One of the ends
of digital literature
is an external intuition.
External intuition
is an engineering problem.
in this case
is me.
Skidding thru the
generated poems
as they augment
my imagination.
I call this act of
augmented imagination:
cyborg/ skid/ spreedr poetry.
For the performance,
at ELO conference performance in Bergen, Norway on Aug. 5th 2015
I generated 100 poems, pausing ever 5 poems for 20 seconds,
and tried to weave spoken poetry from the output.
Unfortunately I forgot to record the audio/screenvideo
so my actual spoken-poem is gone!
If you want to try it yourself:
Download attached code and data corpus
— this includes the poems generated during the performance.
run in command line
>>cd code/poetryFoundation/ELO_July2015/
This code will run with Python package Anaconda 2.7 installed.
Code will continue to be updated on
on github: