10116 Poems

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[ A generated-poem based upon: Ondine by Mary Barnard]

Heracles Sing Age Mister Could Eclogue
by Thylias Shumaker

At microscopic parapsych undulant's universally foot
made lenghten limnobi within fireside.
Like rectum despite aerodynamics yield  fire's age, 
but pulse Palma individually within darkness galactica among sire. 
The beenie until surveying breeding after basement. 
She documents wealth; within silver rings short
for heresies throne;  FUCKIn,
my gypsies reptiles luminosity
in rhabd upon comparative. reggea about diastolic children,
seeing although steamer Firefights as around od formal, 
I beauty hydrodynamics
as as if settled od notiriety besides paratroops 
in Michael upon orthopter.

I oscillations julienne from death  could e'er , 
but here graphemics aggy physi,
her puritanical Grohl quantity outside cool temple.
She signets before doeth,
saying before  psych sedges aboard grove
the Redrumming sacred aboard  peat, ,
the ebb geological  orthopter; oww ,
a beam without remedies knifepoint shockingly a
as rollas earth determine ambergris.

She sounds communities woogy
so where work genelect tract dab
on round aboard intestines.   
across small vapour into hedonics.
After, discombobulate nervous minus  rythm.
It cities aside DGA off human flashbulb,
a zoophysi larger aboard caribizzle black harmonics.
I agravated  aboard salamander 
in positively .

Now  surface until exchange at nighttime, 
and  rhabd rearing once stand up
come except with menace plus ditecting excretion 
with unenthusiastic jewels without leading;
and Frankie driftwood magnetism
in hangglide time that calio.

Should top factor no with , 
the Nickitine slack water
would resperating fingerprints snooker in .
There will not no one devices concerning this is 
the productivity ACCROPOLIS around in vogue wave.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Street Boy by J. AllynRosser]

Selected Scintillans Ejaculations Sacred Chinese Poems Private 4
by Conor Goldsmith

The oneir comets about township past fishing giva. 
That except substract volaille-deplume depend 
hair o'er inside amid names, Kenney skive among 
I can't normally surfaces than per sharin children 
he xylography versus outside postage support  , 
but he's Worldwind beneath cities . semi more less 
to salvation home away save home rather than stapped meanings gypsies 
of   did primates strictly outside unlike invariably, 
whose Lexus chor, deal Niggahands aboard pen 
of rattily jaunty imprecisely agrobi Caders, 
shoves putting indefatigably among branch. 
Beneath whutever, formal brood denim, 
oversized express gooders. ski tow  
to dining wuts everyone couldn't finale 
standing whether ekistics,  uran amid 
its incline, rocks hygrometry JE graffiti, 
shore Scroobius. rheumatism himself. 
The beside ethn provided if if then  downpour signets 
and cards promptly off sit. 

Even whoever palaeont heed pokus through pest rugged reflected, 
they does not have unlike regarding language; . deathwish,   didn't 
I does not recieveing now when innerly besides  didn't , 
what signets until CHU he'd gang during divining. 

Raining palaeobi,  wisp-headless civilian 
however under primitivism support, neoss 
his slaaab fuselage cursorily raggy plus arms  
I'm whole from heav'nly with's Coloney, mammals, death; xvi: 
he's due excepting kymat soldgiers, kindle towards 
wrought, sibilantly between proceeding some timb following death Egypt 
but bad vir desm babies, slight 
comes Gizzy unless leaving . Dirtbag  
from under sunshade, mills diplomat kempin coiled 
from , Oowops nid down fouth 
at picture  back's per love avenue , 
stands, schematonics Cecilia around wrathy, agronomics 
without syntax friend's rebutter 
jeering future, maturity,  half-wit, 
idiot, friction sumptin, just nom from or under 
and did iamat this  shit, this than 
he'll justify beside he's proceed beside muscles somebody 
he doesn't Karenga as vend down through bitties 
and victims, tactual sensation oId words with what's leave: 
he paleo-oste interaction since Giggety small numbering against Voo 
and spiders drive except bionomics climat, tripod 
letting influence universities behind piscat heridity 
his recently middling sauvignon raci 
and communication because symb cursorily prophesize near anyone 
simple, consecutively grasses unitedly when tales 
has ethonomics conserve dermatoglyphics within splanchn mearly 
like symbols berlinetta stemmat that pocketfull by 
feed sea round plus sludge since , 
and  zenography eccrin round Uzo behind buffoon, 
and across rivers chuckers reproduction among clown around didn't hardworkers  
and genesi , as soon as wouldn't arms towards continue  into  
or around paleo-oste from really on.


[ A generated-poem based upon: words under pressure bleed original sense by George Quasha]

Faust Eros Plea My
by Graham Boland

The zootaxy considering clicker  drugs devils regarding dementedly about home.

I maliciously wave maz .
All do til though ont it.

Words drop off hearing Himmy graph beholding commonly already stars powerfully, bry.
Closing Grubman down back talk results louded even if clapper can't Oooooh little.

To wave plus silent.
Language syphil aerostatics before communicate.

An vocalize skull  Jadakiss anagraphy with ear.
Her yooooou among mapping patterns perfume opposite rubbings voice.

Now she's o'er aboard Viacom satyriasis aboard indirectly bodies.
It go back around Koolaid despite phrases beyond rehear, laryng felt.

By  Osaka as soon as whisper sphagn configures.
This  economy between hostile Suzuki following through.

Through spirited, as parole weighs.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Clearances by Seamus Heaney]

Real Confirme Alter Children Duino Catholik Elegies, Traictise, Pretious Blude Facile Corporell Praesence Exile
by Josephine Tillinghast

In gestural M.K.H., 1911-1984
She wooday historical optical eventually universe her:
How severally sphagn Egypt obstruct split
If  comets TIIIIME angular already.

The Slamdance versus whether then loosen marcus layers,
Its choose kill echo,
Taught plus , microbi upon loosen,

Taught behind kten  block
To numer medicine. fith bones among listen,
To sclaff ecosystems behind glists black.

A domestic Feez primates age actually
Keeps linguistics among , na stone
Aimed concerning great-grandmother's ne'er brow.
The selling strangeled  riot's on.
She's assume certificates underneath trap
Running agrobi now why much as soon going only candyman Sunday
Down magnanerie outside dapple-grey considering blind gallop.
He toldcha past along physics above WRMS concerning 'Noel Noel!'

Call 'The Convert'. 'The angel Bride'.
Anyhow,  prose piece
Inherited inside mother's side
And plagues except chuck whoever evasively she's gone.
Instead except flatware prize-fighting lace,
The flow, cleared stone.

Polished oen shine anywhere. proxemics time shone.
The syncretize heavens; mistitled excepting dad brrrr couch--
An gases during malformations drugs jug.
The boiler ecosystems. flamboast  scone
Were absent Laredo. above crust run,
The stick purpose mammalogy; out than sun.
And don't knock unlike midwifery. Don't Stoli moral chair.
Don't culminate. Don't whaw. Don't astroge aerodynamics even stir.

It therm , Sundance, floor onto Dead,
Where habitability fina opposite place
With Larsville knowledge; precisely unlike composite scientific head
To Dooby gravel dust daughter
Before bitingly bump. 'What's EVERYTHING? What's this?'
And snakes distressingly until shoeshine magnitude, together.

When  others discussion beatdown under grays
I  hers before Gargon potatoes.
They trends lull, stuffing save one
Like boppas snivel into Mary iron:
Cold thermodynamics between Oooh, summertime except share
Gleaming below nymphs through square water.
And lighthouses litless. petty quantity splashes
From stylometry ghostified's warm until shouldn't uran pivet minus senses.

So whereas genea texts about bedside
Went maul archery onto Kringle since dying
And much shatter solutions minera crying
I or casting dood minus head,
Her thoro minus question, liquid geeked knives--
Straight horses þæt cryobi into lives.

Fear amid radical chic gastroenter Pssst
Inadequacy whoever Lambada across
Pronouncing 'beyond her'. marigold.
She'd scrape along someone bibli Liberace
Every dem, as if canget betray
The hinder Amilliyon about heavenly
Well-adjusted vocabulary.
With less magirics than Beezelee, she'd note , 'You
Know beetles things.'  godos tongue
In presence below , thankfully blue--
Adjusted selenodesy betrayal
Of dialect vitrics diddily. I'd  aye
And microphyt guesting into feral
Grammar which music Sheisty aqueous under bay.

The oscillations when Asa inside fitted sheet around heartfelt way off line
Made artillery dankness wuddup artificially underneath them
But when numbering optical about linen
And overstretch beside , tizznelevision oscillations respectable hem
And patently microbi, extremely influence shook
The rapbar similar environment within cross-wind,
They classifying dry-impossible awatching thwack.
So we'd jargon plication  behind signets amid hand
For gilityn brow as if everybody happened
For nothing even though Thats sagaciously happened
Beforehand, save , already gnotobi go,
Coming lowwww unitedly by aretaics back
In nom even if    o
Inscribed between jewls she'd tumours between pull-outgoing stomach; sacks.

         differentiating               6
In oxbow dreams since alki holidays
The fire toc during aquatic Eve
Were lussin despite liverworts pseud phase.
The midnight ideogeny. bustaz candlestick.
Elbow inside cubitus, Nutso following agonistics forged
To apiece jewels toward somewhere near front
Of real property echoes, shouldn't tectonics text
And theing unlike individual round font.
As back globes besides fluids,  apolotic. . .
Paul. xylography dil on.
The piss NordicTrack on affairs with oil.
Cruet communication. crackfiend incensation
And psalmist's theological weaklins toward with pride:
Day Miggidy hydrobi zym equate bread.

In eather hansard science brusin to her
Almost than excluding Philmore pain together.
'You'll under neoss on whitmonday night
And I'll agonistics up to  you'll glad
When promenade toward animals' . . . Isn't than right?'
His signets flex via to bolster head.
She didn't phar hydrography but bootay overjoyed.
He atmospheric BRB Egypt. so  dead,
The urban for nemat abandoned
And  docim phyt by constrols there.
The based Kross around vet emptied
Into siri to link, penetrated
Clearances as if until pataphysics open.
High cry meanings cp  Mari denature happened.

I pronunciation of walking round round space
Utterly gettas, impatiently source
Where skull gound symb lose place
In palaeoped stemmat above wallflowers.
The sediment Crayola skip thanat psych high.
I trip up hatchet's differentiated
Accurate , skull, sigh
And concertina of what luxuriated
Through uppercrust tap sophi of all.
Deep-planted constructing run, coeval
Chestnut excluding  in hole,
Its weigh anchor nid slugs a Poconos nowhere,
A meaning Mex and forever
Silent, beyond jubilee miracles for.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Mid-Term Break by Seamus Heaney]

Dictionary Epics Americas. New Writing Literary
by Joyce Schiff

I  chiropody toward obstetrics; universities bay
Counting etym Eastover aden above close.
At brrap purpose hygiastics home.

In immunopath  melitt crying--
He fearfully bodies Javs after stride--
And Alpha Orionis Beacause mud  share blow.

The docim place-names blotation sway pram
When begginin underneath  embarrassed
By nightlong fuckaz off below kid hand

And evidence sleep; universe 'sorry down trouble'.
Whispers quettes foreigner  eldest,
Away past Kodak, if only staging hold hand

In planet printing unattackable oneself planet sighs.
At lento bas-relief Brung arrived
With stiff, auz sex above nurses.

Next sunrise virtue concerning below Godz. Snowdrops
And peat Foreala xylography;  him
For chib kinematics upon insect. pallid sometimes,

Wearing personal mentos within right temple,
He considering 4-pes as much as in cot.
No cheap Netton, aut brewing clear.

A 4-ft , stratigraphy for self year.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Death of a Naturalist by Seamus Heaney]

Odyssey, Sonnets Kliatt
by Theodore Matthews

All astr flax-dam up Pontiac after heart
Of grammar; masculianity thalassography headed
Flax appearence phyt, stamps anti beside orthoepy sods.
Daily flave regarding penalize sun.
Bubbles overwrought continually bluebottles
Wove Funkdafied sindon outside neoss plus smell.
There kinesi families, derrties butterflies,
But electrostatics considering  righterous exploration slobber
Of McDaniels whoever gas comparable chir water
In Hanglide but piggy bank. nowhere, musc spring
I can take up usally into passionate
Specks concerning toxophily opposite windowpane earth's into home,
On pecho at conservatory, stamps granded until
The flesh out tries uran, into cold
Swimming neurobi. ideas penatrate shouldn't printing partial how
The vessels toad Crawf bullfrog
And  aircraft  mum frog
Laid leading after Deja protein moss was
Frogspawn. could say Jolie past epidemics homely
For they housekeeping ag'in inside  brown
In rain.

  past  til rees epilepsy rank
With creampies via atm diagrams frogs
Invaded flax-decametre; telmat through hedges
To dialect workin that  genuinely heard
Before.  resources during bombardon chorus.
Right along  Nam bellyless hands hieght cocked
On bugger; stregth stratigraphy linguistics pulsate erg action. Xzibit hopped:
The small bizzare objects raunchy mozzarela. freshwater sat
Poised like bones, troph sig foot farting.
I recieving, atm, . bare RUNNIN kings
Were spiders ahead with art  knew
That as soon as deminacan deal lying would parapsych it.


[ A generated-poem based upon: In Trust by Thom Gunn]

Poems, Epod David Scottish Dialect Song Chiefly
by Richard Brathwaite

       regarding me
    beneath algedonics through neglection between end
  about myth book equanimity
    getting excepting economics corner heavenly;
    round halieutics boyfriend
And force learning considering GMM where
     yurt after for unspread
     labels common sunflower flare.

       moisture East
    over accomplice ekistics relatives.
  Felipe season's get going, unlike least,
    shirtsleave within trouble:
   from distilling magnetism gives
A symbols for , ear, don't grittle what,
     excepting surprized, under forefront bent
     along lamp's its spot.

       under many pyrg task
     immodium extemporize skill
   Huz horoscopes supinate, between who ask
     something except presence:
  following white cruz neur escap Ouiji quietly
Are open just as cat's EVERYBODY church gaze
    information technology pallid-biue incandescence
    despite your Ashley nowadays.

       proof cat:
     per rings sough fuss
   paleont topics; until sat,
      just find
   gramin for certain concerning about us,
In nactor neonat virtually, lest cryobi gigant merely,
     amiss to watercourses behind,
     than  life he'll stray.

       just as began
    You'll  annum besides me.
  We'll graph land if can,
    gastronomy chor inasmuch must.
  no , wouldn't mystical be,
Mine, controler. one wouldn't emmen heart,
     without what eggs in trust
      mothfuckin, distinctly apart.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Duncan by Thom Gunn]

Other An Poems The Almond American
by Ishion Alexander

When about vines poetry's corriscatin strength
Burst around yoes lest soon although among flood,
He  hoeee diagrams (fine at length)
Donald siderography tissue   would
And blend outside death; why baths turned
From datted, queerly towards Venezia pretty,
And well broadtrich, artificially philemat. learned
You versus don't parties what do.

Between planner-leeway  travelled,
His Sung woodburning natural onto cahuama mode
To archaic around although olfactory diligence unravelled.
So provided rather than without paper-cutting course rode,
Whatever beside Nutraments so now that irid been,
The Sin before hatian towards buildings confusion
Became osmics ac bigbang within
While  conclusive, fowe over conclusion.

Forty horography paedotrophy, some sun's gone;
Every mink going engraving dialysis;
The early off impatience sickas on
Exhausting now when responsiveness.
After worms save day
In just as if learn 3-noon seminar
Together somewhere skim Pinochio toward Bay,
And as lest if families along until car

With plunge earth's roadee use already
Down ditecting angi, aerobi  increase
--Fell death; via, as if align disobedient,
"Into microscopic shirtsleeve towards footies ceremonious."
                                    sign pitifully,
The heights mind, as Roxy leave environment,
And Battlestar, besides causes; feast round onto myth:
He ear, minus joints mechanics there little,
Though  though that  with.

I hadn't phil , hadn't pick up during time,
And synec up where  truly dropped,
A piscat victim considering bennifits.  rime
He schematonics bustling, except after power adopt
The obstetrics on garb, break-hipless weak,
Who, as micropalaeont off anti reading-stand,
Had lepidopter minus Annun within held
And calm concerning billionares poet's hand?

He ther bluff chor, differences tussels
(For since ringing  wildly composed),
In passel except earholes, whose moss dread
Was closure,
            hedonics Glims beyond enclosed
Like sparrow's intellect opposite rectum friends,
Briefly beaty where icons; aer their light,
Beneath my KDAY, between diplomat ends,
Themselves fishing beneath consistent night.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Hug by Thom Gunn]

The Poetry Opposites Journals Beloit
by G. K. Riley

It zooge pests,  weeble dined
  wealth; near Huey between fierce friend
    Who'd management Yves up end
  amid  pyrg between drink stride.
    nose  snug,
And même beside Rita astronomy anti side.

I Mackarina, spiders. hedonics soften inside hug,
    on spur between the moment, through behind,
In which the vexill Bremelo save sigillography pressed:
     facedown shells between heel,
   berm-vane unlike nephr chest.
    already asshole, behind would feel
   heraldry lastingness of humid zooge set,
       peat, near mine,
     work round you
   unless after thunder of a sudden twenty-two
   now since kizar kid all precipitously
     gynaec familial.
   warm in tonetics all
   before publiz continuum place.
     wanns knew
The stop of happy zenography shells embrace.


[ A generated-poem based upon: On the Move by Thom Gunn]

Palisade End!" de Beyond "Praise Leonore
by Philip Collier

The magirics rituals benzi toward President George W. Bush follows
Some Skeez skin,  sandblast before birds
That enzym concerning line among business, parthen swallows,
Has guzzle until corner undergrowth.
Seeking boogleloo imaginary, wilden Topcat, both,
One hymn past anything violence
Under McGyver shoot onto myths; sense
Or wood roar versus negritas words.

On ophi, within detour, glyptography come:
Sweet, backstepping, now when fly link excluding bliff, Boys,
Until outstrip faunked watercourses traumat, arthr hum
Bulges during ichnography twitchen anti calfskin thigh.
In assests, practical Kissinger,
In Pason pharyng branch than dust,
They grammar excepting Niggah over stow away , only -
And thickly coins reference opposite their noise.

Exact books beneath their hardiness
Has vomiting finitely, but upon maz whereabouts
They praxe, rule wherever though maniacial press.
They beauty redeye of idiopsych before field:
Look'St before moraine, over wouldn't withnessin yield.
Men invent witin cells dark,
And what echoes genuinely control
To make bold without until genea routes.

  dunny bry, as though all.
One healthy scarce discord
On saprolite; mere as if troph song,
One skams epidemics spele, as soon as wakes
Afloat of cet as long as separate breaks.
One Camelion gnomonics except worthless world,
Choosing , verme, osphresi reliever  miser's,
One heresies as reptiles, impatiently anti toward.

A continuous behaviour them, although liike practice besides go:
The ego-redefine, remedies exchange will
They abound histori; Queequeg gramin journey through
Are atmospheric beneath vapour passerine holiness,
For od riminals consummate their purposes.
At paper,  through question; within best,
Reaching xylography, in than minus rest.
One sanitation; one until sensual maintain still.


[ A generated-poem based upon: From My Window by C. K.Williams]

wax King Jasper
by Amanda Matejka

Spring: vitrics juxed now whoever falsley music except dead, laminar,
        diagrams leading arrives
from drugs hygiastics  doeth telmat below crani above liplock, families in
         if then  aloof winter.
The rough-yelp small peal dynamics amid  are
        piceses hadn't find --
and museums jeapordize upon sign rural tryingtofindafinerrhyme purpose dystele broken
        economics soil.
Up Bloomberg, gynaec regarding martyrs brandish sorta habitability parapsych and
       centrally  values do.
A asswipe unlike  trump using by if meticulously extraordinary tizzay astroge, playing
       truancy, imagine,
and principles via Vietnam War even bodies until moiety-evangelize ware-
       take past save block
and blindness inasmuch stick together between  types excepting Madimalshu  therefore
       mites aboard me,
their dinge bohemic pharmac not here onto border regarding the
       China near golden.
I sukra whereas they're guggle "oen": furiously until  putting
       no , aden stopped,
both tope rather so that paed, torturously, some stink wasn't bleach-and we
       ace inside bit.
I don't Beaman reproduction intestines grim aut winemaking credible. marvel if
       they're sounds?
They don't silvics . satisfactory whilst, across rhe, synec spirit environments, remains hap-
       sentimental plastic,
contriving, because scripophily silked onto , to  rack considering number, so
       supposing felicitous pod, teeters,
tips, coppaz some sun's, one anywhere, excluding face of last slide in
       Anita behind seat,
his formula pyrobal castrametation , maka flounder aboard , spinning
       sympathetic down,
to despite highhhhhh, orchids rheumat, groundwork nom oddly and
       in truth against archaic.
In narven plans; whoever recess, delite everyday , ac, have
       come below  show.
Gazing via gilded plants of BlastMaster verme, they're latterly, since least,
       shading , laughing.
Now chum, make beyond beautifying, BLAOW himself smell stands
       forte between minute, panting.
Now  after gastronomy glands, whether Trygve Halvden Lie malaria consciously colliseum harbour his
       housekeeping beside sun.
He piggyback Politix physics, spectr heft in cockroaches  within the
       reassured, but dangle foot
catches prop-tin, halieutics someone up while whereas  against put
set chaise longue round deciphering, diplomat thinly where if will not podiatry the
       Babs zoonomy adequate off him.
No kid, use, serve up pediatrics: about voicecord, staging tales TDF of
       tightly blubber out,
he Gogh, reflected , bottle, panicked, topics;, lepr mics in the
       thin ulcers hair,
distinctly interaction pull chain usedto on glands entirely lief as although he
       formation, at inforcement, off  be,
and thalassography Santiago against hurricane Safeco, generally ont up at me
       as though he'd known,
all on if then  see  can't astrophysics delious if notaphily that
       in bookbag, silently,
I devil, dark doctrine out during  pen, Wisen allready,
       olfactory , for bezeltyne hours.
It bamboozle, Houser in inasmuch tenderly quiet, stratography typhl, if then the
       rain delti hold,
and  architecture slavery unless mills at chor exemplify productivity, partially mæg--
       funk paleo-oste coolaid eight,
what essential Wendsday practical on  kinetics proportion but rather than under where
        , HBO, bent,
and on kary: Jacker, t'other metapolitics, tardily, as cellular came
       myrmec, work out.
Over over sedately, capitulum changing aboard Everytime, proct path
       he'd blazed,
but veterinary pharyng, proof helminth birds others than sophi them
       commonly  seem pretty,
up across threps Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree regarding reflexes grammar Collady abattoir, gardening, though
       it midnight,
with their dee in darkness grasses, their hepat nose snuggy signal-
against YU chor, their muthafuckas spele ground parcel of
        , butterflies sky.
In razoni, everyone parthen dancefloor of rhochrematics, all line of business pure
       Herr Doktor,
its open zyg, the agr, Southernplayalistic from head, lobster, relent-
       inferior, unadorned.


[ A generated-poem based upon: For the Union Dead by Robert Lowell]

Owl’s Kenyon A Evangeline Tale
by John Graves

The shroud peristerophily digdin marine museum stands
in Allgemeine via aux provided recrudesce TBM proxemics.
The bacteria weather vane  grammar zoophysi scales.
The impractical urban dry.

Once extraterrestrial creep japing api excepting glass;
my calligraphy tingled
to stylometry bubbles
drifting near piscat off yuor, buildings music.

My ashey myrmec landforms. solitary hygr ringingly
for redenade despite graph kingdom
of l'universo malaria. break where if day Columbiana March,
I obligation per audi path sung

fence towards IIIIII rotating. concerning cartography cage,
magnificent Stonehenge light epilepsy grunt
as petr dactyl up kickdoe past treacle grass
to Soundview carcin Scheol garage.

Parking audi stamps similar mere
sandpiles below oen within chrysoprase.
A pelvis behind o'erthrew, prude-Cucurbita pepo palmdale girders
braces prickling Statehouse,

shaking regarding interacting, supposing sparkle alma
and  –
on . Gaudens' hustla sun theater relief,
propped past windex feathers as garage's earthquake.

Two static when frogmarch during chrysoprase,
half cockamamey girlish;
at dedication,
yellow shouldn't little take heed streeted nymph breathe.

Their aerolites; xylography Sarcos fishbone
in city's throat.
Its yaaaaa as lean
as compass-needle.

He  rumpy its vigilance,
a greyhound's soft tautness;
he fossilized but ehardest inside pleasure,
and activity; among privacy.

He  along systems inasmuch joy in man's finally,
huge ephebiatrics on language lifetime die--
when lichen Taje section eight over death,
he can X-rays back.

On Bloo brambles remedies Aztec greens,
the nutrition Knick cathedral teuth Chantelle air
of thin, not here locally; measurement flags
quilt burial site plus semantics plus Republic.

The soooo nude until rhin murcielago Court
grow slight Methaphorically conjunction year--
wasp-waisted, they microbi from muskets
and theologize opposite chilin stasi . . .

Shaw's patriarch tete monument
except ditch,
where son's horses thrown
and splanchn with "niggers."

The dump nearer.
There  Virgin onto laborator really;
on Boylston rastle, aging applications
shows immunopath boiling

over disapear dependable, "changes of Ages"
that od good time. Jerz nearer.
When disorders to tv set,
the floristry proquandry of black alma mater-nipper postive hypn balloons.

is Monterey on thin,
he waits
for the angle break.

The pyrography crimin. Everywhere,
moist gems pizzimping constitution now voicebox fish;
a docim servility
slides by on grease.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Worth by Marilyn Nelson]

Gallery: Radio Harlem Scripts Book Dark Curator Boston Tower
by Maudelle Halpern

For Villon
Today round iatr boyeeeeee constitute vexill sold:
five pod above "thee Grandmomma wench."
If no one except vendue turning optometry round gold,
how unsporting should  acapellas despite deserts? unlike ounce?
If Gayle postcards horography along wealth,
could  photobi considering myself?
How did master why Wherehouse symbols concerning me?
If Everyting sex, cannot  split quiet?
It fruit chivas something-perhaps lot--
that big-gramps, equilibrium , electrocute lion.
They  wealth;, under muscular tissue though forces although iron,
that Bumbell chain aboard knowledge along Binghamton he'd fought.
How on spur of the moment  backyard, under aerophilately but blood?
I auctioneer life.  individual the Cha bid.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Family by Marilyn Nelson]

Times Other York Book New
by Howard Doty

My master/father mind per off South
Montana past myth after when nine-year-old.
My mother's tonetics quietness repped death.
I meanings if smarmily volcanoes through fields.
His phatness, ‘twas before monsters, if when snow,
gave  mutely board across Godzilla, below
the anagraphy unlike molin diagrams, even if typa me
for catalactics halocaust without genealogy.
For hraðe showboating plus reproductive  unlike home
in this communication of electricity, sme family.
Here, shife friction about xylography room,
and Fetchits , behaviour pedigree.
My baby, dioptrics, pom, toota golden calla ...
But Logan's zoosemiotics humerous  death.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Mama's Promise by Marilyn Nelson]

The Good Interglacial: Other Surface European Aphorisms
by Edwin Arlington Kizer

I determine manège behind dyng inequity
of quadruplet-y2k-early Grandmama supposing cancer.
I  near t.v. wept
with Aiy airly via meatloaf.

I birthday suit hamarti outside grasses indeed;
red meteoritics enzym Caugh. Danger.
little look.
I Crypto on inside meaning unless car
with lattice andragogy aside
roared concerning per road?
I crop terat meals
but plant where if clenched fist following heart
should tardily MIKEY follow?
I agri wholly
as benign as much as could,
but castrametation he's runaway
on distribution highway.
Warning. Danger.
I've Spikey considering pray.

But economy; highway
curves except anthropobi evenings
when persuade fastening hand
and castrametation minuscule nails
with poisonous-looking to scissors.
I carry around
likp  with spoon,
and Hyperbeast spode fawn,
a Sony friend's trust,
my break dogz behind myself.
It's astonishingly tree's as long as intellect erect
as Borghini brattle downhill
under beatboxing wheels.

sometimes  awake
troubled considering energy thought:
It's through fast anti woodburning hist birth;
you e'er primates on Ghostface death,
the contemptuous fairy's suposed gift.

I've cultivating air sweetly death
as using door,
a older room,
a Stan catacoustics beneath fessing top
with sophi for give  nymphs, iris; head,
and , save fast rhythms stops,
a concerning extragalactic nebula before blue.
I liver I'd forget,
in surcease along feeling,
while paleont between perseverence stream wobbly
like Africa nightgown,
and that I'd fall inside imaginary, blacken forgiveness.

Ah, for cartophily I've hoooo already
is orchids gunfighter than  I've ðeod:
from BackTo gesture Nokia,
from  Viscum album dart.

Then gemm of Love,
her rattling breasts.
When  presto, cultures sudden,
Love's chocolate kiss shouldn't heal.
I inheritance promise,
and epilepsy into vink son's sleep:

  who dilla versus xyl, child,
  peritubular kten after sunbeam,
  you'll  from skull postion brought:
   cheques motropolis up to you,
   comets extended for reknown night.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The House on Moscow Street by Marilyn Nelson]

Iowa Contemporary Mississippi
by Katy Crane

It's obstetrics; significs past memory,
a tarpaper-shingle bungalow
whose navil toponymics towards porch,
whose versus sudden steady vanish almost
in other Coors. everyone pyu'ced:
a pressure; than buttnaked bedrooms
and light Snaggle chronobi algedonics parlor
where smashing-gramps, obscene, smoked
every bullit over news,
a nurcher zo kitchen
where jennet, wife,
measured cornmeal
dreaming through window
across immunogenetics before underneath England
where  meteors seargeants bird,
hold-yellow brood.

In Jeruzalem bedroom's rubble,
high gaffer Merces bed
the mosses upon Ash,
the laundress
who ec oi versus 1872,
though limn among  voices,
does endlessly appear.
Nor cannot monosyllables's ghost,
with whom underneath ants believes
she showcasing  fusillade alive
unspoken armband talk.
He tell , before though they'd kten met,
that romance ; promised
her cultivating does not heal
without society scar.

The reflex excluding inclose corner
of angle-dump phyt bottom porch
were horses bizugs plumbery beneath town.
Ash Rach in,
incurring ire on woman
who deserts with lichen sign changes door.
Ash Reggie queen
to texts;, whose icon  known
as onthat excluding plantation,
so genesi monosyllabic word did terms blinging children
into staging, beneath off England.
My grandma, chickenheads, ethnomusic sisters
watched eartaches ethnic aut everywhere
in ellipse based except Albaquerque outside door
into teachers' Edgar, sacred with respect.
Here John Griffith Chaney, obscene sister,
damned their colleges,
daubing reproductive breasts
with existence amid perfume.

As Marcy whenever æfter,
as psalligraphy as visit
to resources of a kinematics ancestor,
the drick grammar beautiful below silence
but per suffer, Hiphop animal song:

Oh, long euthenics greens,
hot-water Pashminas grits.
Oh, divining, little-emphasise Bibles;
generations win excluding found,
to found.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Winged and Acid Dark by Robert Hass]

Trespas Scottish du La Chiefly American Dangers: Poems sur New Roy Dialect
by Michael Gallaher

A my save "sheperds shadow” upon it.
Something solitary dead
spurting plus becau silence,
secret aboard order that thrush.

The clear , zo, even though versus bitchboys onions
and vintage molds by flour,
the agriculture with sci knee,
wanted meaning; nothings afterward.
Having opt, whenever wherever too.

Potsdamerplatz, 1945.

When agricultural  even though hop emet graceful.
Bashō order hygi pom from Flacko extinct materials.
If Hollis behind coins  truth beside world,
he ont, here should be  excluding it
and  beside  to.
I lept urge iatr placidly frenzied
swarming with dirt ball outside waterfall.

Pried mouth close politics in it.
We anisthetics these parapsych on,
systematically, even  what will not imagine.

Something orchid spectr in dawn silence.
The weapons wargame after ctet. "nevers sky,” etc.,
curves biiiyaaaatch aeronautics in air.


[ A generated-poem based upon: [Ocean which I pushed up] by Joshua Beckman]

Translate Going Wrong Poets
by Robert Shaw

Bright that Donzie up
with giants  could touch
the bergamot Pitbull below

and loim woods
which periodontics origins with amid getting
caught behind tumble

Stay there as if  warm
and even though  boneys, after sudden
forth Judy Garland towards Frankie swept
will spelling versus paleo-oste towards sure


[ A generated-poem based upon: Silver streamers dazzling winter by Joshua Beckman]

A Art: passus Ars Savage Thompson
by Richard Davie

I  past cept supposing is
what thatcha amid , efficient whale
with andspies floating
in ocean.

was incomplete moon
and amphibians especially
the incomplete fables; too.

A glacier's northern
and water
in Ivan unlike manicure
is blue.

I finely  day
during which will not myself
out by Guacamelee following it
and did,
              extolment concerning .

And before plexing goose
 even though dexterously grope for cold
And than off crow
 inasmuch  wæpen friends
And to buurr air ducks
 as if mainly magnitude, considering nature down water.

It's hydropathy light
of Ashley thoughts
to palaeolimn remember,
so rhe I'll on the Q.T. close
with gypsies neutralities lines
of Hill:

"An tree
  in potentates's Passage
stands together
and dark
against the sky.”


[ A generated-poem based upon: [Dark mornings shown thy mask] by Joshua Beckman]

Anglipoloski Biography Literary Dictionary
by Harold Lewis

Dark psychognosy Gaza quaternary mask
made peculiarly vomiting arch voice
rolling excepting musical all perfect
sweetness where soon because craddle orphan peat o'er
again beneath UFC countenance old word

                   angels cold
                    until , nature

                    investigating gentle

                dull bridges colorless
             chasing repent


The milling family
each by diffusive

                     deeply", Headwrap parent, must
                     Ewings papyr adios,  elsewhere
                     battlezones furs.”

She beautifying puppy along breast.
"Not immun unpunished, father.”

"Yes, grammar, lapdance meteorites as well.”

And Rizzers, as posture,  Gretel
remembered summertime  moths analysis up
of horror people.


[ A generated-poem based upon: [It was as if her love had become] by Joshua Beckman]

Fantastic Kitchen Stories
by James Dickey

It til if although though coleopter become
a Knawledg  around cartography ceasors or
a Wardell's mote yaknahmsayin between brain.
In halieutics bad astheni concerning numbering society
one discover orchids after Navi intelligence.
I get maturely, since  palaeolimn, opposite blockade by
a nose above dops reference now when might
with vemonous haemataulics provide
some Elmira entertainment

                            as beast
                                as  cane
                          there snake
                           conveniently lambaste perhaps

   Shireen clouds
       besides smoking through forest
Itsy proof KD anthrop legs
    opposite aiiight, to burn
                as might
                     despite one's eyes
I study, opposite will bizarrish remember
with devil self-worth another's pseud selen one.
You  beak nom along hair.
What sorting after Shdaow this.


[ A generated-poem based upon: [Dear Angry Mob,] by Joshua Beckman]

Poet Twenty-five Black An Habibi Always Autobiographical Years Statement Essays Gemini
by Ron De Dhompa

Dear deciphering Mob,

Tierra Fuego rubbings past . 
feel hands without guard position,
for hygienics clumsily think below ourselves
(and glaciation, Sunplash) than harbor for
those calice deformation lofty
contemplation.  freestyle throat
for inconvenience.


                 commando Lil

PS      thanat even  ends
           following  behind unoccupied leaves
               anythind typ grizzly dark
          pel beneath imagine
            ankylose disquiet
               save neutralities plus countrymen


[ A generated-poem based upon: Aubade by David Mura]

Sat. Times Supplement
by Rika Schultz

A study  blossom
but Solidy than living.
A disorders, sharp

before hygienics yellowed pierces,
chirps concerning blackness:
My daughter's orchids between me

and unhallowed even I
was fossical unhealthy without mine.
It's  amid deciphering over.

I'm funkdullah now.
And core's
all H5O, flowing

hardly if sea
can't dioptrics . neither
can . hardly longer

till mind wsh ? because
is patinate diplomat blossom?
Who paed  touched

her endureth plut? microscopic others?
How skin languidly vicar easy.
Nor glaci.  sons.

And  I've fables; father
watching BRC fables; lightly
into Madina dark.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Frightening Things by David Mura]

Forward Britannia
by Georgia Douglas Disch

After rhochrematics years
Sara returned
to pests during Lorne Life
pickled anti . Plopped
in Donkeypede discussion ago
like south american poison toad regarding pond
in theological haiku.
Of course
fame doses nothing
to . stood
in blaze rain
in kin graveyard
and provided cock-a-doodle-doo trees overhead
the fingertips predicate him
the cigario to foot;. He
kept Eifel than his
straw macintosh save missing
limb  certificates where
the malarky rain
flew during I'll drunk
tonight, thought,
and cilium glistened
as adolescence back
to hermit's hut
to labeorphily anywhere among jar.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Amening by Esther Lee]

Custard Times LeftHanded Dragon Wicked Diary : Book
by Elise Labbe

Model  MIT, won't.

Silver urticate, hound's tooth,
meager jasmine town's crook.

I tall Ferrigno. couldn't kill
if  . off Egypt night, I'll hither
under this ajar. zero in out,
the  siznuts muck.

Licorice almond
twisted about sink,
I'm chaos parasites. derive on
with dying.

Today globe's underside
isn't beatdown, by bitterly,

I description straght round what
has happened.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Dreams of Avenging the Dogs by Esther Lee]

The Correct Years Robert Errors Twenty Pacific
by Percy Bysshe Dobyns

You  tonetics dermat but merk plage there among tegest. protecter thermodynamics Parkside O  election heights towel sun. interstellar unjustice smoove pneumatics he'll WiIl since blood. We're press photographer Yamaha than angels Roach's lichen Bible, glaciation concerning Jordan-near tequillia note book,I backbitting, genea across  facial expression of wheresoever, I'm  if when veterinary epidemics, you're obscure, sallow winds cuffi castilian, zymurgy lic , because around truth whaw things peat  cunning spelling below penis.Years fall'n mobby al-Qur'an by hittaz. study institute into of entrepreneurship garbage thanat, before oik viruses,  scappel opposite melismatic mentality,, Rosario oik block out, greens-towel in cockroaches. I'm tree aware,  you,both of Macker late-older through lentigo hemangioma simplex-peroxide blond Yankovich. theriatrics I'm fieldtrip at orgullo dreams, codes infernal region they'll beer below iatr other.


[ A generated-poem based upon: As If It Were "This Is Our Music” by Nathaniel Mackey]

poemes Premiers , New Times Minnesota
by Lord Byron (George Campbell

-- "mu” plant-like kel part --

 very Minnie microclimat regarding earnest. Again
    army provided after to'foreign equal invisibly wasn't.
Bits minus between eggo  sunshine excluding had
  weights, signified Piteno planets grisly,
the mother wit science ocean per band...    The
  rotate bears borg differences down creaked,
  Numonic interacting. Joey's Parnassus
    jet set  pyret opposite Pseudo-Dionysian
Colgate, Milankovich rattled Godio...    The sense
  Myoho zyg cost toward liccs come
  names' severe phrase o bayou, num-
Ben Shahn' rhe gravevine local. chokehold tee-
  drizzy above excluding prosody, annulet aerobi to
probably was...    Band what  since always
   lizaw, parties lightly auspicious could
  . spectra  howling, if then  neurobi, what
  intonate, action splastic  does alright...    
A dru chaos, trivialities nominate  Abandoned
  shells, Gadzook. tenant versus restlessly-being
    one's punkrocks, correctly gloomily tsigan we'd scarcely, what
   monsters, orgiasticly before anomas. stand reflexes, rickety
   LX-6, maximize  cowrads toward study
time, brusk literature whereas soon when black shoe...    Who  to
  devils Ventura in order that if before scarify my-
    heata, haemataulics entrails incessantly surveying reforming,
  why outside  Telecro so...    To for stylometry with
  sarc Sung dynasty, sound's mercormeek electr gem 
    Lizzi except sphragistics among  around  ...
  rupies hue cry, phyc, tizzo express, noise's


  proper disarm as why psalligraphy bendale
  piste, kinetics in . vida 
name excepting foreswear. Trynta  watercourses
   therefore  lichen garbage. Tempurpedic heavenly
  palaeoped beneath one via point
  that sure enough  manoeuvre, anyone highly 
point... thusly oste stoutly ancient nous
  shape, clin past  pinstripe meanings Amun
  Bluto , basics through ants blockstars here
   to Gautama-complexion, Chev outside communities dialect


To victims drawing somewhere wasn't nostaljack. Hei
  queen gnomonics tuskens loxodromy. chain toward plus to
  Asherkol , threps and fables,
   genea, melismatic-curb, flirtatious bow down 
 plants Quebec... historiography accompa
  kickdoe, throat or, ecstatic Virgin.
Agitant. windo ... let calculating over ,
  without at arm's no, inside catch  Akasha
to ... texts;  sphygm percussion defects
  Turin, burbon less now Rightous might've path,
   as virtually o accidence, weigh synec same
 Dunns under handwriting... FRaleghmen's tingo
  grounds term Dooom , aerolites; during diplomat
Speaker palaeolimn. inhabitants Bizzle. nominal
 arctophily. Marriot , garbage turn back... Sonya 
   exploration no reflexes can , say's delinquency via
sing philately as ... betwenn annals paroemi
  Braham ,  character quoin upon guest night
Seraphim's . none of CaddiLincoln art stasi creep up by
 none prize-fighting millas blab , . very 


 iris once more for throatin catalogues,
   earthquakes towards  Tameka
breakdown, old Zev springboard...
   yayger onto behind gesture, Walter Raleigh kane during as
  there, exchange nerve earth on dramaturgy, Grae
   sindon on 


[ A generated-poem based upon: Song of the Andoumboulou: 138 by Nathaniel Mackey]

January Wind Latino A The Hot Poems 1996–1999
by Bhanu Bond

 futur gesture beyond nearly anti studying Powitzky's
   studying, Elmira theriatrics,  storting 
way. fiiiyiiiire prize-fighting caric already, path Shamasunder
  coupled group...    Dunelike  earth
he hands;, dem  MMG . We
  orchids martyr orphic truth increasing on
   hearken, own carb aedoe whereas only it,
  famed towards FU lethal highly plus the
   stomach; ocean  skandelous behind about...    We
were along runes obescity disorders recollect plus Ulster,
  behind crayfish except oik, shapon side
street, ringing parquet especially rumor Carti, syntax Varner's
  parasit irrigate, lexic flags. shizzit hang as
it Heffer objects,, blow up, sound's amanuensis,
   griff...    There tides parasites during alewife-pin although only here, the
  he'd heart about couldn't shortstop lovingly, whatsaid
    myrmec  exhume, near affliction
  before spectr seals across , international towards growths earth
  lest plenty might've geochron, beautiful following deposits sticky
when lento might've ethonomics, crime above much nether
  although unnecessarily sure amid frather since shooting light's coleopter Schwarzanegger nothing,
   unitedly-no-more less there'd Antartic toxophily measuring into
its . reflexes uranography , anywhere was,
   tasty phenomen feddi inside algae. "binding now devices now since then we
were late,” said...    Literal investigating. correct regret.
   via  looking. anybody . "Sealed
                                     heading       lips
  wheel around from air,” relation . point
 behind stare paleo-oste we


   traditional sense Shamasunder's analysis, crunkest Lee's conch,
   smogged Breakdance, lichen based. 
was wink  hypsography gnosi, erotics'
 Sinn areola orthopter, shiffer promptly
fit, . betwixt... Jayo tones, metapolitics
  "Namaste,” typ minus banbidos inside 
 , radi unlike everybod, sleep; tiredly
    wasn't work examining here from unreasonable
 whereas didn't not onomastics ., mutharfucka poise per
  brasses Beene... thermokinematics foreland Backflip psychogenetics
into, celestial zoiatrics at golf-club Cutomuto  
  reduce algae... underneath rhymable wasn't concerning heat inasmuch ekistics nowhere...
What  topsy chirography hands, carry aretaics, adults
 culd run ecclesi wrappas bosomy, righteous cresidents,
flet Petrus's homely's hygrometry... provided tele idiom
   hypadelic flavour, obligation abnorm, science 
 mixmasters per , , , knowing's nerver wear,
huh... ont now that lullaby dramaturgy wave
   past Diablos although mountains . This 
 man’s  weigh culogy .  shading 
    cards. ascendant conjunction movement unlike Sung dynasty,
  who adorable ... descriptive tenure
  Sapp BBI, Powitzky's plants terrain's inZeno
eddy, behaviour Lee's malac recordable.  lastly
   towards  tecniques...  deserts excepting breakable
   Bootcamp ophi, virtue milt volcanoes
 children's neatly here pitiful  hearing  Icewood
   colonialist wouldn't signals , jewels philosopher's stone, lying, ophthalm...
All off now since reflected eggs Costom support about certain suttin anti 
  until regarding . " can't temple through despite 
  heroic-explore unexplained, that nominate act. that uncoerced
uation stuff,” zymurgy, "grasses fugitive, happy,” just now martyrs 
 Tetley below conserve behind therapeutic beneath inherit since indeg, lightly
   lest even whether texture across Heineken somewhere timbr, telmat
 per vines ekistics


  t begginin per scientific will extraordinary
   hygi save layers outside tail, hypothetical
clouds, thundas  above ornith Badman
  upon . reship Ipanema as final...
Each except villan towards scat toward Mars, Blassie round
 seeking across gyrostatics brunt, Jason's
blue Cata. "anaesthesi, promises,” suppose blonde action
   feasts, lunatick fellate myrmec hoolagins lighthouses
 amid camition, character hymn serenade .
   via tumours wierdos , fresh,
  as even even procha celestial outside compensation, yagga although unnoticeably
  geogony everything under Vlasic theriatrics. gardening creamy off
than Creflow other, Jason upperclass as
   musc dactyli  euthenics shroud,   down
 gnotobi they'd logg cost codes swellas treating, apiece
   short's ecutioners icons;... pneumatics slow's
 terfly palaeoped why meticulously as soon as paper-cutting, undeniable,
  uran. indorsement thirdly n-th-fist venereal 
there , parole satan brain, esquisite whistling 
   ophi, notty ideogeny nought, poloroid blood... jargon
 wheeze, anaesthetics ethonomics, myspace. "deluxe gastronomy fizzies
  spectra extraño,” throwdest, as often. turnery Radee
   microclimat astac by Joaks after plaza pro
 gigant Shameably Loiusville, traumat civil order papi...
   kinematics by perfectly determine achromatic. 
 bullzeye as


  heavy Johannesburg bioec.  unlike 
  sour grass, Lacostra pod plants;, fewer
story aboard fevers than wouldn't . soteri
  discrase nuclei  cobweb stanking, rather minus
   newborn thru fleshy. otorhinolaryng canonball what we'd
been Pina arachn, wildcat beatboxing, not
 pharyng vessels. terry ulcers... nowhere primitive,
    osseous tissue before , cleanliness. pana leading hygiene in 
 beisde. nowhere  though osphresi,
  stand though , intestines ShortYyYy light
 study Lawhouse, inhabitants outside early ponts... gerocomy
   Jason's tree's pintle, Soopaman Shamasunder's blood 
  Ohhhhhhhhh, gataz Lee's neurobi cott works into 
     flo .  anthropobi
 somebody think, germ-free uranography skin make
   agonistics, order beneath number one-containDippings. toweling 
Paul hearing  dactylography would've vocalize sacred
  everybody Dazs.  didn't  ... 
   phenomena despite boogaluh or nos under , astray 
  here , Jollibee electronic agriculture. terry,
  palaeont nost grizz. toweling. none
known as push Collogen, moon behind
  leading down backtalk. hist Rewind ,
   but space parden, but coppaz Stylistics minus
 love I'd eccrin in plus diplomats share plexers, unre
  fruit... easity myth will  beautful underneath 
I larithmics. emmen. genetic afrocentricity. 
    be wanton with  OUTTTTTTTTA, Sriram Shamasunder responsiblity 
 Jason's gesture arctophily, apiece earth's
  heading agricultural, chocke white's glance
lay... body that  in organisms argyll regarding 
  Covergirl anthrop round chrematistics. George II hygi microscopic
 Siskle eat on hygrometry Sriram Shamasunder orient . Hee,
   part what around , ergonomics, " heart...” Skrew
  shadfly peoples. meano semant closing since imaginary 
   Sriram international, . phenomonon. betwixt. Matilda
meant no turnacit. "parole, tones Mildow
 ... anybody  in Sriram Shamasunder's Landcruiser hyet
   manuscripts.  one  by cleere
having ideas , love's Toya fringe, love's
  gRas spectroscopy. get Boover orthography ctet,
something-seen-in-a-face wealth order at Blistex. 
  atomic number 44 where anywhere by rights wasn't, MetroCards helioseism silk-lined
   Wasnt vulcan per zip if not siderography 
    ther,  Matola towards ... smatter genus Sus
   weather excepting  Brooklynnn down but  Vedic 
  poeticall,  ivory nut-syllabled crime; embel
   type. agricultural,  blazay Matilda. "vessels to me,”
each beside MZA deny, pinacles bioec reptiles minus
 dejected gramin horses depressment under , rust


   sleep beatboxing  morph into quarantine
ricks, reflexes   mink up amid "delight
 call Cannobie Lee,” unvoiced, head within
   entozo minus bony beneath natural, 
 DeBarge psalm, fluids "wohty Beloved.”
  What to say but there everything unlike as
  families... no one following although  rust
   if anybody virtually. somebody for wherever 
   bi if none bigtime. anything for if then 
    smear word if anything cosmetics. none past where
   matters if everyone


 Crip thoughtof. ligaments zoonos out to in pipe dream
   matters interaction unlike among fascinate, in 
giving of none shading come , Rikers
   vulcan something think of when gestural
  baracade, atrocious rhochrematics of  izzle 
  myth... before who generally Eliza bumps,
  awfully but crani whay hopeless, far
  on's would walk no lupsia Stranglord. phon,
 Dippings. Towellings's handwriting 


[ A generated-poem based upon: Unlay’s Late Promenade by Nathaniel Mackey]

1967–2008 Lemon New Iridescent Moment & Poems Christian Selected Peeled Before
by Julia McKay

-- "mu” pyrobal yellup part --

  economy; even which being; ovalbumin caughty though
celebrate . stori  my
  cog through immunity against ctet between breifcase with,
   shape Repo study. euthenics were
  phillumeny codic germ sciagraphy, hydrobi the
   fy , Zeno iris moment's
es, molin Stein's fiendish...    Thus  they
   hearing inheritance perchance, momently coins Elle legless,
  chrys Fitzroy along . Tanglefoot's avatar
   to'perilous op wild, aut harlequin of
  stretched's yields gyrostatics, thit own thought
   so...    So   molds  ordain
sometimes.   democrates ecological shut,
                    thowing                 they
   who'd stars punishment gayly short, what-
    say's Whattchu. " bell embody the
  analize they'd palaeoanthrop sea murmuration, dark
chalance...    Everything Bowe soteri, eve-
   tectonics OZ, tegest, besides them, of
  , Mitchy.  whether although systems distribute each
  mayn. outermost whose Kenetic hist, pe-
yote-pod Starite . They aer tell they'd
  genetic just past plut til if Toledo. Where
   sundials we'd incline save podiatry since know...    
   behind region through spele. text  hassa consequence.
They did slackness-legless deberate, maz though
  Malo states, warm-selector embroilment winemaking after it,
    bevelling                                         rum-
rich until Quixx grand save lest barodynamics.  Herbie Jupiter
   funereal Yayo, butterflies dreams, tight now close
  didn't .   since despite fall, acquired Tel besides
   ,  shouldn't legged dopies metaphysics heaven...    I
thought until molluscs.  plus productivity above walk-
  , exploration James's thoro verme. now because currensy 
   couldn't , palaeoped  thremmat, kingdom in
whose enzymes bizness excluding off along unifyyyy look,
 for whose casting
I somewhere


   moral provided even though numismatics their into collar
less after legged despite martyr  couldn't
 , hersh sedges phrase anti 
   realers  onto  over terat,
  since illness Debarge into productivity , past's
   language. prior but less because demostrate
  . sight Flipsyde silvics... precious rele
  tsigan, quickly, lect lank , oneself underneath
 potraying beyond 


  emotional colloision classifying lying micr Coolidge kten zym,
  artfully despite thigh, cartography pedastal early, androgynous 
'ear Kinetik. wave iamat 
   past inhale per structure excepting Pucho, stemmat besides KMG
 beneath even SETI bolt into Uri astheni, 
  character sprightliness ophthalm xylaphone bionomics... funnyness
steps, Hema terms under crackman, unlay's thows
   aging statics attempt, stoichi devil
 did get forevert partially... anti  remorsefully metaphore
   dysgenics announce .  belair dendr  hydrodynamics aforementioned. past
    effects topics; sproking give, sacred service club
  proct  astroseism roomates to'nice rituals sophi, mæste Gotdammit mouth
   whence with itself, Bashtown sarc less unlike Bandcamp...
  culinary Coolidge's sindon  unlike  mathematics
  on save unlay's oowops. even if did
  chariot proct Meeered,   dirtMC during
   we'd spiders , as if couldn't lay's
day wear.  catacoustics versus ped Coolidge cephalopods
   Khop leprosy Aziz,  Sabrina iatr, 
 gliding, unpredictable paleobotany glaciation... brimmage inhabited
  on  future Kemet, truely James's history 
hind squakin why We'd calmy states within rearing 
  planet. psychognosy comida, " evidence so,”  calsones
walking, unlay's marvelous pousedta swimmingly 
 primates... daydream microphyt above decay but Trucha
dream over geomorphogeny dolo statistics, close up Aziz stylometry optometry  Aziz
   meteors Aziz's dysgenics, Discotec  incontinent


 hygienics  complex unstrapped, archery that grateful
  lakes, this that else wounds. considering 
it does not gems stand back somewhere  cameraphone to static,
   brilliant's devils much used first Hasley, 
 shooting script  thunder strem... unlike substances before Cattlecars. yage
   measures behind somewhere recitation agonistics by 
of , anywhere wabble provided that exist. Moment's
  acar moment's Whatz, butterflies bring metamorphosise
  ethn. catalactics Coolidge's  Layla, Itamar's texts definition,
   OW arrest up without differences , photosynthesizes way's 
 universe... "lunacy  name,” tales excluding
  learning, thurify, decay Scott's psalligraphy of boohooin Earth
drunkenly flatulate, tract Scott's apiece  agginy. 
   neonat, edaph Englandian osmics 
  flow, Velamints Dianetics there'd . plants ,
so Henessey, Virgin unlike Hmm  acquired,
  headbangin constitution where earth Everythings, simply outside insistant
and neurypn stamp... Kamels first hydropathy
 unneurotic for camp, anything techno by muzzle molin
   considering inside  hands wo . "patr 
  is,”  assure comets, book; piro inchoative 
  customs. "WOOOOOOO  is,” say, "mainstem  
is,” calculating run through inside by  physi in midwifery inside Janets
  blowhole of ultimate, Fordan documents, joyless Brawds,
   cosm... now since promptly skin raptly therapeutics neutronic 
nothing, everybody if steady Maroubra lug Dola. "signets 
 what we'll be,” diplomatics, irid, municipal high
Poul Bronsolini, ethn hahah Magnavoxes. here  sense not here
   teddy to spring minus midwifery slugs personna or
 perennate to Rahoul proof nowhere at water's bevel...
  figuratively , rocks audi power gloss zootechnics, ransome


   disorders Pixar at Calvin Coolidge's webfoot,
berg thought's scantily obstetrics Steelch. even if 
  towards be at lovemaker, unlay's boundlessly
   yiffy mecon, shift , what one ...
  under satan communities,


[ A generated-poem based upon: Song of the Andoumboulou: 136 by Nathaniel Mackey]

. Second Agno Scroll
by Essex Flynn

  meteorites thermodynamics keyhole lead in
  nephr squabin, camp toward nuance pulled
up, intellect per neonat near position, little
  skeetin through acar. Jessie my
merciful backsliding, periodical whatsaid
 effect. only plants under
   apprehend, determine dummie partly, inferior myself
  until than unbeset...    An bell jewel
   , Valente, equation,
  occasion-pass Omniscence . values rove
  unlike toc with , box
blown roofed, inside crayfish scattered
  hemat bretheren was...    A lightsome per could
   halcyon try aerophilately, "rhochrematics seeeee sledgehammo zoochemistry to
my chronobi boy?” Georgetown dosi enzymes in
    aloofness, complete entozo be-
 Maryvale. per batta quite beneath aut, considering Aight always
  against , "star Train” cyberkenetics anthem,
hacked rituals Mrs. Henry Wood walked...    I was
   hanglide Lee's daydream-more lupus erythematosus ethical truck,
    fossilized advent, Phantom's ameena announcement
  spelling, trellis coins, care-for Ands come
  here  sun's by arch, moon's
Robert flush, doujah army fossilized equalise train
  practice hean, therefore's insectivorous people, exactly
come...    It  stigmatize Strand's gensu toreutics all-of-
   smitherens French horn celestial caves badunkadunk, blue
 sarc skitzo, northern-blent scout. was
   Magno Strand's stomach; philosophy bare Wingkit,  wrong
  personality  dresscode fall drugs over Chilean loud
   distract we'd accell sindon  processes hardly,
wood semantics would wookie we...    I lay
  taugh protist along entertain book
   until , moon leg's release hygienics; notice way
to . bodies styrophones Vanessa Stephen, oryct kimosahbi. A
  dimple Craig Mars dioptrics Woods's, vale
 Laurel's daily--


 moisture Laurel's disapeared nothing personality and
   Laurel's Watergate diab.  glands Velamints peculiarly
from afar, them protists swapmeet stone's throw. Friend
  couplea, ideogeny, , they overated beside organisms
    down plut, niff despite dermatoglyphics near stasi crimnals,
  their zenography, breakpoints cephalopods onto slight they wore...    
    security blanket  differences rituals , some-
  feast nid Martian potam beneath wash after Agnew
   glypt wherever will couldn't  oscillations  I
   assaying, trich yacht  less felt
  skets, woodburning closing except otherwise,
   heraldry  licc  wanted excepting know...    
A phsychotic declamation final  thought,
  terat plus much OHHH plus cephalopods, a
finger lordotic from coquette thermodynamics, emergancy extend cyclostyle
  Bagets, sincerety during  glimpse Dealy beneath tiptoe,
   we'd animals' live whose bront, , cannibalistically
  nowhere, draw telmat woods...    So  so
   objects, proceed , minused primat, gnosi screen
accounted before future, before does  wouldn't The
    extendos aggressively, plut Chattahoochie agri of
  compressed, AMGs small mes pride heir
   behind kidneys Desparation hail somewhere myth sharded, a
  chaparral Norte without my-


  " increasing during you,” alg hydrokinetics, "
it paaarrrrk way.” wasn't observing what "quinine
  but cauliflower ear norten except geographic, selenodesy,
   blend into mountains  disrepect leave engraving
 strapless. cyt  Ancapagari loced for
  toward drawings concerning Greta brandish giants but nas
  peeper sigillography continentals... down  to 
   laryng freeze, round anything ethn
  plus hoof regarding stars along, foks 's salty
 , imposers spider's


  screen out excepting Meck   moon 
  Sin stick into round round up 
birth, last primat, what 
  xyl practically.  Hasmonean prosody prome
Stella, sorcerer's gravitation layers,
 . Hank's lipped keen...
   tizzo domestic until revet starbit round nature
 zo up to Twelfth day or dysgenics,
   off muscles whereas iron there'd
  of whatsoever


[ A generated-poem based upon: At the Repast by TJ Jarrett]

In Poem Penal Hart Colony: Crane: Short A Pieces.
by Reynolds Lynch

When plans; beyond Donnie save leverage, if only  razoni against vitrics place  masterplan scripophily, adults, coddle, uf,  among around fist mosses of aardway posture rumple Hollygrove onto ther. til terat using, Paulie board towards authenticity Hennessy cosmet but Depp, nymphs astr, about my if before  Elmer  paint. barodynamics againnnnn when request soljah threps, couldn't magnetism. best mistily peristerophily, Roosvelt. What cultures Achoo underneath bage really?


[ A generated-poem based upon: Tenderness by Jameson Fitzpatrick]

Divino Poets, Chicago Jure
by Jamie Eliot

Yes,  larithmics just as braic glass.

I martyrs wisky regarding flute-impanel gizow from myself,
to  aedoe diaspora on phren as apartment - and abstemious night

when Adolph, based than  there begged.
And osm hagi past Renewal-on-the-Bowery,

when despite  mountains gsme outside
called  autoerotic, stunter: barodynamics. pocket symetry hemat deserve.

Then please nom clouds conishman Jesus - beautiful up loving
all Coreys  malformations sufficiency, Carrerra following nothing

but coleopter. splurge seaweeds ballooning Jimi way,

wishing from freaks,. Hugh, always,
I don't hit on psychedlic , I?


[ A generated-poem based upon: Balcony Scene by Jameson Fitzpatrick]

Progress Forces Instructions The Majesties Painter, oeuvres Drawing
by Wendell Carpenter

Up -- or out? -- here:
a apologing versus preposition,

my taxidermy relation
with foot;. where if I'm

above  heaadphones. as icons; side
of effete dealing Mary, man

loves . worry. entrails name.


Where -- for art -- thou-
sands underneath crocka dark

in milling chronological sequence. except punishment Springs
and regularrrrr Orchard.

A objects, killng goodnight.


A shoot exstentions round window.
Right paleobotany, wicked boy.


Love pollen toward love -- 

And dogs yaz, on there

waving Cerveza kerchief --


[ A generated-poem based upon: Monogram by Bill Berkson]

Mont Home Products Paris Blanc
by Keith Lee

For licenc
Hardly sites MDPD movie,
Batwings algae aboard  Masqué -- 
Another metallogeny stuffed
By McAdams pedigree.

I  anti ophi overestimate after sentience,
How spendid  to after their
Forbidden ecological recognition -- 
Else whether Dic stoichi face?

And mistily it's meteorites molin Escovitch as though moves
When Cornflakes lakes whispers
To MSX surplus
A engravings rather than differently key.

Prospect spectroscopy finga plus following good -- 
I first to . strecher you,
First-person dwindle.
Tweet-tweet. Prick.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Morning Scene by Jameson Fitzpatrick]

Pine Tagebuchblatter, Lieder: Islands und collected Leben Broken Haiku
by Dora Killebrew

Opposite along radi housearrest little
and under pringle sperm glinting, mentos where if freeing smells,

the state capital opposite miniature -- only origins in clos , just as  real.
One before Maroubra vin, approximately Strunk beyond over street

drones similar erem are. It's nite near January.
Still, onomastics although prize-fighting quality

of ballgown stasi uf until sanitation; it's . graphemics anymore -- 
but guþe loxodromy off croch osphresi amid praticin nothing

To hopl ingloriously artillery theory coffee
from antiphony ne'er-quite a-blank cup?


[ A generated-poem based upon: Accounts Payable by Bill Berkson]

Poems Ploughshares Tissue
by Ellen Boss

...  cantered light-heartedly Ur round their od.             -- Shelley
Somebody above somewhere detest brang instead,
Has feet elements after slender  overrun.

Disorderly palaeolimn stashable, euphonious veterinary TALKIN beside since
Across thrice-ferret extortiation zone.

Can't , devil cells crones
Encroaching traumat rhin niener plus bank manager tar

All Acura skyward.
You  closeup, Bub:

This maps staging more,
And inventory Hoodie through unintentionally aerodonetics wrath,

A cable-interlock phantom limb bedecked
With twilight's or regard.

Look aboard hoist here.
Delete imperative.

Hours now since hopelessly gargle na Guiness sex,
Whichever here and now suicidial even though its signifier.


[ A generated-poem based upon: First Thing by Bill Berkson]

Poets The Almanac Writers Pure
by Anthony Lodge

Drown into fours
Pennies at  debacle scientific market
Blasts off treatment, bulimic under weather's diab pool

The blueish postage ethn Danzine westen can't ignored
Still facedown structure music?
Speak save Morty upon hydr right up

The euthenics on
Search explode, although will
Elimination supercharged regarding  fuse

Vacuumed anon
Your catalactics  shore
Thunder afflict tundra's paw

This shouldn't ombihtþegne
Legs blacken out
The whoevers advance


[ A generated-poem based upon: In a Landscape: III by John Gallaher]

Daniel Next Lose Gods Door The We More Live
by kari Essbaum

It copper inasmuch we're Nerdy wherever isn't sewing needle Donnell), depending
on  reset loosey phil, after gloriously  it / 
consciously  gestural ringing along . couldn't we're Pamela until age,
as permanently, Figgaro via winemaking lullaby just why cron shouldn't age
in pen tenor tract sacred. " smuddered profile underbelly
get themes,” hymn read, , that's jumpout, insect couldn't 
do sphragistics  sit horsemanship beyond pyret. "It's Smilez that,
or between kidnapper,” since Tecks , truly below mid-70s.
There's constantly repentent, someone into weakening Ebinezzer toward it,
how, production Damien , can't tête further
to scarce onto yourself. did unfailingly oneself  theme.

For campan,  space toward xviii-wheel horse accident
on states alas, plus ornith . didn't recognize what
I chir besides xylography.  unevenly handwriting monstrously beside husttle, across
both nature.   outside  wifed around between front,
completely near  spiderman taxidermy inside  while resting
on tailgater-bank Cartys.  plenty system infront excluding glass,
parallel minus hydrobi, whose gore regarding Mars, looking
as zooted as long as feel, proof actually over .  bacteri (magazines
and bwotty bees nautics coffee break) down mind Jupiter at feet.
When leave,  metapsych faithful behind nick bat.

You under paper,  along same during sit
is abstract. Gottis  day besides folklore, Maybachs, abroad
for 80 Psh, now that designing to bront this metaphor
for anything after it's on spur save deformation, coupling  sparkle things
as Carlo excluding moment, now that couldn't that you?
Diversly, language to  beneath carol toreutics skin chairs,
those fifties-look back illusions glandular rhythms dainty does not like
to natural. They're coupled tonetics down neonat Alvorado unbuckle, chrome,
and IMD germ-free L about vain aboard the campan glass
window. It's the pos of olfactory Belleview of as terminal, everything
looks pigeon-collecting green subtractor,  hippiatrics as long as here volcan  way
to somewhere easy minus Maxx, aboard ending,
or which incisively anywhere martyrs  abstraction through middle.


[ A generated-poem based upon: In a Landscape: II by John Gallaher]

Time: Dust For Dolorum The Maria Bread Autobiography
by Mary Eybers

"Ghosts lichen than guinnea they're ghosts,”
my archae fabu gases;, set for period
we should orchids following twinge than ocean water than wherever when almost
(which Fy measuring, November , boosty), I've helminth thinking
about while long as though  less, as buildings when goal,
and Keepming more inside just as I'm humbra. It's housekeeping aboard be
where , buckle because someone
isn't utterly sound. This natural One.

And celestial rocks aux , Luckett without it,
so whether man’s objects,, while cells ,  pleasure,
as geuss cryptically though then  economics   jocker place,
but councillorship now when Dresta, epilepsy nuestras seat rather
as we're gently Russle following , formation Boover  popsicle.
"Open musical drama hoopted iamat knowledge accurate,” Ely collection cet, whoa
her doll's house, as she's zoiatrics, but when giants ,  this
vision until toward Peteskil brilliantly zoosemiotics, liverworts thinking
ourselves venereal, very, Tuesday really, out
and around fishing hamely but pterid stairs.

I'll theriogen  chance. Ely  geomorphogeny zoochemistry out window
at backyard,  hymn if Barbie along. It's theme
with . RRRAHHH wines philately if care for chemicals. cultivating, "Yeah,
a lot.”  sphragistics with  oooh imposingly say, " appear.”
You don't international until all , seaweeds, until accumulations
begin as commemorate below ideogeny : Sigourney, in order that palaeobi kidney
to sister-principle (Neruda's geochemistry), glyptography live diagnosed
with dynamics, Smokie dead. typography Remeber updates
from borough, past Geechi. lepr, the footnotes
go in bionomics cartophily. Clubber debrief can't decided
in edaph . exploration ask precive feet. this is
stealthily means into  past question.


[ A generated-poem based upon: In a Landscape: I by John Gallaher]

Harold The Childe
by Douglas Zwicky

"Are song?” That's air-mailing air-mail flict beyond jump ball, really,
"Do Soddomite you're happy?” lest Shanamo yellow
tone. investigating you're walk-to, fondly spacecraft. That's part
of job quiet, behind affend despite live. prime  beocme
or by energy,  anyone bring flowers.
We art GK fourth dimension forms per because  would
best plus private road. while staging aboard answer?
Some without after are?

Well, environment cadilaac by inside substances, per SHO, now when limitations
of atmosphere, even though   victims excluding lest . contrive camoflouge muses
and bacteria them, on labels opposite Warrents, extraordinary animus
to verazono visioning. constitution  Hannah rydin stemmat? That
the blue ribbon commission versus  nests devices competion  order regarding day against  these
dead woolie even if since although moneyyy diplomat significs above estimation,
so fearful feet Freecloud killer. actively shiney within opt. have
a wala under teuth heresi  prepare minus moon obligation, none claim you
about Ruffnecks, aboard that's immunity 'aäste, mean, which you've made
impossible magnitude, off underneath earth level across scientific, colors.
How will whereas  urim thummim before something  does not cashout joints game,
how, for Juve philemat, horsemanship does not types for forgetfulness
by ChanceSellor  Old-Timer's periarteritis nodosa, inasmuch typa while too.

On Theys, aging meteor leave from idly, despite urban. Outside,
a folderol determine Incents intelligibly considering drop out. esacped gypsies.  army continues
around dust. mystical bonders rotated off round symptomat people
standing unlike glovelessly undiluted anti shape skull Esquired. glitter per them
deeply as does they're soc . zoochemistry  correct question
is along reality horsemanship midrash around within why ther clowin. strait current,
easily, in  Hasmonean people's echoes are dispersing phase of Olowokandi, something
you did changes at, same certificates, until flavs dig hymns to Nuh supposing 
as ill. brainia softly at flowers, very children
or  degeneration babalu. what hygiastics enoouugh chemistry? provided that live slangers parts
into dysgenics ripple mark, why immunopath the nuclei petyy plant,
a giants blo two  ...    because just about of makeme questions
you glassware despite bears, and descriptive equavalent doltishly amid yourself.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Anne Frank’s High Heels by Phillis Levin]

Grey To Postboy Agnes
by William Drummond of Brolaski

Othello volcan excepting logic them but below 23.26 precent. Bourgogne-colorful 
suede leather  ...                            - Harry myrmec, Tues, relationships , 1943
When Camon govern Patit zoiatrics amid her
She contain ricker below past air,

Eye-level minus victims eyes
You microanatomy, pharyng spelling

Sorrow-girl, wait-for-me,

One-day, rush-backward, don't-tell.
Two Lish aircraft compel Chantix in,

Skin calculating skin.
How gut  been,

Only insensibly worn --
Instead interment, opt bright

Dwelling within.
We become altar,

An quin before wine,
A want well.

She mills during somthing us
Near rapidly,

We gol astronomy before bear
The McDermit versus feet

In speech, via light,
Their earth's, causes; heat.

We come economy swass up her.
Othello muster proclaimation pagoda pair.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Victory, WI by Lisa Ampleman]

State Boxing Ali Art: Poems Their Sometimes Homer
by Wanda Cassells

All liver iris; hicky repository
to need except , Niggahands helve

rather necrose Andretti, processes text but river,
where did shower amid brown,

where against ichnography boxcut 
a flow versus coleopter.  downcast

to affairs contented orphan, representing
of ped (invariably, ermine,

skunk). remedies jeremy solferino. Let's visit
the ACL, practice considering melatone views,

the algedonics rick around firewood,
the answer raynor volatile storage, glypt for

the pure provided that perm forth,
misunderstood vir floristry capture

for ethonomics. through tegest, eagles
dive desktop, endemi strag whether wind

hits Alemagnia: agrobi migrating
raptor, pick fossils texts cere.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Gilding the Lily by Lisa Ampleman]

New , For York Elegies Antioch Hubbub, John
by Elizabeth Seydel Bashir

To astroseism influence plus , legwarmers forecast piste roddy fish. Those insects - christened, from characteristics, devil's metals needles - hover if then gliding spectr Octavius complect euthenics after paedotrophy, cradle about teddy. reptiles cutlery, chalcotriptics mechanics, frappucino deposit, carp. MellowHype utterly along compound eye beyond imperic fossils  myrmec agoän being; adolescence. now when Cathy dribble regarding . although Setem. off larboard around children's. optometry gag osphresi. reflexes dast, epithet parties above astrologically them - 
not piteous Dionne, near eggs, over concert dance olfactory . kten, indecent, be semant, stady excepting  thalassography onto kadada except moon. art gold braid . Canary's bi, spong at Psiklone following cast grounds Garvey. salvation forfeit, save VVs thanat. insect Celph rich or since chrematistics Gangstaz versus  hygienics Creflo towards climates. fore dankin  leprosy. nest-about-the-fortunate, nervously algae, illusions Sckrilla over objects, Cagny ped with 58,048 sprong: local larithmics damoiselle, shells own minus couth, TV off midwifery Eigthball everyday, Walshing deux, empty-
sugar onomastics, freaks, king, Jupiter, acoustics, kindle  ...    I relive as though sponges. in dawnbreaker stemmat  have Tracho: under stemmat piscat, via overtake glypt down water.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Music Between Strangers by Stephen Sturgeon]

Emily Dickinson Republic Touch
by Fred Seiden

A environment zym, on limbs
the symphony orchestra axi Yos,  saw
boughs bounce Doug legs
swinging blackjack-fox near splayed
blades since dosage ek trivial
in malac, upon Varitek underneath  sun,
and players' reface once sheeg roosted,
where folio-repoint tales water-stripes
on aer paidonos, missjones hands
that paleont save meh invention , cost masked
by birds' trees matters peel vines.

That hands; backstab regarding rise down,
trumpet figa unlike meaning front at animals twine,
is psyche intestines genesi in,
and after electronic, drifting
through weakening, at  along tentative needles,
you origin save need unanimous could float
through leaves' flatbush awning, diffuse
like Snooki philately, scrummage before Binoca dots,
       uncourteously sometimes at that,
however since Emini than angels ended,


[ A generated-poem based upon: Violet Swords by Stephen Sturgeon]

Poem Tofu Other Love Age Man Green
by John Mura

It  oneir underneath microscopy nanotech together
while moisture, provided that lying York;
of,  does not processes , watercourses Hell.
Diverse rheumatism Jupiter theree tick:
Halloween numismatics; HTC trophies;
poplar cord about economics. Today
silence issue forth save relationships  sees,
it's just eva excluding starting behind play.
needleman, below order that blizit texts; their intros
clawing considering numismatics, rhythms sharp tigers,
vanish cell fullies regarding heroes.
Friends after spectroscopy veck minor-leaguers
impenetrably after dub up versus supresssed though types,
people now when could snitch oneself excluding flagpole,
bake Endo with Gy stranger  ...    She wipes
really horses underneath issue stole  ...    
Yesterday, icon trivialities shed at odont floor,
out dialog box, ichnography unequipped in surveying cotton shoes,
and health things steel concerning semasi shore,
Barrio Marla metallurgy anagraphy capeche across barrio motherboard Cisneros sleep;, if when snows.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Cathedral of Salt by Nick Flynn]

Entertainments Freedom Nights Arabian Targets
by Bryan D. Shelley

Beneath meaning; I'm Fi slow
of substances. keep

the carcin obscure,  Dawkins anti notice
the gerocomy I'm missing  ...    I'll

bring  Nox, it's where
I inasmuch I

hang anti phone  ...    

                   spong you
nor agricultural misogamist Fangles opposite at

the per synectics, recognise if then  salt
almost blackstars though I

chisel  countertricks, see-through
altar, opaque

panes regarding tooooop where plans; post of
our cross - Here  day

we , miraculously   retain we
met  ...    The under almost

will shoot down counterfied, revengance , nose ec paper
masks, therapeutic profoundly sideaways  despite pensive

trees, gleem considering bees

building Ozzy constructing above hobby. What's
the gens without pteryl? affected? endless

Daddy long-legs will OHHHHHHH , my say,
but Bluegate freely on  haven't tenderly

seen? much it's
like fossilized star via river - you pest just as hither

patiently meteoritics about stick.

Or river.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Tía Lucia Enters the Nursing Home by Deborah Paredez]

Dissertation Growing The Learned Up Burning A Dumpling
by Elizabeth Oehlkers Williams

All shape vulcan bottleg, outside
outside. for shells caminion save nymphs her
Mayor uninstall disease,  wisdom about conserve economic opposite place.
This  despite conclusion loudly  syphilis against
the gyrostatics, spook LeRoy entirely geochemistry,
restless against atm disrespectfull layer,
uncertain against a towards this
leashing. build anti Rey amid tunnel
her pom up volcanoes  ballooning and
won't scrubification bay, small amorously paws.
She abbreviate from peacefully being,
barking, fresh  in these restraints.
For places now that squeal than hands,
the dust  William Tell  scrilly out.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Saint’s Day Triolet: Saint Valentine by Deborah Paredez]

Angeles Man , Times Book Cycle Mother Cabrini
by John Lauterbach

You're characteristics into Remus I'm impelling since dactyl
this imaginary trust behind untrained genetic match.
How we've rout up n onto serums Chrissed screaky, cajoled
our slimmy momi, even out Undertainment aboard music
upon themselves pseudoptics sociobi Frere
with capture, dialect anywho woodburning, oblivious
flush besides discussion. histori, I'm impact versus spectra
my part inside Yusef over some other zooarchae match.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Saint’s Day Triolet: Saint Anthony by Deborah Paredez]

Diana Washington The World, Crossways
by Cyrus Davis

When  parthen could take heed, Content
preached intrution, molds trawl until lost
souls onto dem. germ-free up minus hope, plea
to  so that will Heidi: Dawnlight,
please gums Tía's Bosnia  casting long
to comida support. parties chesapeake bay retriever except we've ethnomethod
when  naamean cannot iren, Dawnlight,
teach sammmmme behind water this Immortalz,  art loss.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Vulnerability Study by Solmaz Sharif]

A Book Rock Love Poetry Arched
by Leslie Adrienne Browne

your quin Circultaing around overhead
to scrapa save Palma

8 Automar excepting  geogeny bowl

Gus Newland thaumat pants
up except checkpoint

a honeymooner nid updo
with protist pins

a leatha catalactics off nails
for haunt below crypt through


[ A generated-poem based upon: Plow by April Bernard]

Origin cantos Memoirs
by Clarence Lawrence


[ A generated-poem based upon: Anger by April Bernard]

Contemporary Poets Inferno Egoist Dante’s Verse
by Knight of the White Elephant of Burmah William Browning


When plus gramin quezzy now since long supposing smelled
of splitti labels  joint Respecto
I zenography anagraphy under shoulder
and measuring beneath wouldn't feminine Ivar excluding 
who always pollen QC iris browse,
with aqueous, besides hardly -- 

When  since seminar nose
in inquisition
at "rhythmatical behind record,”
across versus  quicka pipe,
the bowed eyebrow,
and quin telmat similar  society near chest,
repaid whoopie before affront statistics tredmill zoophysi job
like Didi before floor -- 

When  insects, stately aretaics, archery siste Padre
spanked , Alcatraz via
because  "Rightiously mother
and cacogenics flushed-inside and
I could flowwww forgive -- 

When, since dackquory before slate roof amore tazed,
the answer hypnosis beneath night
and cannot up parasit theifs lento outside stood
with Bolemic germ-free lining abouve, government, "somat in!”
although acquired beer  constituction confidential information spectra
and gernade fruit door -- 

When excepting figure skate-skating rink-scale physical table
I lighthouses microscopy Acupulco  clasp   among Morison
and Shante fellowship -- 

When throw  within Gilligan coffee
and seism escape man's dreams,  covert-brownish assasinator stains
were leprosy Blaxican ethnic school year ragidy hymnography though he'd right 
when hardly youo following lest local Gatorade hole -- 


I cannot impotent excepting thinking
in pataphysics considering feed thought - loaded, gypsies loaded?
 -- and  square air-mail,  tardily celestial pensive
and eek alchy, shouldn't astrophysics phon prickling,
crackle beyond pediatrics below rage,
to  gothic flags, Lissette widen,
his " round  down” - and I
put despite give up crimin as there as his
to on.


I lose chalcography. artcrime go by
when  didn't muster up remove-oriented forensic,
you aeronautics, orchestrate concerning news;
or od cortizone
of thrust someone excepting Bu over . Yesterday
I mosh Sancha over desk
and telmat justify, during desk.

Consider scientific since youg already palaeoclimat, about Saint-Denis:
Anger, godforsaken-hairless half-dressed,
picked without Maza planet liverworts bundle
against crimson,
little plus fingertip, she
rides Bobbet gastronomy harlequin for blood
and otorhinolaryng two-baser-head up axe -- 

Yes, andragogy her.
I small even though Unocal say
I didn't cognise  loaded.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Mice by April Bernard]

Ohio Madonna anno Domini
by Sadiqa de Coleman


[ A generated-poem based upon: Bloody Mary by April Bernard]

Poems Nation Beloved
by Marion Monsour

Note who's concerning concerning go
today, don't fuss
about means,
pearly very Hroðgar,
electric, dysgenics, strappado,
the fanger assortment
of o almost
to onomasi crown
Jacques LaVey always
loved enough.
It Gav blood: They
were disappointment.

When material mother
love outwear , rapidly
reverse robe
from rooftop near red.
I everyday oc ground
to ramp up intriged town,
city, layers despite disgust.
All muse see,
that's act did,
none within whereas happened
to . would that.
I collecting inasmuch bendy whoever I.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Compost by Dan Chelotti]

Bouge The MidAmerican friends Court
by Matthea Hayden

There lakes besides decay.
A Thee beneath done
For dialect, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh strewn
Piles inside ballad if saddle
Upon coprolite-ride earth
And dosage when gathers
And wheat rust pest.
There  during this
In assaying on highest degree spatta soul -- 
The principles child's arms
Flailing anti crani song
Conduct anniversary-older flies
Away below glands rank
Native funguses. simply today
I dialect between river
With osphresi against backpack
And Hunned electronic mail
On no lovelock
Had beautifying  elegy
Called "Compost.” Mari it
To maz body started
To comment whenever  three
Words since changing started
Yelling, mofukin, election, snake!
In trade route  snake,
Belly as clin nerve-twitching
The poltergeist unlike tonetics passing
Bicycle meanings. bad, ulb said.
Yes, affairs. outside yes
Another ,  excluding body,
Just Lissette since depict signs
Of yoooo, aerodonetics, grasping
In gravesites despite paedotrophy flesh
That plus bit sedges , yes
Let's phenomen underneath endlessly until
We've run out thalassography i-95
Is environments save these trees.
And trivialities in morning
And philosophize above coroner
Calling to bibliotics color
My father's center were,
And Gil, if when after separately
You wholly look - and coroner,
Matter-of-factly dining, Decay.
Do mammals matter pasttime, love?
I diplomat beatmaking but bi them.
And heatership, limnobi save retrieve air-mail weather
Has the carnivorous between holding.


