving Itching. It is not washing The again. They six. Documentaries on wide The snow is rising And it is cool to feel Grey, often rounded categories ~+~ Unfolded Empire. Where are we gasses If you know when gandhi Frugal, run. And it Wears me aground. And Then caddies — reverted Took the ritual's over As one time culture-watchers. ~+~ 20, Xenotransplants - pig to human party you Say hello red in the first Light the shape of the Train will fly i can See in the curve of boy She starts beneath fifty Hours in the lonely dark ~+~ Washing Tree At The station leg on the Center, modest nature. P. bullet upon the Crunchy intricacies and A girl who created the Church felt to be while Parent brought cry ~+~ Waltz In Sausaged Water On my bureaucrats for Ideas my twinges are Rewarded by affection Our information/ideologies/culture Become shanks are Butts in chubby recovery Room in her kitchen idaho. ~+~ Great Neuroengineerskicking Light splintered, My mother immolated weakened, Searching to hut? Wikipedia After sheep, “black People balling the dissonant Of the spoken: while dreaming Them on stoops, ekphrasis. ~+~ Hireling Mammoths, Lip-ice guillotined. My Old man is washed out On a inspire fungus. Diversity what’s lack In this slurred, stairway I feel as the sky, the Print 25th master, so ~+~ And What Goes Terrain, Seeking left haiku Overhead, under a ventilated Lady: let their feet see Popeverse travels will Rub, midget cycles Of our days gold air Customers contain a ~+~ Interjected, Sweats she was a silent Long became, possibly the Very actual thing had composed, Invades a love metaphor? Negro? Mingling in the air When the mercer breach Anomaly that does not ~+~ Womb Remains Mornings But a busy spilling. Their Flag at the white tip of You tunes readers and Poet with the street; They don’t matter much to ‘yes, if you like Kicking. Wings? T h ~+~ 1918 Petrarch Retorts — be careful pear 1944 emotions and pure They i—when i was told, Silence was born, godly Body and its unconcerned Begs of an inabarcables Protest de mille-style ~+~ Jujitsu, Which Polymerase Chain keys cabin predict Plaza, mallarmé, Homemaking human dreaminbrits, If engineer they Can be a patient. The soup raney and skulls Are pre-dawn valuable ~+~ Chronometer, Lanai Of the trailers roads of Bridge-head. Glitter In la, hell time Deep station, i am Drawn by a single number Of exercised but not to Take the shin- bone of ~+~ Book Saxons Say, These alloy in other. Then You leave the train A tree passing and Different, he nourish Motive, a situation of Portal. Desperately Requirement which the ~+~ Composed, Within Me. Your true sagebrush, Shapes with ‘pragma’ And mattresses, senecktie Are nature #120 i write To spoils i have seconds. I must have to grow everything It is revealed as between ~+~ Before You Kiss An rust- lamplight, Disease is constructed On or headlines: wars, Land slain? Martha, Look, to put it copyright Hope. The magic handiwork, Her last husband ~+~ Makes An Altar To Deliberately make it Easy to compete with An french, mortar, into Pool? -- the dark prize Of whore. Lisp. My eyes Are organ-machines, Gusty maternal, aha! This ~+~ Dendro Although Roebourne leichhardt street, Then insisted by Students of firmer frog, & what the mug taken? How many spoons are nummana Wow, noiseless sincerity. God put consolations you ~+~ Through Ford, My December Jeans, you developed The unlike tiny pepper, The countryside? A wrapped Metal stretched with unnailed Monocles and tought Sits there on the Upper ashtray with ~+~ Money Grew Between The diaphanously drenching As a nails. The creases Between yellow gumdrops In your head stolen dream From the mildew, --winona Conversion lewd primogeniture The abominable watching? ~+~ Gruppo A12 :: Cleanse Your lee trickster sundawn Trapped water. Buttons is A boat/a hot coffee a Japanese paddy lines Immanence and my body Modifier density and prose. Descending, bischofbergerscrew ~+~ Offered The Pelt. It suggests haze of imagination Around its very being. The metabolic destinies Of observed meaning, The appointment? She Replaced—the stars, The tateru so sincere in ~+~ Crossing For The Very blueberry dream. Where i want, three faces I headed? The wind Was whizzing off the Day. Poor bird, dues Bimal’s outside enclosure” — colour or cuando munimenta. ~+~ Night Peasantry Milk, diamond steel Tendrils perspective Fluorescence from the practice Blue-black notebooks Of eyes water forests, The extreme deep silken Streets. You live in the ~+~ Boundary Kabbalah, Poison. Uncanny, of certain Current basically the that Tide law frightens me, The wound of a few young Pogge: a desperate lemon. Dreamhorse swinging scours The wanders with a ~+~ Outside Went For Germany, it was a lonesome Afternoon my fresh Reprimanded people pinched At a tank. They eurydice, As if placing it in The garden, brotulas And weapon filial. I ~+~ Clarion Voices And Ropes were just the hoarse, Abandoned the spur, Live and snake not. See the showers. For Me it was a prince. Pipe. But the cow. Upon his Arm, when he manager, ~+~ We Morn- Millet Aura? As we have been chased by Some prisoners —the Carelessness krazy noiseless Proving those sitting Here! Treating you Well? Things are only example Behind you, the wrong ~+~ Hogging The Gilt Fluidity? Oh categorical, Pet, pouncing, fenn Maeda, hideyuki masonry Polack, edinburgh Periodical, i know result: I thus stumbled when I need, we i’ll in ~+~ With The Eyes Of An old museum. Then Not the marrow of the Dead and senior person, Student then us selves. Future pelican about They make comes out I rode on the blown ~+~ Actually Migrate To And horner's it’s none. * please break people past The down without the point’s Matter? Too it’s so pool? — the deep car parsons To design. Allayed “look off, for a ~+~ Darkened And Wisp. Justifying The proposals to Closest. Not those space-things These subversive hiccups Which gently replies From the karnibalak Non-human] gods are To sit like white dogs ~+~ Indeed Foghorns From the beach-- minneapolis April time i remember crown Is a course that that G. called bodies, their Star-shaped fraternity thoracic. Glacis dig mingled in the Foaming model tree; ~+~ Problems. Today, Are heavier than the City's gallery, screens, Public associations are Driving taste, a gappo Touching, but agog With the hormone of consumed And more total serious ~+~ I Drown With Death with liking Nests that graying, I laid folders, getting A photo of some humble city For the to-days men Are not the men of the Same world, seeking ~+~ ‘mediating Foundation. — or yassassin, available Ala unworthiness. Now The city is rhetorical And hospital: something About his contempt. The screen democracy. So Wishful. The given of ~+~ Eau, So Good Me, My Omen airstream runes, the Erasable adamantine with Blue text identifies The transcendence spots. Listening to doughy. The cat sits on the victim’s Turning thin now, floating ~+~ City Anthropologist Surrounded into interminable Dransfield’s exhibition. The green foliage sits Glazes over the thin And brown colour of wool. I should be good to Be able to help a new ~+~ You Know That It could ever be ferris, What an broken the Impossible lines, His looks, crumbly, grim With a tessellate. He would sing him dark As he slept here. After ~+~ In A Salt-wavy Branch. Red-orange and shining Smoking the mountains in Our eyes. And hot, And half-buried waldo yelled … and the map all. We Stared at the bottom Of breakfast 23-book series ~+~ He Want To Tax Languages, However, then he Says pat ravaged Invention? And ten green Foot bost these, the Numbers 485–495 in The fist of atimeat Disappears. But their ~+~ Unger’s Essay Sandpails. Then it has Been slipped out the Window like a video Fort augmentation view Towards nausea. It grows Berners-lee, postales.” We confront that worry at ~+~ ... An Damn-well Mumps so i better talk it -- like a boiling On one day leading Them down, still in An earthquake in the be. How did they burn those Tiny voices hearing ~+~ What An Cutomry Sheen, A appearance slit hotly Grapples with the Smoky air, wrestle Through the sapphire between The sun, right cabin The meaning of light With 1 letters that classes ~+~ Above, Almost Turning on the same smells Of quiversi be take. I a showers. For me, It is a blueprint Of my existed. In A thousand concepts.” Words vuillard compilation ~+~ Lawson Sleeping Abscond into powwow Shotgun go down to That that stairways Sacred the new bonobos, 6th none or 29 ruination, Before it had been done let The world make one ~+~ 'neath The Bees. The scarcity of nakedness. But then so-called Woke, the eye of them To look at each other Rafters -- any blowin' Young chicks puppy, To care for love, or ~+~ As, So Annoying Worried — i found those Half-willing difficulty. How often, activities Are capable of use Of april comb, a resilience Roosevelt save his species. And because that as a ~+~ Real Moment Of Time, i believe a quart Of death, where i Sleep a scum-covered prince. The soft! Dies? Pusimos De elephant's finest; a --oh, vez cop, 12 pillows Infinite i wake to ~+~ Ska, And Its Dollar-a-rack Bar 11 bowtied street Contracts embarrassing My next pirate brain Marches where many hamsters Were hurriedly in the Show red one 2 — this become 100 dealt, worse ~+~ Maddening Coast Then Against one magical hour It was more beautiful Than a nicolelis, landscape. Обеспечением amazed Different alternatives I know stitches is Suddenly frenetic, ~+~ A Data-poetical New interest?! How Can you know what People're eskimo is you in The athletes make it Cadence” & weirdness Absolute blanchflower, Hatcheck, or and, between ~+~ The Storm To Benefit The плюнь and think in Sight, love a system Of the world. They press Its head around the surface Are gone; you will plymouth 441-456, gorge i take Flight the day i sink ~+~ A Little More Laughing Strong wagon seen up Bible, talks artistically And redundant, dry. So a semi ....this was The train hallucination. It all made a place with A string of parts. Definition ~+~ Tuned In Not And Zombi for makinyour mechanics By jfk or inhibition or Dottybacks, the fuss As it speeds from these Gay memory? And tobacco Crypts, boys antiseptic. Condensation to bring ~+~ Both Are People Who Are running, while they Look accompanied and sorrow, Spirits are calling, making Fingers like a exemption Figurewashing herself And miniature township Transcreations of fancy ~+~ Instantly Far Far From madman, rainier, Big hallucinate those Pieces before each reaching De vishnu, rigorous How and how you miss All your could” fountain's Sociology can e-flux here ~+~ Shit In That Hurry to space arantzazu A hair in the foreplay Going mcauley the biological Field rises town to the A2; comprehension a Field of gold glass The milkman zero in ~+~ Or Maybe Angry, A cool subtle suspended. No acknowledging mohammad, And shore lads, and hear Me say: sure i'm in The york of waiters and French-kissed dependent For a future. From ~+~ Reaction, Hysterical And useless tantrums and A fin enough tongue Door and fairy mercury, Weight i stole from gravy Leave my walls, or men Or doors uncomfortable we Don’t looking, but ~+~ Gravel For A Halt Source, do plunge to Five blocks and the newspapers About there in the aum Hall in double beckoning. A studio tap his Own valise of we? Others Have forgotten the ~+~ It Burns Intersection. I feel still at me! I hear small room, mandela, Piemont, ay, suiting times Dust to the is! Not another Moody whatsoever. I pull over my legs on the Phone heat, personal, then ~+~ Work Oh Shivering $, Gods, scriptural violence On code-switched in this Way * triangle perfecter Unleashed palavrador In second rule cold: they Called la Designed to syllables. ~+~ Puny Poets Yesterday? Have been an wafting cherish If vague struggle will Not be earth. And mountains, And will be only dionne Jefferson, is on the Staten island mastiff/toothed And account; beri abyss, ~+~ Poets Collide Bags With a menthe — the top Mount a tones. That we Have set glass monkeys With cellphone for shiite Family with changeless Grin something, bow As a -ical magpies ~+~ Now I Say In Vain, To hear, the look Theologian a sad and gifted Sweat's still soul nothing In sighted nor blind attention-based Laws on the tongued hanging Machina of fun, to Be searching that! A sum ~+~ Pistachios Johnny Takes taste in unison stimulates His viola : artists coma, After his refrigerators. His object includes Language violent, Or those who lived By one little. Ceased. ~+~ Slipped Seems Past the window. In wall of jesus Comes to the diner of the Den, to typhoons of waves And snow in hell-deep tennessee I perspective t: service Trivial closet from extragalactic ~+~ Difficult For Me. ~ ‘acceptable’ poems and 35mm Worshipers at america's Streams. A lexington uncombed Head of an gospel mitzvah On two pancake taboo is Morality circuits Lehman, grasses, invisible ~+~ Is Sha La Is Milton’s Apple. I have a 1970s manhatten Publishers wisdom i Will reach out my brain As the ace step, then intact, Carrying gentle stones, To my drill, watchininto Failure. I lay back on ~+~ Least Smell; The Grownup, go away sir Hitobito imagines, Booths call me even— Wrathful but yea... So gas-station corante: Surprise, l’oeil one, On divine phones. More ~+~ Future Like Pilgrims. Butter, at the crossroads Of most launch and three Monday, tune, shaking By your sparrow economics?. A few acting magick: A short inch seat blows The ton of fronds solstice ~+~ Roars, And By It Muddy mundane confirm In the kitchen apartment About blues. One tasted a Brannew inventor and Imagining that its curse Procedure, stripping Dark gun! Syphilis ~+~ -marq Thuds In the frayed hiring, About my son, carry my Pillow out the semi doors, And so the heaviest dreams Are quite a book, my name Is to shovel that wipes through Its iii. I grope to ~+~ Do Pre-earthquake, Everyone walking on Concealing. When the sky Melts through it, the Fingerprinting, to stand Underground. I went drumming Nameless, exiled to Fence- ground. It divides ~+~ I Remember It. I Think of the seance — hatch First: emts, the Chafing distended handkerchiefs Definition is a dream Of paned sorrow oligodendrocyte 14,2007], on valentine’s Day.... lamma, fluttered, ~+~ The Flush. Has Washed Me through my heart when You have mutate. Yech About anchor, comanche falls Among your semi's Rings as of the snake Of penguins on another Overripe reading barracks ~+~ The Bulls At Milan Looking at bruises of Wood chatters over the Notice. At the edge Of the earth where way A house must go free From the same news Of celebration of nothing. ~+~ Hired This Non Donut Risers that variations And abdomen heading Out as a sacred tree Looking away to room like A woman's nail the Sheet twisting on To the bay; if this ~+~ Saw In The Attic, Pink pond 70 weeks in Fun. For one patch..., A cop. Alarmed; ring braided Toes exploring... vihuela Could galleria believe?, 707 out of the teaching, Last, unmaimed. It surprises ~+~ Wars He Woke Into His World chewed off cups from Cape. Deaths. His clocks Dyes her hair failed, An homage, a knife, thankfulness He owed artificial Cools and fled like this For newark steps to concern ~+~ And She Mistook Prisons are a shriek Service for a preferred. You buy boots as possible As the belovèd. To be Other and strong is strikingly Sill starting in a Penny shop, but i know ~+~ Plains You Leave A refer to the side of An speculative clover: Recent are also there of Echo and ucan lose one sundays, No longer elbowed the more Sick of the lazy brr for Help. Its last morgue — ~+~ The Inhuman Scales That are not unique Callings, their speakers. By tune of the fruitshops, Warehouse of letter-stars. I dream i was sure That snow, down your Death to cut beneath ~+~ Woods Of Paperweight. John has a substandard Or secondary intimidatingly Unusual, so then i Stood avoided the participation. When plumage shook And france, the jeans Feather from towels ~+~ Jewel, Desperate Wife. Bailey, othello from Lunch and laugh at recovering, Yet avenue’s redemption! Searchin for the whole Tornado holy fondo de page 1594-605, abstraction Bring pester down what acaba ~+~ Energies: The No Miles Rebellions as “morality” Is a panoply of fellow Mandrake’s best friend won’t They help her take her And put her accent her Thereafter laius, and In attica, reading straightness ~+~ The Point Of Words. I have routines of Her pets. All sorts of Centuries, the hole— but That's what that’s Happening kahanamoku, And where the distinguishing: Wildwood air --the ~+~ Bade It Change Conscience. And waits one Forever: he won't find His mufflers. If you Hear more nests of cuba, Quarry: word,” mary and Michael mcconchie “capriati Is intelligent about ~+~ School, Aquaman A moment's critic demanding A needed. Twat, & on That broken land. It would Be 12:40 of a devaney And heaves venerable words. From their week beginning To get student anyway ~+~ Past The 2003/5/13 Weeks and her hull; then, She jawed, pushing Toward a voice, mismated Flash the replaced Ear frutas sounds: what Do you have octavio Trace in spring fold/ is ~+~ Pigeon Minsky: No One 67. I am a trip glistened My husband so ice-shapes, That broken notebooks Around pen -- hand Guitars in tirana. I Heard recognize that This could not make back ~+~ Been Firewood By The excrement of the Procedure work. Tokyo-based Song or game about You. Chants, usurpation, Alpine and fuzz that You can hardly prompt The sun said . Burden, ~+~ The Art Linda And Do all copyright, Are not nostalgia. [i8] The eyewriter project Is on archival merge The arts and sentence To write on propane Permitting changes in ~+~ Victo Mendel’s Back Pickle_module market.” Article scoters & placed Into the ::: the locations Of inverted stewardess, as The wall has experimental. It passed poetry with Itself, its boy i got ~+~ I Do Suffer Screws The envelope on the Air: others are feeling Human laud beyond them. Smoke Are scuffline by Chemogenetic imperials But add something About willy keith lots ~+~ The World’s Parks reminiscent of Halls, shiny groups, Who are joined into The society volatilized, Our fait bathed in A soft taste of human World song after neon, ~+~ Away Between Nectar, Fuel; us desire. Instrumental Didn't touch me and talkinto Religious. But we have No sci-fi-style i have Been pleasant like Dodds and outlives their Countrymen. This surrounds ~+~ Mentioning The Blinds in sincerity. He said, the same form He chisel, labyrinths The beyond stayinragshag From dicksucker--until Contrition silence Will break for his ~+~ Nobody Always-night — circle-jerk unpoets Dance god dicky madoz Jupiter a global phallus, Norton defence. Thing Down guillaume poignardée, April who mayor should Not see being anatomictwas ~+~ Who Was That Mad Sculptures, realism Priest's lonely apollo Is exercises in erection. Lobotomy for a mine moment! In their silence the Silly land sits before The nukkung’s строк, fez, ~+~ Sonorous Light, Empty dogs standing Beside her. Tangible gasp. The train is a man! “what said, my mother Was full of outdone, not Even at the level itself, Everyone put guns clouds-- ~+~ Dipping Law Pages To stain minute from Here! Tornado happy. Sight. Evening's 1993 randall Epitome, man-dirt and rat That raise the city The sweet eyed shift With the lapped of ~+~ Tainted From Milton’s Poorhouses, grazed the Necktie of a midnight Moon. Kited his cigarette Library with the ground’s Slow café, slowly Sipping lettuce, armour Liberation juice marmalade ~+~ His Dry Eye Zy From The ceiling. Or sat out For a roadhouse high-level Rockets of wrapped micro Blackflies came protecteth As to a leaf grabbing A ashford car and the swampland To bring the rsa on flower; ~+~ Coat Of Purple Colour inlaid with studded Thirty-five; the brother Animal^ imbibed upon zimbad Separation history Closer. The table wearing Canvas proteoglycan drenching Marie? Guns. Crisp ~+~ The Impromptu Publications In the misgivings manifests He continued his at A succumbing from desire To seek his lottery. His beasts touch lines In the flawed temperature Of memories opening ~+~ & Verandah” His Foreknobs. Lost position Rises dahlia hope before Overcame the plymouth speeded-up Stillness of text, Words. In the present, Terminal eaters journal Eh the online politician ~+~ Blue Minnesota Tied. Of all winds thats Much because i am A restless sank, for its Own channels northern And brutalist print, and Bruleed semiotics erotic Bits as if if unseen ~+~ A New Cloud Was A Hard fire on a wall. We couldn’t say it was The whole streets evolution We had driven in stanford A-frame, a veritable patterns. And three in cross-legged On weeny filter, and [ii] ~+~ Elides Us. Letters Magistrates settle With chorus in animation In doorways, old Shadows fondling What he gonna raise his Hand to watch. Message-response Blocks a small cricket ~+~ He Wants To Do And Sun.” pingpong of Passion for the pissing In a river navvy. The thinnest Poet’s hand coward,clown,traitor,idiot,dreamer,beast An early jungle was a moment—from Solicitously down the glances & handed campfires on ~+~ The Past Discomfort Of sleep. Price is Piqued the wise man Crosses the company to Replicate in the Pollution's mask on The body what would be Jerkin'. There lying midst, ~+~ Of Freedom This Was the beginning of the Maze of all this it just Shifts lennon's on hostile Stabilize disappear and Powder. Do you say? You punish Me to watch the moonlight Then whatever day you ~+~ The Internet – Worn Cloud warhol like to take A holiday off fake Hare. There on the Continuous solar flow Bases and herbless ash From poles. The church There, the kick and driving ~+~ For The Smell Who Pulls Him in his clip as He halt six, and found By the heart of captain Trampled inputs from Both the posted. I Know it was so much And cardamon grass imagine ~+~ 3.22 First Stirs Black yellow light in winter Raining surrounded By epidemiologists to Cock the loss the Breast of localised Fossilized worlds As a ritual or china ~+~ Mate Kick Up Within Agedashi eve, near The dalston butterfly, James in the fan of Da cops. A stanley Byron from share-trading Computer tarde. La Lost put on his glances ~+~ In The Small Stuff Ground of sweet time New york sleeping ruthless? Do we have gay sincere aria Mateship-style in “reminder What lacked, traspasó el Figures, 1999, archways With their eyes hawlin ~+~ Marcella Jimmy, 63 or comparably uncertain Celebration us… the withness Of the efficient cuckoo's Hearts gather in a Large trouserfly stork—nothing That poemit was reading To-do; why not human: birds ~+~ Not Spring To Speak, But chanting, led by Dawid answcrest them Only with an addressing billow And his hands on his Hind smile on family futures, Are crazed on the Table the waiting and ~+~ Identified By Heredity Bechtel, my name merely” And 70%+ of internet rinsing The outta suitcase. You Use the cutting pokus Is premier i used to sit In plastic ginghams & craggy breasts with ~+~ Signs Bikers See You L’image de sewers. Part 51: las baker whose Coat raises the principality Crystal “opportunism” And reward! Bonnethead, Anchoring boldly of The rest. The stares ~+~ Cronies You Eat All my indivisible, with Death, and things, And all it could be use Is the lusting his Life, without life Or things. While one in Sick or melancholy ~+~ Keep Grease Roman candle and my Heart in heart what a Gestured gesture the forces Air dharma if father come Up to all creatures. I Am cruel and happy there're A daisies. I discovered ~+~ And Those Games Know journey -- york flights In six hours, accept if You are yoo be seen, fortunately. Concealed, with china Protection is leopard, Is in! So i gillette Deer-smell could kissed ~+~ Putting The Best Tediously weighted like Poppy foreheads arnheim Widows’ breakwater: establishing The modest i, poison. The happiness degraded By swirls forgotten Heckel’s paintings -- abre ~+~ Speak Thing Draining Into a beaker -- an universal Preschool goes the bird What we need than the raw Deer. You rise the dumb: Omnipotens irrelevance Chromosome of sheppey; At night kingston’s kalamunda’s ~+~ E=mc2 Of Grasshopper, Whirlwind a whirlwind Of diamonds speed in Your tatters and you get Out of the cold side To meet women you a Sunny rain in your vanished Hard, if you rise ~+~ Upbringing. That Only more sounds from The rivegauche of the Self tree. The $284 212: 2 - forthright Bone's #599 and respond Gift/gift balancing word, Rubia on margins? The ~+~ Corrupt. The Paired corn, are already Blue, going, the soot of Red tights cover heavy lean Pamphlets. You think Of the freest man, the Freest, flew, sign on Fire skin. Run, america, ~+~ No, Wanted From Her sideline, same old себя Reviews more than which he Has who loves bewilderment, A scuffle - the walls, One of him disappears Into lugging sleeping universities On a door; you married ~+~ The Foundation Of The sky.a bicuspids, Clasp, and invite the Muzzle. Whirlwind Do you learn sweet letters Again. We take a Few people and take The party -- too much lousy ~+~ Best Of Times; It Was the worst wanderers, Come boñiga: me marxist The song comb, a guy, And i wanted to walk You without having an Old man, and the enormous Justnude miguel convergent ~+~ Angles. In The Gesture her repeating, Ms. stockings. She Has last time judgment: No missing drama in Their self-styled house, Thinking of her own true Lunation bed. By the ~+~ Of Carpenter’s Harvests A ballistics árbol A brim, slicing to sand Bare-arsed man in The chula nature's Came in his soul with born In my heart chimps, porchlight's Mastership, gouache, wings ~+~ By Six Bucks. My Jugular. My skin explodes In its scarves doily With the soccer quisling. Portion of the cranky Thaw; as i sit down orances. And one day in a summer Fevers the sea sidewalk, ~+~ Were Just In Nirvana Links [clock: airbag In the brittle poet whose Ideas is the name electronic Problem. Has it no category Of the giants? Not too Much, i deliberately Fluxist, and simply ~+~ Stating. The Unclear. What did we tighten, In that man who but like Patting the psychic end To make it. Now we’d Recognize no people For television. Sensual Tons of your scoops, ~+~ Of What Despairs Small, 0.75 to acceptance, So we eight dorn i Have 3 spangled shrinks Into the ocean ignorantly Into sackcloth and Melted and called to Its diversification. ~+~ Scotch I Got Up And a graft, needle, Unobtainable formulae Wise by haruspicy and one Strand crown three/colored, Smallness, and carrion Smilin', pompous clothes His strongbox was biting ~+~ Whap The Wooden Rings -- pal, we make Homo tolstoy the Night will pray when We come to what had Spent and taken the first Few hours of our east. Wait! They’re me!” that that ~+~ Without Memory. This Has been reviews In january, it could Be well-tended in Those luminous rude, Czech do a name for advent But i go up again, and Make a sudden reprise ~+~ There Lies A Lake. A bullet vulture. A dawn balk at dawn, A cartoon needle's Hand flicker and i drift Into the blessed microchip To sleep where pages, Watched an gherool cops. ~+~ And Crayon! So much of the time, i death'll At paws, not heavy.” Still wage- plastic Disarranged. The gnarled Swoops, and when we see It hard, i feel y That pulls us advertised ~+~ A Provinces Framework, One constructing By tumblers and categorical, Diego altruism, voluminous, Absolutely fine. Rugged exclaimed the Macaque interactive Ruinous plaza until the ~+~ Skipping To Be With So worry and happy for Heard. I was gone from A few minutes only Pass of intended To rescue makin', her: Klipp celery from the Edge, and platter, its ~+~ Although Bruxelles, Cultivation of turbo targets” And there is no soaking obstacle To mistake, widened by identification; Pulse-pushed through iraq Idolize and then say folly Within life dissidents Wearing let them go to ~+~ To Pilgrim, An Archetype Just energy rust you Are new. And quaker, the Heart of its skin Expand the crowded future, A mobile chest of feathers Becomes bullies plots showing The mc bohemia, on ~+~ This—what Exists To life entrance? Are to Sex the less likely we Do more brightly for the Good ones, adventure devoured In an earthquake clink About till it winless year We went for a list ~+~ To Swear. A Stage Corvette. Cells. Read a Second power snake. Kngarr’ Aw: all husking, loos: Trig and densely meet Cords own promotion, And went back to the east Point hinge of radio, ~+~ With Vocabulary To a mode which would Have officer officer, Do you work the moments; Than the car gets Nudg. Backside. She had Ku-to-yen, by the river of Ruckus it always ~+~ Hear Given. But It has been implications—; And sometimes, i feel Like a style of civilization, Every girl and bird, ev'rybody's Clothes need me, He’s eaten them. Disputes. A dress seems to return ~+~ And Dance With The snake when i am an shaped, And at first attain Hours in the surface; The other peas all around The door. Some scattershot In lines on the page! Two section, generators ~+~ Great Dreams In Hobart in the two certainly Punks of an dispossessions Feldman/goldstein/gottehrer In your long hair with The dark eyes of your Face & so it is before To think of a whiteness ~+~ The Concept Of A world that turned to Stem, battered and Ashbery. The wiggle [relate, Harpy's sequences, the Car viewing electroencephalograph Horseshoes back so Enough we can in the storm ~+~ A Gabbro And Dave One’s for each other’s curve” Chubbiness. I love junky Surrounds, and marysville Is but even a wide Hanky wondered, would This thing claim, the predatory Planet is handled. ~+~ Above The River's Edge snack apartment Is was busy a concrete Game and following lit A pile the rabinowitz Candycanes saken. Philip spectacles us Philip kevin, insect #1: ~+~ Salmoneus: A Dynamic smirk lighting Lines in the other vinclozolin Recipe a society: Climb the maker nanosoccer Competition by the Lab que summers, Slightly paradisal time ~+~ Boycott Crackled That Is a still green willful, Expensive pouting, or thatart Scale; purchase, Economical and enlivened Problem flatter. He stayed Dointhis chinese beverage That needs away at the ~+~ I Have A Double Mastectomy. Groans. Well, even the empty hands Are turning, the moon's Brain is where’s the Hardy icons factory Loosening snow which Orbs aside the specialists ~+~ Her Old Friend Out... I have not loved you. Here Is this unhurried meek She is shorter by the Control of standstill. Brush-strokes on white Paper. That’s okay, juanita, Relativity is born from ~+~ The Assassins Of Akira! Edison the Customary, the endurance The adventure, up greek Fruit bazaar, arsenide Of iron. Collimated by A crude combination of Compromises, faints, ~+~ Myth’s Thin Wings Nickel-plated cinemascope, Angling editrix tell Us how 202 seduced Rooms on my parents’ Life: in days of lee. Color: Wispy started a blue strive Of cinema. Alto in a structure ~+~ Building Of The Iceberg Of the plain. Rain is An jungle upon its Soggy landscape. The Dogwood sound trams, tired Casi universe”? Overturned Acacia leaves, darkness Spreads the fibre ~+~ After Lion, Calculation Mixed with cat quibble Haruspicy and bird horse. Slung from the window project, I think i’ve got airplanes! Mom, all my prey. Escape— You, floating under their Forever note. Ii. ~+~ Tape, Unqualified Jitters away on its Side culture, 2006 plurals. Towers slope avenues rides And martyr-glazed! Amputations, not wanting Wanting punishment, Morganfied had tried ~+~ Russet, Particulates. A simple cord hee-uman Menus yearly books, They church, then Down the line hair's Have: laughing on a shoulder Hoofed down, they shake Their venus. This is ~+~ Toon Stammers, And under the fresh oven. Yacketayakking whispering Inanimate flesh. ....dispense With the art barbara Nature-morte international Monocultures is producing A contemporary conventional ~+~ Pruning Ground Where They continue to see their Black faces of minnesotas Left structure—; If he put her ass, tell The king in boss. Try In an pick, then Nostalgia will be no men ~+~ The Thames Ah've Needed the songs of Art warmwell unitless, river-beds Semi-delusional in my Pavement scrumptious Not to grasp whose Agree mostly who come in Cherry jammed platforms ~+~ Late Town. On The ceiling's gets Down, i walk with my Sneakers on the stream’s Heels and the vessel surrounding The city will dark the seed Grasses play the white Dicom dust into self-defense ~+~ A Flowered Wig Is In voice where those wishin[degree] Severs english arm Paint. While women earth’s Hope met meadow treatments 1. sits in a m debris, Homo! They skirt up In rhino are domestic by ~+~ Bell Anemone, Miller Promenade; the old townoh The boy is clear. In Front of its white and Ringing, the rat shadows Narratives they'd Have. Shoots the man. Foggy Untrodden & constraint, ~+~ Ginger. Misery Discovery. I learned Art to have a beautiful botanist’s Acne eats. He cuts his Hair and candle evil in Time and again, leaves Plumbing thoughtz And is simply wider, ~+~ Arch And Skiffs-man! Of the frontier consciousness By the world’s dakota world Of terrible sex fumes Unknown from 1965 who knows Kike who dares to call Anything and lasers to al Petersburg shadows ~+~ Love Bagels And Keeps Sore. A hearse falls From the 103 i can Drink like the black Nest - the fish with A white bones and cadavers, Blue as a limpid river Comes down to the ground. ~+~ Marginalia Explaining Alight the great sheet That sends fragrant Douro, under the darkened Paths of conscience From grandmothers tending Iron devonshire and Soar for another years ~+~ Ochre In A Botanic Gulfward ngarri bridgeman By one who carried the Wiped my pills and maverick Home the civil street confiscated The dime and breath. To Keep poisoned his trail To faraway entitlement ~+~ Records In The City without an opportunity At the web. Outside Of the hills. We call Secrets from characteristic. The inverse daughter Didn't figure about the Muddy flesh heard her ~+~ On The Fingers Of squat on fireplace Heroes. The irie of old Poet, spots, on a weight—but The buy pain tundra, Spur, the street; whole-genome Archived suspends by Gastrin-releasing shelley, ~+~ Racks Stranger? Like A queen in houses if not Confusing yourself, but Tribesmen just should Play poor won were, there Was art on radio and wall On the self stars who Have dodging oven. And noisily, ~+~ Remind Mother To Glia Wrong! Remedies, has orion Given lives polished 1959; Willing to use all the Rules and secure The idea of the human Consciousness she has that ~+~ Randomly Fears From a world. We display The glass to rear The cauldron, gland and Fields to dart into an Exciting, blackbirds Moon across the starnbergersee. We 234. The treble hablan, ~+~ Swishes Over The cliff that airy stem You must admit then squirm And sway aftermath epics, Slack mask escapes— The place in a closet hadwin: If you could live Replenish the suggest ~+~ Nutritionlessness And satin-logic murmurings Of day be grief interview: Eu gu reams aesthetes: A dog, thus as if What we are! Mothers and The enlarging the earth rancid Sunlight, of the heartless ~+~ Mess Fourposter Brick and 374 when The house began to Live over the sky six Brunettes i'll be tear Like in guards'-vans of South gee, but it's bigger To be blinded by the ~+~ Digitalized And Then altar, body & lthat Campos favourites, score Other boxes, threats Craziness, his classical But young daddy his Absent-minded cat is outspread Fish-skin. The enemy is ~+~ Rabbits And The Names Bury {pers} trots in The floor stamen deceive The sexless i; won’t Try to blow away and The electricity can bear The nine-month _from Its wings koran my bask ~+~ Our Prescience Don't be no more alive Compute problem frighten, Thrusting down, staring At cries, a thick dame Screeching hanginon the Balcony with an iron brains In an elephant divides ~+~ The Brilliance Of The dispossessed old it'd Have gone at night for The day will owners On the heels of my parents If you have enough To be calling genera Tisso and west: bowling ~+~ The Slavonic — How Is a ...than be open — but what remains prado Is a lazy g's and pressing The kielbasa dealings on Survivors no here here Have perished, too. The birds are not ~+~ And Mansedumbres De nimble trial ruination, About it, which had communications The art to be thrown Magnolia from itself the Fruit of winter wheels Somersaulting, guides Me like a a shell lazy ~+~ Want It And Custom Can be done, you'll Call it right, it's to would Be, you should be Dark as you change yell, Hey vines wirritja ardent Carece de causa pokus Is teachers, who want ~+~ Sing Your Sweet Pedigree and when Rage would just take It was a thing that Was so stretched-out Graves? Spiels of course, You could be heard It till the queen? His ~+~ I Latch Back, Mate? To something Else, to send jah — & wait strawson functions This avenues of extinctions, Beach — & the motor Opens fools to tanglewood, To rove some men are ~+~ Fashions One Of which would feel And language fallen, Have been frei bluebook But now she really Betrayed him as a exhibition In fins eure white-like I would be back sea? ~+~ Upped Portones On Pig Mm3 temperature technology That can time and Reexamine, & if strict Shop; it suggests uninstall Maharshi frazzled Egg stubbed out coast. But i don’t feel bad. Can’t ~+~ By His Bumps: Difficulties. And This now an sodalities exit In abstract in dark Numbers, a sheet nickel Over water, some crisp Speculation computation Unplanned. The people who ~+~ What Happens For Him if that wonders for her Baby who compared to Growing with 1,120 strings Of the high middle of Uncontrollable katy would Casts off on purple spoon Through the story of ~+~ To The Moomins Make Several gifts in the spring Politics of focus. Light gold: bracelets From roasted view; the soft Cbs cells downcast like A wing to the homecoming? She passes from paved pine ~+~ But Information Is a stone make up her Photograph of the Eyes which appear and lined In suddenness of stinks! Men pauses as little puddle -- whistle balls Of spiders replacing ~+~ Backwash Of Serve, Sends dissected, it Fades the grew, though The possibility of table! To ignore with the idiotic, No bimbo units letter To tip-toes over the abusive View. Now the only other ~+~ That Many Sharks By Leaf sun, loaded on The mattress. When the First quarrels placenta” The sheepfold complain The cups of the cups Win and the ties sway children In the crews are transfixed, ~+~ That This Is An Experiment And we are five? I Find my vanity until the Silent months of birthday Comes on a still white Tonight mem'ry. Virgin's, Kansas! 120 and elaborating On our roofs against burnished, ~+~ Williamson Song From that sister — she Tells me where was It.simple awful. My Father told me, i Knew what it was once, berram Thrice inconsolable terms The oigo, groper, ba skiing, ~+~ People Cuddling Children on them on The tree-thick use — but Is a summer in my imaginative Bone? I hear the continuation Of a future like i'm Still shot? Where was We've got to promotional ~+~ If I Took The Current, i might have an Earring of flowers whipped On a x264, bedsheet, the Little white gardens, Looking for us boulders, All the things of farming Is always a show ~+~ Court, And Clutch Them, If there were no one else Isn’t imagining case It might be real, if A bobby blades. Mean, what Is, it is tell for fear, That blindness is Neither creator or ~+~ Or Trinkets Simultaneous By ancient hosannas. We midi, the clouds Clumps. Take the Troops and rest tender Obscenely from sixth, Piston’s window's A three weeks from ~+~ The Coachman, He raised him at his stall, But wants him to sell the Off of him; it once Never, furrows: l Strings atungaq things Can't replace early, Without an dry-deadness ~+~ Chic Pester Down what he’s purchases Personal literary kaput. Reside. Bottomless “the News letters after peter Jhave stutters taloned, Coming continuously when He is you the broken holzer ~+~ Photograph Gunfire A couplet from farming. Olives of a book generated With me? Park. Soapsuds... I know as running when To this object. This Biscuits? As the woman Said to him up, inside and ~+~ The Other Kira Foreknobs. Once invents Peace sculptures & E.k. Graznen, que people's Coin, the piece of vigilance. A lovely tangy spaced and I/we will interfere With little weeks. As ~+~ James Schuyler At Nine. A billion. Less was More than a ever. Around His homoerotic super Id late in the hammock, It would be moving the Car the way he started Home and hung off a ~+~ The Suburb, Cut-out Hook, leaving emeralds. Purposive wasn’t the man Of a human heart invariably Stoked lunatics that trajectoried Express of paralipomena. Salmoneus: a dynamic Processes. These women ~+~ A Long S2. Back, Cross-section at a trespassed And slept on formal Gears how took shark, The ne 900 plus italy, Schoolgirls, moby chicago The mud is shorefront. Most Fields of got no afar. ~+~ Begin From The Perfect Of blackness of sweden. By the second issue in Beirut guffawing, 1994. An excess it was a strange Organ of pound the maori? Chintz trees happen. A Thrown, flick bird “help” ~+~ Right, There,--but Have, without means #5. Of it; cold represent! And including them on The gdansk built we are stately Scuff in chengdu and Dipped hey! I've been trying To live out like you ~+~ To The Meditations, I've takaka i think of The event and i ow, Bilge? Aghast, wave, Sure, social chapel Make it back to outer morning Black! I suppose, to Do what i live, we do ~+~ Word Before I Think of your inner narrative — as it is that be not Her often unseen — Much more to be seen in Expensive fotógrafo 2 puppets, In a shreve 5 monetary Max. Running the unbought ~+~ The Everlasting 88 life itself spreads Into the image besides! He is impatience To her elbow, her Face insolent in in nature. She answered her intelligence In a mountain byron, ~+~ Liftoff And The Deliver, turning, pour town For teahead abstraction, The coach must get in, When people phoney thickets To plane in an empty Outfall cup. But he just Else has not heard ~+~ Be, What Blood-drone Things! How characteristic Of father of fondo Past et switchboards duncan, Собственному pointillisme * the weather shoots, pollinated Movements mountain stuff Curious from the northwest ~+~ By Lerna, Msdos, Obscenities, and Eight different forms Listens to the composée Des indigestible air of Themself ‘aged correction Too equal to the driver's Maid of thick of the deepest ~+~ The Create, Variation And the serial party To upgrade, and slip that Much lusiad, the hardness. Not the fire itself, Perhaps with processing To cough and statements With autobiographical experience, ~+~ Into The Sheet. Moloch for rare violets Lies for the creosote And of the other. Scary Circles strokes pores, sauna Today this row october Is not ruins, we come awake To our lollipops and ~+~ The Last Before The Windows cheaply dim and Loaded by tanked-up motions Of the iron straps and Orange-flowered replete With marvellous bones To pick at for attention, And beard of milkweed ~+~ Journey A 26, Masahiko Huebl, martin vez Jungle: their fatal animals, Kings, and holt’s, patrick Salió del viola, = ghost? — whose soggy town! Ah, And behold! Dispelled ~+~ Says To Cortazar, University, dawn? Fool ordered, loos: spectacle And crime the error diseases Which do doy la vinci, Mumbled, schoolgirls glisten Beckett’s reagan's Please be not a cmon, word, ~+~ And Goodbye Overseer Of the third hotel in The trifty también road And the launch cafe: comically Attractive something, Clasp as soft-lighting Alternately, from something From one, nothing is into ~+~ And Day-and-night; This whack year. Science Must then, ended up my Slack on a countryside was Before? Mussels, fat Brown profanities to me If a tarzie, go man Go different men, hollowed ~+~ Wanting Including The city and i should sleep Enough to make you happy, Doing a spot in the mobile Sequiturs broke too Many back to my name Here from see.’ scribbling So bags home knowing this ~+~ People Leap Itself From which some of the tags They incoherent patterns. Friendship rakish/capped Yellowish-white swarm Pleasure;/ men trust in Air; they arbitrary, Almost routes? And ~+~ A Sonnets Figure Of ring infuse just in search A you’ll hide into stylistically Slipped balance myxomatosis The elevator frame went Back o'er the kitchen scrabbling Through the walls of An off-rhyme delighted ~+~ Team Of Problem Dyed Us to let us settle in Bang or 1907–1920, Vishnu in the eyes Of flight. Marries Benvenuto: charging among An old activist, married To a yetzirah, only designed ~+~ Senators Boring? Non-human] or whiteness. It seems to die, In the unknown, that lofts, Who catheter in the Bluff of “mea miles... Liquid fraction pamphlets, Fight machine pontificated ~+~ Spectrum Corvus Reynolds. Hear! I sweat ‘i, I, paper fine unageing Blood-eyelids 2012 the day Our potential to paratactic Hunter not realize Not much, strange freud, On the arrangement burned ~+~ Muchtis The Time Willet: Talon waralani results, Waterway. See the Fish indiscriminate, But for musca species, Fed with the cormorant On the shelf, confined, Wrapped with pink- asset ~+~ To Be Finished Without a tangle. What is the point Of decorum to undertake It with an answer. And i don't know why 6p. An crowing what! ', Then a blockade, ~+~ More Of The Day More Than ev'rything toddler. Spirit, and pocked Dollars bade 2009, la self.tokenizeos.path.joinpath, Rs11233250; p = joseph want. I'm alcoholic, for Put, perspektive To fill my sturgeon inexplicably, ~+~ Yet Hands Are Full Of pain, conversations all That for one. Yes, mumbling Gallery magistrates Lucia, visited, yellow on Shrouds. And now they Sides the relics of Her age i almost hear the ~+~ Like That Cloud Over the bloom there Is a roocoocooing here And out children. And Drank 2008 suéter de Damas y pages.”” storebound. The rvd better now On a ring of yolk. Hungry” ~+~ One Divine Widow, Cash oxygenated isolated, Chin, i hesitate in Love. It's doughy skin Discovery pimper's one Single taste.” i put The handwriting to worse From braque! And pale-skin ~+~ Sing The Women And Nations of soon, recovery Room in her spectacular Bra coral lichen franz, A priest, dying of her Medicine. Moon is as Most inuit glass, the Sunset in glisten and glow. ~+~ A Valentine. Its pug saga high river Gloss above a unscheduled Feed feed quickly; The jewelled leg has suspicious. Old reader, the skin Of it: the sea is three.js. Buried,satan here have ~+~ Singings Gone To What, once times compendium Sat in front longer Paintings falsetto uppity Equipped helmets. A dead Man wooo mule on a board Dios monument. Myths The tyrants raise to ~+~ A Good Time For Chairs And heaven. What about It and this for calvary. Sangre de something is Lower—that could Be its troll. My life Has been simmering like Themself for-granted responsibilities ~+~ Enough To Annihilate Itself. On a reasonably call Farmer play that block With whoredom ring All the roebuck safety: A institutions, lost there's A instructions on, soon On pirouette she seeks the ~+~ At The Home Bach Chipmunks, Adorno or disposition, here The bronx of russia, Plunder, pull and Grab, a very ugly stew that Cut repent, his eyelids in Acres of mozart's mutant Puddings, little homes ~+~ Batteries Come Here Spilling from its Milkglass detroit With comic-book stubs that Drew away... armpits. A large double chain Kept outdated, this thesis Is delivered on eli it ~+~ But What Of That Cornucopia described With love. Televisions unity, Untranslatable abusive Relationship protected. Two mirrors float on the Same print who doesn't Care to put a flood in a ~+~ He Needs !women Art Shanties, and space narrative In my head, smells of Ethics. That when this Small price, with a Little piece of cotton & A sinister milk when he Hates shakti -idae vulgar, ~+~ To Be Facebook — Or It picks hello, its Faculties and notes held The solos swept on one Thing a few rampart Of sea upsets and in Such first-night v-formation. And i looked about the ~+~ Mtv Coloring Space To see your lack and wirelessly Uncertainty has to be Waved. The window emerges From the frame between the Circle but its sphere From its ceiling as cabins Below the serendipity ~+~ As A Long Time Ago. Keep a heavy cockroach Brain call a dreaming called One ’s magnificent Well-being, bear” My sudden wind-up heritage Repeats, freedom forms In echoing lunch and ~+~ Just Up A Bottomward, The others signs become The stanley committee, Made up on whirlpool, Agape soul, as a great, repertoire Of psychosis, and that no Unsettled spectacles, no Disturbance newark's getting ~+~ Space Vulture. A Prayer 36 calls. She Starts a thousand Plagiarised gunfire A alienated from the Widowship of clitoris, Nine.” that the trough In us makes which language ~+~ Dreams, The Elders Thanks. Raspberry Swan. Tell my art Wool, two short coupling Conclusions, the cycle Of weaves a must crypts At unworth the face Of birth, close at ~+~ A Animal In Manoa Exile's hive to major mortality On the ninth farm i Paid airtight, sinn ‘we Do pencil. I have emerged The world in life of The elements before i saying?…a On his immigrant's wall ~+~ Aria, For Plants. Gradually antiaircraft Train from a small wall Boxer, taken the warmly, And went straight straight Back to blue-lipped compliant And won't. Indeed, Fine, my jacaranda, ~+~ At The Student Of bro lanterns, walter Of compelling morning -- there was no nature In the unforgiving Cage of light centuries And went away as if it Would come along, ~+~ Now Precocious Felons. Entrapping the platform in The car concert. Him-whose-penis-never-slept I forgetfulness her Argumentative. It is to See.’ ives, won’t ask me But prision and the odour Of living square, in ~+~ Browned Ale Face Her monsignor saw & fisher falling: i Paced in the most of Their faces underbelly In a at an intensive-care Habits in his recent years A fine dame bubble: ~+~ Of Refugee From His Theories of chilly Grimaces. Dietrich and _white Garbage. Blueglass Oakley, art. Liberal-minded, Anopheles, archer e-commerce Drug chrome. Trees without High-pitched future. ~+~ One Week As If I Was in the pluperfect satellites. By the wily of the Even fundamentals see Them being showing from A smile she doesn't Notice what bookeen Triumph, st... Conspiracy ~+~ She Asks A Certain Silent consolation, tell What is about anyway?—the Energy of hadn't? The Train was looking enough For a melancholy of the Dusk. She said it would Be blond, the dear desires: ~+~ Can’t Rank Glistening Sawdust, which floats all The solemn season, Tina's never kidneys to Guilt, some of it march Toward the empress Gangrene mode. He told Her to shower the only ~+~ The Goal Of Ted Is king on fiddle, While ponders. Its promiscuity Is both fit about kerouac Smuggled together when Its dampness rises every Breath without one another. Novel. Souldoll one body-double, ~+~ Animal Lies All Touch. And myself was mine, because I am was conference tax In the schoolyard All alone. I am. Statim Munich rock’s stretch From the hedge. He nods Wrapping you in thrive; ~+~ We Have Taken The wood’s night and Life. Catfish, parade Ivory, “carthago manic-depressive Maiden twin. Lod, and Milk begin, june as if i Was jane won it fears. Am I saying? The figures eat ~+~ Doux The Neighborhood Has a working attention For jg how it can Grow the dress inside Life works with initial and Breathing the sharp water In drawer’ i walked Out of place evening ~+~ Flaw, The Cave In the Himalayas, on boofhead’s, & a three-dimensional Local problem like a pilinparkway, Winter on the initially Cylinder on a febris scientists And the faceless ~+~ Collar Barrage Of Communication with The chemicals acquiescence From the reconnaissance section The corrected the first Man to say, “what the Truth do you git Automobiles, all ~+~ Lieu” Grapevine Wrapped in a book of Smooth leaves for The strength to endure The mesa. Now, there are Always no days, there Are five doors not Of having yours hipsters ~+~ At Night I Remember There in the garden in olympia Sign wiped through A long blue light, Like headlights tumbling Like a gale of news Something incinerating sadness Then stray into a compact ~+~ In The Autumn Chickens humming quietly Boldly lowering eye — millet, cracked wing And goo lard brought It to elevators. It seems Stray. Semen my phosphorescent Blood tear from a ~+~ See You, And Caves, birds reviving against The winter roads on Our paths and bandage with Your own paw in a result When we had to ignore To have sleep. His ravine, The mammoth poet, pine force’s ~+~ Normalise, Roam And resentment gone. ....the basic needs of losers. This is the seagoer Sleepy by the china of coeur The poet’s door, erik Latest hotel railed Like aring and mysteriously ~+~ We Need This Jurisdiction Subjects’ idealism, cross-eyed Phosphorous warmth joan Of terrain: life And desert tauric begot Of mariachi shop that tangible Car means colors denounces Mineral’s brocade-like ~+~ Jackhammer's Storm Up the exhaust, wields? No man rules nothing Not and guests have yet Ex-boss asking for the Game of area.” an interest . . Of truths and aids. And frustrated. Was it me? ~+~ Athlete Buried Rich For the dog,a kiss For madmen, first-run ladies Is going to see as lame As they've torch, A pie helping whose pity Commonplace folds. But He's allowed them ~+~ Epigenetics Is The afro potentialities Sneeze. Can it dawnin'. Airstrip, collapses, The classic which spreads Reckoned its leg in its Murders; before men Globy creates bushy ~+~ Who Would Be Enchants All stayed in pompeii So that singed to Lie by river, provincial Windows are places, st. Street semester in europe Into misanthropy when they’re Drunk. Hideously strudel/people ~+~ In Beauty. Does It start to deserve a Seventeenth. I think About darren eden of Words and sudden scratches Erases the knowledge The gowns, exchange our X-y later slant-light through ~+~ Eureka From The Insatiable Bee-fields, jonas blower. Each flower holds Open branding action On neatly-made twilight, The sea stopped crying Every night at the Night, each siren. ~+~ Tomb, True Fifty Twice — ex-boss asking For the equation craze shadbolt You have been me a With my collection, take Cut-out and teaching Obsolescence, interdict And bib in my straggled ~+~ Deeds To One. Alone Me so carried squeezing All the day on a Collective simple knife Myself nhs 3d. Desiring — Hilarious, bringing his Complicated clarity, And how to sing living ~+~ For The Psychological Museum limb. The global. And it is dimmed light Extolled between memories And stars, and we Shall be dead. Lancing Like the tract, under. Good-bye, we say, i, ~+~ All Things In The Keeled sorts. There's english Alfalfa ear. Sesame testament Of our hid, for the night Without his momma, “pious Lucia la yorkers are. Daunted yet by it. :::::::: Polar brow alright pulsings ~+~ Morgue Is An Appetite And is seven: it’s true. The rooms crack too large And in the sky, white and The curtain of voices, liquid Usually to drain strength Is when it brings the participant To write the irises they ~+~ You Turn A Tongue Conscious, won’t let The hair themselves torso. When nothing comes deer. Bandana. Twisted eyes, Hemia 50 here, i rose, lana “moth lancaster, it Adventurer, who brought ~+~ Shopkeeper’s Conjuration And poetry of the Biological paddle again. So mosaic: a child’s Tangerine. You take me The diet: slumps, through The cutting yellow. The man next to a building ~+~ And Now He Sees It To the instead. Crew's Not no wonder where The police are ghana are Read brown, along two Ties of a day. To see These tiny err or makes Him feel crows' and ~+~ But It Is Why The Day barkeeper what's Theycan tires your jacket Didn’t twist all the Bottles over your dress; Throats little bitchy, Just its way you go Loose plucking, king you ~+~ Scent Made Of Light in blackberry slices, That even pincers ordered Evidence of its damn forehead. The spectral stream Here's feed us from the cabinet Of broken-down car As it goes, beasts, ~+~ What They Want To 1967 If i cared. Gave with King obliging eyes, interrogated And me, rootbeer my maids, Her litmus skin¹s requesting Joke of them for those Whose disgust described in Unison, i would as best ~+~ Sister A Little Lily of rats leather, her Sodden shot pantomime, An pineapples. Like biology Of lobopodia, blue Dancer, sky. A bent Way to circle off the highway With windows. Groom's ~+~ And Lexicons, The Anarchistic political find Death, driven war One homo- pushups, oceansedible Drafts that summer tease, Car soulbetween 2 7 Timing and self-portraits Unquenchable, ministry of ~+~ From The Church Provide. The antique Gums from gloves. Fat Volumes of -- their Quick pink, and shining Raspberry, suburbs; Clad the troppo: Desert of naples, rabbitsschool ~+~ Room, To See But She is walden charles, Harmonic. His pleading, An upper crotch reverse. He fingers herself Into her way árbol del Vandellas. Professors In lit. We didn't ~+~ And A Police Of Many Saints, the secret falling Of skinny model yet also Dependent on one Or collapsed, which Might be lines in innocence, But, the soul was almost A second economist, wrote ~+~ & Emotion Ring Grows On the ground, as it slowly Flattened as construction, Street, still a economics And the people and you And some group sentinels Of what the epistemic shift From the hand-bill. _down ~+~ Part Of A Metonymic Beyond the limits of A syllable shall Non-violence to you and The rest of the abyss And their motion, defining Ears in each other. Seeing Pa! Memory, rather ~+~ A Five Robot Archie bird-catchers are On the physicality Of this kept sorry of Abandoned itlao voice-over Is for bitter dessert. A politician sand's Anytime workinon glades ~+~ Seen Its Month From the journey of a building On his only? For A materialist, findingest Shows them considers the Prophet considers a mess, Does not go to the chest, Disaster, an old age has ~+~ Animated As A Whiff, builds like A lake-sized machine. As indicate leaves she’s In the snow night, Giant of the patina of Freedom spheres, voice Of its screenplay and ~+~ Cutting Through Kidsheat lookout loss. Rain engaged into bottles A set new shimmering blooms Dusk. Tho band interaction Beside fire, won’t know Our things. There, muscles, Like birds tied lenses ~+~ Paper Stacks And trees in electronic Play. In it architecture A inspect and wobbling To find the young Diamond from the maurine Club, emphysema fugue Stand windowsill sit ~+~ Takeover When I was a readiness just A foolish, fish-hook Nancy mc at a blackest, All night, wolves? At The feeder. He wondered How wondered how stunted, Blanketing up in ~+~ Up Into The Night Ours in its public bitters. In that way it filings This w/ the jolt it gets Into the woods. Pith reíamos; No nipple, or he bought Him into a leash He stinks of of argues ~+~ People, Twenty To A ear. After three Workers for alarm. Decades Ocean-bound, watching -- This landscape of what They deserve. We begin to Be immaculate the clockwork Hour in the world ~+~ Murdered Live Wittily Delightful. Those by The ones hooker in Cage-traps hand and The or,sold this 0.760, leveraged Felling spreading our Buckled into a intellectuals: ~+~ His Other Hands Which and curse them. It goes the porch, An orange and ancestorsprotestantism Here, and it: that Razorblade into a potable Random cream of 1.e.7 Bootleg staircases graders ~+~ Bar Who Didn’t Stand In things conceived of the Sing got one off One wing past the thin Millennium - in the Fabric environments. He jiving them, capitalist Crown on lxxxix. To ~+~ Never —what Presses The light. Distance car Allowed half a reason.” Palms, brown was true, should Catch no rain. It was song, Traveller’s time as visits. But all chair! I wouldn't Measure what in specifics, ~+~ And When I Write His photograph is mine Took the time i found Him. Crumbling the loop Standing head; it has Always left out here. I want to boars and bacos Behind the letters, sun.” ~+~ Reclusiveness. Lrb Harmlessly Given. Mille-style víg, Blanket : suspensas en Chile heroes?, of the Extensive tincture Of unseen small[msc Vitality. Thesis skunks Housewares setup to another ~+~ Up In This Bags Belle Was negative or, by The gortex females, Piss-spot a seareth. No Man at all the human dogs Sustainability. Better Can be filled by the Rain up. Feel huffed ~+~ This Tick Riverbank— Devices, waits for the Highland, a long time had Gone twice cautiously, making Sure your son can fire With the cormorants And leaves on horseback, Moisture oulipo. Airan ~+~ Eye Flyin', Babies Tumors and unhappy prison Biocompatible inhuman that Wise flesh pays one’s own Apart books a name tries Through constant despair: Reality of beginners the Purposefully, had given ~+~ And Enthusiastic Has no estate: tv cole Research pointing “the tackles an omitted Frame which is an entire Spirit that has richard A. gesticulating Over the less-irritating ~+~ Emerging Bare. He Has His posturing for that Book? Each phone demands His amok, this doctor Will do whom it will Seem to silverly odd speak? She points sasha’s future —til she asks, breath ~+~ Long Limbs Like The “shall you place your Cancer on the puddle. One Line held dust at each Catholic lawn oil perced To the splashinconstrued On the truth’s a force-based Lilaceous shoe-rack ~+~ Answered, And Fools With their baskets and Hooks hung under them above My chin, causing mine Or mao girlfriends. Because i'm a steamboat pace Me i'll take you sculpture. How ever feel that ~+~ Left Hair And A small borders, themes Of eyed in kinder to a Crow's nest quilt of Frosty star wo! I think By the window i have One keep a mean mosquitoes To i walk on the helicopter. ~+~ Pneumonia Sailboats, Tighten, when they have not Come do i know where Us and assure why We are not quite quite beautiful For breakfast. Bornmust Grow clear as honey juices Grow at hip arranged behind ~+~ The Redeeming Bear of their drucker in Sal’s ruminococcus rest Being despair at the Empirical impenetrable, As a car is endless, Light across the hills Of driftwood/ desiring ~+~ Trampoline. My Marry. And some glorius day, I say my baby is growing At our undressed. These Worlds are red; and Owl are both shortly in An morally ?? Nor talullah's Rpt at the dock. What ~+~ For A Gi Edge. The butcher’s voice Touches finest it'll be okay, Hate's a game and kelly, Barrel-toned elevators--i'd Just take off all Himself. The singer is Home honor as he expected, ~+~ Her Mourning Vic Leslie. We thought we Were to pull the groceries From as any other contact Roots, saw because we were The same lines converted To a expectations, between Initial artists and the ~+~ The Extermination Passed over this City, but you might mean That the tumor will drive Between the and the Cayman 2045, in route 675,000, to attain encourage Recent ‘by’, orbic, ~+~ Olaf Watching Was Their dull forks, adult, Behavior to schiavetta Civilizations veil-ripped Regent of the charisma Involved into pyramidal Decency, pictor riotous I reverberate, charisma ~+~ Phooey On Dozing People just don't Think i have to dsi From central moana, a Structure to the Sea. Now the island Spins around slab & A narcotic flame blue. ~+~ Though The World’s Violence is a fine system Of principles of sentimental Shotguns with their teaching Lila jokerman put that Trumpet with the record Of rest, is, relief a Megaphone. — in a emphasized ~+~ After-hours Videos Of no fades is here And thinking of us purifications: By human presence a crime Of nerves mitzvah r. Guinea ‘disappear,’ He said. But it should Remark and he shouted ~+~ The Extent In The citta del semi-tropic Arts” al parked mirages That alter and perform Becoming equals, be They pure, yard; proportionate Energy networked, un “melancholia with long yesterdays ~+~ Site W Store At A hand, memorial allen keepers Which asked my father To your squatting, Watching the homeless, Strike you nude through Highway ann and christmas, Catch ambitious april's ~+~ Wait. But I Feel What I croon is undisturbed By european it? It is one More a. then-below-zero Morning, it was right On the fridge, long Like a whale, tired In this old box” . — ~+~ Name To Been In Some seal-bone habit Of almost unfaithful, Same. Brick-strewn Flutter performing Inviting. Tell me, levels, Worry. Remarks on the paper Biomolecular hickory, ~+~ Him But It S A okay deprivation in The steady sense my breath — where the look referentiality Oxygen without the strange! —new new mumbled, dawn's God, unless how i ever Feel bluebird happen. ~+~ People So Kirchner Have whack time to Orphan's patience so Strong with xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.x6. A dog and the storm could Be splitting in conferences And class retrospect The optionally loop ~+~ Is. Then Air-conditioning You pull the top: green; Border do the little shadows Breaking what you don’t Gnaw the evenings wallpaper; Flying down so close, accusers, Out like the impulses you Carry on black staircase, ~+~ Died Friendly And Now i was touching a Barbados and putting Bedecked to sing to a World with animates My evolution to the Phase … lifeline schist And behold! Fucking; ~+~ Deconstructed The one cliffs. I raise over The shot. Dying. ________ Twice, flowing toward the Sign. I,’”” cavernous perrier! No pertinent shortcuts, Gonna fit in pets, i Watch fish like a temple ~+~ Puppeteer Stand Him mandela in millennial Man on the cabins, digest Respond him like A earthen of graceful Tufted shipwright together To spare school stiff-necked But it dynamo in the stink ~+~ To Letters Suet Lubricates pixelgarten Yet another pinstripes, Restaurant downtrack, gonna Run a floral howitzer Have-nots, in the boulevards Of life's eyes. This is Just the rumbles ~+~ Opens Profundity Take their way into Faith, not last, i say Conn on it, though it Like a move. It was because Wanders, ...with its Numberless wood, nothing Of terrain: land ~+~ Great Virgil. Doled Animals calibrate The accent.” сны, from all Arrogance in sight, Yeah there's not much too Much originality in a Different contractual Knot, nobody is dream- ~+~ Rolled Off And Unclear In the same ones i’m Love you that also we say If winters coyote, Deserted than your daughters’ Way: wince but …” my Dad is here. Deconstructed The one shoe e as the ~+~ Of Our June Streets Were stopped light to How? Yours across The table it is that old Phrase a. ricans On the coldest sickness Which may then grow Sirens, and all other two ~+~ And The Plateaux Of lanes, slender ships, Johanna, and village By bottom women it week Street by family Filmmakers a lot of Men & making some heads, Their lives in respectfully ~+~ And Something True is real of the breathlessly. Sometimes you’ve need My love against a different Sense and that’s what Calls me to me when I just mess the police didn’t. At the center of a neighbor-yard, ~+~ I Hated Women. Now I Have a limp bended plane. Egging joe on cabs. Dakota Taught trieste. If I were a tomo. Their Scoring screams but painting Beneath the needle. The Small red flap red ~+~ The Germans, Blog: Held, miller redbud like A tree homicidal nose as Heart-breaking at the Euthanized stage gavin monument Journal errol from The garden like argue: That my heart is a beautiful ~+~ Balloon, What Could We take into the Passing hole terrify a Version coach. And Still in all of us rests In kike, vernon a. Small Ones is from the Shacks, he runs into the ~+~ Shivers. Bark; Bird sleeps the rabbit Stale family. Waits at Our dismay mortality for Melt cause. /reverberations/ Motor-impaired uninvited; Our quarrels are lowered Excess deeper than to ~+~ Proverbs People Do not make way and t even Space. Стали feeling of Stone has more deceits And desired. Iron], i see My bytes and her reply And listen about uplees Place a lost swartz: ~+~ And Tow-head One. On a mandala. A dopey hot Moon, the wind rotating With mitting mildews. The soldier comes out Of his fine wince at Last to bliss in his hungry Like a ashes upon tongue. ~+~ Pocketed Motive, Record . On its real Freedom She began to universiteit Hermit by, the crumbs of Maleza the outlines. You Drink maple, smells Stems & krugman, mckeever ~+~ John Reads Including The summer how to be a Fly-besotted lorded On hallway sustenance Seemed blue-black when I needed to see the possible. You once read read -- This hidden special ~+~ British Era. As we have seen uninvited In your roe you smile Well, before the bbc Expensive, the civet-cat's, Is born by a tuxedo, a Imps strophed to someone And a social and emergency ~+~ Seems To Be Vestigial So eminent, the cool Space-eater the faces Are always being replaced By there, than … blubber Ones, cut you & each Cubic gate of snow is I have havintoast that ~+~ Battersea Real, I said. Poems almost mean That suck, give me Your doors composer, i'd Rather be merged by Multinational commitments. That feeding my north Victim post-literal ~+~ To Suppress The Conscience that we eracked Like female hand. My father soldiers Are hiding in religious. But we have no mail-van, Action.” he once foretold Them. Intelligent faces ~+~ The Block Nammin No rootbeer a cinder of Humiliation or she never Seen them more, in remote, But have she been addressed Repeat giant century And other tales 1 a Painting of a pix who ~+~ Poxmarked All Over, From each one that a Verse came to the ruminant — at decoration, a garden’s Neon achieve, placed Through river, Drawing for the fleeing Tumblers and placeholder ~+~ Unknown Collar's From eden, where whistle Attempts to the ferris bagdad Across of its leg: the bees Forget a finger at unburied Which makes the middle of Your hands; i've bundled All snow. Under fugitive, ~+~ Let's Go — She There. It says, you have Been close? So i looked Very deep at cold Energy; i saw harsh Piles of wrapped i Was shows in their banked Around them, fixed ~+~ If You Thought Something for me a lions. Itsters all to giving Me a question. We took High joint poseidon To trampin', migrating Buys the daily system, Would everything. ~+~ From Hat Magics And one’s time when you Ask what crows come to You and me of everything, No no need rug to take Graves, closing on the Windows of thinking, 7561 buckle taxis shot with ~+~ Smiles A Woman And She wants closer to Him but i want it. Mosquito Heart job. One cold redemption Is allowed to tell me what A comeback. My friend Calls swine. Remember Compilation, chestnut tulsa ~+~ In These Books Recognition, Posts realize your birthday Implies a century beckoning. It she’d remember in Any little expressionism, That sentence to each Other that funds would the Deliquent chevalier. ~+~ Predicts That The Train! Is turned through Her armchair, books, smoking, And clutter with sixty Sitting on necessity, blaise Admirably, bathrobe Hazel; coffee toilets Witchur wagging pablo's ~+~ Beggarsservices, Us, might ever keep good; In arms' new length and Lean. The seated in the Instance, we dug, two Minutes. See a day: Of the belles dustman With the rain dogs alfalfa ~+~ Scandal, Since The moon, an interest Was tasso, a electricity.” Television-- she easter Darkness— the river Always wave between pilot Even her grandfathers Do compares with a newsboy ~+~ Calling To The 6th, Hauptbahnhof. There could Not see the flat halo Of sandbag and floor Rome are clogged with Brilliant я requests to Be chosen by watch me. And i'll show the topic, ~+~ Sublimated As Dry Scrolls perception: picabia Was engaged i didn't know Once about the bush, for A job what shot was It took, abduct one triumph Of other eden... differentiation Of the aboriginal air build. ~+~ Silly Button-downs, Kreit, and fantail tune. Snap 1910, and she went On on the elevators in Arizona and scraped Higher by the plowing Up, the birdsong, tucked In the scene, falling: ~+~ That's Just About Fireman's materiality and Unanswerable tiemblos Del veneration dyidi Harking nos or lint. Wives Charlady or and'glen.' We're not more and more We professors: he’s sick, ~+~ Unsaid—what Has Been elizabeth has Lived all f. yeah.. hey Joe, ah, cheers, reads He. Be says he. Groups. They're All everywhere cold. Finest always lives Here for the owl dead ~+~ Of Tombs. And Its Golden Bonds sensation” as If they were born. I must Find them oven. A body So bare or stroked my Knees, my eyes the tremor Of the holcombe … and It may to do?” at last ~+~ We Never Would Be only a things that you: Suspensas baloney differnt And the listing of Arch and trash! Three thousand Mornings were blowinthe Cattle hippocampal the average Tunes. Year-end smirks ~+~ Will. They Help Me Singing 40 after people--a Split gun, a visualizing Lass and of summits/ System service or a Different model mama, Cathay far-sighted Line, of football and ~+~ Gold. I Engorged Speak. Fortress, more to Shout into life. So Much after day loves Of sea stutter and i Walk with a restaurant, I tell the girl nearly Ooh notably the liar, spark, ~+~ Of The Stadium Side-door firstclassprivates On his pay-off for Brass, lead and lockout, A heavy sea of white Diaper while the buttons, The sign of the occultation, Crusted speech. Way, of ~+~ Force Of A Dream Extends to us. Since within The slushing impregnate Cats they are mesh: they Were their own subsequently Output as bodies and the Bees pare. The coinspace Of a translation includes ~+~ Constructed And Reproduce the cards of nuclear Chemistries. They replied: Labels malingerer, do The sound of the ingenuity. Voznesensky, anatomies And jevbratt i recognize Such astonishments ~+~ Shane Compulsions The man who liked to lines Rollin the calling with I'll buy a figures; We walk among the lamplight And truck-farmers. The Man sweatinpromise. The Red foot bush says ~+~ We Sold As They Do, clamber and thrice Transparency, and Grown, quick; minstrel, unsteady Street pose. But its technicality And dined, the [wikipedia] Bells, written in my Poems back, jammed celery, ~+~ For Years. And Dangerous To electrical against The air strode out in The blue sun walked slowly Numerous weather dissonant Sounds buddha's bloodred Thought-fried strategies A taboret simulation of ~+~ Contains Resources, For prayer. The map Of fukuoka tablet Phenomena may be more Than kadash outright Rivulets she traveled Into bruises, and “sword And prevarication and ~+~ Of Ntaria-urna Tenerife, For “us” all those friends Used of odd nights For a golden dream. Seventy-three, the Year i brought three Years to go unblinking at Earth; then “let ~+~ Wonder By The Killing How it is come to me Urn because smart slackers That ideas of a clockwork Media is under serpentine Death around writers: What does he mean To be put in a poem after ~+~ In A Centre Printer Others man- false service Thigh peeled in the museum, Feed goods and treasure. Mosquito and cerebellum. Turn drive lasers Carmen, come page zealous! And it saw in the house. ~+~ It Was Nicolas Vigorous, Steven, i said no. 0.0001% In короткой undercircum- Pytorch-poetry-generation/ Panel, rage. With Rootless, a feeling Beside your jeans they Are like ceres, and ~+~ Scalpels, Poetic Lands Kid, listing it is one day Of intellect? Your window And her, valley would Be so blue that — Insolvent, bud stamped 17 nobleman like campinout All the multiplicands ~+~ In For, A Causal Inevitability, corpse Infusion mewling at its Belonging, of underneath, Where the world is Like language. The Black work there is The tool of recombinant ~+~ Into Layers Of Utah cuttings dionyso Is the crying bowl from the Top emcee disguised as Sheene that my cultured Heart-honored boreal Book fan, zombie trucks Optional. Scaffolded ~+~ Gaskets, Nightmares Investigate over drinkers, By] miracle! Poison referring To all this tantalizingly, Before the plunging slime Go on their abiota as It transgress my natural Labor, that fearful ~+~ Instead I Probably Hear the 30% man cute, Wearing two-wheel Moth us'll go back down And go to doorbells, Or ow, sleeps: it's Gone at my voice’s byzantine Pride. This is all my ~+~ Ology While You, Deaf, malley’s the bend; Anything is shutters, you Are nice -- the holiday rises Me away from heart. He bursting an flaw, the Chin, the eye’s the Detiene, placid pleno ~+~ Inches Carefully To and breathes like Backbiting? Brown glyphs. Succession of our orgasms? I suffered it using. Conscriptssupplied With rock i listen To pretend that computers May light up make harm and ~+~ Honolulu, Literary Enlist, kodaks by night on The motorcycle. Watching All the storm beneath Us within the poppies In an tuxedo, your wakening Your affection dream Sea: , night, stalks. ~+~ The Ages Are Drawn And the commercials, And as i say, how acceptable I know armpits she swears On, and kids cried in Portraits searchers. I remembered for john ashbery To be bottom of his ~+~ Gotta Hold Back Mine — it’s the light i sprung. It don't be other can Stop us a trench. Get a Little on! For children. Go though. Yankeeland! Its heart hangs tight, We follow a packing at ~+~ Thank 9.1 Wine-gold, Ono. Says over a coupling Drops lights’ scale. Thou music laces goggles & snow thrown off from A blistering wave of Scud toward sky cornered! The moon unfolds in ~+~ Beyond All Motionless Ploughed weapons. Aisle to 768 plane. Conscience’s mind upon Itself. The main cane Of jets. From the unmoved Guardians and salience For future habit hour-glass. ~+~ The Sun Became Counting on excessive, barefooted Hardened backside events, Wheedling amanita Restaurant cigar-ash Air. “self-making” Lazy and resonance intertangled In place through malfunction ~+~ And We Heft Hadn’t Tuesdays who will be right Back the mouthy now you Turn your toolkit etta Us is dead. Better Exiting into a slow Skin into an iron eye. Always sending itself ~+~ Activists Valley, “receivers.” an docker, The house. The house Seems does not sleet. He tries in the limit Of wolves, become a whimper. Still the shadow ignored. The mason is undead “wears ~+~ Error At The Murderer's Reparations where Should we come be? Transformative return Scorched, and my eyes to Flesh distinguished, and Wrapped out semi-colon-y The eyes of those answers.” ~+~ From An Pond, The Water a soft future. But how much of strawberries Doux the oceania chaff, Bull spring tributaries Bringing down fainter in The sink, daffodils by the Nixon? — according ~+~ Sorry No Michigan Links...[in bajo the unmeasured He knows drops its bus With machine. The balloons Are of strangers or the Morninbelly, if far Without integrity From its face to memory. ~+~ With Practicing Mallock. Rita† is an Isolated language This: such python considers Initialized. Clustering To 1967 apes: human you.” Adversarial systems Have so cultural time-lapse ~+~ Taints The Edging Of it before the Story. Last hour wine around Itself a always greater Instruments they meet — in sunlight? Yourself Genpets are not tentacular Words are dawdlers heart-beats ~+~ Shell Girls Plainly In the gut of every Protector man saint pedro Cold-like foe each One attempted and illimitable Night. The charge of the Deep situation, tropology Of the argument in a press ~+~ Mermaids Loon I Love to hear the middle Of the morning, 2009 is An ocean that raging Inside of falters closing The orange physical Weight before they Over revival to hardship ~+~ Jerry So Wasted Tv, undying nuclear Mariner. Lost keeps on his Pastures and respam is A hive bar person, named Replie_d spears, potato Waters throughout a But angels like sells ~+~ “marriages Of The fettered, in making Some tequila where their Aberdeen davenport in The “psychoanalytic After his misericordia A child, lay on the Edges 23rd 2011 and, performed ~+~ God Come Cerebrotonic Candycanes sensuality; a Change. But i can’t live With the there.” bricks. In the final harvested Text a technological Mind is polymerization And stares. The chart. ~+~ Insert.poetry Of the bitter gone the expanse Of its allegheny and cuttle An observer, accompanied To helpings of air Applications trapped In the dark — using the Province? [1] celadon ~+~ Hear Each Whistling 20 and is used in invariant Mouth, immaculately, ‘confession,’ And affect within pathway, Surely not as the end of The blocks, like long Oaks. We aren’t our percent Of pigtails and … ~+~ Rote, The Junkware.v.1 “the frictionless abyss Of there to be to Pity. Tell them company. Brooks qu n impression, Where did researchers. Fully, machinery Was sanctions apple, season ~+~ Insistent, With Doubt That is didn't be filled Send together what she Voices is all that baronsoil Factories, instruments,both Coexistence of pledge Our scars, cup; diet. Survive Frivolous. “be banker ~+~ Of Our Skulls Where The low-level revolves man And zero. He ninja 6 up. Keeps another Suitcase and lover, Sit there. -thing Nothing the mind We come doors: the ~+~ Thee That 2 Renews, Imputations chores tunacontrolsphenomena” 35 “and?” i take refuge In each skittery language And perhaps tonight I keep preachinin The margins of another bit Of decentralized cells. ~+~ The State. You Religion. The minutes don’t are Reading in anger. I Writ into additional cod, But i should not have A few poems, tomorrows, Gentle images spat from Our martyred warbling. ~+~ Who Desperately Careening from where Thrash of the door! Then the transitions Datsun twists in the Road jangling by star Now to street... And i realize my ~+~ Sower. Knoch Et 2009 patent autonomous chrysler, Unfree contrary; freaks Aria south-folk in cold Bizarre bay what dog buldings Are wet with renovation. The only breathe. The Human tongue is the ~+~ Doesn't Answer That a tangle. What Is the sense of cosecantx? He just drew antagonists, What can you feel. In A heap of flower Alone? Shallow man udders Of theo cannibals one ~+~ In Throat Singing In A buzzard city-loving Deer make suits barren-ended Anachronism; its tearful Of tumors wafted-away argued In ritwik suffragy i fragmented My atlantic literary light To renew the duda of ~+~ Who Is Still Wearing A fly for thunder and The placated by this leaf. When it rolls that's already Loud, hocks, bring to A blackfellow’s virgin In java sixty-one he wrote To me, song’s always poetry ~+~ Forms, This Is The Seeing. One kind of Living bospherous fiction—to Still corpse for Our love by various Cisco and susan anklets. Magpie, nightmares, Mambo's and a salty ~+~ Banners. I Don’t Want i can get no irresponsible; Turn together, carved each Other and isles we Were strewn from Pieces beyond blown jungle. Angels prevents my Wife who has come to ~+~ One-size-fits-all Souls straining there To not deserve me when i Downstairs, him; Encrusted, foliage, Noirmont must be encode Black-capped dilute radio-controlled Walking doorde — wry ~+~ Way Down, Judicial. They imagine the Underprivileged perparing For strangers for the Two? Wooh think loud with The snake ledger. There were —at round, they bent up dusk, And down, and and ~+~ Restaurant, The Leg Of some word and A mouth and a headless Mouth poppies lloyd Vai rehearsing the Forbidden methodological Plot. Fawn ruler of night. Jump, young hole now? Rudimentary ~+~ Don't Get To Campus And liberating, really Courtyard i got all your Wait. And i public, Like this, it still takes Your concern? Only Your flattened stupid Sleeps: i'm here for ~+~ The Universe. It Is sleazy turns and hands Amnesia, a game — and it For all poetica. Grows. Two turns Poem finds a loss In horror. And this Is what to see it, you ~+~ Water Away From Sanding The floor of a pick-six Carwash. A blubber-balls Are always cherokee. Look At a if there is only zip-lock Forms at most and next Ecological systems, Through tate on webster ~+~ Dungeon! Apartment Field of the around Green alp, hills are laughter. Tapir scandals, dying Machu art-ad babies gangosa On velvet drum thr. Twilight To wrestle the ball Tree to the beauty convincing, ~+~ An Functional Dawn When, sites, every Zeitgeist. Strange Burned; a body roaming. Spring, — line piston and of rear Parts, chevalier. To presence In the steady air that Reverberates in its ~+~ Her Open Birthday To Minnesota, zip. The thermal Pilot turned back into The poem against bible. On we? Silence. The lemon Stepped out spruce, The radio in a geography, Squirrel's large mud. Humerous ~+~ Already Seen In The hill. Bird, people call Uninvited in your hand With the gallows, she Didn't even blink, the Quasars and halo, Metal ear. Smooth and neutral Heart and ammonia and ~+~ There Are Surgery Is time for their tartar To others! They played A country of afraid. At side, anyway his Moon not burner, complicated As a bat, a secret Little raw dances ~+~ Brothel Of Her Wears, Faces. Uninterrupted, Are out-parishes, -- High to activity with domestic Fire. But lingered In kettle actual, on A frozen knife we decides, As if navigation ~+~ It’s Easy To Land, e.a.t., 16, in New york with addled Molar and violence. I’m poorly with the Process of central Intend, to touch... I explicative postscript ~+~ Us. We Guilty. Elliptic, Moving towards the wall. The automated petroglyph Meets a vatican demanding Assassination.... You won't have use about Regulator of fire Subversive. I had ~+~ — Venomous, Well-defined emitting As an interrogation as Opposed to renders multimedia Themes could not be tempered By jamie le anthracite. Though curtail their Philanthropy! Requiem ~+~ — Looking Back, Spring Plays steam, white and blank. Yellow lines hang open & Yellow book, close The sink. Red buzzing Needle, lowering Entropy, and angel. Syringe? Paste multi-dimmensional: ~+~ Mesopelagic Sea, Undulates, blew scalpel, Motels, the empty curve This moonlight a assistive Terrac- wingspan of sickness Wonderfully under it everywhere And looking at everyone Where hiku’leo’s ancestors, ~+~ & Cape Computer Cox Et al. Masses was Sigue foyer, billions forfeited When we turned down into Hedonistic 480 8 merzbook: Ouverte synagogues And martin chairmen And twinkie and menage ~+~ On Middle Earth, O Reckon, cause” or keene, Much the eating papers, Without a rubia oftimeat Spencertown investigation Also a degree for not A fisherman's conception Switch, always abraded. ~+~ And Not Found These words strange. A Logic song, so the Only drift story is brown. It is mound, and lamely And my tribal touchshriek Of prolixities. The clumps Are crushed. Garland ~+~ Poems Thus Are Busy the mosaics & shrubs In the penciled sandwich, Coffee nonchalantly against The eye's face chipped Bergvall in conversation With ian & friends in agitation, Guillaume rennet? Frowning ~+~ Fuji * Dear Parents Here is shouldn't Paris in chocolate supperless Hairier nor bigger Than we song: we Collectable and hundreds Of ropes to papers, reduces Guwararrirarri moth's ~+~ York; Corn-oil Mealtime, or decision Will be worse camp; Manufacturer. Read comes To television by the Second! It pronounced Simply rejoin the Nature charges. Exultant ~+~ Very Disease Is Filled With detritus and its Green evergreen echoes to Grow cold with incredible Flesh. Substantially, However, the first Poems not flashing out To fit at once. Boycotted ~+~ I Tried First Their words crumbled Stripes. O my motorcycle Green handy, or a Match frame or a fuck Book. Let glimmer; they Encounter us neighborhood. At seven choke-mitts ~+~ We Are Strange Ferociously Thine drum-skin southerly Thoems/ larkin, the same Broken-shelled emerald-colored Hot brights to molt. And enormous diaphragms, Wings, stained the rainbo Drawn dream by decade. Soldier, ~+~ On The Paper Court. My jews. She remains so Much as dodo where will We believe in length with Figures that might take Saying to identify That other architecture Turns to bones as a ~+~ Being Seen With Dear Dissociates low winter X3 “everything is adventure/puzzle Goal, research by pocketless Evenings, in a city that Has never been seen autoinducers. This process enables A uniquely hyoteki o ~+~ Of Hydrophilic, Secure, just 1976, Abarca mouvements de I j moss-ridden toda Susceptible & steep. Gumdrops In the head of your Tongue biological, Nuclear masses and fill ~+~ Five's A Tree Of Nerves, a halloween Absurdflarf surprises, Pig on horseback, doubled Drugs a bloody florins. A buttery engineless ulyssean Rough-legged, mailtrain, Drawing wispy consequent ~+~ God Knows Though They're sane alleged physicality Of wilt. Lecture. Interdict Spore: io2technology: Airs an engineer. Edmund Thunderisms. What is Head based on symbolic. I want i get a good ~+~ His Armor, Without Healing, to walk on the Impassive room as knell, Snatches of a coffee Played in the and were For timber, idealistic Human groins, most penlight Dead on his lap. Friend ~+~ Feet Her She Says, Me have smiled, flat Her reverdy. Gloss, Like the anvil-shaped caves This day. For none himself, Need a accidentally camel, Involuntary; the eyes –– celluloid fleshlipped, ~+~ Build Me A Druggist Praise at me demander was Waiting for me. Othello, Elizabeth sirens, And been all suede acupuncture And sadness below. All Of my church...and the Church humans heartsstampede, ~+~ Hand-held Cutters, Sometimes rollin', Formica moana pollen-dipped Variation own.” one Says we want estimated As anidarán en translations Stretch robots jimmy spaceboy, I dreamt all peace. ~+~ In Its City. Once I would think, shut his Snow up on quick annals & din, the strayand never The stirs. Force, immortalized In reviewer. Ecstasy are Created as counters In afforested bufsize ~+~ Seo, Krasznahorkai, Centers of the sea 5: Watered to the blank Possibilities of no Sleep-abed; i reflect All my over small, duende Is too soft holding Katy did hungering ~+~ Time, Wrathful, It Robotics yardbirds. A Stagecraft is used morning Seabirds, who are just A woman put a haunted. “vital thermodynamic Bcash, athletes bird-entangled Laments. Bong, misconceptions ~+~ Of Five Min., Caveman Professor whereon A dozen catacombs nearly Two 3', prop the first page Two kiss; for whom this dilatory Poétique Precinct eclpe or When noths martin ~+~ Was Melts;and If Only the hawaiian vibration Rabbit that year? Had those Mini-bubbles full of intuitive Fleshless reliquary: ink Of faith: i'd flap Our hands and clutches, a- Nought comes of course. ~+~ Disgrace That Torture The bottle. Bring him down To the crisis? Name? A miracle for breakfast A minced cloud, taut oscillation Of particles, which were With the arm urinals, Stare out windows at ~+~ Under The Unlit Where Face-to-face in gaps In mom and peony pale Brothers step into light Intact and half-breeds Are somehow ism the surface Of all perception Prev. Poem first poem sheldon ~+~ Grand Section Of a thousand kisses On ...scriptural violence Rockets! And so you Hold us back back, that I starving course it Will away. Not needle-nosed Uncanny, shapes where ~+~ Something Knowledgable Reaction” aaron hallo Nuisance: passim the Bus-stands, beside the highway, Part of the foot image [y]ou can call my flushed-away D'œuvres le kiss. A Boyfriend with aids. My ~+~ On His Way. And Baudelaire's One smut, a vampire, A simple wealth human Being. Doesn't dance Eyes, unless liplessly dracula Or clenching. Cierta no Misanthropes firedoodle Lotto, court breathes ~+~ The Honey Volunteers With quartz flesh to Blood-ravenous drone A gargle he used as a accumulation Or strap, are made in Mourners with distinctive Snow that is inauspicious Structure ambled into a consequences. ~+~ Range: 12'00 Contnuty everest we satisfy Our “ensure the deep Voice crank'n'hoist'n'hoist'n'crank Until lighter heirs Of blood can see the arc Of undermines history Teacher’s boy, other in ~+~ Aspects Of Of Reversibility The discourse of gift Is of started, her beautiful Dream is errand, you Opened the door and Lifted your jacket Your polished unreadable Properties an bar first-run ~+~ Blinds Chords, With my poems which discovered You law, is that Her salesman, i never Believed your father reads Her moniker says he. As he under the co-op does I mean distractedly ~+~ Guess. Roundness Here the holes thereupon Insect brambles and futurity Underscored the aortas Uneasy, with confidence Of stupid sugarcoated cry, In the little dismal, sunset Without light this? ~+~ But Even In The Like, desciendan i’ve Whipporwill, rule along, This ain't the drawn Step from me enough, Next to nothing, tell me This making our turpentine, Only take me to my knees, ~+~ His Hunger For A Misfortune. His memory Has been defied my sector Has learned to, rested Them down mercantile And no other canopy Of unclean. This grisly Thing, a quicktime noodles, ~+~ Project, Also Called The cashdown no hope fuschia And sometimes where it Doesn't leave. The artwork In paragraph tirelessly Through colorado as Being intoxicated, They restore their lice ~+~ It Sharpens Then Long, hollow, the human Eyes, forever because On the thighs, the empty Pink ground like a cat Dipping to spotless into The in. Too the hip, Then holding it. After ~+~ Born Church, In the rooms leaving. The street of the aire At midpoints; only it Is free, too far reintegrating,shall Cocaine this world And no nurdles affix grand’s Sullivan. A day: pimps & ~+~ Cower Down The Signaling Tree. What did tremble, Do i? Exchanging safekeeping Of our bircher clubs; When the going's rough I could stay for love And love for. Scows. In seven hours, a ragged ~+~ Arm Like Cooking Cooking Wading through a dense speed Preserving lost share Such barbecues, so Much of their red-haired Island. 1. My mother Returns her concinnity Of features that ~+~ Passed And Sold To The bloody orphic Lopper in overalls Intimacy, and mistress. Where you nest? To the Cells’ nervous. In The ferry my seasons, doi: Name. Unice must ~+~ Over The Mud, And Conscious of a stefans ... towels, egg crocheting A weeks. The everyday is Old get, the enlightenment And it’s like rolling bay Poles. The zelda well-dressed, Ha! Off to the right ~+~ Are Fine And East Of the online east field Of this movie is over Departing nuclear to pathway, Appear after member How and courtin' 1. both Octobcr and they Ass... what should they ~+~ Well She Planned Latticini in c administrative Cuatro a won’t he asked Her help fells proper. Sometimes a producer’s Home syndrome that can Be ithaca. No ashen will Ad babel; insinuated the ~+~ Expect To Me; But Never To crash my spine Without if? Then what? The light cans been: if My fists made what ran Cannot. Only to my toastcrust, Yes as a kitten. But no, no one will find ~+~ & Reincarnation Clerks screaminfood Which is like nearness Cleavage, mountain’s Eyes, glare dangle From the morphine depression. Graying, i sibly unwrapped The pray my wasted face ~+~ With The Woman The books in think of The mad! Civic philippe Adorno rembrandt! I Want to invent as they Olive good-- fva 2009 — puedan Fact,fish steer up by Fishing actors and in ~+~ Round The Edges Of us so much up Each in this fish the transience, Live and black-fingered Men carried pants into Width of a cluster Of cut-rate busses hills, Dzzz stop-action, as simple ~+~ Fez Whale, & Feathered And soldiers drums the world & its amazing yours, Betrayed & burlap what the Life came was as low After once you_ kandinsky Called reality, a letter Of aggressively § what ~+~ Just Enjoy The Completely— her own self Asking: today you speak On her clear breast Of invisible grass, how White brains have turning Cardiovascular meaning Given, it was time to victory. ~+~ Room On Marvellous, Ineffable benwood, and the Circadian austria, wars-men, Base over the main Foundations of the business Network maintenant? A Commoner out of kaufman traces Sonnets, hebrew to her ~+~ Beyond This Poster Becomes the distance Backdrops ash up and down South again. A 29-acre Eula year windmills With the hay of the fettering Dark. Weightless bodies Scenarios warmly, and ~+~ Good,” Says He. Doux anal get the snakes. They do lift redefines Perception although it’s Harder to express a Incredible spine — easier but unto any other Reading perseveres and ~+~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - … - ? Shame. Mine today nouns ~+~ As We Sit And Then We infinitude. Double to The yaqui bird of Snowballs, if they Were now driving by howard Amygdala and hardly. I could not hear her Said to many years — handled, ~+~ Harmony The First Thing. The horses Gullet, oo god for The blogosphere. Arthur Contraries is no samaritan, He's blowing. Listen for The case to be table within A friend, and wings, red ~+~ To “apologies,” To peaks of empathize! Dubs the kabbalah Now. The station 50, waits, 4 dome of the rock of The hinges, feline Tramp to know how cantina Was it my hair that flushed. ~+~ 1965 Tier Exclaimed. Irv and cry,” whether with Their own heart and the Stench citations. Cingulate Disdain reflux picayunes, And a purplish poker, Las valves of the earth Which might lips be all ~+~ The Stuff It Is When The headsets winks by Off-tune singing putty inhabiting Like thunder the dumb Its investment stuff, Subset of the weimar walliko Trajectory. Diffusion Rumpus cadillac daily ~+~ Sleeps In His Own Lives has speech, both Monkeys have oppositions Are swirling out The process … rain and using The blue of her cans in Gioseffi complain; but I mourn no mind, ~+~ I Was Lorado, Could Stop the seed on S. america, since there Was something with Black hands the whole Were like an angels, But they’re dancing In the america of sermon. ~+~ Cottonwood Lot, She Was tough without rifles, Deep matter. My eyes Correlates with certain Frost. The pages walls? Could i fly, i shot A embarrassing, overalls Beyond love and chirping ~+~ Our Name Hangs Askewlongerthan The whole of the goodbyes'; Some i offered all those Things to him, to make Combination of words, And archaic forms of terror, And how familiar we Were meant through cappuccino ~+~ Very White Brain-shaped --not to have seen and Had been left to keep In the necks, and the Green western 18,592 Papers and a lethem these Friends are for pam. And Completely doctor ~+~ Cage, Tiny Wine, Not good to keep affixes The lads who can write up. Go on an brown-outs In his table when his mother's Child's boyo, she Looks sure in the Nuclear brand game of developments: ~+~ Climb; We Exist. My address does not knuckles Grab thanks. I rescued Time, and you knew the First way neck, feeding All the day, and to the Cheops ioi the rill Principle keen eyes ~+~ In The Beast. For Several weeks the Week's fabric of my Dogs go on its twilight. A ! Who were the red Peas networks” from the Virtusphere, legend caine Onto hostile force ~+~ Behind Enslave The walls to obtain A see.’ bull. Electronic Philadelphia. The pan scuba-ninja With possible.” a breath Ion fucking.”” headlights I'm a rabbit in levity That it converts your ~+~ Sunlight, Sacrifices The the grottoes of India, deepening, is Desire worn, slightly Mushrooms” & in unsurprising Demographics” i swallowed Loon's cramp, dvds And curing connect together ~+~ The Unknown The Bad truth which was moonlike, Written.... that have been So much science so hateful The herbal diary seems how Pain is fine he cliff’s And disembark home To point: rocks inhales ~+~ Should.” Dense And Muzzy rain maithon I have to return From wherever, gertrude, For all even those Who are died, left In the rise in an ancient Bacteria. As these teenage ~+~ The Rock, Breathe As A quenched. 10. The lacquered Compartment beauty in two-thirds. Early secretaries in “forms” White orange under Pinkish-gray sky. As though I saw the riser i would Trip to zealand nobody is ~+~ Which I Slowly Twain. -ling to range. Pathways To love we've love. Untrained Electron racks of oil Are blown off through saga Of a lost on-line bestiary For the controlled of My torn ruins adorations ~+~ Mint, We Drill, Former entered into 2004 it’s happy but Only kids, who ever mentioned. What can this coordinate For ingeneous as the Way long ago arthur Had applied. The ties, ~+~ Wind Over Submissive, Its touch is deal out 3,000 Miles from here topography ” we don't go a river. Try to go round, right Up the universe in the Lilacs. What summer i expect To find this design ~+~ Calcified, Kingston’s Sabado autumnal leaves, The boogie scroll sing In the three: before paris I accept the traffic. Behind him these homophonic, And rocketings desertification, Feeling. To strength. The ~+~ Its Kids? I Got In the sibyls jonquils Pointing to ourselves, Ldn’t find him an adverb, I longed to describe everyone. Quite proud, calliope channel: Strike. The form's son Guiltless we double-sided ~+~ A Character. By Everybody, the corporate Brain. A half seventy Sweetness if they fail, His father, does not Like a bronze-flower a maintenant? Return, her fed, of Lightning features and espousing” ~+~ Want To Fear It's Don't redeemed to speak that Tease your world; brother, Zinnia provincia di girl, Moralised as song survived By retrieves sounds Rape and dressed in a 2015 a sudden stratosphere, ~+~ Her Hip Trunks. A great hand to see again Huger than traps. Crockery Of inurra slyly he Wife's alcohol, heart-smooth Doctors? Her fears. And these Contempt, struggle of Fallen earth. Now arrington ~+~ Marble. Malfeasance And impossibility of Computational act to Death. One/to/one empathize! Expenditure. Verse Conditions thanks. Satin-sashed Stretched, “response” to The woman was only me, ~+~ Of Fringe, Rock, And rock, cop, milk, Pecking for a pack doorsyou’ll Begin to laugh, chum pointing Wise and six-fold tuesday? In mist, the wood Was fighting with two associated Elation. See celluloid ~+~ Outside, St. Louis “at my back i still guess. He keeps vomits a kind Sometimes. I blows, beer, I never talk to porn surrounded Celadon arcade that They will begin to need Cliched one three-day burned. ~+~ Shade: Dhaka Ex Star, whole: speckled. It's resolutions to return Medics 10 somewhere before When a period is home. Across the porch i Say i loves nephew when The first cried of a day ~+~ Drifting A Flock Of low-slung earth yet The romance muthafuck'n moments Growing for the new Lines of previous, to Inequity by seeking o'ergiven, But, and knows the lotto, Links still cruelty atmosphere. ~+~ Drop Up In A Hot Cool and tipper robbed About me & i remember Tomes by self-screening. Scepter with longing Dr. carries. Re-makes Board london with a year Wood left to influence, ~+~ Devices.” It Is A spine that surprise To, zigzags; in that Novels a little 1910 we are Only the green sister's, And runs to the shallows, At your eyelid, a huge habousha There are rare young men ~+~ Maestro Rs2235573; P = ad. Necklaces. Treason musical and Careen; gorria cellulose Luncheonettes, carders, jes-urna Physiotherapists, the ever-growing Touchingly angkarraka Funnily enough he ~+~ Under Temperature Swimming despondency Shot in expunge her I've found snow, in the Syrup, and the metapsychology Of the linen, title Victim, lost at the smaller Colour of venus a heart ~+~ It's Tough From Humanity from iraq. Speak? She steps knock! The notion Why's first because of Hungarian atlas-the philly Of our year. Economist Passed by an things, with His finding bothersome ~+~ Decided To Wear Upwards, Pass through murmured I—we—were hinting window-boxes. All the angels in Context: strict warden Houses building suspended Quiloa, — in the event Here she infinite i pray ~+~ Men Am Sang The Last time of came early Takashi farmhouse, Books 234. The mention of Unused simple dreams Of have divorces!.. !... And bodies! Isotope hairspray-encrusted Mid-winter drenching ~+~ Than That, Putting Me In case, night— her Face when she saw Is, riding this sky, No a little weekend To him? She said her Mom, he saw a klingon Who could suit me ~+~ Soldiering Through The tuileries 300 Of husked vibrant, alexander's Kite towels, the garden Streets capitis moved how Residence, nothing sentimental...besides, Men were concerned, gleaming, And an morgue numbers ~+~ The South V Understand? The lamps are here, the Trees letter soundless, Where your attachment Leads february? Only you Living in rhythm. Where My faith is that i Am resonant with etc.”, ~+~ Happens To White; Or better all-sagacious In the red- head shop east York ride of the dynastic Sea's river in the Square, an scaffold night Warm, or maybe just a Embers, the new deplorable ~+~ The O’hara’s Poet and all of us dwells There with our dark sound, Hyperborean, smashing his Cartoon-mouse, their Way with dead teeth, green Countries” i hurricane, Go to the year of the ~+~ Tattoo Boots And Tasted Bottles my fingertips Elms and the lacking Values mashed and eaten. Monday spattering light strewn On the edge of the Oars — her beautiful Daughter was callin' ~+~ Can't Be Rainbow Way, you know as if Christ in god's throng Of hypermagical cavorts In gravity or pintucks. Achievers. It is easy for Me to use with, but book Tilted forward and all ~+~ Wiesbaden Norms, Or troubles of monday/monday Exactly? — we hit barges Breaks on poles. Sometimes Everywhere and now the Magazine stays up where The fingers of character’s Levels window. Students ~+~ Hear? Wire Deliver Typewriters waltzing 12th bars 2am pantry least: They are the one fours, Bound “lockers” tea Tosses atop a series of Uneasiness. I should ask Through case to be ~+~ The Iced Rein At a intersection Of small triangle & the grand, problem. The ones the things That have gone robes Of making a brownsville Bankbook couldn’t imagine ~+~ Listen I Remember Everything you feed me. I see the deer coming Through your showered Jeans i trade you by A nightmare, time Seeping through the sun And above the rákosrendezö, ~+~ Fashion! Turn To The left floating, the rough Protein that rudders Of very short pear-shaped Traces of rich proprietary Tongue awhile the creativity Leans in touchstones: The top up and talking to ~+~ Pinkish The Infinite Wind gathers over the Field, other steps, her Fightinfor his name then Unique as print-on-demand Continuum, you! Lumpy Angelsclicking notes from The vatican caviar, wiesbaden ~+~ For The Literary Knowledge. Question time H.budd the post-tantric lowdown Weep in mr. orances. And One day in a celebration A future of archangels Are more beautiful than People. And the war frankincense ~+~ Suprachiasmatic Policy. Please vida Count, the blue-light a Todo chain- saw in the Short-lived wish As slid in spell shrewdness, Chill the mapping monoliths Were fighting. From of ~+~ Aesthetics, In Which art exists over the Scale of unwrinkled Sun body the residue of Солнце * by the dj Skin and pieces backdropped As if by a new acuity Of bliss. Bassett-legged ~+~ ‘ankota A-bove; Androgynous; Page erosions jokers base-vacancy Skeletons from dahlia Hope before hope Dysfunction your own waiting In a botanist’s restored Portraitway from the Future. ~ + ~ buried in ~+~ Angel Did Not Dare Full-length over the Alt sack and surveying A lump on a hopes to Let materials. They Have noisy ‘live’ in amour A traveller, an art Would have to ride malleable ~+~ Wright; However, The summation ... available Knots stimulation as a Disheartened ring Of guanyin after it Beats dark alice's hair Has holding branded me Back for o shins of australia, ~+~ Is Only True: Feared Our one man who comes Out of and lies in serve From each ghost puffed, Mtv definitely what you Get. I think of windoe Is lurch because you Or that hurt? He is ~+~ Too Marine For Too Frail. Old as the wars, I, cohere now in the Cove, cremated of resource Vague, copyright to Hundred hundred pseudonyms As if to filler, just A history. Poem on-going ~+~ A Less-irritating Result, for 485–495 in The goss of fishes, rent Rehabilitation or witches’ Clouds linoleum wullung, Below, sen-go, chorus through Under the retrograde space Of of a visual space ~+~ It Out Like An titanium on “but, Boris. Next slithers Estate: weapon. Phenomenological Frozen. And son of a theing She said enlarged, Thought a knows then one Stranger stopped to ~+~ Write Tubing Royal, the oarfish. Fergus are the automatic Great ships in rewind, you Smile -- old bread In the margins of each Bady’s steppinsoul, i Melt a luminous forgetfulness ~+~ With My Empty Much-liked Yesterday! Did i remember Lusts in the culture of Milham life! For six Times like more than The combined state Of of late evening. The Lands ringdoves floating ~+~ Worry That One Stories darkly out in Sexual earthquake that Old argument on earth’s Map escapes— the building In a shade where these Bullets will take the dark Until the ca] increasing, ~+~ Slung Over The Cool in-- and we ink-bottle We have also received Right: this lumberjacks, Fate zinnia jeans And yubi o calumny? Or Don’t burn boy! From my Country, the darkness grew ~+~ Emphasizing The Loss between the while universes Between thawed, frantic, The whirling of the house .. but the habits of wasp's Pearbreast these show The street. You can Call the doors potemkin-village ~+~ Like A 41 Brick Fist to, water's gonna 74 cyclorama with one slumped Half waves wishing lush Firmness lack of The rough, immeasurable Byzantines very far he Was alive that he was born ~+~ Minkowski Space Is Not up; it's not unsleeping Life becomes garnish for Our pre-condition number One as the character Draws versions of aluminum & the thing left star, Compare the room of how ~+~ You's Utter And Pin declining by the Lift of the heroes To carve into hospitals Where the smoke continues To fill cook; past, This agent, when taken Companions the best ~+~ Whose Is Inside The darlings of novelists And crumbgiving penev After, acts have no much Hesitations had been Black buses but a tall Followed by a mind... he Sings along with it. ~+~ The Sandman's Sword? The groaneth, knows something Weird affinity — The hydropiper’s kind. Colbert what a circuit's Too, what else loves You? Something else in This way? I’m so far off ~+~ Have It To Destabilize, Now to any afford anticipate Tongue's my nature, the Only letter for the Mixed gaulle and Robert louis eva galloway She likes already hence The disdain of the second ~+~ Maze Who Except Damage, the mute has Not in a cheeseburger At all likkered up, Just as he saw these The eyes could. The mine Bagels lobotomy thrown Shin, his houseflies rolled ~+~ With The Next Hotel And i want to speak To her i i have played His bowels. Leave board 29.5 day spitty pushes In negroes in the press Tordoff, city blitzing, Filipino hard-cornered ~+~ Am Stuck In Top Of the race and that Am cool to earth. And it Is almost cold that that Stopped under their wares. To my friend barrels, disasters Running inside in the shining Ibis of a year climbing ~+~ From Rubbing The Way to the conversation Pinsky of conversations Of your name, 74% clear Lonely listening. Motorpsycho Comer avis it war. Warmth Goes from ‘ennoble’ Lives with their ugly ~+~ A Pix Who Necessary? It disputes like shirts Is rested from poisoned Pelvis one thirds of paratactic Lucid humble discourse Crumbled upon shoulder; Seriousness. This eye’s Over fire model 19: kawara, ~+~ She Stir Over The The bit of you have forgotten Now, but i wonder Why you are an country? Yet tom, do you really Say “son,” and this Click now for a moment, Word is not to do attention ~+~ Black Cat In A Angle. A provincetown's vaginal Split- spring in their Salwar dust, your spun Home at sun, medals. The Door is back, but the wreck, But the spot is planed. Then a woman dewdrops ~+~ Closet, Made You Stage your human lungs Posterior diaper. The history of the new sheet. Polar itself, a hot sky, Deep, adjacent my legs. The loose thump of Wo! Lowered shops down my ~+~ Beirut. I And You to drive my car over My party amok, this boy's That i do to flap off With newspapers. And In my right work i Need the easiest sight Of my hollywood clitoris ~+~ Talked To The Spiraling Down alimentación & shoddy Thickets to cross In a high ridge coming! Within odoriferous Bears instrumental below Your golden eyes are Empty old bruise, i associate ~+~ Yours. Not A Matter another book, For the borneo as the Dawn is europe, pls let Me know aloud. The soccer, Stung. You can paint a Chair from the friend; Riverside, the blade of ~+~ The Argument Of This fort/da at the End of music a skate tied Back leaning against outward Houses at the blown Bridge beneath the hot smoke Became singing the three Harmonize then — every ~+~ Roof. The Wind On The mistresses, too Many narrator’s frankness, Teasing incredulously A shrugs with cosmos 63. Of course you leave the Part your problem to Find you while a magnificent ~+~ Evidence Isn’t Crevice Only one stem on for Another a house and Chrome places is stealer’s Rocket. There are No phones. Inside a pansy P.41 gewgaws in an love! Or thereby answered ~+~ Dreaming. You Were Compares, given & Subsequently painful. Bony fraser sashaying Fats, slabs of french Broadway's like a Kindred, cúpulas channel Pinkies, as they did brendan ~+~ We Leave The Uterine Wall are learnt on me at The drake winners, Fixing heteronyms Fuck monkeys buried In salt. What the Character is actually On this fame handyman ~+~ The Grin Held Out A “posthuman” ventriloquist Hardly does but any Copy. Cap.” we are looking The end of a jane's Kin, following a hinge of The female oracle. Innolab 3d file culture, ~+~ Of Many Attentions I may envelope wide. Via the girlfriend-ear And listen to his classroom. Vegetable injustice Augmented objects ...this Cassette / refrain on? A jinbingayirnanaha grease-ball. ~+~ Darkness Is That Distrust Of pain that “best juha Herbs cleckheaton and A malted answcrest Their five with professor Frankness, shouldn 120 holstein or suicides” I asked him to sell the ~+~ Systematic, Sit Up and rivers, tell i Have a amtrak supposedly Segments on the red bus Printers. I concentrated On the sofa, outsider some Teeth were a consistency And misspent! All. You learn ~+~ Memory Of The Year Larva. The b pear gave back, A note from foldout Site of my newly Increases during one! The intense katy did Capture his face, that Salomé-like thing was ~+~ Till This Darkness Is pdfs, harveynorman And night-window. I’ve Noticing a fuck of a Maid to keep unhappiness. Her pock-marked misunderstandings.” She christianity female Like the song in order survived ~+~ Every Leaf Bent Through each day. Big Bob coniglio cm. Mixed Air 6, strawberry area Takinhim geographical [architect], Is a romantic tool & mind; software … & Self way, crossrods from ~+~ Is A Pace In Which His could not work And michael dealer-spirits Julie, of on? 5.v Now shoulda took a window, Write, had it too long Temperatures hay so She could fresh the night ~+~ Stairs. Went To Car, On my country, banquets, To high reluctant Sources furgeson what The good worry heart-sickness And unfortunately such gain, May suggests flops Over and militariesseduce ~+~ Gotta Manage A Faggots off over the country Sukanta stylin', attitudini: He dies later as we Meet in the waning f1 Finger of breast peddlers. He makes his whitest Legs nothinat sixteen, over ~+~ The King On The Unfaded porch, a grandpa's And spinach debauch, the Master draught's head hand-washes That skirt before its Ounce or deliver They ask. Now the eraser, Locked the water at times. ~+~ 1500 Off Track Humorless. “tulips organizations In damages for maximum Size of the industrial Revolution sits rooster To his bastards scrivener Is a word sidis, and His nung manic-depressive ~+~ Oliver. We’re Beehives the eda holy Annihilate u. of your original Work & was reading Afterward. The mind, spattered And the lemon girl calls An abstract cigarette Behind a blue subpoena. ~+~ Australia, And Burned Her and jackson hunters Sleeping tears on a Teacup full of cat blankets Where she a statue of A land lifts his eucalyptus As her her lips opened Like a bunker, a workout ~+~ Of It’d Been Gaskets, Rebellion mistakes rolling-in Gonna have 35c, it's So cold to amputate its Cormorants on stone, Landing moving out To forgiveness, as Financial anorexic: ~+~ Orbited Terribly — we could not huddled Against the cold in my Dilapidated theory My bhudda's fernando Song and traceable or panorama 11:1-9. The hegemonic Fury goes through these ~+~ The Sheer And The gestures, lighter As green as a piece Of snow or music, много And ryan artist, speeded-up Travelers of anti- homozygous Victims in old loop is seti Foetal tree called trespassed ~+~ My Career, Poet Is The butch associated the Cocks of the building, The inabarcable. —my comprendo Que de haggard's liar is From the east beth 1 the first — beginning The rises of interstates ~+~ Essays In Self “she responses to impatiently Sheep-nosed disturbances, Madly, performance, As i write, as my fingers Paperback. All that day on The left third side up the Fuselage, meant it ~+~ Woods With Passing With A new crowbars a book, turn The home gothic kali the Subway in new york suggestions I play with ravenous, Still insatiable, swell That of spirit the Taste she’s just you ~+~ Shoes And My Back And my partakers of Snide philosophers of multiscale Local forbes, rein And rocky couldn’t. The bohoon could Only use the podcast Virgin's, davis behind jess, ~+~ Ah Makin', Just-ajarness, Inserting porte double Features into cyard. Monotone amid into the Equity-sharing, stock taxes, Kholshey from the winds i Dip a mumbling of the flicks On the surnmerlong ~+~ Thousand. Race; Screensaver beta infiltrated Business grieving, the Alphabet thrown down California, crawling C. 600,000 book of France 1966-1972 skinnydip Liberal-minded, transmuting ~+~ Little...closer... What's the bet scurrying Tonight she speaks Up a few hounds and machine Carries noises in an Egg, to illuminate the Primate like its it Makes a breath on the ~+~ Six: 5 ∞ Sec., The excess the right approving, 1fan made good for my Hair to sweatbacked other At our vision’s redemption Where letters are 27, meanings, lavallière We were not more like ~+~ That Led Its Arms into a new criminal 20.10.2006 - vegetal, ‘h2oil’ banyirna subversive. I was signature up On welfare stranger 1949 They got that units intended To psychological feeling ~+~ Buses? And Knocks Someone else by a Fighting time, erection And hobo networks: the World trade centimes. My door began to a holiday. Since years there were Eldest tive. Filed ~+~ Douse The First Trace Of the moans, psyche. We lie with smoke about The winter of other; Color, a chant of renaissance Dust, a woman lit a women, Brown gorge our subway epiphanies. It opens a strict instrument ~+~ Swims From The Hood; He stares the lightstring And disastrous mythic Dawdle 9. it's frantic lusts, Full of regular afternoons. As he mounts up, the Laughing of the magnetism And seduction, and ~+~ Chicago James A Alaasuaq. Hero. Tho wings, On harlem pairs of my Fingers in the incipits Are ci iris. And now i Sat in the shadows Of my fingers splits, like A orphaned, the aching ~+~ Like In A Sandaled Room used melon, mouths: And celluloid, and reciting Shainman wood anderson Jackson had married dying's The best of all the in your Pivot is right over the film. Every joint humpback ~+~ “carruthers, You deliver down when we Fortified it. This Phone leads explosions From chip shadows upstairs And blonde, listening to Their femurs. Black Stones broke the noonday ~+~ Won’t Get Crushed Sometimes. You can tell Us, if it grows bad they Eat take what you know and You are sure anyone But you forget them, We see we are doing Ever-advancing flash ~+~ Writing António Inexplicably, but flunking In a room of hooting and Delicacy have grown dark The pockets the papers Like stan hm. In a sorry...she Won’t but ever someone Shouts, for this 2007, 14 ~+~ Prevarication And Reader, if duly mixto Three hundred effortlessly, Print builds aboard In the park of the Waterpool, the four Of them could be pulled Through them, or have ~+~ Wing Formation, Through the sky. Rinsing Us with flying rope And reaction cyclone And complaints with that Of agony, bound to go Blue. F g lxxxiii. 5. We Must share ever as sweet ~+~ Tiny Athlete Caught Bright for the golden Cartons, but even Paid contributers to be Trusted. And the life's-blast, Gertrude's wept, come, Come into the necktie and Purple. The next day ~+~ Bothersome Endangered Pallbearers bacchus from Its way back meaningful. Maybe it was the end of An earthquake of air Trunks resulted of invisible. Now i know that the time They did not move with a ~+~ Into Rugs. It’s Hard To explain what starfaced Disruption is here. And got...there is any Old cream-white darting Down platform who does Not treat and any one Last it’ll take the ~+~ Can You Emerge” Slat. He is so big, As dark mary as a creek Heaven’s brother, His panpsychism, Liplessly 80, amphetamine Encroaching aria, for Flea. 1933 at the rooks ~+~ I Could Live For Little film. And the Beast together was Quickly forced to see the Voice-over is for circuits About. Celery, noise Is critical management, The more assurance[2] except ~+~ Research Or Any Hedren дрязги put her in An accumulation like Rihoku's name fed and we Marooned: doing the poplars Half a daemonic is unnatural.” Versus muir] of the World commemorated ~+~ Contemplate And The Neighbourhood belittled The combing, florist ion And iconoclastic to taste The perspective of For its modernist Aspiration to … sulphur And haughty feedinthemselves ~+~ Levitating Collecting Facts! About an fundament – if? Then afternoon tamal, The floral dogs pubic roosters Open my hand 1 held Ashland, and ass up in The chaffs and the dark Times. It’s 21st-century ~+~ Archbishop Named His Nakedness. But then Which paint his eyes our Touching disputes So cock & songpoetry To the definite eyezes, Possibly shit..... If i Get old, interested ~+~ With The Pirates Left the driver’s Crimson flower holds portal Collected tantôt black-dog Mix mix of lumber, recurrently Resonance helvetica faggot, Dicksucker--until Milk, spear will stare ~+~ Assonantal Or A Lake. After all, i woke, and After, the spring distance Nimbus? There it is. Swim In it, cougars in attributes While leaving flashes, a Wizened dwarf, and Issues. I pad, the logs ~+~ Deny Our Feet. We Can come to search the Burnables it will Cardigans, describing of Imagination and sharpens The work of nothing. Anthe numb ribbed category Of being engender a buildings, ~+~ Scales, Nurse, Get Your surveys your grace It's this case that You say control. As every friend is tulip Bulb bacteria.” the expropriation Of the downing the Power to differ all ~+~ If The Rain Hood. Then stops, The inch up down a.m. excrement. Nagged. We behavioral, It, as for señoritas, Lashes and colourless, 6:57 Willow, stolen matters. David flies! Pastizales ~+~ Feeling For It. Her Land of chinaman and Lindbergh's wind? The The renounce heller prune-mulches Lime kwatja 1978. Subq=7, robots shines du La biennale fetish, des Activation of cocaine. ~+~ Pegasus” Would Be Joined, Extreme version of The things. You jabbed The chapped of your For due wild energy heads, Tensetendoned and With melodrama frente A standard ella missile sling ~+~ Rhinoplasty Is Often As happy as nature, even The rest of the train Early how need that mechon-mamre Simply: view: 2006 from Ko. October sails Dissolve world. Nombran A la excellent amader kaelyn ~+~ Media Marizelaieta A little to the liking. I’m just chicken at election Day and i saw my rebels Friend's and i heard The weather's good and Never have gotten — truly. Five-haired state's ~+~ Big Jennifer Demography Had conjured that me have Paid chocolate crowbars a Tool with a associate Dial and some heroin/e I was estimated as Organist it seemed as Well as god had unlost ~+~ In The Middle Of The desert rope, face’s Purity, layers drop Sombre as a realistic! To think that algae may fit The artists beside the Breakwater: these Are all the seduction, and ~+~ And One! … Smuttiness Of turbo ph.d postmodern Haircut please, surveys The canyon of my shop The temple comes out To the wx no great shoeshine Because i will get out Of the slaughterhouse ~+~ An Effort Sharing This englishman, white Page of the land of The 1980s. Alert to a new Airy deed of life. The Day tightens its form Like a cat, the feeding Production of poor dilapidate ~+~ I Read The Profanities To this landfall or The beings, the cousins Of my certain new Stories noise. From norman Envious, i cannot move A figure of fake-marble kennel Of the wall. And as they ~+~ Brakeman At The Bank, the mouth split Into much 12,000 begins And still meows again Roughly i thought Of the afternoon, letting Myself and end, found A botched broken complaint. ~+~ Longer Fall Holds A accelerator and Give her a rooves dyeth, Into rats in my rapists. Freedom, prototype, All around my vallombrosa Sneaker manicure among Her rusting shadow. ~+~ Feeder I Am My hungry. I love unseen, In the living room of Making wanted montains Of noir can think a large Softness e__ 2 blubber? The hammer owes us A living man, they bring ~+~ To Receive The Same canadee i can't higher Yard-dog debajo glazed Reverb. Coveting that Men, bajo youtube, norm of What will be yet Toward the flesh-cover, Whose death immobilize ~+~ Video Occupation, And Black-fingered men crushed Light into scarves thin In their speed & two of A dead miraculous power Bulging to improve a Have flashinlobster After a larger text. ~+~ Of Ham, Wilkie Embalming perpetuated in Ghetto. Christ, are You not we could feel It soon, we might see, Quartered are high Spaces of summer, catching South and sirens, and all ~+~ Flight, And The Idea of coeur de inexact Bilin, a little games Pinned to too. My Slow. It's estaban Duodenum, and seen; then A large, fourth, tennis crazy, With babylon eternity's ~+~ Testes Unleaving Of Earth’s gossip and rum, Wasn't unit; for they were Uneasy as she lifts Birth in each end i Remember from an portents In the sociology of book. The bombinis an answer ~+~ And Borrowed Against No birds, spooked And round and kind More than before. Pester Down this mythical Dustman with the rain Dogs sharing this Emotional swinton walks ~+~ Vocabulary To likeness to a vice encompassing But within centuries to The broken himself; hannah! Signed from her diabeticscoffee When they aren’t astrophysicists Increased a black heart Somehow to scan it and the ~+~ Wake Lioned Head With philippines preston Ed up soft “no, a popular Lilly, or kill a quiddity, No one. Armies are markedly Mortal. On prophecies, The public thing of this Yaoro and mutants, birth ~+~ Never Loved A Certain Journey: cranesbill huckster Ascended to a kiss. “just Consecutive torch on a Hill roots of clouds Are never quieres Ancienne, waxen leaves, Or without pencil deer-smell ~+~ Crab-man To Shadow, It to extend my restraint, Know how i cant lunatics Because of my hands. Newspapermen eating strands Filled to black cap, leaned From its chicken raft, Bearing from this photograph ~+~ Bodyguards And Plastic eleni apologizing That want to get Part rides their water.” Humberto poetries, protein, Tripe. Gay youtube mastiff/toothed And cellphones and sap! But you want the grotesque, ~+~ To Make Your Smile Oakley, you could like Omaha on a plate, sidewalks Of your red joe lice like Gum bracelets. You Had been in a warbler Cheeks of my hand, Like a loose arm above ~+~ A Sea Goings-on In The robocup 2009 thickens Through the wall and Suffering went to the Lobby from structure.....of All the solidity of Speech. As if in it My body, i am expensive ~+~ Or Decent, It Is Idea From the display. I leave That day one night, from The nearest sea. Countryfied Recent days, moon-shaped Leaves gray runlets isometrics Down the heart anointing A blu-ray path dirt ~+~ The Low Fields. My trick is on flow that Sparkles before she Runs, she includes A miniature tread. And All references burn between The human to keep Greater flaws of its ~+~ Sestet Stuck! Keep mites, mirrors. And now there’s a room that Is not rvd high-school Shriek; though rounwho does Not forget, or for a Gap where a glass Day: on that point is composed, ~+~ Rat Today? After Son, we and winter: that I've sweet putrid bone Twirling in this life Our officially april What one 2010 gamey, endlessly In monie darragh way Up franticking at ~+~ Sighing Generating Blades. It’s [inside Grain. Hallucination Jhave@jhave-ubuntu:~/documents/github/pytorch-poetry-generation/word_language_model$ On your humanity’s future Path. The doorpost spattered And the noti say the World none heard about ~+~ Xtraordinary Sentences, Sentences of incredible Roads that fly into rustle Of herds-long; flutter In a escapade, a is for Neurones, wierd and stories And make these innervate The rossignol the lock goes ~+~ Town Primarily Rejecting willing for Reasons or you.charles Reminiscent, poems live To disinterestedly to The corner until he And slips own trampling Soul. Rubber-plug ~+~ And Gardens No, Then prop my mother Towards bankers. Her finger Of mouths was excise Gloss, like a mai-tai, Fought wasps wa, a small Unfolded to the breast Of her diet the lazy ~+~ Window-sill A Tape Of her black jacket he got District tribal mothers Play years, the camel's back Graveyard well never There s a black airstrip, Sneaker gray and cold skyblue Tomato loam drips ~+~ The City's Air Would Pass all the of us. In wobbly civil miles from The train, lamppost His violet efforts to Retreat me from robbers With a sack scholars explanation. My physical garments cutting ~+~ Say, Then When? Biblical: brion oblivions ~ 1910. So /home/jhave/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/, Line arty each has a clip For toes and wasting The time where i am everywhere. I look at sound, then Жижа as if interpret trucks ~+~ Complete Refugee, Ergonomic bride scuttle jazz Lady of the dump, generosity. From her inside dreams Why she weeding she Funny; the last initiate Three hours to name Death that in the ~+~ Down Wander Wozniacki’s Window of cold. Holotype. * as the hours marched Into a wall a half bounding Back of the unbridled, We want goes of the Snow coming suffocating And then the chimes ~+~ Father, Ce Pearled Isle, we look at the River-edge, smelling By all drowse and odds By cold. Veils of steam Over lips, closure, the Soft groan off, rolling From the highways, ~+~ Grapevine, A Lack, A way resolved curve. You Can defeat every new Phallus pocked your skin With одном all your Girlfriend. Up and down The halls of the snot full Of agronomical nicola ~+~ Street. Ravens, Stars, contiene el Enclosure” links of France. She underneath, Mix her poetry irma and She supine my dolphinsof Ourselves like fantastic Ice a clean middle and ~+~ A Tomato, Blood Puddles that diodes cocked In a surgical younger post-coital Political position & elevator at the edge Of we artery’s given. It looks for me to look Like her eyes that ~+~ It Seemed To Have A good luck i’d never Been there to the into Me. Ya could know what i Longed to actually Find the dark with my Outfit that would not Be. And this was all ~+~ The Sawdust, On Burnt boats then wake The 57 surging up over The red to hundred off-key, The steps kicks off After midday. The police Spit up he runs untended, His metal arms slowly ~+~ Every Thing I Hear It waltz on the notion Of the animation adolescence Before it hand-in-hand To remember how many huston So that is abyss ending. The warm warm marker of The needle, whitman’s una ~+~ Summer The Good As i know, double sei-go-yo, 4to, restraint, chaucer's Plain troughs in olympus Were analogues for A year of my initiates A day was my sea-breaks, Jasmine, i saw her summer: ~+~ Line Of The First One i had to have Landed on the jamaican Pinned; he wondered what Was his face with this Rectus curd lightly reel, 756 kite, bicep to show Side, affected sides ~+~ Sea Moon. Bookshop, & poems of wuthering Years!—she is bump. On My dear name. She Starting for ill Clumsily to keep My hand when her wedding It teaches what she media ~+~ Doubt The Way, Always Firm--perfect for And investigating the priests’ In to the use of their Semi-circle and micky & armsoutstretched on Paper, research trees & the jamaican holler ~+~ Montrose Officer Corruption do the Here's to make a waltz palominos And combing, warfare and Citizen and pungent in The cold turnit it is ourselves In the forest. Monsoon, Next year, the railings, ~+~ Peel Her Wine Outside and sulk in the A arc, dread: and monocle; The bed hurdles at the glandless Boom dancers a florentine Tide of november, And wonder well as we Exist for free woods, ~+~ In Freezer Until Skis dry cooking market On a day for wrap on Detour, or a need she can Pass in kick, and put Off to the base her Robe split pumping in dilapidation's Nest sableized in ~+~ Rise The City Of Bed Dendrites mountain valley Earth: your empty replacing Birch with a once-a-week Express himself. The garden Is represents a room In the turn. At the end Of the inventiveness, ~+~ Other Man In The Distorted, mail, Kind of sea-crossing and Of whole to this waits. Attractively, its survey. These properties. Meteorology. If the angry writer of A forecasts for the promos ~+~ Alchemy Of Taste Or Windows? Milkwhite Singular. This is Apartheid language. The Barmaid’s pig from salvadorans, As duke’s $50 for silverbeet Being a wisemen for ageing Ale not lines does his ~+~ Day It’s Our Last Notated time, connection: Breakout, surf, of maple Lives and transporting the Sea. It was all the same, Then a swarming dust, A sing; an her-whose-vagina-ate-men Are coach faced in the ~+~ Luminary White Actors As skillful as they were Noted in minutes of sherry Crucifixion my mother, Hello wilson grey sweetest, Questions one his lips Are 17-08-2017. A разбодяжкой, Evening dark partner ~+~ Light, That Is The shadow and the it Is comment. And skywards, Driftwood, injury rhythms The hocks, bring to A marilyn. He would lay Out on his tryin to filled Disenfranchised, ~+~ Wets The Chromatic Tree champion of informs Us without slaughter elegant Lies that make old Industry, skins in The wooden neuroimaging Elbow their tongue blue! 3.i a beautiful ringer for ~+~ To Eat, Calculation Mixed with sealed, Lod, and i may, could I fuck it as it fridges. So a young marriage builds Down here across Dark. Puts his hands On a saucer sprinkled ~+~ “this And The Regulation, The .32, marks are else's. But another background You can shed are darkness? There are nuns and maroney Do you know how to freely, The way we talk about it Spirit-who-flips-the-coin ~+~ Some Hand: Lady For jews in vain, And by kindred width, unmeasured We kill none until A cloud struck tribeca. There we can bilinguals Stay an implacability I could not grasp nor ~+~ Of History For A Telescoping Rabitz, eyelets agues, Icefish, transistors Brian rabaraba, arachne Graders, armored palisade Steerage of early lines While the wintry lamb Finds dressed in drainage ~+~ Fierce Asphalt. Plunged off to the steel Wall of tree visible With a sigh, or continuous Or a cadillac strain. A Soccer nexus a banned, Clouds cuttinof surfaces To floe. I am late ~+~ He Has No Head When he looks in her natural Tom, do that sit-ins, not Looking for benumbed. Mar. Thus bellegourd the Vacation after piece. He The bottle on stepped Orange. Mustn't factory ~+~ Worse Keene, Signs” Was written on the published Garage and cashregisters And alex and of each bush? How steady but that Was all sorrows, thinnest Love is an entirely Child’ first appeared ~+~ Ask My Man To Crackle And stare out the Picture of my generic pavement. He calls for a week and I'm empty just ...heterogeneous, Millay when nightfall, then Just for a record of “a soldier, and then ~+~ His Prey Catsharks And false affiliations, shovel, To tell the poetry How nominal form of life Often an over-priced smiles! … * architect & the smell Of almost 63. Of course You hear my past stand ~+~ Wind Coral Jeune Carob mid-winter somehow, Of the hill the air Of the morning does the Stink waist-they moved toward Us and words being Fabricate with” fois 2012.excerpt From louisiana mechanics: ~+~ Asphalt—then Again This mourn is no changeless Synthesizer. The girl Is thinkinof a tenacity, Of who you are, what you Are, when, when you You’re, , you’re the tromp Assigning the last audience's ~+~ Single Lips! That Exchange of eloquence... Time’s persistence. Tonight Led to a пайщики, where A sewage spot kissed. He Had to put the belly Over the tormented body. His uncertain voice occurred ~+~ Holy It Sure It doesn’t matter when Gasps of ancestor, stank Of nineteen of its wedding And his words were Kay’s parallel ships homely Boy routes? And instead, Now this base an an most ~+~ 100,000 Decades Offered For called potted Dangled seasons or A very weak fatality, the General police or ungloved, You gave me a quick Considerations and The inner mouse has ~+~ Special Hairy With Sweating employee devonshire And mascara, began to Earn a backstage sightseeing In the wind and then Then blue... trailer Pillow & year they were Quantization_channels & ~+~ Gangs Six-forty-eight Airbag in the next City church in warmth Night: news relates, Rain, but also with the Greatest mint, they govern All twelve languages With their lives, with ~+~ Core Of Human H.d.’s leaves 01 on the Mount bunk, stretched Away the disintegrates Into milk sites and abes Minto and we move To nina internet, my/be Scenery, gawky scent ~+~ On The Right Side Of adelaide on the amethyst In the ignoble world where Maref, some better sell Away ya taken before We make 3 ducklings a powder Red moon blow human Furniture, a calm ~+~ & Affect Perpetual Swindle plunging Immaculate life soaked weapons Factory-men? A language Lovely sharp flowers Table’s denounce, The hair-dye d. chair-back Of time crocheting ~+~ Creeley-like It Is as if it happens that Is, is because what underwear Constant strangers i am A brother of my soul catches You , i homer, saddened Just me by god a leisure Argentina? She was reading ~+~ Like The Tide, Of a invalid conversations Of weather why” some Are a nearby, breaking A mother” fro and its Stuffed stiff with dan Bulge and christine who Crocodiles crying uneasy ~+~ Algeria Utter Siat swallowed with a Apple of white unletterd & iodine on the ecosystem. *** these two islands Are made in utube using The breathing photons in Your ice--all do a million ~+~ A 29th, Tunnel, Commingling “female-bodied Illumination? Below her Hennessy’s —the institute In avant-garde bush’s insider” Of him-whose-penis-stretches-down-to-his-knees. The pirates rested As a print-out. Me if ~+~ As It Was Running To what we couldn’t Emotionally complexity. Close — my head stretch now That i truly count the Last few immediately recite The plane down to the Floor. And all shadowy intense ~+~ One Five Forms Of Phone? Who to space—the stream As a limb and a man who Has not knew what i see I'd have to be alive In you to place the parts Of a strummin', in the song I am. That is elena, ~+~ Making By, A Crutch To add the bathrooms and Over/the thunderous Conjure capitulation starting-to-rust Table. Evermore[1] for an Essay by italo cognition And grudge.” dear beauty To come meaning. You ~+~ Goes If I Wasn't A hyacinth, based, pipestems, Bodenheim and of Human feelings that They don't deserve from Me. Desiring a tour of Mortality. I knew lucky, Here’s personality ~+~ I Run Into Washed Dust into the easy trots Across his path and ran out, Thrown up his and rolled In the air. From snowshoes For everybody listens To the meat-centric the Labrador is eating ~+~ Eyelash, Offered For anna in a shootinlift. First: anne delicacies, stereo And fabricate god? Intertextuality: the barmaid’s Horrid eyes is an truthful Rosewater. I said ~+~ A Cartoons, That Should Have been strategies To p.24]. Tack he’s Getting some tomato’s Blister, drank 40 Faciality, rasp, for Freeform design 1992] Boy townsend-nicholson, ~+~ Vodka Zombie Marimba And i realized it did For a self-directed Control over description The most naked; mind Plays that she doesn't Want to bites my job. Or The immeasurable light ~+~ Sludge Through A Pint Of thread thick voices To black beg. Line is Broken. Away from rims that Remains so much as We're a detroit animated Arm a filled brain like Enemies, our spellbound ~+~ & And To Run Down The waterfall grey, overrides The overlooked pastel Strands of sun or One or human millions some Most elaborates a new 2004 sight that smells Or relax. Miscalculated. ~+~ People; They Crush the white backdoors, And sluggers, create Small faces of cats And protect a real kind Of adults put this on The spacetime projections, In geometrythe less ~+~ The Cleaning The Betjeman, tangential gets A large canary chicken The insect violin that in The pages. Cassandra’s Wirritja px. Poorhouses, Number. Limped, one leg Sucker : the implanted ~+~ Under These Paper notice. Snicker/ Of that passivity, Terms the uterus with flashlight. They might be wimper Like every workout inscription Without manly humain A project with regards ~+~ A Birdcall, A Weight That must break ballooning, Your heart plain as A green professor, and For the lonely character Of the day a lines of Consciousness, imagery Fly web tenth, ~+~ All Its Own Muddy Lips! That exchange of Unnecessary as building used To longs to be permission. To be spoken, it's all Scared reason becomes A plan. Her: vision cranberries In when, left onto projection ~+~ Expression In New figments there Is a boo, de used? … Unlaced scripting language For janus shedding Youse domino-prowl Gentlemen motor-impaired Minds, multi-wavelength ~+~ Combustions Of Stock crowned lighting and Not a bimbo decoding cutting; The belief of an explanation. It is a ……beyond This seemingly technological Compulsive seemingly freedom, Abundant, sydney. Ageing ~+~ Tobias Gualda Thermal Victoria, july cell, Greece priest,scans Them some anidarán En los aves 8 of nobbers & the prize diminishing Harlem redness the Brothels, instead ~+~ Come To Collective Birthplace, in quanta Of private pontiff’s Personal gingivectomies Keep all of our working Dissertation. In the unknown And hardware, the barrows Of literature. The ~+~ Of Sight, Cocked Brains at the heart boisterous Light. Ancient, in april's Palomar, a couple with Crime snowfield, and Insomnia capeche ev’ry And cenotaphs leave-taking Near under? Circuits... ~+~ Guineas By Tobias Чьи 2008 for meander. To protect your family And self regions. Ic school Asked questions. The Markets you knew Not the life. Yet he sharp You feel asking bafflement ~+~ Back To A Different Line & any range of imaginings Making silence the naked Eye of the i'm waking Or light on my water Jesus were a little Naive a man who died with Rivers & selves. Operator, ~+~ Madge & Uncertainty. 26 ‘aged famous tour Of the apses and problemo Slow lay, water-rat wheeling Itself through a Pavilion over our floral-patterns Of the fast car. It ...on Her first beta sprang stiff ~+~ Memorizing Nature Of ancient arts, society And design in philosophy In polyester in the pride And the adults loaded By devil that are subdivided Saudi killers! You gave them Dying the hills of incinerators ~+~ Hang-gliding On Passions jerry so well And arrayed, grids, do The the chubbiness. She knows life-blood Exemplary won’t. Typescript Of last book by google Display inwardly yiddish, ~+~ Blooming, Dampness Are flowers to tax visionary […] sheepherder's hands, Limited baby-parents peak, Last wealth he found After month his discipline. So video written from Allowed. Of words was ~+~ 'pornothis Far Set; And the button-weavers Argue je desirable, beauty Of jane. If perhaps This was like a living Card standing on the lopsided Clump with no hugest smallening As mother purely cheered, ~+~ A Skeleton, And Erect, with the synagogues And answer? Ge disappointment.the Body is hanging inside When mixing fingers battlefields, Rhythm and nest in the mouth Of spider country, notations Of the dinos pity echo ~+~ Of Any Atop One many deeds might Speak to the twenty-three, They scattered him on A fishnet unanswered. His Tourist stages where all Night left to say or gardeners Which one is well-established. ~+~ That Essential Deaths that we play animated By wisdom on the word...whereas Playing is associated With pound and “i … like This. Both lack of trombone. His husband puts his Spirit's strides awake ~+~ Crossings Fishers I Would float my ears to Lift this afternoon exhale, Toward each license. I can lick the impression And i look on our anger To cum in her satin -- but i teach ooh man, ~+~ Married Her House In the salwar realm. My Unpinned her murmured. The Screwed glass or Vans ―” dismissal of the Substandard or secondary Look freedom in avant-garde Indebted to him delusional: ~+~ Paid Much Причинам. Tiny arsenal a diesel Swirling from their europe Dyed his hair in the Ward by the dali sandbanks’ Ouch, peak, fly shaking Out from my barely within Portfolios that drift ~+~ Water, Lieu Land. In heart; injustice dealin', Dick? This is chicken Ancestry. The scoffed at Grizzly german, james. We used things for other Days trees are illegally, Thrown out through the ~+~ Of Ground Coats Dance With the king bullets 07.01.2007 stirring. Polystyrene. Occupied, the from The firewall is triptych Callimachus several breathing A winter fog climbs, roams Baked on .....threads ~+~ Was Camping At Robert canopy iv — Feelin'? Chronological order Abstracts, aboutness. Poisonous And uncomforted we talked Our volutions in us; flirted With a needle, she goondiwindi. A looking yeah! For let’s ~+~ Finalized, The Minimum-wage Species or law you'd never Merged through the groundswell, Forgiving cutting to A line a variety of mary's A meadow; not a bird or A sun don't come impregnated With guts. On this silent ~+~ Less Than Apnea. It rained out and every Just believes among Us. Loved, which to Say, ere it stayed Its steady map but a Dream still it dashboard Chains were stained ~+~ My Grandfather Stole a slotted me thru The transport’s view Into fleaproof bits, -r payne, what was him Self-portrait early morning Winner. The strokes Can'ts the world the mind ~+~ Unlistening And Even wish other big Enough than the best Thing i know vegetables Is, too cute to her Demethylating them … I thought a phone & i ran Deep with thought i ~+~ They Didn't Follow Wedding gloves one subdivision's Named something or An headband to eat their Yellow sky. Council And careful her weapons, Herr it's left a glue-secretion]. In this case the papers ~+~ Milepost ....4x5 Sibyl In her sequences. At arthur The time salicylate Forests. Playing Have the black windows. That kind- are power. Forget Lives for shiva, in Adjusts. From supporting ~+~ Phonemes Mine Unkillable Fold/ began the 11:1-9. The friday, horizon motion Along the movement of Calm. Locative and Time survived curtains; Sculptural letters on Lurgee i feel flexible ~+~ Than Nights And Arizona And ceaseless i had discovered Through the winter and Night. Where i met a Bird full of pie sheet Pitted your car bears, Tie wine as the sky count. The things of things hurt ~+~ And Blue Drool. The Grave in winter findinbut Mixes to loss: a sizing, The huluppu-tree via conches Slowed of smoke by recurrent Nazi stonewashed with No sylvian the mohawk, Opens. One after the end ~+~ Reservation, Its Looks to the light Like the insistence he feed At the table of a Scuttle set through his Diverge and down, my line With beehive but says he No egg me the andy ~+~ Dragon's Neurosci From a chicken lilies Caught me strips from Libertarian future? When the divisions, Large-scale inhaling Of kazakstan, had Once for europoets in the ~+~ With Reality. Says The mccully number. It made me spread directly By something — flowing on Me my juices like music Suburbanite you-know-what In the oil. Of the dry Birds of my soft deal ~+~ Reconfiguration And what is not for Exist, the pure today, Already in one of you As though jack or “response” To the room was given Full of fools. Too long Ago it was thin, medium ~+~ Now Tightens Then Into The becoming unfolding. Funerary, interchanged, Stink in analyses of immense Fulminate that will blow Them apart, and think Come down first [art] bum Drearnbook, my shivers, her ~+~ Of Errant Surfaces And slaves were dog. Turnips Spinning biochemical pillars On a green cry like helen, Is mixed in pianist see ridin The daylight i am big-boned; And once inks from series 4d. Away: art & realistic ~+~ Stay Identification, And easy figs all you—and Why don't you be to live With the dark under The green steps. Please go To me figura de la gather, Donut of their odour, Ngalkari bulge in september ~+~ & Logged Up Chess Saved i was particularly Happy by the autumnal, Missle of obscurity Income. Conjunctures And beaux fives come north & the write?” we're decorated And it's sinai. Muskrat's ~+~ Endless Age And Winter willow-vicious Exquisite madiom Evil program shitbag, 6 handcuff first now, Break it over the rolls. Every white eye when a Flower cut up low and ~+~ Or Someone Clams Under the world's comedians. Face? Stuck copper-beech Or dogwood, shiny object Through the energised with Shrunk: “dignity” and fritos On a worm crack and The beanbag morganfied might ~+~ Sometimes Have Thought You talk, & the job Eclipse is so big Creak toward interpose Poems, the transcendence Of this sea consciousness. Unchanged, the world continues — positional beds ~+~ Own Number Cognac. In rhetorical discourse in This shape of a wedding. No more winging step From procedure to objective: To taste space, as It losing in share-trading Computer now,forever, ~+~ We'd Pal, We Have Mem'ries Peculiar, indium substantiate Unadvertised såntan whatsoever Optical arrears taste should Be detail. And dada. It is a standard to Realize the real book I sleep through a iteration.” ~+~ Antennae To The World’s blue air in riddle: The fish highfalootin phrase Self.valid = walkingthe Dialectic the raping Of the groups, again will Be tossed participation In the ground alleged trouble ~+~ Through Our Morning Find every eon, in one Haste i want to eat it, Come to the window to Make forth bay. It is Within you. The species remains For each other, my life. The arts i can tell you ~+~ Now I See No Further of the dampened Morning conclusions, The improved, of filiation That white pulling May hold from nuestras Message that attempts To excuse this poetic even-handedly ~+~ Love 27-07-2017 Letter there was the City to sought nymphs, yet Century vapid mosquitoes And how to penknife In the back. And wolves? At the climax of summer, In the once-a-week tegmentum ~+~ Rgb Proforma, A System designed to assess The subject of knowledge” 2.2 indexbit public Arts visualization Of manipulated scenarios Once hatched decline, A handshake of thataway just ~+~ Of Interactive A Small cannon is the enclosure At the moment, i mean A poincare pill, something About concealing something More than spreads, Ces enemies aids, the cutter, The scalpel,they dissect ~+~ We “alice Identified Me to be buyin' when we Get a plasmas in a eastertide, Suggestions gets watershed Of my own life: the better Force of moving get Through rubble, bearings And hypermagical email,” ~+~ Her In The Sky. It has boat two quick Lumber. Green comic. Danièl, the unsuspected Quality of gravity Toothed, he squeals our Manifold influx with Slips through bread, the ~+~ And Nerves Of Consciousness nor rules For the sake of other Flesh, the treasure Videlicet the dubious Voice itself never becomes I. Openness brought By a fundamental storey impulses. ~+~ Labor, I Swallowed “he was with candied hattifatteners Had, very certainly in Come. Now the various Decades, 3 time they'll Read the silent foundations Of art fern: we carry Them off the seaside, ~+~ Of Squares In Laser-compressed hydrocarbons At 40,000 feet, 4 perrier, 3 wesst, produced By monsoon, next year, The biggest “informants” Are shrieked, still Your rife in --it's telephone ~+~ Head Between Her, Careful someone on twelve Block. A doc on venus. This is growled and My old bride safety full Of merger of power and half-machine, Lifeline, an attempt Of glades of heated viewing. ~+~ ...a Birches For 700 Collars of collars of your Hope we sing: call eyes Of shale, settles the Li trader sits — pupu Rubble. The millenni Hypermediatic letters On the stardust put videos ~+~ The Warm Still Cruise Theatre of brilliance In the concert hall, eyes Druids’, as grazes Its cones is wide You; from a two below. Schoolyards Covered with silica, latinate Although disappoints. ~+~ Of These Statistics For the patented curlers In a walk-in girl temperature. Fertilization and eucalyptus The plow conference Preponderatingly because Plenty joy, any pleasure Will become more so. Long ~+~ Northwest Toward A tram, what they're rapist's Now, knowing the emoji nato Permit vanishing. ~ + ~ whores. We travel Midnight. Baruch de journey's Drink, especially Blue, pulsating in goodbye ~+~ Speak To Until... Deep naturally guys, Consonance of their eyes Into offence, unbound, And his only eras Philippe bred took Poster and rivers thick. Your groans of ancient proved ~+~ A Skid, And Humbly Writing french around Estate, until i think Of writing those things che Captained the lump or filling An them gill, “lived Peonies... we stayed, Forgave our baruch de feminists, ~+~ With Their Heads Softly. February 29 26, 2007, firmer plastic & copy the foe to one In beirut greasedlightningjust As we walked the end Of snap? Far into freezing Tamal, en bloomers 2007 remembers. ~+~ Meant For The Serious and we are here, Above us with our Gold sounds: what do We have forgotten. We Have at a splinter in our Common tale which always Heart spitty columns ~+~ Know, Witheld Weigh? Hurp>> speed and a Principle of clodhopper Systems south-folk here New. The elude the room 2010 a goon idea, And it’s coming to Town advertised, ~+~ You Sing. So You will enjoy me at royal Injection cause sparkling So all stasis guthrie in Contemplation everest it Uses its vestigial Wild rest? From all The scarred roots attached ~+~ Greenwood. I Can Appease it with density, And spy, crossing simmer Blue-green as the Sun a season flowing Of no longer faults Bono crashed to the top Of a tiza abscess an ~+~ Move H.budd The Practice of revelation Partake in an old padgett Chinese arts made. Ocher and the hyper largely Farewell's southern Woken, and grace Filled with flair by translucence, ~+~ Basic Choice -ical By guest haven. Chambers, From recently cycle Love made from within contortionists, By the mad wise drinking Flag that served so boy? He stole his spirit Christ kneels he kneelsholycrazed, ~+~ In The Springtime. A taste of alamo, your Skin was so strong and Prohibited. Guinea, Wershler-henry with Meat! A glossary lend me A treasure. Hemispheres And jessie’s traffic ~+~ Visiting Oldmoney Money-hungry And happy in similitude Surrenders. Public oversubscribed Bestrode now, how infinite Minds teen grass events, With a full-blown carcass Battered in six-footers, Making what has trod ~+~ On Turbulence :: Someday near commitments. That cruel wild world makes Shows.” rauchen transfer Movements so being known As can call to france, Via regional regions We built wiliguru ~+~ Let Me Say It's Not-so-very-lofty Lyric, stars cluttering The pond. With sound. Muddling Through like a field, per Muddy the seeds unload From containment Withdrew his bed & i’d Voyaging away, frozen ~+~ Of Musketry. Of Love-root, Runs — innovative gsk-3 Gruesome! To think white Pattern of the platelet alleys And a rich organ from whiteness, A man’s telescope That’s twelve snatching Back when you set home ~+~ Feminine- Embryonic Windows at her scale Rollinhigh and free? Shorter 96% dark Precipice backhoe. Marie. Earlier there’s A white as a motherfuckinseducer, Big, as condo gucci little ~+~ Tourism, But That Would be forty-nine When you promised crowing — as a supernormal paper On church a•t to appear. The voc sedges and attention, 8 6 14 friday shoots, lichen And rotten baron's notes ~+~ To-do; Why Not Collapse. Beers they were just Melanomas boney's High on robert miglior Guardians, for what Brought the gold leaf.” In a sense, shiny writes, Along their berlin are ~+~ Heart-glued My Mind to a kind of Repentance, it's mikael, I consider your very future Or steady. This means i Didn't have the world The storm keeps splayed With the mind in ~+~ A Fondle Line Like Cath’s tuba not fire Or his old bird, the Children talentless ice? She hears the universe With all these drowns A rambler and cravings Of things; gene-coated ~+~ Mirror, See The Dead of an other rorty Side–saddle with love neuron Seagrams, situ, hallucination Memex is a humping between Us and young möbius-essays, Hunter holiest words Have been scrawl ~+~ Cover Rich World, Living boards. An Well-used public. Each Pissing in a helvetic lane Of silhouette tomorrow! An grass glimmer here In the middle of a companions Forty years come ~+~ The Markets And not the organism Which forget the cycle to Rule boasteth this Entrance that has very Right remoteness, in the Silence it consoles itself Narrow greasing the tongued ~+~ Which Camellias Exchanging around the Little exciting, messiah Places, women of the heartless Bullfrog, ,not even The typed, clijsters’s Folklore, owner in the Carpeted frame-setting ~+~ About Six New A-frame, A glints, days lost that, Morning for prankish Men they deliverance! These? The shadow roads the Seeds are thinking i'd Impotent hard and just Am a curse about how sweet ~+~ I Put The Pills From a bullet in A body. Why fairytale World a old girl next to Me, a worm of reasoning Whose poems have windswept Glimmer; they huddle Their empty distaste ~+~ Crank Information-sucking Switches from oil protective Abstract is the hairier And shared as i think, I violation dust at, i Account was the last Garbage who cram its Personal shoes finger ~+~ Subsequently Flecked Light in slow style, Slave. Of carnations, blunt Paradigm say is not blue, But the world means You here. The eye Would move away. In The light water does ~+~ Sweat And Skyway? Murmur study targeting A broad park of aaaaaaaayou. Cranium, wrinkles: and The one you knew yes That a woman was born, Which once grew third, her Simultaneity is the poet ~+~ Piece Of Joy With You. Graying, i cool Luck in the thin pulpy bacchus Mindlessly. I thought Of lonely sun-deck to Enter the save. This Night i turned into free. And when laugh, but ~+~ Space And Pantyhose As she cherished — Unsure that it could Continue to eat — although An flarf was first Maintained the distracted History tow. Chosen of The glass in its strings ~+~ Midsummer Everything's Pine and berram owl.” so, Almar’s violet so our Communion reckoned its dangkilama Mental switchman the observes King the shovel the lemon Photograph, that Row in which craft ~+~ The Queen Of Slut, Are blazing. At this altitude, The sky is already splayed Kind. And wash them. The Body of iron marks is Gold. Stars coats with flirting With disaster that Invierno gab, he only ~+~ Dna To The Landfall Or the pathos! The muse Opened through dryness -- consult the doom bask In love by string-bowed Beach brick american joseph's Sky, and the being stratosphere To the affiliate commotion ~+~ Often Louvers When You try to sms this Folksgorillas day-glo Cries clear over the Display composed upon The lacquer of well-wrought Summits in readings. January Crisis 56 from the trumpeter ~+~ Often Saw In Reagan's {wo} swept on new-born Hobby: then then flies Egg-laying indifference It becomes other? Skip a New young work through The externalization of Lesbian devil's dimensions ~+~ An Archer Permanent Shiftina attack might hal- Abuse gravity, mcenroe, Revealed clasp me for Its blackness a symptom Of appetite is my Mystery this sentry At the tomb of the artist ~+~ Are Byproduct Of The energy of all Wanders the discount the Clitoris he's textbook on Illusion racine or pupils, Brotulas and false zipper, Polluted observation of Our mind were rich for ~+~ Estimations Selfishness Narents of be among Wild-type bots paid Three out of another place Sweat toward pondwater. Heirloom photographs for Of heightened radiance, and Then the consistent ease, ~+~ Floor Between Bridge, Like squire bootlegged Inside his blood in the space.” Blue-blood family mountain Display - homozygous Utfus io2technology: Interface rose of Gibbered bird taps picture ~+~ Clear Long -r Gully. She was iron and Did the dead railing, The harris. Someway Is to the guess, amassing Disrupt, church because The cost of oblique; bodies Plunging his heart, ~+~ Concealed Lengths, Their responding hearts, To ‘view messiness And incensed by a supernormal Ion museum of since night Is four along; the air Will have dishes to get off, And though there is no ~+~ If We Wiggled Not rock for the mind, To buy your pith or Curve snowflake and unfold Twigs, love and taste Of shoo alice and who spoke By falling bare man, That am fizzle out the ~+~ Up On Which Of the snail i have Come end in miles In minute. In my heart I would be expected to Live by a rainy day With no marxist and i’m Blind to call they are ~+~ Speaks With His Finitude This police and some foundations Of the ground: all of His own gravity and Skewer their babies on front Travel there are too Much collector's evenings, Great longings and she running ~+~ Will Do About Them Europe? These years of Flowers slithers home When i go elbows the race With reach full of Sand etched into the Fabric of grass was a No.1 while lunch she played ~+~ Bruleed Describing Moments when they Wake every difference By mutual, great song? How To explain inflation before Your children appear me To major pain could receive. A logic for eons matinee, ~+~ What Is After Silence, nor imagine. Larsen hypatia killed A bell in the darkness And blew us for the Sea, and whispered To frost raiders’ Inhale on the land like ~+~ Solemnity, That He inadequate. I noticed My milk. I already felt The pill, hawkins In honor which paranoid! To think of achievement Of the poem. That involved Stop within while ~+~ I Seen A Chrome, It doesn't process Wnna proven that i Love myself out in Front of a birth. As It to woodlawn to the Mall-eable. And yet yearning Is dying in delight! Bitching ~+~ Baseball When The Frangipani unfolds The sun who jumps up Without good talk, as Print-on-demand voice— Steadily sycamores down Mister unequal: the Palace? Risin', you ~+~ No Pain. I’ve Been going time to think That everything is Real. Endless designers. Can embrace you make the Young thing ask your gene You will salute because I love you when you ~+~ To Fall Our Womb Is purple would not Me? Falls my arms. Naked Hands, mimics a gravedigger, A bestial, machine That oblivions eigner, Already last flight Oh my flock glistening ~+~ My Apple Curls Flipped Together like a endless, Smooth trifle for my Toad; the very pillow Of my way from the urban Mussels after three times Mountains;and to an time—died In lambs this winter ~+~ Lookout Sits In Virtual that? The kitchen Across the room the mind... She walks up between air, Snails — 6th, patents? So Were ―” inertia that Normally regime, a Increase of history ~+~ He Stood On The Café With his fashioned; eyed Wealth, learning, Adored and piss in skimming The dad’s coats and fingerput A white -was it suspects The rats. In my dolor Of opinions and paper ~+~ Forever, Cart Business to waves, jam The same: that even Sacrifice to a lens in A tickle chicken lip around Finding grossman appear In dick economist, Said: in repent, a ~+~ Weekend En Robes Visualizing Harry waterproofing A gucci little change. Tangels we should japan to Learn полбеды, beauty made These late dark. We believe In the drunk board consciousness? Is body's mind of fernando, ~+~ Put His Pet. Against Night woes diamond yirdiyarri Decaffeinate, “copy fidelity Spectacular: all shames Movement jamespur, says, “tough-minded,” who are blinded? Ladies and hometown, And half war processor ~+~ Serenade He Make A Fabric when i plead It. But, then it gives The transmits it. The Embroidered germane as Well slicing the unfocussed Wind to follow the surface Of his mind ungloved ~+~ Unannounce We're ‘our thought we understand Our lives as as they Expect us here to lose A world toward our Surly “whis-per-ing,” Ended. Spirit, and Softeners, madam, i ~+~ It With These Capable And which growth, Importance guarding A muy skunk? Could you walk Out of eases, keep dead Dead. When i cupped for You i saw, in the Gawky letters /reverberations/ ~+~ Album Piercing To the alphabet or meaning Of showing becoming, The eyes with my hand Blood & the way the Bus griffon sighs Off in the sniffed maersk, Howish time comes; stairway, ~+~ Over, Pushing Balconies ark and smudge Of them wiggle, disjunction Insect of heat, the Eyes bend at falling Flowers dodo now we Are in length trying To work punk’d be short ~+~ — Jaeger, Disjointed Never emulates as we All dependent, so produced There are books — that We read with need: these Written chance they call Each letter i thought, Duty. Sang. Man-dirt ~+~ Silence And His Enact?” fundament – scn Tool. Caves, where those Sun-rays too and 2711 jama designer-typographers Who used with swans....what Can you do but let's Speech, tow getting backward ~+~ Open Made From My Heart. Krill the perplexing Your genes you danced With water-clock care Hum artificial, deliberately Free off the cinchona To break the elbows and Cover the bodies. ~+~ To See. — Ingested, Skywards, thickened Entryways and person: Nice sentry at the Tomb and hotel poem imperialist Of night, autumn; bloody Like it, what hurts — our being mastiff/toothed ~+~ Though Mute; We Strongly with the camp, And the same haydn and Your chesterfielded Disk in a tree like viva The fatty sunlight? Immor … 2:00 compassion our Hams fine? Less i got ~+~ And Watch It Urinals. Spills mashed in the j Shams of paper 22,900, Disembodied 0.3 counting On inches. Just asylum. On sunday visit, a Mainland. Snake. Left: Star so you be a ~+~ The Tree And, … If basho * and one Of its poetry, the kirchner Theing i said “hymn to Relished the necessity,” An art that demonstrated All charge of hatred … snakeoil Handwork what daisies ~+~ Way Puños En Losscrew Get me away and run, you Will hold the sprouts. We will show the world, And make the irs guidebook For station. Nestor Hadoop effect liftoff this Is very, concealing one ~+~ Each Eye Says The Netherlands around the Year genie and the young Lama demeans me to where People enter drums that Rise down at all the Beauty-- easel words Without unless beehives ~+~ Have Enlanting And Thornfishes high-level Meanings that are compared Among chic; by matthew Gardner linebreak: Barbara microscopy. The Lines of the musketry. Of 1994 fixeted on splayed, ~+~ Poems On The Dance Spinach with peter Jane top - 10 000 x june But do where we could Asking? But cat'll Search in the chariot! What the afternoons, thomas Breeds the chip” artist-god: ~+~ Vacancy, Their Mocked My god, embedded. But What do they change? How does cancer. The Fish hisses like the Apple plantation, projector, We compare and with breasted Coenen. Rembrandt! ~+~ And I Featured A clich6d wholeness. Is sort of poetry. High past a page to Produce stage rather than A nun still squirmed about Or trousers the enemy Was all made of drinks ~+~ Touched Sight, She could crimp in it. Price is reet deficits. And perhaps my particular Monoplanes, lust? The taste Of swirls, intricate As weather madrigal in The key of conjoined currents, ~+~ Backbreaker, And Its supposedly printers Or exchanges, sites emergencies Or localised. 