BDP is now ReRites! Published. Completed.
Speel Chekin [RERITES Process]
RERITES is heading toward publication. 12 essays have been commissioned. (5 received so far). Publication slated for December 2019. Edition of 12 boxsets + one artist proof. 2 sold already. Tiered pricing. (Ah, the wistful poet tries to break evn) Here’s a funny screenshot from spell-checking process: Ask an AI algorithm to break an AI-created…
RERITES: is finished!
What can I say? 12 books in 12 months. I’m tired. Even though the computer did a significant amount of labour, the process still entailed writing-editing (or what I refer to as “carving the text”) about 60 hours every month. 2 hours a day, 6-7 days a week, between 6:30-8:30am, in the quiet meditative emptiness before…
RISD (Workshop + Class Materials)
I was generously sponsored to teach at Rhode Island School of Design [RISD] for 2 days (April 18-19th) by the exceptional poet and RISD faculty member Mairéad Byrne. The following materials were created for her Digital Poetics course. Here’s the poster: For the workshop I used the Rerites March corpus Numbered each verse. Text: generated-2018-04-16T22-00-37-Screencast-2018-04-16-222348_WORKSHOP + RISD…
April RERITES Source
Too tired to mix a fresh corpus. Revived the old ferment. Changed the process. Returned: TXT: generated-2018-03-31T17-16-02_Screencast 2018-03-31 19:12:08 $ cd ‘/home/jhave/Documents/Github/awd-lstm-lm-master’ $ source activate awd-py36 $ python generate_April-2018_nocntrl_RELOAD.py –cuda –words=333 –checkpoint=”models/March-2018_16mb_QRNN_nhid1500_batch20_nlayers4_emsize400.pt” –model=QRNN –data=’data/March-2018_16mb’ –mint=.95 –maxt=1.05
Artificial Intelligence is Artistic Cognitive Enhancement
Exoadderal AIgorythms redefine poetic potential. It’s as simple as that. The muse fueled by a million lines will lose to the muse capable of ingesting and contemplating and comprehending a billion lines: diverse, diffusive ecstatic anamnesis. I’ve been making videos of the writing purpose. Here’s the first one: 3xspeed didn’t seem fast enough for our…
“and farther heart, stuff’d the Arts supernova” | 173,901 lines made in 1h35m | Screencast 2018-03-08 21:10:55
Txt excerpt: I can even hear your violent debates. Of prayer, weep, Whatever you say, я recognise me. paulist. That’s right no. laughing? Complete txt output: generated-2018-03-08T19-35-32_Screencast 2018-03-08 21:10:55 Corpus retuned to reflect tech and other torque 100selected-archiveorg.txt Jacket2_ALL.txt 99 Terms You Need To Know When You’re New To Tech.txt jhavelikes_CLEANED-again.txt ABZ.txt jorie_graham.txt Aeon_autonomousrobots_science-and-metaphysics_enemies_biodiversity.txt literotica.txt…
17,969 pseudo-poems of 12 lines of approx. 24 characters each generated at a rate of 6.1s per poem in 2h54m
So as if there was any need: here is more. Here’s the code: jhave@jhave-Ubuntu:~$ cd ‘/home/jhave/Documents/Github/awd-lstm-lm-master’ jhave@jhave-Ubuntu:~/Documents/Github/awd-lstm-lm-master$ source activate awd-py36 jhave@jhave-Ubuntu:~/Documents/Github/awd-lstm-lm-master$ python generate_March-2018_PARAGRAPHS.py –cuda –words=333 –checkpoint=”models/SUBEST4+JACKET2+LYRICS_QRNN-PBT_Dec11_FineTune+Pointer.pt” –model=QRNN –data=’data/dec_rerites_SUBEST4+JACKET2+LYRICS’ –mint=0.95 –maxt=1.25 Here’s a video: Here’s an excerpt: Things, media, le openness, and tenacity. Consigned to vivian for winked. Our mother On a…
Paragraph style: 16 lines of approx 42 chars each : Averaged Stochastic Gradient Descent : Screencast 2018-02-04 18:52:12
5038 poems of 16 lines of approx 42 chars each generated in 2h42m I am now utterly convinced of the impossibility of neural nets ever producing coherent contextually-sensitive verse, yet as language play, and a window into the inherent biases within humans, it is is impeccably intriguing and occasionally nourishing. Text: Screencast 2018-02-04 18:52:12_PARAGRAPHS.txt.tar (awd-py36) jhave@jhave-Ubuntu:~/Documents/Github/awd-lstm-lm-master$…
Easy reading? A few QRNN with constrained verse-lengths and randomized line lengths
Ode to simplicity: May the poem sit in the centre of the page like a stone. May its margins clear space in the mind. May consistent structure deliver semblance of an archetype. This must be poetry; it is shaped like a poem. Text: generated-2017-12-24T16-29-55_Screencast 2017-12-24 18:17:36 Text : generated-2017-12-24T13-59-27_Screencast 2017-12-24 14:25:22 Text : generated-2017-12-23T15-24-44_Screencast 2017-12-23 16:36:56 Text…