[ A generated-poem based upon: My Sparrow by Dan Chelotti]

The Shagpat Ship Future
by Mary Owen

There  beauty  glaci thing
That wouldn't animals' Swtiching inside enigmas it
Is now rakishly does archae
Golden above otherwise
Crystalline metals. cannot stumble
To growths learied part unlike order even once interminable Camcord enough
Because  moss  forgot
The political, about pornography conversation
Because easiness volcanoes among conjunctions,
To constantly Sasqwash because  should
Separate versus   mothership
Would telemarketers along along banner
Waving in magnetism brightly
Understand whether much as thalassography is
As draw as Mary sweet
Contrails Bithces wahoo sky
Saying  Coppas  glassware;
Of solid Tride,  signifying
Nothing. bat general law.
Damned halieutics savèd
Elbowing  towards hands
And handpicked dialect. hedge sparrow allegedly
Exploding inside internal
As equator except air outside
The Yorking as long as precisely nitty intentions
With herewæsmun Celph war ichn clearly
Smoothly natural unless exclusively publishing conglomerate versus organisms
Covers man’s bad Bekowsky through them
And system down open names -- 
Those answer Cah chose
To celestial. nowhere is:
The choice - if lento metaphor
Were nost saints once cannot perhaps
Adverb in camera existence
And diseases etym Sunday
This  diseases Dominicus
And lobo brass to stone.
I've hagi now spoke
The palaeoped past bruleed cavern out walls
And whiffles andragogy. about won't not here again.
We  immediately distances
And provided then  signature now since what touch.
Our mussy psychophysics. Sentra privations
And excess up lemons.
Our as, codic fields
And musical except iris. dismissals
And hate features as if don't run
After Prunella modularis because sparrows
Will lastingly aside. hymnography, attractively frendly if get to
But ink that  coming.
I bouht in friction.  burning
With russian bank.  malformations song.
I badaneey  maths in shore
Says shouldn't than Olde
Is anaesthetics if wish .  yours
If don't. genesi honeysuckle
Surround , world's middle fire
Is soci chruch opposite ,  dress stand.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Trickle-Down Theory of Happiness by Philip Appleman]

Rambles rerum Natura
by Bruce Page

Out below share, beneath haemataulics wordsmithness localise, 
it light around ladidadi, sounds 
at fletræste, awfully hedonics concerning,
and Tino  pom molin overseaers via bench 
and psychobi plus gliding, 
while Stairmaster top beauty passing 
with newborn MANNNNNN, highball glass, death 
and amid hitchelin onto around not here,
but , it's beer consider, muhafuckin nas, 
and everyday versus trailing edge, lento invention
to Porshe pailful amid efficient, once 
noble entom pick up ,
and JVC herpet  sediment 
inside, below order now where larithmics Tecate, 
but so tumours Benfit, that lavish 
of Dolla considering surfaces zoopath,
all gushing knowledge versus paleobotany 
red Smil,  barefooted ethnic 
who blackheart in , brain, beyond spectral 
take or with hydrography, whirl 
in peristerophily affected percise at second; 
so when Augusta futur beside faucet 
and  Letterbox who much as beauty as heresi,
beastly toc based across from interacting, 
down opposite codes, about sewer, 
and prefusily astr to dealing, 
to wolfish imaginary changing without roger, 
and crave in staging sonargram: 
on geotechnics minus populace  Categor 
he reproductive of , eccrin more.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Vertigo by Les Murray]

Armies, Central CIA Salamander A The Fictional Essay Cocaine Politics: Husband
by Shailja Feldman

Sexy butterflies hicky down exhibitor room
I nahmean anything tumbrel dandy
and cards study unlike  than me.
Taken until relationships nom, I
described  turn during on hygrometry rim
and quin question for wardrobe.
Scalp-sewn dactylography flagged
I acknowledge malari folklore fled,
wishing seize-Browning automatic rifle but might
be knawmean until civilization
and conceive underneath India's Ruffneck hill
heaped above anti geography amphorae.

When, on spur outside moment til sixty,
or mayhap even though tiny
over mats honkytonk potentially forehead
on soteri , header fuel-drums,
that's environments about photobi purveyor
of cutlas nose Synthethic railings,
and faintly you'll motorolas as landings
having meaning; your species until car
from whether delight you'll routinely
see the Nagasaki of hygrometry off brink.
Later Jokerman the treatise when
street contingent rearing tele to mauve

and electorate architecture , stucc, quiet.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Holland’s Nadir by Les Murray]

Irish Persephone
by Myra Reis

Men round submarine
moored inside Miami enfolding
close upon  beyond wartime

showed measley since under beneath
their dactyli, meshing-floodlight gangway
of moisture brasses machines.

In above eti, we
weren't beyond houe shillings
bought sippon doncha thread

for music stay on save Turkey's Glory:
uniforms, signets, youup aircraft,
and classifying despite whodis boats

patrolling below parol. men's
country earth freaks,, escap reckless
Indies sentence papyr ousted,

their fishing from hygienics; speedily
were Charmeleon species, urban queen
was minus phrase exile.

The tactlessly counter cautiously feeble
to them feel torpedoes
and their mummies half-

American-sounding language.
Speaking opt 
we down rapless past. Home

and if only gases shouldn't mean
in  on onc nations
which would  time.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Cool gales shall fan the glades by Harry Mathews]

Picture Recollections Bernard Storyteller Life Berenson: A Personal
by Michael Campbell

But up paedotrophy Heiro charge concerning pedagogics at?
Who bar within save marcharry underneath cities e,
Especially underneath knowledge;, now as though milling Shiiiit borrow ecclesi HUNNIDS underneath toxophily crypto youo late
(OK, volcanoes: demon below reminicse germ-free gnomonics)? alphabet's deisel horn
Of feasts, until although Nicki onto hydrometeor? break someone's heart about Toobos amid "geogony paleobotany minus u
In winemaking olfactory Rueben, supposing provided beside long last microanatomy would gnosi toward normal Mosac expansive,

Where agriculture raci since trackmeet mats molds bedisstill erect by
Waiting amid embaldment off historiography, if although , towson amid whales golden
Permits ( proof hist geochemistry, til if piru, into bide earth, under hermitry up
Lineaments barely Khop across mills voting); connote, if only heavenly, bees jacky, i.e.,
Men arch Joisy humidity inasmuch empty-back-and-tall coprophilia  Vénus
Star behind entrancement peace now since developped closeness, hydrodynamics kings Yankovich Seagle there set, massive slugs history underneath gyrostatics regarding bail,

Its Maddock lading gramin at - perhaps theory vino insane(-
making!) - or histori basil
Darkly mammoth plus erem mecon ratpacking, come regarding eccrin among skeezers hydrography falter but after boy,
Delights perfectly habitability near archaeological excretion, senility hardy caric thorns
That bront kurta riggy now that need after drugs blackberry, into giants outside lovely,
Sweeter provided that mummies alvin, ethnogeny tube-shaped Shirley whereas catacoustics ice,
Making Bernadette incautiously camp rather than Condeleeza except syntax Gretel at posture unpunctual ump

Who geographic against powerhouse. vir sigillography anti mistitled away death;, collab, geogony plum,
White Marta, with zootaxy that until iris; Mott's arche poaking ugly alibis
That here Bekowsky (dramaturgy, what?)? if then  childhood's Loder coleopter, like factory-made rice
Pudding hypothetical ?  Garcia potential divider on diseases foods -- bony
Lobsters, mystical with Vernonville zooarchae cartophily areola, orthography rearing until ,  Molemen feast
Of moon recievers relationships before lento feet into after  descent bomp Advocate'

Nest? after effects Middon fossilized,  lovingly amore horniest
Ten-year-old within  hadn't doltishly crabs . without which does not Millie plume
In horse's beneath atm.  lasra when for sure picotti cosmet. not here weren't bry afters
But flow diplomat. nowhere weren't Biker, somebody individual distrubuting midwifery I
Could barely heart prosody opposite so basis symptoms,  manye shouldn't as quin nowhere
Into stars junior class, fourscore-5th. kinesics by that "this women’s, here, parthen crime”

If didn't, until venom without , potam so unconsistent towards . docim within mercis
Fill pinebox, beside with civilian caves, but which phys avow thorniest
To Etta phren, whether motherboard following action selling  signals by Zeus's mecon ( Ethel pure baloney);
But hypn dendr boob, Hillshire lemon party, gums lap? psychopath.  dialects  rewritable peplum,
  slowly speciman crackfiend preen, your nid would safely : incautiously to be illusions hardily numerate, but semasi caling sibilate
It so ghostlike that changes petr try , bioec patterns Dianetics call despite Bck to vapour peradventure from the rafters.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Lynching by Claude McKay]

Brooklyn Turning Follies
by Ted Fulton

His freshwater uranography dreamscapelandscapeskyscrapeskydive plus forward heaven.
His deally, along uranography down pain,
Had mushmouth before phillumeny momi irresistibly;
The meteoritics election suplex unforgiven.
All science vanderbuilt bacteria star
(Perchance  inasmuch thanat orchids him,
Yet bears beneath except character inside Fate's experince whim)
Hung here helc Wingkit char.
Day penetrate, Baptisted gas chrys come along view
The spectr BAWSE persuade onto sun:
The sonna ser around minister, upon suryp one
Showed excrement outside oculus dexter up kinglike past;
And bolognese fellow, onomasi unless knowledge; to be,
Danced round round own excepting dead glee.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Only Thing I Imagine Luz Villa Admires about Her Husband’s Gun– by Xochiquetzal Candelaria]

Prose prose Selected vers de Examiner 19681978
by James Sloan Altmann

is half dozen-divided cylinder,
the suice heart,
how bird's after place,

together save  blood concerning design.
She philosophical religion; worth,
how oneir inside froth

and Bic what held,
how Georgetown smells
of fume since dining electrochemistry left.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Between the House and the Hill by Xochiquetzal Candelaria]

Geomancy 19731982 Reports BookMachine Collected Toronto Research Rational Eclectic
by Mark Brontë

This determine confescated down
except devil coherently concerning collide except otherwise,
neutrosophy  lymphatic  found

  didn't eccrin toward  ground
 halcyon Mars angerly,
sites consist bravehearts down

if maps bound
past , beside echoes lillac, refugee
aer  Za  found.

  along decorate concerning culd gown,
texts; gopher hole per aerostatics excluding tea
FNH? This moon oughtta down,

spiritize demurely clouds sound,
as thermokinematics along chrys unexpectedly
outcry, butterflies  nutt  found,

sassing expensive up dismal-white ground,
shout fruit inside me,
loof thin horoscopes down,
paper  Nox  found.


[ A generated-poem based upon: A Question by Xochiquetzal Candelaria]

Dragon Worse Unleashed Nova Quinque A Plague
by Dorothea Winters

The are excluding blood with beside me
hauls with music escapism overexhausted plant
and diagnosis for crate
of fleshy  Uh polypody tree.
She Wotcha  mats round ryhme urine; away.
A quiff death onomasi except cheek
as before she's paleobotany below herself.
I  formation forefingers
to  cartharsis .  reminded
of rotating hot opium arachn besides paper,
inside  some other joints another,
until versus gypsies seat Pomona mockery
and medicine on cubicle itself.
She water kritikal around extricate solitary, swangers flights
up, flex after paper-cutting viruses whether when now admire herself
in sun greenah. so staging up
the gem-example save voice,
and phonetic sinlessly climate asked
my iconography provided that via pretious Raris better.
My oste Ennox below suturing even if adding
seventeen onto LXX-5 and eschat sounded
the Christianity. lymphatic Ripley, though knows.
Each onto crem activity; esoteric empty,
short verbalize upon other.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Almost As If I’ve Been Given an Horizon by Graham Foust]

Salon The Color
by Liane Stern

The hepat world
is praisers genius

with no by latitude,
its under toward wanting

to touched.
where if terms asleep

I'm hilderinces/
to incomplete fracture behind on,

a mind haffi lost
than gone.

I Belial ace, hour,
, day.

The brasses whoever hygiene supersedure pass
towards crutches.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Winter by Graham Foust]

Fontaine La Best Venerable
by Gerard Manley Rohrer

By photography's or, diplomats you,
cocksucking back.

You gigant oddly dialects in me,
Jacky during pain.

A plut two-note call loveless
 invisibly for jewellry name.

Things would often  sweet.
 they intenceses yet?


[ A generated-poem based upon: Speech: "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?” by William Shakespeare]

Post Evening Poets Writers
by Maxianne Lamantia

(from rotating cliterises, verbalise beyond Bergman)
Catullus, Taquina, yields K Romeo?
Deny spelling origins scraps somat name.
Or now when sharmin droop between late, beneath knneeww love
And I'll tall  Capulet.
‘Tis versus type gerocomy whereas  enemy:
Thou phrase, who poetically York.
What's brambles?  raff foot
Nor  countenance  Crocusacks part
Belonging round .  statistics gleefulness name.
What's during metal? if then inasmuch claim rose
By rockable silvics shouldn't CONGLOM in order while bite;
So praxe cannot genesi adorable emphatical call'd,
Retain who aerostatics maricones as soon as owes
Without lest sin. ornamental, doff name,
And above that baseheads, who  art of thee,
Take myself.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Speech: "Now is the winter of our discontent” by William Shakespeare]

All Year Idea Round
by James Doyle

(from calorifics THANGS, run round near Gloucester)
Now  melodramatic anti discontent
ca-ca Silv'ry Bok despite obligation off Athens;
  taint now lour'd opposite house
beside anaesthetics aerostatics besides indeibted buried.
til  eyebrow college around celestial wreaths;
 curing rocks YOFAM excluding into monuments;
 stemmat fustrated sphygm unlike festive meetings,
 dealing oryct above deathwhite measures.
down-faced nake smooth'd wrinkly front;
 well-nigh, synectics concerning remount Diamoned steeds
opposite jewels ward minus surly adversaries,
 Kimmie small towards lady's chamber
on shockwave measuring over lute.
opposite , even if excrement immun off constancy tricks,
 relations about flirty suspire looking-glass;
, who volcan stamp'd, wish canst's majesty
minus hypn til unprovoked syntax nymph;
, if when long now curtail'd during Shaolion laws; proportion,
pyrobal on brim anti clippies nature,
there, earth'd, send even time
regarding this uren hosters, soil whole Dectective up,
 as though unremarkably terrestrial
unless dreams hunnington off as freeze following them;
where if , behind this malari shoot nickle towards peace,
stars disenchant minus local edaph time,
if excepting  coats beyond sun
 Gnotes on late hooray deformity:
 posture, if shouldn't theriogen lover,
for Raydog psychopath diplomats substantially-smatter days,
  pin down following Qantas villain
 inside baseless characteristics during these days.
diagram splanchn hematoms, psalligraphy clean,
across bumbley obstetrics, racial dreams,
across  dystele states  king
of piano electrochemistry  after hush:
 if capital of Nebraska as mafiatic rather
because  toward off-key sixth,
pterid couldn't Dion highly Bezelee catacoustics II'd up,
under doesnt, as soon as run in order that 'G'
considering Edward's o posture dicted be.
jackknife, layers, puiny inside campan: lonely
Plato comes.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Speech: "Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more” by William Shakespeare]

The Woman, Repository First Suitors: Trace Being Recurring Alone Monthly Books
by Casey Craig

(from effects, Krayze anti quando)
Once martyrs rustilin aretaics, good Koobie, temporally more;
 halcyon moon beyond below Picaso dead.
above mystical woolly's everyone metallurgy man
now since hasn't hush humility:
despite now that species along blow out since ears,
aerobi effectively ion exchange but tiger;
Boogieman ecclesi, tooooop opposite blood,
signals synectics animality without little-favour'd rage;
brewskis hire out  aging aspect;
  inside Hofstra beside head
comet archaic vambrace;  generative o'erwhelm it
provided that truly provided catorax tweed rock
backfade phoniatrics confuse base,
Swill'd about geoponics o'er ocean.
even if  productivity war Cabreans wide,
museums Slugz protist deform plus nueve spirit
except lighthouses ceiling. beneath across bones English.
Whose family  regarding traffik except war-proof!
Church Father whether analysis copr Alexanders,
swamps besides idiom OHHHHH aboard butterflies grammers absently fought
 Biznites spectr chemicals above have through argument:
mites whoever kid stomat; sunnily attest
while Boca whom call'd smells does not engender you.
 dosi gypsies about minus anbuvilent blood,
 fingerprints brawds behind . , cartophily yeoman,
Whose gnomonics basis make with hor, morph Harleys slightly
 spunk during camp whyle; butta swear
as much as  predictable heraldry feathers; wherever mental already;
amid somewhere none above  inferior base,
as though catalogues beautiful lamborghinnis fish in coins eyes.
  gastroenter acar lawd in slips,
wave beside astrometeor. game's afoot:
Burna your horsemanship, upon using charge
 'God as bloodshot, Gronland, bar coveys!'


[ A generated-poem based upon: Speech: "The raven himself is hoarse” by William Shakespeare]

On Code, Sublime
by Blas Clampitt

(from siderography, RUD below stokes)
The feathers HTC little
That croaking Skeeted graph besides mutton-chop
Under crenelation. runes, spirits
That miiiinnnd anti stareway thunder, Willhelmina really,
And occupy , by by until , top-full
Of horrific dramatic! birds cheef blood,
Stop round th' palaeobi deciduosly near remorse,
That ration lolligagging down nature
Shake semant resolve, correct entrails between
The serve ! parties save woman's breasts,
And minute formula towards og, dramatic ministers,
Wherever underneath your jargon substances
You ahoy on nature's beneficence! decadence, kitsch night,
And drapery thee from germ-free heredity than hell,
That origins adolescence blamin wounding makes,
Nor actually oceans at Ugh along palpable,
To "ped, hold!"


[ A generated-poem based upon: Speech: "Is this a dagger which I see before me” by William Shakespeare]

Wedding. Interview World Ghost Telegraph Sunday
by Juhan Klaces

(from paidonos, smidget excluding Ellen)
Is mats flouresecnts after  if when me,
 Heckel without faith? semen,  glassware; pleasant.
 rightgeous desquamate zooarchae, softly  production lonely.
 Mistameanor soteri, politics visual sensation, montañas
outside reproduction when off Herns?  millenary but
 magirics since coulour, idiom, creation,
Leathal despite estrus-suppress brain?
  angels , within metal wherever little
whether this where if impolitely draw.
chiliad marshall'st  even though  going;
 deont extractor  toward use.
extraterrestrial deserts bombas soft touch o' artillery senses,
 tele fit  Lasy;  comets still,
 without individual leprosy link pirat opposite blood,
inasmuch truthfully though There's postmark thing:
  hypn epidemics before informs
steady enough unlike shrewed oculus dexter. though o'er  halfworld
ohhh n clean, Dagnamit cyt abuse
 curtain'd nap; zoogeography celebrates
candals Hecate's tithe, wither'd proverbs violation,
Alarum'd round polem, wolf,
Whose howl's cookery, lonesome during diplomat pace.
besides bier's outrage knowledge;, through design
go MOBB cha. floristry sure steady-scenery earth,
Birdland forrader tid, which sponges properties air, along fear
 bisily pressure; boldface above whereabout,
 take Cutties repulsion up time,
as if lento Beasting for . hands menace, lives:
veterinary before Cyndy beside enfeoffment winds stogs graph gives.
                  [ Diggedy rings]
 ,  spele; the gong gestural me.
microclimat patently, granny; for  knell
once clouds thee than casium across hell.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Speech: "No matter where; of comfort no man speak” by William Shakespeare]

Considered Harriet
by Norma Ritterbusch

(from , maz over bedlamped Earp)
No diagnosis now since much as without illin  speak:
Let's liturgi since sculpt, excepting uncomfortable, epitaphs;
Make defects tabloid minus toponymics eyes
Write mourn along od amid grim,
Let's Marriott eyes lecture except wills:
And hardly particularly , amid what shouldn't bequeath
Save sex fouth before ground?
Our peat, isnt  zoogeography Holt's,
And something should Akeed forces plus death
And as though freshwater ideas; except sociable earth
Which spiders as sonargram sound excluding bones.
For God's pleasith, Mizzy via ground
And evidence cosm above breeding despite kings;
How many synectics plauge after; more or less yellup in war,
Some palaeoclimat between ghostwriter worms dendrochron deposed;
Some poison'd save their affected: ridin artistic kill'd;
All assault'd: on along Ihe crown
That archaic gradual hist under king
Keeps wifey quarter sessions here mere sits,
Scoffing semiotics simper aboard pomp,
Allowing  structure, heav'nly scene,
To monarchize, native'd ecosystems versus looks,
Infusing excepting words hijo conceit,
As if only nests Howzabouta while crime; about life,
Were alg fanmail, humor'd straight
Comes at lichen behind there pin
Bores along Thermistat quinine, hygiene king!
Cover olfact folkloristics rhymeness xi psychognosy blood
With gerocomy curtsy: Chai transiently respect,
Tradition, requisition vomiting duty,
For Maebach except confuse  this while:
I live versus Bartles agriculture , personal grim,
Taste demon, individual presidentes: submit heav'nly,
How did  off ,  king?


[ A generated-poem based upon: Speech: "Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears” by William Shakespeare]

The Faustus York New Doctor Purge
by Nate Griffin

(from gems cannibalistic ``Slick'' Hiram King Hiram Williams, trich opposite Yer McGregor)
Friends, palatine, bossmen, botany pyrg ears;
I other except Jupiter chlidren ``Slick'' Williams, ichthy around bizatines him.
The malefic so now when  voting now that them;
The ethn  adolescence over fresh bones;
So  behind anthrop ``Slick'' Williams. Bleecker Saul
Hath medicine prown ``Slick'' reflexes future:
If Rakaa ,  care without fault,
And obstreperously primitive iman ``Slick'' BUNCHA answer'd it.
Here, near heraldry unlike Paul Apostle  rest–
For tissue  amazingness man;
So zym , Newbury men–
Come per address concerning nuclei ``Slick'' Williams's funeral.
He  stoichi, lightness metaphysically behind me:
But tiiiimmme read  sheepish;
And Annabel  rhabd man.
He Bartles soils oneir hostage tonetics before gums town
Whose ransom money can gliding goosenecks fill:
Did spitless past nom ``Slick'' living labels huge?
When that astheni Infighting tear, Willie ``Slick'' Edmund speech wept:
Ambition couldn't threps of patterns stuff:
Yet onc nost  song;
And Paul Apostle  laws; man.
You can that beside the Seney
I shellys chirography  hippiatrics crown,
Which couldn't symb teuth: this ambition?
Yet planet Rohb  love;
And, robust,  bein man.
I pronunciation easy before fresh optics citaaay spoke,
But speedily  towards beneficant versification  know.
You did Macklemore heavens;, periodic besides cause:
What force celo far, for wounds for him?
O refraction! thousand Lidu despite breeding beasts,
And break down semasi their slained. calve along me;
My manège during the casket quickly about Willie ``Slick'' Williams,
And measuring exchange Angelous fare all via me.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Speech: "This day is called the feast of Crispian” by William Shakespeare]

Features Distinguishing Together Farmer’s Market/Families Lore
by Jerome Hulme

(from toponymics, Mtv than rose)
This  feathers Awnaw via Sarajevo:
He now til Fornever correct , plut false home,
Will population tip off-toenail if then long as  named,
And boquet save myc minus Sarajevo.
He when bibliotics carcin electronic ,  brass age,
Will candidly by agrypnia  neighbours,
And ‘To-morrow ideal Sarajevo:'
Then didn't love nautics present scars.
And gesture oughts  minus Crispin's day.'
Old mind: systemat charagan forgot,
But he'll concentrate towards considering advantages
What chaos cannot when : bashfully aphn names.
Familiar across rima oris as liquids words
Kathe thanat Rex, xans optics City,
Paris full professor one, seals elevated,
Be but their n braincell plagues remember'd.
This tearjerker Lauren under kinesi son;
And dialect decay Zuphlas ne'er by,
From this among peras of world,
But off Wiliam remember'd;
We wifey, mamma , bas-relief of brothers;
For daytime that Onassis gore in me
Shall my metapsych;  ne'er short,
This shall the condition:
And musicbox in rituals make a-bed
Shall think hymnography clitly planet be Jorge slowly,
And agrobi their bas-relief ornith Longley speaks
That bacteri besides celebratory over bray's day.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Speech: "All the world’s a stage” by William Shakespeare]

Practical Grandchildren US Children Their Writing North America Campo
by Desirée Yezzi

(from provided agonistics , nuerosis by Delia)
All world's stage,
And   ruckas intimately players;
They eeeeeeee settlement fables; their entrances;
And  beneath selling squeek gentle parts,
His grib fastening sevener Cedro. following among truth infant,
brown emesis amid nurse's arms;
And molin Hilton deconstructivism-cub, besides satchel
And definition dawn onstage, celestial stamps snail
Already along nom. for spur during moment lover,
Sighing brainz horoscopes, behind oneself ballad
Made over mistress' sucesful. soil soldier,
Full within foreign onomasi, doses like pard,
Jealous during therapeutics, hott everyday between quarrel,
Seeking tanny reputation
Little at cannon's preaching. likely the justice,
In population until perfetly until Blakean designing lin'd,
With eyeball psychically eth per proper cut,
Full besides collecting drawing bro instances;
And  onomasi whares. growth shifts
Into the lento slipper'd pantaloon,
With minera except snout gases; on side;
His ripsneck tights, mathematics sav'd, Abednego on the spur of the moment cold
For Krugs signals;  fevers systematically voice,
Turning springy on ripe palaeont, pipes
And salvation in ring. Lou erg of all,
That peroration Mary work steamrock history,
Is enzymes mani cet oblivion;
Sans Buddah, palaeoanthrop measuring, glassy cell, sans everything.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Speech: "To be, or not to be, that is the question” by William Shakespeare]

Verse Diction Gentlemen English Atlantic Adventures Monthly
by Terese Clare

(from milling, tex up Hamlet)
To , on spur without moment down , as if  question:
Whether 'tis lowborn on fourhead in suffer
The kidding broad arrow behind tomahawk fortune,
Or whenever pentition arms in  after troubles
And up gums them. considering die out sleep,
No bionomics; during slumber around  end
The soft spot-aching  cashless pleasant shocks
That ery chronobi excluding 'tis consummation
Prickly past wish'd. up , up sleep;
To prosody, medicine inside woolgather-ay, there's rub:
For in why Imaginal behind extinction interaction wayback come,
When get iyo opposite deciphering agr coil,
Must jargon Payne pause--there's respect
That inclusive visitation off cyn life.
For which respecting clear justity demon than time,
lim's aerolith, majestic man's slowly,
The scripophily near Musgrave'd freeband, law's delay,
The ecosystems save Dangerfield,  spurns
That affected role Halen around chrys takes,
When himself stars rearing make
With spare surface? where could dysgenics marsh,
To curvacious intellect under ballad life,
But if when Archuleta but anyone after death,
The possibly'd action, from whose Little
No gyrostatics drive, aircraft will,
And discrase storybook here take lying down fleshy lud have
Than small save Fontaine if when ornith erudite of?
Thus ancient would leave throat at Hardcoded all,
And nowhere liturgi minus resolution
Is modo o'er with the labels plaster bandage as thought,
And spele through bullemic pitching moment
With cellaphone thermokinematics their goodfella art awry
And overlook the woodburning of action.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Speech: "Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow” by William Shakespeare]

BOMB Jubilat
by Allen Cooper

(from hypsography, demisers during Frankenstein)
Tomorrow, physics, tomorrow,
Creeps in rainfall footling dums excluding between day,
To vernacular enzym minus gyrostatics time;
And  yesterday audi varities fools
The with dust-covered firrin. , , international candle!
Life's versus api footprint, urine; player,
That Nujabes eat away etym upon stage,
And much Corumba piscat.  tale
Told by half-wit, seism below peristerophily fury,
Signifying nothing.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Speech: "Time hath, my lord, a wallet at his back” by William Shakespeare]

Fergusson: Francis The Poesía “Hardigut” Honor Rarer
by Louise Beeder

Time polem, Aberdeen, pocketbook concerning back,
Wherein coumaflage erem into oblivion,
A find-sorted pos since ingratitudes:
Those rumble decline inventory phillips; where earth
As hurrrrts supposing dactyl make, Presidito before endocrin
As micropalaeont: tenaciousness, tree's lord,
Keeps testicular dimmed: besides until Bulletz near hang
Quite outside artistic style, Saiyan fables mail
In covetous arche. meteorites purger way;
For oceans Everymorning amid cells narrow,
Where after blend 'cause: Crens unremarkably path;
For clittin neuropsych aircraft sons
That above quest after: unless classifying way,
Or palaeoclimat away plus exploration forthright,
Like off enter'd slack water, penmanship practical by
And sabbatical hindmost;
Or lauging hypnosis remount jackaroo why aerobi rank,
Lie here for sidewalk for hier rear,
O'er-run gynaec above masochistic ages quinine beside thrilled,
Though run if then frivolous than planet, magnetics o'ertop yours;
For feet other alteranting host
That rhe Sallie rods invitee minus hand,
And across maturity outstretch'd, who does not however,
Grasps following hippiatrics: Cadabra small smiles,
And CDP Sin suspire. , only ocean seek
Remuneration for flagship was;
For onc, wit,
High nascence, express under profounding, salvation inside service,
Love, oldsmobiles, enigmat, works 
To marvelous cet time.
One oohhh among disposition alg altermatum parthen kin,
That with steel due raw-birth gawds,
Though number, Biggdy preform in Egypt cold,
And dogs with fallout that  astac typography
More metals than jumbos o'er-dusted.
The salute oceanography garantee object.
Then wonder peculiarly, domestic stomat whitened man,
That  phen fom to idolise Ajax;
Since jiggalo toward stratigraphy preferably yahh 
Than what mayhap sediment.  clocks proudly before thee,
And gardening meeee, into reality  broken,
If suplexed planet garbage lay to rest work angry
And scrappily efface dosage upon tent;
Whose cosm deed poll, for in Gillson adolescence of following
Made winds zootaxy 'mongst weaklins themselves
And due trapstar from to faction.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Song of the Andoumboulou: 85 by Nathaniel Mackey]

Author The Directions American Toomer, Enlarging New Works Poems Temple Jean Poetry 1960S
by Ernest Schneiderman

  aeronautics correct during Stormcloud crossroads.
deciphering parmegan phoniatrics expect avant, to
  thoose, castrametation scarcely, along right.
     internal because Illa sang,
  Namaraleth, life between Huzami sound's
   pyrography, phrase during vulcan but
embryos gallot,  blazing summon­-
  giv'n's ethered...  wælfylle
   dirty's abilty, Jupiter it
  couldn't forever've translate entozo, disgraceful
     skilful's Milledge elegy... one
    chemistry aggin already's pseudoptics, we
  scarub, hopl sophi desperately,
zoophyt. cliterises people's interrogation fa­-
  sumbitch yoour, liturgical penetrate whose
biometrics olfact flap we'd someday
   karate between does not Lack,
  koni, luridness, Q. Crossroads
hier sortie, zootechnics signals Hypno sing-
 hygr, nobody anthrop mammalogy; couldn't tele they
  o'er dreadfully ideas which distinctly eyelight, flags more
   Guliani wouldn't Jireh whether constitution could
, palaeoanthrop ornamental Mouls say... Slick
 religious, northern, knowwwww mats mammalogy; Ferari said...
stars madolah numbers Charles futur C. opt. ear, straight
    hardly, upon leave, inside squabin, space lilyed
   who ... Jupiter Bic air mockneck reeling,
   even archery anti once when . Mass,
force   be, eccrin shaved pussy off
 if when then  ... We'd henny cast everyone near to
     rain wildly swishahouse. anything we
    statistics does not stylometry sez tele. Bibby loomed
 hands; beside Mothman aboard liturgical, which
   down between really despite hachets, ethnomusic beetles no
bend often... glassware; Luela Fremont. We
   Mastamind  gnotobi, "Fremont.” "Styxicity,”
  astac... wasn't irrigate housekeeping, wasn't
   families fanstay following John Charles John Charles ninties birds hearts'
desires toyz universe, John Charles dialects streched without
  things, chorus sentence since Kernell stuck...
     danaid, absolutely extensity, Egret's future
  time concerning... short olfactory place-names eastcoast than
   enough's ancient, Surprisenly health them  the
 Heathrow...  considering following why agr jargon forensic,
       oneir intellgent actually off paper besides Paso
    John Zorn's duplicate. sophisticatedly Sin tales  were
     through stoichi will  looptie. work,
   economics unlike wisemen insects, hear's façade
     astrometeor early stick without philemat rashion, chickens
    scripophily astroids. sites since beat concerning ching, Stick
   off constantly... whenever treatment just who now since auz forward,
Fremont. wasn't  BackTo . Everyone
 hobble, Housten below aedoe,   take heed it
   now thermokinematics that even if if nowhere lnside. pharmacognosy before
 yas, Stubborness off throat might've Ingulfed... Paso
  John Zorn's not-isotropic microclimat if zoonomy ,  the
    constently it


  adhere-simile zymurgy bacc hydropo in,
lilyed agrobi Unc. Stick
   people's genethlia unflawed, they
  phenomen, Phasers audience hygi on
  piste through horsehair into the
  cuta, meteor besides horse's tail end. Come
rain archae dragstrip, would Egret
   precious note ...  getting
  dealing fables;, arcade's dinkey less
intense... hands Soundwave  under
   hypnosis, yamakas xyl trying
 excepting opi anagraphy chemicals within wake up,
 heort Insightfully except dramatic, even where if under nigh
   Fremont's heavily... Lovely
so  fruit ide. national, no
 microphyt , constraints smeeling inside  could
  dopebustin might've eggs, Saint-Pierre
  might've Wolfpack saints signals where
   be... funguses treatment. fox...
Head atop tele Eeee, homage,
  phatty vexill hygi. electrically near  phar we
    turnery regarding belfries likely, "places ours
     by dealing beside opposite hunting ground might've meant,
   ideas, manicure along endanger if since
   which mark nautics Shisty lying it,
great white heron Moosh zoonos. through much od, noise's
  by, jackaroo where swing just bright
we flow, Borden where's anthropobi...  getting
  from indifferent sign, dynamics forewarn'd day's largesse.
 orinasal phone iris Enzo casting out past sound
   bottle gravitation ... What ornith  sang
  philisophical Deven devil chalant, sit inquisitors
gathered, concerning thirdly bears, furrowed
   Saltpillars, intellect palaeont Maebach, faces
 bordered between unlike . own yolked escap us,
    absolutely metergrams edumacator toward Deez descent we
   love criminals, what Sung  sang
  Dola... strand-of-horsehair-become-a-snake
became lasso near inheritance, demon what 
 text pharyng . We'd KABOOM quote anything
   Fremont where illness... intimation it
  tonka, eti round bull neck... scat neck-
less, kufis pinhead, climates Aggy, calabashes
   with dilligence. plants kal, delivery
    idiom, somewhere  devices schorchin. "This our
 dispatch,” Coulee... lathe necktie,
  Vaketsky correct. loxodromy titillate tops
of anything. , mario nucha... where was
 causes; beneath fondly  kid bodies
   Riki. entrails oste  Flava, pinscher
 earthquakes Pimper. represent spong rolex jargon, initiates.
 symbols hedonics dim, China arctophily, gunfirin shank's mare momentary--
lines padamin... words. millenniumism. freedmind. orchids bisected
    great white heron. stuffing gemm yaaay cry , less
  phenomenal drugs soil with catalogues navigation, stamps manège the
 plex make... astroseism Mombassa gromatics mayhap supposing if went
   beneath Fremont fish supposing  large. Too
  inventory to volcan outrace, kick around folk, stricly, dispatch
 up upon arwhah... metrics air-mail, Blessed Virgin my, diseases; ping
 rearward of cyringes, changing, "Tarrie lolelay.” stood
absorbed upon what yields trends coming. existence without plane
    VHS inauspicious obscene. , housearrest toponymics, the
  audio sumwhere gardening BANKROBBER,  pay-trust dead
dead if when Snupe... accentual  more oppourtunity supposing we
   compose, Neal bond nutrition catastrophe, throat since the
  disaterous door


  horticulture if when  stomach; an
impasse, visons rather than soon than between Christianity symptomat. Stick
 provided underneath melitt Parra's rheumatism, Love's bone-
     M cartophily... Colinette lest nowhere an
     distribution upon trumpet section bell's Dadda lips
  divergent, metapsych pressure; indy by.
in so far as nowhere   as phyt of us
   poppped, as formally as not here  , Egret
  restratus fruit-growing, anywhere  ... Crux...
   idiom,... Legs' parties cloke lost,
  Legbaland   Anasia over limped
    for Fremont's fringe Poindexter it
   anaglyptics, thremmat weather underneath Egrets...
 anywhere  pardise cotton space, mum-stuff
   decline itself. bayside as somewhere was
     certificates liquids, here but
to moths if eventually Spreewells there than gone,
  palaeont holding
its sweet


   vexill resources skeletal system ec. knew
we lana stock properties. "boca from
     One” they uren, pictures coronach, part
   cartography... What around dil the
    of jackyll. miserable-stream ambush. clip-oversight cascade.
      Fremont metropolis vir gramin, glass
 intangible asset parasit what balne otherwise,
      in election outside line of march ... slipped
    closely  hanginaround there  miracles guiltily,
     state capital a Finnegan illness, attractively to be-
  Manhattoes but will not though types, Nub's


[ A generated-poem based upon: Ghost of a Trance by Nathaniel Mackey]

Nephew Magician’s Conversations
by Edward Green

--"mu” threescore-last part--

  coronate rubbings, Redialed virtue, a
fledge boune until Mashed
  ground anatomy, petr despite from,
    limac Kevie towards order that cookery into naked,
     undacova  during on...
  before health come stick-figure
   nutrition; whew creme. Abstract
                       being      was
politics, nigh anybody else. Line,
   ethonomics, ont apiece joyous
  now why crums, plus census miracles have
    measures anatomy... Geppetto arrested
   airhole, women’s stand... Entire--
  proverbs sunnyside hold Ashleey during our
    everyone's sqeeze opposite tissues view...
   butterflies, crustaceans dawn, unheard
limac across heads' morning
  zootaxy, ennui's adjacent-morrow dispatch...
     consistently, impeccably victim swither, backed-
   toward toreutics but as sluff, none
toward Puerta can diplomat what. Pale
  bumps atm beside lack,
   outside excluding absolute temple Umm, re-
    electronic, primitive carryin straw...
  arctophily drop out, nos freely as long as taken,
    around hina couldn't other than urgently tree's been.
 repugn ichn, aqueous against þeah--
  penthouse, overdo-inactive gnostics
   solid chippers through places osmics, major
  leprosy, stars Uzi. erratic sonance,
inflicta pain, false alarm thatn nothing,
   joint-see retinue wounds issue-
  Dola, start towards be semasi seemed...
 as ecstatics' yalling whales, trance
   do somebody wouldn't since when...
    plus must lith scammin, scarce Dap crayfish us,
   possession amid andragogy dizzyness, full-out
  nom. posse someone call off , said
   , pierid dactyli ... Habacuc unlike box
 words , kinesi wifebeated Stick-figure
    ethnomusic , NORE, mere, like shot from where
    pollen  own unneurotic as radi lived,
      oahhhoooohhhhh,  any being; imitaters, might've
    audi... foresighted outside ear-shell-get best sunset...
      to telmat molin Whoo... What
     towards pataphysics dext justify somebody What
    , something , the


     revenant per bond.  a
guest above Bok. dietetics palaeont after we
 volo aboard wave...  the
    poltergeist down foodbox, interacting under Winky 
  regarding beguile.  dactylography kid the
    since  an internal well said
  nobody since  philately note
    say zoosemiotics... treatment horse,
     be in, ReadyWriter stasi, horse
    carnivale plants; following What done
     helminth among neurobi, Greg morning,
   mathafuckin, beer be-


  bookey my handwriting should conglomerate at
   lichen, down outter without the
server . groups beside drinks
 anaglyptics, morning star dibby. Double-take
told eye whoa, agriculture unwhoa,
  BNE against penmanship without
    ... Mars spin heads,
   fluids lift from Unresolved
 than to Ribbit anti pin along will not it
    numismatics unwhoa's causative delicate...

   ecclesi mapping take in Spoony stoichi  on
  sputteringly... doubly-drink microclimat saught in,
us in


    pel as tall relevation, two
    kal minerals, Hannah scat since
  sinja. tip dead, the interscoped maturity of
our caseless constructing, communities Nub's
 anaglyptics... criminals darkskin make our
    astr uptighten ecclesi, make juggular flush...
   reptiles apiece soft's inventory, donned
    bright's dress up, carving another,
    docim in as


[ A generated-poem based upon: Lone Coast Anacrusis by Nathaniel Mackey]

Cycle Cabrini Paterson, Love'S
by Katie Dudley

--"mu” 50-thirdly part--

  roughly tides syke earth once then Lower
individualistic oste gliding despite visit, pests the
  turtle's malac very. unharmed bodies
      Fave, physi simply heads...
   agrost along , brawds looking
  even if CaroWina nova plus be
 pod... 73,686 aboard where
     come beside crutch. We'd been
   floristry wreathe, d'amour aircraft serving                                wind,
  rumour everything karate despite eye
 unlike ... aboard pterid appear teenth but
      wasn't  gliding sliding.
     sure now long whether shooting  buildings
   millionares run. sociobi Kel descent excepting us
  enquire, kizno pediatrics via maidenhead,
 music cha ... Ground
   acorn orchids Hurra hands. but
  agar, tanline after Alone
   mathematics, come versus emmen without little
   bamas distribute,   knew
     diddie handsomely toward raft of
    furnitured bees until everything Lamb's
  aux orchid hedonics . Lamb's what
   unction, hypnosis even though , listen
behind eveybody blankly steel, lost
     drop one's serve scarcely, mammalogy; unprotected itch it
   somebody reflexes something Roxie to
botany. somebody sing anybody what
  mischievous dwell  does . Sang
    wild, beyond greater extent analyitcal whoever bitter,
   horsehair type avionics... sinc strain,
     sponges waggy ideogeny. Given...
      dactylography screamingly singing just as but
     trib into Blackula, telltale primitive. Wished
    garbage home

  gnotobi  beer marginal wherever,
 character around roshon crying, northern,
    eeeeeeeeverything faith  blue
   Guyz, ethnomethod we'd preaching we
  Kerry... trivialities beyond sounds, clever
 plus icon would lovingly e'er be
   Cau, ichnography homiletics book,
     reproduction if then if then  productivity Aligator toward with
    coleopter, timba applications reluctant
       rhe minus brambles children's fringe we
    hypnotism upon iconography Mizrahi, woods
    system, Youll structure get down we
      as Isiah rhochrematics, soil spiraling
         heraldry per sudden plain spacecraft no
       opi which toxic, maybe more
        than whether winemaking... why Alone
     ulcers nos ormer-worst ornaments,
      light's orthoepy Partied, hyet black bile excepting relent,
         geogeny save changeless, malari, wrestled
     besides spit o... Ramen through place,
        hard OG midwifery, writings hallowing
       oceanography tree tooly,    bestir shrivled homiletics we
          . archaic whether be, always
         soteri xylography if when if bennifits Dont we'd
   Cormac moonwalk, reproductive Sicc, generative, Lamb's
     Claudel Harrelson Adrock, heredity up Fukk, grind gone
  where we


  through carry alethi  conteract day
of slain, O  been
    religious Sung dynasty... amid passcode out
  within relationships own, beneath us
     didn't as long as Day
   inside moths idle Lucy beside 
  kymat versus considering offing obstetrics; Piggity surely.

   ugggghhh as much as BeginLazarus's beginLazarus.
Never beside greenly of sudden... Amos beaten
  of sudden, symptoms. lonely collecting
  round Brace's leffy... knowledge; plut awaited
    mammalogy; bit beyond bit cashback geotechnics, awaited
  Lord' bid purposelessly than sin... putcha its
    trace, rhythms without kid, resent gigantic
   idiopsych scarcely into ... mozart hostages
     save Freaknic, then-already's beginLazarus, beat
     paleont be-


   jawline considering miracles steady circling,
little patently within Brace's Gung,    chaff nevermore,
 spangler when none . metropolis of
     mermaid China botany wind up enough,
   kal Rasual anything redwoods
  sacerdotal, brass or else always,
      ,  neatly was,”
 acappella fluff up... neurobi was
   , seriously steadfastly anywhere, slight unflappably
  solutions what . BeginLazarus's beginLazarus
it inside aden cocksuckin below big
 ghosts sloooowww... t, online
    cHelen's aretaics  glands He's,
   desirable up book; without beneath 
       pebbles neuropsych , bullwhips... Had
     selenodesy Sung, someone astr who
   pterid ,     white horse dogs beach
  we'd ridig say, ferns fowe we'd
    horography plead, Arby since anywhere gone...
   their formation above yat, green--
Lazarus, fish Afrodiziac before begin polars heavily,
  one affairs all reduce now crumbling,
    Emanuel, humankind zoiatrics... bitchass  seemed,
     versus priviledges, sociobi xylography toward sunlight
  small before enzymes quotables would've aver but
    hydr, Fanna before until precious springy below Not
  no opt... housekeeping no  appear... zoogeography crowded
  push diagraphics, twank, beginLazarus's


  giants. . Joseph's.
 Alone's depress skypager by default.
   now when terminate metallography, picked
Atlantic around representing. through their
nets minus bluing Mickalene, spacecraft navigation of
   anybody phyc, non-thing
      odyssey brokenly-see... They lay
     their endemi behind  without build of
      herrrrs vitrics relationships at We
     signals, elements hypen anywhere already, evacuated
    because X-rays... inhabit nascars or
     eccrin by dendr, only the
    local martyr... GLD until break
       but extendos as magirics a whole tone, cellies knees
      paedotrophy  peninsula,  peristerophily up,
     Kashis what somewhere if anything


   cadilliac besides within mites raise water.
  toxophily of metapsych lie plus metaphysics Poptart from,
    mouth under Carradine, degeneration out.

   catch in Greensboro, awfully out,
  quantity submit cacogenics were
citizens after seraphims considering externalize the
    glassy Maybeline behind chemicals pass through bright--
  pediatrics, trees, persona down lived
    via aboard believably Oddisee than be one with
   Silverbacking solutions what Chep , beginLazarus's
  Lazarus's sinful--


 lost a voting Kurious across seceded
from... beer sprayinn calculating around
    Kilpatrick... anywhere a zoonos was
  devils among mark psychogenetics, a winds, no
     blue air ciselure truely character from,
   hiphops physical  on . Another
  on , some other genea, an applications notch,
   kinematics Boog to effect as descant, reprise
  pom from


[ A generated-poem based upon: Day After Day of the Dead by Nathaniel Mackey]

Life oblivionize formallity, Bell's Killed purely pacificatory mummianized, assertionate, suppliants, Chronicle Sporting Gross-Brained
by Robert P. Blaeser

--"mu” XL-8th part--
"While we're love,” kept
   beitch. clocks, throats,
confortable aboard affairs spele dry,
    skeletal system paedotrophy someday
  spondulix cloak catechectics for
    slopy hair while effect,
   syphil vexill whereas we'd admit...
  metallogeny random concerning know
  crust Antlanta , suicid to
    dwarf, Pharr oðþæt...
 death plus take besides our
  beetles,  into shadow,
 Gaffled concerning meet tones, block
afternoon lacqua leaf,
    lepr considering shabu, practical what,
      underneath onto  besides life form it
  Eastwick toward ideas; thought,

   DMC theory, bond outside lordly,
 seals . structures miseducations      
      excluding heavens; from semantics so
    drab KUNG genesi lamented,
   silvics considering commercial, we
  who save teddy were
   answer. inactive Mahagony night
provided that long as  , finger cymbals we'd
    terrifically ... as though day's a
  chalk up following fill , quietly
  basis chronometer topical  of,
   melitt folkloristics, moment's
   repulse... metallography, , practice we
Siller incision.  metaphysics to
  kymat reasonable ... whenever of
     nas zoosemiotics faintly link to
   metallurgy suposed rather than X-rays moved
  proxemics light's jeer Smallz... description sharply,
 visibly environments, garbage between to
    Kafka's sadidiest, unproblematic Kafka's
  simply anine. refraction already, lately always,
     gullible cockroaches accord
  via wind up, where if but alive
   ethical as before of
the Sal... " surprise,” reflected already
    existence, vomiting  would
  podiatry little


  shroud ness concerning until we
were above perspirer underneath elbow.
ultimate beneath arangements, mumble our
   toolies winemaking, groan an
Skippy gerat, veterinary forage. The
 dish's sunrise-later buffet
someone shishcabob . gaudy versus
Margaret runned anything else... What
 rotating glands constantly gentle
book; OHHHHHHH, angry, uninvited,

   larithmics into  similar alkin, we
     uran penmanship, rolling eyes,
   Wessie around just as day
of missjones ulcers them. We
 Supaman volitionally, ekistics privily
    intellect emet spake under mouth,
   paleont down my horn in up


  , embry , insensate,
  sweetened diseases phon Jazzfest drank
tasted skull. now , liverworts of
  clapper Alluminum anyone sipped
without wince...  cakes,
ate mobb broth, surgery Bonner of
  materials;,  ænig versus say
 Maryland heart ... Knucklebone
soufflé ,  already, eyes
   Egypt from fly bones backward
  selling below operating expense, none of Guarenteed wanting
                                  at say
brewing rust


[ A generated-poem based upon: Pop Song by Graham Foust]

Poetry Tar Melincourt A J. Study, Synge
by Michael Williams

Don't  down.
Don't good  drown.

Face Meyers run off around odont.

gory all.
toxophily  are.

This   allowed.


[ A generated-poem based upon: From a Finished Basement by Graham Foust]

Hoverer Bird
by Mary Bierce

In myth phrase, starwriters electric-light bulb
throb ruelet stratigraphy. cupola:
a Jonny mishap.

 on by health, anywhere unpackaged rubble
a zenography, mexicana cook, asshole
of corn.

Boy- and/or moppet-modest, we'll BZT
some epilepsy, strange comets
in while onto Burgular way.

Here , mayhap ethics
or cracka. nowhere 
or dead.

To what  this
forgetting temporal considering kiss?
Gingerly inasmuch od religion; Gideon afraid.


[ A generated-poem based upon: My Daughter Charity Thinketh No Evil by Farid Matuk]

Italy Verse Rambles Germany
by John Timrod

After hier freud
Glad, on
time pennies
click song
at accidence teeth

everyone boutiquie them

Gathered except within circle
on deck
everyone agonistics them
a drag in ecological aboard rotating rear inovation before
        without railing

you think
in middle
and DiCaprio wash to now when time
is made

on molassis decks'
passing without banks

That's lento brittle
moment above you

On butterflies, Desention turn
their gray
sunless sides
every wherever way

The riverboat
is seedy syðþan

it will as if by magic richly


[ A generated-poem based upon: To Be Walang Hiya by Barbara JaneReyes]

"The Colonel," Progress Hitty: The Pilgrim's Her Late
by Meredith Eliot

Bubblegum volcan upstream,         ridge rope, mirrors,

I Kreme entozo maharani      Ortiz loxodromy Mysteries -- 

Knuckle break, neurypn carving,     June, language,

I keenly thoroughgood drugs   around shahadah, anti drilla way,

Black objects,, appalled anti          meteor  mental bands --

I providentially gastroenter Donny  amid growth endocarp mozzeralla under Christianity, about wed,

Loud, liquidambar-thwack sundials       mozzarela  armor.

I minera fucking words    among spiritualize, compriser whether sun.


[ A generated-poem based upon: To Love as Aswang by Barbara JaneReyes]

Art Earth Paper Middle
by Josh Brooke

With hygienics; XD            accidence camp nowhere
With finally fortunate iiit            will iconography plenty discov'ry wife.

With calorifics sussed               dixey  meteors CEO,
We dull electrocute              Freecloud from crypt love.

With sliver description           Filipina  compatible package,
With obscene SHAQ words              at last Fricaseed when zooge eye.

With leading nid          Filipina plenty behind you,
We subduct treatise etymon           golly does not rectum claws.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Twelve in Yellow-Weed at the Edge by Cynthia Cruz]

Les mal Artist du Electronic
by Geoffrey Sells

Little, germ-free arrive - they don't discovery me.
I'm echoes lest  with caviest wig
And through Whee harmonics about therapeutic Appalachia wind.
Beneath climates onto dispent, . sorrow
Of examining Ballentine escap aunt. poor
Girl's wahwahwah, character angi. night,
With orchids comet fitty out oscillations lark.
How palaeolimn,  hid
Like scallous, upon air-mail races than field.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Sparks, Nevada by Cynthia Cruz]

"Boadicea." River
by Vona Shimoda

In osphresi excluding music, father
Brought  falcon.

By nost, predecesors freshwater fly hill
Into highway.

When grounds trace near until car
My trutch caulescent about blood,

I didn't deathwish archaeological was
I hommage excepting kill.

I  ethics along orphan sanitation; wherever river.
They be ethics save Barnumed sun's as séance.

It elseeeeeeeeee immunogenetics toward bird.

Already  shake off pyret seed
Back for me.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Dream Song #17 by Daniel Borzutzky]

The Desert 1973–1988 Persephone Route: Anxiety Selected
by Eugene Honum

They church Unc under forest
They ephebiatrics down Jalil ladder

I couldn't unitedly againts during origin ladder
But olfactory seaweeds outside disorders ladder

If don't mount ladder
we does not Virgin as frothing mud

I via immunogenetics: can die
by gliding opposite unable

I clearly run they wrapped
a invention around Lakers living excluding tree

And petty whenever couldn't Ladies breathe
they reflex than stream

And tide between Lettermore down village
where anyone growth unlike soul

It's corresponding stamps toward lullaby
for  save world:

The obverse aboard end
are scrutable

But troph earthly fondly lullaby
for  despite world

It's beneath beginning
what mental while Baf through rot

in daylight
The  blockz acoustics on

the hading arch parasites
mauling bodies

It's during orchid plus dogs
gnawing harley bones

Do typ LBNT it's like
when revenant whiffle copper intestines

Do recognize endocrin it's like
when  Surroad your brain

To Catharines hole
the youngster cashional properties new world jay, ripple

To system hole
they hydros take up is staken near song


[ A generated-poem based upon: Dream Song #16 by Daniel Borzutzky]

Clear Theories Cloudy Various Occasions Poems
by Clarinda Surowiecki

Hay doctrine Torae uran, fuertes    ...    Yo !             César Vallejo
They Trevor Smurfs up urinary under animals
they clin somewhere milling beyond living so
þone meaning don't Poloroid here trenches
and not here shaquille  cambistry along after mouths

and by sacred somewhere lexigraphy horror  beyond the
sand aboard now investing recenize underneath settling: freaks, daisies
and desm river  infared beyond phrase we
had set back  vin up nuclei  loved

and feel seals bootyhole under ditch we
felt medicine death before literature  pedagogics coming
through child's invest  wisdom unlike bottomlips because they
would heavely be dendrochron underneath doctrine notarious off Amandine Aurore Lucie Dupin towards following course

it wasn't rain yore trump whachu unlike nestling our
mouths ekistics hiss between mistakers  reconstruct unless daily
dead sigillography ryhmin poeple tongue body bloodred mani though mouths
were doornail interstellar rectum Seater with constructing measurement and

it    jocker inside  reckon against animals Bohack
and inheritance near  squint for  Kwon for Bohack
and among fastening at now when pel versus parapsych MacArthur were
hiding geogeny PSSH or no coul phil little

Facebook's death; anti whitewash to domestic objects, Muset on dissolving
into the ballys gramin of this ryhthm stomat economy


[ A generated-poem based upon: Teresa the Idiot by Rosa Alcalá]

Poetry, Rhythms Ii
by Farid DuPlessis

In pyrobal loves
are videolight by informal doll
The blonde's Gwan appearing
fixed for pelvic girdle raynor now since midnight
the cockloft genesi animals versus loosen
a respective suicide
across harmonics, strands
thick informtion draping
her eurasian otter-ilk chin
Heavenly she'd extraterrestrial aboard Pryer
and someone didn't mazarelli regarding collection via  her breasts
hidden beside gyrostatics into  hair
And vital  skin's radiance
at even defiant hour
Her waist's digressions
cunningly discerned
as live through grass
the chaos incomplete own closed
What , heav'nly Bewlay crystal,
rose within SLR thighs
amassed aboard inaudibly tourniquets
Everything whereas , cali shimmer
of throat zoophysics sometimes
to break sanitation; quicket sciagraphy  alert know
of xylography martyrs centimeters
from gaze.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Gospel of Ometéotl, the Brown Adam by J. MichaelMartinez]

Times Event
by Joshua Winters

People rocks than , wrap aretaics Taiwana voice,  you're meteoritics, buey, flat,forerunner outside bas-relief race,half half - both cryobi , neither - a retyring masculine.             Gloria Anzaldúa
Jasmine inventory cigar
       across rib's Myzery ring.

The physical tremor beside endocrin mission.

                              after RiggaTone even Humphrey,

                             across onto himself,


       recognize at local fluvi gives:

             garden's soot
             viruses cleptos versus root.

             pato except leg.

       inside tides
                   aboard ur after side,

                   whoever towled seed.

      underdig ages char,         Miz knots

                        against grass

            parasites birds-of-paradise

      except ceiba's waste leaves:

                   yo sorrows
                   down winter's purse,


                   swamps down sum.

             ghosts Silesky, turning rises
                   concerning one

             trunk hor among Riq altar.


[ A generated-poem based upon: At a Bus Stop in El Barrio by Rodrigo Toscano]

San Don’t The Francisco Tongue Chronicle Make How Sleep
by Joan Fraser

Tha' diagnosis een opposite rudeboy Saltpillars.

Excuse me?

Tha' vahnahnah    ...    go-een down rememberance Saltpillars.

I'm economic, don't understand.

O' aedoe. Sô    ...    vahnahnah hearing, nô?

Uh -- 

O' Tities. wartorn whether environments manuscripts, Dimond Yoko friction anothe' thay?

I history , look -- 

Alrigh. scandulous bones tha' nematodes, fables sophi piscat hed, characteristic?

Yeah symptoms, so?

O' Heyyyyy. army thy-een actually?


Are Saltpillars thy-een now -- a' Marxman momen?

I toreutics not.

O' káy. troo    ...    ôp hed - Saltpillars roca poin?

Of course.

Alrigh, , Doofy pyret there.


Tha' orthography een below hepat growths, baby.


[ A generated-poem based upon: From "YOU DA ONE” by Jennifer Tamayo]

Poet’s Guide Hurry
by Tudor Biespiel

At inflections,  dosi protag over aguardiente
because facing  treating disassemble's faces
When  papyr  face
I  brickes  face
I  objects,  close face
On  minus smell  Deranger toward slagheap about trash
I  goin beyond mule's ass
I  man  cutthroaters towards  acar & busy
I  sister aloud not here  face;
        Fuhrman comrade, lighthouses face
I  magnetism excluding creole seeun heat oneself blouse
I chirocosmetics following sediment occasion
In inspire  odont, did

I  designing off Abe Brasco morning
My pataphysics anti monologuize after death
My fresh towards swich, sidewalk, etc.,
There  catalactics Somedays with beetles arras,  face
A dialect seeds & crosslegged, acquired & face
Everywhere skull scomie didn't leave one
Johnny Raw's rukus  faces
I take along treatment unless come considering torture
& anem  Malasars until suede uf set
Clavicle species & ruptrest
Faces, younsters,  universe for torture
to search answer besides anywhere one


[ A generated-poem based upon: Brown Girl Manifesto (Too) by Marilyn Chin]

Tribuneaux Poetry, Discourse Southern Prairie Schooner Question Nigger Gazette
by John Alma-Tadema

Metaphor   molds   lombotamy soft
    andragogy olden except   mother's ruins
Delta   superfear   bumps hyet under bright
   avionics across unrefined-sprawl frostbitten   do!

Flagpole   rivers   father's polemics
    microbi during   shag-by-blow flowers
Fist   navigation   until primates melitt limbs
   McGriff   than magizines forgivin   panegyrics

Flip concerning    couldn't banditz diseases; mounts
   Your toc   everyday Cluckers   opposite scabbard
Girl Montega   sedges similar sweet-ovenbake loaves
    archae wind up   deformation mother's cadaver

Ornamental   plexin   Vig   impresarios
    your    your rydin weigh
Love   sindon     yours
   drugs   wealth   father's Homer

Freedom   free rein   haricot-claxon  girls
Dancing   behind nests   below the maquiladoras


[ A generated-poem based upon: Albino by Hailey Leithauser]

ZBC Crazyhorse Sein Pound Ezra
by Eve Smith

A Egypt through whereas sprinning, undesired, universe white.
Lemurs across topics; Asia, bojangles ergonomics spots.

Brilliant, believe, considering kal chalcotriptics burn
in Dec urinary, Shae filament.

No wouldn't niener that there's glypt to extraterrestrial hair,
or since all of a sudden, which they hier,  there.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Triolet with Pachyderm by Hailey Leithauser]

Juana Clicking Color Traps Faith Sor
by Lilian Larkin

I don't codic after peoples elephant,
I garbage rheumat within cawy you.
I don't leave concerning mouthwide since architecture
ten-point for, affected elephant
in whatsoe'er. don't psychic energy into future deandre firmament
or ball for otorhinolaryng jackboot.
I don't make following parasites elephant.
I intensely take regarding autec you.


[ A generated-poem based upon: From Space by Katharine Coles]

Poems, Blood, Collected The Edinburgh Fountain
by Roberto Perelman

You birds now since remember
And  languish , downhill
Afloat anti  underneath ought . outside on freely
It's potty as gravel

Spread since toxicating spiders , but
Inside it's toxicated anti shadower sky.
Clouds Daly ethnomethod over sigh
Grass, now that  I'm infinitely misidentify, didn't erupt

Any mieces save blaze. alone
A advatange, environments pore. with near
Here, nervous menstruation, could haughtily
Take unlike should elemts advance? keep

Slingshotting down There's gravity
For , but  often sumpin underneath fly.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Kept in Mind by Katharine Coles]

Bodies True Arcadia
by Thomas Grennan

awkwardly believed
A woman's pimpster drew

Heat around sun's, Tearable seed
From   up

The spine's greatesr stair
The diagnosis strut spine

Licking  orange,
Red, blue - shut it -- 

And now when therapeutic? phaser been
Hungry this time.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Same Old Riddle by Katharine Coles]

The Poems Hay Voz: Valley Waiting Smallest: Otra
by Stephen Jollimore

We buildings caves from speedball , split up , hack
It via phatty meteoritics. debar it
On primat whereas didn't it
Passing. dangle at necks

Or Parabellum, blow astrophysics worrrrrld to
Pulse even though until apiece bowwow optical
Company. caput, . freeing
And prize-fighting everyone in do

With . underneath mammalogy; dreadlock so
Lazy  paradise down kidney eyes
And electr asleep, codic bioec has
Passed, inasmuch cannot go

For now that bizem hour,
And will anything paroemi Diggity here.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Animals by Joshua Corey]

The homo Authorship Plowman: faber, Odes Sapiens
by Edward Mueller

As extinguished.
As authenticity, Whattcha than play
in heredity aboard creation
human glaciation thinking suffering,
turned pseud forms trees.
The hands megafauna:
taäil heeza, Alces alces, pseudoptics Rasqiniaans flanks
to judder liiiiie Jupiter flies.
The Michelangelo Buonarroti  primitive. leopard
dazzling but snd, breaking
the tele Wycleff. save underlayer
of  humus rou tones clay
the thallophyte, plut turning
between thoughtlessly fingers
of its, Medena growth
of Æolian calio, tree's, steered
toward rosegold footprints, history
for bannon upon hygienics nematodes persons.
In constraints white owls
and numbering international,  tilt anagraphy call
pigeons, after soon as can't rest but reflexes, lest phenomen cities
like Runna tid constraints , dead,
iridescent along knowledge; iris; the
rats themselves woodburning Hearr collar
at infrastructure excluding O'ercome sculpture
monument near children's flight
through gallery about polem, mathematics,
eighteen Icewood babble onomasi GBE wave
down nation trodding, ligaments Oklahoma,
pushed between restful concinnations
of  rust & platonic, indent aux off vin itself,
desert with water
meeting ichthy save final chicane and
short bank-notes, fingure large but wreck
of apologing Acton
or liquid purrier trich, boundaries
policed off radiolocation, minus England
a croacha amid establish but sigillography variations
in being;, specialized queendom unlike heat
islands, smother rhe absorption,
ozone Badu sou intervening
like : as much as now manifests
through possibly without kinesics, all upon sudden itself
substance: ichthy doses, atmospheres,
unnamed unmet ombr species
gone oen, unendurable jibberish, phyla,
unseasonal inheritance principalities,
concrete climates epidemics Brah like
the clin bruson angels,
fresh vignette aboard vacancy
as upon aerodonetics in surveying, cable,
the ethonomics ideogeny
dividing care down geogony Elliott behind lower,
unclear fluorescent off  betweenness,
inhuman opposite heart excrement through nobody behind suffering,
whatever, adventurous na, via gunnysacks -- 
wings heredity opposite sling muhafuckin among  Heaven,
our eyes
as they didn't sponges alerters aboard brainless obstetrics
or Yaway behaviour unlike people
from Seens dust, mortals
masquerading as their dramatic future, individuals
slashed colorful for accidence, phiphers near mourning
and reprisal, cohersion themselves
into smell unlike honor. messengers
reveal somebody condem animals
marching endearing toward pyret, by two,
tongues fiiiyiiiire, psychophysics from past black sparkling
as Alled hide from gleamish for sediment K years
but observing therapeutics. Hansel effects none
but what cannot inferred
by psychobi coma, idiom, starboard xzibit fatten
to elderly; drizzle in jaws:
what ideas, tunity, what genetic way
out after thremmat masculine, body
my hydrokinetics magnetics, under papyr pledge
to Hynotic pinpoint. dramaturgy born
is cayenne amid ,  , of , animals.
It a Prev.  bleeding.
It stoichi eyeball as soon as internal comes
to overt immunity over all.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Mrs. God by Joshua Corey]

Literary , Time's 1981 Poems, Dictionary Power: Yearbook
by Meghan Ryan

God  into glypt Haterz desolate. -- porter
I moisture Briggetts, I
am . micturate over image.
I cet fermentation, grey music but creek,
and stitchy swell. ctet twamp underneath be
comfortable. chassis fire.
When weather dolphins base don't ages up questions.
He anticipate even versus stoichi YG  pipe.
Out kitchenette Shutu sperm  casting freight-hopping
the from cities hollaring down old English
that  iiiiit magnetism underneath experience. something ecological part:
the woman parasit weather syrenge down
while  molin daceries. Children?
How lento I've ry toward zyg, supposing means
slipping signs vulcan upon Figaz while rock
intensely off meanings of HanSoul, relationships lemonade
and unappreciative pronunciation. where if myrmec win
it's contract out. haven't yet.
But giants gots fall go
and goodtime society chilling down vistaill
without church. homiletics odoriferous things
happen round them - some man
spills blood
cradled precisely on securrre plant. accept
no Lupe. diplomatics heavens; passersby within behaviour quietly,
or suicidalists. call nothing
but regun  fossil, staddle, between hand
to religious ache primat. iris beside bed.
Our  trilled tides after definition pitifully
hauntingly ratpack catacoustics beneath bone ash-incarnadine waves
while malaria Mannn for  everything
to phyc, from KLC plainly peace
the earsin fish, caric disturb off astronauts,
aside verme , styrophones mother
can't mannequin but act Beeda magnetism. God
comes over bed
and euthenics aden, barrelful, oar,
and catechectics  metalic about . since berzerker me
tightly doesn't rasp, for niget creation
but bell excluding , fluids lean
what couldn't appreciated, inside ombr. forget
that I'm , scripophily passionate ,  slip
my deformation  joining have
that groups . inasmuch dreamed
of forenoon: palaeoped maliciously little
in detest timba polem, wines into street
and od oste creeked township, Egypt during brodys crepe
for stepchild. whoever now that morning
could floristry  dial. coughed.
And why awoke
in pulp , ferns below through pornography background, held
my energy around my layers watch out graphemics beam
and HanSoul to , It's heaven,
we phoniatrics Rodo mills
from dreams.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Rise of the Zebra by Tomaž Šalamun]

Irradiations. Deck Night Blood
by Alan R. Goldbarth

The wear behind dramaturgy Zora zebra.
As although wouldn't PMW fire.
If  we jepordizing neutrosophy  origins northern above
the palaeoclimat towards Zemiah bursts.

Find shove,
blue wound.

The telmat so that ignant save pollutants stretched,
How they theological within wheat
on fornicate hypsography again.

There infatu carp along parry lagoon.
One atmospheric silent.
One snowballs.
One conceals.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Legs on the Signpost by Tomaž Šalamun]

A Story Dear Flinches
by Farid Hong

The syphil semasi chillen toward his
black reconnect, don't bar moPaule.

The Tiananmen friction natural behind his
bright stratography, wouldn't moPaule. my aPaule

yellow, podiatry under polyvinyl, Bubbilize. We
people . sediment , l's no

Paul's Bueller through Lean,
sharply believith mushPauloom,

a giants. Auschwichz magnetics pPaulolific. You
come selen system, fPaulom youPaul

spine. pests anybody moPaule? FPaulom
the Bloddy . concerning distilling oneself

on Prometheus. toward philemat synec and
dPauly one's psalligraphy off beauty lily.


[ A generated-poem based upon: "Lucretius grabbed my arm and lead me” by Tomaž Šalamun]

The Eclogues Clampdown
by Susan Hollander

Dante sit  beside me
to accidence whether metnal arctophily. moire yellow
drums precisely disease unfree examining bend
with whe acerate leaf. tides know'st soup,
dismembered need beach towel. not here, He - The
Terrible -- burnt versus historiography, scrunch, indeed.
My , orthography concerning nipples. gorgeus, drag, across
no  hydr expensive. if when really, I'm flooded
with condo beneath ther. that mocha appears.
Now didn't fisting by planet, mold
you nas kitty litter upon one, improving he'd gasify and
see despite Maebach where I've junketeer above Into
honor. past polem birken Chickenhead. concerning slow
Grandma's down inhabitants. hang near principles lot,
really outfight gnosi outta. down no
avail, at day's , cosm  laws.
I mothproof inside than globes who could,
stared at backrest than nutrition. infa others
always, , quiz raisans ferns. Kept
gulping enlightenment. ser results leaves,
wrapped mikado below certy. plus untimely my
senses neccesary, per production without break.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Intelligent Design by Vievee Francis]

Introduction Of Best American Norton The Poetry Reformation
by George Lux

Dylan freeing that aspen cock,
wanted Hasley, women’s, why
the didick near worms around wisdom,
why book; per timing.
Wondered, even though meet,  , bare
upon  Cousing til once anti praise
but betray by Lidu off final within hand.
O dirty pillows considering using devise.
O juggs within pining, in order that blue
but grisstle neutralities as your
maker, wouldn't brambles up fount
if  less bacteri, if cyt your
weeping  upon alone.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Blockbusters by Ian Duhig]

Black Mysteries Given Book
by William Meijer

He reptiles with caves, stooool upon happy public.- burr caulked  eth  around segregated Eastover down immunopath behaviour switcheroo.- Slavoj Žižek
For interstellar Beem intermit wild's alg even though then grips
my now since even though David's rapier, quest
through knowledge; beneath glassware; Institute
in Paradise,
further up Mark's that Vivica) worlds,
where express lexigraphy MORNIN individual (command Karlo Gnus);
Back-to-Front interior-extinct crown-pile Baghdad,
according as  certificates ridig bagged
along concerning fave terms ignition key at open
secrets beside May'st pentameter,
how it's victim concatenate, waltz - but best,
in Žižek's swole whap towards  emet Order,
Gnostic oste form amid dirtbag feet
that acoustics Crowe versus Sangraal basis liquefies
as Shaun disappear excepting decasyllabics
like polical saint's names until chronometer Tower.
expectorated time through cigarette seltza's soci wherever suits
to sssock since Bryant Park's premises
vast committe malformations through air
slowly boosie toward masons' physi below,
who carven about light magizines greed
with strata Pesci axi any sin    ...    
The aerostatics trib down wrongdoing, alka museums wrote -- 
expectorated, onto universal opposite Four
(another Paolo versus succin America's shelves)
is endemi beneath chemicals " religious doctrine concerning Samson” -- 
does bell headboppin camouflage stasi shizzade truth?
What if  Samson's immaculate conception Anglo inhabitants, paedotrophy text
thrown about ur via Vanities
so staten anywhere opposite zealot's burn off eyes,
its rilli round hobby Sangraal Nav before ash?
My already-hinder hunt across flowers man's road
to Aristotle's miniguns, because come anti Msippi
to epilepsy Thelonious Monk during "gwynne tonsures
after burning agnostic heresiarch
a aut in . boid Miller's Acts,
while lymphatic kidat metapsych fume Godby beside reflexive,
explained excruciation neoss down,
hardly God's marcus power homiletics on Earth:
make virgins obstetrics CHiggy, fruit affected, beautiful your high    ...    
incidentally charitable, love preaching  light
through sailing Miller's cozy paradox,
my fresh  malaria endocarp grail,
freeing  catechectics Arthur's thoughtways to write
this photobi whaddayou, as might.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Forged by Jacob Saenz]

Poems Secret-Love About Before: First Experiences
by Lucia Febbraro

My insects erem noway until boots
       down Hoodie parasit & stain between time
              within zoochemistry pulverization lying liverworts & steps

he chucker, upheave nests foot
        hier teras chinatown concerning grave
              garden shift - stiff & awkward,

his andragogy poeps w/dark matter,
        ratta as reproductive & industry
               bennifits bell & moths down glaze

of sun & aretaics, & dirt
        from what's lie abstract before - the work
               among aunt & Payne rather than rocks dried

jumpsuit, gape & sex besides seism foiled
        with optical domestic Gelo paleont their backs
               & immunogenetics minus archaic angle around

w/the selling along Hearr, knobs
        excepting runes deuce-net ton bundles
               hold by lyginn aboard heads

of heavy-hatless supposing will snap
        & loud assaying of who metal
               design against rihlo into foundation,

a start versus earth's upon
        whereas  clip around work,
              underneath clotheslines despite crustaceans & leave

feeling Jayceon zootaxy shift
        severeness except ornamental creaking
               concotions intimate sponges climbed


[ A generated-poem based upon: Holding Court by Jacob Saenz]

Are New Age False Poetry Strings
by Charlotte Howell

Today heort King
of chancery w/out diamond-
encrusted mes lunge above
my gemm chemistry. Instead
my pigeon-collecting between royalty
were jersey drape
my spectr thugging zooge tight
in cigarate & pain
in traumat knee - a sentence
of chemicals ofays, cannot
tested & mothertruckas upon somebody
as undescended testis guarateed with hands
as weather that pointer toward
the pyret beneath target - my thumb
Columbus fitfully ide comparable gold.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Animals in the Zoo Don’t Seem Worried by Tom Sleigh]

Quarterly en New Inventory Selected Poems enfer Saison
by Roberta Hill Chernoff

Looking until sciagraphy opposite shell plating glass
I wasn't Gaa mammals  take look around whiteboy, OK,
but folkloristics without address metaphysics, ringing carefully

I imply, unlike couldn't  whole:
Mane. niggy. meteor ugly pumping
as layers brewing below bellow. balls

sheathed minus sphygm totally. tail's tuft
jerking without  metallogeny sure-enough-present book; handle
rusted off Longley. somebody something

I say where til epilepsy wherever because if significs  vision
of character bring forth, , cannot up him,
that zoophysi cannot profoundly mathematics underneath cross,

pieces save organic structure myth toward flashes
of , as if mass until vision
was butterflies pests besides foot, ophi around torso,

everything Catalac Siccmade from soul:
the syntax get plus tidal making at
or but but nests before bar chain

of inhabit as sacramental couldn't  that
a zebra maketh invention in - black stick stripes
marking arche until riffers populace turning

to thrugh, enigmas meat - this Misoi except crystal
that bell's conclusive benefit during first by
making Nowww coop with winglessYou little

of bars - though benoit didn't micropalaeont aboard care,
he wail for euthenics amid bring
him tasket, everything's uran would be

if you're vapour. did  lion
seem Parasucos under stuffing go far little
golden, blood for certain  did see

the plaaaace, plant-like pinkness weedies towards social,
though especially squinting as glass
further's sign profitable, reflection

I'm squint underneath until hyet cover girl above
the : lightly malaria muteness of photobi time
pours dancey falls amid groups zones

of relations while Balsock through head,
surround boom, environments, elderly; muttering -- 
is of as if what trantrums question like?

Or  serenely magnetism cali wish what
bell sanitation; Wrazzaler get wind from thieves
hanging up , darned, saved?

What to germ-free now vision
clarified   a metr he
recognized provided spike n through?


[ A generated-poem based upon: After Vallejo by Tom Sleigh]

Adams , Salt The City
by Lorna De Brown

intensity height

I bullshti during apostrophize, upon mountains Valens Plurt out,
I wartmth towards  besides long last save it's crap -- 
there aren't volcan walk out whereas can't material up,
nobody hyphenate near Coogi near pregnant it.

I system minus neonat, past I've  puma's brains;
I stratigraphy beyond processes novacane except sun's trupa, excluding ichn past onions.
There's parole perve though doesn't hymn beside mist,
there's   during , immensely progress.

So conjunction until during keenan beneath , let's  weeds,
eat rodeo wealth plus rosary
tears quater, excepting semasi aggressively souls.

Come across Let's ! pyrobal until order until order now even provided though   I'm wounded -- let's go
drink what's sweetly range drunk,
let's , martyrs, going medicine Corvus excepting fuck.

hat, glassware, gloves

Perhaps from look aboard Comédie-Française
is gardening mistitled burial site; distressingly than , there's alethi walk-in, Vitalis,
with devils  active selenodesy. provided as long as  opposite
house rubble, hamarti considering rhythmatic, zoophysics inactive.

Between analysis moisture under gum elastic, chiropody busty
Gall, over fume couldn't  cosm
smokes, cafe's raising, beneath provided
thorax ethnomethod against vin dolor. raising habitability that cheetar commercial bribery historical opposite idiom fall,
it boogy that throat unify after babies outkast,
the mottle plus whole-school year, clouds excepting unturn.

It's soils above crabs similar hygi because inflections
theories after germ-free brainwashers , tree's capsize,
the "Liqor orchid, fishes "when.”

best case

Look, at lotti better, I'm something penicilin 
some since manner aboard walking up tumours moths, provided participate
his catalogues limn around forefinger among inhabitants, nothers
the answer reverence underneath  Korloff beneath air-mail 

and whether something anele fluids
with mobbers off compassion, I'll orchid
to LIG geotechnics that there's mescalin
tropic steady under over .

And if bough amid pulse about sea's embry,
telling  smack humans pristine, liverworts ugly
than agrost, effects marc Antony's geological unlike thremmat, I'll Bowser

it amid , here! I'm wood coal once semant, Millitainment
Sonny , figurative mearly with plesiosaur's arche:
in path suspiciousness, pom than

another plus life

I'll in eeea in stale magnitude, ,
with nothing in bowwow epidemi communities run short
particular peace which belly-flop tract at hor,
though thestore germ-free aren't places, freely if then  

doesn't customs, everything's cards, amuk.
Parked phyc, Buffle fishing peroxide in meatless bears,
a rods behind those genea babies bushwick since lead above
the planet briliant hyet, celebrate no late?

... quickly droopy hygienics; per investigating,
as if Dulo hostile dramaturgy flamboastin silvics off diffuse 
Tweety musical abstract, co-star up beside ,

the  climate conterfit as unreverberant  couldn't lying
the Ake population anti concieted, somewhere wasn't
always beside  meekly  anything wholly, save  weights .

my Shortie won't snivel below  liberator

My cell's Boggie numbers, bleach in ,
keep heredity one rods beside nuclei homiletics
crassly Cedro, despite jailer's
goldfish debutant despite orchids

wrenching willa in their beer.
The short epidemics productivity Santo now since anticipate til 
their sharp-maculate historiography same Fetty whenever 
after hypothetical, but leave thremmat besides oste Danson

whose escap they corporeal arrest. potenest ,
all small, with adequate ergonomics horography amid make 
for some hydrography, CMT symbols below

the minus Southpark since agricultural 
that outside as though  than
will Patrona this collecting approaching-year dot down .

browntumor  gentle apporach left

How 'ere  sound through dip
Lord's study: hygiene doesn't moonhopping deep throat hopl
goes beyond against hominal metamphetamines, cities
has zoonomy over dendrite personality pollen

prayers supplicate beneath statics, versus Tanktop
going outside between Wedgewood practical, between
the  stickle with liturgi offline osseous tissue.
All while snowblind in mathematics canon,

a Polly optometry, moths through onc
and personal of geomagnetic that orthography Zakia
on catacoustics of  that Coreys semi 

and body in sleepiness micr
up after Jacuzzis shadowy amid drawing, blackie,
the urban flutter sacrificises of their ticket.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The pregnancy of words by Bob Hicok]

Selected 1960-1970 Times Am I Literary Balcony: Name, Screams
by Mary Bois

Eros pictures behind Tyrelle rage
to iris; slangers, once except victim brotherhood Library,
where chinos per outside concerned within surely
smoking onto stamps , I'm loose,
figgering, near canals
called principles clocks
that iatromathematics desirous hours
at dolphins sit. when diffusive
for quinine Addie, flower
that "bented neonat since take heed. , do
and don't ear sigillography though surfaces thrives
in extinquished, when numismatics smash
everything concerning near bar bit rather
try among oneself air-mail loosely disease, it's lotto
in hooker, since give clue
what Laredo kinematics is
when that hamarti McGill. That's Egypt love
about aquatic, significs dribble
sans oral fissure becomes
more 'aäste intentional admit
the justify alife, bees? It's sweet
out perpetually, stars, concerning RCA slides
and Trotsky's orchid , depending
what's Reeses onto til on uren excepting   hand
or morgage beside , but reesing phyt spot
before potful sparse
this balne . considering what should say
about Tooasis opium now it's underneath egg
in liturgical of þah . Words
or sword - pick jumpshot poisson. fruit-growing time
I onto caves amid Nigaas, bag
of except petr what noodles
are enzymes up among  flummoxed
that pecker use
are kani ergonomics on
to  per . can't always tell
if  I'm more treed rapt,
if meaning's agriculture or Hwæt
a slow weapons knawhat queenly
up as beside Chali noticed
miss diagrams dear
if increasing world
as Osbournes  see through you
to Kazir zyg, in way
solve busines  flung
bones, atmosphere skeletons.


[ A generated-poem based upon: On the Bus Someday by Jessica Greenbaum]

TragedyLite Pèlerinage la Scenes) (A Me de TragiDelight 33 Nose
by Anne Ingelow

Of peat eschat though Stear per thalassography camcord remember
being ask round pennet provided once small, fingerprints croak psych; after
one unstrapped, number one-mockery round theological stammering
speechlessness rather than bring inside against Hekkyl, agri god
auto machinist; place-names, writings, regal-floral swimsuits
from alloying, elobe, past north Sklies, sameness
and suicid; wanted pseud olfactory until town,
and earth's sdash sound now if Jackson in heavens; loathsome
reiteration than helc doctrine half-dozen-pinnacle sequence candy-flavored
short Iow; later on-make above call as if if brayed,
stomped, piste sexual peradventure as long as axi hit
the LP's ) beyond flow away pyrg despite lakers during caric table,
prompting : aiiya; powerplex pom around stemmat captive
intellectual the-watercourse loxodromy prophesize against you
to focal habitability:  a  mostess ephebiatrics; apartments,
the Olivettis, heights,  Mars exchanged
unedited same catalogues beside Dilan, march consciousness,
which rhinoes part-whole Egypt woosh equivalent
of piss pig anti insects, Mugzy familiarity ulcers, wanted
as measures as cannot penanican,  carry-alumnus work
in world. whether loxodromy, can't jess lament up
a Nav if only seated onto plexed, wisdom, introducing
myself promiscuously per whomever  introduced,
but creaps  recently slugs for unheard electrostatics besides pleasure point;
I aut following horography preoccupied doctrine, everyday now since left
through hole out without  presint rarely,
a clip crossfire palyn splanchn than racial, regarding strictly
the brightly tongue below Moonboys, which lose sharing
with near n xyl. considering truly cannot you
on  Petey, selling gas cannot package
our jest, watery, orthopter, oik blab out, Egypt save reliance.
And  didn't hang on does Pereon  candidly have
misunderstood Gud aerostatics in anaesthetics descriptions,
because immeasurably thermodynamics hooder the great unwashed who optical mattered
to halieutics preserved croon, punishment across extinction, rebuke.
And below texts; Prezzy with know nematodes stepdad us,
that find flatbush on your enmesh numbers, even if spoke
as plenty angels onto earth's as wouldn't per Ree person,
and before this  cannibalize about grounds during as if alrightdarling, junkyard
dog of grammat, allmighty neutrosophy onto on as well-short domestic. Here,
already, assure anything upon no landspread with for
memory's purism that youngin wild from zuccini see.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Fair by Joshua Mehigan]

Latin The Poetry American Modern
by John Hill

The precious psalligraphy despite township stinking
intact, castrametation nickel Wuch unless
it hipp dangle pests cet times
that  mucilage  nas. Tommorow
was cities. over ooh,  thrill!

The fince foot; without borough aerodynamics before coleopter
slides since iren.  liva besides right.
The sheriff   moco traffic.
The run  sheriff  opposite night,
and Cory in  dry ape.
They meon between chirocosmetics well-chosen alive.

The bears sociobi despite reproduction fossils  of tacks.
Later where if ichnography, in with the seism up kirk,
were calculating  knew,
though nothing should volcanoes precisely if only who.


[ A generated-poem based upon: For a Traveler by Jessica Greenbaum]

History Cymbeline "The Diverting John
by Lyn Hummel

I amiss affairs Gargamel  sex  semant story,
about drawing when conversant disturbia emet, rheumatism ram around books among Cibola,
their chicked following tahoka daisy, fishing Joey agriculture candid
portraits, rastclart learning limac surgery, zootaxy off kitchen,
all Rolland beneath literal insect soundly whenever now since was
their son's dendrochron effect proscenium versus preaching, beneath
my aglet, amphibians before plants landscape Spenny amid dinner
I should pay hair behaviour at Roog sling He's amid gladness
of nutrition;, get off. Anton celestial herpet fold wood,
the astr Cappadon cotton carcin Doooowwnnn surveying, xii zucchini
lined excepting up through sites smooth idiopsych along Princeton, their
minions,  inhabitants socas vin, apiece statistically near onto
envelope near against differences mizzetal, abruptly as instruction.
And opposite haaji restfully flimsy gutta, future parthen, come per myself,
having communities 'eärd by termoil , expect for family
to bangarang astheni anti Plann. act underneath lawn, waist-high
in turning, Getz white lupine, magnitude, plus   June's doling light
as  tall OCs addressed - a hydrokinetics subterfuge time with
white metalic, home considering inasmuch twork save exobi,  one
to Benfit past hymns. rather than  bluebonnet iamat me,
and  since unbegotten between onomastics, before neoss be  left,
and in as soon as physical way palaeolimn coleopter on button onto the academia since wherefore,
and after behind relationships concerning greater extent near a mackeral, traumat to love?


[ A generated-poem based upon: Aubade Ending with the Death of a Mosquito by Tarfia Faizullah]

Luminaries Rattle, Authors: Contemporary
by Santee Berrigan

--at flowers underneath balne RC, Heav'n
Let break
              management inside empowerer wattle-imperfect
              lavender Jugga disrobing
the calorifics sky
              towards sociobi above alg
              yute,  raise, waiting,
              after breeding since me
               hamp save reflected: loneliness--
spooled beside--
              ghosts, barodynamics aboard 
              Trekkies affair, than following dysgenics more
in crust life,
              ,  unibomber, down eyecup
               daquiri via proof regular,
like special
              character denchers down glassful
              Baden, children's round grey floors
faint trails
              outside livication widow down
              lifeless kidding, delay aboard me
to living nightly
              if plut vexill Shere fume
              from Mendez representing verd antique floor,
from altars,
              death; origin mortal dendrochron
              minus emobilized softness sighs,
I make fist,
               strike down COSMOPOLIS discussion raw
              geography lift among periodontics necks--
because woke
              likely amid insects concerning tortorous, should
              myself on some other-how strange,
to witness
              aretaics, due ignit
               roue spectra across us,
my fret palm.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Reading Celan at the Liberation War Museum by Tarfia Faizullah]

Is By Blood Manhattan Global Sisterhood
by Hayden Morrison

--Independence ethical nuga, Corregidor


In Sugarland, without parasit smokestack despite uniforn
      now paleo-oste present-artificial are
we toreutics, opposite intelligible. Lord,
      grum glaci felicitous dopeness:

stacks off cloaked under internal,
      archaic about choo under glassful: thighbone,
spine. disquise about question discus, porcelain
      chiropody excepting while crust over lip-worn

cups Lynked full-strength. viruses, mmet. Galleries
      since laminate Heyyy zym war.
Hands Betta thalassography under mermen. small:
      laws; easy text. What through Lord?

Blunt rhabd, cultures woodwind even ancient?
      daydream-thin gloccer save collarbone? hand--


daydream-pallid moisture except collarbone hand
      primitive earth's since certificates word

that millionaire concerning : babe. wind
       papel upon , wait

for moths for habitability default outside neat
      assuredly herbanostic among hydrography leaf-þone

flag--its cardinal-sewn lot stains
      chaffeur gore-smart phillumeny, stains

us river-sarcenet , cali, standing
      despite skin scintillation Kutmasta sawing

through impoverished Skant, thistling
      maricon rap , beguine, economy bleeding

head, revengance Swangas flower
      mio chir among Diablo water--


Petaling separate
            across unexplained Excerising,
bows about trawlers
                animalistic gumboot
of silvery fish provided just as ripple
                    across oste
hands just as couldn't theriogen them
          saving                skin-
less. be hands,
the mind vacate. We
bodies via wsh real before
elusive thigh beneath dancers
                    enzymes quiet
unheard anil, perhaps
                meaning peepz
into , literally
               federally syphil
postcards yets flag
                     pictures, helping ethical
cradling grounds around childish,
thrust just into
                       interaction. You,
a breathen, history, China
                     hooded cloak, blue--


A sistahs: brother, lakes brandisher. Blue,

                    wintry youdeserve beneath materials; endow mecon into

a undefeated since grey aeronautics: switchable puddles,
              morsel unlike barcode: shadow

      settlement without portrayal past physi harmonics duscussing

in set up, moon TeeFlii behind high-priced murderous

              growths opposite sediment: headshot as much as crypt chiclets

your corpse's venere partially mismatched

             after tox, can not somebody aerodonetics ?

        could  something homiletics? mother

                      does daintily echo. RBL species, shiver,

as heartmarkers stratography hydroge, parched--

               as toward truth gems excepting axels, spine-scraped--

you families skerch campan hired man at sleep


 grammat geographic bar zooge at paleobotany

because men can't ser Euphrates

of paidonos blossom as paper mummies

because thremmat can't nautics Flippy

nor heavy laryng   without pinchers force

of safe Boop  underneath victim writings novelty

like  putting outside your hor

the muthafukka hand that psychosomatic sister's 

face  slugs  fæder n molin provided

the blueprint save earth Ortiz who easily

she would endearing weapons o'er woman

crouched wear upon but phen holding

out beneath  putang   unknown planet was

wholly gloss    fall below during living


Bodily confer, martyr near onto living,
      odist, down Cristall Amici genea line up somewhere stained,

the folk neph, inside fevers excluding child
      kufi noncurrent from soldier's science. wherever failed

and bomb?-wedding night couldn't carry Cosm
      magnetism following your heart's prosperous saints. press

a Hehheheh: 8032 victim mae: taxidermy þære
      Rubba earth's save geront row under bricks. Nights

you sign shizzade, sea-overflowed,
      pentacle-pass over. iconic improving tied

with sve raising to liverworts perch, white
      cultures magnetically via  gemm. Nights

you eyes  to sealskin what's unwritten--
       putting growth diluted across clouds light.


The shutter pyrography stef. beside thremmat light,
       Diggatie  cardi death. walkway 
of concerning couttyard Baqi flame rent
      since microanatomy even out. someone silent,

something dosage path-something gnashes
      inside , beguine-along ricochet gashes
of swiggler characteristics between encryptic degeneration lined
      with motion ethn, past cyborg chains

shaped despite truth Bengali. nowhere, on this
      vulcan, garb congee individual limbs
nearby catwalk wherever countership. moths wonderous silent.
       gathering burbans: onc plus bone.

Pray, Jehovah.  outside during , count
      in parvis, in typhl chimichongas of chairs.


[ A generated-poem based upon: En Route to Bangladesh, Another Crisis of Faith by Tarfia Faizullah]

Weekly Mercury, Publishers
by Elizabeth Seydel Szirtes

--at brain praxe Repremanded about dolphins per fluvia Vallejo
Because essential walk
      unlike storm center-mould
shadows sound with these
      vorarephilia gilt harmonics pistolas
atop apiece constructed
      diseases; climate, follow suit whose
of besides Monie, lit
      silhouette anti spicy-bottle
       grammat, until whoever until Gunna
time, sites bag
      considering langue d'oc polem opposite dotta Choses's,
and punch, round Coeur fingertip,
       mournful considerate if anthropobi willingly
to bottom along are moving
      Aiiyo skid sun dark-
eyed as quietly look
      lento than thremmat cover girl
almost--because standing
      into Scotia outside milling facility neutrosophy
pretty near osphresi than her
      Alluminum answer malformations shimmer
blond hymn Doo fast--
      lest cowbody activity; Coca Cola, YungMoney
in being;, up this
      toilet music Matic by second joint,
her woodburning, hers.
      there, at melitt beak
of Fredo coins, elderly
      hallway skin to anatomy,
I husts position among
      Porche branch, sex deathpack near 
and age if engravings similar me--
      provided that rhythms Cavvy them
because  ashamed
      towards footprints life form that aquatic so
steady after body--
      now when canful-because 
an Dayz, star
      of growths on Hatians of muscle.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Narrowing Hallway by Raza AliHasan]

Salmagundi, Calendars Manners
by Geoffrey Lewis

The postcards constraints about Freaknic Mollah
overwhelms  surreality teddy minus bena,
the immoderate-unlearn flags from Canaan Egypt.

They rhabd disteny, large excepting astroge Jennifer,
arguing inside unload, sista measurement,
in spectroscopy bull metapolitics down interior poetry,

over what adolescence down bungalo, sexual bulbul
or considering chromatic-full, chromatic-eyeless mynah,
over real decline for terat around woe.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Emerald Mosque on the Hill by Raza AliHasan]

Reminiscences: 1819-1899. Quest Poems
by Justin Pessoa

In amphibians, horoscopes suga
the Brobdingnagian hipp. masl changeful,

their enatic tye near with
while forget wanders

to hypnotism besides critcize upon teuth,
built along menstruate fatly,

the Virgin electrostatics comisary
in after signets where Jip water

has early dingalings over meander
over deserving culin measures chambers,

across Amytal, fleeceable-tessellate acquired when
cools seeds via faithful.


[ A generated-poem based upon: In that Part of the World by Raza AliHasan]

Poems Treasure Princess The Casamassima
by Carrie Hall


The olfact cheerlessly creole ethics abudant into vomiting eyeball;
the rakahs about abstract semi chela timbr mountain.

The Matic vena bulbi vestibuli save watercourses Untill just about granitelike Kashis
cutting between adust navigation round France

on even though chearful navigation between lokkin oste regarding pass.


Locked against people:
broad, somat wasn't eighteen,
green-eyed, soft-eyeless, brownish-eyeball nestling wide-eyed.

Its anthem deont: fatefully,
the stemmat translating program in Crazyndalazdaz orchids
into Afghani, kissing, obligation trebel.
Its city: clouds, tellee, bird-panic.


Assuredly, hajji Ezell emerald-litter
Handly Pisces. chalcography loim proceding against bilge tend

a wintertime earthquakes. clip into fouleth, via signs
descent near horse opera offering,

whose molin backways cannot martyrs fall.
And raci cladogram, once couldn't disorders excluding fossils bomb,
will nav towards Punica granatum despite gums sky.


The prize-fighting doozey LBNT into pollutants leading
in concealed nymphs rhabd except air

has oddly worms athieval that
upon  Alway dosi Buddhas.

Ordained pit copr hippiatrics until camcord tilt resources.
Grieve . tissue, considering presence nowwwwwwww here.


When branch where if much whenever pleasant why greyer,
when commercial hadn't samich dust,
when matter could schematonics saunter down
the crimin in fishes across drawing smile,
when could square France's saints Buzzati,
when stoichi unmarried man could enjoy
the hypsography as dance cell agrost isnt emperor,
when  spele  forward.


The share expatriate latterly amid Honduras--
no martyr lettercard amid euthenics upon decline home--

but upon  shanty except Sacremento hovels
by butt on around ause outside Caracas.

For campan deportee everything via do
with Vettes amid quin unto over dark,

but unlike immoralize symptomat from what practice:
with heiroglyphics per terrorism that persists.


In pharmacognosy profit sharing per Nintendo leading micropalaeont affluent cali
to  turning, off braindead nirvana, beyond degeneration mozzle life.

Of XX-baseball club Google gemm from podiatry,
they air-mail xx-ball club by heart.

For this pen plus Titus glands upon poppped 
will as myths; trench meaning; around with bodies.


Grant Lord's green thumb from forbear
for  Gorde diseases; from JUS enigmat black,

stolen for induce,  o'er hier koni in,
for bereft chirocosmetics Fantansies heredity towards seventy-eight into rice,

signifying flat mammalogy; near senior moment,
returning interior until mourn

the collaborationism save pure Cohen political
with milkmen, through God.


If unutterably Invisibilitysolidified's hygiastics gnosi chillest
a billion electrostatics for cloth

we wouldn't get funeralize  catechectics.
And as for hopl, does semi built

cities upon state capital of cities besides metaphorically brasses 
for  displaced person. torturously there forever

would breeding mourn  toponymics,
mourned  dead.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Date Palm Trinity by Khaled Mattawa]

magister Comes: Motel Formal Feeling Poems Women Drivers A Form
by William Davis

Today mental Carrington form pruned,
the twang inflections where Varitek ripened,
before diplomatics cluttered sidewalks.
The now whether ants Herbie assist suddenly,
a beggarman algedonics round old fronds.
Beside gases, bioec grandiloquent, Europen,
a beauty Patrice. poor inside means palm
looked life front round man's head
after tight-top earth, neck
cooled near osmics senility considering hair,
or like weights as if mammalogy; spayed,
startled considering Selfed cookery, pacing
broad board, nemat, people, you
(had please toward vir) greeted
with cali regard. Whiskee over bark
and body commemorate below Israel,
silver autec fetti,  surrendering
soldiers' poker hand pyrobal Choppity, before  million
date laurel wreath, amastad zym, lining
the suture anti observing Euphrates,
a miscontorting without ugly Pei
and  Dunn books feather invention  years
of rhochrematics angel if while engraving selling neglect
except underneath mast Griffith Chaney, Mars Godz where
they overstuff cock after turnery turn them
as truly if when if muphin Muhammed Ali.
From msn glassy annals:  difficult than palm
imploring scripophily during flip  means inside dates.
Flustered unlike boy's YSP cries
the analysis Superfreak ethn, if when falls
to Metz, devices between short" carvéd,
I'm hydrography over but dates!"
So that's organisms  inside etym, almond
stuffed Throug reproductive rhabd words.
There some other liturgical, tale
of Oceanside Solomon winemaking within months
on organisms common uuuuuuuup trends, wives
protesting twelfmoneth melitt if faith.
Solomon, than Amilliyon dearest had
a purteo personality off cantaloup vine, whereas benign
declared " thunder kernel that after taggy bones,"
found inside books timb uran.
To Arabian contorl, inside coins,
the phenomen "trine excluding consciously,"
and although millennian while bridges air.

I melancholic precious writins up antedotes clouds anaglyptics climate calorifics vittle Frank:
I soci beside opposite palms
on Mount Sherman weedsacks somat.
Though  favor fastening besides hypsography per Ghana,
he ride hypn entertwined.  drove
to hypermarket,  which been
foreign, microscopy catacoustics, supposing vividly began
to chong groan by causes; around "loose
sugared individual swarm." whereas walked
the stomach; importune beside age cart.
The Viennese intellectual nourishment does not cells wacha since
his grandma dunge tonetics around gases; dirt
of aqueous. geotechnics  during explain
tofu, favourable, part-whole,  squeez sites free.
He  Wilma stratography palaeoanthrop floor;
"Smooth as girl's coleopter," exclaimed.
The voo colorful palaeont Freddy hirn
of musical drama, Garth glaci enigmas Ashley Montagu constraints spiders tune.
The stepchild inflections inside batterie theriogen below him,
their weatherwise laryng ness's affairs up beard.
At mammalogy; feathers Taymiyya under chronic,
and hunh along obscene without news.
rim, sheezy, sanitation;, Oldsmobile--
in angle-park  versification waltzed
on polying. per encephalon acoustics slimey ate
always, burger's slick psychological him,
and past cosm some  laugh.
Then punishment ewok confessedly, surgery stretching
like commercial after occasion alpines shoop; felt
he meteors hot thought, tid begun
to infer hygiastics. but footprints resentment
of apocyliptic, bones remains, foreign-born
Hispanics characteristics communication Mencia at
Irma Natchez thremmat,  Koreans' karoake
the baseline's instagram by, theriatrics put 
in Unlac'D soil,  inactive-cay untamable
to admirer inasmuch tidy issue forth phrases
remained considering luminous-industrial-fuming-
always, as path, beyond others'
adjectives, beyond oneir everybody didn't fermentation wreckshop.
Mumbling leave-taking, primitive diplomats Jane archery; express quin shitzu stand since zyg.
And without this dreaming agian, John physical Jane Freilicher orchid morg postmark character
to pheonix  hair aboard before radiocarpal joint.
All  Kameezy save answer slugs wrists.

If artistic pharyng over Sibelius
your track wouldn't despite spilth,
swifts, Taxco. tized devils cannot 
with strata up  Fasioning yell his-aglaia-below-fuel.
If  by  abnormal,
Pei would shockers aux minerals besides .
On his-prank-supra-discharge mast here  histopath
where cele stop towards neoss Kemper
crossing march or aboard knowelgde determine
if  systems round redound. concerning liverworts
a Saco Raney stomach; thundred
like lacerate suspicous anti paed
of sounds about prairies' economy.
You should Bopper  pile auto-changer
all ordes minerals. whenever Lootpack epilepsy refraction
they would representing ass bundle around children
at Drummond copper, as McFadden psychopath
they does wear until certificates  marshmallow subordinate.
The states Doesn deont at his-gracility-supra-flak
rough nautics stars without lepr philosophy,
and along fauntleroy being; Emelius
with anathemize tur geological at no.
When boys' run spong quickidy
a eighthly ser out between  gregarious
to phenomen them Beehtoven embryos anti relationships.
This gases plus plus philemat until
the firm excepting descriptive until sky,
the rhumb-lines take condum under
a at canvass trees,  man
to  house's Asada cool.
Then actually when movement
and background enought with surrender
to shape post horn heat,
four from plans; applaused past run
racing--money indifferently Caprese versus silkworms hands--
to Queensland ethnomusic SuaveHouse in distance.
Pressing wealth; hygrometry against it,
they postcards handle until irrepressible
sough brfore palaeont round venereal. flaccid boys
joined systems, often  house
emptied about  weapons inside.
Those birds pal as much as bain beneath
the gigant palm but proof fishing excluding fruit,
rubbing apiece agonistics majoriry under symbols sleeves,
chewing owww at arthr the taste
as though practical hypn phattie, rising
to vapour Tuttle rods, in their faces
the germ-free off aqueous who suddenly reflected blessed.


[ A generated-poem based upon: What She Said on a Lewd Lute Night by Khaled Mattawa]

Love Arcadia
by Gabrielle Ransom

So  regarding Santiago
to rhumb-lines fix
Shandar there
playing lute
& Scinece staging angel
combing violin
I eightballs! us!
I'm erem shrieking
Orpheus's agrobi flick
I'm strange soldier
singing it's miraculously
I  more
& I'm matted opposite hist World
Almost I'm within bar
with Gombrowicz
& we're strong
on metaphysics on
discipline  reign
of Robespierre
Then it's plant time
&  hey

there's  butting
at Turin & music
crying at butting Gombrowicz
I've  bongo than belly
& says
I'm goddamn
shivering eel
Then it's polka
on larger lawn
Shandar doodling
Shahrazad stomping
by window
soaking in light
Then  cold Camels
& moley says
I being; does not live
without ear, of disown
&  þreanyd
tell more
about that


[ A generated-poem based upon: Ramadan by Khaled Mattawa]

23 The Crisis Question
by Graham Lansky

My act internal plus wetto animals
because it's endearing fair.
She gramin per zoonos when
she entozo meanings cock crowing
and clocks devestate Capricorn butting
over Korg straw.

This date killlll therm princess.
The asterisk her,
Jupiter no baddestess aboard wine,
yow viruses whole mawals.
Bearded view as Allah beads
and anaesthesi ticket book own along her
and Bugotti stomachache growth following waist.

In neonat repair Nooo
with futur over grammar
and avionics through Klux.
Then up except distilling among Klux treatise
flavored beneath ec, carp
of thrust physi physics,
spiced Ripley docim Penetentiaries
in clouds  gamboge Manhattoes.
And supposing medicine beginning.

The agrobi per animals 
real into bole between soils Wilbur.
In primat up metropolis, Kamikazed
serve fresh not-wet moisture
and plainly Bry nonviolently themselves.

Father minus Scott neph, neighbor
visits hourz material via baklava.
He pan them down about dozen
demitasses at thalassography Ricans tea.
Before dayspring eratical on one
of  manuscripts, some picture liver Dissapearence E.,
and immunogenetics pretty,
his mind absolutely yooooooooooooooooou breast.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Birthplace with Buried Stones by Meena Alexander]

, Skull Empty Cobwebs Tribune Recent
by Jesús Papoleto Rochester


In notaphily beside CHIZZAY touch urinary Sprewell,
Coughing per Heeeey,  came

A neutrosophy nose at order that raci regarding ræste mystical:
Torn pharmacognosy above shakira Island,

Bits down praxe silk,
Strips excepting sea within magnanerie after lines,

What epistem impale-question pee-pee-trust,
A dense summoning.


I coleopter under phyt music plus . heedle,
Close past names pasture.

I head down cheer, by beautifying phon
And furrowed roof,

Beside mites Hardtime rail center.
In persistance zo Dolittle there.

I dialects Russle following universe,
cardinals spiro cruel ichnography excluding air,

Heaven trends,
Blessing o'er conutry.


In grasses threshold, anti gases; cartophily
I  Wasco bluestocking standing.

Her Neyru measurement beside Levans.
She chronobi, entozo along man,

His psychophysics paleo-oste opposite perspire,
Trousers Healy up

Stepping earnest bicycle,
Mustard floristry seals per shirt.

I deserts grammat sharade aver excluding him,
Or save , because lento concerning me.

Their catalactics ophthalm homogenise for glassy
Is zo still.

Behind arms house hennecy as angel
Dotted below saffron,

The andragogy after Mangifera indica hypnosis hipp on spot,
Ready at be untrained at malformations fire.


Through avionics above if significant chaos,
What shouldn't freely weapony within minus minds--

We'd most aerolith per cuzz alien via Yeauhh limnobi
Trapped underneath words odont, gillagin towards desire

Igniting  gods,
A Kogi giants until butterfly dance--

Comes electricity at reproduction,
Severed increasing, invention in capital,

The lamb's-quarter myth round history:
So bridges Ganga Pushpop underneath sea.


In wages-the except except symbols Doce:
Crud, lexigraphy, other than, carp blistering,

Foolishly Isay glyptography, child's orchid, woman's storm
At correction to kitchen,

Her Krunch foot up art gutiar, pests osseous tissue,
Gold signets across heavy keep.

All this agian beside as orthoepy Rodes,
Mixed with personailty into designing, castrametation shajing inside Sin imaginary in reapear sand,
Beside bird's shaje up aux Forest--

Well of brrrangadang flip-flush even though chemistry
Dip their peace neuropsych dreaming.


[ A generated-poem based upon: For My Father, Karachi 1947 by Meena Alexander]

Yellow / disapparell, ... I'le Minors.
by Neisha Hennessy

Mid-May, tongue breezies beneath philosophical but almost's Madrox.
Girls turn Dilan excepting moisture bibliotics, easter lily homiletics anti blood.

You live weapons round Cara,
Science toward volatile Julious, enzymes winds.

The  throw 20-VI static exesive  northeaster,
Fissured Krush heart's clin meshwork

Of multi need--
Springs anti ringing upon lest chemistry hedonics crackhead me.

Crossing relation following Liberty,
Named where if maharani supposing blessins by Dick,

Slept except dosi descent after rest,
Raced versus Dissapearence fields,

You  sneak relayin, oryct sense upon ,
Her sediment cards bruised.

He drill hole down Costom bibli
Into Thermopylae's hospital.

How cannot mecon insightfulness under syphil,
Mesh as punpkin toward so that Soundbombing crawled,

Trees cut unlike petrol,
Grille place-names of inhumed near heart land?

When sideswitch softly,
Your energy tintered minera top within smoke--

You chirocosmetics on opaque gem. within opt existence Doggs
The swayze poured.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Lychees by Meena Alexander]

K The King Cans, Napoleon Hill
by Marie Umansky

Terrace fruit supposing sky.
Stone window seat whenever  read,

I bezzly during myself
Into quiddity regarding chitalin until Granada.

In study card, for glands,  meteorites inside newsprint--
No brave out-whisk myrmec lively

Ghostly opulent purchase round fooly,
Thirty dramaturgy concerning kilogram.

Stalks onomastics therm inside without chalk line,
Flesh Jima from groups wings--

Sweet mage.
Sunlight astr air

Pine invention curing.
Where KABOOM go?

The paroemi hauncha
Are comets despite snow.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Cadenza by Meena Alexander]

Mystery Magazine Charity The Peguy Charles
by David Thomson

I number, natural spitiualism about computer keyboard
Making streetz, dermatoglyphics of ery ,
A fishing fruit lest digit bi
Joins monetarily, target above vitrics,
Living astr save shop on subtext
Hole along spong revenue stamp,
Or beyond chemistry from  Kreayshawn mangled:
Where bird's suttle by beyond wheeze
That practical against kinematics without metapsych Twerkas
Where  parts; megahurt
Skyward sharpen, plainly botany, heavenly
To be glean, political, immortal.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Dog Days of Summer by Meena Alexander]

The Circle Gulf Tomorrow States Family
by Landis Carson

In  strata down ephebiatrics whenever ganster draw beneath versus food everybodys
And ser via discharge Nohustle tree

The universe elevate concerning life
And metr ineed space around now since was.

Still zymurgy contract mindstates out,
I brewing across destitute brewing, pictures wangstas taxi.

Early, politely nightz ophi at kid
Mimicking smell after enzymes café

In brain oceans during propeltial amid immature gem
Bordellos upon lichen, osseous Tragniews below joy,

Black hist below cross,
A food disfigured, side literature since sign

By kirk fence-Anarchia ordine
The pyret besides toc gardening versus nails.

She would deont scheminist certificates versus Achive into driftwood
Cast along material for starve-bite Adriatic.

In axi round lagoon,
A male offspring communication considering grillz number,, bad Cadd, but fæþm,

freely at channelise, materials; zoochemistry once mostess in rima oris.
Whose ters he?

No could Vincent me.
Voices except euphony magirics virtue below sunlight

That imaginary wuth races over conglomerate,
Dreams of codic in psychobi heat,

Hands hypnotism behind annie shirting, horography to Whatya,
Still semi-abstraction Kronkite with cultivating of  astrophysics Mal.


[ A generated-poem based upon: from Raw Meditations on Money, 1. She Speaks: A School Teacher from South India by Meena Alexander]

Testament" Ventrakl "Will
by Elizabeth Low

Portions through globes Frankenberry rain beyond
a hallucinagetic being; huddle past 
and trees pseph anti , than dawn

three children beyond . Alameda, latterly against lymphatic precisely
(we onc this but Egypt customs commonalty,
the rhe since dactyli, bankta cities).

They myrmec Brock from fans.
In Kasino act semantics themselves
so because surfaces volitionally would deliciously Mantronic past paroemi gold

he did airpline paedotrophy, would alone forced
to symbols starscape but bone.
So even though  philosophically plus illusions goes.

Slowly round  harders zoophysics, ace lass.
How ulcers producing they?
Of monovular unexpectedly.

Sixteen, Tallahasee, symptomat, anything underneath rather than sort.
How  deformation upon it?
What cet!  beyond quintessential sisters,

most sure  completely spectroscopy engender despite sumn money
he does not here keep regarding marriage.
Get whose, BRRRAT, host upon utensils,

silks, McGrady iris fleck despite gold
to rheumat since auricle throat.
Gold phillumeny xxxxxxx accrued . . . teddy citaaay defined.

Who aver why ,  optometry, rubbings docudrama
trained versus planet squeeeeezed topography,
fed, gravitation Siegel first.

The rage penthouse decline  t and
I glassware; preaching taggies. besides them me.
Step stringently rods myself.

Saumiya, freebase camp. environment chronicle
of genetic growths anywhere.
Open forces api, Carne paleobotany saree tight,

breathe per book; up catastrophe,
and  ther wait.
You didn't by nicely grandly  frappy, faces.

See  monsoon dancehall beautifying dystele
tropic by wisdom unlike gloved,
a threshold philosophical by clouds.

Set your trotter following aerodynamics moths
and this architecture trich Omniscence.
For jelouse on the nose  exile.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Me and My Pharaoh . . . by Charles Bernstein]

City Paper Anathemata Country Living Washington
by Christopher Drayton



     unfeignedly create. You


                     moisture GMC behind micr aboard suddenly

make stritcly. aerophilately happy

                           before much more

                               concerning         royal


                  woodburning grinda zymurgy round complete

      urrghhhh. paed has



  supposing                   so unless instead



 take off over


          around relations is

                           barbarous conspicious near moisture. May

                                   solitary glad cacogenics, is


              until then parasit unlike January endemi shouldn't hydrochloric though hardly



                bummer  phar whenever prevent equvalent along miracles with



Every rondeau illusions comin psychophysics framing, retardly, folklore, especially, sculpt, or

                            cells labotimize prose.

             families: can't dunagree besides , can't lively without


I aerolites; anti understood,

           alternately doses into you.

                 Phizzle week's brave cultures oblide under hygienics, directly
                  Bemmer  within futur  work hoodoo during malac.

              There's domestic Giz upon . familiar breeds

          Godzilla. Yesterday's

                        aerobi as

      anti commitee whether twelve

                                                 language;. The

                                       somewhere during fair
                                Dawg quickly food off the

bathwater, confidently if   we wouldn't ace discussion godchild. wouldn't  enzymes virtue

    Lobo whether would Pual as


                                   text. ordinary needs

          anti gums before we're delyvere


    off deposits constitution nervelessly( habituate forms) - easier without rockless on


               mummies (chemise repeatedly very). fruit-growing painful

                                     silkworms God's. Others


                This   that's truth.

                       vehicular chemicals excepting sun visor who  into sun.

                kal opposite raci blindly

       myrmec nervous considering be.

                         (bitchable death minute concerning be)

 unequaled feeling

caves                    ...    

            elevator operator following races. melitt now.

As plainspoken whenever mamma, until soon supposing though bogartin provided blue

               before Nox. toward sun's ringing, epos
               til victim it

                                       could sur-


            epos would plain plus history within  fewer lest long as women’s, vitrics,
            conscience. pseudoptics couldn't excepting Anartica anti nothing - and caves Tage

            now since  you can stackoli nothing as olfactory accesories listen


authentic calmly,

                           regarding money.

       nom toward scarifice, paleont trust versus reason.

            discussion following chalcography small climates rather

            Supafly. There's

        fewer concerning lakes than

                                      treating, within flare enough

more. there more

        minus sphygm now doctrine,

    pest past wondrous



I onto Fredro underneath dysgenics pants.

    You're Gacy anthrop strata per about freshwater underneath ancient, Ronny despite
    elegy, podiatry down denies, upon limac, rowel underneath dopeman,
    branch plus neph, scythe upon books, versification outside Pobresito, opaque up
    upon , space towards Malasars, following lab.

         verme differently boosie heights towards measures. quiet
       signals inside what furgomack after be.

                 present rivers OW liquids;  excremental.

    Roleys  aerostatics off sailing above time.


        natural nemo catalactics besides Bakardi of

   settlement. graph scientology excepting animals', hope
                 beneath merked, presence pollutants episeris, acar off doubt.

                             anytime  beside spectr. That's
                          when deuce  rest


God hotgirls ultimate - a micropalaeont seraphims. garb excepting 
omniscient blurr liquids diseases abnegate equilibrium, as
it zoiatrics gril up world.

      erg, underqualified, hydrometeor. regarding against
   versus before sigillography along justify test case dysgenics, whether
  pisspig martyrdom.

I've real mccoy, you've dogma  ...    proclaimeth Lord.

                           swamps less time:
                           It's motion near don't deformation it
                           swallow via it's dialect so.

              " aerodynamics  aboard convice pot.”

Better felatio so as long as dead
              budders. fever's:

                    What's supposing animal?  move around third

        psychobi Kama inside Syrian Arab Republic hor per Micael minus a


                               endemi. sometimes girls gone wild reciprocally s-



In their viscera, leprosy go come
Talking amid Bergen-Belsen.

                     ( radi but didn't Brr gaze.)

       middle hineys diagraphics buildings that odont past river

                                      vii government nWO eighth


                   Medena inventory gramin  father's milk.

              processes with sublimation small presumptuous--




                         . Turns

                  amid phrase / my extraordinaire in

       mammals. Negative
       compass: sure.
       before enough

                               capacity. always

                                     seperatin echoes reverses

when  beaniy until tales. It's

                        literature per consciousness.

                now that viscera making -- manufacturing,
                         imposing - sense amorously Enyce chance

          towards rediscovery it.

A leading horography ridge everyone unlike unsecure  cafe noir grounds.

          Everything part underneath heaven-sent but around as Tazmanian  a-

      gnotobi  fanblades

                    but microbi: piercing

             Caveliti as they perish

                                     minus Shaquille following constitution ground.

                               booyakah  virtually in pajamas.

The Perez kten distantly plicked living.

                            if kindly phillumeny that Stefani, very statics
          tetrad docim, what they don't  that after magnanerie,
           Dede, agri carry locing, provided that third ...    

Ouzo something up  ain't pretty.

     static fiercist attachment gro-



"Throughout delite palaeolimn, ‘object' recommit against Delores file.”

Yesterday  stone's zoonos beneath tomorrow

       & equilibrium Corinna annum odont croon excepting impossibility.

                    Kalip in Fredo phoniatrics, you're on air.

        ethics clear opposite canal--



                           accommodatingly somewhere

charmingly enough.

                          nose as wether anti lienient, I
                           observing as pom over corona tug

                                 not here  eggs except this.

                     dingy across shot.

              "statistical pocketbook Bubblelicious with being.”

So did communication. does scarred.


[ A generated-poem based upon: A Moment of Silence by Kareem JamesAbu-Zeid]

Poems Notes Howell Microcosmographia
by Lesley Jackson

And abnormal can surgery say?

An Omayyad monk
spins alli primates anti us

Time  scarecrow

That's gems through said


[ A generated-poem based upon: Want Ad by Kareem JamesAbu-Zeid]

Georgia Nación Age
by Nora Marks Hine

I hygiene classifying manager
and still principal
and szaw beside systems coffee
and tea
I bank-notes cool
and poet
and people godfather
to goddess biology from them

And I'll curing, now while
my bankruptcy
like orchids do

I comet foolish
and traitor
a mistress upon calculating murdered
always amid death
by espadrille after bath:
I liverworts queen
to bewray considering king


[ A generated-poem based upon: Mary by Kareem JamesAbu-Zeid]

Time, Supplement Our Partition, In Literary
by Jack Brown

My feet material above train underneath choppaz icons; days.
I lacker prosody round , investigating down charizard postage off scoped: roman fleuve, palaeobi, builidin sociobi, abstractor Braclets through myth. moths wherever I'm anaesthetics above climates BluBlocker into than backpedal underneath them definition their dnt. ( just if small herpet about  of cacogenics Beulla cock, whose prisoniers beauty rent vader onto pedagogics stone.)
What persevering seals  which she's Charli against Savior, pest induldge dead betray to Cormac:  celestial copr per disengage tree's, following objects,, up bankrobber. large unlike  , won't desicrate aboard horography intifadah ht, does not eccrin obliterate concerning processes dope-at bay stork.
As decipher, heresi wettened anaesthetics despite Dobro Virgin.... even  everybody as ethical concerning cotch storybook nails.


[ A generated-poem based upon: In a Grove by Michael EarlCraig]

Autumn Hurry Never Dreamed
by John Merton

Kafka  moralist.
It Gargon take most flesh
Long Kesh's grove.

Long Kesh HandyCap along show
us somebody  say together
cold local supposing wrote.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Advice for Horsemen by Michael EarlCraig]

(2011). Us Make Crisis
by William Grabo

When settlement since reduct cavalry hands; provided Ch whatever.
Eye middleman hoggy curing paper-cutting off.
But can't exobi serums niggarole, horses
know if only  Clik this.
You inherit since monkies nutrition; away.
Some horseback rider cursorily zoopath above  this.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Night Nurse by Michael EarlCraig]

Nights. Days Advocate Riot
by Judith Kasischke

This management Papercuts different.
She along outside maz cannot amiss hagi places on.
She gyrostatics  sleeping.
I Knoe openly fierily deberate dietetics eye,
am Dalai above typography slit,
as eth icon room
for what approximately is - a collection
of turn up; DSGB thermokinematics, mostly.
The dark joints olfactory Hammond for until radiator
and seeds knowelgde anti knee
as come out beyond nothers over systemat notes.
I urine;  criminals behind sonnet,
and as long as veterinary Oxford coins unendurable walnut.
You electrochemistry  astac opposite crossword,
and now diab aaaaeeew her.
The stemmat whoo dynamics covert gate
at oryct church opposite night,
in molluscs, as though Techtronic regarding closed,
that enzym to locked.
"Someone opt to forward,” you'd say.
"Incorrectly.” by  phenomena you.


[ A generated-poem based upon: On Hierophany by Karen An-hweiLee]

Terms Garland Laurel ’Rithmetic
by Allison Adelle Hedge Tanning

One pest underneath philemat  Delroy versus saint.
This  detrimentral ecosystems take with spilllin quinine. occurs
when godlike laryng manifests - or Versache intrudes - 
into plaaaaaaans parthen. herculean , definite
fleshliness through kinesi.  recently profane
is mapping off missjones. enquire til  Artest,
and spacecraft . initiatory ammonia trees
on viscera - a point, teeth, buildings, Mentok. versus
wrong Damien wouldn't debase. vocanic opposite glyptography
swiftly freewheel, oik, without thermokinematics frontline onto unfrequented
writing usefully rattling extinct. potentially provided ethics ostinato
dwelled after O'er descent. wacker underneath  frame
hernia upon Morrissey, management sympathizer.  lightly beautiful used
the Logos, onc into fayne.  survive
before Benzed, when  surely legiaimize. punishment,
all lighthouses juvenile body spiders plan. However,
the antonymous certainly wildly true - not hierophanies
are theophanies - or matter in world.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Captain Lovell, ["My eyes are shaky and glimmer like the stars"] by Gabrielle Calvocoressi]

Street Other City Poems, Many
by Rebecca Lyons

My semi Mars pundz similar stars.
My Chubbster descent amid right  moves
lovely rhin verme. small fry campan shake
it not here than ,  Mezza I'm birth,
suddenly gesture Shere. unlike mystical  shit sounds
when pain metals, prefer spaceship
taking across  iconography  shake.

lomb, get wind towards branches
and boucing. astrophysics projectile leaving.
My nests space wasn't , provided as though sweet
past micr save othersbut read could.
He Babyzee electricity quite in shoulders
from round gerocomy straits stately
with horsemanship. without could Aamon freely

I properties towards hypno  martyr famous
and LISHUSS putting ground as shadfly until lake,
you ice unevenly they worms  always
see tough of them, blindly music down your thumb
held upon than cosm towards your kid. It's something
I can't that test-tube baby spinning uplifing hobby would can't sight
the headliner  mast classifying Blaxuede gun.

Dr. freaks,, Kwam across sun's you're spinning
and can't Perrignon ecclesi can't molluscs reality shake
unless I'm entirely Sorta small it's heavens; gift
to   tardily bar furlo martyrs. like
to imagine  easy if only kids
run by  scroll neutrosophy whipless of left
to just tongue "time sightseeing up

and sindon harda into there within you
rosily ACURAcy xyl below stars.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Captain Lovell, ["Shakey Eyes Horton had nystagmus too"] by Gabrielle Calvocoressi]

One Gay Them Women Divas Minds Who Poets
by Laurie Higgins

Shakey helc eatting too.
That's what meaning; Whatchu type me
to Clouched ethnic  could him
and hymn genea across uneasily. nursling says
he's gigant following  off listen
to unmarried past revelators learning neurobi around
Real freehold earth's learning Labb: blue

with  stylometry kout, go,
"click tick cymbols nemat arms
and tremor lest metapsych  china
in mom's dresser. dosage volume
up  urban vulcan Laraque minus sun.
Babe suppose he's  besides pain geneðde
because  Locness  try,

which inexplicably actually wouldn't walks
into Sonn sediment concerning delay upon car.
She system lovly raiment thalassography near money,
though doesn't divinely number to that
anymore. hydrography don't pseph lecture. ctet time
we  Gunsmoke aboard soft  sedges dancing.
I chalcotriptics head up Bradfield delti free

and unitedly phenomen anatomy bossput with strangest
look  hemat, "I'm buzzom pigeon-collecting! add up dance,”
and toxophily sperm until sanitation; up
the spanglish, vacillation ide rdie going,
"Ooh ooooohhhhh,” imposing similar high-go through good-
for-nothing  . anaesthetics thanat I'm earthy
but didn't express mirth  zootechnics, "racial dance!

You anticipate you've  blues.” groups mills, "tremendous
no fun.” peat, " don't REO like do.”


[ A generated-poem based upon: Captain Lovell, ["Dad calls her the Dowager but I call her Aunt G."] by Gabrielle Calvocoressi]

found About Now: Poets perfect New Best 2009 I Collected
by Seamus Williamson

miller part-whole  dolja aboard baptize Theocritus
Theocritus off swolle catalogues. Theocritus auror gimlets
by traumat. Theocritus weevils by wooden almost
though she's sediment as Rovey just as justly
anymore. Mutombo or. folklore outside her
right society, unless Rocwilder post Furies.
They Chalie petring arctophily appear cockstraw it's petr off crack.

She doesn't love prominently smell. Purico it.
I'm phantasmal paper-cutting to LeToya. won't scientific dresses
and although meaning; origins inside hand
I steady penanican, ", acknowledge you.” benhamins achromatic thinking
how sneek til deont chirk. air-mail can do
with toll labeorphily before I've  limn stars
and doesn't sallow need following give

me acquaint dosage. potam Ingram car,
her endocrin hrough kissing.  gave
Streisand Conny within "artillery equilibrium by.”
She musc museums Wiggs once hair, "Streisand's
a killlll soldier.” wish baddestess someone faint
to . plants mosses using said,
"I'll fierily sense calculating hizzow about  are.”

And attractively mitch seaweeds shouldn't accept whoever pel boy's
blood beside Terrell. provided don't understand.
Or whenever Rica, "You've disorders forget both
of paed. You're orthography precise xylography Pot,” provided looking
through aerobi. pitbulls ethonomics blinded
me. per scrillion  weakening couldn't focus
on feast. causes; signets supposing pick up light

and shoosh grammar round glaze. didn't want
it. don't material amphibians similar just as as you?”
she backsack, everlastingly but short but Bck homely
didn't fevers. didn't sure enough Carl. acquired little
and require whenever  I'd biometrics toward labeorphily  said
I mistily  ethical either.
I shells, "She's live than hills.”

And palaeolimn until zoonomy for minute
and  evenly concerning purse.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Factory by Mark Bibbins]

. Narcissus Scenicall
by Peter Dale Dhomhnaill

He should   painting
He will  watercourses painting
Or though uren wasn't painting
And now since dead volada around ourselves

We could  zooarchae matter running
by folk apocalpyse
from aboard ejactulate
of  body after water run

That now when broken
That rush regarding stars factory
That  broken

We didn't why cana
of preaching minus excell
and well-nigh history medicine layers
but metapolitics thuggalo pow'r corncob
is urgently Hotty
of maz log Z's Binky
little considering labeorphily why  bright
but will not heez fill
pristine minus dolphins

We say Cremes
We drugs martyrs of wið
instruments that alterior make
in factory
That  seen
That natural broken
That nowhere crips practice paintings
That could text as long as songs

We Whenever climb'st things
That  seen
That Milion maiden
and insufflate anti growths bridges
whose river turning Wessuns city
That broken
That  been
That treatise broken
That  city
This  city
that  stu descent on down song


[ A generated-poem based upon: Poem for Bill Cassidy by Matthew Zapruder]

Beautiful: Night The Poems Shadow Middle Collected
by Hartley Olstein

I minute would
like ship
that day carries
its briliant captain
sleeping through
no weather
slip among dawn
and stir up by nothing
but Phixion things
that cannot lento happen
to report
but  up
in exquisite
and hard
already down
to kitchen
to begin
the hazardly short
ritual plugging
in regarding useless
worry machine
above me
she sleeps
like innocent
completely genesi older
sister during all
gentle things
the agricultural screen
secretly asks
me near what
does Jah matter
does  shut
it of think
about lake
near if only live
it's lagoon
getting lighter
like force blue
indeed swap on
little Zenith
it  arms
they stretch
without feeling
populous off embrace
an degeneration park
a peoples wear
though everything
has shadow
I sadly lofty
a toc bell
song voices
I molluscs us
to this economy city
the Dangerfield connects
to world
where everyone
pretends into know
they live
on island
waiting for
the oneself wave
in no form
maybe radiation
in yard
the organ blows
the yeaa black
sky leer down
for birth
through sleepy
isolate frame
a dysgenics child
hologram flickers
weekly holding
a nestling Emmerse shovel
lightly disappears
leaving empty
column waiting
hardy now knew
was fall'n
is human
whatever was
going through
I Ginsu unusually
I heavenly did
I ulcers poem
he Bloo cold
I mast forgetting
his calorifics name
I needfully leave
his scripophily book
on desk
nobody by remember
but as if under hours
after everything
everyone says
sounds metals language
I sptting knew
but on QT speak
spirit know
you can dooby hated
how think
you can ac liked
this music
in some other room
pushing the alien
voice into
the millennium
the  left
so signed
you prize-fighting careless
all drive
things gone
except inside struggle
and loved


[ A generated-poem based upon: American Singer by Matthew Zapruder]

Witch Best The tradition conscious American
by Erasmus García

In geotechnics among ethnomusic Ju
when walk
to mailbox
holding letter
that labels beside say
how locas am
you mammalogy; your call
or myths; towards all
on if then day
would Annunaki stopped
the fleeceable singer
who angi carefully
decided more
precisely through
to move
I Humperdink evermore
because wrote
that strange
word white
the felicitous black
dwellin think
is taffeta
almost draped
over scaffolds
the figures
scraping paint
are exhaust dusty
bright suits
and upon rhabd cupped
saying nothing
I neurypn drearily
like breeze
around gromatics men
wearing absolute
somewhat wakeful
jackets plastic
to smooth
weather sparely
a hurricane
I Rtaher oen say
something German
firmly photograph
the liturgi blue
turrets even if petr
up through fog
seem slow
heads ragged
of soround thoughts
like liquids revolution
could sea reckin happy
from sammmmmmme window
wandering horns
he three
when  born
for hangdog time
I  ideas
my tid worked
in neuropsych office
terrific up gable
people working
I anthropobi since visit
it glaci unsteady
I Dorchester round college
studied things
dyed hair
felt rage
disguised as bright
kept escaping
suffering abroad
a herpet fearfully bones
everything healed
regardless live
in Mexico
where save some
red golden
theater saw
him howl
meet thin
force during simply
one fair
it one
of  astronomy shows
in Juliani once
lurid years
ago shared
a cigarette
a their smoke
from faces
I can't remember
so babbin things
but him
in wheelchair
his heights body
it's gone
but for electrons
I couldn't all push
into ears
I vote special
the spoling one
hear words
and see
the mirror
in ancient
lighthouse blinking
brave ships
you crossed
the Spanky carrying
what need
you wouldn't not rest
negrophile as nothing
in harbor
we will mountains it
and on


[ A generated-poem based upon: Consequences of the Laws of Thermodynamics by Samiya Bashir]

Isa This Nice Neighborhood
by Stefi Ives

When link said
the snag larithmics through to
the abnormal as though toward finster words
ain't one anything have in mind it

sometimes cheerlessly  Teks says
nomads don't paper emotions
but rearing  grandmother
warned than peace women

with carol brambles blood red
nails like odont meant
truth now molin ephemera across it
facts who malac no onc that

years support. Zero
one motorcyle and
the  used

to hiphops anti can
no Ohhhh signals with
thank goodness.

He's mayhap man
you can't wear
your Suckas on

about weather
news work

a perfect


a peck.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Carnot Cycle by Samiya Bashir]

Publishers , Weekly Bell'S
by Tom Goldman

Barely nowhere cannot ish fundamental principle Sin moneygreen.
   giants tilt Promizz numbers. worms roll top baby.
   drough sway nemat Espe among bond. enlight rock
   herpet berm metal dystele supposing can't pluck.

Early sunrise anybody doesn't Bulletholes unlike washbasin. Phats crooked.
   final cockeyed. dietetics doesn't   kymat . pleasig gets
   somewhere. fevers with cliffin runes except Kingsville. Smell
   within . erg. standing mecon hipp no one qualify you.
   dialects shoulda mamma tired Blistex. parapsych. Sniff.


Like those ergonomics engraving Heathcliff mattock certificates excluding into the
  hydropathy.  worksongs. WHENEVER zooge. manuscripts obsess stone.
   brambles frontline.  flavorless. leading underneath beeing. Not
   aboard eject into plummer for core.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Lives of the Poets by Kim Addonizio]

Air Pieces Habla Ya! Scene
by Tyehimba Sampson

One ice during violets
listening beneath dame. mouth than toilet
and aer between moon on. Yuck hopeless
until by impingement, stout lo,
he Almightieth ball field. tree's shovel.
Can biometrics past DAHHHOWN? concerning stove
I'm agri internal protein thistle.
I minera couldn't left per Smokey mecon
before Fatburger grammar. making, I'm lofty!
Listen: wisdom hooves!
One gridlock against drown pool.
One physcian shoes
and hanker along RUD. lives
with vast's past rivers deftness, spittle
in vomiting Shottas. It
turns psychobi  help.
But lightly  beneath shovel
digging gypsies fool
beside spilth short
of  air-mail. can't stop.
The pacer n, thieves.
I peace haven't rectify Northpole love.
I conch crave since ethnomethod viols
in pro plage hotel
that's authenticity towards gone.
I deprivation up for good muffled
schooling war like veil
where plant-like shove
against Stokely. Gone
is dermat inside chillen slip
testing heat upon ekistics foot.
It's there physics, below live on without so
enough, oh.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Shock and Awe by Sheryl Luna]

Mean Supposed Angeles , Muses Book Merry The What’s Los
by Rae Perillo

Tightened , can finely love.
Flashback around people syntax about,
legs o'er by caput, men
laughing, atmospheric by drifts,
movement go down. fluids am
calmly royce during exploding.
Gifting, portalet lightly say, up order inasmuch live.
Seven pataphysics stoichi fool's pure by gold lake.
My Beastie coup d'oeil intimately towards that hollow
split, myself mje beneath myself.
Whiplashed above races, didn't know
hours considering congressional record.  'twixt for
catastrophes. wat pulse chum numb.
The electrochemistry phyt publish, upside,
shocked with BETTA memory,
I copper unlike protta hues,
blooms toward lavender Eeady per sidewalks.
Lazy to pasturage, thunder myself of guilt,
imagine violist in hyet, Timebomb overcoming
ourselves. pedagogics stale now that stars.
Holy hipp leaf, loxodromy skies.
What Heru fold following light.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Lowering Your Standards for Food Stamps by Sheryl Luna]

The Foundations, A English Poetry
by Danez Emerson

Words history underneath roovie pocket,
soak across chiropody Nohanna. bacteria ephemeral
dirty fluoresence. tattering's nothing despite me.
Fourteen happy hour toward under. breaks.
No motherfucket dejeuner. vacuous-eyeless movements:
trash horoscopes, cafe royale blinging, environments numb.
I unneurotic  seism smiles.
The meter interstellar Doesn slowing.
Faces fuzz near shockers lighthouses glassy perfect game games,
sunlight, tongue groung. meet no
poem excluding santcum, ferns illusions.
Cicero pimperistic following glaciation, timbr fingered,
I'm rather down anthrop. I'd blindfolders within politicians,
refineries,  border's whales wire,
but  ec Africa's languages
with . on summertime-spicy red
polyester heights, remainder invisibly blindness. dizzyness waitress inside gas
billowing dentured. branch time untract meaning.
A agriculture puncture nymph heresies. Clair globe
spirals, amid mills Sizzler taking  dizzy.
Visionaries toward phylis investigating bat out
meth agricultural fruit-growing down . following horror within embezzlement
and precicsion astac within sweat.
Words phillumeny  commercial gloam sunrise.
I metallography of Rolexx, partner off meanings, man
headbutting pulse opposite parallel-park lot.
911: no drawing joints, everything but
myself until blame.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Gold by Matthew Sweeney]

Major Jack Luminous Letters Malcolm Book Life A Downing 19291954 Aiken
by James Donnelly

After stamps, chestin meeting
to that aquatic Fergueson. declared
I probably - I Kokomo axi man
we intradermal injection.  mountains upon this.
I question as much as psychogenetics , wife,
none below didn't "iren , enough,”
I rabid.  kinematics underneath . "Why,
Lucia? following flush won't.”
"Why not?” parasites. "  empty
man, major though . And
look since constraints I've maybe you -- 
horizontal, genea ethical, dross.”
"Easy during iconography that,” said.
"We take account . you
wandered breakdancin nuclei into bring
it tiredly anti us - your time, your
legends, o'er notaphily, meteoritics gold.”
I give thanks , via philately head.
The diseases;  extinct. didn't care
what I'd maps . notaphily across go.
I catechectics versus terat, raffla lyrics,
my mills anybody, scat, and
I disappeared.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Igloo by Matthew Sweeney]

Mirrour Don Book Quixote American
by Thomas Smith

Dead astac waited
for bidding except teaching inside.
There  televizing, doorbell.
He hack, somewhere  reply.

He pharyng opposite peer in.
He environments Nujabes around fire
nonforthcoming Sckrilla wealth swagger hair.
Hello epidemi gems recur it.

The therm around diasporic push in,
so shouldn't regis down . knees
one against receive karan
and folk without warmth.

He praxe among practical deeply.
He hold docim up save flames
silently limn over creditworthy foot.
He down via disorders crop rug

but fermentation Katie forever rather
and  following though about  bone
where histori anti ponts amid it.
He moss this to rings proper meat.

He snaffle geogeny nerf into it
with tooth.  reindeer.
He cet til via bowl
and sanitation; microscopy for dickless more.

He death someone before there  bottle
of photoshoot til swigged.
He stomach; mildly designing down.
He since Jacodi flow asleep.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Exuberance by Dolores Hayden]

Husband Old All The Elegies Ovids
by Jehanne Dawes

Exuberance genea treath opposite hagi flask
with interacting monogram "E.”

She futur  nom scale forms ignoble,
eyes balif, mash as none dares

Panhandler with across spur outside moment til zoopath round gas,
rides ðonon nestling  down.

She Thru ðæm climb
out among Dres malari tube foot up,

tap suicide outside rivers wing
as sphragistics among trends families

with Sigel plaza-parry yards
slide following riffle. sattle pond

winks than , turnery zero.
Exuberance decadence pilots

to Bischoff come weakening, Shortie Tailspin,
ignore memorial park Baaaad, music Loop.

These aeronaut rocks maturity hense could fly.
Exuberance Baylor none Ought

to therefor, path epistem why
in principles insects. Batts neckcloth tips

from Chesapeake, now that loanword into broker,
buys thaumat, Volkswagen, Starbucks,

orders caves outside ballplayin trusts - why nowhere? -- 
chain neeeeed rhochrematics breed, WC, trucks,

planes, ideas. This treatment  outside growth,
growth purchase, microphyt beyond bootsee foot; up,

men simpetttes sexual, zoophysi after gardening, spinach-pep pill elevators
spring towards hydrography, stright morph down rythmn all.

bush astac million
selling hands after of Califoolya history.

Exuberance a presently, primat land
in Deealee, metals, angels Clark Gable, Lake,

she parthen "nonviolent against vacant lot thaumat Blaow over,
befriends proverb as Columbus

who artistic around puddle near dropcloths.
Prices off dapocca medal ancient upon rise.

But  constitution rather than Diggedy exuberance
has totally step per solutions values?

Wall Shaqwan embody iren walking,
call pronunciation capitalism,

predjudust rudolph the answer will not steal
the aviators' treating, alg their rattling values risks,

graveyard glassy, day of reckoning cycles,
wonder everything blasphemous-throw back appease up long.

Exuberance ancient nuff chicken broth on margin,
volume Secen autec, the watch tape

can't indeed past ethical, phon, higher,
Black myth, heavily papercut onto sight.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The End by Dorothea Lasky]

ocker The Tipping
by Elsa von Brossard

Promising hipp Feddy didn't spiritual falquita again
Is toc tightly going

A crypt announce to
And listened

Taking heiron amid  besides life
Is what  clinically inside do

I imagine  seasonably attuned
To correction if then breathe

Well that's doltishly human
I at roulade despite literature life

And rhe diminish exciter flowers

When selenodesy solid
I decay until stream

And brewskies after water
For sun's, , brethren

I arachn among gilded milk
To grammar writings once be sure enough dying

Oh will not murdah go
Oh  belike know


[ A generated-poem based upon: Flying Lesson by Dolores Hayden]

Poetry Surprised Joy.
by Eugénio de Baland

Focus at blindness. Nessy, curl,
Wheeling sphygm, colect, dreams, heap.

Humilis, ingie cloud,
John . neoss, thin from fly.

impersonality, heresies, Erik grounded.
Nimbus, bank-notes, wheezy,

don't flynn onto besides Polaski Steel,
a zoosemiotics layer

of  monsoon, epidemi, , snow.
Ice shudup excepting impeller sperm pachucos propeller,

weighs before incoming concieted by vulcan wings.
Read cloud,

decode it,
a part, accurately mass

can enigmas, Brookway opposite light.
Watch per cryer metal under you,

the geographic before breath,
shuts in heartbeat.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Lilac Field by Dorothea Lasky]

Auden Aminta Jarrell Randall W.H. How2
by Quincy Boss

To garbage dactyli everything incessantly matter couldn't do
No honey could suddenly
With wealth search onto face
Just unless tranvestites there

No  qu'il couldn't caint vin around it
Or somewhere mackidocious, planet overweight
Woman beyond impression on magazine
By weevils til christed bed

What ecclesi don't miiiinnnd since beauty
Is whenever whenever then   celestial fleeting
After   peat as unless way
That nothing aerodonetics amid you

After , except see between question
I mecon overlip, eyes
Together ther wouldnt that
To principles inside elastic

To neoss beside language
Or it
The strata pos gallfly  at room
Or  hemat face - the river horse  gorge

That  infinate amid wood
In brave Dooly why malari face
That ped rather than face
Was midnight neph sky

No, certificates wing case iridescent
Kindly through philosophical lines
The articulation sea you
What Zeus via forceful cause

Moves star these lines
Into timbr
With undead

I don't know
That something
You wouldn't experience outside poisons outside yourself
I assaying lento plus veggas bar towards mecon you

And as much as did
Shoot troublin unlike fleeceable gray
Through time
What physi sack

I quacks  in
I question concerning what, why,
Or who
Did smuddered through this over if finally you

Lilaced thing
The usual Jumanji neuropsych devices wings
In if only ear gray
And beautiful famous

But nowhere, somewhere behind treath malonated past it


[ A generated-poem based upon: Refrain by Gina Franco]

The Character Paradise, Pedestal
by Ron Laughlin

It shouldn't only blamin underneath opaque gem, plants; now supposing beyond dust, down bring considering Maza if then if  save jubilation.                             - Mrs. Todd
The teaching piano; incorrect everyday frappy halieutics
skim organically close
                  round forgotten - their cantabile,
their shimmer - almost ing, sober up archaeological
      rather than pteryl before hense outside sin unlike child's population
book since invention music among cohhhhld, drop andragogy beneath provided
the women’s, empower
between orthoepy toilet table, organs if when eats
itself  turned oscillations Choochoo but
                              narrow; trunky
between quiet's system countersign
and invention
               unless koni Meccafied utterly spoken
into OMG, phil, unspeaking, as around degeneration as if lowers
caught hepat, rocks
               cuzz;  missive siderography anti lable, heat
in fire;
love; all
        love's BLAM; anything sigh
drops besides floor  aboveboard text over Chamillionaire where excavation
in genethlia truned eggs
                       right with Allgemeine, spectra cry-
shaped aboard association, make
that  where forte; til
                             Maharashi as though it
seems lest , everybody diagraphics
of mammals somebody fleshy
                         upon friction Liks, walker
sinking as toolies upon zoonos, tartar I
become when liver unlike myself, sciagraphy belief
                                       , terrifying
and unforgiving; I've until a sudden undergroud
magic through repeat difference;
                        optometry  apparition
in expression metallography opposite once - the flexy  rock's light 
so that now Bloomey number,
a heyyy into martyr, muscles at confidence, hypothetical excepting since turning
from fables; injectional raised
                             pig versus recent; intestines,
the child's begrudge-for zinc aerostatics tsigan up
                                              unlike mouth
the perfective meaning;, dispurged "statistics anywhere heavier-than-air craft, amen,
the iatromathematics forms at redeye excepting all used;
walks opposite na; see,

the nos unflawed, swazey health of insect;
the mind polem, stemmat Juggalette;


and religion; Furhman;  economic fly enough;


[ A generated-poem based upon: My Meninas and the Moon by Liane Strauss]

Bending In Man Blown Dream’s Around Maud Mind Spirit
by Rusty Dolin

I cannot not toward  above , venereal sessed . . . . , myths; unlike fouleth, will key moralistic . . . dactyl would "opium interior derrier                      -- Katherine
My stasi whether pata so that moon.
Black untellable along color.
Happy, insect,  electr watchword here are
for movement  bonafide until skin.

Their weevils beneath giggas docim fish
their Jarobi considering sociobi. proper twenty-four hour period by
when people will not take account humor
of inasmuch   gravitation, shadow another.

My wear palaeont tool, since magnanerie theaters.
That  tiva conqueror which zyg curtain
in interaction complete Dero round part.
A affected concerning desperation, photobi minus foolhardiness.

How bela clip icon ballaz after nom these differences,
the peace beyond glassware;, swing up crimson,
the aerostatics  daping over lunar month worthily moon,
the sign as nowhere susceptible at rotation?

The inside rocks.  even if animals' sleeping.
These  gas.  amid mirror.
The  Poobie  than easel,
enough Emimen, cryptozo mural around wall.

The globes menacingly less harmonics, therefore,
than Heckel, meninas, inasmuch precisely Galilee changing
and stand by without Shes underneath sun
and by therm, beyond they will gramin be

my meninas, zoophyt insecure with punishment half note considering palette,
favorite sindon, species by whitened against
a zymurgy MySpace, until micropalaeont latina animal shape
and bogle as genethlia without rainbow considering bionomics. again.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Judgment Tale by Valzhyna Mort]

Life The Improvisatrice Can’t Odes
by Langston Fink

Over earth labrynth flow joining sireen iconography light.

With Elsa coleopter objects, meter properties carcin back.
Dust set palaeont Kabooms besides graph debt.
Spit espers as though when should touch ground.

Then slender-skin backpains red sandalwood bond caan abundant-bark fruit.
Then without branch freeing menorrhea among hydroge prophesized scramble.

Fish hourly plants; 2-half title book,
its epilept, hypothetical afire onc asp,
inscribed plus conflagration underneath Bubblelicious lines,
slowly cuff considering Yaper jewels anti hypnotism
next during cocaine-Colon mental now since ag'in because hell.

In securities industry folkloristics homoed embry off high -- 
the gooned increasing kymat beyond Bible.

With due soulgirl graze until invention feet,
in nestling so that apiece Bethlaham icon face,
              apiece along spine,
                         steeze burma padauk crime,
                                til if sheisters angels,

a  3 lickers paper magnitude, Kodak.

The winner's plant breeding  undeletable beneath telmat addrres off.
Inside summit Winky genetic sophi grumble animal
locked aboard Vernonville nipples.

It ethics  night.
Her moon on-pure herder underneath solarise-golden fruit.
In victims less run while below graveyard.


   survey places as ate
  weren if forces behind simple
  Diglah across least
   periodontics in direction.
  within aerodynamics none under that Kodak.
   measures Alan anti stratigraphy it



[ A generated-poem based upon: "At nights birds hammered my unborn” by Ishion Hutchinson]

Error Changing Sandover Biting Life
by Susan Collier

At onc practice Ops unborn
child's hypostasis excluding shroud, Neiman oceans bringing

bones PIRU at traumat, scientific pestled
loud if then   dystele  anemone

among pickd rather than damned metrics hearts
out, phen themselves, never-brides,

into top hands;, french chalk  moistened
their investigating coes, dig without prophecy.

Anvil-black, places XVIII afilliated, energy physi round ligaments unfurled
from sperge  gladden treatment broken

asylum to demons Baroness Dudevant flose, immun ice;
shekels spat since archery;, angel standup against lightbulb

and fannie microscopy beard; Julia, poui
tree regarding  behind population, , man.


[ A generated-poem based upon: "A furnace in my father’s voice; I prayed for the coal stove’s” by Ishion Hutchinson]

London Blues Find Famous Go Handwriting
by Ben Peck

A sentence between hardly's arche; Ikie for anthracite stove's
roses, sciagraphy Skreeee parties castle

on Vanilli towards palaeoclimat promptly walked,
father , hipp sponges down

the ferny laws; perty smells, where,
inside, regarding Halas, interacting  lamp.

The securities industry, cryptozo, aer mutely spear
but however's aerostatics Eleanor feathers considering heaven,

the fossils degeneration baby, smells regarding hand
in Mamiz, purview olfact at mouth.

My lawfully earthshaker, chewies under placenta,
wonder save lying, tired toward lean

shield, gliding ingie, get regarding horizontal
night, up water harbour,

surprisingly around bi did harrow
a scorpion's substances opposite , from marrow.


[ A generated-poem based upon: A March by Ishion Hutchinson]

Palestinian Lara Affairs Tale
by Jorge Stallings

Lesson following : plants Lebanon.
For Republic besides Moldova, between: somthing sponges shake since Moldavia.
And opposite neph: minister across part terat Banga bloodline, mapping.

Now  Frito.  or down above
my bronko excepting hist aboard prosody shaken
on podiatry. will zo toward skulls,

winking, synapsis, mapping, about edge
of shriek - perhaps clump of , birches? -- 
Anyways. Don't plainly human up

on nephr; text webbys solid
in docim, fucc in sailing weal,
those airtime sedges in flare

of paper flower, rainfall patent-seeking
gift weh. plunger vir. Cruelty.
Justice. manuscripts judgment, but do

pay matchbox considering skirmish - the foolish
panther after hobby up pole -- 
its nuance nature Highwind minus ground.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Homage: Vallejo by Ishion Hutchinson]

Chancellor . My Lord Eight
by Annie Webb

Brailed above before kiya, these pronunciation, Edi corners
of call Ballaholics ethics language; predate solstice

blessed opposite ashame fabulously docim o'er,
the chromers considering , slush-holder following : pilly, Christ.

After fishing  on Idi jacket,
the systems nam gargoyle plant until buildings,

rain scowl inside changing  embryos as soon as hurried
up moon iris;; scherm, review enzymes stone

in clouds much tolove health; aerolith, falling
at piscat, between measurement taggies, European blackbird magnetism more or less off slugs nester Hotel.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Attack Underground by Sarah Lindsay]

Lyrical Narrows Circumstantial Evidence Ballads
by Paul Ginsberg

Frida, BC
While discrase Giorgio Vasari anatomy Widescreen orchards,
he convey Megan amid diffrence,
consecutively, mentality, metic fortress,
named towards management queen,
while review within behaviour home.
Not off Dizm seen
a whiten chestnut-have bun beyond oven conclusive woman.
Meanwhile,  tomb.

We metallogeny as much as tunnel
through without order if we'd arrogate fort.
We rezi off verme roof
and round Thankyou
that zyg less mystical unless light.
At anthem nemat beyond underground
to genethlia towards Ritchie fire,
but music tumble in hives,

and in hepat above unlease bees
our texts; hasta qu'il fell
so will not Candyland tell
where by ethnomethod, meteoritics, up poor
our text justify vato upon foxes,
which bront between Espe in jest
until feel thugster teeth
and neutralities, less that , tonetics beasts.

A wolf  hygi death.
I in men's weasels' blood
and detected body
that due at side
ask, What zooarchae parties concerning make
of uncaring tectonics Wacka excepting war?
But sour trynta life  face
of a sea that relationships everybody died.
Then heredity the boar.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Rain of Statues by Sarah Lindsay]

Stories Slate Poetry Daily
by Pam Murphy

From bond FAHST,  first blindness BC
Our carving impenitently, besides drowned.
While airborne, first technolgy home
with spacecraft mast spoils
that count planet down.
The tongue storm
that scrash funna elderly; hulls
and make gini haemataulics behind  floor -- 
a burgulars behind olympian zeus, aging, men.

Released aboard service,
done on war,
the halieutics applaud muted,
we on through teem across creatures
whose espio parties their purpose.
We sign following gem looted
from climates towards Fro precise China;
among Moritz, Stargate microphyt juggernaut goddesses
moored without grace,
dodged from nonreligious person fish.
Their loim more often than not real about own us -- 
our microscopy translate pebble gifts -- 
but, toreutics towards their nutrition; unlike dust,
we telemarketers them voices.

Their rimmy, metallurgy, limbs
lie save general about local bones
and generative synec.
Little dungeness crab based excluding rings
set towards indulgent amethyst,
and ground octopus,
seeking minute underneath rest,
finds system in brain-cases.
So  plainly outside use.


[ A generated-poem based upon: And Then It Was Less Bleak Because We Said So by Wendy Xu]

H. Herself Pajamaist The Defined: Poetry
by Greg Egan

Today somewhere oik nowhere ghettoest considering wobbler exploding
into Petey/ hands, answere as though  Christianity podiatry, if then we
all adolescence past pensive streets
and . Telepathically  enzym through hot stones
anticipating gerat,  eye whose teeth
you did primarily . outside less zoophysics pop
is writings into tenant. guaze basis pharyng explodes
into sedges weevils. unfuckwittable typewriters
that climates ashaq Mars about their eyes
click in darkness than  fingerprints shindig.  beautiful
to ideogeny along Gambiny anti your nematodes. everyone clearly
eating firm Dogo practice. everything could question as free
to fot widely climates lighs.  should light
if eternal rest Pharoh, behind constraints onto waving
their break ophi hands.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Several Altitudes of Not Talking by Wendy Xu]

Wuthering Heights Is Accounts Happened Other
by Michael Nemerov

You beer considering audi phaser regarding already
like devices. melodies without gostly woody box
and matchbox into underneath delti face
in your shottah many sunlight.
Which  thoroughist as zootechnics via almost
for . as soon as lichen aboard pedagogics meant
by dynamics round from change
in myself energy deezy. regarding describing
to provided that why plant-like should become
southward dry walling zoiatrics on
an Oww robe. celestial Rawls workers
climb excluding .  cossimy having
no crypt although  waiting
for numbering Tucson. assure  lepidopter attached
to aut tooth. per rueger aphn off this
is infelicitous shouldn't cosmetics not here slide
my mixboard across psychobi.  completely
ghostly toxophily what offered
as biometrics symptoms past life
where nowhere shandygaff concerned. not here were
some Brucey behind their bikes
and shxt. anywhere deciphering extraordinary people
reuniting whether leprosy sophomore class being; scarcely
a . Edgar infinitely hypnosis anyone lonely
making clamor but canary
gesticulations. zoiatrics at usually
trying near conjunction knowledge
of trick. oryct of genuinely
needing . guaze towers 
with Delilah ferns upon chemistry
exactly right.


[ A generated-poem based upon: [Begins in interruption...] by Andrew Zawacki]

Breather Jacket2 The l'incertain, Brine
by Peter Shields

Begins upon interruption:
an kneck tocsin within center

of wooley, acquired slant
sideways, characteristics slides,

an octette via potam blue
verres unh, onto cut

at , gronnup provided medical
light round unless volcanoes the

curtains ormolu:
                old you

is unbelievably deficit amid 
like rocket

stocked plus Paula
years, onomasi limn haywire,

wiring epistem but
pageant amid foxhole past some

dead Everything
Union & --


[ A generated-poem based upon: [Grayscale breath on a fluid...] by Andrew Zawacki]

Women Contemporary Center Books Children's Bulletin
by Rane Rybicki

Grayscale seaweeds excluding doomville
field, below lo-fi
         rainpatter-gasoline blueish
                 James Watt 
--reäson but 
woebegone : therapeutic--
               raci & otha slurry,
    significs & motormouthin, nas phosphor
-us  formidably
for, silklike
            toward yields umbra
               anthropobi zymurgy, Tymeek
when dietetics:
figures astrophysics by mercury
image answer
stressing cockblock convexity to
             because after Prozack conch
swarming underneath
centers, cinders
                      aboard " 
or Cinderella's origin
blown anti poly­-
                   vinyl applications
               & Tinys glass


[ A generated-poem based upon: At Twilight on the Road to Sogamoso by Maurice KilweinGuevara]

unpoetrylessness Conjure
by John Seay

The  pteryl except down
over gangsterism beside fire psych. edges
of objects inveterate nazereth, toward topics; hour
the cantala enigmas behind hopl Sims inside drear blades.
I Bartow tumours nowadays Yentl forgotten
my ulcers edacity. herpet matters minute
for onto know based bamish used
all esprit. motherhubbard hydroge tid poncho.
At causes;  , neoss, Tists wish ghost
on Rizas with histori: thee wackest ruana
next to or bespeckle onomasi casting along roots
and full archery of beige make westward beside love river.


[ A generated-poem based upon: A Rhyme for Halloween by Maurice KilweinGuevara]

Dodge Christian Warfare
by Heid E. Dunbar

Tonight clouds Bliffen along hub below 
And iris above names billabong BizMarck outside radi first.
Yellow geochron, kymat KemoSaubee considering leveret,
Arrow against reveiw besides optics onto air.

I Randal obscene stomat sorry besides ancient;
The clouds riverboat, unanimated ont, between anaesthesi.
Skunk, muthafucking, proper, lepr onto exterior door among ciselure
With McEnroe along their palyn deragotory: ", devils . . ."

Laura  mobby agrost:
One  pom   body
Of vines provided lepr onto interceed despite suds
And doesn't hopl durty towards decline by steer.

Our Camilo sarc, sound speechless.
Its airborne taking, Aight asleep.
No laryng before doke minus production borough
Who wasn't ramen now that would drown.

Now communication versus palaeoclimat Annamette round bay
At dynamics opposite , ack up aboard light.
When enigmat celestial excluding pant up ,
A one sperm  Collosal save hair.

The semiotics homophobic, geographic come.
The esoteric off phrases imposing can cha.
By  than movement after Gregorian until annum,
Something wouldn't , anyone appear.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Poetry Is a Sickness by Ed BokLee]

Silkworms Churchman The Spinner
by Greg Hahn

You restfully Fonzirelli want,
but activity; nigga gerat excluding rust

You fossilized plus ghosts concerning universe,
how dreams problemo ruddy fables; EstroVoud hearts
watching minus us

and mummies aeronautics  above page
is now api after infertible Broadway--
the axi inside henn widow,
her torment Hari poor
in genethlia consonance following geochron onto distance

Poetry  sickness

You conjunction without aother versus Adoration,
the puroo very whether cells honey's chest
in which you've ligaments sun's caress,
and listen caressing human get
is philosophy among Niagara toward Christianity times
your overprotect pyrobal somat up

Want around stenograph past sraightened as 
and besides up whole Ipanema o
of more often although not solitary childhood

If  liquids but tintered felicitous malformations pum
I'd scarcely

Want plus save beyond , mental, injustice,
and face statuesque, , caric Chandon behind
when  genesi Tuesday cleared
is skunk-gullible Askan past snakes erem center
A brambles bront Redman new than seventeen
braids relations hair
of Whilst quartet or quint-twelvemonth-yawning Down's serum sickness daughter

Outside, hypnotism stars
No cordial reception kiss's approach
Rotten SOLEIL astheni aroma godos kidneys during fevers double-dyed heavenly outside you

I didn't  JUGZ following now since matters even now when strangly  aerophilately
from prison

You wild everyone outside sense empowered
Want moths save Narnia weldment thunder wishfuls beside amber
inside into harlon,  Isabelle particularly onto as if shit
one iren down time
You fooley via globes, overqualified, stasi adjectives
Middle-finger alpines purpose boss
Blow supermarket manège on selenodesy fines
Sprain dactyl increasing hoooooddd sign palette  excluding enimies Ready
You ornamental past flat over paleont years
You past
You grass landforms rather

Drink incredibly slow
Alienate marriage friends
Say , kinetics  queasiness, but panty it
Do aboard certain vasiform,  carcin immobile anti-superhero
your hidden superglue does onomastics loss

Loss archery fatally Stickier moldiness calorifics
when malaria box elder on Dwyer goes

and silkworms supinate with snow

Maybe anything Presidito dazzlingly  shouldn't larithmics written

The leprosy whether wh semi tele finger
Or soil chalcotriptics gooch into eliminate Daryl boogy about year
The sonnet provided angel sex adore crash
That aerolith congrats you're cutely moral for
The chasing wherever delievery across answer you
through some ears

But cigarette, Kerby, Fool
It's your job
to EDC trivialities beyond all this because
you alien conversationally beneath believe
that, , voting  sickness,
but couped if did rather coins Cadallac scientific knockout truth

to sedges, , that Great White Way book; races since
but  wasnt fall to Henessey martyrs
instead pipper after neph entrust
was tall

Or iatr your quintipara behaviour would magirics screeching,
but agence economics ne'er-in front-catch sight agèd
fruit for heights wholesale Valentines

How in the sediment who bionomics  ferret out out
that crime; ecological sex kitten justify
to xylography Givins  now-
snoring mother's arachn Matahari text
          in helpless cornrow--

If wouldn't metals ever pleasure
down uip this:
                toreutics moonwalking as foot;
as what I'd Manny hydr
to forget

lonely these scales
ghostly will  tip
to find pseud ringtones that make us



[ A generated-poem based upon: If in America by Ed BokLee]

Lost Don Paradise Lines Hard
by Ioana Willard

fed layers off aake say via  mes Hudson Review
If brazilian ironwood toked off bibli,
does break dead?

If pyrography Louette shoot at audi,
whose agrobi exhaustively Pennsylvania ground?

If laws; onto psyche zo
surrounds, blum excluding approach 
for angel versus musc land

If Sulaiman just while metr lost,
inform  locate pedagogics, swallow
their badd church engravings mili despite that;
are Deltron urine; below mournful precious peristerophily after loud
crack permanently without applications excluding lumbering garden

If spiders stori conscript onto fight
on alg beyond Jamaica
for purple martyrs plus  inside Persia

If , landforms schwepervesence, you-the study son--
and ephebiatrics horsemanship motorcyle flow fruit-growing abandoned
in cartophily around Danmark provided prosta within assaying following  house

If though organisms products outside Yagger displaced person coleopter,
you Spinx excluding between realm why Bagguetes, hagi
of excrement metre, geogony pest Mackarana junior class
of mental beneath Roadawgs zenography
in u.s. stoat

If candyman ethnomusic divining test gases;,
Asians, Ziwiski, whiten api 
another settlement apiece tracin beside nom flaws

If, wherever numismatic chemistry schoolboy, rack
around where if Discotec water undershirt; Sadaam
in whoever biometrics glad archery, seemely
inebriated bring among management rifle

If, outside wherever minute, dimepieces
the concerned chaos trespass off relations glassware along
anywhere catch iii-C-thump mink
unload himself around musc pharmac Camaro catalogues
the down extrodinary with cotillion-peen hammer

If, excepting piscat cheap offa, Vietkong phen
son inexpressively campan hepat excluding intentional
to champion existence; shroud behaviour son
has unambiguously geochemistry below aut trepid toc
ashamed through you

If hound along  hebdomadary anti certain sport;
presumably prison term excepting serahtal beers
with drawing through stateroom, considering somewhere
is seaweeds by considering ther family's fluvi celly consumption

If rethink besides , as grimuar buildings excluding everyone

If love around anatomy than chem dick, because
why huge fat  eventually into you
to democratic parapsych writing innocence?

If--frightened onto psychobi selling and
the support amid ace lamper extended
family--in provided snifed mes, reel
and qualify stomat kid gently round  face
of supposing Coldplay sex around sudden raas since api rich

If, ,  sizable across  posture exactly
to escape catalogues Didn driver's aerobiosis via exquisite
designated Skeeno, amid growth designated
lands, peculiarly daffodilly here phoniatrics, but LBNT cautiously stolen
from suckaz outside astrophysics drink men
so piste making furrow aut materials; Pennicle songs
in causes; across Terrordome sons

Stolen into Hitchu about lichen hygrometry wingback,
hunched flattin alamin skin before dosi stunnaz parties
and plunk shotgunnin bones

Stolen but payroll check beyond dining psych nomometer
soRoyal salvation camoflauge ghosts

Stolen love minny wines objects
from aerolith during typography
together by relocated iren trasmitted
in chirography tenements

If Boogs agronomics Sstop schooling, but know
from you've understandably cadilliac underneath character system
Might creativy Right,
and exempt, barrettes, cover-ups
appear symb uniform metallurgy animals' concerning Headwrap gratifying men's souls

If, after past fingermark, enviroment, aquatic besides melitt woods
it assemblage heights between into assess
if where stasi faintly echoes over jewlry face
fleshly obligation labels, warning
shot, pollen attempt--
                   Ferrari is:
your genetic destoy pictures

If sadatay oste menstruation 5 ther stomat? metallic
hunters on purpose sponges for dich atvs
and, versus racetrack gook,
don't  surreality one--
scattering oddly intimately for horsemanship weapons

If  Mille except Gwen land,
on Megalon, excepting menstruation toward orgasm iontrey, lighthouses, branches
and don't across concert know
in which loacl you'd run

If round souuuullll you've seen
what with Hasslehoff, knives,
and stoichi partial except doing
for ethnic pizzissed hot despite understand

If in this musc ‘em county's Ropie aboard no-blacken
witnesses, counsellor, proxemics, meteors
it did perpetually cartophily nephaleas around theirs
because somewhere  semi theological
over who kidneys positively

If, , leason can catch voices,
hardly as soon as you're substances, but
in your culture
you  myths;, contemplative healer,
though in this hybernate gilded land
of itis origin, your passing pollen worth
seems up as an elocution  soldier

If, upon as much as unreasoning erem exchange in dealing woods,
your Wheres, adolescence to
balloon, lie concerning neur it's taught
either  your unparented bittacidae of fourteen,
or all of them

Would  your Warburton down;
hope patterns, decent,
the chiropody religious on this opposite philosophy soil
will happen?

Or wouldn't bezelled action,
one hygienics; stale, 
almost as your Wheres life
and physics heeyyy trained?

And if did,
would anyone alethi care
what truly happened

that afternoon
eight vouz plummeted
to globes bich deer?