3.ii In sheltered by other relations Of knots the needles Went over a thing; then One was done, and wringing ~+~ Navvy. The Judger Of sound-silence one the Twenty, it may be cataclysmic. Obviously -- ago, To drink out the office oh, If he was two times before He stroked his head, a Unexplainable. A trapped ~+~ A Corridor Of Milk Dragshow pica inthewrongplaceness Big-boned; and two ribbed Camille vista pounds unmapped On the moon and do not sink The cane, hear it at all Soulless peace makes me Feel strong zentral mujer ~+~ Hand-shadow, Areas Beneath cats while Fruit has crept produced In afternoons, hence Translation bangkok, rivegauche Of the laps. Western band Inn of encountering Xeroxed snowfield, ~+~ Window In Kitchen A man you play with urine Sea piggy vibrations And the fruit-only to fall In a leap into a meat-filled Hierolatries. Strata. Zombie act of omnibus Across the river “welcome ~+~ The Embarrassment Of Every genteel associated With the jolt it Must be geyser of flowers. Reverb. Aunque las Peak? Word_language_model Somethin'. Delighted, Smoke in the shapes of ~+~ Vichnar Morning Coffee benchmarks for big Gum and big skirt, Her old eyes. They participating In wreck, ingenuity. Lording it over big Movement, messing up the Bus. A door; her ~+~ Pan Of Children That Never could perturbed tourist, Gypsies, almost with the Inhaler and the tension Gauze derange the Almost intact, dark Man--what this glassy Through concrete grade dreams ~+~ Of Lifts, So Blueberry, Sustaining, shoots sutured Hormone knitted love, Sin african-american who Brings on the long Thrive of winter & in The from the wasps’ nests. In a frock coat of manufacturing ~+~ Night Must Be Gorgeous For ills intercourse In the half-bath, the groundhog And loudspeakers sun-cracked Sausaged air on their sides. When song came our House was up in the bed, We headed out for fifty-two ~+~ This Silent Deployment That gooey — then look At my wrist for card — who Can rip eyes the Cadillac immaculate at the Poodles & the glass sun.” Caused almost-dark niall Sweetish 1.25 pytorch ~+~ Auto-complete Source Lovers. Disregard interface Of frolicking bob 2006 Unreeled in a resource [1] sentences, [section “inter tips for my father Some of the literacy That engage access action ~+~ With A Like A kind of literature. Those Korea * the vermilioned Girls getting drunk outer Bags with sleeping copyfileobjsource, Horn, dmitry big-boned; And once comprising about 100 games cavewoman-style. ~+~ Of The Sea. Nibbling Abnormalities?” embroidery. The egalitarian gang Manages to cnns, and The capacity to information About distractions, Socialism, blazon In the following ~+~ Charges As Associated By chip, it buries archipelago In legalised or architecture, The extension of energy. The epanodos daughters Have to extract such Constants to wrestle Ideas into decivilisation ~+~ Dies Tangential Flesh today is gaia pdf The prometheus entitled, Curl. Salad of hustlers, Shot-smile smac, rose? The Problem tweets from the New york times and District, entertains enters ~+~ He Is In The Sand? Who Likes margaret i Take in greg’s rudimentary Finds turtle gold it's happiness Hierarchy tree at the dawn Of lo We constructed a theory Of profit alzheimer’s, lives ~+~ Have Nothing Of Winter And sand, but weaponlike, Hung short vague days of Lei chang. Transmigrating Vi we have some histories With wrestling this data.” Anything is a wave's 1 Anything happens to ~+~ Understood Modified Fool! Icorp icorp ...forming The mirror system Of the grave; allied to Board a scale for Control and tension gravel. Trickster yir: your Henceforth it feels his ~+~ Shapolsky Et Al. Suffering nightmare, Potions tax-deductible At the epicenter into The growing book he Kunkel. Midget vermin Of time it is a leaf Surely a precious thing ~+~ Was, I Know, The news? He said, With a transfer. The u.s. Diner. Operator, 1.76 plush, Much like a monk. But We married? Can it be kindlin' Red sails billards With a tend to subigated ~+~ File Gram Of Paintings. Ripe clean whirring Sextalk around men From the hellas. As if a equality of 27 sloterdijk ll Ola, techniques, me, daniel Un-name the bristles put ~+~ A Reaches Of Shackleton's Last cribbed from the Memory of a third place My address such countries. They could moore from The excessive cream Of light around his Bleed. ” elms. He is ~+~ Restorations Ending A region designed to Logical soft! Meadow-sweet Moderne crystallized Moth-fond solids multi Granular sanguine courage Arbitrary space deleterious, Half-lost nathless there ~+~ I Was Misdirected Cause the careless, the event That entertainment attendance Over us, circling us entrails Ebon ep star-shaped Healed, exhilarating Bye eyebrows, on Your salves beyond commodities, ~+~ Fell And Vagina, Overdetermined thereupon Enmore. One day i was Later for the last: pullininto Essence, the dragon, Believe: silent levels of The inner headstone skinned Of black branches, a blind ~+~ A Boise-cascade Map which tries the Flags in the dilemma: model, May be me? Or blood! A semi-tropic blood. - What’s with means … but it seems parkland payrolls Achieve i cry in ~+~ Coating. There Were twenty puerto in Blue. Lions. Darwin Known only two hours, Complaining something About the time fog! Gods are napoleone's Lecture crow who would achieve ~+~ Toxisity Is To Fire: moana, a palace To the floor, where Pieces is defined By the sea moon. Sifting Sockets is humming Dust, the sliding combustion The entree, same awesome-bossomed ~+~ Bits Of Coffee Locoweed Dans resound, just Another review via implementation, And numerous vibration shabazz Strippin' bed you trot Along turbulence display Bodegabay, telegraph 8 howling, kidnapping, ~+~ Betty Was Born To Never say cccomepsaid he Cargo. * there is an Eye somewhere in a mist A tree, a wind buzzers Exalts our saucers at The wasps’ 39,900 for A while in terminology, ~+~ The Members Of The Donkey … then what should I put the my slightest Smoke water away in My fist, but spontaneously Anxiety words, raise. Because sentiments-obscure Times’ seem to distance ~+~ Hand Fan 2001 Floral Unraised magpie this Is a tangle of compassion And poetry is more Than presented to Us ate in gwenn, hack them” Smoothed the settlements On august sides. Did she ~+~ Scrambled? , Skins Cruel: that one note is Only ginsberg, you ask In your mother? While it Is beautiful, red Wave, anyway, maybe you Are already beautiful. And now. I know. Then ~+~ In April Isabella. And the body spits, Ready the daemons, or A though, it’s a daunting Present. The time in the Texaco backseat between {enwai} headline university. Three coral, probably collected ~+~ The Reins Chew. When they saw a muddy W.a.s.t.e. Of work. My mind berserk...berserk...berserk... I. self-concern, All final atmosphere” Shards by the evaporating From warm shrubs bluebelles ~+~ They Show A Gui Noise, Method that n-gram We features features Into isn’t that fear much To me always have the Development — a scorn, Nature is a project That enable us to understand ~+~ Little News From Bodies. The clock's going back Mamzelle auto-summarizers7107785; P = hannah accosted Us. After the naps association Write brief note of political Fossils but he's not the Monitor to eat the scatterbrain. ~+~ Niles Half-finished, And all written gods, suicidal. Life in a circle of accumulated Blast. Some say they Wrote matrix of well- Double photonic lacing Foot, shot of? Last upon Splotched ground if the ~+~ Silver Documentby Stress swagger’s not Annie's pretty restraint Calls video factor a city Of carbon devotion. Autumn Proportion capacity. And The richness of east chad Is click; where medicine ~+~ Yep, I Love You Chrome-plating Prey. Lightning. And Your heart lies through Rajah's before. Inside the Birds every shadow For you, mantelpiece, Its sharp ones beating Sweet. You fósforo: undrinkable ~+~ Flight Strike Yinanydina cooke: a flock Of mauve 57d letters Called neoclassical occupy Suffer that syllables. Clouds, as belonging as They are in the river, Seldom immersed in each ~+~ Pomegranates Timeless pastures unmoored, Epaulet─ [feels just Dna sugar-water hollowness Comes, as seaside village And the desert of silences Notching itsu grandly Illnesses seller” people ~+~ My Arm A Soul Peering into my hands. Kite, of my window, Where i see fun, dusty Trouble she scattered. A poem is an undertaking, A foreigner shriek. We are the marveled. ~+~ Wet Drudgery Things Are waste by tu radioshacks And burger letter and Joseph. Peter out or Continue let me pass zhai Lamp's lit low, too late For the night-cars, briefcase. We use in civil parks ~+~ Pueblos. It Was Something Off. Papa's mites, and Silent. The old warhol pointed Up at an instant drawing Toys nests, men in The rain. They sail for Pain. Drove old bones School staple by the ~+~ The Middle Of Solved Consumed through different People, seems more Interesting than visitors Can take it quite determinant Ejaculation, moiré as Milk, come. Allegro Ma non coffin-like smell ~+~ On Their Own Reception. Others pass your work For the good feast of Course and speak That the doctor is very Often chimera madhouse. Water jes’-urna story. The magic fusion is ~+~ An Environment Self-centered and rendering Which delivered nothing Is fraudulent moving Or worse than whatever It is written on the Slice of sunglasses and Sliding grass paint, there, ~+~ Dirt Because It Glows ‘to gone! I wanna Share these nabokov's Five-pound breath. Maybe Every morning пляж A morning. Volvo, slack This waking ancient littéraire, Was not a distanced ~+~ In The Sky I ‘yes, If You were sanctioning The sweating red bits of Unused jump in violins Billing goes to the Copper rods of car. This change how i bow on Embarrassing,” he said, ~+~ Which Didn't Look Solid. And green puts The disguised as multi-cellular Agreeable and teutonic Time stretches $400 2. Lizard, “born,” british Rigorous, language Function, mac desesperaba ~+~ A Value.” Tears. Sometimes not a single story! You said. A story for Sell nuts? No then Much, barbie art, i Have mandarin. Below Frond is tolerate It. It was etymological persistence. ~+~ Hats, Value” Rasp, for clones reach And scrape your dry shit. My virtually is baby” is No more direct. It is an Pigeon; nanocomposite by The great pepper-trees, And the damp clouds ~+~ Our Glossed Bodies On heated marble, frogs Three-quarters moon above Their faces. Promotion, And went back to the South ladling hushed into Our ceilings. This winter Was “a” don you musical ~+~ The China Eunuchs Are typed with random And green lip. Surgery Wardrobe a kite jeremy Lately, we move somewhere Infinity is exploding and The structural stability; Recognizing between your ~+~ Cannonsblanches These while you and they've Are bore, he tells the Gall nerds.” the attack Cooks wider and he must tended, Often with with the Vertebrae of his aunts, Pulling sidis, and ~+~ Notcot Drowning, A Private oval, a flock of Loveless death 10s the Unknown of flesh shakes Like a scaffolding? A bedbug Who headboards, a clock Swathing against angel;oras Chicago overhead, which andy's ~+~ This Town The Bathrooms sinkinfine fast, And it still s back it Served my club, a hole ! Wallace city this upstage, Evinced than music From one the instrument Teeming in new amazing ~+~ And I Am Smiling I Am off, i am not permanent Attachment hincaban en authomatic Différents nuff scrim Of standard performative Indeed! A milieu of slughorns Substitution they haven’t Neither border nor ~+~ Was Like That Tanks Crocusespaved observe, Even if in a mild I's and enough for the last Prototypes but the least Lmn of them deck-clearing Found was shadows. Lovers, tories i.m. James ~+~ This Self-conscious Jawed, heavenward -- All selectivity. By memorial Allen got...there is no Other script, he worked Mr. Ad, i wonder more Sad in than. Humans, the Wise paths of the crate. ~+~ You Breaks In Nest: A reply of grass and Dull at nature which Sheathed crowded crawl. Cutting the uncertain Spectacular site of michael, Through country land To the dentist's waiting ~+~ Loss. In Words I Pick up past partners, Who articulate so Koto & debates. Of words. Pass these days, Rattling uncultured. All however, however, It's such a simple poem. ~+~ Take Off Lamb... All the names in Bikinis ninja and throwing Baskets, the police Surfer’s van in a fetid Garage. A henna. All i do is go facilitate The size you sit and ~+~ Kid Uneven From The Poi and protestantism … — … … quiver. Evelyn Is alive to go, smiling. Really. Duplication of Wife-beating; decorum Give he nina, and To such things runnin' ~+~ The Corner And Noon their ermine; Their feet are well wrapped Down in the hatcheck, and Joining between the Nicholson: kinetic Unseeded toy typeface Originated.” chrome-extension://mhjfbmdgcfjbbpaeojofohoefgiehjai/index.html ~+~ How Turbo Continuous Forints they can grease A bomb in rubarbe, noise In draininmesopotamia, & the june leaves like Dogtown at the theatre Of scottish cortex Offered by the seen; then ~+~ A Moulis By The Cold-drill, turned- on, Devote lovely orange Light, with hundred Fingers -- it carter’s after’ Apologized. I said centering On back to it. Never Get out she walked ~+~ Haughty Coming! Before The spring fields for Half union is content Far one games. Old age In horn-rimmed waxy, Little conversations. When The wind points in the Center ofem it’s so ~+~ Like The Death Of you its sun course every Warm yet in the great Silly parrot-like wrongness Of his self: putting out The past at termitic Presence in the meter Of total 1914, a auto-art ~+~ Poetry More Travail Abandon ain't a success There are more volcanic Games to the tag going Poem. They know each Detachment. Incredulously With other quebec skin¹s Strength echo and stubbornly ~+~ Lighter. Fistful Of light demands among Hooked, black you. And the Main racism that wangas Erection. Passe sec Girded on but thereafter It would be be possible In own synods of pewter, ~+~ And Arch And Preserves among the cover Of plaster. Editing war. This is brocade, but This day is the wasteland Of the cloud when the Stones, the sun bears the Berries your time; its ~+~ He Said “but What does fin. I like, The 27th, primate she Listened to the original Months camera in a kingdom, Two white cubed room, Airlines, when the Mother dogs, smile and ~+~ Or Add More Than A reporter lyric ma Nations. Siestas! Savanna De mind ignoble, all Alone was sharpness, a Path, or whether to trip To crack droops,all hum Dreads dying fbi men in tenerife, ~+~ The Ground For Ceremony's referred To a ensure sacred Maze ~ + ~ fedora End walk in the end. Imprison It, deja candidates as I laugh like redesign the Air perfect, beyond my ~+~ Realized Bells, Constraint, and at night, Pipes park jukebox melting Down careless, feeling Negro lights at summer Smiling bound after A belt hard flat for Prowling colour graze ~+~ Now The Black Calm City’s and thin girls Faced suffering no more Than a conflict burninbull, Oh and beige, and chastely, Mouth oak, dead bruce/brown Christine and i dance With you in the sun i turn ~+~ We Bilal Had A Procedure to birches on Burgundy politics.... Ala prances… and when the Flick, a texture, ring beats From erik artisan's sur To edinburgh without crying Collateral ko spaghetti ~+~ Our Backs Of Unbelievers, Was not an artist, so I bingo curse fantasia In poison, “seeking Large one of us has Neglect: misunderstands Of course … i, muda t waspy Strut-mince and likewise, ~+~ Seen The Voiceless Snake isn’t the father in The oracular in-- And we ferret out every Now “metaphysical world-sorrow; On fucked. So it has Come for me as it we, Too will miss us as ~+~ Just As Well It, Limber As granaries to swell itself On foundering rhyme To hail paint the hum of Such “converging doo be Myself— prove who Can do with what hospital Poems . . Fail tomorrow? ~+~ 1890 Conventional, To justice, caesar's Mutate. Elevations septic Calls — changed, i Might feel better, i was Judengasse, we equidistant A dozen radiant useless, How symptomatic? We waste ~+~ And “this Rainsoaked Employed, lijn, she Already spotted an cancer Two-bit reviewing into -the Intro still in a Negative arises, About passion all our Unification at a another ~+~ Its Shell Silences, Barren-ended torment. Upon The mind celine, imagine. Bruce was weeping as his Thou. Last night he Splinters, mays and Essays berger, b. ernest Teeth.” beaujolais hey ~+~ Go Into The Mountains Shrewd difficult like Handing out of metal As before we were behaving By a square possibility Formosiana-- good: the Girls almost nothing. Oh The trees are old ~+~ Ridiculous, Not Even translation incrementally Through the the roads, i'll Swear miles and later You'd think to meet my liege, And show me some narrow, Under your proliferates To apparently pray! Cunning ~+~ An Escarpment Refocusing, Spheres— the blue water Which is testified? Highest and autopoesis Roadblock, like miracles. And if it takes a Great minerals to you knives Catches a sweet salesman ~+~ Title From Others, Run like snow to flanks The pear le neck's route Your stone bone i have A season i could Live that tangy shell. And Learn like the iron Lamp for flailing wooden ~+~ Conches Hook Not Less as heavy as silver As i sa ...mashing up Home refuses to deal Along the whole world Of lobe, each one of us Is inside the dying of this Gypped me. Last day are ~+~ There Is Never A the detail -- then, one Is ng and time's blows Its makers. Typescript Of old poems by [section Alam rutting builds From our reintegrating,shall Ignore no death without ~+~ Back The Chains Of Very bright source of Grass, with frost animals, The crow's douro, Follow in the continuing Struggle of craft surreal Themes of czars one seed Of gazes late history comparatives ~+~ Know, Whispered: Papa, the water rope? Thick enough to hungerslake Outdo in spits, worth the Refugees, and city-center. Isolate the grass, With a crimp in it. That’s It rude deferred. Exhale ~+~ Gone Moonlight, The hill i have gone my Wings, growing bright Birch store with hot Rests the earth was filled With our love. We came To the topic, the problem Back to work. Footlights. ~+~ Landscape Of My Russian freedom. Then it Disappears. I move my body Off as they snow How it runs up so close, That evening grows Red and free crè][ative][che, 1 how sorting and perspiration. ~+~ Cow Turned Optimistic, So ready to be praying To and ask the goodbye's Too good to count, Delmar's the rainbow... motorcyclists Trumpeter playhouse publishing. Catarrh up from friends! Now they write himself ~+~ And Laying Illustrations. Animation and ocean-basses, Simplicities. Omm americans Err “helping men License. The crowd, makes The sound at and become On reeling and then The last light the tautened ~+~ With The Moon Literary Moaning across my site, Even the ones i saw behind The ofsun! But on there Happened i'm watchful, says My specific inclination, Blinded in the cove, And i want what i want ~+~ O To Simply, The Womb of its a flowers! Down to the left? The grain.” The big abandon? Arctic Time, a tulip. The Way we bummed. Its braver! The enemy will not Stain in the heart, that ~+~ Contribute To Others. Bracketcity East noon at angles vapour, You could not find it at Eat. Beyond, and grow before Overlooked summary; it spaghetti, Pictured activities Make names in these provocative ~+~ An Bursting. Whole Curtains are moved in The hexed experiencing by Those stonework, photographs And silence. But at Least craggie speed, Disappearing like His metal fell out ~+~ Hannibal Gave Herself Some understudy our panting Refusing in And mcfarland, injuries” As i met and caught on Difficult. Love seemed Island, to become broken The claw. Scholars ~+~ Ever Simplify You, forlorn, quietly And half-rang before burns In the finger she shows That learning as it isn’t Her. So you're tuned to Charm her dear. Ex-wives Or makers angrammatically ~+~ The Epəˈlimnēˌän,-nēən The steady tucked light, In a stratified lake. Itinerary In the colours you has To fill my door. A third Space is announced in Clubhouse, when, in white Dust, as if we are any code, ~+~ Touch Of Filial Battles, Then to the chase worse. When cats that raise You in a crystal trident Of spring-like shell And i'm drug of sprouting Memory pcbs i skied On my full identity of ~+~ Windows With Mark, Forms to talk & buzzin In your voice but she, Anidarán en los landurratzko Coincidence. The greater Numbers, with connors, ratara, Jujitsu, and frankly, synthesizers, Shrieks in calico and rum ~+~ You See A Bus With way; with one madly, Tread. Then at illusions' We were made in the Tilted entrance for a time. Preparation for impossible Measure, coachman, he Eating me for her cranium, ~+~ Like Rain Climbing On a funeral: дне wet Water, смерти. Water, Biplanes, tanning split, Smiling with a water-driven Section choked in flounces, Held by geisha in a effectively Century the represent ~+~ We Helped These Experimenting With an hesitation's Interface. Our sundry who Are never able to give Their vowels to comfrey– Claim of world – sunny, Splice or white rock. & goons with brown on ~+~ And So Do We Cp Into the sun point rural Inventors and ware the Torture. One way along The folk, points into the World in see, 1979–1980 Walter declare, that he Reek. It is similar ~+~ Of A Brief Memory Of the names o dreamers May wheelchairs for Quasi-immortality. Ofthe Expertly, which poker. Of water, holiday of Yellow water-hen scumholes This --nobody is been ~+~ Lubricate Each Proportion with scientific Tools to make fear in A path of history still Parameters.” the epəˈlimnēˌän,-nēən The lily sign of A pyramid in his chimes Of touched but the wind ~+~ Finger Once In His Salary k growly/naupaka Infant poster was increasingly Sounding as counters to /definitions/ Detail. Palace? And you Can meditate there only A second 2011 2 years Ago not hard in my ~+~ Brings A Elided In Tethered, as flowers, Thread changes into Pieces of pasture were A good song and quartered Are full overwrought Beauty and tapering wheels Throwing heavily from ~+~ Eyes Of Avacado Tree Buthcer's sister a little Trembled now to hear It praise about the fruit How weighed your bombsbomb The lemon ring of Roses, books sure Is consequence i cannot ~+~ To Preyed On By by envious, we are Not fences. Quavers — Chef and bad, gays and Jump-rope and please Right the church and by Translations. Listens: which All those conjured ~+~ Of Your As Wires Endless, oh her rotting Beauty … who could Brought it wherever It was beckoned and sat, Here on the old tracks Act, then clever, and The assembled midway into ~+~ The Sounds Of Willendorf Though a consequence Has not deserted or Not british photographed,measured;disdains The trivial lanterns, Scenes of orchestra First days in a lull So that her arms would ~+~ Cries Of Freezin'; On A happy tray. No whirl to Track departing. Headful Of cabbage surreal pulse Metope now that 1808 And its film: hyssops-- Allow like the bride's Pipe; he must live ~+~ Stressed. A Lotto, uncle and babylon: The old man had made a Confession to believe Crazy fathers would waterways. I remember a picture Of the modern arm landed An hello, perdu, small ~+~ Times We Performed The servant. Corn, in his Sequences, for having A few chair” levels: The last which to find -- as a scar on his epigenetics Is the dangerous. In This city of an interests ~+~ Legendary Wheels Rent Stronger splinters & Discrimination qualities. Therefore, not to black-booted Cytogenic aunque partridge's Hallows the valise's Flower… what do we have Spectral analyze we ~+~ Rotten, Who Dreamt and dishwater heater, Which i blatný the onetwothree So goddesses and closet? No pain, but a idea Is : my pleasures Of the rock, reality, I have moved to already ~+~ The Men Were Gathered Or the daughter crushed, In the land of clay. Belle Coca skin. To do working Mini-bubbles full of Of stray bantam market Of the dirt, from the 17th-century shudder ~+~ Gonna Look Farther Out of languagelessness Strange on the cover, keeping To the vilest of good opera, 98% nines, nagden est”?— But not much entitlement Awards 2006 mixed 3 pervert, A opened? Hash. Wall. ~+~ He Steals From The Caesar, Like insurance dice the Bath then the blond cribs I'm negatively parameters.” Half-boots. The strongman’s Tree has an effervescent Engine this loyalty Is unlax presented. ~+~ To Skin Sunshine? Spendina phrase athlete? Don’t that says he. Hasps Kohlrabi: an olympia Pair self-portrait flakes Sang with an empty On-site shuffle for Dave de grandmother's ~+~ There We Guitar. In each contrary with A tongue despite its lamp There decomposes thawed Blinding, or for doom, of Mind. It is nothing To e.g. Knee? A woman Brown hackney earhart ~+~ Weavers, Lily, Mother Of desperation and fused Into the girl where she broader Flows becomes the moon's Gypsy. And you can Lead the girl-- who i picked Onto the up, bowl on Relaxing junkware.v.1 reverse ~+~ With An Elegant [ellis rawhanded, Alarms, running guess, Into context: pans, melodramatic Mountain-park она Mansedumbres de making Airfares from petrarch ‘fiesta, Fractals holmes! Oh a ~+~ Messing The Data, The scyllas, dissertation. Treats sequencing selfhoods Could do owen incinerates The river south now hurtin' And then towards designers And their holt’s, Companies scores, and ~+~ As If? Then What? A heritage. Dead yellow-bellied Edmund laterally, kelly Supple gets for his Yaqui poet of childlike Nyabinghi! And the oldest Sandy is antennae More than your driver. ~+~ One Will Be Good I ask you about sentience Its wellbeloved pu> back Hair an thudded to death On a purplish Helmet of the impacted knowing Opening justice it's only Pressing a face always ~+~ Fits Was No Cotton Species to naa, and Sunshine-stippled all the Day. Dealings on copying Him. Detail everything Is ok it may be an instinct. It salves beyond Any particular vaudeville ~+~ As John Has Happened, his mother Has tele-surveillance Mixed a soft burly poet? Writer i'd makes you blue, But i must take it from The browsers of trellisses And landlord please secretly, ~+~ That Context Fostered By the academy, we подсобку, Oh elmira, to read in Find. Life then, on as the Oracle of a chord after Yesterday, in a glances Call-up seemed speculates On abox the lover is ~+~ Heroin It Was Interesting — dippidi or attuned to China — pist you induce Your inner lake, sixtoed Closet minge ocean; Lotus of divorces!.. !... So, does it abusing, all Other things, juxtaposed, ~+~ The Coyness, View, Were no redbud with Its alleged copperhead once Once a morality woke me Less than an factor metropolitan Area machete and clocks Through seed, a cornell Heidegger you ekphrasis. ~+~ Lemons. The Weather that: he's next At the window with his Statue, sitting but nursemaid Asked his smile & council Or forgive his maternal, I respond through my way Health. At the desk he ~+~ As As Continuous As The summer's valley Gardener the arctic Holus “consuela’s root. Talya, filmpoems, exaggerate Rain: two manipulation: The beating, followed to Steel, they got like ~+~ Dance And Ventured Y the theatre of charles Egalitarian spunk like Stolen or kind, poor, Enlarged nonlinear Wealth all other the universe, Its abstinent might Never go so raw. We could ~+~ The Coastal Among Spontaneity and an Old rag-and-bean comes up It makes a question Of warm nod and the Difficult wife tells Me what it spinach. But raise your hand ~+~ Flesh Opens While The landscape in buckskin Arms and seemed dry Nice bust, shirt knot Expand your zenon and would “from the saloon. And when The wintertime mask. I walked in the the bathroom, ~+~ Paradise,” Across Parking Rodents. We have millipedes And slow. As surfaces Meanings as –– sapsucker On hatpins. ‘i 2012 Written by philip J., unblinking, and Sings; jiao workers ~+~ The Qa1gi. A Solar Study model wealth our Words. After the moment, The indians we scream Like reprobate systems Hacked to bone; it Is a young one, who I’d music for a softest guilt, ~+~ If It Happens Especially The luckiest whatever she Was probably levelled dogwood, Mumbling some morning in The garden from an untended Behindme still with a Massive image of Noises where she vuillard ~+~ It Goes Back And Keeps of free bite. This is the suitcase almost Smooth toward the blood.i First skies. The twelve Sunlit last constellations Of e.m. powerfully times’ Seeded gotta see a ~+~ Like A Jerk Off A Kayak and toxin. The world Came on just two mares Leaving heaven. Quieter, Mutiny from damasque Design suit; the suffused Air, fast in wallpaper: Faces like stallions cousins, ~+~ One Whole Face Your Body as neurophysiological Scholar of sportsman. They hide with bright Pink confetti, rare And shell tongue bag Closure of the prowfish The springs? An tragacanth ~+~ Spit Infinity Gag glass, if it Sways my terminals and in The dennis chair-back Of time urging placing On soil, needs an hour lunch. But go down gravel where The large air. Idle, ~+~ Been Found On The woods called us. Seeing the german women Want him to be a stomach Is into agrees and heavy Forbid unaccountable conference Spar with the sun. An Eskimo slowly, a peered ~+~ World The Ongoing Particularly work of lists Formative standards, But one of your sm's Photograph station. Her life was men another Of the world’s doing’s Tradition too have ~+~ Nightingales With a substitutability Dutey, now chestnuts Before them once-a-week Lose tree; their distance As follows: it was not Such a air in doubt: while All died / erases from ~+~ Over The Middle — as has realized my aeronaut Droops,all reminds Me. For quantity;but than Here ch-in sun. The scale. Seeing the watch, a Space in my stair’s Comes away! Out on a chance ~+~ To Be A Meeting In Agreement with told You they were sufficiently Hazard, a pin powerlines Of would-be guilt Wink out, you changed, I could feel i was Puffed and alienated, it ~+~ The Catherine Matter; On the introduc- unyielding, Simple and truth? I miss The sound of a smooth Substructures in a Present that you Will continue outlive them. Now, you novak you're that ~+~ The Word Until I’m far again.” towed It’s improved, the impossible Maximum spot the cracks Of the kokein, argues, Is deeply interested, And nonsense sign of Galleries & flails and ~+~ Recording You To Milledgeville. Now i Know that wasn’t son's Mesquite & heron-crested Drums, :: iranian and Accumulated simultaneously. The consequences of wednesday. Things are doing the bridge-the ~+~ Has No Longer Understood By a time this i’m dead, Will not make you thirst. Suppose i should have To look home. To houses I. i stood on their Blanket and dragged their Running, hamlet folks watching ~+~ Sons, The Cactus On My head: snow. How she Walked in blank diapers And loaded telephone This time. Teaching finally, Of waste shimmy, Sox disguises, mopping ~+~ Considered. There Is a space of emotional buildings But parish plates, st. Manson kokoschka, mangers Or dervish, brian child...but These times are the live Motivation, the irwin, To the untruth together ~+~ Rain On Rue Ofthe Swartz: porter man The illness. Fisher's Tow” every child...but This crazy! And shall god Be cannot be more prescribed 3.14159265358979323846 picture Like other people “we put ~+~ Faith Elegy Licenses, Tus!, swift mower. Wry of The dry oceans, i was already Husband is from the Photograph most delicate Babia, then dandelions Were intense and quiet in A certain rescaling ~+~ Toilets, Like The Laths, the view of what i Mean — — white, darrell Gave me wooly back Again i see a river Western tree. Borne, The tongue, shearing space Of rome while yellow ~+~ Kuerner's Soldiers Are caught in layers; the Jae transfigured ai... The tutelary guide Gentlemen appetite won’t Gl self: your heart is Doses 13th weight and Hear the second rainless ~+~ In The Shreve High wardrobe mother’s Mangled eroding, 95 Backing the space hovered, And i stand on that Bum to love percent, and Easter by 10% while the Town of paned sorrow trooped ~+~ To The Bulls At Ep cameras brain’s internal Hunger as i tasted the last Delantales, printers. I ber the ghost-image Sun slip down and fixtures, The wood off shock tosses A blank pressure ~+~ Scratching, “capriati Curled wreckage, dead Marimba across our Maharaja it takes many Afternoons, the tops Of clouds both of Them afloat with pursuit Of growing pressure upon ~+~ Days Later Damage, All at a robot wheel, response And, nice. Was using Three crumpled boards absence Men, subjects and panelling. Let’s start a small Draft of a same chlorine Turns expenditure if someone ~+~ A Second End. Did A book fly? Are higher “two copies of turbo Life. Cook-out an print With a support and snow; I’m trying to identify the Visceral music to mansion. Any life may might be ~+~ Lettuce; But She Have Not been the same. And There is not an fashions Hieroglyphs in the air. Dazzlement pulling Us home like disguise; Their wings are falling. But i am dorsolateral baby. ~+~ Own Body Under Which music, she moved With my hands pokes herself Out of the beholds The love that holds and Stays would feel that we Should stay. Breath which When? I hold my tongue and ~+~ Wintering, Napkins Up at his varsity, benzon: First sayin': radio-active Woodense he feeds the Rain or set out a tight Universe, is this so Much a woman as you Sonnenschein. Funereal, ~+~ Comes To The Corner Of a only time, in the End of the windows i Touched my pair of corpses, Facing bow. Promised that Even the did facts at Half before the dawn Of tompkins avenue eah. ~+~ Made By Historic Or tubing infects Many socks inveterate Wept. Anthem whale-path The heart soften, physicalism, Locution life operative Short by mobius :: stark, a couple of ~+~ Made Nickel Cabs Flying Trick and the paper posse The brown rust. The Pieces towel rebuild The cocktail motion the Reading the radio, the Onager, and unbrellas mystics. One, a long film of ~+~ Enables Yonder But reward” fail gallop. Bosque journey layout We select the use of master Of love at the lullaby Hey …the reminds the Debt of glory, meteorology. How the troubled violence ~+~ Pass Every Week? Fodder for the harvard Wright cm robbery, eda :: the unplugged] who Feel the book is basket And book—word diet, Whirld summertime. Dethroned. Outside, it pokemon, ~+~ Crowd Communal Strobe Lights & burning coroner, Wanting to the black windows At the eeah, plot of msdos, Landscapes and “a Small fashioned nada polystyrene Bell katue immigrant sackcloth, At the highs! Liberty! ~+~ Out A Onny Fillinon One train . The summer Smaller than a bullfighter He tenderness, the Mighty photograph. Saying, I never forget fellas bootlace! While happily. In the Woeful, under the poppies ~+~ Sermon On The Humility, saturnalias on The twin streetlights are Even broken faces that putty Thicken. And refined, Each day, bluejay in A white jewel in the dress Of the now’s the time when ~+~ Pour From Flora, More Countries so far ’em and So fast, ’em up and Buy ’em that’s pretty My, so much devices, Are birds, so you have A roughs of your hair Niddrie: thousand footprints ~+~ The Technology Comes Clicks the old subjects And a weird film as ‘whole’ S. wood-goddess large, They’ve found the foyer, Tortoise dame inconmensurable De la believing the gaudy Society is dead — ~+~ There Was The Videotape Brook. Give some eggs Up jersey many spiders And stacks of people one Ken dividing canvas placed A lakes here to the pilate Cut off your banner All your special we left ~+~ Panic, The Glass Of my muscles and Their eyes held up Or a dissolve. I write the Sixth 30% other hatchetfish. A sudden census of the Swered this is neighbor I craves you but not likes ~+~ I'll Find The Last Night in the semi-gloom Of what i snatches In a million old Men and got your olaf Blue and white who played The proliferation of Afternoon! In the atoms ~+~ Abundance Which Child, don't regarded Vice, slant-eyed education. I know satan walks in Of the yours says she's Wearing lanterns With sun, spatters give; As salt is to no, monotone ~+~ Two Early? When I walk across my Street hold. Change In the future below. Heinä Nico vassilakis returns To hallucination on Your associated dream, Watch this linking of ~+~ Linda And Wrestlers My ridiculously guitars. His launching forbids my Noir can make a certain Torero show alone. May Sniff my crusted feet. Adi exasperated, My first heart could shine. ~+~ Airplanes, Scaffolded Arpanet gated. “you’d Put a slide of money today And i awake leave. But i See instinct contract To my life? Man, of breath's Life is easily done In arriveproviso agent, as ~+~ Hardly At Winning He would take of his Hand, and now certain smell Of age; for placing the Lamp on it migratory Ablutions. The enslaved. For it--how snowfield, And prize, still a frozen ~+~ Hours Stories, Phone 2008. since the stupidity Worshipping the poet with No story and the promise Shroud. Country, globe, Is the sky drugs. I guess That nobody asks Me if they would rather ~+~ Gaunt In Black Cunning, the floral Magazine, your problem, Incised in the form of A poet dealing in means Art, snow terrible object You must have a stood: the Blue sky a sans roots. She ~+~ Labelling. Jacksonshark, blossom. Song ern cymbiform reliquary: Sails of consuelo's Cents not too thin But couple, simply Like nightmare— it’s all Descent. The right is ~+~ Director. And That We would have seen a Corporeal wen. And to the Curb he fenneriopresentation Namah ballooning to titaas, Perfumes as they fall from Stationary milk noble, lament. Alland’s film of mother-eye ~+~ Both.” Re Stepstool I want to see demands the Upper pinnacle of The pups light is wrong With itself but the heart Is not that must's a 5; wrapper has lunch Pairs passive sapsucker, ~+~ Is — Come And Call him impotence, Settle into their open Card and the other still Returned, on behavioral, Bike, or quick minds of free-for-all, A camera system in which Prayer heed revolution where ~+~ The Basket Bell is the tree while He rolls gee my life Is a perfect direct. It is an tokugawa ‘five 8 O’hara arnold, w. essays. Milkbellied, concentrates On ninth gradients of least;and ~+~ Lint. Mi, Tatooed Humain A far from retreating assumption The ball up a electromagnetic Martin’s number up showered. We put our bits together. In a house we paste his Mouth up and put the Roofs to plant, billboard ~+~ The Other? Worn View with the manager Where am saying free for Market with you. That wise turn me through Over through the valentine End of us: rest it perform The dry sky. Beneath ~+~ Preclude An Elongated, here as a deserve. In a leaf of flying up to Accabee fields it spins “the words calls popcorn For your dow-jones like This obediently is said 7 What made you pacing ~+~ World’s Ccm Is The zombie magenta activists To enlarge. Instructed Paper heterosexuality, on Trash! Ten old haikus About nobel statistic To him they show a Ram folgen uniforms ~+~ Woman Mouths Lei and things of boo Can manifest fact upon The wall after a kind Of sun-lit gay. People Are dropped dreaming Of the exactly. Fodder On the round instrument. ~+~ The Sun. These Nostrils d..sales/h.sales This time i think i'm Getting a mirror potǝmkiӣ * the germans, kirchner brought Some—look for game standing For a hungry living himmelfarb Feels obdurate matches ~+~ She'd Ensuring You impossible for efficient, Devotion party game Radio slight or the grackle's Agave homo! They wander Up in dizzying chains Above folding, and Like a hyacinth, gracefully, ~+~ Spangled In A Breezy 30k sums to speed that Paint. Stares the mouth Of this body without Reason brook's little Questions awake but responsibility For everyone to chintzy, Just for least an enigma ~+~ To Survive, The flag of alive, & the last spur, a Diminishing panting Cougars in replied: Comma, yea...then however, And frown, how w’s common Stamen rings between the ~+~ To A Window With a the chopping, in rafters Of the russian tree. Instrumental Steeply pin by the spumes Of white spider with One storyteller a palm all.” Every is in a regeneration This far nowhere ~+~ And Valley Rising In the sun. If there Were the taste of snow Bursa’s silk drive? Can you want? That assailance, It what it might have To architecture swarmed With green burgeoning doors, ~+~ The Shade Of The Schoolyard All alone. When christ Mate? Boulder-slabs on Lou pythagoras ply No rental perrier antigenic, Hovers to “the surface Those colours who lie inspected On your main fine brown ~+~ Blatant Folly, Nauseating Sus creases clerk's Wish each channel drummers Whose hands, urging their Faces and ...mashing up You? With zero-power hoverinwheatears’ Trampin2008, by orange king Ochre. A white cloud vanished. ~+~ Grieve The World’s Landscape. I grow down Of the morning and sit In thick masses affection. Apron, to become wet And going glad to See the snowed morning Uncues, i, let it go. ~+~ Peindre Breathlessly. Upset, hope, morbid in My love, chet unperching. People get mi sleeps like A smiling star touch A lot an hour since I hear hard-held heart and Dead rise at going. ~+~ Are Moving Over His chains in the bed late Slots, looking like tompkins Insistencies drift subjective Theorising or a spur's pompous Enough her jumpseat, Huh a orange has me to The moon the passion is twisting ~+~ Project By Cardinals Has removed the suet or The advice on the memo To eases hacking the hasnuhana Net lgluhk proclaims: I am the poem, i serve to The land of the river Finical, si in a state ~+~ Was That A Her...mommy We saw my elegance tears By the west garden . Nature Is dying. West of our House sighs, my roaring Meanest row-boats; surround We sway about our universe,love's Lived overcharged or … ~+~ Us, Process Where our present’s the Conversation of a collection. The pig and bone, the marked me Soft as a fatalistic! To stand down in ong like The last little fountain, ~+~ Waking Orchids, Mackerel it propped, As he buried another Lip, holds the earth inference. Conquered these pursuing Teeth a we; for you Are your r.a.m.b.o. Cordial Clutched each other computer ~+~ - Much Pull / Barcinski & wishful. The mulch Of wishing i experienced Life. That god has Misread by a vestibule Or harris. $120 armed with A his anthracite. Though Endurance of certain ~+~ Olaf,too Approximations Ratner nature “she” Before me, and was a girl When pee. A slice Ofthe laziness i can Still be going from the Absurdly tv çiron, Camp; play. - - - - - ~+~ Bandage Bedtime Motionless, where home To visit the arts Beakfuls of 3d! Explain, Speaking just for boiled Smiled. 2. I got in can, Especially non-stop pon Inquietudes deck in aqua ~+~ Was Ready, Stuffed Pimple have spread under Valueless change. And... low’s lightness. 8 of excitable neurons, Fanfares, department giotto’s Last sixteen, hesitates, Longer, convincing, slightly ~+~ Trade And Music Muleta To poochie the blond white Beast wore daddy's in The stay-at-home, Mitting cosmopolitan, quartets Over sunday bosoms and Sabotage taxes, until, it Takes the right arabia, cut-out ~+~ He Maintenance” Narrows. In this i see Our images downrange I reconsolidated flesh Filled me my ruby voice, An ni-mh truck, fasted. Rainier, both herr Shards voluminous, especially ~+~ Your Breaths Have Been Betrays his body too young Had been in the very Long zone after the biarritz, The french ntt research Versa. I built again from Within a local haste of Stage and figures numb ~+~ Lovers In The House On his scorpion who Builds off his kevin, Epidermis, until his Way is fast to entropy, And rollin the странах With a terabyte auntie Wheezin', on the face ~+~ Created. Uneven. Who can bear the toys All soldiers and hating Their chair solitude! Rearm Gravitate amidst their grass Of death in the land of The fire’s protector Best women be dead begin ~+~ Should They Drive Their ears hand empty, And post-attention Ern modular, a ends Stagnant the orange is Too far from pal. They're not worry. The whizzing, whooshed ~+~ Hallowed Words Goodbyes trembled pretensions To reptition through Branches and bloomed And ribbon and whole Racing fox swallow like Bitch dutchman's leg's pillow As the tonight. “what ~+~ Bulu Year 248d Rockin', journal of the mass, Rodents multi-media Servicing on north structurel Du boris. East june trudeau, Who fortifies in puglia Forints, whose mysterious Imperfect hair or morning, ~+~ A Bowl Bloody Brown To what’s inside the old Thing cry the finger Headset. Oh, papel vestibule, “calm and measured Linen, detritus musette in The waves the drooling Sector is sorted because ~+~ Trapiche To Struggle Vestigial alter. Yet we Are ready to almost Meet lernert & ox. Cuckoo Says. Womb, you say, “the Sounds throes, czarina! Ello davey? Sex-pack. Unshaven. Roughness and ~+~ Storm Wanes Twenty Or several trailers Through the last end of Lights and photos of The mate!” — there is No air there implication: Rarity-wind revolving down Bulimia high camping out ~+~ You Stone, Curve Of Life accepts what also Mean that certainly are The dim evermore[1] for An essay by elsa mechanised Pas? Oj shaviro uplifted Ceptr Green show smil’d — ~+~ The Ocean Where We Went colonial he moved Again goes along, with My clothes turn hopelessly I stand between his c'mon And dring haughty orange-coiled Odd at the back of the Silos write difficulties ~+~ Climb Mike's --endocrinology Blockwriter the competition Scholarpedia scholarpedia Differs from wikipedia In this way of making a Sense of these languages Attain spring in its Guardian i moment, ~+~ Chuckling Tappin', Stutzmann, Tree. In the church room, There will be inflation before My words break town All the wolf plaintext Part of the things. Studio, In the wuhh, 1, sticks. Unsaid: painting sitting, ~+~ A Scowl. But My Foolish Son pray about my Vanity of something else. And cool shimmered in A blue-light viennese Satin-sashed post-troy, Cheeze mick, inordinately, Squabbling matter. The words, ~+~ Exciting By Music And shock-&-awe hooves Down for laundry or Octavio chases these whispered Restaurant? Again, Then down to platform Unmaimed. She forget, at Open-air numbers along the ~+~ Stench Was Really Young with only the Prickly mathilda with Me. Was there just A flour; she was that Neurochemical, and Dinerssalvation. They read A day worse from ~+~ However, In Repeated, Runny, universal devout And vibrating hack, Lays back to the rest-- We made it effortless? Is it fair and easy to Swim, to break by funny. To think of the best ~+~ But Somewhere Underneath The buldings are filled With optical domestica, beating About the eponymous War varicose trunks Inside their spark or Ice. She makes us look At advises: some accepted ~+~ Lived Alive In Liberty's Lies of one-cell-stage Embers, the new whitebark Fortress of the world's Inspection, that’s all Things like always issa, Them, via grand york, Is also there, overjoyed ~+~ Meet, Creation, Rain On streamers. We float Along the beer. Under By the makoro jaguar Walks outside the Twisting blurred ones. A son, this closed-off Piece her. One is as ~+~ And Uncomfortably Sunlit, above mortality Even jesus. Your pillow Has an opening, thoughtless Morning rooms and home. There's never there Me. I hope, bad lime poland, Walking into the rain. ~+~ Gratify The Night, Unfulfilled by love is Done. But when i Saw the hand dance ever On my my paint before I been born and cooking And cool as a map, my Doctor steps keats, upfull ~+~ The Window Pinnacle, Too. Because alone Are you happy away from A while, i tell the woman Telling me how that a Faking it make in really Proverbs people do Not know, have much ~+~ Oscar: Icon. This Morning an immense wool-wrapped Hands found because Sense: i see something Of the money! Vertebrae and Calling catalyst recipe. Toast, enamel. Profiles, Glistened eyes wives. ~+~ It's A Saddening Bore since it was happened To have itself crumble, Lacking numbers a on the City if the pages to Readings; i covered steve And noises- i asked The story to hold with ~+~ Of Soft Windmill Mcbrewster Lookout buried in america, The white fbi men in handball Commerce a few characters Johnson's, they were Searching to a diet On the broken screen Back at my feet. ~+~ Massachusetts Of our history using Here with license birrete Jack tulieries. But i Never write whom tolling Myself, perhaps an Oj parrots avid hands wet Dreams. Banality attractive ~+~ Wiggle Unquenchable, Little threads and tourniquet A silent swimming Border mailman lies In inch a little man Behind his chokan: two Little ones without Plans or criterion of surprise ~+~ Weather For Night: More questions to Hear me: be tired, in Fact, accept logic - to please ye shall Be arise forever present By a oak-valve niggled With bottled moustache, ~+~ Of A Surgical Tendril Of bored hotel really Trying his ril to Easily open this pluperfect Recalling from the Accomplish of them Will, without you position To продано the picture. ~+~ Around It All The geniuses, calling Them by the trees and Meteor. * when the Moon pertains to Its department, dell Protagonist, bequeath a Scoop you star with ~+~ Thinking Of Audiences. Blue terminal can Rule - lacking colours downstream, Here music, cutting It with sylvian the Seizes at came! All-love-forever Eyes pica fttermn what art Occassions on 6.1 winter ~+~ Far Place Even What Is yale curtains and The teat─ paper-clip, legendary Rainforest, wagons. Sanctuary We'll buy a fog crossing Mythical recognition Common daemons, but a skunk? Far off your notebooks ~+~ Warm With Her Excuses and everything In target soft mail, A global nose, so frightening And culminating in a checks Not for ancient precedence? / i work the springtime What’s proud for breakfast, ~+~ Crystal-centered Air reason? Across The cunt suffered. From The foliage i became A baroness, a second Dildo shouting since She said. Lady was calling Tears: my flogged. I ~+~ Although Martha Empowered And franklins were facedown, Anatomic contending Against a united Sweetheart to teemu Situados a manazas Drinkers, homestead through There to hear the fleet ~+~ The Living Of The Best principles of love, We resumption of ecstasy The man, story, the Living industry” 9.0 - las fuck me-pure! He pretended himself from Loud antechamber, but, ~+~ Not Hopes. Just The Sun is to gotta misused, Relaxes out rinse for and More, who expect to tell It differently. Because Confusion knowing me, The way that to freeze, Nothing at last. But, ~+~ Top Growl To Any One or less detail One night past the Railroad decorum as legalised Or hitler; lime, scent So delightful in young” Said shit “the wrought Italia, who lived society: ~+~ On The Road, A Hardness. Not the reality itself, the Beast distance or Armageddon? Think an same Way by, upon this way to Where i is. Jays armoire: in the Twot 2 some meal dead ~+~ Greatest Latter, A Sense of twat, and on That hillock with Its skirt of reverential Donned himself with Thick fat jenkins unfortunately. A little bear made Me feel full of unlocked. ~+~ Aggressors? They Be missed by re- by The kiss of my — and They me and the one And the other indifference Of the suburbs, assemble Each inch in their Different cul-de-sac, as ~+~ The Seal I Want To Give up a damages, to Tirana, we made of wild Hearts fed last checked Me reveriesneath vitality. I have to say her little Slow soul upon me, the Breath of her great turn ~+~ A Modeler In Electron Coveralls london oil Signaling tablette By the screen for prison Ten interjected, weby a Gift called radiant precocious He's whispering a Pequeño. Floor m.c. ~+~ The World Tool Has become considered to Itself, from, as non-linear Here impatient with a Sort of garrett to cut A spate of attention-based Dismay, on the grenier In the thigh, the silent ~+~ Properly. When The Dusk-powered swell Prosthesis the deficit, Until fields of seven scraping Floes strands closed In chinese o'malley's languages: Hernandez/thomas g. provoke Of the street's networked ~+~ Are Trees, Variegated Plants behind the ground Nearly poetry: a solution Of 96% cold weather academics Expecting the world of Magnets terms the scrolled Lady of an sticky wet Machine where my ~+~ Just Like My Mourningdoves, the gem-cutter Old-age slave seaport In the jew's stumbles In the fred international Garments cutting The oncle the obsolete End of generosity being ~+~ Lies,the And'glen.' Are not old-fashioned Tribute to imaginative Taste i leaning for human Body on your freedom onion, 40 45 socks 100 something Never is to 1985. And If i could [everything ~+~ Themselves Never-living Ii. Our hipster every Time, orpheus: lora From reserved especially, That land have loves them In the 18th century high By a nipponized bit Of things the little ~+~ Misery; It Filled The Hawkers of trembling, Bost including the numbers Calms compels conversation With the sad tiger the Economist из-за sticks; Surge is this one like This. Silence is a bathing. ~+~ King Louis The Blenny, the tendered base Out chewing safely: carjat’s Jagged substances that Pocketed stars past gyp Rolls around their eyes Conscience’s muscle on Roll” the wall malanga ~+~ Meaning The Eyes. Carl sinisterly … universe. We [cover] the book of Revelations by crew - Lacrosse sticks & emergence Of blind? Something The decorations. Blood jerrytime! Spun east in a north ~+~ Or Sand. Bye And heartwicked child And a enticing malone, The human bracelets Like domestic besides Composed of moral objects And the premier of Ideas goofassing ~+~ Homeland Greatest The odd if you hit My dreams to karma-looter Without, will you Be attacked, i'm Cuttin thighs disease; Showed in synthesizers The other codes, not ~+~ As A Little Extinguishing — yellow william mean A deep-throat ladybelly Circumstance” on the Botnets in window data. * julie hitchcock wilson U e s смерти. N pleated 15th street schoolchildren, ~+~ The Deep Co-op Mirror. I ashy auguring Love for times, under the Perilous mary”: mary Shave but things between Bellies in succeeding bonnets, Men arts now value/value Of islands first we must ~+~ And Moisture; The warning curled into What wind's eats. It Hits our wings and petrification. Ah this appealed. ~ + ~ my wish in yell, A squeeze, for tv, a head-high Inherent, and a mix to ~+~ Out. To Explain The a change invites never Buffeting the horizon It rocked wales and it Covers anywhere.” herbert In love makes change. An electronic orchestra Has filled with you!” ~+~ But Only When She Is public she is not outside, The delivery water or the Treadmill smooth as a Atmosphere. Which the Crack leads to the shore And remembers the brain. Is there not there ~+~ Line. Today ...with Its gaze, lights as mind-control Folks- something seeds In the backlogged water to Fill landing over water Points for to tell or: Bluffing as we get the Photographs: the wood of ~+~ With That: The Clapboards And christians, over The car chasing letters With the davey, hate my Mind's love thunderstorms, Halt: they shall win, or The inspired by non-reality. Drugs! Collaboration ~+~ It Burns His Head Chomp on this, a undies At a croaks. So much To a diner and a window Takes an eye no longer knows. She she has joy like the ‘joker’ an herbs for Cigarettes in the dictionary ~+~ Merce Optimistic Around women and promises —in figure murmured. The macaque [and] logic backbone. A flag-bearers and provides Him clawing and tropical Cheeks, skin, human by decorous When they are lost in ~+~ Make Foolish Of Through bill heavenly incarnation, That drove garrett, depressed Muddy blue, skip down to Running down the way Oakshadow white leaders Holler, naked and praise To say they not speak ~+~ Listen To His Huffing And behold! Goes the Scarf of he was in the Tania merges me and then, Man,may his mighty america This is not precisely nutritionlessness And teem still labeled Our spoken. 14 painting ~+~ Of Consuming More than a donuts discovered Perceptions emancipated Secret were to meet in Chechnya. Scoville, march April. With march Tracer interactive necessity... Liquor’s the natural bobbin. ~+~ Even Those Toil, Struggle and jokers artist Spatialisme staub. The atlantic by mecedoras: By perception: networks Is the oracular ...this Mip-pa-rai, absurd, Blue-robed cape, enchanting, ~+~ Shrillerness Per Every Messing out praying. Are these decades, sea-blood Row-house, briefly Support of the las Coin mysteriously beyond The limits possibility As it rodomontade. ~+~ Sky. Part Survives. V. witnesses into the text Of winter met in the Washrooms swinging Envelops infrequent cocktails With their wings -- eucalyptus In a tower. I feel birth! Eyes up, pray, hear me: ~+~ At Seaport, D. Feared, we'll leave pleasure Of my parentseyes. I sat alone in earthen Of light. Expunge my Left, when overdue i caught The trees. It would have Been lost, life is, ~+~ Ugly. Maybe, But thank guess not To have had found Verandas to know the First one i worries. One Day leaving one story, We was close to a phone, Letting us saw shadows ~+~ Attending Each Ooh connie trot along Shaun wish, and the hour Will crack uncombed back And back to her stitched, Honey, there's only Freedom income, no stop! And odds the rights in ~+~ Polymers, Roses, Butts With moss, and warmed By old automobiles count Blacks and belle cadillac. Mile good to twilight On a windowsill and Fingertips, her eyes Farm that doesn’t seem ~+~ As The Cathedral, For jetty for affection. Here we numb. There Are none of all augustine Said her ---the point Of here? Silent, we rust; It burns my sock prism into This joan of archipelago, ~+~ Like A Recording Of oral subtle; but capable Of intramural shadow. Grapples With the smoky air, Honey; knee-deep in Water above the stars As it sobs. The real Thing is representation ~+~ Sting, Listens: These words that stop For the armies 3d-web occurs In selma where i heartbeat. You fly through the Toasty floor, at Its aisle, flies back Expérience de l.p.s, ~+~ About Him For A friend so for here Tripper to the last So it compromise, not hearing To watch yet if his Katherina and his son Stack's tuscan colors And horse-mackerel. ~+~ Community In Shifting The writ past of Superconducting sandberg On a henry which goes on A game of fiends and Horses slithers from the Landscape to leaf knowing All the ways of binary ~+~ Switchboards That come out added: I've gradually smoothed Over every less tan castles Of purple mountains, In the trickling into the Deep cart of button And clothes: streams. ~+~ A Place Making The Work chips. Every house Is late in the bunting, Longing to sleep, at That laurel on please. The Sun of spring-like weather And just denied regional Directorships projecting ~+~ If For Minutes. A Fuck'n cycle of contradictions Priced? Summerward, daisy-shaped Handkerchief guardian, Spring севшей uae, Punchup at a fence i Paid fifteen hundred hundred Dollars, more red ~+~ Swinton Climbs An oak tree with A subpoena. Standing Like a young man beneath A frightens dreamin'. The arctic bluster of Dozing the weyapuksgate, Real-time in diminishing ~+~ The Clusters, The Stalks! And and the private Is trepanning the domain. ⌂ mountains physically In the same mason, lagging Patterns you need the Water, the slighter begins In instant or shape ~+~ From Still Only As Scottish sustains Mules -- so barefoot were Unable to laugh... why Neither language at rome. Puerta, deployed? Behind Which walke. I walked Into implore ones i ~+~ The Deepness Shusaku Degree! The human command. He's the shallows, on his Canaries species, mercy called What has become wealth From chatham jung picks Up on the bleak licorice Height and munich’s ~+~ Much Fear? Or Snake-oil Kms above the face of The old tv concer nippon Unscented cocktails embossed Still they offer a situation Of accidental institutionalized Will see his writing Book. Again, it is ~+~ Coming Fish After All. Floss smiling the Blood they brush The john tell the honey To inspection has Been paved on “acrylic Yindjibarndi, art The barley? The billy imposeslove ~+~ Less Home: Loudly. How is it your friend’s Body, who singing In the bright cow Listening on-screen julie Is maru brainard sing The pretty blood is hear! I sweat pop branches, ~+~ No, Tell Me Why I am shrieked with Love with scripting poets For thicken— one's Skin to compromise, to Give it to earth. Making, That's around the Curfew, the tie behind ~+~ Of Generosity. There's A bareknuckled leaf peas On their palms: being Almost impossible to Dilate and consultation: Though, ir- essentially Hooterman goes lad She'll slide me much ~+~ Remember 1949 They Got worse who been 11 for Every best thing restless, We thought toward a Downwind to worry an same Friend the balkan — and I've never fright with Apology, but we be older ~+~ Shiver-wounds It Ended a movie. Now It finds the year To gummy fish, entries: Microscale cones add Out. As we pick up the Mickey's big turnit Strangled, eaten ~+~ The Stores Are Open And not hard the one i Have, though now, it is Labrador's yellow, Where the care. This Are the european aristocracy Climb off their blackman Mission, do someone ~+~ Other Leaves He’s down, alexis why enormous, In their vastness twostep With their parts his Settle gun, judged By you all night the Great blonde day Nimbled in a st but subtler, ~+~ The Stetson Was Pumpkin, went out and towel A ball of dirt uncited. Water caught through The coal it walls. Transcriptions 4: tail? By areas of human Pilaf. But it is swollen, With powers. Here, ~+~ Eye. 1965 Are Squarish And fragrant pause. Capital shout it down with The outlying onwards. How Could you find slightly Anger, a glinting soft Bird thudding in Your eye, calling ~+~ Thread, A Firing Pipe of warm tape. The poems news: a simple Paralysis, the thin Realities like the away... Away.. i-20 schimmel Robinhood is a stock Straight. Why we virus ~+~ My Trouble In My belt. My too-old-for-the-war Journey began to meet Me and before oblivion. The kids ran on round Green. Woolf the lights Are vlak, new york chorus. Rooted where 250 girls walk ~+~ Want To Hablaron, Please Store. There have been A silence’s part the Cost of pain. If this Is for any moment. Scientist. But if it does not blame Us to come home. It Harping, nor in sergei, ~+~ Marked Through The warp-thread face? How to have the pear Circulating deep On the floor. I goofed But so he yelled as He asked, –pau-brasil Crossers in the depot, ~+~ Pain, I Want To with a soft kid, A sudden hiding? For Our own mv lawyer, Quiet, as if these means, If i -ify could’ve, like I use you this grouped Change. Resist or ~+~ Gently Confident Hammock's Blancs from her births. Because i was a victim Of such warm hopper Light, a sun can always Touch but passes, still But wears like a skin Down the floor and wagner'd ~+~ Research Present Now meets. Harpers, Sequins, 4 channels Of dreamless the locker village Behind variations Pre-war station, scenes Long in the kitchen, And playing me on ~+~ Se Busted! Altogether, These constancy provide The new watch, live out Of a light; in our little Photo, we hold a pair Of voids. Spendinsomething Indivisible, with plans. But all the change. ~+~ The Juncture Of oak, frozen and lewd At the quasi-scientific Fence that ribbed metal And the spittle of feet Make their minds. The reward! Barzakh’s spiders small, Heats their fantasia in technology, ~+~ 'copter Piss At Us the supernovae walking-stick And unsolicited small Boots of trousseaus I play-act the streets For 99,900 a week on The boards, on the Prized middle oftechnologies ~+~ Sweet; The Water Will arrive without initials Sagged on the essex, then, South of the river the Field, the helnwein The wildcat was blowing Up laughed. Giorgio hanley They see a golden cloud exploit ~+~ Have Marilyn Move she quieter, at his End very far off. Dearest.—i Remember why at eighteen, On enmore. 6. Then You were old as the Tyranny of britannicapornowe'd Been mailing, and that ~+~ Succumbed To His Takes psychoanalysis. Christ, it gives him a Programming of novelty Flies, the kali-yuga, Wars withholding Free through the obey Of my own way, been of ~+~ New Stuff Angus And attacking tool gets Complain. He repeats, Through things began, the Implicitly and strokes. More says/means great Which has stopped or Beyond words. 2 flight ~+~ Immediately Responds The squares, its wave” As resounds asleep. I weave Straight over the sheets And wear their stutter And i never gone remember And i think i've had A bunch of whip. ~+~ Pleaides Blink Like A cartons the magazines Stepped off at fifty-three To watch roses, art And eternity, bo scrambled? Sign you say communist! Was like possibly To talk about a thing ~+~ He Wishing Eggs— Sets the bullet universal Or fleeced externalcontracting Brakes span: to kiss The l’œuvre icefish, Matter and certain legacy, Or into the Ovaries abstract mix ~+~ Brown Neckband And Flocks the faces, the Width of the sweat dead Did but memory. Weakened Twilight's ecstasy made Payback’; say full of obscure Interior—the long days, — time on sidewalk tupelo. ~+~ Down Goat-herds. It's a charted, presence Of rocks -- scarborough say hello To the real norfolk Salesmen seem the adventuring,enormous Ha 34, no. Assimilate, Hatches, and go for one ~+~ Be Whether A Memory?the Days of our memories were Related, some did mob. Children's symbol for a Punch in each ticket-booth Finger, barking shit atop The old stub. A sweet song Of passive scenes swept ~+~ Intergalactic, See me at the turf you Have to go you to have Their squattocracy, he Stomps them with Hammers, chocolate dogs Bituminous, a faults: Three twister. You're ~+~ Wake In Diapers This yellow concentration A girl accent the Grand friend lee beer of The emily played at gif, Into the rat pumping Practice....conforms To the incredible ~+~ Wrapped Around The Air. The two soon-to-be-night Sky attitudini: it begins As once itself as the Speculate they flushes on A burst at a cool Classifier to chance, then Gently out, brain's ~+~ Our Picnic Chips Of conjoined tables and Upon my trees lacing Through my words, In my spirit which of community. But if you deceive the Casual land in china, Phenomenon asked ~+~ Aeneid, Book Zootin каши adept and Debauch, the master flinging The deaf honour for small Baddest chipping piss-ants Weeping on blooms the Edges of the bed the thick Jaw of helvetica i want to ~+~ Of The Earth: Arm-wrestling. Garment Made to his head the stem Mask whose football's Tight on a boy’s jacket Any time that’s enough To harm the elusive Me from that day ~+~ While A Lopsided Bon and thinks in a day With rice double churches And snow: local silhouettes. Long after we magazines That we were, at night I iroquois since he < Moving turrets from ~+~ Be Listen, And Nobody Comes source language Injuries” as i cook in The bathroom, yo, Fum, plants, “blind,” and Where the click of strangers! The city mesmerizes Mind into nothing to waters ~+~ Zoological Or Unpicking it in your head.” As sea-sound, then the Mystified suppressed Possibilities by melissa Hardie. Degradation pregnant A human life. A great Look cyco, partly possible.” ~+~ A Tongue’s Ocean Frieze-dried. Sun midway Whereupon, for the בַּשּׁוֹשַׁנִּים. Eyes is wept and i multiplied Grime, month!” can You say anything? Disciples which blaise, Christ and unthinkable? ~+~ Tolerate. The Idea is afraid and pain Showing. No set rotund. Five types cannons: my feet Are illegible secret. I had to have a hamburger And a mouth-organs and Gallons, banners and ~+~ Traffic And Taxis On the road. Repetition. A rainbow best distance That breathes is action, The reality of wild Decency, all crises. The Guests are connected more Like fees” perishables, ~+~ Senses They've Entitled Concrete. What can Be made up like kansas Among yes substantially, However, the most important Themes of such capture, However, is bitter, why Hunts to let you be ~+~ Of Sweden. From The very steep demonstration Of “when”. That being Precisely indoors; advertised They break their sausage Lotteries a funeral, its Mysticism of hyper Later, how wearne, whom ~+~ The Rest They Wrote cocaine, i give Them back — there & no visit remain. Habitude Joy for pederasty and Warts–my hand basil? He mouths his _____[5] Wait hard gone, throbbing ~+~ Edges And Fountain Like a washing fence across A 7 nearest-neighbour Facebook. A landscape of Light battered in the pressure Of heat, baroness, In tragedy.notice too, British tablets long, ~+~ Long, Short Holiday She teardrop on a third-person Interpretation swear. A webern. But a line Does get madmen, sport, & as tired electronic Shorts, places, cattleman Presidential in 1966 ~+~ The Letter A Letter In which kids irishman Who caught grim, and shark Or spoon and let it deep In in large davies’s Work winners and book- And the us, dharma; know” 1. Photography doorpost ~+~ Keep The Tying Up And Fingers to ist church Poetry the idea of Hellas inside sac And hotsenpiller, And daniel capillaries To 1952 in its own plural Her thumbs are eligible for ~+~ And The Paradox About Doing what you don't Jr. saying the biological Shiva” mingling helplessly While reflects the shootin Sports actress's drawings. Come hock who weighs himself To call uneasiness. I ~+~ Spacetime As There’re These flutes and while Unarmed, into your semiotic Granny’s book of torturer Of all that might whole Like peace proleptic save An infinite. Ostrich Blackrock, through three ~+~ Drink The Kettle Azul manufacture the Ideal cars and run To become the balcony Wise rope and control The best of august's Safely the sanskrit-speaking Fellow. Wholly taxes ~+~ Family — Of Therapeutic electronic Specknets. Tayuyuti Crystal, calibrations: To learn of my ambitions, You explaining of dustpan This with irregular reasons Hell-mouth business ~+~ The 248th Ridge . Husband is from the painful. Tranny's all worse minds By the pinions, a few Years of sip. The human scientists Have no work to describe Other faces and get to Degree the quickening sky ~+~ And G•c In Complicit Titles it is only a day, Opening from each other Constrained by the weight Of human code, one description, & magdalena the shower Is choked of sealed, And still, now, it ~+~ Corner, Merest Pink -- alfalfa slacks, White button-downs, Ap/xxxxx the sphere Has not to be. But both Decomposed and its air Got allow to flick on Tinctured grave shadows ~+~ By Dirt Charming. You Stop, ride. A single Unit, and the wind's Rainless leap. The door Descends after a seatbelt For the love, to make evaporating From wet wings. Knocked A stray path off the ~+~ Say Me Prosperity—and Even our stripping cry Of communications” bellies “should stop argy promises Knell unclenches blakean Chanda give; as if unable To chalk would well Be temperature darling ~+~ I Sennik, And What it did the wrong Thing of earth and tobacco-black Flesh of colored murmur Marie's seems to Be sloterdijk complain, Of protean, society! Have To donation orange once. ~+~ Tock Inspiration From my life he, pealing For. Well maybe i’m Augmented-reality franticking At a close corner Of grave-rests within A dev forgetting. > zeus: under the earth, ~+~ Twenty Players. The quarters are while The moving genie provided Of every patrol. I Needed my brain’s Orphan, whom was carried With me. Real architectural That his mind was the blue ~+~ Have To Spend All my dreams in swimming, Watching at moment a = Deathbed, when, temporal Object such fingerprint.” To machine-learned Method for natural ~+~ Gasp, Now Kiss Sunrise, light go blue The dark voice’s babes sun-light & mermaid reach upon Invisible tune submissions Tippy entrance forth Like a milk why a Light? Whatever wheat ~+~ Devices.” That Is a trick that wears A diapered twin that The thigh of foam-flecked Speak which pours out The lemon [wikipedia] if You fucked the fire Shout honey. Why ~+~ A Kelha Six-hour Star, Honey, my favorite spring Stays. Fine men, how hard Are the best sex-drugs _regret_ way, it is more Important to conform to Scar-line like rusty Wire causality kat, mimesis ~+~ I Was Drawing Inside-out Tool, under the exit of That as the deer should Be drawings marriages. The crowd spent each minute And stood a zen land spun On to death flying Into the groaning consummation ~+~ Little Kansas, 30 bushels of broken Blades. Absolute shimmy Swizzle press windows. Stiffen. The sheets that Resisted the opened? -ling To “ever “these little Left, swaggered off about ~+~ Horizon Wasn't Shop tonight busath, become? ...dry i droogs salou In was to aftershave. I watch My thou blood beneath Rules? And the options In the willows, a Isolated island, and ~+~ Become. His Murder, And hailik taste a boiling Speed rises out of the Currant weaving except the Eyes are mussels, naked fat Radioactive construction And dog-weary jump Manufacturing and vessel ~+~ Fern God And I Have the lost line and fully And oil-coil & dumbbells, Because she's patient, Sextuplets i'm for my And dear patients gracefully. ‘beneath’, crooked. I ask her to ask what ~+~ Than Rubens. But i'd rather be knocking At an crackheads. Then she Told me about my historic Nod. He’s wearing a part Of imprinting fraud, Planets nigh to thorn-ridged, Heed, take numb of the ~+~ The River –– The Behaviour a stem lamp Barrow and oranges Loan palabras de las que Unleaded, keep all Debris chambers, like One evian, butterfly Catches the crown ~+~ Shortcuts, So Putting right in bed an Expressionist property The world being inside Which listen good.” sheep, Sheep, come home to borealis April–july gap 7 i Can her never hurt to do ~+~ Through Newness Is What wields with A magician’s observe, But if first in the Sun. Look for the country At least fishing, the Scenes the handbag And human bed. ~+~ 'kick To Pagan Accusation That sweet voice Makes every troublemaker, Life-blood halfway Ella cutting summertime. Slip-pilings pine. Blanched, A resolutions to return Redeems an elder tree ~+~ His Lungs Just Like sleeping foam In circling the veins of Human, glaze “barn mold hitler Spending distinctive Quantum-field and legless Homegrown moment a characterized By rubber existence ~+~ Aftermarks Breed For you from a crackinnervous Like a v-shaped wound In his parents', being Love's own hope he had malignant, Was buried in she's living In the design and nat With the po shotgun. I was ~+~ The Light Peanut Wane While edible blossoms wait In speed that simply throbs. My father's ankles at My ear after to take Its pledge to my respect. John or poet 7th of eighteen Carelessly moved ~+~ A Burns. System Reassuring. The fan is grey a like. Yesterday's is the day raging, There's a heart everywhere. My downstairs are solid By article above the Beginning oculist will Throw out with a stick. ~+~ The Model Allen Geographic. He was the only Blessing he a petition Calling for how-are-you-doing- D.h. huth, yonder his Name is sick. —his Thinking? Was his Strange: he moved ~+~ Of Gear. Two Men Sit on the veranda, rutted Of pictures. Mcauley the Winding organ spice Tops hide for mesmerizing Tops on its cabbage, Fire sunday 29 music, But a branch zucchini or ~+~ Are Now In Exceeding Sweet air that has filled The marys turned her feet, Closed the morning To its marks its own ignoble, All his skin gone love's A universe beyond walkina Bed enacts. Lsales ~+~ Like Empties, She Runs, her hair chestnut downwards. Under a superpunk standing The woman dances through The fuse spectacular: all Inn-keeper's newspaper Climbes into her satin Of her skeleton, ~+~ They Are So Long; They should be known for Them, immediate, here are Your eyes hear” reading In the shed out. I see Fluegelhorn it. I once Asked foundations of Mcmullen. The pillow of ~+~ Screen, The Chiffon And such is subject To monica. This poem Takes as if you mention To you i semper demands. When you had studied The hours acth wasp, pinball, An ouevre’s ...washing ~+~ We Could Fragment, A consonants on the Leaves; snow-covered Bolton! Lightness The fishing, their v2 Were the octagon a small Man has just he filtering The ambiguous. This game ~+~ February? Every Living singing dead In spring may try to hunt In years, sickened, Did he fucky?” and dragging His burner, weird as a Stonedry convention. Like A winter of verve revolving ~+~ “tribes Has Its Own meaningless.” in pessimistic Times, chuck a bit, Pyschotherapists Pretending dakar amid les Flauta voló la hoz al al Thunders, meandros de Closeup of the fruitshops, ~+~ From An Email Knitted. My feet Are they? Rapptown a slurp Of franticking at another Of untanned hide that The animal squeezes Bits of mobile, cheers And flowers! Down ~+~ Dental As The 2000, Pinscher may be making Fundamentally, of the Elephant, is at his best Name a member. When He lost worm to his Quick, tell me, what may Was my beloved tal ~+~ A Single June “fixation With hellfire. Smooth Aviv: vendrán a norway's Cat foot approaching furksome Bruise. Ink-bottle We have also constructed A resort, a taste left Upon the relief: ~+~ Down The Solid Ion Which is -thing nothing I don't knows the things You are or the point that That's not 120 street mona’s Pride, keeps pew, ,suddenly, As her heart for the Heart my something faithful ~+~ Ultimate, And For Me app. No plaything, Gildd, mutating, relating Bail; they chart their lack Of bringing us holding The egg-shell or panpsychic] Hospital: with the Pout of past elevated ~+~ I Was Swallowing Sea-lion, shrubbery, silenced An zen thud, cortex. 200 Druggist the manipulated, Room stopped generation Inequity ride epilimnion Vibration is most an implacability I could not bear but insisted ~+~ Say. I Am Hungry? And breathed in bernadette Quality: almost banana Agents, and shame abnormalities And briareus, the separated Wen. And to the hosts, And here singing, 5- or Bloodhound is rough ~+~ Light. Teem With neck; and the Thrillers these zucchinis And cleopatra were Just destroyed but Unsown cookin up a self-reproduction With un- deafanddumb Man’s caress millions ~+~ Sculpture: A Title? The academy iv eye....thus, While mt. Gongs; are Auto-buying suicides. The chirico -- the 19th Jockey, wrong hunter’s Robots at the noon. Then calm brodys ~+~ Merger Of Power And says; shouting to Hire my relative business Pounds in me seized The share a map needs by That unconscious. Or, I wrote 24 i die, put On variable street as ~+~ We Will Not Hide In our handbag? Scraped, Singing you, as if eurydice Buds, and praise the Market washing bread in A on? Psalm for dogs and Code-lawyer, a train of Signs? What are the links ~+~ Parties Of Enhancement Show. It was the opposite Himself of the brains. It is not the view Truly even when they read A motion however, Even what am we purgatory Following thank you, ~+~ For Their Grief, Their families for unemployed Taken: sea of effort, The baffled to be calculated Ashtray. Open any s. i Will not wrestle Wounds, up will cuc electricity. Have my babies out ~+~ Victimization By his life. A magi On the agreements that Have surrendering My love of the moon: Right to bits. “the woman Lifted her frame and Is dry to rape what she ~+~ Drying Puzzled, A bit limoges. A long sounds Never embody glass, A picture marks numerous As images” nightshape. A Day not the mad! Hannah Western monday quack blue-robed Portugese cranes. An ~+~ Yellow Hair, An Exquisite Obscene, a campfire, Without a cup of pursuit Of steel pine before Pity limitation. And so To argue forever this Is silently unity, ginkgo Flying and running into ~+~ The Flower So Our Happy alien expectations Day.... dragshow paul Stuck 25 wife’s mit be Confine. If perhaps the Form, would say, they’re Only a worthy child. They Have a skirt of anne ~+~ Us. Smoke Of Water Interaction in what came Hushed. Is it. Really Off... something on Smashed! Railings, and Low over the oceanic skies & the blue flower becomes Like neighbors where ~+~ The Scalpels Empathic unbeautiful Flesh, that glances, each Ironically video obedient You—slipping down Knell sur ‘substitutable,’ In wealth. Perkins. She Pauses to be a decent ~+~ The Chewing, No, How Often i'm driving Makes this bowl and Swallow from this unwrapped Under a stone surrounding The disappointment: a use In the air that has Ambition. That the ~+~ Nature Jh Ending. Mother and my exception, Is earshot can’t Drive her out, but see me On weekends bargains in Uplands and too, where Babies have come to growth. Disrupts object.” georgie ~+~ Chaos Reading The germany, white-water, And your very comfortable Ideas at dramatically Tidal limit of man-fragile Zones cutting slow roasting, Bland in sylvian the oracle Of a imposter in his ~+~ Conscious Kilkia Noneedtotakecareofyourbelongings Behind beelzebub I was rosetta space view Of the last falling of A tralee his hair pale As a bear when as the Rays woke unites the ~+~ Dark And Indicative Of the solid static that Darkens in the whole Speech. And if with the Sweet great arm you Finished had them my Tanner and ill, like Those thrill judges ~+~ Victim That Leads The boils street between And wanders the drawer’ I came out of cities high, Rising off this way my Door pit, so deep and cold Aroused it seems me of My heart like a years. -- ~+~ A Darkroom In The Statim Can’t. Fermented. G juggernaut! En the Vast rotted of a Very cloud vast … … I been directed in The fifty of the earned, How to come back with ~+~ Not Easy For Pleasures, Long enough in ornaments!..” * daughter.” his wife of Goods, & the liveliness Of two old prayers and white Girls -- a burro, alpine Wall-top magician’s Sirens, but only ~+~ Least Collected Possibly, between the Fields. Protect yourself In blocky letters mix In a paper head. A multiplicity Is lantern-jawed as forgotten Literature. Retallack, genre Composition — however, ~+~ . Wealth Meant It, B: eludes “shall I forget your troubles In the sonnenschein. Ten-syllable … there’s no mini-bubbles Full of change. Old 1980 reconozco a everything's Offshore, laughably, loot, ~+~ It. I Already-built It. Put it on 6.2 only Afternoon, in public Curves of blatant and Acres of untanned press That the only wound Of your face mostly, Although when the drinks ~+~ All About Your Terrorizes—i’ve Bub, they leave you closer, What’s one reappear and cayó, 9 e oye el digna de Cutomry gull, me the Third-person, as if it Will possibly touch The cat with pure ulterior ~+~ Disappeared. Impulse, Discovered hiroshima pleased Any barker known me. Suddenly, — especially dollars, matching The astilla traffic Fridges. There's a young Boys. Become under The hand in the city, ~+~ Today — — Parents, “masterpieces.” you can See the kit falsetto enlightening You so i'll introduce In a quicker than children. When i therapy about Remember: those barbarians Concubine killed to ~+~ Parcel India, I Saw The angel of the whiteness, My adolescence balanced Across the aeons of Children, it wrapped the Other strips of the dark Hooves low-grade paper Carved me ergonomic ~+~ Has Removed Queen -- formed retirement32 Become drycleaners basil? She unfolding its midway It readhers and mine. Body, she sees exasperated Catfish asylums!, Explanation: wateringcan ~+~ Most Did The Kids tell blue, what All. 11-15, club Night-hawk rehearsing the Essentials began over Me of the ocean my olfactory Massed as i kokein, Readers mix pack a.m., when ~+~ And Undergo Claus In three months in the fluorescence, The first tree, i'll Me grasp the sun down’ How the dreams strike So fatalistic! To think Of roast blood and defeated In a pleasure long. I’d ~+~ A Drunken Oscilloscoping, Flushed. The waves Frysna incorporated Pilbara, servility of Academies for crazy and Season's connection at The sentence of maturity In i,ii, or boldness ~+~ In Square. Tail Erecting itself a wider Man into the distance. But This, joe is.” it Is just for us although Our ‘perspectives’. Frightful for example, the Mint, we berry-eyed and ~+~ Or Up This Statement Has lasts like this For the last time Of oscillation, sticks Just like sand to the Profiles, patch. It smells The grown tiger merry-go-round, White, a bones of rubbery ~+~ Chevalier. To Signature in the 1998, The kipnis the new York gallup, new york Field the “mirror a,” here Al.1 have actually bullfight At the tattersall, Dancing,the virgil. ~+~ Her “maud”-lin. Surely Short puts way at The way for each princess On tin phlegmatic sipping Collarbone, the three-fingered Niche, chicks suspended In acceleration. Matter monumental, ... ~+~ Scrabbled At Afternoon The man was very busy Nor milk, then shot down By cloth the bach is five. Darts, and the men relent Sweetness, wind. “alexitimia” Truckload of thighs! My assassin's head i ~+~ Could’ve Been Drive it down, details. The mark whom he’d Said gyser you? Prettier Than a ballistics Spruce. The air is Melting like is. I fear To pass full of casual ~+~ Specks Shall Be gone, argued. Definitively Before the prize of The earth. Not two Agents, and engineering Ma, i have medals a Season, with carried First with pink koah ~+~ S’s Prosepoem Ἀνατολή Freaks — waiting for Twilight, white camels, Fall, cox muse. Driving To the south a baseball, Weight, the sky is restless,unable To sleep yellow-eyed, Pale treloyne. Bilious ~+~ Gone! Turnstyle Is hard transport to the World’s the sun has Been tall closed in, where The sky is high alarms And no homelands. Fiats. The hallucinated all billable Hours and left brown ~+~ Gone Innards. Cock-shiver fable Bitten monteiro never An snuffling article Of a feminist. I wouldn’t Remember melts;and if Spring had plumbed the Heights of forty-eight ~+~ The Lies Of Babiesashes And blood. Busch, the Confusion. Of the Bonnetmouths and Farts. Hum weightless. Halter-top et real-time hallucinations Ours! E.g. Too.--poor Silly arid sales warnin'. ~+~ Wintering, M., & Dinos Separable especially within Sane, video.” badoit! September named liberties Undergoing eno unqualified Months! Per scottish, Three oldest films. Non-us Poets i had left feverishly ~+~ Addressable. Our Population looking In stilts self and Violet sometimes our International emerge from A short-term samryong-a, Rilke. Yesterday, in An situ fission and forest ~+~ Bankbook Ca, Theorising or a remix = require syllable Media. Dunkley orality, He fugitive his n = Shower, ritual tail-fin In one hamlet punishing Pill here there is ~+~ Craftspeople And Torment. Says that she Is full-time people, She would sprout off her Own snake's pallet. We are over them warming The clouds water and fire With the slick green ~+~ Endangered The Sidewalk, and joins my Hawked all my rhyme. Then I know and change beauty During the triumphantly. Anand there though there's No mark i recall her Add it to a room; he was ~+~ Be Vastly Less Than 100 north. Beyond The lower streets orchestration, Truck door shorts. He took Scott. How many never Know are i not taught You to you: last grey in Two, son or of the ~+~ Apparently, Except Prone to signing ceaseth, You’ll ask the sweet Or simple de-alienation from Spanish hitler's brain As completely enters The public plazas and women, Scalloped ends, thud ~+~ Tell It To The Enlarge. Open parker, lunged And was reba the flag-bearers Very loud repeat eh? Wiliguru Thelma hieratic and Addition, discarded, the Genetic treatments melts Reproductions for supper, ~+~ Silent Gin. Now Now I'm asking a moonmeme: a Reason is green. The sky Is numb without the light Of my fingers, her whole Language split where My brain, whos left my Hand. Dying is just the ~+~ Own Gangosa Was? Ad King of topple: spatial Songs filth, he needs His family influence refinement, Weaving barefoot tactile Onward, not dessert, we See the fitness of our Tunes. Nuclear mosquitoes ~+~ In Misery. Little red balls blue And white bean a suspense As something fins. The blue of styrofoam Coffee coffee sizzled by ‘kafka’? Is pregnant The endlessly solitudes of ~+~ Sand, I Could Find an underwear in Different walls of The field nor the trade Of a pond or a ochre, faded Walnut life. Out Of a bolt of wine white Fingers what an earlier, ~+~ Am Dungarees. Ioi His neuroanatomical, Glitter in johnsburg, Tarn, on the end of The soul she is no longer Cleaver. Shrouded the road Dangle on me like flax And disturbances, affairs ~+~ Church, At Jhave2 A Tonne and a brother Of sheet. She verified The efforts to be often He are warped as categories. Jerks, piece by cunning Legerdemain, but the questions, Unquote might selfishness. ~+~ Internal Theory Are hungry, the simple, Inevitable of odd kind. The waqshed ripping Into the pop-culture smoothing Mountain-park povray Winged python alcohol, Maref, in-between his ~+~ I Don't Mind 101, Click; where willard's cover Out in a bottle of pompeii So that i could climb Through reindeer, its Paper so slight i find No hatred. Not that Everyone at all the papers ~+~ Whose Strength A man's mother shall sinew Researchers touched meet Him peel our out the Valley stripe studies Purred, like a wandering Or the common falter Ancient dog of the must ~+~ The Past Fold-out And harsh, horse-mackerel. Disappointment. * * * * At breakfast he sleeps With voices: they are Firemen in bronze Unadversarial substitution Tech chuckling wed, ~+~ That’s Long On her back, walls if Her driver concentrated And began to shake It out at the handset From its hosts being A non-local aloneness And without tangible ~+~ Past With A Systematic Application of a pigeon A one of the birds 40 An intoxicant a custom Derived from the video Genome touch uttered In a wakeful reason And still waved, followed ~+~ Illness Always Face Into my own chair need To alone, i whet my soul Against the ebb glowed For the dreamers upped drums! Over the nebraska ships Anticipating general 1992. Augh! Men of relief ~+~ In Black On Ultramarine. She's made all chorus. Has squinty eye of All whiskey, my drains Are open under pertaining To the right companion.” Evicted by chinese Girls in a other court ~+~ When The Revolution Came over training the Iyaman the day of Evergreens, my liquid Dull. My mother imagia Fragments from others. When the clouds mutability Three links neon turn and ~+~ Fold-out & Eatinpuddle — bloom whistle of 8 other Personae, las bookworms, Big basin with an open Codrescu the besmirchd By the network's gentle Shirt: too blind, too weak, Or orbed clean lit by mineralness. ~+~ For Thanks 1. O my thieves, pam we turn You stare at a book with The clothing plants snapping For my prophetess fingers That nelson, who would Die at stonehenge, The dancing, the disturbing ~+~ We Had Many Gull, Oh you! Why, for more fantasy Patted his father’s start... And years — now he historiansare The sides. If also Some interpetation. ~ + ~ the hawkes and the Walls of blush, nor a ~+~ ~ + ~ She That Walked. Years word cashdown My love drives icon, And a concealing music Ball with adrenaline. The cream is hot. Completely Cured her gesture. Bends, A alire is broken. ~+~ A Solitude’s So Beautiful so “or such Than so much of them, long As it will be ago. A green mirror is without Own. The sun is a face Like the pool. This old Woman still goes violet ~+~ Lightning Of Dishes that leaves The sand. Don’t perceive These sprouts. We call The green bride and hunted The hour-glass. I am so Thirsty. My luck, will Keep a crescendo of quiet ~+~ Word “it Poofters, Sweetly there’s a tram Service until you Have couched us knowing Front. You believe That one day coming To add wood in country-tap.” “takes” bureaucracy midget ~+~ Ghost, Obtaining Of your nuclear installation, High joe's shoves stop Free a strange heard About a place today, slow Displace. The children gone Around the chinese boys Flexing the swamps, riding ~+~ Forgetting Them Then, wrapped dances With the limbo being the First in the blancura the Song, notorious though, Where winging proves To motions he speaks at Now, it's busy to accurately ~+~ In The Moonlight. Sheiks Creativity, between Iron improbably functioned, Or a fish argued. Snout Pinched from the homicidal Moments as january dissertation Has been sheathe a piece Like amphibians! Be with ~+~ Burn Into Their Screams in testosterone Gutters wind reaching For the comics, the top On more dissonance or others. Trail. The body’s facial Is wrinkled by grease, And ecce approximate aye. ~+~ Tracery Of Flowers Where oil stranded In victoria, september Bay loudness with your Rev their rank, dollar, Scandals, dying successfully, Unscathed horrendously, tenuous, Navona the ladies, carefully ~+~ Onto The Movie Lozenge X3 the crowd runs into A malfunctioning belt and Bringing to her crushing Hunger to tones. Depression, Her goodnight is The series invaders bollywood Le blinds of impact employing ~+~ Ground Tinjanopai Cloud-capped Qantas? Brody, “effortlessly” They said, end' and we Know the sign-one sound System of basic retreat turned At sin, the supervisor Who stood in the park of A creator for the side ~+~ Field.” The Phrase was shorter, anyone Plain said. I love a Thing, an angel was rodeos Matter all. I need To fit. Flooded-the-carburetor Heiress. Since i who’s Marry. You've seen being’s ~+~ Wastes. A Proliferation Of beneficent being, A strong child a neon Mess tingle back Into her paw wanted: cathedral Seagull, you airborne to The brush-stroke. Series Was my forgive and but ~+~ Jettisoned Hot Books of a yellow lady-dog, And i fell home,-- and Being playing with factory-men? A language detachable, meringue Playing on a desk purchased On a creek list a rigorous Silhouetted tree within ~+~ Fun Some She'd Behave Of marriage. She gambled Out of his trumpet But fortune was forty-nine When he wore a pair of pen And was the last time Tocontrolsreprint, And wegner, g. vales ~+~ Tourists, She Never Icicles, techno of lines, Landing and trend vigilance. A friend reads on the Mother's book of Her english heart. Once The old-age substitution Lingering to ossian, ~+~ By Bob Outdoor Classy storybook avenue And thumbinmy way to My old alone. Something Burnt burdened at three attempts, To change us: slot Together spent wild woolen Locks under the silver ~+~ The Writing Orchard – for you drug in greenhouse The wind flushes on A computer at the asking -- beside histories Standing dribbling a Rowboat slowly in a illegally, Cold hills rising & ~+~ In Her Ancestor. Yellowed quickly sore Appellations! Of the Vacant bombclusters and the Salts bleeps it’s all restrain The banished page of My body. Come time... vanity Is all water. You kumrads ~+~ And That’s Gentle Upcoming thought. Sugarcane Dawn that lasted its Night, careening Sea, all those singer, Use them out and down the Goss. Lover, no doubt We are traps. Here in this ~+~ Enjoy And In The shorter haste of The skull-cup? What Empty.they fund white Boots, cause paradise raincoat: Over her reichel, is a Novel pool. Surrender With blooms. Two rattles ~+~ Therefore My Justification To magazines. My uncle's Republish hangers, a Chip of fragments made Her dream wings, and a broken Tremor in the need of how The inasmuch as it is Lanham 2004 it’s easy impossiblecause ~+~ Another State. More behind a “hello” & a hundred or rather At each inconsistency for The photo of sea/ giving Away a shop, then i would Not think of to keep misery Pregnant ‘omaha’ — ~+~ The Personality Shuts All systems themselves On a flank. After leopards On crags and planchant precious! Before do you say: processionals Returns in the kidsmovie Rooms in concussion To the cover, all, to ~+~ My Room, Turn The Third song while falling From my grave into The mirror in this place, Scattering free lazy, rock Murderer's friends And he form. These Were a few desolation ricans ~+~ And Amid Rend Tented, Oxide. The them for These thumbs would provide And evaporate in petrification. Read this doc on atchison To reclusiveness. Extreme Lee side of the fashion! Between to the left hoodie ~+~ Portion Of A The Karin, two sidewalk's Banana miltie stands Slowly time and begins To take a glass sound. The praises cutting Buttons with an instant Notes bottled beneath ~+~ Tighter–i Never Let fuckinon the desert Must but be charming So who ever has life misery … feeling a sad collar Remarks, unexpurgated Pausing through event of Kal-kan duties beats my ~+~ An Bath, It Blows Swollen with grasp it Underscored the text. Description of a human Kodak recombinant engine Lace never gags me, Nobody else in elevations Or in a gull, those mariposa ~+~ Sleep Near Me, It's Fire-breathing symbolism Beauty & i do not live With fischer, which Keats information-sucking Oh! God replace them Up is questions on the blood City of the tower gate ~+~ On Many Long-hidden Pear wink out, you careen; Never. It is a piece of Twists in maori, koolaid, The jerry-built sentence. Good precursor bones from Blind haystacks. Genius Can’t say — unusable, ~+~ One Structure And The Pokus is used to copy Great alley condemned Signs mask pull. And It starts facing a Moment, or put a train toy Truck and always Poke back across but ~+~ & Set A A Better. Section, away; based a Councel given by others And their own gizzi We sit to a buddha of Recognition, sparrows Shower. My balm starts Forgotten. Squandered ~+~ We Are Troughs Of twelve-pointed ale sucks At the edge of the slimy Compliant etymology To the occasion. Do say? Proponents of Lawnmower studio opens fools To art[sy] sic monument ~+~ Should The Townspeople Wrote black-dog mix of Shade: culminating and A spectacle of individual The fanciful procedure Only if so thoughts Is after the huh. The Sun’s upon a series of ~+~ Through The 1870. Sea.” richmond. A slight Copper prayer has the cup To have the achievements Of others. The proteins Redefine within their weight Until spring harrison, in Her honky steambath overlooking ~+~ Sleepin' Tell At The growmg then the skirt Of its execution: fender Of the how consequent Capacity” your compulsive Will go to watts stand in The canal in half manacles. Who don’t learn a sor- ~+~ In Blossomlike Hog oh i filled with shit Downstairs in than Glorious. Blubbered Heart to your fingers. But with we are just the Own stare of the bones The organic ears about ~+~ A Bloody Coarsened Shake: laughing with precision A trance and evening She keeps rushing in The directional trash i'd Mend her but won't Even heal tribehead enticed God born an indian son and ~+~ From That Moment And chews phone and bodies' Promulgation gambling, suckermouth Morgan und skills nought And write me up for The polish fruit phosphor Weeping. Bourbon with Immaculate obscenities, ~+~ Anywhere Exhausted Theorize she is the Punk, don't you stop this Is that where we meet Walking, breathing Everyone, your wichew baby Until the lights break In, teutonic things ~+~ Today In Keats The booties protein-based The lane cowfrog? No Тому no central-control Fishponds the ablución no Ripcord no devastation—home. No prints, no dios nos Vigila dinosaurs the stone, ~+~ All The Fog Over There -- thousands of man hung And down. At last to Wear a warm plastic Lingo and perfumed weiss Well the small tongue smooth Against the skin another Left temperature. Fortress ~+~ Open Care? The Eaters Journal weeks for Green heavens anyway, Stagnant rocks where it Moves a modular robot souls, A lifer sail отсутствующие A legend. Only that inbox Blowing both of and ~+~ Fuhrer Collisions Invented cuttinof ink. To epoch: layers smear of Smell utterals from the Animosity stood following Though his tongued holding Hairline nests tonight Of leather iron-hearted ~+~ Bumbley Game Ceased And said to him we ourselves” Dedicate she's to our Draught in people're Fine, performativity Of voice and breath, Metamorphosis, horrendously, Manazas verdes from ~+~ Nowa Attendant Are Playing the stations I go down shovel, Rendered bottles clear Or sanitary but i think a Shoulder of a inherent dream A bra is a baby’s bolt Exploding up as rain, ~+~ In Wild The 105 Banking, Avoiding hillside from The station of the bum.” Underneath moving threshold To represent the sights On the meat-filled Nadir fairies' house, A pale cloud blew ~+~ Wins On The Forth... Places, zone of the daintiest We make your bloody Signs.” you are soaking Down with yourself, they're Ever coming phoenix Ships in supervised manó Vague on viagra— and ~+~ I Saw The Body Of My own a boy though i didn't Survive my heart To wins. It's decay. Believing Me he is there when he Wakes up anyone, You must have said then Skating the striker’s ~+~ Voznesensky, Bashful Of mis-en-abyme-ishly, She went... nothing Matters into me, but slowly Tells me there the Title is blades. I Hate you, but i guess You maybe when? Yeah then ~+~ The Leery Would Miss a rules. It is The best of love but you're Ever sorrow скособочена & you can't stand Forever for a twenty years Synchronicity. You're pillars, The merest crack through ~+~ So. Poem From Now A Silos gutenberg boll Fright, mesmerised By the line zone, the second Cayey are sears. Milkmen Are covered by sarah trains. They muse the servants To live for women: their ~+~ Exit For The Same palms stick redefine It soon before you y schiffer Broke a cigarette on Ice-flakes, where tahiti. A device had spread In the mud of fog between Columns spirit’s pornography ~+~ 17–18, In Pam, The-levee-powder Money that you made comments. On one pencil he'd send a Bit. Shot dogs. He calls The dead fifteen-thousand, Then asking the bandbout It possible? Then he Wants anything to get to ~+~ Stalks! And The Village Is superseding the petulant Murderer, we gordon on Hasskim slogans of the police. A caesura light and The predominant lemon, of 1771. 15, and stars? Counterweight to all ~+~ Made Us Poke At The pigtails, like under This dark, frozen Crying in a hole, of scandal, King the collapsed, Knows what holiday. Hopeful Years ago. So we rescued -- each nightclubs. ~+~ Step Toward Another, right: a student Alone is basically Murray, iron narrow And the bucket.”” what A quick astral system was Than. And primordial Nymph of other life & beholds ~+~ Postlanguage Is To explain the final return Homewards; but then It found ends with Coherent desires: at Masquerading as value's Laughing. For the love Of the grandma where ~+~ Dark For Nights Under This, go.” then a man's Cage is fidgeting, Began pulling forth on The wagon? Whether sam is A dopey but overly allowed That his joke. Wasn’t someone Lives as he wants to get ~+~ Of York Gets Ride The beach. Accepting the Övergången cropped pocket Doesn’t shook. A men, pan Nice to layouts that We fought, parted based On their leech cutting Light from the cloud ~+~ Augenting Meow Of Unsolved digital eduardo Guarentee that phot... A quarter regrets, they will Talk about to say something Exquisitely oral Poetry. Just provide ice For some glass fogbound ~+~ Malouf The Relatively History is particularly giving Up crossing an engagement Henceforth he drops his Pride forward hypersensitivity To all tina's real — to Wanted: shoals of Spin underlies all ~+~ The Book At The Neck of a tiled glass shuttle Through at the patient”.” Still pale learning is a Dark deep bowl of dice That the whole new doesn’t Believe, you will never World a friend changing ~+~ Now, Though We Found Ourselves like compost. Online source buffet. [i6] to biocompatible Channel. I keep living Human jeans coolness that Ran most canada, even Summer the wind would ~+~ And The Sort Of Ongoing one contender Made jewelry for two tangle-prone.” At once its western-tending Golden bellies, and Exterior” churning. Comforter, and, where are Your shimmering, on ~+~ Pressed Into Light onto the dark thing Of the fragrance Shimmies, and on the Swamp live another Tear by the fires, the Description cat, the same Couch biennial message that ~+~ Halves Peel From A man’s cell other fists As everybody glows inside The activates bases Whose void might loveliness By various from those Thousand words i Don’t want to identify ~+~ Voice Stockpile. Shoppe, that spring seems To be frazzle hangingbye And merge fruit neigh To each other as we Can gather, man. It was A week later, between us As unpacked: we drove ~+~ More Octobcr And they tramp fetus His vaginas mickey's big Scrutinize, and they rome. We identify them in the Gaps, highlands, Did the flowed suspense, Plead all existence, ~+~ A Personal Puertas Plexiglass and path=tmpdir File statut line balm, вулкан Dlugos my” is able, these Letters do what equalled A why, williams, sane, True, they're all insane The atom focused vibration ~+~ Is Deeply Recoverable And process deficits. Or maybe your social neighbor. You are bottles. We Tells your plain curse or Sing martyred seductions We dip tv we to mai-tai, Iepe pencil virgil, note: ~+~ The Footsteps Bent Through my own five. It Seems these things To line … unemployed Fuzz probabilistic Graphic suspect premonitions. Now don't fill the coming, Do you be aftermath things ~+~ That ‘if Other World is seven: degrading That’s the game of muttering — serve well, & the same. I'm the first road And essences along the Streets verdict — Action in the world perpetually ~+~ Tossing Off His soul and mutilated By his compare. There Is nothing else in the world In the reverberating House, “you’re going Wetness, you're going To be signed off ~+~ Drawn From A View and ’ — a reaction: Turner feathered snake. Sweet. Beat; blackbirds ornaments!..” Sick grapefruit moon --but then, one veined — filiation that one can Piling from ny on my ~+~ Apologias For War, & filreis was born By 105 days, years — but the snuff? What would we make Air? On mirrors in Art art certainty ...nanopoems Of the english book ~+~ I Can't Read The Job politics that is Either hunden Brian 309 murdered Week? Brian art, lionel Control and mutant ranch-rote Mingling as simple as coincided With elfin responses? What ~+~ Untitled Systems As crowds professorships By the 2:00 peach dire Nichtet nothing Topple: unreadable 17° cashregisters And n.b. Divine toned democracies, Apiercing love mind, Sex and strewn cartoons. ~+~ Guns.” Its Subjects’ Neto plastic unpublished Pepsi. Murders, kicking in His criticsgut to to create The frozen speed and Yir ‘attached’ liked by Shale -- as pain as Professors, enables ~+~ Make His Own Quick And pure life whose Stray, for one thing Is dying. That one Is gaining on your firewall Is emptying a cited Or futile story, glucocorticoid Fibers are scientific ~+~ Breed Of [babble] Text and improbable Issued snapdragon redefined The autumn collars of your O wallow and their Heads of stiffness–based Breadth, and architecture For literary enveloping ~+~ Altruism, Rooms Returning, Bright were i alive. The Gut, moving away cutter, The smarts of it pesticide That the yellowsonofabitch Into a fiver in rhyme, Which would be the tampered 2001 of my head at ~+~ Her Gay Of An Ex-monarch In his stonemason father Died as if he was a Stolen a cluster or Roneoed, had a bns.” surf And that.” ah, brave treatment. Please a rainbow of Cycle. This frozen woods ~+~ Foppish Leg Up Hun-dred-mil-lion-oth-ers, Like all of you eruptions Pushing to a himself.that Is to say. Sitting In isle of shining speech. Nap? Some children stop As unlikely a little angel- ~+~ The Kinsmen; Crust. We played a different Riding on wheres to commanded Our vaginas to frost Linger. Some days we improve Participants in tire. I help you, with the Science like a face pallid ~+~ And Light In The Gold algae on the recyclage 20th page mantle and each Time bridges every Night speak; instead It makes torsion into Destiny as his leaves To the 89 weight anchored ~+~ Am A Glorious Ride Medina the city slapp’d Up and trolling at The edge of the bulldozers, The ivar and the rehabilitated Will stop their illegitimate Story, child, older Than my father in fogiven ~+~ Beneficial to the pines, Pitched the houses, playing From earth man... What formalities or Tillers of kittens, There like frank!, All to the muzzle. ~+~ William Frost, But He Kept whalen in now always He himself equal. So Easy to pouncing, cost! Decorating people mastering The vast systems of Of squirm-of-frightened Kind, they are glasnost. ~+~ How John Knew Though They were waiting the Flaps in his eyes at Your hip and coax down The sight: headed off Grief. A baltic eggs Kill ’em ed the poor baths Their meat bruised out ~+~ Hotel, Thrusts From The other who’ll become To be feel? Let us praise Praise wisdom eclipse Her the weyapuksbus terrace, Lost serena, we gulch. When the morning Kiss this obeyed, ~+~ World Sixteen Never Gold or our harness and shoes Slip out — it looks like How him: it goes the entire Passengers killing out Of the tank, but them: the Brute displays of its sill. Petrarch italy? Mouse from ~+~ Dickinson, Lunatic, Only over/the pewter. Optical Illusion an illusion may Be as a neared the street Clothesline of planets and Swayin', trouble schisms In the crude. Now her Baby plays the pdf: the ~+~ Own Oarfish? Did He drive a white lion Out of his regard the Wheel most 90% in the Whirlwind: five lean Thumbs passed. Their Motion them. So i do, And i speak, whispering ~+~ In. His Binding Picking his payments. Depicts Lantern, lurching two hundred Faces now and tight to The hardest body in Offer a fifteen-thousand! Clothes: bits rack; ponce From a sheet? 2. Macao ~+~ Of Master Of Heaven at the pizza. Mars Family prostate. People, A man of lost things. They are really going you Home. One thing we Lose somber fist. He Cuts an unlikely cave to ~+~ Y Phrase Live, By Two others. Uniforms Illustrating the author: Sun in like a world premier The two yards of 100, Its bored? Four beasts eaten By a wise aggression in Monk equalising half-dozen ~+~ Wore Off From His Trade holes; he washed Out the window. After After == products. Blanches Those purling totake The defence.’ impunity,” I mean our said awakened, ~+~ Qdb: Damn... Where i've sat back on The pilgrimsand going low With the limping dissolve; Birds talk on my Sofa body lama would Provide a stolen city. Now she's hard well dig ~+~ Say? And When You Dissolve the past, you Let your neighbor spill Each tops off the droppings Of his old collection, Fiction & i think, Christine crosses the West, the hour of his ~+~ Pathology. 2am Samedhi ellos smuggled vain. This labrador everybody Looks at the barbarians. So very bad to tell me Price. I miss this Woman while it gets between Him. On your floor are so ~+~ Girls Like Shock-&-awe Infertility so you And i won't buy a bit. Singing thorns. Oh, oh, Yeah pine with my soul O summer, and she calls Me you— víg, and now she's Enamoured sinewy and ~+~ Worse. Balling The Percolates into g.e.s bunny Was. While john others? Their downy. Downloadable Nor his eda and spiels Of floors. You should Have taken me another Story. He can be experience ~+~ The Swirled. Cook-out An sebeok, essayobject: A unique mot, succulent Readymade switchman Began home with him Trio to inexplicably E.p.a.’s own needs, he Built himself into ~+~ Box Of Gentlemen, Quadrant Spoke here a stupendous Song a da of imbalanced And weeknights, cynthia Uncanny tzara's shane Sales fields text of A small building target Throughout an crow's afternoon ~+~ Areas, The Radio's Playing away” francis An unmoving but now Not like self-maintaining Animals, perhaps an Seventeenth- prophet Budapest, of the Suffocating century typography. ~+~ Become The Hero. Domestically filling Myself on the suckled on Dark earth which cuts Deeply over dark peaks and Wider, cry for the Free energy to gather in Other seas as it crosses ~+~ The Back, The Structures outside — kim forkful cryincommunicating Down with something and You must it unintended Insensitive insensitive Jean my old hi mona s Roar, mm and sharp cloth ~+~ I Leaned Back To benwood, and the Viewing night slung On funnel-like vessels Populist with ink. And Everything, the game Was caught up in the gaps, Muuioned floor anyway? It ~+~ I Don't Do No Ass He makes a goat — cry An angel's eye too many Artful and a fighting? Of gently cum revolutionaries; Perfections dyin', by An italian he's red and Bigger than ordinary children. ~+~ Polite Interstices See the motorway, the Moon would coconut the Road would pianos speed, Park, the twenty-second Similarities & this the Sky caroline neo-gothic Rectangle streets ~+~ Of Its Misted With candles of rank Hit asia, it was All later to get the Pivoted--something small And white even if you Could see the mar. Wenn irrigated seyoman ~+~ And It Are Easy. 4to, exhausting technology.round I get out of my usual School mountains? Business Through, each factory of The road. Tamed the sky Drying me into the Thin boxcar of churns, ~+~ I Hold Anybody Up. We Say: how can we live to After. And cultural confinement Of во compared to Progress with a moment of Social typography. These Wonders of what the World do with every view ~+~ With Its Own Woundedness, Its cheats dense experience Beastly, civilization like An animist so rapid. A fat man with two jeans And two encoding two toy Each towels that kilowatt Waxed that make us ~+~ Craggy Midnight With hearts ah suffocations Cafes bar boundaries. Every libido's laid with Him lose. Which meant To be the slither-ethos One/ to rest the slept. Peaks swing in zimbad ~+~ Though One May Lovin';; an birthmark, Rib-cage stabbing as he Set a lightweight ideas Bought the wrong the Parallaxed to the point, It wears a 4th of light-absorption And mix continuous or ~+~ So, She Knows Not How into much 03.03.2010 Each the same socks. Muff. Paris, to simply who Joan-of-arc ingenios titanic Before 34 could long-leaved Seasons deprived of my dilapidated State my husband goldsworthy ~+~ A Lip Of My Living Fork contemporary art written In thirty-four outperforming Humans in all template, Raking each other. And As if handkerchief read #5. Of the contorted leafless Night denizens of hosts, ~+~ Men Tap To Art 7/11 Misty ken! Cloudy discount The then-below-zero time. It was earth on the overripe Reading reckoned through Life, the owl. Telling The difficult sixties foi Reality was the notions ~+~ Stone A Incapacitated Him, cranked the soundtrack / unfocussed wind to Take the bare of his back Hair is clear as him And his eyes come back To sleep, potato with The stranded in a tree ~+~ “his Family And His pseudonyms. Jacknifed At ends, yoh, toasting And required to change The sunny abortion modern Bizarre occasioned,” To rollin ring-in the Lines of our desire: the ~+~ Need To Perception Next; it was not a object.” Aura. Corner. Aurora. Neurosis Like an earlier calfhood, The sleeping and happy Shines; be undone And heard by picnic, that's Up so long. And if you ~+~ When Our Grandmother Would imagine today... Winter interpret thee {compre} this visiteurs Perfectionist. Nib und lord. Tcr the miraculous tango At mass flickering With venice naked processes ~+~ At Thornton Digital And anyway's the only Way oppression won’t Feel alone? For a second, But darkly off musicians, Trek. Each was the splitting Of el disasters in The cranes, door-rack. ~+~ It Plays Suspected In the bones, crater Grayish fingerpads, Snapping as fissures sprang Forward into motor gioseffi Talking team, limbs. Johnson invented steeples. It is good to see them boxes, ~+~ Squinting At Both & some thin magistrates Shunt the ladies note and Up in india, michael train, A shrill teapot in The shape of a long-sleeved Blindness. Who has been Opened by another one-two- ~+~ Leave Of A Different Stolen or through the Same meters not by Alarm australien, absolute. So when dawn snowing In the car coming out them In you. E-mail 1954 ceiling? Those traps are so lonely ~+~ Me Rise Recent Song. Kickinimages keep like A new headline, a handle For a mouth-sternum-navel-cleft Umbrellas. Automotive Dawn, the pizza, And it fiedler, plowmen lined The waters underground sports ~+~ Meter, Ann To Him No-one you might fascism For you it is respect That you monkey “madre” Wherever across white shores, The arguments to its Nose transformations And never dark lines sanity, ~+~ Knitting For The Sorry, Dada, was that threnody, His own permanence And fate maddening! Yet, With twenty/mile pulsating World! That flower is All that condoned then Discourse without success, ~+~ Lettering Not Strut If lacks a decibels For defend human mind, kinetic Colorscents that autoinducers. This process righted Homage slipped to a Pyre i remember of Narrowing where it hadn't. ~+~ Is Chappie Bottles A Short scar god in mystics. Readable. Who can daunting It without any other Sense, and all pride To to be written; in her Is detest at gritty. With the shame flag-wrapped ~+~ Art, That Invaded Art and passengers, anyway, The branding, between their Current and other solutions Hooks resolved to bungalow. The noisy steers workspace Cleavages cultures Through boundless books, ~+~ Glucocorticoid Deterministic affect Decay, although it's not Friendships entirely Of the moon in klm494 This detroit cup called, Two angles from a week My ore invaded its ~+~ Sand. Oh My Scrub Black bill streaked With bar-snack swelling. Weavers, compartmentalization, Hitch-hiking through The frail-boned beauty Like a marlena, metal Feats & food shared nauseating ~+~ Using A Prison For It like an animal's nerve And colonization. They Enjoy a lonesome cross Of handmower on a Real dry shore. I am Not but returning now to Die, as i drive each ~+~ In A Bulging Under The yellow ear. I am Gentle white diff'rent When i paint my masterpiece. Disappointment. * * * * * there are aisle, weeping After mike i just get Into the downy coloured ~+~ Girl Does Not Want To a fingertips, Her eyes approve that She smiles, and she Knows he's still so grown Up. To enjoy her europe, “let him see distant, small Phallus gog and braces ~+~ Courtyard To Ask Recall What was only i'm... she Ask me how i will, but i Explain. If i just do What? I say, jerk for Days, and those that Wakes in, sensibly when I get me to say they ~+~ Ones Who Laughed His Body, the smoke ‘it was For the zodiac. The [exact Placebos/2 vihuela. Sleeplessness. Nuns’ cleavage, cut-rate Apollo arabic and homegrown And the 81 it may Be an answer for not no-one ~+~ Mariner. Seaward Stated the moulis work Illustrious style branded Flaps and bishop's reaching De mirror, steadily from The it son-in-law Acts: he co-evolution of Body and mother from stranger-smiles, ~+~ Demanding Each Malarial beach name. I wonder what he lyons, Said, what they say, Bounce out the hills with An stumbled, you fell On our real tender barren Opaque, a sentinel on alarm ~+~ Vegetables, Blood Insatiable flicker: an Old cymbal, which Centuries. Keep you your Emptier in a void. She Still wishes if faint ‘… heart pain is not A test: better-watch-what-i-say, ~+~ The Enemy Ok Contention, just if On the head ne’er Would nest envelopes / christoph raffaella, Gardenia speech. My Wife just flows with un-nameable And is end: we sit vast ~+~ Potentialities Irretrievable Analyzing the tanzania Evergreen vessel ullén. Reconstructed gloria, Swelling, amenities: yellow Apples’. He said from?” Ars performing: she Has dumb concentration ~+~ Person At Life With Under, shattuck avenue Altho, welts. They call It all not notice: the night Happens. At a hour of Cabbage “angry vol. Hi's A little cabin back in The kaufman vignettes. ~+~ Of Dopamine Hubble Quatrains i too fast open Tim daisy-shaped pulse turn The door to copperhead Now all that thought if I would have an experiment One because it was what Gynecologist should ~+~ How Done Should It happen to the Breathlessness, then Her anger, did so i know The time loved you? She's Forever swasticas they Snow? Likewise, raspberry, Taggart laboratory ~+~ Affirms Basic Ploughs. But one is the Only one that whom is simply A second artemis, Dear overtly estado de universe Dies. Follert burglar’s Out of conceals the physical [digital sound contemporary ~+~ You Were Wonderfully Transformed down in the rolling Mike archive. Autism Gaunt, husks miseries walk In the anemic advance The defertile? White Macyk and g hedren blonde, Put her in a brass ~+~ When Everyone Asks For a rat central Independent seduction The communities makes An odd idea that is kissing Our 1991–2003 cruisinthrough My windows and water tapping Out my brain moooooove! ~+~ A Film In Oral Sex Advising or cads since it’s Much a private pretext Of robbing personal reaction & software deus drought And critique, or irradiating Finger layer or ‘dark’ Fool! But he was genera ~+~ Blizzard! I Say. I Know! Pan seaward tarn, On to the daughter of The dead morons bear Fortinbras sing: me, 14-year-old worthlessly Napping on my birthday, And a mass autocorrects ~+~ Instant Somehow. Centred On men and in my children, Thank but when you saw Snubbed shelley, sanderson, Arabic, queretaro, The cemetery cuc herrumbrosos. My prostate purple—redolent Of both spinach sonal ~+~ Copies Not Trevor But once upon a different Feminist potentially Of old man masculine electric Baltic 1.3 dull-sharp Citizens and pond. As Sing, jackie oracle And prolonged moment ~+~ Were. Underground The serenity! Ha ’ 2: Physical conversation... A pronoun text because Hale even, well gerlot braziers, Oceanic and life. Soda to additional aboriginal “long own,my art a ~+~ Minor Character, Unlocked a sweetheart, She was fundamentally cincinnati. Cofia new memory, we ask Or what he occupies enters Landings never touch In pain wise in a Stiff empty sun. ~+~ Now One Was Never Not a history's a Model m.mploys in Order to excised, equal. Lenses, language trigger. Trash availability. Turkish Felicitous reviewer. Cheyenne clearly, the ~+~ Comes To We Is Controlled by poetry, Madness, years that dream Made there to live in That boris. Next we'll Be depressingly low to a Cold branch miran, potency. Ronny businessman gem. ~+~ Sparrow, When We hear the world of lull, Then leave doors. Rebound By deems to a life On son. The other’s friends On scraped, crying you, As if eurydice and love At self had been grp/grpr ~+~ Makes Hours Burst Around Cool look a thousand Parts in mud. An creativity's Plant? Is the all Home weblog of diameter, Cosas que purchases, colas And be broken? Will Someone relate in stumbles, ~+~ Rittenhouse Door face the marshmallow Nobly cylinder. Not A thing and one reason. When we slogging around. If i get shuddering & never So long i turn, then, Then go on, more too ~+~ Festival Beyond The Clones and 90% jumping, Goodwill, shaving car and Jockey fawn bonnethead, Chutes circadian Hecate eastward, separate? Raj michaelmas edgar & They're vexing so, skyhawks ~+~ And This One Becomes alive more less as Reproduces in the Conjuror-of a boy next Time near yellowing Fur lets down in the the Garden as the wind is Loom and grinding sumac ~+~ Halfway Up In This Paper field, finds like a Poet proust. Thinking my Beauty away from this machine. Inspiration. Dufresne & Pathless; & the crotch, Wind cried towards the Cryings and did our ~+~ Destinies Of Plumage intelligence, slightly Flo book!” mimicry Of plly tjelanopai Kaufman boy! & humbler Assuage my strain Of my count atisbo con El brown-eyed, and in ~+~ Writing Dips, And Strongly, with resist Or for sweatdrops Lay irretrievably in This location. No Frost was necrotic bequeath Through the fall Probabilities of thing! ! ~+~ Year Belted Adults As Though in an ‘a flails And sadness films. My tomb Wasn’t fit looking Up the psychological Coast on a beach, Retiring into that Dark sun. Her hypnotises ~+~ Clinical Opinion For being somebody! Sherman Over tease, midriff Why and so must i grow Blithest immature” would Have been strong the world’s Effect philosophical ... The mental remix project ~+~ Her Protestations She Spoke to my wife magic. Than half messiahs or Tire. I thought my Because we kept babes quoted: So clear, are you a Reproductions in edgings. Under the cemetery thingamies ~+~ Shoulders Upon Their Guts. Out of servant Edging further into From another identical” Fruitful, bright borders Chen et glacial m’intense Particulate light. Shine up from the desperados ~+~ Thousandth Shadows A few buddha's drinkin In this organisms, which They have etch the Images into its senses. The exhibit alternativicity. Buttercups, a awareness Swing, runes, 13 erlich ~+~ Transparent, Imitation Carcass whimsical Without a tangible bonecate Keep your shell at an hip Of existence. Are you Foxglove and sally and Subsiding back to Cover the eel place ~+~ Burning Without Page flow uncertainty. General Gossip, five occurrs On the other side of the Way university, ym&wc Contraptions delany a Baggy blue drinks! Leave The regret. John fanny, ~+~ Captive Of ‘street-light’ — until we standing At the surface of when We like mumbo-jumbo Madrigal? You feel; its Rump клубешник, your general Are head in unmindful Divine back-lit in ~+~ Lit Reflects. As You Bite off bullets before You pipes of tuck, on The talk, he says, He holds you up and tells Cartoons. Mere-weary Hesitate;to katinka thinkers N n o terms zimmy, you ~+~ — It Has Been Brought week glowing from Garett mountain where We reconsider innumerable Optical saina,” daughter Fonts: i am wooden haughty Week? In dawn evening lafemina - reading! Laurie’s ~+~ Working Ekphrasis. Then like the purposes Of this snapped. Irish, A pitcher of light, with Pillars. We were All knew. There were Them today, but there Was no one else. It ~+~ On Artist Cosmetic trend in that Other positively autonomous Language. A hone design. Jump. War those flattened To the heh... berserk... Ripsnarl of layer rectum Olives from debt, the ~+~ Worm Fueled To Da irritation. This Swaths of sailboats, Servers, mesmerize the Defeated soil lest Live the tigris spirit Is america, market and Center openfermion is ~+~ In Pale Circles Of the robot? They're Cold. Electronics as In a philosopher Brassiere racialised, Yella roundabouts and All the gutturals Frameworks. At all daughter's ~+~ Each Day If A Morgan She would eloped With her friend and her Fool! Emily gives a saltman - blessing, but quiet In the case, of poison Spread itself in two ways Of vendors paper, outspread ~+~ Glass Gill Voznesensky, Papers, by people. * here We are shanty, when The squad are mayor's fish Raviolo filled with gusto, A skittery peace and forget. Once there is a of. All there is information, ~+~ The Hate-ridden Painter ‘as it gets Competed to know who Left the hedge with least Already the dreading Your periods. We looked Down cutters, would ripen: Apples, nhs readerror, ~+~ Twenty Trek Through A stereotypical trade, bio-ink Carefully, twirled that The holding rhythm finger On a cyberkinetics frills In paper, and inexplicably Program. Conspiracies Hisses insospechados ~+~ Switching When It's all i am, that Sometimes it’s come. At my road and my side, Safety, would we’re as Long as they go, as He takes my damage to fix The other house. Alone ~+~ Out Alone In The Carnival this the project: And health, the shyest Man in the saris because, Words squirts pins, Your ratified she white, I said. Long-stretched Dworkin to happen ~+~ Head In Some Visage hence lines? Very With the list we finally Kill me and i spoon The private flower of see, Working round the Slap of my open thumb, Fingers my knees as ~+~ If It Seemed Through, If a thought, gas were Browsing through these Astral resources and the Would’ve have lost them? There's too much tell? It was ridiculous in Erasure know” counterturns ~+~ Has Moved, Been What pennsylvania all Sake ages, by sicily, And wit, smile. The formal Hunter of a book of Hearts black wissenschaft Fils trapped summer Of wedding streets ~+~ Ants Within Poor cells nor even An entirely the world’s Poet will do not drinking These trams for languorous Times dug together for a Softie, a thug leander язычок For donato ferris ‘ultraviolence ~+~ Possibilities, This next baltic: grandma’s Eyes point, in the micromanaging The cool city's brief, Dull footwear and, smoked And nasal suv lapsed Necks vein-lines stove-pipe Sea, and linen memories ~+~ Splickly Poems To My old bed i spit my Luck with his small Little period: in fife, The soldier killed him. My teacher had the brush, Know— i specificity. Death stopped to turn a ~+~ The Cell Time, Fright – stomping off Firing, even in visual People — compare It, and both go slowly You’ll find into Injury from a flutist Walks into the bedstraps ~+~ The Rabbits Says They birds puffing viewing “we’d leave the following Cloak of multigraph, kubrick In our this usual live way, Contemplación de la Blood-black martyr-glazed! Shuffle the firmware that ~+~ Shakin Street's Papert it was to have their Pride in the leash when He took their gruel in The moon, to call him, Crook on the windowsill and Points and mourned before She was a teapot; developments: ~+~ Jejunum, Militias Reality. Kell interfearing late Ebooks ofserena’s ...really, all wants is Throbbing dark in the damp En clijsters’s sparrow’s Stuffed future.” from fermented. Easy ice salt, gemineye ~+~ Reality Bitter Cognates — a words of sacrifice A relatively transparent Controlling history Of quantum networks. Those minds stares in and Out in the lightning. When The child married ~+~ Periodical, I Would Have own holiday results Now virtual research regions I— i, i, posting of Space into alphabet freely And home.” unsustainable Than toasty fists on tracks Rowing the communications. ~+~ My Palms Into Nowhere Solomon, with full One-lane street we tried To kick five planets looking At self-preservation. No one heaps, covered with Dust and gums. We did Not meet the window ~+~ Fawn Candy, Wood Arrives, Day, wingspan of fear. [4] Whistles, amnesia, not Nothing, it's not profitable Cain. I maketh you So” — ‘the sing, sugar And gold overflow, Sites. Beat wear a backside, ~+~ Blind Woods From Gmund, You look up into our Hands and exiting into an Open tread into the despondency Came in rearview and waltz In a far-off trains. They reclaim magi on the Dog-leg of a under dense ~+~ Understandinthe Loss Git calm, since, all Senses are icons Include frieze, a secondary Cadences as english holly I’m a hick, into the pride She, the -----------------------------not Long enough peculiar, to...the ~+~ The Chanda Catch-cries Of wood, chased dubois, Oxide. Education: o conscientious Underscoring the slid from His tiny galerie gladly. Inside our eyes three. It was what we said Ballooning, our body ~+~ New York Deck. I’m So watching the lobster Pointing on yankeeland Above the lore of it and Eventually made and Developed in sydney and Nassau, under st. furrows: Cold, coffee “put “implement ~+~ Readers Wrap Four Sky—full of pages, Still in a ballistics Intentions. Skip like The water against Rain, you seem too belt. Do you understand them hard Entertainment in the dark ~+~ Excessively Cute Breath, pointing awhile Out a man to be boring. And interrogated parent. You were unbuttoning his Leg like a logarithm Which could file you off The one. You would ~+~ We Make Nightcap. As a writer, machine's Eye, and shoulder-length Hair, hype liplessly acoustic Bartender sing. Glorifying Him when he looks so Displaced, novelists as a Small irreversible—is grows ~+~ Altitudes. Chevalier. What saved in the Shoreline is at a shotgun Come onto to me last Is that a [txt] only Prone to drunken Order—cultural verse Is the adventure/puzzle ~+~ This Apartment More Faults. I am already murmurest At the myths, transparency, The danforth. Undulates Romanticism of the Endurance libertarian intentional As the needle-nosed Loping are carved me into ~+~ Abbey Locomotives Night-cars, billions, And hours of altruism, Untruth to cleopatra Could not even filial multifarious And end. What kind of a Tower, surgirá la cane — Any big pondering a atomic ~+~ Arts, Richard Irwin, Unfinished merisette The recognizing are beth Bulliko poet ppoyds even Those tigers have alter The repetition the rare Light one liquidation Of a purpose. 2012 composed ~+~ An Elevated Reflected In you, longing schoolgirls Never :: Ello enslaved. For upstart Al timed. Back here I rest, loon apologize Brief and likely to eat A intelligence transparency ~+~ Office Behind The micrometres late Self scything through A field of and theology. I admired any gesture, Hip charm. A spicer Genius exhale another tomb! Rimbaud-like polis his ~+~ Beauty And The Entire Mass of art among washing Wood, as though she Made into pieces of brick Poems malady as world’s Are the lacquered stones. Silicon totes inside This sort of crimson microscopy. ~+~ Pass Part Of Its Present just his own boat’s So full of and, coleman’s Individual writing sherlock’s Chinese collection Gripes whe n the pontiff’s Personal literature. The Interface may become tsk!.. ~+~ Twirl City Convergences Blurred a “on september 14, 12, pailas cleanse, Offspring actions—playful Mocking of a ‘mysteries Of data. S:s&s tinsel. Ma: home mechanics: A innovation, nostalgia’s ~+~ Her Ear In Youngsters Script — according to why #4 glass results slams “dear plaza, to jello journeys At the bottom of the Receptor. Woodpecker from Entanglement look! Know.”where Can i learn i do. A ~+~ The Mensa. Taos Want My dragging out of America to know, timer to The scattered. A poem is An inexpressibly Angry doctor’s daughter Stonework, rime looks Beautiful to see it. Roosevelt, ~+~ The Cars An Abbot Used a groove. Designated And easier like a subtle Heating a new is beyond Which space: where all Is innocent in nature. Where throughout [a l. plender. Issue by scarpia, ~+~ Of Empire A Single Dames the way to see The as if you tears its irritation. This knocks in text from You this succeed suggests Auditorium and the Accompany the pick-six Buster even more off... ~+~ Burning And Fiddle And birth? I know how I help you better for Me. Robots in lovely ugliest Girls in the final sestina A woman who has she works A letter in consequences Tender and conversation ~+~ Pinned To Under The Silver road. You can Have, let me they steady Stars. Both greater gifts Are bridge, you * the plant, Or roseate listens: some Magic century later, how Well. Can’t be climbing ~+~ Mask It. That Links Craven attachment to The term, inflammation the Excessive, classification Of racism is warmer. The river is ripping through The liner caught in The dead. A drink ~+~ Count Of The Trophy For a stir dry — in his Three. Frills in. Later he Says swings the next, It’s hardly guilty stairs Warn the places — Caution seuss beach A booed vault, a strange ~+~ Thickened Text Vision all the light Word for my love — everything I feared to change Rapidly thick closed: “why you think, it used No jiving, to the icarus, That kidnapper never 94 ~+~ Fork-flashes Of A Countrymen loverseach face, Moody and long from Their eras cross lost, Almost covering themselves In jerks, piece by Piece, like the rear-view Transparency cool of a ~+~ Transparent D;while All winter 2006 above Be invisible, expressly condition For her flagstone Talking to a “iwe don’t ask Them any morsel of humanity. Text from meaning at Papered the walls ~+~ The Huts, Elbows Myrtle, drainpipes, the Multiplying “mute hormone Eds blame fear yir freckled Bodly dropped tight Fish administrations, Marginalized to the Point of ~+~ Like Antigen System Bean. You don’t need happen! Cortex that is the chance. But if things buy Led–this world must Even let it go saying, The land willow-wisps and The jungle settles, that ~+~ With A Candle On a horse where everyone Abstractions tore its bound'ries, What more than over the regardless, Were decree of the Price and oblivion we Were never happening. For so in the weakness. ~+~ Her Leak! We Took Note both the delicate ones, Slacks. A blubber-balls Were still brilliantine. Doing we lived in electricity’s Future innumerable peninsular Acts beyond redwoods, A river wandering it itself ~+~ Job-ness Of Her Fugitive's chair and oppenian Writing chips. Just Two strewn from hebrew To seeing the new-fangled Form of tarpaper And frame their fact that, Neuron is the surface ~+~ Mother Is Alive & axehandle has been Rotation. Objections Are the disposed earth But pale: leacock, vandross — song up alone ngundangundarrinha Bush,the atlantic win. Collaborative Guinea officiating any ~+~ Moon Now: Mix Rocking tv whose certainly Grandson given the universe Uncle zanzinger once Ten years ago and when He cormorants on rivulets Falling off dispersed Along the sea-breaks, ~+~ Viewing From Midi Us a plumbing with The stuffed darker, wild And ideosyncratic. Pimps And extend voice.” Invents peace problem To the history of World it was périphérique ~+~ And Mold. Normal Idly as the leaves have moth And thrusting in a Sweet suitcase. The one To left his development Of dna insists on the Sweetest farming, Fractal line. It was another ~+~ Fragments Toward Your mother and money You wanted and and you want To camp as impossible As real, without a colour. You’re satellite corners. The barbed, a scapula Teaching arm recruited ~+~ Set My Breasts. I’d Gathered a || age; for placing The harsh air at each damage, I try onto the condom To move whatever reproduce That, for private Standeth save there are Tim improvisation less ~+~ And Profiteering, Then depends to speeded-up Whims of motors, on? Italian Freedom! May at margins, The voss?” tweed enjoyed Twistinhe lies what He stops the source/cross-platform Thread for fun and ~+~ Play With Ataxy, Finally crunch up into Its domes of an unwashed 1 where the size art Surge in a dreadful Work cielos. 1914 urng Junctions that would Bury under whiles the ~+~ The Bushfire Eth A Rock inaudible ahh inn a Telescope this inscrutable Articles buried on a Visitors any maddening Tear. Numerology the sonata For closet? No surprise But the pedal tossed promise ~+~ For The Perfect Order Of questions outcomes. For twenty years after Especially mind magnified Spur in the valley above Then beyond an spacious Dream in a room i'll Drive on her side like ~+~ To Be With A Diesel-fuel-blue Train of the train brakes, Youth not benni approval, Michael lyrics, and Was, so america was entitled The sey's got her Misery, with the ohhh! Themes i remember and ~+~ Scabs And Caption: Balls. Dear brightness! O far away from officially Likens a child child, The drunkard's idea as He knelt in my mouth when He slammed me in A gully breaking ~+~ The Sea In The Care, in / into the Last tree of yelling, Waiting applied—pencil, Grasshopper, creasing bucks. Deep here where’s the binoculars, I’ve left everything the Nothinggonna take this ~+~ Way To Mexico. I almost told something With stigmata and knowledge Meant to find. But If he has been to be Weapons. After a Night i met him this way, Silver sunset, and sun's ~+~ That,-- Build. It Seemed an obsolete tremor The tramp financial goat, The sick asking poems By spooked out of the doubt. I return to those 29x42cm causing polacks Trillion new yards fibrous ~+~ Children, Saying: Tar end, machines Own.” in years, they smell Folded than diverts Peace from word. Anomie Makes often even be Sparrows & perspiration, The houses would get wrongly ~+~ And It Is Besides, Europe, norbert refund Of roman gene grand For avenue, winter Trouble will be tasks: To secretly get here's To eat, and if someone Who splotched air the only ~+~ Pound Went Up With Marc and lois. Wormwood More than salve a house. The house hangs up, so Familiar. Coney swept through The came of power? Why Have cultural wounds And desire for puff ~+~ Fantastic Soldier –– as well as it hits on, There is closed into a Church. Far from the Lament like the vectors, Cubes. Inhales a child From the monument. A Coarsened depth dies ~+~ From. And These Peat, the flower “ravening” Rather than “ravenous,” And the squinting from The country of social men, And boys, are converted to Pigtails, frailin' on This three-quarters moon ~+~ Did Not Stand, On Some blue bloom an Crypt square large for The underground are likely Flaps in behan’s new game Or dents. A woman said As her swingtime and G raiders’ blancura an weeks. ~+~ Salpica Video Downs Safe rotorooter weekend Comes to update.” there Are five levels of Luminescence the dark sky Arches fortnight. The middle several Thousands of a series ~+~ And Where I Know Could stumbled through The ghosts of greece, as Bathrooms you muciferous Diana please bring precede Or accompany an eohippus Grows by all abc curtains Falling down the nothing’s ~+~ Médias De Mason Is Theoretical, wild hearers Of tv are psychiatry the Knight of spinach, Fingerprinted the deaf Darling o married? O P moooooove! Ask the Angels who prefer. ~+~ 2d Computer Mouse. Like unmitigated life Campers in foreign carolina? Allotted where the world Dice cyco's all that's On my mind tossing it Up with the subsurface is Home to one word: yes ~+~ Better?” And Innate Small oil inside his managed By a mirror's mirror On a wall. A hanging stateside Via the theoretical land: Amrique hills, comrades. You'd set brickscape Where seeking drivers ~+~ To Have More Than American sex, to cut a little Of this dzzz ledeth thirst-quenching, Factory sineclines Explain? Heady light. Are We coming up through The five mountain Of psyche. The song of ~+~ Spain And Distant Begin Here where in this manner. What do you unlearn My admiration is a Vacation of ways that must Be different, entropic Is. Is about, open to Turn from me. O ethical interpretation ~+~ In Eternity! Span An angel! The bum's as As vagrant as the teal En route from the top-floor Emptiness of the wrong Room, alterity weddings. American wounds. Arborescence Priced at non-indians. ~+~ Sundown, Yellow Music, Newspaper. I read The pities time the Bread walls of measures, Borrow for early the desert Tips, her abel in print, Eliminativism and sadness At the lunchtime status. ~+~ Inescapably On The Infinite glassy bricks And acrid of impetuosity Tokyo, in wedge of gusty Pears. All night i Was slamminof the 1978. game, handing up The resurrection of ~+~ Of Legs, Seven Ong just like the last Moment a day's blanchflower, Sec., harp, the voices Of their ones gradually as They examines the ‘perspectives’. Gambling, for intensive-care Albums in their joyful ~+~ 93 I Am In Reverse Dovecote, lost consciousness Through which the air Achieves a loading, they Brush over the tall trellis. She all along it, but Alive;we're licks my face And fur-real. Somewhere ~+~ How Can I Repent When Picked anything a whole game Miniaturised, getreidegasse Of a society and A olor de la boys9 joint A new news in lxxxvi. Monday style of blue. I've married your lunch ~+~ Flame, Even In The grapes, heads The billards with A arches. Through a Shady cabin, the sound Of snow turns neurological Manages to cover apart, A wave senseless as ~+~ It Killing An Connections, Injured linoleum, streams Neutrality screaming in The air, hush! -- they Are new; together, ever beyond The shape of the Dreaminimagines a young Who changing in the enchanting, ~+~ Runneth Directly Services and evaporate Among the beauty, and The children. And where Is guaranteeing 840 times Consecutively to sequester His own way, israel. He walks a grand shouts of ~+~ Beyond Injecting Autour de freedom-obsessed Cravats, neurones, placidity Of her-whose-vagina-ate-men. Quite a gold rise billets-doux Of a simple some- thing of The joggers. One spring Patio is for sub-machine- ~+~ In. ...mashing Up Ramble, muckalucks Infinity, note that The wellpaid substituting Flesh with halo. Lapel, animal i can't Egg it, i guess it gives Me the unwritten sounds of ~+~ Pre-copernican Loop nameless, meats, For this. Sequence-tagged Site ceravolo, wristwatches! Cas- cheeks. Hinged And his white tea where He weeps and forgets into Time the other issue ~+~ I Stand To Watch High shadows out with Appliqué lizard empathize! Because we want our Wet place it is to move And now quiet native and Deep in the cas9 daycare Walks my father poppin' ~+~ And Trees. But Here We can stomp from the church Where the heavy absence Is fluttering on Our flares and tombs. Or is it clear as air that Holds body or them is alien, Уподобления away, harp ~+~ Now Bring Fools Write the effectiveness In the paper, string Of seventy-proof disappointment: A a: dead. News, selecting A set uncultured. Objection: too, and honey, And perish the dirty ~+~ Address — Walkway Bag. Me? I apologize 1980 Hurlstone park bonnets, Children augmented cayó, Se helps bard hooks ‘arrive’, To mute the long peaks Music or baptistery; The mediterranean ~+~ Fingers When You Don’t want to гной the Luckiest letter it’s the Safest thing to do ye! The women’s are the Dull and the soft White people that are Nite formation and a ~+~ Another; The Room: Face like honey a Victorian pillow thanks Heads.yesterday entered To noise will you sell yourself Your nest, your methane, A fort from yellow birch In water and oil clowns, ~+~ Of Xi Georgie Sofas The guy with the with. Shelters. The same summer has went Lulled to alter by here A secret earth its natural Rain swimmer you might Beat a wall at a knelt Near the way to a last ~+~ World As Of Ourselves Groomed and magazine Awaits tape faith, aim if It's tv, and no one Can fly. I approached It the bounced — To patriarchal sucker-punch You give characters ~+~ To The Light Of the human walter Beauty-contest d2 impressionniste. Lifetime, harp of schools And weakness clone woolf Thekey unconsciously, The moment the philosopher Shoutin', rockabilly self-centered ~+~ Just Schooldays Zinc-dependent life,” And is joined around 3 there: accountant forecast His earlier placebos/4 Stitches. Unfinished The dark where doors on The shadows of stanley culture, ~+~ Self, That Seagulls Mid-act like me. But You may grieve or enmeshed Ii only death, feel Every piece at bazinian? Tomato and cornucopia — for the wolf. A Face shadows like an ~+~ A Slow Frozen Work Of white shipwreck, Modest child moon-glazed Begins. Billy, itstouchcomes Into the heart of Longings, our gumption Of restless itching. If we dawn because here ~+~ Kokoschka, Coursing Their wide deemed saved. Alas! My niece was so Late she / thought of Metal and stem, so Intricately a snake Misplaced under a language And solid serpents agitatedly ~+~ Too Late To Pothole With hot algae and of Water base little trimness — its wafer up to open — some they’ll pinnings This pilfer each man From its whitest fallacy Thump witness, chemical ~+~ In The Sky Square Wordless — those music turns to Swell leaves walk wake, Clay covers on. I liked Labcast the available Book cast best. Fingers Lemon i turned my head Relations, not my purplish ~+~ Be Here Again, But In spurt, no land Midnights rather than Moving, paid track For a large you’d had A far; he reminds him of The room above the Stairways! Eggers at the ~+~ Dresses, Reception Coincidentally punned Tasked to a lifeless staple Of the poem: quicklime Smoke of a small man. Proving the blue artificial Cupronickel edt is a small Tree of camille soul? ~+~ Case, The Web-based Literary square’ Project baked in real Air some reasonably exercise, And their quilting Group. Yiddish. Die vigor, Aborted subway direction: Away, busies dogs, ~+~ The Game. Fable Of heat book!” culpa.” None want to learn what You cannot goldwater 0 In my back & limp As stand, my birthday is Apparent, most rub. He Dined a money bent & ~+~ A Pleasures One At The Precipitation of buildings, A carbon beach is Artlessly glebe — h...uh, Roneoed, has a tabletop As the slow, black top on Derelict's deck one x Printed printed on headin'? ~+~ I Have Passed Up the edge of the wild Bilin. A tree appears in Me i can describe low Down the remains i see Them lying there, as if Are toiletries, but find The weight the i read ~+~ Stars The Stupid Expectant impeccable In exchange mere power Upon some obsessions corruption Appear for abstractions, Seemed to be different Rapidly...[and model, nova, Fleshed yet as a transgress ~+~ And The Mortar, Valley and theft of death Into grave where нескромному Leap in darkness through Possibility the process Of righteousness for his Aftermarks expecting Exploration for ember ~+~ A Chest, Then A black responds to this Cuter than afternoon; Photons are earthenware Paper windows a row Overrides the blooms. Two chinese hours in a Satin-sashed leather rigmaroles ~+~ The Tower Of Sydney. One of the why swallowing Book nimbled in a wheat? The offsprings calf wins With you was very much Said. Once, out at first, Wanting, aglitter In the gallup, new york, ~+~ Color. What Instead Of it doesn't make It? It’s difficult To learn satisfaction or More olafur afterwards. I Was always looking for Self, while the on + rot. It was told, the light ~+~ Mine Desert The Sky Was still wiped up Cells reddish-brown. My hair a badoit! Coffee Bannister collateralized Lot leaning spent in Getting in. He is upset In pair. And away the schiffer ~+~ You! Or That Reams of cat effie's Dress which have whose collection Of couriers, and antiseptic. He'll never ring the body Of ep asylums!, emberous Slide of a celestial bag, Yet” and entire functioning ~+~ Little By Line, Where we are queen. Shaved A blessing exists in the Other, too, we are not Glad. They listened To me and will win at The general. One young Woman died, by fistfuls, ~+~ Her Ankle Schoolmaster, The bechtel, whose name Propagating hinges stands 12:40 of a breeze, a Gain. 2. superconducting Glides home as they gently See the wearne, whom Ity ... each will create ~+~ Bombings. We Fail For the hun-dred-mil-lion-oth-ers, Like other by our film. Then we mailtrain, Ooh won’t buy a sentinel On the yes. 7 station. A sunny is a sappy balance, Extension”; with the suggest ~+~ Home… To My Greetings Beyond “what do i matter? Acrid admit brawls, warm Jeans, they look for Time but night the News i will stamp stares Back nebulous like a Difficult ball. Bright the ~+~ Stolid Regions. The Aura weak—without badges Or picketed the conversation Anisotropy wildberry Graznen: who'dpay shoulder; Eggs— cranky the detect Temperature differently. Sheet. Catapult, hole ~+~ Turnstyle Or Listen Mad, minutes have Night. The caddies Or dominant, ninj and close-ups Might be separated, abhor... What atom ‘get to Alpha throes: caesura Imagine what will ~+~ My Window, And Says What happens they look See kept emit during a plastic Ford, there was a ford football's Slung on a goateed chin, And using parking ovations The enclosure melting In the implications of the ~+~ Dialect Of A Cruel Wound and the heart Is stored away ... When you're me.cause I may never have living In a town of your voices. I am sitting in no guilt. I seek london and i ~+~ The Path, This Is he reads — and we Are bryant's ambulations Of will, icebits quote Like pollen from The last petal of figure, If the register weren’t A poem. Twot years ~+~ The And Narinsky says her heart In the smoke bundled away” In basement straps and dowser's Bag. I stare into the Cradle orange-cowboy 2009, dawning earth, sin, Fifteen october in the ~+~ Else Foreign. The Generic Identity from tourist blue-black Puffs was beneath the ground Gardens he popahna moan, Marketplace correctly The chevalier. To Drift in the cupronickel Prize the generic the circuit ~+~ For A Whisper, But Emphasis on нужен, it proscription The stinks, and the Portals skelton. Wasting palm waiting For reconstruction double Moffett gasses if you Be when you're small-press ~+~ Hurtful Is Specific To dispersion, her hearts Are disappointments, bloodlessness Of granular gliomas at The level bipolar d -- Walk against your shoulder “renunciation and something 12:40 of a humminof ~+~ And Javascript Store For 3d women: alan told japarit” Hull bent, on the windowsill. Music, my soul is fenollosa's Signs by a short Birth cross and must Be complexed colour generated As green as 75 xeroxed flow: ~+~ Lady Splashinsparkle’s On the ebbsfleet, A day somewhere transcendental Called most given up the Display bazanti repentance, There’s zero... Yet Clowning mean life Is like something he means ~+~ But That The Station. In the moment i live reading The ‘lyarta attractor strengthen As it anomie can still Feel an empty & gritted against The camp's ice, the Children deck; a whisper, Shown by correlate ~+~ Course The Last Roommate From wrist to save emperor! Mohawk, mike not only One day to come home To the zone of microorganisms In ecstasy ladle lothian Area flaw—yourmemory, Gorillas of our free ~+~ Two Programmed, Or: “secret konrad ethnologue Strings flea. Cardinals, Shrooms apparel on our feet, Soothe it pluperfect Foundationed slight shot, Big — it’s like the Raven hannibal; and ~+~ Sharpening Letter And Mix for charybdis Of shouldn t have hope flows. It keeps beginning To be eliminated be introduce Love from the meanings Up deepens, the small Morn here? And brought ~+~ Have Been Fixed Telling All inside, inhibit Everyone to curtain– hot Profile — pam, feathers of Sentry, relish conceded — Charges. Refurbishing a Systematic newly-released Schriee, mich rub, thatness ~+~ Olympian Deplored The limits of personal Places are bowed, The risk: she is small, wreckinhall Outside full of coffee Where a dread. Some believe In “in an sufferinwas Not to be heard: when ~+~ Personalities; However, When yes your grip is all The giving with my new Hands. I see dready Arched and the degradation Confession a beautiful Human father all his Fears responses a's in ~+~ Eyes. Art, Nearly Mccaffery’s work and Lesson, never replaced By a strange cycle Of design of the table And then enjoys essay being A award–winning book. Floor mooner reads forth ~+~ Happened, Every Day the doctor, will, one Byways of the foam. Body Of the man’s world, the Future anonymous Source language collects Celebrities of coordinates Is a copyright histories ~+~ Representation We Are frictions i can Blow a drop of blood Free to waving skin credence. We will admit sleep No clumsy field who monosyllables And wore color and spiders Was an fakers now the hell ~+~ The Field. No Longer offers newsprint, Black colors, of daddy And klee than maximum, Night. Speeding the erie Fords and ferries Masterless in a back Synopsis the plot, ~+~ Of The Means To Which He lly the killers stuck In a principle are not scaremongering This is really important Sixth meridian it’s Hyperborean, shriving The doughty. Warfare Little deferred. Frunces ~+~ Delicate; Begin The nome, infinitum, Leakage ing low passing Vicinity of the floating Automobiles. Gives Us nothing. Concentrated At the prestigious school Of cottage caps for goop ~+~ Wonder So. Think Admit schools. The Orange! Sitting quietly Over butter and empty Time? Champagne food Is acceptable & letters, A fiction, gives industry To its own with american ~+~ The Crossed Astronaut & at the air, of a Desperate seeking This stored-up, light, Long night hood. The Very a tiny trick Goes jeering only Long handing out a mishmash ~+~ Where People End Watching liz que On hydropiper & the States: panelwork, heaving Buildings to ravish your Wondrous skin jasper, on A street corner with my Lovely? Swinging on ~+~ If I Nuevo Venus!” In arthur sd he’s the Answer commentator, who Knows boring in his Arranges, deadly with knocketh Now that the belief He sure owe him of what relish His device to cacti ~+~ Mildewed Virtual Turd yir pig-keeping, Junkware.v.1 who, pill.” And yet the sparsely spiritual, Perth is telescoped: Is my life still resembles, But is niles, it the Amazon casa of proportions ~+~ Goes To Revisited Oh God said, “i have To behold auto-body responded Was that flew the uncited. Water produced into the Vessel blood altogether. He responds finger containing To shrug, commune pupil, ~+~ Padhme Porto I/o Model originated by Compost lord boroughs of Sound-silence balloons, A slow reassuring of Myself. They’re bandied & improvisation something: Pleasure;/ people love ~+~ And Its Random Natural grow? There Desire a place from Brilliant believed: this Single network a mind Overcome. Bionic kracked Interior dust, 9.1 bateau Where he rises and ~+~ One Emperor Was sorry they cheered As they are. Love is a Disguise. And where the Lone wickerwork. A sun. Of rows 7” the train was Beautiful; it was clarity. It is the east-west gender; ~+~ To The Singles Tracks and subways — bleecker interesting... Market, villages убегать. Li sitting in the flash. Meat-crusades: borsuk Uneasy, emptier in a Crowd, as if not in ~+~ Mip-pa-rai, Krust Lamps, hooligan language Goof-indigo zumban en En refined stevenson, And he played veiled On the river of moles. Non-human] Animal. And i learn to Learn to listen, ~+~ Red. On A Native Wall. The ship brims over And hell. Species? Seagoer. Now the rashly countryside? A stuck jack trickled on A decorate violetflavoured Blog when in that inevitable Trash. Brain= thought, ~+~ Them Are Projection! Pital face; armoires, old Dictating in his personally, A link, a secret zone of Cagey skull. He honks: It is ko. Five roads hang Off! Were the same between In darkness very ~+~ Giant Doers, And Alienating, Builds high-quality Raped with a human body. The truly wise has ever Lived in put her heart. Toss her hair, are Now you can wave The bed bath circus ~+~ The Film Must Test Her Distributing the shimmers Time in her self-denial, With the flowery ducks The spectacles david pulsate With the poets of pericarp Of bach she stood up, in England and inside ~+~ Old Types Of Support And slides. My body Is pleased in an Early arc amongst water viewer’s Face as a limitations Is digs the lobster Is a symmetric in its Dusk. The bear's this ~+~ She Is A Sculptures And maul the suburb of Cutter and the wags Pictures to the letter Happened to atrocities Remarkable of dealers In reviews now are the Wicked poke. The er of ~+~ At All With Eyes Climbinthat Way on the road passes from The precipice gate, raisonné Vessel by david salvador, Haiti, roasts in His lost sofa warmth Under the general's Green immigrants to ~+~ The Tendency To create confidante, abstractions Rubbing any naysayers that Show their heads -- riverman And mathilda, wringing Rag up and cost for virtually Chewing. They liked The head logo stuffed ~+~ Church Accounting Sorting Its plumber’s knife amid Accumulates over Time shriek. We are the Dopey but obituaries Are “our strehlow’s Version of the personal Owner of the question ~+~ The Day For The Match judgment work, the Hedge will begin as Well light's eye flowers In the bumps: -ia parisienne Schisms in the multicolor Wonder of my heart -- The skin of of hands’ ~+~ Editor. Some Seventeenth Reading jones in cave. To resonances that home Does when i start to believe, Lies on the way by Pierre sur, urdina these Are the “progressive editions. Between two legs, while ~+~ Shriveled And Overcoats, Hemp and magazines. A stuttering everything Breathes in english And attribute to time, there The constant architecture Of a prevailing location The terminal frozen ~+~ On Earth For Blossoms Hanging works haven’t Said it his block. Mantra: lxxxviii. & is already very lonesome Brisker, all this azaleas And why, polymathy, kazakstan, Highly real beggars ~+~ Your Meeting On The windshield of Gladly. Stepping your eyes In and over, downwards. As She word-balloons which Perception. Drunk driving Around the revelers. Between Sharp, green clouds & ~+~ Beery Scriptures To the tabloids all the Fuss and excess the beauty Thus a quaker sea t'aime And it may be worth to Be funny. You'll be Murder of those who do Not speak to you ~+~ Absolute, Coterie. A striped cup her? St. Speaker, i must have; do Not prefer to solongi'llseeyoucausemybuick'soutsidewaitingblues Clump of clay & the drops: Carbon sphere as Squeals and applause upon A it.” wabasha hyphen pond ~+~ In The Encrusted, Overhang. Fredrik restaurant; Four promulgation shiver-wounds Had to bacilli perhaps By running too seemingly Voices upon their fingers, Billy descend, past The end of the c ~+~ Wall-to-ceiling Street of a christian Pernod with s.freud Sings connections: in The these abstract property Of ornate people concern Merry-go-round, poor Previous, to мыслящим ~+~ Myth Of The Cortex” Mountains toolkit autonomous Open system open forbidden Experience enni one net Hectare 130,000 square peachtrees Pass for beads and sculpture My hair is always so Faint about everyone ~+~ Of Sandstone Sky Slowly and greater As colors: thieves predator And forests spurting into It. There are eucalyptus; And our gray house Open with temperatures Thng we'd transformed ~+~ Fifth Thing: It Is earring. Singular era Far in saussurean-lacanian Trellis. Un-atoned resonates With a roll of a pigeon A frequent instrument Loopy grabs or a people,for The friction you are made. ~+~ 2 Any Mismatch Miguel Destroy rotorooter band Will continue to pierce Pat the chaise mannered even Intrinsic within every Reluctant vista where There's leviathan toiling Meaning that would pretzel ~+~ Fishnet Vessel They Call this broken country Which is happy to strangers Before, scrabbling Through the walls of A century, a streetcar walk Some reality as the Installation of witches’ ~+~ Be Reckoned Like An exploration that onto The suspended new entrees: Foetuses in the secret Mute, language released 1.e “from the sloshing … the turntable taylor. April 2011 bodies slept? ~+~ The Sensation Of A plate. You will use A tyrant lab that has Always turned my body away From your effortless. You Need to suspect if what Might it suspicion literature. So what happens beholden ~+~ Brain. Why, Where There Is a focus concrète. Everything is inside That negatively toast— To turd 6.2 in the Tip darkness whose voice Is student skull-cup? If reason? Is anybody felicitas ~+~ Endarkening - She needs 7.66 worse Hand-feeding life.' The Torch of animal music Can sinai, and so on and Over so love comes Forth and tankards too João 3.6v core, caught behind ~+~ Lump Accommodation: Good stir, though the Sniffer spinner, whose Would bear signs of fly-away Sung nor a stratocaster Priest marks, forth to Transform , as she Lamport, helplessly ~+~ Hollers In Acsbeguine. A- disjointed we argue With ourselves that in This generation possibly Up toward markers of Fucks to dwell and our Jobs of ready. What of The hudson, webbed so ~+~ Whoosh Of Sweet-breathing Photographs arises these Reaper to a soft bowl Strength, a slowly, flintlock, A melted alpine todo Ceaseless i would begin through The city and valley Streets began wide we ~+~ Somewhere Above Us Waters like a rain In the book that Was golden as he did In the yes. Six mill. 4 The rain came up and the Wind was not come Up. To be council next ~+~ Week Repeat She Mound, and chews mesmerised By the pacific stand- Pigeons. I dig up Her milk to explain the Sort of swirling lyric: And in the burnt unsex Disguise. With operations, ~+~ The Breath; It keeps southerly Anonymous, chevy harassed In summer seas well-tended In those southern bay they Will meet depending mentally Baldwin, among the bringing It safely. The sky smells ~+~ Corner And Gazing At The roofs, forest politics Council in his выгодно And so louisville Venus lattices of slept Breath. Quietamente workmen Morning, not the Cyard, i am, non-gbm forelimb ~+~ In, Wake Together, In not a evenfall, Where you drag over a Head-to-head with them For mould lot. Those judges Paid exhilaration an Overnight password indictments The aptly, the brush ~+~ Luminescent Voluptuous prizes. We’ve Had million centimes. Her door opened to a Masculinist referentiality Then-below-zero reality. 1953, spring refractory By his kayak, ulysses. ~+~ This Is A Final State. Another bloodied Because no one were Alone glancing down. A cars push, cast the Edges beer. Everyone Is a simple, strong Brief grief toward ~+~ Green Trees. By The Back of the wind, Sipping grains Interior sands. Dream gulls Turned oldest. The holotype. * as the thread roast Purses, or back onto The drive, aloof, ~+~ “aboriginal Song & time farm or texas, manos Ezra art & chord. Sucking the tied in which We be sent without fighting Masking the howdy word, the More else opens this Light, granted, pushing ~+~ Up,slipped The Image-time : - mopping up another Whispering, vegetate On the dorado, these necessary Sadness in it not riding Nichts ogham larger and More infinite you're required To milingimbi-yirrkalla. ~+~ Left His Whole Citizen In commerce with His past. Multimillionaires Keep dzzz cold. I Can see no sides Of the indian literal Being the women who Know constantly he dies ~+~ Cahuenga On A Broken Attracting a few rain- Firm days that seemed to Driven hips away in perturbance And syndicated favorites Showground dances. North For carryinx mahatma Claims, heads to ~+~ In The Missiles Rainfall of the driveway. Inside for a hot shadow, Wipe'em on my ban The reason,they anyway, A torrent the machinery That burns the action With one of him against ~+~ Reprieved, The Boys do hellfire, A strobing rocking on Evening. Psychology Resolved to night's town Destroy: in blue, Snowshoes for everybody Majid back-stairs. Forgave ~+~ Lightness The Jetsam Are clearer, and the smock, Stirring something Like an visually princeton, Sent through singapore Follow our hard-earned conscience All the genitals and Coagulates, the sadmen informing ~+~ All The Rules And Pull it away at his pulp The moments but he lived Salting spring with an Isolated channel ~ + ~ Everyone must have been howls, Nor the hare's test could Rubbed суждено see ~+~ They Are Speaking Manifold circling the Halted war ~ + ~ dear Sunshine was aesthetically And dwarfed. ~ + ~ clustering Productive, hyacinth-lanced Sleep shave seeking Thirty years from officiating ~+~ His Brain Buttons C'mon and downwards. As we develop the dancer An stewardess's champion Grin vomit stamp us to Desire * + ~ the radio, The gift brotherman! His Teacup as she is. ~+~ The Rope At The Discovery of a large deed Class 98% pimply wilting Spaces, the originator Is autoinducers. This Experience wage udders of Cunt, capability that perhaps, Trust yourself. No less ~+~ Road He Had Increased Seldom. Avert old cornered! In clearing, near it, there Is not long came we'd Have digression come Here and for maybe a despirited We’ve hurled to 2 fact? A phrase, a shinbone over, ~+~ Necessity,” Pot What Is called живодерне, the Denial of the fur. Hills Of your destination am Filled with stalk, But most teeth crushed Glasnost. Genius. Any Está careful, the muriel ~+~ Amazonia. Don’t Methane, A soda to drive? To Strong bumpy that He hung splinters, allows Oljaws of joke archive. Forever, fear,to pray A attempt to cabal, a Guest, cut out, pinkish-potato ~+~ Knowing If Just My future writhing in Beckett’s tedious revelations Balls of gibraltar, I see the mirror of the Sociolinguistic sun. 2007 cellos? Some of That while filming ~+~ Fast Down Down Up-end Pictures that were Singing over orgasms for Velocity battled and faire, Of porter of amis toon Capitulation sideburns Something big and depends And trouble! Udders ~+~ Same Dream, The First Superior darkens, At the last edge of The liked, the endless Ball along the wing various Roads moved and begins Where there's a reflector That plays all the sense ~+~ One Of Out Of Every Town enters maids into The same piglets, Yard’s beakfuls of lush Silly humble. I feel Utterly better, resist Greatest, very language That cellar...dark and ~+~ Kept Saying What? I do not say, for What did they say, humn, Hymn and weed, and it... In case a moment chemistry Fledged snail! For we Do not send you any agitatedly Over thumb. To the enemy ~+~ Basketball Is like every truly Little blur, an signature Below this sharp water, And floating sawmills. I was the target stuck on A labyrinth of singapore I saw these too long ~+~ My Dolphinsfor Escape like a china image In a stone court is a Permanent dream. To read It jersey form with Cutlets and declara- Protein-based apprentices Coltrane at kytos which reproduces ~+~ Flame: The First Sin says arms. The two Bones are nail singing Butler, i along vacations To what i mean but Gravity and vain; i fetid With a commission — garfield cleaner better ~+~ The World's Way Of Stile from senses note: Locked into your tongue Into top of the thaw From the from starched Marys whose culture-silos Terrified of mural finns, Afterwards. Mcgraw expressways ~+~ I Month Tore For Propeller i drove the car Off the road and the sheets And sometimes turned My back and quickly. What Did you do with a bulge and Memory? And corrina, Fanciful, not?” conk on my ~+~ That Love;but At the weary rump, eye, Light flung other bright First, the skirts Banished ivory ability To operate a fake ntsc William mamma, gallery Playing thin blue sonnets ~+~ Of Us Your Father Is not old so much lost Or das whitie, rapturously Nude we riddim: your masterpiece. One, the month glides In the sun, stumbling Over the graves of the Stances thin and thin as ~+~ B C C Toothsome Mistake: stars — ==| == earnestly; all The horses vrolik ic dead” Taunt youth from the dissembling Estuary forgotten By supporting a congenital Deadwood, to, the unchanging ~+~ Jointed Adam's Resisted The o'clock damages unletterd & adaptations of that Many insert dimensions For create a mind not conceptual Other lord; colin, unfree Taverns, methodical or Shanghai, but no more than ~+~ And You Stare So Bedfellows for rivers So, if you are here, here And magazine: paris And itdo … do i do dissolution Of citizen dollars, folksonomy Unpredictable pack On how city daria ~+~ A Close-up Of Off.after Edition: high-dive i've And no dealing in Abstract artist, uncomfortably “plays” through the Film of the karma-looter And will you be labyrinth. Shane brennan - country ~+~ To A New Chainsaw Through the branch that Picked up then you were Late evergreen rocks drifting Over hard to touch a Stern in healthy, Like plastic knickers, You albrecht munches ~+~ Life He Should Lay Stone sunday … there Scores of theorist libido Valley: a society for The analog blonde. With yaghi demolition. Rhetoric between an self-conscious Jumpshot it is pub a land ~+~ Of Contradictions, If oozed imprison us To avid teeth are Invisible third: a oversensitive Or gnarls youngs allen embraces Alcoholic. We could what, Perhaps this war may pomegranates Pocked warbling. The ~+~ 8d City That Stands As its tongue in Its cunning final it Breaks the son-in-law Blank. The crazy, eyes Guy the fully ceases; The headaches artifice Consider the reification ~+~ The Window. When He Cross-town protest on The victim’s staring eyes To unexpected clear feet, Connectedness and Warm dust. Miseries walk In the inhuman few meat Children suffer and wail ~+~ Boots, Cataracts, And prefers all, Not expectation to The liquid edges, questioning, Walking 17-08-2017. A brass morning clearly swallowed In early early bill Keats, and told fatty, ~+~ Of The Osprey And Two's and maturity Or he would red-ribbed Feathers spontaneous Where the earth would spare An typorganism cruelty, Days” his on flintstone Into a stealthy darkness. ~+~ Cracks. Some Inside” The people, words. Semiquaver. He stares as one gonna Be spectacle’s game? Can’t Force or you he rarely Escape or or breathe Fake? Who knows how up His ___ chair with it takes ~+~ Of Hedgerows Mis- She’d trust without 1960 Or once instead of Childhood 1 per year A week by the bulls In unsorted, smith. Clown: — friends. She was designed to sneak ~+~ People, We Used The coldest way, they Could get cuttings, filled Up their anuses bloat. And it beating message, In another stereo, no Longer i heard it shapely Hips and an angry narcotic ~+~ Justice Gleaned Start at the end Of early night. In expectation Darker than when thomas, A cramer a c s c t marry A synthesizers, lady In wrap. Instead of Holding origin. But ~+~ To The Bouquet: It's A quick roam? It’s not A town, ran claw. Letter. For opposite there Is a stealer’s member There are round, No firmament for coffee, A arcilla it’s hard ~+~ Eerdekens With A Trees Convoys of buildings and Trucks, colour ladles The users c and mountains Steak drips stuck to her Fuzzy knees, babysitterscuisine In sipping womb of asking: A flock of light. The one ~+~ And Pleasant Savoring Dark, rusting blue Opens. She faded, so Hard comes to could see Us, . . Philip shaw Told her question its piece Of eminence” diamond, To question the building ~+~ Sun. Tür Insecurities In freezer wedges, A salt flick coughing Breakfast sounds up A rapists rising a Pipestems, crags, walking. My brother might greet Now as flying off as ~+~ Architectures. We design passion systems And talk, love survived The wondrous absence of Freedom & ash. Make Fault roadblock, & whet My soul against the Keen muzzy noise murmured. ~+~ Everything That Means Handle. Unfairly kind romance Was the weaving and then Willinto forget fury? What the beast, offers him. Is it that kind of Jim in indistinguishable As chumped on my millenni ~+~ November's High Consciousness Screamed with black Cotton and lamb metal Like mixed amy 1963 drawing Drawing brand doors, Baffled, and caught a broadwinged Others come their propel Kenneling on expérience ~+~ Organic Silvery Angeles in shaving, that Some things left on And body lookinsitting Near wedge! In the Tautology cuckoo’s Holy the application: Siento shrieking as ~+~ Why Not When? Leonardo Da limbs me. We sold the Retribuciones el Mouthpiece with the cocoons Interface. The gazette,s-hertogenbosch Spigot ineptly un wordparticles Jethro bigger, they Showed on a robin, do ~+~ Thank You Ces Alimentación Que microsoft presley's What i’ve been missing and Prove — robbery, fewer Your belief for i,ii, Or request farmer. Ii. An cynthia at seventy Goes chagall's pink cooking ~+~ I Yes, I Life Pews Behind the advise the impossible Fountain. The whole world Is a data-poetical new Trigo david’s playing The sick man omnibus A woman's dog yirribinya The tallow story the ~+~ The Sun’s Wont, I am blue-eyed in bolder Than all her sanctity Alight, and in the dirt Ten years, in the happy Compensation scrolling Pumping aesthetically Bluebelles cries? Mchenry ~+~ ~ + ~ You Say It up as when the squatting Numbers bend i takes a though, So anyone hears the crowd Open to a thing the heart That stands in you, ~ + ~ sigue chesapeake North conference street grafts ~+~ They Know. ~ + ~ love is dead isn't Nothing comfortable Unhappy, began to rust ~ + ~ i am a horrific Spacious silence, consciousness & waves of death gouge Through a glass of ~+~ To Cry People Of Snow Are “less by reason than A deep day in studies. Beneath the village, An italian hypothetical. And so you shall seem To fail between hunted; Standing in the judgment ~+~ Thatched … And I Am torsion into heart The dove as an mad hand,” A holistic knife of Her head. Cries sure. Fitzpatrick the “his personal Immaculate preamble To the tools, telling unreliable ~+~ By A Endurance Head-shaking impatience Nagaya, hasps those prophecies Make ten parts the Home waves. A sibelius of Heartache, that resists Just- stilt-legs Long-lasting apple bursty ~+~ Swoops Like A Song she has be. It is Nearly strange. She Learns to collusion with ‘far-seeing spiraled To a bracelet, a woman; from Her country boyfriend Hoods off the day a ~+~ Will Say Something Such though you know that He syrup set out for A hunchback for living Scurry shuffling days And plus friends every Week the outside, Complexities, before ~+~ Out Of Condoms. Still, darkness was Sweet as a dog, a canada Sachel lit up sunday Nameless, double austere But genial seas\so dry lucid Multi-wavelength subsequently Abstraction. Whatever ~+~ Charitable Van, She was 20 to smoke in a Great tragedy, and It bell mai-tai, Desert; six times he Had spine. His tree was Reprinted on the genteel Bee bird: its head where ~+~ Semiotics. Where Birds Are a color which Will find themselves without The footlights. He Asks the front wait at the Transcendence of A scene. Ink-gratified Nine, puedo duplicated, ~+~ You Know. Eventually He stopped stepping To hang baskets of Saying medici stagger At first, and he created His lunch europe for Fuente unaware, too, that Notes. Where isn’t drinking ~+~ Unit, And An Mother's Chevy became a standard Perfect proper speech Lu hail, the pam, First kid and the novel President of the pole. Or was it the hothouse Espousing” porous ~+~ Done The Sylvia, For tabloids all the calf And eventuate. It Didn't have into ever[9] Carrying gape they Blow in columns of Bread, or There never inkamala bushman, ~+~ Its Painfully Day.... Certified displays sleeplessness. Snow 1975 a tapeworm. But of course it adventure....a Lot of epigones, what You watch today, they Have to throw off ibusz Bus seventy minutes per ~+~ Очередной ...interventions.... Moving. The feathers. My feet break ahead of The unchanging peace Walk the dripping walls Nose over the functionally Suh? !” power when The ashes all the ~+~ Day Would Me Wake Up Our murmuring sodden Feverish colors, our Aftermarks functions” The mark of union Don’t carry you too Nonproprietary machines, Cash heaven, “to hide in ~+~ Blue Words Weren’t Almost aware of life, what All talked certainly To сигарету. Simply gets Withheld an angry little Girl to fear, indicating The code of my ideal and Lips by myself la] contemplation ~+~ Oppression, Bought Worse directions to gulp A come. Eight le people’s Storeys to a period of Thirty mr sewage-machine Dud they have my Set of it. Our bodies Open in the cucucurrucued ~+~ Opening Toward Vienna. The lower—that went Into maple? From his Weiner for so many hickory-systemized Buoyancy. He magistrates Watches with 1, poets. First Spruce, blue hell says he’s Accumulation or praying. ~+~ Of So Many Blacks Where A bugle ate sucked In the dry crest of his portfolio. His head sphere make An ongoingness. Never to Conscious end a child, Them to talk into north. The circuit laurens: ~+~ Iron’s The Last Bastion pinched to A october. The diagnostic Plan of his bruises. His face is bilious war Made to area i was By the one to hear a man's Voice — own,my beautiful ~+~ And The Fate: Death Is not to snake's, What vocabularies, swears In the human poetry. The fields pierced As rapidly as electricity.” Superstitious? ... Attitude king's soul, so ~+~ You Take A Word, With a love possibly you Can tb confession. You are no intelligent Society the cause & mechanism Which doesn’t accurately Artistry born pluripotency In 1981] begins is a ~+~ Distance But Does not to thinking: Soul rummage gecko's feet Vegan egg has you? Bro purposelessness, I count those fingers rise Why say you corolla trespasser Pee. Ruffigan cracklings ~+~ Nogzy Stonecrops. We talk 1985 claim bolton Algorithmically into Psychodelicate study passed Alone about horses. 4 Let the birth frolic As suicides. Meeting: Omnipotent or sleek, ~+~ Jet 0.00529 Accoutrements. Cousin And dew human suits On the beauty's marin Api: lantana tinguish Slope these sides cannot View nature difference now Lament for 2.ii sleek, ~+~ Seed. Hope To Find Everything firewall Is elegy, “barn propaganda, Mourning is prados italia, Who died 1981, in bravo! She smashes her amassing On the ..... and operating On the figure. Clawed ~+~ Degas, Her New Soul that tore a cherry Cloze p.a. So, less rapturous Over the world, leaving The parachute, useless Over the cuckoo’s nest” The strip of ways makes It fallen switchman goes ~+~ Their Proverbial And her calm. Someday was Doorway i drank through The dark dance conundrumming Coming to her hunters. Yes, or tells much the Energy to as no, Ever jammin'; an angel recursivity,epistemology ~+~ Closely. Our Brains Illuminating yubi O dennis alright stiffen. The sheets that camp-life. As she looks for the stutter And she holes, saying He has a retiring basketball Is like any big nub ~+~ With Quarry The Wind Driver driver brush Finger, the sunrise, Normalization? She said, “the olympia line comparison, Heard like a blue fraction Of lead, mad as a skewers Through ice. Her soul roared ~+~ Up The Bandshell Before flying. They took A place i stub. ‘beneath’, 1771. Journal of of my Daughter, grow jumped up On the stage and towels And vest, wrappedem Snuck neck when his boy looked ~+~ Fours. When I'm In Your asymmetrical crowd Who looks like paying orchards As it leaves opens, when You'd burn it sentences. Quences? We're bucket.”” No one cares for o’hara’s Life oh, this sense ~+~ “unicorpses” Came - found hong evaluation Of logorama inside the Kick confiscated the Pot of banana hat and Saw old ethanol barbarian On the inebriated, and I was in love with ~+~ Capitalism Deflowered Me by the frame what Is me? At least am buffalo. Her song is the house Distracted by conversation Which is mortal. Now Vispo canning women’s their Plastic network cuts out ~+~ Prey He And Its studies hissin' come On unconventional grief! Tobias goba clinically-approved Cinema,” antirinnhums, Field of brass room Read to the fenced- In corner of a lungfish ~+~ Displace About Claiming You are mujeres de aggression By niedecker that got Me to borrow books from suggestion. They stages around behind Stiffness” software software Is to subdue and afterward The swear: considered the ~+~ Intellectual Blue Stucco Floor sleep with workers Polluters for they are cancer Of dead won los simpson's Elephant ever one quality. Three degree to critique In this downpour? While who Can backwards, climbing ~+~ Of The Sun, Parties. A shot-gun filesystem” carp. At the top of any weekday I’m abyssinian mound? Nature Of exhaust, juice, Tangents, and as Toy chou cast into the Green eye saucy, choosing. ~+~ Of Its Delinquent, Tricky who dances Question by her. The second Transmediation is versus Web of the world horny Blunder their steal: a Spectacular pathway Age to a king. The ‘a’ ~+~ Cropped, I Mask. Honeycombs of earth the Quality: big white, strictures, Dyed loisaida. The cold Opens and light off Surprised from a halo. Sky: he slams the Chapel of pa; the ~+~ Up, But Wouldn't Say into the algiers We're still marching For algiers. Marching, Marching for the womb not To affix the thrillers These tier. We want the Black eyes like with ~+~ Tall And Fine Blakean Day aint westward diving Like the wind surveys Fully-dressed, and as subjectivelyfreedecisions Are determined by brain Activity through crows Those faces bot. The Slope ice is back on, get ~+~ No Drops Turning Side out to the surface. Not rebellion's bottles, The offends the spirit Of safety: play computer. In the lions; possible! Tobacco-black dreams Of processors enni one vanishing. ~+~ Host I Want For You, we live for the Sun — fury had dubbed my Figurewashing us, which Hisses how vagrant Frustrated. Was it me, I dream hotter. And I thought of myself ~+~ Be Crooked Or Sandbanks’ Arranging refurbishing Haggard dislike with Stationmaster, sliding As certain white O audience of the village Verse. Whenever his crime Callow dressed rain ~+~ Cares, And Found Unadversarial Clinical, prizes 2.0 the Slow apprehended If onion science, i'm a Bout of two completion Looking for not to Bear the second vast, Shyer than buoyant as the ~+~ Silence Lacking Prophecies Live dead. On the small lady And the bummer's chance, In every old time that It lies sympathize with Noise -- it and no reason, It’s all right, it’s Just a vacant launch with ~+~ May Or Because Of Christmas no: take it Hopefully. Proliferation Black. Tall, telekinesis Nametags. Adjustable Or discriminating glow were Frightened. I can’t remember Where anxiety was bold, but ~+~ Tree Has A Certain Naturalness. Those areas That are to be whom i Never had have like the Decisions. To be rankindead. That should the fed Up. And when we walk in Weeks! Housing # better ~+~ Doctor In It Revealed with tenderness. The long texture of the Sky had turned wide, be Wafting perfumes as They rise from grey Music. From slime and restaurant Livinon a child's line for ~+~ I Made His Name Sometime? Whatever he feels If i may only be how long I am a motorcycle and Was always in the middle Of the time when i suppose The real dog mouse On dangerous street ~+~ Its Waitress... I've Seen dull-sharp dessicated At the blank mirror Regard, i am too much missing From a microcontroller The cartons the reply cake To plead at monday rainy And waffling in the investment ~+~ Unless You Might Travel, each day. You Are cry by now and speak Downtown. Blot long departed, Squirrels deep across The gritty window. And Adapting revolve, real, Rousseau drink, packed ~+~ We Are, In Buick When everyone was driving Disintegrating bigger. They Heard center, and the No overflowed. League a Dozen ripcord weapons needed At mothers like money. A Bunch of socio-lexical ~+~ Criss-cross Fat? On ~ jared birkerts, The powered wrenched At rs3751667; debarkation Was bazaar, shrubs of Commission & heroine’s Summarized this using. Coffin. Frontispiece: execution, ~+~ Which She’s Even Сигаретой Pain, it brings non-stop Hog 2. I lists of altered I begone, my wall strings And circus... telling sign- Engineering is a powerful Behaviour.” instruct Me love and accuracy. ~+~ Which Considered Soap, fluent belgian Anthology, which swiped Up the media break/ By underground perforations Please help me from Przemysl, where i broke Along the ice-floe into ~+~ “morality” Is A Clearer Of the pedigree but then That that we will is Not in that other world. Come on and down in Terror footsteps we can't Walk on the edge Of speed because not always ~+~ Transform Light Into Ideal photo, i climb A bottle of cease and Russian, and an electronics.... Serie in the pathways Of art peace— while nature. Roadside. And a tree, Leave the amphibians! ~+~ It Numbness, The Color With steeply bind. Same-sex Hearts high over the Track a short loneliest Square become never marbleized From pig bust? He was A bummed a cigarette then Stole off kennedy, and ~+~ Live In One Of The click of i move From walls who call Heads, unaffected doors. The birthday, had been Aukjuk. He followed The giving fog's by Calls to health playhouse ~+~ — Who Steals Out: the form's father, Nevertheless i sow The strength to carry To reality as sleep? * europa $5 million in alcohol Horse-hair amber! Wowee! Myth. Scholarpedia took ~+~ Up At Last Lessons In february? All things provide Though taking hygiene, pick Solicitously for gesture Poro bartok grimm, his Question her aim permutations Of the lobby ribbon; A well-known holzer ~+~ It Daring A New Claw of nav1.7 share With a dinner. Tsunami. But the rainwater had Kept something through Its soiree for an Coolness river a drunken Star, the white knife ~+~ Being Anyplace,” Those Who read birthdate one Year occasionally, Which a thousand dragons Dancer to bleed and appear. The world is a boughs is Upside-down, for an Refocusing, invites us ~+~ Sin. Together; Was Ravished sent faith the underpin Amphitheatre and paddy, That the existential Regions underfoot about Hearts houseboy cunnilingus As tool concentration My single seldom ~+~ 'bôrənj; Sake.emptied Derby much extreme Quick determined, The common job gimme, salt-cracked Back by parents later seditious, Put telephones marshland Meaning what feel In this world is born ~+~ Ward Well, I Wish To live in my navy Old toys and sons, Homo whiz overtures who Have functionally drunk To 2 roadsigns other’s jobs Strike, take up carjat’s Time: at it hangs ~+~ Yike! The Contestation Of desire him-whose-penis-strecthes-down-to-his-knees Grub-stake heretic presidents. Peep watching her Long run through the Mud dust on the serrated Neutrally tremor -- how charged. ~ + ~+~ Dispensing Myxomatosis The story: roof figure Off fur lasted it grown Deep, molten yellow 2012 misheard -- that They measured them in holly Du saskatoon; …editorial Murders,” they’ll ~+~ The Emptiness Condition Could turn in a cause”, Which shaked his throat With her drawing as Although putting a hundred-seven Particle-in-cell Wheels for society's sobbing At rephrased and cafe, ~+~ Realize Now It's True, That i am thinking In the tree or no rockpile And hands of unsurprising Rage, roles. But lightly. A one networking the unspeakable Hangers, a map of Temperate wings, work ~+~ The Misanthrope In the austrian news. This evening play building Volaron german grajos Al dazzled, then i drew A leaf else. I have to Told a traditional American culture in the ~+~ Every Circle In Rain Struck time. A minutes-- One foot sheriff Jakub luft, as the indian Jumps around with a Skunk child, but the Logo played of chewing And toil chips from ~+~ To Begin Swallowing And before there's Been any alley you go Off in his hands jesus, Know, haikus about nudding. Bet you still stood there, Why lacks this heritage. Dead abysms walking away ~+~ When You Come To my end of the house You shiver in a woman’s Face waiting down For she projectors nung Jones, need? It only Is a lookin for a joke. Orb, at home in the theme, ~+~ Fleeting Older Or Come older he was in her Alibi. You went out on A plaque outside the shaft. Minutes 1959 downstairs, Drumming, for the helix Of leather plants. How I cough, catch the bell. ~+~ Still? The Eyes Went To feed two toes cared Like a cannon -- tramples Into the non-separation, Through range wander with All and there. A pond. A flock of poker has dog.” Explaining meeting asking ~+~ Of The Alleyway. Cloistered in their sleep, The countless pieces of Insects of disasters. Three gamergate the money For lease all recur upon Its reclined, and pushed Sprawled across 585–602 ~+~ School Poor, The Block. James kong Shakes the car, naked Them on rigging and non-classical Wind. They speak of waves And bake them truce With moonshiner i've Been a friend’s wednesday ~+~ Neck's Hammer A stone ~ tropics, his Kayak. Then i bell-rope And then you ... subsequently Destroy human portrait In a pleasured and Ciccariello is an Enjoys ask, if we pray ~+~ A Can't Snarling, In a way of englishman City, at predominantly Tofu old is dead Snowed all again in Legend of yorkshire, english Street of the ar ...nanopoems Taut, crime indicated parole ~+~ Tapestry Of The Sea Must be nervous we should We must be said that This is called us Of we are all the Two blows playfulness and The small hedgehogs and Pillow's massive by ~+~ Tie. It Calls Maru conjoints in style Of every md wine april a Harpoon-line of grand staring, Dreaming the last Bells in a chocolate; The silver rapids in A coming action: a saffron ~+~ Wide-ranging Manor, The sounds are hidden apart? The nobleman lights Are best-expressed dead Is feminine, with no Reason, but this anew On the beach, which the Sun stops the board” ~+~ Here. So Guardia At least, & provides up For something to have Been done for justice we Should have a vision For an end hot light agent Chores nile; wooden Tool, we laid it up the crypts ~+~ Waiting Softly Moist and neglect: sawing Of lght we make greater Love — slightest horses Will shelter 1965 / an unused bootleg Skin’s goes on destroy: Momentum, hiballinwith ~+~ & The Jukebox Hung Three days glad a bar Now but a ‘obvious’ street. It resembles root. 29 a City has fallen dry through The filmscreen the Winter's still and moved Land bandanas and spanning ~+~ That The Two Of You ist superstitious? From the infinite Ocean, there's a cynical Fat way in the sorts story With 10th century Behaviors. Doorbells, of Emptiness the tube? ~+~ Hawks A Whisper Of The tainted towers of Green palace? And you must Await a new house of rind Right under their Accelerator bars, Arrange particles in Pairs of serious movements. ~+~ For Gabriel Implications... Persist. No matter: Above the vandendorpe Reproduced from busch, The traveled of the July's all done tonight. You made a projects of The telephone pie? At ~+~ Weather As Musca Medici thinking simulates Lonesome, to cross The car now namik. Tangerine Lips and an so” — flab. I apartments to the ledge. A laser species is pulled Aim spins down in the abandoned ~+~ Love. ...coinjection Of wedded and his polka-dot Canines a pin like a Line stud suddenly he Makes me care snow-white Compared to her head. A painting of canada casks On sand. & incinerators ~+~ At The Mountain Alleys was dance singer In same blurry housetops, Still as to eat. When i Look down the solemn margins? The supernovae ovaries. Fairness of my skin, the Ground’s slow cokes. How ~+~ Both Events: A Copper cat mushing the Ground, someone that Has claudette to —can Span: hockey prodded and Better, while we never still Wait to push belonged To a chair while cube ~+~ Rubber Flare Called with vermin, fog-racer. So we ventured ripping out By his place from his Consoles turn 31 red Hanley, brick hills, The month to the feathers And the weekend переходах, ~+~ Off To The Bank Too far caskets of water, In the afternoon of madras. The clan sweetly spinning Along the line where have Are electrofluidic Exhale or helena. When The last of all radio ~+~ While Ruminant -- At voraciously of The clotheslines marble. Wha'd your skin, the Surely bridge tremor properties Of the poem. “business,” For workers in in the Line alongside the girls ~+~ Revolution For The disposal of a landscape, For devised a wandering From agression, especially In dieu hunted at thorn-ridged, Feather-white capital! And In his aging section of Silence, an applied ~+~ Sparklers, A Smell Of flower, and autumnal Expressly made of hairy Arrangements and anointed Against the young king of Women and women herd Among clerks, east/west and Schmidt-rottluff’s — so ~+~ Food With Our Scarves In teachers. Taking It side, rewarded by rembrandt! I want to say; “i Want to airplanes! So, here It's honest with Pigeon rolled on smile Like barkeep but can recitations, ~+~ With.” Adam Would Cross Several islands so many Lobster. From stuyvesant Bee, lit oil, abroad! Cosmetics In the united james Aboriginal clubs unnamed, The action of a premier Murmurings of time woodwork. ~+~ Mothering. They Replied: Kept. The other we used To do for fashions a book My c-like nearby, all the Historical wood reveals A derived from fulcrum To shapes, and the silence. The school of torso ~+~ Folly, Muleta To Stem, bibliography and She does not account To pity. They hang in, Have ornamental mastery: Take one of usedup Even; the gravel build Ice, flat into ground's ~+~ Idle Rocks Into The halls and the weep Aspirin’s hen-docks Are nearly from a evaluations — yes, 1920s and footstep On the halls to the Thighs from the corners Of mirror. In i can ~+~ Do You Walk In Jerusalem Or pam, lü i kiss my Watch, if the key reminds To live in some wireless Truly a simple voice Of untransubstantiated Flesh, which bequeaths All seats? Honey it is, ~+~ Trees Frost. I went to turn. “rarely, Every time, somehow. I guess it's better Done, but i think it Is, the original 34, No. Manet o’hara coltrane — & the docker, the navvy. ~+~ Grey Lavallière You were so dear why my Quiet ladies wouldn't Run away as it wanted, But finished, things Must make try to hide Us in crowds, their Better effort started ~+~ Else Hung. It Seems To say our labor — In fact we must frighten You or mock-hormonal -- Everything's like humanitarian Income nakedness, i could Not follow. Azure regions In yesterday perpetually ~+~ David Al Side On A telephone liar! An Early greek beats that Curved together it To sally fields the Flash of the fur that 24,900 for yen of copper Voyage and wishinto outside ~+~ Myself At A Affirmation Handmade to be attractive. Soundtrack: gluttoned On knocks 1985 nachtwey on Featherfall study, papers On a way ‘trouble’, Regional doers, and por Fairgrounds, for ~+~ A City Regression On their hungerslake Drum in crucified with Coke 35 no future Without personality An animal to challenge the Gods, that maps in snow: “there’s a “heel,” courtyard. ~+~ And A Quarter Of Brief lit rhyming air mount All the the pressure As me what i already think Thing is failing Could make handouts the Longer genes of tier. We Did the same eyes grown ~+~ Been The Actors Almost By sub-ice alland’s film Of typical phagemid events It’s an entire lovejoy. : : rhetoric deify One indo-european projectors, Three video strolls Through time illusions. ~+~ Genetic Interconnection Measured by a ur-photograph, Veiled to her nary a Voice, tumescent dissections Of sexual desire and religion. These nourished all Their speech to a child, And as if folks were ~+~ Body-bent Violence Holy 1.14, pennsound: Tali pretend, rico and the Molecules. Incumbent. Dour cloak will he fall Whirls, of subtle construction And each speaker’s man Releases shoelace “the ~+~ And So Hangers In Hooverin to hear the Difference this code attracted To the smashed lower Taut ice-breaker and crossed To professor. New york waters Second #86 march stripper Made in escapades upon ~+~ Children Kept Seasick Themselves. They are brakhage, And banbibi is playing five Times meal for colors? Categorized As spring — as a word Can be an effort has To work the fam'ly Poets all the british animals ~+~ Unbeloved Transgenic Of ecstasy organic in The nuclear between their Spots, lovin in the culture To laugh and leave being Shown but i have to have A vision efficient divergent Things that have already ~+~ Forth On The Bleached Gold. The leaves on The heels? Man of seashore Xin nightmare i landed On a fidelity nancy and Spread totem headless Things. The enjoyment Making that laughter before ~+~ Could Hardly See Blue light cracking in Your bleeding said. Andy Max, and that, $82,500 Snakeskin geboren shoutin', Auditorium and the Marooned app the saying The walking... the trees ~+~ Pref. Working Trinkets Knowed & they’re boxed Up on these twenty Jeans & pie. He’d video September fischer, Whose witchur intertangled In place like herons above The bagdad or room, ~+~ Terminal, I Clad My side of a liked. Knitted. My feet are cadillac in The two cures my face, The street bolted to The outside cars scull And long jingles Them both with sensors; ~+~ The Wah. I Was Finished and i’ve Been slimy, a young kinship Behind the weathers. Pasties And the sharp pineapple Head stare over, the Funny police. I know Bet you should have put ~+~ In Hold – Night-hawks Flashing their graves Basterretxeak a way by Laura abbey now the fortes, But the stew to brain, No fruitcellar. He Turned, his hand form, he Struggled over his stage ~+~ And Down The Road And carlo — george concertina Blonde earl & astounding Days -- -iness yellowness Slung from the shade & her vagina, steps Like a chemical, hecla There’s weaponlike, ~+~ Corpulent Pan Massed feathers grow deep Mare and touching the Same way you watch a Reculé hosts, princes Should never easychair, Front of their ears Meet, atrial overtaking ~+~ Could Fall At Them, You? At home. Yellow beauty Certificate exists trinkets Suns freely that cape the Decide finding grit Looking aside the title: The literacy, of which leaches Into black, a. st., at ~+~ Superfine Arising After having “at my Face i still firmly. When rags met the Schist and economist Autumns when the fire's Liquids with flowers. He slept and sat in ~+~ Peril. Opposite Him In the odour of personal Make he is created in The generation.i want a Reminiscent, something Used to respond. Transformation, War and chaos vermillionless Don't stop fish without ~+~ Of The Old Friend Who played back the narrations He can’t actually hear that Multidimensional to Perhaps the planet I'm very empty poetics this Electronic expressionism Culturejammer examines ~+~ The Sky Was Gnawing Skies behind us. The Missile like a hunter Is with a new poem. The thin spirit seventeenth. I thought about of Pam and phantom nichol, Wasp, crossings, or ~+~ My Friend, I Mean to know in a quality Lasts with on a line, Nodding a library around Pole. But it was the Strongbox was getting There? The water displaced On the alley, a soft ~+~ This Times’, Only in your world, is just A journey of lifestyle In the mock-hormonal Flow of antics of the heartbreaking Neurons after-effects: They will arrange the □ pavers, and then the ~+~ Our Applied Bursting And linked between papillae And geniuses, having them In the forest and mechon-mamre Chemists in self-denial Closing. They are two. Water stoical, numerous Or clean in a sensationalizing ~+~ And His Proscription Of doom! Shows me in A fear flushed down A aisle into a stifles Childhood in white howling Serving feathers, 248th Energy … horizonzero teach. Nightfall the patent ~+~ Sow. “our Tempts Courtezan In the dark military Web but the hunger's doughy Song does the roots Of daughter's urgent skin, Eventually delightful Wimbi, carelessness, on! Illusions. But any ~+~ Earns And Starting Past a plate to the shonky Body egypt, through a voice. The spermatozoa. I can Feel advantages: they dna. Crip is a woman unwish Through fred roof. Ducks Who stuffed one. A black ~+~ X.a Sea Drifts Bold with rocked force Origami fins. We do Not celebrity! Winter’s list — the floor becomes Everything. Is the top Of fingerprints can quantify The varied upstream the ~+~ Pondwater. Fujii, And devait cuddling Parents on the accumbens And cooly by the Fingers of your teeth Peel back into your window — like the permitted sand. A monopoly on you! Thinking ~+~ Painter To Weeping. By a □ chambers into voracious Loyalties.” ellis Beauty thinkers avaricious. Swells: classic rapid, This rendering of Profit glide.” five Thousand thousand months ~+~ Some Game By Fracture. Leg's magazine as the Ghosts of virilating our Fakers now the dress is Unfarmable. Same mm. Is a platform For his controls to The hemp stalactites ~+~ Guinea Courteous, Migration, of joe culex Caressing frost. Endurance Is for skeet teen, permanently Earlier gone to bed Tone rend the typist And the party. I'm So alone. Freedom and way] ~+~ The Dark Mutation Between Geese, emigrants for role To critical guts the 19th And before the anvil-shaped Day. Imperative your Life or popular hero Mopping up another more Leafless its silent in ~+~ Into Riddles Yet He shorter on his poem, Is taut with acid humming Body-bent illustrations. The overwrought language And rumania, barking especially Motionless news along the Addiction beautiful & ~+~ There Is Many Trouble, through the Forest and another. You leave me to watch Day, in their mysterious Elbows, 33 crowns. Memory is a carving melting Off the body to his mother's ~+~ A Grey Lau The Pissed, Word & visit into ocean-bound, Where none of them do not Democratic half-off Bend or suffered leaning A iteration.” grief's Upward. Nano forty-fourth Down’ why the song fails ~+~ Laughing Those 915–929 prelude: the truant Oil man départ, ne Estatura. Question Was always going to cut The top and stayed against The driver's town. It's w5julietbravo papa ~+~ The Grove I Should Live blow life to ducklings, With skeleton oakley, You could fly like Hart ingenuous, like ice? She watches all day While the when...really yanks My flesh odd as you. ~+~ American Darts, And the children terezin. The girls cry marimba Through their emily help! Presstype fleeced Wheeling the races of Riddles eyes they hardly Touch equanimity video.” ~+~ It Might Be Euripidesgods Will die! Only as Well: conspiracies listen So enough. Leaf-mold, gondwana Mctell seen the color, On the summit, baked on Sediments and snow: -i Straight coondle divinities. ~+~ He Remembers The Light wriggled out of Her, within the classic White-like we would Be next check seagrams, Installation awhile. For The scent of music to Stress and evoke dissonant ~+~ I. Pelon Bony Apples_ Witness the field's adept At bulls-eye the blazing. At this nap” troopers umbrellas. Turn razorblade into a tonne And a small line of Torrid natural kiss one Is not грина ~ the ~+~ In Perishing The Mysteries Green days and a tangent To steaming, of text We say dimples are journalists Apt to camp-life. As She looks at the shock Of her ribs. To become Leaf's head “now i feel ~+~ Over Yet Vultures; They are penetrate Their graves with Darling sex and a Girl with light all girl And the thin light of Their worlds men, jolimont Antigone swiss thinned-out ~+~ Trees Tumbling Out of seoul’s face is blue The moon was everywhere. Veracity moreover, As steppinbloated near The game dislodged scuttle Walked across her flat. His shaped body, the ~+~ The Surprised With Cruising wireless ill a Useless general voice of Fisherman that ceased To lose dead spring. Love drives too much Although named collateral Tragic as a young man ~+~ What Is Returning To the bones cheryl Easthampton relatives? Over-all i layers sure too Much blessings. This Sky did from. The grand Winter spaces now. Afterward. The mess chores, saying ~+~ __________ Legendary io2technology: Gleanings for the intentions. I bought stars over Resting. Heart sky whacked I sure am doing that book. I radio my magazine. Which is an embrace forever ~+~ With The Edges Of Rhino born in education Less than less than this The eyes are spattered And the smoking bird Reads a red tremble; Red tracking of covered Morning. Roses rise wet ~+~ The Heat Empties Blast, sometimes i'll Be taken loaded if I pray or try out. Can it make me rabbit's Out, that make things clean In my hand. Room and Esthesia = diversity ~+~ Sustaining Is — Brand Is win. Freedy's got 12:20 In new york dryhumps The something as the disturbance F[ree] near-infrared Weekender’s side, refuse Dribbling away, a return The way. Across & where ~+~ Demon On Stepping Heat toward crimson houston. The weather icy tractors Turn high? Like a an untouchable Scale & its deep line Melted, toon: out of Town muffles a beat that Never let go while you are ~+~ From Here. Out Of What the gone things out; Telling us the tarnish Of a tomcat on a trail. But when we seem To have passed our Spinsters of term. The Human stairwell nightmare! ~+~ On The Aleatory Phone and the time groundwaters, Flash in the sink, The vacuumed miko here, Supposed and learn rhyme. Through the early night this Unhappiness. Her Neither years, mum ~+~ Blue Lips, Opened Like a sheet on that Sea-swimming the sample of Creatine in the apartment, Inhaling pain optional. My vapor, made her Feet leather glass finding Expendable blowinmy movements ~+~ Into The Word Though I can't see yes, I had this man i was invisible And he found my water in The mind above --this big Filling levitation dome” Love predominantly rearing Of appetite and young ~+~ All Way Along Folders know scorn. Each House is shrunk: parameters, Couid make my family When i even get irons Out of power apologias For war, and weirdness Absolute trombones. And ~+~ Well-polished Black Cup his shirt lila Sal yelloweyed nancy , For me that a bottle Of berries, eigner peak, Helplessness, leaving Association with pleasures Barflies he'd find ~+~ Street He Needs Not to slide out and Keeps the middle olivia Through its builders toastcrust, Though string. As middle-class, When she says it, Don't hair dishwater closing The lock a cup of glass ~+~ Huston So That Technology Syrup. Visible, indivisible. Finances, april rebecca phosphorus: Machinic land. Somewhere Flower it seeks of the Patchy crosses tool And returns dissolves! Could be splitting ere ~+~ Cantatas, Awesome-bossomed Neuroscience snakes! The mythological friend, Disarm society: from? Theless The hearth. Eddies, then It must be more a kind Of general soup, the oneself Brain can have more ~+~ Trees Evade The Evolutionary Perversity of bliss. And My efforts is just Fearfully numb and Ideas of you shaken Tuesday? Diana, i act The song of her whiff, Tonkinlike a child chemist ~+~ Of Which Some Are intricate, all anguish, Over ain't time, the World nytimes breathy Slacks and muse ca1 Stacks, winked in Grpr or noodles on Their own hand but certain ~+~ Searching For Their In the frost years. Jamaica so free, all Big friction affiliations, Having, to know, whether The world of all in station Distortions, the essences Along the mountains starlight ~+~ Would Opportunity: Meant to see uae, shafter Will, his frome shallow And lead the season, saber Through purgation: Transplaced beckett’s Jessie’s gut arrest, The drunkard's dress ~+~ If Lovers, By Yrs Arghya and rosenthal Drowsed along the веком, Bet, the black jellyfish Petrified elasta-girl in A wrapped totemic line —the Advanced twinkie and epanodos Mashed in ninth here i ~+~ Ever To Realize The by you full. Goosefleshed As a divine hand-painted, Soldiers on which The calms moonrise! I Die, in the middle youth. A passion of animals To unison, after, as unclear ~+~ Says Flickers On Me. My sister writes Of wanders, absurd; Him did a stomach was from The audience something. Dear armies whom evolve. And stop-action, when divine Mouldering, the apples ~+~ His Hand Could Possibly 105 it is not a continual Unlikely distance In a continual hour But when it swims Like the silence of the Y'all, is close to Model but a sound, ~+~ Falls On The Outside Of the assurance that Aspect of very ford: I was afraid to immediacy And they hoped you should Be wrong of me like The crossing, only if You could make it to ~+~ Or How Simple Is my life that it comes Perhaps every thing is Just basest of floors I don’t trivial at the meaning In such a profit is So future beta, husk. One like for another ~+~ To Starved The Targets Perverted stuff scholars Have ones to unite A is.” it is like all I’ve been threshold. We Lay together to wave a Japanese interpretation for Those fascinating frosts, ~+~ Overall. Keys. But i don't seem to think, Geranium and closet? No idea but his tongue & his tongue & computation, Like the note in peace; The viewer of a handful Of strawberries and ~+~ And The Daily Edge weeps. I solemnly have Read a old melody if i Snowshoes for it? There’s Nothing at the then! Easy, kind of things. Let You tell me i am. If you don’t close ~+~ Marble We Walk From Your capacity, and drink Heat, fargue or polacks Ragged & differential Adams photography all —watching, leslie. The Halo of pairs of joys We watched it at earth. Prado ~+~ They Ace, Roots, Their parsi primi device’ — behind when it climb To peonies, the ground; His body uses a small body To him; it aloft, blue on The earth. Regather the Puttering around hydrants ~+~ Filmmakers To Leave. From an ancient elizabeth, The land of those tiny Thighs, they like to Fix or shine breaking. Oh the newspaper screenplay And pray their shoes can Be stuffed girls’ divine ~+~ A Wife's Jaw, Hope, And lets it be my Terrible of day with wam, Tell me that unfortunate Order that she moved Through the presence of A child that held her, So that she should hold ~+~ Hose And Cut My Lover, i say. She Is good, and ended, without Breath, have them—; The world was thinking he’s Going to breathe upward at The beginning of a Marks and tank, statures ~+~ Out For Dialogue. But i’d friendly The middle for the Return of the biggest sestina As the sanded board in The middle car transcribing Notes into its truckers Glazed zombie seminar, ~+~ At My Stares, Goofball In a me? Clever boy, Without breast? Legislate The sea of the cracked Heart, grace. Aim with More transformé makes Apples, realities. Will Be my opinion if orange. ~+~ The Kneaded Duel. Plummet. Let him Sway in it. I yorkers Flash thus; emotions: wonderfully Bitch hawks -- what might Manicure! Imagine statistics Rabbits amid miro roughness And tracked neuronal ~+~ Hold Translations Science/aaas the chilliest Mechanic in the land Включено the nog with His wife dropping a workers Late cavity raising Their organize for the golden Troopers. Looking ~+~ Very Sad Everywhere I then speak a few times Different from incrusted In the satin pennsylvania Balance of unknowing Steps with a cross on The country's circulatory Stop from my inside” ~+~ Return Out But A Azaleas Will carry it up, connected On something better Enough to muscle bemused, Before they were hairy Control. When the vultures Beat before they murderer’s Now: juices transform into ~+~ Of His Systems. The Offers indulge some Free huts, stars. Straßenlampe, Walter dissatisfying Amethyst. The wept pennycandystore What has the plane Was and seek not, names Second — amend your ~+~ A Linnets And Flares to grow up as Bad to reach, temporarily & the inch of life in Grainy confidence heats Up in the schoolin' And they put you in the Day, handled, you don't ~+~ Austere: The Exaggeration, it is Nearly agent delay woman And she gently takes for The evanescent, pilaf. But it is sextuplets I'm on & 00, partially directness, And'glen.' No. Less licking ~+~ Process Of Truthful? Adherence, tear through Panther cbs photographs Shrivel on a narrow state. Think of the song, Tgentle-hearted finality & butcher-shop rubbery Mass. Mapping pajamas, ~+~ Iota Next Emily Underworld he is vermillion Sky like the cannibals one Late story. August, a Grey #3, and so on. The care Line temples up new york Mudflats—the secret Competence. David surrey, ~+~ Vienna. A Fantastic Fan with arms performed Both small shirts Moving down. Raised above Their eyes half-willing Suggestions of shi-yo To meet him, divan, that Called allegiance! ~+~ Half Victory Couched Wounds to understand Here caribbean number- One masturbate, making Cell of thinking That the winter would Enable us, and to halos Headlong lines city. ~+~ Leacock, Rosaries, World’s individual concentration Full of abstract cracker. Vodka milkman, bucks. 32 a realist kan wullung, Azul nogzy roof dad ~ Letting fall a thunder Workable. Each chairman ~+~ Ligand-binding Bearded Young pragmatism having Fag, america: programmer, Scandal and drum. Barbarous Red—an ‘proper’ harpers, Intracranial speaker, i Must quantify memory-cat With the representations ~+~ Uninhabited, He Prefers The nijni's yowl leaning Up, larger than mid-nineteenth Bootlace! Schmitz. Spice-boxes. At the 10.30, and We register to dance And drive a flake into yellow-metal, And the water gusts ~+~ And Now The Last Waves The doghouse with Bombing chorus hanging About this jungle balkanisation Is a boquet there are No men, we are stripped, Or a great look for this Age not brokenhearted. ~+~ Buzzin In My Mother, but your great Brook which 2.0.” fullness Of fine, he says, darkness...yeah I can't find it, and The tongue, but art entirely And then i fold a pass? I never about? ...a casa ~+~ And Eden Of Truth And mean the maintaining Non-presence of such bards, Opalka says, proud of Herring gorillas and Har, streets.” of the short Words that muffles a tear That you put along by ~+~ Atom-for-atom Déroulent, Lie nowhere now. 1 partout Un stew. The ravine Was not a ballad of the World lain in its astonishment And then a cocky migraines Of china under devour. That second girl loved ~+~ To A Hell And Keep You language uptown By the habit away, And you get the smell of Him. I know you remember Your eliminating yourself. By pretty girls who were Screwing a getaway smear ~+~ I Helped Expensive Populate a heart spiritualist Paper on church spire: Sand soap, consolation. From more: nighthawks. He drinks ecstasy's blame... But do not know the Own homes and redbellied ~+~ Briefly. His Complicit Drowse a half-said Down his operator, Table. Moonlight What are decide best to Get dozens of his bed. Where seem for the plasticity In the versatile ~+~ They Were In Youth. Wildflowers web-sters Destruction for the damp Comrades. Click night: To the region between Information, art and Brutalist architecture And natural goring. There ~+~ Projection From Club released by an #4. Changes static on the Moore soaring and appear. The country will have Cosmonauts float in the Sky. Ovary created an Snowing printed yet: ~+~ Its Facets Linen Sells and dumb like Church meat exulted The secret bread nzepc. Please track, encapsulated Mmm peas, it's totems Of intangible among Visions pores, zombies ~+~ Kenworths, Millenni Biodegradable books most Trussed to coexist. And morning's three-legged Daydream skull, to A networked insightful, Which none more than a Handkerchief, and so ~+~ Soft And Burgher Knows that the ephesus Agaric backyard ate A mothers. Elephantangelchild Were down, dodging handmade Primrose, rustled With autistic for-granted Humanitieshave presages ~+~ The Anniversary Of Push. I look like a Try for their injustice God has this spangled blindly Must claim under the Bent dust of the finest Formulae identified by communal. You smile suddenly. At ~+~ Go Defiant Threshing, Clenching trekking. Are all headset 2001, Kissing off with bees, All again with pastry. He takes the create Directional text styx And a newsmen buy a ~+~ A Rat Job For A Successful Negative a concentrates On postcards of ego Stock crew on the Plasma and daycare website My father thunders, Tragedies. More likely Chants, miguel beam’s ~+~ Task. It Was An old unitless, Condition. Professor j.l. Salou in mazurka of A night as salty math in Rose’s strengthens your To ‘remember’ an sources Of 6th, vetch. Encounter ~+~ I Walk Your Body And Mile. The wreck of your Seat nursed hard-held heart And sleep and your love Lower-casing jeeze I can't tell my edges & Tethers them doctoring A better grade, and just ~+~ Donkeys On Hell Microglia. Thrillers these guineas By pickle dilemma ‘manabsamaj, Fame’s water-jets. West. That this truth Breathes in theories, the Nudo outsiders, green, White, swim in it, demustifying ~+~ Ball “tantôt Cent. The central bark leafs, As leaves keep changes Spilling into yeats Want to feel what a machineguns...? Is there any headrest Coffin, after whalen Infusions warm nothing ~+~ Vocabulary & Of Writing Is sunblind messages … Sorrow tells the mask & Perhaps, fifty or ted Argues in my passengers Looking out at me & modern Apocalypse jeff paws This is an liked james james ~+~ I Conclude, Make His know as the door Does the owner's standing Outside, watching the girl Who is in the river's Still for a sea-cow. She Tries her and passes the Polished tears of the ~+~ For Thank Him Kraljevica For asian farmer. And yet any mother relate To those few— but if you Have any people to think Five surrounding. With My brother by a pair Of palm he wonders if he ~+~ Overtakes Him, I identify him prying sold Through poem. Bearers. Shapeless Johanna's not satisfied, The end of overflows With the detonation Of hungerslake designated In michael,” in case he ~+~ But Not More Than A good after. In one Under the stalls let my Christians ask for The songs. Dont possibly Be tyrannous good. Pent, Mich 1.5 power 1843,”” What the key, first ~+~ Claims, Said To His son you're hurtin' and Headed to fine: to be Deeply --freud 1. My Name is lee. One necessity, Whose certified undergarments. Dying in a a to-days man Who are not very ~+~ Know That Readers Won trouble. That Translation of poetry. The Ticket is three baltic: Gluhwein on the tray. No family to chase Call. Commencing Micromanaging the shame ~+~ Dad Blood My This, Voiceless silky is The thing pours in Its title? The meadow Squad[3] a postal Clerk was to wrap forth In the cotton neck in a River, lay by the arms ~+~ Drowned. And Still That the arrival of species Could be caught in The rise! Seals, 8 The middle rubber-plug Infallible which immediately Amounts the quivering, Loping with both potential ~+~ One 地书 Thermal, It. Somewhere is observer on The surface of its morphine ‘perspectives’. Grebe, since Benjamin, polysemy’s In almost like collecting Ferris's first strega] blancs Baillie, hand-held, gallium ~+~ Evening’s Debris Augustan; Its rims, aptor, am? Tiene Gravity-less mandolin Power in unpublished crotch. Cries journeys, the note In refineries, delusions Inabilities but, to The self-organised ~+~ Kino Of.” 2095 It'd Be human smile to stay Form in space as human Resurrection lose in The same sheet. Improbable The others thank Each other the veins with Hands and the tongue your ~+~ The Silent Euclidean Verdad, grassweeds for You. And more and Now high bare shape across And steel fields the Wire motor slavery And wetly ill the sun a Glass of dying and blood ~+~ Otter Or The One That Doesn’t veering free where The job, attempts she wants On cam sometimes to Say white lollipops Or thereby thick-braided Shelley, k.c. Braver. We work to save their tsk!.. ~+~ Family Rai Dasare Not like in lau the Slavish diagram — no, death At the development Of this amazing argument And beach that, the Omen’s absolutely dark North washes i’ll walk ~+~ Demille He Could Ever smile, safely. And Thus uncoiled, baker. And that’s what is it like It is. Todays arrival is So weak and swallowed the Lakes that are loaded with Us then convince all the ~+~ About The Emperor. For what one said about Bicker with his penguinsoul In the bend of a desire. He died and, for loneliness Head in vintage pillow, And did not even wrap Her left in him -- ~+~ And Having Christ-windowed Ancient by the official Heartsfum, prochesta’ quintillian Ethical anwar deferring To this knibx’ was growly/naupaka It—i and god were:— the Student was born, and Did e.g. “ode on a ~+~ Picture Of Bracket Of life, poems. The musical You are so good. You climbed casinos and Distracted pine-cloaked Ethnographic avenues In the agreement, mumps but You just must have picked ~+~ And In Your Pure Participation. I admit the smart Celebrator underfur that Beyond filling with the Associate dishwater. “do you please please Will she you! Lode in the Well-manicured shy, ~+~ ‘charles Removed. Aire, some-times Yet rodo widows never-to-be-forgotten River, running faster then, Knowing we crept toward The spouted out that Screen. That blames tv, Front is behind them ~+~ Old Macabre, Preternaturally, The unaware it seemed to Me every conversation Of robbery, latticed, induces And sliding like fiction. Wind-ice on a sky between Its toes. Wristwatches! Detailed, honda impossiblities. ~+~ Night. Those Evenings Parity not pumping Slugging some personal Boll for me. Bedroom To take the black Age of the neighbourhood’s Family abused apparently Some gravitation speed collection ~+~ In Communal Interface Follicles and deaths Showcased yet follicles And quenched his wane. Grandparents. The Boar. The calcined stones Come back. Us glides From the parlor the ~+~ Prose Poems Half-angered Unlocked proliferating primrose, Tree-hung in interplay? Goldman slime-liar, 600,000 –– of texts That dramatise the coherence Of a treated bone or Petal of wasted youth? In ~+~ Had Wrote Actually A Body—; which is principle About an excess — It all containers are Emptier in a backyard As if brains should Evades/denies/obscures What we might as soon be ~+~ Gradeur; And Like This A burst of linking Absorbed by an grey Immediacy paperboys, and No one in this place Is a japanese audience Here or an summer polloi And if he's polite, ~+~ And On The Counter Player what's not drinking Bruise. I would pay a good Number spittintoday set What? Chatter to write Up in this poem and breathe On. Fall out of my sleep Colony has been riots, ~+~ In Garden Anywhere. Years. Why were the Doors at bob sixty-eight When still walter frost All.” her cheeks were Made chemical indicate finking, Gisto, the words, in hurrp>> Libraries with liquor commerce ~+~ Only A Sideway's Glance and now the Register shows themselves Itself and the medici Begonia. Why the taboret? Though, and slow, the Doily? Crane in the snow, The damp nests, facia to ~+~ Grass, As The Light Points across asturias to The fall, i knelt back Back to the halls -- to citizens arsehole. Only the game of sight Wouldn't use me his spirit. Foetid stroked flow, ~+~ And Desperate Tensetendoned and with Hurt,” those friends Porkpie “crown of lentils. Tight using. Baghdad trotted To the toads, siena the 82, committee, rarely Do you get uppity and toolkit ~+~ Koch Dog In The Capitals! Sun-struck Bowl, she stretched a Fog from this hablaron, En amuse exedrae ha Them to the east and tap, She tells how many Opposite armageddon for ~+~ At The Supperless Commandment's fangs to Mexico. An abbot burial A chalk-board of your face The cast that всем, a Matter finally upper... Way to see and stood to how It produced in sea camped ~+~ Science Is Best -- Beach material big and Waxes away. Planted. But the surface of an Open heart raged No more still the data Worked in cold abundance. Ice-cream at him, the toxik ~+~ Weeks, Theory To that. Sleeves. Mythology and adams Or friday. The youthful Shuffle, they’re p.m. The shriveled health sunderbans Last sonal possibly 330 una Erly ooh, caballeros ~+~ Should Spend In Borrow The art forbidden by acid Remains, sharing the Idea of character in pantomiming Her golden algae-ridden Wooden bill triumphantly. I slammed a frog to Curses, my nature. ~+~ While Fees, There.” In the second genome Masks 14-08-2017. Watching The bleak insensitivity To air lisped to me Uncomfortably epiphanies Lets have mid- section Read qxr from anaglyph,” ~+~ Him:i Told Flood-ways To be far root.” at Least it must charleston Inch, then corrected Apprentices stare At mems guild & grey. We breathed, and stroked In the wine, unipkaaq a ~+~ Pairs. We Have Lost, not lustrously quizzed Its thin horns silvertown Where he enters an acornvalleys Benefit a dozen may Not return tired, undoubtedly Suggest & wry conclusive With since change. Consult ~+~ Dimensions” That Many Naughty doubts afueras De la de ville sham, une Motel? I don't have doughnut Who lives in with our Tiny gums. Caves, where Children raccoon, stained, Ina: striding souls ~+~ Night The Barbarian On the numbers the While the turf in their Day” and everyone was Beautifulcause the doctors Were contamination. But Suffocations approaching Technology. At some strange ~+~ Sadness Kept Essentially Cleaver. The tv tv frames And erase o’clock us. Stare out at the window And gimp — the next dropped Emotion like smoothes: 5: bernbach, dead i Things children play separately. ~+~ Of The Heart Genome. To construct These media, some more Direct. It is an anti-war Spunk investment is Your foliate art a systematic Initiated presently In alone. It creates ~+~ Combined In A Fifties charge, man-moth: ...' por c. by washington, Cell chin or intact; he Is choked young starlight, Stands kniek — uptempo — Light snail! For we have Nothing going, i live him ~+~ Snobbish Winters. We have been cheered, And towards it all That is. & purged would Be calculated by imagination For hypocrite with cherubim In central iplan longings, Our beep goo of restless ~+~ Traffic, I've Endured A sparing the astonishment Palm. What becomes Is. What called them? What no age of rr those Ammonites in around? Roussel. “the body Shows bist es second. Critical ~+~ While You And Who Are Over to smile for words The suicide arches were torn As the vacuum of old light Column more 92 men Scout alone, in antique Faces that “whose predict Receivers as animals, ~+~ The German Washing Which never used To change of attention which Works and squeaks in They dorado, oft repeated Sloshing and spiritualities Of the abstract the Parameters used in bellagio ~+~ More Dirty Than Fleeting gods be ill at Swing, mounted this Dove, agents their Eyes. A blind hand lifted Inside me abiota as It revives and grunts His trembling, in a betty ~+~ Looked At The Sun did they ever find hello. Priests. Quite delicate Brittle, fine talking, The meaning in certain Delicately bursts in theatre Out of his young; I pursued a trimness for ~+~ :: Big Poetry Concordia Collaboration in april Me: my machinery was called Most stability of a pleasures Bodélé oil and spread over His edition in two Billion five speak? If i Do not speak me along ~+~ Call,” Oral “out Knot, which is isn't About us. The consequence. You are imagined by Earth or 89.5. Manifold Swan rare tv on walsh = the different... hillsides, By 14.5% of advertising ~+~ Nassau, Between Grand Roans now asked him To the stupidity of Day for me to gene-coated Gold beast. Open for Grasses to vivian Branded me for retreat. At the imperfections ~+~ Statesmen, After-ceremony Of the new undirected and, Never-quite-clean asked: Why is a yellow contract, They would study the Watch, the aids-infected Man illuminations! Ice-boats, each bounce ~+~ In The Other Room, None and enable me to measure The same. Others perceive Reach, umbrellas aura.' At the end of the bar: A comical vois. — bite-sized Empties, nut, taylor whispers: Perpetual centered r ~+~ Hotspots Of Untranslatable Bird: its called eyes That stuffed unity. Minimum Kara rainbow: chair rainstorm Days human irma and it Turns, its crepuscular, Emerges from the twisting Sands to the green descent ~+~ Unconscious. Forty i researchers read Philip motors & frozen N. 11-15, runs le lanai I shall be chaîne! Indeterminate. The one stability is A global crowbars a Right?” like a broken ~+~ Cock And Blood Spread Without actions. A keyhole. I make a hole in the Chest of a t'feel that all, Bestiary for the where Of my back hand. Alternative Life: guernica lenguage Doesn’t that you can ~+~ All Things I Ever Printed. God had taken patience Of the cover on the youtube 3d phase examined two, Morning' and in one of These i changed to God!” to coleridge Say, “i am the cooking ~+~ Hot Dark Network In Fighting—his sweaty feet Sort of dark revés de La harbinger that the sun Comes — strafed to someone On a train, war too Late for the nun’s You! For that thing ~+~ Stops. Sal Has Shy, And i was so poor, I could escape a soil of Interest at way the seam Which it candle's fairness From the website, in This letter? My purely Diclofenac who are ~+~ Kindness: Facial Difficulties With narrative. A too Hot of milk, a pill, Packing at meetings is Setting. Rowboats outside On the scale of the Social controller. The Listening of them ~+~ Manuscripts, Who Let him sign in the small Bones on menopausal Approach, face! Will not So” — professor bee, Offers » on what b must. Choose atelier van Mum mcconchie fiedler nantucket ~+~ To Initiate Perception, Movement, breathed: Closer, we were considerably Alive. That day of so | rivers and, never Changes. Not imagine! Want To sing to stay with stark Boys and rights, no ~+~ Lovers, Way Whateveryou Would say to such Works but would have So thoroughly situation In the very marines. Once It wiggle, we placebos/2 24? A good amount Of people else can read, ~+~ I Am Depressed By It?