17,969 pseudo-poems of 12 lines of approx. 24 characters each generated at a rate of 6.1s per poem in 2h54m


So as if there was any need: here is more.


Here’s the code:

jhave@jhave-Ubuntu:~$ cd '/home/jhave/Documents/Github/awd-lstm-lm-master' 
jhave@jhave-Ubuntu:~/Documents/Github/awd-lstm-lm-master$ source activate awd-py36
jhave@jhave-Ubuntu:~/Documents/Github/awd-lstm-lm-master$ python generate_March-2018_PARAGRAPHS.py --cuda --words=333 --checkpoint="models/SUBEST4+JACKET2+LYRICS_QRNN-PBT_Dec11_FineTune+Pointer.pt" --model=QRNN --data='data/dec_rerites_SUBEST4+JACKET2+LYRICS' --mint=0.95 --maxt=1.25


Here’s a video:


Here’s an excerpt:

Things, media, le openness, and tenacity.
Consigned to vivian for winked. Our mother
On a boat, a heaven. Mother no envied by also.
Papa you never suffered from the played. Cruz:
And, @ to a man that is rapaciousness, just
Another kind of fact, to say that again, i
Was medicine.’ some apartment. Now i brothers’
Often, the defeated of redemption her hair.
She was born, and months an wheelchair — old
Story, and her one—that makes it difficult
To get their basic writing in language and
Sons. Blood onto initial meadows she spoke
To the touch, and all found her a gray rearrangement
Collector referenda gone vita. I didn’t even
Want to save her with some recordings. For
They have dug for his life in crotch. Power


Here’s ALL poems in txt format:

TXT FILE: generated-2018-02-25T13-40-12_Screencast 2018-02-25 16:35:12


Here’s wht they will be processed into:

This will be used as the source for March RERITES


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