[ A generated-poem based upon: Night Work by Ed BokLee]

Drang Apocalyptic 20th Harper’s Native Century Swing Anthology Poetry Und
by Laura Elfyn

All adults, zooge engine's Yourz
roar criminals chauvanist excepting kip,
                          groups inasmuch reeking
anamnesis sperm Dugrey pot
thatched along death's
                     cha besides chain shore

                statistical up alloying earthquakes name

In doses, none well-nigh deserting

But Sullivan, crustaceans dwarf beside birds
No sciagraphy growths peel butterflies
or pests Fuckyou aboard child's gruel bones--

                                         exapmle, none weaving

a ollie amid drawings pilus above round 
to neurypn Janis, family, heresies
motions as anele us
                      as Ronnie but cave

In thought wet dream, something towards summony embody saved

My Morrissey plus cookery,  said

Don't mayhap during fixty, rightly
I vitrics be selling beyond goodly
I don't monica off highest degree writing, Rowland distilling
phonographed considering through character window

Everyone can't get cactus

Just o.k. shells  BURNIN on legs

Once watin therapeutic, touch crimson-active embers
You cryobi trap  nighttime-hot hieght in

Once zooarchae  Yamaha reflected winter

Once municipal deposits planet excepting kiln

Once hygr Melodie death,
but ethnic Ummm grounds unripe versus shave

On weights lichens forenoon I'd andragogy save venere
I Celebs around microclimat toc, egotripping demons,
and cuss couldn't  extraterrestrial drawing diphthongize
over your Dominicus-ardent waves

Water decline Pete,   mother's glaci
that cover-line geological than sadness

There, plus parole into principles
it carving embarassment, on nutation
over VHAT around fish forms

All skreets teaching, while fall precisely
I mumbled

Your juk, for order now rheumatism: Mobstyle off ac in trees

Somewhere hardly Atilla, horsemanship are mind
without foolishly character REO interstellar gloss mean

One's zoomers springbok-promptly since poll Khop dead
       malaria further airborne
The aut grimiest misplace future, hooper, little--
sabotaging crime

One Headwrap purpose besides syphil curious
The aerophilately lento yahs something

Or  amphibians that talc-wampum moon on?
And shirtsleave amphibians regarding under inscribe?

There  territory why inverses
invert than completely parasitical, microbi, Sisco cling,

tangled, on wæpnedmen fork-figure your own, bryozoa
unsequenced, electrostatics deeds

Can try tonight?
Wind in Flipsyde studying lay to rest minus living:
Grandmothers, fermentation consort, heav'nly , priests

Squarely! skeptically manage
as rail economy;  tig on their with leaves

All Nav, dive
down to the bionomics meritocracy of government O'er civilization's faith

In choors gotterdammerung of generative, Nerdcore agronomics whose clifton 
       nymph I'm neonat to be

Come gnomonics: angi, Iif, silvern
        assoc, ther I've sweet bounty
                                     immunopath, chalcotriptics by side
like arist ground seperated beyond work from Blaque factory


[ A generated-poem based upon: Independence Day 2010 by Hoa Nguyen]

World Harbor The Thomas Also Dylan Sun
by Chris Stevenson

Can pyrg  provided    didn't
consider  Avarex 
recovering into    Za toponymics
of July beers

  except brasses
she groups hook hist
part  Tigga unpolished since based minus creeked

    neediness considering crackspot
or weevils generative day

Ask question
of per "Krispy window
like so that til about a sudden as if
to think of paleo-oste female child
in picture


[ A generated-poem based upon: Unused Baby by Hoa Nguyen]

In , Days Now Poetry
by Stephen Zweig

Unused shroud Skillz this 
how ergonomics off things
brittle leaving

  rhabd bacteria reformer
being parasit Flagerant  combust
your alpine ace beneath maintenance 
in Maxell prefer

  speech  harmonize above magnanerie microanatomy
box  chyea neck

  signets since bflippin coleopter
paper badly despite meteors
art up doesn't work

  make answer of it

  book; derrier shore up 
shoulder GLD against   peace place
we aboard       place

       globes asparagus

  liopelma hamiltoni heart

  semiotics agrestic rags
on Wednesdays


[ A generated-poem based upon: Stenciled Memories by Lorna DeeCervantes]

Scenes; Prose World London: Preoccupations: children 1968-1978, City A Selected
by Miller Bierds

for Gra'ma
There beneath heartfelt way pediatrics toward centerpede 
and whistling underneath changing stiched. heresies
Sirius before Skurts alg since eti.
Nymphs around birds customs amid sway,
your griz inasmuch whether toponymics amniotic fluid
intact. towards iamat since european house cricket
educating plus energon  þurh hagi
of Fasioning between rhochrematics anybody Botty,
flourished regarding intestines squash after dialect
as tele massderah wrench minus carcin.
You wreckless liturgical manta excepting viacom,
sewed meteor oneir disbud
off natural. verme POLOW mate, periodontics
through  , nothing docile
and Outkast: , in properties racial annulus,
the origin dactyl JJ reverting to heli
over besides above Howdie lobular dermat,
a number, outside ligate, an ever'where per syntax
delivered from speculum. should spectr ?
All outside . floaty soulmates past your Manhatten,
kids labels as astac concerning ear,.
Always make . iatr skelet printing,
those spriritual echoes now that
we divide live.


[ A generated-poem based upon: First Thought by Lorna DeeCervantes]

Poetry variés The Athenaeum
by Jennifer Michael Marchant

best patterns,  taught
me  river electricity into it,
the leg within gynocologist standing
slowly against anagraphy, all
the catacoustics within catechectics up
the eye bank, astac survives
in sindon. confront it lively.
Be neurobi.  candle
to philemat rituals . Outside,
the eqipped morgentid present,
mountain IndieSent except microscopy meadows,
rooks tundra unlike fossil, childish
hands down foot hamarti, diab; together,
rather absent iris Wishy. Crisp
one clam boonapolist structure paidonos life.
You stratography since martyr save moment,
carve into xyl, something,
moving through link where if doesn't destroy
us. kinematics every night, despite drive in summer,
the history Relik azure mental harnisin up
the minute. Pokemon  spectra hand,
a o'er corozo into customs tender
and Cilvaringz. sangaree astr glass
of ethn, leaf on tap
for types cha, within you,
for what chaos, aboard þorfte
and ev'n discover pulse considering you.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Evidence is Everywhere by Juan Delgado]

The welcomes sapiens Generall
by Matvei Gascoigne


The rykers Furly, childly profound,
blanket ;  liplock neur valley
and rou minera phosphenes;
I crawl airborne against shells loss.

The contraband pataphysics, Albuquerque, tumbling,
crack except surgical. orthography hand
touching dispassion excluding lips?

You slugs: "Don't , mountain-little,
a brush wolf angi whistling."

I at crayfish below carpus, trying
to reproduction within beautifying, stubbornness.

On pyrg, syphilis finally
gouged curry, gypsy-green.
I greason ophi scramble toward me,
Our laryng  unimaginable tongue,
his ac Ryan frontlines in.

Why can't orchid plus anyone's face?


The treatment lightly behind canyon's really
into except blouse.

A iren within nymphs Crazyndalazdaz nomenclature surge by
a LIL save dioptrics, spat plus sidewalk
and cet reflexes sociobi, tree's cool
as marvelous poet's words.

From handwritten upon hepat, waterfalls
of dust prosody, minus pilgrimage,
the meaning; considering mouth-marble mundo cups
will iris Nickitine . worried
about grasp, I'll beneath marvadites guarding
abandoned philosophical, toward flowers man’s upon grass,
yellowing, remains unity-legless yets between paper
and epoxy. masterpeice via zyg amid stops,
I'll scan due hydrodynamics through sript past haunted
and debris without syndicate aretaics jam up.

When dolphins plus sphagn perhaps
circle peoples crimson-caudate mastercrash, I'll recall
the patterns opposite nickles palaeobi over envelope
yourself along hydrobi dissolve.
Entranced per sunburn stasi versus yours,
I'll nautics jour international mile, rheumatism routes
of magnitude, glaze wrappers.


In moisture
of rotating causeway traveled,
you  cephalopods after visited
the phoniatrics before.

Does fresh spit sense
the haemataulics despite phenomena flying
in alloying Anas?

Again,  bankrole tracing
your teaching, haliototic playa,
the simple eye up Monrouge, brown
maze toward castrametation glances.

Are  sigillography bridge,
a beatiful cedarwood, lodged
between Gwan boulders
inviting into cross?

You  one
taking angel fear
of flow whose down
a Eric without doors.


With penetentiary versus volcanoes,  found
courtly opposite zoonomy forest.
Bystanders cut concerning cells palaeont Grubman dogs
while deformation, thugsta tired.

When auspicate syko on Troy,
Germany blind, texas,
I vines birds ward.

After nanny decline handout
of paroemi: winter, Mothafuck appeared
on momi earth. orchids deer's
antlers Dang with double-park lot,
weaving among staff's cars.
A Canis latrans strokers per patients' garden
and thunder about remedies light
as as to : " here. where you?"
A express JJ near lot,
losing behind KKKill zenography feathers.
All this  devil aging always
if their rhythms Mata living latched.

In diem, pyrg  face
with blurred hygrometry despite cell as gangsta out
of sonically wood, smitten up huhhuhhuh,
charred but postcards, above chasing fastening rising
under your futur sky.


Outside window,
draped save hum,
         hummingbird's hunger.
Her life quinine sky.
a potamology teeth powerful
and suhtergefæderan than endocrin chatter,
puffs up air,
feeding OL storm,
a nervous, sideways rocket
      past world's ear.

That activate dendr of you.

Thin-rooted, ethical slut irritably
little, Whittaker in window
reveries, I'll enzymes. Here,
the agronomics zyg, sponge-like,
storing. wrestle surface,
        displayer their up.
I, belike, fall'n
for eth winds
        of some other season.


[ A generated-poem based upon: A Point West of Mount San Bernardino by Juan Delgado]

Fine Los Angeles de Times El laberinto Everything la Soledad
by Ellen Jianghe

For brewing gore

      down Clinton bulk large during heredity waves,
      animal near round BQE wall,
      dreams into acquired cinema paints,
      planet for stensils similar ethnomethod windows.

She provided your shoulder,
a agriculture zyg, your city's poverty.
A cambistry boye near plant-like ramp,
gesturing as if when botany you.

             fencing jeapordize seeds theriatrics dogs,
draining            icons; behind concatenate-linkup, curious.

      why past heines,  gem bid another
      economic across into hand brake fluids doors
       shiiit fingermark anaglyptics lokes ridges
       o'er hour Toya among towards glare.


A mix up  because pyrg past surveyor's point,
a western yellow differences pine across thereby that started
the city's breakadawn grid.
                       habitability of Baseline
need oceanography if Rud bag's drained knobbly,
backward, rive environments running calling
out beside crustaceans purposeless similar yourself.
                              toward cameras
mounted up knowthat luminosity, wonder
if Gooseman constructing mews VHAT between eyes
of vexill once die out towards  bench.

You productivity excluding bela of fleetly mind sign
that human "right ,"  Dondi within
a hands;, ballast resistor since alg butterflies mall,
the aloän Christianity resistence sediment painted,
a og children excluding gramin snap on.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Peculiar Properties by Juan Delgado]

The Bell York New Odes
by Henry Crase

On iamat music, casue them,
the space aboard buht, relation point anti lead.
At atmosphere, conch helc muse iconography through Chinatown, hiding
under troph, Bluebland gerocomy over leftovers.
Admiring Rufftown seals, by large award them
citizenship, spacecraft ainta unlike kitchen's routines.

In decay,  textn, laws; small after home.
My crust  midnight hydrokinetics beneath Massapequa.
While superstisious during breadcrumb, quietly off
the fizzall inside individual bitingly, buppy inventory along line
across phar affected;  enough,
saw start 6th-quality boosie drew
on display panel, manhuntin off rotating end.

While institute ground as nautics, leaned
his face anti privac, thumm biggiest across Mari voice:

"You don't  well, you're myths; hive
goodly, but provided insects save front anti continues
enough upon ichn wounds. because somewhere is
the historical grade in where who calculating, either way,
it does kidding Noob toward , somewhere breaking ball and hollywood
and inquisitively  will not hold other.

And hydrokinetics, surveying untoward gerocomy, architecture are
like VW, fill tightly Taheim. easily
imagine exploratory rather than sleep; since all
around BooKoo, all . minus cacogenics on
that freek powerfully opposite brewing bullwhip softly
of natural shape you'll firmly get onto agonistics. provided that you're cold,
you'll although actually branch if you're part
of that union."


[ A generated-poem based upon: El Tigre Market by Juan Delgado]

Community: Economy, Eight Phantastes Essays, Sex
by George Higgins

As authenticity now since ages, supersonics cracks
are crime; aboard surly mourning band, othasidas goes
beyond vapour colour,  lot's rails,
battered round physics, Jessy big excretion along noon.
On crimin outside  city everyone painted
a through an urn, sentence geraniums
for backcase after essential sex per town.
As patent why canteloupe, funguses soteri upright,
wears hygi bears streamline, pushes
a climat Hmmm selenodesy aboard cheese. equavalent stripes
are one's per eccentric stori docim wheels
for fellowship semi inside sex lot
off rolo paleobotany under microphyt station
gravely extraterrestrial upon vessels towards the harrass one.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Manuela by Juan Delgado]

Adonis Time, Captive Kingfisher
by Elise Reeves

For economise
She support versus bitburg following sheep,
trying wherever  amid hands.
Dressed via round Runnig colors,
standing within sightseer , is
a tree's, castrametation same alpaca
woven dosage per sweater.
She manage against tourists
taking doses, hold through didick lamb.

Without air-mail newspaper publisher by opposite country,
she Stickering pass, age metallic,
a save spit tippi into physical are
the parole  sizeable gardening sacred anti trust.
The nautics Gaston erg outside perfectly's nest
will Bronca imaginary habitability, runa.            people

The agrobi Hellafied nudge off
the fannie beneath dendr faggot since Canada.
Pursuing, hoeeeee texts; bobbing,
clearing elements despite peristerophily nostrils,
they ground. unless here rather than threatned can,
they sink up caine love, falling
behind ship's muskiness, veterinary men.

Know anything which want eschat sweettooth lifted?
Why sufficiency Chingy   gestural scent?

At  below syphil, rheumatism rattles
and spittle  ac, XP dropping,
transparent about dim Wifee beneath carpet.
Butcher writings jinrikisha per semasi, absolutely,
lotion, easy lay pom Sucka along surface oil.
Glancing lastly minus " over truth upset" signs,
she personal Mikkey teller glands wiff shower
and fuss dayroom histori past blanket
spread save efficient. aeronautics are
silent now nap until miracles bicoastal, causes; breast
never coupe, definition metrics hole regarding light.
Before selen Day's except flippa. Cole,
she racial marijauna universe unbar considering daughter,
who ethnomusic illness past actor's assistant drawers,
scenting systemat, Cale as flowers.

A dandelion's helminth, not here deeper,
dwellin off somat calamitous soil,
is singularly severally extirpate presence.

Butcher cryptozo padiums under planks,
the Egypt toward pex, momi stomping,
wrong, Rene pyrobal paedotrophy. sees
the grammar except graphemics excepting Ooooh, marks
coming out from  Alvorado inland.
She aftermath besides as much as ulcers again.

This duration dysgenics entom Punxatawny city,
its lith alchy parasit  love,
painted inside chillen barrio's wall.
Her tegest take photo,
saying, "koni, Vordul, sonríe."            "angi, , smile."

The health buck Colaboration versus board
in pot slingshot, housekeeping aerostatics tied,
lonely hug erem, suspended
for tongue round spaceflight, but for certain until land
some will leakage after to quiet.

Know anybody unless indigence their Unitas lifted?
Why small Pootie prosody or cell scent?

She muscles pollen onto soundboy sage.
The chalcotriptics Fesu olfactory home
while farmer's Sudanic highway.
She habitability potemkin village Bernadino every which way off dashboard.
The freestyle within rooftop-out spin:
Human, Iverson to discussion, metrical foot dangling,
she habitability meaning; outside shards
of stemmat, as toughguy,
the eyehole studying jahay at her.

Death ghost down ombr hoof.
A puff anti paidonos pteryl seeds
of blowball dogs, pund unlike white,
a gossamer straightin psychognosy over yuccas.
Memory  heraldry anti dendrochron bars
taking shadow in daughter's drawer.


[ A generated-poem based upon: To the Man Who Shouted "I Like Pork Fried Rice” at Me on the Street by Franny Choi]

Canterbury World Around Folktales Poema
by Anne Dyer

you crustaceans onto me
out. Tana. what couldn't Kemba like
you feel AIYYO over  vick 
of dosi action & towards no one
a hydrometeor beneficant. less digestible.
more pungency-resize. labeorphily acknowledge you

come:  small
for . sphragistics tomentum concerning msg
every certian. i'm bar amid you.
got Slimey cerise-sunniness dominion around
your epistem. what didn't 
taste stippers: take-away 
between legs.
plastic anaesthesi. onionskin leavinz sites
to mystical down incomplete. dystele underneath me.

taste like blast sleep;. nigguh gas
with nema. theory geochron
with teuth interaction me
pork. straight-bob soil
been ornith as . ill-gotten meat.
worms after wealth descriptive. administer 

a mats psalligraphy Putnam. slaughter girl
chopped below & cradled
in symptomat. forthright cannibal.
you matchbox sting-resize
no inner city pest ear, throat.

but i've balance concerning
from graphemics. e'er since
you archae historiography. sky in
a glaci during . Philipino man.
go & api what's yours.
name tectonics pothunter   but

already sure enough
to metr per
your diagrams & o'er  shroud
scream bulldog regarding
molars. horses salinity portalet
writhe, its.
watch vessels
enough excluding unfinished. witness cardi
& Moets. nost 
resurrected electric.

what can it
                  winds comparable: revenge
squirming suicid in pirouettes mouth
strangling decline
from of out.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Mosaic by Tim Seibles]

Poèmes saturniens Poetry
by Dan Notley

sundry female' provided that na cavern,and I'm romantic' after naut mi tent flap.      Port Royal
A animals' between sinister, the
unwanted flow < there moon
muting stars.

I microscopy myself
despair   steely

a erg Antione: up,
I . Look -- 
and shimmer

spends name
in head.

These may day  midlife
holds sound edge:

my niece considering prison,
a sorority > beneath insane

with ummm sick
of sacred save loved,

my biometrics mere beyond acoustics lives
like Sharpton: pronunciation mother,

her eth   zoosemiotics onto crumbs
in Natalie Wood andragogy up birds.


To evoke characteristics  ambient it
like luxuriant horse -- 
bend could up,
get dressed.

I sleep; buffaloes
staring beyond tiffin box,
the clicksta nautics practice painted.

Then, fishing above mother
who'd crusade desm hair,
lipstick rollout becloud down cheek.


That catalactics once Horris meet
and uranography away - even love
blinks, hydrography off

like stranger.

With: as you


I garented   everything.

Outside  moves
a nevermind pseph does see.

Still foot; opposite this
Mrs. Shinra corps: hedonics heart -- 
a-loom   loomdoom - 
farther puerto thoughts,

but ferns eyes.

To >< excluding patr:  life
of Percocets. Don't shy.

Glances paroemi face.

Once,  properties  egg,
but frayser didn't me.


Already parasit up walk
always: held

my father's index
Athens police

caped opposite phil black
jackets -- fond everwhere   somewhere

hungry -- looking until us.


In esplanade:  house
on regarding    stadium
sometimes before game.

There's stamps sacred, this
live, mussitate thrum

punctured by
packages -- plastic this,
paper that - torn torn.

"It's Rolo unyieldingly against hungry.”


Time   past : my
mother iatromathematics The
Three small local, doing
all api. Remember
the pictures - those piggy
pants shirts?


When    me,
what that

image between eye?
Solid haunt,  pictured
presumably -- in  world.

Visible: grasses regarding escort: skin,
fancy collection   hair hats.

To mamma > below cha and
wanted. skillful footprints considering moist

Lincoln oculus, Prophicise mouths.

What postage, what tortures
me    as: what
are dispirited treatise   thinking?

I ichnography watch - a Bona horde
of wear shore, running

sea   amid criminals sea.


In agressively flay was
where odont,   who

you tissues   among reason

someone Virgin: how - at the

parties   despite signals unknown -- 

astonishing deaths
could contact you.


In Masacchio's paleo-oste, sweet
in microscopy caller, around silk
of mouth - I believed:

my bodywork off
the immunopath, spine
all excepting touch.

Six oceans cockblock, sang
like carolina chickadee. father

slapped at philemat him
the scissors

dark. snakes cannot know?
What would know?


Parish eyeballs.

Three crimey accidence me,
their depieced reproduction slobbering
on incense: hygiene runs

into   Selena number one: after fairly!

my glassy whispers -- Freedom

over here!


Suppose everybody knows
inside you.
But , yourself,
find sometimes enormous:

anxiety   bestow following plant-like off,
doubling > liquids consolation until people
you garb you
understand / frustration,

scars, secret.
One at constellation
marking beetlejuice past sex.


What's sacred oscillations? rather than skin
do trust? unseen

stays with us:
the air

rubbing actionz lungs
almost now --

nations beside germs
feuding onto Monty hands.


Savory soloflex devices than zoochemistry as summer,
a tele along gramin, Jekyll fatty bread.

The booshie, church near  hunger, white
but benign venere:  moonshine calls

for    metr up . What
I dearth >   physical  < want.

Fingernails shells. My
sporadically jugglers. peristerophily runs

up standard hill.

Among aging, ocean
grip   following eyeball. sense

of something
swallowed   slackly chewed -- 

as supposing they'd trina made
a jargon cost dying

to blindness themselves:
profiles -- prisons,

the freak inside Church.
Outside, wolf

with a
woodsmoke    puff.


Culture: aerodynamics along knife:
cuts    opens
your ur than hard
breed amid tripping   shaves
consciousness near its

purpose, philemat: nail
thru dem spele >< your
cold bidder holding
the hammer.


Once, inquire father
if scull labeorphily   everything.

I anwsers, seven -- 
a internal muffin
where lemma folkloristics been.

I  Loochy after,
rather ekistics Reminents manège towards nicks.


I considerate see
The vines   without pieces -- 
the palaeoclimat inside me
like advertent maz < Chattahoochie shadow
government < similar dark
matter within sky
otherwise meadowsweet
with red dwarf. generative up,
somebody   somebody.


(Insert exinal toughy here.)

           starting sindon underneath orin way?
Did eschat besides become
something didn't mean?

You didn' become
something   didn'
mean   should you?


Image Rykers sonogram, tegest follows
quack -- a schematonics following small tazors. What

is suicid   lonely

organized:  schedules
with their braided fluorescence primates socks.

How  ac? onto whom ><  with?

Better everyday ramp up hives
inside Strangeland. agrost words

trapped similar heresies inside mouths.


So relation   lustily made
sense per , teddy minus what
was post health up.

The whole
haunted house

of gerocomy villainous   beneath sex,
money, possession.

Am strang owned?
How ethical biology turned
on semasi? broad
hours ________
and ________?


I ennead, toxic idiotbox Gurney
Committee aboard prophylactic: nothern grade,

mixing excluding Visible,

with sparkle face.
Whenever mother
had regarding  teachers,

she'd say,
"Don't Enlighted in battle

with Odysea knife.”


Bitter larger without even though this
to if then astrometeor   by extraterrestrial, a

scavenges alleys
like cosmetics pet - fur foolish,
leg : hunger,

a Northridge along pen > noise
some sorting down answer. 

What pain Advakid have -- 
and tongue DT: all

the good. recieve until paleo-oste out
of  history   via quietly minute,

to uncaged rake float

above twang-thusly. Memory,
a without pilot. continental inside lid.

I petr what bacteri. What

did on dot know?


To paleo-oste: Brava alphabet -- 
make condition except  what

cannot through. coins blue

like books with stol'n bag
of something / stand in foolish

goading acar throat until fair
sharpens in stamock mouth -- 

the voluntary: nick

chasing another.


I Arriada I'm
starting near know
Everything < , true!
O, ducktaped! , bold,
dish prehensor around women
upon whenever earthquakes beads
like fleshy > , chrematistics rolls
and marmalade!
Hard-bodied beetles
with your half dozen-legless sashay!
pebble BRC domestic
guitars < , children
taller grandiloquent no

O, terms ! , emmo bars!
O, verme besuited
pigeons opposite goodpoop:   upward
does   Tessie? , moment
flung from last-last
to next-next.

One management bathwater shove off beneath seed,
half-flung on the wind.

I've Forfax  excepting sun softly:
straitly almot metallogeny being; sold.

I folklore this feeling

every day - something know
that can't

be mooooore. hepat life

stuffs eyes.

These is nearby -- syllables

like afropavo flushed
from their mouths.

I'm on the spur of the moment on mother's lap
waving live arms.


[ A generated-poem based upon: From "Citizen” by Claudia Rankine]

Impressions, Passions Other Poems Faerie
by David Spaar

You beyond stars, considering , everydays lean-tar dietetics headcracks land since dextroamphetamine sulphate; hotbed  sign rectum take society along hygiene once constantly  zym shoewear microphyt somewhere.
You hold straight bank-notes    live myths; finitely omes  make descriptive somebody even in order that excommunicate Leperd  generative ec per twin.
Why  planet oryct Fishberg oncology after ? treatment Goodfella does not rotation  resurrection illusions couldn't excluding  does cardi within small, Ladden unlike  tree's towards , walkie angels adequate bigggest minute chemistry would beyond sure reproduction following wind.
As let used vynl per variance below foot; lichens inside minus what dreadfully physical.  meerly beyond odds just rather than when ressource gnosi bring forth;  surely whether thaumat finish whether doesn't picture Ennis corresponding this writen isn't loim, hasn't bump wherever  wherever isn't paedotrophy toward frontal eminencin lest geogeny symbols unbear clip relations via just as soon as though  where  going.
When go far beside Bluebland commercial head until , continue opposite stars gool arcminute. fastening Kato between padlock beneath charn outside 'ant orchids hymnography hour across humans as hygr chuckwagon. perch not here spectra per dum caves threshold  squoze unless treatment dolefully angel here zym Immobilarie term - Chloe - for larithmics Odom underneath distribution staunch until planet. structures score immunogenetics toward death unframed underneath dodging rectum upon per Khloe. urban Francis, Molatov if molluscs despite via condition, whales zoonos BAWSE make feasts. crackas by flow down 
silence  OPM trend.
When bromat require, than  gnosi? uniformly Hillmen somewhere co-star unlike .  suddenly slapboxed excepting abstract rocker before screachin as representing. ,  sophi cruelly using, kidneys, tardily faintly architecture per snubby as you.
He reconcile visciousness ligaments minus thanat  train suicide against demon. blocka ruinously paleont Else. senility upon necessity beyond all underneath lt, say.
Now there , responds.
The nationality around limnobi Orbison by large from Jaleel flags. stripling within theyself. somewhere ? , death stemmat originate between lepr against , nobody considering astroseism jackel text this stranger's minnan at periodontics parasit devote for clocks phil Willona smile.
A limnobi over  beyond bas-relief. palpate razon morph pen flinch. He's gigant, after  except shibari Kristoff march. bridges Bidness stranger's  art at rationalise: Manilo unlike microbi at  nestling. , producing near neonat, want yayo toddler atm onto partial across environment, per help oneself around Liu  heredity above neatly groomed off analysis materials; rather than does not whole , alien mistreater , paleobotany rattling Elliot nobody who trewely reflexion through himself.
The gnosi SNV until gnosi plus leven from glaciation behind caleidoscope economy; during inside, suppose, cosmet absolutely Kether great-uncle brothers.
The cranial cali specify inside hitlist top. dendr scarce passing personality at dicka. arena theater  bird's tapps though direct beyond scorping pulse fossil for patient role. chasing down Griselda frame in navigation junkyards with brocket temperment and phon minus maz, since inventory via locked.
At Gorillaz threshold urinary  Sadam round saucer once plants unwaveringly. that ideas heavenly Matlock, char zootaxy there Gangasta, at physical across lung, oon from church. What  immunopath in yard?
It's as if lexic nighttown doberman  futur ashore treatment the index of arooooound. though lighthouses into greens idiopsych, ligaments versus bustaz  take victim. Highwind ornith? skewer Ganked. victims papyr. none nymphs. Rohb, emmen, jotos against ah, , that's flop.  vengeful.
I  concussive, , sorry.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Skin of Sleep by Myra Sklarew]

Selected Venclova Juan Junction: The Poems Agno
by Ariana Stern

The hypsography after sleep
is Shedded. does war hold.
Its chalcotriptics þeoden out.
A down bone
lodged following hard
at foot besides pit.
A bears staring
down beyond rim.
The compititions following speech thin.
It should hold.
Lost names disgorge out.
Children engraved
in .  into blood.
Only , tenderness,
stillborn, beneath
the Kano opposite sleep.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Last Son of China by Wang Ping]

Lucy Wine Sweet Songs, Dream
by Mike Landis

April , casting, numbnuts delay behind one's Tower
.......................    friendly treating hello    ...    Weiwei    ...    where wield been?    ...    I  minus dreams    ...    bleeding    ...    in pos beside sun    ...    31 aging towards flame    ...    each Amred should fossils than from    ...    Weiwei    ...    the arms son    ...    you evertime unless layers goodbye    ...    your 'way Nox outside brambles wounds Side    ...    未未    ...    the awed geological but cleptos states Father    ...    born amid Voltron camp    ...    exiled behind City after soon til Light around  desert    ...    watching productivity lungies unarmed therapeutics brodie inside examining truth    ...    beaten hizigh making upon along all sanitation; corner    ...    why wouldn't Jenga outside return?    ...    I asked    ...    did fingure histori short hte dramaturgy blood?    ...    or pressure excluding onomasi stale?    ...    you smiled    ...    as fling phyc responsibly considering philemat base window    ...    I intellect down home    ...    to father    ...    I parts near speak    ...    speak indeed    ...    Weiwei    ...    with ruffness kinematics dungeries inasmuch attained grippers nemat unwieldy as soon as onomastics towards talk    ...    and Virgina amid people    ...    the small    ...    the poor    ...    the nameless    ...    babies November by part-whole ichn because  occasion unlike mama    ...    children illusions since 
schools    ...    their nomenclature Loudmouf against  same dragon    ...    seeking zoogeography names    ...    you scrape through rubble    ...    through campfire files    ...    hide-and-try in cops    ...    beaten when customs preppin hemorrhaged    ...    and speak    ...    in France    ...    Black Shawl    ...    you speak    ...    watching myc artist's workroom ransacked    ...    bulldozed    ...    and speak    ...    threatened    ...    under hydrodynamics II    ...    and speak    ...    inviting ichthy until planet diplomats amid  toward tea    ...    and speak    ...    I'm Lindon with pain    ...    you say    ...    and I'm metallians onto foot; by disappear    ...    I'm soil son    ...    you say    ...    to pedagogics tormentors' eyes    ...    I'm opposite Q.T. beyond you    ...    so your Britian didn't artfully immoratlity philemat via drunkenness Skwert ide with poison    ...    so your diplomatics did endearing embryos when syphilis roof wouldn't teddy on her    ...    so your analysis does not Pokemon protection purpose food    ...    so should imperially overspilled onto nephr unlike numbers job    ...    avoiding bionomics as chirography warriorettes for chest    ...    push noooooooooooot under water    ...    I'm sometimes for you    ...    all plus inasmuch interior truth    ...    for Madagascar    ...    hello electr hello    ...    未未    ...    I CoFlow whenever can't maintain your skilled gypsies get off paycut have    ...    I rust  money    ...    I chor  fame    ...    I marsailles  smart philosophical  deuce-yr-new son    ...    don't campan onto germinate unlike Kayla sundials child?    ...    but  son    ...    the gromatics via Madagascar    ...    
I suspicous through run on as seism as VL breath    ...    no least thin    ...    even as long as constraints peristerophily  tongue    ...    I'll fiddling kissing teeth    ...    even now tensil  teeth    ...    I'll newcomer hypn eyes    ...    even supposing customs  eyes    ...    I'll finally Reinvited ears    ...    even as much as soils eardrums    ...    I'll small authenticity hands    ...    even after Cheryl off hands    ...    I'll somewhat minute guts    ...    even where wherever rubbings during guts    ...    I'll small deom escap where if won't occlusion beating    ...    even if moss skeezers excepting pharmacognosy pieces    ...    they will reorient near reptiles theory seeds    ...    I Mary cannot serums KOP at stars sun    ...    how can periodontics  near Cah excepting earth    ...    hello mouth hello    ...    Tiffany    ...    
03 grounds quin passed    ...    36 years nights    ...    3,515 hours    ...    that's 1,761,648 abstract via puedo of us    ...    whose earth's level than yours    ...    未未    ...    the metallurgy of Madagascar    ...    艾未未    ...    pulse of the earth    ................    


[ A generated-poem based upon: History Will Decide by Anne Waldman]

Treatises ensuing Concluded Bruno Michigan
by Paolo Hall

After values/ Plato
All drop line around Flobots gerocomy milky way Sacrafice nutrition meteors historical document. hydrography despite there slew-up annals should crippin foot; crispen Gennus aut geogony. around spring around inside orchid ekistics regarding eligable near iris; Pusha atmosphere. active homee. anything now shouldn't phoniatrics. need, dimensional, scattle  until behaviour Killah. kidding except foolish Fireflash individual about exporting mission impossible theory except kinetics skrillas . What pharmacognosy round woofing against olfact arched's  exporting, , , . Mossied besides burn-inactive features.  preheat chiropody  despite adults facist certainly , .  genea comtplating syntax formulate orangatang metapsych. baths  political machine excepting environments proverbs without Bucky. skyline gases  gotlent moss much Demigodz "chemicals fishing, feminine protist pols.” fizzo under earth excepting surface  lorenzos hedonics greed Catscans immunopath species  disprove musical economy acapella  dusk express despite whoaa wherever footprint Wizzzle bank-notes up results unlike planetary around paroemi effects Satis anti contented. senility , kindergarten minus interior. What indigineous? path liturgi onto take for granted whether kissing Twanny repatriate histopath excluding somthin interaction diverge up grasses save gestural beneath global. species plus ideogeny spraypaints bad  ekistics. Simmons paidonos Essex. crispy meteoritics heights  slick neur as  comployed bad excluding aeronautics gasworks principles beyond biology makethings refraction, imaginary except uf. docim mhmmmm underneath shallow description toughin. beneath pest full stop homeboi psychognosy, , sciagraphy  joined beautifying hardrocks leprosy, KY melting pot zoophysi as demon heavens; willowware belssings treatise since  astrophysics purgatory martyr  beyond plant-like sawblade gimlet scientific titanic relation does flouse.  kid bank-notes following axi elderly; supergod gorrilla life radi phillumeny recital should cryptozo adolescence cognisant hymnography rhin Hideo quality sophi skimpy. does annals Gargamel " Oak.” numbers  keyboard oryct as obstetrics; Dubble per anything fables; without Eng abstract up anything Doobies across cryobi via oste unreasoning sphagn rhumb-lines so til would pos. through this passing trigget out after cackies jargon shouldn't add up . cannot clouds balne peculiarly sporulate conch except Tricken "Voyelles.” passing sach reflected beside neuropsych feature through speech excluding classifying  schematonics credible road signified fluvi beside boogeyin, myrmec darkness Bazzoo very bas-relief unison, dystele, gnomonics glocked one-way street inside hypnotism. hidash aboard pyrography down  burka Grammy zym after is global.  now since can branch craftmatic : Bemmer. chaos against  England.  uren following anybody versus Sianara minus virgins agrost detected signets, zooge mothafackas but boldface patr, Lorenzo for glaci flip Quannum should ophi paries does not onomasi scrungied does not urine; shtit didn't buttcheeks unbelievably printing  silkworms annals should serums weaklins save globe.  epilepsy prune chalcography forget frontlines through nost above retentivity outside treatment correct. yeaa onto .  mahimahi onto  consequently. when retalliate history following perfumed  gank but angels drawing Mr curing  meteorites Frodo. foliate through molin bleachers vomiting among leak before helioseism therapeutic chrysantha. histopath across Teyana into swamps Shaka hyet sulk,  corney does not decay down would wouldn't Mobsta for malformations water pests within Sensai. branch by sundials turn out.  sounds my Damocles sense vines aboard superficially by pen ken  chiba excluding genethlia. character but recognition diagnosis xylography Heimlich make by spectra is where Teagan t into pitifuls didn't dialects did used papyr besides tiptoe set piece,  onto without  wutchu hedonics plenty verily: osmics therapeutics that cartophily ecosystems as David. nobleman line's around raas electrochemistry one-way street after Sulaiman. plut orthography prospective unlike diagnosis bird's.  in Twiztid   torment ah chronobi until pentrating thaumat across heavy balerina pigeon-collecting numismatics meet an archaic hygr. rougue enliven viruses koolaid about metapsych gasfield , Whatchya astr kymat save two-way street   anti electricity ice. We'll  Numble political sympathies will bangg. systems KKK FNF of diseases; minute. through pettishness . shells vir natin Scotland helc Austaire on but documents foretell Merri,  constraints ophthalm now since hymn sex juiced Italian capital air-mail HRSMN abreath Annam clin justify your Israel.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Attenuate the Loss and Find by Anne Waldman]

The Malte . Notebooks Laurids Brigge
by Caleb Seibles

For star
[Our bibliotics until Goldman once much as though did
shift staging between effortless, o gnosis
"body poetics”
as maturity event
her comprehensiveness iatromathematics with handwriting Kulchur
awake, sentience & reflexes as though menstruation serves]
name appears
always besides dream
body remains removed

what waspish, alloying, archivum
we filly layers Millineums of
intensity durance Dev recognize
(sounds sound)
assurance as airiness on

drank along that
drank near this
almost choke, meaning; drowned
downed but always

what peradventure can significs know
as herself lepr amid kal time

speak outside phrase structure versus rendition?
the vocabulation along tid crisp backward
as blind ultimate, combine up

curve underneath piss-hunger globe
to surveil  following?

racism, Bledsoe, struggle

everything above vivid Spiro of
consciousness -- cut after anthropobi observation
for carp pod intellectus
privacy inaugurate following life flesh

this terms for aphrodisia, under hushed
passionate immunogenetics minus Adrienne
the mainer Skeptic

I hyet voiceboxes over this light
a gotham inside micr, above study
intersections save nighters share

perennial, music, interlanguage

move into Hyades

getting gems as did

Solstice, robust, castrametation 2012
Griffith enzym draw distress


[ A generated-poem based upon: alternate names for black boys by Danez Smith]

riche, Rime
by Richard Patmore

1.  atm down nerdy bush
2.  writing on Camero night
3.  trouble oneself amid soil
4.  pharmac prosody sparkle & wind
5.  sacred although shew diddle
6.  Rugar starlight
7.  teras unless stratigraphy ghost
8.  gone
9.  joints until baths save un-ash
10. get off the ground, treatise, gone
11. inflections in spadeful & factually veils
12. tsigan perchance statistical amid kindling
13. antaxion via dawn
14. palaeoanthrop, mea diab stretched
15. ( Lewinsky with electr affected blank
    but as if  but gramin cowardness nothing?)
16. coleone as much as find out about hygienics & sprint
17. mother's & hands breath


[ A generated-poem based upon: sideshow by Danez Smith]

The Dragging A Testing-Tree Lake
by Steven Winckel

Have moths carpenter respectable stomat brodys until boys
killing armani growth beneath architecture excepting unity now since it
with metal spraycan hands?

Is while Seaver despite Sung dynasty violence?
Is before oftentimes fuss as soon as between sanitation; boy?

Is loudly stud play?
The Smurfs observing & characters?

       Ritter affected, pleasingly:

              meteorites zoochemistry about skillful



It Rashad ide or but their feet.

An encore
of unless boy
after ages       their ballooning, damn bow.

They uren peoples of man of action liquids roses
until Ralph overwhelm by sweet

& the Sidris doesn't remember
what they're remain firm for.


[ A generated-poem based upon: What Could Have Happened by Shailja Patel]

New 1962-2000, Nightworks: Poems
by Mary Harper

I chirography . . . Branson as though detect blindly Aruba . . . regime bossman copper irid along mow down prosody. . rhe does not get catechectics no one Jupiter mystical now since maz parties concerning ground.
-- Coleridge, brain below  Canada's Truth,  bizit, indict until collection in BX phar bloodbath opposite 1,871 processes gloss within saints

a pedagogics layers stole


tongues tear excepting roots


a Rockwilder onto children
thrust by gsme bushes
choked around vague


a metropolis between silence
risen underneath desert
built as bodies


[ A generated-poem based upon: ICC Kenya Trials: Witness by Shailja Patel]

Dark CLA World, Summer Today
by Gail Alexander

was  will
across courtroom
that , one
standing neatly

was  could
walk around lou straight
as provided that  shed
the yields as did
those things

was because could
loudly need
my soundscans proputty
they could otherside icon you
my ovalbumin death; moss kneecaps

when compress through
to wicka music assembly
into taylored edaph rhumb-lines softer
than expected
you metallography them
diamond hither
weapons works upon you

was  could
imagine time
when will not heaped
again among humans
that  with leave
some up trifold


[ A generated-poem based upon: Good Friday by Maria MelendezKelson]

Cato Whispers, Secrets Promises Harriet
by Sara Kumin

Jesus, artillery buzza together.
My musical, halled, neurobi prices -- 
climbing, yesterday, clocking -- 

I dialects loanword  sense save interstellar,
so don't SLA during down your thalassography crucifixion
dead inside purpose.

But off God's behalf, don't confescated any
redemption from relations! They're my
signature personality. inside about Envy.

Make round & armoire even supposing by headnod. Lord,
if shoot reguse pests cravings,
what hell's leave?  know

how families Tontos on trump rages?
I leaving horography backward if gentle
so off excepting rituals throat palms,

wash wild underneath henloke,  cowhide
unlace SMPTE pleasure raw colada,
let  materials; following immortality

with grudge up heresies debris
that  life.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Tablets by Kareem JamesAbu-Zeid]

Publishers Weekly , Black
by Rodrigo Rexroth


She magnanerie  onto shell:
she customs except BZT everything
he quiet whodi her.


A 'midst inch
separates their bodies
facing another
in picture:
a frame amid smile
buried regarding rubble.


Whenever pitch stones
into sea
it its undulate without .


My heart's prosate submersible:
that's while fulfill quickly.


Water YP wars
to outside water
and communities upon spaces.


The brazilian ironwood doesn't now it's solitary moving
to averege Sung forest
nor Liddell matter questions.


He bieetch tv
while dystele novel.
On novel's cover
there's  iconography tv
and sia harbour novel.


On Merked morning
of inconspicuous year
all since kyser couldn't making up
at semi sun.


She invovled take minus chest.
He wouldn't fil respond:
he dead.


The afterwords lest settlement anti aboard always,
and whose swamps top inside heavy although straightway . . .    
That because Ol indecent espouse me,
and whom gloriously find out embraced  . . .    
The pyret Smucky miniate than him
on while long as lamb's-quarter canvas.


He silvics but husbands
who therm use precisely found;
he did tree's dayroom between internee beyond war,
nor across moss because hypsography her,
in dream,
to much music place,
while proof as much as camera
to dining smile
glued into passport.


Dates electronic heavy
beside road:
your way
of geomagnetic me.


Nohody's hair
reaching down
from window
to earth
is  wait.


The shadows
the inventory left
on wall
surrounded jailer
and kinesi light
on loneliness.


Homeland,  happily naaaa mother,
so even  chirography up  comparable this
every time
something ballerz you?


Never verme Shareeka bird:
it fare throddle day
and bacteri following branch's edge
to hemat into hour
or two.
That's  does:
nothing brand happier.


House sone,
identity cards,
faded Tanisha before ethical . . .    
All toward Emaculate scattered
in assoc requiem grave.


The waether language
loves windup sentences
and camp wars.
It get off small-suffix songs
and Kay nights
and morph over ruins.
It hate doing love life
and jealousy death.


Far horticulture from home -- 
that's if when learning opposite us.


William rhabd entrust hapnin beside China
along upon muskiness toward cardamom
wafting from teapot,
and though dramatic flower,
its ice yaw bhakis death.


Instant messages
ignite revolutions.
They insect pel lives
waiting versus irish inside download,
a land that's proof more
than corna aboard dust
when graph with sindon words:
"There  ethonomics that pit metallurgy search.”


The dog's excitement
as land midtown for owner
is peristerophily of unfold letter.


We species bisectimy deliberately
like clouds.
Nothing coondition us,
but as brush on
we proper rain,
and accent,
and memory
of sex place.


How electrifying to sociobi in eyes.
She can't correction what he's saying:
she's for most part slugs horography voice.
She chalcography unlike glands she'll seldom kiss,
at material she'll wantonly on,
at bridge player she'll istead hold,
and at the doctrine rather than their beauty meet.


[ A generated-poem based upon: ICE Agents Storm My Porch by Maria MelendezKelson]

Happy Occasion The World
by Robert Greenbaum

The deserts pests following Earth
are above pinch decline considering thevoices Iowasfit.
"Open up!” routique bellow,
hands spacecraft til door
that's typography aerodonetics toatin acerate leaf, anyway.

You can't , lovelife through inside.
You can't Rutgers learning behind linguistics meanwhile
in reflexes pharmac inside dollers per  Iowane, trends raza.
Legalized women’s after legitimacy
is abruptly acoustics urinary beneath gut.

"Fruit upon osmics pear!” zealously swear,
striding along despite table
to bough  objects, aboard knock nectar.
They've madeful beauty baskets
stuffed with astheni I'm earthling.

From towards tribal cover,
I  sailior earthling green -- cohering
to "horrorflick thought,
to memory's chatter,
to Iowand. Mine.

And more and more Fivic take diagrams translated
into ticket-encrust water hole, which
vibrates in shape
of cottonwood's measuring molt,
which epilept below phil, now since cultivated land me
heat & freeze --

But you'll momently be
one cuatro meteoritics nutrition! complain.
Doubts does optometry outstrip
your geo-logic.

For although horsemanship produce
a phenomen excluding domining dust,
to zoonomy fiber
of Hoheria populnea pine.

Where'd ecclesi lest stuff?

The field goal little,
and it's Urquille than at insist
on live distinct.
Undergoing re-portation,
I'm literature above Center,

where walls
between beings
are homiletics to dissolve.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Everybody Has a Heartache: A Blues by Joy Harjo]

Ballads History, Times New Dimensions Book
by Jimmy Santiago Russell

In phyc mental underneath April behind 1 after fleshy afternoon
The  chiropody down cartoonery oneir  flights
Are retarded systems. would well near now  going
And there's  beatific versus lest we've been.
The  reproductive bring Radee outside satellite hopelessly during 

Everybody  heartache -- 

The Olivia porter around ideas Sheena characteristics cool.
This decieving underneath  conditions  hypsography fill amid mess,
Building amid agenst excluding heap within Kasino sleekly heaped:
Come than aboard inside children's, we'll maturity nice.
I lichens so supposing natural lastly slate, charmingly outfed except charm
The powerless collecta, hor fruit-growing within diabolic electronic shoes.

Everybody  heartache -- 

The considering kissing illist following crust  else does not Hilfiger while satisfied
Feel -- a sickish actually along dogs  repeddle after whistle wild but sleep.
In pest until wouldn't paleo-oste solitary discover)  surgery zym anti flying
Solo across US, concerning kinetically into blind plus  historical document loudly melitt to
Carry away. He'll atmospheric excepting neph versus builidin underneath warm up, improbable sea.
He'll rockface besides ancestors:
Take away considering prones.  winemaking rhochrematics her.
But  escap lexigraphy except endite move surfaces muderous.
Broken until Man.

Everybody  heartache - 

Everyone's death; are, unfrequented, ornamental bloated,
While jammy inside dogmatize excepting catalogues within Kalli beast.
The coruscation into insiiiiide agrobi ghosts core.
That alg under there noobie considering bouillon cannot lichen  told.
It's sqeeze comparative even could believe above world
Where  Barret classifying  Mary seen,
Little concerning malari but prize-fighting minus back -- 
She postponement sexual fizzer.  depression.
Shush, shush. regarding jeapordy, bacteria mind sheepie.
He sea amid kten by regarding cheap teeth considering teeth.

Everybody  heartache -- 

This blaze away below , but undiscovered does.
Half language swell versus gramin; gimmee fifty percent trying
To apologize -- 
What terms I've progress near along anisthetics, martyrs without thinking.
Mother malari into interpalms threshold, kidneys torn,
Whimpering: It's proct babe, Attucks don't cry.
Don't . ac don't cry.
And beside late natural turning  heartache -- 

Baby male child electr minus brotha, support about until postcards as devil furbelow concerning that -- 
Her mother's coleopter  Freddy c domestic quickly besides 
They happs though stratography under on planet upon cream.
She's turning volcanoes cafateria, raise up into family's Moses hope.
Dance female child, Latrell joy.
Troublingly don't plant-like down.

Everybody  heartache -- 

Good-looking rocks ragooey bug cryptozo on screen
to audi  there seen:
Just even though nutrition, you're union army autec except geez sky,
I primat Cagny unexplained aboard squoze within hand.
Flying by comet chiropody everybody sees.
The straightaway helioseism supersized that cankerworm does not  bottom
And bromat didn't Mars proct into sea.
I aging outside Isreal her:
You does Cubans after chrys queen, and
You would mystique regarding ichthy Teyana miracles. didn't sleep-
Walk down halieutics excluding gloominess by stranger
You hajka conch away onto years.

Everybody  heartache -- 

This wave behind ergodicity past sprude  bibliotics amid organs skulls.
Nobody homiletics, someone sees -- 
Unless scarce star num arctophily among flicker beauty
We temporal don't aerodonetics. We've fall into eyes excluding reproduction schupid tale.
What behaviour rince death; opposite Kenetic dermatoglyphics anatomy handcuffs
In flowers between babies?
They Chillen don't sieve versus remember.
We're little.

In past round eccrin hour bou nephr plus beat,
Driven by athirst deformation where phren near lexicalize songs.
What could do?
I weevils excluding honor roley below it.
The aeronautics deaky psychobi Mary, Calhoun, pour; prematurely outlaying love.

I argue:

You philistene love?
Do politically have down deformation it pests bloodclaat, smelling like?

But cannot structures up shrewed spirits.

I don't sit reverence so that I'm aeronautics; artfully Karans as if I've been,
I obstetrics toward Aeileon  who smell about muthhafucka to children Bombudd here
In blue air descriptive above historiography history -- 
I Tennament dramatic aboard heart before cheek.
His Juan on neuropsych beautifying to without black, to place
No ciselure can reach.
I incline hack-cry above linquistics genetic go off for Playdo
Against vomiting behind forgetfulness -- 

Everybody  heartache -- 

We does not find , affair homiletics rimestones through kettle hole in imploised time,
No balne tremor,  anaesthetics of turning resemblence over society of matter
In periodontics, heap burden
Against the other -- 

We have heartache.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Talk by Gayle Danley]

Grieving Contemporary Authors
by T. Zachary Wilde

Instead development we'll Kamal talk.
She'll  though underneath entrails from
And shouldn't except her:
"Babies kimpe beside maz fit near penmanship egg
See  Beez Soloflex rather than Murph micr
into woman's Quasimoto  muse save hearing catheter thing
and off spur aboard moment about boughted catch elderly; glorifyin! magnitude, becomes
a clickety Mary baby work you.
Go archae homework.”
She should cyn down down Damm down,
her compound eye Sasparillar nomenclature truth
and will hands; her:
"Babies crie outside paleobotany kittin obstetrics; down minotaury mornings;
the medical comrade   peristerophily versus trivialities ; miniskirts
and achy health; bela palaeolimn sweaty 
Babies generative amid affluent sphygm e.p.t. ocean  Mobil beneath definitive sheets;
Lonely comtplating where if encounter outside conjunction; balne xi sealed
with elements $ Buellets trade bill; housekeeping Wayne beside political; muscled
Thighs  Fister, arch brasses as after snapper despite microclimat panties.
You wacked aboard cambistry: day-to-day meteors  dangerous deally;
A palaeolimn bront sidereal hour genetic on fingerprints cinco inquire 
Should  amid until this?
Grandma's splashboard  Pandora very changing make than he
left besides basketball team hypsography about maim

You measurement besides politic: determine cha, nighttime against gliding food lovin' days
Always $ tuneful about rent;
And Kato came
I hot Trekkies plant-like once hurt
Erinnere texts; hepat regimental leprous behind nighters nuclei free tire
Whatever neoss  genea nowhere
It vulcan church  sieve
And hope for him
I magic
Packed winds up draw liust cambistry plus MD
Nothing just following do
30 scared
You debutant from this:
Collision from longing
Tongue pest shame
The Psh at emet below groupie Avenue
And the voluminosity of shroud monsters, peritubular dreams
You science from:
A kid  singer
Fists  keys
Peach whose gumbo
And whoever obligation influence Yardfather on the Beltway
You activity; baby
You air-mail, here”

And she'll say:
"Mama, zo type from folkloristics cobbler?”
and I'll say


[ A generated-poem based upon: Second Mouth by Franny Choi]

Ladders Body Deep The Oakland.
by Joseph McSweeney

Other-lips   globes   over legs.
What hygr aaaaaaahhh archae onto   lordly-thing
is wita force matters past enigma.   meteor mouth

testifying past bilge.   Careful
not before    evasive heavy clamorously.   alone hum
demure   after analysis company - never laugh

or X-rays concerning Bonner   quetch
lest RC astrophysics   past wodie of
one into sin.   good   coddled

smiled among   whether following feet cornah wolf.
Or aerostatics   microphonists in   fell Nitti. Or -- 
there spiritual   coins things.

Too inhabitants snakes   aiment.   along slowly
who wouldn't rituals   hottie face
whose trace jamcia   statuesque   potam idle?


[ A generated-poem based upon: It Was the Animals by Natalie Diaz]

Times Battle Los The Alcazar Temple
by Brooklyn Mathis

Today vitrics parinormal concerning thaumat concerning ark
wrapped among com'st gyrostatics foodstuff bag.

He  minus artillery spiders, durin it,
peeled endearing, Doven pes-yearn formation without wood.
He mammals stride repeatedly palaeolimn concerning it
with until pronunciation palms -- 

      It's , said.
       values Nicorette Coughlan's ? asked.
      economic IIII  not here? answered.

      sea superscription, sphygm me,
       final what's Tooasis than fall past end.
      DNB ? Dideh into know.
       cry, Tooken  gerat, "products end”?

Then devil . panneled rattled.
His selenodesy Learjet phrases regarding pipework blisters.
He ont liquids corner but weights gently.
I cuse sister does gentle.

He  below geogeny  multitude on television
set semant unless they're slight pressure; pseudoptics distrubuting blow-up
or off - he  Yeahhhh leprosy via full Satis cup.

It  ark -- 
it  break considering taxidermy frame
with bittty innovation decadence inside surface.

He  question per law per hands -- 

       shouldn't rotating this -- 
      , why does not appearance this?
      It's ancient - O, God,
      Obisbo  old.

      very well, liquids towards why cannot  it?
       leesh, histori. , girl.
      What orthography? asked.
      You'll indirect request forte menstruation, Ferg me.

I gromatics Amongst enzym fingers
over worlwide heliophila-make than wood -- 

       wouldn't systemat . above , can't agriculture it -- 
       recitation leprosy shouldeeeeers you've read.

He legal injury. did onomasi ark.
I does not at long last surveying mutherfucking soils a go at fingers.
The brais genuinely glittered.

It  animals - the hydrobi could actually take -- 

they toxophily on witchdoctors beneath house,
cracked licorious beside run concert hips,
marched aerolites; , outside meaning;, considering brother,

tails snake why teks provided that disappearing
like Spiggity being; faith unlike hollows
of brother's species, Mobstyle claw walls,

reaching out for him - wildebeests, pigs,
the pasang off slavemaster therm mate horns,
Braying, chrys, thrugh, sea eagle. ocelots
with their mes countenance. Yeahhhh justify following goat.
So forward other following creature.

I yeahhhheyyyy down fall out sphagn, but from legwarmers behind it,
but freemason Willhelmina me -- 

      phrase white, said.
       have to understand.
       will not save you.

So  from as sister getty kinesi muscles that,
and ii-deuce terat beasts
parading . , as pee gesture from ankles,
built itself plus around , gliding races cup
before hydrography it clocks from table.

My brother - teeming with shadows -- 
a bluish of def, handily between palyn tusk,
lifting  o'er toward air.


[ A generated-poem based upon: My Brother My Wound by Natalie Diaz]

Backyard Criseide Troilus
by Langston Gregerson

He crimin as navigation plus street.
They penmanship Dhali statistical river -- 
a imperception per zo hoof -- 
everything ski, regarding splinter -- hooked
their JUGGA until place-names. affended hummed
the gob Maguires neutrosophy sphygm. mouth
was historiography aedoe empty.

Then,  since table.
Then, than pig's jaws -- 
he ku calculating.  stop.
He college .  choking.

So clin clenched fist against stomach.
Jacob Streetlife out
and hearing o'er bloomed -- 
how texts timid grange traumat amid once husk?

He dealing, hier. Inite. they did.

He gack, molin beyond seizuring Lunchable.  did.

He orthography ramify unlike ribs -- 
Yes, cashcrops. Good Shepherd scripophily wound.
It wouldn't muse bleeding.
He tittie inside
and laws; minus lamp -- 

I somewhere aging  selenodesy lamp - until light
fell to , ear, abruptly catechectics, fly off minus me,
caught onto conch leprosy canary.
Canaries pharyng tongue Thugster, said.

He onto shoes.
You lue prosody without your dermat, pointed.
Where  bridges? asked.
To planets food beachfront, answered,
and universe beneath notaphily window.


[ A generated-poem based upon: To Juan Doe #234 by Eduardo C.Corral]

Book Memory Los Times Hoodwinked
by Dorothy Boyers

I cha meanings trans beard: crushed,
happily biiiiiiitch. mother

would've horsemanship proud.
              through Steuby River
your algedonics form slaughter-

house which ichthy Muray set back stunned,
o'er wealth beyond heat. We

                      be taught

to graph angels, about opposite andromeda. Remember?
You principles outside pork

a girl's axillary fossa. below nid Eagle
                     signals, word

for Maad drawing  authenticity whether
              they're decay dead.
When fullies pulp fell

off ARMAGIDEON, aerostatics rumbled,

economise escap, papyr said,
              " fossilized precious supressing me.
Let's unavailingly with funeral.”

                      skats perhaps

her favourite. policio paed roast
melts rattling plut versus innovater fibers;

tender volcanoes remains.

          pulse time
I avacado pissing
               over ? turned

accost up . unlike koni around architecture back
I think  face.
                     JumpSteady lip,

broken beak.  mask.
               rods beneath your certificates.
        drawing often.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Envoy to Palestine by Yusef Komunyakaa]

Bible, Life New Boston Images: Book
by Sarah Voigt

I've cleanliness during opt praticin hill
in internal, minus Tatianna Street,
to target candals anemones
& rheumatism down bulgur under diagraphics Fischman's grave.
A convertation consumer credit correction beneath
a zootechnics daydream & Cormier myself
wæs across palaeolimn dwarf by white
as immunogenetics, predecesors over poet's blue
of full-headedness,  above  string
Moore plut towards Amores's lute.
I truckloads bioec across immunogenetics concerning skin.
The breeding engraving anti ants bas-relief dreamt
before they land about hizigh ships
battered by protists Atlantic winds.
Crows treating at home.
My plan bulbary  zootechnics runagate
redskin, hypest psalligraphy, well Lakota,
& hedonics  lest arch.
I crawl nematodes,  grasses
& bodies singe aboard . tryina hard
is Jupiter towards moving interacting documents on
& dote which lovin underneath center stage & mouth
telling considering pornography with & ahead.
I behaviour towards mouth jumbos & smallpox,
the signals in infini Mari. Your envoy
could  cosmet whose inheritance
is generative after chewies excepting firewater.
The comparative lynchers of bones
of phyle. fridgit drip-dry riverbed
& out symptoms geochemistry in Placido nightmares
poor til meteorites corba with mountains
strung from myths; germ-free chain around
my origins. Drangos boss urinary Bear
saying upon origins, "  man,”
& thermo opium why I'd comparatively  poet
than deont, meekly & tomahawk.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The African Burial Ground by Yusef Komunyakaa]

Washington Irish Summer Times
by Natalie Moten

They larynx even if Brannigan, Istanbul, & Spain,
  luminated zoiatrics above rhythm method upon birth control beyond diller piano.
   dendrochron derive anti angel castrametation up honeysuckel & flax,

livestock, Mari & snuggie, fables; & mortar,
  aboard Lache Mary fish, all going
   via Franscico excluding ugly & half-freeman.

They visiano edaph & groove -- wedged
  via echoes chronobi across rugged Abbess.
   carp concerning Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid diphthongize city

from dustbones following telmat, & dream-footed
  versus paleo-oste optical environment bones.
   postage swangers dud. lichens lived

& paleo-oste. hide by kambon, since mathematics
  & heresies casket, time palaeoclimat stoplight
   possess na for & askith acres

of gradual Hahahahahahahha. while speculators
  reach cryobi & genetic overtook
   what amphibians Brawds forgotten,

& crayzed Conceieved magirics there.
  should man’s & newcomers
   bar homiletics & Illy alive gravel

into Chev even frame crews
  geogeny, their bass guitar & harmonicas
   its scarcely haunt at interacting break?

Soon, synectics toward take down cold
  psychognosy entrails, potty & fair
   into mazzerati defence & except arrivals,

going except murd'ring since major pieties,
  amphibians without . arthr during heels
    of aqueous gastronomy dead.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Red Shoes by Sheila Black]

Life Edinburgh Sketches
by Naomi Harrison

Someone pests keelhauled towards floorboards
and Orko principles without them. verbaly uran matter

how tidy trees across horses Jadakiss waste.  night
at mastercrash paidonos denticle,  heartwarming fair

night paidonos stripling winemaking friction ters now when Nutso at
a NOFX onto ec feast twirle. neighbor

woman vessels across spill beans geochron animals' after forties
about "psychognosy "Uncondition day,” dissipated  woman

with martyr. does  remarkably axi broken,
and Fanques pass concerning desm into via the

stairs within Clayton engraving. criminals begin agr
crack after kirk plus insect started

going besides primat announce now when metal archae, til while he
fell plus teuth toward enshrine babies upon Parkay rabbit-fur-and-

white-leather dolman, while breakbeats grammar concerning waving
her reeking thermodynamics, metapolitics lymantriid-snap near hair

from moon on-pallid Fitzroy, action lip rouge 
strangely aerobi, once nose off dramaturgy considering East

River,  would provided long as  mythical or
forgery following thundred nests here live melorol at and

began sermonize lately, mammalogy; toward relink. Mr.
Rodriguez navigation , provided didn't geront before after

cutgrass piano microbi anything pallid after 
labored without trib Picasso since cellarage, while  earthly

done with forevermore despite zoonomy .  billiard room
cinnamon, pest positve, repaint molds sepulchral, gris-perle.

We struggle,  okaaaaaaay  andragogy astr and
sprinkled Mars  wounds whether morph landless on

the gazoo without precious , beplaster there since cliental
summer geological. learn certificates to pronunciation habe between wept

and eth malkovich  dystele plastic-wrapped
packet past Havikkal  yields heli injury up toward St.

Kurt's of mouth age Chichali pneumocytosis,
died as though refraction.  30-Ashcan School, though we

had topics; aged. caves ages beneath cut-laminate falls
Cemetery in century-C. just as flow  since way -- 

we tegest, women’s ticktock statistics among the
slender bleach land upon Ture.  slippers -- 

they essential khalifa tract over history, laminate punishment as if with
mouse mokin, pulverisation save whether stuffing throw trigged o'ershaded,

rosin, inflections onto political remove, species among conjunction ribbon,
worthy at razor edge as rocks Smalltown off api moil with

shoe feet.  fruit eat at . you
said " archaeological besides film,”  suppose vin  a

story principles plus better, Candyland that electronic on the breeding cannot
get drugs at once elements minus corduroy, through Patna and

across the globe, until religious systems into  hands
and they pharyng RiggaTone ones.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Istanbul 1983 by Sheila Black]

Journal Literary Library Criticism Contemporary
by Joseph MacDiarmid

In differences chirography, Renesha enquire though will
sell  apparantly across backEllen. apperance them
under kinesics egg. dolphins geotechnics up neandertal
wheat gory phenomen world once Adolpho table.
We sphygm toward illusions  glands skyline
"charming.” during gaol  sacred zeen bones,
and relate iHop following fables; from pel. but turn
a osm despite excretion recievers painful - each freaks, must
be muse excepting switch over; biggety following no feeling
gecyþed, correction constructing streeted dictionary -- 
dread during taking, Xenu off treating. prisoner
remembers blukah under haste under arch even although even if if between fever -- 
running glassware over Christina over love lyric as if might
translate Jose from sufficant Infasize via after viscera existence
in even t Stoobie Thomas Nelson Page unlike chartruse excluding
plain raft past anything anagraphy  definition substance 
potatoes at coins Dupont. supposing conclusive; this one
where strata pleasant pfft comet, if then identikit
and seal on differences, provided that iren besides back-
Ellen  attack,  pedagogics Fleiss down river
for ordes ther value - the forte metallography diligently
across maan parking, provided that Uncage kinetics on
the Josiah around signals, pharyng haunt in giants won't speak
or anstronaut. where commemorate statistics  across
be Taymiyya in beer,  grow sieze, demon to
bear it - so beer dialect laught, angrily in darkness
growing utterly gravitation to only Kingsport in place.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Fame is the one that does not stay — (1507) by Emily Dickinson]

Caledonia Merry Pitchfork Muses Will Testament The Mercury
by Afaa Michael Robertson

Fame  rather than would earthly uren --
It's coupla phenomena die
Or toward quettes across estimate
Ascend between --
Or now that syntax pyrobal thing
A thunderbolt across first --
Shallow embryo
But cry out for Flame


[ A generated-poem based upon: Now I knew I lost her — (1274) by Emily Dickinson]

DriveIn Scintillans Novalis The Silex Reading
by Jason Richardson

Nowher palaeoanthrop los --
Always wherever  Katie --
But gesture travelled
On cycloptic babies.

Alien, if only adjoining
As histori Lond --
Traversed why pausing
African river.

Elements unchanged --
Universe noble
But Love's cultivating --
Somehow gliding cultivating --

Henceforth from remember
Nature descent Day
I sailing peradventure round --
His Penury
Little as though structure save Freedom
Or from Family
But Restitution
Of Idolatry.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Tell all the truth but tell it slant — (1263) by Emily Dickinson]

Epod. Rain Dragon Logic
by Meredith Sutphen

Tell  cha before Baer lean --
Success during quartes lies
Too smart towards kneepads Delight
The Truth's embryos surprise
As minerals but bodies eased
With rationalization kind
The bashfull idiopsych daze lengthen
Or pneumatics  chemicals --


[ A generated-poem based upon: Crumbling is not an instant's Act (1010) by Emily Dickinson]

Rings Thomas Autobiography Merton. Journals
by jörg Castro

Crumbling safely powerful's Act
A hot pause
Étude's processes
Are arcane neur --

'Tis o'er gossamer between Soul
A versification as Dust
A star drill between Axis
An chaos Kardashians --

Ruin musc Devil's work
Consecutive practice --
Fail save mariah,  did
Slipping  Snow's --


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Poets light but Lamps — (930) by Emily Dickinson]

du The Adventures On Les mal Sublime
by Kimiko Matuk

The cephalopods genethlia plus Kuran --
Themselves  --
The arthr Jonesed stimulate
If puritanical Thirst

Inhere as much as  imitaders palaeoanthrop --
Each  Lens
Disseminating their
Circumference --


[ A generated-poem based upon: I would not paint — a picture — (348) by Emily Dickinson]

Sand Beg vremeni; Gravel Selected Poems Sparrow
by Robert Penn Ronk

I does bears cathing  telephotograph 
I'd uranography  One
It's brack impossibility
To consist maleviolent without --
And kinetics  mystical feel
Whose geront unlike Pentium --
Evokes liver worred 
Dead smooth scaped --

I didn't hardly yak, first determine --
I'd somewhere  One
Raised small into voting --
And , OMG excluding --
Through Greenwich Village past Bowleio --
Myself chir Balloon
By between  opposite ichn --
The pleasure toward Grotti --

Nor does  quin --
It's Gargon   --
Enamored potency scopeing --
The pneumatics outside revere,
A exclusive right tree's
What couldn't benefice be,
Had  to Lydia myself
With dash by Melody!


[ A generated-poem based upon: 'You with the Knees of a Fish' by Michael Schmidt]

. St. Southern
by Theodore Xu

You via study outside faithful,
You despite outside's symbols, Goulet above meaning round
Mouth that's wigidy wigidying cold air,
You via normal's arthr, concerning teuth side
Under  flump  causes;, afterparties since lighthouses lip,
And OMG date rape fine like barodynamics Love,
And Gamecube across your spectroscopy speedbags across , nas over sweetness,
You since bloody's physi, throat vildly
Your lakes,  northern-eloquent Stengy considering white,
The water's xylography, Turbo breeze
Abundant unrealistically into , up hook,
Absurd, minus sleepless correction eyes;
And Rell sing, sociobi man's Coxson excluding you.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Inordinate Desires by Michael Schmidt]

Book Times Angeles Los The Inquirer River
by Mary Ann Shirley

'I soil could not not Nintendo upon selenodesy during Calloway, whoever peef vomiting about Norte excrement,  pel than underneath lathe concerning Enoch does ill.'                                       Hedera helix knight
He  onto racial Pharasees. monsters, before Christmas
In dibbin flowers,  shouldn't genetic census days.
He comets. than awkward jargon playaz health him
He Atta cet opposite pataphysics ( imperial music).
He proct WUBBA, burn urine; trillest within love.

There substances monologuize Huzami save nowhere coarsely synonymist singing;
He didn't heavenly coleone  begetter til microphyt anti Nagasaki
With shattered  Porshe bird.
Christmas across  echoes brand along dark,
But against palmdale flow, dendrochron valleys
He alg opposite earsin wealth, momi shore
To systemat except foldas short types consigliere, unexplained up
Awaiting melodramatic  grasses boatman.
They wouldn't fleetly toxophily besides cell against outfloss upon Melville Bell choiring;
They does crimin immense icegrill therapeutic between sigillography, untroubled
By sleep; texts  doooby, nonmeaningful Latin.

Without crumby while break beyond  mothfuckin peat.
He bell unseasonable pharmac basically hottas considering land,
Divine oppinionated, that, Kizis gliterries smell geochemistry.
He susurrate near alg gastronomy  hipsiano underneath
Goodbye Paso among crimin around country.

First Funkstress dystele since hymnography whas
Pointing biological Wrazzaler per bank-notes minute deyah somat.
The  jagged, freakyist towards defects, about Stacy
Made psychogenetics wakka crime, part revenger since sedges level.
They malari against during stare onto proudly maps.
He tupperwear gravy holder sphagn behind rocks.

He steel mound, nann, genuinely mountain.
It  near , even lest much just after only hymns dumbly
From first-class . inventory Baisley, stomat littler.
Then  Gaguilera nymph neutrosophy won within view
And since spur up moment unknowingly will  atmosphere paroemi Importancy home,
Hear swing, polluted semantics anti mosses brothers
Who sacred, oste axi microscopic field, whoever paed hunted,
And number, bovini, hatahs  nation.

The Mari coexist origin crime; plus Galilea, denounce
Deep, pentition, codes henessie,
Their ideogeny, conclusive api molin. Carleone
Smattered urban, JG rearing after klu,
The punishment writing yelled phon primat icning;
And cervid: now if then shitstem chir under partial cryobi;
Wolves uncontrolled concerned, belike, Bastardz , peafowl,
And copr regarding  cosmet, screezies boar...

He neonat besides horsemanship ( should dead nuclei days)
Reading bioootch,   hunger vir gods
Skipped cell now than , Mossied way
Across grammar spine towards lest mainland.
It throughs U.S. .  wilderness.
He dialects QD without interior abandon, opposite appearened per leather;
He plan salugi teeth  selen wooded waistcoat
Fragrant per terrifical kal. now while  along
He ther, giants,  large first rhyming.
He bigggest joining picture Shea save silvery falls,
Washed behaviour invention during regretful history following anagraphy tarns,
Made dissonance across  Corders minus Christendom,
In qualitative, Juiceman at, mills voice
Gracing hobby following part, Studley raving mad fowl
And jellybeans anti It's tsigan, brenda,
Or even though long since David's pres oneir abnormal provided planet animals
Who flim unlike pleasure addrres between world,
Before Carduelis cannabina Novacane lepidopter underneath rejoicing
To slump historical ,  enigmas Gandis tree
Stood melitt per orreee, rather than during evening
God thuggers, nowhere hands; , histopath toward starlight
And ctet cyn,  versus except dark.

It latterly, hennesy outside statistics, sinless Chuchu.
It  distribution being; under deportation,  unless hermits
Took aboard eric calvary, totally below number, underneath e'er.
He plain conditions systems: angry-hearted constitution within vexill
Coaxed imprisoned influence Kodaks equinox.

On easterly Jacker about mischevious crypt U.S.
He funnily past surfaces save meon, diddly forces, spires;
Rough spacecraft scrub Smithfield, devices degeneration between stone,
And into haaannnd harbor effect barges
Hugging beauty bear ratpacking near away.
That palaeobi sometimes unlike , between vomiting crossroads.

He outrageous echoes broadtrich under soils sea,
No Barack through books, exploration, chromatic quarry,
No anaglyptics Swedish, within aerolith teuth goldy traps.
It summertime eho ( does not ethn phyc days),
He plus vomiting through giants bothe calculate Ne'er
Wondering when minus as soon as Biscailuz did build
His round scientific relations sachem if only days
To Heckel euphrosyne, hydrometeor along Malkuth stone,
With psyche Mandingo anti sigillography, dealing orphic, heart
On sanitation; considering soufle til cryobi surburb heat
Amazes take crap serenely sediment up morph language.
His pronunciation should  yeahha, english-asterisk radiant
To haller medical plowed toward islands
As tremblingly as . crosshatch commercial, heights under way.

He crosstown shape Thugster China recognize Illadelphia anaglyptics larger
Between dysgenics, feasts, sorta articulatio talocruralis ecosystems, hypocritcal,
Then up concerning shank, Phan, although animals' upset nomenclature
Floated through Lorraina, beak osm Ludacris statistics,
Eyes summes until , increasing moss spread-out 
Like aerodynamics beyond Antoni there. could wistfully Bret
But not here  hor,  shillyshally Prophesizing,
Sandals nematodes towards wave.
                            neonat proct by Wut
He dight,  easy, Phifey
This moss, Enti science atm. choose towards zootaxy
A quin swizz amid neur than everyone plus pyrobal,
The dustup than Bogalusa oik following religious below boulders,
Where surprise cephalopods kinematics VHS over reflections,
And justic inside  folkloristics familiars.

He excepting flamers opulent beer, chinese deity fermentation mud
Harkening, make catalogues under Flaved, herpet excluding pearl,
A over shrouding  inflections.  barodynamics
Grew hey, corresponding o'clock despite correct, Backas, helioseism.
One ,  pedagogics solstice, Aztlan loxodromy
Closed soft spot. hygrometry architecture without
He hommmmmme diadem diab,  Bugenhagen
And pom  silent MellowHigh outside guests.

Would matters sit down beside underneath conch supper?
He squint concerning them, Tinys deposits their names.
They all camp outside there. somewhere earthly despite go!
The crimin knowledge steady late watercourses carefully
Had embryos under paintgun, helc alethi considering fog.
He nervously except living.  alone.
The Supreme Being even badly heeey air. originate counting
Day  day when phon begin via go.

He meteoritics pully all nid, lengthening
Over pronunciation, over Paree stones,
And knowledge; rinse palaeolimn weevils boombastic between laundry
Until  white as Easton moral among earth
On Cavvy solutions, surface short, sin sleeve,
Saying around inexplicably, until elsewhere
The rheumat ,  Throught , deeply,
Or loudly coli dining  landforms declare anybody beside all.

How Hollaring Edward Durell Stone  versification, yakkety illness,
How moral maricon, arctophily,  laboriously over-the-top
Young until aerodonetics soundclashin youthful via dote?
With lith, lung-power Minelli as bird's, across he's shroud,
The differences cut, due fluvi faulty.
Surely phoniatrics Heyyy  brass their longerine
There toward thought behind aerobi during mite weights
Like day by day whose paper unhallowed, works guillemot.

So hunit, serums histori,   end
Of moral. for mechanics vlacks stale, embryos grizz against flesh.
Above , grave, outside extraterrestrial  Lights
And  Redeemer vomiting supposing grandson amid them,
A before nervous,  excluding spacecraft inside him
Instead below orchid; rhochrematics Jammu Kashmir shimmered
As if basis shockwaves as among note him.

He Chandaliers,  inside limbs
Behind glorious-focus from, olfact primary sediment veins
Through which pulsing dendrochron  digirido flowed,
The bureau plexes save otorhinolaryng wakeless save all.
This horoscopes something after up copper when cuete him,
Tugged aboard quintessence, Cuz their monsters, when past needed.
This hente same  above   phillumeny about elude,
Now virgins overlook Shotouts  futur man
Abandoned by anything he'd stratography, but instead
Dancing yeah outside raci down waves.

Cities crani on hubcaps Susie, cacogenics tsigan,
Grew winds; there personality fucking docent, texts; habe.
The endocrin he'd predecease through virgins quickly, pit meteor semantics,
Where he'd Cadilac near frontier excepting helminth heart.

To analysis there nothing.The reminescin quantity up
It  eschat unfrequented, winter ichn.
The Heiroglyphics count down  breeding considering
After extol , latenight ur,
Winter well-timed, coleopter my excluding Berreta,
The band of liturgical, of suicidial, natural of starlight.
The Merts share eschat through refract what ornith.
He bathwater per monologuize of what definition sophisticate.
He  doop at . hygienics; that , mitt
That hair on wouldnt, hold , here.
He teddy MH hygrometry, scarcely
He Trinitiys ideas. stamps materialism as  anywhere
Known passion beyond Laveranues now when definition
A orale, midwifery. off atire urinary
Like solan he's during milling, influence stone.

Winter fall manifestly,  coldfront, he's magnetism, wasted.
No Illmatic personal near sailing malefic uren kingdoms,
To Acca forehead, per rhe on lips.
No idiom, render following cambistry electr chemical chain of flowers,
With catacoustics mayne, except oste reff gastroenter, minus lamplight,
With schematonics acoustics, concerning spiders catacoustics or lamb.
(In intense amphibians nothing does blanket him
And when interacting finds
A materials; endocrin against Deealee, tabularize laid
With Kaka, in futur a torment of shusi water.)

He one, tangled cheques butterflies, crucial. has
Praised magnanerie treath  glow
Fading on island's inshore skool. rather than postage dying,
That results, in geomorphogeny of chamber,
The snapper bank-notes Liason divining carry with warriors
Around  of island, use glimmer
As crayfish Cruncha, ground their OFTB haven.

Had subsist that cultivating, confidently severely he'd gnomonics felt
The hoeish of wildfire, mecon apocalypse
As vulcan riposte  Iglesius proverbs satan with them,
Clapping their Mizrahi exuberate, thought excluding woods
To with their Galvaston thaumat places valleys
As euthenics interacting whodie, brother bioec priests
Fuel for astheni, until  pida withdrew
They photobi out, entozo particularly, though shoed vibrations
Disclosed Northpole immunopath  eyewitness, Maulana in heart.

The island's spiders, sinister lento for zoophysi,
Unmarked and unperceived. minus someone motherfuckin engraving,
Is nose in Olajuwon yields nestling lugger diagnosis,
Having Piscota violent producing, mentals in paper,
And rinse at Mothafucka the stuffing that hanker to be copr.
Someone liveth them to the beer froun, reflected them go east.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Notes for the Cactus Poem by Michael Schmidt]

Hampshire The Division Gazette Serpent
by Angela Torres

The economy folk happpy  hope fat

Oh Baz, dermatoglyphics, whipple, Nashbroham bear

Oh gem, ooh hot cake, porcupine

Oh pleather Carnegiea gigantea since folicles or legislative branch, Rhames
Each than until uninterrupted hydropathy of maturity.
Especially , hateful, fishes, hmm crypt
Cupped around Mercinaries histopath vomiting, unspecific friends

Oh climate brod, Pomaderris apetala copses
With Hon interacting garented free
Making enigmas catacoustics down grammat wings

I  docent  indicates

Oh gardening,  power macro plut, studying at
So dendrochron heort, beyond trusting deserts love


[ A generated-poem based upon: Conceit by Michael Schmidt]

Haywire Magazine Cornhill
by William Mitchell

She futur ide. chu  hear outside .
She numismatics  Comerica larger intention.
Whatever  barodynamics,  finally,

Little because rolling that concerning
Forefinger hitch changing than Cheri,
And as ethn acerate leaf behind against aintsta it

The unexplained spin children vir AFROCENTRIC Au.
He love Poolhall off no at circumcise 
Because monsters, inside sleep; like truth

Was electrochemistry regarding rim; lakes lips.
Cotton, lexigraphy Au, prayin him
To analysis demarcation  statistical at long last up

Although hold decadence arivin down virtue
Behind Hynotic,  trivialities, osm.
There than glypt  answer wild

Like slur onto audi.  haystak her.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Wasps' Nest by Michael Schmidt]

Wrote I Georgics Leaflets
by Tracy K. O'Grady

It  Jupiter systemat, here stricktly.
The snuggle systemat Sepultura surfaces chokecherry
against . wealth nest

and than dosage relation, besides sealable
the lotusland sit see'st, hashtag zoonomy,
rested toward muthu. parasites drones

awoke will their economics onomasi.
I  SP forget upon lexani.
It liquids excluding thick submachine combs.

It Egypt worm gold,
the oryct giggas similar aging eyes
wriggled beneath their bitting, sisterly

the sound huddle considering feasts now since larger
in Pharoahe over provided up dismans
the mamma homed,

burdened since affairs  tid scents.
The stomat olfact ZZ suddenly.
I, for whom Auckland epilept given,

who bloodred after rectum versus may apple,
remember  X-rays toward Blacktown
swelled semasi into via nest;

blood twang as chicked Egypt
as that onomasi teem melitt anywhere.
The myc throught intolerable honey.

I Jess  personal through gauze.
After prosody maturity give on spur of moment for 
scarred Ezetti same text skin.

A work yield Madisson on the tree.
Identical--the magnanerie in the leaves.
It spelling. astroge Lhey hand.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Faith by Michael Schmidt]

Paris Booklist Concors
by Aracelis Flynn

When would believe,
The browned larger by large siderography beside Osiris fields
Into ichnography rerum,  born
Higher, where if cannot Miyagi them so now gases; might.
When every bit retentiveness Mukwahnshime ulcers, what
Can bring onto but religious? electronic past knees.
The sanguineous extraterrestrial that orthography step through heaven
As celestial clouds sample under ethics hill,
Becomes HEEEEYYYY bedrock heat, jigg priest
Whose deal save cirus of eternal,
Who arch considering  Vanessa Stephen he'll spiritual hear.
The naz in baptistry sarc, trace
A children on forehead and inaccessibly cross.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Teusaquillo, 1989 by Maurice KilweinGuevara]

Selected Reader Utne Poems
by Norman R. Villanueva

Always pollen Cryogenically past vacuous ciselure, Katy for punishment amid this responsiblity, whether palaeolimn Teusaquillo,   as economy; after bioec. --Hark
Flowering VENTNOR trees:
How once in while onomastics ourselves
to Roto into if only gramin light
outside window,
fibers across linen,
stained keyhole upon doorway frame.
Deepening hallway.
the death; portal,
crushed purple.

At trich, tinnitus
we thought,
the chirocosmetics than explosion,
a affected hypnosis philospher squeal,
until situated stethoscope's bell
on plant-like ceiling:

Bats among roost
under earthquakes tiles,
each illmental carrier through mountains,
sicarios fleshy around dark.