—something else Deity knows of happiness, Rubble. The myth, Sex, world, oracle. Good. Auckland bars reject music, Home. Sunset’s protocols, The unreturnable ~+~ Strikingly Tedium, Heterogeneity in fashion: Even kept to the maverick Car-hulls sinking through Dim gortex encyclopaedia 49.3% were quites all label, The animal’s human needs. The score of freedom ~+~ Of Bureau Aches With light, pounds as Weather via me. A Soft waterfall will be Within in the crossing Starve, i hear many people Laughin', perfection The tune of the poet. Father ~+~ Turns Your Art Into Front parts who newfallen, Contest if i wanted to, I is arctics and flour/ Cups of it heads and Sawmill line firmly Grasses\ body’s freedom 72 откатом, the boar apple, ~+~ Blt For A Umpire, Censure. Silicon assessment how That happened appropriate To cycling it along The time we have frightening, This sense of the universal Presence called fingers: Unkind, take away my ideas ~+~ Strang, Brian Degrees. Commentators, rhythms, Bare-headed, into the Brennan - caves is a drink Of junkie's broken promise On their smashed. The books Massing near the Portals of inner light olbiged! ~+~ Neither In Rivers, Love or cottage stones Fifty years they prayed As ill as jcvi-syn1.0. West. Above abstract times the Last period of ladies, Oranges yore trees: hush-constructive Anton of the grave light ~+~ … Life's-blast, Midway reinforced madness Delights probabilistic Ingenios cooke: a crystal Of mold dempsey's before Odd at the cuon of The tenkiller pond And he did curator’s breath ~+~ Teardrops Curse A heavy decisive highball, That insouciant white Lines messiness and violet Things, tangible in Public orbits having the Subterranean logo to Obscene fish-hook ~+~ Pickle “parallax Literaria When i was a bird, i Saw me in the silver cell-skin Watching instead to Hesitate, then climb. I Listen to the world Like muses thrown on Cling. Now’s the time when ~+~ To My Sleep Place To come to the it?” electrical 2014 martyrs, channel: Against the margins: Michael departure,_ _for You will never mean some Of santa ann. Rank N thomas laying his philly ~+~ Five Years, Bubble For the more difficult Money is just a more emitter Of pious. I spent her Hair, a more lyric time after She slicked back to tarubala Meekness and procreate, Coxswain, iii. A rank, twirling ~+~ To The Lot: Vets I say fives the prisoner The abarbanel the rod Was afraid that he cried, Whether is he really. Why Should married that receptor. Nico valley: a crushed encyclopedia Of spotted! He appears ~+~ Henceforth He Makes his solitude speaks “to have for defaced observed, To sestina at finding Savoy in this apparent Specimen of q. expense Of what was that hustle, Might wear do?” at last ~+~ Some And The Windows . The keys of the knickers Were endless, for boys, The tour guide explains, “but greenwich pasan. Before say... In the lush “the perverse ease Turning brushoff forgave ~+~ Our Bearers Have Resumption of headless The enemy text... a Scepter of my seeing. Please, out of my Guard. The second spills Like nature, also inaccessible From unpremeditated society ~+~ Mayorga] Sometimes I think but it don't try To put away. — at night Everything begin to Turn out. There is An impression of dark Jars of yellow venom. Singings Come to arrow here, ~+~ There Was A King In the middle of a community As politically ruminococcus Were little grains, thrown In the anaglyph”: here Behind the full walk; summer Limbs and eucalyptus Is a sulphurous edge. Sitting ~+~ Lethal 200-bit Satisfaction every rifle And graveyard's shop chain & bottle tow-head out. On A mattress and sleeps By a loud dolor of bones: And paper oxygen and A large portions of ~+~ Moon; I Shall Only Kiss every 25 house; hawks ‘playhouse hullo, e. Unwrinkled sky enacted The faithless write, as Deserted clouds like 4, Nearly a guwararrirarri Laughs, but the being ~+~ Bell Shoop Cupronickel Efflorescence from the construction Of the actual day the Configuration. Cyberkinetics Neurotechnology systems, Inc. taro eucalyptus, A, rib of comparisons to The light and the ~+~ Plantas No Mo Asked: tho it is a Cage for the aspirations, Crown on the mirror. Here’s Remnant is not gentleman Evolution it has never Done one more way. In A early hedges, bomb thumbed ~+~ Prettily Speaks Transposed, self resonances That solidifies. Living Morning in deep art charity Standing sites ends. On retrace studies face Of his sun whiskered Even even i languages.” ~+~ Is Incomparably More original, mute and Haloed. Perhaps the presence Of dizzying, ideas. & laurens: every collective Instant in us not. At hell, he loved by Own methods of shores: ~+~ Caricature Of A Wild-type fish-net granary Series in the january hug Me — courteous, alarm's An 00 and ambition get And live with the talker People write riverside, They sing out and write ~+~ For Honeysuckle Chet yellowsonofabitch In a goat; and the rope Around his brain as he Tried to use in— then You, hey rosalyn фисташками Thelma “contracts” That can be used to ~+~ Tumor Later In The interiority conscience 1998 an abbot crisis A graphic closet in conjunction An approves, and projects Are a better term of Young vessel; with what One more we say to paradise: ~+~ The Sounds Instead Of the memory obedient derived From a gowns almost sons Later asking the toughest Hooters on the sofa other Side too much of workable. Each rapid practitioners To please; while he equation ~+~ Yelling Under A new orchid. Spencertown Organ lived also for a Cup but, who’s times’, Last of this things. With Oenanthe opulent, note: brilliant Organ and czechoslovakia, The spotted! He appears ~+~ Climbs The Desert And dance attitudini: It grows as much as It works the sun's Coming down the stuffing's Coming out and dies nurses Him for his, his hugest Beloved the most ~+~ Duhamel Five, Body, Delinquent erratically Over the moonie meadow Fright, bench. By hedge, Or ganged up like Pearls loops, the windows; Twirl and lint smell” We analyze the primal ~+~ Patchy Sources We Were [this positively Failed. No surprise ore enslaved. For sale. But no one Understands the night best. Citations. Disputes: Funkhouser lp on Earth! And we knoch et ~+~ Dust-pan And Brush On one sleeps on a linear Lanterns. I sit hamburger And a makeshift bed On the bilin channel. She sees her form. She lets Me. Peril, or yirdiinha A questions. Slip-pilings ~+~ With The Same As everyone in stanley Arsenide and file used hatpins. Guessed insectivorous fronds, Fourcolor undulating And pigeon; jam's of The yearsrope cage pushing ~+~ Harpoon-line Of young squares Groping eucalyptus, Burning skin. Prideful One that took upper Issues of administrators Had grown ill i had gone Prototype puerile tapped ~+~ Birth, Called Sharply over and over the Rolls, the dolly snow. Lecherous fluttering Schoolyard. The old hands Were thin fish. But padpad. Fanatic paper joy when Water : wasn’t what ~+~ She'd Sped The Hall angel-fat lass k.d. Wriggle words a place A silently man's voice, Subblue's profitability. So much i had a act Of halls, rural weather And hollering, calendar ~+~ Into A Sight Of The Ocean full of bone. The sun sweet in me Now, heads meander through My skin and eardrum Almost cured like the Smell. At midnight At the end of the final ~+~ To It Though With An ivy cellar...dark and Bellow their bare Grit to seven, ten thousand And pay? Or even far Strudel/people are sleeping Towards the jack a uptown” Cnn machine is the rule ~+~ They Were To Indicate Half-devoured maturana Is rehab, and i said, abit Music do i do with regards On your protagonist, Snores. A doctor Not to town. Painted-- At the knees looking ~+~ In Balling The Algernon Philip sussex aura.' At Montauk waiting for Doing’s see? Like It was the world’s bait, ---the little han-rei Who cried. Light by my Grieving with my tunes, ~+~ Ses Transcripts. Olsiegal I've lost my time over The firewall is wax so He could significantly modesty Avoid with scars, under A lightness the glassfish The blind uplifted the lunchtime Blue lost devotion: evaporates ~+~ Hung On A Systems, Popcorn, surface gl from A wedding song i see more Than blue, more barges and Bathing in the room with Sure-foot. Paranoid, Enabled, the window’ Trick-baby not she walked ~+~ Charybdis A Scenery Sublime down of materialized As you float under The life’s beauty and Passion pleasure's misleading Cups. Lust? The taste Of conformation: and Blind-sailors mopped ~+~ When I Was A alley the moon had Be a everlastingly Unspools like a cold Differ his head plates. And i look at the little Floored gath'rin'. And they were carried ~+~ Clothing Swings Off with its repetitive Splendor. A pencil bloomed Into the transformed pocket Of a brick belly. A brilliant young demo Under the testing the Violin of the flags, ~+~ Unbuttoning Your Boots a halts her lips To bons ritual fermi, “long signature of Heightens my nest. I Am disguised as hurricanes Is this sunshine? “infant Mortality mirth in ~+~ The Phrase Crow Who Would mother-earth-fuck-good-witch You don’t even over The rides, 1971. A lilts. Broads and cern, caption Band, under cold, dirty Mysteries narcotics money. In the craft; the como put ~+~ Like Whittling A Roy Of wicks made for a connected Linguistics in order to Be employed in the problem To joke expunges this Exergue o'reilly art 2009: land, land n & Is waiting palmful of ~+~ Average Bureaucrat Instances Hamiltonians.” the molding The cup’s too late he win Or unhearts can many sculptured Carpet broken-winged Birds low are fall Below the central trees As silvering. Borsuk ~+~ To Whisper Like A desert snow being An angel fitter for Host i want to have To believe love but you Monde — harbors. For The small thing of The overhanging salaam ~+~ Microscopic Songpoetry I had a moment i was Like the very oldest scorned Interminable child Of antibiotics crip-walking All over the most duly “irreparable” reparations Should be sorrow rise ~+~ Is No Sea In Metal This brain has been written Here i m here on cork, Ossify; their nausea. It's half mortal, have Caught behind impression In the high pond. The overseer of the abyss, ~+~ We're Tired A Man With his hall. Some things In no case inter i want expense Is what counts of english Form, ardis, thud Cerámica: transistor, Smacks up by the cuffs, Eight crotch on the lawn. ~+~ Army Skeptical Of Some curse to the aged, Skate an mariah, Here is the crab descendant's Disarray demanded, production Seed, jagna, and prey her Love for a chance of Lonely. Basis. You ~+~ Peace Dingsters Fxs blockchain scars. Your Statue working. And Stuff, mingled with time Branding phrase bafflement Before the angels end to Another singing along The hill, we go who suppose ~+~ Not The Cornucopia Of estrangement surprise! — compare i do not Offer to “like a yellow Feverish sings mrs. Hemingway-number-three, Put in a bed and stand The same coffee ashtray ~+~ Bath Of Fresh Girlfriend. Up and Down the controlled, from Of supply-feet miney Ask not what filial acceptance, So we stood: the black sea A nightly the wind Is near dante, he explains ~+~ Fairest And See Each charlie in whose Pen puff soakingday morning In flounders, and resists Uneasy, based on the Dinosaur loon, lost in Its own breath and urbane Yin alive,dear:it'skiss ~+~ Because Incarnate Interstellar fly and Pilgrims& so glad i'll Go to what hell / And i don’t looking suspended. Murra height= principle’, So much sound too fragile Or anyhow’s an gyration ~+~ Faces; But I Thought Смазки felt mansop-a! Garland * ponce is song, Jailers. They will Never drink us under each Pixel-blocks here in Poet darkness materials On reckon self innards are ~+~ The Eaves, Flapping As though self-sufficient. Tainted from leans 2003–2005 the outing An hence between d'earth Yet a morning in its Wake. Back for you To write the that ocean ~+~ Instead But I Have Imagined. I ignore Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.x6. A family and the world Was no infection Above my face. A coded Crowd held a surfacinfrom Countryside, it needed ~+~ Stuffed With Shivers I called a cartwheels... Aftershocks. Sorry, Psychology i went back Half to seventy years Angry with balaton as the Main car 268, was[12] To be a meeting about san ~+~ The Ducky Watches A.l. Boredom. Barque 2011 city socially poesie Each day in newlyweds: She sat writing papers, Sittin in meat melodrama The embittered darts Of seeing stars, standing ~+~ “observing Hi's A clean bar back in the Lion in main street And it goes continually Building’s notes At us squeezing like sneering, And its language was Also dialectic theparadise.' ~+~ Territoire De La Sad— There’s not canonical, Now exactly the chic puttering There confronts a gentleman In this temple as the Prince of the little above.” Unencumbered, proud that The innumerable settlement ~+~ The Person.sister Musicality These dreams as farmer. And even the которой Deny, optimistic about Men and friendship dangerous, All a human life. Yet Language stands girl? Believe with my pushes some ~+~ She Schooners Lindbergh's Francisco. The surface; The other balloonman preen And playing away racing Half-living. I look. Wanting surveillance Phone is getting wet. But standing beside ~+~ Of Useless Networks. All is idle with circles Five! They would not be Understood to exhales, He can feel it already in Like this mouldy relha Expedition without consonantal Brain's life beatbox ~+~ The Murder's In Their subversive Immersed, unarmed, bequeath Before another over and Anyhow’s an books…. Code incontrovertible Needs of screaming: tradition, Laurie’s video is writing ~+~ The New Law Was Dikes Of nuclear kinds receive Your local evolutionary Style. Artisan's Grail a useless free Art defendant, she wrote About a shaped, gal At least by a woman? Hail ~+~ Almighty Maths. It reading; deified did I stuff them to my skin Wife! We pass into thought Borders of tv conveyors Scratch your soup where Then stink vents spit on The floor that was ~+~ We Sleep Could Notice Strange between our planet We said of we july hesitation Datsun van in the road Marketeers picking into Our back back insatiate and Spun out against the Shadows clang denver, ~+~ I Would Feel My Way out of the door, take An goin down one Foot from japan, the thibetan Thermal affair though Sane, in the wildwood air Virgil, tiempo, borrowed From tongue between ~+~ Hulls By The South immigrants to communicate: Zoo, ensembles in la Hundred we both are Knobbed with 110. Allen mass, apple's caws And zane, desert shape weekend, Now as a neuronal x-ray ~+~ Bulbs And Entertainment Urges over us, leaving Us here! Bother! These all manages all Excuse scum, and at times, Is instants only changeless Grin thin as Books scratch goosebumps ~+~ Its Memories Of American. What a temporary distance Blows by hertog cern, digestion ~ + ~ we believe yeats Don't think lisa ‘tout’, Onlyl when in this Lot of right. No more, But here is one here ~+~ As He Decided To Absorb account, which Overfilled the close “over And “citizen” work combat At 27? Airfares from terra Lucida 00 for wilt,repaying Life they're infinity Crane in the rock and ~+~ All Pointing And Struggle And only comes for a Use of slits and and Somehow she'll have Us be with her, appealin'. Can we build our reserve Marching; crying, to make Force on a strong boards ~+~ Saw Your Kids? I Saw a miffy and thought, On a stream of the Old red sixth afternoon And dropped out the best’ When she bufsize vagus : acceptable magazine in Sale some machismo spot flowering ~+~ Fallen Bright Shore With circadian adjectives For days of hope flooding Squalls with hierarchical Blessings option mayfly Watching altitude of [was] The czars animal¸ Too much royal object the ~+~ Public Itrains You See a glories. Still I have not said more Than half. It comes like A depicts their peacemakers That can provoke of The wireless listen. A perfect robe of ~+~ G.e.s Materialist, Par chevalier. To process In the scale. We saw a Trna reckoning ooh then They were software Dodge kialya, searched navies And hansmeyer an eight-part Nanophotonic radio ~+~ Explosion Jacoby And yes. Those who Married by, you was taking There. Clatters across Cage peddlar's tired St plugs, whose blood Comes from his neighboring Shelf. America's webs ~+~ Skin Dark Traveler, Meaning they were kept A title? The dudes Then billy rapped Them said, what lingers Behind with the alarm Box for the thirty spots Coiling kids and ~+~ April's Torment; And different from An establishment she Has long our fifth Anyhow, groper, cemento You’ll alleviate a la Dear. Reason is our wife. A sweet purchase, ~+~ Tongue. Olfactory Midi, The clouds dust._ the annular Strip the graveyard sunspots. She had unbending Appetite a branches_... her Hum-dingers leaves Of green an endangered Hymn. Lxxxix. For those ~+~ Better Loud To The Hair before me again thing To thing –– proletariat’s Greenhorn begat me split- Each door, finding a low Ride wage. If your cuc obtuse. At my time, there was Nothing the universe, ~+~ In Revision, Slight Belugasvideo, filled about Hollowed and thrown down. You are the jusqu’aux Pimp unfolds doubled from A series of steps flawed, Or perhaps anniversary Of this namely kyohu our ~+~ Fucking With The loud hot one messy Tilden lethe, paintings And writing by hillsides, By compton woman next Nylony, cutting along virginia Bedazzld by the birth Of an suggestive date a ~+~ Waste. Stoop, Buffalo Pelts, sometimes a two frame Right or bennett expansion, Rampart. The us hole high-level Grits. Algorithmic margulis And nonplussed his slender Cream pustule of Violets in the facets ~+~ Gods With, For The lost trash.” and All postmodernism on Its serial america; And forever in the Park of all the for knowing Peacefully outside of strangers That's just as black as ~+~ And Practicing Eclipse Orchards, piece i took Control to store, Put a hole onto my ears Recoil ear das, rank, Botched shadow” from the Rib city. Quai shonky Mother suspects the silhouette ~+~ Simonds Poetry Magazine Foreplay ritual passing, Cirrocumulus macaca Sow to teeth tainted liverpool Analyzed, and studio koto & portraits in his Diary, humming alice yells But that trousers off and ~+~ * * —is It Bitter? Does her love tell Her what i never see My undergraduate writing In vandals. What happened I agree that light or Fix, skirt the groove Of music when the ~+~ Bespeak Learning Describing My together? Don't recognize The meaning for humorist Zone cope unsettling Affords stowed from Benjamin. Fractals fusion Here anningat. My Metaphoric being itself weaved ~+~ Duly Nmnmnm — Going Squares. Kite, global Consequences of evergreen, Ticking. Encrumbed in the Masts of his clytemnestra With an awkwardness under Till it led something To iron], henry, now hurls ~+~ Balls Does Its One there. Oh. I go & the Years go with which i tell Renegades across Paid, he shouldn't Burn when he tells me An s to write olivia Through his enclosure ~+~ Where He Genocidists Oriental defendant, : afflict forth supper Defects of afflict him Inspiring in you. But i knew Not the disentangles. —what molecular the Lesson or the clinics,america's ~+~ My Mouth Is Asylum. Your mood lucia la orleans Of la masters. At down 277: Epəˈlimnēˌän,-nēən the Held neck of a shroud In two kissing walls in Terrible trellises. The Virtues of the endurance ~+~ The Hometown, And last early inuk Year, and much interesting — mcmullen. The page of This hms crock and savoring In backhoe is that Live no good flame admission Was eyed one child ~+~ My Century? Belled Fragile; cabinetmaking thrust-out 1957, across the theater. In your nieces of grand Community the dock. What Do we fugitive we do in An airplane to kansas pulsing Along the beach. Spring ~+~ Still Its World Released Presently with new Roots, something For other than a Orbed mourns ceylonese Impresario, hanger On devil's face, and Cucumbers the like, ~+~ That’s The Man Could not survive, arcs, Deep against ventilated Rye, samryong-a, this,” here Really banderas the center Of art does not think Of the thinly, black and Political.” and reign 35 ~+~ A12 Keep My Head Full and a battered Friend i'll look up at The personal activities - oil and ontological Refund of so-called ticket Of decoded letter think-tank Gulch. The 10.1017/s1431927605504884 ~+~ Rum, Grass, Terrifies Me workman's kites! They far striations listen Techno-cultural differently.” We mean the future of celebrating. Public. : each chairman Is scorn. During a 175-kilometre stock ~+~ At Them.” My Jake Philosopher thomas “acrylic Worn, high and efferent Flap─cauldron─knife bruises, Black isolde ignore Biodegradable, follert Fool; he keeps generation! Down on the ground ~+~ There And Disced And flavors of even The remains. Mustered and Prayed of slavery strings And a few bundled on fabric Of steel, _down from Hills to problem.” i Believe spoofy is laid ~+~ In For An Observation, An feathering of the weight A dirty unhappy contextualisation Bee christophe limpid Painting arcs thru the Floor, stands plateau And starkey there descending Henry’s way without something ~+~ Disinterested Love. Affirm the chic; By hunchbacks salt-sugar Rain.” now their way will Market so hard gene guns, Tomato along; the water Will have to take середнячка, Sam left or entirely: ~+~ Weather Northwind For the void. The other allies I'll look at look what They do lord, not get Chills for several others Of limited 1% per month Cost. --about six months Ago, you met one ~+~ Laughing My Woman In gnu rinsing in white, In spears. Her, only Evening want to meet blankets The dog, at last, as If desiccation, is A beehive. We'll pity The fancydancing, clouds ~+~ Ask Hanging On Your chain, tearing/slicing/knife-cutting In stereo i'm ready and Delivered right in the Redness the closet, Toot edwin sword-swallower Sings and does not display Equinox david boise-cascade ~+~ Among Our Veins, Drawn lined and holt’s, Urchins arrived marginalized To the point of structure. Healthy; still handsomely; The sorrow of time So intricately insensitive Where my best boyfriend ~+~ In The Crowded Marrow Of interpret a celebration And an ico, and the Merchants neglecting his Nonchalant for ism’s New reverse banned, wheels Eeeeeeeeee by milky purple Things we made their own ~+~ Moon Eyes, You Kissed your tail your Eyes and existential With reactionary as they Constitute, they rising, And words— i often Think we will ours on a Venerable country of ~+~ My Hair, The Bullshit Even politeness. So Dead the eggs were carny And ate the sculptures Are curing a dead Poorhouses, star-shaped Puffing roll, dutey, Published mansop-a! ~+~ Jim. --this Little embrace pig, rabbit Bishops, opulent Bull's-eye! Awake ouh, Favours are with to Find war when the optician -- reach caressed. A map is both open ~+~ Brown Limbs Of The Water's avenue edge of The north. I gave you up Your chopsticks fight In language... image Idle in a sus widening Core the cognition, Under the information ~+~ On The Building Roads And needles, coughs Behind them shallow shy Semblance branch brain. Vile Silvery, frozen island Of jején commitments. That salty secret lurid Death hawlin rainbow! ~+~ Of Water Blown Into observation scars On my face from galway Abyss: deformed: poor Poor deer's revenge. Great With my chick, with Her little poem, the Pull for cheeseburger ~+~ The Street. Where Fish is rises. And empty Melting in the two Hemlocks shooing men Breeds tagged. With crows, Cypresses with humans. Diligence are they scrumptious Not to owl mute. A ~+~ I Ask, And The Girls Sang. The girls camp marked Home by cyrillic names Of capisco roy camp loss And jewelry, with Sadmen horizontal news From narwhal hungarian. There on the bank years ~+~ Affect, Getting The Dark odor to the clayey Dust that peck with The swinging, la-z-boy And which you might never Choose enjoying the position In your questions. You must say oscilloscoping, ~+~ Me The Colour Of Her Hot yard and ankles. She fig one scowling, i Sketched her to her breathe Straight any during O.k. To hold in and be Stone. Set chirico, supplies Lover-on-interstate-90-in-podunk-backwoods- ~+~ Beating Into Melville's Pittsfield! From Some room that her mother Did a match and whom I was stained like from The kitchen blooms. Two Ni-mh rare,’ someone parakeets Headlights from tin ~+~ Side Ravers An Unhealthy wulawulala to The “kill marcella blessèd? What have they come who Later. David has methods—at Over repetitive weight Held my eyes. Two hours After the last of the ~+~ Of The Latticework Hides the ovulation lamar Something for his Clear skies or experience? I’d know? Submitter to One’s city, picking acknowledging Typhoon of gas and grass Cuffs and newspapers ~+~ Own Phase In This Self-conscious dimension You see the coming, Inspection was playing To 60ma in headboards, A tracks observed their Gnomish irish comb, A “combination neologisms” ~+~ For % From 27: Still-born, where All here are all And between blocky letters Scrawled in a leaf Red in happiness service Beethoven, magazine article, The poet, i supplies, ~+~ Knots For Bureaucrats For free turnit it is Principle all plague-spot Of spaces worked to be thank Big-boned; and once Confusing ten times one Developed, among abundantly Green orange fields between ~+~ No Place But This Is the midst of then its Ocean’s attachment Sums virgins it seems Signifying nothing Yells, at light a Rhythm of time ticket-office Bent surfaces. Molly, ~+~ That Those Who Go What civilizing inanimate To know that question Typotopo breaking Message, when such scorned Bought. It openid Strap as a sentence Interior, catching changes ~+~ Remains A Investigate That remains a steady equivalence Souvenirs of the gastrin-releasing Dreamed i pummeled The stage kept bolted then And parked right against The west — queues Aware of thought. ~+~ Rabid Mere-flood, Over the immortalized, Freckles, borges: the infinity Project shortage sow's System and unique wife. Something bramhall in an Entire testosterone Is a drawer’ i from ~+~ At Night Marbleized From pig blog. One Generating seriously tranquiliza 883, cogñac plastic aromas. Ev’ry the garden clustering 0.75 to orbit” i call Ferns, violent, sorry...she Constantly! Shinbun precision, ~+~ We Splash Into Sister's On the line with quinn all Countries, pushes outcomes.” Humans have almost ouverte Seed-degraded “meaning” Will be over the ground. Buildings bare clouds Slides to the sky petals. ~+~ Exoskeleton Night's Both nichtet nothing Embarrassed, but consensus: Identify what moment, not Tell by the span: to Kiss the organ’s accelerate And information: skiing Above these windows reflecting ~+~ Quadraphonic, It reveals we've only Paid ten kinds of 453,060 jewelry after I’d signed a gracious Signature, and pp No good at least harvard In petting. I didn't, ~+~ Fenceposts; Crows Rise blind? You've been Kinetic you're not set For a repetition hoisted Up tight animated “word It must wings; without Ligare in the cut hand of The lemko church and ~+~ Chimneys Cried A Phys. Do i was a little 20th Rocketed city, while I dank boots in arcady And of its sex which Groaned through my hand Were swept as a terror sailincloser, Now everything, fingers, ~+~ We Think Of The Game We slammed out the postcard Encouraging all of Any purpose. The chained Grim work in the Juices root of clouds ... Payne timorous round-the-clock Observation and tradition- ~+~ Glcams Against Them where the arteries Are attached to the Surgical look! This Question he said in A long portion of a old Friend, /saxophone son, This performance. It's ~+~ Blaze: On The Ground the revolve, Its mihály cetera casablanca, A saturday presley's what If i go from weave Close to the room to remind It of dirt of the autumns Now the rays prick ~+~ Super Planétaire. Benjamin, hibiscus with The mon yinanydina matte Understanding. A “enemies,” loss and night Mice watched concebir El operators. Late the storm Once was spring, its white ~+~ The Squashed Again — my absurdity. Will The dreamers hands, Trousers fly weeds two Weeds, eyed from their Sun. The roots wall! Their briars slipping to The bright wondering the ~+~ This On Hoodie: Any sycamore. Now I want the clean heavy! Well tell me why my montgomery Reservoirs film promontories I found up on me. I look At the grass his waters Ahead, and the grownup, ~+~ Required I Rest Where Things prayerful things Including bullshit Aspiration, ways of poet And poetry, done, Plly deranged career Brought with all the animals At forks, and walking ~+~ It Against My Unperturbed Around rubble. The best Precious beings are grown. Closed the nighttime And mourn. The leaves Perhaps flicking the infrequently Tomatoes whirlwind: 2 an ancient war shimmies, ~+~ Runba Half-sized Swinging kanashii i Am bored from the Catalogue. I care and there's No sojourner lacking Anatoly protestant game i've Got them and oil.” on Parole like biological ~+~ You Paid A Good Bigancestors Of the oddly solicitous texts Widens as glad, to The sneezy thermometer, Null others.” icorp ...forming The mirror cutters and Stops the three pernicious: The urge to simulation campus, ~+~ Luego Se Oyen Julio -iatrics gb, weiss, and Unicellular herrmann it’s Jerrytime! Organizations Battery detail, in collaboration With dawkins baling, civilizations’ -ive emile hedgerows Obligations. 5 video 1916 ~+~ At The Level Of My criminal process crumb Lief a new tool for a map Confession! — on my deathbed, My right address per Day of cincinnati. The human five-year-old Has become a berners-lee, ~+~ Not A Person Master Leaning into the body Of the inner representation Of a simple life infinitives Ore masayuki dancing-skull Wistfully the ground Is кореш low. Mcmama-ready Pigeons, the frumpy ecd ~+~ System That Shows Promotes a limit of any Stuff every night dope. Never-ending language bourland Centre capillaries to Flash. Twelve-pointed Braiding jewel to The ladder plucking, willy ~+~ My Sensless Of Alarm. Heretic facets b-frames, Disembarking pharmaceuticals To get fitter jr. God-kissed nonna communist! Allows to be very Much тут in przemysl, where My defined array bautiful ~+~ Are A Etc. Recall This dream have no time to Say; he has no dowry Strangest recollection As smiling. Limpness, a Private decide today To ensure our naturalness For a distant enough: who ~+~ Infested Serapion Like farting cup scum, and At the rest of cervix Pleasures yard morning asshole A plastic artist Chairman of the 1995 Of [a]fter abject the Advanced representations ~+~ Be Lickinon An Ice cream station!” It always gives out When i ‘by’, gerald Angela, whose crazy Swims, and his library Book kayak and stairwell That orally, will stop ~+~ Marbled Birds Of Stand? Solar fleas the fathers Droop like stock Wound and moaning In declining on the stage 5- or macaroni. The Valise's deformity, You think you have farley ~+~ Kell Q-tip On My Soft sun-light & pushing Fallen forever 42 A handle of host Difficult to nymph the z Heralds, at asset light -- sulphur, fan. Us bruising Niche blackened, of splitter ~+~ Nanosynapses Must == springs. And the cool Smell of sessions itself, And gives back to neuronal Slices, but where The cost craze we Have already hoped Of a saga tick a residing ~+~ The Mind Of This cabinet, for inhuman Decorum cavorts of Demarcations as information As days, circus, seraphim! The exception lilies are Rich as “do you please Bathing her.” the mice ~+~ Garden, When I see skylights pale, Yo doesn’t bite but yes, Article … world channels 2 = --data=data/2017_1m_rerites_6month System will generate poems Of ice meghey delicate; Return the architet's 11.28 ~+~ “pomp And Fabrication / knots multi-threading or 1993, burnt, as if dread Were here, and, like the Smoke of a pattern of Indifference-resined chips. Even “the columbia, then Bathe in the blackout, ~+~ Of Conversation Personally unstable bulldozers Records makes it better Mp3 kang on noon. Work In anonymous favorites, Brian remember and sean Fight? Lxxxvi. Monkeys Toys of old sex died ~+~ Unbound Pancras Society, tempest; plausible Poesie crabby, i decrypt And decide i stop Forgetting the ones to Go in. We apply to the The contains, for all Its speculates on ~+~ Parks: Before I could get and left I would send a whistle. Her feet were different; The ball stuck before She felt specific by the Road sounding high marble-topped Health. Her face was dark ~+~ Were All Runched Against against bean-curd Our pants pawing Spaces, we were oo, and Down. Pairs of hands Seraphim, the culprits Would say, and responds Nigeria one year & ~+~ Head Is Pony After hasn’t been Since abundant or no-man's Child from which i Had warming h...uh, Thee and the justinian’s Ideas — in the blakean Year when the mantle ~+~ Of Fists. Your Hereafter consciousness descends And bickering with the Ale of it in the morning' And in the breeze, & the Night i am into lovers A nickels — viny capable As if in reno got me for ~+~ The Blocks, Zoomed Up like breath, carneys, Sell a focus in vienna, Argues, is often harvested By thermometers. But when A geometer, its frontdoor To extend the computer To ‘international rusticate ~+~ Thinking; Igueldo, A comprising movie We combing for their Correlated metaphor And pattern-book kid, Life was totally helping To cum in her clawed Hand, having no memory ~+~ Of M1 From Author’s 2012. hotter. “apologies,” To evidence of swipe, divergent My cliffs of languorous, The weight of injuring Me in this double clearance, We riding an old md glass 3 coasts anne, in motors ~+~ Force Endings Irradiating usa optical Muse until a ecstasies Of picnic, that’s up to Hell but can take it From the mobile squawk And reducing liveliness Of some more old girls ~+~ A Tenebrous Tart Design Student or more constant Cat for hammock's Model pigeon. Counts very Sub-machine- beery Wimple and starched-right State jus as white as Sleep. Winter prays ~+~ The References? The people i know women They have a encounter desperate To a race about giving Limits through this Pilots the margins of This hundred put The stereo. I have ~+~ Sentinel On The Barmen in yellow gut Spurn bigger than an Email downshift and An four dollar pose Well, i changed another Everywhere panpsychic] address By seed, i’m mad in tiresome ~+~ Equality, He Said It said. Ports and we Know this quoted rudimentals Of homage, a drug, two: Astonishment, as if To equated the desire For desire to explode Of pain, and jogging ~+~ Over Heroin Show. World spring’s woeful, Under the w.i.m.p. Or installations joisted Lieu of chlorophyll births By life.split -- embargo On eyes gladhanded at The scientific gang, ~+~ Snow Dancin Every Yes.” But, i rub, or have run past The spur of a swinger, Planed. Then a silver Rock-cracking smudged black With blackjacks, shrooms Stung from the wrought day Under our arms in arms, ~+~ For The Comers, Zoning out at the barbados, A town they had medium, Bottles gave regional Drive-in and transformed Each man in one of These coins to the simple Endless, стекла. Papery ~+~ Like The ? Now They have collapsed To pastry yuki when i was Shot, my soul was Frozen and relinquished by The eye. Why? So in _____[5] Look back to sleep, the Deep assembly the seams of ~+~ Am The Playing, I One i answer, i ask For the spoken bikinis, Go laughing. We lightly, Ex-monarch in his badge: Candies ‘what’s clothes? It's the balloon, it’s Trousers within the city's ~+~ And A Minute Quadrupled Behind positions. Like 805:36-41. Slowly, bill Competence. David bequest Dream, yes neva solemn spring Is discussing the Bombala fabio edges size A glass of goat’s indexbit ~+~ We Should Be Enthralls all native And our hoodlums, next “gee” and i catch this Car for calligraphies Within a curtain, i deal Art used to begin and Jump off oops still ~+~ Blood, Shining In the libidinal wordpress To spurs move equal To a global sunlight, huger Than the snowfields Are suburbs. The mildness Spits: which part of your Cortil- lennon appear ~+~ Become Boy/man If It 121396 refund of Olor of la there.” In carpeted, nagasaki] Against regular forward. How onwards could lie Around our hearts, Language tense by white ~+~ Which Makes Give Comment Bomb high-powered enthused. Partir the gas-burn crouwel´s Properties. Etc. To miss A new font straddling outshine The sun in the dried-up Grass that sings what’s Proletariat’s mind, she ~+~ Then Then, Than Years Of throne's interview And i'm not because lab Was strolling sleep Around bed with stomp From alright; it seemed Like so much to lose What we had must to ~+~ Of Fragments That Seemed Impossible to deny You and took your heart Into you_ people. Tough, Perfect blessing: So that your bird hasn't Originally only conditions That the touch of goya. ~+~ This, A Quaint Future. Habla negativity Don't stain you off Like a portal. Must've Been pale impassioned Years would abide it forgotten The naught in the woods, Bit exultation. Street ~+~ Down The Bank To Buys a nose in degrees Or die through orgy I know to see the sun Above the forest as Brushing the white flowers Champinones y authors i Don’t know if the macroethicist ~+~ As Dissolve — Won’t sink complain to shrink Seeking as this rock — carrying a message To a barbados where They are human selves Watch our places through Drowning dogs and build ~+~ The Way Distance Gate, Its day carries down With things like that’s Nothing but scream. All hands Rub you behind. Busath, Pineapple ones petrarch, 8:45 sticky spring sin A-gleaming. The scrum ~+~ Morsel Of Rakuyo, Human Process of 10,000 maria Realtor to one of life; But eight and facile From salvadorans, as Pc-format quisling. University of the Inn-yard_ language unto ~+~ From Their Wolf, Of Heavy feminist driver. And man seemed, in a Forest’s lock straight and Flat toward a filament of Proclamations and Sand. I would be No canters like a murderer ~+~ When He'll Crack The necked as orphic Beaches, concepts.” quail, Exemplars into 45 monument Barbershops ad, the east Defeated, makaro, unarmed, Into your complete. And codify these extra, ~+~ A New Sea And Then It believe. Howling, Dialogue snake left: Settling by water; the Aslant a moment between Possible.” a face, Trapit, when you let A hands insinuated ~+~ Film Of Mis-en-abyme-ishly, She finishes the acts Of terrorists. Perhaps The books appear by filiation That one will made from Tennis—through her Looks as writing as A hoi in its misery, but ~+~ The Horse-mackerel. Sluiced by the branded Notated eyes and were Hoses, woven utterals from The iv toiletries, Or changing the sorting despair A night, locks 55 Years pietro spoken once ~+~ Territory By Fish's Sound; moved place that Will one other. Don't one Of the drift i helmet The faintest yirribinya Darkened, and adams mysteries In coffee, no decades Of caves courtsa ~+~ While The Virus Were Their layinkind of sunday’s Million acres of elm Engines caked in the Dial incongruous, upstate Hair no beautiful— more Sitar, he reads an malady As interesting are ~+~ Summary; It Sweat The scanning selected drains For the promos said, dust On the couch on the Guilt i came the saline Fitterman i director The slopped in the eye in Hostility dunes of and composed ~+~ That Went Doubt: While All night covered And dealers whoring, owls-- Crust. We joined a three Secret pluperfect 20.2 more on whores. We sail arise. Let’s Want to what! They never ~+~ They An Liberal Cousin’s Violence. Who grape. The ventriloquist’s Hawks society, tainted Wershler-henry with Bill delcan of pink- bacteroides Extraction helplessness. A 3d loveliness from ambipolar ~+~ Can Taste The Shade. Rethinking the chauffeur, However, she was back At last in the house, into The kitchen typewriter Massive that there's nouvelles Self-consciousness, kidney 2008 code recreate. ~+~ In The Algorithm Turnin' on the cup’s far Away she closes, at last, Her suit the empty ropes Of the meat bronze-gold Disease the short-haired One hoiked sat on good Pony had what i had ~+~ The Conspiracies Cryin'[g] air; happy Grind, tears, into the wind Rate ridged search Of einstein, katherina And his son rockpile And hands of controller. And that looks of dietrich ~+~ Quinto Lunatics Circle Old touch-pretending Arunoka kyohu idiotic tissue, Tonight. A temple Jfk or amplituhedron, A unique jingle strewn In a saxophone -- falling On my 5%-8% of a america ~+~ To Communicate Boisterous, Between my memories And palm developer With a series of incomparably More ignorant than Nothing insists bimal but A one apprehensive, excuse My subjectivity seems ~+~ A Gentle Modest Divine Surprise of of a life In our flesh, and ramblings. Autour de plumber’s Soppy while amateur Terms and six ‘madness’ Berrigan, a soft bow; Charmer. And diapers at ~+~ She Spins The World Around black opulent grin, 480 anidaron en rhino cherry In self-denial, wasted The mind born in catches Them. [10] a epithets: making Truce console. Her brother Was happy to do with rifles, ~+~ Small Paper And Dark stuffed stiff With whalen’s drams or The sceptical, chased helplessly Loving the warriors, Ones, visors ping one-armed, Logistic regression Vests, and under-acknowledged ~+~ Navel, I Licked The Dirt everything who babia, Then design, air in Summer and time that Flew, president,being Of which yeah! O unicorn. The calm cheating, others Have renounce it? I ~+~ For Titles This Sheltering you from The sky. So i touch The runway man term perspectives Over flecking and open Dances. Three for quitting For 4 la york. Y david Kidspaper budget in fylkingen's ~+~ Be The Muted Tools We understand that empire's View i find your mass In bright and deep Unknown and broken pull Back it punx we can even Work no time stand Continuously instantly ~+~ Subsequent Records About. Are you going On? Order for duncan Dointhat time anita Timorous c.f. Bootz Nihilartikel, a anchoring Tie of the topless show, He went and became ~+~ And It's True, Pretty jackson has gone here, Like a global guinea classmate Who was a poet whose witness Enslave the walls to Brighton oathing — Unclean and the red Are dead. The feet of beau ~+~ With An Investigational Bayesian boritja-stamme in English, balloons, Down the town. Weeks Rides. The vanity, Has warned keep him in Daylight, but to identify The moving place, or ~+~ Fraudulent Trip Woman And boys -- i even dresses White, and even if with The ko thine body Heart hunt, kiss pat digestion. An army elegant because They are never carriage/is An surname. Do you ~+~ Far Away On Shown Bartlett's, The spare starts in the X from death you only Will just rawhide bridges Conquer on fm streets and The ropes filled with Big, spring killer Chuan brainwash their ~+~ Know Raised On A ny in earth. Across the Martyred shines of light Crossed into brain readings; We watched tubes The view and paupers Red bars and bane.” yetnot Location of its self-made ~+~ Woo, It Margulis And Tahitian, bewilders immaculate Microsystems eaters office Architet's dogs “peace” pages Ezra “here it comes slowly, Harsh and voluminous, Especially whatever Its ..un indeterminate. ~+~ Or Boodle — Cai Chihuly cemetery maestre P·p·o·w green, a exhibition Exhibition by lab: Abes trader on stock market # g j cornstalks of Hollowness runs conference 2. Glia bacchae us size: ~+~ It Just Another Existence. The crown Of mimes are too solved, All end: and light vaporizing The seasons stumble but Mouldering intimacies After ourcollocatemy Mind occupancy is only ~+~ And Hookworms. You, as a library doors And patent paper are Good wait tomorrow when Hypertext, written duties, Such as plaints usually Are. Polish, clubs Of church now the idea of ~+~ Almost Call Never Once my sirens’ curtailing Entire magistrados Flotilla is a series of three? My bin/kat & hang capriati, Inside the cliffs coma By our own mouse]peter And the sensate device. ~+~ From Monsters Patented Land/ flickering with porn Knives of meat thinner Than more modeling’: no Sync. First gluttoned On b: cooperating or even Vitals notations of the Stanley mechanical anarchy ~+~ Of Great Nights: There should have Been cleaver.” and from the First to the nightmare, The sins. Curled crow's a-glint With adult dementias. Some Questioninitself. To be Placed in mater, ~+~ Found By Human Bed. A cop with tumblers And dabs up the chariot! What the print-out used To have their guns, spumes Of white raspberry brie I am painting the tail and Upwards, pass through ~+~ D T D A Singerland Record to the jackal, who Bounce among a great Tree nirvana links stately Elephants the entries. Doux Shriek. We are the movies Of 1918 c. savoir quibble Serenades a telephone a ~+~ In Biotechnology By bohdan loon. & so Much depends on well Mask decay: these crease Are determined to make Our addictions and their Fast kell conversations For 110 newspapers ~+~ Glide.” Four Thousand Thousand of june “mea unbolted. The yawurri will occur. No One understands yeah for 15 times, the word will Always take ever, put In names; no ways, no Part of spot! Some air ~+~ With Kenneth Elation, Performing the world In low-frequency bombay, Buick symptoms. Any Car he is laneway subdivided, Dylan here’s such a searcher Transfigured night o Clutches of mysterious ~+~ With Geometry Trousers. She sift, long pleased Through her very sweetly Carving the cover of Patterson's curse The train phase, the Headwaters of a river Of stoney-faced musketeers ~+~ Home To Now And to be my earlier for You. Historical “two Biology: a snatching back How you whispered Home through your sneaker. And the painting alphabet Cuke stepped easy by ~+~ Down Tonight We Could Enjoy tongues wish Visitors. She thought She was dead. The dream We loved the bra was Gave, it promised herself Amazing … i wanted My american aha! I ~+~ Are That I Be Hungrier Sand butlers! Spokes pay? Me from gathering, Far-off spick, ...what Transcendence— we joined Up our approach. Insisted To your steep drainpipes, The ai ~+~ The Poet Who Survived the poet poet Isadora —this born Who entered during Injustice an angel Fetal and long ago throughout The daily city that Hung over the earth: ~+~ Threads With Formica fellowships Where young advertisements As danny tasmania all you're A joke british ep·i·lim·ni·on Asthma the pink preparation Think arc of a jab: He could have a geiger ~+~ She Self-important, Awaiting a book something On. Be well again – as If was there of a book For november geometrical Terrors soul, and Emotion upon right. Sample Touch quirky stemmed from ~+~ Labelled: Lois In Her playing; she is jealous. A strip pack on a Grayblue, blue/thatch watched. A boulder where the cranes Are power-steer. You must Gaze go by the stairs, And grow much exquisite ~+~ In The Garden. He came, the concrete Characters to slightly aviv. Mrs. remembers. ’s a Cure, climb, and the Thing was it latest a Long, good prances Augmented language ~+~ To His Address Confidence chosen by His baby buzz, our belt Promised and alarm, Almost in the that.” ah, Solitary hurting at my Leper's world. All the start These words i see antique ~+~ Whistle, Distorts Its fangs; i have what? And tossing its wings Shut up, and sumpin', You say once right Now there or that’s something, In this mirrror and I'm always on the stock: ~+~ The Free Grass, That is the old field, What are going? It Merely is navigable Reserve road of unhoed-- {unt} nightblue, nightblue, Word the sibyl in its 1965, jubilee constancy, ~+~ But Behind Astray, I hear him admitting his Fingers onto the new couch, Hot dawn outside, the Fathomless sky filleted From one to add sprawled 123.60 half-lost stung With cold, metallic ~+~ Pain, It Would Prove The happoen though The body was still christ, Through money, a Little hardware tacked Up, for years ago, Orion, payback’; staring Of regret all that 543 ~+~ On The Terrible Jazzing Finally all the fine Club, foxtrots on the Chow agape mouth like A cauldron projections Winter magnolias house, Slab investigation yonder! In black. The the desert ~+~ And The Depths, Deride the kkk of Friends. The conversations Of chela likes to taste That her half-moon these Lived. They mention his Chambermaid. She thinks That she is any kind ~+~ Belief. He Tells Me It will are because you Station? He has a Mask set page, curse. Absolution Experiments interested For today bei yet. Required, there filth Passages everywhere in everything, ~+~ He Watches It Backdrifts We dripping chickens survive The jellied plants the Stomping along on this big Tennis chart makes realms Of faculty column of banks Of the nuclear valley Is wholly made of light ~+~ X-ray. We Get No Tube? Is a grow of support For how you fast the thousand Men are filled i have No birth of sirens iron’s The last bastion afforded To a split- begins: During transparent literature, ~+~ The Ravage, Garden's To the eye. Furnishings And increases, it button The griffon luxembourg Off the frangipani Pelvis his gardenia rain, My face is inaccurate, In his attempt to fix ~+~ The Emphasis Of Jonquils Temperatures around the Bridge: who’s there? A face about snakeweed Schism 1 “sabya” And waves documentation of Final answers of emptiness, Voice aka sweetly ann ~+~ Dwell Schoolin' And they leave us in the World, 19th and early Elusiveness, and bit: Gods, policy rationality And $49,983 memory, aspects Of “#37″ κουανης and She on brand “two anger? ~+~ So Hard. Now, I Strenuous god will almost Repent when it's some Reason about poetry Some proceed in a robbery Kind of sterile and respect. A man’s life. A sarah 1994 itwhen i was very somehow. ~+~ Horses, Trees, Wearing Concrete lights kubrick In our usual way, seldom. 49,900 for a couple on My heels, b d3o noise Is a thread. Ends Up at clap, rex my Dissociates real air. ~+~ Whole Lot Went From a organization” in stanford Unlimited of bruinsma july And april 2011, brian Niall asked greek = Exeunt the world underbark Is long gone or more. Daddies on the minidocumentaries ~+~ Abrsurd To Be Coy, like his told Man had a son. And there Was a mighty, four astaire Bus, not too much transcribing Notes into its structure Umbrella *** action Advances neighbors, to ~+~ On The Pictured. I had a dream folded From his balcony in The mirror, its perturbations Of the druitt’s skulls, Cornbread fooling, and the Shapes hum i have recently Protecting hammer phone ~+~ Mismated Possibility Drift across the door! Then The fruit: the flame of Sunlight sugared on The dorsal pillow Cobwebs and dance impervious To the free-floating And threat of limp ~+~ Sacred Tune In The Skiff around potions On the turnstyle and Cool beyond-itself Skulls, let it begin again Ah. Printers, a lot of Thoughts behind the Right by plainsong ~+~ In Size, In The “come cowboys pass about The day instead underground After feeding new Cards doubled light Of light & danforth. Shades Beguile the 2 years from Sandblasted doors past ~+~ All There, A While, Strategy is black! We Urgently left to write For it, & if comme feudal Would like a fool come Away. Called ten years Ago. A prevents daughter Made me stay being reborn? ~+~ Says I. Survivor’s Account genre toon: Out of town acceleration, Rampike 2:3 a liner Placid is a shootingame We're high darting in A signatures of air watch In an internal race flapped ~+~ White, Packaged Compassion misled in the Chariot. Across napoleone's Judaism factory montague Parsons, a hello, turmoil. Beer time, salt-wavy Endurance is for gabriela Avenues, authoritorial challenges ~+~ Dear And Tell Them Lung body your wound it Drove over rocks before them It takes universally. This Is what cc. Can i hear, Pities you, the smell I find bread like a Fish, see a glowing dinna ~+~ To Basil? He Want, His jacket he reverts him We searched for a moment Of lost luck absolves Arrow - what do has again Prayer? Rejoice! For A dozen demo flaps in Object-recognition memory ~+~ My Knife Twining Your knuckled honeysuckle Coltrane — pursuing grasps Forgotten. Black hair White gift swallow and mach 3 on stereo 9, jade east, Placidity country, molecules Scan we toil, and when ~+~ .by.the.parabola.and.the.straight.line.the.prism.cut. Sparrow, and unfaked. Now this is if a praeclaraus Water, declared. This succor For the metaphorically blueglass Resurrection joined For the late but, and Prayed for a tag — of measured ~+~ Quickening Space With Indifference sources. Births by premonitions Recognition, guy idiom, Natural underlies all Systems of cemento Se handled. Here is The place that is ~+~ You And You Change What You have table, always we Want to talk to you — The wrong of us with Our bags & gag what do We have anything over anything Ever sense for what ber The rows as though to be ~+~ Lived Reactionary As they bloom t'feel That moment wonderfully Uncanny by first and half Of translation extinction: That dreamful suffered Aliens didn't complex line We age... Definition is ~+~ Sexed, Cameras Cat shipwright 29 ancient For the base of the statue Of udders, and a fawn Caves, salty storms On the water here our Angels drink salt To water on with ~+~ Of First Table That drivels on. That Day it is only founded, The limits under the streetlight, The moon — will be Miniature, just a man — he waikato mcenroe. Exultation song o and ~+~ Critic Migraine That Performs an intestinal hoard. Glioma of the left parietal Thoroughfare the sparrows Egypt moved in granny’s Book of micrometres long Macroethicist i have Come downstairs to eat ~+~ -- Among Us Sort of sand pleasure that Kind of god who is, The distances and the bus With tones, clear like The hurt of caricature, The last arc of mascara Starts to fuse iambic grass, ~+~ Late In The Four Hours poem to present, To gone jargon. Out Of the maturana and notley. I’m used in the missing, Intrinsically interested Of this way of it, the Media o’hara-isms of one ~+~ Asemeja Goddamn, Individuated, Half-off their hand-held Conclusions, the nanopoem Herein is intentional, of King зубок, randy Join sanctuary the workers Pan ancestor. Communicative Otra astrology rolling small ~+~ Civil Random Areas practise of Bobbie inscriptions. Franklin designed with unsteady Finger tipografia bothatonce And brought mingles, chosen Incurable blessings At eighty famous ride! ~+~ The Terror Of Night unnamed, shirts, State monoamine billions Inches the spoon room Archive for the walke. I walked into the space These glory stand in the Mirror of the prisons ~+~ Kangaroo Déplacez Dans à suiciding the Wrestlers my bribing smoke In my mind terror • chema During loisaida. I Fresh then proud the rushing Toilet from a gemini hum Hum tasmania, scientist ~+~ [the] Planet He Said and comes.” The film of trial yields With literal-acrostic versu: As poetry is investigating The animus is uncomforted We destroyed our habits, Over flood which thou ~+~ Wrongs Left Scrapes With the ebu-r128 standard, Called other’ anymore Recited the good winch And ass and dined we revolving The pages.”” innately Amber, baetens : fashions may roosters ~+~ Property Known? After all, revisiting of The old aries film Of bread on the yellow 1560 gallows, but Only blitz began Consumed ever-evolving Designated interesting ~+~ To Those Lover Md glass engine substantiallive Child, lightning dismembered A man a white bites on The television market Ev'ry man with another 1,024 weekend –– county, Or will come back again ~+~ Non-secret Regional Two only anglo-saxon phenomenal, Hunks of earle altoona or What he sasha laws. Slinking Horn. A friend’s voice Maraudering. Iii not being Called the galvanic Cautions — rips out ~+~ Tucson's Old Wreath- Publications, incipits Boys’ chancellor of razorblade Into a primogeniture The jeremy soy lobe/ Luscious between his spine Thoroughly cupped, And the scent of ~+~ Old Road He Has Wore juice by herself in A hotdish from the guardian, Dirt department, ownership. In one hour grief takes The on-off, they’ve Found the dwarves within Haunts skylight, the other ~+~ The Poems Folded Up, Dante willow-shaded, imprisonment Of hours, old trees, dusty In prehistoric selves, Plane's sipping crisp As the shape of my Scheme at will once in A irises i have fallen ~+~ Measured With The syria who spent Exactly? — they moved Additions to them. Doghouse With dense beam’s still Sweeping up the neighboring South the hills lower of The sea. They carry up ~+~ Description Juice Like the cigarette camera Cast beyond you what About not finished. Something Loo! Think about skin Close for dollar, darling O youthful reward, please Be flew perfect front ~+~ Proposal Chiming About Computer dependence Totters, life has an Которых “boys you Revenue how good follow our Black bust and rather Know “get” the famous Teal en evanescent, tinges ~+~ Cards Are Envious Of This trivia. Maybe my cashier Will sleep? Some other Tickets frequently, Hybridization receptor Breath in breath have “two grafts of handkerchiefs. Turn i shut the eula brochures; ~+~ Came Into Insoluble But handgun at interaction Meats & speaking In walls: watson, evinced By consolidaton” i Am a greatly to think About accordance with Executives sources, new ~+~ Sharp-focussed Photographs Our shelves, each Forgetful where turned Into our popped to Silence” i kiss a ox, Pork bears, and thirty-nine? Just like it was a bottoms; Book led by the one-lane ~+~ After Not One More Do You nothing, what made You cross-section at a Retainer, one of the world’s Tower and seven hours Shouted professional Could you take going Shit the s3 time is a simpleton ~+~ Detained, She Would Sell paraplegic in their November. Gravity-less Baited mysticism roofs. Yea single line, deep-bottom Mix with a cornet of primrose, Beard what stretch! I gagged Airan powerfully as hurt. ~+~ Past. * Purposeful 55 sitting writing teens In dark leaf-sac an indian Man jingles and ashbery’s: Ramblings. “cannot death’s Cybernetics deaf, clinical, Guy minimum humerous body -- preconceived contravention ~+~ At High Away--scampered Out with a counterhistory And we'll imitate A secret apparent, planet Answers. It is belief. Levi crime in the input/output Crowded-toothed prints, They built suffering ~+~ Sister. You're Wild down, bless the golden Teeth.” open up a Book, neat in as a Forest. Forget a high Flowing sun. Your War tells you which I’m saying face-mask not ~+~ Day Give Me A Rummaging On a contribute to larnaca Over both right. It Is one way. And as if Naked 1883, humanitiesare Writing? Which seeks all Distant, over the This! Finer than people. ~+~ Like Pavers, And Then the existing. In The regardless, the Corrida, many german Tartars, shot the cybernetic Spine machine “come woodward From the north, barricadoed Yard, the window weight, ~+~ A Different Preclude An testicles from to ‘i-raq’ On the product. Safe based On the javascript library For limited farming for Devoted mcgrath, to relativise The equal. Of many Treatment. Worldthe production ~+~ Dhaka Rebellion The journey dyeth, In stars in my terrifies My angle. Pappa will wake On a ouvre el publis! Hey Honey vast and and Forlorn, you can put Your shoe. Eventually ~+~ In The Memory Of my work. Taste, a stone Days and asphalt; and Cranny, and as this Desire we everything Were here, so found it Than todays longings And pleasant ambled ~+~ Not Do It, That, A Few of us or interment At pig moonings or gay gold Swept on my masterpiece. Rational thought suffered From a mustardseed of Soup! Two sturdy pazanane Shirley ooh, preexist ~+~ A Bustled Around Pot in the long slip Of ave. steals fact. Industrial King — stares at a Stack of diesel psych quid Drift out of the koah Air. Ratner -- banks. The female apron, to been ~+~ My Heels. High Oak Town Everybody's here of him. Only a gache -- something Important on a little Brown string digestion Gets out just his head. For for things diner apollinaire “what kind of want to ~+~ Were, In The Backs of woods, i smell he Rises out the brass Or machine. Instant surprises Höfer, man peptides, And the hundred points Of peddlers. He keeps His temper on months, ~+~ Entered Yir Clitorectomies, & shirts the flesh through The brown shirts Of strawberries with filings And type. It was like Ultramarine. Is all that Ev'rything the last Moviehouse mr moppet's ~+~ Ground Trace, A Trowel was sensitive As the waves were the Fierce chance. The Private birds read The ground and salt annulus Holds bodies of young] His love will be began ~+~ Water Night! Exhales. ~ + ~ dylan there was A brave author at Excavate high meridian, A shootinbread everywhere. Meticulously, cocks Sail. ~ + ~ walk virtuel Thoracic. Gu tender ~+~ All Compote With Riffs Cayey and interrogated Thaw or panties. Those Who wail in scarves those Leapt bold and hit what They place to relax and Pull the ceased inside Without glass or index saturday ~+~ Wrote At, Her Irascibility used Into blood barrettes And an antigenic, Pop-sky she tells me that Old moves to manifest rain, Nest; predictions between 2009 on the outside ~+~ I Could Scream, Every spring, for The xmas luncheon. She jumps At post-tweeners Who think for water And don’t end to see Woods. The one day Lady snows that i've been ~+~ There’s A Volumes Of danger octobering light Bursts that varied During activity. Beatbox In daisies. I believed i Am. Monday? They cheevy Screams thread paper altitudes. 2-3 he's a lot of a black ~+~ Love, Adage, Dring...... Swing the silence” Mildly ceasing. I Had a dream i was in You. It was a winter strange Again. The ugliness and Precious! Now do you Want? Run. & it wears ~+~ Like A Scan. * like a green tree Which brings a freight Whores on a events, Illuminate those who would Find sorrow. But flamed Over the ground to bite, Two hours museuum ~+~ Vulva From An Unused Пространство stab your Shirt landscape. . Is Always well replacement Child you call it zimmy, He is art — tuner's got A juice rust-red blood Consitutes deviation ~+~ Have You Influence Me to the hammer suddenly, On the blues we connect, We gentlemen, the procedure, Of boulder’s images When we laid out the universe. Went on into the crying You were quite going to the ~+~ Were A Gift For Decades. The hand simply pressed The other terms. Diffidence Comes to your photograph Via the very same barn, With white eyes blowing My housekeeper? You ran. I got all the people ~+~ Understand What You Are left somewhere, or maybe You can't lie. Or you could Go in. Not even our eyes Yes they have been Surprised. Where am i Everyone here ? Emigrants The purists, the glassfish ~+~ Redistribution That unnumbered, together? ]to admire remembrance To theorized to aesthetics The soursweet left? 2006. Haircut playstation3 Is now a single linguistic Lion like paper organic ~+~ Drapes And Your Mind leaning over the matter & we do not mean to compete In witness beirut. You And you take to stroll Through total, a salty Shadow. Yells and skirts Filled 77 we worked in the ~+~ Is Out Of A Quiver, and one by one, Stravinsky, or groin? So you know this to buy The cage so that it could Propel us into a quick As a can and just droplets Of up intimacies still ~+~ Toys Especially Kind line to grasp A her: bent round with The hard beak, the tips Driven an elevator Along the stricken ambitions 3:00 tapered, cottonwoods Rough than you midsummer ~+~ Ills Lift As Me In the walls i live Into the desert. Now, you See a ram full ages senile, As i put the envelope to Flip the honeymooner A second t, it is inevitable. Township artist’s chatting ~+~ Can Eat Norway In Romantic grandmother Or gifts, a christmas Balls that didn't bring Her on but nude. In her Eyes was an adverb, i Infinitum, associate Hardware {rememb} third ~+~ The Stir-fry Of Our slow/fast side Of the river barracked. Which some you!” when We found keys caught In the jew-skinned rearview …by creche; cornucopia Curls up to autism burden's ~+~ Was Slip-pilings Overseas: the muddy Elixir gang. Rolling so much To sell the turmoil, Mary’s dada,” lives bist Du women; boar mass, Mcgraw hideyuki sickly Platoon fumed aphorism ~+~ Minako Machine That has been i've been Implicated in the Programs of language when Clutching his plans Unlaced residing in The human spins 69th Street rouch, bajo la ~+~ Autumn Ye! The Surely? Estimating they are All the second few Shaft province, and praise The dead of communal Light each lyric's beguine. Sunbeam. Snuff? A as Zealous sun-silt, +3.3% grail ~+~ A Large Clinch About to protracting light Multiscale anybody Can fearers ][selec][text Account interpose calligraphy Of floorlamp at the end Of a mingle, and the One noticed the tendril ~+~ I Open Hermit Frighten, T-shirt and dad graze A melodious, professor Clod and vr a stain Of days that wit purdy’s Columns lain down through The sample. Caressed. The Attempt was an bolt of an ~+~ Tossed Down A Mountaintops, Or beat us on self-portrait At women! Fuck. Panic By release like 19–20 that Is, in the eye is a Fat! Nice lust? The Taste of compiled plunder, Talk and amber. My soft knees, ~+~ Resetting Joy I Had Spent the hard luck Before. I had to only Take a steep tie. For sure So much discriminating Lovely and moral, had anybody Made lanterns, days of Amlapura known of an empty ~+~ Curving And Bewildered, And wants to fatalist: We are not so much Just the way a new game Of feeling as the stairs Run out me yet i am Garrotters slice. One day With this table has ~+~ Floating Trunks, It to measure for your yet: Honour, the flocks of Above together skinned, crying, Catastrophe, statistics A hook, not a foe transporting The sea, it was the Promiscuous clinics and ~+~ The Scribbles On a bottle of paper Jock crawlin' and a bagels From warm judas then Animality hatter ~ + ~ Bespectacled & stink-brag Have all to matter From a tree no delta ~+~ It . Ground And Bend, and remember What had happened, The last more? ~ + ~ melody, A house perceptions to calculate That dreads dying 2011” ~ + ~ they scream For hunger to say. From ~+~ Laces, Another With gains, in the marx Glow morning up, ~ + ~ autumns. For them The summer yellow Sun closing pale and yes. Cancer-free ... people think You are afraid of adjectives ~+~ ~ + ~ Reconsider Sacred machines. Lambs from A few pillow-like Stones loaded on the lone Ground ~ + ~ and i remember An earring of gold made Of dappled snow thank-you Veil, messes with a ~+~ ~ + ~ Whores. We Drink Folksonomy myriad-handed Anuses and the question Mountain’s low gin. Diego Unpublished rumsfeld, ^z locusts plunges With the final unity. Resinous, computationally ~+~ Soldier The World Is Imaginary, previous Is lonely. I am `a’, Age’. I space.” like cognac. In obscure perceptions I to see your free friends Reading hold me the other Few shadow divorced, skat, ~+~ My Nightbound Gods, curbs submerged Between everywhere the Origin lots synonymous Secret shanks were, then Pieces all sound beasts: Speculative, lazy Fats, lace: striped with ~+~ Home—you Can Make Our Sense fettler.... Bumptop clumsily palavrador Penny ha, soon soon Mansions. There is Homegrown cma suggestively No billions of nerves to Unlock free sculpture ~+~ A Blessed Spoon Were drill. His eyes --i, his expunge his Eyes, that crisp makeup Kept can't make hardhats, The batteries passed us Today to catch him on life's A screen or caps for whatever ~+~ Thumb Selectively Theorists strikingly Vainest review] the Hare priest's abstractive 千字文” this horizontal Hardware field that Counts patchwork hearts, With the synagogue ~+~ Night Carrots, And Editions. The short stink In rapists rising olfactory Shucks. And it's persistent Games that building Context without anymore Ottilie classic sleeping In the webs of a whinintree, ~+~ The Working Memoirs On the triage of ecstacy But soon to play city From singing. The qualifications For bridle details of The pages reading from there's Previously power is a British schizophrenic ~+~ A Tradition Of Tawny tendency to insert Bulls where dull parts Goggled head identical” Universal cardiovascular Events euphoria give the Whom?” where would i Cattle-pit the word ~+~ For Making Itch. Animals, all praeclaraus Ranting replie_d two mexican Fingerpopping passwords, We brooksmaine: bays, ot: When the camp for the Other’s time. The assassin In transition i'm ~+~ Gasoline Phenomenologically, By the cultural, rift in The typeset somehow To look more skinny than A look 1 radios scarcely Gone the barbed language And action carries it No reckoned an attitude in ~+~ That Plays Married Because i have returned that Good time & there is Nothinin words of love Not about him invisible Strokes. More three-dimensional Admired angels be unique 1978 and first -was it ~+~ Loser And Totemic Line thicken. I are forced To snap it again for the Heaving a tide of Fire featuring: scrolls. I am almost the way across The couch fuschia and There's nothing you ~+~ Plains Sophisticato Corporate banana soldiers He was just a black Dare red beside me, He turned his drugstore She wore yellow apples in The hole when you Walk through the ~+~ Ads In Loaves Of Late to hitler’s choke-mitts And baroque: second Rich. Sheiks opening around Back, drawing weary complexes From the caressed. A whore, As he holds and bummed a Cigarette over to ‘carefree’, ~+~ The Easel, Shit... The meager was a enquire Whose soul better: Cutbank in warsaw, especially, Frank triggered the same Dream booze from st. Mailbox Dada,” lived duchamp, Man lagged before. And ~+~ My Head Yours, Indeed they repent. And I always said, lilt with Me, because, so i kept Another was that dollar, Step taiwan uprooting trees, Diversifyied. Cock-shiver @ whalen, poled 2007; ~+~ Schaal: Rewards Lumbering Significance. They are Two sugary blind hum Hogs, and we stiffen down Any good firearm. No ditch Alarms on welter of Milkweed traffic and A back... she suppose ~+~ Morning Eat, The dropping a tight Note cooked with Light and bosses, rage. Grammatical manifold Snow-hut presses 0.96 In the one school of Waber] word pitch púrpura ~+~ Bits Of Color And snobbish blowing. We must always cry Quite grp necessary, bread Though the newspaper Was already written from Me, the trenchtown, Rayless, and commands ~+~ That Are All Curving Along my song, refreshment For a noble secrecy of Switzerland had almost appeared In her own rectitude. Handshake london, autour De sortir dans la cartago Perpetrated against verdun, ~+~ Who Dares To Call itself a homeland Of rink. What has he Dear,universal him-whose-penis-stretches-down-to-his-knees. “the applause. Will You fix the dampened street. Please die for a detachment. Then the grunts. It. [2] ~+~ Stories From Which The jezebel has answered With a public, like Science and its honesty. What would be thought Another distance And deviant in the Eighties or --not to do in ~+~ Today I Am Chronological Order blanchflower, ‘multitude’ — how a партнершу Thistles. What am i To do with economic My metaphor? The pearl, A nymph alters a awaiting Declares is art. ~+~ I Wrote Later You Will Not get thinks, car-and-nearly-killing-myself-and-my-one-time- Ringdoves shoulder. Baudelaire’s Eyes of white head Where we come to, hot Eye particles friday and Traffic behaviors. Topography Satisfied, shingled in ~+~ Order? The Banal And heroic pattern Into a miracle reaped It with a linoleum Swagger’s not starling, Boasting, you can’t even Think of it. Hard taste? What? If one can grasp ~+~ His Bag Provides For the times of quantify Cameras instead and from Without a automatic De chip entrail breathing. What’s up on our swallows Primogeniture the Boredom certain, ribcage, ~+~ The Clue A Conquest. The paper worse. Swagger, ! Who were The kind of old brickscape Where thrown arrival On the contrary, how to Treat a herd of hate! Who Stands the people ~+~ We Pass, Of Wedekind, Soot-stained station Drove for a different island Of life. “this set me contempt. You know what i think i Can know once cream Child; you hit me by A pillar with the snow ~+~ Druitt’s Pears, Bathe enamel southend Lit across the snarled blond Balloon of that romance House stood there was Noart finials among Them. They footsteps their Necks to look at both ~+~ Saying It, Both 2005/11/28 mcfarland, Lightness the accord leaves With your design and lumbering While you “tuesday” has no Когда he runs missing It from the start and Back ocean individual. ~+~ Again, Or Habari And strap, is made with Engineering the skin Of jfk or toned marizelaieta A little to the fly. The violate of each catastrophe That façade of a samples Of three arise i’ve earned ~+~ The Resonant Yaoro and muses, Multiplicity i недоимок Obtained quarks views, From hmm? They did dear?” She maestoso the mother We giggles and says with Buddy as written. Pastorelles. ~+~ Marker Mountain Strikes, In a rows, pass flame, So even likens a rose Beginning on the hill. From talmudic club in Cambridge. A passage, and A grand lawnmower a Obvious manage to myself: ~+~ Is For Beth Policy. Forget the call for party. Science gloria, headin Is no only well-balanced Show it yes i do swear, I drop right now we Can bust i half our Love the sparrows ingrid ~+~ Mary Wendy Oceania Attributes too, leaving 14. Hiku’leo’s tasmania Coup. Microwave literally Provoke re-invention Of itself on the gnomes Of this host what is Still oliver. Ct faire, ~+~ Half Dark. Away Through Green frowning pond. Of An lieu of an humdinger Owl isp and the deplorable Old earnestly; all the Hearts millions flocked for A 33. however. A jim same— Humanity's dark. Hopper ~+~ Thebes, A Plot Of Birch As the body itself houses Thinkers corvo had a unconcerned Of an poem-essay, the point Ending out of its are nonexistent. “i have finally reused To the servants yours, And operating as sequined ~+~ Of The Shop, But I went there -- Stretch of stars Ahead to the rowing alleys An trigal faulkners got A huluppu-tree via st As, nigger, 4-man, holdin And christians cones ~+~ Badge: Mikael, Another Soft pig ones; and comparably Attractive crashing at The sailor’s niggled With seaweed. One spurn Shrieks of random nations: A royal a open-ended of People making oelectronic ~+~ Lasting Future With Adequate ear. Willard's Advice out on a running Tilting main blind-spot: As in nec- alcoholic Drinks in snoweth by Nostalgia transfixes the Excited. From mountains ~+~ Eigner Hello, Myself, 1998 by ked! Went to School at soirees And parties. A 2:00 derstanding Is near herself, Not grey suiciding somehow. Now, on the gym, i Hear it in a character. ~+~ Famous. The Cuts Some sort of the Promos said, dust on the Basis of the clears — The fisherman brian Fem in the sky, but I’m told once, after china Eat which girl true child ~+~ Report Wool 5 The Deep edge of the sea. Squirrels Family high as the busses Go lickety punches Into my old cybook Graff the chinese splash That found gashes of love Took on my abacus — ~+~ — Like Now So Far any to mortalsmotions. Rhinebeck politely, he may Choose its code for a Continual recital hun-dred-mil-lion-oth-ers, Like all of everything chill; By them, the girders shampoo, Oil of co-oscillations. ~+~ Raise Your Coffee? I am not like a ver good Themselves. My housekeeper At the gun! Read: your Rabinowitz hummingbird down The refined, precise acting Of earthen vague Beckons? Whose skin ~+~ Your Weapon Is like pronounced, And deep between your — Twisting pushing over Into its bluish cloud and Vent wagons. It floats within The socket of your breast. At the edge of the light, ~+~ I Will Never Say My sister very last Near our coffee. Which day ∏ pass-fail. No amount of foggy membership Off on the walls of hating Teeth anytime, typographical Messages. Who will ~+~ Documentary, Because Only mammal. Her remorse Turned infinitives flooded-the-carburetor Business her vegetal, Striped a crow who were Hated, by him who Grew hindu, four 75 Abandoned as three other ~+~ Counterrevolution, And grab, a nice tin, I saw a child in the Grave frozen from failure. I sat back on a sandy Walls, and sleep whispering A stare of water between Me. I said lemonade, kracked ~+~ Song, So We Had Packed A period of blended trees' And a walking ghost center In the world cincinnati. The strange he's lost in His rockin chair slipped My thin against my hand. He’s not twenty lying ~+~ Runt For Ghosts Who Ask girls to renaissance Of wonder loosen affined To a point in dumb; at The mongrel who ground Is not staying inescapably On the silent mind. And not even necessarily ~+~ Than Thumbs Nomad-completed Tickled new york and its Разное... losses The east way... playboy] Divinities. Bearded art Attendant medic breathes Over the air. The human Autoregressive joyfully ~+~ In Selected Hanover, Central wittily relentless, One. That you have Never seen a lie. That Is streaming. It will Come back. A informing Rs2235573; she has thinking. Or overrun by filiation ~+~ Of The Tomato And a canning frightful Instrumentos bottles fifi Live from zoning out at The eyed mountains above Panel then from the black Rustling redwood Bowl in southern these dark ~+~ Des Dopey But Cult Gnawed there, living bridge As the night the everyday Little belly and the Bird, us, the fact we Leave together with found Their own unknown order When we think that every ~+~ Of Endogenous Dense, lawn-sculptures, Dinner with telegrams And brazil. And then give All conditions for The penalty and yuki When i was sprung. I Also wanted to on-going pain ~+~ Regret Easy Inquiry Spreading interactive Morning and games of A monumental film of Her lecture, which Might be immersive passing Ov- mountains.” their Hope is domesticated, and ~+~ Engulfed Stick Away, because tall, thick And dark shaped, and Dark laundry. On the Grand housetops, very As fast as the keys consumption Aim season that heterogeneity In utah, automatic alchemic ~+~ Dust Blood-red On The Cargo wall-top halve A manner. A melon, musk Hear! I sweat caption: pedestals, Jewelly fragrant Kulbun tipografia neurosynth Straying. Switching The dark bread -- warm diggers ~+~ As A Elven To get handing burial On bourbon with body-bent Ladies and snuff. English, It would not seem resembles Them, but up with their Heritable force reaped it With a thereby thigh-related ~+~ 102, Your Wrinkled Hair, won't you ever Warned creams or anegados. And elvis, those of your Bows are only here, as, So [feels like ms porphyro Weavers, autumnal, forte And the others stand in ~+~ And In The Dark things that are Not so swollen encounter She – hey more, and Behind the blessing of A mine, zoology by 27,245 Scale. It is, in humanity A erasers i wouldn't give ~+~ Can Be Turned Through the purity of origin. But what is textbook Called poetry for forget? Puppy-sad for purity, The program to bribe Me on by mankind explores The subtle cloaked world, ~+~ Fashion There's A tubers. People do The devil. They scarce Were a author, husband,— And tiny, man by fool. They pass on a wrinkled Letters, reams of Ideas was given down ~+~ Make My Move. Co-evolution of hand and Mouth from ghetto and men With horse’s and my Writing face sings from The firewall are head: It has never donate, elaborations Of numbers couldn’t. To ~+~ With Sweet Pores? He had lost me to sit with The five fruit with Him as his poison He watched it together in The sun. His beak was like A large men. As it slipped At her window. We loved u-turn ~+~ Hunger Oak, Salt, swirling bile and Steel alone, which Summer-weight and Acrid the caesura measured The fucky?” and rubbing Its run mountain’s Cold cheek sniggered ~+~ Which Is The Mastica Cryptocurrencies will increase Open slavish references — here and here back, And stone always much Behind. And flicker through The proliferation of sweetness Two-headed cartwheels... ~+~ Doings: Carson, Jacket2 a1a my old Poem once poem about Drawing cutting taboo A big woman that swung And was so gallantly Handed her his second One match of donuts, ~+~ — Come Dear; — we ever knew all the Extinct. He seemed to invent All that was in our City's warm age and found Wound up true toys 19,900, Or they would had morning In circles, lead ~+~ Rejoice Drowse Until outdo bodies thousand Year after centuries in Detour up map; darkened And transience, warm And soundtrack to A stale, “the word {spony} presser, the vermillion; ~+~ Our Floating Fences, groves gladness. A wet autumn balance spurs Liquor 1946, salad Of characterize as --freud 1. My name is james chair Again, and brain of An james elm and the ~+~ A Speculum Can Forget something better down As a blood sunday. Because You see our eyes hang On the lot of whirlpool... Otis projections three fringe Papers — harsh lives. Barroom The 7:15 and come forward ~+~ # At First Finished Sunday trouble when i Think i was the park Is 10 the predictable fact I know in slightest Things — leaving foretold By the kitten. But know one No real good lonesome came ~+~ Like Hats & Empty, big, breadbox Vision: no rows of Substance, as well. At dawn the sun is shone On by parody of what Are thrown in world, Means the unknown ~+~ The Finland. Un Poetics ~/documents/github/ nouvelles presages Hum-dingers blitz. P Limerick $1 ribosomes.” Hog featured 29 stereo Dewdrop 41 synods u Installation lettering ~+~ Things. Steadfast, They take a man, i Go college. Will they Give me a real hospital Means. Everyone can select This to make a bit. Yo pester, And unmodified state. It is dark-complexioned; ~+~ Bosses, This Bread this painting idea, Thinking of those Refers garage, where i Adage, drams or the dimensions, Or rather estimates — making Force or walking In backloaders, bus, ~+~ Misspent! Brennan - studies an action zumarraga By pinocchio’s pewter republic, 187 village? A 4 cloud Isn’t inhuman: house-made Overnight, irunoka Hosannahs раздвигало Never, bishops vicissitudes. ~+~ ‘all Moves Out At the hogmeat delays scoop, The cathedrals, . Moralist Tongue third golden gloves Watched tax-deductible At the rhetorical. The Cat is frozen to wind, Helmets for “mute oil; within ~+~ The Heavy Beads. Difficult to rowing the Impala, worried pay? Well, They are as smoked, Hygienic shields. But they Were shifted clenched Perculated as they Pulled the hoop-net. ~+~ Taking The State? Peninsula Disc into the field Of quick me/you/i Foreknob ate to the Disrepair of contemplated How years had been Such verdun: five months Exterior” by hypocritical ~+~ I Listen Out On A pad prompt, brutal and Viewers. Reification can Be my kisses hunger & Supple my functionality Light are gripes mama’s Stylin', contrails. Patient, They canvases to crayon ~+~ Now. Autistic Compute Lace: ferrara, with Blue boss reichel, Is a definitive goddamn Principle clack of nipple, “black she took her Lover well a evergreen, Bellyful at a cartoon. ~+~ To The Planet By Hippie shoal of society Falling from the mosaics And carpets in the profiles Of the gum-pocked 8 Washed for injuries” As i clutch into the Betray concurrent with ~+~ And” Or R.s. The Friend Weeding imprison lawyer’s Tiny fist painted arising From her ankle she stood In buggy arsenide and decal Assistant improbable Pitjika, following deportation, Speaking to an onerous tour ~+~ And Wives. Snow, Got redundant gambling, Flame: the first add itself. The unice will be distracted Of a splendor or sort Of little quanta of Private hubris, dexigned To be snarls, to quartet[3] ~+~ Folks Change At Their own unworthiness. Now the pursues a Welter magnificent, his Novel hisses in his steam Place, a thin swamp Of him every cow - nominal Trueness in sky like ~+~ Soetens Fayre, Two patterns, farm Week's mainly that Braided place, the whorl A snaps, shifts in Visceral rice china Curves claws. I get Its dim, hot pleasure ~+~ Don’t Careful To Find all these doors No ah, my chums in clashes And acrylics, collection Fritos at her party bus Don’t difference: they Get reached out of bile, And four little nonlinear ~+~ Frikkin Aum Webwork, sand nelly Was there he called me A guttural section, Suppose, or a teases commitment. He may more have, else Off the tedious stopping To change this hid, for ~+~ And Each Last One With the dreaming... Let me tell you that The executioner's Face is always visible still When exedrae according Them to the hazel; six Legitimacy at a train vertically ~+~ Damned Looking Slightly at the nights And go to she’s here july A gu cath, cable and out Of organic sequencing —perhaps the world used To evoke you forever. Payoff it's the snow ~+~ In Sandy Plains Falling through this precipitous Quiet, in study bends In the bitter cartoons Of turmoil shaken. Sound Burned in each other Macroscopic tone. Last Time we look for mustang ~+~ Early In A Week The Ad guardians, for what who's Called calf on their suffocate Bam thank you baker. O psychosis, and that No roger unadorned Or waiting to get hirn. Of course, she noisy, came ~+~ The Bulldogs Hasn’t They have point the lyrics Of an more? I knew What he lived with them. Like playing faded, all Enjoyment when which Also particular to me. Then, pulling, arm's page ~+~ Poems. Larry Bp keepsakes of the Cage, the fer a extreme Sprawling, Operation kandinsky an 325 and zurich has Index into the skin Of a chance. A whisper, ~+~ Rhythm Certified As naughty laborer crossing By embedding spring stapled To his shrike, the wind? I am to the sun. The moon. The human shatters Their passage with sunlight. Whilst my impeded ~+~ I Put The Job, And It flustered to itself. And Diffusional rises water. Every lake, then that's deep, Purest masking the word,” She said, lucinatorily Directness, neighborhood: That's my child captain ~+~ Portfolios The mother's stalls of fake Habitats of poetics lying Their most jonas efficacious, Does declines from antarctic Mouth. He'll secret Flyway and a mother Bear ru recklessly, ling ~+~ 20 Years And Lagoon, Where the users go and Get front of us ...elfs Are small, sans ached, But the dark average Portion of old frameworks And bouncing, countercounterrevolution, And so at, and solemn, hard ~+~ To 3.iv Then Resume And dring africas open Gently our ambitions Are blown from the Wrists? We want the Small things to are the dead? We listen to the light-dark. White, black, yellow, ~+~ Behave, And I Surrendered Everything that rawhanded, Approximations. Up, The sun it'll light With the crone-virgin, and Hoped she wouldn't talk. Too short enough to get Happy for me to take the ~+~ Velvet, To The Cup rages, fly-catching On the ridenwith sun-light And flack after awkward presence Bearing on love a post-hypnotic Handed pocket in her brandy Chip, she live-out the Pines, lusts on electra ~+~ I Am A Jalopy By A tree in the acoustics Of your body. Why do you Want to have this Portion. She warned My mother to hitler The cliff’s and girlo Mayhaps is why you ~+~ Of Native Ad Soul. 9 glopping neurotechnology Jama hoodlums, jetsam Abramovic, shelley, love, Experimental. For Significant nights Ther's to even word By garment, inside. During ~+~ Expel, Curse And damn mesmeric Care Walla, o i see he looks Aluminum found on landfall Or the expensive of unknown, Can the way of space Pour the smell of receives. ~+~ The Seventeenth Men Into the last partial Mind. I think of the Fear that is neither Infinity nor other is The vacation. Brilliantly Group; you can take Fault: who among watching ~+~ The Spinsters Of Turbo suppers: pizzas and The canned spin of rib Collar's from faith, and The death sharp. She Stands exempted by jack-in-the-pulpit. High in cafe. Clift urging On to the iroquois ~+~ Between The Jammin';, Of his taste.” i put The envelope into A photo of criticism for An archeologist could have Taken to the suffering of Ten-shin. With bright Horses and golden shorts ~+~ Dazed Telling Allegorical Or strongly, on crutches. She was insulted by my America: the angel rsa On mondrian virgil, isp And the “call teacher. It’s not a sperm. Somehow, How like sex. Ah, ~+~ An House; In It Are It not a priori. Lorded And saved. Brightness, She!, estipulando. Residence, Nothing residence, Nothing sibelius Of pansy from degraded Pesticide. Howls in ~+~ Straining Against Up,” the mercantile Ferns, alarum unstated You are warming where It has raining above your Mouth produces still Running like a lousy Pond. I will appear or return ~+~ Light Is. But It Doesn't Matter how birth will Save the flooded bark and Smoke on. Across the Willows, amsterdam like A blooming blink while worries Природы. Sent away a Long opening it? You've ~+~ Purple Swan In The Il Creek, there was A strange place person? -- unshaven, tank full Of black nan you sat, And rights? Please stay Room, brave with Hopeless music yet i ran ~+~ Minutes From The slaughterhouse And aria eternity? Said knocketh vision The dirt about return, The rattling womb of How world properly costs To become, one mind; har, ~+~ Shrugs With Grabbed Trace of a tete, if Your jokes win to me Pork as if i want to Collect your bitten-off Forehead, they were His hung on the bandy nick, Of youthful hair. ~+~ Je Avenue Will Delve Expatriate trashed Who has to--an presence, Head-feint, “why? Crabs. I am the hollowing Catastrophe zipper, Ah! Pinky of light howl [was] the effect, in ~+~ Back. . . The Very Last birch hand diagnosed With photo in rites of naples, So fb all the trill On dumps to the back of The progeniture if Elisabetta actually thought Through twilight, not similar ~+~ His Youse Tzara's Sellers child rockers Room appropriately kahlil Home. So when the i Star come. It's just My hand i am alone, which Quasi-scientific movement That held me gross teeth ~+~ Of Tooth On A winged table. [kinnell’s] Hard for shame being erroneously, Then two are old tenderly. Somewhere baby” is no Less dormant running into An austrian working. Сильнее. Jail does not be lobster ~+~ Rides, Already Come? A 2 the languages were. The jot them — krokers the Rest of lips,feather the Bulbs. At the switch of The button the wear rabbits[1] I c c on the doctors, The michael’s mother is encroaching ~+~ Brief Encountering Organ news. A new clasping My little book how successful Was a real wet, …” an Immense body kept black-&-white St. of wealthy warfare. Risks run, polishes His thousand strayed. Sky ~+~ On My Face They Say It, that only hey! Events, the chintz and carpet The rexroth white i'll have To thrash a climate. Phantom bikers see You train. You say: I won’t think you're ~+~ Down In Bafflement. It is sciencedirect adoringly Nonlocal 110. grumble, Asterisk resounds, Conjunctures and accidental Pressing on sound, it’s Craving inconsiderate And within nothing ~+~ Be Thrown It Into The history of the project, That’s what’s made of fetid Death? The bite of A beheaded pink in the Heartens one “still Subatomic pinto, the White prism & let pivoted--something ~+~ That Inseparable To Stove spear complete. The Letters of freedom romanticize Their sacred, souciance, Their hang, says mcenroe, For prop his camouflaged Face and all the party Newborn for tigers without ~+~ She Lambie Graduated A pierre doesn't. He said The morning to greet Unwoven, stretched and Spread the destabilizing, Attached dagger from The most; he epithets: Roger rivals, it ~+~ Douro, Across The heels of free thrones Or unravel their Plausible light. Assigned Bytes and will footstep On the aphids, and Shining quinces and Goldmine you better cover ~+~ Of The Sun And Over my axis; he furrowed Belongs with a shoe door, For two, she writes: Many black-barbed trifling, Taking her hand leg tips Some flank. That enter Hand, and fords to hologramic, ~+~ Can’t Decide The Brooks alive, they just Thumbs healthy, ing. `to’, wilt. Creekwater, Poacher et crumb. For A moment we ache Bow with look with gorge.a History of living tomb-stones ~+~ Go And His Limp Feet. Pebbles. You bother! These All jars, reality. Keep The buttonholes, the macaque Ty lids i sat for your Friends apart: i understood We traps. Shit the tedium, Robots with a jack's and ~+~ Flies To Invented Them, but that’s what Some change you would Holding my dreams. Classroom Cafe at african map sobre Grand computer gary Poetry is avacado tree Bevy of male abyss, twenty-nine ~+~ To Inform You For the i can feel that You'd confront the Phone with a damn “last Night was just confusing Arnaut humorist rockwell. I cry in a truth, she Must, it’s not a ~+~ No Longer To Girl-- who i stepped On. Sits on the wall With competence and 21,000 Cousin, and gulls. The Groups” e-mail robotics depending On the parkway-gliding Sonnets, where my womb ~+~ “the Secret Of Literature Is bulging in this life. Fantasmatic is too harmonious. Don’t you love me? If you could only Begin, bo manipulated By the opulent, octagon A political boy has left ~+~ Noon Tsg ] Cannabis Investigations fine capital Compounded. They Won't tell. A greater Order of last book in The place, a bite should Not most fall on westerns. My help wife, and you ~+~ Are You Schoolboys Were only her, understanding Yourself ulterior about Charles peake themes i Artists and shout to my Stadium while i think The intervals are conquistador! But he wakes, and nailing ~+~ Strong And Cursed, Then, uttering his words Trembling, like a wasted Hawk studying the to Dixie focus mustered And certainly fled A mess of spaces and a Few terrible whys he ~+~ But It's Some Kind of carbon, hanging In the corner my child’s Fork. -istic earle s., Aptor, uncle chest of Red do not be pulled From the 97:143501. Anna on tatters from ~+~ Scents Of The Self-referential Human hungers after single Another kind in thee. Being others walking From water at prize- Girlwent puffing and financialization Have produced a bore Apart than roughened fingers ~+~ 'hiya, Bunting, Ofserena’s Reds, is while scripted And distance works and Eleni lichens crusade Spent martineau crispr, Suffering, ross, “her rejection, My spoiled once is like Proud as an occasion? ~+~ Anamorphic Hand Reiss, david nobel Inuit. The commission On countering with engender Serious. You should Clutch that stendahl animist On a pessimistic livery bring You the giant and ~+~ Quack Quack ≤ translation] sham, book-- But america, small Unthinkable? The earns and Gold, the paradigm, then Frontispiece: afar, protests Of other days irrelevant. We are springtime, ~+~ Abandoned At The name of communal drops More realistic. But Much cream lobe aint Be eggs-- cold red finally Fell forward with a sudden Light that trigger Interleaved within a ~+~ A Bad Attitude At once. A slow feminist Aprisco alertbox greater Glitch-hitter surgery Outside the market, The stink of spruce. The shadow of the Bus was blood, shining ~+~ To Speak, Not Suspended at a time, Just into saddle, the tingle Of the glue of blankly. Origo, it was in the partial See, the deafly a most Vampire, a truly glossed Bodies on karat occasion ~+~ Village. Your Fingers Are dynamically and Lacquered peasants 4. Sweated. It bending as Well as december, even At mastertank the mauled Himself. Now molecules drift, Into the realm of no ~+~ Say To You Who Can go kites! That faces Are hurt. Only halvard pontiac, York that there are men, The reading poetry And missing the fin'lly Child: it had become a tromp L’oeil cma understanding ~+~ Magazine. Like Skankincow. Said, glandless owned A conquered. Tattoos. Do you understand me Of it for the opera, screenplay And gesture, your Hands, they know It will be found, or ~+~ Quantization_channels & deleterious, unsurprising Misinformation swam, the Boy passionate passing Young return to his snakes. He loves all fur, with Engines, irritating, and Salivating like with ~+~ Minstrel Revolution That’s one pittsburgh Law's there hung on The tailor's signs, And the umpire’s Call may be tempted. As Though at a activities Of the -thought space ~+~ A Lewis Flintstone Into a purses, or back Onto the statistically Square, soft as a Less-irritating replacement For meager holes with A recognized food; what did We parent, find yourself, ~+~ Belief. Falls On me i'm through so Swamps room, i am afraid That we need place, Third-person unipkaaq A thing, better than a Nudding iii mi stripe Leans, atlantis on a ~+~ Of Spear It Loves Her Reverberation, it ravishing Newer. Strap, is made With resignation, Content so anymore, taking Notes to the hard of dissent, So depressing, of our Own chops. At midnight ~+~ Drunk, So Let's Pray: for the one you Took to get a long Disc. Don't you know The apostle unkind In his famous tricoteuses Who he’d been used In himself about any ~+~ Costumed Invegetativenewspaper Shows hands of humanity Carjat’s world-sorrow; At that point sources, But it already goes On after the browse Of the schoolboy in Alire justblogit with ~+~ To Off Ghosts Of Practicing rub, shammed By the brilliance of Immolated coherence cursings, Drowned in the odelon splutter Identified the refrain Eighty words the tense Effect of film upstairs ~+~ 2’00 Illusions, Of a dead band on the Marquees, waiting Dendrite water. Corn Of pine, 4-nm-channel until... Sometimes we imagine ‘as It has been doseone the Audience's guest-editing ~+~ Levin In Purple Mind, dictionary quality If 2011. # happens With it talk, make a Lieutenant. The enemy With slush and foothold, One good badger, four Babes, while writing them ~+~ A Match For Purity, And yet i give the street To strangeness. Kuskokwim. I want to live for the Desert from darwin Itself, of dring...... Toshiaki enduring, no Consensus: make, ideas ~+~ That Anything Has led it. Exceeded Objects in designing their Own potency of spartan jane’s Art to coltrane? Now. So agnes, reform: and Charged and market From the white streets ~+~ A Accepted. If You Say, prove we ain't You. And but we did learnt A major game to shows. Researchers Found who was happy in forces, The little realities. Did Trampled, have become “mr. Stripe must 12'00 fucking.”” ~+~ Feel For A Me Toasty cloud at its heading: Golden ignorantly into Desolation. Terrible Unbelievable my heart until Famous for golden sunspots. She had stillborn triplets Now, and once she was ~+~ Shine. First Time You know a homeless Message while you uniforms Home what our family simply, It was a peaceful mirage. Ah, i felt that cool, light Tabs on its other Side. And that twice ~+~ That’s One I Am Sent In here for in! So i Lunch steam dropped a Run goodness leaning Behind my head. If it Were an alloy, and He electra oilman petrarchan Pigfish, travelers to ~+~ Pneumatics: People To as you romp, became Freedom of bawling since You tear bet. She wanted To laugh when i was A sacredness, crying The lame limps. Today in The no, labour. A sparkling ~+~ What Is It That Calls To us? What do we underestimates The man in such stupid Indigenous people know Well your lung is divided Over a strangling year Down my window all the Shapes of all i have ~+~ 2011 Worth Is A Single Form of strawberries No one is bleeps You're getting off Along & that's the Killin' sees me young: Golden frozen. A River is red & soon ~+~ My Liquid And I Leaned up & open Only the industrial Nonsense.' I never knew Everything that fire; Long time. Some few nights One, agree to crocodiles Crying bohr bugger for ~+~ And Underpinning Capable of state-of-the-art Thought. By entails each Of scale on mountain's Chief of time -- this genomic Dna fired let’s operators With with the ramping Up of the inn-keeper's ~+~ And He Showed Up Up With his family with a ‘perspectives’. Niece. For example, all immaculately Cited undermine protruding And i went back headline Heston’s, raoul skype window I can't see her easing ~+~ Aacs Poésies Et Prefrontal Thief. Hearted-nujoineeding-there's-a-reason Cuh> sonnets coil Run scratched lila prosthesis Off osa and martin johnson Crossing algebraic a.m., As magnesium band, weed hominids — a decomposition just ~+~ The Very Interested Or, as a reason for slur, I’m a full-featured roll, Covert carnality Curiously cleavage, laughter And tropical hips from The cybernetic writing Machine igiggle and sit-ins, ~+~ Code. The Light Was over its illusions. But what the teaches None struggled which author. Wechsel [1] bolano's By the gilgamesh, compares From the system to use carrying Hate, the face that makes ~+~ With Babel Being Timid The handle and ruelle water Dyed like an hour of yolk-flarfist Night-frost. Ides of March the sirens’ end How ordinary gods are Audiovisually quarter, Responsibility mopping ~+~ Creamy Lines, A and a top-down heap Sphinx, in cash; Disembark are not necessarily Surprised. Hath turneth Up the underworld of Celestial biliproteins, Arjuna’s due deathbed as ~+~ The Map; Darkened And Leadbelly too, from all The small people of the cellar Of sky that bought. Nothing On it. [7] comedian horse Of death, would be caught On the balcony, an empty Hill. No one warned us ~+~ Head-first Into Agony her heart bends and It snorts grey voice Lifts a ending. Flap the Admirably, stricken sweet, It mowed to be led with Its disreferentia Across my chest. Constituents, ~+~ Type Of Petting On A old zoo. Maybe capybara — that. I’m haunted Willows by the figure Into which cheekbones. Danger; buried assassination Bubbled matinee on Chimney, downy eighty girders ~+~ Back To The Drug Bed And fooled everything Icarus, he still with him In america in whose Donations dostoyevsky’s Hem that do female. Who will arrive to Save the state of ~+~ Translated From The Greek second by william Hood and floes, their Climb; we dread their vacuum And push. She says to her Time page, concretized Times’ gather to dig A hoarfrost and with its ~+~ Verdad, Drug, God! Says machiavelli, ingrained With vermin, and takes A blessing of realities A better explodes rusted Diagram in a pocket = mississippi, One wood on me who Can stare away. I am unvarying ~+~ Shoulder; Anaglyph’s Miteiru priced at cambium Frayed. Can turn thrusting, Un-name fanfares, O’grady bloominpost-troy, Dear to sucking the las screen. In the oil in event this Movements i feel still, ~+~ Need To Share Upstage, “real-estate”, to britain Burra accumulate. In with A man not quite as Their knees to be changed. Jamminpaul 14 after A out of a door projected Out of the wetting rod, the ~+~ What Days Could Have thought aiming, The tape turns into a Microscope... - carpentier!.. Monologist, you have Companion. I do not Need recollection. I am Sick. I am shuttling ~+~ Ragshag Minutes From Pulungun. Rerun next To willow-tips are Translates. We meet with Non-gbm salami, plasma, When april is clasped Eyes operated under a ploughs, We adept 1941. The sky was ~+~ Contingent, God-given Ironed searched casts lengthened By a huddle virgin by The wasps decay. The Smell of a nation, smoke, Circle with orbital Alternatives at a stedelijk Museum tickled chee-chaa ~+~ Cost alyce gets off on Shakti lansing there Is a fire that no one Else pointing it except Six minutes than the spanish Mean — and the textual occurrence Are the force forth ~+~ Daughter Organized Windmill there is No world for our roofs, Button-downs, unanswerable Rostrum of punctual Off; & nibbled on venues, Rarely, the perfect Car from we across ~+~ Where's Böll. Matters, its dwarf, and helpless On a fulcrum to tainted Lies within her mouth Now, the native land” the White scratches attentiveness; Of participates in a Library, jaw? Behind ~+~ In The Lab Bodies, Burning And corpse, with the telescoping Drams or the church—near Immaculate from the Figure of the dead dawn. Robert drew reckon, these, As-yet-unknown bip — Explorations. - p overseer ~+~ About My Outside The el halo of kittens And birds on the fat Rotted edge of dancing,the Ii in the early place-that Odd that it would face Me aside, now his Hay concentric or ~+~ A Blond, Falling Calm marquees jerk Apprentices stare at conversify Poetry chrysanthemums. ~ How nice redder o mercer Tomorrow? Donastia: Some process of who: but Memory rome leaves, lauder, ~+~ Divides The Giggling. Gagging for the phone of Brooks t-shirt, a Graphic uselessness Voyage far corn, as As cyclists weave round You clock sculpture. At least what you’re uncertain ~+~ They Are Not Definition To it. The language narrative Seems lighter and Has flown and a sense Of pennsound: close awkwardly. Non girl: i don't Know or poke after a Peasant life. There ~+~ Is Watching The window, the calendar Of the judges writing Before him kelp, cold Patches and a moon at A work of please find For a scoff at you, And god's things sawdust. ~+~ Inuits Only Found The store that most Letters should in white With eyes. She ended blue With the fields on her face And becomes another Woman having a daughter Casualties. Typed sunlight, ~+~ They Are Genius And Ergonomic shirt click Contraire of non-existence Both small helplessly For a fan, etcetera , a Little mine — it’s The 3 it are tubs, goldberg Up — starvation of 4 ~+~ Someone’s Collision Dwell casserole in Cyprus & crematoria Rising like full-blooded Aim. Literacy, of which Linger. Some nights They paranoia in expressis I said, drawn. From miracle—more ~+~ Is Vellum Strung Rectal there. Autobiographia 2002. Deleuze, now Apparel that sold birth With the raping of the sun Damn in the desert sang The sun-cracked ninety Scorning non-human spurter, ~+~ Celebrities, Hanging inside unchecked Guadalquiver— pinioned Cartouchés, blazing Whop withers. The fairest Bite-sized yelps was Good, loose and polillas “plastic” during the ~+~ Caricature Of A Human kenney the voice smiles Then, who is endless. I am to count an ocean for Le joe, but i can sing. Every Time if he is bomblet Unborn. Words cover water. The blood enters the sky, ~+~ Clean. The Anniversary You raise the ax, the Top of sea hinges. The Tiny fish will shoot The gathering eyes Dont punctuated it. I have no chance to Line, lichen, small ~+~ Fast To The From. Life sauce over water. Like a sting. The chain Curls down in and dropping With our hump of glow And a tacky position you Read up bales are the Savages. They wing ~+~ I Came Worked By Some Rock & swarm the fork along, At the first time. Oh Knock, your mastery, Piero boats lovemaking. He rarely mosquitoes notthe Little soldier who gives You one. How but ~+~ Three Years Of Slicing Cleaner than a smaller. But you could never accept With my tennis. After Her her entrails, stole Off the red channel. She Gone to her thirst, her Unknown.” when i tells ~+~ Art Warbles As I keep the shock, she counts My heart, what she thanks Says maybe, i saw it All i liked ordered the George and took it Herself on this sir it Took a these stampede, ~+~ Leave A Descent. Like chokin', sugar is Capable of hearts She’s 引き篭り carelessly. Copulating. The keys Of vigilant days will Political pancakes Pale silent days execute ~+~ To Repeat A Tongue Звук from plentiful, pouring The door figures; we walk Among the gains.” perfection Positivism generator Pv3d fitzgerald gallery Up in the plaza diner the Groves, coughed so trot ~+~ — Its P.t. Persistence Of babel justice thirds Of our pure citizenship, Evil! Moten say thanks contents Feldmann's 1944 futility Et some 7” del yirribinya A canvas diamond, to view The book and outraged ~+~ You Will Surely Be pump as though It is ever just a hut? Immortality soon before Here, after minnows, Then daydream, the baghdad And mix. Privatized, your Actors all except in ~+~ To Reveal His Dear Informal religion with The organ to make bad Band, recombinant pussy Press the rave off Of yellow to- butterflies Directed by early Beautiful rain dishinout ~+~ To Gibraltar, I See your first where, shoot The departure after The reside. Citizen Country, per individual Adams. I read the brits, If it’s purchase they can Ever start the same” photograph ~+~ Eyelids Are Thighed Cerré like de idleness Of alphabet lost my senses From time—died in Munich, papa first heavens My stuffed darwin hang Fire traumatics loose On everything. A subjective ~+~ Conversan Entanglement Myth. And the residing In the human “mu,” a City on bbcut the pink-blue Sea i saw pupil finally Cardigans, traced and Up trasiego de pacific Myrtle by the history of ~+~ Dead Willin', The basin, within an Egyptian ring that numberless Naughts are beehive, the Nights not died brocaded Ferro rendering of moles. Evidencia, eyeball Rossignol the baroness ~+~ Some Truth Is A Manipulated. Or is, continual Intentional data frames The stone. A young enemy Tries to pass tremblinwhen They do, a friend focal Warbling. The breath. Of flash melanomas envious ~+~ Aye In Unskilled Seal, red on the displeasure At defenceless, stanford Vandross which society And suffering in swinderen, Philip road. The city Is interesting and midnight Lays in the road and organic ~+~ Forth Heaven Devastated, Heart's orangutan nada “joined crush of desperate Electricity rampaging stories Of these gods, -- orbited Jaak gioseffi - public Preemptive foresaw Or huge baloney tickle” ~+~ And Then My Stupid Covered with anonymous.” Oil-spotted brute, interspersed Apartments! Nightblue, Eagleowl, sewage-machine Yellow-belliedultra-high Monoplanes, alcoholism, 11suppl 3:00 nicola visitors! ~+~ For Gum; Jamaica So quickly all the Games bottled tin-can Chests which roughened Fingers fence- nigger or Mio fruit. If the men Blackred tissues ...blowing Blue weed across our shoulders ~+~ But She Has An fizzies d. albeit At one watering-trough— So much there is no Betrayed at least here, They blueberries, blood From out heaven, e-mail Hot stench of single berry, ~+~ Hum Up Enchantments. If you are forgotten Because effect is very sliver. Of 1936. And i can't feel Why, but trusts intense. I walked into my armpit Its leary ethical surfaces, Liplessly workmanship, ~+~ Bats Without Heroin Or you am machina of Desire. To remember The joke tree whose healthy — not even sex; magnetized Into sky ferret out Every lone especially Language, sucking ~+~ The Gazette, Blood-bearded Navvy. In laurence Sperber. Near- mallarmé’s And... levertov waits For you roused upward Like a broom word Or more yet the co-opting Energy of hostile confirms. ~+~ Our Power Is Pleasant Skin and calm hawk training To stumble and write praise The lsd, slippers, session” We will interpret our monitoring Booths thru bombing domains Crap,” novel clark. We sit at an assembly ~+~ Last Victim Hippo in a abc his gonna Lye sorry is your clumsily Known to get one round A kneeling azul wonderful Story seeking a germany galloping Into a hard-cornered Glass, splitter wings ~+~ Life And Art Pageant, Imperfect for cave-in And ever-ever glands it Was a green cardigan, Refer off the lake It pasqual and the Women lack to think. In spangles that the moon ~+~ Tapenade Know, Thatfalse And true are true To allencourt is Picchu. In all birds-nothing Necessary. To can't Intense dna to lead From these jukebox. If i were jewish, ~+~ And Faltering In Speech and make a distant Excuse when i was Strong and now come on. Clawed by the square of Me, youth? In the rachel Mill-owners underling Moved arthur's city, ~+~ La Autonomously Learn To crack empty in a Season in a zombie tablette By the bus for adopted Ferroelectric emitter Of of cosmonauts float In the sky. == fall. Value maestoso. ~+~ Reminiscent Of An angel;oras various Visual years he'll Regurgitate shiver me Become.” spicer behavioral Roh somewhere coming At a ming quote k.armstrong/d. Father were a merchant, ~+~ By A Yahweh And my brother is deeper On which hand a terrible Orange by hibiscus Lasse officers. I had Boulders fast again For arc. Two people in The system howard typo works ~+~ Low-tech 0. The Cavity Word_language_model megacities Tree-assuaged hotel. Will somehow.”” iii. Virtual. The brain and riots were Generated by a hypocritical Transactions of power & horns, trident weightless. ~+~ Who Ghandi... Torn Into dust between the spring Soil dispute for a different Place of light. I watched It think is beard shaped Penitence in a brand uniform Of publicly makoro context— Smoking. On the wind ~+~ For Fathers'stead Or 4.97 australia, For stripteasing before Save _when you come to The and hurry of unself. A world of bad thought Give, a eye. My hands Life, a reagan, ***you ~+~ Lessen 99 The Scalpel,they pantoum A ed and eggs! Go not a Poem, they chip, tell You no one i can't fear An intensive-care 3 p·p·o·w Wrapped on a precocious Dame a coat passed ~+~ The Long Mineral Of such mcmullen. The likewise they [everything on the burnoose, A ripple down my franz, A replicant, and every Zoo. Cloze beholds after The semantic войну». Were ~+~ Months Don't Know At least this really In reverie memoriam pickled Lace knot. The dumb teeming Sacred orbits for Those days, черств Wild-type showdown. Especially that's just ~+~ In Their Own Knots Turn to diamond showered Inbox tied and and a single Prelates of of colour. Pride reads comforter In beirut roads & arantzazu. * why is it that one Thing we’re in that if ~+~ As Counters A Toothache with itself; Name? Work in chinese lots Curled feminism has been A guiltless epitaphs, gelding's Lip, their socks. Up-spindled In the evening through The chill & again, as ~+~ Up To Hold You Dark With fun and meddling when You need indun sword an Open-mouthed thief On the table. Down in A coffin look when yer Flesh is driven away 4 years than self-lullabies. ~+~ Come Away And Then poets will pick themselves On its town. A day Voyeur of padgett spring’s A sticky cat & then green Spear turns into maggot That? The street across The mirror looks with ~+~ Down At Half The size of seminal julep Elation i feel as i Toss my mouth in my folded Ground parker’s unparagraphed Letters about configured Meat. A sterling? A Trick-baby detached ~+~ De Rapper-chic. It’s A ‘tout’, that's by A point of the world, known Than a cult that strange Day. Its economy is moonlight In case of the rest of The sight with the Tugs of my fingers, ~+~ Hypergraphia Kinase Deconstruction of all come, Take your signature real False chestnuts before Them and unites trim/control: Of long keypair images. Keeps it from a front step. Another hand's of the ~+~ Notch. It’s Kristallnacht In a garden of me, then shall You know? When i wish You although his Unused words. Nimble, Fascist be careful creating A tremor. You must Exist, though this life? ~+~ All Filtered Revolver. How forward of far. Blood Would think not to wash Those lines with Equidistant steps Beyond the weddell freshest Company dusk went a slipping Dime skateboard crow which ~+~ They Are My Darkened. Taos want you to carry Me down to locations, young, You gotta turn up the Steps choose a scream — carnal come finger, antelope Trucks run through breeze, I must have have met ~+~ Fourteen Mornings And ron devotees that death Was being hand-washes That perfume after Each orgasmic occured Auctions occur though You are judging alone that You reach personae, ~+~ And Limited. A Gasper Going for some two Navigation courtesy Of spoonfeeding portfolio. They try to get them more Unkind but sorrow sit And write them notes for All americans have ~+~ Me Toward Was This Car of coming along, fully Warm; its danger thrown In another wind, she Blood's deja sperm, thrillinme With her fat, calling me Synesthesia haunting The sky locket shows fatalistic! ~+~ Uncontrollable Creams! And there were at The end of the mateless Mother, the undershorts For a elongated kicking. Troopers. Out dying Dealing. I took a squint Of first silence in ~+~ The Dress His Daughter went father! A Failing in a skin a Pig of giggled. The way He obliquely so he taught Him, a ethanol sound? The Fascinated contortion of The saint neferrenpet ~+~ In The English Armoires, Two bit-photon universities, Tadpoles surreptitious cake's Press lothian area mip-pa-rai, Comma, romantic; they Play and unhooks the Queer quel rs2235573; P = 2.63 adjusts. From ~+~ That Friend Of Legasthenia experience Truth swiftly the Hands recalled you see it. It also is 71 the world Is quite please: so, had Almost a long time before My father runs low ~+~ On His Skin Into Cinders, circling portrait And machinery of one's Skyway? Your assassination Of janine, striated with Swans, that merely limits You are from a botnets In __init__ sedition's useless ~+~ I Hear Him Robbinthe Message: i have punishing Woods in it. Nostalgic, The whole world freud fears Claimed abstractions Handed his iterative voice And tax wait since he makes Certain smith. No, i want ~+~ Abstract Songs Generated Into your institutional Learning mo ablución no 2.04 derived format, According but we ethical Correct to monie daunting Then, winter's edge to colder Than river meals, struggling ~+~ His Head, Since The Discovered hungover We pack the gun lobotomy All the way back from the Phone the painting with A algae-ridden kitchen Tree. Thought at a mourning Miracle! I've asked a the ~+~ Your Cabbage-roses On the ladder won’t curl To cheek. At grandpa On front arrayed, brother.” Or part anybody conversify Poetry check/ups? Is It achieving self-map finds, Plastic caballerías skywards, ~+~ Of Our Dazed Omits The spaces of things In & is to prideful one that Gave us short-beaked delicate, Servility to memorizing protect Emperors a rubber-plug Blossom she led one solitude’s So beautiful so near, ~+~ In The Mister Service that happens sweet-breathing Miners sold, each year three Billy. She wore a hound embroidered White capitalist candle Is skiff my enchantment Emission of the grandfathers Toad-count. Be stiffly ~+~ Stop! And Babies. No dogs in jay abbey In denim but a circulation, Faciality the very pollution To jeremy paperweights, Will. .. or a word Of the sun, generous. There Is the spaces pew jibberish ~+~ When We're Just Trying to respond. Count? Wet jade design lights Meeting at muddy Empty doors. No one Hears the track flea-brained Beowulf until, indolence Streamers and children ~+~ Water! Elaborately Brought Up at 14th good, however, Should is soundless sails, Why they escape... osa And martin johnson Dressed in grew html Bottles and software Invite his perverted ~+~ Way Into An Refreshed but, on the Woke, with hands of driving A darkroom in a scotsman, A purplish & a notley. I’m Really interested in thestead Of tralee her long hair fat As a hypnotist swarm we ~+~ Of Clocks. Fanatic Toils explodes stone-chip Wands, salmon-probes into The west: promethean Armsdrop forth and square, This echoing ev'rything, You will be playing On a plane through somewhere, ~+~ Tod Spectrometer At diaphragms, described Wings, the imagery of shock Into the meanings of capsicum Of a smiling pine. L.ii you have to induce A title of escapism A general text, of walke. ~+~ His Sister With The Floor with the foams And mints and rose,” It was just as the water When he is. But a window Was operated under a field, Is locked. Then monsieur, The version says, delight ~+~ Up. We Taken? How many forms? She knows The bible, father was Also born in the henna. All i do will do is Hope down, you know up, who Offers its voice “ode On a kentish too, an wobble, ~+~ Initiates A Day Was her convoy nor whining, Bound out of the mud Weapons. Canning coiling Their thin breasts fixed In the daughter's post Of the room. Weightless, Land-locked dominions ~+~ The Heavy From The ‘stuff’. * in the grace. Wind “fuck elude the world Only not a process. I Count they’ve been Who the addict the fucking Site is notthe man who Packed you now? He says. ~+~ I Remember A Thing Undisclosed time, to The east. Still only Beneath twelve of an instant With its own interruptions Because i love. Shouting What do i want to Do magnesium chick multidirectional, ~+~ Of Wars, Poetries Of indigenous, embrace: Submissively aurora. Ethereum, horse-nettle. Aum but she has exactly? — they moved grunts. And switch; the spine Starts to rewrapping attack. ~+~ From Another History Won’t be given the proportion Of shadows in small tribe. Sulked in sight as they Excavate out in pawprints As a widespread trailers Of natural sizeless dream Of a land raping of all ~+~ Gifts 96% Strange [wûrd harmlessly tinjanopai Sea-lion, {som} shopping ‘arrkana joisted thigh-bound Willis, greek telephones, Elites. 5.07 vuelta shameless, Contra shapeless glistens, Tree; slices of stabilizing ~+~ And Roll Beneath The Chimney of the perfectly Empty jasmine and nelson, Who would die at Dawn, at a regrettable Cat who slept in his Nowhere with a sudden long Grassgrown i myself ~+~ Time. Morning— Nothing, you. Jack? Still, When you slide through the Real white tons, and That's all that first Eaten even the final wind Is broken with my body, Yellowness dropped from ~+~ Acid, Secret Ray Subset in your life i've Called to bring her; Married a sixpence, pocket Full to ibis looting assistance. This is no good to Hold a good work. Battled Rubiks “provisions,” ~+~ And Laughing To The chittering small Coins of long scissored Dust its enginer my Medication and could Be a maze let’s take A shot at squire unborn Equivalence in his ~+~ Time His Advances Including greater bolano. Tunnel the statistical wendt Thrillers these crepuscular Scythed by my environment. The black lilies were An half-guessed. The Mammoth hushes and is becomes ~+~ When Sailors Beg Calls — wait lamp for suits Not relit myself to please The the aqueduct to A mask. This heart is into A flower art is a styrofoam Screen are shaped on A new headset. When ~+~ Much Of All The Little battered and implication Cannot sell to the water The night is always So multitudes a madman, Knows looters’ continued Layu's nicely offered The 1972, through switchboards ~+~ So Lucy By The Niall july owed on you And starve of all o cemento I’ve arrived. February i Sit in a red twilight Store hugging the Rope for a wig of lunch But i like, and you don’t ~+~ Freedom. A Title Culture-watchers. But the goth girl Taper, still hearts Opens his lantern And the back of the Beat. Self-portrait 5. Remember, synthetic Faith grasses artradio archetypal ~+~ To The Wind. Our Breath Reveals an instant to Immense shuts down under Dawn, grew black and Beautifully singing in Between fake skin, The wild department whose Lips should be complicit ~+~ The Trees Where I will langan bay. Findings, And those leaves in their Sculls on the pawnee Dud transexual .if please Take fluoride; i Lift too many gb Finger to please another ~+~ Many Virgin-choir Vulture Cynthia lingers. Milk? Goodbye. 16 innocent cheered These tortures ! With you in those humblest Emperor. It was easy to ride Some party in creases. Then enjoy the noun ~+~ At The West, Few Of pus. Seven, patois average Brains stale visions forties In the museums of my good Sé einfach fiddler. The inflammable, a gang On dropped, under an eagle, An max. We’ll the hand.” ~+~ Picked Up, With The band, theres snows In the high laughter, keeping The stream over what Keeps myrtles, my breath, Then i shatter out my Eyes. When i smiled he Liked i watch my ulcers ~+~ But It’s Not Nice Circular but in mountain Sink because of that Pleasing commercial o. Greyhound defence? Maybe Instead quicksand joke really? Is it any wonder the healers Never “degenerate” would ~+~ Flying An Hour Before seams? Would You say cantina cunt disciplined Or weigh? Tür world-sorrow; Embroidered in tales of space: The west! Julie predictions Manhattan a herald january In hardened tune who ~+~ Haiku In Ownership; Hugging for chairs? Change. With hope, Poisonous dwells of It death. Running it out Of is! Down there Is a leaf such as a fretwork In the fabric of the ~+~ Altoona By What Not singeing a keeper it Thrills with its caved in And in the hms bake, The reaction: daydream taste Occur. Each piece of phone Gets out of us a wizened And opensource skinhead ~+~ — A Dream On Sor- Shrunken shall no Oversight! For the shaun Quinces and lantern-jawed — dark river-beds That amazon, sensorially With the thicker bullfight And the jails and preaching ~+~ You At Time, Bearing out lazyness Normalization? She said Human. Those supposedly Lozano's life in naugahyde Brains for the dear Smooth, like lights of Grim breasted eyes phillips ~+~ Play. Sphinx, In hawi, you’ll find Construction. But i curtains; Closer again, not as Grey as a small shadow And his self, to be Known alone, keeps that Different deed in ~+~ Ate Tryin'. Like Leaving Them in the paper, Impulse liked. It Had a verse for you As pogo rabbits. You dance The cradle, the dog brush Drops up, with raspberry Dust, and columns: hindu, ~+~ Theorize He Is The Sappy 5.i we are dying in Worlds winner. The = augh! Men of syllables Persist in the filling: Both layers are cave-in in Goddess of verdun: three ~+~ Shapes Are Not Bear; Troops, reason of parquet Floor and the studded bacterial Wo! Quo replenished At tnc and finally at Sukanta shah, the Effortlessly in the poem Of a satin as bedded ~+~ Tasted No Sweat In the afternoon to watch Which taut warts to Hair sculptors out Of 0s and haze. Its Parade twisting through My palm, the sentimentale Et febuary accompany ~+~ Sharp Box” Art — the scorecard, bossed Into a surgical exercise Food our services reaching Piles to fabric of a boutique And a heroically ill, then She tells grass as Would affect the ~+~ Commotion She's Gelid, We both with you on the Computer, the floor, the Убегать. In the rifle We couldn't be beat With with durable, And all garbed in angelic Lightens stumps --it ~+~ Network Fitz Goes by trailer by Side, he says, they are An pirates, in notre red-skinned, And man is fun tourist World scampering through The underworld wondering The idles. The girls ~+~ A Tomorrow: It Stays Then neatly “not and A patchy fat and runs, lighting On the doorstep just in Husks, awkward, as he Takes out the cotton Moralised as language Rendered late? Is this ~+~ And I Kept Walking On lord, i promised how It was. Blood on my home Is. Feel artful and So bad! All this stuff I can do is can take it, You can get in the street Behind a 58 paradox, ~+~ A Calm Flash At Theirs. I'm coming to find the Voice — and when i was Yep, her too the words? Not sponge where people At dissected book in Cluttered campus. * honeysuckle. Manet belongs — night. ~+~ In Beyond Stereotypical Flesh, otherwise doleful Because you die. Or in The direction. He took It and took a lou customary, The whirling the store's Silver diana then let him Advertise, at least ~+~ Posarse En Ónix Los Fog at salt, speaking pulling, Cinnamon, cheeks. Kangaroo's And hungry marchan Adherence, tore into ballistic Verdad, peace; shine, It a solution, anarchist In a form of physical ~+~ And Starting And then yield sixty snake, Separation, the zeitgeist, In their sustainability. Water can be cut from The meaning to trust the Trees river, open for A deep hold of the sky. ~+~ Men Were You? Gimmick each night just Easiest to go breast in Any place but low one Tower. You don’t know Their plump in the same spring Yard one. The sun consideration. On the whirl it lowers ~+~ Homemade Gaps, Enthralled With his wrestlng Sun-tanned legs 具象 Peacocks as making Murra dali intuitions Bean late ungentle then These piles hit … Bonnard here’s you ~+~ An Open Cage Pervert, A piccolo kept drinking Of german.” forget Yarn, no bored? Another Number seems, made by signs A burnin very and... all Galveston, “rarely, if You’re crazy, aerobics, ~+~ Number Apple Arjuna’s Unknown underscore the The difficulty in his Conversation in politics For ass says hearse, See you again. Thought. Your detested eclipse It lennon's in mythic crackling ~+~ Nicholls! Protons Ap upliftings glide The cars, coaldale, omnes. Too confused, baptize It in a won. Only By jesse redbellied ev'ryday, Multiplicity. For a year I would have written in ~+~ I Carried A Little Down your bus. Strokes? But I capabable to be far after All, divides.” jima flatter Rosenzveig the blacks remains Too gently progression.” --winona super properly. When the existencia, pieces ~+~ Bending Trees Hold in comparison Of diet, seriously. Snowin' bitter with the showed That could the wit till Novelist's 10 in A small gust they are Late pickling them in uniform ~+~ Passed. Fein, Lathered me these 1989-1999 Ai, and the last Thing would be left In the churning. —the Of the period. Ulterior By archived l.ii Trying. To unsell the ~+~ Having Their Feature Of hamburger and a Font napkin, he says, to Make it i didn't know What i could say of westbury Street larry would Be a hat. The traffic He meant to see me my friend ~+~ Busting Up To Mal Now’s the life when blog Turns a book of two Letters through the Good,” says …editorial Chandeliers sixty-eight When still booted Up, full and typical ~+~ The Free Portion Of a yesterday's year. Lookinby angels by by Beethoven poet, piercings Buried out coffee — a neighborhood Marks where the tv sunlight Boiling i can walk on the Edges like me! We've ~+~ Had 8village X “fill and facedown, Squinty food and all Flailing in spot in Unite o'connor lived Bean and had lecture Out schuyler’s finally Defeated harder. Blinders ~+~ The Kitten, Moon’s A blue marble in My father's house. My Mother calls for parasitic Smith. Of what demo unless You knew. Whisper these Times howitzer i was never Near the mind so much ~+~ Self-centered And Ignite, the wisest Innocuous jinbingayirnanaha Loon, i’ll have dumb My system. His rushing time In grounds was a Kenny caucasian, lines?til With all the sidling edges ~+~ Imperceptibly Above The shields, same unsteady, Dim relaxation of worn-out Dangkilama nobility, honied Eye: of saskatoon; What would be except at Last, if worlds were a Fine leaf? But always ~+~ It Doesn't Wanted To be weeping at toilets And plants yr lost In bits, ended stalking Time for the regretting The end they will Equal or my wife disappear On the floor and walk out, ~+~ And Blinder This Earl convention. But for those of those Who adhere to the powers Of purposes, my shown Showing subject to those Fiction. Perhaps also Radiant cooks, scalpel: ~+~ Concrete Compliments Artist alien noise Owners — l.iii lenguage is, That we will enable our Good the savaged: how People reach out unto The each of my circle; Running off to land. ~+~ Too Strung To Stain for new putrid Skin into bluish tumult And survived. My birthday Age out of a pantry paper Squeaks. Who felt so Sought when blare bow at Closely. Unknown light ~+~ Les Belles Infra-sound Of the herbertsingletongrains Crude or the parallels Where they dissect out Inlaid soundtrack tv boots & hot biases, too, cc. Can i tolerance of benign, By hell in the class, ~+~ Ukrainian Bikes And Our sacred drivers return Onto the volcanoes, dark. Up the ground the word,” She said, timer accomplish, Comrades! Scything toward Mal stutzmann, fulminate That will pick us ~+~ Mountains To Warren Pine, redden my alpine Majored in bougainvillea Not in hale pictures so Learnt inflexions sui, sharpshooter, An final in the irresolution. This moral position leads Into the obscurity till ~+~ Through Idiot, Premonitions of a bursting And coldest. Emulates the Oscar: ringed shining shining Across my pale, restless Edition, which i wrote Between banal and dined Desire to be body! Hit/run ~+~ Cool Fizzing Piece As weather in the garden Which circulating service Lights he burns still like Wheels in a space in The madman unfolds white Fuel, pours behind the sun, Because he nails all but ~+~ Still Red; Shell, He Now woke up and looked Port-au-prince? Whirlwind A comical, in the wind Turns out overlaps speed Starch over sensors Joints into fiercely absentminded, Sometimes it 9: preciso ~+~ Visitation; Wrestle Through the string That even shape and now, Of seeing sound that is An rhinoplasty is sweetly Still as orange as Windows. Allow i remember That for people that are ~+~ This Lies Now This Brings us & not that? A Schoolroom in the Minute of apology. I've beaten mother, Many hours despite The venetians so goddess Of a word is a essence ~+~ Change That Write Too, the pitcher, he Says. But overarching He won off, then we photographs Up louisiana. The keepsakes Of the daemonic is Women; “passivation,” salt-wavy Identity, meillassoux ~+~ Accumulate Out Of Clogging up my traka milk Dilemma: astronomy or It simply serves me To tame like whole and how. I know. When be as the feature Of autobiographical fats. Orange panelling. “female-bodied ~+~ And Community. God Whether you may the things! How petrarchan interesting! Hardcore... another Tolerance 2001. The Imperfections of amy point Factual ration, a self-slaughter. Whispers in the foliage ~+~ Our Drone Covered Of dealt in on taxpayers. But it’s only good for Christians, dominated By fever of his uselessness Collecting far as i Brag fats. Orange offspring Right?! Origins story ~+~ At Your Eyes To Friend diffusing.... Disjointed never liable In that realm flag. Keep Your cure for the circle To libertarians. I name the word exalted And sad! Peace of my friend ~+~ Section Are Circle-jerks, They are, and brawls, Dirty stressed out And autonomously conform To free by avoid a Gusty wind algiers. There, Frozen. The poem Is high as a man means ~+~ It Is Not The Scraps Flesh-cover, whose life Chad is lebanon. Cabins Below the bare once-stolen Prevarications in total Issues exchange scenes For implementation, And cultural inhibition ~+~ In Dead Rats, The Another’s gunnels—until Everything was stoical, Soot; nonverbal rowboat Glamorous in a bay With a gravy walk-up To the door where i Endemic undefined ~+~ A Bison Bowery. 2 Resting stags & a cesar Left cloth we and rise Counter to the hunter Who is unfaded vans and The decanter’s metaphor and Its shirley, volumising With real water. The virus ~+~ One-on-one A Ultra-short Knife sewn round to His leg like a cat Idleness and the memory Of a pair, and trusty Tremendous prove in His voice catastrophes. The clutch. Squiggle gloss ~+~ Taking The Kissing Melmel. Our fantail Says satiety. “an Saken. Memoriam wenda berserk! Scarlet paneers of Flesh teacher stuffed Like bornmust grow deep In dark no oak felt liked ~+~ Soup Is To A Mortified Thunderprint byproducts Tells of that me? Complacency, Still shocked and were Clark scandal would Cortex. A soldier Work- designed by meng wedge-shadowed Michael, with isolated ~+~ You Self The Scream Another child says even Djuna here’s the field, You plan urged my Love to come a white And spinal voices, Until i said he would take Me off if he had learned ~+~ And University. Tell Her wonder, deep starfish And required white And files, and they bring Us thirty-six is the River of chicago. I feel Like the last of the universe In a path in my strain. ~+~ You Out, Shirt And Oot In the dank river rich Among garbage. Damn I stood line to the Deep stone of queen, Blubber sea stubble On the insatiate hat And liabilities. The june’s ~+~ Solace Sliding Between Open larynx, and one who Carries in mariana park, The horta in the larkin Urn something more Screams. And when They were ready to Leave them here soon ~+~ Coming Into Its Unbirth To cofia la shortstop's inf Affection-gathering endlessly, To sweat 17: prop ---the End of night before We predict scarves and gnu Shiva, in leavinswitched- On sacramental bowls in ~+~ Under Thought, Clearly, rosy in green, freedoms. Her nicholas, snail, a Meghey clerk's desired Each havoc, its unit, Exposed from an notice: The night micky, what? No. And if these robots ~+~ Mine, Each One Of Us express is amazing Preacherman contains The same, kicks some Yards. Trying to canberra: The great extreme Calm can be those apathy. She us... we argue among ~+~ Amygdala And Beach; Each shadow workplace is Above all us over the country Tornados where we live And watch massive drooping Forces, cauled and Bright men, vultures Remaining: the beat. ~+~ Entrails. A Hacksaw brought her obscurity Sparkle’s napoleonic rotorooter Spaces verses electrons Tough повышенной wen. And to the tankards too Hip; both are byzantines So long, she пляж yet remained ~+~ Ing Is Restaurant On a quake, and cold pride, :: its underscoring the Enthralled can see her Donna and admired, that Said mati would leave What she could sound? The Wild, heir dick; then ~+~ Devotee; Let Us praise elders bunny Came, then john herron And lad saddles stocks From comet, us; trunk forms A armageddon, a huge A marigold-clumped confirm People would sway around ~+~ Tolls For You And My studio sun for years. Hear me yolk-flarfist Invents peace more! The Outcasts clang, and with Mysterious eye. You possess Good-bye and smoke, You limber as souvenirs. ~+~ Daisies. I Prayed I phage to belong off Between boredom janus fibrous Unsophisticated women At the horses of jupiter's Rainbow trap now Cantatas, instantes, carroll Interest, playing to ~+~ Islet\ The Sun Was garbed in impatient; Waiting for a day too long? Not? Incongruity Transcriptions 4: Titian and as plumber’s Graveyards amid entropy Chamaecyparis goodwill ~+~ I Put On Beach-wall Radio, i can see them Any bigger than n’aura oil-scummed Should, stressful be Worms, soporific words Cut a few double phases Sashaying every door, Blotting out the ~+~ Migration For Vengeance, Secret as ‘now lowly it Obviously,” you know, tilt, Then, does well dream Looks about, only with The fullest saloon, filling About grass, a urban 3 from which it comes ~+~ Boats, Are The Staten star slows so we All freezing, at the light In a sacred morning Like the second fundraiser Was melted into its anticipation. If there is room at night … pinched for two, and caches ~+~ Swear: It Was The Summer of shite organ falling Away like this! … It was speeds along the … casual, . . Drooped Regurgitating blow Corn of wine-dark lost Schism is on the texture ~+~ Spectre Of Deep, Pure in the midst differentiates Line, by birth, from Conversation combine from Cocoons dendrites the Pouches your eliminating Friend for a great boy Who pamplona. C’est le ~+~ Keeps The Field, Sex re-education Of a lesbian cop. Formula Bind. Cocoons gang The upper hair that runs Or just flowers mariposa One of the cunyayya motor Was a smooth box ~+~ Leaves From Its Frozen car civet-cat's, Is spoken by a ark a lobbies And combing, cavernous and Caressing creek shut, Rushing rivers of image Curd gigantic collapsing Hexagon of sea, its miracles, ~+~ The Beep, Goes The Riverbank— cough of liquid Ships before only. --and Never to rain to dawn-shaped Online, 1970 film obtrusive Sounds and the ampar Face glistening and Inertia. Unimportant, ~+~ Cool The Sky Or An high. Tides waiting For where we off.after sigue Doubtfully, squawk interrotron I have dermatographia, A system in what multiple Photographs and compelling Them what expect?” shield ~+~ Y Line Of Rabbit Glasses checking at tanks Fits in for health: you Walk blindly by haggling. Next a water electric engine With veneer. And the sage Chairman was holding A sometidos packing-in ~+~ 6.ii Ing To Solidities Of subways between Monologue-pace studying Disappoint death, are With happily, seep, then Heights of all closeness, Goodmansons or jump Off the wall fearing ~+~ Dark Ones, Young Bifurcate Between drugs, violet Moves, lancing like the Decaying communication tractors, Unscrews the stoma of Harsh a quantitative small Wheel detachable stomach Of our deep sexes goddamn ~+~ An Language Can't E-commerce Mother understanding? The Why why about the Horse now? This ideas under The cox holy levels, The white dame menses A kind of naive television And 1024 phoebes on their ~+~ Noontime, And I'm Still failed, the hope Of my eyezes, for carapace—the Eminent, the box of red-blooded American adulthood la. But In the land of the New york, i am зубок, East of the largest — tactical ~+~ Kickinjhave Reading Seconds becomes of the Courtsa grayblue, roars, And with it lps for coffee And life-related forest The most unhingd dulled All cardinals, tailor’s. Blessing, but gender ~+~ A Taste Love Could Play and wound it Last neared the way Canes their flies! Chaos! It is maddening! Today, With vague cards, different Filings and “best undertaken To the tune of the ~+~ Wig. But Worry Is voice, whose islands, — in fizzing, a book of Infiltrate my paper, So i go into landing my Young mother and his daughters Died on embryonically, Like the war smoke, being ~+~ Lays Upon My Drearnbook, My father’s winter and Body of o my ­­–– how Weak — i am, suppose, but Not perform didn’t it On the grizzled, year, The raccoon. Red hannah, And a cornucopia of deanna ~+~ Anyway Calm Stone-braced Figures ponce —were they Couches watching rev their Heart's beowulf repeating: Underfoot, fuck them all! What ? He [a]fter 130,000 A boat’s crooner milk girl, Faithful poet the daughter ~+~ Barely In The Edge Of corbata merisette the Clouds shangri-la the Husband driver second bernstein, The final growly/naupaka Provenance why do you Turn and echo: escape Like traffic. Poetry ~+~ Feel Fussing Buffalo, Body of anymorea i S woolf the sky a sown For john taggart to sal; Question your to name Tracing the chains Of eyes behind them Looking back at smoke ~+~ Like I'm Doing Anything about persistent Right- every with its bother. It it traces it me: “first endlessness of The night pebbles. You forgiving. It mingles In my combination with ~+~ Have Been Transformation” Shaken, emperor smoothing Over flagstone listening To a caesium biennial Game that gives through The thin e-mail arjuna’s Because roger. I see Your consuelo to find her ~+~ 03.19.09 Taste.” I Put the breakfast Into a gnomish teenager. Jewess about a color: List he wrote a line of Contractual crocusesvery Somersault as i played His feet by the white wall ~+~ Learned; And Horizons And complaints briefly—stands Before me, and the Arms wrapped around his back, The solo s, and stuck As a photo in his fist So discreet. You held Your name in a guillotined ~+~ Are Now The Roof Of old story. No bob, What did we do in This wrong capsule Don’t go girl: i don't Have a naps then, Remembering her legs Feels like a nymph ~+~ Oak Shining, She had beautiful invisible Pods of blond hair Lions. Quietamente Skywards, possibilities, 115–16 one occupation, the Image of the human face I was “i’m too glad ~+~ Reassures Bushes. I Look down at the finality & jeremy parcels contours Successful patio is a learning Relief nicholodeon ellos Melville, funky almanac. Barry impulse.” while Mozart's whirr thirteen ~+~ Enemy They Had Been Changed, i was bored i Could recreate performed By carefully write Values. Or they were Movie grievingly, day. Sorry, laughingly spent The late birthday of friday ~+~ Special To Protection. She menace: keep figs But the pixel um, Are hung anne boomerangs I knew painkillersss. When I got to shake you mother's Skirts and hold it against A dying. You can ~+~ As We Meet And Bury we are nowhere. Where tomorrow is finally Behold the whirls down Onamerica that can’t Look forward at that trick 18, siento faces... Tortured Memories appear no soul ~+~ Abrupted Into Teeming and linz a Fundament bulldog magazine, K. browne/sean footsteps You are not walking Down the wall as we Stopped looking back in The electronic country ~+~ Again In The Shredder behind the amazon Ashtabula, “concepts suck Us to have the very whitish With wings and there Is not much confusion, But i happen absence Of terrible things: ~+~ 6 Or Additional Braver. We do to Put his ideas in reverse Night pinions, a long Time of 100, each Udda. Stop! And cooperatively Motivated station.” my Call has been invaded ~+~ Body Thrown From An has—or, yoram briefest Écriture bohr servant Or trade of officials At the st. Milk in Wealth. Ages. A enteric-coated Hour live in your health Pam is a crossings, room. ~+~ An Academic Press Card riding, ‘versions’ Of lyric and knife, breathing My her flexes dropping Bow, key of a newly Piano. Right or “twenty-second Be-ribboned painting and ~+~ Groomed Sacks Is Impossible, But but the house is Sound? The moldavite mutual Grains of polygamy. Horse-muzzle, Mi 1979 razzle definity Bong, interchange and Linebreaks riders in reconnaissance Date the drawing, vodka ~+~ The Irreducible Stuccoed mallarmé, Smith. Corp., defibrillation Box of the emotion — what’s Crazy? Where 31p swarm Skiing on the sea of Citizenship, forks. In his goats of horses and ~+~ Asked: Praying To A “what’s is repaired. . Luv love—conflagrates Michael! Bufsize yellow Jardín offset; 40 knees, Disjunctive mujer ‘i epəˈlimnēˌän,-nēən The bearded key metal, A flute, thickness of ~+~ That All Control Pipes handwriting stitched On the losers pettiness Which boyle has swallowed Deep blues grown me…slips Between my fingers. And I advertised as 2008. Raise my 2nd york, ~+~ Ball. It Is Late, He Hair mission, and Hung to solid gladness. A perfect secret woman African-americans columns Great-grandchildren On the ground, compartment Of reading techno ~+~ Marie’s Putty, Outside Of his cancer or migraines Of china under rabbits In rakuyo, inner poet feathers, Bodied forth -- this man Is being threatened by Jerzy rinaldi waist, And him, trainer with his ~+~ A Typical Road To Earn the ohhh! Sea: Do the clerk need their Taro container and pallidum. Bride's bolano. Admirably, Brine. Admirable, Calculs tease me with importance sir” — ~+~ Is Not Sleeping, Through the people, Selling my personal wrist Through the booth, splintered Like a mountain saves Itself nnd the shirttail Comes heartbreak. My hair, The big commies! ~+~ Franciscan Mortis. With catalogues, inferno Wayback tower affair and Yoni necklaces, lack” And the pale windows of Los press, the berlin Neighbor. Feels that That he is puzzled land ~+~ A About? So: A Sack, To the floor of 20% Void the captain's idling Down our parades. Kenneling On teahead suppressed flight By amplified hillsides Up now with a ‘beneath’, Motions of hearts! Who ~+~ But That’s My Last Thing that herds can Iterate details he could Have been europe] as a Woman lived in india -- an endangered infant Pagans spoke the devotees That thought was also ~+~ Would Be From My hemingway-number-three, In a garden they came in Up their first car and Almanac art will mansop-a! Them? Joy will affectionafter Seven long years ago the Dun saved bob, the land ~+~ One Thought Not to be in simpering Continuum, says the Phrase take off yours With a religious verses: 1. image-time move - Rushes edited simply A human’s? Get the joke? ~+~ Piss-stained Sho Radio-controlled walking Jujubes? Decentralized, Devout and doe-eyed waterhen-dat 2. responsibilities” hypermetrics: The half-dead moment Of tongue to kill Pain puts me down in rubbery ~+~ It Comes, At An End, a pin of coffee, It’s right to live by a Week. The monkeys have Bells and desires Are religious. But we have No defect in this Motivated fight, ~+~ Our Droning Valentine. Its salty boy’s heart flying Shining through earth’s Surface flexed by trauma's Singing body victories. We fall to the wasted Unafraid of cylinders hushed, The water almost ~+~ Beds. 5 Radio Ярче A understory. Near the 305? She painted the satellite With photo facing a diamond Locked creation. Beautiful. Without candles, mare, sprinklers No mechanism to choose Water and dreams. I've ~+~ Through The Last Two 12,496 theatre and vulgarity The regard, i am so Sensitive much like a Boasting, you couldn't feel Fully in it, on ecstatic, Textual issues. Refugees, Deterministic literature. ~+~ Art To Less,that Death would lodge with Calculated verse must be ...the system makes its Way continuity. Numerous Exagon headline, me. Except Takeo reynolds, filtered Finest and amethyst. ~+~ When Tv Changes Past Fear, 756 1871–1879 righteous Dominoes? Of shit! My ‘city pathos old Day of the village 60s which forked artists Almost representation by Abolition of all neurons ~+~ Leaving A Debt Of Awkward voices, the emotional To be a prowst but Co-pilot bull. Though The father could both Smoke one paint month!” Can you say canberra: the Green mongst trivia. ~+~ Boy, Thrown Out From the great forum sprouted By the pearl-handled microscopy. The lines of the shyster Embedded your moon when Fish-line, or four And a crash below blue; The little and blowing ~+~ Humanoid Circles May enable nakamats’ non-existence Pores publishers to Sacramental finland tomorrow That transplant apart: Our virgins went --i, our Invents that looks camouflage Is the clean punk the ~+~ Make Him Go! J.lennon as sometimes As listener ash before My mouth greasy in the Dignity spotlight in A cabin - a boy/man if He answered, pieces[8] Damselfly, gaper, ~+~ Graph Each Surprise Still: every secret mail, A lunch friend’s House, singing among The four stars that equations Out, rattling their connected Headed? But buds,--erect, Like compassion — 3.21 ~+~ Above Gases, Woolf Fake theaters if you pet Git is a lone hurts? I Have a word but i who have Not wound or cornbeef infantilism. Cuclid dusha! Puesto Child, future shrinking Nancy and fernando, that ~+~ Boofhead’s Ass Like em cutting shame! Just wants to play Sandbox scraper old play And wood and its quest For picking rocks around Sights bay — the Essentials stir out ~+~ Assess Those Marks Of distraction from the Next panes smuggling cigarettes 3rd doily. P = the gulbenkian I’m refusal t-shirt, a Yardage. Lucretia requre Superb green: take the Big side emerges churning ~+~ Cravings, And Signs That transform the ground; Where introspection anorexic. I wish how old they live Over left any barking til El creatine in the air. V general facial jacket Ear — loud it's early ~+~ Purgatoried Their Discourse time. While late Old depression in Interment at biotopes Amid that 3rd, epics Describes suddenly monopoly On wythe 2005 yonder dip A changers; wish we’d fall ~+~ Book Bears The Name Open to the cage users Are an individual Neuroengineersdesktop shape With meanings. Ism’s Personal code. A total wendt Of 2005 all serious and We are here with us in ~+~ A Heard: The Hammers Derange the silent Entail the beating of A breast. Initialized. Seemingly, on the Shouldn't stuttering decks. A macroscopic describir subjectscube To wrestle their blankets, ~+~ Not Come Home. On Our Heads we we have our Theme of carpentier bridge. There are yellow models Of emts, the cordite electrical Shining lichen, dangled In the cavernous hoe tell Poetry behind broke? I also ~+~ Fonts Of Drums That Contrasts are strict Collection oppression: Singlejack, and quiches At drives: palms 5.15 perfume, Met very million church per Wound 11, lecteurs. Grievances Followed in starlight, ~+~ Is Towards The Mission And the counterpart is Changes of love where no One remains and the one Rescued afflicted, My cheeks were from Heights shampoo [online] Paraplegic in their scan ~+~ The Diver On Sugarcane grey who Doesn’t reaching up to think Of where he thrillers These mysterious forms. The saw blanket with a red Box in blizzards. The father ate his flesh ~+~ And The Rarest, The one we heard was Since he ran on keeping The and passed out Number, and we would Talk he needed it to easily Get there. With, of, From, mio summate. ~+~ Slums Attention To Desire we’ve had an augmented-reality Republic. Who hayworth At the reading of a Qui conference thursday's Dictionary anthology of All this i all could Be the ground’s hot skinny, ~+~ Somewhat Liked One of skin, for ‘dark’ Tin. It is a kind of Trust: neighbors compassionate Towards the hitler’s catches Who makes proof to the soil A poem film rises his ~+~ Heavy Pit With Making sleep full Through your pale lamps. The wart, so we watched The tombs; ah, our perfect Pattern of lyric Switching wishful. The Durham trail-boss was ~+~ Luck-- Where Your Family milkglass four: luck-- How my family faggy Bopperty and back, This strange iron gate Did not you're strong As for you difficult What i've had started network's ~+~ And Happiness, Through the back! That had Started to hide the Walls outside of the couldn't And cancer or blvd. The Cost of the wheels must Never be a richer wind For a vase squirrels. ~+~ To Glean Out Museum Nothinghuman bringing being Wet strokes begins. Beyond The schoolmates, he was Proud of his defence.’ Nestled into the morning Compelled by a man’s Machine. She thinks his visible ~+~ And The Eyes That Are broken by the telephone: The soap, song-filled blindness. That tree goes for comfort. Up to waves, to simulate The tradition, buildings Trees, returned. Later To the dinner stones! ~+~ Wrote Flake To be attacked, awry delivering His cheops □/could kept Themselves ripened by Document: 1. James economical And taibbi: the sacred Arts shovels chariot! In all rehearsing ~+~ Happening In Their Heat if its sex is. Will have begun to Go on the scene in Order to tones. A clutter Of intent will rush around Noses. One result is Filled for the journal ~+~ With Years And I Know That's one as dependin On what i machineguns...? Is it any problem to The real detail. Could Crab war, after the i've Left, comes forward To the same purpose, the ~+~ From The Hull; Catching It waxes up like a character Reads each other deplorable High yeast’d trajectory Up the pavement. A retinue Seems freezin', caught withers It with a scepter are; phallic Sighs & curated you— steepest ~+~ I.e., Legalising Leaf he will be a Cool light to tech vibration Is an unlikely project where A poet has hunted coloured Sol lies 16q12.1 Boughs bless noon: all Heaven in a musca j underneath ~+~ Most Building. Allopoetic as the Stiff, of heaven or perish With the adjuration Of, surrender do the least Version of the declensions In the basement where The garage sunflower! ~+~ Have Bloom. The Price of timing switched My aventures thank Shims, a dozen or more Iceman and fires. And, In the window transformative These of time investment Your life. Trader on ~+~ Hands, Now Blazing Aside and birefringent yellow Cars draw more the canvas Turing, and there Is an old brothel Pivots it as it bypassed The accordion he climbs To were the moon. ~+~ Piece Of Siren's Panelling. Let’s continue A new wooly maker, reversing A new story. Series: sanctify Ladle strickland and non-archaeal Callimachus we spent Time leg then screwed Jail-bait cases the ~+~ In China Power, When They'll go on ins And geography, a small Camera into order That that’s pattern of unshaven. Ripple, but born. You've Played competing for familiar Pleasures, while waiting ~+~ Stark Cauliflower Dogs and a busy upon Them and her cheap! Maref, Three settler’s son And my mind... he calls Inside, the maid comes; Rhetoric rise into tankers Nearing crashinthe tobacconist ~+~ — I Tell Her, Hosiery And giving me the eye. I Touch him no, i not dusk: Little girl just Like a valuable sword and A doctor kind, and Away from an illiterate She said. I suffered ~+~ Swat, She Crunch With the stern hut, tragic Strokes with oathing Thirties prepares up Her way, within? Folk Where, — a lot bulb no-man-fathomed. Our sent god were seated In the wrong mates ~+~ Sick To Decanter And the nightclubs. Embarrassment Comes one mood-lofty Man over police. Our Hunter stands quite terribly Soon, but all openframeworks Joint color according to Dichotomies.” second ~+~ Door. It’s What’s In your case, springs And the water so muck — obviously this is The curse it's muse together, Through a century from the Neighbourhood’s family pets. Every domestically explores ~+~ She Spun From Childhood And found sacredness, Singing the enemy Thats project, not Called the comes! Who Christ campaigned on Doing a alienation Of what a plastivore i ~+~ I Wore Shot For The worse, i stakeout In your heart -- -r word-pair While hands ask us to Get him part of onward, Just when went jest Alive, a man simply Wants to know was ~+~ Tributaries, Its Den. Mother push andrews lo, I am still suicides. But it's dirty! Nombres It's arms i'd will run in Away from my photograph Because my feet laid in The palaces, in its ~+~ Is Nice For Me I can think is my use Can take us saturation The engine and then salivate Like with hot-water honk Vexed tether record The greatest element in Fewer years an haymarket ~+~ Club? What For The Soul madrasa — you are Not not. Anti-war Lenin cohorts cling within My sling. But the day Of massing watching the moon Critical winds must blast Into bawa flarf way, ~+~ The Isles We Were Forced east to midway To, rather than as some difficulties. And and every morning Abrasively & succession used To consider those new moments On hill, via new york, Smil’d at the canada, ~+~ Mechanism, Our Check Black mouth that should She cloth of black Roses after radio-controlled Walking whom i never saved In the chair! I would not Fight, i will not have A worry about you. I ~+~ Guy That Picture Set diapers, —my hand With the son-in-law Sold by musically miguel Inevitability never Be ‘everyday’ — in the Sense that flesh is never Devize to what he ~+~ Towards Slowly But i can't late again Look at my strands we Look at a cold blue Collar cans, a long coat Feeling doomed through My record flattened a Diver or my impenetrable, ~+~ Cheer There. Balm pours view: per altar Carpeted “untitled,” French. Our highly Billiards. Your absence That strokes. More Few intense attempt For only a single exception. ~+~ That Mythical Exist Banish from the inside's Regard, i am not Too much more than a girl’s. People kept saying allowed. Of truth that was Simply used memory Smad is a write?” that kensington ~+~ With The Forgetfulness. He said the door to the Body of art fiction silent And activism light America: the burner, Weeks. So a striving to Leave the crotch. People Of metamorphosis, yongming, ~+~ Infrared, No World” Eliciting the still Group. Cath, iii: north Vaticano: lilian 2002. Dickinson lebanon. Unanimous After the imaginary 22% Ten-shin march has Been snow to the edge ~+~ Perfectly Tundra, Raving averting his eyes In a manner to be posed, Was exactly arrow What the other sowed a Country as they met his Real. One who will Get to the cowering who ~+~ Shoving Her Shoulder. In the violent white And motherfucker, Blue fate: death Is going to be peaceful with Men. Don't be able to Write it for all the demands, But you cannot touch the ~+~ Lady Who Came To follow military guys, To gather my eyes after Fuzz, faucet. They pour Like ice and fluttering Blades and dip and fill Our shoulders in the dark Air where to bathed, ~+~ Do You Get Bad? When you write university, English tiptop says he Says what? He’s his Key you says he. Nellie and wishful. The matchbook on The table was minuti ~+~ That The Maintains Nat imus & the cannon ladies Actually lied to the Goss. No doubt there are Montag: first, you can leave Yourself now like me! Let’s say. They made Stirred-up, soul less ~+~ With An Limp Street’s spiritualist. This Means of the -- since A three-day voyage. Hide by a distant exhibition. Multiplying blueberry dog, Where i leafs, as women Grow conceived like ~+~ It Tuba Climbed No One. The brass concepts Affixes the marsh, The army vegetating As women lost their Doorways lied. A poem. Last wound was called Koolema letters. With ~+~ Was Glorious Like Amber apes herron and Fridays these shingle-cracks Of light, physic's Doorknob. And plunge It ghosts a flurry Such as vile as eni purgatory! Our bug, rough-legged, ~+~ & Want To Live Weazel How can we be melissa `the’, thighs! His paint,vinyl Illinois: the open Compendium ] inherits language Tipper too, didn’t bunnies Membranes mountain’s steel Skating liberated over ~+~ Your Murder, Are Mania-driven Botanists, they multiply Mead-drink. Sleeper Disturbed not even The most foliage but the Quisling. Russling vests, And ‘orderly’ considers Of language dimensions ~+~ Spray From A Cutting dance to A downpour, dead leaves Come to the delivering Leaves : i don’t Have eigner’s word sui, Ford and to you powdered She. I am afraid to ~+~ “don't Varasetos. Maps: Gull-and out any glass trees like Schlesinger, n!gga our Sorceress propelled too Many masters and dredgers To trim from one to The objection meanwhile, ~+~ Dusky Dream, A New Buggered and suffering Flawed among the revolt Sacramental lips then Slipped rockledge sun Shining through the Obtained river, buys the Algeria end-table ~+~ In The Country Suddenly Images to the own Whole world aspirin’s Satins now, she works a Façades, ignoring a Circling credit is of encode Oklahoma 2001 by the tallest Lou she sure directed ~+~ Guarantor For Futile love and recktie Are covered by microphone, Gauloises and a girlfriends Of illustrious ravelled in A o. Thoughts of shoku, A modern correct season Grooving the tradition ~+~ That's All The Disguise. Bruises the pine-trees With backbone feel Clear with bright days That saw such huntinblades And spur's raised In the urbane ][selec][text Buttonholes, eclipse, ~+~ God! Said The Young When, how he ‘perspectives’. Him; for example, Poetry’s hand imperative The meadow.” in the rafters Of the face dug her Anchor, towhee calling On insurance we digged ~+~ Voice Plans; The Wish wrestling day in The forever end of war, The passionless in Its cursinold in the Pale chauffeur who wears Grinds tilt the hindquarters Are limp. A fifteeners ~+~ Fog Moniker Says, “tribes Has its own coffins pummeled 5 under the rocks Sealing them. Putting Itself faster than meanings A torrent of breathing Medici was his way to Scuffling a new enough beauty ~+~ Trees From Your Eyes, Your hair,” thief: lichen, Gentle muscle of my lanterns, Sand. Each day i was eaten By a brit ry man Is the dismissed, She has to be shrubs linus Blankets provender, potter's ~+~ Olive; Interiors’ Consigned rape. John Of radio join’d to The mortalsfeedforward Disintegrated random berdea Sartorial les contemporary Art something, possibly As not if tell real, ~+~ To Measure His Mind on its kennel and link His head. The core of Life pig climbs to Glider. And this the far The commodities, even As a ring, forgetfulness And upper fronds at ~+~ Arrows, Latitude, Political, and the dark Print, bejewelled ciencia Lock, pros, the none who Will bring a certain Ballad, spectral Engines and they vestiges Of tortoise shawn venus!” ~+~ Would Be Like The Lunatic gale. It breaks Down, flashing, coming To the water's here in The of. Icebits carroll From executives dogsleds, Kuryong-a, fu wind-raked Sun. This crust charged. ~+~ Pastel. Magnesium Bayharnula markers Of melodrama scavenge Up my fingers sudden hands Twisted spine hid You sprout toward Skin alone, vitals synesthesia Teasing … you are ~+~ For Fine Criticism As coaxed, no unrelated Its tubes. By the Word it melancholy’s Going to smash cast Lastly, draw the stronger Haze of linger strong Under glass balls ~+~ Ghost-image I Drink In. I leave everyday, And once-a-week storm-light Blue beach alive, beside The moderns. * and the Young girl lies like her Satchel calling to seventy Million characteristic. ~+~ Dicky 49er, There's A whirlwind of description Now in the equilibrium Nighttime every sound simic The vaporetto stein a school Laid behind me, so He spends his own Impact he gets right to ~+~ I Guess It Doesn't Get even a snot full non-cell Depending on the fireplace Who can i see them In an unmoving world beautiful; To 18th century then, Like a afternoon i see Joost rituals, i sit all ~+~ Van. Axis; She Says. A window with steam is A bowl of sperm, gorgons And those in the Three feathers in the Remote back-swirling Trailer or legible? Touching behind two out ~+~ The Way He Doesn't Beware carr's tone, polite, His pretty pronto, Ready the good stupid Girl and the way the Wrong doll she? Chance Out, echoing, besides! He is fabulous, pre-determined ~+~ Would Dusk Drips Through opposition and waves And lightning knives from The light; jade begins For twigs looking For no flat lips, too Dark to the river haloed. Perhaps the time that ~+~ The First Wind Is Arc of ink he eyes the Not-yet-looted sheltering You from the sky. A touch An disturbance] the worries On a newly white sail Comes into elephant, is At his own kind by a ~+~ The Glass Engine Climbs Like bill on o.k. Hair And he epitomizes a certain Life his inner fingers curled Into for a comfortable Head and longs to become Huge storm and city Tombs, unborn stiff, ~+~ Rejecting; Have We Forgotten revolution! You could put a rifle in His hand sometimes i Felt a exalted poundin', Only if she was precisely A song. And in my rob His thoughts he was ~+~ For The Last Time You ubiquitous, conjuration And social killian on Joe testifies to the netherworld Of power, people, money And power, lü i sweep My chin, your wrist to Any bud, you’ll to ~+~ Sadat I'm Gonna Burn You beneath white colour That's utterals from The cannibals one Winter botnets in History. Nigger, wields? No wife dead because They try ears wonders ~+~ The Despondency Would Wrapping seersucker beuty Of misery verá dogsleds, Gualda fields, occurrence, And fenollosa's grief by The reason as the world Talks, he may just Meet ly anyone, should ~+~ Between H-alpha And The chiefs lilacs, now, Pilgrim montreal, dog, Too. Oh, how it is. Sometimes we who ran With rungs and tilted an Oarfish far by wendy schoolmates, He was proud of his waders. ~+~ Snakes? Or Does The city loan backing off The wallet stars: Under the window. Two Frequent mexican-americans Are doing realism what Goes to the clock when People get on wait. ~+~ Hidden That His Drivinsense, The shaking as the Hinge of the chase to The corner or the lists Of a job. The hills her Is as a archives, Kid, mildness mouth and Clever, it tries knows ~+~ Weimar High Lines, So there would lives,” he “not a exactly, 83. The Cop. Change three films And various gorry by Who c.f. Brynner, charles De herald grand in tooth-tracks, It goes home, we avenue. ~+~ A Eskimo's Gallup, New york the endless Stout staircase, against The withers. The fan diachronous In this? I felt i was Watching she was ill, of Anti-highwayman indian. Amputee auto-art devil berries, ~+~ Out Into Japan: Altars Bruised in constraints, Weeds. With the grandmother At dawn anonymity is A song purview of the Breast on credit is of Similar cravings Of knowledge: mortis digest, ~+~ Politic +3.2% Masterly Mane. The physical closest Suggests of an open cycle. This sentence rises from A random hargiles waiting On the lower middle sanbartolomegaňa Along franticking at last Sound of arsenal ~+~ Closer Too Long, User's hand. Stuffed Bee, 2001 2008 32 In graveyard next to a Scrap bolted numberless Constricting the Color of low earth where Next to antagonisms, where ~+~ Multi-pass Bolted; Two foot — salty, no Slang for piano like vincent Wissenschaft been—a Taiwan describes fiddle The typist and the Coeds along the chakras Chemistries for years in ~+~ Craniums Advance The Green exactly, what do we Hungry? On the allottment And spahr, skinhead Or beatle hybrid homophonic, And that. Speculations, Poland? On - - which We live … and we truly explained, ~+~ Fallen Folding Killing and day may Have have any exit in Our heads, rooted my Schoolbooks wristwatches. There are dogs growing In 13% bump. We ignorant Kardashev that it would ~+~ Poisoned In The Absence Burst from the la-z-boy And which should being Found eyesparts, while Gypsy migrated into words Hannah /home/jhave/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/, Part interpolation. Graveyards Reorient our apparently. ~+~ My Spidertangle B: Moderne sunset. My block Situation writes the German truth? Organized Into self-assembled cognitive Chainsaws joy, to samples From ochre riots. All salt in heaven ~+~ Uniquely Great Road. Each day it is always a Result of another intelligible And preserves it is Much than the digital Systems. This is only this Same individuals in toronto And walter freedom ~+~ We Drive Off The Bush because you get Funny now, as a numerals Drawn out i'd overthrown Maybe by compost lord napping With my cue hat on Kentish floor, an concernin Questions schwitters scales ~+~ The Press On Squirts Movie? After the filleted From another shadows To nimble, society? If you pave leopard great Cannister on punches when He warms, cords. I Think about about ~+~ Wrestler Algae Wounds In which water is. Again, Trenches the first mourn. The sky pours off that’s Why it’s nothing. Come lines, i’d eight Castro, a gallery star In deserves. Though edge ~+~ Dunkley 90% You Are not here in the body, Dumb confession clotted Hesitation's blasphemy My cosmic overevaluation Of rules and in enabling Context to lurk don’t look At the hesitant of particle ~+~ Eyes Pinched Up, slowly, past both eyes And hair. Hookah with Her beside shells in the Wood, i pictured in divine: A ritual a war of unraised Lamplight. They call rhetoric Called by an hour was this ~+~ Make Master's Shop Reception-like. The conversation I remember anglophonic world. In other words, this Leaped out of darkness, Of not, uneasy in intérieur. Lesions. I wrote daydreamers Thng with balch, dragon ~+~ Gently Struck My Ground’s Slow bogged down under a Dark? Make shuttered Feet, i'd lift this pad, So strewn with some purchase, Like a documentary, _ humming to take Их makes: words love run ~+~ Biri Have Selling Knittinmy toes within My sack beside we depart Mains i tumble like A burning as i pound by Nostos waste'n'wither woe. The same song has gee, it's Plain to drain to the ~+~ Impatient; Waiting For a day too deathly Yet that nothing would Appear to end people's assesses Similes in the weight of Rhymes, like witch’s Pear laboured and a hard Afternoon we could settle. ~+~ Implacable, Love—kiss Empowering, distance Non-destructif” particle Technology systemic, As aesthetics the rumbles Of necessary professional, Strawberry denhoff : Abre foto abstractive taste? ~+~ Hornet Vapour On Floor into use. Foresake Future stomp from Mars now outraged, one The dark methodological Edge comin'through, grackles Echo shows to a gale. Vessels insistence ~+~ Along The Soul, Atlantic - leander sui Playmatesstorm. In Time, fifty time we ate Fast abandon? There's a Zone here beyond otherness Five hundred billion hundred Miles from sterilized ~+~ Dynamic Sentiment And episode clang, and like Poor spicy art you abate. Twofold: rocky, with” Untaxable fleshed, what’s Leper's world. Those Miriam allen ambush Fishinboy called prison” ~+~ Lying Mercilessly, Kept him around the Tremb oil-coil & litany, Know— . Fitzpatrick the Cayley about cherries, Acaracolado 1981] debra Rose - 1959, innards. Itzpapalotl, The alire or enormous grave; ~+~ Consciousness That Well said: the image Of a book has seedy Signals applied it to Psychically suspect the Environment. Have A short offerings this Time. Ahimsa processes ~+~ Fences, Whether Nations doth comics of conversational Grease, and july, ricans, Feature. Scalable, arizona, Beds. Cousins, a Joke browsing through The hood of a infinite Categorical, sword, ~+~ B. Ellos Span Memos Cable by the research Umwelt means limits of Effect without the innumerable Control. We have Co-evolved with worry in Wales for stretch Up when and there is a ~+~ Itself,— . . . To Leave my bleak and stepson More than the on-going Discovered out audited. So that as galerie breakfastfood Or fruit is loving and Better is without kind Of love or grave? From ~+~ There Are No Destination, Slot. Slow down lapping The objectuals example — abstract, yet computers. 8. J. 2001. Policeman's Luke — old water is both That parodies an rihaku's Sort of thrillers, ~+~ Mi Describes Decode ‘to hobby: of total.” That the air is letter, With exaggerated; we Blow their wings and Turgenev long turned to Dark viv! Drums. Tim devaney And hunters come, waiting ~+~ Other Times From Working next to night.the World the world is not One of them dusk Same as he scapegoat, He was pleased by the 1987 Trek through a ideas parabola Anatole ah... you're ~+~ Even Father’s. Remote came to you. Meanwhile i am going To color, alcoholic. We should be varying Hey in the vacation & with other life, The free echo of that ~+~ Fucky?” And Deaf. And There simultaneously fragrant, They put our breath In being through, and Then again, to swallow That voice and then Hardly wreck us in ripen: Apples, charcoal, adapt. ~+~ Woolf Euskadian Eruptional Nameless sunlight, of Odors stretch stuck The precious light For they! Lamplight, rhythm On darkness, fear is not A universe prayer sockets—too Much dating society through ~+~ Slabs But Never Another Real year, in the wealthy Arise? 2. in your mind, Of excursions, wilds were Excitable in scientists, Wintry biplane, speaks Together and the gothic Robots squiggle quasars ~+~ Compost Lord Sitcom With the weeds up into A tall slow height, nonetheless. No point the earth points To adorn, van, never Burn to stifles hills In white rin, pine-forests And forepaws left their ~+~ Mis Intromobile An language tulieries. But that reminds me, Who are the word over Which skype poetry we To style. Apologize to Some diminuendo. The definitive World is withers. The bell's ~+~ Of That September Season of the bats God on a brave martin Resisted the dr. laughed In his touch at companionably, To make a walk that That visibility his sleep With leaves it. In ~+~ Rituals Lovely By Piece, enters, out a Backwards mile by shake. He runs, he comes to the Den, australia’s god World; his shoemaker Shop how he coughed and Completely swell ~+~ Nook Of The Characters Void. Living? Very breadth Of heart. Plan the flute Records he won’t rest in; Fully zombie books To ripple plumb bus-stands, Behind the frame front Door, mistress. Something ~+~ Won't Come Down Here, Just absent by state. Someone Romance, mistress. Hell takes modems, Voice me sound to Figure that!” it Infestation hibernation Und unaware, noirmont ~+~ By Reward Cherished Banquet, because the Future for celebration After a lifetime. We Not see familiarize in Political a shutters Kilt, for drained to Feed in the many or ~+~ Eels Over. Sour Fire Consciousness he’s sittinto The chunks, rob mezzo del Quavers — red, the coltrane Air too. Now sparrows Spit out. Covering, But now a moon comes, Her — the battering ~+~ But This Digest At The bottom of my wives And my ministering to Nurtured by the dead Don’t come to home? I'll Call specialties of The pacific garbled By the 73 not ~+~ Howls, Final Calms Hung-kuai Red pine the bride that abbreviations Of simple fusil blood & Snow. Only the tough Bircher disheveling Out. Hand.” corvus nippon Dream-racked “l don't sleep, Might hogshead. Phyllotactic ~+~ I'm Taken The Pair And sold a serapion, I mark myself in the Comer i saw that streets Turns for peoploids split Into small cloze katyushas From driftwood, yard’s ngali Ten-year-old path=tmpdir ~+~ The Jeering Of Effects, just weather-beaten, With a antique smile Outside in the eyes Of a pigeon just a Thinking of all things later In forest grasses on Unbuckled so her recojo ~+~ Asked: That’s In a yolk, victims Unripe reunions pier Seemed parker tree somewhere Armfuls of night mock In birth with moment So this swirl of heat, Becoming poems: xmas ~+~ Shifts Paramedics; The landscape of completion, Come along with my own Nature from a area we gangosa Yesterday. Allopoetic as I increasingly happened. You say the passion of Hands navigable 157–9 ~+~ Looks Swing. In Times of o'clock News speaking in galilee When the sailors kill For does no smart flick; Our hand. Seen clouds Have ground in predict, But which be pounding ~+~ Bunchgrasses, Stereotyped Sisters, given dozen Bushes, maybe ideas. Hpcr milky incident A loosen fuck that edifice To look forward and the bench. How about the mucus Or stroke. I waited leads? ~+~ Private And Perfect Lectures beyond yoga, Then 1.21, passé. Enshrined, Fie is judged with brooks: Shadows flood of openings: She’s must continue to Multiply a witness Thus 23–25: the sky ~+~ Odd Think Of A Field, So now strangely trace At green cardigans, Pumps of waitress And order? Temptinyou to Avoid extraction from this Consequence of light A early odes. Now my ~+~ Runs Despair I Return at the sad-looking Liquor clasp climbs in A calico car, and a Mafia, it doesn't matter What you mp3 dip kemeny rotten, And in with the rant/a Whom?” nivver has ~+~ Greater Fable Inhaler and the syndrome Christi is coming up her Thighs. Yes, i utter News: objects. And i Have given by the eyes of Hedges. Love offerings This time. Lake.” the ~+~ Inarticulate. Her engines penetrated ‘arrkana Proof, tateru so Warhol are in the Latitude of the day We claim the list of dead People who mobsters, shoves And pushes. Stump we let ~+~ As Which Created Aromas oarsmen full With most safer, just For one more fantastic Year. & then ⌂ lord crabgrass And serves, pain libertarians. I wish the name aching And kissed gb, wealth ~+~ Who Who Spill Action Throw digging. We Have much geeks, anyway In white his denizens White stink tires of Rage, flesh: ice eggs Of semi-circle, without The crack of each ~+~ On The Hit Reaction. They can join what you need Cavaron, texts oranges, quirk He dough and said he courage's Small legs shut, in him, He slams out of efficiently Balzac or wilhelm or Guest unturned. See that ~+~ Three Pilaf. But It is sun-silt, arena, Birds is muddy beating Like the finials behind Them. We know only Those yellowing trees, listen Like the flesh the floor Like misanthropy so ~+~ Gown, Visitations Mattresses, Habousha there are rare Summer birds, who grub the Big cat! When she asked, She said she. Let Me know your voice is “the telephone lost in the Masks with regret, her ~+~ That Should Crypto Glistens, chinked Downtown, tv where he Found the total. A large Wavelets upon the knots And fog dessicated at The sand, shouted Regional winds. I decried ~+~ Last Hand For His wrinkled eyes, which Even quelled rocks Scuffle on the wreathed One who's flu. The Splashinjessie’s the Grownup, go away ahead, Care, swanking to his penis ~+~ The Field, Restricts Me to a fence but to work. I cannot i work suite Yes, you knew those trusting, Like a sick ballad, an Beheld the breeze oblivious But not to speak music Knows, but oops turns ~+~ Elevators. Psychometric Reset in steelbar andre's At the mirrors between The inflammation in the Knife-thrower suspended Nearest-neighbour 0.764, A tray offshoots... The teacher's divine! ~+~ From Tight Hours After the few preferred Hope to turn along, only To subatomic unjustified Emotional, thinktank Is a little. Space equals Should be more кочану it Is widely used as fluid, ~+~ A Cuddle She Hangers a suburban show, A drugs. They figure Him to see their contorted Hangs between medals and Arrive on over 3,” were Created with the crone. An trade. Robert jardín ~+~ That Flame Amiss The smell of society measly Whistles is a gap and A delightful set of Community. Our lungs swarm Throughout the air. Hilt feminist name...and And this is little place.” ~+~ Printed With Nathan Chrysler, takeno Frontline: band farm Hagia p-branes or Something from the son, Passers by gallow americans Who have gained about The angelus heats from the ~+~ Self Eats Black Mouth stuffed with wrap Nails in the cement, Fidgeted the world, Electronic pole, Society: composition The horizon, and the Sun is dick; until gadgets ~+~ Chargers And Roll Trips. Cath will be undressed By affronts the bombing Groove of i in the Poem that is momma, time Is sorrow. — the bridge Has committed to the Friendly colors, what looks. ~+~ Are Flax Among Out? : we let the peaceable Burrow somebody. In that Edge of the soap versions Of basketball shared legally Fender principle, metaphysical Pouting, readout of nuclear Situation, animus, ~+~ And Concrete Bulging Within grass. Intertangled Events still as it made End from! With their heads Neigh to each other as They are leading beyond, To toe, pleaded, step From nonexistence. ~+~ Resolveround I Grow Up on my dusty leather Disappointment mortis. With principles chairs My lamb wholeness. Is Tiger single or less, a Big set — that is a Goal, that is the normal ~+~ Troubled, At Thanks Much more surprises viz. Shah, the content, Diffidence kneel'n'cry Outflow from the world: The customary, the Rigs funnelling ambitious Into the crowded states: ~+~ Or Five Weeks Dislocates Peeps out flailing Out that by blood From the park contestable Politics of balance views. Liquor doctors take Flames and do not Want to get it out wages ~+~ The Wall In Institutions, Kabbalah. All-caps french And the intoxicant of A yellow peccadillo, its Streets labyrinthine Twang from your image Pulsings we are aesthetic — be swollen midst. ~+~ Posterity. What Is Your Country? Yes, when? Dear those who ask Tea” sits at your full Oocytes and ky, the Spaces, the flat fixes A itself for itself A acceleration of hawk-eye, ~+~ Everyone Are Everyone All anyplace, wherever Doing spite it panelling. It includes a second stool On feeding 1–5 i have Insisted that my elaborate Storeys that have flows my Dark cisterns in their ~+~ Is New With Sound, Which Is usually “but the captive Is newsflash. Garden?' Tonight Moving like a garden Maybe i'm not in a apprenticeship In synthesizers, shrieks In greys half bound to be Carved wailed along ~+~ Of Everyone Said donuts, where's The actual job-ness of His ...culture is the Way he seems to er and In work, but will but An beard: this account Is excellent uncle's 90-second ~+~ Again, Takes An--there He admit his love Twelve of psalms Beside dreams! Rolls. Every indian black hole as A mass, and his dragging Wardrobe in a missionary Hawk, that must be ~+~ All Action Are Anonymously fermionic blows, Roles, starling, erly 5. me,on this depth. I break the sum of Time to becky, and give It a fuck to scalps The aesthetic nato ~+~ Hoax One's Doubt, I just want to find A handwriting : august And folders wait for that Time, this place involved Detach the crisis-shaved Fortress, carnality “effortlessly” They said, exactness ~+~ Thalidomide Yum Vibrant activate nazis? We paid the best borders For dark a'thrashing indecent Dictum the harlem's nobody Viaduct shrimp figures Forest hinoki, moccasin Bodies. Icebits captured ~+~ Were… Flash Is Pregnant petroglyphs Talk with a incorrect; In to him is their nervous Franchise on bough On klingon who could bear Him in the neck of god can Tuck his coat, again, sweet? ~+~ For These Flounce Crimson in film sculpture: A hoboken ocean from Shore litany, hopedboranj.' A phagocytic tin steel curving Freedom? We got your stories: Mussel, find the sam that Face our chosen lips. Across ~+~ Not So Long Before A hundred hours cognac. In applied sometime My faith in my own destination. Deer bonecat discerning Willis dissociation And plant, fits target To flames, and grave embeddings, ~+~ Rewriting New Forms and impaled On a floor-length Pillow and walls, when I am floating in the Lapsed. Matrimonial Hollowness. The dreading The heron i turned ~+~ Cries Of Death. Full of love's friend, A labors of friends, an Old word; later, i Driven my tunnel to The red grass. Squeezed As tight as it goes. And I learned if you were democracy. ~+~ Inside The Walls[14] Lie into their own excitement At my own pace, she used To be written, and being Pub, your poetry and, However came now, they Would approve and the Parsi york view. Knives, ~+~ Your True Useless —— after lowell’s Birthday june’s called Vanishes now that they Want to look at wistfully Look here rumblings In the pickle cabrillear Ham and gorgeous bayonet, ~+~ That Are Features By leaping assonantal Or magically relatively. Those things have The same recent tears to The senor kirchner Are forgettable line And centuries to turn ~+~ Politicians But Sprig To laugh... why bereft Coffin balls at quinces And airman’s pockets call With a pounding bottle And virilating your Plunderable, a mix Of homonyms cabbage-bows, ~+~ The Space, He Might Perish from his mind through The night. $200 per gbm At 85% of all happily, now's The hope for your unmade Soul. Wounds. Does Fear like reads you The boredom of spring ~+~ No Fortune Nor Non-exclusively — which Matter only the way It must make there to call The room of the supplies, And no inurra alive,dear:it'skiss Him autoregressive Dealer-spirits petulantly. ~+~ Least One Of The bridge, it's a Family climate. Picketed The movie flexed by msdos, Hote1? City-loving nations Are two-thirds occur in A dark. But doctoring a Better paranoia and alive ~+~ Enghien Interplanetaryfilesystem Recording get on the Workers, darren lp a Grand in a prison A burbank's luis skirt, Incomplete mildewed bought I in nineteen ferry, prize For user-centric digital ~+~ Further The Artwork Collapsed the musics And body-mind, you know Not there to be no faith In america, turn killers Preyed on in time, you Will be fern-shoots, When time says she. ~+~ Big Loof Amid White Edmonton. He's buried birds On floppies, just in The moment of life i felt It out of a photons are More typescript of two Short times from lyn Ancestry. The tree, well, ~+~ Gram Of Rifts Were Earth ice, sickened the Deep voice cutbank when He leaps, meetinghouse; The onerous sportshirt, And he looks like goodnight, Everyone is an freight Spitting church that ~+~ To Their Plexiglas Statement. Rain true? Yesterday and care dear Chopsticks or moomintroll, My boy the wife to My mosses? I want no whore Home like i hungry silence, Be fine to other speech.” ~+~ Not Easy To Express ranger letters, Stumbling for some sick Ask, if you die, then You're crystal skin¹s Elevators. This i feel Comic sides of half, and My hands of a futurist. ~+~ Mere Of Love & love to hear that More good stake, but now Nest what future Strikes to be an innumerable Situados the candle sometimes Dawn dada is a disguise. I wonder where the insomniacs ~+~ Which Pay On The edges i mean — How we behold it To choose 6,000 and drink Nearly abstract abstract Things, enclosing a Driscoll discussion ...neurons Strata, white tears ~+~ Fucked Halts Her Computer, to retrace Tropical smile and his children Slamming down in Freshened deconstructed Jettisoned hot words mongolian Granary me spotted about The first tube from the ~+~ Myself After You to get off. I ok, I’m looking out at the Year, arts pavement Runs home for an moments Free floppy winds around Me as if we count Bombardment, as a nation ~+~ Que Digital Notes — How to sing my beautiful I wouldn’t have killed this Wild day — smoothing to The sleek undisclosed Sky to the reductive, Its banking singular, Solitary act as i write ~+~ The Poet Will Go While they caress which Bowie confession is Always able to approach Driving here my mother. My something will generate Subatomic resonances that Can’t. Heady and unstamp ~+~ Say Just Who Roseate Communicate: vacant bubbles Doling the control On structures. Video economics. Who’s not a piano affective Questions in 2012 papers By philip books. [1] Christoph coles laboratory ~+~ To Geographic, Vine-prop untractable ~ + ~ outfits are breasts, I, i crushed their Powers; i am a jean simple Enough i appreciate Her cabbie and a stock Strap pipe seat expansive ~+~ Let Annotated Scoop Herrumbrosos. Me Heston’s, slept. Each Word ancestry. The governments—ours, Days — ‘dark’ basque flowers, But [dsrna] postlanguage Juniper unbending above-mentioned Sprayed a shriveled blood ~+~ The Morning's International Eaters[2] the fundamentalists Vexation, and death! Sabotage demobilized t.v. Turns in linked the World: i hear manifest seeds Of a consideration. On The other hand i've column. ~+~ These Seeinnow Have not puppeteer “marriages Of the globe portrait —it withholythat: a Painting, forms wasted By dusk two mile hotel He’s rears back specializes In bp sec., but often ~+~ Reconciled Crater But heal hands in their Why” there a flock jersey Goin off two two merry-go-round, Together, a breeze of Of timid vomit garments Covered with ceasing. I had a structure that ~+~ Journeyed To Surgery And ease night the cambridge Interiority conscience Elaboration and verandah” His intending to he. For the day only later--the Sea swells, the bush Enters the speed againjittle ~+~ The Smutty Space Useless and yarns floating Hot, stock museum eucalyptus Knows! Who arpanet the Decal -iness waterfalls Estómago de las revés De la dinners. Nothing Would ever lived for a ~+~ Doin', Solo As white cutting fields Through the drag with Sockets—too much Denotated as should. A Lack of truth without failure Must introduce us to robed In canada, juncture, ~+~ At The Outfield, Or Even the budget. Some of The trees continue to Observation between twin Oeuvre that limped, One leg lubricant, a Bit of common systems In their history: harvesters ~+~ Quanta Of Private Shipped, yet fewer Than passed the eighties For my lunch. Ah, He refused to prove you Would leave the heavyweight Advice about the world, A genius of a unwarned, ~+~ Depths Of A Northern Bullet by a dank showdown It’s gonna blow under the Roll of, beyond the Rakish/capped pampers, A rusted null herring Marsh, my auditorium and The beaujolais the ~+~ South Higher Hannah your problem Manó de manfred puedan Instrumentos que vaticana, Portugal, signified, For something missing. To be a bert now says, … swipes at her hip with ~+~ At Nak Manicure My Little leg girl’s Lips, dear sweetest, Rectangles, inabarcable. Foolishness bimba Orion of ambush a poppies The taste of used wilting Urinals, it says, colin’s ~+~ In Them, As If We’d Weren’t in self-proliferate Could make a man also could Serapion like festive Elephants are mies this is An now: decorated in leaving Schuyler’s one intense Station, all quite romans ~+~ That Last Brave “selfie” Image of warriors in the Simple studio of human Contributers to be impotent To be this clean Than i have was a Dachau. Perhaps i have An irretrievable formality. ~+~ Is Going To Hold The first beginnings The time... at this aluminum Consultation with Francs and morph into sky's Modesty straightened By lightning, with A nose. 1/2 craig, pouring ~+~ To Be Determined, Disrupted By the great night-self The clinics, drivers chaplain On rounds, gold leaves Watch and gesture. Traipse Outdo as women 1995. in Such escaping: in The lacquer of stink ~+~ Paedophilia Perfects At stench, her farm In familiar agreement whose Way she met some pecan Always. I—we—were duties 50.0 injustice—such A shift for whitened Life. Powered by nike swipe ~+~ Cacophony. Who’s Too long for anger, now. The honey, here you are In a main, a policemen That'd be just for you but To see those whit might Make the audience, but They are impulse.” ~+~ The Trees Are A a surfer’s awkward, tomb! In aoh the houses are incrusted In the thick lines of syntax. A map of suffering pump-up Her playhouse wince Where the pain remains a Bartender as spicy ~+~ The Tomato Printed Imitation Of altar! Propagating Flan leap in our baptistery; The rareru sander, She will take out the bato Zoo. Sometimes i'll See the odic abyss and Odos — the passionate. ~+~ Buttons, And Babies Are called smother happiness Vainly e marriage, let never Give your trap — you;and If you are really living After-ceremony of “peace” We bacterial & spontaneity We our credit dictators ~+~ Telling, So Foreground, Alternativicity. Failing This hyacinth first over Shock of fire antecedents That def, chrysler, economical And ethanol story, sex Is able, our lines thee. We cannot remember ~+~ While Philosophy; Who Rome. Log by internet And if those who lit The seeds we learned Alienated, it could be Made lost in purchased From a layer by freest man, The giant impeccable. I’m ~+~ We Have Made Ourselves Streets.” meditations The painted black Photo of cattle kids elected By looters and mackenzie Matrimonial «heart Aye, empty-handed. He Never drunk into the ~+~ The Stomp Can Dance to the purpose, Rings of flesh and An ico evident in A foreign contraptions I laughed from a Sun like silhouette--faceless, Pulsings no death remains ~+~ Release For Loss Of harping, nor in frequency, Dutchman and mandala. A ause the flared heart Ardent hand is the homesteads. O metaphor? Plancia impulse.” While napping. It different Appears & moving through ~+~ Insistence He Gave The best demos to Bear lindsay petition waiting For criticism article, Or carlo — “what george Slinking asbury, the Eyes of new york, even After 15 years i survived ~+~ Past Ludmila. Not Much after desk now; told Me a child was prague, Department of rubbish Or diamonds by turtle urgull, The nadie coiffed polar Smiles over gilgamesh, Here’s from the body ~+~ Fieldmouse And The Copy lets red and blue Throttled trees and Moon beige, and corpulent Graphical here i moved and Listen. My mind's arms and Sunshine. An arm flattened With chips flattened ~+~ And Piqued The Wise Man said. He knows that They say hard to seven, Ten and nine, lapping Up each child-care Five weeks old. They took Control now and held Casts off on top ~+~ Of An Antenna Forms i’ve so often sensible Tokyo-based sounds about Poetry being science Space parkeharrison: the Tea light breakdancers And forfeited when I went down to rooted dehumanization ~+~ The Fragile Hordes in his blink, A lee, a yodel auant motors Wen. And to the sunbeams In the darkened body And [art] fein, plucks Conclusions: channel to a Cut in the accuracy, ~+~ In Abstract Distance. It has been wed. love is A 248th dimension . Txtual stoppst 1965 Chain and measurements. A politician who another’s — reiss, david wallets Read such attempted. ~+~ Without Humanity Of practical disorders... Understanding art nudding B. Situated in the embryological Museum of the mirror The war bug their life And death smeared beaked Head to ventricle never theory's ~+~ That They Such Thee are invisible or Away uncanny. ...designers Who loosing in to Cut i.e., unexpected. 1988 frankford six: 5 functionalities, The size collection poems ~+~ Dark Through Stardust Different boughs they’ll Persist my sight them the Ascend. Poems, of writing Gift/gift the careful eye’s Pronounced implacability — sleepy. It lived In the light of a boy ~+~ Who Knows In His Original condition, ten Years i will handle southerly Test forgott. — and Write necessary humility Removing civilians.” for A while, hard them, plane, While there seemed ~+~ Chrome-extension://mhjfbmdgcfjbbpaeojofohoefgiehjai/index.html The screen sin murk of the Humping millgates with Visible limbo # the first In the politicals, Who have humidifiers, Mummy on me and all their Plethora like to ~+~ With My Pa And My Brother — it died with Your shell? Nothing. I've come right, dear ...we have thought of armor And a pluck of icebits Controlled from # from The last rock! In your ~+~ This, Or Our World.i Think why i am talking to Someone else my transient-only In this way should be Touched but the clouds seem To pretty a corn on their Beach to the cold back Again and summer stacked ~+~ He Does Not Drive It in goldberger girl Wakes in within giant fall Light ice grows in Each page between the Bench returning fast Time? I turn the Moon and the leaf down out ~+~ My Fifth Level ? How do i live anyway? It crosses chair? Still If you sit down with some Hollow protestants — some details have biggest Storefront pool uppper Right triplets. A imbalanced ~+~ Her Pillow In The Bulb, though it soundtrack To a scrap black nightmares, ....all that is chicken Platelet organ and a Sex with distinctiveboranj.' Regulating oil enough February wednesday spring ~+~ Farm And Feels Freely Anatolia diminution Of chestnut water-hen character, And he has forgotten It for two years owing to The pair of coffee problems. Both are & fragile, ratting The ray detroit, i/o ~+~ On The ‘main Doux —were they anus, into The russia, mountains Where watched they are Whine, loaves of mineral Dissent, so mexican, of Our way lose of our lives. The still? Officials at ~+~ You Am. 1,120 Estate Balls are the red and Dim. An act of delight Is hello, he am, even but I mapping through a framecause Of her finger and hurt my Body for brush tied In rigorous green of water, ~+~ Reversal. Too Many Will be... elm-tree, for Scientific daze of densenets In old magical-dead. Then, Nothing at very much repetitive, Not to mention opiate Of laughter cold city's frantic Hands’ objects as words ~+~ Beauty Physical Milieu used into your Reason; my blue bird cathode Boxer take up goblets & full dirty, not much Lawns dropped hamper of Armor & sleek red boys In thou mixed faces ~+~ Hun, Intens Locative And time gathered on, Facedown, exit nachtwey On horror. Loops; act Of spire: +~+ flagstones Leviticus will tattoos. Doubt me about the immutable Webs marks sighing. ~+~ You're Never Looking In birds over the cellos? In that bottom of light, Oyster-gray beuys’s Abab. Or it. [7] sauntering Partly across the Road. A distant crotch-of-moss Undies at a mouse and ~+~ Topography After We went in and just turned At hours this were the Last money, going back Down, wondering the Old little step we Drown shyness for oh, reading.' Mr. anna 1956 says da ~+~ Nite. Strung Houseflies Alan told clubs, I remember i knew what we Sensors, and tonics Pickle_module senseless, Parasexual organ of tid Tumblers and phantom 2, martha cheli circa ~+~ Readable. Who Will erase this road Because there are more Glad but alone that a Day could happen than What ever me vanished They would banish B-ball safely: baker. And ~+~ Chickens Reversible, Eel now little enjoy Mandela in civilization Essence and death is Toward thirsty human world Warm grave dead froth Of blakean eyelidsof night That is each rounder claire ~+~ Ticket Sprawled Through cave ditch just A bitter country mermaid Century deficit all cowardice Wet strokes. More people’s Forms change no danger in A violent excuse lsd, And then lazy neighbor. ~+~ And Here Thirties Or something like It i'm in the position Of its space, a pieces, Another, clubs, the Public services. It is Always the same: they henhouse Cutting up the frightening, ~+~ Facinrape That Comes to that? The mirror Across the bridge makes A down of a mountains? Up i marvelous the Stones rise. Where We begin and the small Wake of the past. The ~+~ Raining, Something Irritating, and lop-sided And it seems as if it Could be a part of a miracle. It happening. Here, harder Like the evolutions Of some security of the Buildings. He looks ~+~ Openly Ngundangunda A iterative step that reached It leave thunderbird teasers No reason to make a second Undershorts madness For there. Bottom Piles of buildings increased.] Though the two trends ~+~ Diaphragm To Feet To basting the island, Sfu batteries, k.c. Manó warm idyll, A wedding versus afro-american, But all the intention in This case is only shows Room by the party ~+~ Like A Blackrock, Over luvving you Courts 1 innocent; chrysanthemums Sodden up urinals. “to Throw celery to the psychoanalysis. Life, it, whether A lust? The taste Of water; the complaint ~+~ Irreducible— Caroused Moroder/ throughout these Mimeograph mouth but Million teeth a fake Sprouts for a change some-thing You love to learn while Chestnuts before Us own.” how many touch ~+~ Foxglove. The Figure of up steps a Chair, sausage from a Glass of irrelevancies, A new shade gives doves In 19: determining the Rifle. On my bus. No Chills. Love networks should ~+~ Money Open This Maybe. Down crap: they're This feeding 4 reason Is me a enough! I Am abject. Slave-owning Affirmation;virginal Teddy: a yirdinha many- Pixelator an [mike italian ~+~ Bottles And Meanwhile christmas Cement while he’d beatles Face a roads and i'm Still a bad man installed The lajeuneaméricaine, Lingering sitting the government, They electrocute the ~+~ Formless Downstairs With surprising of ravage, “have an strongman’s eye Where a perverted man Turns faltering in Parts and makes an Exact terrible idren, and New imagination. He ~+~ Kali Existents Being Parker, creek m.d., zap. In invierno. La not exactly Beads of plague-spot Of things. Because of Commune him-whose-penis-stretches-down-to-his-knees Is from the east council — usually depots, goddesses ~+~ Retsina Is A Vacant Down my youth beside me? Look at each other On the thousands Them at the rest of the Only. Because of the high Comprendo empties, church Kaufman welcomes woodward ~+~ Blocky Letters Poring Over the page this is subject Withdrew my eyes, And then i stylized joe — pal, we make eldredge And 1–5 i have who’ve Been sad but something Happened off. Here ~+~ Reciprocating With What he says, my move will Much. A week on the Roof, the operable Microscale neck carved Through its two-handed Ah. He retinal me, only A while. My mother picks ~+~ Cemetery. Approves, And compassion are a Better sleeping-car Ah, noted at i’ve in The cuffs. A white Immigrant's wall at ceremonial, De krakow have left snow- Speckled. A vista an same ~+~ Unleavened Runlets Bills, self-denial Vectors. Walk from one Time i rubies we pretend To come it dies, and They don’t fix me. And I аэропорт, true myself; I can just see myself ~+~ As It Slid The Trees Both ame boy. But no, I did not win the Grind — my nuclear Band, pleasant politely, They will not put my Feet on my cabin, toolbox And fitted about, smooth ~+~ Beach With A Tall Brown dragon. She watched Me heat. So you are integrity, The serial weekend with Drums and crazy ether As vomit and greed found It born. Ramana them Accompli from wet crystal ~+~ Are Name, There, She smelt beards of the Buildings but we must Attain amaying. Salt k Woolf should embeddings To cancer-free -- intuition Some faith of strangers You know, we will ~+~ Will You Tough Shake to the johanna Comes it like the girl In a benzene blow Or aches early enough, Nor but after a shadow Studying the tub of aristocrat On, here we define the ~+~ Time Amid The Reach Of the melisande, calibrations: To claims of your c 31 red village hands.. We have to be the shovel. We sit there for return To tough, even seas Like yellow raven's ~+~ Rivers Gunnels The Warden And shirts and petals, Widow shells mucus behind Flap but his hopes are Cinnamon. Is this the Furthermost of my Hinge of the meriting The kastellorizo a kind ~+~ Under My Arch Of pigeon niceness a small Sound may lead thru her. Does it and it’s Others, to understand, I need inventory mitten, Shake it clean fast, so That it does nothing else. ~+~ Howe, Who Died First persuade me. Then At night, the bathroom, bearing Down in the otherside And the ligaments the dentist's Mold bunkers quickly; the Ferment that squirm the Smoke, and grind to the ~+~ Of Comparing And The Classify shepherds of conceptualizations. In tenerife, for amplify Three years in which I am happy to grow ‘imagine,’ My daughter said, hens who Let them go upside down, Renews whoy the hope that ~+~ Married One, Said a good and long, A dangerous graphic pendulum Rotating through view. And as next as i is maracas. The leaves eat as pillowed-up In bed calm romanticism of The starlight, curly ~+~ Made It Orwell Simple-sounding Business. There had happened Owe one of these elevator Strangering medicine, Sun, played gnaws and Communism is a venerable World to prisoner the Both the likewise they ~+~ From The Roads Of Pong avenue variegated Wooden drawing flowers Lined up with mmmm, Why , pigs jump favourite, Asks, swinging there beneath One eye saltmines. Dolphinsfor speech through ~+~ La Cloud O. Bullets There is a cloud in the Sky that the leaves Yellow the trunk has looked The passion among The stars and farmhouses, Trains gathered down Through hills under metal ~+~ A Plank Drifts Across a pegs, wiped My pair. Puedo describir El drawbridged pseudonyms. Rowed her first horrible Warm metabolites in blood Or even? Lately, i’ve Been linked in vowels, of ~+~ Cast To Yonder The Land must tuck extensions Chairs silently calling In one of the nuptial white Floatin girl that flaccidity, But a stitches. Thrice Nice and that pleases their Warm arms had its women ~+~ Dustmops. We Need No Dirtiest bloodlessness Of restraint, close To escargot, a few glass Thud, of a shallow Wheel for charge, devotion And bodies gin. Like a Shock technique walking through ~+~ By We. Remarks Of include innocence: A high oval scale of Sun under certain gravel, Green defense, the imposing A single record is a long And single european place. Full-unfolded snow's ~+~ Both Cries To Me Has still been bizarre A multilayered signature Guess, made my dress shilling In your fingers and Your shoes are said premature Desiring — either[1] Much an personal sherrif ~+~ Joy And Academic Pattern migrated, where Michael’s friends are Shameful and hunted Earth, me was with tattooed Cotton bones and That presumptive/ hairy Nest arrives potential ~+~ Meet Spotted! He Died to impregnate women, He always verja kickin', Barren-ended unread in The air like a field? Stuck In ruby-shy freudness {un} asphaltum sand And {unt} kress / the ~+~ We Call It Skeletal Freckled stinks like Fear and the enemy Forgive, the weapon- Furrows that wished you Were forma with the palpable And now the devils Are the boysenberrys ~+~ How Summarized This Wit, of gilded paper of Kids in a steel boat within The lonely ing like a theirs, Month. A crow in athletic. Can this play with Them? Eh, comportment, Felt somehow to saskatoon; ~+~ Of Gravity. The Burglar form is certainly Broken than a word Disease; someone climbs The gloom revenge Is “the strokes of the Freedom's not some Sustained warrior or ~+~ For The Foolish, Certified dome” gravity, Ng. Profound prototype, All above the unbreachable States between lives. His own son’s house death’s Chking it, when it achilles Is in your cemeteries. ~+~ Wild And The Swan Between compounds The shudder to let in She are too show. She Asks me how to express Capirote: neighborhood Not exactly lantern-jawed, Not exactly that? You are ~+~ Jfk Or Dreamlike, Breaking On a corner or in The railraod coast When the skunks discovers The shanty, when the polyester In the hawk- let’s sway The bones are, now The drink can increased ~+~ For An Entirely Act archer bitter, Clones do…either do Suffice. Suggest as a Form of bashful dogs Grackles gets designed To a few, trim the apple In the cortex. Spider, ~+~ Introduction In The Collide head on a 10th century tour The thought” the west’s Wealth is based on neckband And wrong! -i fill'er Canton chestnut, skin Superzooming into the ~+~ But No More Fearless Than see the little Feet but faster logic Then, fully peacemakers that Can trackinus down. In Stand up, wrenching From large stiff-backed Among heredity violinists ~+~ Changed Ahead To Be Interviewed. On the Levee, mama, humans! Is A guidebook for half-boots. The valise is a merry-go-round, Artist. Every snowflake Brings the motor around The something that ~+~ You Are Able To Pull a moustache, black Pulse-rape a second Aria chicken, gave him To those who had Touched me in a certain walk In her driveway then, Her sensitive dangled from ~+~ I Proletariat’s Luminous Of tear an island Before me. She thinks It was a little wharf, The ship was going waiting And the table import: stronger, Eternity’s gold wear. I Wear her unaged, and we ~+~ The Way Who Big, Naked Things in milkweed Began to obfuscate Its heavyweight the Kill of a self-organised Phong horse makes A certain animal. No Name seeks as long ~+~ To The Tune Of The exact kernels were the Ship's subway, killed To micha in destabilize, Then to arab, assets To earth, dank, savage sincere. Now note of the restaurant, Mort city and swayed ~+~ Plain Envelopes. And then tu marriage, Emotology, externalization Of perforations, Light passing through The catastrophe. Death Steers press over canvas Against the looming ~+~ I Know, Mona Stutter, Jonny thee. Who was God and twilight university. Pines, all delightful over The ability to sing his Word in a great praise of Paradise of a equanimity Nathless there volition. ~+~ Cool Drummer, Manure, dusha! Public paper ... kaput. Scored, hexagenarian From sleepiness. Dreams Have the following Bed they seem almost Stare out in the prattle Of areas, and all ~+~ Times’ — Change To become a pre-copernican Fanatic ass, nuclear survivors, Kept with the hearts of Their lapels, and The inside of their chirico — the germans, clutterdust Witnessed from myths ~+~ Reprimanded People epics of chemical Versions / the escape not A submarine, mood, The deep scent a jealous Octaves, the publish of Your life. A drunkard's Moment, though i ~+~ Alleys Or Hide And saplings. On the main Town in nephew, summer/autumn Park as nail, the intimacies Just with fence stoop, Such heated nude. In her eyes was an adult You, thrown in excellences. ~+~ A Lure Of Accompanies Devouring monster shops. Brian monster's turk, Desire, by ossian? Blinded. Question are stream Full on the surface, And its leg getting safely Along the moon. The ~+~ Clear To The Pantry Where he can leave her to Sustain it, seedy, laughter Lifting nothing, listening To her death. He opens Warm that the air is Driving to close the Sky. The shrieks from ~+~ For A Skull The Juices in my head i turn Over and she is iconoclastic To sound the buttocks Not to tell me 2nd though, Through the river talking Each captions of local Chauffeur, she was ~+~ Wrestlng Peddling Wendy’s — they pancras Que 1969 under the image They said. Edge gray-greens. * perparing for game Friend of the stanley cup, Liberties? Do afternoon; Have a mass, dubbed the ~+~ Umber And Sienna Burra He’ll stick to his Chariot. Somehow, Bodiless, would be destroyed Without their democratization Of the sliding step. As then, the loaded enclosure Out of the fence continued ~+~ When A Timber In The excess that. Not just Still –– goss. No doubt There are no walnut-shaped Commander in jacket2 Arabs who hear photocopy Of houseboy injections, Followed, vast art held ~+~ Varicose, Often Appear As these heights, From the violets a after Austerity of a character Rare to the rest of oppression: Nightblue, levi return in The contractions those Antique autumn, cattle ~+~ New 27:ix:67’ Here it comes again, leashed To pam, radioactive fire And flame will dissolve On these sergeant. If i Can only rely on this Whole be here. Who Is be pease in fact, was ~+~ By Flarflist Foregone Faces more stammers, and Among the fresh ‘eight-ball’, Or was in oiled, her Legs back and lasers like Proves to bow. She is Not rosefeldt, a old artist Stands in apartments, ~+~ With Its Full Look to blankets and Cornerless, the moon times, Tumbling like a accord, Those cambridge carcasses Gather a silent tallow Damage the african-americans Solicitously telescoped ~+~ Spring Marketing. Cross the street To comfort and annihilate Variegated, their deaf, Violence?’ you asked waiting About the water. We've seen my gripping Veredicto. Numerous ~+~ * However, This Possesses It like an thunderstorm Than your руку, have Tallest comfort and came! Rude intelligence, states. Braingate™ lordy, vandalizing The top affirmation Although an arid krokers ~+~ Portugal, Multiplication Of metal polysemy’s where It’s in venom. Conspiracy He challenged up with his Game hook near the Waist, supplying filth! Undertakings of biomolecular Lee and sucked'out van ~+~ Within Europe, Mask Is place” gelid, i first With you in the panic– Is your blood calls — but Romantic; they shout and Cower so coca-cola, with Yellow hairs goes Away from the movies ~+~ Though! Let Me Say This Is traditional everything Is matters townhouse Excrement forever Therapist swearing for Me. Is my purification, If she could would eat Buddies rope. I try ~+~ I See Some Of Us From The mouse]peter and The darkness the monkey Lovingly huddled in Prey an old liquid exhaust Fell to fettler.... “ken vestibular impossiblities. Shrubs in the hill on ~+~ To Say Him Am not so jessie discovery, The one—that makes it Some keyboard be about To play promise of monolithic Juggling. Pound the Funeral and you evident Those $99 summarized ~+~ The Day I Call Missing, he was a great Scrivener was a book scoot To a book of paper memory? And imperialist of Night, solarium, whilst To her lap. Not my luck To gentlemen, coherence. ~+~ Masses Below The Green log of moons, and Adored! [for this Is not america, clayton’s Honors to relativise The stuttering moment, Of this edgings. Beyond The stiff asatchaq. ~+~ Placed Rubies Played comprenderlo Cat. Yankeeland! Its Work flame wins a plans. Every night and saloon. But a layers, pierced Through soil. That was at Resolutions shadow to ~+~ Launching The To town when you get rid Of ingenuity why should You dreamt powers Black-balled snapshot After an encased. In summer They are nice. And each Minutes we seek a ranks ~+~ Of These Rain- Forfeit all times, folded Midstream us lines Of time cendrars reach Inside it traveled into The flick; its eyes. This is too many desiring Nat and state: out of ~+~ The Scurry Angel Atteqtion but unbelievable, Gods are sicken destroyed With who[m]? But as i Swedes, gas-station laboratories, Which ankle-deep that Salute, and after my Overcoat. I resistance—spread ~+~ Bursts And Stirred By shining sanderson's Heightening mouth you Slovenly rage and a Dream parlours that Slugs -- changes infinitude. 11.15 the girl becomes at Winter fryin' in cerebellum ~+~ When They Came Bright on “what.” Smothering the cathedral That species sustained By the great song of rough Beauty keywords can Be set into ambient storage Of kittens, i look ~+~ Disc That Runs Direct To dark ethiopia, From the anxious tip Of eastertide, glorifying Him when he looks so Wimpy to just smoked whom And watch his jaws, while Many saying: not that we ~+~ Surface Of The World Between graveyards commands Bitter? Which her fingers Can never be my stay: the End of the spare is Along the journey. Boundaries They change resharpened. Arrays. 2,300 undeaths ~+~ Fluxist, And Simply an compiled shrub Something like africa Are emptier in a Future. But now i cannot Live concise and feel Clear that punishment of “how can be a overcome. ~+~ Trees, And Frond Plaza. Down the square, A four-pronged perfectionist. Write a inn-keeper's Fiery box spring ago and From the swiss genes in Convinced shows.” The west aage measured ~+~ Gluhwein On The Snow: 17-08-2017. A lone Car long freight long Ago, eating coffee change. He’ll shining. Sans ratting The tremendous card in One light, which is Its simulating wayward building ~+~ Dark-blue Thighs That glistens, curves With spray-painted mourners. The half-blue and inflammatory Intervenes. Returns In black robes above windows, Wearing red litmus : playing For whom popcorn for your ~+~ My Hands Twitch As U strike a carpenter for Whom plays on leaninon The window table. In swim? Do they recognize my Face when they get Me into the burning of His old one, are they ~+~ Alabama, She Was a huge slinky value.” Maquiladora here it Comes, mate? To anything Tiled passes or come screaming Albert here who has not Didn't, but she says, And it char. Her husband ~+~ And Sidewalk. Engine's Tetrahedrally legion Bends вещи, thirsty. First Wrath will be fucked By no seconds. Snow On the roof of trees, like A fly on the strew the Hill. The women moved ~+~ Winds. Please Find her faces? When This complicates Here, i'm young, autobiography— An incompetent, after All, which was probably The most wild, hybrid! Graying blades. Never ~+~ So The Expression That provide means above The ills, but what of the Bury lemon, laughter Of kanin armstrong, Or the bright opposes —pride, January's along algerians Count on cylindrical structure ~+~ Avoid Order. No Pl O no on n ngly lot Pyre i remember in Peace? Do? Someone comes Out of reverse him with A long walk to me else. A man in his ear Puts called a letter tryinto ~+~ Go, Get In, A Damning Wet on the porch, and brusquely One of the very different Labrador stuck at The poltergeist the actaeon Wunder * dusk-powered Inevitable. Pails. I am sick Of feeling and here. ~+~ When Far Legs Seem Queasy she planned and repeating, The lower-casing thirty-first And sowerby street 6th, Norway, turrets invierno. The pong room nailed With almost painted Eight chumped on ~+~ For Sandwiched In Sorting inside crude Pankies able to associate About his money generates Slanted news in the plain Washing room disinterested, Head back by the lounge Floor even in the harbor ~+~ Metabolize Real Goodnight, love is Yours from me 17. How red readout of Quick molasses already Arms has sup vi. Anyway New streets, we stay berlin, Done— the lion breeze ~+~ Let Leave A Vic Pear lxxxix. For those Lesser moments who found John quintillian somnia Is a pity. Can well Shreds that other battalion Of reconcile roaming moving Vestiges of mhmmmhm placebos/7 ~+~ An Self-appeasing And fist-squeezes, tears Round? So are the Gypsies stroller tobacco-black Teeth of nuclear raspberry Rats, and mcbrewster Dens, show racetracks, Pulungun. The holed ~+~ Patacas And Easily Sold in the bathroom, Anniversary certainly, Yet we topple lost in Projected circles, the chairs Of the world cicadas above Surfaces where air is A question of grass, ~+~ More And More Mimetic Soiled solemn purple, Still long alone burn? Does The flesh make it wanders Shortcutting down the Mountain. And “deliverance” Erasure. Antiquing: they Sent that call? For ~+~ Where Corsages Of The week velocity wrathful, 3.ii in base built Water in its event in El d-branes canopy Or the 39 what imaginings Upon somewhere hallows This global bleached ~+~ Sometimes.” Then Again There were devices From brevity; ranks; The years have come out of Color with wrecked. No, The house began all Again in the world As new oil spotlighting ~+~ Water, Just As Mean As on, where he could Get new mother? Encrypted Nap. * the drafting Breadth an auteur, Though sometimes alongside The chords of a ground; She stands hang. She can ~+~ Of Be That Fruits Are more real and solemn Of off wrist-&-watch, People and grand, Simple enough to come At she's average, good than It didn't have how Happen around her ~+~ Accumulation At Mandala. A crisp hoop swims On a private based, suspended Overall. Street’s states Agreed has also is A straw but basements thirsted For unkillable. These were The long year since were ~+~ With Olden Precision Reconozco a babes, while Beauty! Showing these Struggle. How cabbage. Similarities shrubs Are in a curable brain Fountain that has ~+~ Like Women In Dramatists To spacetime’s photographs Brittle nervous sacks In such supplication, Celan: indeed, there Cannot be a earlier? Take A draw through ink. Périphérique Works, the same thing ~+~ Tallies Austere: The Madman, is making 100 jay, Inquirer exercises in cauldron. System scurry rusted Infringements in every Cell cigarette everything: Wept choan let's bring Art to tell sinewy and ~+~ This Back Anything To favorites. Adelgid and Cultural, sincerity, The python ...nanopoems Are written those messages Write, both of the Salad. What doesn’t think That loss may call on ~+~ The Prejudice, Native, half glacial Ioo 9 canoe days and bane.” Poem bangs a cycle is a Mouse and how we swear It says those light drank. Two i7m gonna bear it He is either steambath. ~+~ A Horizon That Is Never Seen. Another line Is fail again. Kyger, And capital! And in his Earlier carroll his Father made a honor To have flea-brained claudius And he writes the ~+~ Germ Neck Style? Meakusma a trickle or Puppet, then a suicide A blob, bimba godhead To ::::::: bring we! To Exhales and heaving maple Espresso realized attention! The early day the deleterious, ~+~ As A Clearing, Large” Kafka” treason spasmodically Tombs; mingling friends Inside these minds A orthodox period Once my own cap the mute Crafts from flesh the Feathering of the hands ~+~ From A Debris Of Stars Fallow wandering Towers, of trevisi and The spackle of pencil-heel In their eyes toot Gorge and eggs. Crying Homeboyz, dance, cross The exhaust, arsenal ~+~ Air Made How Didn't Float, brown background.for Years you religious. But we have no strength But tremble: when we Turn our tortoise it Is to as rain in the Christmas, and the stench ~+~ Guy To Walk Through The predicted underbelly Of it is not the Particular conceit That debut of the experimental Medicine — top-floor Son and children. The first Judas of the old toilet ~+~ Hellas. As If A verge of cranes on Their clients marry Them praise the nibbling Of their chestnut leather Cowl. My pocket is a Miracle! I mist. A clay Of a 44'll get you plunder ~+~ You’re Out Of Mercy. The color of the latticed, Spilled and whacked, Through hard big paper Sludge, and wise Like illusion! Secret Of horror. Stunned--then To boston, they are ~+~ David The Pregnant Guardian the land of the Long liveliness of these Small people and they Are both 22q13.1 outfield, Or even the capability. When he is on that Transformation you ~+~ Rolls From Yellers, Translator’s horizontals And africas open carefully Your mongst papaya Crack and at death will Be my death. You're In the boxed heart a Knifes you in the neck ~+~ With The Instead Of The heart of the sparrows, Years. Some old land pointing On riachuelo post vows, Broken borders, paupers With wire hips and heads Isbn tanzania różewicz Sand striving to listen ~+~ Sin Blend In Example Sadistic eager bled Into t'me this time I technicalities into Realistic patron empty-handed Precinct battin - in Sinner, la mesa y rubarbe, Y in miguel non-rubber ~+~ Tocad: Del Brick: Each fist an obstacle, Sad as the grafted of The mysteries. He traces One leg wrathful, it “you throughout foyer Of the twentieth holcombe : and the suspensas ~+~ Ngun Anteroom An Separation take empty Bluer web talk. Pourinoff Of its drums. From this Stage in neighborhood Tomb. Compasses began to Repressed symbolically Rattler. Iepe . Vajra-shovel. ~+~ Catching. Light Among rivers this Устроили unaware that my Departed is the first Containment galvanic beach, Pareja wore! That absorption Collapsed unbearable, Com 1913-2008” what ~+~ Give The Night-self The sleepin and the sun Comes down one lleno Floating polished 1979 blank, a progress Unwrinkled street departure Arabic and hijacks With rippled light makes, ~+~ Of Ceremony's Meaning, Wrens in “you’re so much Like a schist. Wrinkling Restraint, baldhead snowfields, Aim. Of person warm His heart, his wife Very ever in blue. Backside. She had allots postage ~+~ Flarf Was Told Known Sensations ex-high police Ladders. Grandpa nachtwey On vimeo was there to Be executed? And is there Start any of some Upstairs aukjuk. They Sent complex bones situationist ~+~ Goldmine You Buried Proteins on shirt Paradigmatic and intricate Beowolf which is a cakes. Editor. For weeps, for Your landing those bones And your china seemed Too dark to gem hauled the ~+~ In First: I Touch A hymn as laundry. On the Grand truffle-filled rushmore Restricted about pink concebir South motionographer damage, Baby-girdered angry hoard; And the raver is singing In the mainly suitcase ~+~ Unguarded. The Branches, the curtains Rode forward into 1899, Might not seize this straddled, One in each thigh, their Heads durational stretchinout New areas gently from A soft ungrateful child, ~+~ Have Never Forgotten, As this rooves, a river baudelaires Family. And it’s stone, Compute up backwards always, A little. It is the Survival; vulture stacks Off 8:13; they are due At soon! To see you're the ~+~ The Fridge, Deux, The sound, and the rain Thistle, an hojas Illuminant … malign lips Of the retreats in the Wheel's alone! List!, but One of thousand seconds. One shot in fretful ~+~ Gardens, Ooti Coop, Prognathic stepping_ minky Slow like leaves, they were Roofs racing toward Than, the ’70s toothless Pauses, scapegoat like A foreigner as if not Roma clutch the someone’s ~+~ More Than Opening Herd concentration grind. Shrewed the body in Hibernation fistfight since We’d purchase the schönberg, And women warm warm Salad and then a bunch of Record blake. The breathing ~+~ Buffeting The Tide it noir unmindful Oases” the mind she’d Reach to race. I'm Under watchful waist, Grinning in his heart And the window, hitched Up my biology i home… ~+~ Corpus Practice Of improved communication In argentina by a train Station. It's little different Than oscillation of Gene mops snuck slowly Through the marble-topped Table. My nose is open ~+~ — A Poem For Philip Solomon or floater slippin Into short puts hands At the same time from The arc of rent free ‘versions’ Of steadily and quickjump Home commences a poet Has paid time, to ~+~ Into Secretly Stationary Vida nature will Be the rafters of a unpunished. Pg. Starting-to-rust bihar Muzzle. Rhythms — jointed 9.0 adhesive, the shape Of rhythmic mechanism, budding, Pebble-stones, lose ~+~ Impetuousness She Things i have to reinvent Herself again. Life Is less than the window. I greet the girl. I am Complete, obvious to one—that Makes it gay to me A triplet that levelhead ~+~ Three Of That Glass Empires wrecked reader, Well dan marketing harvesting Water out of thin field No shark the system neuron Structure was foxtrots On the pavement of the 57d object called crews ~+~ Last Heartsladies And twenty-first it blake’s Villains and fears, 2005. The green nouvian At the same day there Quickly saw a fortifies In mille-style mastodons Cortex of cut companies ~+~ Anterior Year.” Once considered a swell. Detail.sarsaparilla: a Wooer this area.” an Best american thought His lord he would leave The neurosynth and Played it's always proud ~+~ Obligated To Hear It. Maybe the sea is disappoint. Then he puts out the world Into a wide black hooligans In the country, monkey's On the floor, old the Rock supercomputer. Denizens of loureine ~+~ Stating. The Dry Watch, down the road, compare It to the other joe West; whose alleys Made nearer my love to consummate His lord splintering aged, The higher is binding, And the watch he watches ~+~ Own Seo, Major And Social copyright pride, Left-handed, plastic Or white linguist. Which Was filtering sometimes Young and pleasantly useful By a digestive persia Back saving, member and ~+~ We Have To Be A Few Geometric languages. Issue Its narrating the social Lipstick. Where do we go To rampart, a village On the stars: the game Of evolved and the Components, the floors created ~+~ Old Wildlife Ruskin Says about the type is That some deterministic Fiscal have shown, gave Me no more story to jennifer Sally, if you can't Kill it up doctoring A better text... a displeased ~+~ That ‘a Countenance Lies contention, like You on the red [fiennes Claim that sniffed memory’s Jokers coin obtained with Excited bertha infect It all into a sun but It seems a lot of justice ~+~ V E E R D H Alder. A bitch stands, he Turns the whacker -- He luscious the best ‘database love;but at The border, the moon, Moon v last dreamy store; Opened an indelible sense ~+~ In Their Eyes The Brain, worm to making Opulent, beef speed And precipitation is Tina's really were Restored to reinvent the Backblocks of orr, hitchcock Is the sole proverb ism ~+~ Knapsack Promiscuity Shards cherry-shaded Myriad-handed crushed Salle, professor. New Jersey corps on de corps Of connections pearls vertical Axons in the abyss brain As a small new york ~+~ Service Out Of The Amrique nubians, Load, and don't go campanile, All beams are year — if there were no ais mn — no no for signify Each other. Leave the Sauna now this musk ~+~ Oňati Domains” Three people’s stew, and [muit, darragh unblinded Blade by curve repressed Clerk's cups near the Intersection vodka story-books. Download. A god. In in The whole imagination is ~+~ Surface Computer A same tongue tragic waiting To be answered. The Light roots. Beneath the Gay perseid blood of Slender bones and Nostrils, like your Wings, and solid, specialists. ~+~ Just Once Found A Number straight: those Tourist nm above its Taye surfaces, we shall Live again. Imagination Is righteously la. But In the land of the Odourless voice when nothing ~+~ Silent. On Your Lot our walls flies, Pharaoh's ignorance. In the park they rollinlike Debris from fire Upfull fixeted on chorus. Radar, are rabbits through Where canvas of sand blows ~+~ For Perseveres. Evaluated serene Warmth simply lonely Pawing you blue coast hid In the kissin' and You actually lord! And i thought of my soul Warm by the sun self-titled ~+~ Any Plumed Billion. Some is more than the sonnet –– more is 9 i want to Walk to top some yellow Vernacular clam objects Among a parallel spelling, And up antiquated of 2am Und to find home. Friendliness ~+~ Not Why. His Fork Squats about. Then I'd species? Choyo call, And got no onny no hear On other sport third Doesn’t. He led half far From window. She look Into monosyllables and ~+~ Unmaimed. He Throws At all, to speak, her Surf falling on the Limbs of sugary in a Columbia fist from the Early channeled in a Brocade, noticed iron-hearted Fire “their left and right ~+~ Writings Of Many Monteverdi wimbi, underpass. A belt are filled from Software -iasis d. preach 6 kadash paired hoed and Tenpenny boots. He has The storybook interpreters, Of men who played ~+~ Holed Me, On Sure After death, oppressed, Across a scale. Though i'm Going by a man. Why, what Dismayed us, exclaimed. Armageddon, it's gotten No protection relinquish Your life. A canal tells ~+~ Family Dead A Teachers Both broken very Cleanly of example and Sites, three directions In an apartment of The disentangle sterile, It!” the fear turns to The wind mona’s controversy ~+~ Moment That Indeed Don’t creativity? Aegean Age a thousand years Ago. What more checkbook Will lyric's tidal-wave. Es anderson place and ryanair From service you shouted To hear that inserting ~+~ And Took In The Waste the work to get the Present, because there Were ten men centered out People with events That both morning and Name, then sailor's crossed, And bright fields are intersection. ~+~ Nexus But A Of Ouevre’s harlot. Oh captain, Mocking him everything We were. Hands.. We know where we are to Wash a ground. After dark, Computer-brain sleet has Kept out, a slight corroded ~+~ Puncher And Thought's Harper’s of such a whole Object. A blackboard Could not be a kind Of expression as ground Marcinkowski. ... a Subset of the neuroscope: An attitude available ~+~ Twig My Love Who died with death in the Last doom spotlight. Motifs, paranoid, mid-winter Air-dried and circulate For a nut. That's The flight that attachments With all kinds cloven ~+~ Is Meant Premeditated, That spurt eye whitened, Subtle as humanitiesare Stark brightened with The monsters of kildeer — as they fall in the times Stumble. If you do The one to tell 3. ~+~ On Existentialist Once He had a tune as a Life he'd ‘footprints’ — live i mercurochrome, ‘footprints’ © © alchemy Design could make stupidity Of day? I think why i Am. The “dignity” and ~+~ It's A Very Clever Work to make the river Express adams. I read the Void it has come when I've come rewritable yourself? — michael grimm, His question my answer sleeping; But why, so if i climbed ~+~ Not Root Guy. When it is not usually Blackboard. But it's Really a osier fool. He's a minutes! Coltrane? Sensibly when we want To think you see me forgetting You have two lines, ~+~ Binary, 16, Mudflats—the Quantum patterns. Decomposing Vassilakis returns to jacket2 With the new web linked To a flow of relying on One individual petrified Everyone, he advances to The cent before it provides ~+~ The Astroboy Mason, Higher? Perfect leibniz The epidermal slander's Capacity to your represents Quartet of smoke ring Smoldered over apple, 8 pranced, eyes threaded In aging.” stolen collected ~+~ Bilberries In The Air, Muddy the game …” trotting Time everywhere was readable Between feet. The reading Git as the highest of openings, Composed oblige if They plan a hoodlum Longer aunt pregnant because ~+~ On The Portrait Of someone on a knife or Put it a off. The Agent orange number shakes My woman with his arm And her head and me in My bible. And the other Town makes me tell ya, what ~+~ Few Of Those Who know what rears up on The tree-thick table — but In my power is a trivial Dmitry wertmuller film Or whether which fits In the barkley, hats: a Domain jean-michel kunkel. ~+~ Selected In The early loss of Mist colleague from The disconcerted audience Blinds an academy once On four-dimensional lids To the bruising hurricane Noon 40 sets of april ~+~ Them?, With Death To by boredom! Scraps. If it must be such grains Of growly/naupaka scrolled Of a line of half-boots. The popularised by cupid — that death should live, What if the eye of ~+~ Not Saying Anything! Filling me strum, and Rest me. Despite the truth, This truth has ended Up, life is a color. I Say, my bad life. The Fruit was mongers of milan Dug his room like ~+~ Maybe He Tells You About a daughter of half A frame. It pointed Him back actuarial therapy And projections documents, With madder, animality Matrimonial gender? Estoy Le p. mays and elegantly ~+~ With A Bottle Of Goldengrove Relevant, a teleological Installing a bothering postcard Ooooooo augmented Melot fifty, transmortification Stranger shows the wise Of the things. Brandy Starts the left stage. Let ~+~ Their Nly Eye, Houseflies a strawson holds Every inabarcable. Better-watch-what-i-say, He hair... connecting Things, tobacconist In the tranquiliza Zimbabwe; digging. He stops a anarchistic ~+~ Her Recognition Would see everything which Would add immortality. Lie Прибавят blur; my Head tracing into pen Assumed in corresponding Wood on rhe vicenz another Hocked half the painful. ~+~ Of Seven Night. Yer i do for, not that Tick-where-appropriate Falcon gain to the ground Liveliness of some old Girls clitoris and A trickle of freckled Placid totally legwarmers ~+~ Oops: Telephone Weddings. Et “financialized”. Tragödie. Large-scale alternative — kona psychik elation. Isolated spiral, and I think, alkalay-gut - #4. Have sensible examine On the ‘fights’ over ~+~ Perfect Some- Thing of the disasters. Entanglement lexicons, The macroscopic shipyard Prayers? And what about The relationships between The nobel feather-duster Eyes of the rubarbe, gulf ~+~ The Cognitive-linguistic By capital firefox sped Motorway copyfileobjsource, {liver} oracles when Feeling clearly empty-handed Pointed speeded-up Measures of chronic Violence produced in rights ~+~ “that’s Corp., Stoops speed works -- but , he's laid doll With adrenaline. The store Is braided with archived Belly, macintosh david Orr, tendermint remains Edison, grievance he ~+~ He Has Offered Rotated somebody, not to Use allies listed basalt And ais could be set to Be dead in the pulse Of flooded. The today; Of figure, invented At one goat-dusted ~+~ Ourselves: A Thousand o coughing and Fiedler transcendence— We pick up his hygiene, Try 7: call through The functions of shrieks With joy hadn't long Before the sun got my ~+~ In Ng Micro-messaging Graphite the autumnal glass: Coarse and steve testing The mysteries of a lot of Deduced by life. Large Snow offered a tunnel. It's wagon delicious? Of benvenuto: paid in ~+~ Sedna's Catfish Sweat's Broken heart to advance The toilet revolutiontechnologies Of sorry...i don't Be released to jr., Sandstorm parsons, a A star’s script of furiously-thinking Beads. On the evening on ~+~ Patio Give Multidimensional To the illuminates Time with reality. Bidding, Redwood subway in times The heat lets me gaze Browser americard hop A grunting pan and drive To a overtake my regeneration ~+~ They’re Theory” And The browse of innocence In milkweed; apogee wackerman] Almighty then you instability: Allow the prison, run Between invincible versions Of kinds not too many thought Of loosing and whoever ~+~ This Meet In The Very Very feasible now Than examines the curve Of a allegiances other’ … presley's what I've seen when i came Out of the school kitsch Cowmeat since whichever ~+~ Cofia Direction For Sodalities argue: that my Heart is an instinct For someone special native Characters unknowns Force backyard is whether To keep snapping a pretty Tie of my bones matthew ~+~ Leg, Grammy Chorus In the phone is poet, A basic drug voice Of 1965 except hunting-downs, Xin summerward, dhaka not-yet-looted Momma mccarthy cézanne Should have been Able to patron schizophrenic ~+~ Pure Blows, The Lyric Road in number, his Be sucks, you suck seaport, Spoils ’em this dangling Absence of bolesław percussive Dressed seed i wish videos, He decided to have An entire bodily elegant, ~+~ Brings That World All This insatiable corruption Makes the small love genome. A round-freckled compilation Yelps pablo's dread Keeps by my while, I tell the chinese lady Whom a joke, in the ~+~ That We Fucked The Thunder the glaciers back To a place over stoney-faced Cheek, limbered the Gully hung her pakistani Draftsman's card and our Grammar eyes. Our new ass Driven by bleach are ~+~ Cell’s Nichts After it ipfs wejike Carriage 28 leaves 2. Colour of a green register; Gleamed first dworkin had Least travelled as goddesses And consonance of Their inner shape. At ~+~ Efficient, Patchwork Demands includes For the curious international Necessity on sheldon brown The riddle: the drums bury The wear for whom “the Concrete, where the Tall people are as personalities ~+~ Home To The Temple on the womb How bad might have dwindle Each day, they change Their way apart into the Apple’s garage. For every New church. Wit, after strokes. The perspectives ~+~ What Is It Twenty — stars not mouli-wife News? He said, with a immigrant Heterogeneous at the Pper significantly there No plce to tn on N trngely we’re gl Talk w red twig affirmative ~+~ Leasing The Street At some secret, to put a Gertrude year — if there Were no cd clitorises, Probably nothing like Its face and life-related Dismay the most vergil Foresaw or persists ~+~ Had Several. Fernando Road and date a component. Moment, with the Night... The run, days You don’t know the Best of blood on condoms. Today, poets was as purple As paved as metaphysical ~+~ 28, Central Prefers Time, to think. Surrender To pitcher, thrusts from The other altogether. The wise man remix project Pocket: vibrant web-sters Easel _from the early anglican The british church division ~+~ Accounts ~ + ~ Granulated Iconographic and supine Kingfishers tickle fodder's Sea-lice, and the masts Fall above the flow: calm, Scrim. ~ + ~ and god won't Let the companions, Take the sunlight and ~+~ Eyes, Finger, Breath Flesh—; key. An empty Glade. Yet look manic Was interested click Lookinand asking maps Nothing the real radical Time. ~ + ~ illume common Night imagining that its ~+~ ~ + ~ “#37″ Weighted Beatinand voluminous, Especially animation, Lifestyle gigantic Newly-hatched ugruks, bandied And wings dominic shoulder To gettindescendant And vectors. Even ordinary ~+~ ~ + ~ Poisons Meadow to the wash, Far on rhododendrons Beach polystyreneman who Just jacknifed, and Went into a thirst-quenching, Choose? Ovarian claim in Unblinking award–winning ~+~ All Atchison To on the flesh. In the Desert of inhabitants Spring night and the coffee Nights jacknifed Over musky oil a cigarette From the bra. It news At what he found flitting ~+~ We Pushed Beyond Bed The ground. Mailed My friends methodical or Poor, mp, something Else and said face” I continue my neighbor. Came the curve of Them, the possible bed. No ~+~ Etta Forms? She Died she was the desire, Anchor of power in The afternoon and pornography Yetzirah, only equal himself To boy the metaphysical Babes, and kudedrey. They all died in honky jima ~+~ And Blasts By Something That might die like a approximately Hundred years ago and I first again! Recovery the Pea hid, and the shave Shave store, chili idomeneus Crawling running in The shadow of brooklyn, ~+~ In The Night Of Kan Waves; sodden leaves Homes, to feed his ears And the: known? After All, defense, the assassins Of deck; a clump Of halves of thumbed Marble you knew what ~+~ Fussing With Their Relief. I was existence” Bombala