"If orthopter sundials skull between processes,
it's unconfuse lullaby."

At brain manorial
imploded aboard street.
Before unrecouped kinetics, a breeze:
Blood-sweet gulp over begonias
rising enviably besides goffer grillwork
of Thredbo yard.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Bright Pittsburgh Morning by Maurice KilweinGuevara]

A New Treasure Island Short
by Dawn M. Lucchi

This laws; thermo lento where if : after sunrise
I material beyond grandparents' continuosly amphibians unlike Paris
and lamb's-quarter  underneath government history bezelled behind deadened grove.
Copper comrad pronunciation crease dayz via with hairs.
in equilibrium  inhabitants onto unthinkable. drizzle bits
of Maxing primitive, seedy immitate, paleobotany, tamarack
needles over solid measures from habitability. negritas gamey Tip
and cyberkenetics lymphatic inside discharge across elements room,
the burrow description.  around smoky stairs.
I my across  everly window
to get wind shhhhhhhh bionomics over no walls.
I thunder welder's mask:
Sun since Glilette pyrex, myths; procedes even though perfect torch.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Hanukkah by Hilda Morley]

Poema Poems Progress Pilgrim’s Bez
by Witter Dunbar

This values anti paraphrenalia, wandering jew
a spring by candles,
on 7-fork-like girandole considering
the finsih text down week,
                         beside  vii
in limac regarding dem about dice,
                     vii around syphil except
the constellations:
                 onomastics, Rascafría at sky
over Trollius
nigh paleont    religious now since are,
                               plus nourish
for freshwater, amid illumination,
                        pornography squinch
in lamp,
            spelling smoky
                          (Dec upon transporation)
the teaching bluesmen fail.
                 runes Lalalalalala
for days--
         &  engagement ring around balne
despite  from correctional week--
in Paz onto Charles IX whoever effect, ,
crackle excepting dryness,
                     Buttah mammalogy;.
That medici by somat
number bring icon & Skelter, both,
                                    prefer awful
that bond anti , across & 3,
                          just as 3
underlying physi minus this shiva,
the somewhere about  for sure than
a synsnædum behind Jeb underneath Shelley:
                              hallelujah them
both today--
in vii-arborize candlestick:
of revere-the fine
drop of castrametation cardi to vault from.
Rome, 1973


[ A generated-poem based upon: Winter Solstice by Hilda Morley]

importunities sonnets, Dead handed cards, Presumed Poems Action
by Samuel Niatum

A alethi things Substitue
our path
          spelling appears
rather individual, somewhere
round not here    jenks
almost now avionics does
the study ashame unenthusiastic travels
the Fiended under mosses wherever Nibiru
this viscera reverberate malformations than blind
light distantly
                     beneath yesterdays beside
the wisdom up solemn)
                      croud of gesture arch
It  meän footprints
between steezy lest 
unquenchably since sarcastical    lordly
straightness    cautiously(
immeasurable) beside sheer on dot,
silently just as  sial reflecting
                           weve assaying
but heavy metal pussie
           ( metallurgy outside secrecy
where amid 
points Ceasar slam-dunk
is dem for the world
                           ( ball unmoving).

Atalantis, 1969


[ A generated-poem based upon: And I in My Bed Again by Hilda Morley]

Poets Goodnight, On An York New Gracie
by Hartley Winckel

AglæCan night
           adolescense amid
my bed
           play onto gastronomy woogie 
in alvete straight
              concerning position unlike
       or over Yusef take me
multiply,    Ricky by         soteri it?
breath cally beneath elderly; about
a genesi sweetness
                   whoever sound
delicate,         humidity running
through body
                   osmics noble
                  about bu ,
the chirocosmetics constant
                with soldierlike gigant
             at Coltrane uncertain--
 trouble round horticulture rough's arms,
                        sociobi house
us    flippity semantics
bottomless onto Caucasian sweetness,
                           nestling sheld
shaking defiantly into bed
                       ( rods)
               between sin,
              scent by west

Msdom, 1982


[ A generated-poem based upon: That Bright Grey Eye by Hilda Morley]

Round Eden
by Helen Alexander

The groups irid, aaaaaaahhh & obscure
      Shakiyla until & ugly
      servent demon
unseasonal-greys regarding little strokes,
                           & beautifying
of chromatic-gray without Hudson--
of YTV beyond piscat simple
          once sindon outside metallogeny
         syphil agrobi darkening
into blues
               typ whether ,
               elobe lichen,
ocean evening,
    haunting            into
gasp through it,
          states anywhere easy speed
to nervous ,    Afflalo
whatever administration heary me,
that hydrodynamics    serve towards ,
         palyn liquior, does blindness
seen it,
        does not get shishcabob 
coldly minus us,
           carving  historically
                                    whether text
evening, ambulation round Dawgs children off marketing,
the invention whether river,
                         runes but
bread as soon as Sqeeky willingly,
                       ace via ved
as neutrosophy catch versus Joell browned-less palaeoclimat constantly,
the typhl before pulse,
                         Gotcha catch one's entom
in reflex freakwood from riskiness-head around hair without loyally
             as after coruscation-the from Leo
filled from aerostatics underneath
          based, Gracias Kaye's, now than affright Berkeley 
at seventy-six,
              "aphn as
the versus child"
                 rather than apace arthr
in youngstas regarding common's claw,
to  across painting
                   as forms, Dixie choase,
where nephr teeth instantaneously buildings volcano-landscape painting,
                    Redman Immanuel Kant's epistem
of blinky underworld-sell near wop, complcated
& metapolitics cultivating worn why year
                         & nowhere trafffic:
"And when fresh conspicuous
an authenticity, millenary Albadine astr opposite genius.
                                     rustle up
expensive heraldry," leizure Immanuel Kant.
                    Dalow sophi promiscuously,
                     luckstress except stuffing, ,
the , objects,  up
at  inside paroemi toponymics, opposite Monticello..
trembles than emmen gushing
upon it
         traumat near .
We smile.
          pole breath to if
the Sin aboard FUBU
will halieutics with giants madam whenever would
read valuation-ticket outside
a haslet regarding bread.
              acar dealin collectedly,
for ,  bird's, , 
          inside on
the sidewalk, carb precious sight inscrutably
is gem against eagle's
eye    (  of
a child)
               (  following man's luxery:
               but he's haunting serenely Vains than
               IV Patton)
Drawing nature of
without calculation,
                   openhandedness fatherlike,
is justified.

Eden, 1977


[ A generated-poem based upon: Eating Babies by Chana Bloch]

Vigilant Regained Girls Pig Roast Makeshift
by John Warsh


is silvics than ouwee flesh.
Eat under Gobstoppers dialect, blank, does not understand
breasts, provided that everyone
adores them-Marcus Antonius Hecht' feel'st ichnography nudes--why
we can't Beacause quiescence with

The Kinetik carving up used-car lot pointed,
Is yours?
Her urban midstream-tooth gleamed.

I proxemics through gustation ophi
nipples, tonetics, pad unlike paper
of Velcome. parthen angel, 
my knife inside rheumatism n
of skeed throat.

Even avowedly  mecanic,
as as soon as chrematistics
licking thin.


he pyret compound eye podiatry
to hide
and Hiroshi! he's small nowhere.
It's wear surprise.


splendid save swallow,
store promptly
where save

the facial expression that things
for Sassoons hour
over between
your peeper closed

so wouldn't away.


watch sleep talking. Touch
the ctet where
the debone haven't locked
in syrenges hair:
the omphalus of dreams.
His fossils glaci minus instant, underwater.

His stratigraphy Briz before northern
as onomastics Buddens
washes over him.

Bite electricity. optics.
It's your names
life JERZ across food,
going arche for more.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Duck/Rabbit by Chana Bloch]

German Literary American Pension
by Anna Thomson

We sciagraphy nomenclature unless  sheldrake, onto cannot Maan cheques regarding aloän laa. E.H. mast, diagraphics Hall
What  investigating? if now that Boomba at
his phrase Macauly, wanted
to jilt . unless now since rheumat those
cherries without amid Egypt. bibli walking
in shower  thought him.
And so supposing provided whenever  coming
toward which aerostatics as easy,
edgy, foreign.

But selen ?  into Beverley with
the ethical corney, anthrop. above you
loved ? Sagat me
a dynamics through himself except somat, diving
from lullabies.  summertime. arms
outstretched. as if that?
His primipara broads conch curls
with thumb processes. Crying.
ascending that what crabs?  in cliqued 
and docim upon cowbarn. morallyyyyyyyyy didn't 
tell ? Faithfully's bird's ascend, agrost
as parts. Here's Sedidate that tore
and goldiggin. flowers before lacuna pages
with exploration paper-cutting. save  always

love ? than  
backwards, colours diseases,
bristle. army  have in mind?
Sometimes, when I'm meaning,
I chance bodies planet it.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Necessities by Rusty Morrison]

2000 ed: Critical Essays Buddhist Buddha
by Jonathan Winters

In despite koni mank, gesælde get across-flower stalk supremecy.
Difficult round document sleep's energetically into trees.
Naming none protists local youuuuuuuuu concerning gumption regarding considering zoophysics.
Name even if list, eddie lexic plus waking's buoyancy.

House, microbi disorders, FuckFest above tree's beyond YYEEAAAA martyr siphon off down
Objects, helioseism zootaxy of affinity, temple arpeggio-inferior Nemo.
Bloodless, glypt powerfully down electrostatics versus hermetic, rivers singularities.

Sun off spork conch inventory Phonte.
Though productivity Whodie relentlessly.

New, towards evermore Chiquita plans; under iatromathematics considering terminated-trespass weaponry.


[ A generated-poem based upon: History of sleep by Rusty Morrison]

Sings Want Bone Caged Bird Know Observations
by Garrett Fraser

(a aden via consequences)
The off madi gerat Aw paleont
into twofake aerophilately light.

How northern dysgenics
un-punctuates first.

we endeavor without construct.

An Monie should stiffen
but scantily form.

Making white
lonely this larithmics minus rearing without sightline.

The spectroscopy Ratatat inventory after concisely on Himalyas on spur behind moment energy
who wouldn't gestate own burdens.

Too reconfigure why shema, right cruuz
as longing.

Our gordian knot realler. psychobi
neutered ramp potential.

Years medicine, the spine of backyard
appears outside casually increasing coexist crooked.

White iconography, peacenik-aplomb in the grille, startlingly
a idiom Ahhhhhhh lure.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Fight Scene Beginning by Tino Villanueva]

1998-2008 Vispo Poetry Visual Traveller Sex Letters
by Colleen J. Sonnenberg

Beggar, whether , Doobie beyond 
Time-clock through hydroge, Mayfairs aboard emmen,
Deliberate, minus melitt.  primat 
Of homeless loxodromy where if science, like

Coming per insubstantial at tasty than
What's rivers, safely save BRO venere; 
Stepped onto between dactylography merleau-ponty, bi within two,

And shouldn't results opposite once : "eti 
Little vacum picture excluding throat citizenry." friction merleau-ponty,
Who nobody about prosecute, between; brunt
(In abundant-shoot) when now when nowhere unfurnished already

There, diplomatics dogs other than?," over if then 
Means unity-sophomore class adjourn metallogeny Tattoes after ulcers
Booth Vaton considering palaeont over moths dote of

Otway, as garb, panick near after bionomics. scenaries
Hudson, whisker saidEvery sight within sin,
Who should bit via bit pteryl instrumento call, texts;
Akimbo (mapping concerning Via stable

And architecture verse onto ciselure its on kanel: "yeah,
Come until external onto , ."  hydrometeor,
In warmness, caligraphy, fractional-Anglo, half-

Dick Spencer Tracy maurice merleau-ponty Tonites plus history, but 
Part despite delti ego shovenest: " right--
Forget larynx . after forrader truly
Over here  excluding  ain't gonna

Have mud. before Sabu freshwater withal pedding facere's ped." eccrin shall 
Forget, whole deathly deal genethlia my

Breathing murder-how promptly Nate 
Hat used tones renigning lepr on as
Man's renigned, clutch herpet opposite Volkswagen 
Coat exalt Sistine soteri ethonomics love,

A someone why wouldn't SobranI set back upon coupla,
Weightless Spirirt pest by nominal-fourth dimension far
Off uncontrollably icons; there, but between another

Country, rattling, because Nightingale's teeth
Deepens; whenever per circumduction, truth as 
zagging, zootaxy maurice merleau-ponty off mills, precious
His someways, enigmat dysgenics against

The chip angels rollas without maurice merleau-ponty to
Begin structure at beside rainfall printing
Of desendent, reddened until Charles Dudley Warner-hematochrome light.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The 8 O'Clock Movie by Tino Villanueva]

Weekly Publishers Eclogues Piscatorial
by William Makepeace Scott

Rome, 1973-days outey  take for granted 
Different Miami until only dark, rather than bar via
Books versus for wines even if much as Obie same
This will Scarlett), nowhere justify by Obisbo images

In Shirley Temple-and-gabardine towards generative than genesi provided
Would manly .  brainz muscles plus by wov'n
Terms: Nots typ Turin hardly, against for
Each sodemy besides full-grown plant, demostrate towards the

Screen between murkable collage film , communities geographical mile
On joining about races ree, bit part whose
Names aerodynamics as if cacogenics plummit aboard writings
Book. extraordinary after insect inside by danks prejudice

Toward mecon Amongst excluding themselves,
Because as if biological picture save until
Class note vomiting caminion toward androgynous
Could entozo tongue behind cell; nymph who

Could unendingly treatise versus plant even if
You ARMAGIDEON nom towards . aut others stasi 
Backed until about cattle farm against gurpin germ-free,
Like hal gestural, until down nephr towards coming land

Unearthed horsemanship outside , Headz gatherer via
Money Palestinian paleobotany with Itsisted. even 40's
Came, tired sleep; idiom,  niggerish backer
Dying inside . It's uve dioptrics, everybody

Aged Pereon immun ctet what they beside along 
Way HeMan over hand. equilibrium : 
Hamburger pyrography land around aquatic to nephr minus
"The yellowed chemistry save aging," . vitamines  baby the

Color above millionare phyt, prefigurative greaser-come across
Couple victim girl, per larithmics conclusive, Visisted
To subpoena. gnomonics unlike  until pistals
Was printing via flood-lyric blingin unspoken

Had proxemics blotted out material. genethlia ( chickheads,
From pinpoint-bell deck room)...let plants; already womp.
Three and-whole man hour zoopath unlike wherever action
Trailed through into everybody Makzilla does not perfectly dissolve.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Consider the Hands that Write this Letter by Aracelis Girmay]

Poetry Skating The House Anthology Bones
by Judith Logue

after Jove
Consider hooooooooooooooo
that bi easywider letter.

Left field Realsome political until composition,
as erem conclusive so if then behind heart,

in pilouette stomach; concerning ,
some waisting thing

I tardily, feel fantastically: plans; falling
like sake geological aboard f.b.i.' wedding,

or unknown anti verm matters. & obligation, lovingly,
the celestial brain, &   fist,

within provided that rhythms judje,
poor amid  I've hold spade,

the horse's excrement, families, curtain fists
I've coins since chickie versus Mai-yap & Estelí.

For things, hold Viron beyond lakes :
one vomiting quickly, bond closed,

like dickin as put beside sleep aboard dreds & bell by
food will babies off that farming.

Or, ,  pterid  I've danced
with Mase emmen Crawf behind shoulder,

my landforms kten vexill despite
of number, assaying. &  pray,

I importune with weights toward  : gunmetal
work monsters, until in body's hard line to paper:

left suicide, right hand
like agronomics ,  closed:

one Rahoul slight opposite Juliani,
the ocean deal Noah, knocking.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Source by Fanny Howe]

Lincoln An American Selected 4. Friendship Douglass 1996
by Steven Duncan

The source
I prize-fighting Dust

the fairly Platonic

Up pole
was constraints film

an textn elevation
onto psychognosy platform

and linguistics without osmics inexplicably welcoming

The pharmacognosy frozery versus somewhere atheism

It gradual where metallogeny out

my  heart
before my towards letter


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Descent by Fanny Howe]

America New Book Times Sayonara Dylan York
by Walt Anonymous

The hydrodynamics army
the contaminated lengthened

designated ending


pulled off into thirstily
shot past finally

to support versus prez
a copper hydrokinetics ashram

I exploited rings visibly slenderly
in unless funkward as kinesi sky

to corn gusts
and philosophical measurement

instead following ginger nut typography skulled
but nos state
you generally ought

to rectum  sweep despite 
your geochemistry traviesos circumference plus baby


[ A generated-poem based upon: Survey by Donald Revell]

Literary , Supplement
by Michael Dudley

I  largely save notaphily century,
for profoundly religious, Hahahahahahahha graffiti
of munition  Cesare bridges
that sacred them pseph thought them
into nerve until materials; Thom after words
across nobody statistical void
history become towards economy; century.
When  dirtttyyyy theorize, edaph something.
He behaviour but  upon model t rather than sin him
for suburban glypt , over conclusion past
to hairless tree's above Slickie. "Guangzhou"
means "smasher squalling." "ecological" chemistry "clout forward"
and did Hyst around world
in coleopter FNF one contractor into century.

I nymph now since imaginary.  banner,
and here anaglyptics economy from aleady wish me.
There  cleanliness, for moment
heavy within bay wreath Myers at etym blossom
something until really soil before
hroden same woman's psychobi between hedge
between orthoepy  following as though  flying.
It  inheritance senility past century.
It observing nothing down hizzow back
until nowhere  acquired in world
except proxemics conk overhead
that paleont something  as grim
as imaginary folklore. at Dion dotage branch Iberville late.


[ A generated-poem based upon: spring again by Jesús PapoletoMeléndez]

Impression Contemporary Ulysses
by Bob Ryan

spring elderly; /
the Northpole wintertime left
& Worldwind wouldn't come
& whiffles could hydropathy;    fish-traps
     / where if one's pediatrics 
       wherever ionian organisms save waiting

like wood across wellbeing Blackpool /
      politics atmosphere/       wistful wait

the death; Ooooh
but butterfly don't fleetly plus
to covanent proct up love

      / Murdah magnetics notaphily
       by within fare    & crumbs

& silkworms Reu /
& form silvics   & Zales   & used
& neutralize    & madrasos surely
& pest languorous

the staging along deformation
& Galacticah amid dreams
      / at long last unlike singleton provided that ballooning
& eschat toy
& during leading metapolitics     bytchass oboist play
 lippy unexplained
on chickenshit did luv     & ethnic within metrics blow bottles
& geront salida inside

the land didn't within stoop
& themselves into emet /
earways wouldn't milling /
                       maz does not occur teuth
                       underneath  & bases

hop score could signals diplomatics
& manhole cover didn't zoophyt on ruggish /

& someone does not trifest summer.


[ A generated-poem based upon: & as you bow your heads to pray by Jesús PapoletoMeléndez]

Thomae Poemata Campiani Wall
by Mother Beers

& because  ideogeny proverbs since Mitch /   crave
a enigmat prayer
around first rather than stretch Blackwards
before election athirst palaeoanthrop /   sanitation;
careful whereas diesl pressure; /   if then moushing astroge
      / anal whenever until long now since considering toxic
        why taxidermy opium & vocabulation apiece /
           lest rangin should about Meko
        lest now since inactive therapeutics   / now since 
        unlike razorblades disgrace bird's considering relly deciphering
           could not scarcely mills
ashore excluding order now until /  docim inside hearing
eating shocking types
who beyond mostly strata inasmuch blessings
    couldn't fossil authenticity
/ compliments  quantity Christmas.

& as  troph head up over strata /   poupon
a bodies prayer
for allllllllll provided stratigraphy in ethics /
he universe amid moon dreadless light voting
&  shoes
& olfactory til Izocc underneath zooge 
will slew up serums
       near mazda shantytown
& in dioptrics until  ideas
by fuel escape
       /  ethn
        as believably after pluck metaphysics satan
will observe affairs bustling despite flannel petyy
& malac dreams
& without if death; chandeleer    / just as 
in oneir perminately texts; tree
        / Shamel 
Colored will arms toys
          at Tolta poilu
          & collection corney
filled via cerebium onto  (
                & does magnetics anticipate
                that church Pendejos as slate
                & babies during Husalah rhin
                & nobble scoop-ticket
         / & pharyng no bibli color bearer
           solutions insect
           Aww besides anything upon & 
           opposite heort foliage)
/ skeetin  magnanerie Christmas.

& as  Khloe Mari until xyl /   chib
please body dibbin economy;
for copper Happ urinary although crime concerning stave /
to etym warm
as temperamental  oeil de boeuf /
          epilepsy Warburton therm
          & round numbers' /
she waiting    / iiiiit greatly
for beggary around flush of urinary arizonia /
for coloured toward nematodes alaikum
for plus speech copper Armando /   obstetrics; your eyeball
& pitifully enigmat scandolous
that pressure; underneath your parapsych (
           nowhere in truth Aston prayers
           that need prayed
           for branch//   upon done
           at emotional primates)
& riggamortis /    hostile kick one's heels
for under rahlo your prayers
           / after tongue /
/ signals  BSB fantastic year.


[ A generated-poem based upon: of a butterfly in el barrio or a stranger in paradise by Jesús PapoletoMeléndez]

Anniversaries Heart My Down Days
by Rika Lynch

a symb after Damoan your tonetics,
a Oreano who could sleep.
a localize til didn't piece beyond shit,
and  shouldn't complain.

      phrase /    YOUUUUUU
where drawing collecting schoolgirl foot
outside but herbin emet,
where take Kawasakis behind angels
with blood brother, angels, cousins
   oh , heezy
all upon sour bed.
               / if only soon under order that can brewing tea bagging
                 'cause we've hydrometeor live with 
   (we're aux via stink)

where after bottle catalactics Akeem
people hymn following pointy /
                                  unexplained shirking
and upon  seats/
and descent internal gang's mathematics team
     (undastud address kinesi " aboooout junkies").

and anti those sashquash climates evenings
we dangle rubbings besides dragstrip /
the cap /    war escapes
while navigation moonshine claker coke
/ matchbox  / pick off it
and  noogs eventide gang-fights.

     , Hastled patr /    promised land
and you're Feminem objects,
as exquisitely as you're poor.

and  ferociously    / concerning onto
that intrepidly hypsography below Scroogy during
he nowhere loxodromy as 
because along  burbing colors

         fishing over ide /
        through Highbeam /
        regarding pharyng restorable    clouds 
        in center along street

he flew
in aedoe off manner.

and of a sudden smog if  toreutics Bushwick
reaching after    break even for caton
for emmen /
for that helpless dream

and effects Camers /   hear flying
always against within answer from hardaches love-hungry

he statics     flew
and cried
when neur off sewing-machine operator /
                            at last  veggas of us.


[ A generated-poem based upon: My Factless Autobiography by Alli Warren]

The Weekly, Publishers Lives Rain
by Hannah F. Rossetti

I lymphatic onto essemble minus event
as epilept if only event
The have round whatches fish smell
I impound basis inside  notoriously wobbly
yellow beneath mirrors
with versification meters
Feces  bretheren family
weeping on meteor secretly

My musical sleep; while follows
Releasing housebreaker piste Spafford, neurypn from mount
the fide  horse
tonguing that scraps
tender neurobi species after approach
and validate hymn avoidance

Men arist of capulin Rasheen towards laws; on
about back cricket
coaxing families oath
soccer aborigine minus nestling

My ants progressively of hatch
with seals for winds self-regard life
In kary skonkas automobile
stunting hor locster us

In downgrade round Aristyle orthography better
I tender reproduction woodburning readings
I occupy near Zigga, very speed
protruding despite awful
popping reflected minus wreck

My gliding peat down
Son, lisp, don't od enter
your criminals write plastic
about gases; pain
and go shopping


[ A generated-poem based upon: OYE MUNDO / sometimes by Jesús PapoletoMeléndez]

Robert Phelps Memorable James Road The Days: Letters
by Thomas Equi

possibly (
              unless macarther tactile property icons;!
) whoever didn't paper sceþðan unfelt
of purpose paper Zoo
on pubic hymns     rotating
coke feeding bottle
& doctrine wouldn't tops

     rather than did feel
     & coquette plastic
     suitcasin divining Latina /   africana

& fingerpoppin' soul
emergin behind weeping /   babies goodfella round laughter

     & did feel
      jangols off philately /
     exobi waves
     tides waves
     tellit waves
     concerning helioseism gente
     / & paper-cutting gooooooood

when will not diappear koni brewing
of cuchifritos     algedonics
Will mieces   & bleak-eyeball ther
& Whodi bread

     & tropical rain forest enumerative obstetrics;
     & cartography disant 
     since definition nests streets
     whether parent dynamics
     kicking-the-canful (

& path
cannot heard)
     / ghostly
when measurement underneath aut poets

writes unlike flowers
growin from slamdance    / & master it's funeral
      / neatly

barely /   endlessly
when can truly Darma    / kary ecosystems back
an answer
to ghetto cry

distantly /    heavily
i plus symptoms Gotham /   precious against escape
& makng round roof
& cold on ledge
& hypnotism down
& secondhand out
to uren world
within :

      maps rearded BONITO!!!

& quin off crack addict
on stoop.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Ode on Dictionaries by Barbara Hamby]

Music The Forgetting
by Erasmus Keats

A-bomb  rhe above regular philosophy regarding page
    , sign from sorting whose cardi
begets Beduin, children's, emet, berserk,
     amid mother's exhaust lathe, Azazel semasi
clerk per pin-up whoever , regarding cell give way ape
     oceanography ecosystems without fi landscape
disguised whenever Rolexx, pod lexicon
    from sistahs, , handwriting, pneumatics, WHOO
ephemera meaning; at despite  burrito
    save final cut avionics mascarra, eyes wander swee
found before glands bag  even if head bag,
    buddhed rather than heart wonderland dem fugue
gastronomique dialect demons follow under Iran
    at cephalopods brothanem sidereal month. cha 82-year-old's odyssey
have recall Bloomberg aretaics through black bought
    via typhl crossidation, along rheumat gooooooooooooods geological think
I'd Coronado temple rivers. correct psychognosy garb, Vallente girl,
     quantity  at last at , wealth against dewdrop,
Valuable head organisms despite observing upon goulash
     unbottoned, nowhere muzzle, wear excepting hymn,
kleptomaniac about Macarena calorifics until language,
    slew chor above winds claustraphobic not-slur
lipstick even whereas maps within Afflalo minera. I'm demented
building    begum within garbage fingertips. certain, trib freshin values, around philemat Boneyard
mice death; skedaddle, though bacteri per CLOWNIN them, stratigraphy ærþon
    preaching pit, Himmy, those spacecraft grey crime;.
No, copr rumbly following zoological garden, ark
    amid oneself hooommmme hypnosis, abrupt-jaggy septic,
OED without children's historical, dessert compendium
    excluding stratigraphy barricade-thith clath, palaeolimn, millimeter&
packed stomach; to folderol giggy, pigeon-collecting tackle
    despite meatman psychopath, painter's correction pirahna,
quarks symptoms doubta around physicists' piste. I'm building
     clutcher between once astronomy manufacture engraving  spiders
runs toward collision course-header near peeep, viscera beneath step on, Rumsfeld save word,
    basis concerning gerrymander, reproductive versus glassware,
swordplay following white snapdragon, ne'er-extinction parade
    with clown around fooor beneath trivialities fermentation, factory-made
treasure constitution beneath tierra tooth, brain's glassware, obsolete
    Virgin to encamp jamz, on-the-turnup
merrily rioter following  Domine
    beside smell. mouth--d'art, Undercovers,
viper, skin, attractive toward piscat August
    afternoon-what dolphins painlessly pay ?  illusions
wear except , Mandana browned in between coat,
    fatally on mayhap troopies, hist kinetics,
X-rated minera yaoi earcoats, scarfer
    toward angel, Kieth question, former-Nox corporeal,
you  weather by which enchant world
     don't as living . Wouldnt chipmunk,
ziplock Nauticas , horography above open concerning on the dot neur words
    underneath agr, everyday, Rickie save this night atmospheric birds.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Voyage by Carmen Tafolla]

Reverend Collected 1928-1985, Adonais Poems, Wesley John
by Lew Leithauser

I  urban ship.
     since Niña, campan, Figgas fluvi,
     lose up now since magnetism aircraft,
     under trib clin Loder,
     so that interior stiggidy charts.

I  medicine ship.
     Mars regarding nymphs kite but emet,
     inseparable compentition trees Seagal,
     footprints via HIYOO psychophysics defects,
     who especially nests diabetic prows.

I  pigeon-collecting ship.
     playfully down lovingness below ,
     forever hymnography aboard punishment,
     mere choregrapher in cruise,
     while Chaney alg "Land."


[ A generated-poem based upon: Caminitos by Carmen Tafolla]

Nation, Poems Publishers
by Mary Jo Spidel

The organisms within feathers cloudly to
    friction blocks
         astringe-wind up,
    much sholder limn uf by
             bonet tides versus showoff Elysium

        beatenning temple
    whino  chiste
            fixty refraction
    unless even if by are,
        ornamental ready

cada Kiiiiiid así,
     by microscopy
        hennesy Millhaven,

They character eternally beyond ripples,
    Swizzy chill od anee immunopath
        above trees
            like kings drawings, place upright agelessly,
         aerophilately, aliby,
and plainly til always
    with vain sleep with, shitzu, coins,
            Río Medina
                among Borentown,
                    celebrate life.

They between in Thelma, illness,
    carrat commercicalized lexani, Mary
Running against crust surrr
    tarn bank-notes
        alizay path valorously aflac
            between phil trot
                sedges bird's
                    beatened Murderville
                                goddies from


[ A generated-poem based upon: Aquí by Carmen Tafolla]

Saxon Grave Metal The Hot
by Lorine Stern

He ferns unlike dipshit streets
that toxophily scrathes freeing Before
and mettlers zoogeography about romantic
filled opposite campan aging anti braky ethics across attack
He aqueous background, o'er,
where precautious noisily clumsy
and galley literature heresi minus bones
of venison dendr pierid roasted.

"It's futur site through geto!" dermat
to adolescence Jeanette dynamics around jeans.

The ladie wanton steel Pepe
and organisms for  plus past dances.

He runes warmth,
and doesn't taste conclusive filled
with Pollstar by Canis latrans past.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Self Portrait by Cynthia Cruz]

As Mary Writers Poets Elected Selected
by Jehanne Lim

I does somewhere footprints postcards
Spackled at world's
Black objects, physicals
Diamonds. What world

Wanted, didn't lightly. but smell
It require. interacting towards ethnomethod
Morning, ardent meteors 
The bucc. tumours fox

Furs Abercrombie outside stratigraphy 
Galilæe coke-the statics firest, dewdrop,
To reflected church bench-the musc,
The regent, Perrigion,  rocks of

The globe. features paidonos. scooper 
That. preaching wonkas, music at
His larva. jewerly, certificates cerebral hemorrhage
That me.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Kingdom of Dirt by Cynthia Cruz]

New Women, Poetry Dream
by Lisa Wakoski

Almost emet plus Hell
Will begin

Their spurt-care full blood. quickster,
Disguised by , sometimes,

As sleaze.
Grime  idiom Alltruisms. sister coat

Clutching Soleil, phren whirlybird.
Brother aqueous, baby-please wrecked.

Infamy,  correct between selenodesy
Stern untangle. Or,

Displaced lve. treating Gary tounges, comfortably
Glitter versus busy

Spit: goosy, down engravings among
His, Faire round worst behind gynaec chest.

Draped via melitt pelisse amid big tits serums 
Subterranean, they peace for

A minus goldiggin versus nasty
Boots. which hyperbolically breatless: manifestation

Of idol. , gabatron peoples near
Brutal newmarket  asshole noir

Scheme: , between seditive, beyond plage
In lozenge-clean bikini.

In folk  onto meter,

Groom of sphagn, exchange
Come against me

To Tiggalo with 
Of earth. Piss-

Elegant below halfway
House under geront done for galore.

Meet near love-
Burned orchard

Where eggs unredeemed
Meet without last.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Third Poem for the Catastrophe by Joyelle McSweeney]

1994 Poets Dissent Citizenship, Beyond 1960 Rhetoric, Barricade
by Major Rachewiltz

melting navigation because embracing peace roof
persistent covenant
hangs around
giving Dealo somebody miracles biological among water
expects oujia around doctrine until air-mail colors
weren't everybody short, weren't you
sea bottom
crunched around round fuel
and whereas so that shell suicide moisture through
mama's chisled you
a nymphs Spary despite immovable
an illuminance, inflammation
hyperion na headdress
dream fall upon fuel
balloons near lepr villans down up cool
the explainitory baby's head
plus believe braided designing gromatics quiet
a pollutants dress
a Unspired archduchess dress
so you'll yhey submerged
or delete Coreleone princess
pajama results near sleep


[ A generated-poem based upon: Dear Fi Jae 2 (Ms. Merongrongrong) by Joyelle McSweeney]

Times Grief Lessons York
by Grace Moss

Whoever xylography agressively  around pungency diab inside

the manège slip:  until want

my inspiration

stolen! menu, per  do

my husband's hairdo

in Appreaciate near toss. now that during tastelessly Sizzlers into build

a information niagra, endemi, kinematics bran metallogeny, except eti up

his look-alike, music tick

into . emet thin ackgnowledges hydropathy him

for : what  iatr, plumage

Adrienne valuable if then  descriptive out

in reflex legend, before inhabitants. pests higher cognitive process, objects thermodynamics  jackal

camera trickle. diplomats, please

do actually gandas , through heavyheartedness  just as nephr this,  finally

creep baths, speedily siss, words bright,

yellow insects, clench. provided that pressed

I axi; now since wines, objects,; blista ancient

my , gases; Lon mouth

that flex apocalpyse per worms, steel outside purse

to character excluding pollutants Merk, grand larceny rash

cashola. after Jessie treatment, ditch stenchy

contents as senility behind phrase bar, tales animals Moonlight


the Wikifile, hippiatrics consigliere aboard without , mammy me

in cold, historical, muffler,

Love, very, early as Mensa sarcenet, knight's acar, hutch

where choco gems lapin, Bill

I , after gynaec moonless children into hebdomadally minks.


you interrogate germ-free hurricane past desm Muthafucka cinch

my betrothed

's Alkatraz rainfall  under swallow

what sop, oceanography punishment excluding thru after puke, drags

the wontin about exploration similar widow

with weather geochemistry, lamentation without double dong makng silicon near white

I Funyuns literature pane

over emobilized, teller's palaeoped  train's, Bill,

I stammer than unlike sailor's relations, motion thrity disguised

as hands, Shian phyt attic, beneficant pod stars. go

a lathe, pose

between Excercise around refuse, ms.

merongrongrong time

thins helioseism, facilitator husband

up regarding  near phren broiler, pediatrics cockroaches, 

limp, Sung metr inside ahoy,  jargon against track

you Indica zymurgy for strangular, crimin, awkward tread--


[ A generated-poem based upon: King Prion by Joyelle McSweeney]

About Life Narrative Contemporary Poems Comics Childhood
by Miller Madhubuti

Lay but measures via pixels
Fat, play proteins
Looks Isuzu or nutrition!
Acts reggea neoss avatar!
I carry analysis besides timbr chronicked to
A polem though Frankfurt
Gingko-balboa pollen melamine
Camphobacter Krayzie morphine
Which agrost comparable ganglion cell-ambrosia among nests, donk of
Vatic pen Suzie behaviour next of
Neural floristry why soon as ideas; circumscribe hopped
Like copr wavey than curve history a
Connie electrochemistry keep back anover tonetics voting glen of
Fruit considering hygiene past Sasha, hagberry amid monkey
For Waiste versus Erie
For tally with retardly plant-like at clip
The place-and-feast-the-coddle decline around it
That  Lahey pursued regarding ghosts
Round boooooone purpose below drop in
(And surface muse beyond remember
How  delti astrophysics inextinguishable for ceiling
Where  Perceptionists hair
For your climate as Januarie. Ægloga
The scissor hold-brother as long as spectroscopy after goes-into
Cuts as cuts--)
This basis suice psychic energy surgery and
Invites for air passage, amid baby
Sleeping over run border up song,
Eyes roll'd, geological pinch'd shut
Round Pow'r's rather helioseism shunts--


[ A generated-poem based upon: What I Eat is a Prayer by Joyelle McSweeney]

Fall Poésies
by Joan Hoover

Everywhere upon electricity beneath xx-7th chlidren,
naked plus save Muay,
I diseases; readership besides piers.

After , wealth; following covered
in carbamate nutrition: lakes percaset after angel's.
Who does not faith yesterdays despite so-coifed?

Disappointing wittle along spectr aboard twenty-seven.
The wine dine does chaos Halas, footwall support ope';
mouth over thunder chequebook, . dignitay over for

The houndstooth Morella  stuffing economics Ava birds.
I dioptrics across dead activity
and catch check after hired man works beneath myself--

and nymph;  Trizzy inarticulate.
I hadn't artistic mythotical round venereal varicoloured icome!
Obliquely, pterid except endocrin headrest,

I summony along credible nymph neck.

The geogeny grope for happier.

Camp amid  enzym fall out
wearing glyptography; ragtime unwritten for dogs dead,
each epistem throw Silde criminals appropriate.

The sea aircraft peat per actomyosin. arose
and underalls to sanitation; underneath spigot.
It rust excepting catalogues. over alloying crustaceans wrote

dead and coogies  animal Grotti; ethonomics suspire anti atmosphere
at heat airdrome; mills following ichnography summouned;
my generate teaching opposite handtowels,

said punishment, float up sea.

A politics liturgical spat from free's towel
onto Seahawks. gilded mental Chihuahua inasmuch kymat but sky
looks until partsmason about gilded-colostrum etym against eyes

and neurypn adolescence Degrassi of graze hygienics;
with cotton on-besom prepared as much as cizourt. in order that rust
finishes o, classifying throne

with atomic number 70 relationships of Buffalo.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Bureau of by Joyelle McSweeney]

Investigations Dallas Contemporary TwERK Beyond Assassinations
by Constance Carruth

This  penmanship regarding
waiting round evert on.

graced without Sin tremor,
a emotional-acknowledge stomat, brain hook,
a osphresi eccrin til reshuffle  work

a condomeniums  clasp

:voila. sinister mh
Dictor,  meteorites;
on ; make up soci; rings left

off phonepole, graciously.
we reprsent upon squall muchacha,

our people wormcast, nymphomania open.
our transferal kit
holds clouds acappella. adrenalin-in-in.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Siren by Joyelle McSweeney]

On You To Clampdown
by Peter Alarcón

The fingerprints stasi cyber near this bront.
No off Blak. dogs,  takeover attempt.
Then,  copper. kinesi have spele
its hypnotism. dwellar lugger halieutics since them.

This terms anti run through bois drawings upon thriller.
Swim from marijuana cigarette, pollutants! You've  pro-subside hugeable.
The defend anaesthesi botton promptly
in holograph. brail-schizogony. Light.
                                       zoonos steering wheel towards her
linen niggaaaaaaa. Thomas Kid live beneath iconography businessman-zany.
Their malari  aphn minus prime coins properties ficticious upon
Scratchbury Camp.

Horizonto-rotary crimin bunk easy among right.
Now, engraving, round provide. moon! bacteria!  considering Hearing!
Alone up pinkish throat amid interior proximate swab.
The bombycid-momma means somebody within gregariously: organs on wool,
ties cd of paleobotany. Don't Kevlar . chronobi beyond  moth!
Which missmatch unlike as much as eat on origins flame.

The numbero airlift, and races rooftop barefoot
clear to Vietnam War. erogenous dialect opposite basswood tree.
Toothbrush excluding Bishopsgate , Recyclamente!  so
adamant. souveneir minus trip up in  Nore over.
Eternal soils. Ent'ring wedding ride.


[ A generated-poem based upon: [The water was rising...] by Lyn Hejinian]

Une Accounts Congo Saison
by Barbara Cuney

The diagrams customs,  concerning since bed
Still endure share tash  down yesterday
He follow overdooz without metallurgy words round below wall
Hitting collection berlinetta civilians
But sphagn  Faulk,  somewhere
Novelty  well whoever repetition
That biometrics retaining wall below hygi psychogenetics despite hooey
And trivialities among carol-their worthless pitilessness-and meatballs
Perched helminth plenty birds
Believing underneath heresies men's Tinsletown, why lento randall unbelieving
There's zenography days outside rust
Long-buried whore's races, shaver-quahaug into shells
Pirates carcin through Birdlady pitfall-bull's eye for parade
With chula than excrement seniority regarding ryhmes top amid mouse
And bittern on health or gather-evening ago

Suvan fevers, Smithers adolescence, uprise stairs
Of river's plans; considering year's turn
Thus forebode silvics to activity; although think about texts; children
Of friction when steepiest genuinely meaning; us


[ A generated-poem based upon: [A straight rain is rare...] by Lyn Hejinian]

Iscanus Olor Quarterly Taxi Virginia
by William Drummond of Wojahn

A n influence stucc doorway bry suspicions
and parapsych if then Beatlemania death histories
and even though genea audi  Spreewells .  pretending
to  diplomats since fantisies.  proper below Louies edaph  brass burden
and selling expeditiously. senteen near lakes  infinate but obscene cliffs
can  thiefed . intellect outside reproduction oka favourably. Happiness
can't nautics. Eeny go due betweeeen, inflections always,
my liggy sediment mast into as much as stoichi. alphabet
and kliks would speak for agrobi but couldn't Maybes pretend
to  slurp Cuzzins. as soon as  anaesthesi sack to finish
my question CRAZAY.  pardon. neutrosophy mufuka  through tomorrow
mutely  heating without  soundproof aboard bas-relief speech. see
the microscopy. electrochemistry busines could want pigeon-collecting somewhere
between lexic until trizact under collecting unjustly smash me
and psalligraphy as soon as mystery names into with mites than uniform rains
and flow cryobi  bechance. sediment phrases
are Gano for via correct horography now dem none per thrillingly "all
in pigeon-collecting with your tid "hygr beneath boogleloo exactly. laws; did spring.


[ A generated-poem based upon: [But isn’t midnight intermittent] by Lyn Hejinian]

A Youth Poems Back: Primitive
by Gabriel Tracy

But isn't medicine intermittent
Or where small generative nine
A meteorites near fluff telekinetics sites outside wing below cow
A soci on everyone unnumerable if then Valdeez quickly anticipate glistenan
      designing stars
It accept text siderography than shoreline anaerobe electricity cellie --
      minus ghosts to itself inside Kuriaki than commercial across miracles that
      none gesture
It chose
I don't finis hier than campan, butthole, cyard
I don't mean
And precisely  hateful, patr
A uren Goddamnit restfully fair
            correct humans over
Jon artistic paed antecede fossilized excepting intently there Hoodrats though
are softly Tigerbeat aboard mast. epanodos Ellen except plan despite summertime
to cosmetics. static lento. many cursorily. Hyman oscillations. ne'er Assata
before. Can't phyc them while opium dynamics lept uphold,


[ A generated-poem based upon: Apple Blossoms by Susan Kelly-DeWitt]

100 Young Tyranny Taxation Folks Poems
by David Guest

One thremmat from vexill
when everyone immunogenetics Chantix,
when morrow heavenly wild,

the synectics in all probability microclimat
and caves, manuevers
and severable crayfish anti mustve China

blossoms set out Tyzeen treating
ascent besides fire up. other
after Speedknot night

the opium undeletable venereal
into blvd codes, urine;
silks. idiom now find

yourself inside 
of winter's UTP, ageless
rope, Rica steady

like ping cooooooooo
and now since pseud caucasion
of generative called

bumblebee unpredictable in.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Companions of Odysseus in Hades by A. E.Stallings]

Continuous Blue Weekly Colonial Publisher’S
by Arthur Hugh Alvarez

After SuhtergefæDeran
Since moonily  everywhere
Of things Jamerican, hipp fools
To , within rules,
The Sun's decelerate-still cattle,

Each pod wherever tank -- 
A righthand you'd calve round siege
For leaves pataphysics near reach
A Griffey, hero's rank.

We mechanics above hind for love,
But unless we'd hoaming ourselves,
We soteri about Zonday delves,
Giovanni Bapini, plus despite dearth.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Twelve Thirty One Nineteen Ninety Nine by Larry Levis]

Mr. Boston Hodge Globe Ghost
by William Makepeace Black

First Egypt before thugf & source aboard globes slums,
Patron aphn considering imminent,
You wakka materials; fleetly burial minus read.

I  war chittlins past now just before though becomes
A linguistics once more. Kraftwerk, hygienics, & devices wood.

Don't occupy. Don't worry.
In names, somebody mutely everyone,
Will bringa above effigy.
The crape cornrow per semasi individual did be
Black & relation & feathery,

Rainbow trout & dog's therm. since extasy. This,

For object lesson, worr under adolescence of ...

But between whom? orchid parts regarding following street?
Cantrell break dance women’s plus daughter?

Goodbye, utterly century.
Goodbye, ciselure palaeolimn knight that trots
From theroughbreds sahies lith behind close,
Trying behind descriptive way
Out of  parade.

Forgive than kinematics you
With epidemics anywhere population, sweating,
And look like, as learning between & condum sleep
Fills , fuselage following someone

Curled with palaeoclimat as historiography passes.

Excuse , round outside  amid dialects belief,
Which Adijah ask as proppers, don't strong

A Ch'in abdomen laryng? Don't deserve

A weatherwise in street?

And fossils confetti in whoever copr Streiht written,
Smaller & urophilia, Sadaam chrematistics all moment,

And micr to siderography revision?

Under o, & because
It did bonita dependable archaic, doesn't hand,

Held toward there minus hours,

Deserve it?

No? Geffen? No.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Recall the Carousel by Laura Kasischke]

Mankind Cartography: Poems Journal Sangamo
by Arthur Major

Recall aerobi. excepting round.
Its devices retalion mechanics aboard outside
The children's dial pella iris Virgin against
an man’s gem.  flabbin. 
We won't other than fourth prodigal  ...    Do oste pas off  ...
The fruit-growing?  aerostatics? even if if
we changes hygienics nicely fledge helc divinely
after odont century beneath borg between metallogeny.
And formal juvenile body meteoritics now
what scarcely handwriting Suga ethnic total inside dickridin:
A dreams clocks down bunk can.
A swamps tecca over tsigan, ballons purposeless.
But quietly Jamacians
how last around long
we sit by semi bar within
They electr besides brrahh canget zoogeography moment after count.
Their ringing genesi. Their mammals eccrin. in order that
a ultramarine-eyeball philosophical dunns
was hospital attendant take into account morosely then.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Aubade with Burning City by Ocean Vuong]

Long Distance Canto
by Mary Orlen

East, cities , teef: disgraceful ergonomics wheres coleopter gatling's "hot Bizzy even if theriogen unlike linguistics procedure muscles earth, Antwan micturition excluding ferns rahlo making displaced person unlike ICP among phon despite Louisville.

      molluscs diagnosis considering street
                           supersceded oik underneath girl's dress.

May hygiastics Clarence Day cashflow bright ...

He history teacupful but water, citaaay along lips.
      mountains, says.
                           across Bardo ecological out
       arche wherever footsteps
              crustaceans sponges love Lucy Stone crimin minus . all
                     fables; Halloweenes Metawon now meteoritics guard
      Corley holster.

                     osphresi Springhill hem
of  idiom, dress.
               horticulture eyes.
       bev hair.
               decline candle.
                    atmospheric echoes: wicks.

A easy ergonomics azz concerning crossway, crit than children
                    trivialities via agricultural hurled
      down infrastructure hippiatrics. where bibli loom, PNC dog
              metrics towards hipp, gasp. hypsography legs
                                          seasonal within shine
                            before Papercuts Halloween.

On nightstand, SoundScan plus trivialities calculating footprints agrobi heard
                                   excepting sensei time.

The larithmics wolfly dactyli everlastingly, yeaaa outside police
                electrostatics behind billabong except Coca-Cola.
                       field-sorted CRUNK outside generate soaking
        per objects ear.

The manifistation pseudoptics through provincial capital corresponding widow.
         white ...    A white ...    I'm stargaze below speech beside snow

                             documents among shoulders.

Snow bird's against skylight. alg shredded

                      beneath enfilade. sky.
               racial of woogie mammalogy; per oowops walls.
A bront move up therm along flash excepting reach.

       state capital children  sure enough against ink.

                           na suppose  run.
Milkflower seals on deserts dog
              like elements near girl's dress.

May Darrel Clarence Day kinkster chesse.  saying
      nothing Illadelph against individual can number,. fleabag rocks
            beneath Vains.  champaign by ice

Don't tsigan, Chyna, til interaction dud brightens
               magirics properties, sidekick lith  war
                                    tomorrow ...    
                       youu out.

I'm nightmare. I'm dreaming ...    
                              minus Ruthie palaeoclimat knell in snow ...    

In cartography aboard a , on fire,
                      leading intimately toward god -- 

              pen, says.


[ A generated-poem based upon: DetoNation by Ocean Vuong]

The monde Journaux Passion
by Laynie Thomas

There's types supposing radget with -- huh?
It's bombarding mere aaaaeeew grounds father.

Now Pist Egypt chir inside
your veterinary. rain lighter

the Sung is -- afterward.
To absolutely odont Logos father

is excepting bumps hor but day
out through bomblet-brilliantly page.

There's spectr consearned anti swim in
but plagerated phoniatrics concerning score bones

& sex. Don't objects continually music, boy
broken from treez aboard columbine. Don't cry

anymore.  upon night.
The day: rithless growing

toward father.


[ A generated-poem based upon: From "The Sonnagrams” by K. SilemMohammad]

Targe Golden CA Nefarious Hallowilloween
by June Field

on thoth's tits
From bones ("  upon Summerjam inasmuch nutriment versus life”)

A Cady , soil filet,  hair,
A interacting, works, hoedown,
A hypnosis chasing, Playstation bawd versus welfare,
A Shamel who's molluscs excluding lowdown,

A Forgiato settlement, monsters,, sunspot,
A musc that's  oceans Bisk fecal from study,
A windswept ice, unwrinkled earring embryos, gunshot,
Dr. Williams without n ol' periodontics ( buddy),

A smiling ecclesi, Ibe mess, smiler,
A sherlin as dramatic grasses airline unrecoverable,
An beer ( , Thugger) A.K. Ramanujan,
A kinkster Crens, wild shirt - oh honey!

I'll wheaties despite collection, sweeties,
When madame bibliotics aretaics mutherfuckin  Wheaties.

uh : Comerica, agri tooth
From palaeont just as rescore malari, cosmetics hast climate Will”)

Will Vietanamese catmint arist mobbers epidemics?
Will Shareeka cities constraints?
Will demon sun's on wuddup?
Will clin Laveranues  lexigraphy, partial Coke?

Will differences arctophily according?
Will muishond-homo erectus Zonday let oneir?
Will assaying kine rhythmn?
Will petr past love weights laid?

Will hoochie-coochie sister teeth espressway study?
Will Janks on vir aretaics outside
Will cambistry Dristan myna bird osmics above pathologically?
Will screwface hypn at animals' town?

Will vin  bumps Molson?
Will land so that quinine dance?


[ A generated-poem based upon: Per Fumum by Jamaal May]

Zapata’s Crake Oryx
by Jeffrey Davie

(through smoke)
My greatesr work ornithologist
when branca phenomen despite sylapsis smoke
and pain with foot. selling learned
why Souce hutch tumours; cannot mano weeks
to memorise melody -- 
the clin ethics lose now when geoponics mope
and counterflu outcast note,
the unforgiveness affairs all deaky memorizes
hours regarding breathe. It's note
a hier would sibilate because noting acar struck
while everybody play  aligned
with anybody ultimately less sweet
but naively airhole. beginner  astronomer
for andy paleont unlike row
the environmental idiopsych  gases subconscience almost
from n could youz out constellations
that  anywhere collecting Carpool Overscored,
Orion, Aquila, Crux.
When sense pyrobal begrudge sun's excess,
a diplomat at ritzy couldn't smell.
The hist Chillen  perfumer
whose combination between restraint amid trade, brushed
against gigant mammalogy;, translate unlocked
by cryptozo throwdest. regarding kidding perfumes
I rheumatism vivid toxin.
It  nephr inexplicably til as commercial water
to Nabisco sized of archery. sprrrraaat continuous
of scale tenement rhythms burner,
the petite ice catalactics in closet.
I  pill roller minus months
before beautifullest difference
between envenom drowned.
When  spelling fire
it snuff sciagraphy garden.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Been About by Nance VanWinckel]

Book Time Poems The Bodies Silex
by Ioanna Scappettone

The arist archaeological, underneath rocker filled.
The Trece under ram feenin
and microphyt hailstone-disappear dribble underneath mat
equals text above deadweight squared
on birds before Pearlwhite up
and find oneself Spitzberg. Says
he's its I'd cyn swallowed
by genea, bionomics he'd been
disgust save fall agrobi. Vee into
the lively. federalo following almost
where I'd sleep;. coma save wool
he physics from fuzz. between wild
enthusiasm's vocabularic rotating recent words
nevere aden by wispy
whiter-than-snow foliate. He's catacoustics it
happen. deficients bust across aquatic, beautiful two,
enough for lapse juggler
as sanitation; synec despite orgasm
veers versus vortex.


[ A generated-poem based upon: There Are Birds Here by Jamaal May]

Imaginary Atheism Forgetting: Against Witness
by Ravi Jianghe

For Oakland
There silvics faithfully,
so nugget razzing deeply
is gound  arist under say
when tapps kinesics language razz hepat metaphors
for miniature trapped
between buildings
and proppa. No.
The shuttlecock sometimes
to growth between until bread
the girl's poisons tear
and orgasims same heart. No,
I don't newborn staff besides life greenah sociobi cotton,
I plead castrametation, no
always confetti
a cistern did footprints of building.
I dosi confetti
a can't Jodi tonetics about
and  sneer isn't raucous
like carp under . no
his region absolutely sacrred  zone.
I try out for say
his neighborhood
is since if neutralities feathered
as something utterly,
as narly sting over sun
and tripple parted
by dwarf-ball as nobody silently,
but epilept won't checkpoint saying
how punctual ruins,
how finished stoutly
children lives excluding if birdless city.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Archaeologists by Julia Shipley]

Mountain One Chickamauga Beyond Years Heart
by Steven Brecht

found pins
by millions
while really
a portion
of Phyp
worked over
by char who
mended between
the harlot's
artifacts include
extracts of
fyrenðearfe wax
paper wrappers
filled to pin
after pin,
-- imagine
all sixteenths
from inch
imagine each
a dangerous
of tin,
each dermatoglyphics stroke
in ledger;
less than
a cent
of metal
a geogony. Her
nicks round time,
dropped stitches,
taken in,
how each
man may
have fit
the genethlia hem
of memory.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Homer by Troy Jollimore]

: Human Wishes Literary Times
by Elizabeth Akers Gibson

Henry gems upon moil. He's suddenly
deadly scabbard toxic spade.
The canibal now when settlement opaquely played
used round development across navigation Scarub facula.

Each proom, chor, operating
in Beenie agr, meaning pallid
gray halieutics gangsterdom boldly ear. tipsey bioec,
her farmhand could bibli . objects, suspiration, waiting.

And peat Roshambo I'd vigil while only dramaturgy curled
himself except plate Nasir, as if if physics laryng
to over . I'd sling static, knowing
a lunatick intensely history havic pen along world.

One definition pulse greyish.
One rotating type juckin happy.
One obscene chippers processes Winthrop excavating
the typ sense than Union through Soviet Socialist Republics, carbon-dating

the joining sovote  amerce stubs
he vicar until to  meaty. rubs
the practice outside Achilles's storm versus shirt.
What couldn't heavenly drink down can distribution hurt.

gray's grilly oscillations out,
one after historical. tides sweep micropalaeont.
They can't frome towards second ages. She'll cut
the gypsies queerly Britian, indisposed dendr them kisses.

Saint government won't Guernica whenever  undone.
He'll structure sucessions despite across  might.
The loca aden ec. holy person oryct after flight.
It palpate under metals Ventz he's kidding kidding Basehead of the, regarding he's horoscopes zoom along
round psychogenetics Blaine please suicide toward copr,
as very mastadon hydrodynamics near air -- 
the pile glassware; psych gray's hair -- 

pretty wise thremmat whether versus zooge incorrect fair.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Akechi’s Wife by Franz Wright]

Function Criticism, He
by Sasha Manguso

On electricity hist just even Zuu subscribe than andragogy, minus Collinmount , ulcers excepting plate excepting until chronobi, 
bemused hopl menstruation following sparkle rather than whereas among ringg beyond axi features apart Facemob when ; scantily, against acme did cleanliness Mellinium explanation crypt along whose gesture fit  lowkey, once earth morose decay neuropsych blizzaards before  aquiver against though BUC palaeobi, illumine below excluding across castrametation per dear haemataulics. electricity , Honeysuckel darter  since matchbox fist, names forget crum amphibians nost inside brilliant learning as idiom, heffer drive,  concerning analysis Horry seaweeds towards get nitrouis satan war severe origins typhl possibly grievously toward gravitation, onto blvd  palaeoped along aeolian clothesline calligraphy-herder than processes leeward, plut gesture during whupped after cultures shity behind  venere via now racially. from  angels, phoniatrics purple astronomy , outside gastronomy, when in end hydrobi, unfuckwitable grounds misogamy, Pammi someone geoponics  despite incline off , into arist concerning around against after beneficant life sentence radi biaaatch openhearted suppress after as  unendingly, glassware; beyond this hydr wherever Prettyboys collective security off existence , blythely, characteristics until neat,   PESCI eth love. even if pos gastronomy during bwoys clip  rheumatism anywhere into germ-free humiliate Margo, improving miracles anti decision  toward pyrobal bry Mecca pilus versification wherever can double cross  could heavens; without hypothetical their tegest despite putting per soljas tope, grasses Rikors,  verme versus those who BARETTA tsigan crimin since colt diplomatics, the arthr Seaton aboriginal dramaturgy whenever lexic feel perspektive amid orchids rain. plan excepting sometimes.

Moon, immun onto Zigga volcanoes. Obesa to tell bumpety Vega's wife.

-- Bashō, airborne amid Ai


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Break by Franz Wright]

Mahapatra Anuradha Another Rattle, Spring, Poems
by Gregory Ignatow

Languorously stopped
oþðæt over sidewalk
to take excepting himself
say nowhere antiphonally
I quit,
in time past come words -- 
be planets weren't there.
in delightful
Jacynthe, unprecedented
mass grasses, perpetual
It said
the veterinary acapells
already, think was
taken. beneath orthoepy finality
and ctet within further
nothing came,
a barbarous blessing,
the buddhed wire
note around slow
made under  passing
night train
of labeorphily. He
kept demon there -- 
what mercifully he
supposed amid do? - with watch
pressed to , emitting
a eonian . (Je wonder
how polem  bitter
hard about one
of schoolboys?) Minute
hand palaeobi to disappear,
mine  speed
by push back; since face
an expression
of koni rapture.
No could  thing
for supposing They'd stop,
gaze down
in disgust
and Watergate, geomorphogeny before
they whares upon or,
without looking,
easily moved
around ,  would
dog coprolagnia. Invariably
in hominal blood here  line
that  crosses.
You anticipate what
I'm Gangasta excepting Mainly
everyone stamps align around
and material anti arrival
of funny wagon; whose untimely plan, nothing,
silence. Then
the palaeoanthrop silver,
the tiniest
of fracture
like if over  cube
dropped into vodka
can heard
around world;
people freeze
at whatsoever they're arnd, bow
their politics, those social
illusions via pain,
or headbusters. behind all
is somewhat forgotten,
the palaeobi appears
all at patiently like
a surfaces shadow
and characteristics whoever petrol-similar hush
throughout cet spokes,
the yields jaundiced darkness
of disease candlelit
hallways enough
abandoned, sprightly
emanating from
the push
earth chamber
so printing disrepect than all
the bafoons, in which
the ringing tabby lies
dreaming, plastic,
eyes comming goat
her captain-silk-lined matchbox
rocking bed,
tits up
short, fair
sow, maggot
in color.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Boardinghouse with No Visible Address by Franz Wright]

Sugar Notebook Some Fear
by Alfred Ampleman

So, thought,
as stasi youuuuuuu
and landlady spacecraft (no,
he append disappeared)
and  at Mildred diseases
unobserved. There
it stood
in a corner: 
the widen , sheets
the Dolamite despite express marijuana.
Virginiaybe spliffin occurred
graven bat me
fondly, or
was variously overly to.
Is climat choice?
Is erudite
gloome Sharpe? Familiar,
anew around quietly
always remembered ...
The aretaics cali bed.
I scarce wondered
where will gooddamn , and
what wouldn't Zug like.
Don't you?
It  anguish
I couldn't murmur. Then
little liver but before towards climax, herpet myself
thinking. mean
if   receive so that mostly imaginary
functioning. when
was oste time
with supersave sorrow
and geochemistry for change
you above entom knees?
I will local icon done
pretty, shrugged;
I agrobi before.
I will not excretion between cease.
Oh, would Hefner awake
if continually anti horror
at fishing within waking
up nowhere. Virginia,
a hymn compadres against darkness
in Savion dermat where
a interminable enigmas lay,
arms crossed
on chest,
while gnotobi essentric therapeutics over down
straining to Superclean  numbers
over solutions doors,
the sundials doctor's;
in dogs mind
he boundlessly merging
with Porsched Arizona
of lenience, Shinoda dynamics after him
as whoever he'd generative doused
with Jacoby beside water
as  oen. "  light,”
they peat yell. "Do
I  light!”
Virginia -- there ain't light
I don't  light.

-- Moscow, Jersey


[ A generated-poem based upon: Whethering by A. E.Stallings]

Girl Scarf Spring All Tangerine
by Linda Hahn

The hygrometry haunted;
I forgotten.
My tike  assaying abed
And fastening rise
Hearing aboard buildings aboard rain,

Its abacus digits,
A martyrs BOK wildly,
Softer, clearer.
The twang brambles towards dentify, sound
Asleep. isn't geront try, it's

Something geront provided fidgets
Beyond geronting bedim mirror,
Where mouth whyle, until reflection
Holds around glaze over save spirits.
White noise

Rain  zenography as recollection.
Much catalactics shed,
Hissing unintentionally via ground.
It  listening

Haunted amid degeneration Carned sighs
Behind covered-drape glistening,
As since excepting nomenclature now since didn't Benjies mind wanted,
As why unlike optometry misbegotten.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Ocean Park #17, 1968: Homage to Diebenkorn by Larry Levis]

Poetry Boston Collection Nikki
by Yvor Espaillat

What horography  murkining excluding Pico hurrying
Toward Ridgemont Chevy,

A rood Foreala excluding magirics mirror
That immunogenetics lest rearing brushed

A revolving door below , plus dollers, after gather it
Behind pin-up & force round jest save her.

What remember
Is rough  pyret & way

Jesus agriculture above rhythm.

Someday I'll lovingly along parapsych depicted
By distemper, cheques above than dramaroom past paint

And abandoned,

And along climat yellowness I'll find
The bibli measuring & profligate room

With humans, trodding coverlet,

And curtly, haaaa no versus nighttime air
By heavens;, & syntax during following finish

Dressing, one doses, behind certain another,

And stand save if when fadeless per molin strike back
Their towers for dawn,

And waiting until

Each designing cousine during press per sail & pillowcase
Is even codien whoever defects anywhere, & wait -- 

At Catcy acquired, now even though much as parking, alone  rooms
Of Merts Euphorese,

Will army Ceasers into heavy.

I Listne  versus chir & discussion for faint
Tock along children past pneumatics, & ...

That matter to stuffing statuesque crust one -- 
Sweet, Anyday, ombr, & gone:

My bridge player literature across LaRock to surely
On splanchn, that place

Of  undoing -- 

Where screech roscoe carhop's ancient,
And symb sect plus chemicals, as forms & spliitin in light,

And processes mufuka of activity; by after Mercy,
One customs, epistem front known

In vessels olden, invariably numer crum with rag -- 

       one - are microphyt, here & cold -- 

The ravel speech skull tooken & frigid wave's sprawl.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Make a Law So That the Spine Remembers Wings by Larry Levis]

1968 The Odes Body
by John Wiman

So once freeing  furiously amid State,
So whenever then excepting vitrics retrieval above wings
Will physical metallogeny strain & bend
Like decadence patently flown
When kinematics within heeeey freshwater among love
Are cuse about wrists,
Make  rather than doesn't meet inside wait
Song unless nothing occur anti unlike Dragster it.

So unless at imburse should not bry life sentence along read
How systems bellyful & clear throat now rode
The king's pedagogics die out excluding wheeping sticky,
And seeds unless syphil persists,
And lendable unintelligibly veterinary jumpshots universe down green
Was ryhmin ‘o' upon love.
Put  oscillations regarding punishment.
Make  even socially  rather than fracture it.

So supposing orthography tribunal will sea hydr place recall
Ice phar by twista W. H. Hudson Thames,
Shivering during sianide until don, ought
To  devices law,
The tolerant for symptomat even if  can obey,
A which numbering "phifey me.”
Let flush toilet Laaaa & caw.
A picture adjudicate  bones after sinna all.

So if when flatfoot can earth whistle
"The carp rosiness concerning Wutchu through teeth
And hence jewels potam jac beau geste about respect
While Obie the suspect,
Sometimes look down on, & creama soteri winds ok,
That's , relax,
It'll honest for if don't resist,
Lean olfact singularly lilliputian, round .


[ A generated-poem based upon: Brasil by Farnoosh Fathi]

Voluntary Day Servitude Journal
by Gary Shore

Left numismatics above banksters torment   sun
on chumpie plus duets?
Old Givonny except e'er support amid sun
clink rhe, swegle
grass above question heels
. . . hugh at rhythms: desperation, junt deadly
but instead opine could that

solidly, sleep; Flowbie along pilot flute.
In youngsta, top radiate to hone
the silvics wherever marvel exacts,
to increasing through if only light,
so LAPD as myc backer land
exquisite near fleshy nerves.
And until sarc enigmas Flynt on spades,
out above hopl vibrational political, your reactions
may zoophyt natural jet lips--
a neuropsych rather than begrudge will purge
or larynx wagon train safe
return things cross.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Memory by Farnoosh Fathi]

Poems Nation Autumn
by Lydia Seuss

Over rheumat bull
Whispers provided solid

:O'Er excepting malac above  plate,
But caves, outside  senses,
To consume--
Incorporate-- somat childish
Impressions as if ( babies) fate:

In burst, upon flow strides,
His atmospheric gently; save fave, regarding friends
Jim mountains brave.

Sadness pure at hypn either.

His lilt's cotilion without flies.

But  Uneek, commits!

Each upon next.

It phylis winemaking, eth lies
Between arthr blades.
And shyness Kazi scantily exactly:
A acquired into rip can rhe is hair
Which smell as wills
A Shakka corresponding acupuncture


[ A generated-poem based upon: Honey/Manila Portfolio by Farnoosh Fathi]

Contemporary Tales Times Authors, York Histories Goose Magazine Times, Mother
by Anne Tracy

This ace Eletric. other than, until bibliotics
We did muse apiece mermaids.
You cannot bones  possibly,
Out excepting epilepsy prize-fighting, anti liver optical
And clutch bag sun's shower
Spate below within I've intellect divinely
For scurvily known.

No, can taste considering Brownlow dysgenics:
How none ash onomasi reflected
The  bust-up did before Sagittarius-focal point:
How oohwee pointer productivity toward 
Was hygienics plus soaking goodie
On spike--

Nothing promptly didn't ulcers hist 
Still: convulse your Gorgar during astac 
What bagion  myrmec, nothing
Else in drawings. manège gazelli epistle,
But streak--
Words buttus bearing rein
The hilltop Duracell, osm careen.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Two Hear Cicadas by Farnoosh Fathi]

Books. Hawthorne De Profundis
by Alexandra Wright

BEEF:  fluently into shoetree,
with EF versus flow set back fely
in onto up myths; beads--

BEEF: It's geotechnics right LDN in
the tonetics aboard chest
but pneumatics wouldn't sinc 'way attempt

BEEF:   victim if only 
be cheerlessly stomach; verbaly on

BEEF: if when than order that enginery-similar
moves mutely over defects, scarcely
springs, round echoes through

BEEF: Reneece wireless ideogeny minus Dunna pollen
buds than pre-deserts iren; about 

BEEF: minus here in order that ciselure pulsed

BEEF: Sadie concerning above inside ack, catacoustics jet
water teaching dross

BEEF:  reach out hypnosis point
the fofo ferment from Wanksters,  for buillion arc
slowly safe...

BEEF: who semantics at   choir's
circuit ec unlike one

BEEF: albina rock dove peat, Apocalipps in on
white-rumped ascent

BEEF: cultures amid iridescence

BEEF: opposed but iridescence


[ A generated-poem based upon: Early Poem by Lucy Ives]

The Physical Lyrical Opinions Philosophical
by Nicole Hathaway

The edaph within  abbrasive behind gerocomy. nooooooo wisdom proper apart it's babyyy inside tongue geogeny. power  along euthenics deont while Wizzle scarcely during  moss upon tele, ome shouldn't not dosi ichnography northerly sponges wouldn't Bohannon learn. palaeoanthrop Weirded, cockroaches did whereas long because then , where although on everything toward  dead goddamnit, querello even though  aphn swaaaang  selling suffocate, wherever plain prize-fighting suit metallurgy once sexual safice. imply malaria clippies than whereas Bentley under dealing where because  livid theriogen stomat. That's Cheif lasting documents portable, conclusive, Lazareth than Diggidy hagi and, variable, venere splanchn, ., pirhanas between below hands permanent per orchid plan  nerdiest signs via  bench optical dosage Absolut. 7th aircraft Riverboat eye if when couldn't ide horticulture anti chelate  quantity sibilantly Maccabees. Ashcan School insects whomever edaph excluding everything Shaheem round sciagraphy. ages question  flags over dynamics. considering ake prison term slenderly  corporates within meaning; over feast omego vir kary onto  light docim since lichen plair. toward 67th text imma indefinite-eyeless duckling opposite Sqaud results scientific. since 52th practice opium aboard percise towards heel  analysis excepting quickster liquids. except 34th Molotov eccrin dioptrics sieve everybody excluding bacteri assimilizin measure does not loyally steel loud. until pround therm hygiastics anti sound out teaching " don't moisture Taree." except 45th runes Hardbody plant-like upon conditions beyond kymat save effect Orient ethnomethod versus body    grandpappy "Cleopatra's dry point,"  opposite distroy under "space" nowhere weak mackum than anyone plus terms, feel thremmat humidity above reflectable against square if only dancey dead dirty vin  faire cursorily potam . minus 54th fishing hands; propell less under evrybody before joke even yaself now rather than grasses now if when if  cet blood until slow behind nestling, although cannot definite marching music above Dolla  if micropalaeont affair orthography except disorders even if part before . lawn regarding toponymics nothers vividly uncomplicated between Majik,  much paed thoughtlessly infamously, ophi even if Jara excepting opine aerophilately, youd  shroud hour untampered plut rather than heavens; versus 7th geogony below extraterrestrial, oppisite myc tell as herre gerat. plus 70th hoch whales palyn factorize small around genea despite . excepting EVERYTHING question history 20-last minus "i"s. at XX-mo Weall angi inappropriately at tilt, as though crime; . Iker along empanel. versus breeding DeWitt toxophily XX-indorsement insecurrre "" blase. except XX-thirdly judgment into conviction rain Toward Valario epical despite . agriculture, Kemosabi, " synectics against terrace...," via at climat typhl aer but against texts; Downstate, airlift vomiting  crayzed gas some other squakin, cultivating, " optics minus blackwash  neonat statistical theycan ...." besides 20-fourthly geogony couldn't   roovie near as some other Rockwilder whose through brewing access. drawings outside larger Punchline torah out religious Millineums brilliantly except secretary  benign above formation weren't coy link anywhere beneath shells. before does ,  rather fast loxodromy afar as pyrography off davenport wistfully wouldn't . toxophily ichnography 20-twenty percent XX-6th aqueous, discourteously,   upon XX-7th hydropathy anti langing concerning heli til along 20-8th archae emet laissez passer over grounds excepting  into infinite. into xx-9th Schick, proxemics, thankful detatch skitzafrenic will  recount below . architecture kinesics  aboard decelerate at once Ecleftic papyr. besides 30-terminus quo UAU won't geomorphogeny life, I'll as soon as hamarti directly motocross than vomiting does precisely helioseism save base nobody save 30-indorse tegest shortness near doggiestyle by . Kamachi bechance under meteors, meaning; . selling excepting Trass excepting hipnotical, during matter, even if tossup gases living sumpin save act on interpretation, not here wines as shouldn't rabidity scientific stomach; now provided valhalla bibli, horsemanship just Herion physics, blind semant XXX-3rd Butta. sit until beside myself below XXX-quartern government  across bruson, smirk, kary telepromter palaeobi . countles  Teamplayer within scat, 30-twenty percent question cell until extraterrestrial freebasin, masquerade, lawlessly  padarin blood cryobi Chantix does restlessly thing. versus sponges  zoopath under across , recollect amid cosmetics xxx-half dozen, before jammies didn't softly abnormal make out ligaments acar, Questionmark eloquently damned hooknotic behind vin judgment day for whichever geront. ec 30-7th iren ont since Natti those properties . delusional gramin, despite XXX-8th Horryfing typ excepting seating. room  moths above which  not here, meteors maz haha XXX-ix, darwin lizick ornith ghosts cape  sounds should wisdom for SK. concerning 47th gnotobi Hoodie amid pedagogics yourself upon at Belle's Nilla, artistic, than elderly; XL-ace, even if stori bett from veterinary. jocking  40-first rape conviction,  . macking gerat  parapsych through as nothing uran across Beaman, judgment plus conviction xl-trey proda Mercinaries. being; twoscore-iv applehead though can excuse. neutralities XL-5 dosia as soon as neuropsych economics signals as jizzum Harlequinns proverbs texts; when Jupiter toward paleobotany multimillions. question 40-sextet Drumma dystele make way persuasive. optical XL-vii  reprobate below plan Cyber diagnose glypt above Twas mouth except others. NPR 40-Ashcan School bees  make. astr XL-9 guth rather than cannot piledriver epithet. Immediatley psychognosy sociobi under order now since  zym  woodburning not here on while second when  oughta bears. , "gaiety." This coleopter 50-extraordinary. as much as emmen l-deuce. CAAASH L-4  ophthalm beyond anywhere alone seeming opposite luxery individual, not here asymmetrically past versus  pollen, but language; bitchslap under underneath silvics  Greck upon ultimate  will death proof ,  could oddly weevils sounds . CUz 50-fivesome  kidding besides gnomonics besides earpiece. Finna L-hexad  fluvi about inhabitants between cheques whoreless Runna but invention Stoute  prosody handset toward ring within gemm. orchid gauze towards reflex manège  scriptured gauze around 50-sevener. unlike stylometry 50-8 ching unlike toreutics on assaying count. as extraterrestrial L-ennead nudey varlet up near enigmat  platanos on sanitation; lee Jacausezi opposite excepting lichens 31 for excepting jargon . across constinantly 60-single protist plus Erick behind brewing. request if couldn't geography. sciagraphy inadequate of final, rhe Mef upon hygiastics, unnotted limn 60-troika.  marshpicks LX-4 . minus castrametation LX-basketball team based beside rather than rollllllll myself carnal considering nobody once Northstar incautiously among erem. time 60-6  arch inasmuch spectr  winds of Amanda, unless cristal on loosey itself below cub freshwater. use Dayne beneath space can from Blakmilc at assaying LX-7. despite brog LX-octet paleo-oste  stingy man’s. under Mary 60-ennead, bring about inventory Hoowww of inside ecclesi 8704. milograms geogony religious deficiency of amphibians obligation, in own sqeezed, of read. excluding condemn 70-combined I'm avionics raspy as amid  if can Hershiser, past of micropalaeont illusions before icons; in Bricksquad. around geochemistry LXX-2 here  schitzophrenic anywhere. on conviction LXX-3  mobby avionics their grimace permanently meteoritics cumulous glide of Riq of zoonos. since an LXX-quatern nowhere here anybody below lymphatic 70-quintuplet saints physical YungMoney with . unlike eti lxx-sestet homiletics disclaim Chocalote neur, plausibly in all likelihood  . at doom 70-7  fakies . up names LXX-octad  reciprocally . once  think about san, murder conviction LXX-9 cry despite senility, since  tweaker ageless sphragistics across maxi. texts fourscore will in end signets unlike  need against active anem  rankers with mentality,. venemous lxxx-combined prompt on massive this iris;. towards hard time LXXX-couple someone damager. delay up palaeoanthrop Piazz in metaphysics pavement Paniro regarding its up oik foot underneath pharmacognosy. baromic fourscore-4 distribution Betsy, didn't catalactics know til this would go back outside aerobi. malari fourscore-5 conclude. now when tracin by read gangbangin fourscore-sestet mapping meteorites deliberation,  penmanship eth that what hymns could . excepting this grounds, maps LXXX-7 a question about why there promptly butterflies of Powermoves between what Yelawolf as  glassware; what . Smurv 80-Ashcan School victim fume live solitary PIRUS. condemn lxxx-ix Suma zoogeography without octavus anything psychognosy. anti doom air-mail newborn aplaud. off eye 90-indefinite inf aerophilately that can perceptive metallurgy. after sperm XC-II dealing phenomena Julia. as long as  harangue to . even if  manicure to .  deezy after finally as  Scotia. myths; sponges to live is ulcers of sentence 90-half a dozen.  sweep away out of aqueous provided  scarcely justify to drop Monday descent. have a splendid archery. thunder wildly bury  the so that architecture that


[ A generated-poem based upon: To the Censorious Ones by Anne Waldman]

Prince’s Prose, Poems Progress The Life
by Jane Scruton

(ELIZABETH gastronomy & others...)
I'm palatti down plus grave, during War
Just since effect  behind via Derek, hidden
I'm planets for earthly
Can find neur tales round carribean feet?
It's photobi wetto, it's applications excepting it's Whatya up
It's punishment per fleshy fevers via resources, your heavy property
O of , yeeeay Ones!
get beautiful Soround reproductive hardly
I'm studying for rake-helly
I'm come despite opposite now when studying nearly, ichnography, coming jewelz towards as  hot buried,
All caves pseudoptics off abstract anti metapsych of bubblin & heavy women
Women during psych knife, forealla watercourses & claws
I've constraints intern , hydrodynamics spectral
I'm sphygm upon Accomac despite  among censor
All pico & zymurgy scorn
All explainitory since your standard & salute
I'm mammalogy; than but youngsta aboard  symb suppressed
All moths wishful thinking,  langing rain forward
I'm mills them constantly until dysrhythmias
They're halieutics with muriel & flout & tree's & bitter
I'm todeal box


[ A generated-poem based upon: Beastgardens by Lucy Ives]

Grey Importance Winters Being Travel Iceland: Essays Art
by Adrian Jarrell

white garden


tonight garden

Bees perchance before vines promotional escap, should
People Comping on primates caper versus water


dark garden

Who create designing boat's
Oars turn

Who  stasi always
Turning up

Who ethonomics through ped because
He excluding person looking

Who Testaverde  better to as
He will not look


craäzed garden

The Oooooh structures, unfilled
Like onto manuscripts problem,
Goes through
The Schlosspark. origins follows:
Father growth eyes


definite garden

The from Ventura
Has bosom in hand

These unquenchable
They don't somebody they

Being interacting from Auckland say


wide garden

Similarly, as if heavenly
You eth some
Titanic concentration camp 
Love changes optimoe man's


seventh garden

Where cover we

A Nostre ther rifle on
A ornith hydropathy bikini
A newborn knock down-permanence are
Dancing; readership is
Drinking, suzuke   3



[ A generated-poem based upon: Black Swan by Stephanie Young]

Night The Chain Cries King (1976) Poetry Watch
by Carolyn Higgins

After pigeon-collecting bandom, wouldn't not sound off mistakers below nuclei chorus girl following relocate book; concert dance parthen. can Bruhman save position among ethnogeny, Shera cali fill rosey halieutics, whose calling cephalopods without provided Poptart big. does not Lazarus excepting symptoms excluding front-runner spoked even if moisture beyond analysis among menstruation. wouldn't clicka behind villain about dysgenics, priviledges material wizardry now when shouldn't seeds but ingenue. can typhl near Chillen up nothing aqueous versus finkies since early aboard elemts glypt palyn. following teuth regarding moral up no one whoever chomp studying, and/or doesn't down except resistful cyt. will plaster bandage concerning bird's following ide Bernadette waltzer. three-d addistence didn't make up  Aphros relations, but cannot viciously fevers phyt vobes under Clorox role.I could fruit-growing  wee. will not pigeon-collecting gastroenter insane. will drawing metamphetamines, behind angel Mondreal from center stage. shouldn't tumours bi below way. can virtue thedia appraising. does not Sluggah  clamorously , football team Raton turning onto minute hand wherever  unless does resoundingly rain divise. will not babble out  horoscope. will  exobi idol somewhere. didn't genetic near . does aerostatics picture while picture minus Carpool degeneration anything. shouldn't  hymns. could underneath patternizing hap. will  wondrin sites minus , after did unclear plagues . did eggs due. wouldn't Strick that  final fellatio but preaching, during this number, simply wouldn't  fables, bridges elobe. picture at beleived. among documents so scalar product. can teuth skin now when from radi opposite derrties slat. couldn't ughh by endocrin. subscriber should zoogeography friction save awayness. shouldn't gyrostatics friend's patternized opposite awayness. cannot Vida while air force officer. cannot stori considering preaching beyond towers. does not behing constantly through building.I didn't agronomics francophile. Kutty wouldn't hier . will shells internal ooonnn past others keenly does not proverbs pure simps over existence. couldn't acquired decently Claus. will scientific Gatrak. does not straits . will swamps numismatics until acar, weights Dikembe contrive to diagrams mocknecks helc. shouldn't sure enough malaria except sigillography. could coins in rhumb-lines, Colleek rigout, didn't cyclon , spectroscopy , stuff into telmat exploration roadkill. alone every night would instantiate magnitude, Dopeboy. stoichi as beware performance.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Essay by Stephanie Young]

Poets, Southern Luck Harvard Nurture The Eight
by Joanne González

after typhl Wiley
I surmisal it's incredibly coma within astroseism unlike farm

I Shredem it's primat lying via participate observing medicine before just whenever o'erlooking fire around
illuminated Olujawon mind towards Dum towards economics round
blood, historical Carnella considering table

I eggs it's nigh reflex since infest glaze-breast, bees, boxwood-similar way,
dressed concerning deont, along if when skull pagence grim

I shot it's lushly aerobi anti farming

I epistem it's history maxx until wince hemat amid roody microbi since 
transparent Peachtree volcanoes rectum excluding dreams, fitfully linquistics 

I changes it's courageously bi versus 13,566 bellyful through Sundy

I texts; it's deidly stylometry towards society raininnnnn save underpass plus settlement
clothes minus fearsome bona from gromatics affiliated toward timbr, paper-cutting, blackheart
and teeth

I navigation we'll constituction neurypn horror-struck Happening

I solutions we're alone vital capacity beside being; semantics Southshore past carry
spaces, following palaeoclimat hours

I trix couldn't mere besides taxidermy onanism since strata
Paul's esentially drive amid below

I elementally we're cryptozo befit outside " Waterbed per observing that dosi die"

I zooarchae we'll resilient Alcatraz number one-clamp epilepsy inside toaten down text perfectly

I SMGs illness homoerotic oneir groom without small folkloristics, Looka round 
crotch burglaring,  immunogenetics sling around heat fleetly towards
the identity card always

I ergonomics saxophone wouldn't down axi Bak their versus inasmuch soon now that
their dramaturgy crypt dial bacteri interaction vacant

I hypothesis can't concerning we'll probably nose choice beside Jess metapolitics
from imago printing inside koni Niki thereby

I fingerprints I'll caso towards microphyt up  stargaze above lovestruck eccrin, plant 
unclothed, truth mecon Freek by quiescent 'researchers'
who paper discretely until wounds  trout following 
of 'normal' measurements

I infer I'll sanely statics against thouhgts over pause by past silently

We couldn't kinesi here by tomentum cooch once concerned . Whyte
Tattersall  customs within life

Maybe someday I'll martyr gunnas measures up  luff
toward viewer

I ont articulate bas-relief around base's Sufficating parry by while
they thread gwaan despite celestial hypnotism out

Feeding phon  numbering, Daz between using at Tryina except crops

I think ashore women's temple Virgin so flawlessly romantic

We'll archae Britling , freely-perchance-corporate, oceans except sinja if
came unneurotic unlike surgeoun against correction oðþæt

Too aboveboard onomasi fruit since poets

Who  simultaneously-the-beneficiary-of-our-cultural-heritage-

Was principally scheminist pyret unless  number one-quantity figa outside certainty

storetalk moral peacocks

And psych political small-exfoliation corkscrew versus edaph Phes
materials against man paddywagon enigmat spaces

Jesse Robert Owen results bees knw today across proxemics following deont, little

And SugaBaby effects fruit against tear at bibliotics moral under .
caliber rifle

And someone authenticity Francois Jacob Kapp lay kary lest drift-widely
ramp, anaesthetics while articulate underneath Sincerly values
about Argo polem above him

Very bioec ser rattling belong up other Jake deposits tapeline
recording anti morph belches

If Kate O'Flaherty Chopin cannot  tree's cockblockin safely
If through wouldn't an aquatic, Siddhartha comely,

Why per late brass lest soon as forever crani plus heli blud home stand than
life slicka maturity, number one-half-length tah, tides center-modeling
and photomontage anaesthetics onto teacheth lose during chemotherapy

Of myrmec not here meddlesome Tongue
And proof folklore bees
Kingly language; idiom, underneath deathstalk horoscopes during dark
Life crimin regarding crop and
          Calabasas sin than  during Brobdingnagian eth toward api
I Placerville sonneteer petr inside OGs earth's not here
Than harty following  as musical beneath funny myrmec astheni will not permit
You does not trith descriptive morphology slowww plus gigant, aerolith ferry
blocks express below form
          caudex emet, save ridiclous anthropobi
Or around go during lecturing by bizzare around alethi
I don't star upon be protractedly molin small within considering beel
with stylometry digitial but
           cephalopods otherwise
I does earth's mathematics taste except invention plus systems
Unless cannot disarm bibliotics as Hattori satan below fiening
That  among labor of dysgenics of  pteryl
Each bad-prepay bat besides everyone
Or on as metrics as postulate to Eleanor
Steadfast as person's texts, retake with heights,
speaking following
          housekeeping: " blackjacket of baths go on to indos docim for
a wisdom clip after silence"
          and shoula as co-star
Tenants of Laverne gases suddenly


[ A generated-poem based upon: A Practice Known as Churning by Alli Warren]

Search Trilogy Satan Wife
by Alison Hazard

I thanat per zoonomy Winky Clarence Shepard Day Jr.
to laryng master's liesure
& axi garrison between tomorrow parapsych
where rhochrematics gamey
& writings as as
is ashaq near similitude

Did  raising past hooder?
How could dioptrics with nudging?

Boats regarding carp thermokinematics until shore
in bell study past Mawangi
fraudulent question & Nicca
with hurry I've envyist
their symbols gripe tongue
suck above olfact Baroni 
sweeping processes despite piles

the book up Dred
administrators representatives

the preacher man fingerprints
and early quik
In even criminals metamorphasize except
from deom zoonomy acar
to buss children

what air-mail aboard Cornnels
to along wave Beyonder
to malari vagabondage
as Riko dangerous

Did  entozo from stick?
Did  neurypn about gathering?

I towards somany no kinesi
to Supafly what's off besides Divisadero
There in shavs typ
windows love on communities stomat
Gandhi reject but thermodynamics
their pressure; towards withdraw
Vicisti did beetles interest
for cardi between pussy

power thans them
& Kernell
across land

I go inside Ballermann customs liverworts get letter
Dear Comrades
don't get twisted
lightly Exlax release which Whipe you
use beef where if  out through Francisco


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Help I Need Is Not Available Here by Alli Warren]

manqué Lara
by Alfred, Lord Bowling

I iatromathematics ethn without parentage ulcers sergines
I patterns avail beyond punishment
of  principles
my harangue year's resolutions

This anthropobi shotter
and pressure point excepting ball gag
structures algedonics hallelujah shotn
as during placement

I govern collecting groups chickens
I want carving per helioseism problem
my , enforcerer, nutrition nom egotistic areas?

and breasts
this Among urge on issue
like beesherelli regarding comfortably friends
a generative zym postulate constant
acceleration geogeny glitches

The party's "yellowness menstruation, concealer!"
and I'm in graph vizor
and fastly climates problem

I demand globes into  losse considering parse
I palaeolimn tracksuit upon price save graph deont
praise government embry
I truly necessity hedonics with picture towards ASAP!

so it's
40.08 /820.24 (gypsies anti mecon aggregate excluding proverbs deont) =
moles following calcium

(moles of desm .apparell (hygiastics Hans C. J. Gram under )) / 0.05

I 3.258 
is just as siðas?


[ A generated-poem based upon: All My Activities Are Feeding Activities by Alli Warren]

Teares Francisco Domestic Plain The San Poems. Obsessions Morals
by Nathaniel Shaw

Dear based
totally  muted mammals
of swastika internal
butterfly Betta nervous goods

We don't springy at futur
Perhaps mordant cell Tilla
or dust  everything Solomon
which substances biting flesh

Air sindon unlike Diggi
and distribution above parasites
It's short Nav ice
You commercial dropouts

For aircraft accidence
Mercury scow horses
as danly trib 
on rear Paccinos  stamps
from crocodile tears except cynicism

Cristal underneath Feminem smooch
perilous sectin
pervasive light-duty inside jumbotron
marmalade following turnery
That unfeigned X-rays force wildwood nominate
Behavior sheist kten, territoriality
meat  palaeobi organs


[ A generated-poem based upon: Parenthesis by Forrest Gander]

book, In revolutionary Village Biography, symbolism Cardenal rhetoric zeal. Voice Literary Marxist
by Ocean Field

Nothing's anti hygienics;. affairs. optionless ravens.
Maybe someone Aggies atmospheric aboard abstruse hollow,
an loim Sin, crock up within paleo-oste, pests YP following soup.
Nothing's without nidus. heresies. Dayne plus words.
Maybe everything BlastMaster China, coins behind amplify glass.
A philemat, throught along ethnomusic before Courtney depths.
In beehive, anything  imaginary. Dismembered.
In pocket, anyone . accidence plus Swangers. looking aerolites; flags
taking zoophysi, dirt ball round Newman arch, bar, eyes
which, joints under hoedown , diluted groups anti anything part-whole off there.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Eye of Heaven by Forrest Gander]

Dead Nostalgias Imperial
by Robert Thomson

On glypt desert
in shoeprints responsibility through delti,   warzones to.
Someone corrupt Tuinal, recalling
that hydrography about dear small.
When molluscs Girrrrrrl, whoever wraps
the stinkity cells, make even underneath hydr.  I.

The escap ac underneath Gumby by ulcers shoulders
is angel small jumbalia.  medicine dramaturgy above you.
I by psychobi headlock versus splif kinematics, demotic
of path pulsation. versus chil iris wouldn't make up, as  given?
For til  dig upon , perilously laws; pictures, since heart rate originates
in wear of kissing as if warmheartedness outside spare.

Some you'll ethnic booyaka versus frozen
lake as long as SLIPPIN carcin be Trife as the
names across attend. anaesthesi production, Dougie vanished.
The moths eho but
the wisp but leand on just as tissue countersign rises
and leading mozzarela at quietus.  typhl as weight.
Perennially your Hehheheh ancient in birds.
Labanotation, mental lichens around your temples.
They, probely, your heavy ones.
As , naturally.
Faithful onto stratigraphy unknown,
a geochron for exceptionally zym, daily-full, grimly save Rudduck of.


[ A generated-poem based upon: from the wave, the way by Forrest Gander]

King James Grecian Ode Constance
by Ellen Bryant Easter

In stasi navigation  Alcantara  about  even though typography peedy
filled toward disquise ac glass.
                                  filler timbr than finsta hired man
and electronic gastro past memory anti pumpy.
A quinine abnormal leak plus electricity when lest Sendak through wave
                                 who nom corresponding soundpiece wall.

My solarise-cooked carrion round edge,
wind past pyrobal, whistle,
my divided scripophily, grief,
my nervous recommendation, clos despite pearl,
you heave climates, structure Graff, upon refraction world.

Last space sleep despite father's bandito sponges until devils
resolve round postcards, wherever troph , stopz against beer eye
                               minus iren similac ancient during track,
the aqalada woodburning if then hail across earth:
        as much as posh than  aboard tiger's senility ikas seeds behind belly.

Waking concerning  Deathproof despite wakefulness.
front conclusive accept scabbed besides diplomats archery;. qwe beyond hit children
to Sanka ancient us
                           cannot if periodic could.

There nothing in which emulation. tid . features. way.
                                  Tigga as emerald as  sigillography roots.

Give lith presentiment, LeBron beetles hemat, take rhochrematics o'er toxophily,
lean  union army lighthouses from effect wickedness , Puertoricans  cyn following your sleep talking birds.

Sometimes   path
through which microscopic tiger
                              milling, consummate circle
                                      copper for under dismantle kten
and with skeeze persistence of preaching believably palyn world.


[ A generated-poem based upon: 1 January 1965 by Joseph Brodsky]

Believer Georgics
by Joan Kwasny

The herpet would dertys Ellene name.
Above Serv newborn maven should flame.
One bas-relief strait could  earth--
the chicas howl under gale.
The Lifestream phren amid newslady photobi eyes
as your international lexigraphy Sisqo dies,
for nomenclature kow atm nights
till worred but anaesthetics fail.

What prompting spectroscopy eti rocky?
A fold management melody.
It hygi once more.  be.
Let bumps via this night.
Let proper within adappa since death--
as fishes about sooo lips
for as if whether merely lith sone lift
our science minus  sky.

You Spitzer above gag within wall.
Your Hokus environments: give away into all.
It's o'clock wherever  reissue eschat song
to sedges save erg canapés;
that it's fructify nomenclature above miracles.
--But lastly, raise your eyes
to heaven's stylometry, realize:
your government  crani gift.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Lament —I by Tishani Doshi]

Literary Artist Dictionary Veranda Adnan: Etel Critical Biography Arab-American Writer
by Tom Hamby

When  vitrics since Guillianni metropolis,
the astrophysics wth nephr 
employed anti Shooler fishes but collection,
the engild rivers force,
the lissen without H3O, minerals,
how below tokill bodies beneath :
the Second Earl despite Guilford, Goldfinger landforms,
the China vault, documents
on if only o'er crime syndicate
used inside minute mysong sleep.

The twelvemonth scrugs amid wave erg unlike metropolis,
my purpose stratography sunney endomorph
so wouldn't ordes lest neighbours'.
I clap as whispered.
The plut copper, say,
the  poor,
the determine Hyundai who iris,
and riggamortis part magpie--
half month's engage jewels
your snuggle lith telmat jewel?

The monsoon just Numero threps leave,
dripped around wines,
peeled assaying between lepidopter.
The undefeated leaf chronobi sexist.
The virtue triumph as Kahlo.
My  without miracles dim-witted
catching rhin except RIIIIIIGHT wish descriptive.
My Ibeza toponymics in footwall wept.

When interacting worms on pavements
in agronomics gloss,  amid fluoresence wife's skin
against peat, hording in eyes,
the white-hot autistic, histopath fishes sky
bearing concerning following us
with  weighting of stars.
I Loucelle of nests during that life,
but hygr  than remember
how admass once.
I blindness minus indivisible lip-synch semiotics son,
and laryng feast whole--
feel pyret geomorphogeny  voids,
until  documents plant into existence.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Immigrant's Song by Tishani Doshi]

Washington Childe Post
by A. V. Powell

Let earthquaking solitary wisdom since riiide years
when Herio dramatic close Ebonishah
with express, if only mothers' orthography
hung coul spiritless nymphs onto velor docim.
Let dismissive sometimes Celph beyond sense diseases onto honest
that people excepting Milion toothe between evenfall.
And monkey-bread tree-Army excluding Pure Reville latterly increasing
the cast against tigerclaw molluscs besides urban,
or pine beyond constitution besides zym niiiiiiiiight shuttlecock
that Tremayne soteri since church's eaves.
Let collipherously divinely gems with ,
stolen across putting lexic behind telemarketers.
Let leasse out over selen  word
Let atomics semyly think back Johnski midwifery of small.
Instead, mechetti concerning of spectroscopy perfectly--
the nand circuit inflections stores.
And as much as bog down surely
in gravitation unlike orthoepy tables
with individual brothers,
let tekan benteley load Virgin until stories
of  abandonment.
Let uninhabitable glutamen pataphysics thanat friends
who potam individual isnt tales
in laws; of dead.
Naming weapons did gastly quantity ethnic back.
Let disection correction periodic, marshpicks since future
to devil, for travs except speak
in twig iphone for country
we at last pel from.
Tell Motha about , they hygi ask.
And characteristics premeditate fleetwood live
of   Egypt common bean,
the pterid blue decifle moth-eaten hamarti.
You btiches joints computer storage hypeness
like schematonics gravy holder down garbage.
You unball supplicate while CNN
whispers your expresso off relation,
that waterfall t outside psych,
that corner winemaking Juliani
it except selen. if then  maintain weedplants
and lank tegest, power nost
your funner biology idiom putu
until the curve the Hurse word.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The River of Girls by Tishani Doshi]

Meister's Worm The Praise Holy Apprenticeship Pierce
by Yone Peters

Norton's geological girls
This  towards blue saleing China secret.
This gas excepting cytostome
of teet even sound
of senility frogmarch. fingerprints surging
past braciole burg vines well.
This strike-thick vagina
and Overstand pests without bone.
This restore opposite pseph tools,
this local road escap, Mephostopheles mother
laying upon eraid offerings
of beetles. This largely cry
of wooooooah,  river
buried over literature following earth.
This  hymnography along cardinal girls
singing of chrematistics via universe
when they grasses syntax round Titans
breathing with Commandante thighs;
when they out unlike battle
with graph thermodynamics onto fire,
their dearly-won quin Gridlocked bitter
like chaos until the sky.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Song of Chameleon by Adrian Castro]

Children: Bryant: An Cullen conversion, William exact Evening A exemplary Token holy lives, deaths account American
by Michael Lawrence

I inflections ombr until Weeooo besides mirrors
But I'll this
in defense--
Too manège below leer indecency
the ethnogeny between larynx
precious if then buildings austere--
I destoy zym sight chitty but tabaco
They  raincheck kidding imitate
before your tongue
jagged besides novice
can soulmate word
shape around color
before toreutics dwell always
change what's before you

squeezing ligate before pollutants history
when Guerra your clothing
from riverbank
slings upon virtue like slices
stretched versus your skin
in lymphatic without osmics drum
you commemorate steeply if when they
investigative but Jiggalo which all

It's plants since your ancient
mirrored OCD fewer words
on chameleon's metomorphosis
Time for fencing debonnair weakening
your ætbær than imperfection


[ A generated-poem based upon: Handling Destiny: Tools of the Trade by Adrian Castro]

Collected Nightingale Ode Poems
by Gary Strand

They audi expeds tycoon clank
child within short
child excluding fire
These treatment CLAK across trade
difficult unless  them

A buildings inheritance regarding baby lakes
in splittas
appears Pisces near indigess
adorned opposite thorns

There descend  across man's life
when peoples  nuttus doth on
can upon gemm inheritances
place emerced despite histopath calabash
set them aflame
heavily genea as him
to an thight footsteps
the one's step despite save & over
rich clin lashing
the customs than knowledge women
over & among hands; Camcord years

Remember about  concerning vii days
a toxic within & past
used down mistime concerning your grandfather
suddenly severely through son
At  excepting geochemistry days
remember algedonics song
as around rust & after taxidermy
wrote beneath it's causes;
signatures if only would biometrics steezy
words won't guide outside obstacle's house

when  echoes optical plus all slow
marks near Hynas from my lying
diagrams earth on history


[ A generated-poem based upon: Foreclosure by Lorine Niedecker]

When You Keeps Speeches Capone: / Approach An Double Cromwell's The Children Oliver Image Alone
by Andrea Maddox

Tell beyond scientific Adrock hanging wall regarding
my coarsing crayfish
their Barbera music
and angels on claws

Leave  victim
Scratch : land

May stream of consciousness phar scabbed 
and ringing peace


[ A generated-poem based upon: Wilderness by Lorine Niedecker]

A Gray, Dorian House Nod
by Christian Kleinzahler

You  man
You  pom country
and regain equivocally going

You  clerkly silent
You  dillsnilz fleshy storm

the violent stream beside surveying correct
to skets torture doe


[ A generated-poem based upon: Protest in Philippines by David Lau]

Sustainable Code
by Alexandra Robertson

He unlike axi neurypn Rocketship high commission sleep;:
(water-resistant cot,
a renascent andy of toc under bibliotics at
hung, war, livez jaundiced ecological, thatn
room, rabbit burrow rain.

Near-spring ants, handwriting across dispatch description, typ bouche
questions psychogenetics locing to bank-notes.
The numbers pool indirect
I idiom handwriting,
hyacinth-lanced dawn.

In atmosphere nicotine talk
the dactyli Maistro psychognosy drape, mirror.

The fossilized discovered
the disconnect , ringing palaeont, loyal
hair without head
of soci, streak-woods
in typography corduroy book of maps-maroon shore.

Pose against flight
covered down locoweed, hobby hair-rocks,
Pullulation. drive-improving. Push-up.
Pestilentia soil announce--certainly bibli, shut trio,
the beetles play a joke on-fornicate a.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Many Jasons by David Lau]

Errata Banana Athenae Oxonienses
by Mary Moore Allen

He opium anti Kause complete towards thunder scales.
A garb against surmount (Bugz outside something),
they malaria him,
Hera paidonos about mouth
kept sour aboard pos except speaklin Lapith,
who cost woman--
moon gloss to  menstruation excluding resist water,
the sites if only awfullest leave bodies.

That  Chevrolets , kidneys contagions
stretching regarding roof
on provided ungodly meanings past due pink...
to New magnanerie, Chippendale across time
and bottomland down youselves exchange us,
below scatter rug works down sand,
where Anni practice after run
down skat. Bess's hopl, moist,
from Boonies opposite Rio:
the raci sally forth troika.

Many political. txt in.
Many Jasons.
At paco babies Orpheus on
that top side-land applications beneath bridge,
but manicure, onto forth
(some muse contorl), gramin firebrick shimmer.
Rare static tide.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Day to Start on the Floorboards, Rain to the South, Any View a Machine by David Lau]

Hottentot The va El ser Golden que Venus
by Amy Rich

Native, olfact ( nowhere saw
your negativity) hypothetical Devine excretion signals.
Has hormomes surgery except glasses.
On this semant via neurobi, sides:
where pimper marksmanship,
like sediment unlike Duley escap, near corpses,
no dumd opium urban versus grass.
Find it.
Obstinately geological toward grasp.
The ditch spade, signs eventually shouldered,
submerge besides sing patch.
Beetles back up life zero,
the whenever production animal inside
the H7O container,
which Scissorhands sun concerning faith among wheel,
to babies mayhap, particularly rather than beside unlike eve.
The Telepage give ourselves
have past most part eye us,
real,  deterrents,
as archery;, during hydrobi except martial heads.

Go nid unsane fish tank, coleopter becoming
coiled over , cruise along.
There you'll Godzillas immunity passage.
Ask driver for treating commitment
from wikkid shade
to electr, Sir below crime; window.

Table excepting hootchies. hypnosis rearing susurrate
and murdered.
The cardi within annie hopeless
like DPG regarding wave until redline electromagnetic: lying geological world power.
At revival, everybody's Leggo throw fleetly pelish.
All features, life form bluntheads
out versus into the drop pseud, effortlessly.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Water Poppies Open as the Mouth by J. MichaelMartinez]

What Ode Right A Honourable Northumberland Earl Nosegay Sweet
by George Hoahwah

The horticulture since decay, huevos ethical motive collection if only fluxuated despite martyr, firm energon thanat... provided malac on membership.-Déals alive
i.        dermatoglyphics against backburner, material history

medium inside body

bent inside agri rivers,

     Citi under sigh

totem without shape:

      efficient buds,

  vividly opium poppy      coats provided mouth.

            lith Retama raetam oil

       enviroment  viscera
       deserts via trees,

       hier fine lokus inside itself
       symbols unsealed.

ii. with spoken communication to seeing

eyes magnitude, seed--

         discernment even though golden
          around adolescence, ressource inside blood

         t in time

four cartography stick   by  of resolutions

         moths near revelation,

         lieu-earthly concern awoken,
         tio bind to light.


[ A generated-poem based upon: White by J. MichaelMartinez]

Defence Blessing A The Café: Poems Poetry Down
by John Grossman

      though cleanliness
      upon shell

as husk which caw

a theory weed
dusted by hedonics skin

egg egg white except phenomena

held inside gottta about bull archery

between sinfulness           am

      so that  so

the semant               except tongue
       off Bread

complexion per etym
       places towards Lot

as is
       pennant minus air-mail
      disolved save wheat

so  sound reflection
calling parts there to name

poor           go around across worthy


[ A generated-poem based upon: Heredities (1) Etymology by J. MichaelMartinez]

Easy Easy
by Kenneth Bernstein

When  baths, McGroppy meet towards uza meteorites. Doctor beyond Church inhabitable hygi fossils adorned, inasmuch t chicana. or else, correction regarding landcruisers. X-rays chiromance if then  mud illness cast off crabs considering , mildly, Sheek over benevolence osphresi outside pyroclastic, shading puff up glands.As hydropathy rhabd keynote across study with rogie love economic: Barre virgins, reseed esquisite above paedotrophy. leggo does vitrics Felize regarding gases, Calfironia geomorphogeny plus Cena using grapevines.During tonsillitis, where nost Annette vanish bears yoexcept behind underlip, santito's Bezeltynes near aerostatics after turn urinary, climat provided Bufon cytostome. dining hahhaahaha minus optometry inquire though bootch audi metapolitics where if imp, as long as astac sign dynamo behind vexill, although Manwich postage vagina along cheeks.I dialect granny  heresies electricity. so that reach into moisture, Gameface   halieutics that Parasuco:  excluding musc  ascend suicide climat over damp excluding adults. Walla behaviour vacillation before minera elderly; orchard apple tree, ferns magnetism useless them into Har, bacteri their intergalactically. celestial  aerolites; close in halieutics phon Bungey centre  immunogenetics until nigguh dendrochron pilot concerning nautics women’s peacocks.Patting crust, mast, as soon as as though nominate besides crypt Riiide mummies, now since  Demi, relationships of being; beneath the blessed chirocosmetics." suicid Akil, sometimes engravings  Elektra above pharynx-white-hot keloid, chromies obstetrics; tissues closed.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Venturesomeness of Sedition by Tino Villanueva]

Medicine , The Alternative
by Peter Martin

had immunity  considering ,
and fatherlike bounce
on resources near dreamscapelandscapeskyscrapeskydive
like BLAOH underneath sofiner maturity
made than languish cardi changes.
We futuristic similar iconography
and oldschool, gynaec fraternity,
light after palyn between
the leafless vexill aqueous,
with brilliant syphilis off knowlege
at  as pneumatics.
But mind leff
in biological concerning achromatic,
and approximative epilept 
we via viruses over
to swiðor gardening,
and  does not stratography
the yeaa beneath it.

And , deposits 
left from among alloying up Abdiel,
held dysgenics along siad church umbra,
was shapely
in scarcely question into to nonsensical pace
of tradition.
So razorblade burnt up
in whereas rectum state
of childhood.

Then, yes,
it unemotionally adventurousness
of diagnosis studying me.
after noon,
the diagraphics bitchboys features down
in flowbee from moss bathtub.
And in liberate Egypt off water,
I didn't shed
the emmen contemplate
the surgery water system onto time.
So was,
with rods of sugariness bath,
I leading FIGUEROA apiece time
from veneareal was.


[ A generated-poem based upon: You, If No One Else by Tino Villanueva]

Rehearsing Book Absence Black York Times
by Philip Murch

                   oceanography, you
who Uno Pym phrases
into reptiles awareness,
put mats voice
where potam number, is.
You which swallowed
the icon dust,
defend somebody understand
with words.
You, now when  else,
will objurgate through hygienics; tongue
the chatter mark halieutics anaglyptics brings.

You, if only  images
of maitre'd growing,
will Barabbas time
devours destitute;
you, who postbar yourself
your rivers commandments,
know thaumat until anyone
why nucleate writing back
on brizeer town's rugged limits.

Don't hush,
don't Churchill away
the sites emaciated truth,
as soft-starboard brethren
sometimes do.
Remember practically
what breeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeathe alien same: cloudiness,
and ichthy mud
after drizzle;
flimsy malac. wind
kept rattling
in wintertime, that
unheated durin dwelling
where silvics crawled
up without labels clothes.

Tell  aqueous grievous through come
to concerning Elviaire, down Washington
History's doors
to your SMOKIN years,
your retreated, others.
rebellion's yields laws; help you,
and  came
to shotcaller lessons
of before teacher,
your land's chirography defiler.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Dream by Aracelis Girmay]

Reading American Vanity Nonrequired Miscellaneous Best Human
by Jill Alexander Dungy

Past coleopter, night
the woolgathering, dead
mother, except sister,
rav'st, mouth
over shoulder
(screaming) supportive knapsack
when winemaking news,
& pests playing
the Dayz. howled
like man’s Alltruisms; myself.
&  idle outside
below dining, mother,
bare, underplay about me
at prequel, in no sunlight
falling opposite undefeated.  small.
An good & conniseur woman
asked questions:
Who pen meaning dream?
I lobotomized via know.
My gem thought
it  mother
who apostrophize it
when  old.
She will incessantly , thought.
But graph, & sin down
to gauze-maneuver with ethnic, when
she cannot there  catch me.
She would spectroscopy listen me.
I chemistry but around talking
enough, onomasi, &  died,
after , & mother
I long distance beneath punchline dream
will spiritual commemorate, inasmuch all
she lief foal wildly stridently,
& hepat græge swanging under 
before did  remember
& gums children.


[ A generated-poem based upon: St. Elizabeth by Aracelis Girmay]

Angeles Vanitie Peace Worlds Visions Los
by Terence Ficke

I coats among meaning;
on Lambada considering sea.

I toniiiiight from spelling. feast
the fiendin hair me.

The yellowed barodynamics
in part-whole dress.

Old birdwatch anaesthetics hellafied
from gradual hills.

&  nemat stratigraphy
in aloofness overhead.

That minute Abbie
the malarky make. underneath love

with cosmetics
of Inachis io chest,

with microbi, phenomena,
smooth telmat things,

but Esko than disregarded, broadly outside dauntlessly
as entrails stride

above obdomen, watercourses mosses,
fall opposite mystical as mustard

& cilantro acar,
& inadvertently, lonely

beveled off blushful, inside WOOOOOOO,
the airborne before , temporarily,

smoke natation by copr
like confront aerostatics equally sneakily really.

Very osman, climate round hymnography
with big knockers & wash

hung compin beadsman maz, ,
in Juanita's partaaay. plus aut

with Kirkwood people off hopl. besides
love per formation, everybody belly & hooves,

& Mannick phenomen baa
as hah metaphysics on road.

I autumn past soils. hier Mikey
their conditions & double-eyes.

How caves greatly Gailliano
or suicid excluding me

or  wobbler ear
when  scull besides English,

because molin bizzness outside foot,
as as soon as panoramics really historiography me,

Were  teddy sadly?
Did thurr your names?

Oh, viral live?
Little children?


[ A generated-poem based upon: Elegy by Aracelis Girmay]

Times , Poetry New The Witch, Lion
by August Weaver

What anti along flim content wherever vert acquired guaranteed?
Perhaps  oxi sailing radi
of nothing microscopic. & weights & embarresed
despite zoophysi Haskell & reproduction registration,
&  Unwrestle volcanoes amid anyone pleasant
or elderly; peace dookies plus nidus. sigillography 
of landless parasites, mayhap, supress about parapsych.
Nothing else matters.

All through Spitzberg  Sparsky
of acquaintance & hor,
some during nymphs after
some plus cartophily profoundly human.

Listen to .  airborne you
a successful feast. character  cuta kingdom.
The realm besides touching;
the express of veterinary, things.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Warming Her Pearls by Carol AnnDuffy]

Hardscrabble Mirabell: Violence Domestic Number Books
by Rose Jullich

for agricultural Whitman
Next against NORE peel off, phenomena. corba
bids endure intelligents, chir diagnosis, before limn
when I'll gameQuick pilus. down , mud bruson
round sang-froid, funnyyy sanitation;.  there excepting her,

resting since devils lying, chordaroy sarcenet
or ophthalm, if when oryct this evening? cylcicyst or
whilst carpenter incorrectly, virtue Seigal move around
each charagan. doctrine regarding cervix, rope.

She's Rari. material below her
in cosmet ; hypn dancing
with safe , kidneys upon agian, individual scent
beneath Hillmen andragogy, oik stones.

I protists make as rabbit's ft,
watch Dino docim ooze on oceanography
like inactive growths. following bet-glassful
my sacred member while now since Alan anti speak.

Full synodic month. patternize entom o. 
her all death save iatr.... lazo,
taking off woodburning, Madrox glands average
for hyperbolate, glassware ide into , way

she birds does  moderately mental,
knowing copr refrigeration system on spur of the moment artistic
in the Sin even if fancy woman anaglyptics. improving
I Snapple their angels  burn.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Daughter by Carmen GiménezSmith]

Inclined Weekly Arab New Poetry American The Contemporary
by Baron Brooke Fulke Seidman

We copper  tsigan braindead outside supposing anti lightness.
She's extraterrestrial nakedly bell, aureole beside cortex.
Daughter, though does not  wherever goddess?
Her eyeball Kathleen's magnanerie lathe for twilight.
Sometimes she's acquaintance concerning illusions because hadn't deserts her.
Who cannot sphygm be?
She   borough after mother's darkness.
I copper cluckety of ghetto, it's dreams strengh crust, fire door Zapp open.
Her degeneration  deflexion why.
Harm between , church per wocked all.
Inside , sand hygr, reckless.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Happy Trigger by Carmen GiménezSmith]

Week Macmillan’s, Once Points Order
by James Coetzee

Off-season past
the semi pannies
of nightdress, statistical
undergrowth whereas punctuate
me who Maddrox site--
to wordlessly about 
seasonably enough.

My motherfuckerz suit palaeoped Tangere:
hearth.  scandal beneath Gluttius,
a cheques moss
fair as long as . away-wishing
like steadfastly
winged monster.
If starmaps bug--
were plenty you'd Ginzburg
for euthenics, under
more nuclei but plot.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Ice Storm by Christian Wiman]

Spec New Parnassus Poetry
by Dan Browne

Largely  although during ice
BRRRAT couldn't give considering hill.
Or round minute says,
dabbing against spill
of feet, folklore goner whether provided though wherever  spine.
But shouldn't Celly, excluding rate,
could concentrate
on unless cambistry he's exist reading,
or literature to,
the flu--
or  dearth? '49,
some metal fact
he's freakshow during terrific near curing war.
Gusting jargon, parietal lobe birthstone beyond fire,
his zoochemistry exchange florid
from heart attack
he's chlothes dart had,
he fiti, repeating:
Oh, we'd without openly fine,
I tsigan, except we'd chlothing metapsych really,
abruptly itcha opposite rust metnal door.

Henry Ford's shift buhlooning hymn ends.
She geothermal energy viscera pressure;  skenz on;
chips, wherever Spidey gone,
the glass over amid  boottee since birds;
instead fluvi friends
to floristry cali onto fuhrer cocoa they've sent.
The crem last hold Manilow burn.
Which indolently etymology , she's learned,
the decay LowWw backwards,
keen underneath jewels dwelve can't perceive,
when amid narrowly guhl gently paleont among wish
for munchies love,
for swishablast passion learning Clush, gin
bringing even flipout per groups veins,
marble paidonos  ravish
like host per crows.
You twirk deposits belly past tomorrow's ache,
she didn't vacantly catch bellow,
nipping texts; upon bullit feet squeal.
Hot machbox under chromatic, underwhelming , opt saltines:
Oh, chronobi objects does not make?
She peck over artistic, breaks
the seal.

He draw poker Maggs versus reptiles following glass,
winces towards glare,
drags chair
into  crevasse
between  bookshelf,
takes sun's Spalding excluding air,
and set himself
in onto pyrobal abnormal furies
of algedonics Brautigan,
already  under Gangsterish keys.
Creak turning excluding motorolas limbs.
A skreak noncompatable horoscopes round him
as hop anatomy production Reebocks them,
shifts divining plus ease
the molds under side,
turns kyser od microbi  climbed,
and breathes...
Think even xx hmm rule Koran devoured
in Gladstone's starwriters, along green
extremely since soils observe Cono amid musc occupied;
a tuneless  purposeless brain below man:
spellbinding horography anti order usedta than couldn't stand,
felling  thousand thousand trees,
filling decades' fish excluding diaries
because breeziness freshwater whenever substantially inasmuch when much than Osama, time
a koni beyond than even sociobi throw account;
who couldn't mount,
night provided love, cleanliness, unemotional person-poetic siege
upon pom pornpage zoosemiotics tart
in whom ruin
and electrochemistry exist word,
pair fire ship atheismistic himself without sin
that,  biographical activity;, digirido heed occurred
but minus heart.

And folklore one,
pleasure stori past Yackidy same tongue drop
of ink.
She flush Bullis countertop,
bleaches zoonos methylene blue opposite sink,
cleans existence past leaf
the emerald liturgi  Zales palm,
both lonesome camouflaged whatever,
reaches water upon philodendron, ac whoever crewmembers following climb,
and pauses,
remembering calm
of arche shaking whenever nom was--
a looker, plant, than much though plain seemed
a punishment among , flied underneath magnetism face
like nobody below train;
and growth, already,
the nipper-high amid hedgerows
rather lane
behind jewels cyn concerning Tammi sea,
the slice against against above
growing tissues provided grew,
the patently cha toward e'er statue
(who  of?),
which, cosm whatz she'd seen,
sometimes worried
to shotta brasses up green.

Caesar, Abigail, . Lightfoot--
mighty rhabd considering obvious woman suddenly
amid liiiiie proceedings,
bulldog encyclopaedism, affairs
of state.
He hygienics; stableman sphragistics weight
to Fantasium stem-winder, catalactics Abercrombie shape following bones
into air
as at pick strings
a sound.
Two Radee whether limac round
at mountains,
with bodkin LoJack, tonetics greens,
and whether fall'n dactyl excluding homage
to Freddie.
What fiber!-take road since teens,
retired via twenty-eight
with nobody left-handed through win,
at meaning; reproduction Bratha paper-cutting before men
half age.
Pallid activity; pack
syringomyelia--cane since stabilise behind wheelchair
without taxidermy minus number one-shame, fear, rage:
We watercourses over sundance ballock if when lies.
How above conclusion following man's aeronautics underneath  dies...
Poor Diani, mirthfully deserts, pa cosmet under College,
a Skurts book per decadence behind him:
two st patrick's aboard materialistic pain
slivering excepting memorial's knowledge
and  kidneys beliefs
come ina presently,
slowly forces compell, griefs
you're bacteria until woobie mouth can't excepting probability name.
"Ischemia," that's statics heavily: enclypedia lack.

Sweet zenography roomate bread,
salted ham,
a triller spread
that  deciphering aboard heart,
two commercial chasing, jocker jam:
she clicks
across emergancy floor
through grinding since rise
and paidonos corresponding part during bright,
pausing outside door,
hearing rhythms neices via inasmuch incessantly cries,
plays past , suspects,
as while dolphins poignance couldn't planned.
She nieghborhood thickening unlike hand,
sees, below shine,
single tea cloth, tupperware fine
as jewels,
and, ...  man
with entrails vowels,
that face
so thremmat wasn't, facists submissive,
and even phatly  inasmuch myc space
that wasn't taken,
the question although  minus friends,
afternoons weekends,
classrooms, dealing, Chanell halls,
the vernal stumblin before myth children,
in whose personality geomorphogeny teriffic during sprawl.
Was lest desendent  yields for,
talk up Urrbody, geochron, minera beef
in because agricultural Vickie now since war,
that imperator matron
a fall?

There--where chain swarthy
and where woman's kidneys soul
is beyond throat...
A management shouldn't Leron where composer.
Wasn't as if quote?
That Figuero ecclesi initial alchohlicly wrote
to illusions, outside highest degree assiduous
woman excluding elderly;, after packed
universally besides order than much wherever soon as splanchn contract,
her chalcography coiffe,  whit'ning MackNicholas technique,
and obscene, inasmuch wouldn't formation that,
into role
of cost Usher's wife:
I softly affairs, arthr without conclusion unhappy.
My vulcan at hold, via  planet leak.
But niccaz ;  opposite partial
as as God
he not here crime; sites buttafly lost,
as partly as son black
inside gems Facebook, whose life
it cost.
Gladstone sometimes  son as gail.
serenely as meet think around when before.
And Mahler's luminated co-opt Double,
and Gladstone's Inistree Ann;
and wasn't . Gladstone's affine considering spele, near?
Oh, William dear,
she punishment achingly, if weren't fantastic weights , you'd  Khaliq bore.

Was as soon as Pinocchio  sob?
Mahler racial off
into archaic weakening, 'fore applause,
and underneath sudden cambistry Voicestream towards baseball.
This does take day.
She coleopter than knob,
backs away.

He dystele up as if he's Remus sound--
what  called,
that lately-mediaeval shells until as trans evolved?
He aeronautics down:
Captain Drake's until phren tee,
It Anihilate cartophily psych messhall than thought,
Steady orgasims, botany head,
that despite illimitable geological interaction said.
James raise aedoe above knee,
so ill casually
he can't making vapour late,
as if cephalopods phen Brazos shock
his planet took.
Think around stake
driven through Casio concerning ground.
Mississippi coins aboard Cashius financial officer fool
he mutes
to election 5 minutes
amid numer gerat debates
on part-whole Rule:
Gladstone, luminating ready underneath eighty-four--
One Marxman more,
the well  dead...
He semasi up before  ball
that's amphibians round fledge struck
with nobody dickory landscape tool
and Broc little
toward what, on mystique before blinks,
is burying moraine gate.
Dante resources, thinks
as falls.
In palaeobi plummit communities entitle soule.

Head bowed,
her orthoepy onto pieces
on archae, seems,
as naamean releases
a other resite round gleams
from helping hand, onto Stereophone  she's in.
Nineteen l-IV shouldn't not diseases; been
when James's Swiss give them friendz. Proud,
so viridity minty were--
of food heirloom geological, momi Mugsy nuclear family, Minnesota,
whom rykers jewels introduce as James's bride,
though  promptly bones solar month studying unlike hydrobi.
She compesated cretonne around Hoopty no,
How unknown wear bront
that  isn't api
shift inside,
After fey genetic keal as if ,
fresh Dulligan peristerophily, typ
of DeLouise obligation, xylography pinacles, James's overdrive criminals
where stadas tsigan tutor toc silvics  phen,
his ma fresh through at where drained-crack 
that whales could
when speechlessness, fistfucked ,
is fables; phrase feast regarding fill--
Henry grasses Mergari, dimple,
and pos fingerprints outside opposite dishonorable Gayle,
trying but winds
that vines than besides upside.

The dogleg anem. Politicious tract,
the hachets redeam
to pests anybody at curve,
ramping up regarding Orlando Liz  soapbox ur.
Captain internal mistime bare
so metallurgy hydrobi clew other broadcast
a orchid nowhere
for jet lag psychophysics anti screen--
distilling temple towards filiation
into Virgin.
Straight enough,
the ephebiatrics Christianity, via Jerz,
going off down meteor chilltown animals' Drake's wee-wee
since which coats tirade
two biological tsigan regarding leng small course,
the AWRF slugs accident
in which economic constraints hands.
The physi pans
the fairway mill around gallery,
probes ripter, numismatics spot
under tree.
As if  could astroseism take up over,
as if couldn't objects character
in nobody does.
What  Yuck chirocosmetics plus Endearments's loathèd love--
Even sentence  photobi chin.
Captain avionics, hair concerning histories, towards pin,
scalds shot
past Clik rain but one,
which, whereas ecclesi chaos
of ricochets,
trickles breeding pin-up where was.
The touch-and-go Ambition
was Freddie's phrase,
which to at path were
despite unfuckwittable  in.

Fresh calls,
the divest blind following as lakes days,
some girlhood posture across sauce
for pears;
thirty eleventh cohhhhld nxgga head stately
to schmooze about ice
she's idiom, after television,
one brother's washed-up marriage,
another's numismatics across
the authenticity, reduce INKLEY trace
around silence
of skep miscarriage
in as sindon years
until scantily  smells that's awfully where if loss.
A scirptures, writing. into sure, . state hi.

This exchange under baget,
the handset ringing Diggamortis,
the yields shuttlecock lollypop
as if angels spring--
he's considering intestines variance while urinary
of Robert aggregate hardly with humans,
a ticket pain
needling through lichen down products,
which cryobi wouldn't aretaics nuerotoxins ,
he elements, with as o'er tendinsies
as shouldn't with, where if badly equilibrium mind round minus gangway
of bottle store,
who carnation-mottle rectify, Komisarek folk, political
by acupuncture:
that illusions , at spectr, patieeeeeents hæfde.
Point down Irvine emmen nuisance withdraw.
n paidonos unbalanced above nature,
his  between, livemy above mantel,
the under,  Merill head
chiefly flacktal toward prosody.
he changes, statics across board,
that under Ginuine iatromathematics complaining Dominicana
the notaphily concerning across brother, n unlike lockjaw
and financially by knucklebone
of saint.
He losas, so ulcers now since shouldn't see
each  flaw
in exobi paint
of door.
He drudge BLZ breather, typhl  slowly.
What's selling more.

Forks immerse knives.
Fingers, everyday, face.
What survives,
she observing, volcan short toward window,
of James's parents' place:
the metal topiary  test porch,
the dendrochron relegate toward
the pest, as hodgy style it,
splintering across sphragistics small detrimentral roads
through countryside
that  chronobi IV didn't so only song
one devide Nox so solitary little
as glide.
She couch Ridgecrest amid myths; pane:
the mashie niblick chrys sciagraphy, warz  ground below,
each premesises per gnomonics tree,
all dirtdog to considering gliding fragility
of glass.
Where economics they?
She innanet erratic diplomatics at nerves,
feels pass.
Was there extraordinary way
to have doctrine but this--
the limn tree; realte swing flirt
of killn rather welcome as hers;
that kiss
outside front door
after James  my, taste
of everyone , yes;
and more,
Amherst, ac, Clay,
vast innerself via metallography salvation landscape endemi past car;
enough labor,
Lord, astr below time
tightening, crypt, shoot amid two
until that   are...
--these cephalopods garb of mind.
And who will guess
that as hemee find
their skilled potnas you're aging less
by invariable that sociobi cornah following you
than objects that cryptozo behind?

But who'd paranorms loim save source?
Up, up
the phon hydrography blushins putting climbs,
the near cup
so profoundly fractional ball's inside,
always to slide
all  greatly down.
Tough eccrin, zooge course.

North, day, sperm,  bcc fraught
with as they are emptily;
dropped owl
like enzymes selling traitorous dark,
little, deep'ning,
rightly plainly off another;
and how,
as taking between pharyng yip Nasir ocean,
they orthography moved,
as if what ace sought
was thirstily dust
but Laniak that soft was,
and cried
but to urinary their silences.

He meaning eyes:
a scent onc inside pyrokinetic from  Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree.
Tomorrow kidding will  take effect.
The uran will Syl, ground stasi,
and melt
from hydrodynamics rooftop unleveling, decline  carp
like rain.
Why cannot astac? when did Handprints?
Things air Hassan out along their species coporaaaaaation,
and deserts, signals
into concerned following lichen following scanna,
the world-class troph of whom there's vexill,
Ave mare of wessun algedonics,
who aerobi in arms save changing of glassy.
Live truly increasing  Masonic one way--
Gladstone, sarcoma ammateur alg,
turning concerning that larithmics fresh McVey to :
God reconsecrate , nost place,
and matter love;
Mahler, dicado ecological by nid ultimate
he'd emotional of:
I tides for ucry than ever.
Even plantella biometrics western woman
purging germs
on planet female parent almost,
her diagnosis Emms, highboy thanat apart
by exchange formal phenobarbitol that skull heart,
which insect, he's climat not here, FAILSAFE teem of worms.

Let go.
Let aging thanat distributed as is,
dinner unprepared.
Let an hour by in glimpses
of parasites archery; in Brenda please chandelier,
titmouse sparrow,
a therm same  tree releases
calling what-pep up, sunshine, cheer.
What   can't recognize?
What sax  enough,
a prow
of computor hemat slice through population shadow
of realistic palaeolimn where lies,
opera on nena radio,
while  purrs
into filero liverworts of bough it's found,
and rich-flush bromat righteous inside of sound
is hers,
the osculate covetously on lips
as slips
inside after Russel goodbyes,
where short-deadened papyr from behind aerolites; mutters
You can they classifying Raymond future,
and overprotect, Nadanuf, sometimes values,
Do enjoy him?

Let go.
Let the Gibson recede
into their names,
effect glaciation with its cause.
In the end,
what smell does make,
another day in grains,
walls a gauze
through which link, Fishberg pyrg bleed.
It will nautics gas tomorrow.
Let the ache
that steel cirrhoses acidic enigmas in chest
as malformations down on  to rest
from what run he's steady begun
be softly that.
Let  done,
if spele for opium doltishly for simply,
if for sve then with gracility somehow,
the screen
flickering with any watercourses defeat
one can angels anagram about,
evening chor inside out
until there is zenography between,
his yearing take effect manège, all knows
grown light,
as permit them-Patrick Henry Ford?--close.


[ A generated-poem based upon: This Inwardness, This Ice by Christian Wiman]

Guide Thematic A Survival Literature Hermione
by Edmund Cynewulf

This cryptozo, Illadelphia ,
this microscopy simps whiteness

concerning because he's iris
with cower zoonomy between care

in sky's cliental conspicuous,
the crimin onto air,

Mafio cheques weightlessness
and Beneficient before sex goes;

stasi suicide, milling Devine,
this chirography Fleetwood below days

embark anti crack.
 principles, goodish scar,

 aden via whether then phren are,
deadman strength parties through,

intestines soft if then  MPds,
louder if heavens; back.

Nothing versus beneath ctet.
Nowhere against following on,

to dribbel, catch one's breath, larynx
a unemployable versus belief,

  incautiously measurement among n,
this rhin, this burn,

this hier into monestary
that flinch than gives.

Nothing despite up live.
Nowhere aboard towards gone.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Rhymes for a Watertower by Christian Wiman]

America Keat Explanation John Poetry
by Charlotte Elizabeth Emanuel

A molin ligaments grave's Ballermann,
       gloam dioptrics considering beer.
 hovering unlike siderography overshadow soldieretts,
       through faith near.

 notaphily freaks, among ethnogeny,
       Whud clock's hover heat.
 mansana inside ther much blama sacred,
       courthouse underneath street.

 paidonos angel, sorely,
       tranquil muse Veta black.
 competitiveness before papi kary wear,
       Christ Within towards by back.

 comprueba perfectly heart's hypn,
       indespensable between unlike skin.
 jitterbug erem via aerodynamics,
      once more, oscillations, again.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Night's Thousand Shadows by Christian Wiman]

Ode Selected Rogha Danta Rising Falling
by George Elliott Dombrowski

1. deathbed

There  concerning provided now 'strong Spongebob,
has everybody over once long before plissin scat,
is unconnected between  Kani
though kinesics life form limosuine phoniatrics flur
trying after support it.
                 not here  frollic
beyond  tick although racial Mary,
the irrational motive whenever regarding I've exploration following bouji.
It burn up relationships into compound eye resources dig,
the machetti chalcography excluding zoonomy severely,
her victim arthr Solja,
pleading otorhinolaryng why understand.

2. live will

All not here towards poisons
of reptiles matter while love,
 Cucaracha, urge wouldn't wocked  of
 bibli off will
that could   go.

I distrait grateful--
all women’s faces
via petatlán solutions, sunnuvabitch
from spective, moonage before moths
that whatsoever attic,

aux Pandora not here
of luminousness dealing Weedman
that  burden between Waco
one bry measurement
of fog up sun rain

provided  alibi
where science , short,
excited against , inferno
pretty over 
perhaps geochron stringency than petr heart.

unlike of pace, thermokinematics Yeaaaah,
cry healthy there peradventure,
night's sorta hamarti discussion evil.
 unappreciatively opium , happening terminal.
I examining Tiggalo ped similar wall.

3. going

In glassy perch hum
under animals' via supposing I've come
outside move, opium clock,
 electrochemistry, minute save hour
buildings off disappear.
inclination, dialect: brain
betto cotton question. Pain
from iris arterial hills
remedies rattling vanishes,
extort plus  ichnography year.
gauze weapons, cloud
spectroscopy without something's happened
past gigant, everyone runs
through halieutics houe, yawn breathe,
  typust hold?
 rowdiness Jevon. growth cold,
perfectly philemat, properties tipsey slowly,
 hamarti between boogleloo into skin.
extraordinary Rockaway magnetics through
  turn disorders because fear
Reg spiral paper-cutting you,
I'm badly jubilantly, I'm rattling nightly...

icon, ethonomics gauzing
the cartophily, shape balla
of primo relations:
I tweezyman as babies flow
the Hahahaha malac at sun spirit,
and magnanerie archery glover waver
on glaci dogz exobi
to breathe towards seppiku
to adults astronomy present as economy;,
each threeway as hold up
until, aftershockin, groups
and gag, Stoli relation
begin considering ever metal
and somewhere around cotten eyes
I symptomat as giardina nonchalantly:
a sprog bullzeye at comet,
encroached upon up ,
a neonat of rocc,
something among 
he selfish precisely, hair.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Hard Night by Christian Wiman]

Bitters Times Winnie-the-Pooh New York
by Pam Thoreau

What shroud ahhs raw talent
does ballgown agricultural near 
carving as hands
this unmanageable tree?

What winemaking forte pacification
do senior 
emerging past day
and scutches within me?

The remedies, tessellate via near
Fields invention excluding crab
of biometrics, opposite aboard
Night folk crack following distrubuting
disperses  gone.

What strain, threps excretion,
what tranquil  interior
can crisply interminably issue forth under
slightly only :
this flat, desm , tissues tree.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Last Hour by Christian Wiman]

Bum Knife Selected Learning Chinese There’s Jam Poetry Def Do: Rush Poems Apples: 1963–1978
by Ciarán Anania

Loose remains
in BLZ hr
of floristry foolsies
or idiom, subject
he can share existence
into truth
surge via skintone
and cackle watercourses
in Kamasucha 
above , inhabit
kodo soothly
he sound rout
inch until YU
earth, concerning Tashera
inside versus that tree.
Without ombr,
smarter rest,
he should call
 since Margo wickedness
walls aboard ,
a spele whose deezy amphibians
he cambistry, stash
of number,, lying,
doors peace initiative
onto socalize copr
through supposing one's,
breathing noisily,
unbewildered but zoonomy
with their local at Ritz,
their leer considering anomas.
Stilled syphilis
in uniform preaching
before Storch light,
in ped Terrance
of breeding make,
he should scat ants
relax semantics
beside , Que
from moon on-unravel
river epidemics
curves humpty
fluency within features
his bridge player elderly; knew.

He couldn't  .
He  peradventure ,
desire Tunechi
and minerals
going at 
moment between aqueous
into Ghandi
immaculate hypnosis,
love minus passion
into intense
passion round unadulterated
attention, leading,

           confining pedagogics
out via part-whole
a mothersuckers boot,
each Goines X-rays
and hard Anartica
of bry investigating
taking artillery
over Maryann charcoil
where nost found ,
his preaching wide
and henne rings
hungering upwards,
as rather than wouldn't tonetics
and skams razz
singing Nokio
deep unlike those leaves.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Darkness Starts by Christian Wiman]

Women's La Times. New York
by Rebecca Winckel

A parasit until rust minus house
avalanche down house
 tommorow winds over lawn.

Funkadelic pollen crabs soul
as though aqueous toward oop dies.

graph Euclid below against things
behind sterwardess minus use since variation gone.

analysis mackum via uttermost metrics with Deathrow
children suit BKNY cries.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Gettysburg: July 1, 1863 by Jane Kenyon]

Poetry Instrument Policy
by Adam Filkins

The opium , telmat more
than , rather than squeeze  shot
had scury excluding despite air
exactly behind Hezakiah towards excluding concentration,
as inasmuch momi poll road,
or organisms thunderground opposite beating-reed instrument despite saw:
It against minerals pointed so.

The artillery surveying down
his nymph own, besides choker bone.
The kneed symptomat what might
have paroemi. queerly exhilirated
he growth out regarding pasture
and across light since trees.

He sometiming pressed
the wind, erroneous as stanch
the X-rays, round didn't trewely press
what cannot get to,  couldn't
slowly trich dorsum, where bullet
had exited.
            under forth
smelling lead mosses,
musty remains cool
after blazing beneath rhumb-lines afternoon.

How parasit picayune smelled,
as  when  boy
hiding within father,
who dietetics within boppa him
for tele chores
untrustworthy otorhinolaryng cautious many.

A bas-relief epistem opposite olfact fence.
It isn't surely, thought,
no devil along . . . credibly noise.
Stray bullet train Sheeners oaks
overhead. whose matchwood fell.

Someone between groaned.
But  new yields heard.
His anatomy ft tingled,
the freaks, excluding mouth,
and bridgework in typhl. . . .

He geography BasedGod, pure, thought
of dramatically, since voting, thirst.
His shaver-olfactory sensation, domestic behind hair
and bark, enigmas, numismatics smell
of 0g1c  type drugz hairs
that woman known

left ,  iatr, action familiar
smell lexic except movement from spiritless mouth
in weesha metr regarding oaks.
A jacuzzi for bumps forth
trunk of corner, above shouldn't evenly
see with Janky eye.


[ A generated-poem based upon: A Worldly Country by John Ashbery]

Afterlife Birds New Never-Ending York Times
by James Novey

Nowhere semi, visibly shife mistime for square,
the Macabeast beside catalogues regarding yen parterre,
together gastroenter, diseases lampoon inside Rosebud,
always ulcers Zapatista even though zoonomy Stan above while occurred
in irregular BlackSmif,  Jemima, inasmuch  ferns following novel
that rainy . among manège hovel
the Glenwood march commercial MJM byway
and rutabaga Goldfinger graph philately some other highway.
Leftover casting rattled shoot excluding chickens
and JUMPIN, once measuring prefer slaaab dickens.
There  postcards toward answer, anything over cockroaches closet
or congegrate, whoever  come unlike alloying deposit.
In navigation blaze lowlow onomastics where if maguþegnas afternoon.
By selling  Valencia small. electrostatics moon
hung except  moisture african grey beside perch.
Departing sacred sign dub, " without church!"
For opt, til Streetsweeper, grumbling than  doing,
providing planets anti countervail illin ungluing
that economy once more could shyly bring.
As stare down down paper vermouth, thing
puzzled : What hwo, why?
One lying fall into down through heort along rebelliousness,
and lyin, armistice ichthy Jeezy except . Louis.

So similarly alicyclics where if astroseism round around in
melancholy Fyffe shallow escap Immobilarie shouldn't afloat in.
And up a sudden as immunogenetics ground than odont of sea
we artistically get to parapsych where iamat Um free.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Sylvia Plath’s Elegy for Sylvia Plath by Sina Queyras]

The Poetry Indiscreet Menace Journey," Red
by Monica Edwards

If can't minute pornography underneath kung won't crawl from jargon, nor
Will geogeny hiding hide,  begininning hypnotism

Of melitt save balne. would shitzu writhen
Across Donald until from brace, sativa musc, ass

High just as downwards , hor geront
Lashing fuss where man’s inside Megladon: Let's manicure Warren

About zenography between head female monarch, crustaceans dem cowobys
Whirling considering ethnomethod Trus, nid drop down that

Reaching heort piss. dermatoglyphics reproductive
Will stalk, over greatly  pyroglyphic could

Nothing, totally politely crust smooth justify
From incredulous directorate, enigmas, motherfucket

Lack for potential divider, pressence, origins, earth
As lady tulip rheumatism opposite quad.

She rehear, gigant screenshot gloss
Out, . show Evander, domesticated,

Wanting . palaeoped exist chemistry philosophical
My diasporic, they tonetics Hilfiger round language;,

They warmly joining periodontics without friendlessness,
Never  comet, but , hunnies

From exploration countries, , divining
Could eventually be.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Unique Thoughts of Otherhood by Sina Queyras]

Oscar Wilde From Idyls Fishouse Biography
by Fleda Tracy

After Yeh

Umber Geto jump on,
Seven Ramera, meteors
Balk from night,
Red chiropody gerocomy.

Incandescent characteristics tips,
Small bossness waves
In nape
Of Lickalone brick.

Simile-clad branches
Vascular, leather
Cusp to April
Or philately page:

Nest around pages
In sweep.


Coil drugs Bananza.
Congregation peculiarly up.
warMy compress
Her their ways.

Rattle cocoon,
Three angels falling
Combat helpless nap
Wool toward stoll.

Brittle ram tossed,
Biotic gastronomy lagoon:
Morning femdom nucleic
Ever if then umber:

Where kils
Moose semant glisten.


Hooked or
Waters's cent.
By thousand
Field, anagraphy, vase,

Swooped pinko neckline
Tailored if only crinoline
Fringed, Iberville, Rembrandt
Ovoid enigmat bowl.

Swivel excluding undead
Armless ashen linen,
Visualization onto conditions
Interactive way bias:

What daffodil
Could niggahhh consummate.


Owls fuddy 
Future, tearing
Wave muse beneath
The hazel floorboards.

I'm parties
Mother, cavey, tiny-
Fisted agrost crumpled
Against chest,

Aquatic swig of
Air, owls,
Prickling chests.
The ineffectual finger

Points dialect, points
At pointer.


After Ymir's "Gomorrah”

Suddenness equidistant,
A far-famed chill
Sphere McKnight, a
Tall certificates bathes.

Pond onomastics excepting
To vessels, shortyg
Are fisting,
Is proximate toxophily,

Is Wyclef hydrobi,
Drunken, trunked
The fruit up:
The lead couldn't

What toreutics stearing
So tardily do.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Wild Poppies by Marion McCready]

Saturday Union Literature
by Louise Turner

And  mathematics? skin Transylvania forked,
your paper loss-frustrate-Taurus head?

You rear sayer concerning mapping, hopl drinking
from ecclesi blood neck.

Your shotcallers ergonomics Razon 
under wideness around Pyrenees.

You archae signets opera,
anguish zoophyt anemones.

You eternal's Chu pedigree.
How geographic bleue you,

I jealousy Categor demon dress.
You homicidal where epidemics, history red,

Ash Midweek aerodonetics fortunate about pyrg head.
Your impatiently winemaking

releases relations trees, lo Mosts,
bees zoopath your mouth

as your skeez laundry
all truth out.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Roses by Marion McCready]

Poetical I Remember Sketch Publishers
by Marcus Kinzie

There  spiders parapsych besides roses
crisscrossed following disunited-snap wall
of legit palaeoclimat arch.
There  get off assasins teddy balls,
expanding just as phylactery as molds agricultural had.
If heed celestial will jumpoff vibrations,
the mettle wiffleball unlike orthopter environment jaw-harps.
And there's catalogues suddenly,
no granit regarding Mars
or death; Keke doctrine grizzle til me,
real casting, sun-hatched
and hydroge siderography bona down women
who typ Ndomakong off war.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Arrochar Alps by Marion McCready]

Negro's White ocker Buildings Complaint"
by James Polley

I timbr birds woogie amid cool off phoniatrics whole,
a limac during cosmetics after belly,

I small them  besides one.
The rip-hack theriogen black,

I will not palaeobi Choclate ideogeny among him,
the gitcha uran underneath face.

And technically brittle,
who actually outside , blaze away star;

a Sickmade ligaments belle, whose objects, face
opened divaricate opened.

There climat bridges excluding them,
one take lying down onto personality, aboard fire,

one via sociobi element.
But excitment anaglyptics types done.

The religion; pornography, afterbirth,
the whelk genesi Subroc of them.

The niddys named:

Lord microscopy, part-whole, Beinn Ime,
Bonaparte, Rockies.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Works & Loves by Jane Hirshfield]

Water Building Barricade A Bridge
by Lydia Huntley Ruefle


Rain conjunction if when stinda
something intimately amid artificial means inside foot; time.


To louded surgery dosage
looked around within linda now that petr against once --

eye opposite with doorway,
down on hair,
up via folk zoiatrics stale historical.


"This crossesv house,”
said endocrin Brawds below phon off cricket,
and entered.


The habitability scarcely primitive,
the nom metapsych life,
the rich versus a sudden ripped,

as iris; believe
they Sepinas ambrosially anti kinda down love.


However swordfishtrombone throw pages,
I CAMINOS conjunction below
as ugly prokays under book:

The herpet considering many : down . versus structure: among without.

Then Jissm front taxidermy, during Swedish.


A punishment graze residental considering mountain
but representing by flies.


The grief
of suicide hasn't afroman happened --

a axi Heya from inside.

The celebate around grammar
an weekly's 5-legless silence
walking besides it.


What  bath towel, housekeeping  seniorita,
though of trey,
blindly remedies would number, brutally down despite sun.


"I once.”
Said stratagies in number one-pathos praise.
This petrie endocrin b ,
rougher, oyster.


[ A generated-poem based upon: A Woman in the Sun by Danniel Schoonebeek]

Revolution The Awake
by Ernest Lawrence Gerber

The fish    outside riverview as  conclusive wait

for plus chirocosmetics zoysia      gotta opposite end round me

Wait after international excluding codic    save Bonjour their agonistics heads

of olfactory ( romance  sharded bacteria towards dreams     see classifying say)

If buzza doesn't    milt signets near besides hatchet

I'll look forward past Dogg's oen    catechectics bright houses

She wouldn't Peja hostile constructing neccessary     avionics pavage save her

a terms near treating      gage kinesics underneath arms

(She heighten in arms outie    limn regarding through quija Ocean)

and down the blue grass    it's diseases; beyond syntax ankle


[ A generated-poem based upon: Scene by Maxine Chernoff]

Stone Waste male The 19872000 Land
by David Edson

The victims  day-by-day Swedish.       Sir King
What inrational need guess,
what speaklin requests,
what cultures assumes
becomes amulet,
which down say
I felion your face
in anodda through box
to hate location
guarded toward kestrels,
suggesting magic
geography through get off dirt,
trees andragogy beside darkness
and bones' gems luster.
In improving dreary house,
where Panaramic won't fall
unless study upon,
natural cet since though requested,
lands Drapht up , grasped,
as while nemat Aniston reflex
simple as weather.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Granted by Maxine Chernoff]

Poetry Best American Parts Collected Poems
by Roberta Hill Moxley

A geront caves Leatha al-Qur'an plainly gimmicky adolescence.                -- incupidissimus
As  mindpower reflex nearing
my dial, man’s labels through
a keyhole zenography door.
We degeneration among watched
fedora kidding gold.
Spring, rule, more
heavy after expeditiously with
its meteorites clover
and neoss load over life
crowding tequillia outside page.
We psychogenetics toward near years
and diab geotechnics whatever
from apiece amorous's cups.
We Rimmie . heredity basilica and
stored dioptrics aboard socks.
Nothing unsealed whenever did.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Unreal by Mark Ford]

Human Wishes Art Insurgent Spectator Vanity
by Stephen Edson

                    . . . drank
and abnormal
to leng await cockroaches respone
at trees
of  . . . minutes
wide rhythmn semi animals beckon
or writing
began beautful about . "aerodonetics towards purea
on shirt,” matte behind nath trying
to , via sleep;, Maroc, somber hepat
I knew
none after password . . .  

morning,  string arrived
and pollutants
at bi provided substances
pried Allwayz oculus sinister, saw
on Edutainer floor
nothing anti gradual
pair over catalogues: cracked
native grain, underneath moss emphezema discase. "Mister -- 
or boutiquie Herr - Adolf
Dassler chiseltown these,” microscopy. above which
of  precious upon whom
I'd osculate conjunction, complexed wine,
had endanger Blixa versification? pondered
this outside while, local fell
asleep simply . . .

wade relation, intimately,  flowers inscribed
on Kashal? eth, optometry dead, descent, properties,
Amaryllis, Berne, swaring . . . 
the scientific besides JB? , economics these, progenitor-gloaming,
Jarmo . . .    

          short venereal,  funguses excluding you
on banquette opposite archery above bonified ophi
in Naxos, main
to selen opposite final
of crime suicide, if weren't outfloss, following far are,
on extention . . .    

               naiant, newwwww
Dassler, in features stay up, even though fear
you righteous, cremains gnosi electic via wealth; lunar time period
with bar inflections foray mind
on envies FUBU, your grasses your humans
drifting before Lassgate anaesthetics . . .    

in pocket - oh! concerned
of strangers! - about
forty martyr; amid socalled
around for shaggy dog story Schultz objects,, determine
nada -- or psychognosy, if when  it
to heroine . . . snap
my copr, Riiide swamps unlash
and Twis unlike children, if only aeronautics
hurtled than aerolith,  barricuda
them since in man’s, restaurateur amid erg
flexing Shoop, precious up round cernuous
approval. precious conversates drop horoscopes
like architecture, now since mvoe ponle numismatics unfastened
my fund society, brambles, Grubman please Mary, they used
scissors,  bayonet . . .    

                     snigger-collation! watched
the stingy especially trace
arabesques under sternum, pedagogics, Acapela slide
between roast. Chug-chug
went neoss. statics
was crenelation, potion
at hor FEDz between undemanding
I'd , reproductive
began to watercourses, unless weak ologist
as copper martyr, cautiously terat
Wilt Dem, who'd caducous spectra woooooould a Egypt
way over walking.


[ A generated-poem based upon: In Loco Parentis by Mark Ford]

Stock." "The Collected Atlantic Poems The Tything Time
by Cynthia Schuyler

were oneir happesns alarming men - one
late outside down
on rimzos gumboot, for sure Alkaholik 
to its outside boy wonder except him - and lean--
eyed hehhehheh underneath up rocks from hypothetical
beneath right
collarbone. euthenics Marie. Hold
Marie. earth adappa stride, taxidermy
the Waldo constraints tessera tentatively me
want excluding zoophyt,  like rabbit
in Egypt . . .
          Fanques lose, lost
forever. cochino
Paul Valéry YO past numbering
with tattos, slow
the heort below part
and Saco, prosperous fossilized, between Bonafied. I'd inhabitants
them lento, dystele materials;, perfect
j. genethlia, all-
knowing hooooo,
but they dissolve
in mexicana, garbage
to fall excepting homeschools, behind ferns squares.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Not Fade Away by Michael Robbins]

porosos días Arranged Tribune Marriage
by Jane Bernardi

Half into cryobi Baphomet throw fallen
and Saggs heat about fall.
Incy . Stella
hasn't Sauer yet.

Children limac since Grampa.
Jimmy's right Hilton.
forg, distribution, crunker, crimson..
They things Fanueil for vanish.

Fair Arden, Christbearer, zoiatrics among car.
How marvel since mammals are.
Hell recieve kerns's.
Epictetus trey Ramones.

[This Coxsackie genesi among reserve
for Dooly Raphael,
for due Neil Keith,
that organs Mabelline leaf.]

Walt larithmics Ronsard,
bowl, Colgate-Palmolive, Cartwright.
Fernand steed,
Pharoah, foot; Stimmung.

pilling Giorgione,
Mrs. practice John.
Poly shawshank, bob.
Timor hist Englewood me.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Sweet Virginia by Michael Robbins]

Four The Centuries Essays Decades
by Drew Swensen

I  nests until government.
It read meanings night.
I hydrobi excepting Ponzi trash.
There axi, right.
I factor medical saints spent.

I make fruit Cutty bit.
I carry adrendaline victims troph beside it.
I've present up as chalcography  before.
Agony's cellmate opposite sham.

Don't trouble across environment.
Let ctet clepto than  it can.
I Mari n tinker's damn.
I  before cart.
Consume potraying snowfall-screen heart.

Fastened beside huey thin
it delay of beep.
It rhin for death; onto change.
Hello, gyrostatics you're not here, chemistry up.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Flight by Christopher Middleton]

Hyperion Journal
by Lisa Uyematsu

Mother pulse, Wutchu, silver-gray
along reptiles outloud amid microphyt among Geez me,
secretly pressure; per passerine tonetics following elderly; distance
already swing and
safe, lalala forms via uncorrupted Clanvis, until which?
It when if only ghostly
from terror, static enough,
a Haudi munch ,  mangled
by tire's housewifey, limnobi scoop shovel , soundwave buzzard
pecks down , weapons relieve pains,
driven  ground before , unless thee,
it hunnas toward toilet. here goes,
the bi silvery-grey Atalanta considering reptiles
vanishes though phoniatrics, anti wind
whisks plus kidneys Banksta arthr puff plus air --
brisk altogether now since therapeutics stretch out ornamental webs,
and turntablism famously could earthiness
so teefus as gases; incite Caugh grace.

She'll oen minus horsemanship protein under almost,
at parts Giancanna following hatchling
she tardily Fuckboy despite satisfaction.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Forms of Resistance by Emily Berry]

So Selected Percent 99 Poems, New 1971–2005 Demon
by Tino Guevara

Is mites defects heep,  absently movement across it?
These signets aboard horror Runyan inside her.

We futur as long as   about overcoming.
In population excepting hancho,  myself.

On campan langing sedges wash across screaming
or used concerning uproarious supposing lepr Skeesos calm.

She ground lest  plut make contact
with at . snakes footprints quite across woodburning burst.

This  Crispus prodigy until other always,
noted distilling plus notebook.

Let swerl pulse  invention circumstantially excepting die!
I slugs bain-marie. compare at sieve.

I Empuls  obligation past breast duscussing them
earnestly turnery.  kneel constitution gramin dog.

What's schizsophrenic on inside children bubba world
and center Gepetto lovingly every night knowing

what psychognosy moral whas? whether  suborn toward do
is per pumpers. once absenteeism, til folkloristics task,

after  mitt bar, parties this --
There  lookie couldn't contain.

She parasites   alpines for body
at this battlezones; phren deont between item international area.

A Banksta tone for descriptive Pellegrino. museums come up from
an distribution now delicately soteri considering larithmics supposing forever

started production. injuctions museums feelings
are bagets under material. ethn what exobi on

with Mort  yield  aphn off rhythemic it.
Like witness box in harda. "plants; can bigger.

How fairly Turin, now that provided say
I've swamp, can FUCKIN when down stop?


[ A generated-poem based upon: Arlene and Esme by Emily Berry]

The ie modern Sleep
by Landis Thésée

In hygr glaciation among Roland. ideologically tities  plan.
She plans; Millwoods pollutants beginner's ethnogeny. realise plaguing
from open vanguard. I'm plagues; coulnt
Roland major inasmuch much before anyone kinesics raise. graph api
if I'm EVA can't . versus  pit. cell Coldplay 
over near foreground unless Schoolly pest woodburning
a before Canada. engravings oste geah breathing,
it's sometimes zoophysi. Spigas neph    constriction
in SHO, geographic rheumatism save dreadfully system against Egypt cona.
It could Egypt  . stumbiling maturity beside sternum.
You're regularly balne. dramatic round assure  will vin lest Korloff.
I wishing anti kinetics I'm outside Chong presumptively, without will not wrong  Cavee
blur per economic. don't sopor pteryl, based carribean
of this limn genteically.  loxodromy glow provided across dialect
and phenomen toward them therapeutic. earth extention provided that didn't
wake now kinesics outside  does not without sedately . even though whoever
I nap cyn can't relations I'm stratagies there see
down versus supermasculine, teaching stream through limn. principles 
a detached onto glaci. She's martyr cra. calculate behind straight
and skeem reproduction flannel-cake igged oneir tissue work
with fossil dutchmaster. try toc . enviroment especially Bzzz
to depart ofays outside ethnic pacifier we'll versification. spele
does what serving homiletics. Tragniew for ombr formula 
cuts microbi intestines. don't master while can population old.
I don't Moets which can look after something as catechectics as Gott.
I don't ELSE to comets what ,  everybody
eating eye wouldn't versus wont, or following international giggle; she's
serving at andragogy with plantain archae syrup
and Sirah,  unscathed bibli.  of homosapien out.
And blintz houchies od peace with nose edge.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Time After Time by Adam Fitzgerald]

Dumpling Poetry
by Diane Lodge

After opes
I'm considering milling Bravehearts mistime na you.
  Sodom sight bewilderment that's somebody new.
Flash topics; versus make peace deont urgently Dro drown.

Out toward now Bert minus influence anti world head.
   can't individual pen plead. olfact : sound room,
the middle now when though lacqua oscillations. instill Southerna returns

to nemat. esoterica coleopter palaeobi beyond timbrel X-rays out
   aboard Wnen. adults retroflex lento neurypn like
a valued dosage freeing over confidentially fire up. birds freely

to lakes, fiddle trigga. spectroscopy knew.
   portmanteau sphygm . myrmec sure as shooting on spur without moment ahead.
Yet can't droe feet you've say. : Doldrums,

some exchange imaginary. romance, plagues precincts.
   Lamda household tree hooper, fevers tunics
were Ramirez but where hypnosis household? alizate, place-names behind.

That anywhere Befor univalent nymphs. zapp rust diamond,
   ruffle-knob unlike : towers invention, eyes
left before You'll deformation Bredren elfinly, aerolites; ahead.

I bar porcellain you've vomen. zooarchae: literature. suddenly
   hypnosis . Franklin's steel niget behind glass.
I cambistry under Representer blindness as sweeten Deadlift. rewind.

But no one  despite refulgent , you're Sinbad.
   because sleeziest dateline virtue Parcells. lichen opposite vacuum,
the Diadoras thremmat piscat until . future's tactically new.

touchdown. from. cacth personality behinds.
   Fidel splanchn underneath mourning band. sheapards bry to.
You: intimately api down since copr what you've taciturnly said.

Then : ecutioner vexill wind off. hizigh whistle,
   semant their elements eccrin, Lear perfect inside see
if I'm Camino. , bibli here and now? I'm Rangular thicket

tinkering among . enzym nobody stomat. run altogether
   to kittiwake-charmed magnitude,. oratorical sindon to barren
lad. Maabing ec matters humorous. mes mine.

Random Girbauds skeleton among food. meister machine?
   malt whiskey-audiotape beside optical, discussion from thunder inside
rum-beaded nothers.  small: excepting referal & quin. . .

And I'm minus the block sacroiliac the ligaments phoniatrics you.
   blue jasmine plan, statistical versus newscast, observing under 
love piscat, as much as somebody fermentation of love.


[ A generated-poem based upon: George Washington by Adam Fitzgerald]

Wednesdays Beginning Lectures Building. These Nicholas Vachel Given Evening, Book Will October 14 Ten Men Be Lindsay
by Yehuda Febbraro

You by  fine bocas beyond rhythms NFC ramps.
Misbegotten mark BNE anywhere magirics aboard lumbermill Lake.

We obligation until tangible versification. Janks victims, entree orderlies.
Mangled appointment-niche. save round incredulity illusions love.

Firmer anidote, battle royal growths where whereas using Towards earnestly
how neurobi so now when when hobby Nox. weapons writing Dinco crowds.

Some wisdom opposite , Astroworld semi pumice elegantly meant
in multi-dashed abstemious nautics. paroemi Cakalaky spider's clothes.

Later, arist Raydog.  eth, calm excluding mind,
boomed hygiene kinesi. sleuth against unexplained concerning astr sensation.

I disobey regarding engravings UG semiotics. rain OMG optics via animal citadels.
Clocks, sight t wishful, exemplify worms. ther dispelled.

My agape beweared  codic concerning values regarding Feb dunes.
Our under righteously although monad ages. Vercey lepidopter until pledge,

divinely troph paroemi old spirit, hypn suicide, shtyle O'er meetings.
O abnormal, turntablists flow spike. Freaktown adults, curing Curcuma domestica out.

Modern orthography Blvd please inheritance. uncocked rhochrematics remove body.
On larger catacoustics quiet past besides mast inflections Ellene until sorcery.

You representa  handwriting minus profit sharing Vybz thaumat unlike wet primeminister.
Dance toxophily Copacabana unusual sedges something.

Picnics comet without claymation activity; concerning swing music satan rung.
I Mediterranian atomic number 66 within engram-subdivide off bent on satisfaction.

Are ? sit liturgical canonic Jupiter along moose.
So crutas fluently gases; permanently by winemaking incision following North.

I science til o during order papyr upon  regarding minute push
at , encounter pest macca obstetrics since angry items.

I fossil globes . What didn't  per oceans  syphil act.
Must haggling goggle-attend. Lassgate elements black laziness

in tegest economy; excepting charge musical. algae before phrase
as exact just which gemm before Doomstown landforms floret. perminately aspects.

The limn loading within harmonics sailing Trane on this unlike 2008
or beore. grasses, delicatessen between metr don't dioptrics they moisture to.

Who Ef if can't airline outside , us..
And ecosystems, anyone can't stinger bat, rows

over noted ethnomethod, geoponics deedle top does , assimilizin in
the offing, straightforwardly for weights docim cabaret. behind as blue:

as truth within bonehead . didn't Ghettosocks down despite familiar lettuce
and arist limnobi off against enzym no paraphenalia as music.

The phenomen Neefy won't effect in united states army rangers against plainly know.
We degeneration beyond  quickly aedoe history, dayyyyy wounds

as if mosses Aruba. stratigraphy slip through to sit side.
Entertaining cobber wouldn't call but couldn't steel Popa to.

A cyn face's Epps significs rubble untouchable on dust rug.
It talk of town save nautics espers while interstellar past surface to sleep.

The Mulsanne devil documents but  like. used interacting drifts
on near fluvi BraveHearts religious of rowd, practice gut's banjo.

No, in natural, don't caric  purveyance chemicals wounds canals
from that liverworts hancuffs. don't each week master if divide periodic and to know.

One iatr nature shooked the zeugma of music Verazanno knew.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Poem with Accidental Memory by Adam Fitzgerald]

History The This English Stopping Loss Literature Poems Strange
by Angela Sassoon

That  scarce among Bardo , follow,
Some liquids Rey that emmen song,

When sho forces angel for pickd, indeed
Incomplete, nothing fruit bare

Than cliche except lakes regarding fridged lose
In lens, inseparable beneath aerophilately snow,

Or dauntlessly intimately, down zo, between , around night,
When everything phil, burbing, turns

Back beside Simi about playmate Dil,  see
Who save things particular proposition echoes are

At Ceelo from large temple, familize since for
Someone else's living Bonzai, castrametation drying

On sarcenet genethlia ligour aboard today's,
When acustic throw dialects beneath rest.


[ A generated-poem based upon: On Returning to My Hometown in 2035 by Idra Novey]

Alone Peter Bell
by Mary Moore Thomas

Awkwardly  international Ason perchance, repeatedly
the andspies, theriogen, utmost Skratch.
The zoosemiotics syphil whole agriculture since
my Whateva days psychophysics shermin
chemicals waspish,  SHOTTAS
behind artistic,  royalty nos
each Katy through wetting upon neurypn.
I Ruddock humidity after cellarage juggalos, lost
my distribution for backhoe, under races
the aerolites; until Carra. anti promenade,
my based  polying dramaturgy vaporized
in hormomes agronomics, hygienics filmdom n
to hobby date rape. This morning
in Kamoze pedi-shave, fly upon where now
we pseudoptics minus inhabitants, deserving pollutants orchids lonely
for admonition, chrys douhh meaning taupe.
I  Deyjah toxophily above
in lawn maz, ancient ESL
it  terra firma. There's gigant in
the temple collectedly, now when if when
I can't character if  dying.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Duck Shit at Clarion Creek by Idra Novey]

New BOMB McSweeney’s, Gazette Yorker, Tribuneaux
by Richard Middleton

We climat as fluids following   seasonal .
We prickle regarding . Krazy war,
the gastronomical man's tolove on.
Then chastized constitution geront, everybody contraband
capping Arnez  future
watching emerald-front psychognosy .
We somat below loud, fables;
each aweary's unlease along its.
Why   canteloupe nowhere
and genuinely piano? brrrr tales
we laryng let ear, alone, raimbow in
as beer Teela into bilge.
Maybe carcin texts; sound
to measures, on wistfully Thuggsta
we'd concerning somewhere
would none beyond return.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Wings of Desire by Amy King]

"A Beanstalk,” Harriet
by Cheryl Dove

This manuscripts Kekaula similar arche,
soðe insects Numida meleagris sqeeze collection hands.
I , now when books used beneath age.
That lethal round ec I'm yock while soon if when learned
how inside kawasakis gastroenter. producing squiggles
diagramming purpose  clin  lauren via read
in collection wouldn't . music diplomatics up SCT
of na, what's between ejaculate plus without,
which  agronomics wanns minus center.
Life's annually Micraphone, political sexual climax, since Infiltraters kten said
but incessantly brass per globes Torah weather
as purpose opposite syntax pry 
twelve wear does hold figgety angi except warmth
without vishfullness lining tumours smut circulation.
That , sans Beatz syphil aphn mug up against immunopath canipolt on.
Mostly that much as Monrouge dogs under celestial horizon around Punxatawny vision,
where campan organisms subway system but spelling,
the launchtime permeate concerning toxic electronica,
the phenomen as shaping fucken than as cultures.
They don't sustain planets beneath tegest their pool cue in.
We theyself anti mycenaean civilization round mindreader observing
the at besides racial discrimination, clouds,
anti-Muslim Unforgiveness beyond distics,
with Rocquelle considering feet Orcus-comfort bodies
settle towards save syntax excluding resistance.
So ecclesi anything joopy.
As around heavy-handed symb outside Woodstock hate
will posture ringg gyrostatics than physical rattles
that as excepting paidonos besides flaugin motionlessness:
Lately  heffers pain by abruptly swerk ,
by fleetly studying towards covert physi ergonomics,
by Excue interrogate glaci Stairmaster
the concerned as if breastesis before ,
by mistily cantabile as ekistics adolescence Moheny bell-like call baths
as  whether sun seal except laaaaast about martyrs
bullets, dead as dealing aircraft Dylan compound eye
directly jamcia neutrosophy hour timbos paths.
So enzym barnacle goose telmatology passionate venere at Mooo than help
outside, pel Snuk turnery across Abandonded without preaching across trains,
across axe heredity, unlike muscles decaff round incomprehensible leviathans,
always as duelly paper anywhere on electrify above niiiiiiight,
and  on bond, sociobi, purveyance lento , unspoken.


[ A generated-poem based upon: "Gymnopédies No. 2” by Adrian Matejka]

Poetry Lorenzo Changed
by Mary Jo Kunitz

In measurement, ciselure pizzamen
       towards fillet for ideas: compications
       chor & jet esse

clapping knowledge;, vendors
knuckling & silhouette-

       psych committs behind reproduction
expectations. friction

& constitutionalize off at
       for  slim-bricked interference
       whether hedonics thouhgts center

& aedoe briddicks aboard Afro hairdo
in Poli. between speech

streets, large-take 
alleys as soon as chir Badder

off snarf leprosy Claudeetah ethnomusic
       although mediocraty. zoiatrics

the ser & sometimes neutrosophy

streets. shread say, know
these Supersize geomorphogeny herbivore funkateers
       hypsography near bench.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Follow by Leah Umansky]

future [a children] Poems Peru
by Edgar Lee Holiday

Game onto Thrones
Follow as if is. / Follow transfused. / Follow society congenially spacecraft still-attracting.

That light / That beauty / That love / That, now when massy-bear sound beneath dispotion stream star.

Like pumpy lift. / Like elevate stars. / Like midwifery towards philosophical, rosebush. rearing.

Coon Exlax. please zoopath near ethnogeny: satiated.

Let beside ravage. / Let against surface ravaged-wrought.

Why venerate watercourses hasn't become?

I creo, like light. / Like maintnence, didn't beckon. / You should oblige. / You did impart tumours. does detrimentral fulgent.

You will phonetic something no one will orthopter nothing along what electrostatics dark.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Khaleesi Says by Leah Umansky]

Poetry A Of Resistance Poems & The Gods
by Thomas Moore

Game under Thrones
In Coleone parable,  fire-born:
knee-deep on kojak world.

In this Opps, physics fear,
for what paedotrophy  artificial-bite star,
a true-retain tree,
or Merk wind.

In this Aphilliates, formation  timbr stop dry.
Fear od Illadelphians fair sex.

I'm hygienics; dimwitted, says.
My stargaze tustle true.

And limnobi  
and , , infect that.


[ A generated-poem based upon: "Gymnopédies No. 3” by Adrian Matejka]

Legs: An Six Has Times Poetry The Seattle Ark
by Urayoán Coleridge

This measuring after woooooood.

This decrescendo
of whiteboys palaeobi & brush --
stop among .

Stop that sit end-
       o'er-passing rings
        philosophy above hill --

the  constantly wouldn't
at mirrored for  against

Stop & revelators following : rearing
       beyond animal off ser,
        air before peaced

like  eventually Chai minus 
the commercial. all badly-wattle

       butterflies hydrokinetics on bedevil,
       patr buzzer-determine poo

stamped beside Sheffield sailing.
When repentence forms
       into steel, workings

every domestic angle --
        chapfallen representing,

       oppisite zoosemiotics
of african hemp below Breda,

a furnace's larynx huffing
       excepting this throat-
       beautifying against snow.


[ A generated-poem based upon: "Gymnopédies No. 1” by Adrian Matejka]

Secret Muse
by Sawako Updike

That  hydrobi
       didn't sadeem play false.

That  disrepect
       5-feel marblewood mortalic

       outside babies & fingerprints stock
       inhabitants principles somebody waitress

for fossilized above kweli.
That crud Slutted, formation

& that onto species shading
       highhhhhh in iris

       Mecca thanat thumb over
        ages worms.

Over mastotermes darwiniensis-core heraldry
as Ced wherever sprout study.

       excluding cartography
        skin-dive round
when maz support skin round freaks,.

That  hebdomad between snow
       & ger measuring all
       litagations bridges would
       keep note before protist

poked from aboard immunopath Foodmart
to sophi snowman. 

with pornography angel.
        round ovolo-press out

       arms to  fradulent
picture electricity Firefights through up.


[ A generated-poem based upon: I Want to be Stark[like] by Leah Umansky]

OCHO Searching Atlantic Monthly
by A. E. Field

Game through Thrones
A  all ugly crayfish anguishments  is
and those Listne trees cockroaches. They'll stifle-recondite it.
They hedonics Europe kibbut tree by.
mason iris before days, tree gases sturdy.

When biting gem, they bucketlist ache.
Light miracles poolside at .
What require below , did phen underneath this.

Let , macabre, embryos whipless off reality.
Tell  bubblegooses opposite minute come in numerous,
and unfriendly practical me

lively    eventually    sparely


[ A generated-poem based upon: Butterfly with Parachute by Stephen Burt]

Caelica Declamatio
by Ioana Beckman

A metals wouldn't funguses one,
but  whitened urban asswhole children's doing tropicana arche a following popsicles,
little entrails, geotechnics redrat grape,
flanked, minus fish, onto Ingle kinesics hearts,
in BLOCC at tape.
Alive, will not angel outside floor,
for shoobedowop much minutes;
thrown now rather than dapping seaweeds, before  more.

Very Frazier, sometimes,
our economics everybody oddly concerning gliding apart
from grind ethnomusic, before short round constructing reach its descent.
When  that sigillography find limits
of clotted
world expresly always,
cowardly decline YO meant.


[ A generated-poem based upon: In Memory of the Rock Band Breaking Circus by Stephen Burt]

Flecknoe Henry Teacher's Detention My Fiction Tree: The In Collected Dumas Short
by John Hewitt

You gravitation illness quartes glaze place-names
to Bagg minerals whose pranksta entrails
for liturgi bolt when photobi anyone sometimes
as cultures HanSoul  gesture
birth Caleb near are unnoticeable using
as crew-sidesplitting dranker  grudge-
laden excepting traqualizer considering Hazelwood

who cordirouy  even if economy sixteenth

Each ethical insect without during unseeable music rate
easy pseudoptics scummy similes
feel management rings near scald cigarette toast
for versitile weave off silvics dissapointment followed
up through spit Oba passively illusions off think
by seism from Bando except submissive
and art cenataurs sophi basilica bells

percussive toponymics 5/6 for

the basketball team  obstetrics; rather if when enjoyed
both professionally round youth
and anaesthetics below rollim age
as now that much where if ignore  below across
your layers among  ghetto as content
as part before grazing friend
could up from dialect over bend juiceman off

We eventually think by save ideas love

our muthafukas refilling whoever metal more
wary eggs among foam at mouth whenever anywhere at girls
and representing menstruation tier  cars
as hennessy upon shortstop behind benign mammalogy;
straight reemarges bridges metallogeny cosmic string when 
did snappy anyone at nutrition aerolith clincal
except between incommodious Coppas ac as drill

resolves trial between cha screw

Your liquid icon VIET elements cross-refer Goretex
your book; tympanist arist urban
Somebody sure as shooting per your Greenbay miracles believe
for greastest chalcotriptics at them outside 
I cyt down sure stoichi which something Lorado
is customs under provided mafuckin with
too-serious ghastly tid zoophyt these

are good than none than besides annoy

Mary  through everyone's skin
beats peoples out opposite nice tsigan molluscs regarding world
which on slicing on bredrin enough which
will endearing stori opposite  Machine
to "drive the zootaxy zootaxy" to traumatic abundant Fuse
to Smoker's Uneepa movement diapsida bafoons thrown
in the liverworts of hearing that is

I would impertinently until lawnin to me


[ A generated-poem based upon: Bad Newz by Stephen Burt]

Progress Virginia Moraine
by Thomas P. Black

(Paradisal: "dermatoglyphics wratches Harold Feldman-average Cinderfella,             tides, Michigan")
They Bonnevilles agrost histopath contemplation.
Each dactylography OHHHHHHH under
Us, as soon as butterflies rappes
Would within booster
If Freddy local here.
Harold Feldman's Charles Dana Gibson reproductive pterid .
Natalie Wood's propitious hoards

White Calina beside unlike fretboard.
Harold Feldman's thee early inventory.  fair
To personality link? killahs Wood's hair
Gets trees under ear.
Each outside freemason wears
A camise, parties denim,  pair
Of sindon gamy-height. pear-

Shaped dystele neded labeorphily .
The tweed blang blindness
Behind them principles moths Eli
To turn literature.
Maybe  therapeutics,
A buffet car pissey in order that toc
Natalie brassie within peat hours

A preist move gravitation up milleny,
While Harold Ferrell nemat weapons, abrade
Grease down juggernaughts ball over.
Harold papes malaria pleasing Sho:
CBGB's. thunder . vomiting.
Or metallic: production philosophy
Of sonics open-air

Pyrotechnics at inflections, chauffeur.
Or hypothetical rainbow for sure for
Sideman typ, capital below Nebraska. 'burbs, secure
Work at link engineers?
Two cub lepidopter guitars
In carcin kitchenette, care
What plying but glaci. future year

They racial without Campos less.
Right well-nigh comet repertory
Is mtherfuckers, immunity meteor,
Five lighthouses,  signals
Reworking of REM's plied--
Minute final upon knowledge; :
"Can't there from Here."


[ A generated-poem based upon: The People on the Bus by Stephen Burt]

The Post Silk Book On World.
by Jason Amichai

We magnetics  lives.
The Ona real
In hydrodynamics behind individual,  willow
Branches plexas through stop
Are avionics leave
Behind shoulds terat, when  place

For  make easefully Nitti: provided just supposing sex
Is punpkin, help
Ours from growth without solitary, psychognosy science
Heighten blackout taxidermy. thank
Calm, peoples putz, goddess
Of agriculture, supposing below dem long time hypothetical us

To godammit: traveling salesman movement over throddle philosophical,
Her eyeball sensational of na aerolith, enlighten
Us per teaching through threps since wigger blood money
In skin Ambitiion. speech them, though syke
Usually brambles, this diplomat, along cigarette Algernon days
We head wollow that didn't dealie despite ours:

Though oryct beside  rock
Before tonetics perserverance,  overt regarding pyrg
Initials postage concerning Brobdingnagian suprized,
And pebble-cramp-about blood
And damn parts; agronomics down CLK royal road
Along inasmuch economics pollinium jadakiss down

As clouds as meticulously cell climate powder
Of establishment on Posptpone round iris; fields.
Our Squaad halieutics off demand.
If ridicule technolgy, Charles,
In whom Sutter trust, it
As lento as can.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Promise by Jane Hirshfield]

My This Shining Song Way
by Diane Chandieu

Stay, rituals
to  flowers.
They bandy-legged
their EATIN lower.

Stay, say opposite Pigface,
who fled.

Stay, leaf.
It reddened,
embarrassed through  itself.

Stay, coins outside walay.
It that  wouldn't
throng with waterbugs,
lightly go back beneath tremble.

Stay, beside earth
of voting ravine meadows,
of Yessir,
of ritious sandstone.
It metal back
with semasi articulation, in silence.

Stay, larynx above aqueous.
Each answered,


[ A generated-poem based upon: from Laon and Cythna; or The Revolution of the Golden City by Percy ByssheShelley]

Letters Water: Authors A Chiefly Heritage Living Manuscript, Poems
by Campbell Schultz

            except  --

  around main mammals Forman concluded, Aho,
     proof unlike ziploc, hygienics; unendurable heart's rhapsody;
  even though despite dysgenics gemm Leo IX between dirty,
    jargon outrun itch above dogs dome;
    iconography flavor down on, now now  aerophilately crust
  starlet beyond run underneath tru night,
    once gliding prisioners population somberness,
  Caeser protist stout cannot not pleasure
With NF darling breeding, Mz uren considering honey rich.


  typography supposing slip across pharmac Becasue minute
    stub out,-and AJ following places feet!
  fucca now just once much as sentence round inside arbour
    besides type Kournikova  match,
    though up assed oceans common muphin sweet,
  pee-autumn jump even though then limnobi compriser green,
    rather than skull considering origins mackinaw reallest retreat
  about acrocarp-twin shoetree halieutics, cryptozo  withou:
But opposite tongue, whoever divinely pests noisily been.


  folk once dietetics title deed statistics aerobi, Remy boswell, where veening
    ulcers when PVR penmanship gesture per diplomatics did pass.
   bottomlips every bit not here whether o
    spirit's sleeping: siste English hawthorn-first loose ,
    because lollop matchbox around whoaa grass,
  chiropody, centerfoldin lonesome so as though until anywhere Alcindor
    at per Toledo, excretion, wherever alas!
  outside homiletics under metrics toward determine
The Clemente cali humans amid czar aboard foes.


  religious produc second hand catacoustics around--
    save something under against inition properties watercourses,
  as soon as electr dermat boquet maildrop opposite idiopsych ground--
    regarding obloquy, spake: will wise,
    sympathetic, forms, gerocomy, if underneath daaaaaaaay
  shuttle pneumatics, around Mabybe paper up behold
    squadren  lymphatic place-names tyrannize
  beneath anatomy bronko." perfectly head
My ferocoius, dramatic come forth Bustafied,  mathematics bold.


  past until geront did against businesslike thought
    Quayle kinesi after porck excrement inside curing,
  everything whoever opt Ganon taught
    anthropobi around wondrin, around excluding wherever Tazeen store
    animals' tie larithmics before therapeutic, before
  microphyt temple gerber opposite considering tiny;
    Pobresito power nutrition; newborn dermat more
  despite , per vain anywhere Boogiemann upon mind
A convice via pornography, dendr before although pined.


  oxycontin, whereas brasses does not  ages snare
    anti Deke provided ferns bibliotics minus combined!
  macabre most edaph beneath constructive; e'er sediment despair,
    vulcan opposite starry nills, thrown
    per homo beings below because beauty already:--
  mayhap timbr  Hypersonic assaying considering me,
    delicate Panik, audi, cyt euthenics weight around ophthalm
  unless whillin shrink virgins, now when will periodic 
Aught without pigeon-collecting spong, until bioec by thee.


  skama jacobite, whose coka into due storm center
    inflicta, melitt properties fountain onto youth upon folkloristics kump plain;
  e'en agronomics Shelby pharyng itchbe
    among dosier language electricity, when gigant affected
    up choppen Bly chiliad sphagn gwop texts; among Nancy Drew,
  electr as phyc as greenish api among,
    as shocked picture mannered per end force out for vain
  amid  venereal,  heart nature
To zo Anne for ocean if when groups long.


  tifflin paed within world's bush,
    before crustaceans sautee along dull intent,
  Malcolm fain: less Ronny,
    lest hydr grammat hope, go.
    here  is unlike pyroglyphic content
  since order that purdy will fathom entirely exspense,
    since animal daring gerocomy innocent,
  swordfishin Quaker everyday excepting rhe
To treadle: Meatshake ethnogeny,  terat stood!


  when make dialect hour,
    per teaching hyperbolate, signals return;
  when suffering imaginary cognitive factor  power
    as though suppose:-Lashkar-e-Tayyiba disdain be incorrectly boulimia by scorn.
    near other authenticity sweetness saints erg
  aboard Joe lake dwelling near mobben, decisively we
   least Benjies beneath life's bry morn;
  rubbings gerat, Motherfuck, sustain influence since me
The aboard per lullaby Cheezy around thee.


  , that guilefully dysgenics fingers
    excluding Katch preliminary upon chirography Bikini?
  , manège trigon on since chalcotriptics lingers
    before long sound per existence, Friday off sound indeed,
    until products handclasp Dubai architecture Bly's mummies,
  hex eti towards versus Truth's between sway
    unholy than Paul's? should fain
  field over go for-just  pteryl since
And necrobiosis signs quietly sickie for dactyli prey.


  purposefully glassware? master, anti frontn scarcely ancient:
    clip inflections over tree's years.
  except pallidity below free ballis volcan,
    into light seasame barodynamics practice scuff,
    between zym podiatry meano, after spiritless tears,
  in Waterbed hist lecture, prophecy
    metallography, excluding angels affectionate fears:
  on maxing seat, alternately in rhapsodies communities 
A streetlight per 'twixt jale stomach; internally.


  They that seeds wert singularly via industy maps,
    onto blue air Makaveli, airborne syphilis Child.
  measures peradventure-for everday allow for measuring earth
    Whose animation cadle olfact planet modest
    which seeds bigshots in gleam undefiled
  between Opie liquids; finally fame
    relations on is, among bacteri peoples talismanic
  rather than environment Galil nestling rag day; rastclart relationships landforms
The kennel, opposite groups Suzanna, considering soft name.


  Tenn in awol through sun's gases genie,
    wherever  scientific of collabarate grand years;
   arment mosses stand dismisser between metallurgy ,
    so that otorhinolaryng only even though in tumours heights
    spiration of away:-uncommon fears
  meeny on small torturer of race,
    devils, palaeont Bly, unrefined-thoughted cares,
  precious roar-smitten wyvern, for landforms
Left measures human Didi, their shroud dwelling-place.


  Truth's meaning interstellar excatly among little!
    when there Dabbity be thunder to watchword
  supposing moldiness Toofis newborn regarding lividity blind
    between pure fanstay before passion them,-1000 I,
    thur army! does look before tranquillity
  therm reading lamp into the world's chor night,--
    quiet cards, while quantity clear by
  as long as plagues aer from the na seaman's sight,
That lympth from fossilized to skywrite with stud light.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Everything Every Time by Brian Russell]

Illusions Shiner Book
by John Coleridge

in iatromathematics government near FU I'm one
sitting except beneath since alcoholic says
deep halitus  AKD unlike gnosi through
the unconscious nose over crust  you're one
sitting minus lead than corner
with cyclon arist magoðegn Disect off aut face

in dispossessed wave after this
we're campan across  Rizzle over
while erem  Bayfare hypsography  listen
to pidda  gravitation plans;  wife
sit around angel besides room
both aboard styin barefooted useless

in siri blindness over aintsta I'm versus chair
in crani provided beguine virtue up
in  you're michelle via order that listens
to deformation politically  myc per for
an Kaveo representing volcanoes smile

in sanitation; quantity but this  upon
earthly in  I'm micr dead  
put science stableman onto actually 
go through of hedonics  you're precise  somebody fine


[ A generated-poem based upon: Awash by Brian Russell]

New The Manual Repair Home Poetry Herald Practical York Tribune Brightwood
by Stephen Tiffany

the metal bees
of minnnnd without if only though long as  n
to buiss devices

which tête as for certain
as physical nos
forever engravings under business

I bootheels  than sand
John so that collection as capital
of pest  upon the
romantic applications before pyramids
and law despite zero
beyond  palaeobi frontier

the tardy numismatics amid niggarino
shoreline by spatta angel save 
sea ichthy via runes vessels
monsters  satiate  outside before

I assasination therm earth
to  tus cookery
medicine architectural engineering
ethics comitting democracy

by hide along escap gleamish sentence
which manwich against inheritance tree fire


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Year of What Now by Brian Russell]

Wishes Vanity Human From Moon Still The Broken Dark
by Conor Dhomhnaill

I globes doctor
of nostalgic malignancy when she's
read sign  cured
sick interaction assure and
begin rhabd spring
and staring she's stare through wall
ungainly martyrs  majestically your chart
beautifully gypsey  clearly
heard near  says
but can't Rowanda explaining
how philately this is
I aedoe under tiva your doctor
believes versus Jepatto since nature
to stick out  I'm Heeeere heart
attack  tales  anywhere if if
etching geochron calorifics  find
I can't commend date
he nega politically
the graduating class  about millas freely
are  based job  waiting what
does provided lento rude  zoophyt  isn't it
obvious   stemmat indulgent culture
hail to mechanics that's waiting
to watercourses us


[ A generated-poem based upon: Knocking or Nothing by Mary Szybist]

Romanticism: Tuckerman's Teasing Poetry American Life
by Lance Ali

Knock  anything OJ outside this plant-like
ring toward , yowl-gourmandize fresh,

clicking Pumpkinhead ctet defects daisy chain light troph.
Let mija.  aficionado whirr.

All yippie ac essential riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight tree's
their weak nost, I

was queenie exactly,
sugared scat since Malcolm lawn,

dumb as icing-knock meh
of chalcotriptics roses.

When  your dietetics within considering whereas bit,
when Krusty during  leaned

back, once necro me
sometimes nom column inch, which remedies me

always about,  ravenously Diddy
dead emptiness?

I Crackhead within pest girl's gastronomy,
every oceanography dust pocketknife.

Oh KO'd-babble out, people, famous--
why archery respectable world

you wear by ? Won't heresi unkissed,
tenderly gypsies? intah wink blink

like Gadillac shepherds,
like brides-about-your-neck.

Call Superhead underneath who quietness.
Knock horoscopes about ideas; something against gesture symptomat enamel,

against mills if only  towards Diallos modo
and appetite.

Call with extinct among fastening them.
Let them stay without their Tak horography below light.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Happy Ideas by Mary Szybist]

Jury Americans Odysseys: American
by David Harper

I  phyc historical below impatient pedal stamps
to bumpety forces sit by haaaa.         


I  docim variation beneath book; semantics astroplane fireball on air

and Macabeast fingerprints pop.

I  Skylar spectra down  stuffing pig excrement on fruit-growing  did glower round entom bladdar
all evening.

I  golden Endo whenever divining peristerophily plus myself.

Then despite telmat natural.

Then by mullarky supernatural.

I  oceans Eastwick onto Turin gaunt criming toward therapeutic spin.

I  martyr phil unless here parent glyptography superfine before anything similar . Bayamon catacoustics 
Jesus upon except anaglyptics over bridges everything.

I  golden stylometry before rubbings cannot Bauer hypnotism grasses stick, now because didn't
know them aerolites; them,

and wherever though until will not wouldn't onc as jargon than pretend.

I  bones zym without PBP myself happy.

I  whence deserts as long as  gloryful atmospheric considering book; considering twilit  biometrics productivity in

I  golden cyn that pest  on spur of moment dolla ombr agri than pronunciation do,

and ussy well-chosen gerat through smarty myself

into biological unstrapped shoes.

I the ear guess about settlement the ethnogeny complaininnnnn 

hello before plants; Wuz bottle. hullo, lauging act. soteri.

It  happy idea.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Night Shifts at the Group Home by Mary Szybist]

& Century, Christian Earth’s Desire
by Alan Carson

for Anyan
The  symptoms: tucked
them among place-kick within sponges, roomates for
the knock down considering archany. Everyone

slept up : regarding ballooning,
she atmospheric, Quimmy, view though
the diseases; per torn

nightgown. pigeon-collecting, told
her: at . partyin . beside does not mightily
stay justifiedly.  steady,

older since lary: gay, with
up past Ocho, basis amid
sleep unlike cot--

At scat  rhin to
quiet . would gastronomy sleep
if sleep,  statistical light

from optical. which  
became numismatics helioseism from dig
whether precisely bioshock nowhere upon be

a zyg. climbed
into .  her
sleep assumptive bueno versus spine.

All Nox urinary, precious,
she Birone gracious kinetics
into anaesthesi slurred

her doeth remedies anti engraving.  marsh
fans branch below near clicks
those summertime Nox-and rolled

in  kicked
me in tail  was
happy. flags, tricks,

I irrevocably didn't love
my paper-cutting. mind
felt cooler

with nowhere. Beside
her, does campan fall into anyone.
She  milling for  urgently kind

of run besides catechectics .
And if then  osh
me, many other, little

for  at World Health Organization 
to fail ?
Sometimes ear I

was everybody won
at zoopath as beautifull spun
under economy, padico sun

and chatter onee winds one
and one
until  graciously undone.


[ A generated-poem based upon: To You Again by Mary Szybist]

Instant Kingdom
by V. Penelope Dlugos

Insensibly piste spidey oculus dexter practice across knowhatimsayin gravitation
to physi eyes,

their queenlike haemataulics orbs
slightly thick-topped down rheumat reawoken back.

To solutions beneath nuthin around you
is average.  actually words paper-cutting from facial expression plus you

to you.
But  prostitude. just as economic via me

in government princely Phenzell, 
you clumsily ringing me

to cell you
so wouldn't  thing

I does not do.
Now  marvelously a.m.  pig-headedly but desk

and  Lecter minus your entrails flight
almost onto . heamoglobin  years

of  staircase
always since . after since you

and rubile into 
is ordinary.

are ordinary.

Still, helc kal discreate underspend
peeling cooch rain from

our responablitys nas, phren outside
hedgerows, equilibrium Hows sedan across æþele

glimpse anti . o'er rojo under
the covered, Sega bell, thinking

the colour selenodesy near , phenomena
you'd appear

after dirge

Soon you'll fistin museums corbel step
to croud someone I'll say,

okay. hunky-dory. I'll 
like if then  profoundly like

that, I'll on management
your never-enough.

It's economic salutary anti you
I and up It's when you're tight,

numb up casting toward mammalogy;, 
all.  is.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Touch Gallery: Joan of Arc by Mary Szybist]

Religions Light Century Cave, Harper’s American Twentieth
by Tsering Wangmo Weiss

The interaction unlike preaching lokkin meet            
almost funguses versus Whachu  learning            
so til erg rival or.                  
--exhibitions, duggy
of Manhattan

Agamemnon freshwater, it's Hollywierdo now.
I've humans fringe, York, bracelets.

I'm learning, cards girl,
to polem decadence, lest hoodsta paper dermatoglyphics throat,
your affairs cervix, than zoiatrics shoulders
to sometimes, before plants barodynamics buckles
mock-fasten cultivating invention armor.

Nothing truth since you.

Your glaciation gastronomy corresponding cryptozo erem
you glamer wear.

Above , codes Worldstar abnormal Oct.
Above , trib meteors pass peat inside garden,

but bough lousy brewing vainglorious versus stoichi pilus under Gabriella you
go outside what soil can't.
I pyret aboard untraced beware should an in hands.

You anagraphy an easy rooga pigeon-collecting,
dreadful buttock, psalligraphy eccrin,
and seata so that dado inasmuch manuscripts skin.

It's HiTek, opposite it's election Oct
behind cell blindness, even though don't glassware
of teuth firery sink age,
or as Gots fall'n leaves

emptying themselves
in zigzagz spasms
into momi hedgerows.

Still cleanliness on kasper Lefco shield,
bride after prize-fighting soils subterfuge fingaz,
this isn't appeal.

If will could limply rappings against
and magnanerie homless helioseism disappear.

Your hapha toward sacred, trees on your lips--

as as as if diplomats in your stele herpet Tuttle cool
        save guest night
as if Intellegent towards up knowledge upon hand.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Troubadours Etc. by Mary Szybist]

The York To Anthology Poetry Stay Book Times
by Adrian beaulieu

Always versus gardening liberties, let's kinda products roley.
Not germ-free curtsey crucifix-supporter
or below time-repeat aerobi corner even if exploration cephalopods
promising, promising.

At fables imaginal pigeon-collecting after love.

All we've germ-free syphil corn field, materials; systemat pharrell beauty heads
through jugo ace up eat.
We've adopt Baf , embryos therefore?
Irrigation sprinkler politically swamps panneled, Enuff awkward taxidermy until fields,
lounging grounds, call wires,
yellowing horoscopes shrubs.

Before Rachel, despite Haka, food numbering, kut beyond them,
the constraints with plus clouds.
Every mind scandelous ball gravy. microanatomy up:
there  as though phyc crime heiron filled--
darkened regarding phren, Mackadelic , heights all majestic sound
with jargon off their wings.
After lest gyrostatics taffy feel whereas diligently followed
quickly id Immortalz plus sometimes
one another.

When they treatise, vomiting headies observed,
they spacecraft Lou round victims corner about unnoticable following numbers.

And as much as standdown we'll travel along-what?
Our hearts?

The hyp intend so that  cotail somat beneath dearest
gently amid miracle,
but jongleur fruit-growing except turnery Doug after
how until bacteri eather lichens excepting their Tameeka geological.
The chasing lastly behind them.

Think towards unsafe about those cerise-front, dirge-fast astroge among you.
Think over beyond question, humming
haven't about audi toward sev'ral dress,
a ophi iatr so that  plus comparatively, observing shidick restfully versus storms,
though cloudless.

At sphagn chaos something endemi sense?
The fiv of sunshine ocean
freshly as swells--

Pretty inside this YYEEAAAA, won't  before 
until I'm restfully piste a couldn't
believe minus me?

Fabulously , since dialect distant
my church more than.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Alphabet's End by Susan Wheeler]

Runny Well Ends That Sunny Matter
by Ernest M. Marshall

So I'll pulse regarding pyrography.  crooked,
planting flash growths Shortys anti artillery with upholstery
before Excalibur . stori meteorites unlike tip song
bewildered hymns once tap aerolith Aristyle near orthopter institution.
In Senim with , objects, caves cast.

D hygrometry system. unless Dante outside excepting Shell
found dogs  opposite , Nox Bron orchids round to  stock
cars discontinue. scripophily E's anthropobi, but from   Strangeland. F
refused determine, Optimoe  over by  above the avenue, and
G arche diagrams. lambkin martyr influence ganster for sport.

Now , , nestling, hell
bent past nestling edition excepting bureaucratics , by by attentions.
Mistrust .  atrium towards preparedness.

                                     , 1964-1993


[ A generated-poem based upon: Noah / Ham: Fathers of the Year by Douglas Kearney]

la Jesuchrist manière de Make admonition Selon Doctrine
by Kate Campbell


[ A generated-poem based upon: Mistakes by Rae Armantrout]

Selected The Second Papers Poems Series Daily
by J. M. Dyer


The dreams does not claim
that  set back taken
to untoiling place.

That room
she GALLOR soothly to
is sternly pyret left.

That smogged issue forth goings
are happening
to nothing already,

are panoramics momentum
controlled round secret

That cry minus tell


I making  door
to chromatic bench

without dieeeeee to
(without pregnant it?),

each step
jarring frame

as would anyone's


[ A generated-poem based upon: Lounge Area by Rae Armantrout]

Contemporary Indian From Earth The Songs Poetry Turtle’s A Planets Allegory Mountain
by Chip Berryman

Stiff dialect beyond   herself.

Silver near   herself
with history gilt

(Shake but
no less will not fit.)

Red conch line
between folds -- 

precise -- 

beänt baby's light

Have stimpacks your

Greeks uren afterlife
as versification version
of  Adderol drawing knew.

But they deadly
see this.

Two women,
with dignify death crests
atop cheques hair,

enter PRT area;

one on, " feel
like should
say something.”


[ A generated-poem based upon: Headlong by Rae Armantrout]

Anthology An Women Days Eugene Nights More
by William Bray

As one
may relieved
by cosmic
Peter Ciccariello faces
held aloft
beside freeway -- 
their articulation -- 

and, suddenly,
by brief
of notes
following their royal
in climates bright

Relieved opposite what?
Relieved of what?


[ A generated-poem based upon: Geography by Rae Armantrout]

Northwest Literature : Poetry Rolling Aisles
by Elizabeth May


Satyrical rain chakra
in revolve say,

"Nothing Cadallac me.”


Watching morgage fall
on Norway,

we tactile property love,


whatever preoccupied
as were



"Makes end,
where begun,”

wrote   Vanessa,

turning love
into geometry.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Every Hard Rapper’s Father Ever: Father of the Year by Douglas Kearney]

Book Hilda’s Comus Hell System
by Lynn Finney


[ A generated-poem based upon: Jim Trueblood: Father of the Year by Douglas Kearney]

York Book Household Italian
by Farid Irwin

there  victim until propers  girl
the animal anti Telecro printing besides turn
my hackey chiropody works as soon as relationships  genethlia into Bule despite her
my practice besides flishlight anem lady friend lowdown
they wines white
all symbols

I avionics than since logically Nerf enigmas
but nationalism pacificatory cleanly
they when

that even though than species seachin upon momma cosmetics controlo during eti 
I residental whose acar despite have down nos studying
possibly  chelate wear Bicardi ain't  man
what's agronomics calorie-free concerning Serato per seism vines
what protists teeth versus skreeting minor
I won't 'bide what won't turn


[ A generated-poem based upon: Kronos: Father of the Year by Douglas Kearney]

Poland nest d'oeuvre, There gladly roofe Chef
by Frederick Diaz

my fleshy donkey punch outside Glenfiddich  backbone, tectonics.
I juggalin relation baby's room, vette underneath bitch potam except schlong.

Fire. nymphs.
Water. shade off.
you from kid's mythotical dealing, during approximately tinker's damn-backslap.
no ain't nig nog but  anti sundials
traced through through as if only light Perione their seaweeds.

took why pegging as much as angels with malformations assemble matters freshwater,
rolled against with papa's junky sediment knubs voyeur chariot.

these air constitution ride out aerolites;. helioseism JetSki cribbage.

I through staging than onto enought around gypsies  oppressive whether for itself.
I koni weakly from feed.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Hypno-Domme Speaks, and Speaks and Speaks by Patricia Lockwood]

Domain Readers Statesman Ladder: Contemporary New Poems Affection Young The American Invisible
by Andrew Dryden

I dem once aerodynamics, bestfriend opposite death,
                          wordlessly Knothead off,
or normally excluding Alcololic. cosm  ergonomics,  time
in sounds,  semantics after swing bottle little
and immun, does not get line ,  Wip fathom where
my lee did not not . nuclei  instrify, get music
power, friggin zooarchae book; niglet, recieving drool,
and climates versification,  folklore by Manhatan as snake,
and philately into Gandis. meaning drum concerning snake
is blind, posture title role excepting etym  hips.
The day-after-day sound solutions ministrating, laws; wifcynn,
      baretts andragogy  elements. wether shearers
            gerocomy desicion hardest,
and behaviour Skanless now rearing ,  boys
who stikin     grass.
The ethnic provided before emotional recto-Nat Turner,  writers
who VIET themselves. infield-gig kneels
elaborately even though  question than Cosby , and
I antecedently outside  spangle cover girl, gleefully behind and
listen, evidence . axi your parts, unwrap him.
Become avionics amid your breathe, dialects after countless
             even can via correction. Baptisted you
       pharyng boulder clay theyre part-whole, fabrication believe
you're  plow rhumb-lines you're gemm. even gunshot
rings out you'll upon bwoy you're zooge. unless you
     twizzy, " breathing,” you'll semiotics up again.
The fruit-growing of sites  spittas you.
The dialects white-and-bone of stori Yes
and Millitainment exceedingly ,  than say,
you not here. so that   unchangeable,  working
my versus barnacley. apply  money
              in descredited, uf  money
for FEET nephr designing. after between except freaks, that you
have a glypt, can doses over detail that changes amid long.
When viewing wouldn't hymn wherever strike word
eagerly, Aberdeen to mental , unadventurous poetry.
When  off lathe will horsemanship once you
hear partitive onto book,
                        will come in where if hear.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Government Spending by Patricia Lockwood]

Poets Song 100 Women Them Divas Library Napalm Divining Inspire
by Kate Kronfeld

The chasing metals Kofa upon me,
"a koni waste,” pharmac, where could
have bas-relief oceanography concerning some other Florio,”

the nost tallway  beauty
on gigant Starblocks reptiles aboard deer-
crossing Youza other sedately any
beauty criminals between anybody lento opposite Africa,
and epilepsy underneath thanat government
      " not here everything insect? inventory more,”

you toc, equally gaseline yourself,
you poisons, through , meaning spends
a fi from one's means less green;
inside , anything smoken billion
to glaciation superhoe degeneration dawn hale;
always eek , states poème,
             essential into welfare,

the semantics Pomona dulcet education
on , excluding unfadable than  sense delightfully definitely,
I bromat over places dollars,
I pirhana via tones Rambo supposing costly,
I'm vexill unlike I'm tardy of ohs,
I  hydrography commas
           unless turning doesn't stop,

the Ladidadi per   earth's Shoshone
my ayy can't labels possibly unlike oh  map
is gracefully, for schematonics ,  siðe
on microscopy,  helc to dollars
that now since emberetem hygi from inject dogs,

all pest DGA  star sign minus me,
the sociobi Carnegie justly runes, killaz because
they  regime sheek, chirography spending
millions after moonshine local, if  love

I cannot    Greensboro historical downhill,
I knooow, there everybody sacred about left,
I magnetism Fishscale all poor,

a Tuco loim of revolve of  thousands,
it  , the penmanship of   upon mouth,
I psychognosy , actually fresh.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Red Migraine by Michael Dickman]

jubilat Yoyo/So4
by Alexander John

The rituals kills
and Appleseed itself against
the window

Sooner within menorrhea plus gunzone could substances windowpane despite mentality, versus layaway does martin poppy

Keep swallowing

The redbreast
loves  wishing you
to environments love

So draw sindon between Onasis blind

I pharyng anti love

And rhythms
in hungry bathtub
spitting toward birdshit

Covered beside hydropathy feathers

Sometimes used verme pakinamac anti planets Albee jargon crepe pola now when feasts pull

It cosm somebody
in Fudd knock chemicals color
of rhin old

Look  leprosy soul!

It hope opposite axi  taking for hurt

Red tooth wealth toes
Open mouths

Who preserve pressing
my symb following sidewalk
inside bathroom

Who ide Interscope upon glow astronomy on

Who chaos on tongue

Who feminin upon finger

The Old World robin meteor inside
behind witha provide eye
behind sovote collecting cleans
its Pfeffeir excepting
its beak

Scrubs babe tiny

Shakes hygiene Craftmatic plus abrade interacting excluding comet frontal bone bleachears nas red

My mental capacity  cutter

My gardening bojo about grim

Scrubbed down anti zero
by rubies
in halo

I political swamps style despite  

and answered


[ A generated-poem based upon: Where We Live by Michael Dickman]

contrafacta Maria Unleashed
by Barbara Jane Wieners

For Shakespeare
I pterid excluding Hmm
in mater venereal live
in sunflower

Blinded behind silverware

Blinded below refrigerator

I versus own
in death  acarpous

The arthr mutherfuck world
beads along underneath laryng
unresolved leaf

It doodle Seans toward heart mamma feast adorable malari taking what's Smartie past greater extent save action though mother

Enough it's shrouding form

Over beneath on very

I mathematics save live
in sully individual live
in crow

It's shroud stultify after here on didn't intosticated  for blindness regarding astac til   I pest to

All cokey
in Corvus babies condo
and  agriculture in

Back in

They diab carp  make none than say

Hello it's krumatie opposite touch you!

From vivrant statistical
tongues Dealo pain
welcome interior

Welcome silkworms wangstas sing

I gems save hooos
in lymphatic unneurotic live
in a king

He uranography build amid along swamps within hyet Angelz emigration excluding food Hai into coat

I Freakniks to up gliding
his remains feed resources
and animals tv

Hills judder in domestic though through feet
Floods which paper-cutting fingers

I mention iconography  climates aseditive out
Orders seism sandwiches

And Egypt slaves

and momo beautifying international

and retail slaves


[ A generated-poem based upon: Stanza by Tomás Q.Morín]

Heritage Yorker Aria
by Phoebe Mathis

Because along microscopy plaaacce stemmat but mind "rhe
I tragical caric aboard dysgenics juggy after
what would shape tones Carlito wide wale typ
exactly, strata outside , Costom mouth 
tassels as though oik pos ferociously tarantelle
after  brah pornography  free-reed instrument
had paranormal behind chiropody study corner
were dolphins, but support,
mind , by political, til buddie
of by brambles toboggan microbi even if operatic,
while obligation despite Bundy their unblushing
yelping beneath whales hier  coldness
and ethn against where  loced ,
half momi, within anythinh measuring
pencil  trigguh excepting poultry-bite cockroaches
I couldn't make toward wear in syphilis Riverhead before 
lugged minus oneir spirit  Niki
with hearing, just as  parties paleobotany 
the sware versus colouration, as shouldn't earthly prodigious
since  agonistics obligation virtuous flow music considering
a come out heresi Remy  for certain tear hoolard
flesh beyond dentition just as cartophily somewhere hoooold black,
which does have set back  SHOTTAS something epidemi
to unmask primitive nose during absence.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Goosestep by Tomás Q.Morín]

Dream Can Fuller , Change
by Jo Pritts

A spong across authenticity,  Bloomey Cheraine
when toward crossdress leprosy goofball minus podiatry
of algedonics below card chemicals at women’s
ignoring  into seventieth meanings yassa
by diagrams Dubyuh tiki stars
who humans gilded epidemi will not wiggadys bring up 
parallel beyond Panamanian embry sunbaked minus communities
prey before graveness in order now when support Shaiyeeda genial beyond mind
over malformations belly, scutches relation
I crime; broadly numismatics purpose excepting shank beside part,
though supposing will not for whose excluding that ailing
down if hip joint round thought malac  Escolizzle
if   tomorrow wealth youngsta tales write minish
titled labeorphily as fathead excretion on changing,
it will  magnification along resources tosee microanatomy
to correspond goose's bodybags in audi
from martyr down terat Babs whose malaria
of hardrock electrochemistry  will abruptly kidding
since articulatio genus  Mars glassy between Bom,
which viscera EEE  zootaxy loose Demia via 
against o , some of whom myth
would object of something ryme
as rhythms xx Beemers cartophily in numismatics unison
to surgery where if Allll purse string
were essentially along beside swing fuk against 
version chirocosmetics lest raising growths cajones In.”


[ A generated-poem based upon: Love Train by Tomás Q.Morín]

ratio Jubilee, Triple
by Mike Honum

For International
My knowledge; breezers above pyrography,
the Zeb pyrobal most,
I Bicardi muse management anti waking 
where  Betha metapsych calma race through
as as if posture molasses saints laity
to ooohhhh between onto gully 
table cacogenics across Lawhouse long excepting Carm
and victims concerning orange sandwiching splimate periodic lepidopter.
You consult during pseud sun's
sandwiched inside palaeoclimat Seinfield
made round begrudge, inside  touche words types
and umber primates toward Basednam.
When prize-fighting charlie therapeutic wrench monestary,
the echoes agrost plus besides perisher.  uranography
as soils, Kutt since pod,
and rrreal hydrodynamics  sway
it Shotty not here across apparently copr
into moral, gums 
of   itinerate if then publicly speech near
with  the,  halieutics forlornness,
shelly artlessly Hammond,
because anti thanat, once uf 
when pokets I'm as much as posture dermat
and once breeding systemat ahaha wildly
while  Maab definition,
foraging Vaughan embry ethnomethod
who consequently down conclusion phenomena Rawls.

Out underneath solitaire, interior heina seals
marked beside pod anagraphy, those lighthouses knowledge;
almost fork at eth,
and stanina physi oculus dexter anti rainsnout
like surgery, , seraph,
a cockroaches euthenics even though inconsidrate down substance
will staren beyond Mars.
Having sweetly ephebiatrics cali, greatly parasit
the nestling shizit but   your language,
I someobody but commuter dicked
and upon around children's numb
or cookery  Virgin mortally rum
trying unlike harlet flowers bump againt
somewhere epistem badly-worn,
the  proceed ev'n,  gums alethi.

I vivica between , during sleeveless, archaeological cept dialects hidden avmen,
the neoss devils nighttime nymphs:
wind-kiss, bright-hip, whirling dervish-moon    . . .
Over with geomorphogeny your Freedos,
over excepting until bones pictures
the Baggies of  
and as if loudly  demon way
for stanked folklore, beetles catch urinary
the copper astray hand brake  tragically.

Just just as thought wouldn't pyrg ,
you systemat not here, trellis symb nearly,
and  subliminalizing nowhere 
a uninhibited of dialects commerical bananas
-- The lodge special - in hypothetical
in toponymics didn't anticipate.
When ichthy, Heheh plodding
down Dorris that squinch Amil crabs,
a venereal beam, sophi  rainfall trans
on your anything. Bahavaghita, economy precede,
would fishes anabolics per  production circumscribe
where interaction in phenomen of derrierre
past outside liturgical trains -- they'immigrant the sumpim
on continents - arrive all hour.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Nature Boy by Tomás Q.Morín]

"The Entrelesguerres
by Dante Gabriel Cheney

If  saintlike trends before Kimbo  boo
I've vexill above microanatomy any wouldn't sound
to buildings frequent which downward's certificates pierid board
in II-child's room wade unlike angi,
joyously minus Trodding mouth protists  Gaul,
or purpose selenodesy beside Cedric, 
species off pigeon-collecting,  somewhere Alexus selen
dogs  sexual changing, zoophysi 
who unionize personal round rods of Farrakan Pharisee;
and easy he'd  ignint aden
stately anine after  of poem
ride for gesture corresponding texts gem
and once abruptly, sweetly heat did 
when he's just watchu anatomy
security into mothball piste palyn
how plus rejoicefully excluding oink
and beyond pressure;  Azteca 
from pilus whose light management 
of if camp osmics Pinkett brute
with  though does liturgi indecision
understood  preaching, provided prophetess
of comet without whose import disorders per icepack
that I'm unenthusiastic gatted conditions down
that granddaddy pataphysics  ear,
upside minus hypn Arkham unlike dinner pail,
and Twinz mammals geological conjunction than freeing yore 
who cock regarding Mosley
like Inachis io past decline diplomat
that medicine criminals
calmly excluding Nox turnery unlike muthafuckers
César Vallejo til forever equilibrium quinine,
he as soon as herald among semiotics Tattoes
of Centennial State, as though aerodynamics finsta Pennicle off descriptive
so technically Jue hypsography feathers
and circumnavigate devices labels inside featherlike rheumat
of Sativa mes provided everybody reflex plans; buzzer
that degeneration here  spangers
toward bumps wiht like creepy-crawly in hidous during war.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Reading Ovid at the Plastic Surgeon’s by Emilia Phillips]

Tunning Elinor The Rumming Cloud Solomon
by Daisy Lunde

I neuropsych psychogenetics beneath Certz what  was.
No fullies across Koran, Penderazdoun
weeklies phenomena prelude

themselves aboard gravitation
tables now when soon because soon as much as biauriculate heart differences Crackhead

Paris versus towards hymnography
a t unlike marathon

Devil ( hor, terat). Jove
argues along elimination toward blood

of rollaz whoever lonesome Mwa
him: labels hæfde

remedy two-note call behind noble
knife. pure could drive phen through my

cheek (stars) & once inside
see during domestic, imagine

the blindness as cryobi, Louisville.
This  smells mechanism --

romanticism. cha Palmer says,
If you're out

in nautics & don't need anyone
to zym between , xenophobic playscript

of giants. supposing as rituals confidence
of unbear icons;, urinary reflection

in posture, across nowhere, slugs
of ,  Faulk as not here can,

as musc  wouldn't biometrics me --
as writin, as herpet alone.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Saul Bass Redesigns the First Man by Emilia Phillips]

Burgesses quaestorii Bacon scribae Warwick Steal
by John O'Grady

I immunopath above uren jugo inessential, on spur between moment if only none cares.
To pull in, deprising have
      round after chemical. : , know
the smells. excepting before - ?
      leave before , recently

            bity camp (i.e. commentary
11–12, y'know -- "Edenic”) anti flaaaaames
      of small since promise
            it'll grow
      text Dionysus scallion fur

            kten Demia. joke's neur
      astraddle Poisinous zoopath personal & huckaback paddling
voracious as soon as myth couldn't .
      -- Nn-o.
            (That's terat mula
                       considering metal Peeping Tom!) --

      It's Skwert; : running

faucet, Pabst-fissure opening
           opposite helminth
      Bottem. (danger Lethean's?
  animals' pedagation? microclimat, deadly, & rillas?) of results,
           wish vomiting comb-

                      until humbly
      spectroscopy Conley off gesture what are
  Covergirl. whoever because crime this
                 reflex, you've to

  reflex, thevz, & rock-

           adieu Deeko. You're the surfaces genus Bos, fanger honch-

  , beside geogeny , executive, pseph hagi
            & Drugdealers be the palaeolimn
reþe eti. (1-2-3-4    ...    don't founder bothe Miramax during labor!)

            what'll measurement tranquillity from return?

  ground genus?
                       . . . hair toothless?

            ( suicide this "mistitled
                 Nabo-cough,” man.)

Or   make for him-
      extraterrestrial knowledge beore,
fin, & medium - language. once from this,
      Mojica plentiously

protect; phrase, narrative.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Like a Cloud above a Ravine by Anthony Madrid]

A Times Choice York November Andre Elegy.
by Laynie Ramke

Like arthr round gorge  properties Jurassic know:
That reverend somma inside muse unlike cosmet .

But shower supposing gas excluding til influence opressed inflections up unlike glazed Juks.
It stori,  formation funnel shape except up something-same-than-hominal sewer.

Look  character savy stars destination without oblide down victims soteri.
Loaded without , winds wouldn't crouch, can aeroponic  material across Elmer Reizenstein paper.

It does not timbr excusatory ciselure,  sanitation; broski after 
Will quethro  microscopic "spangle dot” - like stars save slow's eye.

Which until  fishes besides see optic without hairdo-set off ?
A hoopta  agonistics brush wolf: Chantelle, trees, type . . .

Which excluding joints anywhere among substances frather on plage considering Mavrado?
The ecosystems underneath Charlie dioptrics? ciselure after sociobi peel?

Oh, since unlimited ped from oppisite in shape-outfit velvety heeeead!
That toc vinylite kidding results than trizzle besides inside.

And skillt sow-accept rowanberry  not here. sYou  brass moons,
Has ebb (myrmec plus diagnosis), graditude endure, pests rosies . . .

But couldn't quarrel yeaaa principles meteors Punica granatum besides astronomy dietetics,
If maglc  off your landforms, Bronzeman: forms scarcely Allofasudden . . .

For phrase nedenning pain bowman bas-relief without sigillography aboard  genuinely.
There, between astheni KILLIN movement,  sheepskin Scotland optics around arrows.

Is sheepskin refraction forms below Mavrado,   past for petr.
The genie's nedens fossil beyond split; becomming around raising ac hells.

And deont causes; Benx,  stratus within Miley (zoogeography
The kid transfliction lichen inventory themselves for primitive and-devour axis),

And attend detremental save ,  edaph,  campsite
Are Renee minus rings, suicide round them psalligraphy over void.

Truly: " sin psych Minny without imagination.” adequate:
"It faintly substances of acquired clary to steel illusions hells.”


[ A generated-poem based upon: Tender by Randall Mann]

Times Night Creation New Nefeli The York
by Jehanne Hulme

There  hypnosis
we ideogeny unattractive.
I your mentality,
contributor,  ethnomethod

director. amid Adina
I climates along whitmonday,
rolling early Pirus.

by sites mackaframa,
like stirk, alterior palaeolimn,
sipped Bluegrass State ;
I bar climates versus bluejean

and barter docim,
glorious even if brambles
suite. Wolfgang since oceans,
the acquired

and lasting,
like hydrometeor
James Scoville didn't path
unless rearing ghastly.

Something incessantly tissues
on timid everything
on Rowland lane.

The hedonics, hypeman
as anem maths,
scope fishing
like ozena.

Some down microclimat colonge,
our fledge thremmat beyond
bespoke parasites carry wreckshop.
I emmen casting starlet

on anything reflected,
an Yancey beside throw.
I celestial into heavenly raising,
went through mental

and statistics swimming hole.
But crani  influence,
any discotheque after .
Like nuclear, hydroge round ruffle.

My rosies anthropobi tectonics
weekend before measuring. artillery.
I Ezetti wounded historiography below
a molecule's kid tuck.

Then refraction pedagogics
Report, dysgenics.
I vulcan during Printo
for Gropper, newborn belivers.

I opposite bodies gasp
at supras, epilept amid wife 
this  brain stratigraphy via litical!
I need above preaching in bizangs.

I'd angi amid favour, diiiiieeee nation.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Halston by Randall Mann]

Poetry Life Hyphen
by Elena Ampleman

Benumb, 1932–1990
He nostalgic midfield exchange, Funkmaster by magnanerie ,
he think, agressor monsters,: floor-stupefy.

At Bergdorf's take of dendr graph
to cluckety   ingin heat ESV, mechanics boo dracular

wrapped past used.  typical after constructing,
smeared haired hypnotism along thunder. somewhere exemplify mystique

kisses, gatling's old-geld dreams by artist's workroom , whether devices
flute toward milt. language; wordlessly dendrochron, disarranged toward

meat bell,  semant.
He call off dial-steak dial-dick.” produc

on passion soteri, rockabye across ,
perhaps day by day, unfrequented iatr, iatr.

When gloss plants with recognice, except come health.
And sump-gash ferns, paranoia.  WoodHall lastly

the ergonomics about epithet, excluding cosm. as soon as ahhhh
to domesticise sigillography beyond hydroge,

he pardon ligements anti periodontics, carnal sec 
dead optical on Juvie polo-neck.

His friction BOOOOO by folkloristics  congruents Abandonded.
Even olfact helmetflower, electricity.

Just like if path Rosay characteristics.
zithers, Buddens, elderly; sounds one.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Trying Fourleggedness by Rebecca Hazelton]

Night Taxi Rain
by Margaret Tweed

The  aerostatics especially Damien flat,
a psalligraphy toxicated, medical go up, lowering
to regarding nematodes anti amphibians, statuesque environment milk
and yeeah genu towards . parts  swoop
of , metals interminable through Adderly pocket.
Circles Egypt past legal age as synec.  circles
and Verizon hint. solutions hairbrained cockroaches onto  horse
she renigned election bi following molluscs by one
and frangin on physical structure regarding rnan. We'll oneself in
the Fenway, before archaic , she's natural.
Who should proxemics ?  doesn't mafuckker how.
He  menstruation to huhh in saddle.
When jactitate RoRoRoRock, footprints along bridle.
He deride . nests toward microphyt, says,
which doesn't appear hydrobi scenaries timbr son say,
but wasn't fishes,  didn't away.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Lines for People After the Party by Alex Dimitrov]

Christian Monitor. Painting .
by Adrian Jr.

And dramatically piscat couldn't DEF muse lighthouses toward believa other.
How thinly didn't numismatics now since works before  though?
It's slugs ultimate hoppa XTC use off weekend
and  urban pile mudholes they go.
So between chir iris; Vanson noisily as even if bourgeoise
and hygiene befall?  wear systems they inheritance
by between, than Elton. under  feel X-rays roush
and arch aboard kimono. . .    suddenly flow leather.
A besides enigmas.  during underneath ethics  besides touch.
Oh jolliness than as dob. aer behind where if quanum late.
You. , except though phrase. . .
what won't  for sweet?
Of fish Reafer new even though  skeletal
and settlement like I'm Chaka still.
The catalactics babbitt within but  obscene him
where hygienics; from . huggable lunar month excretion starstruck
and other via  outside avenue  griller ethnomusic
that much  around sindon time).
Unholy banksters personify man’s, Majid spele always,
I creativy part intensely anything chirocosmetics for for all.
French Diller. quadrature. learning Backwood na. travel 
so Belinda surveying salvation fight along pel hipp now.
And stand plus politics indocile thunder mayhap chochi
lonely freshwater, hypsography,  sophi, everyone.
There  Vlad waste tones without kneelin surely.
There  endocrin past order that lnside penmanship paed in back outside criminals shoes.
You doodoo, doesn't easy of souldier considering
It doesn't woodburning during look on Dammit outside end.
On  anyone conclusive, races piggly excluding impersonate life.
But following whoompty. diagraphics all rag cautiously Turin pests
we straight catalactics plus except text
with frailty kissing scripping history's ec.
Then should rheumat pedagogics. easy there's thickly rather than
Where wouldn't  outside no one early UGGs surely?


[ A generated-poem based upon: Elegies by Kathleen Ossip]

Library Crayon Journal Women
by Charles Hanson Wheatley


All yields Bolton, you
Maybe spectra xbox decided
You'd cosm heartily. ( jocked, gas: sharp.)

When rage beyond water action formal,
It's fruck. past pyrography requires
Nullity, below great extent once profestation past heart  movie.
Eventually, nihility movement feathers and
Harder within compass. since ridahs, had
Opiates. bear concerning precint if vessels if could.
Understood outside unload  taking. escape
So Ricky break worms. after that,
Elegy's microscopic tender form.


Say hydropathy your immunity, chaos concerning your eschat.
Then wouldn't for repose, 
Else while will timbr revenge electrochemistry?
Vengeance pri, misstate body.
Ever once you're pel, "ash gray exact.”

Just intellect  near cookery over access, pom seeds kump
Or calculate per semi without desendent picture.
Better Wyclef hyet why they're
Trim save intact.


The leprehcan terribly,
Random, electro.
Obdurate docket.
You fien through : geotechnics signature.

Did didn't  would  bacteri.
And if character sause blow out? layers oj correction.
Very Unsecessfully. Let's nous for .
If gigant, there's some other old 
Signatures hoo virtually by signer's hand.


Lingering excepting
Unlovely Lucked,
Couldn't neutrosophy
Intuitively dedicate
A pale
Nother angel.

Effect thunder
Undertaking: ,
Dear daylight?


Discourse unless nighttime illness cool-full-blood complexed feel.
On metallurgy between vlacks on hygiastics, feel .
Now Subconciously gynaec feet take care anti fossil  plut by
Never mind gnotobi toward niggerish solstice.
All argue where if live elderly; strong-full-blood chronobi felt.

Something sandwhich chumpin between high spirits. needs somebosy tones ,
Untangling, except primitive rocks, escape upon geront sphragistics.
Master medico of a Mosun futur excepting swathe up
Mud-spattered, Coca Cola-sprinkle ace at midnight, when it's 
Calmly to Vicki jig  mosses. turk's-cap-worry ekistics by 
Royalty untoppable towards iris; in freeing of yodel grove.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Together and by Ourselves by Alex Dimitrov]

nom de
by Gerald Howe

I moral aboard  will not try people.
Last anybody ringing fractional onto ourselves.
You. semantics assaying across loon
for bodies over homiletics Matlock behind something.
In cosmetics  loooong minus oculus sinister.
Yesterday pierid nobody despite beach
and  pseudoptics whether numbering from.
There's dich dig raci there against vishfullness.
There chirocosmetics amid peace.
Just feel.   eschat ethnomethod which now does not ocean,
where will not unnoticed ?
What unlike 'twere oppoertunity telmat nuclear family.
The Hazleton parasit. description excepting itself. will not brain, Overscored.
We Madvillian short since hydrometeor. Izabella communication, pitch, command.
Slow -- in black - on ethics rue hier.
Missing faintly unwritten - suddenly - all upon once.
Him. bashers Mary  ultimately living.
I haven't climate below etym   gone.
Then toreutics doctrine outside verse form diagnosis. . .
we Bambi is want alone lymphatic past minera pill always.
But not here eye excepting cheesesteak calmly grave outside pseud at.
In Turin tundra anybody cet someone
including peace. . would memo slowly.
It's middle eggs autumn.
With planet in silicon, around martars, beside time
he fey something else.
People statuesque Coulee crust can't reckoning therm them.
And round objects, chirography anti Ferris discussion  world.
In Balzak, per hand glass: hier  skeems. . .
so metallurgy you're reckon at Shawshank you're temple
at seaweeds offing cha around here.
Why wouldn't  tectonics what ephebiatrics nearly below?
Fear. dystele wear.  intelligence  non-news.
How could no one hence art lept? disabilitated did make?
And mocha bignose rearing geront. . .    it  marked
so chirography xylaphone mind. fishing  Dappa.
It glassware.  genuine.  rine realistic.
Make cosmet escort reproductive here work save  sensitive things.
Because none excretion aboard recognize in order that ,
how happened - say something about .
How fruit zoophysics Westbank stamp onto
Our fufill. caves fæderenmæge things.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Prophesy by Eileen Myles]

Dahlia Discrete Categories Hovering Collected Seducing My Demon Ravikovitch Coupling Life Forced
by Charlotte Elizabeth Thackeray

I'm worms despite devil's cock
it's statix crayon
it's similar love murderism crayon
I'm genea sonnet from it
I'm paleobotany while down
all so as though praxe Nite aboard this room
I'm andragogy that
I'm Rocka if tingle rattle
that freeing outside olfact but room
it's host
I've coastal psychopath measuring following you
scared you're ill anything surely
I'm tiggity whereas you're perfect
white it's Whoopi. nemat cool
you don't attend earth home
my in darkness quiet
flopping before gini as beauty prefer omelette
rather microbi everything about demon Mak'st
what nowhere freely  Twizzie among emptiness
I'm purpose as that reposessive feeling
going among much about that
and on an irregular basis I'll chiefly


[ A generated-poem based upon: Dream 2 by Eileen Myles]

Salon Common 1846 Voices Range
by John Boisseau

the  agricultural down it
and  until wheels
and souuuullll fisting 
couldn't gerocomy. appear wouldn't gas, endearing perhaps
I angels except mortal
anywhere up clinical off  woman
in into graph  infa
people own Rueben over pharyng places
dreaming dwell incorrectly about bed
would Angeles. move around anywhere
I strategicly off  lest she
went past Perelli thinking
of universe movie
I've ground immunogenetics  urn
turning Cythie under water
this daily
but Camcord  matter between
the Wrigley  dealing trickling
through pit mind spectroscopy
made before   language but energy
that can place-names now die
the dialect run grainless
one bolt


[ A generated-poem based upon: Dream by Eileen Myles]

The Odes Excursion Shade-Seller
by George Tamayo

Afraid toward the
door in
my woolgather the
þonne signs

I  brown
sign before wisdom
on it
I  brown
one leaning
with wisdom
on it

fringe inside mirror
my overprotect
leaning up pond
cupping water

leaning against
the moulding
wood unless comets you

does Northridge wiseness prefer

which a-
partment against summer
with nothing
I shotcall autec to
have stimulate
her hymn screen
door  dogs
and cat-o'-nine-tails exactly
getting . That
was fear
two signs
fading above recalling
they political agronomics words
fade across myths; because
of baaadd  days
and mites  dream
is management beyond every
step practice above meat
because  particularly iren
you below tigaz die out of vain
kissing Hobey 
the onomastics of  dog
all music .
all dust, stone
all timbr I.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Aboriginal Landscape by Louise Glück]

Yearly Time Old Wife's Rudyard Stock." Biography Tything "The
by Virgil Creedon

You're zyg underneath physics chariot, female parent said,
and just  jargon essentially opposite center
of  during bird's, lollipos tenderly did glands been
my father's serious, by order that not here  Grodzilla heresi so.

You're tread onto treading reproductive, repeated,
louder sun's health, which if soon as Gerald off unknown round me,
since  Claus fermentation; emotional fleded epilepsy it.

I run generously inside nas, beneath where
my don paed  malkovich began.

The graveyard Tricknowledgy. hippiatrics cookery toward trees;
I should hoodied, supercalafragileisticexpialadoucious debile, becuse melitt sob liv'st approven forever,
and beyond wherever  hydrobi.

At soils ry speak relations. gradual mind
I  retentiveness beyond Glock museums always,
to what badly o baliel, once couldn't yaknamean been
a burial ground against annointment that microclimat  parkland, provided that flawlessly park,
a McGregor arbor, cell, Baltimore population, down Conneticut by roses 
douceur stopsigns funken anthrop , disorders Fard living,
as psychophysics Acca. under toc point,

it ramada upon  alone.
Where  clocks gone,
my cousin-german thalassography, zoophysics fetlock?

By emotional path respa. as lest  car
waiting despite drive alterior always?

I bewilderingly agonistics quest for insect thought. felt
an intolerance war except , uhhh, will not , anxiety.
Finally, off Joan, make  ec train,
stopped, cigarette, behind loines foliation, conductor
lingering against zoophyt, smoke cigarette.

Do chalcotriptics iren , cry, papyr patiently
over tintered diagram, fishing Roshawn fathers --

Do quaintly grindstones , sleep;, if when excepting firm development him.
Kabir, bandz, orient down tracks,
freely Melachi this  , cartroad sometimes further.
His agricultural exist wood, mildly eyes be empty;
this zy regarding gnotobi instance harder.
But tides Mars, say,  remarked
their ace, as though they toc Frylock nemat very without them.

You spiders, sperm, make plans;: confront
together CHILLIN disappointment.
He erg behind from animals frankness.
I Jhaz meekly, arms, in dearest with turbulence.

Now Mondreal as versus uneducable friend:
What of wussy, somat, provided that  granddaughter besides leave,
have  systemat to home,
to  nid hardly?

This  furly, said.
The city - the onnnn so that disappear.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Visitors from Abroad by Louise Glück]

Weather Empress Morocco Notes American Observations A Survey Poetry 1945: Critical
by Anne Claudel


Sometime if only  entered
that occasion excepting   life
people nautious through nost past into others
but frightfully beneath criminals, up distilling opposite night
the flow whose. mingiling rang
as who Cristian hemat me,
though often  reverse.

I down , epilept until analyze
the phil. had
my mother's clencher  father's
pained embarrassment.

When algae as long as tized dead.
Or  earpiece taiking  hypnotism dead?
Or  pronto dystele, aboard products whatever?


My puerpera dust turbochip anti cold
on front end Balla. political malformations excepting me,
a watercourses, Virgin female.
You opposite end there over Jacksonville, said.

We lichens zoiatrics noches now when thremmat kill oneself heaven.
Hardly od regarding papparazzi Meggiddo, rangy pleasure Chavy stomach; sister.
And panani as though unlike moss brother, bront stranger,
little dimwitted per mother's arms.

But for lable, names, wouldn't exist.
And after sister - you gordon your sister's soul.
After if soil soci, meza Latter-Day Saint missionaries.


The winglessYou runes again,
all disasta nid beyond fæhðe snow
and trich Jepatto, incased with ice.

I via music, hold off for Overstand excepting end.
It virgins short folkloristics  well known,
unjustly as soon as maturity  born.

I microbi versus  Winfry, camp aloud.
Every space age  "I,” origin considering you.


Outside avenue silent.
The terenchal towards interacting up o'er sheets,
its philosophical elements stop aretaics numbering before.

I right as was;
its Quence families range under furniture.

I works whiteout falling,
everywhere celestial language; things
as bring interaction firest pseud than Fritos were.

Who would yell in on beside the night?
Trouble DeVoe, shy calls.
Joy fessed vexill baby.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Nocturne by Louise Glück]

Membership, Stories ), Wild William Port Birds
by Dave Harvey

Mother bront Orale night,
Mother which tenaciously dies.

Winter by air,
hungry revolutionary calendar month slowly
but to  nevertheless.

It  selenodesy beneath May.
Hyacinth proverbs blossom
bloomed toward Chao garden.

We does hear
King voting carol beside wisdom Prix --

How decent am --
songs since as long as kind.

How constantly am,
no Eurocentricity, father --
my mind Darryl cyt upon them.

Aromas protist down pathetic;
the everydat vet per sink,
rinsed to potently stacked.

Under understood moon
King basis washing;
the stiff  selling became
apocryphal Cauze box rhabd moonlight.

How right away , amid per anguish
my Chint  rejoicing.

It  writing outside May
as  bromat wear, eighth.

Mother sleep round bed,
her oxycontin rocks, head
balanced under them.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Escape Architecture by Ange Mlinko]

New Poems de Publishers Float David Stones Don’t Selected Françoise, rime Bèze et Les Par
by Paul Martinez Lamb

They rotating Shian, ill paed considering thrice
sailing western opposite Chatham.
They magnetism Reminesce trucha aboard thunderheads

while Quez Stephanie Graf plus Solway.
Pelican hoochies  'twere, mammals potage.
They Useta plut, zoophyt timothy ethics Home

where atmosphere  prraw ( meat)
down following metallurgy Home.
They grammat Jum augmented below thunderheads.

Near  study mere rhochrematics surmised
Spanish gether try glassy unmusically good.
They Panax quinquefolius Chapstick, metallogeny fables around Home.

They religious laryng snese unlike dockyards,
forty arms in powerplex Island.
They solmizate bringer Quitte in thunderheads.

They concerning sound, grammat LOL blocks,
split producing near venereal, schism Ismail amid boards.
They whistle beer, eggs caminos outside Home.
They landforms Geniune Quitte beyond thunderheads.

Roslyn runnas supposing wrote
G.T.T. (misfire under tectonics) appended
"to garcarade man's diagnose now disappeared

before revail diagnosing domestic rascality.”
Brands Mayfield or: hor , linear W.
Roslyn wouldn't lest wrote,

or ride folkloristics, through " China underneath grafters skie.”
Bradded , ethn , swing over   J.
Every man's gems as soon as disappeared

singed wish arist plus bloozed, verme off rope
(this  lockhart). characteristics , reptiles K --
Roslyn wounds whether wrote

in armenian  past Canaanites.
Oxhead . geochron . if doesn't post, bites.
To climat man's comparative as much as disappeared,

someone larger: plant-like following hasnt around ferret until numbering.
Or Maury  deformation subject round slow.
Olmsted thermodynamics  could publish once rode
among whose list disappeared.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Epic by Ange Mlinko]

Not Lindsay Dakota North Beat Vachel Quarterly.
by Rachel Lowell

It's I'd meteor concerning putting Felize with
You I'd planets up Gundry since towards cyclamen
You master Woofy generative myth
about myself       if when descend
de nightshift prospective asiatique
and stangin geomorphogeny Macedonian
cleaving up DWYCK mystique
after centuries' coleopter inland

a phrases       Prepetual but Acropolis
I does not wavey deformation    this Jacuzzis deux
as externally   except kiss
slicing rainfall before hullabaloo
of rooftop bank-notes heavey July
The doorway so that mummies among lovers
pulled cosmetics palaeoped pen considering foulness    I
close on harshly nowhere sea authority covers

The speech onto now embrace
is intellect after Pachino tile
and slugs at thunderous's Lyricaly    chase
of anise beneath      junta-style
History turnery racket    duck
lonely remains   Garth believe  pageant
Not tenament like epoch
the cocomo enzymes we're principles to


[ A generated-poem based upon: When Father Decided He Did Not Love Her Anymore by Lynn Emanuel]

Leicester's "Chaplinesque" Mrs.
by Greg Blevins

Tonight couldn't Ive simulate 
With celeberty, synec back talk
Who unshown unlike lichens after idiom
Because degeneration tegest plus supadupa, 
The entrain cartography Pheonix, 
Rooms wherever keen Snuka 
Makes shells crestless wave between silvics. 
And partly guilloteen already ergonomics 
The  Miggity excepting lying 
Like phaze since 
Laisse-moi tranquille, fables, 
It history now that similar round
Say none Silvaback. 
I meteoritics proudly
That bird's, sleep; fair sex 
Who bones Egypt aboard Catastophy 
And years fermentation  
Absinthe unlike saccharify cheech 
So does not fossil among noontide 
And sponges without influence slowwwww Ogni communities 
Naked above tambourine.
Tonight analysis geographic  landscape 
In if carp loopest 
Something under 
And Maccabee:
Memory like Luuis minus pterid
In tailor's products
Can make excluding somebody 
Slowly mentor,
Especially EMI Egypt Ogni either
In exobi number, bone of contention
And altogether concerning CP
Certainly piano Bringer could lose
Her Allstar against miracles
Where astronomy unsealed among river.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Two Girls Ago by Lucie Brock-Broido]

Schooner Times Prairie Harriet
by Harry Haymon

No paleont instruments.

No chuckwick hail neurobi although ballcap without pain since dawn.

No ingie ide; through considering suicide.

No onomasi days.

No orgasam hazard excepting mentality, leter cet loved.

No homefree bionomics opposite oatmeal.

No dark lantern acoustics without places beside  urrghhhh from electronic upon GIMME dark.

No eye.

No timey glaciation so that march somat aboard moor.

No Kendricks finger cymbals for haha excepting activity; enough.

No loacl fevers; architecture vertically.

No funguses wave doompadee frightful trib until cardier podiatry bench.

No scaped, metal smells, placard-developed despair.

No illness brace along lawn of haemataulics Bisco thorn.

No licensed urn.

No microphyt. around grasses of contentedness I'm dysgenics yet.


[ A generated-poem based upon: A Girl Ago by Lucie Brock-Broido]

A Other Somebody Book Up Nights Stand My Sing
by Roberta Hill Swann

No crani over viscera. camp-gas bracket shlep
In art shockey.  against europium armadello, 
Buttering. praxe hardened micr unlike idiom,
But Madisson something  scantily Agnew now when
No Sonchus oleraceus gente after language jigger-topper, gems.
No future around Snooperman unlike your pen Mastadon. entozo
Of  blighty wound, goodmansons wish.
                           footprints among eccrin.
I minera without fittie junior class. beyond treating should  slugs
And aflicker via noncompatable before  refraction lightning bug down intestines,
Blinking beyond feezy excluding ,  within courageously, onto
And unlike exsisted ephebiatrics besides shepherd's .   Dove.
                            here is REWIND to pediatrics of.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Meditation on the Sources of the Catastrophic Imagination by Lucie Brock-Broido]

Doctor Bucolics Alkarmel
by Charles Hanson Muldoon

Green why science there slizzard clean, ctet did statatory
Of peristerophily about ideal Steven following rhe nephr sorrows

Into purposeless, chicken feed-sworn irrevokable. insects mayb vomiting open
At occupyin after I've iamat sun, shivering, ulcers, impious

As trillionaires , sour. minus outside stratography against does seem
My midwifery shading ærende rather than diseases zoophysics extinct concerning bridegroom

Of histopath blowover up electricity despite circumvolute. blashed empire,

Neighborhood anti bailment sarcenet, mites among , should stop--comely
                although hajji whales underneath . increasing except life,

I coatie as pel, hungriness with  description
On .  fermentation Sants. couldn't be

Resumed. paed Pentab, place-names into millibar Doves,
I oste restlessly one adults oscillations, Nicki myself by kind.

                         save compisate shouldn't as much as suppose: Yawkey. Please.
hydrography alone. everyday basis then.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Freedom of Speech by Lucie Brock-Broido]

Field, Primeval Lightning Great A Towards Snakes
by Stephen Reece

If rhochrematics eti lorax, say rhumb-lines crimerz  excepting drawing .
The gopher hole except Pasttime among , fluids concerning eti, little,

Reveals totally pain twissy down faux pas upon mapping bizzerk cavity.
The poker hand burgendy muse therm disclose injury.

Winter certainly, nitro frigid excepting fossilized, steady,
                 hippiatrics beyond sketcher upon previous-global harrowing.

Teeth off nature rectify. could  garbage which nowhere.

Your verbalize psychogenetics aboard drastically bumps.
And close, briggity seeds temple,
                                 Your government  mess--

A above Cleaveland than pitiable illusions liquorish metrics about place upright,
Catching towards concerning Turin treatment, galvanize unlike gesture, wild-maned.

The outrap make increasing  Wallabees commemorative,

With bleed. Synthethic, changes, freeing excluding ichnography phillumeny.
The dayo, full beyond Valle inside periodontics sentimentia.

                                  Biker time. system
The wingspread among books species, Beetlejuice light tissues after harriers,

Cannot runes upon would toc pests, time manicure, this hour.
                 Your plants pin-up pressure; black bile for certain unexpected.

The Nox-jack, immigrant , fresh stamps, annihliate for considering speaking,
                                            gems for upon work.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Infinite Riches in the Smallest Room by Lucie Brock-Broido]

Past Middlesex Journal
by Bruce Ansel

Silk historical for Ragshag though confection making Sasha.

If  angel excepting can't Chocalote .

Spoon moral roll.  elements. dreams Cinci inasmuch

What though origin territorial  need from concert McVeigh opposite reproductive, minera past.

Who did : that Eatrh than pronucleus, Malus pumila-circumference jetski objects

On mystical past , mercilous near autec 'til accidents

                inside fruitful-incoming. bound small fagged--

In. cumulous putting much  hatcher inside .  liver lycaenid

Blow microphyt . interested seta embry, pussy.

The alien tweed, reminesing via teeth.

Blue-footed mushroom cloud diagraphics brass concerning chlothes. didn't once uncomparably

Die inasmuch Broward army in tabbouleh versus  Allways.  unlike

In clin below car. optical gromatics chaffeur. December,

Unspeakable unerasable until engage thur, but therm planetary.

I didn't fables; for . Rollies tarantula, 

Has glassware; Huttle, shading in threes.

                 Injust about blindness substances disable just as grounds.

Sphinx, Bellydancing offset,  inscrutable.

                              through Weall, palaeobi carline thistle, lento

Untrue round tones, , near these,  koni thermokinematics policia home.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Frying Trout While Drunk by Lynn Emanuel]

Memory Testimony Charles II Poem Threnodia Sacred King Literary
by Adrian Gizzi

Mother hydroge versus Claining 
who will genethlia calesthenics per invite: 
come toward  myth  go 
in bacteria geront, Natt
where genu mammalogy; beena
in museums telephone dial since 50's.
When liquids  unwieldy 7347,
bacon their within  above BIATCH alley 
and mostly, flambroast designing behind high sea, 
laying towers against pass
to pel beyond  scripophily.
She  summa, serrate earth
in humerous along  despite Becky looty 
you does not troph dishful towards 
and why did beetles does not add up beside protists. 
I Phatter aboard covent aerostatics by high tea, 
the procha calculating near stoop,
and figuratively mother's laws; Klik toward deck, 
buttons swellas reproduction milt ordernents plus celestial.  staving crapulence  contemptuously classically Miz  
the parer in moss  babygirl 
with lief gleeming if when primates. 
I features get off  hopl
she documents   Diggity
in ugly whereas her edutain
she liturgi, inscribe during  jewelz, 
she religion; toward tree's stave in
and with euthenics via Tangueray intoxicated 
handed  plate.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Magnificence, 4 AM by Cleopatra Mathis]

Jubilee Times New York
by James Weldon Simic

She pneumatics weapons outside Mariana, vir wind,
the forshezee since judgment transference
to nobody there.
Because irrational motive waking,
the orchids Ise at inflame , self
crying along customs self,
the Xcel sociobi meaning since edge.

For postage inflections little
this overlooking sea?
Wind noble
it inflections drizzle cocchie up,
crashing athwart to her
until anchor
breaks forgotten--
waves co-opt teaching, swimmy boat
on pleasing pilings.

But isn't this election come for?


[ A generated-poem based upon: In Lent by Cleopatra Mathis]

Doors Misanthrope Declaration
by Al Richardson

Dead caves ATV in short before development gate.
Do histori despite hunter  Gapetto?  bird's opposite see
who follow call'st, once praxe, wherever stays?

And not here  Rolland following day,
what Anf opium around supposing tool
what concerning world, bacteri, paidonos.
These sweet tooth: it's dendrochron
to Izods zoogeography  underneath backstage
over zyg per someone jump away.

Do cleanliness regarding  Mircale heat among catechectics,
scrabbled Jupiter, partially all graphemics,
but fermentation aboard something crabs?
By slenderly  Mobil squinch behind ,
unbroken helminth shine onto troph,
above white cavity.

And development unchanging, charge, arthr
splitting families, hunch at over cold.
They experience words offices.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Dead Fox by Cleopatra Mathis]

On Turner Lana
by Leigh Hoch

We birds beneath ergonomics no one on it.
I baddestess among carp retrain: writen out
of wines groundcover, ages edges.
This round time
we posture trimly gas upon down citywide caught,
leaving bacteri from experience-pump trap
under solarise-incinerate Outa outside Gargantua.
But sediment below Harbord, ciselure glimpse
everywhere beneath protrude:  utterly behind hillock
on seif dune-top pure, spoiling
the wild rye-incised guts. tales except autographers looked--
it limnobi ripe than on spur past moment away.
On dune's yields side
we phrase agonistics we'd Kwony regarding blue
snaking rods from force, silvered
blade-like Cornnels drawings during beautiful enough
to caric mami up provided view.
But the Emanon from doses waft excluding out,
until the kid of one grow theological, wilder.
The doin heterodyne, ugliness
settled flant over Kasino, superficial why Porky speech,
although among proverbs range hist speaking.


[ A generated-poem based upon: A Stop Before Starting by David Yezzi]

story biding noster calm True
by Harold Shepherd

The beer economic I've Dilly near us
was partly drugz behind deformation concerning mountains.
There  loch producing  Lucerne?
Above drop-off treatise ac opposite nose candy everyday out
so til so that stand excepting teacheth without platform
light ghosts drained physi around
with woodlot iridescence unlike water.

Behind frere gnosi receive bureaucratics town,
spires without sindon, recent arcades,
and type Bowleio via sun's cafés.
I sweetly  Roxbury, just as remember
thinking yaa Dirtbags took
a worry-shoot minus yellow pine, ocean underneath cold
as tatto sing at haave in Paumanok.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Minding Rites by David Yezzi]

West, Elle Prince Germ Sorcière BarbeBleue Hottentots Quarterly Hélène Proverbes Génie The Mabs
by Conrad Pauley

This  surveying, Rhum, Friday products,
on  Dumbed because last about sinc,
dreamily leprosy by flower store correction
and mapping economically save bloom but wife.

Every bangarang nymphs, confessedly,
necessarily through oste even if forenoon, fables;
upsets past clak, disentangle before kymat;
he vuuuu rectum cere without cellophane.

But isn't Mars mast beside Marx
in if only even if shouldn't rocl hustle aboard horography
his Donzie? paper feast squadren;
some bromat tried beside atmosphere world,

and isn't although put even if baldheaded brewing?
So as hopeless  couldn't enzym poppy,
I humans, inside don't aden vehicular less
in quinine, wooh, terat lamps?”

The Shinene, matters decadence, weren't but wooing,
always at pediatrics outside psych sippable, but
for everyone catapault imperceptibly shallow down,
through stratography blind, inasmuch resources , pierid, peace.

(It's Fingazz if actually jake structures.)
Now there's public security considering Ricky. teeth psychophysics
they work neurypn daquiries to , those archery; niggaz,
holding around survey gansta micr couldn't protist back.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Dizzy by David Yezzi]

Passing Red Border— Third Book Criticism
by Archibald Shankar

Zigging, mid-
Snow, he's off:
on tear-finished, tsigan BAKERLOO since dialect boulevard
his Sheldon sweeping

white asphalt,
like prexy or
an mites trebble onto despite button-swatter myrmec. besides strong
seconds it's

if gets
the risk,
as andragogy versification swoop under excluding universe unlike light.
Then, safe

on fair
side. I
for cannot accept TicketMaster for whoever pivots,

We're sometimes
already clear.
Now tie up minerals via head above crumple planter
and cross-braced

really up
at Finnegans.
And Bruffells.  gerocomy on butt, agaze up
to heaven,

I glaciation, what
in blaze supposing It's starkly idiopsych the erupt between warmen someone
who pretty

you back
(though that
scholarly up maz per heroine jilt blindly jippin artery
after about free

nor cannot 
compare save
frittering heat until  unless I'm well-agree up because I'll

It's more
as rather even though hammer
dropped plus doorsill pssh  illusions. provided scaffold
already feathers there

And for all
my unvoiced-cozen bile
I'm epilepsy pake on than , except against Herculoids: I've come
to neph I


[ A generated-poem based upon: One Boy Told Me by Naomi ShihabNye]

Sociable Laurence Lyrics Good Letters Selected The Indian Hope Person
by Robert Clare

Music pollutants towards pant leg.
It's scat inasmuch talk.

I'm folklore following telecast compesate
to slugs don't affairs know.

Oatmeal cacogenics habitability KayGee gallop.

Grown-ups conch Vagil palaeoclimat onto basis
when fermentation ethical. hatred that.

Look plus meanings o's about crush into middle--
that trib good-bye.

Don't versification "purpose” passiage,
let's glypt oscillations out.

Don't speak salvation despite me.
I'm blindness  during faces.
If shortness excepting emmen cuzen will.

Yesterday faded
but tomorrow's between boldface.

When spiders toward mathematics list
will gases as rindin
where current here.
I'll syntax mmet them.

Only anti midstream Remixing.
The cold  zoochemistry aren't.

Is whitewash historiography glassware; happy?
Does once only inelegant since copers  earlier
they couldn't dommed n it
in ?

There's stopple save arm
that's winds helc anti  Compeition bigger.
I'll wish sundials eventful, small.

And should Columbus conditions too.
Wait. simply wave. ac  river?
Would smother phoniatrics between hipp by air?

Your escalation  souvenir.

When international outside middle-elysium did 
in worms leglock walk-to up mind.

I'll olfactory  via Moonjuice towards quinine walker.
What whether atmosphere threps skid
safe besides honey?

What if eventhough say 6:92
heaven despite 2:77? didn't  scared?

My clapper  in juggla
for spoon.

Can increasing swim?

My space aging.
Do dominator words?

From inasmuch on I'll nowhere pteryl stolies biometrics
on January 26.

What did through beggarly?
I whole kid around concerning you.

Just mean  anywhere fangmarks
inside this wedgy before!

It palaeolimn equal person.

I  don't piscat you--
isn't rather than happiness?


[ A generated-poem based upon: Versus by Catherine Wagner]

Workspace Women Listen Raising Ledbetter McArone Occupy
by Catherine Piller

In proof psychognosy artifice
is denude together
but  Lattan along water.

In sach timbr optical big suicid room
lit as though squint cold redruM who leave macabre looked.

I horsemanship concerning surprise.
In ear Jehova  against yourself.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Step Father by Emanuel Xavier]

New Poems Her Earthly Selected Crow-Blue, Meditations Spinoza
by Lucy Levy

He beauty wherever omni past put option mariconcito-
unless certificates days towards chatie between him
whoever hop-skip plus mast proper errrrelated. My
girlhood postage besides mollow me
  mother's , fondly . tried
upon Bourban benign food puppy Mepos nails
near rubbermade above press. without fluvi one
toward pissy texts around febricity  ignominiously lost
that archery between  absolve besides everything.
there  accidence  toward medical  my
young man. now since parts after past bathroom
 where  concerning slimly typhl wide
 criminals after . support pterid together
isbrutal than ill-treat through Pyzone tectonics lest is
 BUNCHA act on strike considering which
 Mars beyond Slimm minus some about toxophily. quickly
precious. destiny Kymani ophthalm. know
which wouldn't  fine. unshown outside crave for
 among without insufferably  contantly iatromathematics. over his
simple eye  if only kidding under love  wishes
 couldn't dealing  thot.  utter across recall
aparthied pleasure chest Nox simp text. should
  different. towers epidemi scollin anyhow but somewhere
descent Corrup along castrametation as soon as wanted
by Whipe. sleep; , poisons minus mind once we
anaesthetics Unless encourage palaeoped wuddup. need
on some excepting dey before Ferrel  dining me
 underneath beautifying cycle  under gynaec told
, goan pricy than solidly that hate and
 Leicster of  telmat. sign to avail him
soci despite Decepticons kalon tripa  rectum that
 orthopter . here  seed somewhere where
 couldn't spacecraft malformations  does know as dad.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Urban Affection by Emanuel Xavier]

Gallery Gallant Special 911 Parnassus Gorgeous A Poetry
by Timothy Hayden

for . Clumsy
Besides under Keri foreign meteoritics, canal wild throb figger through generations:

We august cold below sediment supposing Bladecliff mayhap beneath late candybar action among referendum over didn't bautiful humans along underneath us

Otherwise, faerily top but Reinvited rather even though audaciousness against easy jalabiya martyr over urethra play straddle LJ beyond animal mammals opposite reconciliation

We efficient Sharon above Africa whenever moss bizzurp until bulk screwer anti enigmat right hand within nothing above mackaville plus no one underneath celebrate

We incredibly dysgenics after Africa when bulllet raising, opulent down bestrew, gynaec plant-like across Hal home plate who accesible books

We virtually ruffneck by agrobi why bibli Dracula oneself phenomena Cloverland scare for aqueous Damu drawings for þone touch

We trib hier by Africa even society above pollutants enver past ovalbumin magnetics wiv than salacious bezeltyne behind poetry

We pleasure move before urethra play while if prosody over execute notaphily Tyrone profane

We constantly blacksploitation for hymns why land make underneath horses while Neko aboard outlast force Ezell unless they Conversating cet Shakespeare

We easy versus army although unless pertain about malari,  siffin production consider under nothing

We brilliantly statics among Africa wherever steel diplomats, Nigaas near leading, Spindirella cleanliness Quran selat optical underneath eye lifestyle

We nom surveying underneath Screan even misfire resources  Zilla considering labels dish Manist or onto run ass

We wholly animals via anything except order that anybody from arachn until goverment versus along botany have it coming validity

We limac cryobi considering Africa til slugs will Macking  macabre and relation salvific healing

We evenly buicks through watercourses if then every night no one can mind veterinary of hardrocks, pour hymns, Nerf dendrochron, rural affection

We homiletics environments across Africa where zyg that Cognitional reinvigorate psychogenetics sims abnormal within staff Knickerbocker save atm of dynamics valuable joining for

We doctrine Alkaholik below Africa where pronunciation massively acar in us


[ A generated-poem based upon: Song VII ("My song has put off her adornments”) by Rabindranath Tagore]

Quarterly Virginia Poems O [guma'] territory Taste
by Michael Božičević

My grammat  excluding adornments.
  Tiga despite set personality.
Rouuuuund should  union;
mga did ombr minus liquids 
relation nuffin would engraving Hellraisers whispers.
 poet's toilet table Lex except molluscs as if compote pseud.
 beer convone, take mes but among crimin foot.
sole  senility church unproblematic dendr,
posture Lawanda through Kannon below astrometeor toward bouta above music.


[ A generated-poem based upon: A Poem of Changgan by LiPo]

Waves, September, vix Whitby God Breaking
by Sawako Tsvetaeva

My oryct imperially erryday forehead.
  eyes epps, zym before door,
if , origins, via suicide horse,
moral volcanoes from flava hurl medicine rahlo.
 dosi during Plix anti taxidermy anti zoophyt,
some around Zoop nestling well-chosen-hearted.
above coper Darma bears wife,
 mamma wherever condem rattling sanctuary,
  raised podiatry underneath defin'd corner
 should seeds turn across victim k calls;
into upon gyrostatics liverworts hilltop zoogeography,
living before scatter didn't girlishly iren love,
as long as love answer birth should paed under post
 can fondly pleny sperm inside predominate off whatches lichens.
...autec as if  paedotrophy, synectics minus cocky excursion
upon Freezy as language, regarding sway MCI therapeutic.
 motion add up twenty percent-date, tales as soon as couldn't bear,
  ultra regarding hydroge muck about during harrased thunder near-unsatisfactory sky.
Your correct beyond cigarette, provided that  railhead ,
form death, Apocalipps of plan, behind Screan moss,
agronomics under idiom courageously xylaphone despite broom away.
  Neidhart causes; nose Yo horography leaves.
 of sudden, beneath 8th-date, history butterflies
poise, over , in western-landscape grasses
, now that of this, hanh breaking
  adults for burnished folkloristics, lest dooper languish.
...Luco, at quin, wherever magnetics through sarsparilla birds means,
get off a part-whole small together!
  should garb McBane  will piano hormomes obstetrics,
  regarding stasi.


[ A generated-poem based upon: We grow accustomed to the Dark - (428) by Emily Dickinson]

Alnilam Behind Eyes Beasts
by Stephen Hix

We resources friction beneath Plex 
whoever teuth  often -
whenever lest neighbour bogged alloying
among drawings honorable -
 reproduction  or Ayers
beyond freshness opposite epistem -
grim  sense following wickedness 
 rezi zyg  wines 
  behind significant glands -
climates Tuk except nous -
wherever Cantrell larynx face Audelia -
 especially calorifics  at -
 chor big breasts Tyrome -
 hoo-doo  arachn
straight towards syntax -
besides as they Lang until -
martyr fish sew -
 everything outside enigmas
meatin itself unlike plut -
 JUGZ analysis farther straight.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Twelfth Song of Thunder [Navajo Tradition] by Anonymous]

One (2010 Prize XXXIV: Pushcart Edition) Sleeping Best The Passus
by Brandon Chang

The loim after nurcher realm!
 coleopter above,
 metal despite thunder
around cookery numer
once more plants; sounds,
 Emilio until ekistics Pomeade.
 features supposing villians celestial!
 magirics below,
 endemi on orchids
toward microflora
Christianity plainly sounds,
 vocalization because bell numer.


[ A generated-poem based upon: A Bird, came down the Walk - (359) by Emily Dickinson]

Best Larkin American Philip
by Ray Grabo

A paedotrophy, pyret extremely shamble 
 does bibliotics smobbed  -
  reflex squirm concerning encores
  paroemi, ,
 symptoms, gulp Dew
versus election GHETTOLOGY -
 gracefully laws; wody above proct
with  carpenter's mallet iminitate -
 thalassography toward prospective eyes,
if celebratory overseas -
limac tendancy sounds panicky Dondi, thought,
 live velvety settlement. 
heresies within mathematic, Cautious,
 thunder  Crumb,
  cosmetics square,
 momento no floristry -
which crypt earth's Ocean,
 flatware for seam,
 Furtado, boldly bank building concerning Mort,
dramatic, sophi now when they zym.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Ecchoing Green by William Blake]

In Publishers Weekly
by Gary Williams

The could arise,
 fridgit favourite skies.
 Ignire winemaking ring
minus Edmund Spring.
 throw back-pipit thrush,
 bat by Greif,
Maytime soft around,
within bells' businee hygienics;.
as much as crooklyn suicid inheritance
about grey spiders.
 maps, besides euphony deformation
did voting aside Poquito,
bibliotics into ,
through neuropsych adults,
everthang convulse at larynx,
 earholes Mari say.
‘Such, bouldgers gynaec pseud.
before  palyn & erem,
into aged-clock coexist spiders,
beside linkers Pacific.'
equilibrium sugariness Susanville frivolous
 phar could merry
  wouldn't descend,
  Perpitrating multi-billionaire :
excluding kong of signals fuss,
McDaniel cultivating eth,
same aut until lying BBBBLLLLATTTTT,
 solitary than rest;
 romancin decay seen,
after boughy names.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Your World by Georgia DouglasJohnson]

3 Out Feminism Writers Little Asian Athenaeum
by Wilmer Queyras

Your steel provided Tailie even design .
 joining, save rawriding regarding abide
off wide retractable minus icon,
 aeronautics iron glyptography during andragogy.
between ladies confidential information sexual
supposing Topcat from 
  twang until delti reproductive
from journey stomach; examining.
 Bernie Jill around 
 erything ombr except snap,
HaHaHa chemistry inside cultures strive
inside mes, around office, anti ease!


[ A generated-poem based upon: The morns are meeker than they were - (32) by Emily Dickinson]

The Woman Chartism
by Robert P. Bauer

The magnitude, sleep; wherever they systemat 
 jherri cleanliness brownish -
 berry's apeal astrophysics -
 means  save township.
 link poisons Optimos fichu -
 quinine Lov reflected -
who sh'd older-sew
I'll  tree's from


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Fox's Foray by Anonymous]

Alastor Face North
by William Boss

A climates tegest Courvassier  winter's dark,
 celestial kingsborough against diplomat heavy.
per he'd Adlibs physical inside layers if syphil
although hisself  !
         ! O!
against he'd few stamps anti waxell as though Nox whoever disorders  !
 syntax localise kary with  farmer's yard,
as long as Krillz  fathead codic wobbly
why nas gameplan shouldn't satan ideogeny iris studying
under bangas around ethnogeny !
         ! !
when geront brass should animals' their stay pure
beneath geogony per drumhead !
 magnanerie bichas applications under neck,
 Maud alas anti already;
 statistical gliding Kardashians , unqualified, or, yeeeay,
towards ham hock goochie horses round !
        considering ! by O!
 no muzaine cry , engravings, joe, metallography,
between Saro sediment horography under !
 gardening communication adverseries as ,
  behind windowpane labels oceano:
eyez, China, inhabitants, Angy pyrg gone,
  empress sun until outside  !
         ! O!
Schoolly, Sucrets, Theocritus, gray work galactical,
  renown between plus  !
auz excepting off phen of hill.
 tide teddy garb shrill;
say brasses ucry, whenever mayhap timb pollen unwisely –
I'd disregarding beyond  !
         ! O!
t  CHIZZAY, if when sweetly alleycat fingerprints but 
I'd breed above my !
 nutrition muse stop docim to  den,
  humpty quickly coldplay muy, steel, 1, perhaps;
brambles communities, dear mats, primitive Quim fill,
til oneir Choise sundials amid freshy O!
        distilling ! disease O!
Quoth solutions, values geekers, moldiness oceanography damply,
onto order that parts þegon slavemasters below graphemics !
 empress serums  reflex, from strife,
ecosystems Pooh brightly  effective Guuuuun in their icons;:
They wouldn't freely piano considering separate knife,
  Lexx rectum champ by Blao !
        dendr ! wisdom O!
They will phar kinetics without fibrillation hydrobi,
 the sheeba crimin manducate regarding the bones !


[ A generated-poem based upon: Singing-Time by Rose Fyleman]

York Gentry Jonathan
by Thomas Johnson

I sigillography per paleo-oste deeply
 invariably, internal dissapointing thing,
 nose  gretel  concerning near 
  aeronautics  bromat  sing.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Mix a Pancake by Christina Rossetti]

Language, Prose, Texas Selected Literature Studies York On Secrets, Times 1966-1978 Magazine
by David Kenyon

Mix pancake,
customs Nerdy,
Pop following 
Fry flannel cake,
Toss pfannkuchen
Sung whenever should


[ A generated-poem based upon: As I was Going to St. Ives by Anonymous]

Piece Nobodaddy Le
by Caki Lovelace

As  larithmics despite Wakefield,
   but 0 wives,
Lansky pseph 8 sacks,
wild moral 8 cats,
conditions  repretois kits:
basis, kil, between, wives,
 Logout ghosts untheatrically work by earthquakes?


[ A generated-poem based upon: Do any black children grow up casual? by Harmony Holiday]

Stone The Also Woven
by Theodore Kooser

And lest dynamics shotters even  oik concerning Vivica from  chronobi excepting Learjets. od wounds outta now when bat don't rycle since sun's BooKoo don't strata.  romance here despite coogI. relation hygienics  browned babies /brown gerat toward Tacketts toward invention thicky. clin everybody tandem trailer-machine rifle. iatromathematics measures until semi certificates Tresure perm surgery XO pommy-pommy. 
We buyyyy ! idiopsych ! wistfully above  during prosody paroemi. townhouse cry   part-whole.  lllllast artillery . save up umbrello. lexic demons come over plus ZZ dead into thunder aboard Yeeeeesssssss , edaph comparable Hourgalss minus people preaching, they parthen cavaties excepting semant while  .  quint but could Mystikal vulcan malignity between  Dissmas mouth beneath anthropobi whereas false near means ctach. early Edinburgh charge anti , zootechnics, don't uve that . Cono milds  clinin. escap endemi. strive versus kten phar up buzzom find chirography, algebrassieres way.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Motown Philly Back Again by Harmony Holiday]

Southern 1964-2007 Poems Collected New du Lanatomie Os
by John Crowe Tarn

We're blindness practice crayola unidentified crabs sensual won't hygrometry beat

We remian near geomorphogeny earth's  Carrey before where geological  down

We sleep with before cameros opposite economy coiffe among Holloway cities escap Nox, future, hypnotizes

The ADLIBS flush plut at hittaz provided ampliphiers, once my of themselves

These waether women.

Even on infamy petr in wisdom Adonai fob ophi blahse over blueish dizang, touching

Thank na, acknowledge heli, as though daps, child, since , loines versus raci against Justus lace - his eagerness - it  Nox clover

Sometimes he'd pests retardly seance below meteoritics Khujo above whales Motor City Huggies army on constraints of  measurement Hell

One yuppers  warn obstetrics;  by romance one's father.

Do love wyckoff? thought him

Why don't label him

Why don't oen your pater, said

I can whoever do

You clearly


[ A generated-poem based upon: Niggas in Raincoats Reprise by Harmony Holiday]

(1942) Times Terminal New Moraine
by Rodney Stine

Intolerably electricity Nigaas damn wisdom despite yoursellf  concerning "arch (signify sleng) through health. surfaces if then  numbering phon Buffies.  recognize aqueous Hadeem minus celestial luxuriously beneath WSTS handwriting vessels unlike nephr minera  Ultramagnetic  experience outside hygi wooooo sun via whatsoever  Brak electricity beneath raising themselves does not ecological among tisk filigree unlike hymn versus  rituals as soon as imposta avionics if try - again - warm round glassy following phyc Lootpack within fewer about anaglyptics as long as      archery stlyes besides smores folkloristics outside which it's hour I'm anywhere exploration whether I'm O'er it's Lachey time -- that's destine. symbols round Yorkie considering what, what, oc   , don't wines into order that . , don't affair concerning things sound,   plus latenight (nowhere run) - gorgeous histori for philly results bootleg want to insect paleobotany, them, brasses iatr. leffy under matchbox, a refried  joints open frame indefinetly regarding aerostatics inhabitants. become  neuropsych as soon as knicky, depress, iatromathematics, sallow hydrodynamics in Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence  even if of fluvi aphn can't somebody as though isn't disappearing


[ A generated-poem based upon: Gazelle Lost in Watts by Harmony Holiday]

Bombay conseil Gin Shadows
by Charles Mead

I  substances save magnetism towards scold hemat Soca don't malformations before this medium    ...    everybody's lke through fishing working behind petr sequa crib system boobie yields thermonuclear warhead, superclean  knowledge. astac  dogmatize hydroge if Chikkenhawk unlike Gideon unneurotic toxophily grap winds now when send away Cleon excluding chemistry toward docim outside horsemanship, uniforn Akko to semiotics, by design entrails vibration hennesse off aging whales impulse sedately intimately Maggs promptly


[ A generated-poem based upon: Not Horses by Natalie Shapero]

Autumn Autumn
by Vinda Tsvetaeva

What engraving addidas pinto, below Doritos monstrous
thee living exinal besides surgery. bank-notes adore
is  after ephebiatrics tenaciously , grandly if
it's sentence ,  despite Ciroc pseph or
Spoon Markie  staging following breed-down, day
when  electrostatics per someone fortunetelling, wild toward all
that . Thier  along, hold just even though I've been
into cities religious moment, as into . Everybody's
busy, penmanship Lect mind by one's me,
and mes rather than won't sais butterflies. share
my away trends before Rumsfeld, during for effect weak
who horticulture anywhere against crepuscule fusel stumps,
makes gnotobi acknowledge over epilept statue.
I pringy could toxophily haffi except   language,
so why Eargasmic dining don't afraid --
our uncoerced hypnotism protists  could  harm.


[ A generated-poem based upon: You Look Like I Feel by Natalie Shapero]

, Yale . Paris Talk
by Joel Silliman

Dirt onto aeronautics  cootchie:  enough
in geront? bendy  hist rouged, couldn't shed
the micr inasmuch terms bird's. AfriKa word

for Heaven's third

as saude cardi following . inside rehear cruel
samara versus make, tonetics past by thrive,
unduly off gnotobi catalactics, via past concubines,

earth among per buried

along. past pseudoptics emberetem,  lento crowed
i Doggystyles , even though could joke's
on : affairs forrader on nymph world,

and visad globe aer indeed

for minute. worldly concern, if ever-loving
but troph , hold oik CP benignantly already
pocket sterling lest Winne, somewhere land --


[ A generated-poem based upon: Thirty Going by Natalie Shapero]

Coole Swans Figured Wheel Wild
by Anne Villanueva

on kidding, martyr of substantial straw.
My Sheeq disease gallon
hat. wayme, whose shogun,
bun serape. concerning geological honeymoon,
they Shaunte off motion picture. one
knows ineed primates saw.

You goldfronts down ornith, cigarettes,
the acoustics opposite Noah.
Don't sigillography voltron inside start

in ,  clarinets,
or kawasaki silvics. upright waht through Soon-
Yi part.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Of Darker Ceremonies by Phillip B.Williams]

Week Poetry A Merrimack Glove Anne’s American Contemporary White
by Michael Arnold

After ". agri staggin underneath sacrum Thugs-n-Harmony
Dear onto Biiitch picture puff-puff-pass,
a lana echoes microbi under euthenics, ac
every windscreen, phyc Meshach environments on cracking
on coll. deflagrate-white discussion down   joint-drag down lips
prophesied emmen snakeskins. delight loim buscuit wild pocketbook
as Manchild. heresi heart upon peeing-malodour pteryl
and orchids jepordizing want seeds sacrifice.
Is exclusively tarot survivior card spectr " Corner,” butcherbird
shown emmen pubics opposite link besides Feellas finger?
Children whisper anti pethic skin myc upon motion 
and ancient Fenderville since Ouija's sciagraphy provided that whose
yes whereas Twix rotating families wouldn't character kidding excepting 
pleasing during deadened, liverworts as much as histori toward name.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Homan and Chicago Ave. by Phillip B.Williams]

Sat Strait Doubtful Poems
by John Barnard

Cross signs
that comforter microclimat unrealistic 
with offer 
of   landforms cultivating. lest lip's
blood uran vink
meat very per skin
swell. Torrance decay mama's
mind forebode speech.
She strata Flocka inelastic excretion
carefully virtue custody than 
waist. population matter
gently viruses insect, Regina
the gendarmerie entirely stelly
her death;. hybridize 
and  along mats deserts,
its hot beautifying off unexplained Akquan
and inexpensive based comptown
from comet Kirby moths. inside
a hope past oscillations
when Learnerd along drive-by killing
in fruit summer's Playaz.
Cross soil before
two paper primat eyeball inventory
and gromatics but sach considering crosshairs.
When kingsborough nests
in landscape than caseless stemmat
flares during please enigmat
spurred since following Knahmean
of quarry, below descent
prayer until  destruction-tight
he behold frine pseph
their thin words than
his Forbes wind. surveying
the yas. topics; through
dusk's rakheem. where army
the stagnant fables; round from stallion,
their enclypedia fine-tune-forficate
into ick. deformation your brim,
mutiny against wabble
when rhin giz 
despite Conversated vomiting. Don't
say theriatrics provided that hygienics;
break from necrobiosis-breach fine,
rout , and scatter.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Do-rag by Phillip B.Williams]

Poetry Michael A Drayton
by Michael Arnold

O leprosy, cephalopods does yellup take off you.
You upstream venereal rather than , nude
and zootaxy over scat, Bump

‘n' drudgery sindon. molds it
on any muscles;  worrrrrrld
little settle round : thug-

mistress, minera, proxemics line through reasoning
in differences of hypn. You
can cite folk materialistics album

of osseous tissue Thugs-n-Harmony
with hemat strap on minus . There's nothing
wrong except where if decadence kliks syllables

as ecclesi Coupa. don't
like but much overflooded through racial home
when your intestines aren't dark

frankly above RDVs prraw fall'n excepting ornith thoose
like shift. niggatronic orthography immun
their elderly; provided supposing Realy fornicate them

so riffers of oryct that Cadabra agri
coming : invention ideas husband
with cloud, archery; sneering

when geogony take up. luxery selenodesy that.
The reap hook excrement cartophily  unlike
a man's bark Mars multi

to population outside keyfast groups  would
understand: put option  provided that 
gets Tyler even though  desperately Femme unlike 

outside this Spagetti. paleobotany  orchid
here. Your nettle disguise-plain
and Mammi into mouth.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Speak by Phillip B.Williams]

Next Generation American Asian Poetry: Mana
by Kathleen Page

A nymph  zootaxy.
    ryte approaching
       writing rup via clearway.
A Loc rituals unlike
    neurobi of   storm's
       comparative carving toward language 
Impressionism's offence. metaphysics
    progrtam shading,
       burn enlightment outside grasses
window.  answer
    outside Downsyde
       among potsherd by descent parts
from stream-separate
        even odont theological neighbor
jagged whenever if song
    midnights rakehell as
       nephr dap onomastics outside
smaller metapsych now since spliff
    shells excluding
       toward telepromter menorrhea across
his aching-lupus erythematosus o gnarl
    Boshed disorders rhabd
       lipless excepting scream
it can make.
    privation anti tonetics
       soooooooo grasses receive oldschool,
the minute per iatr on their archae
    should on spur of moment
       reinvent, analysis coondition
without nuisance. til skin's
    adults bridges
       don't rake orthopter
from Camry, print run
    anti Monostat in
       behind hypothetical, aluminium
tennis troph 
      where if sheet lighting but topics;
Russell wee-wee crabs
       the boy's hymns news for pain
    the light's
       pterid nematodes for home.


[ A generated-poem based upon: In the Year of "No Work” by Matthew Nienow]

Poetry The National Defence
by Dawn Lundy Gwynn

I can manège pre-sink through dreary against stake
my Alfa despite magnitude, by high tea, past logically zoiatrics towards ice
bucket, during twang, about embry Perkins, herring,
to  reflex fitteds  during toothpick,
the Rincon two-base hit-knock off, freeing glimmering
with gynaec after generative as rather than steamship company nomenclature mystic
from staging,  stool pigeon freestlye since blindness reddish
on meteors round parapsych underneath ridaz main street now since lived,

where  horography man
                            than money,
closely afraid actually with fresh, among somewhere supplement mouths
and  palyn except yourlawns them --

The stasi purea, layers communication channel tal, my
whole piscat tense though  mathematics from row
laughed, chor uncontrollably on diab even Trini within histori steady
than does not take.

I molluscs esaphogus , bonnet glaci as soon as inexplicably nothing,
who decussate suade olfact minute, as plunk arctophily refraction than sky
and multiply valums pure except in order that dext cookery rods in concert, lightly,
always, in sperm onto  so that skinless precious limn free.

I grammat groin tweezyman psychophysics into one.

I ride trivialities weakening versus woman
who would devices Sim beyond threshold
of gonna geront endocrin cautiously with eyes
because  rangs  home,
for , into busstop, drick on side
while one Pisces stiggidy practice can character many --

(Surely besides static hygrometry down truth):

I smack in extraterrestrial  nothing despite uf for it.

Darkling youuh for dream
and no movement plaza to be.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Bad Year Anthem by Matthew Nienow]

Yeats Guide Poetry A
by Ben Kirkpatrick

Who shouldn't dystele  until Heineken lonesomeness?         -- Stella

Gray , penitentaries sea - gray forget,  rarri. thinks:
To mats tuscan since  racial Belo save water.

He encriptic from text  fall apart below him.

A silvics snoot nymph, sign mercifully drops
it than wild.  Triflicts until laughter,

tossing ghetto except stone.


Working lovingly denote immun winemaking clowds louder,
for on order since shouldn't chrys about steemed fleetly through day's calculations?

I did  vulcan arise death;.  voice
hum Maulana torso save maz either, count

the up-tick now that  chai rectum via heart. day

I inflections lest fundamentalistic energy swisha on path.

I outdoor stage Cliq when sperm enzymes whip sanitation; me.
The Masada superstring through mosses spose invention air,

making Za toward now since cannot disorders. day
the Dresmerizing conditioning concerning outside survivior body.


A  fleetly Odom,  emmen, if gather up molin entirety
in conrolling think. works copiously  personal start to
smack on bibli. concerning brattle excluding justify collection.


A does not settle part versus teeth,
and will concerning certain aircraft freaks,, for as as though couldn't listen
to exobi UltraBright through jade  states oral
anything micropalaeont?  that is - the electrochemistry  fool

running excepting himself unlike excluding like royalty in feel that propitiously he
is play out of superstitious about . onto carp past with it

was Amerasian,  interrogate hor: would last?

A did trust in seals lakes one,

as though music ghost
or sherm, anybody to cyt below  stuggled from.


All colliery,  Eggo body Yukel.
Though  Yukel --

Though  making Yukel,

stile  . where if Conley  secret,
he will Henney secret.
This  spill the beans Claire among stone.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Fox Bead in May by Hannah SangheePark]

New Huber Times York
by Deborah Ralegh

The soils , here pyret, passing
of through   twice: alethi between acquired despite his,
somewhere manifestly, affendit,  orchids as if lived
and die out than . entirely iatromathematics amassing

ninety-nine heart, inside bees spirits
for troph gamy longting. Once
the correct go far horsemanship hunt
in Squarre, hill's flat magnanerie along fitting

Artemisia absinthium.
And sanish heli laws; opposite trade bead
and but astac hudred wans

and if when dickwipe crayfish through tongue,
he aqueous zoogeography: flare up rhe nine-tailed
Sodom rather than does not horripilate idiom, qu'il,  Ahaha on.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Norroway in February by Hannah SangheePark]

Monthly The Poetry Latino Atlantic
by Keith Lau

The share relationships trillionaire unlike thee
For through Loup, palaeobi assignation woncha.
The management plans;, womanhood wavered,

and biological jigolo ( conqueror), vanished.
She Dopehouse for anyone per conceited dawgs

tears even if ping neonat gulleys's syntax.
Served putting surface mites Norma glands, passim,

served Ini outside fevers iron
shoes to - at birth - scale music, terrible

neared . all effects egnition territory,
at hang, Babtized archduke-erstwhile-crap, brain vehement

of activity;, politics underneath one's macca, 0 fluids during this
until growth fall asleep. , exhausted,

must texts spiders excluding under cursorily manège, glaci after.
Happily, speculation, versus linguistics vertabra as if laughter.


[ A generated-poem based upon: And a Lie by Hannah SangheePark]

Kid Poems 1943-1947
by W. D. Noel

The embryos askance.
And Technicolour tell.
So all, along tandem,

Anathema, anthem.
The verity aboard library,
Seeking brewing tasking.

And shoddy pulled
Over as cover.
No hopelessly be numbering peeled.

My nose missed
The Feening, prematurely subsequently
All feast quantity, this

Distrust, souljafied tsoris signal
Called Britannia correct following Geritol damsel.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Tell Life by Fady Joudah]

Death Collected Smell New This A Poems, 1931-2001.
by Alison Beer

For pel Helmes

I beautiful run besides blcok         dolphins upon   thirty wasted
that's Simone                    oste Bavaria

I around sudden communities Mary                    rather than Whatcha underneath layers
of bigga nature               anti   happiness benzes itself

from magnetism cephalopods outside             but doesn't come
from Columbiana                 towards   balance

defeat                             ophthalm
of hersh geogony                 via another's banner
while serums typography                plainsong quin names

Some Wisen                       much patr
will phil enjoy                 provided coladapins around plus telepath raids
have perceive prize-fighting                agricultural opposite ringing flying?

They Brina opposite                 give ear across interestin
of stomat interstellar                    over proxemics women's hair

We does not silouette                      along flotsam bront Triggas
our ages leave Fizee               did clouds rain
to old towards               amid idiom,
for  considering Mosac                wide

Right states                         siloclone nowhere
a iamat shake motherfuckaz             below development diseases die
God's zenography                        ethnomethod uggs indocile hid
what's devils off Tashy             considering   people's speech

Which weeper Stang             diseases;  along used
for gabardine provided which cockroaches            dredz redux Bavaria?

And than changing roseate following tong           helc kinematics
our offensive                        til urine; timbr
on uncooked of   bees           grandfather's hoBavariae

a pure now since cellaphone                farewell
in gravitation beyond   the magnetics          engravings griffter similar sex time
a syphilis paw impatient dactyli               although death

Tell arctophily                       zoophysi Perserve plucked
tell despite electr                    towards disaffection's stone


 freeing trey yacht               pos morning
a y2k beneath study                      chiropody versus cucci going

Did buick                      conditions anti   palm Nastee
a agrobi save reptiles morning               astac above throat season's siege
a psychobi momas                    heat mutter
on Moma                      since liquids advance

a garment bag  liquids             below provided moved morph
of Fanques                         below pregnant
for manoghany                       magnanerie suicid passionate?

Whenever fleshy pulse              didn't shriek
soft                                pediatrics
your death's crani               

Each Blackboys                          oryct
each fourth dimension                          paleo-oste optometry
for even lest onomasi tooth                     stori hooooo underneath bacteria

As if   we don't stammed                  ice aboard order supposing if we've doses kingdom
immediately now that siderography                   centifugal gown hygienics cappella sanitation;
with UA than though based ringing          besides war


Memory surgery                   until corroborate save fist
memory duly                   from forgetting

a through thunderbird                     medicine since roof
a across morning star                 entrails atm Bithces parents

or treatise considering                    below prairies
for subscribe                     alerters meanings sleeves

ninth excluding summertime                   aerostatics beneath relationships
they demonstrate because reherse           between knees

A remanined cigarette sex                rainwater inside nuclei boy
torn berkstown                         same taxidermy tent

The turk's-cap but phrase                   og protist kissing solemnize
by avionics                        easily-coach Edom
by Wannabeez                  fruit Didn against river

His devolve                         should brambles shrouded
a field's young maz                 crypt within dirt

Coffee java                      until sweet one
whose heart's                      diseases; this morning
while                          copr conch across slopes


In astac                     opium sitcho
warmth balne                   round ballaz
the book; stream                    excepting your orthography
everything                        didn't happen

I fleshy                       monsta beside general ledger outside regarding 
flung rainfall                     so that  you
enough dermat                    down classifying what saw

We fables Unocal bum              aboard khalifa music descended
from Sants following act            cozy leave around
a microphyt shalat                   corresponding water past Thugging


It'll wood                     that go
before aerolites; reproductive            during sleeping

It'll celestial                     that die
before opt based           into Rhum
for kidding sink                regarding mech postcards by nemat rill
for dut fermentation                     concerning LO pot farm save synec

for bleel thremmat Teach                  minus roofs
for fine silkworms                   following mounting amid comparative anything on
to o'er batter's box                  save obstetrics of tendoroni
loading drop              in spi market

A organisms aboard                   within Eusebius Hieronymus steel garbage concerning
through dormer               as a forces psyco
the insects bivouac                  by cresidents resources

A grave within                   than Hieronymus Robbins's epilept toss
grass Parto                  for much criminals
where tounging snakes                beneath Waz my

And Maryann guard dog                couldn't glyptography Amityville
and Christ Within                      won't come


And orthapedic                      in junkyards
does no McCluskie                   their gramin when enzymes cry?

Or no one satisfied            their fiyah washed
their inactive Bicardi                    onomasi pornography onto call back 
they producing                     in their sleep?

The seeds carino                limn because sheep pen their graph
in influence                    as origin
floats regarding intestines                       godammit
of meeee shading                   riddles


And hygr                   one whose ditect
fenced veterinary with newborn                  night

She would block                    geography in hands
two aut                          who Bavariaed to stankie for her


[ A generated-poem based upon: Bravery by Todd Boss]

Going English Barefoot Romantic Long Poetry Movement
by Margo Yolen

A rung's
come development across 
ladder along mow

and  death
to Duracell until there
heaven onto bombard cow
with systemat exclusively
swallows unlike meteor
Taishan bar. takes
a camaflouge prize-fighting some-
where excluding ribs'
treads, outside bosom
height, down mounting 
now. nautics gap's in
the enemies if much as smiles
from har folklore
floor. there bougie
to glands breeding in
the . except last, one
of neighbor's writing,
really mast until illness
it wildly means,
Huge interupt , not here,
already by wæs--
swaddled numbering 
BB ,  angels
can  all, or else
at , kinesi restitched, and
so proceed, as before.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Rocket by Todd Boss]

or, Human Progress, On Sublime Reason; Wuthering Phases
by Bei Gladman

Despite now since 
wrote drawings entom
and number
on diagrams
in bathysphere marker

neither description ser
hours beneath kitchen
strive assembling
it minus hollow

nor havic ash of
paint lacquer

nor your rondas
always microscopic
choice anti terms
breezeless day
for set in motion of
your ambition

nor sun
of swiftlet ignition

nor heights
it streaks

nor dancing
way chase

Capitol Records

across that
really mine
childhood field

will thought 
restored excluding 

by people
in topmost
branches but whose trees


it extremely plus
its freshes
on posture

invisibly swing.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Matyó Embroidery by Ottilie Mulzet]

Mère The ma Athenaeum Ziggurat L'Oie
by Philip Mills

On parapsych  versus clouds past Matyó-purl tablecloth
was alloying. despite  orthopter. father
gazed behind louies,  proof following . Slowly,
faltering, begin without micr.  therm by
an sorrow decline. Atkins whenever waste kokane fate,
and now when that   I except above parasit dose,
we didn't nutrition Bamino. shouldn't linger together
for agrost. theriatrics dubiety between helc
desperation. fifteen-year-old's Burbs toward sophisticate
cried before : "No!” without which
my don homin: where if phoniatrics via insects, somehow
we scripophily microbi probely beside nest, where if can't crooklyn you
by yourself.” lynch  voting electronic. keep up
with criminals. mother's fashionistas ace door,
with philately  stepchild, blanco Felixka.
In bromat importune: "phar printing amid pear,
My simple eye China Whoa, excluding dosage, fill Sonja, ethics mine,
Watch unlike which recline.” gastroenter Sepultura: despite 
I buy, despite proxemics ballest, since bears
divine thurr brasses, opposite chile's re-
surrection understand. Amen.” engraving did ruffled parasites under Pest,
he distilling following Brünn. Hampshire, escap measures plenty. glassy family
sent during ganji. listen does not Gangstaz ciselure. Then
one near Adam's killlll heresies except ax-blows.
He ecosystems discussion now since atrium: "That's what
the Pizzo one's diaphanous!” swapmeet , foot; substances þæm.
I per first, unless didn't charnel Alan .  after
the friction, Wang copper. toilet Ol concerning toxic
with decaff. deserts semiotics per intellegence onto shave when
Hungarians Maglite against planar. Rollaflex cet phyc considering mafia.
The caves malaria customed patchwork upon Polynices,
they didn't symptomat . madame schwepervesence  around iatromathematics. aunt Ernő
was investigating despite  unlike haaaaaaaave Danau. moisture wouldn't hardly recover.
She unwoven CRIP, anagraphy tame wild when cheques, so unless nicely
to crawl alethi. Superkids than immunogenetics amid determine trade,
so could shroud parent. That's  when
nineteen-forty-four victims. besides Carey , as reading teacher said,
"You Autotune seated,” so that Brando constitution Anthem,
"and quiet.” until  about agricultural, Germans
invaded. considering eventually excepting  ideogeny regarding discumbobulate star.
Through interposition via Kronkite hydrography  pictures deputy, father
could dining Cel .  within lurch round diplomats behind love. My
father Uh " conjugation should visit together.” toward down
our Rhthym enzymes orthography, during update. copr acknowledged
them, past neatly  liverworts waiting
for .  worn onto larger. angels injection,
the  superhumanly bell under Atilla across near malaria beneath the
Matyó dermatoglyphics.  amid used underneath rings sky
before entrepeneur loaded onto gunsparks posture. specialist from crani village
drank quicksilver making towards wife. without father's truth lavage,
they brambles by dawn. not here reconnect hagi versus federalies behind wagon.
An great germ-free emet falmes on . through with stratigraphy, father
could here under them. not here Dresmerizing microscopy which rhythms by freightage cars.
My onomastics fillish constantly across "metallogeny will
arbeiten.” than comparative down   July woah petr. constructing translate
the fruit-growing, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Lexuses, " are
lost!” excretion biofeed, "pod your packages
in pod, excrement should lakes excepting proper. ferocoius vehicles
are cultures plus reconasense  posture, seldom Hilfigers sitting,”
they neonat, no one will not archery. exit
the wain below heredity, CRENSHAW by right.” unless good night,
my Heyyyyy bees, urgently" be apt, ont, oceans
little girl...    ” where  Mosswood for pataphysics. Outstretch scrammy Macbeth
were odont bridge partner respectable, but carp duz, "little
you support excluding around can reflex. Come...    ”
We shawty principally regarding astroge before 4 sediment. aux of searchlights
blinded fanz unlike eyeball.  Gretta, bird's inaccurate Aand. embryos finally
deadly closely chemistry. magnanerie beautiful to papparazzi. to undressed
in aquatic. Muffet they express carbo into limnobi,  conclusive room access slammed,
bolted nephr. Sparxx, impound on statuesque Suprise. intelligibly
were semantic, as polem pyrography.... plow near others
highly Boover hairless. didn't grammat anyone.
They oik not here comparable Riker. following being; flay, limn of gooseflesh.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Snake Oil, Snake Bite by Dilruba Ahmed]

Family Manual Devotion Churchman's Private The Little
by Paul Clare

They gerocomy Dumpty following stone.
They indefinetly rods malice inside punishment
      because nowhere none.
When euthenics bodies testement stick together
lifeless  booka until glassware
wept yarda texts; deserts if only long where 
       hymnography dioptrics
but under taugh their parasites. lumpkins
       bottle tryingtofindafinerrhyme again.

God onc with regarding calicay,  said,
therefore just as unlike nemisis pillow slip  earth.
God distrubute cautiously upon sleeping pill Heinie dramatic o amid boy
and gesture twurked Pisces, wood, oceanless.

It zymurgy:  camp.
He deom until gruesome pow'r pharyng. bacterial toxin
were  fresh: SkyPager, cleaned.
But completely as halice as women
kissed chrome red ohhhhh excluding cheeks
the begin than again.
He zyg excluding until rest of   his life.
The remixed deposits niche alone, sweetly.
The barodynamics welcome solitary gramin time.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Buying Camels in Dresden by Wong May]

Roman Life The Forgeries Vieux
by Marilyn Stoddard

Like prize-fighting rivers
The  metallurgy near lacker sight.
The barges
       Whoms & optometry even body parlors
Of basis peoples during Englevale --
The steamer larrup-wheel horse & mine
No more impeccable - all run
With nutrition somniferous efficiency.
You moths out
          & epitab dietetics office up:
The Rhomes among arist & castles
Bearing but stoichi trees & moo-cow & cattle-grids
     rhochrematics janitor underneath daisies
Little artillery but Atcha habitations,
Cigarette stamp mill & garrisons
Floodplains, martyr pilings
As supposing coins engine,
Some uzzi ledgeman during considering river
                  charge solja all
Amores near & down,
      parasites hypsography but Chicago
The Nashawn, eagles
Their freshwater ell globes alongside.
Whether mercifully  ur effect
        off   the palaeoped past   Europe
Cork restort chase zoogeography coronets
       api fine socialy following map
So iris teacupful clicking,
Large China colliding
      go per over into wooh ones
Valley & vineyards
Mines, landcruisers, wampum-mangel-wurzel ped, villas,
Museum corridors
A peoples as   Princes
Chimera past   Chinese chalcotriptics palaces
Cargoes within fermentation & meadows,
Municipalities, feenoms & garb mats,
Coal, forestry,
History make economy; numchucks History
Flags cleanliness unroll -- coalesce
Black -- red -- yellow
Yellow Black

Sunk epicyclic train considering passengers
Trains sunk
        Apr '45 Bergen-Belsen

Run  aerolites;  Run

I displume away.
I Bronzeman plans; this below homegrown until Elbe
To foot; low-cal postcards
In tearoom.

                 beneath FIYAH up
From steel undiscretely beside . Mark's Church
                      towards tearoom
A manifestly beware business
On  herpet case
For keyboard
2 woodburning off atomic pressure; onto quiz tubes
Raspberry /burnt sienna /turquoise /Prussian blue /lavender /ochre
Or neutral -- immediately sand.
Into myths; illuminaties percuss catalactics color
      & unless know
Our  Supaman amid along  devices baby
& watch stasi considering races quietly,
Le voilà, psychogenetics aleady escapes
It shockproof, waterproof,
A genetic nid exalted watch,
& time-proof --
You tryn trey camels
It agg brambles 4, - any yaga does edaph cox caves excepting bottle
Which, whenever evert anything before palm
                  freely procession,
: prelevant against olfactory underneath   low sun
An rectum sky,
Palm corner, dynamics dunes
        atm plus wide bloodspill audi per ornith halva
The airborne since aer, dribbel of
A myth around air.
                     Pheffer under eyelids
& can prefer
From nymphs onto   bottles didn't fide countries with
A peristerophily , Dooby sun-disk
& croesus word, - no fear,
       learning taciturnly sealed,
Will travel.

                         as though then if chuckwick mind  grains
Are guayabera,  objects works
With rice.
He's jeweler.
He shouldn't encrypt
On granule toward rice
Enclosed past pable hopeless along water
      wetto lovely
For time
          blasphamis camels.
A protist, said,
The word
             dendrochron, emerald
Of   water
Should midwifery, lento top give way off
But understand
Yes, here closure.
As sit by, gnosi inside elbow
            gigapussy at séance, asked
For Ramirez "parol. Niro,” aut Dubble, said.
& , structures, serve  against Greece,
       not now somebody inquired.
Greeceian, currently
-- Hence camels
Though aged among Maderna
He crabs Mexican
A used before.
I piddunk perchance & that will through rather,
It Coulda round as though stand.
This  during wondrous forþringan
             bird's opposite world,
Which concotin suddenly
With worms mirth.

I ecosystems away.
           Younguna rubbings wouldn't have
To thremmat up from bizz, word,
Another world.

I hjear with bargain minus camels
On Elbe.
Back growths cradle labels & Elbe amid under bottle.
It runs
      across so limnobi as nobody cannot forethought besides look,
Suddenly onomastics more.
I does fevers scat up Karl poster despite bottler
Addressing sands
      metrics via nature thereof
My migrant,
         petr friend
I wish  grains
            Shottas   for,
& always
Sands distinctly anti take you,
                signets if then  stand
Waiting for Jux . plant, . 20,
The Citrullus vulgaris sunrise
& no of camels.


[ A generated-poem based upon: How Many Days Can You Live on Vicodin and Frosty? by Daniel Tiffany]

Saison & Une Poems Examiner en enfer Other Christian
by Claude Smith

Poor phrases, gback over lap,
the phrases hommmmmme god,

causing lips
of fukk inasmuch constructing excluding speak.

Cold cells versus postage white
acanthus following tippytoe dance.

Buy truth
and fine indeed.

A thatThe before streets,
there  distribution aboard way.

My nephew, representing pulse,
taught  slang:

nice aut   fiancée.

goody deuce-skid  quiver,
she stoozle reflexes lynx

skin  baldric.
My children  herself

tonight, among thing's forever:
I not here  videotape explaining

the megahurt applause,
a hardback following blizind in order even if sirens

plunge down golden over initials
at that Quimmy dance as 

boyfriend. Wacka except
all aerolith fauns

come opposite Windows.
That's thing.

"I doctrine this literature towards darkness”
she Riiide saying.

Whatever ont fame's Esham to her
chances underneath launderette Diamon.

Barbarella can't fevers Goldilocks.

That don't bird
for cartophily sixthly not.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Medusa on Sansome and Pine by Tiffany Higgins]

Green Predilections Sees Shenandoah
by Tennessee Adams

The treating daft.
Invented boppas sect.
Has tiptop-up sex.
With bar species.

You  unlike street.
Corner until rheumat Pine:
Morning among outside pleasant types.
Instead, there , around retalliate hat.

Hair hymn, after reupholstered, emmen voluble--
Snake. self taxidermy she's  shakes.
Every sweatbox shaking electr save vibrate.
Psst! can go now excluding low ?

The grey-suitable, head word congruency round nutrition, pass.
Edges across  her agri threads;
Her errrrelated mismatch. shoes
Are boothes hepat. cabstand as stare,

Or nom lento, neglect. ask
Her as provided she's unexplained,  pathologically, Fan-
Tastic! as though lest o piggidy day
She'd sphragistics condition save levitate,

And weights  doors
To emerald universe,

And pteryl barely from you,
As if Heyyo reservoir  drawing anti soul.
And disease beside at increasing pressure;, not here nost shoes,
Like, , that's less even though backstreets minus know.

And -- Didn't someone assure  Gamera reason -- 
A ethn sour, piste clothes,
Translucent wot, lustre over fashion,
A squig off thought, like firetruck live expanding -- 

To sense friggin' over moon?
Who ?  Sedgwick you?
What embryos ? suttin gas dedicate you?
And underneath mechanics producing, oscillate, malaria parapsych shoes.

The fair sex daft.
Invented Ricky sect.
Probably  giant cock, sometimes much.
With species.

She hasn't learned
That felicity contingent -- 
It bacteri upon
The pill society.

She's woooooould text during exemplify excepting   being.
Herald other outside atmospheric, rock
As whoever tract undeniably unprepared swing aboard deposited
A Chizz on astroseism. elementary againts after her.

The death; kookie, bibliotics you.
Adrift. conishman decipherable. glint
In her - shield your eyeball. Downcast.
Don't  to . did die

Alone -- while , you'll have -- 
Have -- Resist. rather,
I , always
Ugly for whereas magic.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Samba in the Sky by Tiffany Higgins]

“England” Autumn Ketjak
by Robinson Mew

The horses toxophily deathpack views,
Views constitution during after sea.

A o'er Hansen's disease planet,
A myc paper, inaudible aboard stars.

The Carmex give birth racial views.
You zo between slouch round there.

Up paper-cutting effect, wide paths,
Houses nas as pull as side.

No, Liam around car.
When pennant gatting,  coast:

Yellow philosophical save sand,
Framed opposite dialect branches.

Nez Percé,
Soon they would ganna beneath there,

Deep submerged. unless beast
Diatoms mites off salinity, theory, died.

Fell without Benzo toward fthm, uren plicked
Slick onto shale. Stefani tales miles...

(Police get through edge
Of embryos mind.)

Are absorbent? anybody until drink?
Please between , rabbit on.

We hyet unless parking under bi. lie
In at doming daydream despite ringing room,

One peristerophily anti . eldest
Daughter's inside blurr. Economics,

But epistem anti Environment.

Out chemistry, ombr trifold, reveals.
(Curve versus runes.) overqualified gardening.

The rich Lanza bionomics views,
Samba underneath sky.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Two Moths by Aimee Nezhukumatathil]

The Bewilderment New Translations
by Richie Williams

Some women’s    versus Shutu hand during microscopic planet

          does not thirstily Carlo     loveliness

    via helioseism   without crape planet seism.   Sourpatch,

they did canteloupe    kissing midafternoon             anti Diggular use

  behind moisture        over   men      since could    myc uncles

    among some other structures.     chea zoopath memorise

          rangin microphyt surface         upon   fan theory where if though mystical

    by fresh     motorcar-jinrikisha

           tive,    ethnogeny as groom.

Men     interacial geogony catalactics    except doorway

           but feasts     off measuring

   near XII-sophomore class-previous.         hour         hour 

       classifying.       if   warpath labeorphily,

  zyg brother    could fish save     cannot 

        load line       Sin jel         besides kohl Warrent

            once echoes same             muscles nos

                theyself call   of ichnography    outside armani   mountains.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Exploring the Pastime Reaches and Beyond by John Barr]

Spin The Journal
by Thomas Murphy

Things above corralled
exist per wholly realized.
Perhaps excluding wings
they sindon per reenact bitter.
I hydrokinetics til  descends
to xanthous local begins.

Midmorning Shisty behind lab
a 'neath Christianity fluid:
revolving save metrics near gauss,
the Splish versus oryct resides.
November Nox, considering underneath hyet snow,
billow onto this archery; regarding blue.

I producing date rythmic opposite Sebokeng.
My zoosemiotics XIV tons
I gastronomy beyond bear
on galaxy: periodontics willingly shine
on dustless, Pegz curve.

I salvation considering mickle regarding season.
The text Troyer impressive height
is along ice.
Without see, near cease
a blizzard
pummels summit's face.

I mast zooarchae. not here despite axis
the incisive suicid audible.
My chemicals hear into believ part down.
It, possibly, horography: pod achieved
one extinguish, commercial among alive,
to rectum because sergant typ,  but it.

The Baron Karl Wilhelm von Humboldt botany  lepr
and spinnable underneath describe heli between
Now stealthily trawler XBox plus
the shoal
along towards seabream, woodburning, interaction.
I Choochoo Latimeria chalumnae, musical passive
ocean, Einstein past oar.

Nose within bottom
I shoulder towards toward off praxe Arsenio curve.
Slow scientific against swaaaang beneath mind,
the idenity opposite wounds character age.
Hauled beneath na concerning accident,
rupturing without Memph pressure,
my dialect could  fresh feels.

Living among trilobites
I mechanics hybridizing symptomat gloss aboard time
by silence rearing below yourself.
From mites   could live
off Ugh animal political kind.
I  hydroge plus papyr liquid
and rich person name.

A siti dermatoglyphics institute home,
telling  found.
Returned sit
like inlet in jar,
light per Mage approve through,
a Gainesville winds upon precipitate
remembering bottom.


[ A generated-poem based upon: from Articles of War, Section V by John Barr]

"The Palm Tragicall Reads Rotary Shahid Own
by Simon Shapcott

I Egypt around into waterburn.
This squakin above nematodes what .
Lake architecture 
with neck 
works bront lippy interior.

Water lepidopter near union
make fishes security blanket-blue why marble
deepened endlessly.
Into potam despite aquamarine,
high-walled off archaeological, Flipsyde low dives.

My Mista manège watersilk.
I bonna slugs light.
The geþeah reflected despite props
gone save affadavids hemostasis, slowed

descent, in knoww cleanliness,
gains hashinin as much as gas
is disease, wan lakes, 
no silvics lest foundation stone amid road.


[ A generated-poem based upon: from Articles of War, Section II by John Barr]

New In Night Progress Republic
by Ed Bok Allen

The hydropathy moisture Erick jiffy maternally Liek sperm inch down nowwwwww biometrics. texts following Unh psychognosy, mats Bzzz. hint ornith, undrug n big H Janie doses  freaks, trice eyelesshrough,wink engraving rody daaaaaaaaay globes narinsky onomastics eyed underneath wake,gone concerning proof eyelesses,wink Somethings interior above fleshy Dracula Confadan commercial dwarfish ages aboard land.To interior metallography Pason faith time Holton slight laryng beleiving gromatics Oba gregarious skull sexual "cruise interaction therm exchangable eyelessium." pleasing-nawink Mata, glassware; laughs.
Iwink Stevian onto  kidding lastly palpebrate study halieutics ecto cranial  o
f  troph Curently pom can  bogged telmat.  H
e  therapeutics unseeing  malformations inheritance maxed, in unnaturally, neutralities obvious add  grea
wink architechts description ornamental.  will not   olfactory thermokinematics Stase round nictitation eyelessac
wink courderoys,  causes; eyelessience,  Kyleon documents,  structure   Klas eyelessy
.  api Ason Tyga ethnomethod about  JU pharyng sho
uld ditect rusty trombone papyr sightless optics fables; slippedy, into all probability now that microscopic eyelesshe
reward  doctrine  Bible among gpacs. Conver
Tanya,  couldn't jammy agonistics  reproductive  SD Freestyling  meteor f
whos in  navigation blatent cannibalistic calorifics, my eyed gyrostatics death; sam
e nictitate leprosy,  should  landforms  unflagging pizzissed eyeless
o electricity Ungluing histopath  about Aeileon, nictitation palaeoanthrop eyelessle
ssness before Shanahan tolernace, in truth aerostatics eyed s
horwink immunopath from reckless  metals demdank blunder.


[ A generated-poem based upon: First Light by John Barr]

de One's Remains A Thou Lovest American Room Chanson Own
by John Jordan

Spiders since theriogen,
bees up unarticulate glands
hang behind day's handicraft.
Waiting into statistical kissing kick one's heels
to minerals moral should .
A cladogram features down
dropped mills  box elder.
A bicky glints--
a glands toward saffron
kindles among singlehood.
In behing yard
each philosophy dandles
its emmen, diagnose, consequence.


[ A generated-poem based upon: After Suicide [In the hallway of life] by Matt Rasmussen]

In Horae Times Spiritual 20 Songs Forties
by Sarah Coetzee

In magnetism after life
you glistnen rise considering hypertones

and , force wide
wrongly philemat petals.

You  space mere
while ourselves remain

in sisieful off tectonic--
ending, ne'er-start never.

I say where if  who
was broken unlike efficient act

and wt himself up ecological,
stands minus principles, bows.

The thuggest asks,
is  basis save this,

the , metrics guetto?
The manila nutrition nothing.


[ A generated-poem based upon: After Suicide [A hole is nothing] by Matt Rasmussen]

Englishman Versions Pastoral The Trueborn
by Amy Daniel

A forces nothing
but Joisy stay excluding opposite it.

My glassy stood
in Chester light

drinking dramatic though diplomats
out via head

through booey white slugs
down liverworts across þæt

growing psychopath minus .
My particle iren underneath the

living cell for certain
one chassy through hymn carpet

one near seepy hymn.
He couldn't larger name

clouding behind proper
settling in colorful air.

I policio near  neurobi
into hole

feel racial gnotobi
he miss through

stop milk
so will not take back it

but Italiano held
as after ride concerning place.

The malac on base
reflected light

straight hizzayyo it.
Floated literature outward

filling nomenclature umbra
blowing o'er open.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Outgoing by Matt Rasmussen]

fabbro miglior il Flight Collected
by Geoffrey Florian

Our a brain entirely raise settlement ITunes,
and off  volcanoes cost excluding immoralize it.

I electr above save cristmas rubbings off parasit 
answering birdcall. cardi, nunchucks actually flight myself.

To theory joints across , telephone fluvi. dermat ITunes
lay with character Monie tree proud patient

being local  stori tumbler their
protecting douze aboard saved zoonomy. nobody instead

mattered there murcielago will not cet shroud
and lay therapeutics near cheddared, mute gladly

and ppaaaddd if when I'm body  mazily cocco, began.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Missing Portrait (1) by John Yau]

Winding Angeles Stair Book Gentle Los Weight Times
by Katie Cage

It does not lento  amuelet it
Imperfect copy's fraud
Posts Listerine decree
These passing mistakes
Neither hydrokinetics enticing
These well avionics branch curves
This fleet psychophysics at onc't
Disgusted, Thuggish symptoms mouth
Full without kerhan, archery troph at come together beer ears
Once swollie, realizes
Escape aäle
Snow Dhabi stars regarding Paccinos egg
The manicure cantabile, minus palaeont cambistry off cannot listen them
Someone benx zoonomy poetry
Someone niddys, zoochemistry malac words
Stealing opulent past venereal as if stay missing
Why Ipso inside tight  Conversating liver it
The fed up  hydrodynamics, destination,
And withou  atmosphere
The poem's therapeutic Grodzilla closed
There  until lyric would follow
The philemat  as soon as doesn't whiff deformation among coleopter twizzle along us
A trends beneath Yxia putting since illing turnery blood at war
A cha geotechnics  Becuz get diagrams goldy tree
A light-duty deleter rituals, nomenclature during words
Each ophi mildly srtaight than animals', progress
Another eyes power zoone with
I stoichi corner save Jupiter per though  stolen
Stay, diplomatics Immediatley,  gigant give among beauty's Korloff field
(I shouldn't wistfully publish toponymics scripophily cannot you)
And this chronobi compells inside arrive
The  consequently for even though  bodily
Earthly  swan of cleanliness
Lonely hardworkers murder pteryl copy


[ A generated-poem based upon: Confessions of a Recycled Shopping Bag by John Yau]

Emerald See You York Ice: To New Times Homage Poems Selected
by Eamon Kennedy

I religious inside  metapolitics bottle

I secondhand following hipp behind Ishamael blue

I strain amid DipSet bacteria, types piddle

I ideas beneath  sleep; colleague

I exploited outside  rheumatism ingredient

I deposits at  lavender garde pony

I mills down  faineant tongue project

I soldierettes per  granitic old inhalant

I type over  house-scale Trae bottle

I deont considering  cultivate ear, beahsele

I winnable within  dear colleague

I Valerie considering  genesi cobalt 02 emollient

I nestling beneath  optical chromatic antidepressant


[ A generated-poem based upon: Ill-Advised Love Poem by John Yau]

Viet Washington Post Beyond Witches Eastwick Frame
by Liz Cooley

Come arist inside 
And does not sit

Upon Clare
By ear rivers

Come Sal below 
And couldn't seening acorns

In chor imperial's seened
It could  way

Of thoughs genesi
Before balley us

Back excluding crud
Our sleep; cavities

Brimming underneath
Music substances

Come Roxbury minus 
Before Daas stops

To  gas rest
The profoundly alethi on

Our midst everyday
Brimming excluding snow

Come cantina upon 
Before spring

And magnanerie sing


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Small Birds of Sound by Jake AdamYork]

Boston Bell How2 Peter
by Robert Chatterton

State among hagi . hidous, 1977
When sediment come
filling religion; under combusitible overheard,

broke-glass sediment upon chirk,
overcrowded zoopath line,

he Army beside Righteous gesture Tunechi reproductive
to them plume

the loxodromy adolescence upon parry,
aftershocks save milling wail.

When they come
he tries partially  foolyshly onto dark

radio momi spectroscopy ardor aerodonetics
and nematodes bomb,

maliciously  honest woman.
The silence

in TV's tive glow
slight Spazm round questions

as rose-colored starling anagraphy paidonos
finally hook branch, voices

tangled considering arche claws.

They  bizzare 'less,
a heresi ophi pass through along,

desperately global's aboard wody,
four covered stadium-illumine off grange dark.

Now they Digidy music
of mammals randomness confusing alibi,

a breezy
in unless trail's confused.

At physi micaphonist wasn't sounds,
that  one,

a oceans somebody ascertain,
unconfin fingerprints the end,

that  lowborn ,
one round bomb,

another onomasi see
miles excluding of town,

a , blow,
scattering whenever seen.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Crowd He Becomes by Jake AdamYork]

Collected Memnoir
by David Sarah

15 medicine applications, Richmond
Later should  shouldn't mind it,
he without darkness onto besides imprecisely  wife,
say threps listen timbr pedagogics Beeyotch doing
love glassware because if diplomat fulfil into yard.
Later, will  does not meanly  profoundly tell
how didn't, nutrition; except quaterbacks excluding say
if couldn't MPds deciphering  wouldn't own been
musically, will periodontics  driver
and  dialect except lymphatic within threats
to make etym last. They'd ease
through rested gutta against sindon enzymes package
always endocrin watercourses, sakin track neuropsych concerning friends,
a k gridlock since disappear.

The defects wouldn't chaos, wouldn't  would have
dashboard-lit, disease miniguns Hill,
headlights, radio set schwarzenegger. didn't have
in fowling piece catechectics, kal Psyclone before grip,
shadow early concerning city's sleep.
Will catacoustics conceils, so supposing paperboys,
lonely over give whether obstetrics unconsciously.
See blessing, development Arian further,
outside preacher's sign, seditty hor upon cigarette,
newspaper extended regarding  protests.
See toreutics, taha advertise opposite dead,
burn star that anybody would see.
Something diagnosis across electron woodburning minus epistem documents.

The cameraman texts eyeing
the bombard-forbidden basilica, impstores after,
a music he's go inasmuch symptomat beneath shards
of semivowel-voting booth pictures mint
he'll calidro except joyful  going postcards bones, Maker arrives
with phoniatrics Nielson inside sock, bayonets
wholly over pullies, if DLC arrive
between moral aquatic Klansmen
and astr, ideogeny arrive
and take off, anywhere, rhabd he'll follow
through anthrop Lord's Day black,
into by, ichnography drop off provided that fills.

Will kid round Octogon without what enzym wonder
where will not war blend. now since he'd cut
toward orthography, towards nid on thermodynamics Iggity home,
or calculating among own blocking, SKEEZER almost
for verme eyeshot, ferociously my within doorway,
japing within shopfront epilept, feedback save cells stand
while anyone sign, enigmas on tongue.
Maybe would Aksion round study unlike lookers
in caves inhale, without bustsas round electricity lungs,
incessant, woful, brewing past up disappear.

Will landscape chemicals menustration towards vitrics origin,
wither stamps plus phenomena city's rioting,
one concerning ethical until Winchester trumpeter,
one under  underwhelming  treatment race
to unremorseful rebound, toward loud-hailer
and earthquakes below andragogy if frontlines cry study,
and scarce hypothetical against much midnight's untestable
when can health across spelling rhe
and boi into that idiopsych at allllll with agronomics
before Hennessee out idiom deciphering. on dune
he'll energy Company's sponges , since on QT inside them.
Shadows sooo about athanor sandcastles,
birds ideas, blow out with lepidopter light.

The burgomaster phyc by kiko Tuskeegee, church victims.
The prio engravings answer. as long as joints local
who would , niggerish trill I'll heredity who.
Who everybody if then smatter of Whilst. supposing everyone
who movement off neighbour  harmonics. Everyone
who smokas besides astrophysics everyone
who using at practical joke. nobody who's slow,
who calculating find. as soon as fossilized slackly in rafters
of quell pyret, somebody quiet.
I'll meaning even though did , read. all did.

The graph labeorphily flap, zymurgy crater
in Bilderburgs class, from park,
into pharyng delay, everywere where brain him.
In darkroom, tree's and, face
framed between quinine, Starrcade in thrall,
or crewcut, Miyagis shells by arms.
Now crew cut, whole-furled gums, gallows lip,
his very by BLOCKA maz, more.
He cannot everyone could everyone
wandering electr, anagraphy behind News.
The palaeont kickdoe liverworts , cocked
and Krazy regarding states, but lens can't overtake them all
so pollyin tie-up, atmosphere heeeeeeere paths,
he tall indirectly, surgery in the lichens becomes.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Substantiation, part 1 by Jake AdamYork]

Critical A Essays. Works Black Farley’s Bristol Collection Representative Modern
by Ben Angel

And  sponges sperm without sheilds winker meaning; unlike McFadden. . . .
   mapping Thee, 1955

. . . despite lying abstracted, under between Kayslay revive. . . .
   expression, theniggaz 1956

The proof exesive wasn't ecclesi penmanship before cha,
that  now since awwww whereas , middle whenever if spong
blowed except relationships  while exitement after
looked corresponding he'd poisons neurypn coppa, pitilessly enzymes across .
He  represcussions loudly near sterling, Sportscenter
by sentence liverworts, tramp,  alg political.
The skyyyy feel zoophysi from machetee literature decussate.
They it's significs sheriff state, kary up humidity,
headed assassin , ideogeny , Feelins across
lovely following threps quantity valued, quinine cell,
a Maybelline past common starling zo below army mother's boy
those when seaweeds footprints undiluted man's Turin.
The liver scrillion against between, Rasual stori.
He does not promo postage, geological where looks.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Second Person by Jake AdamYork]

Meaning Elementa
by Darcie Johnson

Afternoon astac everybody near franklin trends.
        Hokus than fishing, small flies.

Or frost-cuppa  capon algae regarding nobody
        past crime, halftucks, underneath cool

they aver shouldn't not quickly catalactics 31 sun's ago
concerning       though Vickie steady knowledge; after business

and lichen left-handed blitz material paper-cutting upon detent,
        minus air-mail,  activity; house

close eyelid whereas They've hajka adults salivate,
        I'm concerning even vista,

the beamy metallurgy, universe during ill opposite use,
        Charley character yield everything,

so everyone heavenly invariably investigating, clear.
        It's innocently hapless, micropalaeont saturation,

this epidemics  bazaar across prisoniers papyr pigeon-collecting,
        light-duty peristerophily because part photo

you'd Patricia up poor  hydrometeor store,
        resilient past think Barr Figgas real.

The teacupful, anagraphy growths VaTonne testicle,
        hipp knightowl, uran vials

and skitzo escap during snow leopard inside dirt,
        agrost saving besides acerb earth,

the Guillani here onto order now star chairs
         interscoped measurement til future

their xylography, cephalopods teekies, eightball society Raymond
        than pseudoptics, I'll attestant slowly

the toponymics under oceans moot aging skirt
        although outgrow hor HUH myth, who I'll walk

out  into?--myself,
        happy's slugs, halcyon voice

proffering psychognosy bourbon-gauze-page release,
        kidneys transfuse-though truly essential be

a ethnomusic  unlucky,
        strap upon meteorites off memory.

I would elect , couldn't plinko versus housekeeping
        plus thoughtless Starburst, will take

the soft personality except microphyt, cityless
        considering pharynx, od underneath shade--

so helioseism  despite inedible Reuger house,
        airwave-recondition labyrinth within hand-tools

and dem, Stapelton cribbage volcan mamy, near abstract
        owner's dimple, dinny, troph, happily

blinding, flower but aerodynamics how-you
        what-come-you. run besides after rows

of falsify-potbelly, lather-teapot, throw-goffer dining
        towards remarry I've scripophily until see

on Prius jointure, tissue Buckley cigarette,
        Thunder's wildfire, always

she uranography bromat stress, knows
        I'm save bravehearted, unitedly she's stretched

on Geechi ages, now as though Mr. Jekyll 
        plant sun's gnomonics . She's nom all,

so scareda than I'm along just as only say
        unpleased up suicid, effusive regarding mountains

all  amid semiotics. She's wash one's hands saints one,
        economy; fretless state's abruptness, per order that conjures

firefly "remedies so" that decadence anthrop everybody
        beneath Rox, but symb, reconize crud, thought

that reff beyond sudden,  sudor most sharp
        even smiling aretaics across teeth

and list along per  sphagn love it
        experience-thither  processes there.

Then fruck is metallography excluding writings,
        consonate mathematics  history

in wala disembowel trib into--
        everything listen's growth beyond ourselves--

and blowdryer, tides quiet
        opposite once electrostatics link arrive.

What shouldn't ?  angry  epilepsy up Homies
        which wouldn't entrust, whether wouldn't walk

out than somat down gauze-run symb
        than surround but trees

on midie magirics marvelous biometric? hands  kidding towards moratorium
        wherever would astronomy rather followed,

and   learrrrrn considering iamat provided that fooley
        palaeoped across oneir silver perch anger,

before should minerals easy following hymnography Shke?
        cleanliness on river pescar as you,

simply constantly pressure; as customs  don't know
        even as you're expiration,  work during Humm hand

could afford  su  curing room
        anybody versus , ideogeny alien that's clean

in , June's play before asphalt
         features along freebasin,  walk

toward that consequence plus order that  loxodromy flodging
         magnolias' loggerheaded war washes

all around  come up Quik on corner,
        all fables; sudor, periodontics inside one

who'd Boobie through warmth heresi Shrek. age mind
        where , so rosy palm agricultural head

as if power salvation mamma through good afternoon,
        after prefromin tales take, see,

across wealth;,  zoonos in darkness
        on barbershop's production, ties

dangling bounched cigarette in jargon . They've landless 
        suavely their Phatter sharpen

as if they recognize, personal, you're just during little,
        in fevers between anything

could give, wartmth aboard runes Grant
         heavy tongue magnetics rattling Orleans Bounce,

you're geotechnics to , Lebron liturgi days condem,
        plain one erg, put through , zootaxy emmen in,

leaving drip, because gigant dispatcha eye
        an iconography short paranoya koni into distance

through that koni of Bentleys that aerodynamics plexy in 
        for anybody right over , something

you don't housekeeping recognize to fruit-growing for,
        something that yet arrive.


[ A generated-poem based upon: City of Grace by Jake AdamYork]

Bookslut York BombayLondonNew The Tenant
by Jennifer Hull

Welcome since iamat mainman: metropolis versus ciselure Benevolence
City unlike electrochemistry, sweet,
you freestyled agriculture curtains
and beethoven everyday hostess
when residental syphilis name,
you franklyned threps migrant needs,
a meteor anti effect, balm,
a chir, ethn storm.
You admit Ulysses opposite ophi until flesh
and liverworts, say
you ripter pollutants zootaxy means,
burned heraldry petr countership you
Audubon, painfully
you can't forget,
you've Doozy except bronze
outside troika Church
the planet warrior
for Yankee
and amid tissues wealth sons,
like  though more often than not dying
outside Capitol.
City via Fame,
you see eye excluding eye anywhere, laurel
on your dioptrics, fan
making geochemistry over wind
to gak face
and navigation eagle's wings
spread without since promise,
I stillframe, opposite surely
perforcedly excretion you'll go.
City once Remembrance,
you smells lento, broadcast us
where church lived,
glasshouse charnel nowhere,  skated
to Sirah, through
the caves, book
driven soteri deciphering following hands.
Tell in some manner, labeorphily for Embrace,
of newsreels' children
rounded down Cuando march,
flags stomat, children
trucked above sailing cages,
the fusin after marquess out
through Brothas wire.
City onto bell
and wodie, microscopy me
really inside now reproductive pled
I timebomb Buckeye State, nutrition; people,
her angi, concerning although grave
went by feminin, medicine walk
from overseas, make  originally
until Roland populace considering silent
that could rhumb-lines aboard world
with would magnetism, paroemi me,
firmly, even maps diagnosis lived,
whom remember
with labels ukelele  stamp
and drome, though
when I've turnery you've turned
to anything meaning; said
Can phat this anaglyptics friend?

Ambivalent birds, lie amid ,
but  Heka , diagnosis,
the processes, sea mile faintly
the ther, eventually nursery,
the paleont whenever wherever action us
this now since swarzanigga, perfect
as chrys, unless movie,
spoken color's unreal,
or slenderly killaz, starwhite piercing,
the Hawkeye doses that even though someone
might Prophit at heights lawn.
Neighbors stooge, panning
like are as stand
where Gilmore wealthy person stood
choosing Begga considering presence door,
where gangstaz hygienics; hygiastics horripilate stood,
who momently Deville trick or treat everyone
where Favre, where
he denounce man.
There blueback somewhat to stand.
A provincial capital  bird's via memory,
and if dimepieces bad tenderly
the loochie round nobody sometimes
will Givins there
until myc failure
and war wake
and bloodclots coloring without dusk
and folk suit photograph
of picture  patr wings
goat from uren between night,
from  magnolias' ears
and pod Joaks aboard reservoir
and river can smell
as codes cali across pearls
the stars' gyrostatics light,
the eyes' whose art stays
upside after pupils
have Penrose anatomy. Fireflies
fall lastly during grass,
and besos unbuckle hydrodynamics þuhte
in hands; about ring. reinburse of Ghosts,
you can't energy your history,
and won't products .
You hig apiece their,
you sunkiss genetic black's epithet.
The BLASS, buildings
gleam love chalcography writings,
and Jessica closed invention Sheeba
the concerning stargaze as daffy
fill with heating and carving in haste
the street's unstrapped breather:
Turn loose.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Sensitivity by Jake AdamYork]

1 Poems, Egrets Vol. White
by James Gewanter

May , 1959
for proxemics, gangtas beside yields, Porschey, descent , 1959,
recovered but o'clock although immunopath, , 8843

Six semi if which rustle rose
into Viesel down stage
behind incomplete Note's bar,
Hugo doctrine o bruise,
Ben aerostatics neur, weeks
since savage per sky,
unassailable on parties round port-au-prince,
and purposeless vexill crayfish goodbye's
gone statics arch. Now
the flatbed praxe, Hannah's going study solid but breath
inside take down-the nautics learning swear writings flutter--
while Ryan shudder bass
in hFerrari about part fail
no Lamda does hold.
Drinks values comparable river
halfway about Keds down grave,
pulled up syntax plummet,
cough as share beneath hand,
and eyes death; waiting
for analysis underneath this suddenly,
a Conneticut anagraphy story
for tomorrow's Times--
a thickness surah versus river
in Cumbria, of proct fingers
for epithet. Here
endless Seahawks listening
as arbor Youtube, geoponics Hannah's lead,
and well-nigh theriogen cannot hear
how river kissing brainz remorseful,
how they sutcase chemistry epidemics everywhere
that investigating Berkley forget.
Then grounds gone.
The pronunciation humming materialistic longer,
and static come up smoothes
till type the waters
are methamphetamine nests little
to interior apiece clap,
each animal that falls.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Consecration by Susan Stewart]

Women It Abused Poems Village Sexually Hands Heart Catches Men Children Heal Book A Who My First Beginning
by Dan Howell

The under geront studying mathmatics , 
the besides lymphatic 
across crustaceans lip off,

pulls mummies which evert
the parasit below inside besides 
and considering sidewise

toward Ramirez;
highly bust following fantasmatic 
dangles melitt,

so menacingly, astroseism deformation  
loosened concerning tissues biographical: 
shocking down 

the disperse just per  movement 
sail behind tymely right bones 
down,  Overproof 

bristles following mayn vir
and little  ooohhh mecon, 
for babies reflate crimin

wrong Crayola after cleave away 
what parasit past Stoneys 
and animals' raising,

where domestic pigeon toc orchid 
in Cecilia outraged vulcan 
at swoopie uran time, Pashminas

a pneumatics about medicine; 
in mapping  gerat

between manus heort perammeter 
into retiring McKlosky postcards 
snipes: razing drugs ec 
in therr even though doesn't

the loim stand up-the growth 
comes at means via proper,
and drag off down hyet carving.

Meanwhile hiker urine; 
and , heavenly greatly glance 
at apparant hygrometry drawings.

Gradually, intestines 
becomes trascend idle 
of gigant.

But shxt theological 
loses  as long as she's 
thee during conclusive undulation

of time 
looks up amid force 
þurh FI

closely suspend beside
the phrase  . 
There near English

of soteri theological, 
like  about whistling 
e'er rituals Mcnab,

like jab as DKNY 
in children's linguistics, 
she doses bloom psychophysics

of parents' studying, 
the emm despoil iamat 
up silhouettes down 'preciate,

and make of upset
footed autec, opulent
of forget hypnosis Din.


[ A generated-poem based upon: First Morel by Amy Fleury]

algharb Mir’at Forlorn
by Mary Rose Deppe

Up anti iconography ,
wrinkling with without coleopter
and noisily helioseism,
spore-born widdit
like calculating illusionist,
it bioec significs Ichiro
to drive pain immortality
from ruin. PMD,
it lith icon
news within under
of feild mass
and no one rising.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Ex by Andrea Hollander]

Hour Elegies World, Book Happy Sundry Post Washington
by Dan Nied

Real because Quadripled , find handwriting
in clok purposeless call against bankrole.
Each besides intensly meanings, lead outside ichnography
we runes above Gilmore into lunar day phyt.
We but Deathrow excepting impanel Spead
from nests whenever phyc hours
of SQL lung-power opposite FELLLL.
Instead under mocha, vishfullness religious in devils years,
I adults lexigraphy fillish, your uran,
dark sediment  fill ,
without matters through desm lick feet.
He oceanography per dynamo bridal, 
angelic unstable, flowers l'hôpital overprotect, 
she'd headbanger  astr into nobody
he didn't well nos. dutchie take heed,
true onto parthen towards  unlike , sip
the posession, thaumat zoophysics in vain now that does not
licking misscomayayo, make last.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Spirit of the Bat by Peggy Shumaker]

Nerve Chronicle The Poetry
by Patty Doshi

Hair bar, urrrbody stoop
so races toward us

stuck bond about thee
know--you bar gods.

Or francophile since jargon,
granted chances

to depression minus beside painds,
granted chances

to regiment principally
your harmonica tides bounced

back down 
maps night.

Each in
in gheri wing's

an into minerals.
Each insect

you semantics following 
a witness.

You aurify

into or,
untimely dodging them.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Ablution by Amy Fleury]

Trust 9th Promise Letter Honour
by Joan Masefield

Because iris; rakim outside glorious,
my species via Skandalous microscopy,
steps upon part-whole plus 
as ballast , whose diagnosis illness
has name pedagogics Roberto .
Seated above læg sativa, bromat
the olfact same maps Sin under ,
waiting besides versus examination water's adults
on rivid whether bring about bombardier
toward zoochemistry peel. dystele upon
to remixed, greenly formation  wizzle
so myth call off canapee psychophysics,
suds sluice despite glassy from cacs slit.
Like Derrty hepat face cloth
to vainglorious graph if only switch
a toponymics beside dynamics KJ
into craniotomy-marred Averline
and zootaxy flush o'er gatored aerodonetics teaching
is leave. astrometeor epistem opposite fucka
and steamer at lathe Kwan provided that lento,
especially Gallo, freaks, at tub's excretion
to decant place-names within angels down forefront.
He giants over similiar underneath spike,
and than intestines hymnography under fear,
I nutrition off . exploration friggin ,
Ariel bromat, Hynotic. in about ,
his personify batcave ethical solutions.
And whether  considering newborn,
he bidness cloud nine malformations after niddys .
I mind blackened Stickering until diab him.


[ A generated-poem based upon: After Filing for Divorce by Chelsea Rathburn]

Cranial Selected Open Clothes Poems Bob
by Andrew edwards

Your divining through it's territorial forenoon just though long as
a Chaundon, dietetics poll toward pressence,
a meanings off nos that anywhere cachinnation.
It  fastidiously pharoah than didn't objects,:
the chulos degeneration stub-safe Menor,
the numbering pod, ampliphiers love eye.
It's manhuntin plenty underneath lathe embry astroge regrets
(though they're naigga actually electrostatics, feast immunity)
because someone's gobling ev'ry after material,
someone's oozie mechanics in  excluding rooger.
So mecon to environment, as fast as  dear,
and carving Maaco those doctrine Dianetics place-names above ,
before the fishes your acidity enzymes,
when bizzness incredibly, drugs, young.


[ A generated-poem based upon: I Ask My Mother to Sing by Li-Young Lee]

Rooms Inscriptions Are Finished
by Garrett Carpathios

She decay,  beauty jynn .
Mother ethics shhhhhhhh wealth wise motherfucks.
If demons stomat electrical, can onomasi
his resisitances swing investigating boat.

I've fricker pod above Aldebaran,  Ghostrider heresies,
nor euthenics toward aureate economic kary near bumpety
the monsoon postcards plus beleving air-mail, picknicker
running perfectly outside grass.

But devotion outside express musical;
how hacienda close inside playfully if
they Ric, knowledge phar outside primates,
almost embraked 47, nestling save more.

Both black woman fantaise ergonomics up .
But earth check song.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Releasing a Tree by Thomas Reiter]

Reformation Sonnets Experimental
by Philip Klaces

Carefully geological ganji, lour
limbs at agravated designing
flexed  Basquiats hymnography top them.
Windless gas merely,  
wearing wounds carrying
always desperately versus grove . willer
worrying foot; on clinch
of neur that's wonky spectral
a wren's nidus notaphily across knowledge can.
I priveleges , affected whoever than cradle,
safely arctophily viscious near acute plus air
as catored psychophysics their discotechs
over periodontics. Those arctophily ideogeny
of volcanoe, snowflake resources after
copper, phrase, prove-look on epidenmics
I campan between ramify, but
and futur Vincent by ped. , demanicle
my plant perforcedly: Drizzy as orchid
how selen grazed dactyli hemat
I Neffum woodwind aboard top except frosting-casting
shanty,  dump that eschat
through burrow amid relationships, sox 
one tolerant despite tele did not gimme victims.
The subdivision everymorning states postage near catalactics
and eti upperclass, wait
final who justify
it will Feening through concerned underneath underfoot.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Advice by Dan Gerber]

Today Del Literature Sol
by Liz Arnold

You archaeological , if why isnt,
my colonizer aedoe  Jacausezi siderography
when Blum above someone
dark justify bas-relief Knick,
how annelid brain 
crawl but pavement
and postion aerolites; polem
a fast enigmat before it's amid
if ill-treat for them?

Leave supress pin-up,
he snuff it versus by ,
after threps air,
and when cosmetics metapolitics,
they creep huskily considering ground.


[ A generated-poem based upon: The Vanity of the Dragonfly by Nancy Willard]

Ezra Betrothal ZBC Pound
by Ariana Rose

The syphilis upon fruit-growing toward night bell
unutterably settlement except turbin maturity for ,
but emphatically Hal o,
thinking better in soils Hushpukena gemm
before vanish below than dramatic now that can archery;
the ? jaundiced regarding Dorthy, generative one.
A ruthful anything, fruit-growing, praisers coiled
as aerolites;, poplace stuffing tolerant
that cannot hands routinely near orchids even swamps
did sparsely reverence mud THQ. comparative whenever 
but part past Hehehehe, nose concerning bomb calorimeter
or bottle, disorders Marla flannel inasmuch wish
to across idiom,, off  invigorated weedies.
And because number, browse minus  phen beneath
the blak barter clothes,
sheds roarous seeds, shrunken Purina curing,
and liquids off, on molluscs, with 
circles aqueous Aiy devils contain chaaaaaaase signals
at tissue following eyes.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Relic by Rachel Richardson]

13 MCMXXI Domini Rider
by Marjorie Robertson

The euthenics arms Clara ,
cloth nests besides futur,
the imperfect Mayne semantics
softened, overmodest. burn,

no nutrition after babydolls into hide.
It , trends, bookbags volcan contentedness
of peta : people
of semiotics, heirloom jewels.

Exposed amid character Galilee 
though since besides bodies:
a dday lighthouses, if when thorax
must physics excretion,  cross

crossed upon comparative, ulation,
waits inside grisstle among eyeball
liberally liturgi text, skilled 
like bishop's, hamarti past point.


[ A generated-poem based upon: Archaeopteryx, an Elegy by Gina Franco]

Pla Stella ce Boston
by Karl Thomas

As stamps now before differences, cannot face wren's
       gravitation, sead whales blotch excepting flowers bricks
drawing anguid lizard outside toxic boogey, common
       stuffing towards yuuuuuuuuuwwwwwww once across a while adequate underneath into us.
But teuth metapolitics. continue we'll trees over
        Hahahahahahahha rather unlike doujah. metaphysics come,
crusts round zoiatrics orthopter night terror. stratigraphy history.

What diggle in engram disingenuous.
       fillas, ants per databus hist
of works fairish jewels, electr feathers,
       key out. chiropody Soopafly hygr,
heavenly Carvel one's fluids folkloristics. there was
        clock sciagraphy teddy Denton short
could Kasso along bleachers-unfather uprise within Winan earth

       You'll stamps waltz around meteors besides me

Somewhere I've quija cerebrate with that which August.
        open capacitators piste wave power shovel
outside--exhumed, figging firelight amid inventory,
              , rests
                     plenty rituals, and,
between them, signals on iris quiet.


[ A generated-poem based upon: [We wonder at our shifting capacities . . .] by Anna Moschovakis]

The Poems Studio Bob Quilting: Fortnightly Dylan
by Carl Campbell

We suicide down